iTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : fBUNDAY , JULY 1 , 1804. SOME LOCAL HORSE TALK little Olmls with Owners nnd Drivers Con cerning Omnba Bating Interests , . CLINTON BRIGGS ON HIS GREAT SUCCESS WVrk'n Meeting DID I'urcriinnrr of n Still Itctti-r Senitlim ? < ext Hummer All * unil Hobble P on ( ha Fourth l'uxton'8 8trlui ; < „ , , , Clinton Brlggs' harness racing meeting during ( ho past week at Union Park waa rightly named "The Dluo Ribbon Race * , " for no other nearly so successful meeting l\r ever been held In cither ( he Mississippi or Missouri valleys. With the exception of one day ( ho weather was all tlmt could be desired , and ( ho only drawback was ( ho light attendance of ( ho first day. Tim meeting wnffMull of sensational events and oil sorts of records were broken. The ntartfirs numbered somu of the fastest ani mals that ever looked through n bridle. The fields of starters were plenty large enough , and every horse went out to do his best ; In fact , It was one of ( hose rare occurrences an honest horse race In every licaL" * The fastest mile ever traveled by a horse In harness west of the Father of Waters was recorded by Flying Jib In 2:05' : , > and there were thirty-three heats ( rotted and paced In an average of 2:17 : 4-5 , which Is tlm fastest , average made on any regulation association track. The fastest mile was jnudu In 2:05V& : , while the slowest time was - " 2:20. : * * The nUendance was no ( ns Inrge'ns such n meeting deserved , but Air. Urlggs IH sat- iKfled because .of being * uccen.Mftil In every other way , nnd fln.inco.s did not cut much of a figure with him In his desiretn gjlvc the people one good nice meeting. He encountered - countered all tortw of obstacle * , nnd put up ovt-ry pnri < o out of his own pocket before lie would let u race be started. This nlonc required nn outlay Of over J5.000 besides the rent for the groundf , which wris con- pldernbly higher tliiui It Hliould have been , for these races have made the track known nil over the country , when It hail , hereto fore remained unknown. Some of the corre- pponduntH across ( be river bud the nerve to Bend out the statement that the races were Rotten up by Council HlnffH people , when no u mutter of fact nil the money came from Uimilm nnd three-fourths of the at tendance \VIIH from this city nnd South Omaha. Still there Is no reason why good , legitimate rnces nhould not be well patron ized. Here are three cities adjoining each other with a population of about 215,000. In the three cities tliere arc many lovers of good racing , but they have been "jobbed" by Fcvernl hippodromes , nnd it takes some thing unusual to bring them out now. Mr. Drlggs accomplished tlmt much , nnd If ho Was to give another meeting within a week It would be liberally patronized. * Clinton UrlBBE was ncked yesterday If ho wiifl going to bold another meeting. He nnld : "Not this season , but I hope that about this time next year I can hold the biggest , speediest nnd best harness meetIng - Ing ever held In the west. Of course this depends on a good many things , among which Is securing rates for the park. This time I put up n pretty good price , but hope tlmt they will assist mo next year. I have the promise tlmt all tbo horses Unit have been here this meeting will come again next year If I bans up the purses. I be lieve tlmt this meeting has satisfied the people , nnd If I get up another meet I will make It better than the one just ended , for I can get the pick of the grand circuit liorseH next year for early engagements. " * Mr. Brlggs was ably assisted In glvlns the meeting by W , I' . McNnlr , Ed Duliols. W. H. Mclntyre , D. T. Mount , Harry Leper , K. P. Peck and 11. II. Reed. AH of these Kcntlemen are' well known turfmen , and any meeting sanctioned by them has tn be a legitimate one. Mr. McNalr will start today for Helena nnd other points , where the northwestern circuit races arc held , lie will net as starter for that association. Colonel Harry Leper , who nave such Rood satisfaction Hi starting the Union Park races , has gone to Dayton. O. , whure be W.III begin an engagement of starting horses on the eastern circuits. Colonel Lopcr has few equals ns a starter of either harnesser or uddlc racesHe expects to come back this way In the fall. The next event of Importance In raclnR circles In this part of the country Is the stake race between Kd Pyle's famous stal lion , Hobby I' , record of 2:12 , and Alix , record 2:07 : : > 1 , .on July 4. There will be sev eral other events , but this will be the stel lar attraction of them all and will undoubt edly draw n big crowd. Robby V has been Btepplng oft some pretty fast miles , nnd he IB as line as silk. Alls Is rapidly getting Into trim , nnd Morris Jones , her owner , i promises to make Pyle remember that ho lias been In 11 horse race when they go under the wire In the final heat. Alix will undoubtedly lower her record -this year , nnd Jones promises to cut the trotting rec ord down to equal the one made by Flying Jib In pacing. Flying Jib Is In line fettle this season , and he can go faster than 2:01 : , for he has been showing spurts of quarters nt a 2:00 : gait. Hut there Is a little Ne braska that needs watching. He paced a heat at n 2:01 : Knit In a race on Friday. gohiK to the halt In 1:02V1 : without nny extra effort. Ills name In Online , and he looks like a coming record breaker. * * Dick Tllden , driver for Clinton Ttrlggs , left last night for Minneapolis , where he has entered several of Ilrlggs' horses for the races which bcKln the coming week. Dick nays that his string Is rapidly getting Into line condition , nnd he expects * to bring home name of the big purses before the S'-nson In over. He has with him Kate. Caffrey , 2:18U ; Alamlto. 2:1 : ! > : Hurly llurly , 2:1S4 : ! ; Nellie Cobb , 2:23 : ; Falrywood. no record , but can go nt 2:18 : or better , and Newsboy. 2:12- : ) < . K.ilrywood Is one of the gamest little ani mals In the strlliK. nnd she has been de veloping considerable speed of late. She. Is entered In the threp-mllu Derby race nt Minneapolis , and Tllden says that she Is liable to draff off a picrc of the big purse on July 2. Alamlto Is the horse whlrh Mr. Drlggs named his breeding and stock farm after , nnd Is considered ono of the coming youngsters. Nearly all of these .horses won either llrst or second place In the events In \vhloh they were started at the Blue Hlbbon meetlntr. Now that there has been a revival of Interest In harness racing It seems as If Omaha had enough moneyed men who loved Buch sport to club together and build one of the finest mile tracks In the country nnd make nn Ideal driving park for such llrst-clnss events. There are rnoimli people here to give such nn enterprise good sup port , nnd with the right kind of people lit the head of It It would be a success from the beginning. Omaha has many line trotters and pacers , and the Brings nnd 1'axton strings of horses jiiro away above the average , even In the far eastern coun try. Then ( hero are the strings nt Denver , Kansas- City , Sioux City. Dos Molnes , Lin coln am ) other convenient points , which could bo secured for very rcnsonnlilti purses. With reduced rates on the railways good races would bring 20,000 visitors to the city 'during n week's meeting. 