Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1894, Image 1

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n i tr t11 nn t r\n OPT I'nit n
Btrlkora Olaim it Was Pone to Olungo the
Ouricnt of Public Sympathy ,
Clnlm to Ituvn Cniitliifthfl i\lilcnco : tint
the Loader nt Ono of llin MolH Win u
Detettlvo In the Employ of the
ICullroiil Comp inli .
CHICAGO , July IS. At the county Jail
4oday Vice President Howard of the Ameri
can Railway union made the following re
markable statement : "This thing Is getting
to be a test case. We don't consider our
selves bigger than the law nnd Incidentally
wo think the railroads are not. Wo nro
getting some evidence for the coming legal
battle. Hero Is a letter I have received
telling of evidence that most of the' freight
car burning hero In Chicago was done by
two men In the employ of the General Man
agers association. Ono cf the secret agents
of a certain committee saw two men on the
night of the big flro going through the yards
with a hand car loaded with Inflammable
waste , which they lighted and systemmatl-
cally threw among the cars. This agent
overheard a conversation between the men
from which ho gleaned that they were paid
$200 down and were to receive $300 more
when the Job was done. This , understand ,
1 was before the troops were called out. An
effort Is now being made to arrest these two
men. We further have pretty positive evi
dence that the big man who led the mob of
C.OOO nt Blue Island was a Plnkerton man ,
employed by tlio railroads and It Is signifi
cant that although he could be easily Identi
fied , yet Irc has not been arrested It Is
Bafo to say that this case will not be en
tirely one-sided. "
President Debs passed a fairly comfortable
night at the county Jail nnd early today or
dered a good breakfast brought In from
n neighboring hotel. Debs lefuscd to bo
Been by Interviewers and ho and his asso
ciates kept close In the seclusion of their
DEbs seems to enjoy Jail life. So do
George W. Howard , vice president , Sylvester
Kellhcr , secretary , ami L W. Rogers , a
director of the A. R. U. All of them were
amlllng and In the bsst of spirits today after
their first night's experience in the Cook
county Jull.
A largo party of the personal friends of the
Imprisoned strlko leaders called early 'nt the
county Jail. The dally corridor scrubbing
ras In progress and no one was admitted
for some time. President Debs sent word
down to the waiting visitors that himself
and friends had enjoyed n good night's rest
nnd had nothing to say that would Interest
the public. Before noon Debs came down
f Dm his cell to meet Stenogtapher Benedict
of the A. R. U. , who had arrived with a
bundle of mull for him. Tlio president
was In a good mood. "I have had the best
night's sleep I have had In a month or
more , " said ho. "Nothing dliturbed rue , not
oven the ghost of that nun who was hanged
the other day , and whose spirit is said to
be roaming nbout In 1me. I have absolutely
nothlns to add to what I have already said
concerning our arrest. Wo are here and
will stay hero until next Monday at least.
President Debs then fell to looking over
his big batch of mail matter. Secretary
Kellher came down from his cell In the
debtor's department and while awaiting his
turn In the barbsr's chair said "Wo are
enjoying the respite from work. "
The first break In the ranks of the Pull
man strikers has octirrcdi 150 Hollanders
having been put back to work on the tracks ,
back of the Pullman foundry. The men
quit -wjrk when the strike was declared and
stayed out until now. No effort was made by
the other strikers to prevent the men from
going back to work.
The butchers continue returning to work
nt the stock yards. Among them Is Vice
President Hazard of the butchers union. The
Bheep butchers at Armour's have received a
rulse > of 25 cents a day In their wages and
four and a half dajs' work a week has been
guaranteed them. All the houses were kill-
Mayor Hopkins denies n report that he has
been taking steps to secure the removal of
tlie federal troops from the city. Ho stated
he would not order the return of any of the
mllltla today. Asked If ho had consulted
with General Miles as to tlio withdrawal of
the troops the mayor said : "No ; General
Miles has nothing to say about it. The de
partment at Washington attends to that
A general may bo a b'.g man In a city like
Chicago , but like n congressman ho is not
much at Washington "
At Uhllch's hall , the A. R. U. headquar
ters a larger crowd was gatheted today than
for several days past. The arrest of the
leaders was discussed hy the excited groups
that stood about the committee rooms nnd
hallways and the action of the authorities
was severely crltici/ed Several nt the
local organUers dcl'vered ' short addresses
nnd the claims that th strlko is still on
were made.
Rev. Dr II. W Thomas , chaplain of the
First Infantry , Illinois ' National Guards ,
came up from Pullman today and called on
Vlco President \Vlckes of the Pullman com
pany. Dr. Thomas has been striving tc
bring about peace between the compiny
nnd Us emplojes by getting the men to go
back to work again It huh been -uRge'stc-l
that If Mr Wlekes would consent to meet
a grievance committee from str kers that
perhaps Ml dlfllcuHles would be speedily
patched up. While Dr. Thomas Is In svm-
pathy vvlth btii-h a movement , ho did not
meet Mr Wlokts to officially announce It
"I came without authority" said lie , aftei
ho lift Mr NVIeke'H ofllce "Jnst to call on
the vlco president ai on > no ghbor would
call on another Mr Wlckcs received mu
cordially end we talked over the situation
at Pullman befere I left Thcio were nn
results from my call "
During his Htay at Pitllnnn Dr. Thomas
said ho was tmprsssed with the good humor
which prevails among the striken and the
company'h iitperlntendents. He thinks that
this Is on Indication that a H ttlfincnt will
li reached boon , and he gives It as hit
opinion that the men will bo at work be-
fora manv dnj * .
Vice President Wlekes refused to be seen
after the conference with Dr. Thomas. He
sent out word by his private cerclary that
ho was too busy to be Interviewed.
HIIRO'S i.oonv viiKiumox.
Country Will llo rimed Under Mnrllnl I.uw
und Aimrchlilx Will Itunlld. .
