THE OMAHA DAILY BE 15 : J'1VEINESDAY. JULY 11 , 189k the victory will bo one of peace and pros- ptrltr of the faithful. J , n. SOVEREIGN , Grand Master Workman. All Knights of Ijibor asacrntjllcs In Chi- caeo were not -notified by the district work man lo take action on the plan adopted at the recent labor conference , all members be ing adjured to maintain pcaco and order. OUT OF nuns' CONTROL. President Debs said today that the Indus tries of Chicago would bo completely tied up bo tomorrow morning. Mr. Debs made this statement * "This trouble has Rene beyond my control completely and beyond the control of the railway union. It Is posslblo that the com- mlllco that neck * to settle the trouble by arbitration may bo able to do something beFore - Fore night , but I am very much In doubt about It. It certainly looks as If a gigantic Btrlko were Biiro to come. "So far as the cause of the A. II .U. Is concerned , things look brighter than ever. The strike Is still on , and there Is now no violence. That Is what wo have most to fear , the dcstructlveneSH of mobs who are not connected with our trouble. With so many companies of mllltla here , though , there will not bo much violence. The greater strike Is practically sure to come now , but I hope It Will bo conducted peaceably and quietly. " NO HOI'K OF ARBITRATION. Thomas Kldd , secretary of the Interna tional Woodworkers' union , and tcveral mem bers of the arbitration committee appointed yesterday , had a conference today with Vice J'resldent Howard and Director Hogan of the American Hallway union. At the close of the conference one of the committee said there was absolutely no avenue through which arbitration might bo secured. The strike of the labor unions was now a cer tainty. Their representative were taking measures to tccuro Its success. The plan of the loaders for tomorrow Is to call out first all organized labor In Chicago cage and then to proceed from town to town until the entire country Is paralyzed or Pullman gives In. The Immediate effect on Chicago , If all trades obey the strike , will throw 150,000 men out of employment tomorrow. The Chicago Seamen's union has decided that should the railroad troubles not be set- nnd before Wednesday , that the sailors would go out on a sympathetic strike. This will llo up all the sail craft In the harbor. Four assemblies of the Iron Molders' union have struck , 2.GOO men going out. The clgar- mnkcrs union , -1,000 strong , has voted to ptrlko. None of these bodies have any griev ance , but have decided to Btrlko solely be cause of sympathy with the Pullman boy cott. cott.ST. ST. LOUIS , July 10. Grand Master Work- jnAn Sovereign's call for the mcmebrs of his organization to go out will affect 5,000 em ployes In St. Louis. There nre 327 trades and labor unions In St. Louis under the jurisdiction , of the American Federation of Labor , and twenty-three assemblies of the Knights of Labor , embracing the Musicians , garment cutters , breweries' employes and tobacco workers. LOCAfj MiADKKS FAVOR A STICIKi : . KcntlliiontH Appluildud ami Adopted at I.nut Nlghfit ; > i > r .Miss ; Meeting. Nearly 5,000 people jammed themselves In to the tpaco bounded by Jefferson square on one sldo and Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets last night to listen to what George M. Pull- -ian would probably denounce as an "Incen diary" speech. The meeting had been an- nouiiced as a rally of local populists to listen to a 'discussion of the political Issues of the day. The speaker of the evening , Ilov. George Muller of Illinois , changed the char- nctor of the meeting from a political gather ing to a strike propaganda. Ho discussed the Btrlko In Its various phases , leaving politics nlono. Ills powerfully drawn pictures of the distress of the laboring men , the exactions of Pullman and the greed of the railroad and corporation managers caught the sympathies of the crowd and every blow ho delivered was applauded by cheers. In the judgment of many conservative men present the prob ability of a strike among all union men In Omaha was greatly enhanced by the speeches delivered last evening. Men lukeWarni In the cause of labor seemed to catch the In fection started In Chicago and many who were undecided last evening before they SERIES 8. The Book of the Builders HISTORY OF THE. . WORLD'S FAIR . BH. . Bunibam . " TME MEN" & Chief of Construction , t wno se . AND . F. D. Millet Director of Decoration. BRING 6 coupons with 25 rents , or , sent by mall , 5 cents extra , in coin ( stamps not accepted ) . Address , Memorial Department , OMAHA BEE. SERIES NO. 20. THE AMERICAS ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY. 4 200 Pages. 260,000 , Word * i'K .i.vw uuKvur. 4 Mine of JfinxHn f/s unit n MliU af Tlicro arc moro tltlniin iiiHtiuctivo , useful ami entertaining In that KI-J.U bonk , "Tim American Kneyclopwllo Htctloiir rv , " tlmulii iinv Hlmllur imtiUuatlou over UHIIW ) . ThlH Krivit wurk , now fop tlni tint limn placed within ihu rjioli of nvorvuuiv In A titilQtiu | iiililU'itou | , for ll IH at t M.I H imi tlui'J u ported Ututloimry ami a co upljtu otieyulo- Only that miml T of the lioik corrwiiml- Ini : with the Hi-rlus numour of tin uouuji | in.-8entfil will bo ilollor > i ! ON1J yuwl.iy Hint Tliri'o Woo't-U ly coupi \ \ with Ifi cents lit ruin , will liny oi < | > i- of Tliu American iii3Vuloi : > , UU U.ctljj- nry > Send o lura to Tli-j KJ J O Ujj , ilmiontciH hlioulJ bo iuUtiiiBsj I ti > DICTIONARY DEPARTMENT NUMBER 18. Rind or trlnff FOUR cnupani and ten cfnl In coin to thU office nn.l . receive Ih * l ( h r rt of thl uw > rb work the rtoiy of ih * "nr , li > l < l b > Uio lomllns ucneiaii oh ) if < le - MAOWKIPBNTI.r U.I.LWIIATKI- ' Addrcii , Hook Dept. , Oinnhn live. went to the square returned homo cheering the Rtrlko. The speaker of the evening wan Introduced by Oeorgo Magney. Hev. George Mullcr began - gan by saying that he had Intended to speak upon the politics of labor , but that owing to the Impending crisis he would talk of the strike. Ho laid down the general proposi tion that all strikes were the Inevitable ? re * suit of the Inordinate greed and uncontrolled selfishness of men and the purpose of these willing to take advantage of circumstances nnd conditions was to extort from men under dlro necessity as largo a portion ns posslblo of the profits of their labor , and , when they can do BO , to leave to the producer the smallest portion of their product that will enable the latter to sustain llfo nnd so bo enabled to continue production to enrich their masters. This , together with the prin ciple that labor hai no rights that capital Is bound to respect , had caused moat of the great strlkei of modern times. This was the cause of the Pullman strike. Pullman was n man who possessed special opportunities for placing the general public under tribute. He qxactcd from hfs patrons the most ex- tortlonato rates , and carried on his buslneii with the most high-handed methods. He pursued the name policy with his employes. From an actual Investment of something IIko $10,000.000 the Pullman company was capitalized to the extent of $30,000,000 , and had n surplus of $18,000,000. And yet , at the very t'me that the Pullman employes were preparing their grievances for tub- mission to the company the Pullman di rectors were preparing to declare a dividend. Almost on the very day that the