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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1894)
" * , * 4 6 THE OMAHA DAILY fe& SUNUAY , JULY 15 , 1891. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE ! - . NO. PBAKL STRBE1 O tlv r l by enrrl r to any purl of the eltr. H. W. TtLTON , Lwses. TEIKtMIONBB-Bu.lne orr.c , No. 41 ; nlgt * < lltur. No. S. Ilov George Muller will deliver the mm addresa at Liberty hall tonight at 3 o'cloel Everybody IB Invited. A marriage licence wan l * iled yssterda to UcorRO D. Wctt of Council Uliilfa an MTH. Jetuie Kdwards of Oinnha , agwl 36 an 31 ro pectlvuly TIio Iron National bank of Plattsburi N Y , ha commenced altacmnent procee < court ngaintt Jamas 1 IURS In the district luiey of Omaha for $ .1I9. II Datiner , who threw a brick at neighboring saloon keeper at Cut-Oft th other dny , wat K'VBII ' a thirty-day sentenc by Judge McGot ) yesterday morning. A suit has bcun commenced In the dlstrlc Check Hotter company t court by the Alpha ollloct $2,501 frum David Hrodluy & Co on contract which It Is alleged they hav broken. News had been received hero of the di > at of the mother ot A. W. CowlfH. formerly c thia city , now a resilient of Dos Moliim Mr Cowlea went to the east to attend t her In her lout Illness , and will remain ther tor a short time. The dum at Like Manavva , which had It regular annual washout nt the time of th last high water , IB to be repaired this wueli The Mater has been sinking a 111 tin an th result of ( he washout , but the repairs wll prevent any further going < loun. Bob Scott , who committed an assault 01 another man In a oal.onvm given thirl ; days In the county jail yesterday , with th provision two meals each day shout be ot bread and water The sentence wa suspended pending good behavior. Dr John AsMn telegraphed to hli con grogatlon yesterday from Cleveland In convention of the Young I'eoplo'a socletlu of C'lirlHtiun Endeavor Is a great SIICCOH and that the interest Is const'intly deepening The telegram , at his rqqucHt , will be read a the Congregational church this morning. Mrs. B. Hill was arrested yesterday b ; Constable Uakur on the charge of uslni pr fane language In the presence of Davh IlutCllffe. The arrest was the sequel to i lawsuit In which she had beaten Kutcllfti during the morning In a Justice shop. Tin criminal cast- will be tried on Thursday. ' the transfer Gregory Johnson's residence near for was broken Into by tiiieves yesterda ; morning about 10 o'clock and a revolver Eomo jewelry anil other articles of mote a less value were taken. Two men were seei about the place during the forenoon win are supposed to have committed the deed. The man In charge of the water work : reservoir at the head of Park aveuuo hai devised a rather Ingenious scheme for kusp Ing the grass on the aides clipped. Insteai ot laboriously tolling up and down the hill sldo ho has attached a rope to a lawn mowei and lets the latter slldo down the hillside Ho nulls It back by the reps , and then repeats peats the operation. "W. D. Graham , an old soldier , drew SOUK pension money yesterday and filling up hli tank with vvhlbky proceeded to go homo am everlastingly wallop his family. He had tin unlucky number ot $13 In his pocket , let ! over from the penblon dralt , and wound u | In thu city jail , where he will remain untl ho has a chance to plead to the charges o drunkenness and disturbing the peace. James lllley , charged with holding ii | Albert Hall the other night. Is siifterliti from what appears to be very much like i casu ot snakes In his bwots. The attacl It not brought on by the quality of tin liquid refreshments furnlbhed by the cltj marshal , for nothing strongar than MlsMnir river water has been on tap. Hlley Is slmplj an awful example of the danger ot quitting Ho lias a hearing In police court Monday 01 the charge Of highway robbery Governor Frank D. Jackson Is sendlni out thu olllclal proclamation setting asldi August 10 as Battle Klag day , ad asking tin It bo observed as a holiday all over Iowa The 133 flags that went at the head ot the 70,000 lowu , soldiers lu the war will bo re moved on that day from the state arventti to the capltol building Heglmon'nl rnuuiom will be held at DCS Molnes on the day preceding - coding , and as far ab possible each Uugvill bo carried by Its own color bearer and sur rounded by the broken fragments of Its regi mental organization. Now is the tlma to buy real estate. We have several bargains to offpr In bus ness and resldonca property. Klro Insurance virltton 'n ' the best companies. Farm loans wanted , Lougee & Towle , 2J5 Pearl street. Tbo firm of Cluuo & Pryor , doing a gro cery business at No. 103 Bioadway , has dis solved , Pryor retiring. Mr. G. F. Chase will continue the buslnebs at the old stand. A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach , Lake Manuwa , Is the proper thing to taka thcso hot days. Washerwomen use Domestic boap. 3 , C. Lange has returned from a visit to Kcokuk. Miss Ilesslo Squires has gene to LaUo Oko- bojl for an outing. Judge N. W. Macy left last evening tot his homo In Harlan. II , A. Dallenger has returned from a busi ness trip In northwestern Iowa. Mrs. Hlchard Trumbull has returned from a visit with friends In Ulenwood. Mr. J. J. Vavra leaves this evening for a week's visit to his mother in Perry Okl. Mrs. W. A. Strong leaves tomorrow for a six weeks' visit with friends In St. Joseph and Burlington , Mr. and Mrs. W. II , Tllton and daughter Marlon will leave tomorrow