.gitWig titfMIHMK # & * * M THE OMAHA DAILY BREt SUNDAY. JULY 1,1 , 18JH , SPB'GJRL NOTICES. r-ntii rr ! " column ! will b < > ik'n until 1 ! M p. nt. for llu ! fvcnliiK nml until 9.00 t. m. for the morning nntf H'indfly eilltlon * . Adrrrtlscii. by n > au lln ft nuint/vrni check , tan Imvo nn' i > rs nil'lrtmnl to i numlioreJ l ti r In cnre nf The lice. An wvis so artdrcs ct ( will le dellntl up < , H titttrnl tlll u' the check. It Itn I',4 n wniil first Iniiertlon , 1C a worJ thcrtuflcr. Nothing taken for let * limn Ki. 1JY FIRMT OLAHfl WATCIIMAKHR. Al tlEP. Afldrctf , stating salary , etc. , ! M. . .enriof * Ucc. A MI6S 1C WANTEDW ALE HELP. SOLICITORS , TEA.MB FURNISHED : INSTALLment - ment Koodi. American Wrlmser C3 1009 llnw. nnl AOENTfl , SALARY OR COMMISSION : TUB crcnleit Invention of the nK * . The N w Pntrnt Hinnlcnl Ink Ern lnK Pencil. Bills on nlpm. Work * like mad * . Ait nt nro maklnic * " ' ' II2S.OO per w > pk. Tor further particular ; write III ? Monroe L'rnsln * Mfg. Co. , X . Ji * crj , , J < " WANTED. LA1H1REIIH , if.AMHTr.lin . , . : „ „ . AND t-rAA tracklayers on 11. & M. Ry. In Montana. transport ! ! " . Krnraor * . ° "rinrQ.M . 11M186 n nifney , lllh nnd rnrnnm Hreftf. BOLIOITORH 01AlllLITY AND OOOI ) Al- _ . . Encloce stamp ; AfH'n. , rhlcngo BALESMEN WANTED. TO SELL - - wholesale nnd relnll - - by eamplc to the Ml ! on slsht to every > 'Uslnc-s ! man or firm , liberal salary ; money advanced for ndvertlslni ? nnd expenses ; pcrmnncnl posUlon. Address , with stamp , King Mfu. Co. , C 41 , ChlcaRO , " III. 1JOYH ANU GIRLS RECEIVE I. , matlo tire bicycles , price UM.CQ : writ- IO * ' * " I'nuemntlc Tlru lllcycle depot , - - . * ll-MlilO 15 Chicago. GOOD SOLICITORS , CITY OR COUNTRY , mnko from UC.iW to J28.00 p-r w ; k. Call or nddrcss 409 Shcely blk. , Omaha , MEN SELLING TO SCHOOL WANTED. boaidi wrltr tor Inclination that w . o you Diamond Lllho-Pub Ishlng good. Addu-ss The H 3 U * . company , Minneapolis , Minn. WANTEI)7PlTiTjiANiNT OPFR-E ASHI8TANT : railway faro paid heio : enrtose sitary $780.00 : n-ferenco nml self-addressed stamped T nvc-loitf. | President , box P , Chicago. K f li ENGINEERS CAN READILY PROCl'RE Licence "I'rncllcnl Points , for the iild of by cence SoHrmtn. . cb-ctrlclans inotn.ini-n and . ma,11. , machinists : latest woik publ she.l ; by Jl.DO ; ngents wanted. Mechanics' Hupply to. . 08 La Selle street , Chicago. J' - " ] _ iToo PER i.ooo. CA'SH , PAID FOR DISTRIIJ- utlng circulars. Enrlote I cents slnrti'iH. Nnt I Distributing AsVn , St.I _ uls. Mo. ll-Zli15 _ * _ WANTED"SALESMEN TO INTRODUCE AR- tlcles used In every household. AUdroHi I W. u - ' - ' " llee. WANTED , EXPERir.NCr.D SHOE MAN AND experienced dry goods man. Inquire flam 4 to 7 o'clock p. m. at H. II. Goldgrnber. 2)th nnd Grace Bticcts. " -214 ' / W"ANTED , REGISTERED PHARMACIST , Blngle. Addrcs , C. A. Smith , Flll-'frJ M. WANTED , FIVE CANVASSERS ; GOOD PAY ; steady work. Call tomorrow , 7 to 10 n. m. l j . 11 37 lo North Kith street. OUR SERIAL HOOKS ARE SELLINO LIKE hot cnket In surrounding towns. The people In small towns dj not know such n thing ns "hard times , " but they Know n good niibllcn- lion when they sec It. We pay th highest terms to good solicitors. Prospectus free. Cal nnd Investigate. W. T. Marshall , in.mager. U * Crelglilon block. 11-261 lo j/ANTED. GOOD HUSTLER TO SOLICIT mcmbciships for new private gymnasium ; ensj Vi work ; good compensation. AdljjHUwn 15 ' MEN TO SELL 11AKINO POWDER TO THE grocery trnde ; steady emplojmcnt ; experience unnecessary ; $75.00 monthly salary nml ex penses or commission ; If offer sntlsfnctoiy address nt once with particulars concerning yourself. U. S. Chemical Works , Chicago. WANTED FEDIALE HELP. LADIES MAKE 120.00 WEEKLY WRITING AT home. Address , with stamp. Louise Smith , Milwaukee , WIs. C M900 1C * LADIES WANTING GIRLS APPLY AT THE Scandinavian Young Ladles' Home Exchange , 1520 Capitol avenue. Removed from M0 Cum- "PERMANENT POSITION AT jis.oo WISEK- ly Is guaranteed nny lady who will work for us quietly nt home. All mntorlnl free. Reply , with stamped envelope. Woman's Mutual llene- , fit Co. , Jollet , III. C 232 15 * " " " WANTED , LADIES AND GIRLS FOR HOME employment ; 14.00 to $10.00 easily made ; any woman who am use a. needle cnn do the work. Bend Belt-addressed envelope to Atlas Needlework company , 153 West Twenty-third street. New York City. C 224 15 * WANTED. A COMPETENT AND EXI'ERI- cnced nurse for a 2-year-old child. City refer ences required ; good wages. Apply 409 S. 23lh avenue. C M2I1 WANTED. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER IN widower's family. Box 373 , Kearney , Neb. < G 2SQ 22 FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES. F. K. DARLING. DARKER BLOCK. D 75 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis company , 1D05 Fnrnnm. D 070 -ROOM COTTAGES. MODERN. CHOICE IN Stanford Clicle. C. S. Elguttcr , Z04 lice bdg. ! , D C77 RENTAL AGENCY , C07 DROWN BLOCK.D D 678 UELKENNDY&CO. , R. 1. CONTINENTAL ULK. FOR RENT. GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM house. 2C21 Capital avenue. B. H. Roblson. room 7 , Commercial National. D 850 HOUSES W. G. TEMPLETON , PAXTON RLK. D M796 31 TENTS FOR RENT 1311 FARNAM BT. FINE FLAT IN CLOUSER BLOCK AT 703 S. ICth st. ; range nnd all other conveniences ; S2S. George Clouser , room 2 , 1C23 Fainam st. D-911 CLEAN. COMFORTABLE. CONVENIENT , moderate rentals , best 3 and < -room suites for housekeepers on.y. References required , Also 6-room suite In tenement. 816 S. 22d street. D 690 VERY FINE 7-ROOM COTTAGE AT RE- duccd price ; call nt once. Fidelity Trust Com pany , 1703 Furnim street. D 119 FOR RENT WANTED , GOOD MEDIUM priced houses. List your houses for rent \vlth Ames. D M578 MODERN TEN ROOM HOUSE AND BARN , nlso cottage nnd barn , cheap. Rental agency , 310 N. Y , Life. D-710 FOR RENT. FLAT IN LINTON BLOCK ; ( i rooms , water , gas , all complete ; $17.00 per month In advance. Inquire at 917 8. 13th , In block. John Ha ml In. D MSCO I22i PRATT ST > , IN GOOD REPAIR. $8.00. 3513 Sownrd st , 4-room cottage , us good as new , $10.00. X01 Jnckson st , , a fine modern cottage , 6 rooms , nearly new. nnlv I22.SO. B. n. cor. 5th niul Williams , a D-rnom house with barn , largo yard , fruit trees , berries , etc. , paved st , only $25.00. One of those beautiful LaFayttte Place houses cheap to right party. Fidelity Trust Company. 1702 Farnam St.P804 P-804 FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN nil parts of city. U. H. Shcafe 432 Paxton blk. D-9UA8 FOR RENT. MODERN 10-ROOM PLAT. CEN trolly located , will readily till with roomeis. U. 11 , Sheafe , 432. Paxton blk. D 919A FOR RENT. MOST DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. 