1 William Pnxton , jr. . reports that his great horses. Conqueror and Two Strikes , are get ting Into line fettlt ; , and lie hopes to land ftvna more of ( ho big purses on the eastern M j < V southern circuits. , These horses have S. vastly Improved since last season , bcliiK bigger and stronger In every way. They will make dangerous competitors In nny of the events In which they may start this summer. < The great record made by Jtidno Hurt In the. 2-year-old pacing race Is Mill the topic of general conversadon nmoiiK turfmen. Judge Hurt went the mile likean old vei- ernn , ami us soon as he gets n little blir- KVf he will make u dangerous rival for tame of the older stars. Directly , who won Ihe race In the last ( wo heats , IH also n wonderful youngster , and h not -only pos- OBsert speed , tint gren ( boom , nnd seems tireless In a rare' . The record made by these cells Is liable to stand for KOIIH > time In this part of the country without being lowered. * The nllemp ( of the o.vncrs o'f Rey el Bunta AnKa , Senator Orndy nnd Domino to start the three Derby contestants for a stake of S30.lK.iO. $10.000 each , has fallen through at Chicago. Domino Is very sore and will not be started In nny of the fast events In the near future. It Is acknowl edged tlmt Anita won the Derby on his merits and In record time , but ( hose who bucked Senator Orndy nnd other horses EO heavily to win nro trying to find come excuse for their pets' defeat by an out- elder who was BcllliiK nt 40 ( o 1 , Trouble All Over lit Cairo. SPRINGFIELD , III. , June 30. Colonel Hugh llayje , assistant adjutant general , who teas' sentto Cairo last night by Governor i\ Altgcld , telegraphed thU evening ( hat an \ greement bad been arrived at that all trains I would st rt AS neon an the Illinois Central should make them up , This dispatch Governor AltKCld repeatrd ( o Vice Prcslden ( Harahan ot Chicago , adding : "Now move your train ) and wire me If ( hero U further trouble. " Mr. Harahan telegraphed In reply : "Thanks , wo ore moving our ( rains. " tO.WIM.V/H.S 31AV JtOfCOrT. Humors In Petrntl ( Jiiiirlcri Hint the MmUr4 U'lll Aid Ihr .Men. ST. LOUIS , Juno 30. U U stated M'Crn scml-offlclally that the general superintend ent of the 'Burlington system , looted at Chicago , has Informed the Anwrloan Km- way union leaders tha ( if ( he Pullman Car company does not consent to arbitration within twenty-four hours hits road wlil ccair tn haul Pullman car * . A report that the Mobile A- Ohio has com promised with the strikers by deciding tone no longer haul Pullman cars rannol bo confirmed here. The olllclnla here say xuch n decision , If reached , would be ann.iiinc. ! from Mobile , the general headquarters of the road. Last night's Vandalla train brought In a Wagner car , this fact giving rise to numer ous stories and theories , which were .dissi pated this morning by a ftiitcmcnt by the .road's officMls that the car was n through Tar to St. Joseph , Mich. , run during each summer season by agreement with the Pull man company. All the passenger trains moved In and out of the Union depot tonight without .nn > Interference from the strikers. Lite thK afternoon the Inspectors and car rcpalrer. % In the Union depot yards , to the ntimbo of fifty , went on a strike. The strikers have appointed n press committee , with I ! . P. Campbell , formerly foreman of the Pull man company , as chairman. Mr. Campbell said tonight that 3,500 men are out In St. Louis and East St. Louis. Of this number 2fiOO were employed on this side of thv river and 1,000 on the other. This , the railroad managers say , Is In e.xc'ss of th" real number. The ctrlkcrs arc beginning U realize that to bring the strlko quickly tf > nn end It will be necessary to secure th full co-operation of the engineers and ( ire. men. They fee ) confident that by tomorrow evening the engineers and firemen will have Joined them. They then look for a cpetdv settlement of the difficulty In their favor. HallumiU Impm-tlnir .Men. WASHINGTON , June 30. H. C. Bradsby , emigrant Inspector at Chicago , received the following dispatch from President Debs , which ho has forwarded to Air. Stump , superintendent ot Immigration : "General Managers Egan and St. John have em ployed some 2.000 men In Canada to take the places of the strikers on the Various railroads leading out of Chicago. It Is be- 'lleved they will enter by the Grand Trunk this evening. " Superintendent Stump Immediately tele graphed Inspector Bradsby to carefully In spect the laborers under contract and to notify the railroads they will be held respon sible under the alien contract labor law. Other Inspectors along the border were given similar Instructions. Strikers Trylnpr tlin Courts. DENVER , June 30. The local railway union has decided to petition Judge Hallett In the United States court to cause tin. receivers of the Santa Fe road and ( hols , representatives to be prosecuted tor Inter , fcrence with the malls. Petitioners clalt : . that they requested the representatives o : the receivers to be permitted to move trains afer cutting out Pullman cars , and thai their petition was flatly denied. A telegram has been received from Debs , president of the American Railway union , ordering out the members of that organiza tion employed on the Union Pacific road because' of the discharge of two men fo > refusal to handle Pullman cars. The ordei Is supposed to refer to the Denver & Guli system only. Omiiba Itoad Tied Up nt Sioux City. SIOUX CITY , June 30. The Omaha roai Is tightly tied up nnd all freight Is re fused. The passenger trains are running- under protection of deputy sheriffs. The strikers declare that no Pullmans shah enter or leave the city. The roads arc de termlncd that there shall and a force oi armed deputies Is patrolling the yards. To Tuko Strikers' I'lnces. CRESTON , la. , June 30. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) About fifty englncmen left here tonight for Chicago to take the places of strikers. For that tired feeling Courtland beach. XUT IX t'lI.l..llll > 'S German llnndholdcrH of the Northern ln- elflu Not Ills KepreHontutlvcH. NEW YORK , June 30. The following cable was elicited by the publication ot re ports hero that the German committees representing foreign holders of Northern Pacific bonds are working In the Interests of Henry Vlllard : HHRLIN , June 2S . K. D. Adams , New York : Make the tallowing statement on the Stock exchange : We represent exclu sively our depositors nnd clients. Allega tions that we are In any way Vlllard's representatives are absolutely false. You may publish the above. DR. RRISKR , Chairman First Mortgage Committee. M. NEUMANN , Chairman Second Mortgage Committee. 