employes were denied living wages the Pullman stock holders divided among themselves a divi dend amounting to $600,000 , DEUS ON THE IJOYCOTT. The speaker then rapidly sketched the history of the present strike. Ho declared that Webs did not dictate the boycott , but that the boycott wai declared by over 400 delegates , and that the vote In Its favor was unanimous. The boycott Was not the result of dictation , but the declaration of n body representing the dignity of American labor. Pullman Incited the controversy , but he did not stop to think of the general public , of the 1,000,000 employes of the railroad companies , of the various brotherhoods , ( and hero the speaker denounced the Urotherhood of Lo comotive Engineers no an aristocratic organ ization ) , and of the possibility of embroiling the American people In the dlfllculty. The Pullmans nnd the railroads thought of none of these things , but they organized the first sympathetic strike by deciding to uphold Ouko Pullman. They made the contest a strike of the board of railway managers against the employes for the benefit of that "prince of tyrants , George M. Pullman. " How did they dare do this ? Uecauso they believed they would be able to do as they always have been able to do to keep labor divided , aml lo use the bludgeon of one or ganization to beat out the brains of other or ganizations. They could not do that this time , in splto of the subserviency of some of the so-called labor leaders , who were at present not very far from the city of Omaha , hob nobbing with railroad managers. These tools of the railroads , who were disgracing themselves by their relations with the rail road managers , would continue to do so as Ions as they had Iron rings In their noses with strings attached , which the corporations could twitch whenever they cared to do so. The speaker then turned his attention to the government and made the air resound with cheers from his auditors by his stric tures upon the present administration and the United States courts Ho said the rail roads were not disappointed In the govern ment , for when the occasion arose the exec utive and the Judicial branches of the admin istration. In their Infinite and Immeasurable wisdom , evolved the principle that Pullman cars were a necessary and essential part or the mull service of the United States , and In the attempt to carry out this principle the courts had Issued Injunctions more far- reaching than any ever Issued by any court In any country. These Injunctions were more all-embracing , more absolute and more tyrannical than even the courts of Russia would allow. And on what right , on what law did the courts case these Injunctions ? On the Interstate commerce law. a law that had been riddled and torn to shreds by the very corporations that were now using It for the purpose of trampling labor under foot. God save a country guilty of such damnable Iniquity. The- speaker then related the facts con cerning the recent conflicts between the mobs and the troops In Chicago. He quoted the remark of Brigadier General Wheeler , who thanked God that blood had been shed. Whoso blood had been shed ? One of the killed , was an 18-year-old girl , who was viewing the conflict from the top of n house several blocks away. She was killed and thejlust of Genejal Wheeler for blood was partially satisfied. John Durke , another man killed , was Identified by the police ns n dangerous crook nnd a criminal of the deepest dye. It was lucky for the country that Burke was killed before-the United 2tates marshal discovered him or he would have been sworn In as a deputy. Among the wounded were five women , sir boys and n baby In Its mother's arms. Wheeler's lust for blood must have been fully satisfied when this dangerous and lawless * baby fell from Its mother's arms. \ Judges Jenkins nnd Dundy. then came Infer for their share of the general denunciation nnd the worklngmen were warned'that ' even Jud < ro CnldwelPs recent decision was looked upon ns an experiment by rnilroad men. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. In closing , the speaker urged laboring men to stand together. He told them that they could accomplish all their ends by an np- peal to the ballot and urged them to vote for no ono who was not a friend of labor. Ho then presented the following resolutions , which were adopted with n mighty shout : Whereas , It Is the province of govern ment to protect Us citizens In the natural nnd Inalienable rights of life , liberty , and happiness , and In the performance of its functions It should niukc no discrimination between thw-poor and the ilc'h. guarantee ing to each nnd all , by virtue of their manhood and womanhood. Irrespective of property or station , the full opportunity to use their faculties for the Individual nnd gcnenil welfare ; nnd , \Vherens , Certain creations of govern ment , known as corporations , have con stantly nnd without limit sought to In fringe the rights of the people , having be come n vast mechanism of Inordinate greed , tyranny nnd lawlessness , disregard ing every human right and subverting the pwposes of Kovnrninent to the vilest nnd most destructive ends of a few conscience less men ; anil , Wheiens , The president of these United Status did , at the demnnd of the corpora tions , their aids , and their abettors , cull thft congress of states to meet In extraordinary session ono year ngo to carry out the behests of the enemies of the re public ; nnd \Vhercns , In the present crisis all depart ments of government nro present nt the cnpltul ready to perform tholr respective functions , nnd can by immediate action de- line the position of the government In Its ielation to said corporations , nnd compel their submission to the fundamental prin ciples upon which the pcrmancy of our na tional institutions depend ; therefore , Ue It llesolvtd , That we call upon the congress of the 1'nlted States tn piovlde by Imme diate legislation for the adjustment of dif ferences arising between enporatlons en gaged In Interstate commerce and their employes , nnd to recognize In the eniiot- munt of Mich laws the nlllrmntlon of Abra ham Lincoln , that "Labor Is the superior of capital and deserves much higher con sideration. " Hesolved , That we deprecate the uncon stitutional action of the national executive In using the regular army to pcrfom the police POWI-IH properly belonging to Hie various states and municipalities : nnd also to serve as railroad employes In the run ning of trains , nnd generally performing duties belonging to private prisons , thua making the government an employment agency In behalf of corporations who do not respect the government enough to obey Its laws. llesolved. In presenting these demands that \ve ulllnn our obedience to the laws of the stain and the nation ; ihal while Iho lawlessness of the corporations nnd the sanction given that lawlessness by the co operation of the government In sustaining thflr Infamies has u tendency to destroy res-peel for all law , i\nd to encourage de fiance to constituted authority , we , the common people , who by our Industry have iiiiidt ) our country rich , and by our patriotIsm - Ism defended Its luti-grlty. will by our loy alty yet innko anarchy In high places a llesolved , That with ballots , nnd not with bullet ? , we will , by peacenblu involution , make the Declaration of Independence the essence and