Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1894, Page 10, Image 10

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    r cw air ; : .JT1ir ' 7- , , "Jir.C A
llrlcf Synopnmof tlin I'tirtloii of.olo'n Grrnt
Htury U'lili'h I fin Item I'nhlMiril.
riltST IMV.
rilAPTKU I. The opening rei-no of "I.ouro > a , "
% Vl > lrh wn commenced In wrliil form In Hun-
uay'H Hen of April 15 , I * In n rar of the "nrhlta
Inim , " which rnnir * the very Hick tiilKiliiil
frnm J'nrln to IxmrOui. Amonit the pIlKrlm * H
Marie ilillucrMlnt. . n younc woman , who. for
inrn , lins been IwJrl'Mon. Hhe I * accompanied
lib y her father and thi- AMI'lnrrn rnimvnt.
fllAtTini II. ThrAMie I'lorre wnii th" non
of a chernln who lived i > t Netillly. I.lvln next
them wore. M. dp ( HicrKnlnt mill hl fixmlly. I.lttle
Marie ila Ouer , ilnt nnil I'lerre playfil toKctlicr ,
nnd finally Ml In love with iirli other HH they
Brow up. Marie icci-lvwl nn Injury which re
united In nearly total pninlynln. As nhe could
never be hi * wife , 1'lcrro becalm- prliwt.
C'HAITKIl III. The mirferlnu In the train la In-
lenBt- when It HtopH at 1'oltlurn half un hour
for lunch.
CHAl'TIIK IV. Sophie Coulcim tellii thi * mory
of the cum ncconl > il in her ilfoonmnl foot by
simply illppltiK It In theater of I urilt > K.
C'HAITKIl V' . The Abbe rcniN the history of
Ilerniitlettc , nml ilcucrllx-a the Unions In the
Krotto. An the trnlti roll Into the million at
iMUriles an unknown man dies.
ClIAl'Tnil I. A vlvlil picture li Kl en of the
confuMon when the Invalids are landed and con
veyed to the limiiiltul.
C'lIAlTUIl II. The hospital li greatly over
crowded. At 8 a. m the procession to the grotto
starts. KM her MnswilH auks the vast confrieia-
tlon to pray for a Kreat miracle , im th budy of
the man who died In the train In to bi ; Im-
inersHU In the pool In hopes that life will l.e
C'llAl'Tnil III. The Abbe meets Ida old friend ,
Ir C'liananlKiie. The crowd roicc * the Abbe tu
the pool. The dead man In brought In and Im
mersed. No mliucle O < CUIH. on goliiK out the
Abbo Hnda that Marie IMS bc m bathed without
( . 'IIAI'TIJH IV. Or. ClianMlano accomp.mlis
the Abbe to the llurentl of t'ertllliatlonx. La
Cliivotte , ho had been In- the hint manes of
consumption , comes 'rushing In , stiouilnB , "I
um cured ! "
t'lIAI'TIOH V. The Abbe vlills Marie , wlio Is
loKlnjf her faith , lie reads to the Inwillds , con
tinuing the story of Ilernaclcttu.
CIIAITim I. I'lcrre discovers that Mme. Vol-
mar , a devout pilgrim , II.IH come to I.uuiclM to
meet * her lo\er.
CHAl'TIJIl II. Herre and M. dc OuerFalnt
meet Mine. IJcs.iKneiiux. Mile. Ituymonde an I
M. de royreloiiKUu. to whom nnrnun < Jo Is tin-
Kased. They visit places of Intetett.
CIlAl'TIIll III. Miule , accompanied by her
father mid 1'lerre , watches the mugnlllccnt
torchlight procession.
CIIAITIIK IV. rierre taken Marie to the
Riolto to lemaln thioughout the night , ll.uon
Bulre shows I'lerte the ndiaculous Kprlng.
CIIAI'Tint V' . Dr. fhaHs.iigne t.-lla about his
Interview with lleiniilette , and describes the
efforts of the Abbe 1'eyramale to build a church
it Iou riles.
OIIAl'TEIl I. The death of Mme. Vetu la
vividly poitiayed.
CUAI'Tiil : -There Is great religious fervor
ihuwn durlmr the services. In the midst of It
Uiother Isidore < ! | CH.
CI1A1TICK IlI.-As Pierre Btands beside
Mailu's cart he lemembers that one of the
ploslclans called In consultation sal.l nhe toulil
be cured In a perfectly n.ilural way. Suddenly
Marie stamla up In her nut. She walks to the
llureau , and her cute Is put on lecord.
CHAl'TIIll IV. Mmlp ilingM her cart In the
procession. 1'lene IMS lost his faith , and by Ids
vows baa lost the light to love Marie now tint
she can IKa wife.
CHAI'TIIII V. Or. < . 'ha aaline takes the Abbe
to Uernadctto's room. lie also takes him t > the
church tint the Abbe started to
build. The ainhltlonx and die.uns of the Abbe
1'cyramale are graphically dehoilbcd.
A large Installment of "Louides" will be
printed next Sunday.