1C. SALMON. Chairman Consolidated .Mortgage Commit tee , Deutsche 13nnk. The bondholders reorganization committee has sent the cable to Secretary Ely ot the Stock exchange , together with a letter In which reference Is made to the following statement , published In the circular of the committee of April 25 last : "Each of the undersigned declares that his service-and In fluence with this committee and Its work are absolutely Independent of the old man agement and solely for the purpose of reor ganizing the Northern Pacific property In the Interest of the bondholders. " This statement was signed by every mem ber of the committee. At the same time the committee distributed among the bond holders a letter Irom the German committee , representing the consolidated 5 per cent bonds , that contained this paragraph : "Henry Vlllard has nothing to do cither with the composition of the committee or with Its management. He has In all respects retired from the affairs ot the Northern Pacific and for several months back has been In the Orient. There Is no Intention to give Mr. Vlllard In the future any volco In the man agement of the Northern Pacific railroad. The New York reorganization committee has been formed by the Initiative and with the co-operation of the parties Interested In Germany. " Tii.Kllt.t I'll 1C Hit K VI TtKH. Domestic. The Columbia group of gold mines In Colorado have been sold for $5WO.UOO. ) Letters received from Paris Indicate that Senator Wolcott's health Is Improving. Judge Payne has granted Prendergnst a stay of execution , pending the present hear ing. ing.Sale of Logan's Oriole stud has been concluded. In all 228 horses were sold for JS.0,000. . The Astoria Packing company's cannery , the largest on the Columbia , was burned yesterday. The Atclilson reorganization committee announces that the deposit of securities Is about completed. t'ullom llros. , merchants nt La Porte , Ind. , had a buttle with burglars , and now outof the burglars Is dead , James H. Hums , who recently resigned as county auditor at St. Paul has been ar rested on the charge of receiving money on false pretenses. The third national Irrigation convention has been called by the executive committee to meet In Denver on September 3. U will butt for seven days. Mra. Mi-rrlll linker of Rockford , Vt. , yes terday ImnKed her four children anil then fled. Search Is being made for her , but she has not yet been captured. Jake Kllraln Intends to re-enter ( he pugilistic profession and announces as his llrst game Frank Slnvln. Frank has ac cepted a challenge to tight Jake for Jl.ouo a ulde , Foreign , Santo still remains unrepentant and rarely speaks to any one unless the subject of anarchy Is mentioned. The Russian government has recently been experimenting with n projectile which passes through the heavlcs ( armor unbanned. Mild and pleasant Courtland beach. INCLINED NOT TO OBEY DEBS Local Members of American Railway Union Do Not Want to Strike , PRESIDENT'S ' ORDER STILL OF NO EFfECT Definite Action Will Probably lie Taken Tomorrow Mglit Mutter In llnnila ot Cuiumlltcc Munition In Unmliii Unchanged , A special call for a meeting of lodge No. 12 , American Railway union , to consider the strike situation , was Issued at 3 o'clock yes terday afternoon. Owing to the short notice only a small number of members of No. 12 answered the call nnd met In Knights of Labor hall last evening. President Miller was In the chair. -The actions ot the local officers thus far were endorsed. It was decided to appoint a committee of thrco to confer with President Debs and all communication ! ; to and from Debs will here after pass through this committee. The members of the American Railway union here will canvass the other labor organ izations and endeavor to work up sympathy In the present strlko and ascertain what the feeling of these orders are In regard to strik ing for sympathy's sake. Those present seemed to feel ( hat a strike hero would be useless , at least that was the general feeling , but they did not declare themselves boldly against a strike , as It was deemed best to feel around for a day or two and find out Just how the land lay. A telegram from Debs was read. H re iterated his former request that the Omaha American Railway union go out on u strike , and promised that the strike would not be called off until every American Railway union man had been put back to work In his old place. This was encouraging , and some of those assembled were In favor of taking Debs at his word and going out at once. After a long discussion It was decided to wait until Monday night , when a joint meetIng - Ing of lodges 12 and 193 will be held at Gate City hall to discuss the question. It Is expected that some decisive action will be taken then. The extent of the boycott , while not being felt in the passenger service of the roads en tering Omaha , Is seriously Impairing the handling cf freight. At noon yesterday the Northwestern Issued an order declining to receive shipments for Northern Pacific territory on account of the complete tie-up on that road. It also declines to receive perishable freight In less than car load loto for the Union Stock yards , Chicago , and points cast. They are taking-- however , all car load shipments for the Union yards and points east , having received no advices as yet from the eastern lines as to disposition of freight. The Milwaukee and Burlington on th& other hand are not taking shipments from South Omaha consigned to the Union Stock yards for the reason that the switchmen in the yards refuse to handle freight of roads using Pullman cars on their passengei service. , No trouble is anticipated by the Missouri Pacific officials at this point , Superintendent Rathburn being so fully Impre sed with that belief that he left for his home in Atchl- son yesterday , having accompanied the excursionists ot the Commercial club on their recent trip over the Missouri Pacific. A careful canvass of the men on the Mis souri Pacific at this point show ? that but three of them are members of the American Railway tinlon , who , If they went out , would not In any wise cripple the service , and these men say It would be the height of uselessness to walk out unless the en gineer * , firemen and trainmen went with them. Everything Is arriving and leaving on time on the Union Pacific. While the offl- clals at headquarters are aware that Presi dent Debs sent a general order to all union * on the Union Pacific to join In the boycott , up to noon none of the men had compiled with the order of the president. At Chey enne , Laramle and Green River meetings were held Friday by the local members of the American Railway union at those points , but nt headquarters It was given out that a decided difference of opinion cropped out among the leaders as to whether the time was ripe for the western employes of tlfe Union Pacific to Join ac tively in the boycott. In consideration of tills uncertainty among the men them selves , passenger and freight service on the "Overland" Is moving along very peace fully. At Salt Lake and Ogden trains left on time yesterday , and Superintendent Molloy telegraphed from Cheyenne that his division was entirely peaceful , all trains moving with full equipment. . Superin