substance of our governmental structure : and bo It further ilcso ycd. That wo extend our henrty Himiiathy and unlimited support to the A. Jl. I In its btrucKle against Iho combined P ° .w rs of greed nnd tyranny as rcprc- < ! the u = " * l ? icln.e i T Mnnnnem nnsocln- tlon. that we recognize In the present contest - test th severest striifslo that has over ' 'J ll . "K"1 for the buprcmney of manhood over the so-called rlghtH of property , which si ? . .ifnW0 ' " nn" "Qt tne crenlor of labor ; Umi It by our Itmclloii or our co-op- cnUH-n xuin the common enemy we now assist the corporations to defeat our broth- era , wo nro the most recreant nnd Infnmom of men , nnd woInsht Ihnt only they nro lit to bo called leaders of labor who In thla hour of supreme HtrtigKlo net In full sym pathy with Kugcne V. DebJ nnd hli compatriots - patriots In their battle for the rights of men ; that to make the strike general nnd universal IA a necesslly of the hour , for to do otherwise will be to nllow the corpora tions to concenlrate their forcci against those , our brothers , In Chicago. In whose defeat through our suplnenens we shall IIP sunken In n sea of scorn ; the ncorn and scoff of the very corporations whose ac complices we have become. Corporal" tyranny being n unit , labor must be n unit : and wo hereby declare that every corporation acting In sympathy with the board of general managers nnd that monslroslly In human form , George M. Pullman , forfeits nil leglllmntc demands upon the services of Its employes , viti ates all contracts nnd declares llself In imical to the common Inloresls of labor ; that technicalities , red tapclsm , ofllclnl Jeal ousies and whatsoever stands In the way of the complete and Immediate unification of labor must be swept Into oblivion nnd labor stand together , lest In the future it starve together. Sam Nedrey then addressed the crowds. He urged everybody to go out on the strlko this morning at 7 o'clock nnd predicted the success of Iho strlko commenced by Eugene Debs. Ho denounced In strong terms Iho la boring man who would refuse to stand by his brothers In the present controversy , and said that Ihe slrlko ordered by Sovereign would bo general all over the United States. The crowd applauded his utterances liberally and every allusion lo the general strike was greeted by cheers. The meeting then closed after the announcement that another mass meeting would bo held at the same place some ovenjng later In the week. I-IIIK\I : , UKAND Jimv CHAKUKU. Judge OroHncup ( IIvon Them Lengthy In- Ktructlon * on Their Duty. CHICAGO , July 10. The special federal grand Jury to Investigate the strike as sembled today. It Is drawn from the coun ties of the northern part of the state. When nil Iho grand Jurors had been sworn 'they were charged as to their duties by Judge Grosscup ns follows : "Gentlemen of the Grand Jury : You have been summoned here to Inquire whether any of the laws of the United States within this Judicial district have been violated. You have como Into an nlmosphero and nmlil occurrences lhat may well cause rea sonable men to question whether the laws of the United States nre yet supreme. Thanks to resolute manhood and to that enlightened Intelligence which perceives the necessity of a vindication of law be fore any other adjustments are pos slblo , the government of the United States Is still supreme. You doubt less feel aa I do that opportunities of life , under present conditions , are not entirely equnl nnd lhat changes are needed lo nr- rest some of the dangerous tendencies of current Industrial life. But neither the torch of Ihe Incendiary nor Iho weap6n of the Insurrection , nor the Inflamed tongue of him who Incites to fire and sword Is the Instrument to bring about reforms. To the mind of the American people , to the calm , dispassionate , sympathellc Judgmenl of a race that Is not afraid to face deep charges nnd responsibilities , there has as yet been no appeal. Men who appear as the champions of great changes must first submit them to discussion dlscuss'on that reaches not simply the parties Interested , but the wider circles of society and must be patient nnd per severing until the public intelligence has been reached nnd a public Judgment , made up. An appeal lo force before Ihal hour Is a crime , not only against the government of existing laws , but against Ihe cause it self , for what man of any Intelligence sup poses that any settlement will abide which is induced under the light of the torch or Ihe shadow of an overpowering threat. AVith the questions behind present occurrences , therefore , we have , as ministers of the law and citizens of the republic , nothing to do. "Tho law , as It Is , must first bo vindicated before we turn aside to Inquire how law or pracllce , as II ought to be , can be effectu ally brought about. Government by law Is Imperiled and that issue Is-paramount. The government of the United States has laws , , ifirst , to protect Itself and Its authorlly . .as' , a government ; and , sec'o.ndjy/ protect Its' aulhorlly over those agencles to which , undqr the constitution and laws.Mt extends'goVerri- mental laws. For "the fb'rmer purpose , namely , to protect Itself and its authority as a government , It has enacted 'that .every person who entices , sets on foot " , assists or engages In any rebellion or "insurrection against the authority of the United States or the > laws thereof , or gives aid or comfort therelo , " and 'any two or more persons In any stale or territory who conspire to overthrow , put down or destroy by force the government of the United States , or to levy war ngalnsl Ihem or to oppose by force the authority thereof , or by force to prevent , hinder or delay the execution of nny law of the United Stales , or by force lo seize , lake or possess any property of Ihe United Slales contrary to authorlly' shall bo visited wjth cerlaln penallles therein named. INSURRECTION DEFINED. "Insurrection Is arising against civil or political authority ; the open nnd nctlve op- poslllon of n number of persons to the opera tion of the law In n city or a' state. Now the laws of Iho Untied Slates forbid , under penalty , any persons from obstrucltng or re- Inrdlng Ihe passage of the. malls and make It the duty of the officer to arrest suoh .of fenders nnd bring them before the court. If , therefore. It shall appear to you that any person or persons have wilfully ohstrucled or retarded the malls and that their ntlempted arrest for hucli offens.0 hns been opposed by such n number of persons as would consti tute a general uprising In that particular lo cality and that threatens for the time being Iho civil and political authority , then the fad of an Insurrection within the meaning of the law has been established , and 'ho who by speech , writing , promises or other Induce ments assists In selling It on foot or carryIng - Ing It along or gives It aid or comfort' Is guilty of n violation of law. It Is not neces sary thai lliere should be bloodshed ; II Is not necessary that Us dimensions should be so porlenllous as lo Insure probable success 10 constitute an Insurrecllon. It Is neccsr sary , however , that the rising should bo In opposition to the execution of Ihe laws of Ihu United States and should be so formld- nblo for the time being ns to defy the nu- Ihorlty of the United States. When men gather to resist Ihe pollllcal or