CHAPTER I. That night. In the Hotel
clos Apparntlons , 1'lerro could not close his
eyes. After going to the hospital to hear the
latest reports of Marie , who was sleeping
soundly like n child , In a refreshing and de
licious rest , after coining back from the pro
cession , I'icrro hud gone to bed himself ,
thoiiBh somewhat tienasy thai SI. do Gunr-
salnt had not yet appeared. He had expected
lilm tor dinner at the latest , but doubtless
Bonio accident had occurred to dotnlra him at'
Qavarlnc. and ho pictured to himself the
young girl's distress it her father were not
there to embrace her on the following inorn-
Ingr All suppositions , every fear was pos
sible In the case of such nn nbsont minded ,
fllglUy headed man as M. de ducrsalnt.
Perhaps It was this very uneasiness that
kept Pierre uwaka at first. In spite of his
great fatigue. Hut later the noises of the
nlcht In the hotel became Intolerably nn-
noylng. The nuxL day , Tuesday , the
time of departure , the last day that the
national pilgrimage would be at Lourdcs ,
and no doubt the pilgrims were making the
most of thplr tlnio coming In from the grotto
and going back In the middle of the night ,
attempting to coerce heaven by their earnest
appeals , with no need for sleep or repose.
Doors slammed , floors creaked , the entire
house shook under the mad scurrying of the
crowds. Never before had such obstinate
coughs echoed along the walls , or such thick ,
Indistinct mutterings been heard. A prey
to Insomnia , Pierre turned over and ovfr ,
got up , thinking each time It must be SI. do
Uuersalnt coining home. For several mlnnles
lie listened Intently , buL could only the
extraordinary noises m the hallway , fiom
which ho could gather nothing exactly.
Could It bo that on the left hand the priest ,
the mother and her three daughters , the
family of old people , were- beating \ no
another with the fnrnltnro ? Or rather \\\a
It not the other family on the right hand
side , the lonely gentleman , the woman nlnnc
that were In tin midst of Incomprehensible
adventures. ? Oncu ho Jumped out of bed and
ran Into the room of lil.t absent friend , cer
tain that some strungo things were tailing
place there , Hut list n as ho would he could
only catch through the thin partition the
tender murmuring * of two voices nml a
faint sound of Suddenly ho remembered -
mombered Mme. Volmar , and ho retired
( shuddering tu bed.
At lust , at daylight. Pierre went to bleep ,
but loud knocks on his dn6r made him spring
out of bed. This tlmo ho was not mistaken.
A loud voice crle.l , struggling In Its anguish :
"Abbo , Abbo , walio up , 1 beseech you ! "
They certainly must at lust be bringing
M. dc GtterEalnt home dead. Ho ran hur
riedly , In his bhlrl. lo open the door , ami
found himself facu to face with his neigh
bor , M , Vlgneraiu
"Oh ! please Abbe , dress Quickly , \Vo nro
lu need of your holy ministrations ! "
Ho then said that he had gotten up lo look
at his watch , tint was lying on the mantel
piece , when he hoard frightful groans com-
IIIR from the next room , where SImo. dulse
slept. She had loft the communicating door
open , so ( is to bu nuir to them. lie natur
ally ran lu nod pushed back the shutter *
to let In light and air.
"And what a spectacle , Abbo ! Our poor
mint In her bed , already purple In the face.
her mouth open , yet unable to breathe , her
hand * thrown out. clutching the sheen. Yon
understand. It Is heart disease. Coiuo , come
H ilck , Abbe , to help ns , 1 beg ! "
Completely stunned , Pierre could find
n-ltlier his trousers nor soutane.
Of course , of couri.ii , I will como with
yo'i ; but I cannot administer the l.ibt sucra-
iin-nts because. I have nothing to use. "
M Vlgnerun assisted him to dress , band
ing down to look for his slippers.
"That makes no matter. Just to sue you
v II let her die rosier , If Cod should send
us that nflllctlon. Here , put on > o r slip.
I ITS first , ami follow mo ut once ; oh. Immedl-
only ! "
Ho went off like a Hash nnd dluppoared In
the ri''Xt room. All the doors had remained
v-l' . , ' open , and the young pried , a ho fol
io cd , could only see Itttl ? Gmtave In the
flr t room , half naked , everything in tin
n.-t awful disorder , sitting on the kof.i ,
vheru ho had been nileep , motlonleiui , very
p.iic. ijulte forgfltton and ihlvorlni , In the
i u < ! st c , { thU drama of brutal death. Oj > en
v ill if a barred the pjiMue. bits of food were
Irlpig on the table , l e father and mother's
1 1 appeared as thauifh ravaged by name
. a. trophe , the n d clothe * drugged off onto
i'p Around. And liiMantly he perceived In
r . - further room the mother , dr * t > d hur-
rii' lly In a yellow wrapper , standing with
n terrirttd sir.
Wt-ll , my dear ? Well , my d - r ? " tam >
jiv fit M. Vlgneron.
