THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , JULY 10 , 6 * ' Boys' and Children's Clothing. 125 boys' long knee-pant suits , ages 112 to 10 , In dark nnd light ahados , worth A Dress Goods 84.50. special , S2.20- H.JV floys" Unco-pant suits , nuos 3 to 15 , go tills week repardless of cost ; your choice , , hl , of $1.7o suits In double and Single-breasted , worth S2 , 95c. Strictly all-wool c mibltmthm suits , with 2 pair pants and cap to tiuitch , sold in 30-Inch fancy weaves , worth 25o , 35c , 30c , boforo-invololng prlco I5c f ninm rf.nny house for $5 and SO ; with us the price is only $2 95 , 30-inch all-wool checks , worth 48c , C9o , buforo-lnvoicing prlco 25c * " . NOTICK All snminor sut'.s In knco pants , strictly nil wool , in the latest 40 und 44-Inch novelty dress goods , worth 8'Jo ' to $1.25 , bofore-liivoicliiu prlco..Ode " "shades , inado.-n well as tailor'nuule , double or slnsjlo-broasled ; your uholco of 42-Inch silk mixtures , the 32 quality , before-invoicing prlco G9c w what wo have loft for S2.5D. Those are worth from SI.50 to $5.00. 44-inch beautiful Entrllah checks wo sold this season at 31.2. % before-invoicing " ' prlco. fo" Men's Light Clothing. 40-Inch nil-wool scrpo , this season's prlco 60c , before-Invoicing prlco 33c * " " < Men's all-wool and coats 40-Inch all-wool bedford cord , blues , browns and wines , sold for 75c , before- ' ' ' - light vests , SI.75. Men's light-colored serge coats and vosls , worth $5 , S2-50i Invoicing price " . 39c 4) Men's Odd Pants Sale. f Men's all-wool pants In casslinorcs and . -hovlots in light and mixed colors , rog Bros ! ulai- prices from $4.00 to § 5.00 , S2.75. Cheney for men. Notice our Dodge street window for prices of odd pants and thin clothing 24 Inclios Wide. Per Yard , Goes Will ) Eiery Purchase , Sheeting Dept. and filled These arc nil new designs of this season's latest productions , and . Cull for them save them they Promptly Carefully , should not be confounded with a lot of remnants of picked over , unsala ble styles of an inferior grade. 4-4 bleach sheeting , worth g c , spccal : cost you nothing ami arc worth If you cannot call in person send You never will get as good goods again for so little money. 9-4 brown sheeting1 , worth 200 , special us a mail order , which will answer considerable. the purpose just as well. CHENEY BROS. ' BEST QUALITY PRINTED SILKS 42 inch pillow casing , worth isc , for 7 59C . An extra quality Sc cotton flannel for 50. For Ynrrt per yor. . Stationery. . Books. Irish linen paper , 20c pound. Linen paper. Be quire. COO bound books for Monday only lEc. Knvelopos , 50 for 3c. 1,000 novels , such authors as Eliot , Cooper , Tablets , 2c , 5e nnil lOo. 1 dozen pencils , Be. Scott In the , Irving Night" , "Duchess Oc. COO novels , " "Ships Cc. That Pass If you cannot call today , come tomorrow , or any day this week , as long as the goods last. Mucilage , 2 bottles , uc. The sale is new on in every department in the big store. jThe mighty dollar was never aiore mighty than it is now. It can accomplish wonders at ourj present prices. If you want to appreciate the meaning of the word "bargain. " Meats- JAPONETS attend the Great Summer Clearance Sale California siignr curoa hams. 9o ; corned beef , Co : plckj ! pork , 7 ' ,60 ; dried hoof , tOo , .PREIVIOUB TO IN3T Q ] LQEX.rr A K.I N G. 12140 nnO lie ! ; boneless ham. lOc ; bologiia G.s head cliccso nnd liver sausage , fie per pound. ) s lfiS-S ress ' Builders' Hardware Millinery. Groceries. Farm Implements. 1.000 Kegs or best wire steel nails nt I4c Finest Imported queen olives , 35c quart. per pound. Think of It ! li per pound for These Look- Prices Will Bear Now Is the dull season In millinery dull a best wlro steel nails. everywhere except In the big store. We Savllle olives , 2Gc quart. in ? Op. Consult Your Own If ' you nrs In want of builders' hardware ara literally forcing trade by our low prices Arabian olives , ICc . Us- don't fall to call on us. We will save you quart. Interest and flom Buy - about 50 cent . A 2-burncr stove , with steel cover over per on same. is and anyone who reads the following cannot Mortice