civil power of Ujo Unlled Slates or to prevent the exe cution of Its laws and nro In such force lhat the/civil / nutliorillca nre inadequate lo pul them down and n considerable military force , Is needed to accomplish that result they be- cotno Insurgents , and every JiCjyon who know ingly Incites , aids or nbels them , no matter what his motives may be. Is likewise an In surgent. This penalty Is severe , and , ns I have said , Is designed lo protect the govern ment nnd Its authority agalnsl direct uttnck. There are oilier provisions of law designed to protect tlrtise particular agencies which come within governmcnlnl control. To these I will now call your attention. "Tho malls nre In the special keeping of the government nnd laws of the United States. To Insure unhindered transmission 11 Is made nn offense lo 'knowingly nnd wil fully obstruct the passage oflhe mall or nny carriage , horse , driver or carrier carrying Ihe same. ' It Is also provided lhat 'If two or more persons consplro together to commit any offense against the United Stales , * * nnd one or more of such parlies do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy. ' alt par ties thereto MiaU be subject to a penalty. Any person wilfully or knowingly doing any acl which contributes or Is calculated to contribute to obstructing or .hindering mall service , who willingly or knowingly takes part In such net , no mailer how trivial , If Intentional , Is greatly In violation of the first of these provisions , nnd nny person who con spires with one or moro persons , one of whom subsequently commits the offense , Is likewise guilty of an offense against the United States. WHAT CONSTITUTES CONSPIRACY , "What constitutes conspiracy to hinder or obstruct the malls will ba touched upon lu connection with the subject o which I now call your attention. The constitution places the regulation of commerce between the sev eral states and between the states and for eign nations within the keeping of the United States government. Anything which Is de signed to bo transported for commercial pur poses from one state to another nnd Is UOT tunlly In transit , and any passenger who U actually engaged In any such Interstate com mercial transiicllon , nnd any car or carriage actually transporting or engaged In. irons ? porting such passenger or agencies , uro subject matter of Interstate com merce , nnd any conspiracy In , , , re- slralnt of such trade or commerce Is an offense against the United States. To re strain Is to prohibit , limit , confine or abridge a thing. The restraint may be permanent or temporary ; It may buJntendcd to prohibit , limit or abridge foPIdlTl tnno or for n day only , The law draw IT m > distinction In this respect. Commerce ot ( his character IB In tended lo be frre , except when subject to regulations by law at all times nnd for nil periods. Temporary ftltralnt Is , therefore , as Intolerable as permanent , nnd practical restraint by actual physical Interference as criminal ns that' whjcljnows from the ar rangements of business n'nd organization. Any physical InlcrfWe'hbc , therefore , which has the effect of retraining arty passenger , car or thing constituting tan element of Inter- slate commerce for pis the foundation for this commerce. IJut to complete this offense , as also that of obstruct the malls , thcro must exist In addition to the resolve or purpose the element of criminal con spiracy. "What Is criminal conspiracy ? If It shall appear to you that any one or moro persons corruptly or wrongfully agreed with each other that the trains carrying the malls and Interstate commerce should bo forcibly ar- rcsled , obslructed and restrained , such would clearly constitute a conspiracy. "If It shall appear to you that two or moro persons corruptly or wrongfully agreed with each other that the employes of the several railroads carrying the malls nnd In- lorslnle commerce should quit , and lhat suc- cestors should , by threats , Intimidation or violence , ba prevailed from taking their places , such would constitute n consplrncy. LAI10R HAS A RIGHT TO ORGANIZE. "I recognize , however , the right of labor to organize. Each man In America Is a free men , and so long as he does not Inter fere wllh the rights of olhers ho has Iho right to do with that which Is his what he pleases. In the hlgho't sense n man's arm Is his own , and aside from contract rela tions no oner but. himself can direct when It shall bo raised to work or shall be dropped to rest. The Individual option lo work or to quit Is the Imperishable right of a free man. Hut the raising or dropping of the arm It the result of a will that reside : In the brain , and much as wo may deslro that such will should remain entirely Independent , there Is no mandate of law which prevents their association with others and response to a higher will. "Tho Individual may feel himself alone unequal to cope with the conditions that confront him , or unable to comprehend Iho myriad of considerations lhat ought to con trol his conduct. Ho Is entitled lo Ihe high est wage the slralegy of work or cessation from work may bnng ( and the llmltallons upon life Intelligence and opportunities maybe bo such that he does not cheese to stand upon his perception of strategic or oilier conditions. His right to choose a leader , ono who observes , thinks and wills for him a brain skilled to observe his Interest- Is no greater pretenllon thnn that which Is recognized In every other department of Industry. So far and within reatonable lim its associations of this character are not only lawful , but nre , In my Judgment , bene- flclnl , when they do not restrain Individual liberty and are under enlightened nnd con scientious leadership. But Ihey are subject to the same laws aa other associations. The leaders to whom are given the vast power of Judging and acting for the members nre simply , In Hint respect , their truilees ; their conduct must be judged like that of other truslees , by Iho extent of their lawful au thority and the good faith with which they have executed It. No man In his Individual right can lawfully demand and Insist upon conduct by others which will lead to an In jury to n third person's .lawful rlghls. The railroads carrying lhomalls nnd Interstate commerce hove a right ; to the service of Its employps until eacji , , lawfully chooses to quit , nnd nny concerted notion upon the part ot others to dem'kml or Insist under any effective penally or''threat upon their quit ting to the Injury ofHhe mnll service or the prompt transportalfon 'o'f Inlerslale com merce Is a conspiracy , lunless such demander or Inslslence Is in "pursuance of a lawful authority Imposed upon f them by the men themselves and Is ifriadd In good faith In the execution of sucll Authority. The de mand nnd Insistence , 'ulfder effective penalty or threat , and Injury Utf Iho transportation 'of the mnlls or InlbrUnte commerce being proven , the burden Tails Jupon those * making the demand or InslsienraHo show lawful au thority and go6d faith'In'Its execution , f _ STRIDES MAY'BE ; LEGAL. ' ' . "ftet mq illustrate' : , ir'wetye carpenters are engaged In building a'house. Aside from con tract regulations , the'y each can quit at pleas- Tire. A thirteenth and fourteenth man , strangers Jo them , by concerted.threats of holding tlichi up to public odium or private malice , Induce them to quit and leave the house