Without BiwwerJug M. Vlffneron mo-
tloncd toward Mme. Ctmlao , who no longer
moved , her head fallen back on the pillow ,
her hands turned up and stiff. Her face was
blue , the mouth hanging open , as If a final
great breath had carried away her life ,
Plerro leaned over her , and then said In n
low voice :
"She Is dead. "
Dead ! The word sounded clearly In the
room , where n heavy silence reigned. The
husband and wlfo gazed at one another In
amazement nnd stupefaction. It was , then ,
nil over. The aunt was dead before Ous-
tnvo. and the youngster would Inherit ( ho
MO.OOO francs. How many times they had
dreamed of thin , whoa sudden , realization
now staggered them. How many times they
had despaired , fearing lest the poor child
might die before her I Dead ! My God I had
It been their fault ? Had they actually asked
this from the Holy Virgin ? She had been so
gracious toward them that they trembled
lest they might express a wish nnd have It
gratified at onco. Already the death of the
chief of tlm bureau , suddenly removed to
allow them to take his place , had they not
recognized In that the powerful finger of
Our Lady of I.ourdoa ? Was she now rewardIng -
Ing them afresh by listening to the uncon
scious titterings of their desires ? Yet , they
had never wanted the death of any ono ; they
were good people , Incapable of a mean act ,
loving their family , confessing nnd practic
ing their religion , communicating with nil
the rest of the world without outward show.
When they thought about their 500,000 francs
and that their son might have died first ,
nnd what distress they would have felt to
face another nephew less worthy Inherit this
fortune , It all came to them in such an Inno
cent , natural manner In the end. And they
certainly had thought about It when In front
of the crotto. llut did not the Holy Virgin
posses supreme wisdom , did she not know
better than we what to do for the happiness
of the llvlhg ns for the dead ? So , very sin
cerely , Mme. Vlgneron burst Into sobs ,
weeping for the sister she adored :
"Ah , Abbo ! I saw her dlo ; she passed
away tinder my very eyes. How sad that
'vou wcro unable to come sooner to receive
her soul. She died without a priest , and
your presence would so greatly have con
soled her. "
With eyes filled with tears , yielding to his
feelings , M. Vlgneron tried to comfort his
wife :
"Your sister was a saint. She took the
communion only yesterday morning , nnd
you can be at case , for her KOU ! went straight
to heaven. Of course , if the abbo had
gotten here In time It would have given her
great joy to see him. Out what could wo
do ? Death qamo faster. I ran nt once ,
nnd we can feel we have no reproach to make
to ourselves. "
Then turning to the priest :
"Abbe , It was her great piety that hastened
the end. Yesterday at the grotto she had a
choking turn , whose violence was very sig
nificant , lint In spite of her fatigue she
would follow the procession later. I
thought she would not last long , lint It was
such a delicate matter and I did not like
to sny anything for fear of frightening her. "
Pierre knelt quietly down and repeated the
customary prayers , with that human devotion
that stood him in lieu of faith , before life
and death both eternal , both piteous.
Then , as he remained on Iris knees for a mo
ment , he heard the whispering voices of the
members of the family. Little Gustavo ,
forgotten In his bed In the disorder of the
next room , was now very Impatient. Ho
cried and wept.
"Mamma , mamma , mamma ! "
Finally Mme. Vlgneron went to calm him.
She brought him back In her arms that
ho might kiss his poor aunt for the last
time. At first he refused , crying more than
ever nnd struggling , so that Mr. Vlgneron
had to Interfere by making him feel
ashamed , What ! he who was afraid of
nothing , who always showed the courage of
a man when suffering ! And his poor mint ,
who had always been so kind , whose last
thought had certainly boon cf. him !
"Give him to mo , " he said to his wife ;
"he will bo more reasonable. "
Gustavo flnnlly hung on his father's neck.
Ho hud como In in ills shirt shivering , nnd
exposing the nakedness of his miserable
little body , covered with scrofula. Far
from curing him the miraculous water from
the pool seemed to Increase the sores on his
hips , and his wasted leg hung Inert , like some
dried up stick.
"Kiss her , " repeated M. Vigneron.
The child bent down and kissed his aunt
on the forehead. It was not death that dis
quieted him or caused him to rebel. Now
that he was present he gazed nt the dead
woman with an air of tranquil curiosity.
He would never say again that ho did not
love her , that ho bad suffered too long at
her hands. Ho had the Ideas and senti
ments of a grown person , and they had
chocked him by their weight , as they de
veloped and Increased with his malady. Ho
knew well that ho was too small to have
such notions ; that children ought not to
understand the things that are passing In
the minds ot other people. Ills father ,
sitting down a llttlo apart , kept him on bis
lap , while the mother closed the window
and lighted the candles that were on the
"Oh , my poor darling ! " ho murmured , In
his desire to speak , "It h a cruel loss to us
all. Here our trip Is completely spoiled , for
this is our last dny ; wo start this afternoon.
And Just ns the Holy Virgin hud shown us
such favor. "
Then , iu his son gave him a surprised
look ot Infinite sadness and reproach , ho
hastened to add :
"Yes , of course , I know she has not en
tirely cured you yet. Only wo must never
despair of her watchfulness. She loves us
too much , and has showered us with so many
blessings that hc will surely end by curing
you now that she has only this final favor to
accord to UR. "
Mine. Vlgneron , who had heard , now ap-
"How happy we should
have been to i-o
back to Paris nil three of ns well and happy ,
llut nothing Is over quite complete. "
"Look here , " suddenly remarked M. Vlg
neron. "I bhall not bo able to start with
you this afternoon on account of
certain formalities I must Bee If
"of. , .I'etllr" tlcl : ° l Is.Kood until tomor-
They were but recovering from the awful
shock , comforted in spite of the affection they
felt for Mine. Chaise , and they already for
got her nnd were only occupied by tholr
haste to leave Lourdes , as though the prln-
clpal object of their voyage had boon accom
plished. A decent sort of joy , though nn-
axoued , completely overcame them.