513 Fuinam. R. C. Patterson , Ramgo blk , D JI27 i BIX ROOM COTTAGE. 937 N. 25TH ST. . $11.00 Per month. Inquire 2420H Cumlng or S2S y. 18th st. D-9S8-1S FOR RENT. $ M PER MONTH. PRETTY COT. lose on Chicago street , 7 rooms , bath nnd fur nace , south front , opposite Henry Yntes' real- ilence. Inquire room U9 , First Niit'l bank building. Nethcrlon Hall. D 1S2-15 10-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN CONVENIENCES Cil South 19th street. D J09-20 * EASTERN NK1IRASKA-700 ACRES ; 800 under cultivation ; mar nillivad ; good buildings : line soil. Address P 37 , Bee olllcv , D-250 15 * FOR RENT OR HALE , ONE OF THE HAN'D- sonu'sl properties on Ixiwo avenue , at half price , Olobe Loan and Trust Co. , 16th and Dotlge. D-H9 15 WHOLE OR PART OK FURNISHED COT- Inee , : il N. HJ street. D M275 17 * FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FUHNIBIIED ROOMS. C2 < 19TH STREET. E-M5C3 JyU * FURN1UHED ROOM. 1017 11ARNEY BTltlJUT. 16 * ' " FURNISHED ROOMS. Kit DODGE. „ „ „ „ * * 5-M3i IT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 1C11 Howard. i-MI U _ _ _ llOOMS-SEVKIIAl. NICE. CLEAN HOOMS for rent cheupj KooU location , lloum 8 , \ \ lin- nell block. B-15D-M r OR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. Continued. i vnuv NiFi : ROOMS. ' A WIDOW. WlTIl tlNIflTlED HOu n , whose children ntlend Hluh elm l , would like lo sul'lot la elderly couple or parties who would nllow hei the uie of threi rooms for i' e of furniture. ) t n * < f iiAry xu-ild nssunw oAfa P * ! ! ? ! < Steam bent , cVnUnl. nu : ' " * P M , H ' . K177IS * 1-OR RENT. A NICKLY Pl'ItNifTllED ROOM , null gnu nn > l bnth. In prhale family , bcvt loeit- linn In the city. 18H Capitol avenue. B--2.lt 1J * TOR RENT NioELY Fim NlsiItO : ROOMS , Ecntlcmnn prefcrrol. 1JIJ Chicago sttcl. . U-S3J13' BOI'TII FRONT ROOMS : NIPELY FttR. nlnhed ; single or en suite ; modern. 1711 Dodge utrcct. r M25 17 * _ FITRN'ISIIEn ROOM ( HAriC PARLOll ) IN oulslJo lint 710 H. ICth ; Hal C. E-273 IS * Ntf'ELY rt'RNISHED PRONT ROOM ; CAN do light housekeeping. 191J 1'ulnani , lrect. TWO PLIAfl.\NT ! IRNISHJD : loOMS TOR IlKht hounikvpiitng1 , $10.00 per month. f 2l S. Kill street. E-2C9 15 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. _ YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME , UNDER CARE Of Women's C'hrlfllnii nnsodntlon. HI S. 17th st. f 033 ROOMS & BOARD. 623 N. 19 MRs7TUTTL"u. IM3J8 JylC * NICE ROOMS AND BOARD , 211 S. 20TH. F4iJ > 18 * ROOMS AND BOARD , 2113 CAPITOL AVENUE. F CCS 29 * HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SOl'TlT'ROOll with strictly first class boa id. 2109 Douglas. F 983 ROOMS WITH BOARD. 21SO HARNEY NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD nt 1711 Dodgu street. F MUM 10 * NICEL"Y FURNISHED ROOMS AND PIRST rlamI boaul. 1721 Dodge. F-213 PRIVATETPAXHLY , PLEASANTLY LOCATED. wlnhcH few lionrdcrs , use of plnno ; trrms mod- cinte ; references. 1709 Dinlge. r 2:0 15 * _ _ " " AN ELEGANTLY TlRN"lSHlTrr"ROOM AND Imnrd , with nil home comforts ; no either boarders , nt 2215 Webster. F M2C.S 17 NICELY ri'RNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH hoard ; voolext and most desirable location In Omaha ; N. W. corner 19th nnd Lenvonworth , Rogcm homestead , F M270 21 * UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT A VERY NICE 3 OR I-ROOM FLAT. MODERN Improvement" , CIO N. 17th street , leferences required. Omahn Rent Eit , & T. Co. , room 4 , I Ice llldg. O M1W 16 3 NICE ROOMS ; WATER. COS N. 13TH KT. G-20S-A13 * FOR RENT STORES AMD OFFICES CORNER SALOON , 924 DOUGLAS. INQUIRE 922. I-MSGS FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK HUILDINO , 916 rniniun street. The building hns a ( he- proof ccmint basement , complete steam heat Ing fixtures , water on all Hours , gas , etc. Ap ply at the office of the Bee. 1 910 FOR RENT ] NICE RKSTAI'RANT AND" 19 rooms , furnished , $100.03 ; 20-room hotel fui- nlshed , J'JO.OO ; one of the llnrst cigar stores In the city ; Hats furnished nnd unfurnished , rooms nnd houses In nil parti of the city. W. O. Templetiin , 303 Paxton Blk. I M200 15 AGENTS WANTED ! WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL TO FARMERS In Nebraska. They all want It ; no book can vassing ; big money maker. Addiess 2707 Q street. South Omaha. J MSSC WE DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS TO write us , but men of ability ; JMO.OO to $500.00 a month to hustlers ; state and general nifents. Chemical I'he Extinguisher Co. , Racine , WIs. ' J AGENTS WANTED NO HARD TIMES. SELL Aluminum novelties. Buy illipct. 2W per cent prollt. Secuic teriltory. Sample Ineltcl lined case starts jou. Sent return mall for lOc. Aluminum No\clty Co. . 335 Broadway. New York. j- WANTED. AGENTS. SAMPLE SASH LOCK ficc by mall for 2c. stamp. Immense. Un rivalled. Only good one ever Invented. Beats weights. Sales unparalleled. $12 a day. Bro- hard ( Box SO ) . Philadelphia. J LADY AGENTS THE EASIEST AND MOST profitable thing to do la to sell the Hygela cor set. Send for terms nnd Information to the Western Corset Co. , St. Louis. Mo. J AGENTS WANTED TO SELL POCKET hitching posts ; hitch hoisc anywhere ; entlicly new ; eclla on sight ; enclose ptnmp for par ticulars. Ppcket Hitching Post company , v\nrren , Pn. J 219 10 * AGENTS , WE HAVE THE BEST SELLINO article on the continent ; fioin 1 to 6 can be sold In every house ; retail prices 15 and Z'i cents each. Address J. Lahmer & Co. , Chicago. J ZX la * AGENTS WANTED FOR A NEW AND NOVEL Invention : lendy seller ; liberal commissions ; territory fresh ; good salary for right party. Ad dress , with stamp , Goddaril , Atwood & Allen , Belvldere , 111. J 233 15 * WANTED TO RENT. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR RENT , STORES , houses , Hats , rooms , at once and receive ben- ellt of my new published list to appear In n few days. W. U. Tcmpleton , 307-8 Paxton Blk. K M201 15 WANTKD-BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY , THE best hotel In country town , to rent nt once ; furnished prefencd. Address N. Nelson , Coz- zcns Hotel. Omaha. Nebraska. 1C 210-10 * ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLEMAN. WIFE nnd boy 6 yenra old In private family near car line. Addiess P 40 , Bee. K 255 15 * STORAGE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS & CROSS , 12H HARNEY _ _ M 6SO STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN nnd cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. _ M-CS7 OM.VAN4.STORAGE CO..1KX3 DODGE. TEL.1B5J. WANTED TO BUTt. HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC CIGAR. FOR UC. . _ N M270-Jy-15 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR SECOND-HAND furniture , stoves , etc. I. Brussell , 710-712 N. ICth _ . _ N S5S _ SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. S20 8. 