unfinished. The latter In no sense represent the former la their wishes , but nro simply Interlopers for mischief and are guilty of a conspiracy against the employer of the carpenters. But If , upon a trial for 'such resulls , they prove that instead of be ing strangers they are the truslees , agents or leaders of the twelve , -with full power to determine for Ihem whether their wage Is such that they ought to contlnuo or qull , and lhat they have In good faith determined that question , they are not then , so far as the law goes , conspirators. But If It should fur ther appear that the supposed authority was used , not In the Interest of the twelve , butte to further 'a personal ambition or malice of the two. It WQUld-no''longor Justify their conduct. Doing a thing under a cloak ot aulhorlly Is not dolnp It wllh authority. The Injury of the two to the employer In such an Instance would only be aggravnted by Ihelr treachery tp the associated twelve , and both employer and employes should with equal Insistence nsk the visitation of the law. If It appears to you , therefore , applying the Illustration lo the occurrences that will be brought to your atlenllon , ' Ihal any two or more persons , by concert , Insisted or de manded , . under effective penalties nnd threals , "upon men quitting their employ ment to the obstruction of the malls or In- terstale commerce , you may Inquire whether Ihey did these acts as strangers to these men , or whether they did them under the guise of truslees or leaders of any associa tion to which these men'belonged , and If the latter appears you may Inquire whether their acts and conduct In thai respect were In Iho faithful and conscientious execution of their supposed authority or were simply .a ruse of that authorlly as a gulso to advance personal ambition or satisfy private malice. There Is honest leadership among these , our laboring fellow citizens , and thereIs doubt less dishonest leadership. You should not brand nny act of leadership as done dis honestly or In bad faith unless It clearly so appears. But If It does so appear. If any person Is shown to have .betrayed Iho Irusl of these tolling men , and their acts fnll within the definition of crime as I have given II lo you. It is alike Ihe Interest , Ihe pleasure and Iho duly of every citizen lo bring upon them swift and heavy punishment. It-wish again. In conclusion , to Impress upon you the fnct the present emergency Is lo vindicate law. If no one has violated the law under the rules I have laid down It needs no vindica tion , but If tiero ) has been such violation there should be prompt , quick and adequate Indictment. I confess Iho problems which are mndo the occasion or pretexl for the present dlsturbancca Hayo not received Iho consldorallon Ihtfy deserved. It Is our duty as citizens to take themup and by candid and _ courageous dlsenssfin ascertain what wrongs exist and ulitifYomodlcs can be ap plied. But nellher1 tficr1 existence of such problems nor the neffli'cFof the public hith erto lo adequately cduBldar them Justified the breaking of law or IJie bringing on of law lessness. Lei us fffsf'yrestoro peace" nnd punish the offenders" 6f' the law and then the atmosphere will bo clear to think over the claims of tlioso.wip ( ) have real griev ances. Flrsl vlndlcato.j.jlaw ; unlll Ihnt Is done no other questions are In order. " At the conclusion bf thu lengthy charge , Judge Grosscup Bald ! " * "Since I have propnredilheso Instructions i have been Informed fli'lfputy United Slales marshal was shot w/ille ln Ihe discharge ot his duty. I will read' the section of the United States statutes rliat covers offenses of Hits naluro. Am"f > erson offending under the law , or a slmllaF law , can bo Indicted. Remember , gentlemen , you have been called under exciting circumstances to discharge a grave public duty" f The jury rellred , to Ing " Jury room , nnd , after organizing , went" to dinner. Deputy United Stales Marshal Jones and a brace of marshals nre detailed to keep unwelcome Intruders from the scene of the jury's labors. So rapidly Imve the railroad1 attorneys' piled up Information against' ' tne rioters In the United Slates district attorney's olllce that several clerks have been placed at work filing It for the convenience of the Jury. Tq Oliver 1'agln , assistant United States dte * \T\ct \ \ atloruey , will fall the 'Buty of drawing the Indictments. Mr. Pagln.sald today the Jury would have to niako haste slowly.'e have an appalling lot of Information , " snld Mr. J'agln , "but li dlctmcpts for conspiracy and Inciting lo riot arc scrloa things and must bo drown up precisely. Therefore. It has been suggested that the jurors receive the testimony In a practical way , keeping the proper memoranda nnd finding trim bills from tlmo to time as the Information war rants the colndlctment of men for conspiracy against the government. " When the grand Jury began Its session there- were n dozen witnesses In the walling room. They were railway employes nnd de tectives , who were called to testify to acts ot lawlessness which they had seen. The work of examining witnesses was begun nt once. There were present In the Jury room Dis trict Attorcny Mllchrlst , his asslstanl. Judge Hand , and n slenographor. A dcpuly mar shal stood at the' door of the witness room and nobody except witnesses were allowed to enter or see Into the room. District At torney Mllchrlst would glvo no Information as to the Intentions of the grand Jury. . This afternoon E. M. Mulford , manager of the Western Union Telegraph company , was called before the federal grand Jury to produce - duce lelegrams sent by 1'resldent Debs. Ho refused on the ground that they were privi leged communications. HB was notified by Judge Grosscup lo appear .with the telegrams , the latlcr stating that unless the telegrams were produced Manager Mulford would be sent to Jail. Evasion not being possible , the telegrams were produced In court nt 3:30 : p. m. . _ ANOTiir.u guiirv DAY IN OIIICAUO. CUM Moved Without tlin I.nut InlorfiTonco by thn I.iiwlpfti itrinoiil. : CHICAGO , July 10. For the first tlmo slnco Thursday , July G , a train was sent out of the stock yards nt 10:20 : n. m. today. The train was made up of forty cars , some of which will go lo lloslon , nnd the others to Charleston , at which ports the meat with which Ihcy nro loaded will bo sent to Eu rope. The tracks nt the stock ynrds had boon cleared during the night , and when It was announced this morning that the train was ready to bo moved , two companies of Iho slalo mllltla encamped at Dexter park were sent out to protect It. The men were stationed along Ihe tracks within and with out the yards , and were vllllfled by a great crowd of onlookers. Ther was no attempt to intcrfero 'wllh the movement Of the troops and no violence against the troops was attempted. The yards are guarded by n company of mounted hussars , as well as by the special detail of Infantry , nnd Iho tracks nre gunrded outsldo the ynrds by mllltla for a distance of thrco miles to the connec tion with the main lines of the eastern roads. President Egan of the General Managers' association this morning reporled trains moving on nil roads. Several meat trains were sent out of the slock ynrds last night and this morning and a number of consign ments of live Block received. Freight busi ness U beginning to bo resumed. Some of the