"Then. too. In Paris I shall ba so busy , "
he continued , "I who only ask for quiet ! It
duos not matter. I shall remain my three
years out nt the ministry until I am retired ,
above an now that I am certain to be re
tired head of the bureau ! Only afterward !
Oh. afterward 1 do expect to enjoy Ufa a
little ! Now that WB shall have all this
money I shall buy the domain of Illllottcs ,
In my own county a superb country scat
I have always longed to posses ; , And 1
tel ) you I shall not bs bored In the midst of
my horses , my dogs and my ( lowers. "
Little Gustavo sat on his knee , shivering
all over his poor body , devoured by disease ,
his shirt h'tlf turned up , dlschxlng the thin
ness of a dying child. As ho took In that his
futlur did not think of him at all In his
dtt-am of realized riches , hu smiled ono of
his enigmatical smiles , rather melancholy
and aliarpensd by malice.
"Well , father , and him about me ? "
M. VlKiierou started , and In his agitation
at llrst did not seem to understand. "You ,
my little boy ? Why , yon will be with us ,
by Jove ! "
llut GiiRtave continued to gaze at him
fixedly and profoundly , never removing that
same smile from hU thin , scornful lips ,
"Qh , do you think so ? "
"Of coursu I think so. You will bo with
us. It will he very nice there with u . "
Ill at ease , stammering , M. Vlgneron could
not find suitable words , and remained frozen ,
when all at once his son shrugged his thin
shoulders with the manner of a dlsdalnfu
"Oh. no. I shall bo dead. "
And the father read at a glance the pro
found look of the child a look of a very old
man , very learned In all matters , who knew
well the abominations of life by reason o
having tried them all. Above all , whal
frightened him most was the certainty that
this child had always read his very Inner
most thoughts , even those he would not con
fess himself. Ho remembered how , even Ir
his cradle , the eyes of the llttlo Invalid
would bo fixed on his , those eyes rendered so
sharp through suffering that they were Rifted
with some extraordinary power of divina
tion , ferreting out his unconscious thoughts
In the obscurity of his cranium. And by
! ' some singular mishap the very things ho
had oven said , now ho precclved them all In
the eyes of his child , nnd read them thcro
In spite of himself. The history of his own
cunning , his anger at having such a miser
able child , his anguish nt the Idea that the
fortune of Mme. Chaise depended on such a
fragllo existence , his hidden wish that she
might hasten nnd dlo , so that the llttlo one
might still be nllvc , and he might enjoy tht
heritage. It was merely a question of days
this duel , of who should go first. Then at
the end death came again , when the llttlo
boy should also die , and ho nlono should
pocket the money , living to old age In hap
piness. All these things peered out so
clearly from those eyes , those melancholy
and smiling eyes of one condemned to death ,
nnd exchanging such clear glances of evi
dence , that for a moment the father felt as
If the son were calling them nil out loud ,
llut M. Vlgneron combated the Idea , turned
nls head and protested violently.
"What's that ? You will be dead ? What
Ideas. It Is absurd to think such things.
Mine. Vlgneron began again to sob :
"Naughty boy , to cause us such sorrow ,
when wo are already feeling so sad over our
cruel loss. " , ,
Gustavo was obliged to Kiss them and
promise to live ; to do at least that much for
them. Yet ho never stopped smiling , knowIng -
Ing well how necessary It was to Ho when ono
did not wish to bo sad and resigned to luavo
behind him his happy parents so long ns the
Holy Virgin was unable to give him a llttlo
corner In this world for which each ono
ought to bo born.
The mother went back to bed and Plerro
finally rose from his knees Just as M. Vlg
neron was trying to make the room some
what tidy. , . ,
"You will excuse mo , Abbe , " said he , ac
companying the young priest to the door.
"I am rather oft my head. It will bo a bad
experience ; still , I shall try to get out of It
all right. "
Pierre stopped for a moment In the hall
to listen to n nolso that seemed to como up
the stairs. Ho thought again of M. de Guer-
salnt and fancied he recognized his voice.
Dut as he stood there motionless something
happened that caused him the most Intense
uneasiness. The door of the room occupied
by the solitary man slowly and prudently
was pushed open , and n lady clad in black
came out so softly that there was hardly
tlmo to distinguish the gentleman on the
threshold , standing with his finger on. his
lips. Dut when the lady turned she sud
denly found herself fnco to face with Pierre.
It was so brutal , so quick , that they could
not turn aalde , pretending not to know one
It was Mine. Volmar. She was tearing her
self away , early In the morning , after the
three days and nights she had passed within
the walls of that abode of love , in an utter
sequestration. It was not yet G o'clock , so
she hoped that no ono would see her slip
through the empty hallway and stairs with
the lightness of a shadow , and she then
wanted to go awhllo to the hospital , to bo
there this last morning , in order to justify
her presence nt Lourdes. When she saw
I'icrro she began to tremble , and at first
stammered : > ,
"Oh ! Abbo ! Abbe ! "
Then , us she noticed that the priest had
left the door wldo open , she yielded to the
desire that prompted her to speak of her
feelings , to explain herself , to exculpate her
self , if possible. With a crimson face she
entered first , going Into the room , Into wjjlch
he followed her , greatly exercised over the
adventured As ho was leaving the door open
she made him a sign to ask him to shut it ,
wishing to confldo In him.
