Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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E. nosi\VATnn , Editor.
rntiMH ov
Villy nut ( without Hundny ) On Year. . . . . . ! * M
) Ily IKc nnd HuniUy , On s Ycnr 1J ' *
Ilx Months v ° *
l'hr MMilh * * ? '
Sunday IJ-f , On Yimr * ' "
SitiiMfljr llw , Onff Yeiir * JJ
weekly llee. One Yur tj
Ornalm. The Tire Itullrllnir. _
Boulh Omnhi , CotnT N nml Twenty-fourth Sl .
CMinell Iimrfi , 12 IVnrl utreft.
di'diro ' Olllc , 31 ? Chnmli r of Cflinmercc.
ftf\r York. Ho.nn 11 , 14 nnd IS. Tribune IJIdS.
Wflilllngton , nn 1' Direct. N. % N.
All cmnmiinlentlinn relntlnu to nown nn.l edi
torial mnttcr nhuuM he mldrociwdl To the l illtor.
Alt binlncM letterii nn.l . remittance * simild lie
nddreiii.e.1 to The Hec I'ulillnlilnff compnny ,
cherkii nnd enl < -in to
Omahn. Draft * , iwjtnlllco
lie made piynliln to tin * order nf tlio pnmpnnv.
OeorBO 1J. Tanchuck , nocrelnry of Tlia Il-c J'ul-
llnhlnir cntnpnny. liclnR duly HWOIII. .iy < tlj'it
tlm nntnnl number of full nnd complete copK"i
of The Dally Mcirnlnir , Uvenlnjt nnd Himdny Hoc
iirlnlcd during the month of JUIK1WI , wn ns
followg :
1 " 2.MN 12.01'
Z. . . . , K.UI 17.
8. , . , , , . . . . JIM ) 18 21.017
4. . . , 21,874 JJ 2I.S23
f ! 21.9V ! i ) 21rat
0 22.IW JI 2I.VH
E ! 21CC.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
I' . , . . , . . . , . . . , . , 22.'lil'7 j.T , 2iOIS
22 2K ! , , 'il.OiIO
10 . . . , 2iim 1 21,728
Jl 22,1X1 SO 21..W1
12 21.737 27 21. SCO
13 2I.SW 2.8 21.MS
23 S.M1
15 21,811 30
deductions for unxoM nml rcturnc.l .
copies . , .
Total noM . 6J't7sZ '
Dally lucrnge net circulation . Zl.SM
Hworn to LrfnrV mo nnd fmhscrlticcl In my pres
ence thin 8J day of July , isai.
( Seal. ) N. 1' . KKtr , , Notary 1'ubllc.
Orcnt loillcs ) move slowly. That accounts
for Euclid Martin's delayed call for the dem
ocratic state commlttoo nicotine.
Press and pulpit scorn to bo vying with
each other to see which can get the greater
number of texts out of the strike.
Woman suffrage Is not conducive to party
harmony. Compare the expcrlenco of the
Kansas populists with their female political
agitators. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mr. Rhconi won't suffer from his failure
to collect his salary as acting city electrician
BO long as Ills salary as manager of the
District Telegraph Is regularly paid.
If the temperature continues as moderate
for the balance of the season , people who
have gone away from Omaha for the sca-
shore and mountain resorts will feel like
kicking themselves when they get back.
Our local Dogberry would doubtless have
refused to naturalize Alexander Hamilton
and Albert Gallatln for not satisfactorily
running the gauntlet of his constitutional
catechism had ho only hail the chance.
The ward heelers who hope to be judges
nnd clerks at the primary elections feel bet
tor now that the county republican commit
tee has broken Its silence. The unemployed
have something they can look forward to with
longing eyes.
Only twenty-three candidates have filed applications -
. plications for the vacancy on the Board of
Public Works. Alphabetically arranged the
list begins with Anderson and ends with
Yrak. There Is still an opportunity for
somebody whoso naino begins \yjth a Z.
It the strlko had only continued for a
few weeks Linger , the rank and fllo of the
various labor organizations might have dis
covered the true position of all the labor
leaders. As It Is , a few of them have been
found out. A new deal all around may be
expected when those organizations next elect
their officers.
Wo didn't suppose the president of a
great railway company would resort to
stage methods of advertising. Yet the
church episode of Marvin Hughltt reads
very much lllco a similar entertainment In
dulged In not so long ago by the late Emma
Abbott. A church 1) not generally consid
ered to bo the proper place for a spectacular
display of this variety.
For a hard times year the Christian En
deavor assemblage jit Cleveland has proved
a most flattering success. Had circumstances
boon more favorable to a summer conven
tion Cleveland would have had her hands
more than full with the entertainment of
the visitors. The Endeavorers show their
Uovotlon to their society by giving Its an
nual meetings as full an attendance as pos-
With storage charges at D cents a gallon
per year and remission of taxation on all
liquor lost by evaporation , the Whisky trust
would bo satisfied to have the bonded period
extended ad Inflnltum. It Is reasonably cer
tain that no changes will bo made In the
whisky tchcdulo as agreed to by the senate
without the trust's consent. The trust Is
doubtless the prime mover of the latest
proposed change and the trust Is sure to
Rot the best of the bargain In case the con
ferees adopt It.
A series of twenty-five books costing
over $10,000,000 , or an average of $ 100,000
per volume , must be considered rather ex
pensive literature. Yet that Is what the
eleventh census Is to cost the people of the
United States. No such stupendous work
could over be gotten out by private enter
prise , for the obvious reason that It would
sink several fortunes for the publishers.