tracks used for freight trains only In the yards have not been cleared , but Ihey are being cleared rapidly of the obstructions Ihrown across Iho Irack last week by Iho rioters. Mr. Egan claimed the outlook to bo decidedly encouraging. Ho said thai Iho railroad companies would continue lo Ignore Mr. Pullman and his striking employes in the present dlfllculty. PREDICT A GENERAL RESUMPTION. Several of the general managers predicted thai In ono or Iwo days more Irafllc would bo resumed In all departments on schedule time. All the roads reported that they had enough men now to operate their lines and that the outlook was brighter tlian It has been since Juno 2G. Word was sent to Iho yards this morning that the Northwestern company had a trainload - load of 0.000 sheep within six hours run of Chicago and that it would bo started In If the cars could bo handled In the yards. Re ply was made" that the lines in the yards were clear. TROOPS WILL. REMAIN AS PLACED. After the conference between the mayor nnd the three generals commanding Iho brigades now In sen-Ice In Iho clly Mayor Hopkins said Ihls afternoon lhat there would bo no Immediate change In the disposition of the troops except In cases of emergency. The mayor said he anticipated no reason for additional police protection In the down- lown district on account of the projected strike of tomorrow. There was some talk pf having the mllltla do regular patroi service In the streets of the city , but that plan was abandoned. " The labor wing of the arbitration com- mltteo which called on Iho Pullman com pany yeslerday called on Ihe mayor this morning , but gelling llred of wallIng - Ing , left before they had seen him. They would not stale their business. The fact that Assistant Counsel Rankln and Gen eral Manager 0Browno of the Pullman com pany were present In the mayor's office at the time gave rise to a rumor thai there mlglit bo arbitration. The Pullman of- flclals , however , , came simply to aak for more protection at Pullman. Chief Brennan reported that his rcports'ln- dlcated that all Is quiet all over the city. For answer to President Deb's call upon all his sympathizers to wear white ribbons , miniature United Staates flags are being dis tributed on the Board of Trade and worn on the lapel. GUARDING THE PULLMAN BUILDING. The Pullman building at Michigan avenue and Adams street , the homo of the Pullman Palace Car company , as well as the head quarters of General Miles and the Depart ment of the MIssourl.U.S.A. , Is under n strong guard of armed men , said to be Plnkerton detectives. The big building , which Is one of the most palatial and elegantly furnished In the city , has been under guard ever since the beginning of the Pullman strike , but within the past twenty-four hours the force of detectives has been Increased threefold. At the present time there are five or six of them at every entrance of the building , guarding the stairways and elevators at every landing. In addition to this they are distributed on all Ihe floors nnd In every ofllce of Ihe Pullman company. A slranger , especially should ho be not particularly well dressed. Is accosted upon entering thfi build ing , and If he succeeds In passing the outer guard ho Is slopped every few feet by n guard. They are everywhere and teem to walk out of every closet and room In the place. About the offices of Second Vice President Wlckes there are nt least half a dozen of the detectives , nnd that official never leaves the olllce unless ho Is accompa nied or followed closely by one or two of them. When questioned , the men deny that they are Plnkertons , but admit that they are guards employed by the Pullman company. company.MOVED MOVED TRAINS OF MEAT. Armour & Co. moved a train of meat cars this morning In spite of a mob that gathered along Loomls nnd Forty-seventh streels to oppose the train , Slones were Ihrown and the crowd Indulged In hooting , but the ap pearance of a detachment of troops put an end to the scene of dlorder , A train of sixty- five cars loaded by Swift , Armour and Morris was cent out this mornlnc over the Balti more & Ohio line guarded by deputies. The slock yards switching company announced Ihls morning that Its Iracks were clear and lhat all cars sent to it by outsldo roads could bo handled. Cavalry troops are patrolllnu Fortieth street and the Wabash tracks and made the movement of cars pos sible In that direction , For the first time In several days the packing houses did some slaughtering. The receipts at the yards today consisted of fifty cattle and 3,000 sheep. NIOBRARA VETERANS ARRIVE. Adjutant General John Martin , next In command to General Miles , stated this mornIng - Ing lhat from the reports received at mili tary headquarters , the situation Is gener ally Improving , slnco the trouble reported has reached the minimum and the lull- roads have nearly all resumed builiojs , running regular mall and passenger as well as nearly all suburban and freight trains. Additional United States troops from Fort Nlobrara. Neb. , arrived In the city today over the Chicago & Northwestern road and are encamped nt Western avenue , Brighton Park , The detachment Is composed of four troops of the Sixth cavalry In command of Colonel Gordon , four Iroops of cavalry , A , E. G and 11 of the Sixth , with 1ST men and twelve ofllccrs comprising the detachment , The troops of the Third cavalry and Second end and Fourth cavalry , from Fort Rlley , Kan , , were expecled In Ihu rlly over Iho Alton early this morning , but Adjutant Gen eral Martin of General Miles' staff was ad vised by the management ot the Alton that they would not arrive until this afternoon. This detachment consists of four troops of the Third cavalry and three batteries , tweet ot tho. Second artillery and one Hotchklus battery , riding In three sections , making a total train of fifty-three cars , Including the tUpck cars for thu horses , flat cars for the Heavy ordnance guns and coaches , and slccp- qrs for the otllceru and men. The cavalry li In command of Major Morris of the Third cavalry , and Major Randolph of the Third urtlllory la In command of ttio batteries. The artillery consists of nine officers and ISO men , nnd the Cavalry hns twclvo officers nnd 196 men. FIIIKD A imftXin AT HAMMOND. Early this morning utrlkers fired the "Motion brldgo across the Little Calumet river at Hammond , and before the flames were extinguished two rail lengths of the trestle were destroyed. In conrrquonco trains on that line were delnyod. Low Wnl- lace , jr. , of Indianapolis was arrested last nlcht at Hammond on a charge of per sonating a Unlled States mnrshni. Wallace displayed n star nnd ordered all saloons closed , Before Judge Morolock this morn Ing ho was fined $10 and costs. Ho left for Chicago. At about midnight n crowd of Poles nnd Hungarians gathered nt Ashland avenue nnd the Grand Trunk tracks , nnd Imforo the authorities were warned had torn up several oral hundred feet of track , A company from the { 'Second ' regiment ) charged tlio | crowd nnd dispersed It after firing several shots. No ono was hurt so far as known. I.Ot'AIj KNIUHTH Or I.A11OK. Mr. ColiiMi Sityn Thry Would Obry nn Order In Unit , M. Cohen , district master workman for Omaha , had not ytt received the general order to strlko from Grand Master Work man Sovereign nt midnight. Ho stntcd , however , lhat ho had been ap prised uriofilclally