tendent HrlnkcrhofT of the Kansas divi sion also reports a peaceful condition of affairs with him. General Manager Burt of the Elkhorn stated that the Northwestern would be one road to adhere rigidly to a principle. That while It avoided a fight wherever possible , the present condition warranted the North western In staying In until the boycott was flattened out. . JUIHJi : UUTsUY'S DECLARATION. Ho Will Use thn I.inv on Strikers on the Union Tactile. If Eugene V. Debs attempts to enforce a strlko on the Union Pacific lines In Ne braska , or In the United States district under control of Judge Gundy , he Is liable to run against a judicial snag which will land him and all the American Railway union men who strike In Jail , as the Judge emphatically declared yesterday that even the refusal ( o handle Pullman cars by the employes of this road would bring them In contempt of court and they would bo dealt with accord ingly. Judge Dundy was shown the letter pub lished In The Bee Friday from Judge Caldwell and ho said : "I believe that Judge Caldwjll will do Just what he says he will , and L have made up my mind to the L-fTcct that In case the men go on a strike on the Union Pacific lines In my jurisdic tion I will deal with them promptly and effectively If they attempt to Interfere with any ot the trains or cars. I understand that this Is also the position taken by Judge Snnborn , as well as Judge Caldwell , but I will not wait for them to act. I will pro tect ( he Union Pacific with all ( he law at my command If necccssary , and seu that the orders to the receivers of the road are faithfully carried out. No men can re main In the employ ot the Union Pacific In this state and refuse to handle any cars that may bo turned over to them. Tliere are some laws controlling the Union Pacific which are much more stringent than those given the receivers of any other road. The orders make It unlawful for the employes to refuse to handle-'any cars and If they should refuse these men would be dealt with accordingly , and the laws will be enforced by this court , Debs or no Debs , and any violation of the laws will bo followed by severe penalties. "Any employe has a right to quit the serv ice ot the road any time he wants to , but his place will be filled with other men Imme diately , and he will not interfere with the rules or business of the company except at his peril. The men who wish ( o continue In the employ of this road must discharge their duties regardless of outside Interfer ence , or they will bo discharged from the service , The agitator will receive little en couragement to start a strike on roads In the hands ot government receivers. " Men In Control at Slonx City. SIOUX CITY , la. , June 30. An atemp ( was made by 100 strikers to board an Illi nois Central train carrying Pullmans last night , but ( he men were driven back by a force of forty deputy sheriffs and policemen and ( ho truln went out with the cars on ( line. Union men declare that no Pullmans will go In or out of this city today. The rail roads are determined that they uhull , and a force of deputies are patrolling the yards to protect nonunion switchmen. Situation ul St. I'uul. . ST. PAUL , Juno 30 , The situation waa somewhat mixed today. The Omaha and Burlington trains came In from Chicago and started from the city with ( he usual comple ment of sleeping cars. The Wliconaln Cen tral and Minneapolis & St. Louis came In on time , but OB yet U la Impossible ( o get engineers for the outgoing trains. The Great Western ( rain for Chicago left twenty-five minutes late , but the la.cpmlnK train WAS Indefinitely Inte. nnd Its .pxnet location was not known. Trains came In on ( he Northern Pacific , but ( he regular rnornlng ( rain went out after twenty-seven tillliutes delay , A vigorous attempt was made to get ( ho en gineer to go out , but he return ! , and the train left hero at 0:27. : Nothing was heard as ( o Its nrrhul al Mlnnc'tiiiuJIs. AS TO Till : UMO.1'AUiriC , Chrycnno Employe * of the Overlnnil Will Pcttlr tin ; Strlko Subject Tmlny. CHEYENNE , Junft 30.-S > clal Telegram to The Bee. ) The strike conlmlttcc appointed by the American Railway union nt the meetIng - Ing last night has calleiT a Jnuss meeting of Union Pacific employes Iri every department In this city at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon for the purpose of discussing the Pullman boycott. It Is the desire of the local union to have All clasces of employes co-operate with them In case a strike U ordered on the Union Pacific sytteni. The committee re fused' to state whether or not any further Instructions had been received from Chicago , but the tilling of the meeting tomorrow afternoon Is an Indication that they an ticipate some decisive action at an early date. date.OGDUN OGDUN , U. T. , June 30. Tne Union Pa cific men arc out tonight , The flyer went ccst , but two Pullmans from Salt Lake were left In the yard. The yardmastcr switched the train to the depot track. The Utah & Northern S o'clock train pulled out at 9:20 : , carrying Pullmans. No through Rio Urnnle Western trains left during the day. The strlko tonight ties up the Union Pacific. The Southctn Pacific situation Is un changed. Not a wheel Is moving on the entire division. A rousing meeting of the American Railway union tonight called , upon all labor organizations to join Hicni and sink or swim together. The strikers refuse to go back till the matter Is adJusted - Justed with Pullman or the railroad annuls Pullman contracts. All roads will be ( led up tomorrow. EVANSTON. Wyo. , June 30. At C:1G : this evening the Evanston lodge ot the Ameri can Railway union received word from Debs ordering the str4ke and an hour afterward a general strlko was ordered. The westbound passenger due here at 10:20 : and the eastbound - bound passenger due at 10:50 : are tied up. The engineer and crew offered to pull th& mall , but not ( he balance of the train , ana were notified by the foreman that the ; , could not take the mall unl'ss they hanle. ! the whole train. Sympathy Is gcncrall > with the strikers and a bitter fight Is lookca for. for.BUTTE BUTTE , Mont. , June 30. The Utah & Northern , branch of the- Union Pacific road , and the Montana Union roads are closea tonight by the strike. The northbound tralN was held at Silver Bow because It hod Pull man sleepers attached. MAIL SEKVICK 1MIMIOVINH. Assistant rosttimMer General Jones Out lines Department I'ollvy. WASHINGTON , June 30. Despite the developments of ( he Pullman strike today , the Postofilce department considers the dltlon of the mall service very much proved. The postal situation In California remains unchanged. At St. Paul the situa tion Is reported Improv.ed. The Great Northern carries no Pullman cars , but uses its own sleepers , and thp Northern Pacific Is sending out trains again , though there are some trains ; blocked at Billings and Livingston , Mont. , and Hope , Idaho. Re ports of tlie delays In Montana and Idaho were forwarded today to1 the attorney gen eral , who will Instruct the United States marshal In the territory