locks , lie. . Make a note of our prices on Farming " French mustard only 2 bottle. help admitting "some great bargains are 0 . Him knob . burner , regular price $3.25 , we offer now for locks , lie. here. " Large palls of jelly , 30c pall. Implements. If you want anything In this Hinges , Cc. Door bolts . $3.25. , 3c. line do not fall to see or write us. In screen doors , window frames , Sweet chocolate , 3V&C package. screen Trimmed hats , In blacks and colors , neatly 3-burner . , $3.95. wire A - , regular prlco $7.25 now cloth and poultry wire ni > ltlng at bet The nobbiest goods offered this sea trimmed In the latest styles , worth double Condensed milk , lOc can. We save you $10.00 to ? 1G.OO on a mower tom prices. our asking price , $1-00 But , look here , a largo 2-burncr vapor In carpenters' , blacksmiths' and mechanic * ' son. Sold richt along for 39o ; now to go Corn starch , 3V o package. and $20.00 to $30.00 on a binder. tools we can beat the world. stove with step shelve , Russia Iron oven and Notd tno following prices : One lot GO trimmed hats , are dainty , neat Wo have a largo stock of binders' twine , at Rolled wheat ( some call It California 2-foot boxwood i tiles , 3c. quick lay-down tank , regular prlco $22 , wo offer and sensible , trimmed after the latest Ideas 2-foot boxwood rules , brass bound , 16o. . all and grades , at 7c , 7o 8Mc pound. 10 C Yard. and are well worth $5.00 , $2.50. breakfast food ) , Sc pound. per now for $11.95. Double Double Iron smooth planes. 30c. Good Japan rice , from Be up. Iron Jack planes , 45c. Flowers , 5c , lOc and up per bunch. We We carry a full line of scythes , swaths , show a pleasing variety of wreaths , chil Baking chocolate only 17' c package. A $2.50 oven for $1.45 ; a $3.50 oven for $2 ; lOc braces go at lOc. ' 1-lb. can flberless cocoanut , 7V4c. rakes , scythe stones and paddles , water kegi , 7fic braces go at 23c. dren's wreaths 5c , reduced from lOc , Soda crackers , 6c pound. grain cradles , hay forks ; in fact , every thins a largo Russia Iron oven , regular prlco $4.50 , ROe hatchets go at 25c. Drugs and Children's hats and bonnets ; the low prices Oyster crackers , 3Vic. used on a farm or in a harvest field. $1.00 handled axes , all sizes , lob lot , go have struck these stocks In hard shape , Tomato catsup only V&c bottle. now $3.25. at Me ; no limit. Rubber and cotton hose , 7c , Sc and lOo Patent Medicines prices were 7Cc , now 39o. per foot. Castorla Benson's , capcino 25c. plaster , ICc. Crackers : Soap. Cheese. Tea and Coffee Butter ' 65o. I'askola Aycr's , hair largo vigor , 85c. , Crackers , 3c per pound ; fancy XXX soda Whlto Paris soap , for the bath , toilet or Full crream brick cheese , Co per pound , Tea nibs , ISc and 19c Ib. 1'ankola , small , 45c. Some prices which cannot bo Improved crackers , 5c ; ginger snaps , lOo ; sugar cookies , Idundry , 7 bars for 25c. Tea sittings , lOc.12itc and lEc Ib. Indian Sagwa , 75c. upon : Country butter , lOo , 12V4o , and best grandma's cookies , frosted creams , molasses Climax soap , 7 bars for 25c. Llmburger cheese , 'Jc , lie and 12 o. Uroken Java coffco , 15c and 17V4c Ib. Port wine , 35c per bottle. country butter , 15c ; again our separator Is up cake , oatmeal and city sodas , all at lOc ; Largo bars of castlle soap , 19o per bar. Fancy Golden Hlo , 23c and 2Eo Ib. , COc bottle. for ISc and 20c. There Is no butter made to snowflake crackers , 7c ; nice pound package Mottled or white castile soap , 2 bars for Swiss cheese. 12& , 14c and 16c. Old Gov. Java. 33c Ib. We Whisky compound per all prescription carefully ana equal our creamery ; buy some and be con of oatmeal crackers , very best made , for Cc. Wisconsin full cream , 7'/4c , lOo and Best Java and Mocha , 3Ec , or 3 Its. for well. vinced. Coupons with every sale. All other cheese away down In price. $1.00. WORKING AN OLD RACKET Insanity Dodge Enables George Bordoen to Avoid Punishment at Lincoln. ATTEMPTED TO KILL MARSHAL HAGGERTY Tien of Innnnlty Cnuacil Him to He Incar cerated In the Aityluiii , from Which Hols Now Trylncr to Kxciipo oil Hiibuu * Corpus I'roccudltiRS. LINCOLN , July fl. ( Special