AVSTIN , Te\ . , July IS , Covet nor Hogp
wns presented with n gold watch today
by olllccrs of the htate mllltla , nnd In re >
SIXIUBO took a Bloomy view of the future ,
lie ptcdlctcd that within six vvecks mattlnl
law \vould bi > declined In California , Kan.
eas , Coloi ido nnd Illinois , and that the
nnnrchlHtH of Chleago would use dynamltt
nnd "bctsputtei the lofty buildings of tin
city with the hearts , lungs und livers ol
the citizens. "
lie alluded to President Cleveland hnvlns
ordctcd the troops there nnd Jtulgo Coolev'f
letter commondntoiy of the nets , and slid ;
"Ho felt humiliated over It , as It was u
dangerous Invasion of state ilKhts , nnd hail
not been done befoie since ISCO. "
Governor Itogu predicted nnnthor i evolu
tion soon , and the possible dlsnienibenne-nl
cif the great republic unless a foreign wai
diverts the attention from Internal dlsneiv
Blon. _ _
Strlko Over nn thu Iltii-Mni ; Vulloj.
I.OC1AN , Ow July 18. Columbus , Hocking
Valley & Toledo strike has been declared on
and all the men at this place returned tc
* ork today. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A\ri < rk Wnt Not Cuined l > j striker * .
CHICAGO. July 18 A Milwaukee & St.
Paul suburban train today was H recked al
Klnr.lo street. The last car Jumped the
track nnd was badly smashed. No ono was
hurt. Considerable excitement was caused
over the report that the accident was due
to the work of strikers. The officers of the
road , however , denied that the strikers had
anything to do with It.
< : < ! i'iitt : KUVIKUS rn
Declares fl I'tTretn Are Toward Unifica
tion iifVugn U' < ir ! < nrt.
New York special to the Chicago Herald :
"I prefer to say nothing. I would rather
not ba Interviewed on tha western strike. "
These were the first words Samuel Gompers
of the American Federation of Labor said to
n number of reporters yesterday when he en
tered his office early In the afternoon , frcah
from Chicago. After n minute , however , ho
reconsidered the matter.
"What was the condition of the strike
when I left Chicago ? The passenger trains
were running , but I did not BOO much freight
moving , " said Mr Gompcrs "Mr. Debs said
to mo tills was the great hope ho had to tlo
up the freight tralllc. The general strlko of
the trades In Chicago has been declared off.
The fact of the matter Is that when Mr.
Debs read the statement to us which ho
Intended to submit to the managers' associ
ation the delegates regarded It as n declara
tion that the strike was at an end and that
the men were Insisting on b ° lng taken back
to work. I don't want to criticise Mr. Debs ;
he Is honest and sincere. He Is entirely de
voted to the Interests of his fellow working-
men. "
Later on Mr. Gompers said Mr , Debs was
the most enthusiastic , the ablest , the most
honest and the most determined labor
leader he had met In a long , long while.
"I know Uie man. I think it ridiculous to
call him a dictator. He Is the spokesman of
his class. He Is simply carrying out the will
of a majority of his constituency.
"My criticism of tlio action of Chicago
labor leaders In sending an appeal to Presi
dent Cleveland to come and arbitrate the
dlfllculty himself was very shjcere. To send
such a message to the president of the United
States after denouncing hint as a dictator !
"Did the presence of federal troops pro
voke disorder ? Certainly tlio authority of
the United States should not be Invoked
In a state matter until the state authorities
have exhausted their power to preserve the
peace This was decidedly not the case
In Illinois that the mllltla was unable to
cope with the rioters A very small minority
of strikers were rioters.
"Can n strike be successful without vio-
denceDecidedly. . In 1877 the Plttsburg
strikers were riotous , but one decade Is not
the criterion of another. Strikes have out
lived the feature of violence. In the United
States every demonstration on the part of
workmen to better their condition Is regarded
by the ruling classes us a lawless act. Mr.
Debs Is charged with the crime of conspiracy
and held In $50,000 ball. In monarchical Eng
land what Mr Debs did would bo regatded
ns lawful and beneficial. W. T. Stead Is
quite right when ho writes In the Review of
Reviews this month In a sketch of the Coxey
movement tint In tha Industrial movement
England Is fifty years ahead of us. There
trades ijnlons are encouraged. Here the la
bor unions are frowned on by the ruling
classes Th ° re Is too much narrow-minded
prejudice against them.
"Even among unorganized workmen there
Is very little desire for violence , and mo t
workmen believe In the declaration of the
author of 'Triumphant Democracy' that there
Is an eleventh commandment 'Thou shall
not take thy neighbors Job' It Is very sut-
prlsliif ; that there is so very little violence ,
considering there are 3,000,000 of uncm-
plojed in this country. Railway companion ,
rogues , gamblers , corrupt and svcopliantlc
politician * are all In league with cich other.
Although tlis btrlke failed in a way , it will
bo of great benefit to the people It is an
unanswenable and convincing argument In
favor of the government ownership of ail
railroads. It has done more than ten jears
of agitation could for the nationalization of
the lallwajs.
"Tlio strike has cattssd old brotherhood i
of vtrlous departments who have so long
remained Isolated to come In touch with sis
ter organiratlons. The strike has worked
as a tremendous and far-reaching disin
fectant Mossbacklsm has been wiped out
with a mighty broom. The ultimate result
of Mich strikes as the coal miners ami that
of the railroad men will be the federation
of the entire working class Thh federation
will move harmoniously on social , educa
tional , economic and political lines. "
NO WOKK 1O < ! O TO.
Union 1'acille Shop .lieu I'lnil TheinseUeh
( Mil In the ( .did.
CHEYENNE , Wjo , July IS. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The ultimatum has gone
forth that the rallioad shops on the Wyoming
and Idaho divisions of Iho Union Pacific
system will not be opened for general repali
woik until business revives nnd there Is a
demand for motive power. The force now ut
work Is amply sulilclent to keep up i mining
repairs , tlierefote the- shop men who Joined
the strlko will not hireinstated. . This was
given out by Superintendent McConnell ol
the motive povvei department In rifly to the
Inquiry of the machinists , and holler malceia
of the Clioyenno shops , a.s lo when work
would bo resumed.
Mr. MtConnell arrived fiom Omaha this
morning and spent the day In consultation
with olllclals nnd In making an Inspection
of the equipment at tills plac . Ho left for
Laramlu tonight , nnd will make a tour of
Inspection of all the shops us far west as
Huntlngton , Ore. , beforct reluming Mr. Mc
Connell snys that there ore now over
100 engines In first-class repair lying Idle
on this division , and under piesent ccmlltlons
there will bo plenty of motive power to run
a year nt least without having additional
men to rebuild machinery. As the exigencies
of business demand the forces In the various
shops nt the several , division points will
be Increased. Over SOO men are thus thrown
out of employment on the Wyoming division
The superintendent Intimated that the order
of Judge Rlner in reference to employes
giving notice that thuy were willing to con
tinue work would bo stiIcily obeyed In the
employment of men when U la desired to
Incicase the forces
The action of the olllclals Is a great dls-
upprintmcnt to the employes and will
parnlyzc business In all of the division towns
between Cheyenne and Portland.
llutto SlrlUurrt Appoint u ComiiiUU-o tu Itu-
Htnilii ThuHo Molintly Inclined.