Involved to take action. The followlngj petition was re ceived at the department this afternoon : "Postmaster General * Blssell : The fruit shippers of Placer county'California ' , respect fully ask that Immediate action be taken for the transmission of .our mail. " Acting Postmaster General 'Jones this afternoon briefly outlined the polfcy of the depart ment , saying : "Under the decisions of the courts and the opinion of the attorney general on 'the Great Northern strike , upon which the settlement : of that strike was made ' , .every effort , ls"ibblns . .made , by the Pos'tofflco department" f'p secure the prompt movement of the mall trains and the Im mediate transportation , of the malls. The Potitofilce department and the Department of Justice are working'hard , promptly and with nil their power to this end. " UliTTlXO WOKSK AT KANSAS CITY. Switchmen Leaving ; the llrotherhooil for tliii A. It. U. Ciimi ) . KANSAS CITY , June 30 , The strike situa tion here Is growing worse for the railroads. The Santa Fe this afternoon has 1,200 cars In the Argentine yanls , 600 of them loaded.1' The switchmen are deserting their own or ganization in large numbers and joining the American Hallway union. All of the switch men In Argentine are now said to be Ameri can Railway union men and the organization Is considered strong enough here on all roads to effect a tie-up. The switchmen have received an order from' the American Rail way union to strike tomorrow on all roa'ds In this city. It Is believed they will do so generally. The Santa Fe discharged all of Its em ployes , numbering about 400 men , at Argen tine today. The company has brought eljtvcn firemen from St. Louis and It Is lifting all the men It can get to act as switchmen and will attempt to resume traffic tomorrow or Monday with new men. All the switching on the Santa Fe Is being done by officers and clerks ot the road. No through trains from the wcs ( on the Santa Fe have arrived here since Tuesday. The Mexico train on the Santa Fe due to leave here at noon today has been abandoned. Chicago & Great Western IHockiuleil. DES MOINES , Juno 30. The Chicago Grca ( Western Is tied up here , and not a train Is moving. The Rock Island will be tied up nt midnight. Grand Master Workman Sovereign tonight received a message from Debs In which It was stated the real crisis has not been reached , and asked Sovereign If he would stand by the Railway union. Sovereign replied he would , and sent tele grams to the freight handlers In Minneap olis , St. Paul , Spokane , San Francisco , Port land , Boston , Baltimore , New Orleans and other points , and all stevedores to hold themselves In readiness to go out at a mo ment's notice. Sovereign also sent orders to 30,000 Chicago packers and othersto go out. Sovereign Is In high spirits over the success of the movement. The Chicago Great Western has discharged thirty men for refusing' ' to take out trains , and also has made an appeal for police protection. Northern I'uelllo A U for Protection. HELENA , Mont. , June 30. The first move In the federal court In/connection with the Northern Pacific tle-upSvas , made today when the attorneys ot the- road applied to the federal court for an order directing the mar shal to protect the property of the company In the state and to ijmploy a sufficient num ber of deputies to cdrry out the order. It was granted. The application recited that the employes had quit the service of ( he company and refused to move trains , and , notwithstanding UiexJlmd left ( he company's service , they still had possession of a large amount of property /belonging t to the rail road. The application- the order Is be lieved to be preparatory to a move on the part ot the road to start trains In this state. Statement I'rom it'hlcf urgent. TERRE HAUTE , Ind. , Juno 30. Chief ( Sargent of the Loco t've ' Firemen author ized the following olllqlal statement : "The local firemen ; . as an organization , can take no part In tnfs boycott , as Its laws do not permit It , and I have no authority , as Its chief executive , to order a sympathetic strike. In fact , I cannot order a strike .at all , and can only give approval to one after ( he order has voted a strike , We desire It understood that we shall In no way antagon ize the American Railway union In Un pres ent struggle , and have eo advised the offi cers of the organization , " Think the KiiBlnrern Will Join. PUEBLO , June 30. The American Railway union members are standing In front of Trades Assembly hall , where the engineers and firemen are meeting to decide whether they Hhall join In the strike. The strikers appear very confident. Five passenger ( rains are standing dead at the union depot. Only one passenger ( rain has gone out today , a Denver & Rio Grande , which left for the north at 6:40 : a. m. For that tlied feeltnr-CourtlMid. beach. TIE-UP ISJOMPLETE ( Contlnucil from Flrtt Page. ) pany nro engaging In their ilcsporsts strug gle for supremacy thousand * ot frutt growers anil scores df commltslon men ami cnnncrs Rtnml helplessly by uiul hope for a speedy settlement of the trouble. Every hour tli j struggle Is prolonged places the perliha- blc product of a vast section of country In greater Jeopardy. If the strike shall be pro- lor.gcd many days fruit products to the vnluo ot hundreds of thousands of dollars will rot Ir the hands Of the growers and commission men. Under a hot sun , peaches , apricots , cherries , berries and ninny other varieties are ripening rapidly. The crop must be moved at once or become a tola ! loss. Fruit has become too ripe for ship ment and must be thrown away. Even the canneries cannot bo reached by many growers. It IB estimated that 200 car loads of fruit arc perishing between California points on the Missouri river , but this loss will bo very Email as compared with the loss In the orchards. The San Francisco fruit market was glutted today and there was a general tumble In prices. All the steamers from Sacramento river.points and around the bay came In loaded. Every grower who could reach the tide water rushed tils fruit to the city , lest It should be his last and only market. Much of the fruit has been mider a hot sun on river beds and had become very soft. The city market , too , IK limited. Most of the big can- ncrles arc at Interior points , dependent al together upon the railroads. OAKLAND , Cal. , Juno 30. 