"Oh ! Abbe ! I beseech you , do not judge me
harshly. "
Ho made a gesture , as much as to say that
ho would not pass judgment upon her un
"Yes , yes ; I know very well that you are
aware of my sorrows. In. Paris you saw mo
once before Trinity church with some ono.
And here , the other day , you recognized mo
on the balcony , did you not ? You did not
know I was living there , near you. hidden ,
with somebody in that room ? Dut If you
only knew ; If you know ! "
His lips trembled and tears filled his. eyes.
Ho looked at her and was surprised at the
extraordinary beauty that transfigured her
faco. This woman , dressed entirely in black ,
very simply , without a single jewel , appeared
to him In a radiancy of passion , quite out of
fin shadows that habitually surrounded her.
She , who at first glance was not at all
pretty , too dark , too thin , with drawn fea
tures ana big mouth and a long nosa , now
acquired a troublesome charm , the more he
looked at her , the power of'the Irresistible
coquette. Especially her eyes , large , mag
nificent eyes , that wore ordinarily hidden
tinder a veil of Indifference , now shone out
/ike torches , In the hour of complete self-
abandonment. He understood how she might
bo adored and that one might die to possess
"If yon only knew , abbo ; If I may toll
you what I have suffered. There are many
things which you have doubtless suspected ,
because you know my mother-in-law and my
husband. On these rare occasions when you
have called you must have known what
abominations were going on there , notwith
standing the fact that I tried to look content
In my little , quiet , unobtrusive corner. Dul
to live like that for ten years , never to ex
ist , never to love nor bo loved , no , no , I
was not able to do It ! "
She then related the wretched history her
marriage with the diamond merchant ; dis
astrous In spite of the appearance of wealth ;
her mother-in-law , ns hard of heart as an
executioner and jnllcr , her husband a monster
of physical ugliness and moral villainy.
They kept her In nn actual prison , not Ict-
tlnc her oven go alone to a window. She
uas well aware that her husband kept mis
tresses , but If she even smiled at some re
lation. If she wore a ( lower In her belt on
some rare festival , ho toro the blossoms In
pieces In his mad jealousy and shook his
lists with fearful menaces. For years she
had lived In this hel ] , hoping on , having
within her such a Hood of life and so great
a need for tenderness that she still awaited
some happiness , thinking to see it appear at.
the faintest breath.
"Abbo , I swear to you that I was nnablo
to resist what I have done , I wan too un
happy ; my whole being longed to give Itself
to some one. When my friend told mo tlm
first time ho loved me I lot my head fait
on his shoulder and It was all over I be
longed to him forever. Ono must compro.
liend tlieso delights of being loved ; to meet
nothing but caresses from one's beloved ,
soil words , n continual desire to bo agreeable
and kind , and to know that he Is always
thinking about one that somewhere them
exists n heart In which you only live to bo
no longer two , but one ; lo lose one's self In
on embrace which blends together both soul
and body. Ah ! If It be a crime , Abbe , I can
ieel no rmnortc. . I do not oven say they
drove inn to It ; I only say that I committed
It as naturally as I breathe , because It I *
necessary la my life. "
She pressed her hands to her lips as If
to throw a kiss to the world. Plerro felt
himself overcome before this passionate
creature , the Impertjonlllcatloii of love and
eternal desire. Then a vast pity commenced
to ! ! H his heart.
"Poor woman. " he murmured.
' I am not confessing to any priest , " she
continued. "I am speaking to u nun , to a
man by whom I should like to be understood.
No , 1 am not a believer ; religion has not
sutllred for me. It Is said that women find
comfort In It , that they find In it a solid
protection against the fault. I always feel
cold In churches I am bored lo death. Yet
I know it la not right to mlnglu religion with
matters that concern my heart alone. Hut
what else could I doT They forced me to It
If you met mo In Paris behind Trinity
church. It was because that wns the onlj
place , that church , where they would allov
me to go alone ; arul It you find mo here af
Lourdus , It Is bo aifso In the whole year 1
have only tluvnrnbrDe days of absolute lib
crty and absolute happiness. "
Once more she shivered , and hot tears
rolled down hctvi huck8.