IJy keeping the cost constantly In mind ,
people using the
census volumes may se
cure an adequate appreciation of the privi
leges they are therein enjoying.
Omaha Is enumerated as ono of tha parties -
ties Interested In a suit Just Instituted
In Now York against A. L. Har
bor and the Ilarber Asphalt
company to
recover damages for the Infringement of a
patent said to bo held by General Avorlll , a
former business associate of Mr. Harbor , it
Is claimed that the Hurber company has been
manipulated so as to keep the Inventor of
this patent out of his duo share of the profits
and that only now when the original Ameri
can Asphalt company has boon thrown Into
the hands of a receiver has ho found himself
In a position to attempt to enforce his rights
In the courts. The
Infringement , If the asphalt -
* phalt pavement lalil liy the Ilarber company
Is o decided , Involves the liability of all
the cities In which that klml of pavement
la In ua. and should this first ault prove
successful It will doubtless be followed by
others In which the dlfrerent cities arc
named as defendant * . Kach city would then
have to look to thu contractors and their
bondsmen for Indemnification for any Judg
ment that mar be rendered against It. The
ImporUncn of the litigation can scarcely bo
AXOTiirn FM.H stLvait tscn ta.
Thnt the moro-money men In emigres * will
never be untlnflrd with anything IMS than n
iloprrclatcd currency , that they constantly
keep the emergency of a depreciated cur
rency In mind U practically admitted by Ilia
! > llt to modify the law of legal tender Intro
duced Mr. Liuio of Illinois nnd Jugt ngrccd
to by the house Judiciary committee. Mr.
Lane's measure merely ptovldc * tunt all
contracts hereafter executed for the payment
of any sum of money , whether In gold , silver
or coin , may bo discharged by any money
which Is by law a legal tender for the pay
ment of debts. The purpose Is to prevent
courts from entering Judgments upon con
tracts that call for payment In gold , or In
coin , and to extend the law of legal tender
to private transactions In which specific
stipulations have been Inserted calling for a
particular kind of money. The plausible
argument Is advanced that nil money should
be equal whether In public or prlvato agree
ments , so that prlvato Individuals may not
be able to discriminate ngalnst ono part of
the nation's money , presumably silver and
sliver certificates.
So far as past contracts are concerned the
constitutional guarantee against the Impair
ment of their obligation effectually secures
them from the effect of legislation of this
kind. Contracts already executed calling for
gold payment cannot bo tampered with by
congressional legislation. There may oven be
some doubt as to the competency of con
gress to Insist that all future contracts to
bo discharged by a payment In money shall
bo discharged by an offer of legal tenders ,
the powers delegated to congress not Includ
ing any power to regulate the conditions upon
which contracts may bo made. The several
states have ventured to declare contracts
upon certain subjects cither void or voidable
nnd might perhaps pass laws to make the
gold clause nugatory , but the constitution
ality of a congressional act embodying the
same provisions would bo seriously ques
There Is , of course , no urgency for legis
lation of this character , because so long as
all of our different kinds of currency are
freely Interconvertible and receivable at the
same value , there Is no hardship In having
a judgment against a person for gold or for
coin rather than for currency. Ilut Imagine
for a moment the transition to a silver basis
contemplated by the advocates of the free
coinage of silver at the old ratio of 16 to 1
to have taken place and such a law would
become of the utmost Importance. It would
force the silver standard upon Individual
debtors and creditors whether they wished
to adopt It or not. The cheapest money In
the market , or , In other words , the most de
preciated money to bo had , would become
the universal legal tender to the exclusion of
nil other kinds of money. Maintain the parity
of the gold , silver and paper currency of the
United States and this law would" have no
effect whatever. Let silver depreciate one
lota , however , and this law would drive It
still lower and force the country to a silver
basis. It Is not for the present that It has
been Introduced , but for the possibilities of
the future. It might Ho unobserved on the
statute book for years , to suddenly spring
Into life at the first threat of a depreciation
In our currency. It will bo far better to
throttle such a pernicious bill before it
makes further progress.
There Is a mass of southern war claims
pending In the house of representatives , the
allowance of all of which would about bank
rupt the treasury. The calendar Is loaded
down with bills reported from committees
to pay the claims of alleged loyal men who
lived within the confederate lines during
the war and whose property was destroyed
or taken by the union army. Last week
a measure was brought up which combined
a large number of thcso claims for reference
to the court of claims. This , It Is said , Is
a trick of the supporters of these claims.
The members who are behind them assert
that all they ask Is that the claims be re
ferred to the court , which under the law
Is obliged to pass on claims according to
the evidence presented to It. The court
may bo satisfied that the claim Is a fraudu
lent one , as many of them unquestionably
are , but If evidence Is produced to show
that the claimant Is loyal , then the court
has got to accept that evidence. The ad
vantage Is clearly with the claimants , for
It Is so long since the war that It Is dim-
cult In some cases , and In most of them Im
possible , for the government to prove the
disloyalty of claimants , many of whom are
making claims as heirs of persons now dead.
However diligent tha attorneys for the
government may bo they cannot in a great
many cases get testimony at this late date
to disprove that brought forward by the
claimants , who generally can afford to pay
well for the testimony they require.