to The Bee. ) Acting County Judge Lansing was engaged this afternoon In hearing the writ of habeas corpus for the release of George Dordeen from the state Insane asylum. J. C. John son asks for the writ , alleging that Berdeen Is not Insane. About two months ago Berdeen was ar rested for shooting at Marshal John Hag- gorty of West Lincoln with Intent to kill. Ho tired three shots at him , none of which took effect , but he was arrested , and at his hearing before Justice Spencer was bound over to the district court , and In de fault of ball was committed to jail , At his trial the plea of Insanity was sot up , and when in the county jail llerdccn began to cut up a few peculiar capers , which strengthened the belief that was a little off with his men tal balance. Whllo incarcerated one of hli tricks was to Imagine that ho was a prize fighter , and ho spent most .of his time punching a pillow and pouring cold water over his head through an oyster can that he had punched full of holes. After causing much worry to the sheriff , ttho county at torney nolle prosequled the charges against him and ho was brousht before the In sanity commission nnd adjudged Insane. The members of the board express them selves as fully satisfied that Berdeen was not deceiving them , and think that the evi dence Introduced before them was entirely conclusive that the man Is Insano. The at tempt to release tlerdecn has caused a good deal of unfavorable comment among those familiar with his case. Suit was commenced In Justice Spencer's court today by Paul Hunger against three members of the police force and Tom Hlckoy , manager of the Lincoln base ball club , asking for $200 damages. Hunger avers that ho was falsely Imprisoned for an hour without just cause. He was arrested some time ago for watching the ball game from a tree on some property adjoining the ball park , which had been leased by the man * agora of the club to prevent such occur rences. A. O , Hastings Is reported as being very low at his residence , 1037 O street. Ho Is the uncle of Attorney General Hastings , and la a well known resident of Lincoln. Ho was for many years United States marshal and has been prominent In politics for many years. Ho Is Gl yearn of ago , and little hope la had of hla recovery. At a meeting of the city council this morning the question ° f increasing the assessment of the property of the Lincoln street railway was brought up , but was lost by a decisive votw. It was brought up a lecond tlmo and met a llko fata. The valua tion of the property of Frank Rawllns and A. 0. Blllmeyer , keepers of livery stables , was raised $160 and $100 respectively. Nora Hodgman , the young girl who was Injured by the explosion of a sky rocket on the Fourth at Eleventh and Q streets , Is reported as being much Improved , and her epcedy recovery Is expected. The members of the local division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians mot In their rooms in the Halter block last night , and the picnic to bo given on August IS was discussed and arrangements completed. The election of officers resulted ; 1'resldcnt , B , J. Haughey ; vlco president , 1'atrlck A. llrolmn ; treasurer , I1. & ( . Kccney ; recording secretary. i < \ B. McLaughlln ; financial ( tvcrotary , J , M. Ilurk ; financial secretary of Insurance , J. T. Smith ; sergmint-at-anus , J. McMannln. Fiilrllelil Croumvry llurnetl. , FAIRFIBLD , Neb. , July 9. ( Special to The * B o. ) The FalrfloM creamery bulldluc , Including cold storage room and Ics house , burned at an early hour this morning. This was ono of the most extensive creamery buildings In the state. It was built sevearl years ago at a cost of $75,000. Various ad ditions have been made since , bringing the total cost up to near $100,000. The creamery was being operated this year by the Sutton Creamery company. Mr. Fowler of the Ger man National bank of Omaha la supposed to be the chief owner. There was no insurance. ACCUSES HIS BIOTHEU AND UIIOTIUSR. Itocont Death of n Gage County Citizen Snlil to Hnvo Ileeii Caused by I'olson. BEATRICE , July 9. ( Special Telegram to Th Bee. ) Another Interesting chapter in the