13TH ST. . _ N-650 WANTED , TO INVEST $ ' 5,000.00 IN SOME business which I shall have 4 Interest or nil. Must bear the closest examination. State full particulars first by letter. 1' 25. care Bee , Omnhn. Neb. _ N M1C5 22 WANTED. TO BUY. I HAVE CUSTOMER for V4 section of good land In eastern half of Nebraska ; want 100 to 140 acres of some good hny land ; must be cheap ; give price nnd terms ; also neat cottage In Omaha worth about $2uOO.OO ; small cash payment , balance monthly ; owners only. W. G , Tcmpleton , Paxton block. N M"01 15 _ CASH PAID FOR MERCHANDISE STOCKS IF sold nt n low price : Address P 33 , Bee. N M227 21 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MIS3 YOUR money. Low prices on furniture A household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 513-615 N. ICth st. O-857 FOR SALE. A BARGAIN , A HANDSOMELY decorated steel book case with adjustable metal rolleis , 7 ft. high. D'4 ft. wide , 1C Inches deep. Yale locks ; suitable for county olllccs. Address Midland O. & T. Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. O-181-15 * FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS.ETO. FOR SALE , SADDLE PONY. ADDRESS P 27 , _ 1UM\ _ P M16J 15 HORSES , CARRIAGES AND HARNESs7 NEW nnd second hand. If you want to buy or sell call on Mitchell Snlgnrt , commission merchants - chants , 12l4and _ I2J6 Dodge , corner 18th. GOOD HORSE. PHAETON AND HARNESS AT great bargain ; will sell separately. Inquire 3)11 ) California street. P 217 15 _ FOR SALE-CHEAPEST F1VE-RINO II A L- ters , harness , sheets , buggies , etc. . In Omaha. Cull at once. Mitchell & Stvlgart , 1214 Dodge. P-2S3 IS _ FOR SALE. GENTLE HORSE. PHAETON , wagon nnd 2 seta of bnrnebs ; cheap for cash , 411 North 30lh streel. P 258 15 * FOR SALE. A NICE FAMILY HORSH AND phaeton ; very cheap. N , W. corner 25th nnd Joiiea streets , P 257 15 * ' .Ynii BICYCLE. USED HOT A few months and In exceptional good repair , for sale at a bargain. W. D. Rlne , Webster Street depot. P 2M 15 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE. FIRST MORTGAGES. GUARAN. teed 8 per cent , sums f $300,00 to $1,000,00. Why talcc 4 per cent when you can get ST Ames. 1617 Farnam. Q-.M95I FOIl SALE. $15 ITlCYCLE. NEARLY NEW. for $00. Inquire 1406 Dodge St. Q 134-17 * ICH FOR 8ALH IN CAR LOTS. GILBERT Bros. , Council Bluffs. Q-MWJ J > 13 TEAM. $75.00 ; CONCORD HARNESS. $10.00 ; SH wagon , $10.00 ; organ , $30.00. 905 N. Y. Lite. Q-MU2 A13 VERY FINE POWERFUL FRENCH FIELD Klais , cost I30.HO , for $ IO.c : privilege rxnmlnn- llou. L. Huntlnuton , 413 Main , Clnc'mm'l. O , < i-ZH U * MISCELLANEOUS. _ TAX1DKRMY AND FIRS. BUND KOtC 1.-ATA. loeue , aeurgo E , Brown , Jr , i ( "n. , itflJJ. 16th. I1IDS WANTED FOR TEARINO DO\VN TUB Battle of Gettysburg building , corner of St. Mary's avenue nnd 15th streel , nnd removlnic nil mntrrl.il from prtmlses ; pcincnll'ins nt nltlco of Netherton Hull , room M9. First Nnl'l bnnk building. Herman Kounlie R-lM-lj FREE MI'SKt'M OF ANATOMY ' TO MIJN only I > r. series * Scnrlcs , HIG Fnrnnm H. HALF INTEREST IN A PROFITABLE MANIT- rncturlnff builnri- for sal.- ; small cnpltnl re quired. Room 10 , Commercial Natlonrtl bftnk. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DIl. II. WARRENT CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium ; 7th } ear at 119 N. 18. CLAIRVOYANT-PROFESSOR WHITE CAN BE consulted on business , mnrrlngi- , divorces nnd nil family affairs ; the future plainly revealed , lovers united , troubles henlcd .names of friends nnd enemies : nlso the one you will marry. Hours from 9 n. m. lo 0 p m. Sun day , 9 to C. 1617 Chicago street. S-109 17 * ARRIVED , It. PETT7HONE. MEDirM , MAIM- son hotel , for a few days only. _ B M196 20 * _ THE \vTiiTE QUEEN ! CLAIRVOYANT , prophetess nnd trance medium hns Just arrived from Denver nnd has locnttd for n fortnight nt the Pullm.in hou c , 1310 Dodge street , p.irlors 2 , 3 and 4. This Indy Is the medium that located so many mines In Colorado nnd who received HO many favorable notices In the public press. The queen Is gifted with second sight , n nntuinl Wn clalr.-oynnt , n tine Christian scientist ; heals nil mnnner of dls- enscfl. The sick nnd suffering nro entreated to come. All arc welcome.'our life truly re vealed. This Indy has traveled from rotijrt to coast nnd hns given entire satisfaction wher ever she has been , nnd one \lnlt ti her will convince thn most ski-ptlcnl. All truth seekers are Implored to come , nnd skeptics nre wel come. Come rnrly nnd be convinced. You may never have such nn opportunity again , Pilcm reasonable. Sittings by m.ill , $1.00. Hours , 1 to 12 n. m. , 1 ti 7 p. m . Pnrlora 2 , 3 nnd 4 , Pullman house , 1310 Dodge street. MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAME SMITH , C02 S. 13TH. 2D FLOOR room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , snl- phurlno nnd sen baths. _ T M253 21 * MADAME BROWN , 1314 CAPITOL AVENUE. Zd floor , room 4 , massage , alcohol , sulphur anj sea bnthh. T-M19J-20 * _ MME. ANNA OF CHICAGO GIVES ALCOHOL baths nnd massage. SOS N. ICth , room 1.1. T M274 21 * PERSONAL ] LADIES' AM1IE RJEWELRY T OORDER ; also repairing. 613 S. ICth street. U M150 CREAM FOR WHIPPING ; COTTAGE CHEESE. Waterloo cieamery , 1613 Howard ; tel 1332. U M146 all WHEN OUT WITH YOUR IJV.DY VISIT J , J. Muller's new Ice cream parlors , 2802 Leaven- woith street ; everything Is new. Including the building. Tel. 1030. Ice cream delivered. U M218 MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTRO-THER- mal baths. Scalp and ha'r ticatment.mancure& ! chiropodist. Mis Post , 31914 S 15th , Wlthnell blk. U-C90 _ MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1419 DODGE. U-M2C7 2S * BALDUFF A pleasant nnd convenient place. 1520 Farnnm sticet , Paxton block ; 'phone 711.UM335 U-M335 SAML BURNS INVITES YOU TO VISIT HIS new art room at any time. 1313 Farnam. U 476 Jy21 DR. MAXWELL , SPECIALIST , OF INTERNA- tlonal Banltailuiu , removed to ittt Paxton block. Tel. 1527. U M491-Jy22 * HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC CIGAR. FOR 6C. U M267-Jy-15 VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 346 Bee bldg. Lady attendant. U-691 SCHADELL'S SHAMPOO. VAPOR AND HOT air machine for steaming ladles' faces and heads ; cuics dandiutf and headache. 