Hefcrrlng to the claims presented from
a single district In South Carolina , fifty-
seven In number , and amounting to some
thing more than $1,600,000 , 1:10 Charleston
News and Courier said that there , were
probably not more than 100 men In the en
tire state outsldo of the- moonshine whisky
district during the war who were loyal to
the union. It this Is an accurate estimate
of the proportion of loyal men In South
Carolina during the war , more than half of
the unionists In that state must have lived
In this ono district to make thcso claims
valid. Unquestionably a majority of these
claims ore made by persons who were not
loyal , yet the government may find It Im
possible to prove this. The amount of
southern war claims now pending Is over
$600,000,000 , and It Is not probable that more
than one-third of them have any sufficient
warrant , but the chances jiro that a much
larger amount will finally bo allowed. It
Is urged that notwithstanding the undoubted
fact that a largo proportion of thcso claims
arc fraudulent and that the difficulty of the
government showing them to bo fraudulent
Increases from year to year , still It Is the
duty of congress to lot the court of claims
or some other tribunal sift these claims
and adjust the few valid ones. This Is a
questionable proposition. U Is , of course ,
Just and proper that loyal men living In
the south during the war whoso property
was taken or destroyed by the government
should bo reimbursed , but there Is reason
to believe that very few sucn have not al
ready had their claims adjusted , and those
who have neglected to do so hardly deserve
consideration It It Involves an Interminable
raid on the treasury by people who were
not loyal to the government. The persons
who could present a Just claim to reim
bursement for lovs of property have had
ample time In which to do so , and If they
have failed to Improve- the opportunity they
alone are to blame. The taxpayers of the
country must not bo required to provide
money for an Indefinite time for this pur
pose , with the certainty that a considerable
proportion of It will b paid to- persons who
have no Just right to It. There has boon
an enormous Increase In the amount of
these claim * presented In the present con
gress , showing that the opportunity for
Bolting recognition Is fully appreciated by
the people In to south , who can make ou ;
n plntislblo eblm against the
The amount of fraudulent pension claims
Is Insignificant In comparison with tha
fraud connected with those southern war
claims. It In time that public sentiment
made Itself heard In this matter , which
should not bo toil sight of in the election
of the next house of representatives.
AX fiXTHAIJltDIXAlir CIMl > rfr.\TUf. \
The government has an extraordinary In
ternational complication on hand. In re
sponse to the request of Governor Jones of
the Choctaw nation , In the Indian Terri
tory , troops were sent there for the purpose
of expelling certain Intruders among the
striking miner. ! , who. It was charged , had
committed all kinds of lawless acts. Among
these miners are subjects of Ilntiln ,
France , Italy and Delglum , and the diplo
matic representative of each of these coun
tries has protested against the action of the
United States In removing those aliens from
the Indian country. Accordlrig to Washing
ton dispatches the French ambassador had
an Interview a few days ago with officials
of the Interior department In reference to
this matter , and Just before thli the Urltlsh
ambassador had sent to the secretary of
state a communication received by him
from nrltlsh subjects In the Indian Terri
tory , In which It was set forth that , they
had violated no law of the United States ,
and the question asked whether these for
eign subjects could bo legally ejected , hav
ing violated no law. It was further asked
whether the United States Is responsible
for the property owned by them , whether
they had any choice of states to which they
might bo taken , and whether the states
could object to their entrance ; also whether
they could demand subsistence for their
families from the United States during the
ejection , and whether they , as Urltlsh sub
jects not willing to go to other states , could
lawfully demand passage to England.
It Is stated that no complication of this
kind has arisen before , so that the position
of the government regarding It establishes
a precedent. It seems that the negotiators
of the treaty between the United States nnd
the Choctaw and Chlckasaw nations had In
view the possibility of trouble from the In
trusion of persons not by birth or adoption
members of either nation , nnd provided
against It. There Is also a statute which
provides that "every foreigner who shall go
Into the Indian country without a passport
from the Department of the Interior or Its
agents , and who shall Intentionally remain
there , Is liable to a penalty of $1,000. "
Under the plain treaty and statutory pro
visions applicable to the case In question
the Washington authorities are clearly jus
tified in doing what they have done. They
complied , so far as now appears , strictly
with the obligations Imposed by the treaty
between the government and the nations
In the Indian Territory , and there can be
no doubt that the assertion of the right of
the United States under the treaty to eject
Intruders from the territory , whatever their
nationalities , will be sustained. As to the
questions propounded by the ejected British
subjects , it Is pretty safe to say that the
answer to them , If any shall be given , will
be that the government has nothing what
ever to do with providing for themselves or
their families , and that whether they elect
to remain In this country or to return to
England Is a matter about which the govern
ment Is not concerned. These people Imve
no legal claim upon the United States for
subsistence , and the Idea that the govern
ment should undertake their deportation to
England or anywhere else Is manifestly ab
Such being the case It Is not easy to un
derstand upon what grounds the diplomatic
representatives of Great Drltaln , France ,
Italy and Delglum base their protest or
how they expect to Justify It. It would
seem that there was concerted action be
tween them , so that It must be assumed
they were all persuaded tha * there are Justi
fiable reasons for their action. The matter
Is not likely to lead to any Impairment of
the friendly relations between the United
States and the European governments concerned -
corned , but It presents an International In
cident that Is Interesting If only for Its
novel character.