death of old man Crosslcy near Court- land , In the northern part of Gage county , Is developing. Some weeks ago Crossley died under suspicious circumstances and a couple of wqeks after the funeral tbo body was dis interred and a post mortem Inquest held. The evidence at the tlmo Indicated very plainly that death had been the result of foul play , but a chemical analysts of the stomach falling to show any traces of poi son , further Investigation was dropped. The parties toward whom suspicion was directed wore the wife of the dead man and her two sons , James and David Smith. A difficulty having arisen over the distri bution of the property , James now proposes tolling what he knows about the matter. Ho stated to The Bee correspondent that his brother had stated to him that he ( Dave ) had given the old man a teaspoonful of laudanum at ono dose. He further stated that hla mother had put poison In the old man's breakfast and that the suspicious marks noticed on the old man's neck at the time of the Inquest were caused by him being choked by Dave Smith. Further investigation will be Instituted. Aihliiml'8 Union Array. ASHLAND , Neb. , July 9. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The union summer school for Sarpy , Cass and Saundcn counties will begin tomorrow. Teachers have been coming In since last Saturday. The attend ance promises to be very large. The In structors are : Superintendents Harley , Clarke and Crabtree ; Principals Halsey and Miller , and Profs. Parsons ami Cromwell , DAVID CITY , July 9. ( Special to The Bee. ) The Butler County Teachers' Institute began today. Ono hundred teachers ere now enrolled. Superintendent Barker has se cured the services of Prof. II. E. Call of Loulsvllls , Ky. ; Prof. J. A. Hornbcrgor of Norfolk , Neb. , and Prof. 0. H. Merlin of Surprise , Neb. , as teachers. Lectures will be given by these and others during the con tinuance of the meeting. KEARNEY , Neb. . July 9. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) Th Buffalo county teachers Institute convened at the old High school building this morning at 8 o'clock with 175 teachers In attendance , mostly young ladles , and a number more are ex pected tomorrow. Profs. Pcarso , Hlgley , Murch and Mrs. Tucker , with County Super intendent Wllsey , are conducting the In struction. Cropi Around Junlata Improved JUN"IATA , Neb. , July 9 , ( Special to The Boo. ) Another flno rain fell last night that almost Insures a bountiful corn crop. Corn never looked better than now , and the acre age Is fully one-half larger than former years. The wheat harvest has been pro gressing rapidly and will soon be In stack. The potato crop was greatly Injured by the bugs. Hall Dniimco lu .Slinrinuu County , LOUP CITY , Neb. , July 9. ( Special Tele gram to The Beo. ) Sherman county was visited by a heavy rain last evening , accom panied by hall. A strip about two miles wide and five miles long northeast of Loup City , on Oak creek , and another strip In the Eouthwest part of the county between Lltch- Meld and Hazard , was badly cut to Jilecei. 1'iilU City llrovUlri. FALLS CITY , Neb. , July 9. ( Special to The Bee. ) The republican county central committee met In this city Saturday and set August 11 as the day on , which to hold the republican county convention. Old Mr. Schaeffer , father of Postmaster C. B. Schaeffer of Arago , Is not yet dead , as was reported. Ha U still unconscious from the effects of the blow received on the Fourth , however , and his recovery Is doubt ful. Fifty dollars reward Is offered for Bob Morehoad , the man who struck him. INTintSTATB KP.UNION. All Preparations Completed for the Inter- fi8tlnR Event at Superior. SUPERIOR , Neb. , July 9. ( Special to The Bee. ) For the past week the Interstate re union committee has been busy making the final preparations for the sixth annual Ne braska and Kansas district reunion July 30 to August 4. This reunion will be held at Camp Lincoln , a most beautiful valley , sup plied with an abundance of pure water , fine shade- and large maneuver grounds. A bat ten * of Napoleon and Galling guns will been on the grounds to help give a military