BUTTE , Mont. , July 18. The local officials
of the American Railway union say that no
violence will bo ottered tlio trcops when
they arrive. The union has appointed a
committee of safety whoto duty it will bo lo
restrain those violently Inclined. I'ho Union
Pacific and Northern Pacific railroad attor
neys have been looking foi the at rival of
trcops for several days , The rallroud cfTl-
elnls expect to resume business on Friday
Iho regulars are expected to strive' on that
day. Dillon , seventy miles south cf lluttc ,
Is tlio pix'sent terminus lor the Union Pacific
passenger trilns. A company of regulars
la stationed the-io and also at Lima , llm end
of the division forty miles south or Dillon
Tour small bridge-s have been ImriKd be
tween this city and Lima on the line tf the
Union Pacific , and ono blown up with dyna
mite. No danuiGQ has been done la rail
road property here. liy strlUei-rt In tlio Mglit.
OSWEGO. N. V. , July 18. Rioting 'long
shoremen entered the houses of James Sex-
smith and Isaac Uensmoro , nonunion men ,
during the night and brutally assaulted
them , Sexbn\lth's \ wife came to her husband's
assistance anil was also beaten. The 'long-
Hhoromun then stoned nonunion men's hotuts
and threatened to hung the men. it they
should unload bargea today ,
Tube v\orki-r ' Mrllio Closed ,
McKGUSPORT , Pa , , July IS. After nine
weeks of Idleness the strikers at the Na
tional tuba works , McKcesport , met today
and declared the strike off , The plunt par
tially resumed on Monday under the guard
( Ccntlnued on Second Page. )
St. LDIUS Republic Claims These of the
Union Pacific Company AN ,
Stockholder * \\lio Wcro I'tilno to the Trust
and I'mlitcd hy th Crutnls 1'crpo-
trutcil Are I.hildo for the IJctits
of the Company.
ST. LOUIS , July 18. The Republic tomorrow
will print a page article to demonstrate
tint tlio stockholders of the Union Pacific
railroad lire liable ( or the debt of the road
to the United States government. A state
ment of a number of suppositions facts U
made which , although not asserted to be
true , the Itcpubllc says there Is so much of
plausibility In them as they appear on the
the records of the government , that to Ig
nore them and proceed to a final settlement
advantageous to the public without theme
mo t exhaustive scrutiny of the rights of
the government against the stockholders
would be culpable negligence of the execu
tive and leglslatU c branches of the govern
ment. T'IC suppositions as presented arc us
follows :
"By the terms of the contract offered by
the United States government and agreed
to by the Union Pacific Hallway company a
trustee hip was created for certain pur
poses , among them that of constructing a
highway for common carriage. That the
company built the road for $36,000,000 and
pretended that It cost $98,000,000 , accepting
from the government nbout $38,000,000 In
bonds and land warrants , when Its own
capital stock was sufllclent to build and
completely equip the road ; that the stock
holders did not pay cash money Into the
company's trea'Ury for their stock as ex
plicitly required by the terms of the law
or franchise , but built the road with the
government subsidies and pocketed the
stock , the first government loan and the
coal profits without rendering any account
of these proceedings to the government ;
that by these and other acts before the
date of redemption of subsidy bondi the
company has become bankrupt , meanwhile
having avoided the payment of Interest to
the government as originally contemplated
In the acts of congress ; that the government ,
finding Itself by this long scries of fraudu
lent acts and fraudulent concealments , de
prived of the money due to It from the com-
p.iny , and finding Itself charged with the
payment of the bonds It Issued in aid of the
company , also finds that It has the right
of action against life stockholders as trus
tees who have violated their trusts , and
further finds that the stockholders living
and the estates of those deceased are EiilTl-
clent to easily meet the obligation created
by the trust and Its gross violation. "
The Republic then proceeds as follows :
"Is there not enough In these statements to
compel congress and the executive to ask
Imperatively these questions :
'Tlrst. Was a trusteeship created by Iho
acts of 18G2 and 1S64 and their acceptance
by the company ?
"Second. Was the trust violated by con
cealments and frauds ?
"Third. Does and equity require Indulgence
toward these stockholders or their bene
ficiaries ?
"Fourth. Why now should a funding ar
rangement be concluded which will continue
for a century these entanglements until
the powers and rights of the government
to collect Its debts are exhausted ? "
Owners of the riist llnitgtcit Afdo-il loTalio
United Mciisuros for Protection.
NEW YORK , July 18. The following cir
cular was issued today by the committee of
which II. C. Martin is chairman to the
holders of the first mortgage C per cent
bands of the Oregon Short Line Hallway
company :
"After the mortgage to secure jour mort
gage was executed and before the bonds were
Is'iicd , and In order to make them more
marketable , the Union Pacific Hallway com
pany on the 12th of January , 1882 , entered
Into an agreement in writing with the Oregon
gen Short Line company , whereby , In consid
eration of certain perpetual rights and privi
leges granted to the Union Pacific Hallway
company , they agree to such a division of
Uio Joint earnings of said roads as should
be sufficient to provide for the piyment of
the Interest on the Oregon Short Line bonds
as it became due , and the Union Pacific Hall
way company placed upon each of said bonds
Its guarantee for the payment of Interest.
The receivers of the Union Pacific Hal way
company have recently filed a petition In
the federal court asking that they be relieved
from all obligations of the contract of
January 12 , 18b2 , and of the guarantee In
pursuance thcicof.