1522 Doug- laajBtrcct. U-M85I S3 DR. W. ROSS MART/N. 1324 FARNAM ST. : hours from 11 to 1 , 3 to C , 7 to 8. Tel. 1310. U-958 AB INFORMATION AS TO WHERE BERT COOK Is will be gratefully received ; Bert , If you see this , write or come home Immediately. Ida A. Cook , Blencoe. In. U M'J82 15 * WHOLE WHEAT BREAD FROM UNBOLTED Hour ut Imogen L. Ramsey's , 217 S. Idth si. U 212-A13 HAVE YOU SEEN THE EARTH ? THE BEST matrimonial paper In the woild ; C-llne pei- sonnt flee for one month ; sample copies lOc each. I1 21 , Hee otllcc , Omaha , Neb. U 223 15 * FREE ! SEND FOR OUR BOOKT "HOW TO Speculate Successfully on the Grnln nnd Slock Markets. " Trading on limited mnrgliii ) fully explained. Coates & Co. , Rlalto bldg. , Chicago , HI. U 23G 15 * CIGARETTE FIENDS CURED WITHOUT their knowledge. Is your husband , brother , friend or sweetheart a victim ? Cure Infallible. Send 50o to National Cigarette Cure Co. . Mln- ncapolla. Minn. U ' 'C2 15 * WANTED TO BORROW , $ COO.OO ; LONG TIME. Addrci.8 P S ) , Bee. U M25)-K * MONEY TO LOAN RUAL ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. $3,000 & upwards , 5 to C',4 per cent ; no iela ! > s. W , Fainam Smith & Co. , 1.120 Fainain. W 09. ! MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved nnd unimproved Omnlm real estate , 1 to 6 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170. Farnnm. | W-694 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F.pavlsCo. , 1505 Farnam t. W 698 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W-633 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 31S N. Y. LIFE loans at low intcs for choice secuilty on Ne braska and Iowa farm * or Omaha city property , UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital $2.000,000. Suipliu JCOO.OOO. Sub. mlt choice loans to F. 8. Pusey , agent. First National bnnk build I n B. W-701 LIFE INSURANCE "POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F , C. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. CITY LOANS , LARGE LOANS ON CENTRAL business property ; t > per cent. C. A. Starr , CIS N. Y. Life building. W-M259 MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM property. Ames. 1817 Farnam street. \V M5S1 LOAN8-W. O. TEMPLETON. PAXTON HLK. W M797 it LOANS WANTED. J. N. FRENSSER. PPjP.O. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . 1TH AND Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Inlerest. W 633 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co , . 1702 Farnam st. W 694 ONEY TO I.OAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 0 to 7 per cent. W. B. Utlkle , First National bank bulldlnr. LOANS , D. II. BIICAFC. 4M I'AXTON MONEY TO LOAN -CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONA ! ) PROP- ert . Hnrvin 1/jan Ctf.-JOl N. T. Life building. MONEY TO lure , planoi. , horns , .wAgons , or nny kind of chattel security , nt lowwt possible rntes , which you rnn pay back jtt nny time , nnd In nny mount. FIDELITY pLOAN GUARANTEE CO , room 4 , Wlthnell biovh X-701 J. IJ. HADDOCK , ROOM1 427 , RAMGIJ FOR BHORT TIMB IJDA S APPLY AT ROOM No. 24. Paxlon jrioclc. _ X623-Jy ! " MONEY TO LOAN 5S "rURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. ) , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you cnn pay the | go.n bft tjt " "X llmo cr ' " nnjr nmbunlQUMIA _ MonTOAOn tx > AN CO. . ,206 , Soutli 16th vtrtet. X 705 BHORT TIME LOANS. 431 PAXTON BLOCK. BUSINESS CHANCES. HAVANA FRECKLE ; * , A ice cia f yi' IF YOU WANrVo nrv.licTri.'qH nxci i A NO t : merclmndlso , gd In or out of buslnc's , call on or mldress the National Informallon nnd Exchange Co. . 203 First Nnllonul luiik. Omahn , 1 MC30-.UI1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , MY HVHRY stock. Will sell or tent building. John Dohnny , Council Bluffa. _ _ \-M10 23 _ " BHERH'F'S SALE. "THE TANOEMAN A Sons' flouring mill , near Tnlmagi' , Nel . , vvlli be sold nt sheriffs sale July SO , 1S94 ; capacity , 80 bbls. For further particulars , nddreiis George Sclmer , Talmngc , Neb. i iiiJ i HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC ClOAR. FOR tg. PHOTOORAPHER WITH COMPLETE OUTFIT wants to correspond with owner of eultnlb- of SW J ° r " > ° " building In to n "S or % room . there la no other gallery. Address i. .3. I I'e Y 1J > omco. _ _ _ FOR SALE , GROCERY STORE : QOOD. CLEAN stock , locnted on the best slicet In the city ; will Invoice nt nbout $1,800.00 ; will ' " ' cash only ; good reason for BclAl"1nA'V\r,0.sa \ * M1J8 AU P 29 , Bee. m lf T TX'tMlV t.Vill \litl * GOOD IJIJHINI " oJn 'si-at S&X you 10 r - to , J ft ccm ; Investigate. P 30 , Hee. \-M18. u AN INFLIT.NTIAL MAN CAN REALISIE by r 000.00 nnd permanent Income ns manaKtr business In Omaha for . " . orKnnlzlnit company that Is well established In "Vle 5ilSJl Jm'lltS ' on tied by prominent men : will pay good proms 1 nnd will bear the cUot 'n81'110" ' ' ' . . , . " " 0 Eur r drers , The American rtept. 423 to 420 , Society for A Room Without a Roomer's LIKE A Home Without ii a Mother , THE BEE finds roomers for rooms , and it finds rooms for roomers. Plenty of room on this , , page for your room ad. "Wants made known cheap. , WANTED. A PARTNER IN GOOD PAYING business ; only $300.00 ; this Is for n good , trusty man ; experience not necessary. Address 1 * 31 Vee- Y-M188 15 * WANTED AN ENERGETIC , INTELLIGENT nun as partner and manager of a highly profitable business In Neb. nnd Iowa. Don't answer unless you mean business. W. O. Tcm- pleton. SOS , Paxton blk. Y-203-13 WANTED. TO BUY AN INTEREST IN A Kpod paying busliuss that will bear ln\cstlga- tlon ; also money to loan. Addiess P 36 , Hee. Y M22IJ 21 * _ SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION OPEN TO ALL- try our syndicate sjstem of speculation : In crease your Income ; Information fiee ; send for circular. Thompson & Dijrr Co. , 18 Wall street , New York : Incorporated under the laws of state of New York ; capital $100,000.00. Y 21015 * _ 2 . 