evening for a visit with relatives In Jane&vllle , Wls. Miss Mary A. Itlco and daughter of Iowa City and Miss Louisa Shedd of Barly , la. , ura visiting T J. Shugurt at Mornlngslde. W , J , Ddvenport left last evening for Ked Oak , to look after an excursion which the Burlington road Is to run today to Lincoln. Mlsa Kv M , Shean of Chicago Is visiting her grandfather , It. U. Randall , at the resi dence ot W. S. Gate on Washington avenue , Dr. F. P. Bellinger returned from the east and expects to relocate In Council Bluffs as soon us ho can ciose out hlb business In terests lu Bobton , Trillin for L.ilco Aluimvtu. Leave Broadway : * d 10 a. m. 2 p. in. 5 p. in. And every 22 minutes thereafter until 11 55 p. m. Parties wishing to spend the day at Lake Mannwu take the 10 a. m , train. Try a. glass ot Sulpho-Sallno or Sotcrlai mineral waters from the famous i\celsloi : aprlngs ut George Davis' , Paul Schneider's and U. U. llruwn's drug stores. John Un der , general agent. The laundries use Domestic soap. .suuiluy Sellout \ \ orkiTB. The Sunday School Worksrs association will hold u meeting ut the Baptist church next Tuebday evening ut 8 o'clock. Tht program will Include a discussion , opened by Mrs. I1. J. Montgomery , on "How to S - cure and Uetaln Attendance , " "Th Model Bible Glaaa , " conducted by D. W. Otis , and the question b < LX , conducted by L. W. Tul- leys. Appropriate munlc will b * rendered , Any ono U permitted to npuak from thre to live minutes on. the topic * discussed. All are requested to bring blblta. Jfo Monopoly ut llr uit' U. O. 1) . Dut groceries at free trade prices. A car load of antl-truat crackers , and the lineal on earth. w.H be rtOBlvml today and will bo sold at such antl-trunt. monopoly-para- lyrlng prices as these. All kinds of ioda cracker * , 3fcc per Ib. Sweet cracker ) . 5c. Qlnger snaps , So. Oyster craek r , 3Hc * Meyers-Durfea Furniture company. 336-333 Broadway , Darealng In line ( urnUura. Headquarters tar b&inmovka , Davis , th NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFF : State Must Pay the Mf'itla for Sta din Guard Over Kelly OPINI'ON OF ATTORNEY GENERAL STON Troops Were Nut Culled Out at the Ucqnci of the Sheriff mill Thlji Lets 1'uttit- unttniulii County Out of l' j- Iiitf thu Ulll. The question of who hall pay for keei Ing the m litlu In Council Bluffs for a w e lust spring when Kelly's army passe through has been agitating the minds < state and county olllclals for some llttl time past. The entire expense Of keeplri the companies In the Held to protect th railway companies frum the little bog ! man was $ IIO'J , and the bill was befot the executive council of the state not Ion ago. The executes council refused to a low If , on the ground that Pottawattaml county should bear the expense. The nu ter was referred to the attorney generi for his opinion , which was submitted yes terday. The subatniice Is that not Pott : wattamlo county , but the state , must pa the bill. The attorney general cites the law , whlc gives the governor the power In cn-e t Insurrection , Invasion or breaches of til peace , or limn ncnt danger thereof , to ordc Into the service of the state such of Its mil tary force as lie may deem proper , and hold that the particular provision under whlc the governor Issued the order Is the on relating to Imminent danger ot breuche OL the peace. I tisiich a CUHU the guur I to be p ld by an appropriation to b spec ally made therefor , not out of any af pioprlatlon already made. When tin service Is rendeted pursuan to an order of the sheriff of any county I case ol riot , tumult or bleach of the peaci or when called upon to aid the civil author ! ties , such service Is to be paid for by th board of supervisors of thu county. He alho holds that the general apprc priuttun ot $45,000 for the ma ntenance o the national guard cannot be drawn on to this purpose , but apedal approprlatlo ; miiBt bo made. "It is not clear , ' ho sayt "that thu amount of compensation of th guard whllo engaged In this service Is pro vlded for by thu statute. However , tha la not a subject ot serious concern , bccaus the executive counc 1 can adopt the pro visloiH for compensation to the guards li time of Insurrection or invasion as a reason able compensation to thu guards for servic In tlmo of breaches ot the peace or Im mlncnt danger thereof. The authority o the governor to Issue the order and th rendition of Mie services by he guard wouli simply leave the executive council to deter mine what was a reasonable compensatloi for the time employed , even If there wer no statute fixing the amount of such com pensatlon. In such cabe the statute wouli by construction be held to authorize a reason able remuneration for the services requlrei and rendered. " OAS ! > COU > TV'S WltliUKUU IJANIt. Ciiblilor Ululior-ioa Arrc u-il ut the Iii tiinci of I'roiiclriitutzur. . ATLANTIC , la. , July 14. ( Special to Th Bee. ) The famous Cass County bank fallur Is again being brought to the turbulent stir face of local gossip by the arrest of A W. Dickerson , the cashier of the detune Institution , on an information sworn ou by J. C. YoUer , the president , chargini him with embezzlement. The oft-asked ques tlon , "what became of the money ? " bid fair to be answered , at least much llgh Ib being thrown upon it by recent develop meats and It Is expected that the bltte fight between the cashier ana president wll bring the facts to the surface. Seventeen Informations have been placei in the hands of Justice Wallace