"This motion should be resisted by every
bondholder. In the meantime a committee of
rcorgan' atlon , acting In the Intercuts of the
Union Pacific Hallway company , has ap
peared In the public prints asking for a de-
po'il of all bonds of the Union Pacific sys
tem , Including the Oregon Short Line first
mottgjgo bonds , without disclosing the com
mittee's plan of reorganization. The holders
of the E per cent consolidated bonds of the
Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern HalHvay
company , with which the Oregon Short Line
Hallway was consolidated , have also appoint
ed a committee ami arc asking for the de
posit of bonds with various depositories in
tills country and In Euiope for the purpose ,
as they say In their published notice , of actIng -
Ing In harmony with the committee of the
Union Pacific Hallway company. Holders of
the securities of other allied lines are getting
together their bonds for self-protection and
wo consider It Important that yon should
mass your bonds and stand united In resisting
any and all attempts to reduce their Inter
est. You have now to decide whether you
will unite for the purpose of maintaining un
disturbed jour first mortgage bonds , for
which many of you have paid a large pre
mium , and which have still many years to
run , or whether yon will allow your rights
to bo determined by those whise Inteiests
would be served by the modern method of
i educing the Interest on a first mortgage
rallioad bond for the benefit of the holders of
the Junior securities. "
Ulatrlrt Attorney I > IIIN : Docs Not Understand
\\hnt the Attorney ( Jem-rut Moans.
LOS ANGELES. July 18. United States
District Attorney Denis manifested great
surprise when t > hewn Attorney General Ol-
noy's utterances on the suit Mr. Denis
brought on Tuesday against the Southern Pa
cific ( ompany of Kentucky. lie said : "It
IH Impossible that the opinion can bo held In
Iho Department of Justice that the combina
tions referred to In the bill In equity I filed
between the Southern Pacific company of
Kentucky and the corporation mentioned Is
legal. The point agilnat Its legality has
been time and again argued In the United
States tmprumc court by thu government. The
only reason , In my Judgment , why the su
preme court has not held such combination
to be unlawful Is that It decided cases where
the point was really In ftuor of the govern
ment on other grounds. "
' 'Of ' course I cannot tell > ou what the at
torney general undeistands about the mat
ter , but I wired him on Friday , substan
tially telling him that evidence was In our
possession of an unlawful combination In
restraint of trudo by the Southern Pacific
company and asking for authority for bring
ing suit under an aci of July S , 1890 , against
unlawful combinations. Ho wired next
morning : 'Let act of July 2 , 1890 , bo en
forced against all violators Including rail
way and transportation companies. You arc
hereby authorized to bring suits to that end. '
Holylng on that dispatch and the fact that
Is of public notoriety that the Southern Pa-
"Iflo company has so combined with various
corporations , the whols being styled the
Southern Pacific Company of Kentucky , Mr.
Call and myself could Bee no more appro
priate time to enforce this all but forgotten
law. I was prepared for the Southern Pa
cific taking every step that It could think
of to save Itself , but I did not expect them
to question my right to bring such n suit ,
with the attorney before I could even re
port to him and .submit a copy of the bill
by mall , I am absolutely sure he will np-
provo of my course when ho 1ms an oppor *
tunlty to read my report of facts to him. "
Itroimlti Ctntritl'ft Trouble * .
NEW YOHK , July 18. A committee to
protect the Interests of the stock and bond
holders of the Wisconsin Central Railroad
company , which has defaulted on Its July
Interest , has been formed , consisting of
George Coppcll , William L. Dull and Gerald
L. Hoyt of this city ; Rowland Htiz/.nrd of
Hhodo Island and Edwin It. Abbott of Bos-
ton. An agreement preparatory to the
formation of a plan of reorganization Is be
ing drawn tip , under which the security
holders arc asked to deposit their bonds with
the committee. The original plan of fundIng -
Ing the coupons of the first mortgage bonds
has been abandoned. Edwin II. Abbott has
been engaged as president and director
of the Wisconsin ( Central Hallroad company.
.Stockholder * Will Protect rhoiuioHe < t.
SOUTH M'ALESTER , I. T. , July IS. Hon.
C. B. Stuart , United States Judge for the
Indian territory , gave nn order to sell the
Choctaw Coal & Hallway equipment to the
highest bidder on September 8 next. Should
the owners fall to pay alt receivers' certifi
cates now outstanding , about $800,000 , the
stock ai.d bondholders have agreed to pay
oft this indebtedness , take the road out of
the hands of the receiver , reorganize and
complete the road to Oklahoma City on or
before January 1 next.
War of Torch mill Ilonil ) Goes .Merrily On
In Oklnliiinm.
NOHTH ENID , Okl. , July 18. The war
of the torch and bomb along the line of the
Rock Island railroad In the Cherokee strip
continues , the burning of a ninety-foot bridge
one mlle north of Waukomls station shortly
after midnight last night being the latest
outrage. The bridge was burntd Just after
the passage of a passenger train going south
and was completely destroyed. The pas
senger trains were transferred at the burn
ing bridge this morning. The railroad com
pany has abandoned freight tralllc. Another
company of United States troops from Fort
Leavenworth will arrive here this evening.
Mayor Franko of Pond Creek has received
tills message from Acting Governor Lowe in
reply to his request for territorial and
federal aid to enforce the city ordinance
regarding stopping of trains next Saturday
"I 1 ave requested the Rock Island Hallroad
cotrpany and Its attorneys and president to
obey your ordinances pirough our request.
I think an application far a mandamus to
compel the company to stop In accordance
with your ordinance .would be granted. "
GUTHRIE , Okl. , July 18 Acting Governor
Lowe has ordered the militia at once to
Enid and Round Pond. There is but one
company of twenty-one boys , none over 25 ,
who never shot a gunand were Just organ
ized last week. Thorp Is consternation In
their ranks at the idea of active service.
The tension at Enid crows worse and the
people seem to hav& ! nofrespect for the regu
lars , who have no orders to shoot.
Apostolic Doli-Rnto , .Sustains the Action of
HJKliop Atattortioii.
NEW YORK , July 18 The Press will to
morrow say : Mgr. Satolll , the apostolic
delegate , has Just rendered .a decision con
demning the liquor traOic. He approves of
the expulsion of-llquor dealers from Catho
lic societies. This remaikable decision was
culled forth by nn appeal from the ruling
of Ulshop Wattcrson of Columbus , O. Dur
ing the last Lenten season Bishop Wnttei-
bon nddre-ssed a letter to the clergy and
laity of his diocese dealing wholly with
the temperance problem. Bishop Watlerson
said :
"I hereby withdrawmy approbation from
any and every Catholic society in this diocese
cese that has a. liquor dealer or saloon
keeper at Its head 01 anywhere among Its
officers ; nnd I suspend c-veiy such boclety
Itself from the rank and privileges us a
Catholic society unless It censes to be so
olllcered. No one , who Is engaged cither
as principal or agent In the manufacture
or sale of lnto\lcalliifr llquois should be ad
mitted to membeishlp. "
One of the societies laid the matter foi-
mally befoie Mgr. Batolll. To this appeal
the npostolio delegate has just responded.