12 per cent . February 1 Ma rch V.V. * ' 15 April 2 Mn' k June 1 1'i3 'i3 : : Total 121 " We have paid our customers In 1S2 ilajs. Pioflts paid twice each month ; money can be withdrawn at nny time ; JJO.OO to Jl.000.00 cnn be Invested ; write for Information ; nmiki-t letter free. Fisher Co. . Ktock Urokcis , 18 and 10 liroadway , New \oik. y 21S 15 * FIVE HUNDHED DOLLARS WILL 11UY HALF Interest In a business that will pay J1M.VO per month ; no agents ; this will bear InvestlKatlon. I' 38. Hee. , Y-.M23S 17' FOR SALE. ONE-HALP INTEREST IN WELL established live stock commission business nt n barealn. Address P 41 , I Ice. Y 251 13 * FOB EXCHANGE. HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR. FOR SC .M269-Jy-lj DAROAINS IN HOMES.TRADE.SALE.1GO : Dodqo Z S41 FOR EXCHANGE. GOOD HOUSE IN MINNE- npolls for Improved or vacant property In Omaha. C. Smith , 300 McCague bide. Z-M120 15 WANTED-TO EXCHANGE GOOD PNEU- matlc bicycle for a yount ; hoise. Call at 218 Soutli IClh nt. Z 179-15' FOR EXCHANGE. $10.000.00 BTOCK OENERAL Imidware , established ten scars nn and doini ; llnu business , for Rood Iowa farm or fiult farm ; nlso line modern resldenco for mer chandise or Rood bind.V , a. Tcmpleton , 308 Pnxton Illk. Z M20 13 WANTED. TO THADE A GOOD DIUVINO Inrne for bicycle , diamond ring or stud. Ad- dresa P 32 , Hee. 7 MI87-1S * TO EXCHANGE. ICO ACRES OF FINE 1.ANI ) In Chnso county ; price J9.50 per aero nml some cash for small stuck of merchandise ; it snap , llox 7 , Dunbar'Neb. X JI213 17 IMPROVED OMAHA HUSINESS LOT , RESI- dencd lots , nnd Iowa farm ; will exchaiiKO nil or any part for merchandise or Nebraska hind ; will make llbeial deal. Owner , P. O. llox C3I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z 231 2J * TO EXCHANGE , OMAHA PROPERTY FOR farm , lunch or wild lands. Address P 43 , lice , 2-278 1S FOR SALE BEAL ESTATE. FARM LAND. C. F. HARRISON , 912 N Y , H E-645Jly27 FOR BALE. NEW 4-llOOM CO1TAQE ; GEL- lar. cistern , city water : cor. JOth and Bahler ; ll.ZM.CO ; long time. Enqulra 1313 Fnrnam. 8am'I nurns. RE M5 BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , sale or Irade. K. K. Darllnff , Barker blk. H K-7M LIST BARGAINS TOR QUICK TURNS.ICOJ Dodgu ltE-843 FOR SALE , FARM LANDS. DAVENPORT & Walerman. Sii N. Y. Life building. RE IU 18 SALE-T-'lToOM FRAME HOUSE HATH FOIl - - , , hot and cold water , H. E. corner Corby and 20th sts. , will bo sold nt a sacrifice. Apply W. H. Wrlsley , The Morse Dry Goods Co. R E 175-17 MAN1TOU , COLORADO-A MODERN ELEVEN- room house , hard wood finish , clly water , steam bent nnd newer ; beautifully locnted. near soda sprint : ; will be sold cheap by owner. LA , Gilbert , IMS Colfax avenue , Denver. BNAP-BMOOTH. RICH GARDEN LAND FIVE miles from postollle , MOO p r acre ; mliiht lake _ nm. trade. S10 N. Y , L. bldtf.H H E 178-A13 TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . BOMI1 CltIAl' : LOTH. A fine 6o-ft lot nt 4Jrd nnd I'lukncy ulroels , nt ijou.oo. M ft. ( trade3nl nml Francis sired * , nt MM.PO. 35 ft on th , near Uorcns ttrecl , cn t front , only icoooo. Hint front on 27th , ticnr Woolworth. trees , etc. . a Very line lot for hnlf vnluc , ll.WW.OO. A moil di > Mrnble rrsldrnctf , M-ft. lot , on OdirRla ntvntie. n r I'nclltc street , for lAtOO.OO. \Vo have liming * nt from } SOO.no to J10.0XM.OO nl Krently rrdiictM prices , nml on trrm * thnl will mitilre little cnsh. Iirforp buying , selling or ox- I'hnnr.nc , lx > mire nml KOI- the Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Fnrnnm street , HAUNDERS nn < t lllmebniiRb. ' * Highland 1'nk. One > of HIP finest additions t ) Omnhi ! nenr the Denf nnd Duinli Initlluto. Only fo'i. bl ickt fnnn imitnr nlid pnvetl street mid joining rontlini'llo Mi k.'e nro determine I Hint every nmn. wnmui nml child In Omnlm shall h.\ve n horniui'1 liorc In the rlinnrc. Yin cnn buv n l t M\11 > ) fpi i f n IIMOO ; temii. Jio.oo cc 'i , bn'niip" J5.00 per month , nml reim-mber we I'hnrKi * nu Intui'st , Original price of these lots , $110 oo. Om.thn llenl Estnlo & Tnut Co. , llooin 4. Ho" Hid * . _ itiMI : ; IT _ roit SAM : , 2,300 ACRES IN WEST luvnn- hide will l < o null ) nl a bargain ; nil under cul tivation nml well Improved ; suitable for sub division ; seven mllei from county sent. I'or pitllculiin ; Imiulri' of A. J. Btatder , River side , Cal. llox 401. _ rou HAM : AT AN iMMiiiNSE KACRiricE Five (5) ( ) 50 foot lots ( one or nil ) they mum be sold nt once nt panic price or Home price. Now In llif Unit' I' ) liny n residence lot cheap In the loveliest resilience location In Omnlm , These hits are all ncnni thi > street fmm Hanscom park : 2 of thorn fnce the paxlllon ami 3 arc ttouth front on Shirley mrcel. Any lernn you want will bo made. Also for Bale , 60 feet front on Park avenue In next block north of the parlc , only $2.030.lio lor tnls lot ; one-half the money can lay for five years ; be quick If jou want thin. Addrcsi the ( inner. J. II. Bulllvali , Droverx Journal nlllce , Chlcnuo , or call on The Upon Reed Co. Omnlm , Nob. Ill : cuoicn lo-ACKE TRACTS IN RUiumiis or North 1'lnttn for tV.04 ) ; 11,00 down ami ll.M n month ; will loan money to Improve. City ami Suburban InveMmelt company , room 513 i-'e- _ t urUy HIilR. , SU _ Louls. _ _ LANlllETU'EEN SOUTH OMAHA AND Ni\\ fort ; buy before ihe molor cnra nrr ninnlnc ! llnllcvue ; also SOO acres weitern lands for Fiber or trade. Ueo. 11. Peiotucin , 1412 South 13th street. It E-2JO 15 * rou SALE , CIIIAI . AND ON VERY IASV : p.iymentH , a nice G-room homo , near car. 1) . P Hutchison , 108 N. Ifith Ktie.-t. 11 E M22S 1C AT OUEAT HACIUFCE , FINE , LARGE HEVE - room housielcennt ; Mini : rvilupt-il to $4,30J.OO on vupy paMncnifi. smi Culifornlit sir v. 1 ! i : in II FOIl SAL1 170 acre farm near Omnlm. > IW-ncre farm near Oni.ihn. SO-ncrc farm lu-.ir Omaha. 4SO-acri ! farm near Omaha , ZlO-ncru faun m-.ir Omahn. 7i > 0-acie farm M miles on I. 300-acro farm SO mllt" < out. 32)-ncru ) farm SI miles out. Kur farms neai ( nn.iha see Da\on " t \ Wntoi- man , S2J N. Y. Llfu lllilsr. It i-1.2i : > l ) LOST. LOST , KHOM WINDSOR IIOTHU A CANA11Y bird , l.lboial runanl to Ihuler. M141 IS I.OST-ON KVIONINCl JULY 13 ON LUAVKN- \\orth or 1'aik avenue a wooden lx > x contain- In valuable Jewelry. Llhcrnl reward If returned - turned to Mrs. Muoro , 2130 Hartley.Lost Lost 174-1S * LOST JULY IOT1I , A I'OCKHTllOOK WITH check In favor of M. .1. Krnnck. Tinder may have the cnKh by returning the balance to Mid land hotel. No iiuextlons ns'.ccd. 207-15 * LOST LAUOi : HUNCH OP KHYs to J. S. MrCnrmlik , room 3 , Union block , and receive ri-wnid. 211-13 * LOST , GOLD LooKirr : niAsroND KHTTINO monogram : photo Inxldi1 ; J5.00 reward. U. Harris , Clr N. 10th street. Jt 271 10 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MKURSCHAUM PIPH PACTOUYj OLD pipes made new. C13 8. IClh. M 151 C. 13. MOllIULL , CAIH'nNTnil.-OPPICC AND store fixtures a specialty. 1513 Capitol ave. R. L. CAIlTEn. MnTAL COUNlCi : S1IY- llglits , smoke stacks , furnaces. 1017 llowaul at. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVURCD , 713 N. 10. 6 % A5 D. T. MOUNT HAS RnMOVED HIS COAL olHee to 200 So. 10th , lirown blk. M143 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. , LEADING OPTICIANS ; J. K. 1'onder. manager ; sclentlllc examina tion of the p > es fiee : 212 S. 16th street. Com'l Nafl Bk Iltilg. , In Klnsler's drjg store. 