7 p. m. The strike Is broken , lit least temporarily. Trains with PullmaiiB attached are going out on time without disturbance. At 0:30 : a local train with the Yoscmltc sleeper pulled out , and a few minutes later the Los Angeles express followed. This train was composed of two mall cars , four passenger cars and a diner and four sleepers. On board were two United States deputy marshals , who will go as far as Mendota , where the Juris diction of the Northern district of California ends. At Mendota deputies from the souih- crn district will take charge. There were cjulte a number of passengers on board , though none of the ears were well fllled. The overland express , via Ogdcn , will not go out tonight , but the Oregon train will go. Master Mechanic McKenzIc ot the South ern I'calflc stated tonight that the Pacific coast head of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen had received a dispatch from Grand Chief Sargent , telling him that un less firemen employed by the Southern Pa- clflc company returned to work Immediately that they would bo expelled from the order. Mr. Sargent further stated that the firemen - ' men had no Interest In the light against Pi'llman and had no business to strike. The Oakland lodge of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers decided today , after a protracted session , that they will not par ticipate In the strike. Furthermore , they decided that they would work with non union firemen , but not with any renegade union man who takes the place of a striker. This action will hurt the American Railway union , as they have depended upon the en gineers to assist them. LOS ANGBLES , Cal. , Juno 30. This after noon's train , made up of an engine , mall car and day coach , pulled out on the Santa Fe without obstruction. The train had a nonunion engineer , fireman and conductor. The passenger coach contained no passengers other than twelve deputy marshals. It is stated that their destination Is Ilarstow , and that they will bring down from Darstow all the cars they can haul and also all pas sengers who are stalled tliere. United States Judge Ross has prepared an opinion In which he contends that the em'ployes of the Santa Fe are violating the law In refusing to handle trains on whIcH'JUfeUnited' ' States malls- should -be carried so' long as" they consider themselves employes of the road. He there fore Intends Issuing an order compelling the men to perform all their regular and accustomed duties so long as they remain in the employ of the Santa Fe company. ALL , TIKI ) UP AT ST. LOUIS. Iron Mountain anil Mlenourl Pacific Men lliivo All Joined the .Strike. ST. LOUIS , June 30. At a meeting which adjourned after midnight the employes of the Iron Mountain road In this city decided to strike Immediately , and as a consequence everything on that line In St. Louis Is tied up. A Joint meeting of the St. Louis Ter minal employes and Missouri Pacific train * men .was held and when the former voted not to handle Pullman cars the Missouri Pacific men also decided to strike. American Railway Union Director George Kern has been arrested on complaint oi General Manager Ramsey of the Terminal association upon the charge of disturbing the peace. This Is thought to presage a graver charge. The strlko Is now on here In all Its force and traffic Is rapidly coming to a standstill. As a result of a conference held last night and orders from headquarters the switch men on both sides of the river refued this morning to handle any cars whatsoever , and freight movement Immediately stopped. Passenger traffic , however , moved as usual , all trains leaving on time. Not from any asslttancc of the striking American Railway nnlon men , however , but because the Ter minal Ralllway association's yardmast'.rs and assistants , who have never been al lowed to join any labor union , formed a sufficient force to make up the passenger trains completely and promptly and to start them on schedule time. The strikers at this point now number In the neighborhood of 2,000 men. These In clude the switchmen of the Terminal as sociation , 200 In number , and also those In all the Individual railroad yards , between 1,500 and 1,800 In number. As the strike became general the Idle men began to gather In knots In the vari ous yards and discussed the situation. American Railway Union Director George P. Kern passed among them , and In doing so came In contact with General Manager Ranvey of the Terminal association. A few words pa < sed between them , ending In Kern shaking his (1st ( In Ramsey's face , whereupon he was arrested on Ramsey's complaint upon the charge of disturbing the peace. No other Incident of this character marked the morning. Elesewhere all was quiet , too quiet to suit the railroad * . The mak ing of the strike general has not only stopped freight truffle upon the roads which uee Pullmans , but also on those which use the Wagners. Just why this has been done Is not known , but It Is presumed to be the result of acts by the latter roads at other points than St. Louis which the American Railway union deems hostile to Its Inter ests. ests.The The strike of the switchmen on the Mis souri Pacific and Iron Mountain-roadj was emphasized today by the turning In of three regular road engines by their crews with a refusal to handle Pullman cars. Ac cording to the policy of the Gould line man agers these men were discharged. The American Railway union managers hero Im mediately placed the facts In possession of Preildent IJebs at Chicago. OlllrlalH Tuka Out the Train. DUI1UQUB , Juno 30. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul shopmen who struck last night after 250 ( half their number ) had * been lalil off picketed ( ho yards today , but no trouble oc curred. The Chicago Great Western mall train , abandoned at midnight , left for St. Paul at 9 o'clock this morning. Master Mechanic Ilrlce was engineer. Trainmaster Lett ford fireman and General Freight Agent Stohr brakcman. No other passenger truln and no freights are moving on the Great Western. Motion. Strikers Knjolned. INDIANAPOLIS , June 30. Judge Woods of the United States federal court late this afternoon Isrued a restraining order against the American Railway union , Bugeno V. Debs , Its president , and other officers. Thu order was prayed for by the attorney of the Motion road. The petition requires an answer from Alexander Shields , the presi dent of the local lodge , American Railway union , at Hammond , to show the court wliat part ( he American n ll < vny union has in ( ho alleged Pullinnn strike. It further pray * that ( ho olDceri of the American Hallway union and their coniplrittori be restrained from In nny wise Interfering with an ) mall trains at the plaintiff In their movement from Hammond mid elsewhere In the Mute j ot Indiana. The petition nlo prays that American Hallway union members be re strained from entering upon any pat enger train except as passenger * , and uncoupling cars. The order asked was granted. Judge Woods remarking ! "It Is In line with the action taken by Judge Uak r In ( ho coal matter. " HOCK ISLAM ) AM ) STOCK YAKDS JOIN. More .Mon Out In Clilrngo Tlmii un Any liny Vol. CHICAGO. Juno 30. The tie-up of the Rock Island road Ic olmoit complete nt the Chicago end today. The switchmen , switch- tenders and tower men went out almost to n man , over 400 stopping work at 7 n , m. The men were not expected to go out until noon and their unexpected action left the road In bad shape. One of the switchmen at Knglewood threw his switch and locked It , ( paving the yards just before the heavy Omal.a train arrived. The train was brought to n standstill In time to avoid a wreck and after a delay the switches were set and the train pulled Into the depot , carrying Its I'tillniuns. The