He sustains the position of Bishop Walter-
son and s.iys : '
"The liquor trnlllc. nnd especially as con
ducted hereIn theUniled Slalcs , Is Ihe
source of much evil , Hence Hie bishop was
acllnpr wilhln his rights in seeking to re
strict It. Therefore the delegate apostolic
sustains Bishop Watteison's fiction and np-
proves of his cliculai and legulatlon con
cerning saloons and the expulsion of iloon
keepers fiom meinbezshlp in Catholic so
cieties. " '
3101111:11 i ; utTii ntKiiiiLKi ) .
blight KurtlKiu iko Hhoelts felt In thu C'en- Mississippi Valloy.
MEMPHIS , July 18. Three shocks of
earthquake were felt here this morning.
The first shock occurred at G-37 and lasted
four seconds , the second tit C 01 and the
third at 7:10. : The vibrations were from
north to soutli The shocks made tall
buildings sway like a. pendulum , but no
damage was done. The .shocks were plainly
fell Ihroughoul Ihe lower Mississippi val
CAlRt ) , 111. , July 18 , Two dlstlncl shocks
of earthquake were felt lie-re at 7 OS o'clock
this morning. Buildings swayed and glass
windows rallied , but no danniKo was done- .
FULTON , Ky. , July is Three vlolenl
shocks of earllujunke startled the people-
licit between d.M nnd 7:11) : this morning.
The vibrations were from noitli to south
nnd the shocks wetc sulilclent to make
buildings swuy. Clocks were stopped ,
dishes rallied on the shelves and pictures
fell ftotn thu wnlls.
NEW MADRID , Mo. , July 18 A light
shock of earthquake was loft hereat 7 10
o'clock this morning. The vibrations
scc-med to be from , not th to south nnd we-io
of nbout three seconds duration
OODEN. Utah , Julv 18 At 3-50 this af
ternoon distinct earthquake shocks vveru
full Dishes were shaken from tables , the
walls of some laise blocks were cracked
ami n Konc-inl Blinking up occurred Many-
people weie frightened into leaving their
houses. _
CA1HUUV I'lLilRIMb , VI// "
Occupy Ono I ntlro Steamer unit Ono Hun
dred .Staterooms on Another.
NEW YORK , July , J8 , The Catholic pil
grimage to Rome nnd Lauides left here
today on the steamships Noordlnnd and
Pails. Representatives of fourteen states
were among the voyagers , The main party
is accompanied by. Rev Father Porclle ,
chaplain of the monasteiy of the Precious
Blood of Brooklyn , * Kvery berth on the
Noordlnnd was occupied by the pllgilniH nnd
100 in uddlllon on the Pails. Thu delegation
took with It a inngnlflcc-nt sllke-n bannci
which will be blc-Bbed by Iho pope on the
arrival of Iho pilgrims In Romu early In
August. The obversu Is a trl-color , whllu
on Iho re-verso nro the stats and stripes.
Aftei It has received the blnsslnir It will
bo c.urlcd lo Lourdw , Where II Is Intended
to peimuiiently decorate the Chun h of
the iirotin. Its costhas been met by con-
tilbutloiiH from Catholics throughout the
country Father Porclle takes with him a
locked casket containing bequests from
donort ) who are unable to accompany Iho
pilgrims , which will be placed on Ihe
Bluine Previous to embarkingthu pil
grims attended an tnfotlnal leccptlon.
Troops Arrlto ut Helena.
HELENA , Mont. , July 18. The strike sit
uation In this vicinity la more favorable
than It ha been at any time for three weeks.
Tlio Northern Pacific announces 'that ' It
will start branch lines from this city In
the morning with old crews. All engineers
and conductors have applied for work , and
were It not for the destruction of bridges
west of this city there would bo no diffi
culty In operating trains on time. No report
of bridges burned have come In today. ThB
express train from the ra t and west ar
rived today nearly on time. Four companies
of the Twentieth Infantry from Fort A -
slnabolno arrived here this evening Their
destination U uppsed to be Ilntte ,
English Flag Now Floats Over the Disputed
Pkco of Territory ,
Uncln .Siinincl Hint DcxtKHN on the Inhitul
Himself , \\hlch Ho Iliul Iniondod
in u Contlii : Station for
tlio > uv ) .
NEW ORLEANS , July IS. The corre
spondent of the Plcavuno sends by the
tteamer Gtissie a lengthy report of the oc
currences there preceding the fight nt Corn
Island. The trouble began on the night of
July 5. The month before the merchants
who had advanced money on the script Is
sued by the Mosquito government requested
General Cabezos , the Nicaragua ! ) governor ,
to take the script for duties. lie refused
point blank to recognize the paper , nnd the
merchants decided to piy only In the script.
ThU soon reduced the revenues of the gov
ernment , nnd the finances fell way down.
On the 3d of this month the police agiln
made a demand for their back pay and were
refused. This determined the natives and
their adherents , and when , on the Gth of
the month , they were put off again , one of
the police was nbout to assault C.ibezos
when troops arrived.
A brief conlllct followed In which four of
the police were painfully Injured. Subse
quently there were beveral sklrmi-hes in
which the Spaniards under Cabezos were
routed. The American consul called on
Captain O'Neill of the Marblehead for as
sistance to protect the foreigners , and sl\ty-
flvo mariners were landed. Clarence de
cided to declare himself chief , and Issued a
proclamation to that effect. Cabezoa was
called upon to surrender , but he tempoilzed
until finally Clarence attacked Cabezos' po
sition , nnd In the skirmish which fol
lowed two men were killed. The Span-
lards fled. The Mosqultos decided to
form an amalgamated council , and three
Americans and two Englishmen were asked
of New Orleans. Charles La Dior of 1'etrl
lagoon and II F. Springer of New Orleans
The Englishmen were William A. Brown
nnd Captain Biowrlgg. The next day Cap
tain O'Nell sailed away In the Marblehead ,
leaving the marines on shore In clnrge of
the first lieutenant. When the steamer Hazel
Wright arrived next day it was learned that
the Spaniards had been contemplating an
attack on Dlucflelds and the Influence of
their governor alone prevented. The natives
profited by this and organized two companies.
A close watch was kept and when the Spani
ards come , If they do at all , the fight will
be a hot one.