818-A2 * THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , SCIENTIFIC OP- tlclans , 1409 Karnam St. , opposite Paxton hotel. Eyes examined free. 717 EYEH TESTED TREE LtY A PRACTICAL OP- tlclan. We Bunrnntee to lit the eyes perfectly , to jour entire satisfaction or money refunded. A. MANDELHURO. Jeweler nnd optician , northeast corner Six teenth nnd Fainam streets. ECS BICYCLES. DICYCLES , NEW AND OLD , (20 TO $125 ; cosy payments ; wo rent nnd repair. Omaha IJIcycle Co. , D07 N. 16th street. Tel 129. 131 niCYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires and sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. R. Hellln , locksmith , 311 N. ICth street. 920AO NEW WARWICK , 1894 PATTERN. STRICKLY high Rrnde , adjustable handle and rear brake , on no other wheel. Innulie Omaha Coal , Coke & Lime Co. , ICth and Dauglas st. 139 A10 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS H. K. IlURKirr. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmcr. 1C1S Chicago. Tel. 90. 709 SWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS AND embalmcrtf , 1701 Cumlng St. , telephone , 10CO.S23 S23 M. O , MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EM- balmcr , 1417 Farnam street , Telephone 223. 331 HEAFEY & IIEAPEY , 218 S. 14TII ST. TEL. 2C3 ; also 24th and N. elf. . So , Omaha. M437 " MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. O. F. OELLENHECK , BANJO1ST AND teacher. 1810 California street. 914 TOR BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS : easy payments ; Instruments rented ; rents apply on purchase. A. Hospe , Jr. 2IS5S MRS.JESSIE 1IROWN-CROMMETT , THE ONLY post Kinduatc of Emerson College of Oratory , lloston , In Om.ihn who teaches elocution and physical cultmu. Ware building , Omnlm. 211-A13 i DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING 11Y DAY AT HOME ; Tii > .i reasoimlile. cut nnd lit guaranteed. Inrmlr ? nt 1721 Capitol avenue. 602-20 * DRESSMAKING" PRIVATE FAMILIES ; FIT and style cuuiatitcvd. Addicts N 37 , Hee M170 15 * DRESSMAKER WILL WORK AT REDUCED prices or wants home for summer with family In exchange for work. Would rent room later and 11 main permanently ; references. Address P 31. Hee. 231 15 * ' HAY AND GRAIN. HALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD I'.ittlo company. Amen , Neb. , ltn\a 2,000 tons of good barn-stored bay for sale , All orders filled promptly. Q CSS I1UY YOUR HAY RY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Snyder , I'M Burt st. , tel. 1107. 833-S3 _ _ NEI1RASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY. grnln nnd mill stuff. We are alwajs on the market to buy or sell. 1518 Webster St. 153 HOTELS. THE MIDLAND HOTEL. Comer 16th nnd Chicago streets ; coolest hotel In Omahn : new building- , new furniture , electric bells , bath , steam heat. American plan , Sl.CO to (2.00 per day : European plan , Wo to Jl.OO per day. M. J. Franck , proprietor. 838 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR. 13th nnd Dodge. Rooms by day or week. TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS J1OUGHT. SOLD , CK- changed , rented nnd repaired. Typewriter and nlllce supplies. Typewriters rented nt (4 per month. The Omahn Typewriter Exchange , suc cessors to the typewiltlntc department of the Megenth Stationary Co. , 214 South Thirteenth sticct. Tel. IICI. 990 SEE THE NRW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER. Tlio Omnlm Typewriter Exchange , t l , 13C1 , No. 214 H. 13th st , 931 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLF I1RO3. & CO. . MANUFACTURERS OF awnings , tents , flags , wagon , hay. stock coven , tarpaulins , banners , streamers , 703-705 H. IGIM itrcel. Tel. CO I. Tenta for rent. M3 > 6 _ WHY DON'T YOU RENT A TENT. TAKE A vacation and rest > our elfT The Omaha Tent nnd Awning Co. have tents of all kinds that they rent cheap. 1311 Furnum nt. 3&2-A17 GRINDING , BCISSOIIH , LAWN MOWERS. RAZORS , ETC , , ground. Melchlor llros , , 1119 Farnam stieet. RAZORS. SHEARS. CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW. vrv , etc. A. L. Underlain ! , 1W N. Hill. 172 ELECTRICAL SUl'PLIKS. AIlMATt nr AND C'ONrttTCUH I i nnge l-ntt niei.linri.vil , ( ! ni nl nnd Kcn- rrnl nini hlniiitii , supt n r w > ik Kimr.tnlotvl. Omnlm KlectiKnl Woik > , 61 ! nnd SID a Hill t. JM _ _ _ iLicrnirAL : INOINIIIW : AND CONTRACTor - or * for t-liflrlc lt ht nnd motor | > l.\nt nnd nil kinds of clrctrlcni constnti'tlon. Wt-stetn EI < M- Irle Supply fo. , 41S and KO R 15th nl. J7 ' = = : r JOB . . . 1121 rnrnam nnd 307-U S. Uth. Phone U'rO. Mall orders set quick Action , SO Al UIID : : j on PIUNTINOO.'iNi IM UNT INO uf nit Kinds. 17th tr el , Dee liiill.lliiK. _ 4 MOJ STENOGRAPHERS. C. POTTI2RT N. Y. LIPI5 IIUI'MNO ! * does all kinds ot stenographic work , \i\\f \ cuffs , depositions , ch.incery work , copying , rtc. , nt rrnmin ible prices , Cnll nnd s e tb- Duplex typewriter ! wrltci two letters nt in nnd the tAtne time ; Hid fattest typewriter ' tha world. ' Mull AS HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONUY. 9U N. JSTH T. IMAM " " U , H. HURT. IIonSKSHoijliTsiT N 1CTH. HARNESS. HARNESS. WHIPS. NETS. ETC. REPAIRINU a poclaUy. 11J N. 16th t , 201 OIT MY PIUSES "iiTroRE : Yct nrY'ATiAR" ness. August Llohne , 711 S. IClh slrocl. M-11C A10 ] DANCING. ' roil I'RiVATi : LESSONS ] STAGE OR society dances , call on Mjrand , 1510 Hnrney. cr 2UOO Dodge Htrcet ; terms reasonable. M9C4 A7 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY , ELOCUTION , PHYSICAL ft. LT- Ulo. Emerson method. Summer pupils re ceived. Room D , Conitneiclnl Nnt'l bank. bank.M1M1S M1M-1S * DENTISTS , DIl. OEO. R. NASON. DENTIST , SUITE 200 Paxton block , 16th & Fain.im sts. Tel. 712. 712.M637 M637 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON 11ROS. , WHOLES \LE DEALERS IS nil kinds of coal. Conespondcnco sollsltcd. 100S Fnrnani street. M4CC PAWNBROKERS. PRED MOHLE , 1317W TARNAM. JEWELRY. 81 ! ) H. MAROWIT2 LOANS MONEY. COS N , ICSh St. 171 PLUMBERS. PREE-PLUMHINO OP EVERY KIND , G.v.- ttcam & hot water heating ; sewciage. 313 S. 11 M4.T3 J. J. HANJGAN. Pl.UMIUNO , STEAM AND HOT water heating. 2705 Lfiiveii'voi th st. 11 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WHITE'S EMPLOYMENT OPFICE , THE ONLY place to get help of nil kinds In the city. U.4 AM MRS. GII1SON , EMPLOYMENT PARLORS ; select. 1S > 21 Fnrnnin Htlent. 277 15 * UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING , CAI11NET AND MATTRESS works. W. 11. Hell & 11. A. McEachron. 2703 Lcavenworth. 157 HAIRDRESSING. MILLER , LADIES' HA1RDRESSINO , SHAM- poolng , steaming hair goods , 1513 Douglas. 