Among the press dispatches last week was
noticed one announcing that the democrats
of the Third Georgia congressional
district had unanimously renomlnated
Speaker Charles F. Crisp to represent
that district In the Fifty-fourth con
gress. Ordinarily this would have
comparatively llttlo significance. Members-
of congress from the southern states are
quite generally returned term after term so
long as the political complexions of their
districts remain unchanged nnd they con
tinue to give satisfaction to their constitu
ents. Speaker Crisp himself made his first
appearance In Washington as a member of
the house of the Forty-eighth congress and
has been successively re-elected to every
now congress since then. At the last con
gressional election he received ll.OT'l votes ,
as against 4,982 votes'for his opponent , and
his present renominatlon Insures another vic
tory at the next election. The renominatlon
of Speaker Crisp at this moment , however ,
goes to confirm the report that ho harbors
considerable doubt as to his ability to secure
a promotion to the senate. To make sure
of his continuance In the field of national
politics ho will take , a re-election to the
lower house of congress and use that as a
prop to his senatorial ambition.
When , upon the death of Senator Col-
qultt a few months ago , Governor Northen
tendered Mr. Crisp the appointment for the
unexplred term , the latter explained his
declination upon the highly patriotic ground
that his services wore more needed In the
house , over which ho had bcon chosen to
presldo by the majority composed of
his fellow democrats , than In the
senate. Hut his declination was ad
mitted to have been Inspired by the
conviction that It would strengthen him
with the people of Georgia and make sure
to him tha election to the senate for the full
term of six years , beginning March 3 , 189S.
In fact , It woa with the understanding that
Speaker Crisp was to "bo unopposed In his
senatorial ambitions that the place which
ho had refused was given to Senator Walsh ,
who has always been a warm political friend
of Mr. Crisp and who was expected to step
aside and give him a clear field.
U now develops that Senator Walsh
no longer looks with favor upon this plan.
Although ho stated at the time ho was ap
pointed that he did not Intend to be a can
didate for the full term , but would be satis-
fled simply to sorvs until the legislature got
together to cheese a successor to the late
Senator Colqultt , ho has found the senate
such a pleasant place that he doos'not want
to glvo It up so soon. He Is therefore said
to have announced to his Intimate friends
that he wll | be a candidate for re-election.
Under the precedent that prevails In the
south of continuing public men la office , he
will have the Inside track. Furthermore , he
Is personally very popular with the people
of Georgia , and In his brief senatorial
career lie has succeeded In doing a great
il nl for his sta.c. purtlcularly In cttrlnR aid foriU | ) A'lanta exposition ,
Till * means that If tor Crisp wants tb gel
Into the senate he urn have to fight to do
so. U It look fjs If In throwing away
the appointment to the unexplred term ho
also throw away hl\/Arnce for the full term
succeeding It. sl Mr Crisp must be
seriously cogitating whether the reward Ot
party loyalty really repays the sacrifice ot
senatorial ambition.
The recent homo Industry banquet at Ne
braska City has furnished an object lesson
for Omaha. It emphasizes the fact that the
conversion of the products of the farm , gar
den and orchard afford the most substantial
basis for the prosperous growth of this city.
Nebraska City has been rated as a slow-
going , conservative town , but she has out
stripped Omaha In the manufacture of cereal
products nnd In the canning of vegetables ,
which are abundant at our very doors.
Within a radius of twenty-five miles of
Omaha the soil Is as prolific as It Is around
Nebraska City , and there Is enough raw
material In the way df grain nml garden
truck to supply a score of starch mills , oat
meal nnd cracked wheat mills and canning
The Morton cereal mills at Nebraska City
employ GOO hands and consume 6,000 bushels
of grain n day , and the aggregate pay roll
of Nebraska City's mills and factories chiefly
devoted to the products of the .soil exceeded
$700,000 last year. As a natural consequence
the land values for farming and gardening
purposes have been materially enhanced , and
farming has been made profitable by creating
a home market. The weakest spot In
Omaha'a Industrial armor Is a lack of mills
'and factories that would absorb the bulk of
the grain nnd vegetables raised In this vi
cinity. To that fact Is chiefly due the sparse
settlement of Douglas county , which can nnd
will support a family on every twenty-acre
tract within ten miles of the city and a
family on every forty-aero tract within a
radius of thirty miles. That alone would
double the value of every acre In this and
adjoining counties on both sides of the Mis
souri and moro than quadruple the volume
of money In circulation among our business
men. There Is enough raw milling nnd
factory material available In this vicinity
to give steady employment to 10,000 hands ,
nnd that means an Increase of fully 50,000
population , apart from the Incidental In
crease by reason of enlarged traffic facili
ties and multiplication of home Industries In
lines of commodities that must be consumed
by the factory and mill hands.
If the Commercial club and home Industry
people would emulate the example of Ne
braska City and center their efforts upon
the manufacture of cereal products and the
establishment of starch factories , flouring
mills and canneries Instead of seeking to ! n-
duce the location of factories that must Im
port their raw material from distant sections
of the country , th 'yj.would promote the
building up of homo Industry on an Im
pregnable foundation.
There Is an IssuJ between the govern
ment authorities and , the steamship com
panies regarding the subsistence of immi
grants landed at Ellis Island which prom
ises to have serious consequences for the
people coming her . vho cannot afford to
provide for themselves while waiting for a
decision as to whether they 'can remain.