by YeUer' ; attorney , aggregating an alleged embezzle ment of $40,000 , and it Is stated that man : more will follow making thu agregati amount over $100,000. The bail in each ca&i so far served has been $1,000 and on failun to secure ball Dickerson went to jail. Yotzer employed an expert to go over tht bank's books since Receiver Sttlnke made 111 ! report. Cashier Dlckerson Is charged bj Yetzer with Issuing drafts to commlssioi flrnib on the Chicago Board of Trade am marking the stubs of the same "void. " Un der the direction of Yetzer , it Is stat'd , tlu expert found no trouble In locating the draft us Yetzer seemed familiar enough with tin case to clto the firms name and give othei Information. The tardiness on the part ol YeUer in the commencement o ! such pro- ceedlnt's and his familiarity with the differ ent pcocuntb leads many to doubt it.s geuu- imss. Dicker-ion claims that the drafts were tt regular customers and were &o charged ur on the books. Ho also claims that the charges are spite work on tho'part of Yotzei and at herb connected with the bank becuiibc ot testimony ho ( Dlckersan ) gava in u tiial to decide whether ornot the bank was estate state bunk at the tlmo ot its failure. Dick- ci un also claims that he was threatened with the suits at the time If he persisted in testifying as he did. Tlllh Is U'lKito Aru Doing. During our July bargain sale , read prices and be conv.nced that the place to trade Is .U tha Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la , Big bargains In gents' hose at 5c , 7c , lOc ( new lot ) . Hfgular $1.1:5 : white elastic laundered shlits , 39c ( slightly soiled ) . Spe cial offering in sJiirts , madras , silk m xtil and French llannels at 76c and 95c , sold from $1.00 to $2.50. Our $1.3.1 silk gloria umbrella , acacia stick , now $1.00. Ladles' ' black taftetta silk gloves lOc , were 25c. Out line ot 50c all wool chullls , 31c. Gents' bal- brlggan underwear lOc , big bargain. Gents' ' gray underwear 25c , were 3Uc. $1.00 gents' Ugyptian lisle underwear 62M-C. Fine white goods sold for I9c and 25c , now 13ifcc ( cen ter table ) . 32-inch figured wash goods bold from lOo to IGc , now 5 > > 4c. Gent * ' vvubh- able neckwear worth 25c , now lOc each , Summer corset bargains 25c , regular 3c ! ) quality. For 50c we show the best summer corset In the market , every pair guaranteed. FOTHI31UNCJHAM. WHITKLAW & CO. , Council Illulfs , la. P. S. See reduced priceb In our wall pupet department. iullj-llo Tarty. Miss Clla Wirt of Willow avenue gave c very enjoyable coaching party to sixteen ol her friends Thursday evening Alter a very pleubant drive about the city for twc hours the young people returned to tht home ot the hostess and spent the rt > mulndei of the evening In music , dancing and othei forms ot amusement. Itefre-ihments wen served , and It was nearly midnight when the guests departed fcr their homes. Tht following young ladle& and gentlemen inudi up the party Mlssos Alice Footer , Dell * Patterson. Nell Baker , Cora Smith , Delia Mjers , Cora Keller and Grace- Matthews cl Woodbine , and Measrx. Frank Capell , G Ueed , Uoy H. Foster , Will Butler , Ed C , McKesson , Tom Farnbwurth , Hulph Mueller , Howard C. Tllton. The Katl iaundty ivuu has been greatly prlarged and Improved , and wo are new pru- Hired to turn out a large amount of strictly lust-dabs work. Neglige and colored starts ladies' waists , etc , a specialty. Wo guar antee not to fade warranted colors. Tola- phooe , 157. 724 Broadway. ( Jntiul I'lixit , l.iUt : ? Miniumi. No admittance , to Grand Plaza will ba charged to perbons who desire to rent boats or bathing suit ! ! . Ice cream and refreshments served In the pavilion of Grand Plaza. Domestic eoap breaks hard water , llnrk frtim ii l iiiil ijriiloo. Henry Tagger returned yesterday from a trip to pavtmport , which he made by bicycle with leh aid ot a Urge sail. Ho did not IIml thu iull an ttltogithxr unmixed blessing. At DUI * pluct ) h liapiwned to run across H circus and the peupla were coming In In droves from the country for a distance of inlloo In all direction * . Kvery team he ran acroa would < by at the novel nmctacle of a null- bout p rambuUtlng along a country road , no that Uu dually had to r et hU sail and trust tu hU less. Another day the wind was re- [ ructory and p rguUd m trying to drhu him bark to Council BIurK In he western pa of the slut * he encoun'er il a rain si' rm bi as the tramn were all tied up by the itrll thir * wan nothing fnr him to do but grin an bear It , and work his pedals with tear an trembling. In spite of all these thlngo. whl { to an .ininteur might have proved dl cnurai Ing , Tagger enjoyed It hug ly. But he can back by railway train. NKVV tAl-UUUU SCHOOL. Mftt < > r < of 'St. ftimclK llvitily tu Ciiiniiipin Uii ) HriM'tlon of : i .Miittiillli'iiiit Iliillilln . Two years ago the alstori of St. Franc academy , who have so long conducted very siicc"snfiil school In the heart ot tl city , purchiued a pint of ground In the hit overlooking Mynster Springs and Big Lak The site Is a conspicuous and beautiful ot for a building , and when It was annotinct that the sisters had determined to build line , large building there ter academy pu poses the appropriateness ot the locutk was apparent to all. The site clioapii wi a hilltop , half way up the side at thu blufT This was leveled art and graded and mac ready for the foundations more than a yei ago , but the s'sters ' were not able to mat the necessary financial arrangements tint