477 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND , r.11 N , Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 710 LEARN PRACTICAL BUSINESS & SHORT- lumd. Roosc's Omaha Hus. Col. , 15th & Farnnm 2U-A13 TICKET BROKERS. J. H. DA VIES , MEMUER A. T. D. ASS'N : ticket * bought and sold. 1312 Farnam R'uicL P. II. PHILDIN. CUT RATES. 1403 FARNAM. 292 Jyl8 HUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , OMAHA , Neb. Advice FREK DO NOT CARRY MONEY AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. TRAVELERS CHEQUES arc safer than cash. Refunded If lost. I'lilil iinyvvlirru in tllo vvorlil. RH1LWAY T1)V1GHRD ) Leaves ICH1UAGO. BURLINUTON ic CJ. | Arrive * Omalml Depot _ 10th ani.1 Mason Stg. | Omaha 4:45pm : . Chicago Vestibule . 9 : Warn 9:45am : . Chicago Express . 4:25pm : 7:02pm : . Chicago and Iowa Local . kWum : ll:35amtu..pacllo. ! function Local . C:65pm Leaves | UTltLiNal'ON ° & MOnnVElf.TAfFlvcT" Omalml Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Oliuilia loTl5am . Denver Express . 9:3Iam. : 10:15am : . Dcadwood Express . 4:10pm : 4:50pm . Denver Express . 4lOpm : C:50pm : . .Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . . . 6:50pm : _ ( cxcept8unday..ll2oain _ ; Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. B. { Arrives Omahal Depot 10th nnd Mason Sts. I Omaha 9:45am : . Kansas City Day Express . 6:5opm : :45pm. : It. C. Night Ex. via U. p. Trans. 6:50.im : Leaves I CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC. ( Airlves OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & Mason Sts. I Omaha EAST. 10:15am..Atlantic : Express ( ex. Sunday } . . 6opm : 6:25pm : Night Express 6:40am : 4:40pm..Chicago : Vestlbulcd Limited. . . . lpm : ll:3Spm.Oklahoma : Cxp. ( to C.l. . ex Sun ) . 6:3ain : WEST. C:35am.Oklahoma & Texas Exp. ( ex Sun.ll:33pm ) : _ l:35pmt.i.J..i..Colomdo : J < lmlted. _ , . . . . . . . . 4IOpin ; Leaves I UNION PACIFIC. ( Arrives" OnmlmlUnlon Depot 10th & Mason Sts.I Omaha 9:60am : Denver Express 3:60pm : 2lCpm : Overland Flyer 620pm ; ! 4Dpm.Beatrice & Stromsb'g Exex Sun.12:30am ) : 640pm ; Pacific Express , . . . .10:55am : Copm Fast Mall 4:20i : m Leaves IClfIC'AGoT MILr" rST7"PATJL.Arrlve"s' | OmahalUnlon jjepot 10th & Mason Sts I Omaha 6 :3 : 5pm Chicago Limited 9.3sm ililOam..Chicago ExpreM ex. Sun. ) . . . . 6:00um : Leaves I r' K. o * lu. VAI UUX Airlvea Omaha ] _ Depot 15th nndWcbster _ Sts. _ [ _ Omaha " 9lOBnm . 7.7.Dcjxdwood Express . 5:10pm : :06nm.Ex. : ( BaU.Wyo. Ex.EY. Mon. ) . SilOpm E:00pm. : . Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sunday. ) . .lOMSam B:30pm.i.iiL.A..St. : Paul KxpreBi . „ 94)am Leaves T CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N lArrlvcs" OinahalU. P. Depot 10th & Mason Sts , I Omaha H:05omTT : . Chicago Expre&s . 6 ; tOpm 405pm . Vestibule Limited. , . . * . 9:20am : 6:30pm.Ex. : ( Bat. ) . Chic. Pass. ( Ex. Mon. ) . 9:25pm : _ 6ltoni. . . . Mo. .Valley Local . 1020pm ; LSavcFI - MISSOURI PACIFIC rArrlves Omahal Depot 15thnnrt " _ _ Webster Sts. | Omaha TOOamr7TT.T..8t. : I iuls Express . . . . 6:00ara : D:30pm : . St. Ix > uls Expiess . 6i55pm 6:10pm. : Dally iex Sun. Nebraska iMcal. I'JOam : Leavcsl C' . ST. P. . M. & O. lArrlves" Omahe.JDepot _ 15th nnd Webater Bis. I Omalm " IToOaTnTTsioux Clty Accom ( Ex. Sun. ) . , slfljpm 10:00am. : .Sioux City Accom ( Sun. Only. ) . . 8:01pm : 12lCpin. ; . Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun..ll:55.im ) : JJjMpnij.jjj.mi .B t.Pnulijinited ! _ . , + . _ . . . . . . ijOani Leov en - 8IO"UX "CITY E P"ACll' > lZS TAlrlviT OinahttlU. P. Depot 10th & Mason tU. ) | Onmlia : C5am . Sioux City Passenger . 1020pm ; ; y > pm . S t. . . Paul , Exprem. . . . . . lOjOOam TSaVesTTOOX"ClTY ( & PACIFIC. TAiry | Oniahttl Depot 15lh and W/bMter Sts. I Omaha Tf-Sfpm . Bl- Paul Limited . S:4ijm : riy.jim : . Chlca go _ LI ml ted . . :40am : , ave I - OMAHA' A ST. L60TB - lArrlv- .JinahiilU. P. Depot 10th & Mason Bls. | Oinsl. TiUprn . St. Ix > uls Cannon Hall . l ; 35ni Kast day of the LaUose brottiera , Alberta , Press Wakcllclil anil the great Chinese pcr- forniora at Courtliuul Ilcach today. A I't'cnllnr Will. A man named Zulcsky , who died In Poland In 1889 , left u peculiar will. Tlio en velope which contained the will Bald : "To be , opened after my death. " When the en velope wan torn off another was found un derneath , with the words , "To be opened six weeks after the first envelope has been opened. " The next envelope bore the In scription , "To be opened In n your. " After waiting for n year the envelope was opened and found to contftln still Knottier , which said : "To bo opened In two yearn , " And when the will WBH finally reached It was found that ho had bequeathed 100 , WO rubles or half Ills fortune to his relatives having the largest number of children , while the other half was to bo Invested for 100 years , at the end of which tlmo the principal ami Interest were to be divided among his rela tives. Uatho at Courtland Ucacb today , . : ; JIOOKH i.vw i'rittoincti.x. The July Century contains n ogsny by John C Van Dyka on "I'nlntlng At the l'ulr , " with rcnroditct'onj of pictures by l.lljcfors , IsraelsVlnslov Homer nnd Agnes StclncKtr. In the comparison of national art ( ho writer flmls that tha World's fnlr shows the greatest promise lo bo with the Americans nml SenndlnnvlnnH , I'lctorlnl nrt of a lower order comes In for treatment In paper by YVIIIlnm 1) . KIN wanger , and Charles Mill ford Hobliinni on "A CU'rman Comic ' " ' 1'nper" ( I'llcgemlo Hlael * tor ) , from which u number uf cartoons are reproduced. In hU "Study of Municipal llnusckceplng" Dr. Albert Shaw contributes to the current discussion tf ) the government of cities a largo number of facts \\liloli are the result of close poraonal Inveatlgatlon. Marlon Crawford contributes n du1lihtful novelotlo rntltlud "I.ovu In Idleness : A rorlnlglit at liar Harbor. " The oharacters nre New York people , nnd some very do- lectnblo love making to Introiluved In tha beginning. .Mrs Hurtnn llnrrlaon's slory , "A Bachelor Maid.llh drnwlnga by Wiles , opens In New Ycrk City nnd dcnln with the nHplrutlons of n young man to whom the conventionalities of family llfo ore nomc- what Irloome. Tlio story deals Incidentally with noino of the current questions In re gard to HIP iclntlons of women to .society and ptibliu llfo. The Century Company , Now York. "A Traveler from Allrmla , " by W 1) . JIouclls , which had previously reached the public In serial form , Is now out complete In a neatly printed volume , The story of the Altrurian's experiences nnd conver sations comprl o n series of agreeable chats touching the merits and demerits of our