ap pearance. Every Grand Army of the Repub lic post In Kansas and Nebraska has been Invited to attend , and many of them have accepted , as well as several in Iowa. Many comrades of national reputation will be present to address the reunion every day. An abundance of tents have been secured. Clinutuuqun Cluits-\\ork lit Fremont. FREMONT , July 9. ( Special to The Bee. ) There seems to bo a constant Increase of Interest In the morning class work at the assembly. The methods of teaching the bible to both senior and junior classes , as presented by Prof. Charles Fordyce , Mrs. S. T. Corey and T. L. Mathews , ore unique nnd practical , and will doubtless bo con ducive of great good when adopted by subordinate teachers. A paper on "Institute Work , " by Charles Kelsey , occupied the 11 o'clock hour and was Interesting. John G. Wooley spoke again today at 2 o'clock , fol lowed by Mrs. Waklln , nee Hitchcock , on Women's Christian Temperance union school of methods , leaving an hour for Harry Wells to exhibit his method of class training In physical culture , and. Prof. 0. M. Elllnwood closed the day with an Intensely interesting stereoptlcon lecture In the evening. The Dodge county teachers' institute closed Its session on Saturday by examina tions for certificates , which was made by Superintendents Collins and Miller , and 100 certificates were Issued. I'orccrt The Press Jo hunprml. NAPER , Neb. , July 9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The Boyd County Press has been discontinued , Its publisher being unable to straighten up sufficiently the typo which was plod last Wednesday by parties here during hla absence. The plant Is almost a total loss , and It would cost inoro to re place the damage done than can be made out of the paper. Cdltor Garrison thinks he has a clew to the parties who commlted the outrage. James Forbes of Butte hug secured the presses and will move them to Butte. Sheriff Stanford today arrested William Schultz of this place on a warrant charg ing him with soiling liquor without having the necessary state license. He also secured a quantity of wine , beer and whisky which Schultz has openly exposed for sale for the past two months , believing that he was not amenable to the state authorities because his place of business Is on uniur- voyed land. Peculiar Suit uf a Hutting * Man. HASTINGS , Neb. , July 9 , ( Special to The Beo. ) Willis L. Johnson of this city has brought suit for $5,436 against the Fidel ity and Casualty company of Now York , $5,000 being for damages and the balance for lost wages. Johnson la a telegraph operator and was assigned as manager at Hasting * on the death of F. C. Mastln , Johnson mad arrangements with the Fidelity and Casualty company for a bond of $1,000. and paid the requisite premium. Subsequently the com pany rescinded Its agreement , although John son offered to give the company an Indem nity I > ond. In consequence he was thrown out of employment and cannot secure- work aa an operator , as the refusal to contlnu * his bond prevents hh getting another ilt- uatlon. Changed Her Mlml at the Eleventh Honr. PIERCE , Neb. , July 9. ( Special to Th Bee. ) Quite a romantic episode has oc curred In Pierce during the past few days. The principals In the affair are a young man at Grand Island , Chris Wells , oaahler of n bank there ; Fred Brando , editor of the Call lu this city , and Mlsa Ida InheJJer , ono of Plcrce's yoling ladles. The young lady had been receiving the attentions of the gentleman at Grand Island for about seven years. She wont to Grand Island this spring and gave Instructions as to how the homo should be built , what kind of furniture should bo purchased and promised to marry him Wednesday , July 11. The editor. It seems , wooed tie ( girl so warmly that she abandoned her Grand Island lover and the maid and thought-moulder quietly hied themselves awa to Stanton and were married. The Grand Island gentleman was Informed by the happy pair that he was two days behind time. Ho Immediately wired here to the girl's father In regard to the matter. The man at Grand Island had built a fine homo , furnished It In style and had