This morning a sloop came from Corn
Island giving reports of a fight there. There
are no particulars beyond the information
the Spaniards were routed with several
Killed. The natives nnd Sumatarlans hoisted
the English flag and it still floats over the
Island which Is intended for the coaling
statlqn of thu United States. The fighting ,
it will be been. Is not entirely local , but
more of a rebellion of the whole Atlantic
coas.t against Nlcaiagimn rule , There seems
to be no hope of the natives being per
manently successful , and with the uncer
tainty of EIIK ish action , the outcome of the
trouble 'Is doubtful.
Itrltlsli Goiernmrnt'H MUil I'riiRmiti for HIM
ncniulnilvr of the Sts Ion.
LONDON , July 18Sir William Hnrcourt.
in the House of Commons today , said that
the remainder of this session of Pailluincnt
would bo principally devoted to consider
ing the evicted tenants bill , the bill piovld-
Ing for nn equalization of London rates , the
local government for Scotland bill , the
miners' eight-hour bill , the Welsh church
bill nnd the locnl veto bill. Other meas
ures , lie said , would go over until next
Evuty one of thfse is a party measure
which Is liable to meet with v lolent oppo
sition at every st.iso. In the- ordinary course
of events the Hussion should close about
the end of this month.
The bill to penult Shelllcld to build a ship
canal to the east coast p.issed Its third
Urseiny Voted by tlio Chamber for t1 c
Autl-.VimrchiHt lull.
PARIS , July IS In the Chamber of Depu
ties today M. Goblet combated the govern
ment's antl-an.uchlst bill , claiming that If
the me.isure becdmf- law It would bu a
violation of Individual liberty and of the
fteedom of the pies" The triu remedy was
not repression , but democratic reform.
M. Uuerln the minister of justice , said
that the pcill was Increasing nnd that they
must "upioot thu abominable sect. "
Closure of the general debate on the
measure- was voted , 251 to 191 , and urgency
was declared by a. vote of 2711 to 1U7. These-
votes wetu taken In the face of obsttuctlve
tactics of thts socialists.
ItimicrR of thu I'l.iK'io ut Clinton.
WASHINGTON , July 18 Reports have
been iccelved at the Marine hospital bureau
from the consuls nt Hong Kong and Cun-
ton leBiinllnff the pievalencu of the plnpue
In these cltlc'8. Consul Suvmoui wiltcs
from Canton that the deaths fiom May 1
to June 0 In Hong Kong were more than
1,000 The deaths In Canton since- the last
of February are reported at 10W ) . The fol
lowing telegram has been luce-lved from
Assistant Surgeon McKenu nt Tacoina In
rcspoi'su to a dliectlon to investigate thu
reports hi ought by the Victoria ol cholera
in Canton. "Victoria olllclals say reports
about Canton me unfaun led. I'lagncuxlstn
nt Hong Kong. Thu de-.ith rate Is foitj-
throc per day , Repoits of eholet.i aru
false. "
llrltlxh ( OIIMI ! Attacked.
SHANGHAI , July IS. A dispatch received
hero from Xou\ \ reports that Japanese soldlcis
have asBaullcd the British consul at that
place and his wife and that thirty British
bluejackets have been landed to guard the
British lection.
The consul was dragged fifty yards and
was beaten by the Japanese bohllers , who
used their fists repeatedly. The chali of the
consul's wife was pushed into u ditch. The
British coiibtil drew up a formal complaint
and sent it to the Japanese minuter , but
the latter only sent a curt reply and made
no apology.
Hi'puhliu I'rocluiniril In iluwull.
AUCKLAND , New Healnml , July 18. Ad
vices received here by steamer fiom Honolulu
lulu show thru a republic was piaclalmcd
In the Hawaiian Islands on July 4. S.inford
I ) Dole , the provisional piesMerit , Is the
( list pic-sldPiit of the new republic. Whe-n
tlio Htetimer bringing the advices sailed
many peisona had taken the oath of alle
Illed of Atdiltlo Chiileiu.
BERLIN , July IS A post-mortc-m exam
ination of the icnmlns of a cook belonging
to a ship which arrived at Lubeck from St
PeteisburtJ shows that death resulted from
Asiatic cholera. All vessels lieicaftei ai-
rlvlng from Russian ports will bo subjected
to strict Inspection.
ConserMitUeH Held 'llu-lr Own ,
OTTAWA , Ont. , July 18. John Chnrlton ,
liberal , In the House of Commons charged
the conservative Government with extrava
gance and corruption and moved a vote of
want of confidence. The motion was de
feated 12 yeas , 87 nays.
Itiillroinl to thu P.tmlrrf.
LONDON , July 18 Russia has decided to
build a railroad from Samurucaml to Ferg-
hnnn , on the threshold of the I'nmlm.
England Is building1 two forts to defend
thu passes between thu Hungu , country und
Iho I'amlrs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\Vmit In tlio l.ei-innu I'olil ,
BERLIN , July 18. The Bumouns have
sent Emperor William a petition prnylns
that Germany annex the Inlands ,
Clilll' * Custom * Duty I'uymcntii ,
VALPARAISO , Chill , July 18. The coun
cil of state ha * Uiutd a decree to the ef
fect thit after nocembT next customs ditties
nro to bo paid as follows1 Twenty-live per
cent In gold and the balance In piper , plus
the surcharge of the rate of exchange.
( lornmny ApoloclicK forii 1'rovliu'lul O.'UcorV
COPENHAGEN. July IS The Danish gov
ernment has obtained satisfaction for the tx-
pulslon from Schlcswlg , Germany , of the
eight IMnlsh plav en * belonging to the Royal
thc'atcr of Copenhagen ,
These players were arrested nt Hadcr-
steben , Schlcswlg , early In Juno , under In
structions from the burgomaster of that
place , who claimed that thorp was n prohibi
tion against the use. of the Danish languigp
In Rchlcswlg The actors were then onletcd
to leave and went to RIbe. In Drnmnrk ,
where thev received an ovation when the
facts of their expulsion became known.
'Iho Danish pov eminent called the atten
tion of the German government to this action
upon tin pirt of the burgomaster and after
the matter had been Inquired Into the of
ficial mentioned was dlsinl > d in disgrace.
It appears that them had been n prohibition
acalnst the use of tlio Danish language In
Schleswlg , but the order had been withdrawn
and the burgomaster should hive bcon aw are
of this. _
lly Cahlf from M.vtl | | mtle.
steamer Scotia , ono of the ships engaged In
laving the Anglo-American Telegraph com
pany's eighth cable , reports as follows.