The food contractorvat pills Island will not
furnish food unless 'ho Is paid , and the
government authorities and steamship com
panies refuse 'to'Tsyt'T'hllo ' a great many
of the Immigrants , are unable to pay. The
treasury officials take * the position that
steerage tickets are to New York and that
the steamship companies must feed pas
sengers until they reach that port. Thq
companies claim that they have compiled
with their contract when they bring passen
gers Into the harbor of New York , and under
the direction of the United States govern
ment discharge them at the designated place
of Inspection. This seems a reasonable con
tention , but It appears probable that the
Issue will have to be decided In the courts ,
and In the meanwhile the pour immigrants
will suffer. It Is unquestionably a very
proper provision of the government that
steerage Immigrants shall be detained for
Inspection , but when the steamship com
panies have duly compiled with the re
quirements of the Immigration laws It
seems clear that they ought to bo relieved
from further responsibility : Certainly no
moro effective way could bo found for checkIng -
Ing Immigration than that of subjecting
Immigrants to the ordeal of being penned
up on an Island without food , out our demo
cratic officials are quite capable of this sort
of economy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
According to a Washington dispatch the
proildcnt has been somewhat annoyed by
the persistent attempts to make It appear
that ho had appointed an Investigating com
mission at the request of labor leaders. We
see no particular reason why Mr. Cleveland
should bo especially annoyed by such a re
port. He certainly did not agree to appoint
the commissioners at the request of the
railroad representatives , because they are
not at all anxious for an Investigation. He
may wish It to appear that he has acted
upon his own Initiative and solely from a
dcslro to get at the truth , but few people
will believe that the move was original
with him. At all events , the president need
not have felt ashamed It he had listened to
the suggestions of the labor leaders and
had acted In response to their requeits.
Should the czar carry out his expressed
Intention of pardoning a largo number of
penona convicted of political offenses on
occasion of the coming wedding of the czare-
witch , there will bo great lamentations that
ho cannot have one nf his children married
every day. His subjects must devoutly pray
that his family may bo often enlarged In
order that the pardoning power may keep
tolerable pace with th6 judgments of the
courts upon political offenders.
Washington Stnr.
Hoth Mr. Cnrneglfc nnd Mr. Pullman can
furnish testimony to HIOW that n combina
tion of business and .spectacular philan
thropy Is a very delicate undertaking.
Cooling In Hot \Vcullier.
Washington Post ,
The nerve of the Ohio democrats Is en
titled ] to cotLslclerobld admiration. They
uro making arnuiKCinents to capture u
cuiiKresslomtl district tlmt la ordinarily good
for 0,000 republican majority.
Good AilvlcD.
rhllailclphla I'ri-sa.
The ndvlco of The Omaha Bee to the re
publicans nf Nebraska to nominate clean ,
capable candidates and not load themselves
down with men whose unsavory record will
call for an apology and explanation has an
application outside that state.
iK u Truth.
It Is historically true , ns the Minnesota
republicans say In their platform , that "the
republican party took labor from the auc
tion block unJ made It honorable ; " and It
Is equally true that the same party hoa
done more to Increase the \VUKCH ana pro
mote the general welfare of the working
classics than uny other that ever existed.
I 1'KOl't.K
Senator Call's vindication goes tru > pmg
down the avenue of time as a ROrkdolAger
Out ot regard for the happy memories ot
Poverty Flat Hr t Harto wears sillvor-whlto
hair ,
Thf opinion Is growlin : that Uc-bsomanl.i
U rntl'icd to a placd In the strlko history ot
the country.
The shipper of the Vigilant has secured ,
after repeated trials , n pretty aecurato rear
view of the Hrltannlft ,
An untrained ( lulling IB about a > diligent
a promoter of suicide aa the raw nillltlniimn
or the bctry deputy marshal ,
The vast , aching emptiness of flic Ken
tucky state treasury lends n plqttnnt flavor
to national financial schemes from that stato.
With a view to probing the true Inward
ness of the collapse , n man named tlnttom
was appointed receiver for a bank In Denver.
The first newspaper mall from Sacramento
and San Francisco since July 1 reached the
Dee olllco yesterday. It was a trifle molc-dy.
Gompors , the leader of the federation , Is
an expert roller of stogas. That accounts
for hU readiness * In smoking out the boy
The condition of Mrs. LCHSU Is again alarm-
Ing. Just ns Hho emerged from an attack
of nervous prostration a few pernicious
Dlggs In the ribs produced n relapse.
Efforts being made to rupture the gas
001111)1110 In Chicago are a needless waste of
energy , In view of tha fact established by
recent events that every able-bodied Chl-
cagoan Is an animated gas tank.
A German paper gravely announces that
"Robert lluclmnan , the famous English
writer of farces , has gene bankrupt. Ills
liabilities amount to 300.000 marks , his only
assets being some comedy Ideas. "
In Hong Kong , according to recent statis
tics , the population averages only 3C6 women
to every 1,000 men. Anxious mammas with
marriageable daughters of mature years
might do worse than emigrate to the Celes
tial empire ,
One vast , mighty truth rises like n Shasta
above the fog of strlko and boycott. No less
nn authority than Henry Gcargo assures a
shivering world that single tax Is the
panacea for nil our Ills. Henry Is unselfish
If not original.
The New York World asserts Mr. Pull
man exhausted seventeen hours In planning
nnd constructing his defense. Ho was too
weary at Its conclusion to tack on a para
graph explaining the discharge of the men
who waited on him with the grievances of
the employes.
The school census shows that there are 553
children of school ago at Ord.
The first annual bicycle moot of the lied
Cloud wheelmen will take place July 26.
The Deavcr Valley harvest homo will beheld
held at Wllsonvlllo on October 10 , 11 and 12.
The new tennis club of Grand Island has
adopted for its colors navy blue and white.
A lawn tennis club has been organized
at Alliance and a line court has been se
The financial stringency Is responsible
for the discontinuance of the Mcrna Ite-
A Fled Willow county farmer only har
vested 360 bushels of turkey red wheat from
eighty acres.
The Sons of Veterans band of Hed Cloud
will furnish music for the Interstate reunion
at Superior.