suburban service Buffered severely , Switches at many places were spiked and several trains were stopped and serious trouble narrowly averted In the sub urbs. Crowds of striker * swarmed through the yards , uncoupling cars as fast as they were attached to the engines , and Interfer ing with the work in many ways. Two of the "dummy" trains were detained for llvo or six hours and the ofllclalH of the road were compelled to man the switches and trains. At several points In the yards police were called In to maintain order. General Super intendent Dunlap. after a lour of the yards , admitted that the situation was serious. "We expect. " Mr. Dunlap said , "to have trains running smoothly In a short time. We will put now men In the places of the strikers at once and believe thai many of cur men will go back to work shortly. " All Ihe trainmen at the Union stock yards have struck In obedience to Debs' order. The number of the strikers Is only 300 , but no cars can be switched In or out of the yards. The Union Stock Yards Switching as sociation succeeded In manning pne engine today and began an attempt to handle packIng - Ing house products for railroads running Into the yards which do not use Pullman cars the .Michigan Central and the Lake Shore. The Rock Island announced that It would he unable to accept shipments. The Chicago , Ilurllngton & Qulncy will accept shipments next week. The Chicago & Northwestern did not deliver any stock to consignees this morning. No mobs were to bo seen In packlngtown this morning. On the contrary , considering the serious state of affairs , mat ters seemed ominously quiet. Employes of the Fort Wayne railroad began quitting work In the suburban district today. It was Impossible to run trains , and the engines were run Into the round house nt Fifty-fifth street. One or two trains were manned by officers of the road and kept In service , but traffic was practically sus pended. , The Chicago & Northwestern reports todny that Its passenger service Is moving without Interruption. The company Is , It Is said , gaining ground every hour In the handling of freight. In the car department out ot a total force of 873 men 034 nro at work , leaving 229 men short In Hint department. In the motive power department out of a total of COS men 317 failed to report for duty. < : INIKAI. MANAcir.ii's STOHY. Acknowledged tli : t the Strike Is Wide spread unil Serious. CHICAGO , Juno 30. The General Mana gers association In session today Issucn. the following statement regarding the strlko : "Tliere Is no attempt made to deny the strike Is widespread and serious. This embarrasses the freight traffic of the west. It s the greatest strike In extent since the troubles of 1877-78. We. have no.In- tentlop of entering into a compromise with the strikers on any basis whatever. The railroad companies fall to see the Justice of the American Railway union fighting Mr. Pullman over the heads of the railroad companies , who have no control over Mr. Pullman's movements or his manufacturing business. The men now on strike are con sidered as employes who have resigned their positions and who arei not anxious fo > work. Any men who desire employment under the railroad companies centerIng - Ing In Chicago , and who nro com petent , will be furnished positions and will bo afforded all the protection that lies In the power of the companies , police of the city of Chicago , sheriff of Cook county , and the state of Illinois. Men arc now being hired In the cast and brought to Chicago to take the places of men who will not work. It has been charged by the American Railway union that thp General Managers association Is Importing men from Canada. This statement Is absolutely false. The railroad companies do not propose to employ any men to take the places of the men now on strike , unless such men are American citizens , and wherever wo can find a man who wants to work to take the place of a man who will not work , whether the substitute comes from New York or Cali fornia , we propose to give him a Job and see that he Is protected. " There was a big crowd today at the United States marshal's office , men who wanted po sitions as deputies. Marshal Arnold said ho could procure thousands of good men with out any delay. The men were mainly work men out of employment. The government does not furnish the deputies with arms of any kind , nothing but a commission and a star , but each applicant Is required to have a revolver of his own. United States Maishal Arnold received a reply this afternoon from Attorney General Olney to the telegram sent by the marshal Intho morning. Mr. Olney Instructed the marshal to grant the request of the Rail way Managers association for deputies to protect the mall trains. The attorney general's reply was : "You are nuthorl/-Ml to employ sufficient deputies to prevent the obstruction of the mails and to arrest all persons who may attempt such obstruction. "OLNEY , Attorney General. " snmcr. sruicAiMNu AT IJKNVKK. livery Koiut the Burlington mill Union rnclflo Having Trouble. DENVER , June 30. The railroad strlko Is spreading rapidly In Colorado. The Colorado Midland , a branch of the Santa Vi > , and the Gulf road are completely tied up tonight and the Denver & Rio Grande Is seriously crip pled. The Santa Fe sent out Its California train via the Colorado Midland , but It , got no further than Colorado City , where all classes ot employes except conductors and engineers struck this afternoon. Not a wheel Is turning on the Midland , Superin tendent Egan brought the Gulf road's train from Texas as far as Pueblo by firing him self. The .train crew received a dispatch at Cuchariis warning them never to enter Trini dad again. The Fort Worth express out of Denver last night got only as far as Cu- charas. The Gulf road's switchmen , firemen and Shopmen at Pueblo struck this afternoon , paralyzing traffic. The receiver has sent out notice that the road will receive no perish able freight. On application of Receiver Trumbull , Judge Hallett Issued a restraining order exactly similar to the one Issued for the Santa Fe , United States Marshal Israel sent 200 deputies to Trinidad to servo and enforce the order of the court. The Denver & Hlo Grande succeeded today In getting trains through Pueblo and Sallda. where the employes have struck , colored porters , who had been denied membership In the American Railway union , coupling on the Pullman cars , but at Grand Junction all the Denver & Hlo Grande's broad guagc and narrow guage trains arc stalled , Thu Santa Fo managed to send ono train cast from La Junta today and ono north from Pueblo. The Rock Island excursion train , with a party of republican leaguers bound for Rockvale , could not proceed beyond Pueblo , and the excursionists ruturned to Denver on the Hlo Grande , So far the Union Pacific and the Durllngton have had no trouble , Information waa received tonight by Hlo Grande officials that ( ho men at Grand Junction had reconsidered their action today. The result Is that the labor differences on the three roads entering there have been settled to the tsatlnfactlon ot both Bidet ) to tlio controversy , and trains will hereafter run as ttsunt. The Illo Ornndo rend suc ceeded In sending All trains through today with alight delays at Salsdn and Pueblo , TAKINtl ON NIHV MKX. Clnclmmll HoAili Mint I'lriily of Applicant * for StrlkriV I'lnro * . CINCINNATI , Juno 30. The railroads were paying oft the striker * hero today and hiring new men. Iut only pitftscngor trains were , moving. At the utoak yards ( ho yardmaster - master was running ( he only switch cnglno and with new switchmen was unable to re lieve tuffcrlng live stock. No llvo stock or < iny freight was received. The men in the Cincinnati Southern shops at Ludlow , Ky. , . In the Loulcvllle & Nashville , Chesapeake & Ohio and Kentucky Central shops at Coving- ton , Ky. , WCTO all ordered out by P. W. I'helnn , representing President Debs , and they obeye-i the order. The roads notified them to come to tl.i t'toji'i ' this afternoon and git tbttr pjy. Or.o nun attempted ( o uncouple n train , and vAS fl.