even plac d In a supply of groceries- preparatory to keeping house on Wednesday. The editor and his wife are not in Pierce enjoying their honeymoon. BOYD COUNTY CROl'S DESTROYED. Heavy Rain nnd Torrltlc Hull Storm Does Much Damage. NAPER , Neb. , July 9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) A heavy rain , accompanied by a terrific hall storm , visited this section of the country yesterday noon , completely ruining everything In the way of growing crops. The corn in the fields Is stripped of every leaf , and wheat was driven Into the ground , so that not a vestige of any veget able remains. The area covered by the storm was not over a mlle wide and ex tends from the state line to the NIobrara and probably farther south. Work of Cim-Ins * .Smoltcri. SCHUYLER , Neb. , July 9. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The stock yards and sheds at the grounds of the Colfax County Agricultural society were burned this after noon , some 800 feet of the structure being consumed , entailing a loss of nearly $ GOO. It was out of reach of the city lire depart ment , and a high wind causqd. quick de struction. It Is supposed to have been fired by careless smokers. The flames when first seen were bursting forth at several widely separate points. Indifferent on the S BLAIR , Neb. , July 9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Judge Keysor held an ad journed term of court hero today. Randall Palmer was convicted of stealing the team of Judge Walton by a plea of guilty. The judge sentenced him to six years in the penitentiary , and gave him some good ad vice. Palmer had nothing to say for him self , and seemed to vlow the matter with great Indifference. " Pills that cure sick headache : DeWltt'i Little Early Risers. * Popular music at ourtland beach. $15.00 to Colorado Springs and return , via the Union Pacific. July 21 , 22 nnd 23. Ac count Mystic Shrlno meeting. See me , II. P. Dcuel , C. T. A. , Union Paclflo system , 1302Farnam street. RIJa on now steamer , Courtland boach. Special JUiuirmoM Eait. Via the Northwestern line to Asbury Park , Cleveland , Toronto and ono hundred other pleasant summer resorts. Call at the city ticket office , 1401 Farnam street. IUJ on new steamer , Courtland beach. Excursion Unto * East. For full Information concerning summei excursions call at thg Chicago , Milwaukee i St. Paul ticket oiflce. 1504 Farnam street , or address F. A. NASH , _ General Agent. Bathing at Courtland Beach. Ezcnrtlon Amiumicemuut. The Chicago & Northwestern ( city ticket office No. 1401 Farnam mreet ) announce * that the excursion ticket * to the N. E. A. meeting at Asbury Park ( New York City ) , the Y. P. 8. C. E. meeting at Cleveland 4nd the B , Y , P. U. meeting at Toronto , are now good returning to Omaha aa late a * September : _ Popular muslo at Courtland beacb. Many Gather nt Dos Molimn to Find the Convention 1'nfttpntifMl * DES MOINES , July 9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) A majority of the members of the republican state central committee held a meeting here today to take action in relation to postponing the state con- venlon , originally set for July ll. The full situation was discussed , telegrams nnd let ters to Chairman Blythe were road , nnd nil candidates nnd their friends now In the city were Invited to offer suggestions be fore the matter was fully decided. It was finally decided by a vote of 0 to 2 to postpone the convention till July 25. The change was made necessary by the disturb ance of railway travel on account of the strike. The republican clans which had not heard or had heard and not heeded the postpone ment have been gathering In the city since Saturday night. The disappointed ones are taking It In good part , as the most expedient policy to pursue. Among those desirous of enjoying- the full shnre of the bolt of nominating light ning , now In the city , are : D. U. Davidson of Booner. H. W. Morrow of Afton and John Heriott of Atlantic , each of whom hopes to be treasurer of state. W. W. Cornwall of Spencer , C. A. Carpenter of Columbus Junction , T. A. Cheshire of Deb Jlolnes and A. C. Parker of Spencer as pire to the attorney generalship. C. T. Jones Is the only candidate for clerk of the supreme court now in the field , nnd Colonel Welcome Mowrey of Tnma City represents Robert J. Sackett of Sioux City and the whole list of a dozen candidates who desire to be commissioner of railroads. Northwestern Siicngerfost nt Sioux Clly. SIOUX CITY , July 9.