John Todd , who carved Harry Wolfe at
a dance at Ulysses , has been held for trial
In bonds of $500.
The pontoon bridge between Covlngton
and Sioux City will bo rebuilt as soon as
the high water recedes. ,
A base ball tournament will be held at
Durwell July 26 , 27 and 2S. All the neigh
boring towns have been Invited to send
The people of Sterling will erect a. monument
ment to the soldiers of tha late war , and
the date of the unveiling has been fixed for
September 22.
Accessions to the Seventh-Day Adventlst
faith are growing In numbers near Lotip
City. Twenty-one people were baptized In
the river the other day.
The fourth annual farmers reunion will
bo held at Vcrdon on August 15 and 16.
Pioneer dinners and various sports will
furnish the entertainment.
The resldenco of County Commissioner
Malloy at Cedar Dltiffs was entirely desroyed
by fire while- the owner was In Wahoo at
tending a meeting of the county board.
There Is talk of passing itn ordinance
against the Russian thistle at Valentine , Im
posing a heavy fine on any property owner
who allows the weed to grow on his prem
Willie Taft , a boy living near Hartlngton ,
rested his gun on his right foot muzzle
down. His second toe Is entirely gene , and
there Is a jagged wound In his foot that
Willie will not soon forget.
A bathlnpr club has been organized at
Crawford with over thirty members , all of
whom believe that cleanliness Is next to
godliness. The club will build a dam across
the Whlto river and will erect bathing
houses , etc.
Says the Schuyler Quill : The Quill learns
of a good ono on ox-Marshal D. J. Burke ,
now In the secret service of the D. & M.
railway. At one time , while a resident
of Schuyler , Mr. Burke owned a horse and
the worst fault of the animal was that It
slobbered badly. One day the ex-marshal
saw an advertisement in a newspaper which
" horse ot slobber-
read : "How to cure a
Ing. Send $ t for recipe. " Ilurko
could hardly wait till ho got to the postoffico
and sent that dollar , and after it was sent
he hung around the office every mall time
until ho nearly sot the postmaster crazy
with his Inquiries about the probabilities
of the mall. Finally tho. letter came , and
upon opening It the reclpo was found. U
read : "Teach It to spit. " Durlce recov
ered , but has hardly been himself since.
Concerning Our Hilly llryun.
ChlcnBO Hernlil.
nonRrcssmnn Hrynn. haying openly an
nounced his withdrawal from the demo
cratic party. Is not entitled to any conS -
S itclylnc upon former political nlllllntlons ,
Mr Hrynn and hit ) mistaken friends have
been endeavoring to play the state democratic
cratic- committee In his interest , which It
was believed would be promoted by nn
early state convention. The atate central
committee by a three-fourths vote lias de
clined to bo used In Mr. Ilryan's behalf.
Mr. Bryan had a perfect right to leave
the democratic party. The democratic party
has nn equally perfect rluht to let him
no. He has voluntarily cast his lot nmonir
those who reject democratic principles and
advocate doctrines Inconsistent with the na
tional platform of the democratic party.
Mr liryan has abandoned
politics for cyclonic politics. Let him abide
by his choice. He Is outside the democratic
nale by bin own will , and he shall stay out-
sldo by the will of the democratic party of
Nebraska. _
TiiHk of thn Confiirrei.
Philadelphia Timos.
The revenue bill has been referred to a
committee of conference , whose task It will
be to reconcile the UlfferenceH between the
two houses of congress and put the bill in
shape for Una ! passage. This task Is by no
means nn easy one. Of the C31 ameml-
nu'iits nmdo In the senate , two-thirds of
which are changes In the rates of duty
llxed by the house , It Is probable that a
considerable number can bo adjusted with
llttlo controversy , but Mr. Wilson serves
notice that he will oppose , on behalf of the
house , the general return to specllla or
compound duties , BO that the conference
will have many points of discussion before
getting down to the burnliif ; questions of
sugar nnd free coal and ore , The MeKln-
ley bill was In conference ; comralttua ten
days. The present conference la likely to
occupy u fortnight at least , but thcru can
bo no doubt that It will result In n meas
ure that will receive the prompt concur
rence of both houses.
MonoyJcsi Editor Takes tie People Into
His Confitlc''co
An n I'rco American I'ltltrn lln llitnl : t'p
III * 1'lnto to thn Crll > nml
an CiirniKt t'lnt on
UN ( > h lielmlf.
To the Republican Tress of
There Is an old Haying to the effect that the
nmco nhould ncek thu man. That's a very
pretty saying , but In. these dORcm-m. ' d.iys
there are so many fellows croW'l .iround
that the poor office docs not Imve a ch.ince
to get out for n search before some fellow
nabs It and walks nway. I have dlsrovcrcc1
thla to be n mcloncholy fact , for I have
been waiting several years for nn office to
eomo along nml take mo In , and as yet no
office has hoveIn sight. Therefore 1 have
changed my tactics nnd am golnj ? gunning
for the office. U I don't got what 1 want
I'll always feel that I should have been suc
cessful. And If I don't get It I am going to
\\hoop It up for the republican ticket Just as
It I had not been disappointed.
I want the republican nomination for
secretary of state.
Is that plain enough ?
There seems to bo but one way to secure
a nomination In these degenerate days , anil
that Is to get out nnd hustle for It. This I
am unable to do. It keeps mo busy getting
out ono of the best weekly newspapers In
Nebraska , and I have no tlmo to make n
tour In the Interests of my candidacy. And
again , It takes money to make such n can
vass , nnd at the present tlmo my assets
consist wholly of llablltles. Kor tlmt reason
1 take this method of announcing my candi
dacy nnd appealing to the republicans of the
state to put my name on the ticket. If I gel
the nomination I'll hustle for election , and If
elected I'll do my best to conduct the busi
ness of the olllco as It should be conducted.