a few weeks ago. Now all cl the pri llmlnarlc" ) hnvo been completed ami U work ot building will be commenced In very short tlmo The plans show a magn tlcent building , five stories high , 150 fci frontage , with wings eighty feet deep , tall tower surmounts the center of the bulli Ing. and taking Into consideration the alt tiiile of thu location It will be one ot tl most conspicuous structures In the city. Tl estimated cost Is $50,000 to Inclose it , whl thu finishing and furnishing will cost almo as much more. The sisters hoped to have the bulldln ready for occupancy by the 1st of Jnnuar ; and they still feel sure that they will gi Into U early In the year. The name has m been fully decided upon , but the Indlcatloi are that It will be named Mount St. Mary. srAMJAUU DICK-- . ItoiinlHon ItroK. JULY CLEAUING SALE. Everything In summer goods and all odd and ends must go during this July sale. MONDAY THE BIG DAY. All our 5c and He prints , odds and end all Monday at 2MsO yard. Come early. 100 pieces black blscado G-lnch silk sas ribbon , 9c yard. 100 ladies' all linen collars and cuff : slightly soiled , Ic each. 40c summer corsets , 25c pair. All our G5c French challles , 6 beautifi styles , 3ac yard. Black silk Iron frame grenadine sail stripe , was $200 , now SUc yard. MONDAY THE BIG DAY. 26-Inch fast black satteen sun umbrella ! white Ivory handles , Monday G9c each. Ladles' white lisle thread vests that wa 58c , are now 30c each. Store open every evening. BENNISON BROS. , Council Bluffs. Where to Worthlp First Presbyterian Corner of Willow avenue nuo and Seventh street. Hov. Stephe Phelps , pastor. Preaching by the pastor a 10-30 a. m. and S p. m. Second Presbyterian Corner Harmony an Logan streets. Hev. C. A. Armstrong , pas tor. Residence 332 Lincoln. Morning serv Ice , 10 30 a. in. Preaching by the pastor Evening service , 8 p. in. Dr. Hopkins fron India will preach. Broadway Methodist Episcopal Rev. H. L Dudley , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 : a. in and 3 p. m. Clubs meeting at 11'45 a. m Sunday school at 12 m. Junior league at p. m. Epworth league at 7 p. in. Congregational Rev. George Muller wll preach In the morning. No evening service Council Bluffs Brunch of the Church o Jobiis Christ ot Latter Day Saints Regula services in the Huntington hull , 104 Broad way. way.First Baptist Corner ot Sixteenth stree and First avenue. Preaching by the pastor Evening service , 7'30. James H. Davis , pas tor , 304 Harrison btreet. St. John's English Lutheran Church V Pearl street. Rev. G. W. Snydcr , pastor Services at 11 a. in. and 4 p. m. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Alfred Knoll pastor Preaching 10 JO a. m. by th pas tor Services at 8 p. m. conducted by L C. Huff. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ o Latter Day Salntb Pierce street , threi doors west of Glen avenue. Preaching a 10.30 a. m. Subject"Church Polity. " A 7-45 p. in. the second In 'ho series of bis torical lectures , subject , "Who Wrote thi Book of Mormon. " Grace Episcopal Rov. J. E. Simpson , pas tor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Still Collecting > oUM The Merchants' Maroons of this clt ; played the Union Start , at Marshalltowi last Thursday and won by a score ot 22 ti 1. An audience of 600 witnessed the game The batteries were Miller and Graham foi the Maroons and Duryea and Cullom for thi Union Stars. On Friday they played the cltil at Ttiiiia and won , the score being 27 to 13 The batteries were Taylor and Zlnk for tin Maroons and Wright and Maiib for UK Tamas. Tomorrow they will play at Brook lino. * Eyesight Is priceless ; If you need glassei you need the be-t. C. B. Optical Co. Schneider's drug store. A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach Lake Manuwa , Is the proper thing to tukt these hot days. Con mil mtilTA UliiH Agnln. W. O. Wirt returned last evening from : visit at Cripple Creek , Colo. , looking aftei his extensive mining Interests in that fain DUB camp. Ho has always been very en thusiastic over the prospects in minim properties , In which he and several othei Council U luffs men are Interested in tlu Cripple Creek district , but he comes bacl this time with tangible proof and plenty o It that their property Is among thu best Ii the district. Mr. Wirt has over 150,00 ( shares in the Ben Hur , and while in tht camp he was elected president of the com pany. Some of the assays of the Tojon mint yielded over $700 in gold alone to the ton o ! are. One of the best experts In the cuini pronounces the Tejon one at the lodes ol the Ben Hur , to be one of the best properties In the dlstilct. The Gelena , another prop erty in which Mr. Wirt is largely interested shows a big vein and a general assay ol M4J. 10 a ton. The World's Desire , n new property just beginning to realize the greal promises that have been made for It , li another bonanza ( n which he Is Intorestd located ou Battle mountain , the richest o ! the Cripple Creek district. Mr. Wirt is highly delighted with the great success thai has followed the development of the mine * and more than sanguine tor the future. Grand Plaza telephone 45. Grand Plaza bathing beach , Grand Plaza picnic grounds. Grand Plain's cornet bund beats them all. Grand Plaza's line row boats are all the CO. Grand Plaza excursion accommodations can't be beaten. Aftei noon and night concerts at Grand Plaza , 2 to 0 and from 7 to 10. Best all wool Ingrain carpets , 65c during July , to make room for new stock. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET Cv , . 1'ivrty ou Krtuilcllu Aveuuu. The residence of James Wlckham on Franklin avenue was the tcene ol a bril liant social event Friday evening. About fifty Invited guests were present , In honor ol Hie Misses Ftillham of Denver , who are vis iting in the city. The house was elaborately leourated for the occasion. A delightful jvenlng was spent In music , dancing and amusements. Itu ( 'i nm. My Ice cream maker has had seventeen years' experience and will give you the very be-ht creams , Including ptach fruit and Ices of all kinds for your Sunday dinner. Order at 527 Broadway.C. C. B. UANDLBTT , For cobu go to Col , 10 iJvJ Ue U Tele phone 48. _ Smttrlit'il thu I'linx.- . Miss Llllle B. Davis , who keeps books for Folm Beno & Co. . was the victim ot a high- pvaymaa last evening about 10 o'clock , as ibu wua on her way home from the more. \ a he walked ulon North. Eighth strret ilio noticed a. mau following tier , but thought nothing pnNleiilnJbout / It until * ha rnaclie the Corner of Mynsi r street wh r the fp low walked rapidly Ahead and spake to he at the same tlm $ , grabbing the hand whK held her pockec shock. He wrenched tl purse away from h r and took to his heel She called for frWpV and Mr Morton , vvl also works at Bnos , and -\n walklnic b < hind her ran to her assistance but won in ab.e to catch the rjlhif. Fortunately Snturdii did not happen to be pay d y with Ml ! Davis , and the fellow will not be able to n tire from active life on what he Rot. Tt pur e only contained a small amount i change. Real estate In" chbap In Council Bluff We can sell you a 'home ' , a vacant lot , fruit or garden farm cheaper than eve Now IB the time 16 buy. Day & Hess , , Pearl slrpt. For your Sunday dinner order your meat fish and poultry at 52:1 : Broadway. C. B. RANDLETT. Kvmm l.uiiiulry Com puny. 620 Pearl stroat. TVl.nhi200. ' . tViipli ) ' * I'urty Cimvcntloii. Notice Is hereby given that i deleg.itlc convention of the people's p irty of Polti wnttatnlo county will be hold at Llberl hall. In the city of Council Blurts , on Satin dny. 2Sth day of July , 1891 , at U a. m. , i elect delegates to the state convention < the people's party at DCS Mulnos on Augir 1 , 13U4. The representation of townships will I as follow ; ) . Bulknup , Carson , Center , ( Jrovo , Ha ? Dell , James , Keg Creek. L.ivtmi , I owl Lincoln , Macedonia , Roukford , Silver Creel Valley and Wnveland. two delegates oacl Bcomer , Crescent , Gnrdnar , lCnoan Wright , three delegates each ; Hurdln , Jin den , Norwalk. Washington and York , fm delegates each , Neola , six ddlegates , KJI Tp. , outside city , two delegates ; Counc Bluffs , First , Fourth. Fifth and Sixth ward five delegates each , Second ward , four deli gates. Third ward , two delegates. Tota nlnety-nlno delegates. This convention will also choose elevo delegates to the convention of t'io Flfteent Judicial district hereafter to be called. L. KINNI31IAN , Chairman County Central Commute" . New drug store , Deetken & Whaiey , t Broadway , also office of Dr. Charles Deetkei Gas cool.fng storj , tor rent and tvt f5as Co's onice. Home made bread , cakes and pies at ol ! Broadway. C. B. RANDLETT. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. l-'rli.nids f < Ity Administration Defend Hi fiirty-Oiii ! Hill Levy. Ever since the city council passed the ord nance creating a 41-milI levy there has bee some crltlcUm of the action. In case th supreme court should hold that South Omuh Is a city of the second class the levy woul not hold good , but the majority of the peopl here are of the opinion that the court wi hold that this Is a city of the llrst clas : Friends of the present city admlnibtratio however , say that there was abundant reaso why the levy should be made. It Is est mate that on August 1 there will be an overla or flouting indebtedness of $32,639.34. On ac count of current expenses for April , Maj Juno and July , $11,552.79 $ ; funds overdraw April 10 , $10,296.67 ; borrowed to pay intern July 1 , $4,205.25 , and two years' rentals t water works compsny , $10,000 , dcdactln balances in funds April 10 , of $3,414.87. In terest on the b-ndwl ) Indebtedness and Judg ments are not computed In the current ex penses ns given. The current er4enset for the coinln ; fiscal year , Including Interest on bonded in debtcdness and judgment fund , it is esti mated , will be $59,113.60. Add thu overla ; August 1 , 1S94 , and the sum is the ainoun the administration must face at the end o the next fiscal year , August 1 ; 1895. Thi is $1)1,807.44. ) - * The 41-mill levy'on a valuation of $1,991 , 765.41 makes the revenue in taxes $ S1,6C2 but warrants can be drawn on only 85 pe cent of this amount , or $69,113. Add to thi one-half of the county road fund , which I $1U93 , and It is seen that on August 1 1895 , the city will have but $71,10t > wit ! which to pay bills amounting to $91,807.44 leaving an overlap at the end of the llsca year , even with the 41-mlll levy , of $20 , 701. J4. Particular objection has been made t the levy of IS mills for the Interest fund Against this It is urged that the city , li order to maintain Its credit , must pay th interest on its bonded Indebtedness. Thi levy will produce , less 15 per cent , whicl cannot be drawn , $30,474 In this fund , whll the obligations at the end of the fiscal yea will be $30,110. Another 1 lr : tt thu ' took Yards. Another fire took place at the stock yard : Friday night. This is the second inside of i week and