"AhI these tl/rcoMays / , those three days
You cannot Imagine how ardently I awal
them , with what ardor I live , with what In
tensity I carry l ft mo tfialr memory ! "
The whole tilmj | ; pictured Itself before
Pierre's long chastity. Tno three days , the
three night : ) , so greatly desired , so thor
oughly enjoyed' " fit * could fancy then
there In that . hotel room , windows
dews and doors closed , so that the ver ;
maid servants wcro Ignorant that a woinat
had gone Into the apartment. The uncnd
Ing embrace , the constant kiss , , the giving
of one's whole being , the oblivion of tin
world , a complete and overwhelming yield
Ing to an Inextinguishable lovo. Nelthei
tlmo or pUce exl ted for them , only tin
haste to bo together , to belong once more
to each other. And then , what agony a
the hour of separation. It was this crue
end that made her tremble still , the sorrow
row of having left her paradise making
her cry out , she who was usually so dumb
To take one last embrace , to become as ono
being , and then to ( car one's self away as
though half one's very body were cut off
nnd to say how many long days nnd nights
must pass without even meeting ono nn
other. Plerro was touched and greatly
shocked by this passionate revelation , am
repeated :
"Poor woman ! "
"And , nbbe , " she continued , "Just thlnl
of the hell to which I am going back. Fo
weeks , perhaps months , heaven Is closcc
to me. I live as a martyr , with one word
Happiness has been ended once more for
another year. Great God ! Three poor
days , three poor little nights In a year ; Is
It not enough to niake ono crazy , my dc
sire to enjoy them nnd my patience to wall
for them to como again ? I am so un
happy , nbbc. Yet do you not think that 1
am an honest woman ? "
Ho was greatly moved by this appeal
by this rush of passion nnd sincere sorrow
Ho felt In It the breath of a universal dc
sire , a sovereign flame , that purified the
whole. Ills pity was roused and became
"Madame , I pity you deeply nnd respect
you Infinitely. "
She no longer spoke , but regarded him
with her great eyes , obscured by tears
Then , with n sudden pressure of his two
hands , that she held tight between her burnIng -
Ing fingers , she went away , disappeared at
the end of the hall with the lightness of
When she was no longer there Pierre
felt more than pver the force of her pres
ence. He opened the window wide to let
out the odor of love she had left behind
When , on the previous Sunday , he had per
ceived that a woman was hidden In the
next room , he had felt this modest terrort
thinking that It was the revenge of the
flesh amid all the mystic exaltation of the
Immaculate Lourdes. And now again the
same terror returned , and he realized its
force , that Invisible will of a llfo that must
exist. Love was stronger than faith , per
haps there was something divine In pos
session. To love , to belong to ono an
other In spite of 'all , to live and continue
life , was It not the noble object of nature ,
outside of social and religious policies ? For
nn Instant he was unconscious of the abyss
near which he tottered ; his chastity was his
last foothold , eveW the dignity of his rulneil
life of an unbelieving'ptlest. He comprehended
that after ylcldlilk to ills reason. If he yielded
to hli flesh he wfiuM'Jje lost. All his pride
of purity , all his'force Into which he had
placed his proMlslpfial honesty returned ,
and he swore anew" never to be a man ,
since he had voltrfitafTIy cut himself off from
their numbers. " )0
Seven o'clock strWjk. Pierre did not go
back to bed , bul'Usthed himself , enjoying
the cold water trraVlrNped to cool his fever.
As he was finishing his toilet he again
thought of SI. de Guersalnt , and he was
anxious as a step 'di heard In the hall. It
stopped in front 8rjhls door , and some one
knocked. He MehAl It , greatly relieved.
Dut ho uttered n'Mtry ' bf great surprise :
"What ? Is it'ytm8 ! What , are you up al
ready , running about'lie ' { streets ; coming up
this way to s'ee Mop7e ! "
Marie Btood'8n' ' tiTe sill-smiling. Behind
her Sister Hyaciiinie1 ! who haTl accompanied
her , also smiled with'her lovely open eyes.
"Ah ! my dear friend , " cried'tho young girl ,
"I could not remain In bed. As soon as I
saw the sun I wanted so much to walk , to
run , to jump , like any child ! And I wor
ried them so , and begged so hard that sister
was kind enough to como out with me.
think I vSliould have jumped out of the win
dow If they had shut the door. "
Pierre had made them enter the room ,
whllo an indescribable emotion filled his
heart ns ho listened thus to her joking , and
looked at her easy movements , so bright and
graceful. She great God ! She whom he
had seen for years with useless limbs and
leaden liued face ! Since he had parted from
her the day before at the Daslllca she had
expanded Into fresh youth and beauty. One
night had sufficed to make him discover once
again , but grown up now , that beloved crea
ture of tenderness , the superb child , brilliant ,
so madly kissed -tnlformcr days behind the
( lowering hedge , beneath the trees In the
sparkling sunshine.
"How large yon are ! How. beautiful you
are , Slarlo ! " he could not help tolling her.
Sister Hyaclntho here Interrupted : "Does
not the Holy Virgin do all these things well ,
abbo ? When she takes hold , you see , every
thing comes out of her hands as fresh as a
rose nnd sweet smelling. "
"Ah ! " continued the young girl , "I am so
happy. I fool perfectly strong , quite well ,
nnd as white and pure as though I wcro juat
born. "
This was delightful to Plorre. It seemed
to him that what remained of the fetid
breath of Mme. Volmar was dissipated and
purified by Mnrle. She filled the
with her Innocence and the perfume of her
brilliant youthful naivete. Yet this very
beauty nnd pure Joy of restored llfo did not
reach him without a sensation of great sad
ness. In his heart of hearts the revolt he
had experienced In the crypt , the wound of
Ills wasted existence , must leave the spot
bleeding forever. So much resurrected grace ,
the adored woman that blossomed Into flower ,
yet ho might never possess that woman ; ho
was out af the world. In n sepulchre. Dut he
no longer sobbed , but felt a boundless mel
ancholy , an Immense sinking away , that told
him ho was as dead ; that this dawn of
womankind rose over the tomb In which slept
his virility. It was the renunciation , ac
cepted , desired , In some great natures that
exist In tremendous Isolation.