There arc a number of reasons why I
believe I would make a pretty good secretary
of state. In fact there are so many reasons
of this kind that It Is Impossible at this time
to give nil of them. Hut a few will bo out
lined for the edification of the masses :
First , I am pretty well acquainted with
the routine of work at the state house.
Second , I believe In the supremacy of law ,
and If elected will do my best to conform to
the laws governing the actions of the secre
tary of state. There are1 some laws that need
changing , and I believe that the best way to
secure the repeal of a bad law Is to enforce
It. If elected secretary of state I will , as a
member of the state board of transportation ,
do all I can to make the railroads obey the
law and leave It to experience to determine
the wisdom of the law. Not being a consti
tutional lawyer I am not able to Judge
whether laws are good or not.
Third If elected secretary of state I will ,
us a member of the State Hoard of Purchase
and Supplies , do my best to buy the best
goods at the cheapest price , and In all cases
give the preference to goods made In Ne
braska. I will sign no vouchers for goods
furnished until I know that the goods have
been delivered and that they are equal to
the sample.
Fourth If elected I will endeavor to make
a good record for the first two years In
order to secure a re-election , and having
secured a re-election I will continue to do
my best In order to keep up the good repu
tation I made during the first two years.
Fifth If elected I will not lese sight ot
the fact that I am a servant of the people ,
and will not be seized with the Idea that I
was elected to save the slate , nnd that by
so doing I have earned the heartfelt grat
itude of a downtrodden people.
Sixth If elected I will devote my time to
the duties of my office and not devote n
portion of It to private speculation based
on knowledge gained while acting as a
servant of the people.
These , beloved friends , are some ot the
reasons I have for believing that I would
make n pretty good .secretary of stato. If
you believe as I do , give me your support.
There are some reasons why I am a candi
date for the nomination.
First I want It.
Second I have just as good a right to bo
a candidate as anybody.
Third The salary Is $2,000 a year.
Fourth I am a republican , and every re
publican has a right to aspire to office.
Fifth I want to experience how It feels
to be a candidate.
There are some who may take exceptions
to my method of conducting a campaign for
this nomination. Some may feel sere
because I do not get out and
call them up to the bar with a
sweet smile and ask them what they will
have. To such I will say that such a method
ot campaigning costs money , and that s
something I do not possess. And If I did I
would spend a mighty small portion of it
for whisky. Some may oppose me because I
am a country editor. To such I would say
that I had rather bo a country editor strug
gling for a living , than to bean officeholder
execrated' by the people who elected mo.
Some may oppose mo because they do not
know me. That Is all the moro reason why
they should support mo. Many may oppose
mo because they are supporting some other
man. That's all right. And some may op
pose me because they do not like me. 'lhat s
I havo'been a republican all my life. I
nm a republican because I have studied the
history of my country. I am a republican
because republican principles have made this
the greatest and grandest nation on earth.
I believe In the use of gold and silver as
money , because the history of the world Is
that both are money metals. I believe In
paper money backed by the credit of Uncle
Sam , because history teaches mo that paper
Is used largely to do business with. I am
against fiat money because a nation Is like
an Individual only good for what It pos
sesses. I believe In the dignity of human
labor , because the Father of us all labored
to make this world. I believe In labor or
ganizing for the purpose of advancement.
I am opposed to strikes , but bellovo that
there are times when they are justifiable.
Dut I never will uphold force as nn argu
ment for the settlement of labor troubles. I
bollovo In high protective tariff because I
have a homo of my own and I nm going to
protect that homo against the world. And
the nation Is but a great homo , and each of
us a member of the family.
These are some of my views , but If I nm
elected secretary of state my tlmo will bo BO
fully occupied In attending to the duties of
the olllco that I will have to let congrebs
care for questions of finance and tariff.
Now men and brethren , In my candidacy
I will Have to depend upon you to help mo
out I1 cannot leave homo to see you per
sonally , but you can do mo n heap of good.
friendship and support
I hail rather hava the
port of the country press than to have the
backing of all the political machines The
sentiment these
country press molds public
( If I am not successful In this fight I
filled with the
will at least have a scrapbook
kindly mention ot the press , and I had rather
that than all the offices within the gift
of the people. I nm In this fight to win. but
win or lose I nm a republican , heart and
I know the republican
soul , for the ticket , because
publican state convention will nominate a
good one. It will bo good oven If my name
UNow , ° . I leave the matter In
hands. Sorry I can't eomo around and
your before the convention , Ilut III see
you see you In Omaha on August 22 , and we'll have
a time This goes whether I am In It or
not. Yours for
"Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Mall' There nrc , however , eom
points Mr. 1'ullnun skillfully ovAilos. No
mention U made by him of thn Irrltatlnc
causes li'iulltiK up to the otrlko of hit om-
ployi'A. From hlx statement no ono would
be jlilri to Knthcr that one of the grlavniico *
\v.n thc'Mimumry dlselmr n ot the momh ref
of the committee of pniplorat vOilch a kcd
thu inurensu In winter. O'hcr ' mutters In
the model town are 1si > Ignored ,
t'hlcnxo Times : George M. r llniin' ( x-
pbtmtlon Is admirable nnd well calculated
to carry conviction with It but for no thing
It is founded upon a fundamental untruth ,
If fleorRo will state squarely how much h
profited In repairing Pullman cars at the cut
rates of wages , as uell as how nmdi he lost
inking contracts to build freight cars for tcsi
than cost , the public will nco that hie "at-
tenipta to kc p his men nt work , even
though ho lost money , " were quite remuner
ative In the end ,
Chicago Dispatch ; The present labor dis
turbance Is not without good romills. Had
It not eomo the world would have still
looked on George Millionaire Pullman us .ui
common man. Ills cplMle to the people
would not have been written , nnd ho would
be cliuscd among the ccnliors nftcr the riches
of earth , nnd n.i one of those whoso chances
of getting Into heaven nro a ton to 1 shot.