both of them have the appearane of incendiarism. The damage was not much but the mysterious origin of the fire is belnt thoroughly investigated. The fire broke ou In an unocuupled scale house situated jus west of the big stables. The building wa : moved there some months ago , but then are no scales in it and the -tire did noi inconvenience the yard men in the least Prompt work on the part ot the flreinei checked the flames from spreading be ) am the one building. The Commonwealers of South Omaha havi organized a company ot ninety men. All o the members have employment , but the : hold meetings regularly once a week , Mr C. E. Hill Is captain ot the orgunizatloi and ho announces a rousing meeting a < Union hall. Twenty-eighth and R streets , foi Monday night , when he anticipates taking in a number of recruits. Good speaker : will address the meeting. Mrs. G. F. French Is visiting friends ir Stewart , la. Tom O'Neill has gone to Cripple Creek , Colo. , on a business trip. A lodge of the Order of the Maccabees was Instituted here last night. Services will be held morning and evening at St. Martin's Episcopal church today. Mrs. H. Atkinson of Janebvllle , Wls. , le visiting at the home of Captain Coiuiell. Rev. George Muller will deliver an address at Twenty-fourth and M streets next Mondaj night. ' Miss Jean Boyd Mullen has been engaged as leading soprano at the Presbyterian church. W. B. Cheek jeaves today for Colorado , where he will jolft , nis family and enjoy a short vacation. t Messrs. T. U. Perrlne and Charley Scarf and their families4eave toaay for a trlt through the BlaehMHIIIs country. They will stop at Hot Springs for several days. Rov. R. L. Whaler's topic for this morning will be. "Humanity With God Behind - hind It. " In the evenlnK he will talk on "The Scriptural Philosophy of Burden Bear ing. " ' ' ' " _ . DOUl-OltlW 'ifyl .IAK'i Jttil'UltT. llank Muile to Am > i'ur Solvent When 1" 1-iu-t'it ' V\Hi IlitnUrupt , KANSAS CITY ( .July . 14. The testimony In the Saltley trinltoday was very damag ing to the defendant. Appraiser Mark Cop- plnger , who tcatjtled yesterday , took the stand again todayT He was examined re- guidlng the report of the bunk's condition made to Secretary of State Lesuer by Salt- ley and Darragh on April 22 , IS93. If the testimony at MrCopplnger is correct the figures In the report were fraudulently man ipulated In order to make tt appear that the bunk was sound and solvent when it was actually Insolvent and In a falling con- illtlon. He examined the books and found , llrat , that $43,000 ot Interest long past due was'carried as an asset In the report. The credit side of the report wan distorted and made to represent the bank an In a flour ishing condition. Mr. Copplnger onumer- Utd keveral lunpicious mistakes In thu re port , and was then turned over to the de- terse for crosa-exawlnuUou. Ills testimony woa not UNION PACIFIC PIOSLER TLey Enjojod Their Fourth Annual at Columbus Yesterday. WAS A MERRY PARTY OF ONE THOUSA- ! lv * lixuhu IK < - < | with thn OlllolnU thu City VIMtuit UullKlttfuI Ituuiiton lf Ulll TIllHTt 111 till ) "OtUf luilil" Survive. The fourth annual picnic ot the Uulon Pi clflc Pioneers association , which was held ; Columbus yesterday , was a notable affair I that It showed that a picnic party of l.oi persons could be gotten together wlthoi going outside thu families of thu m n vvl have been In continuous employment at U Union Pacific slups for ten years or more. Founded a number of years ago , wlthoi any special object In view further than thief of keeping a historical record ot the prlnc pal events In connection with the buildlr and maintenance ot the Union Pacific nil way , the association has gradually develop * Into a strong organization that makes sun pretensions to usefulness In the way of lool Ing after the interests of its members. Tl pleasant side ot life Is Industrlotis.y cult vated , a grand picnic , usually held at Fr munt , but this time at Columbus , being tl principal social event of each year. Tl present olllcers of the association are J. t Llllle , piesldent ; Henry Van Dusen. vli president , John M. Rice , treasurer , Cam Axford , secretary , I. W Davis , aasistui secretary. These gentlemen , with Tuomi Denny and Sam McAullnX constituted committee having Immediate charge of tl excursion , while Captain Thomas McGovoi and F. J. Baker , representing the pissengi dupirtnient ot the Union Pacific , give vali able assistance in handling the large crow and seeing that everybody was comfort ib : As early as 7 o'clock the pioneers ai their friends began to gither nt the mile depot , and bsfore the hour for departu had arrived the platform presented a scenu llfo and gayety seldom witnessed In th ; dark and dingy locality. The merry pr.ut of the children , the beaming sullies of tl randsires and grundatnes , the pink shir and yellow shoes of the young men , the fill ind Muttering rlbons of thu young ladle and the melllflous strains fro.n the Unit Pacific band all these combined to ovorcon tiio forebodings of unfavorable weather The gaily decorated train , composed i engine 845. a baggage car , eleven coachi mil two vestibule chair cars , pulled out i the depot at 8 o'clock. Every car w ; crowded to the deck lights. Theotloi Livingstone , who has been m continual service since the good old days of ' 69 , an whose present run is the fast mall betvvee Omaha and Grand Island , was tl ; engineer for the occasion. C. H. Tlpto occupied the fireman's seat , and ComlncU Ullly