"July 17 , noon , latitude 10 1C , longitude 48 15.
Two hundred and fifty-four knots of cable
laid. Splice between the two ships was
completed at 10 a , in. Now paying out
deep sea section "
The following has also been received from
the cable ship Scotia"Litltude 5050 ,
longitude 44 20. Have laid 42s knots ciblc
Weather line nnd b ° a calm Conditions ex
ceptionally favorable for cable work. "
( nine 1 lirongli llli I'lj liij ; Colors.
LONDON. July 18. The following Is taken
from the Times' report of jestcrday's yacht
race : "There was too much wind for the
Britannia to show to full advantage , and
Just enough for the VlglHnt to do so The
latter , In fact , had her day and came through
It with living colors , her first victory In
British waters being gained In Irreproachable
btjle. " _
Tvt < ntKluht I'c-rsiMiH Drowned.
ST. PETERSBURG , July IS In a colli
sion between feiry boats ono of them sunk
and twenty-eight persons were drowned.
Di-.itli nf u Hourlmn.
MADRID , July IS Prince Henry of Bour
bon , duke of Seville , Is dead.
or i
Startling Mory COIIUH fiom
CoiiicrnliiK the Suiir lii\ -itlB itlnn.
NEW YORK , July IS. The Herald's
Washington coriespondent says : I was told
that despite the denials of speculations and
the sworn statements of senators who had
been called before the Investigating crm-
mlttee. It could bo proved that In thrco In
stances at least speculation had been en
gaged in and that the three senators letsiied
to had been guilty of perjury. An interest
ing story Is going the rounds tcday i h'ory
so startling In Its details tl at
It is almost past belief. I was told
of a man here In Washington
who has in his poa.csslon the original brok
er's contract wlieieln ono of the sonutois
a prominent ono at that contracted to buy
sugar when It was down to & 3 , Just before Its
phenomenal Use. It was said that Interested
persons "short" on sugar nnd who had been
"sque ed" In the process of manipulating
the market or because they have the "Inside
tip" hid lost on immense amount of money
and had determined to break the biimr
schedule at all hi/ards. Thu must
interest part of 'he ' story is the way In
which they Intended to set this schedule
aside , and 1 am told that Is by ni other
process than the arrrst of a certain senator
on a charge of perjury. In a cr'mlnal case
of tills Mud. it Is said stockholders would
bo compelled to show their hooka in court
and the persns Inck of this schema say thcv
can prove , not only by the ovlilotue they now
cla'm to have , but bv what they could Uuu
Hy bate , that somebodj has bsen doing s'tno
"tall" lying before the Investigation
committee. It Is thought that this pirtleuUu
senator , rather than rubmll to this proceed
ing , would undo the work It Is said I'o his
assisted In doing , and through 1'ic ' Influence
ho Is said to wield sugar would be placed
on the free list and the men "short" of tha
stock would recoup their capital dropped
while they were on the wrong side of the
jioiutr.ti innvs .un r.
I'ollo thli Up l Stopping nTrilii nnd
< .oliiT Tlnoll'h the I\PIVKH : ( in- .
ST. LOUIS , July IS G. P. Simpson , gen
eral manager of the Wells-Fargo Express
company In St. Louis , reports tint nt 7
o'clock tonight a gang of beven despetadoas ,
headed by "Bill" Cr-ok , overpowered the
agent of the expie-ss company nt Red Forks ,
I , T. , and secured n small amount : f money
and a numbei of packages , the contents of
which are not known The gang then
boaided the southbound passe-ngui train on
the Monett branch of the 'Frisco road , which
was stopped at Red Forks. Express Mes
senger Chapman of the Fat go company v > as
overpowered and his car ransacked for
valuables , but as far as known they situied
nothing. Messenger Chapman was ! < locked
senseless by a blow on the head fi'in a
Winchester In tlio hands of one of the gang.
It Is not thought ho Is terlouslhurt. . Be
fore anything could be obtained by the rob
bers they wure frightened away , A posse
was lalsed by the sheriff and stirtc'd In
pu uit of tin. robbers from Claremont ,
I. T.
Mllfonl .Mimbiiiy In Now Yoili I'rop.irlnK ' "
1'rciu li III * Dot tiliuH
NEW YORK , July 18 Charles Mllford
Mow bray , who has been arrested In
London upwards of u dozen times
for Inciting breaches of the peace
by making anarchist speeches. has
been he-re since Saturday without the knowl
edge of the police and the board of Immigra
tion , who were long ago warned to look out
for his arrival. He arrived on the steamer
Paris fiom Southampton , undisguised , ho as
serts , und did not In any manner attempt
to conceal his Identity. On landing Mow-
bray went directly to Newark , N J , where
he has English friends Ho went before the
clerk of the court the next day and took out
tils first citizenship papers. Lust Monday
ho rented apartments on the top floor at 131
East Eighty-sixth street , this city and there
ho Intends , for the present , to take up his
abode. Mow bray , In nn Interview boldly
proclaimed his Intention ta establish nn
anarchistic propaganda In Now York.
n iin'i'un vii o r.i.iin.iiM.
Itriital Outrage by At liltrcups In Ilrown
t omit } , \ \ UtiiiiHln.
COLUMBUS , WIs. , July 18 Whltecappers
huvo Invadul Brown county nnd hnvo terribly
beaten the entire household of Perry Bloomfield -
field , consisting of wife , children , fattier
and three brothers by the name of Stephens
and their wives. They were taken from
their homo fcnil fearfully whipped. The
youngest of the Stephens brothers attempted
to escape , but w.ia shot through the heel
and captured and unmercifully whipped. A
number of others were warned to leave the
country within a certain time.
I rain Iierulkd hy Striken ) .
CHICAGO. July 18 Four strikers threw a
switch In front of a Wisconsin Central pan-
Benger train and derailed the engine' , bag
gage car and two eoachit. The trnm was
moving slowly and nubod ) was Injury J. Oil"
of them W4L urrented.
Senate mid House Ooufcrocs Gould Not Find
Common Ground on tlio TurifT ,
Commltjoo Only Ruuninoil in Session a Vorj
Short Time.
Most of the Point ? Oould Easily Have Boon
Adjusted , llowovcr.