social system , particularly as compared with that of Altrurliivhlch Is communistic In Its organl/atlnii. A bright vein of sallro runs through the pages , und it great num ber nf clever argument < and comparisons nre brought forward. "Why don't some of you capitalists take hold of farming here In the east nnd mnku a business of It as they do In the west ? " asks one of the characters. "Thank you , " hays the other , "If you mean me. I would rather not In vest. " Later he continues : "It may como to something like that , though. If It docs , the national course , I should think , would be through the railroads. U would bo a very easy matter for them to buy up all the good farms along their lines nnd put tenants on them , nnd run them In their own Interests. Heally , It Isn't a bad scheme. The \vnstc In the pro cut method Is enor mous , and there Is no rcu.son why the roads should not own the fauns as they are be ginning to own the mines. They could manage them better than the small farmers do In every way. I wonder the thing hasn't occurred to some smart railroad man. " The crlt clsm , In the main , U keen and to the point , but the nltrulsm pictured under communism Is not true lo a high ethical standard any moro than communistic division of property would ba equitable. Cloth , 318 pages , $ l.BO. Harper li IJros. , New York. Sold by Mcgeath Stationery Company , Omaha. The series of essays upon the City Gov ernment of Philadelphia published by the students of the class of 1SOS In the Whnrton School of Finance ( University ot Pennsyl vania , Philadelphia , cloth. $1.50) ) . Is just what Is needed In every largu city of the country that has developed Individual iiiLtl'oda of municipal administration. The essays Included In this collection nro well arranged to nt In with one another so that together they give a tolerably complete view of all thn departments of city govern ment In Philadelphia. Tlio hlstnrlal parts are paitlcularly interesting and cvlnco In nearly every Instance painstaking research and careful compilation. The one draw back In a work so subdivided as this Is that any particular process of municipal admin istration requiring the co-nperatlun of several city olllclals must bo described In In stallments , but this Is remedied so far as may be by an elaborate Index at the end of the volume. It Is greatly to bo wished that similar studies may be prepared of the city governments of other American cities , thus supplying the necessary data for a comprehensive work by borne cx- peilenced Investigator upon comparative municipal administration of cities In the United States , If not In the leading countries of the world. Last day of the Lalloso brothers , Alberta , Piess Wnkelleld and the great Chinese per formers at Courtland IJeach today. ai.IV T///J1" 1'XK.UiK Till ! COUllT. Some good stories arc going the rounds concerning Sir Matthew Uegble , chief Jus tice of British Columbia , who died the other day. Hero Is one of them : In 1883 a man was charged in Victoria with having killed another man with a sandbag , and In the face of the Judge's summing up the Jury brought In a verdict of "not guilty. " This annoyed the chief Justice , who at once said : "Gentlemen ot the Jury , mind , that Is your verdict , not mine. On your conscience will rest the stigma of returning such a dis graceful verdict. Many repetitions of such conduct as yours will make trial by a Jury a horrible farce , and the city of Victoria a nest of Immorality nnd crime. Go , I have nothing moro to say to you. " And then , luring lo the prisoner , the chief Justice added : "You are discharged. Go ahead and sandbag some of those Jury men ; they deserve It. " Lord Coleridge had a trick when on the bench of sometimes closing his eyes and as suming an expression as If wrapped In the most refreshing of slumbers , when , as a mat ter of fact , he was wide awake and listening with both ears. I remember once being In court when ho was sitting at nisi prlus , and a long-winded young barrister was opening the case for the complainant. In the mlddlu of the address Lord Coleridge apparently dropped off to sleep. The counbcl did not notice it for some time , and was Just , re marking , "our contention Is , my lord , that the defendant said" when he stopped short , looked in a bloodthirsty way ut the som nolent Judge , and ejaculated , "Oh , It. " Lord Coleridge quietly opened his eyes and Inquired In his blandest manner , "Yes , Mr. Robinson. What else did the defendant say besides , 'Oh , It ? ' " A well known attorney Ins n bright clerk. Ho Is so brilliant that tiomo day he will bo a lawyer. One day t.e attorney entered his ofl'eo ' and the ilurlc ssld : "Mr. B. was hero to retain you , sir. " "Did he say he would como again ? " "No ; but I took a retainer , " "Bright boy ! What was the retainer ? " "Fifty dollars , sir. " "Fitly dollars ! My retainer fee , you know , Is a hundred. You have been very unprofessional. " "But hu said fifty was all ho had. " "Hum ! And you tok It ? Good ! Very professional , my boy ; very professional ! " It Is always refreshing to learn of lawyers who will not undertake an unjust cause. Of Judge Ira Perlcy his biographer says- Ho believed In the Justice of his client's cause ; ho would not enlist In It otherwise , At one time a sharper tried to retain him , and was smoothing over his crooked conduct as well as he know how , when the Judge as tonished him by exclaiming : "I think you have acted like un Infernal scoundrel , sir ! " "Is there any charge for that opinion ? ' "Yes , sir ; flvo dollars ! " "Talk about lawyers , " said the enthusi astic man , "there are mighty few of them can hold a candle to old man Greathcad. Why , that man has legal knowledge by the barrel " "By" the barrel ? " exclaimed the cheerful Idiot. "I always thought he sold It by the case. " L H Wan "Svvoot Alurlii" Indianapolis Journal : Yesterday mornlnK a man went Into a muslo store and asked for "Avo Maria. " "Which one do you want ? asked the "Oh , I don't know whose It In , " ho said. "Give mo the best one , " "Well , we have one by Gounod , Liszt , Luzzl , Mnscugnl , Mlllard , Cherublnl ami Duclkon anyone Is good. " "Gosh , " said the customer , "I didn't know there was so many. Give mo Jerry Cherublnl'ii was .handed him ; but about noon ho came back dissatisfied. "This ls no good on earth , " he said , "I can't moke head nor tall to the tune. " Gounod's "Avo Maria" was then given him ; but 3 o'clock brought him back again. "U wasn't 'Avo Mario'at , all I wanted , " he explained. "Jt wag 'Sweet Mario. ' " Enjoy a pleasant rlclo oil tba steamer Aurora at CourtlanJ todayj. ,