-ed upan by a United States marshal , but WAS not hit. The managers of all roads hero met nt noon and reported many more applications than needed to fill nil plates. They de cided to proceed with new men. The strikers have called meetings for tonight. Meantime strikers attacked the new men In the Ludlow yards with stones and other i wctpons. Jefferson Mayflcld and Walter Marshall , new men , were badly hurt. May- field's condition Is ecrlous. The strikers I nlto charged on new men In the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton yards. Sheriff 31 Dennett arrested their leader , James A. Holland , when the croud Attempted to release - lease ( he prisoner. If F.W. Plielnn , Presi dent Debs' representative , had not rushed In and called the mob oft there would hftvo been a bloody collision. The strikers attacked now switchmen In the Dig Four yards. Thu nonunion men were badly beaten up. The engineers and * firemen then took their locomotives to the i\ \ round house , stopping everything. The en gines of freight along the Louisville & N.ish- vlllo arc coming In light , the trains being left on hidings. Cincinnati tialns on all roads went out with Pullmans as tonight. Judge Tuft of the United States circuit court granted a temporary order restraining the officers and men of the Dig Four , the Cincinnati. Hamilton & Dayton , the Ualtl- moro & Ohio Southwestern railways from refusing to carry curs of freight or pas sengers delivered to them by ( ho Cincinnati , New Orleans & Texas Pacific. The ( om- porary Injunction hold to July 7 , when the application will be heard. One hundred Winchesters with a supply of ammunition were put In the ImnJa of United States marshals at Ludlow tonight. Firemen Will Nut .loin It INDIANAPOLIS , Juno 30. Frank P. Sar gent , grand master of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen , who arrived hero today , said the firemen will not join the strike. "Tho laws of our organization prohibit 'us as an organization from taklngmny part'In this struggle against the Pullman company by the American Railway union , and wo shall not be drawn Into It , " said Mr. Sargent. All Trillns Tied dp lit Duhuquc. DUDUQUE , June 30. The Chicago Great Western Is tied up tight at ( his point , and no trains have passed since 3 o'clock this morning. The men are quiet and orderly. The strike was Inaugurated yesterday" after noon by telegraph operators and trainmen on the Chicago Great Western quitting as soon as train No. 4 , bound east , had cleared. Iloycott Notcn. There Is no trouble with strikers at In dianapolis. The Chesapeake & Ohio yesterday dropped Its Pullmans out of St. Louis ; No effort was made at Dloomlngton , III. , to Intcrfcro with Alton trains. Southern Pacific officials have asked that state troops be sent to Oakland. Not n dollar's worth of coal , can bo had In Pueblo on account of the strlko. Advices from Fort Worth state the boy cott Is not yet effective at that point. The men on the Fergus Falls division of the Northern Pacific struck yesterday. No Rio Grande or Colorado Midland tranls arrived" or left Leadvllleyesterdaj. . It Is rumored at Philadelphia that a Htrlko will bo tried on the Pennsylvania road. The Columbus , Hocking VaIleV. . . & Toledo freight men joined the strike yesterday. The Northern Pacific announces It will move through trains out of Portland today. The Northern and Southern Pacific roads operated local trains out of Portland yester day. day.John John McCabe has been arrested for ston ing trainmen In the Ulg Four yards at Cin cinnati. Officers of the American Railway union at Albuquerque have been arrested for con tempt of court. The Baltimore & Ohio claims to have many applications from men who want to take the strikers' places. Only one train on the Alton , which went through without stopping , has been able to pass Lincoln , III. Employes of the Brooklyn Street railway threaten to strike because that company uses Pullman built cars. Only three office men on the Rock Island are working at La Salic , III. The Burling ton Is not affected at "ml point. Great Northern switchmen refused to.throw switches at St. Paul for the Burlington train , and this ties up the "Q. " At Cairo ( he American Hallway union Bottled tled Its difference with the Mobile & Ohio and Big Four and trains Were allowed to proceed. The Northern Pacific got n train over th * eastern division yesterday. The division su perintendent ran the engine and the road- master fired. Minneapolis & St. Louis and Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern switchmen at Al bert Lea , Minn. , have struck , and trains cannot get past that point. The Federation of Labor at Chicago has replied to Debs that they cannot call out ( ho men of that organization , but will. not allow any of their men to take ( ho place o strikers. _ A delicious remedy Courtland beach. > 3 I'OSITIVKLY CUKE ! II ' Tcetblne , Crying , Colic , Wakeful. IICHF , I'cuvlnhuciM and Worrying. The report of the Bureau of Vital Bhcnvs that the summer hnivmt of ikntha among Infants anil young children hits begun , and will Incrcabo and contlnuu durlnt : the hot month * . If yuu would protect and Inmire. tlm eafi'ly ot your chllil Ihroiich th dimmer , line HUMI'lIHEY'B KPIX'IFIO " 3. " It Is a quick cure for all In. funt dlHvuiTB , TVclhlnt , ' , Crying , Colic , Wokc/uN nct , &c. , and tukc-8 tliu ] > Iucu of CordlaU , Drops , AiiodyiK-n and Hyrupn ; not only curlnK the dl - eac , but by aiding lliu dlceullon , Elves strength unJ vlKor , anil DO rnukcH hc-althx children. Mr * . Jamm II. Fcmtcr , Bonnparte. la. , writes : " ' 3 * IB | h beat mudlclno tliu world can procur for children. " il . Orant Bclioolty , Oarilcld , N. J. , wrltea : "I cuulil not Ket alone without ' 3 * fur the baby. It bun dune wonders for.I . | I > T. " " 3" curcti V > 'ukcfiilm of Ailijl ) . " 3" ronilptH of n email bottla of Bugor pelleti. ripaiwiit | u take. I'rlcu 23c. For vul by Uruu KlBtM or n-nt Ji m receipt of price , IIUMI'IIIIKYH' MKU1CINIJ CO. , cor. WlL ana JOHN tnu , Nisw VOH& J. . .