lhat the order was coming and that ho expected to rccclvo It by tele graph any moment. As soon as he received It he would Issue a direct call ordering out nil the Knights of Labor under his jurisdiction , comprising the cities of Omaha , .South Omaha , Florence nnd Lincoln , Personally Mr. Cohen seemed lo bo warmly In favor of a general strike. IIo staled thai he had given his whole tlmo to the consider ation of the subject far the past two days , and1 that ho had mndo a personal canvass of many of the- Industrial establishments of the city for the purpose of ascertaining the sentiments of the Knights of Labor In re gard to the situation. As a result of his inquiries Mr. Cohen feels satisfied lhat nearly all of the Knights of Labor In this district , to the number of nearly 4,000 , will refuse to go to work when tie | call conies. As to the number of knights In the employ of the several railroad companies centering In Omaha , Mr. Cohen was unable lo slalo wllh any degree of poslltvcness. He said there wns some question ns to Iho railroad men going oul , but he Intimated that there was some movement on foot which was to bo sedulously guarded from the public until the opportunlly for Us development became ripe. As to the other classes of knlgbts he was certain lhat Ihcy were all anxious lo enler upon a sympathetic strike , and that they were able to stnnd the strike several weeks without any berious impairment of the finances of the order. But there are surface Indications Hint Mr. Cohen's order to quit work will not meet with the enthuslnsllc recepllon anticipated ! . Had the order been Issued lasl Saturday night It Is likely that a largo majority of the Oninha labor unions would have ohccrfully obeyed It. At that time Ihe slrlko of Ihe A. II. U. In Chicago seemed about to be successful. It looked then ns If a general strike was all thai was needed lo Insure a victory and that such a strlko would be of short duration. Hut the situation In Chicago and In other largo cllles affected by Iho Pullman boycott seems to have materially changed since Inst Saturday. In the ilrst place , Ihe mobs of vicious characlers who do not be long to the labor organizations , but who seized upon the strike ns a pretext for their acts of violence , have been Ihoroughly cowed by the severe punishment administered to them by the state and regular troops. The members of the A. R. U. cannot enforce the boycott by peaceful means nnd they will nol resort to force. The blockade has been raised and trains of all kinds are beginning to run with something that approaches their old-time regularity. The Knights of Labor In Omaha seem to realize this fact as quickly ns nnybody. They begin to see that a sympathetic strike will hardly be successful. Consequently they are beginning to discuss the matter of a local strike with considerable reluctance. It Is stated on good authorily lhat the Knights of Labor employed on the Union Pacific will not obey the order to strike. A canvass of the packing houses In South Omaha reveals Iho fact that a largo majority of the men employed there nre not In favor of n strike. The street railway men have no grievances and they are not well organized. The other organizations nro equally reluctant. The sentlnienl lhat a sympalhellc slrlko nt the present lime would be useless seems to bo rapidly spreading in Omaha and nothing but unusual pressure will turn the tide the olhor way. John B. Schupp , president of the Omaha Central Labor union , said when told of the contemplaled order for all lo slrlko that , as the Central Labor union would meet In reg ular session this evening , ho would take no acllon loward calling nn earlier meeling. ns he did not know what the general sentiment was In the city regarding n strlko. He would not predict the action likely to betaken taken nt the meeting this evening nnd said that he was willing to do whatever the Cen tral Labor union delegates wanled to do. Ills action would be governed entirely by the notion of the union. Other members of the union expressed themselves ns being satisfied with the sentlmonls of President Schupp nnd they did not think this n llmo ° ItnCs | current talk that If all railrond men were to quit work the various trades and labor assemblies would not hesitate to walk out. which would bring n crisis , but as the railrond men. In these parts keep on work , ing olher Irades hesitate to anticipate them. Superintendent of Motive Power McConnell - nell of the Union Pacific , In discussing the report that the Knights of Labor would bo called out all over the country , said to a Bee man that he didn't believe the members of the order on the Union Pacific would go ° "While not certain as to the number of Knights connected with the Union Pacific nt this point , I believe I would be safe In saying that they do not number more than 200 members. The great proportion of Iho membership Is found at Ihe shops , divided among the blacksmiths , foundrymen and ma chinists. Time was when this organization was particularly strong on the system , Sec-- relary Corbln at one time making the state ment that It represented 0,000 men. But with the rise of blacksmiths , machinists nnd other unions the men hnvo largely left the Knights of Labor and have Identified themselves with these unions. Asked If the knights should go out at the shops whether It would seriously Interfere with the running of the shops , Mr. McConnell - nell replied that ho thought they would bo able to run without them. 1IOI.T COUNTY' SlU'l'OKTS DHIIS. SuporvlMirs Adopt n Sot of Ill-solutions De nouncing rullmiiiuiml Cliiioliind. O'NEILL , Neb , . July 10. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The following resolutions were adopled by the supervisors of Holt county WhF-rcns. The employes of the Pullman Palace Car company were forced by star vation wages to Btrlke for better pay , in which effort they nre being sustained by the A. R. U. and other labor organizations ; " 'whereas. The employes of the Pullman company had lehlr wages reduced wllho I any reduction In rents or In the jirlcea of JIScxls i purchased bf necessity at I''s ' . wneea)1' ! } ) Pullman 1ms In fact built a European city on American slol , com pelling all his employes lo rent their homes of him and further compelling- them lo buy Ihelr water , milk , clothing and other neces saries of life from the Pullman company , " ° "ueHolvcd. Hy the Hoard of Supervisors of Holt county , Nebraska ; First , wo sym- pathlze with the Pullman employed , the A. H. U. and the Knights of Labor In their lust struggle for the rights of American lUbor ; second , wo adhere to the constitu tion of the United mates OH Interpreted by the fathers of this government , and wo especially commend Iho iimuiidnipntH to lhat constitution which wiped out negro slavery and wa denounce the efforts of Pullman and the capitalistic class the In troduce Into this country white slavery : third , wo denounce the use of federal troops by President Cleveland to aid the Brent corporations nnd suppress labor , and wo instruct our senators and renr.