Nilthrr Soiwto > nr llonsn Momhots .Showed
the faust nUpDiitltm In Meld Anything
on The o Sehednles , , iul DuimirrntH
\\rra Divided Among 'IluM
WASHINGTON' , July tS.-Tho tariff com
fottes decided after a ilftccn-mlnnto session
of the full conference this afternoon to re-
pott a disagreement nnd that the disagree
ment should bj on the entire bill.
Ono of the hoifso conferees has explained
the plan of pioecittro as outlined nt u meetIng -
Ing of the demociatlc confeieca held early
In thu day as follows :
"Tho report will be a disagreement In
toto. It w.ll bo very brief and will not go
Into any details as to what questions the
sen.ito and house might have to get together
on The report is expected to be tlio first
business taken up by the house when It as
sembles tomorrow at noon. This , of course ,
canot be made certain until the republican
conferees give their .isscnt. It Is in their
power to cause delay , but such action la not
anticipated "
Hovond the point cf making the brief re
port of disagreement in tote the conferees
ptofess not to know what the house or sonata
will do. Ona of the house conferees said
that the tlneo Itoins of sugar , Iron ore nnd
coil were the points that had forced the
total disagreement. Woolens , cottons , lead
ere and homo other things liad been open to
difference , jet It was hoped that these could
have been reconciled , tald the conferees , If
KUKur. coal and Iron hail not btood In the
The dcmocrat'c conferees held a brief con
ference today nnd adjourned before 12
o clock. ' 1 hey made another effort to reach
an agreement , but it provfd Ineffectual and
the meeting adjourned with the understand-
In ! ; that the full conference of the committee ,
which was held at 1 ! o'clock , would reacli
nn agreement
Airangements are being made for consid
eration of the report In the house tomorrow.
Chairman Wilson met Spetker Crisp and
members of the hou e committee on rules
ab soon as tlw conference adjourned. Who' * , j >
the conference cl ncd Mi. Wllhon said ho
would not icport tic disagreement until to-
moirow at noon As , i result of the con
ference between Mr. Wilson and the speaker
the committee on rules Is considering the ad-
vlsiblllty of a special ruin to operate tomor
row -v.hcn the tariff disagreement Is re
Senator Goiinan IH quoted by a .Missouri
representative- saying lo n group of dem
ocratic leprescntatlves , of whom the MIs-
Bourlin was one , "Gen'lemon , there two
tariff moasuici- the McICInlcy law and the
beinte bill. You can take your choice. "
This Is believed hero to bo the tariff situa
tion lodav.
A house democratic member of the con
ference outlined to the Associated press the
following lines of agreement and disagree
ment In the coiifeience , summarized by
bcliodiiles as ) follows :
Schedule A Chemicals. , oils nnd paints ,
agreements on all points of dispute were
Schedule U Harths , earthenware and
glassware , agreements on main differences
were made and minor dlffcicnccs could hnvo
been adjusted. *
Schedule C Metals and manufactures of ,
the disagreements vvej-c wide on ores and
manufactured metals , with llttlo common
gtoiind foi ngtcement.
Scheduh ) 1) Wood and manufactures of ,
agreement could have been hecured.
Schedule n Sugar , the dlbagreemcnt was
positive and vital , and was the main point
of dlffoienco in conference.
Schedule F Tob-icco and manufactures ,
no trouble was apparent In reaching an
Schedule G Agricultural products and
prcvlblonb , the differences were open to ad
justment , but no final agreement was reached
on any of them.
ScheduleII Spirits , wines nnd other
beverages , n basis , of agreement had been
Schedule I Cotton manufactures , an agree
ment could have been reached , although
points of difference still existed.
Schedule J- Flax , hemp and Jtlto , tome
dlfToicnces yet nmalnt-d to bo adjusted , but
nn agreement was not considered difficult.
Schedule 1C Wool' und manufactures of ,
wlille homo differences existed they could
liavu been adjusted.
Schedule * L. M and N Silk , paper and
sundries , ocenslonnd little difference , and
agreements were easy.
The program for handling the tnrlft dls-
ngreom"nt when It Is leported to the house
tomorrow was substantially agreed upon
this evening Mr Wilson will make a brief
vcrbil report as boon us the house convenes ,
Mr. PiitrhliigH , from the- rules committee ,
thereupon will piescnt a i-poclal rule allow
ing two hours for debate , at the end of
which tlmo a vnto will bo token on again
Bonding the bill to confuiencc. It Is ex
pected that there will bo objection to this
rule. Mr. Wilson and Mr. lleed will each
contiol onu hour.
n\iiit : UAS N Tiuiti : : .
OiiiHtlom tin ) roin-rtniHH of the Teller * '
Work In till ) llnnne.
WASHINGTON , July 18 , The ttatcment
by Representative Dakar of Now Hamp-
bhlre that he had been recorded by thp
tellers as pro ent und not voting , the truth
being that ho was not present , moved Mr.
Heed to ay a word for the system of
"quorum counting" In the Fifty-first con
gress , wherein he tmld out of hundreds of
opi > oitunillci > but two mistake * had occurred ,
whllo out of two opportunities under the
ex tiling Astern ono enor hud oecurrc'd.
Speaker Crisp admitted the possibility of
errors under any system , but pointed out
that the superiority claimed for tlio present
lule. was that It removed any suspicion of
Intention at unfulrne-ts.
Under the bpcclul older adopted on Mon
day the remainder of the day was devoted
to bu Iness reported fiom the committee on
military affairs. Hills were passed to regulate -
late enlistments In the army , to authorize
the board of managers nt the uoldlcrs hone
to transfer und maintain the Inmates of
any branch In case of emergency , to place
Major ( Jcneral John L Qreen on the rot trod
list as a llrut lieutenant , Kugcno Walla as a
second lieutenant , Napoleon J. Dana as
assistant quartermaster , Dunbar K. Han
som OB captain , Charles II Stivers as cap
tain and James William Albert ui major.
At 5.15 the houto adjourned.
Al * l t'p III Ujiiiiiliii ; I'lillllm ,
CHUYKNN'H , July -Special ( Telegram
to The HC-P ) Adjutant Leopold Kablfl , of
the WvomliiB National KurirdH tendered. Ills
ri-algnatlon to Oovernoi Oxbnrno this nftur-
noun and It was linmeUluU'ly accepted. It
H cumutly rcpuitid that Mr. Kabls la
flUtmi fjr it.J' mucr.UU : nomination / "
f eie'tary at fetutc.