Cahlll looked after the running of th train. The engine was resplendent wit llags and tabtefnlly draped bunting , an imch side of the tender bore a large palnl ing of a buffalo head , the emblem of th Ploneprs' association. The train attracte a great deal of attention on Its trip acres the prairies and ut the few points vvhei stops were made. The tirst stop was at Fremont , wher Ptesulont Lillle mounted a box and delivere me of his characteristic Impromptu speeolie- leferring with much tenderness to the kind ness bestowed by the people of Fremon upon the association in past jeurs and the > ho courtebles extended by Mayor Wllllan Fried and other prominent citizens In i glLwing peroration he told of the atTectioi nestling in the hearts of all pioneers to lidltor Nat Small of the Fremont Herald ind Jiibt ab the culmination was rcache some one shouted , "Three cheers for Na Small , our next governor. " Overcome b ; emotion and unable to proceed further , Mr Llllle fell Into the arms ot his friends , am was carried to the baggage car , where he v.a speedily relieved by an application o cracked ics. The train pulled Into Colum bus at 11 30 amid a drizzling rain , but i Mkes something more than wet weather ti dampen the ardor of a big crowd of good uatured picnickers. The train was switchei on a side tr.u.k , when everybody b gan ti make arrangements to eat dinner on the car In the chair cars tables were arranged be 'ween the seats , while In the coaches luncl was served in the regulation picnic slyls vlth wooden plates and paper nankinb. Ii i very few moments great loads of food wen meltlnc away like lemon sherbet in a ho oven. If there was an abbence of such dell fades as clam broth frappe , lobbter mayon nalbe , pate de folx gias and punch espagnolc It cannot be bald that there was any oxlguit ; in the bupply of those homller varieties o grub that fill , but do not intoxicate. Sand vichea and the great American pie. wen I'rlmo favorites. At 1 o'clock the tun shone out brightly and , preceded by the band , the biggest plcnii party tver seen in Columbus marched to tin city park , where the regular program wa : carried out , the grabs drying olt entirely within half an hour. The address of welcome on behalf of tin city of Columbus , was delivered by Mayo ; Walter Phillip * . The mayor graciously wel comed the ploneeis to Columbus and ox presbed the appreciation of Its people In be ing honored by the. presence of such a largi number a * the flower and chivalry of Omaha Pres'deut Lillie followed Mr. Phillips am kept the audience convulsed with laughtui for five minutes with some quaint reminis cences , and then gave place to Mr. W. W Conklln , the orator of the day , on the parl of the pioneers. Mr. Conklin made a bplen- did addrebb , and was frequently Interrupted by cheers , the applause being specially em phatic when ho called attention to the facl that the pioneers had come to Columbug in a long train of thirteen can and not a slngU Pullman In it. The speaker gave a short bul intcrebting resume ot the btlrring events lu connection with the early history o tht Union Pacific , and clobed his remarks by prebentlng , through his little daughter , -Mist Gertie Conklln , and olllclal badge of the pioneers' association to Mayor Phillips. . Mr. S. C. Gray , president of the city council of Columbus , brought an end to the spsech making by emphasizing the wel come already extended by the mayor. The excursionists then wandered to different parts of the park and gave themselves up joyous abandon to the pleasures pre pared for them by the people of Columbus The old folks generally were content to sit on the gra s under the trees and swap stories of the days gone by , while the more sentimental youngsters dropped Into con venient hammocks and swings and whis pered sweetly and softly through their hats ; but the dancing pavilion attracted the laiiest crowd. J. A. White and Louis Stemm had charge of this feature ot the amu ements , the music being furnished by thu Union i'ac tic orchestra. In the afternoon a hot game of base ball was played by the Columbus club and a picked nine Iroin the excursionists. Omaha won by a Kcoro of 7 to 10 , General Superintendent Nichols , Master Mechanic Manning , Master Car Builder Col- lett and Assistant General Freight Agent Lane accompanied the excursionist ! and spent an enjoyable day with the pioneers. At C o'clock the cars were filled up again and the tru.n. started on the return trip to Oinalu. which was without special In cident. There was plenty of music and good tempered hilarity on board , and nearly everybody was sorry that the trip was over so soon. MiivKiutiiitB of Sun ( Joint ; V < > t > H lt , .Inly 11. At Hamburg Arrived Wleland , trom Now V/ork. At Naples Arrived Suevla , from Now Vork. At Glasgow Arrived Nentorlan , from New Fork. At Queenatown Arrived Dmbrla , from New York. At New York Arrived Venetla , from Stettin ; Loch Utive from Rotterdam , At New York Arrived La Touralnn , from ifavre ; Gellert , from Naples ; Paris , from Southampton , _ _ C'ldiulliurnt In Arkitiiiui. LITTLE HOCK , Ark. , July 14 , A cloud- wrat occurred at L ad Hill , Ark. , yesterday. \ stroum running through tin * town wua wttrllowed and a wide cop ot territory In- indated. HOUH SH. renews and tlmb r wvre vunlied away The Tailor lumber mill wua iw pt from Its foundation. The owner , llv- ng near the null , mads hU escape , but tbu A ! THECOPELAND AND.SHEl'AKD PLAN GROWS IN PUBLIC FAVOR Uliutnr r Vonr CIMIIII'tint Vint Am