-sentatlvcH In congress not to vetO ono dollar of the people's money lo defray Iho xpenses of federal troops , federal marshals or deputy marahulD. employed by the president or by his corporation tool. Olney to bayonet and Bhoot down the defenseless worklnginen of Chicago ; fourth , wo call upon the runners and worklngmen of thiS Unlled States to call publla meetings to aid nnd sympathize with organized labor In lit * struggle for ex istence , fifth , wo declare that In our judg ment the only trua solution of Ihe rallro- problem Is by government ownership 01 railroads. milll ) ON ItlOTINO MINr.ltS. llrgnlitr * Itrtnrn n Volley of Ntonr * wltft dim of Hullrtn. OTTAWA , III. , July 10. Affairs at Spring Valley are Inking on an ominous look today , The commanders ot the Hock Island nnd Gnlcsburij companies sent a long communi cation by wire to Adjutant General Orandorff detailing the situation. The nubstnnco of Ihn dispatch was thnt the miners have so Intimidated nil , classes ot the people with threats of what will happen after the troops hnvo been removed thnt every obstacle U plnced In the pathway ot the soldiers and all classes net In a hostile manner. Mayor Jackson , who Is evidently terrorized , ordered thn soldiers out of town this morning , but they refused lo obey. The telegraph oper ator wns frightened nwny and one of the soldiers Is nt the key. The slorekcepsr hnvo been made to refuse to sell supplies lo the troops and the latlcr have , In consequence , taken possession of Ihn company's store , , soldiers acting ns custodians In plnco of Iho lerrorlzcd clerks. Moro Iroops have been nsked for. Company C of the Fifth regulars com- mnndcd by Captain Conrad came Into col lision wllh the mob at Ihls place today , nnd nflcr patiently enduring volley nftcr volley of stones , fired Into thn mob , killing two mon nnd wounding several others. The caimialllcs nro ns follows : Dead : DOMINIC BARTMER , shot through the head , killed Instantly. JOII NSALOLI , shot through the breast. Injured : Walter Crcfory , deputy ribs broken , badly bruised. Lush Kelp , deputy , shot In Iho thigh. S. D. Powell , deputy , shot twice In the fnco. fnco.Unknown Unknown Italian rioter shot by Powell. Unknown rioter , hnnd nnd arm badly lacor- alcd by bayonet while mllltla was during the strcels. The fight occurred nt 1:20 : this evening when n Rock Island train bearing the troops pulled Into the depot , At the llmo of Us arrival a largo mob of Poles , Lithuanians nnd Huns wns gathered upon Iho hill over looking Iho dcpol. As Iho men filed oul on the depot platform they were greeted with a chorus of yells and the slones rained < Jf > vtn around them. Captain Conrad raised his hand nnd called to the mob to ccaso throwIng - Ing stones. It obeyed him an Instant , but seeing the troops remain passive , regained Us vlclousness nnd sent vollo ynfter volley of stones nt the soldiers , nt the same tlmo drawing closer nnd becoming more thrcnlcn- Ing. Captain Conrad ordered his men lo aim , and ns moro stones came nt the regu lars , ho gave the word to flro. The mob broke when the tire began and hns not as sembled since. The troops went to Chicago tonight. Itiijrott Js'oleii. The lilt ? Four has Issued orders closing : all Its shops. The day was quiet nt Nashville nnd all trains nre running. All trains nre moving at Dallas and no further trouble Is expected. Milwaukee men , ninny of them , have re turned to work nt St. Paul. The trouble on the Iron Mountain nt Lit tle Rock Is thought to be over. Troops have been sent to the Coeur d'AIene mines to suppress rioting. The Denver & Hlo Grande men at Sallda , Colo. , returned to work yesterday. The strike nt the National Tube works at Mclveesport , Pa. , hns been settled. The federal troops from Fort Rlley ar rived In Chicago yesterday afternoon. All the switchmen but one In the Queen & Crescent yards at New Orleans have struck. Trafllo has been resumed on the Dakota Central division of the Northwestein road. The blockade on both freight and pas senger Irafllc has been raised at Minne apolis. Thcstrlkers and soldiers hnd a friendly game of ball nt Grand Junction , Colo. , yea- lerday. All was quiet at Portland yesterday. Trains bearing troops passed through for Tncoma. A rnilroad bridge wns burned near Trin idad , and the strikers are accused , of doing 11. An unsuccessful nllcmpt was made at Marion , Ind. , to wreck n Panhandle train last night. < Several railroaders nt Thnyer , Mo. , have been arrested for obstructing Ihe malls on Ihe Memphis line. One span of Ihe Northern Pacific bridge across the Yiiklmn at Ellcnsburg , Wash. , was burned yeslerdny. The slenin shovel men nt Ihe Iron mines nt Virginia , Minn. , struck yesterday and the mines shut down. All trains arrived and departed on time nt Dallas , Tex. , yesterday , the strikers olfprlng no Interference. On thesocond day of the strlko every- Ihlng Is lied up tight at Toledo. Not a road Is doing any business. Passenger trains nre moving on time at Louisville , thouph there continues to be some delay in freight trntllc. With the exception of Chicago , Detroit nnd far northwest points , nil mnlls arrived on lime nl New ork yeslerday. Some of Iho employes or Iho Columbus , Shnwnie & Hocking Valley road Hlrucls yeslerday , bul not enough to cripple the road. Central Labor union at Now York yester day held a meeting but did nothing except lo pass resolutions of sympathy with tno A. U. U. , , Warrants have been sworn out by 'the strikers for Iho nrrcsl or Iho Iroops who llreiT on Iho crowd ul Hammond and killed Charles Flleajier. A mob near Forl Wayne hold un Iho Chicago limited Irnln on the Forl Wayilo road. Shols were llred and slones Ihrown bul no ono was hurl. The strike at La Junta , Colo. , Is ended and many or the strikers are- leaving to look Tor work elsewhere , despairing or get ting their old positions buck President Jefferey ot the Rio Grande la receiving congratulallons from every di rection ror the success of the method of set tling the strike on the Rla Grande. The Chicago & Eastern Indiana Is having considerable Irouble running Its trains. Ono Iraln Is held up at liiazll and a foice of. deputies has been scut out to release It. Chief Sargent of the firemen said thnt few of their men hnd gone out except In the south. The strike of the firemen on Ihu Ulg Four , he said , was a surprise lo him. Railway Trainmen's lodge SO and Railway Conductors' division SS3 and lodge II of the Switchmen In Chicago surrendered their charters yesterday nnd jloncd the A. It. U , Strlkei s attempted to uncouple a sleeper from a Santa Fo ttaln at Oulveston lost nluht , but failed and then attempted to pull the llrcmnn from Ihe cab , bul were prevented by Ihe police. The Iroops that have been stationed at Trinidad , C'olo. , have returned to Denver and been replaced by two companies of eolored troops. Five more A. U. U. men were arrested yesterdays The president of the New York Surface Road Men's union bcouts the Idea of a strlko of that class or employes In Now York. The general expression among now York unions Is ugnlnst n strike. Governor Altgeld him Instructed the ad jutant general to purchase all Ihe 45 and W- cnllber rlllCH lo be obtained In Chicago and send them , with ten rounds of ammunition for each , to points throughout Iho state. Mr. I * O. TfnWmw 8 Boilslit Once Afflicted me-ln fact I think no on ever sufr fcrcd more from Impure blood , KvUry pluiplo or scratch would spread , aomutlmoa maklnit Morel as largo at ft dollar. K < mr bottles of Hood's bar. laparflla lave thoroughly purified my blood mid my akin U smooth as an Infant's. 1 jiuvcr felt butter. L. O. TIMKIUM , Newhall , California. Hood's5 Cures Hood's Pills * r prompt auil cfuclen ,