Like the other woman the passion filled
one Marie had taken Pierre's hands. Dul
her llttlo hands were so soft , so fresh , so
calming. She looked at him rather con
fusedly , with some deslro that she did not
dare express. Then she said bravely :
"Pierre , will you kiss mo ? It will make
mo so happy. "
He shuddered , His'poor heart wrung In a
last torture. Ah ! these kisses of former
days , of which h6''Hnd always retained the
pressure on his llimHo had never hlssdd
her since , and toflUy ° 'lt ' was a sister who
hung upon his ileck < She embraced him
heartily on the left1 cheek , then on the right
ono , holding out hov'olvn to make him take
his turn. Then linklrtied her twice.
"And I am happy'Mo ! , Slarlo ; I swear te
you that Iam happy , ' very happy. "
Overcome by crtiotflon , his courage all
gone , at the same'HImto his being was filled
with boundless pity and bltterno-s , and he
burst Into sobs , Itla hands over his weep
ing eyes , like some -child who wishes lo
hldn Its tears. ( ' - -
"Come , come , do ntrtlglvo way too much , "
Sister Hyaclntho said giyly : "You would
bo too proud , abbo ] ' ff you thought wo came
only to see you.-oil Jnot si , do Gucrsalnt
hero , too ? " lo .1
Marie Uttered ilsdry of profound tender
ness : "Ah ! my Hear- - father ! He will bo
the happiest of UB nil ; ! . '
Pierre then told her that SI. do Guer
salnt had not yet returned from his excur
sion to Gavarlne. Ho could not conceal
his uneasiness , although he tried to ex
plain why ho had been detained. Inventing
excuses and unforeseen complications. Dut
the young girl was not at all alarmed , and
bega'n to laugh , taylng that her father never
wns on time. Yet she felt very Impatient
to have him see her walk , that ho should
find her standing up , resurrected In all her
flourishing youth. Sister Hyaclnthe , who
was leaning out of her balcony , came back
Into the room , "Hero he U ! He 1s below ,
getting out of , the carriage. "
"Ah ! You- must know , " cried SlarlB ,
with the gayety of a playful school girl ,
"that we Intend to surprise him , Wo must
hldo , nnd when he gets up hero we will
.udilenly como out and showourselves. . "
And she already began to drug Slater
Hyaclnthe- Into the next room.
Almost at the same moment M , de Guer- ;
saint entered llko a whirlwind , through the
door from the hall that Plorre had hurried
to open for him , and seizing his hand
"Well , hero I nm at last ! Well , my
friend , you did not know what to think
after waiting for mo since 4 o'clock ycstcr-
diy afternoon ! lint you c.innot fancy all
our adventures first the wheel of our lan
dau got broken , Ju t in wo arrived at Gnv-
arlnoi then last night , ns wo were about
starting , ju < t Die same , a horrible storm
came tip that kept tis the whole night nt
St. Sauveur. I never closed my eyes. "
Hero ho Interrupted lilmsoUi
"And how ore you , all right ? "
"I did not sleep cither , " said the priest.
"They made such a noise hcn > In the hotel. "
Dut St. do Guersalnt had begun again
"Never mind ; It was splendid. You can
not Imagine It. t must tell you about It.
I was with three most charming ccclcs.astlcs.
Abbo dos Ilcrmolscs Is certainly the most
agreeable man I ever met. Oh. how we
have laughed , how we have laughed ! "
Once more ho slopped.
"And my daughter ? "
Then from behind came a ringing laugh.
Ho turned and stared dumbfounded. Marie
was there , and she walked. She had n
gay , happy face , resplendent with health.
He had never doubted that the miracle
would be performed ; ho was not surprised
the least In the world , for he hail come with
the conviction that all would end well , he
would surely find her cured. Dut what
touched his Innermost being wns the pro
digious spectacle that greeted his unex
pected eyes. Ills daughter , so lovely , so di
vine In her little black dress ; his daughter
who had not even worn a hat , but wore a
simple lace scarf knotted over her beautiful
blonde hair ; his daughter living , triumphant ,
similar to all other daughcrs of other
fathers , that he had lived for so many
years. "Oh , my child ! oh , my child ! "
And as she ( lung herself Into his arms
ho strained her to him , both falling on their
knees. All wns cnrrlcd away , all merged
In the fusion of faith and love. This absent
minded man , with his flighty brain , who
went to sleep In plnco of accompanying his
daughter to the grotto , who went off to
Gavarlno the day on which she- was to bo
cured by the Virgin , now overflowed with
such paternal tenderness , with such Chris
tian belief , Instigated by gratitude , that for
on Instant hu became sublime. "Oh , Jesus ,
oh , Slary , how thankful I am for having
given me back my child ! Oh , my child !
wo shall never have breath enough to thank
Jesus nnd SInry for the great happiness they
have given me. Oh , my child , who has been
resurrected ! Oh , my child , who has been
made so beautiful by them , take my heart to
offer It to them with your own. I belong
to you , I belong to them eternally , oh , my
darling child ; oh , my adored child ! "
On tholr knees , before the open window ,
with uplifted eyes , they both regarded the
sky ardently. The daughter leaned her
head upon her father's shoulder , while ho
held her with his arm around her waist.
They formed but ono person. Slow tears
were rolling down their ecstatic faces , that
smiled with a superhuman felicity , while
together they murmured disjointed words
of gratitude , "Thank Thee , oh Jesus ! Oh ,
Holy Slothcr of Jesus , we thank thee ! Wo
love thee , wo ndoro theo ! Thou hast re
newed the best blood In our veins , it be
longs to thee. It burns for theo alone. Oh
almighty Slother ; oh , divine , best loved Son ,
n daughter nnd a father bless You , and are
pvercome with Joy at Your feet.