But Instead another halo has been taken
from the shelf and set Jauntily on n head ,
another harp has been added to the saintly
orchestra , and the extra gu.nrdi at the pearly
gatoi and streets of gold have bcon doubled.
Chicago Post : George M. Pullman's char
acteristics are plainly displayed In tha pro-
nunclnmcnta that ho has Issued from the
Mills building. Now York , The man has
succeeded by long years of self-deception In
deluding himself Into the belief that ho Is a
philanthropist when ho Is renlly a harpy ,
Ho Is honestly unnblo to sco that the cant
and humbug In him are responsible for the
disaster that has overtaken the country ,
He does not realize that If ho had acted
like a man nnd shut down his pauper factory
six months ago , Instead of trying to pose as
a philanthropist at the expense of his work
men , there would have bcon no Pullman
strike , no railroad tlc-up , no paralysis of
commerce. Ho Is blind to everything except
the greatness of George M. Pullman. Ho
has humbugged himself so completely that ho
cannot realize how completely ho has failed
In humbugging any one else.
Town Topics : May Jack and Carrie wore
riding on a tandem bicycle when he pro
posed to her. Udlth I wonder what she
did. May Tumbled.
Judge : Insurance Agent I called to PCO
If I couldn't Insure your husband's life.
Mrs. O'Flaimtfun Shuro , It wouldn't bo
wort * th * whollc ; he wurruks In a powder
mill , an * Is lolnblo t' be blowed up nt anny
minute !
Washington Stnr : "I object , " said tha
mosquito In a theatrical hotel , "to this In
terference In my business. The Idea of my
not being permitted to do my act without
a net ! "
I'nck : Mis' ) Honrdman What kind ot bird
could It have boon that built Its nest hero
where It can be so cnMllv despoiled ?
Miss Summer Cllrl Well , I'm not much
of an ornithologist , but It must have been
a Jay.
Buffalo Courier : "Notice Lushley at the
banquet last night ? Seemed to enter Into
the spirit of the thing freely. " "Kr yes ;
but not so freely as the spirits of the thlni ;
entered Into him. "
Indianapolis Journal : Visiting Foreigner
Tnkliifr It all around , you Americans have
a most remarkable respect for the laws of
the land.
Citizen Yes , I guess we do ; but you
ought to see how wo pitch Into the men
who maku theml
Atchlson Globe : When girls want to sit
In a hammock for solid comfort they hang
It In the back yard where no one can see.
Philadelphia Times : Letter carriers may
be seen collecting letters at midnight , but
this doesn't explain why some late males
don't arrive till near morning.
Harper's llnznr.
She's fond ot honeysuckle.
And Virginia creeper , too.
She loves the soft clematis
And wistaria true-blue.
But , oh , she's awfully afraid ,
This llttlo Klrl of mine.
If In the fields she chance to meet
A wandering1 bo-vlne.
The Lawyer ,
If on my Coke I set moru store.
And less upon your billets doux.
If I could work a little more ,
And dream a little less of you ;
You think such Rifts ns I possess
With moderate loll , might take mo faf |
Yon think unqualified success
Might hall my advent nt the bar.
You state your cose as best you can ,
But to Impute Is not to prove ;
When love's a law to every man ,
Who shall prescribe a law to loveT
The theory of defense Is clear ,
All men must see , who over saw ,
That when I read your letters , dear ,
I read the letter of the law.
And If perchance your woman's wit
Should fondly nsk how that may be ,
Why , be It spoke or be It writ.
Your every word Is law to me.
You know Florida Water ?
Why of course ! Who
has not heard of Florida
Water ? You all use it.
Aye , but do you ? If
you know and use the
genuine MURRAY &
then may you truly say
you do. But not other
wise. So-called Florida
Waters are numerous.
Why ? Because MURRAY
& LANMAN'S , the original ,
is popular. It is popular
because it is excellent.
' 8
en tliclr tender Ui > ere literally on fife.
with ItclmiK , ImriilDK , iculy. aeJ
lilotiliy eLIti i > cl rain i\\tfaiti \ \ ,
with lo ot balr , HOIK ! fiiit iiclhti |
rrnllzc. CimniiiA ItK Ki > iKt of.
fnril I mined In I ci rrllcf , jifiniU lot
„ _ . mill lt'uimid | | niluttunn | > ecilyiind
ocuuoinlrid curu nlion thu l > urt | ih ) lcluu > uiidall
ether KincdlcK fall , tiolilu\orywliorii.
U. N. Deitotltory , Omaha , fitlirimlta.
CAPITAL - - $400,000
SURPLUS - - $55,500
Officer * and Ilrectorllenry W. Yarei. pre -
dent ; Jolm H. Collins , vlcoprtnliltni ;
a. Heed. Cmhltr. William 1L a lluuht. .
ant cu lil r ,