-Spccla ( ] Telegram to The Bee. ) Large numbers of delegates to the northwestern-saenserfest of the So ciety of Scandinavian Singers , which opens In this city tomorrow , are arriving In the city. It Is believed there will be 2,500 vis itors and that the chorus will consist of over 700 voices. DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Small plll , safn pills , best pills. Ride on new steamer , Courtland beach. Heavy Duiimgei Asked. John A. McShano has filed a suit In dis trict court in which ho asks for $150,000 damages from John Bryson for an alleged failure to carry out a contract re lating to an exchance of Chicago real estate for mining property In the repub lic of Mexico. The petition states that on Juno 15 of the present year the plaintiff en tered Into an agreement with J. R. Dorrach and the defendant to exchange a piece of property at the southwest corner of Fifty- seventh and State streets In Chicago for the mining property In question. Dorrach was the owner of the Belen and Santa Rosalie mines and Bryson was the proprietor of the El Refuglo Mining and Milling company In the District of Ocanpo , .qtate of Chihuahua , Mexico. All this prop erty was to bo exchanged for the Chicago corner. The complaint Is that while Dorrach do so and the plaintiff was damaged thereby to the amount claimed by way of satisfaction. Sweet breath , iweet stomach , sweet torn ! * r ? Than ue DoWltt's Little Early Rlserti. Boating t Courtland beaoh. I.lttlo Matter * for Lawyers. Louis Haller has brought suit against Sherman Wllcox et al to compel the fore closure of a mortgage on lots In Wllcox's addition , given to secure the payment of a promissory note for $1,500. Aliel P. Grapser has sued Levl P. Weeks and Ida L. Weeks to recover on a promis sory note for $2SOO. The same plaintiff has also brought suit against William Q , Helm and Levl P. Weeks to recover on a simi lar note for $2.036.11. Wlllielmlnn. Keander has begun divorce proceedings against her husband , Alexan der. She alleges that her lord and master accumulated a howling Jag on the occasion of the nation's birthday and came homo and pounded her until fine was confined to her bed as the result of her Injuries. Omaha's great resort Courtland Beach. Muj Klila to Prospect Illll. Mr. Charles F. Catlln , secretary of Pros pect Hill Cemetery association , has ar ranged for a public conveyance to co.mect with the motor cars at the corner of Twenty-fourth , and. Parker strceta uui make regular trips every thirty minutes to nnd from the cemetery Bates every week day between the hours of 1 and 8 o'clock p. m. and on Sundays from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. , commencing from today , for the accommodation of lot owneis and others , for which a G-cent faro will be charged each way by the owner of such conveyance. K1LJ.KU ItY 11 IH I'.lllTSRR. S. Ilradcn , n i'rumlncnt llnslness Man of Paris , Tex. , bhot by Wlllluin Carter. PARIS , Tex. , July 9. S. Braden , a prom inent citizen of this city , was shot and killed last night by William Carter , his partner. No ono witnessed the shooting. They were together In the rear of their store. Three shots were heard. Carter surrendered and was jailed. He said that he tried to have a peaceable settlement. Braden wns shot through the neck , heart nnd stomach. A desperate struggle had passed , as Braden's left hand was badly powder burned and a bullet had passed through It on Its mission of death. . Washington Coti'yltrs Cnmlng. CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , July 9.