Wolnuma to n Cnr r\il rumination > n < ] Opinion Which Aru Kntiriily Vrnv Until Ulnit ( irntntul fntlotit * Suy rills \Ve k. Are you afflicted with dcufnew , pnrtlnl or complete ? Are you wnriwd by the Hint * Inir In your win of th - xtn Inn of the on- tnrrhnl prucesa to the heiirliiK ? Do you suffer from < ly pt'Hlu | loss ot up- petite , blunting In tilt * stomach , or any at the forniH of ontnrrhiil Interference with the dlgextlvion'nn ? Have yon seven * bronchlnl trouble , buckIng - Ing conch , pulns In the chf < t. low of Hash ? Hiive you been warned oC uppiflnuhlng con sumption ? Are yon n sufTyer from tiBthnm , nm > lliivf yon been luu > believe that yonr ill- U'1190 Is tllCURlbtu ? Do yon surfer from rheitiniitlHtn , for which remedies and prescriptions Imvo prov cd unavullliii ; ' IH yonr heurt afTn'tui" Do yon suiter tram an oppreosed Ceiling , clinking lensti- MM. Course Vf Scl\rr Itotpl UrunswlcU , n lingo liiinlmiul Is a telittrniilipr In tlio U. I * , train illsiiatchrr's ollU. * n\t , . "Ur. HhctKinl curwl me nt nervous cxlmuatloa nil 1 cleblllty ot vwire ginnUlnR , .jftir mlit-r physicians hud foil ed , f n almost hiUililtlumt ( 'nerKy , ninl suffcrlnf ; Hrwitlj- ( run Insoiunln nlii-n lie took my ca u uncl cmvd me. I cniiuut siienk too strungl ) In Ills favor " tlon , smotlierltiK spellst , nn Irregular pulse , "liortnesa of breath , and llutterihtf or pal pitation ? Do you suffer from liver complaint' ' Aru you continually melancholly , unhappy and I miserable without knowing a good reason \vhy7 Do you suffer from nervous trouble , which affects so many nt tlita time , when cures are taken heavily ? If you do , the only cost Cor all treatment and medicines is a small feu a month and no better treatment Is known than that of the Copeland and Sbeparil system ma Miss Elvira Olsen. S30 S. 27th street , a pupil in the Omaha high school , says"My : ease was one ot despeintc headache that hnd peisisteil for months t did not know what caused it whutlur i-atnrrh , eyo-htniln jr nerxuus illseuce 1 VM nt to Ur Shepard who has made me well He > ured m > eii- 'arrh and the h-irlble pain in my head. 1 an new studv ami use myves with the itmost i umfort It is a peifoit , ure JL mutt e Trei < t lnit nt lloina With Professor Charles S. Cobb la principal of the public sahoolH at Shelby. low-u , am } holds a high place among the educators ot the state. He says "After helm : under I"ir Shepnrd's ex el- lent mull treatment a fltort time I tlnd mv- nelf entirely fine from a Umtht'somo catarrh * Although my cam > was not oneof thn worst , yet I was troubled for tun yt'iirt , and thu evil eftei ts upmi my work ua n teacher were yen puinnil and innoytnir * t suffered with sevii paint nvor Hie eye ? and through the d mples , froqiieni nose bleed , and hunt , liimpv Heereiloim 'n ' Mm nose , especially at night. The evomtjht was somewhat iilToetxil also , being nnticeablo whun I had before me- exacting ur prolong ed work. " "In a Rcnoral way ns vvoll as in < allv I am restored. I now do the same wnrk with ease that u ed to worry and exhaust nw. Tlieie la an absolute freedom from nil pain. My nervous svHtem IIHH been built up so that 11 inarkud Inrreasc In phvslcnl ami mental enersy IB thu sure result of Dr. Shopanl's Vvorlc. The cure has been a trufc blessing to me. " WHITE FOll .1 QUESTION llf. IX 1C. .Mr. tl'anl lt < l . ) unit i Ctirnl .Vom IT ll'tiiiln Din' / - 'innil Oiii//icr. ( Mr. William II. Ward , Cedar Rnplda , Neb. , a substantial farmer , writes 'Yoii have cured me at home of a bad uutnrrh ami bionuhlllH. Everv day's treatment help ed me , and I don't , .e how I could hnvn done any better if I hnd been at yonr of. lice. Send a question blank for my daughter You must cure her too. " DRS , COPLAND & SHEPARD , IIOOMB an AND M : N-n\v YORK urn DUILDINO , OMAHA. NHD. ijtllce Hours D to U a m. . 2 to 5 p. m. BvnniiiKS dnesunya and Saturdayn only , G.20 to 8 30 Sunday 10 tu 12 m. LAKE MANAWA. Extraordinary engagement of those Phenomenal Entertainers , , a w w a a I a u = s " a The World's Champion Fancy Rifle Shot , Musical Artist , Vontrlio- quist and Slaight-of-Hand Performer , assisted by And FIVE OTHER SPECIALTY ARTISTS. Special COUPI31'BL I - i : GAltllAUi : ItBMOVUU. < 'iSht'OUI.3 : , VAUI/TS , i-luniiK-ja i U'.ineil. I'A UurKt. ul Tujlw'a n -iiy , 5w UruaMway. fOU SAI.U. A WUbb UbTAIIMSIIRD , fiOOD- pajlntf buslnena ( or null or KUU > | IraJu ; In- vuliu } StWW Oooil rravnii for icIlinK. AU ilretn M 3u. Hoc , ( Jouncll YIIU-OWISH IHIH1I SITITIJII PB- LOhT. A - iiiula iloi , ' , with vvliltx ijta un llfiul ; tflK No. 2S7 ; will pay llbi-inl rcwuiil for return 10 Kll Karimia itrtut , Qmtiha. FOIl 8AI.K , STOCK Ob' IIOUTH AND BIIOnH. Will . ! ! cliifui > . M ; Main scrm , Caunvll Illuftt , la. _ _ _ _ KOU "sAi7R dooi ) FAMILY Tionsif AND l'iu ) Um. W. U , Thuni.iy , JU1 I'durl ttlitfl. wan wrecked and hU wife and four children drowned. A number of nmon * narrowly moapul death. All haunas a on the creek vveru Hooded and tit s ° otl In th m daniUKd or dentroyed. ( iotd Aline Sold ut .HI tlon. DBNVUll , July H. Tb aild mine In Ilould r county waa nold at public auetlon today by United State * Comml ! cmur Capron , iiwator In ohauncary , to a rpre ntatlvu of dii Kntfllnh ityndlcate for J360.000. Thu property ha beun in IKIgation for n i time and not many year * ago wan ooi ths richest goli mine la the tato. Steam an H Hot Wnter Hoatln ? for ROBIUOIOOS ami Onlldlnaa. J. C. BLXBY , 202 Main. 203 Pesvrl Streeta , Council Blulls , Iowa.