The embraces of these two beings , happy
after so many dark days , the murmurlngs of
their joy , that still seemed steeped in ser
row , the whole scene was so touching , that
once more Pierre was overcome by tears.
Dnt those were gentle tears , that comforted
his heart. Ah , sorrowful humanity ! how-
good it was fo see It somewhat cheered
and consoled ! And what did It matter if
such brief felicities did seem to come down
directly from the eternal Illusion ! An en
tire humanity that pitiful humanity that Is
saved by love was it not present in this
childlike man , made sublime In an Instant
nt the sight of his restored daughter ?
Standing somewhat aside , Sister Hyaclnthe
was also weeping , with a full heart , filled
with n human emotion that she had person
ally never experienced , for she had known
no other parents than the good God and the
Holy Virgin. Silence reigned in that room
that was quivering with so much fraternity ,
bathed In tears. And she spoke first , when
finally , overcome by their feelings , the father
and daughter got' Up from their knees
Now wo must go quickly , miss , quickly
back to the hospital. "
Dut all cried out. M. do Gucrsalnt wished
to keep bis daughter , and Slarie's eyes ex
pressed the same ardent wish , a desire to
live , to walk , to go all over the vast world.
'No , no , " said the father. "I will not
give her up. We are going to have a bowl
of milk , for I am dying of hunger ; then we
shall go out to take a walk. Yes , yes
both of us. She must take my arm , like a
llttlo wife. "
Sister Hyaclnthe again laughed :
"Well , then , I will leave her ; I will tell
the Indies that you have stolen her from me.
Dut I must go. You cannot fancy how much
work we have to do
at the hospital If we
want to be ready to get away ; nil our Inva
lids , all our stuff , It Is a perfect crowd. "
"Then , " asked SI. do Guersalnt , who had
fallen Into ono of his absent turns , "today Is
Tuesday , nnd we start tonight ? "
"Certainly ; do not forget. The white train
( eaves at 3:10. : It you are reasonable you will
fetch your daughter back early , that she
may rest a little. "
Slarlo accompanied the sister to the door.
"Certainly , I will be very wise. Then I
wish to go back to the grotto , to thank the
Holy Virgin once more. "
It was delicious when the three ft lends
wcro finally left alone. Plerro had told the
maid to bring some milk , some chocolate
nnd cakes , all sorts of good things. And , nl-
Jhough SInrle had already eaten before that
day , she ate again , she was so hungry sinro
her cure. They had moved the table In front
of the window , nnd made It a festal occasion
In the pure mountain air , whllo the hundred
bells of Lourdes rang out the glory of this
radiant morning in their chimes. They ex-
claimcd , they laughed , the young girl related
to her father all about the miracle , with Its
details repeated a hundred times , nnd how
she had left her cart nt the Daslllca ; how
she had slept for twelve hours without mov
ing a finger. Then SI , de Guersalnt had to
toil about his excursion , but ho was very
much confused , and mixed it up with tl.o
miracle. In fine , the range ot Gavarine was
something colossal. Only from a distance
ono lost the sense of proportion , and It be
came dwarfed. The three gigantic mounds ,
covered with snow ; the main peak , that
stood out against the sky llko the ptofile
of some. cycIopean fortress , with Its ruined
dungeons and crumbling walls ; the grand
waterfall , whoso ceaseless ( low seemed BO
slow , when in reality It fell with the nolso
of thunder ; all this immensity , with the
forests to the right and left , those torrents ,
these rolling mountains , looked as though
one might hold them In olio's hand when
seen from the market place In the vllU o.
And what struck him the most , and of
which ho spoke many times , were the strange
designs formed by the snow that remained
lilgh up on the rocks , among which was un
Immense crucifix , n white crocs several thou
sand yards long , that looked as If It had
been placed from one end of the range lo the
other. He Interrupted himself to say :
"lly the way , what Is going on next door ?
As I wns coming up Just now I met SI. Vlg
neron running like a madman , and through
the open door leading to their room I thought
I saw SImo. Vlgneron looking very red. Has
.heir son Gustavo had another attack ? "
Pierre had forgotten Mine. Chaise , the
lead woman sleeping thcro on the other sldo
of the partition. He felt a llttlo cold shiver.
"No. no , the child Is all right. "
Ho did not go on. preferring to be silent.
Why spoil the happy hour of restoration , of
reconquered youth , by mixing In U the Image
of death ? Dut from that moment ho could
only think of that nearby calamity , and he
tlso thought of that other room where the
oncly man was choking his sobs by himself ,
ils lips pressed pn a pair of glovca he had
stolen from his dear friend. The entire hotel
vas awake now , with Its coughs , Its groans ,
ts Indistinct voices , the continual knocking
on doors , floors creaking In the rooms
crowded with stranseM. hall * swept by the
swishing of skirts , by the rushing away of
amllles who were hastening to depart.
"Upon my honor , you will harm yourself , "
cried SI. de Guersalnt , laughing as ho saw
ils daughter take'another brioche.
Slarlo was also cheery. Then , with two
sudden tears In her eycn :
"Ah ! I am so happy , and I fell so sorry
when I think that every ontt In the whole
vorld Is not as happy as I. "
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