-Speclal ( Telegram to The Bee. ) Another party of Coxeyltes has ni rived here on Its way down the river. They are eighteen In number nnd are the men who assisted In the attempted capture of a train In Wash ington many weeks ago. Bathing at Courtland beach. It Mnken No Difference. W-hat your ailment Is , a fortnight's stay at Hot Springs , S. D. , will benefit you , The chances are , It will cure you , The Burlington's city ticket agent nt 1324 Farnam street will gladly give you full In formation about Hot Springs , and also If you ask for It a beautifully Illustrated folder. Bathing at Courtland be'ach. I'JI/ttOAVI I. 1'A IIA < ) 11A 1'IIS. J. Cox of Hampton Is at the Dcllone , J. B. Leader of Chadron Is In Omaha. E. T , Franks of York Is at the Mercer. State Auditor Eugcno Moore Is In the city. Ell A. Brodell of Lindsay Is at the Arcade. N. W. Wells of Schuyler Is at the Mlllard. W. M. Donolson of Glcnwood , la. , U in the city. city.Rev. Rev. J. S. Gaylord of Boston Is In the city. city.O. O. B. Hopkins of Overton Is at the Ar cade. cade.W. W. A , Dllworth of Lincoln is at the Ar cade. P. J. Murphy of Rogers Is nt the Mer chants. W. A. Ivory of Wayne was In Omaha last evening. E , Scary of Ponca was at the Paxton last evening , N. F. Donaldson of North Plalte Is at the Dellone. Charles Trarlutc of Randolph , la. , Is at the Merchants. James Bell and S. J. Bell of David City are at the Mlllard. F , J , Coriioy of Lincoln was a Paxton guest last evening. Mart Veddey and A. B , Edco of Pawnco City are at the Mlllard. Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Yost are attending the Chautauqua at Fremont. J. H. Smith and wife and Mrs. C. Brown of Beatrice are at the Mercer , LOCAL The annual session of the Douglas County Teachers Institute will open at the high school on Monday , July 23 , and continue until Wednesday , August 1. The annual examination of teachers will begin July 20 , Mr. Theodore Beck died at his home , 120S North Nineteenth street Saturday morning , after a short Illness brought on by stomach troubles. The funeral took place from the Holy Family church at 9 o'clock yesterday. The deceased was a clgarmaker by trade , had lived la Omaha for many yearn , and was universally respected and esteemed. Ho leaves two daughters , Misses Mary and Maggie Beck , both ot whom are employed at the Western Union office. This extrv ordinary Re- Juvenntor Is iJIzzineiB , the moat Falling Ben- wonderful satlonfl.Nerv discovery of oustTrlfchlnfl the nc. It of the eye * ima boon en nnd oth'ei dorsed by the puita. Strengthen * , tlilo meii of invigorate * Kuropo and and tone * the Amcrlra. piitlroiyitem. Hudjan is " J purely vcgo- . - - lllty , table , Nervousness , lludyan stops Kmiislous , Prematureness anddercloptf of the dla- and rcjBtorei chnrgo in 20 weak organ. days. Curea Pains lii the LOST back , lojj by day or MANHOOD nightEtopped quickly. Over 2.000 private endorsement * ; Prematureaess means Impotency In thl nrat utaife. It IB a symptom of seminal weakness nnd barrenness. It can b stopped In W days by the use of Hudyan. The new discovery wan made by the speo- lallnts of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It Is the strongest vltaluser rnndc. It Is very powerful , but harmless. ? old . /1r VP0.a Package or six packages for $5.W ( ( plain scaled boxes ) . Written guarantee given for n euro. If you bur six boxes nnd arc not entirely cured , eli more will be sent to you free of nil charge * . Bend for circulars nnd testimonials. HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1032 Market St. , San Frunolsco , Cn.1. NEBRASKA NATIONAL 13A.NK U , S. Hejiotiltortft Omaha , . \cbranha. CAPITAL - - $400,000 SURPLUS - - $55.500 Onicirs unC. Dlrectorn-lUnrr W. Tata * . Drtjldenti John B. Colllmi , vice-president ; trtwii E. lUHl. Caalitcr. William II. 8. Hughe. , asilit' M caU-Str. THE IRON BANK. PAINLESS EXTRACTION of tcutli withoutgas. Tuoth tnkim nut In tin nioriilni ; nnd now sut Inset-tod HIIIIIU day. A full hot on rubbur ID.UU. llt < st ulustlc ptato tlU.CO. Hllvur filling * 1.0U. Pine gold lllllmj * 12,00 and up. Host work I'lwuys. BAILEY , - DENTIST 3rd Floor I1 ux ton lllocn , 10th nnd Kama m BU r.ntruiico Itlth t-lrout sldo. lndy attendant Tulophono loao German spoken. EDUCATIONAL. FEMALE ACADEMY 06lb v ir. rrep r torTCollrgl t , Jluilci , Art Ogurm. I lu forW ll ilyhnillli.Vki > r , HenJ for IIIu tr t l Cub