Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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After an Early Decline Under Bearish Nc
Wheat Reacted.
fV - - * 6
porn tTni Ktendy Within n One-Half
In Sympathy with , \Ylicnt
It Ucclinvd i-ntcr In
fsr i -
the Day.
CHICAGO , June 28. After an early i
Ollno under bearish news wheat reacted ted
end closed Uc higher for September. Co
closed unchanged , oats l'ic lower and pi
.VlMons lower.
Opening trades In wheat were at
loss , and after advancing from ' / c to V
gradually declined from 9ic to % c , bccat
pullo firm , advanced from 1 to lc a
Closed steady. The weak cables , strike s
nation , the larger movement of the ni
crop and the One weather here and abro
fill combined to create a bearish tone a
ifcveral long lines were sold out. The a
Vance just before the close of the session w
duo to good buying and better closing cable
fihortB covered.
Corn was steady within ! 4c range. A d
cllne In the middle of the cession was caus
by sympathy with wheat , but the marl.
firmed up on buying.
Oats were weak on favorable weather ni
frco offerings. The range was % c for Jul
Provisions were dull and easy with when
Compared with last night September pork
17V4 lower , September lard 7',4c lower ai
September ribs 7'/4c lower.
Vessel room In fair demand at Ic fi
. wheat , corn and oats to Buffalo.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
A r Helen' . fopen. | liighrT Low. j "Close.
Tv.catNo. ) 2
June B7 67
July 6Hi < 68
Corn No. a. .
4W 41
" 4.1
Ecpt 41 Ha" 41
Or IB No. 2. . .
Juno 43 43 43
July snj * 3ft
Ecpt. . 28) 21)
Pork per bul
July 12 124 12 42W 12 .15 12 40
. Sept- 12 U7 ! 12 (17)4 ( ) 12 50 12 62 !
June. 0 05
July. . 0 07M 0 U7M 0 B3 0 G6
0 faO 0 BU 0 77i } 0 BUn
thcrt Ulbs-
Jiily OB2M 0 B2K n 42H n 42 !
Ecpt 0 60 II 33 0 47h 0 51)
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FUM'lt Ensy. -
WHEAT , No. _ 2 _ . Fpihig. . . 57c ; No. 3 sprlni .
! t nt * lt n .i p *
IIVU No. 2. CO. - - . .
'IIAULISY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , nominal
N" . 4 , nimlnal.
KI.AX Hiii : : > No. 1. JI.13.
TIMOTIIV Htii-I'rlme. ) $1.75.
rllOVISlONH Mess jwirlc , I > cr bbl. . J12.40 (
12,02 ! * . Lord , per 100 Ibs. . $ C.67',4Q6.70. fhor
rOJS. IOea 'IpOBp ) , tC.C2tiRG.SS. Dry salted shoul
fieri ( CclT , ti.WMMVA. Short clear Bld < -
fboxcd ) . tC.SOflC.5ir - t
\ WHISKY UlMlllera' ttnlslied goodg , per gnl ,
tl.15. . -
The following wcro the receipts ana Biilpnioiit1
fcrlodny :
On the Produce , oxclianird today the biittor mir-
kcl wa nrm , iinchaiiKod : creamery. M 17c
Clary. llctHMg. BCKB. linn , niicliauced ;
Vcstcrdny's Quotation * on Flour , Grain ami
Provisions , Alctnlt , Ktc.
NEW YORK , June 29. FLOUR Receipts , 31-
00 bbls , ; exports , 3,500 bbls. ; sales. 7,225 pkgs.
Uarket neglected ; spring Hour held too hlgli
.nd winter wheat flour also firm on light supply ,
iouthcrn Hour , dull ; common lo fnlr exlras ,
2.002.75 ; good to cholco extras , t2.503.40.
iyo flour , dull ; sales , 150 lilils. Huckuhcaf
flour , nominal.
, CORN M13AL Dull : yellow western , t2.63fi >
Z.SO : llrnndywlne , t2.SO ; sales , 250 bbls ,
RYE Nominal ; state , 5CS5So ; Jersey , S253c.
UARLUY Nominal.
. .HARLKY MALT Dull ; Canada , W95c ; elx-
fowed , MJS3e.
WHEAT llecelpts , 30,400 bu. ; export , 40,700 l > u. ;
ales , 10,400,050 bu. futures , 100,000 hu. spot.
Bpot maiket steady ; No. 2 red , store and elevator ,
foftc ; afloat , Clljc ; f. o. h. , ClTjc : No .1 north
ern , 67Hc. delivered ; No. 1 hard. C8Ho dellveied.
Options opened weaker on foreign selling , weak
alles , flno western crop news nnd the Chicago
trlkc. A big switching between July and August
nd September was done , nnd llnnlly the mar-
el rallied sharply on local covering , clostnfr
rm at unchanged to Uc advance ; June closed
.t CSftc ; July , CO l-lGfTGO&c , closing nt 60'Jc ; Au-
ust , 8U4Q81 > ic , closed lit Cl'ic ; September ,
2 9-168 < 3ic ! , closed at 63'c ; December. 65 15-10
iWic. cloroil nt CCUc.
CORN Recelpls , 2,000 hu. ; exports , 13.000 hu. ;
Mies , 435,000 hu. futures , 32,000 hu. spot. Spol
market steady ; No. 2. 4445a In elevator ; 4jc
ifloat. Option market Btendy to firm on prcdlc-
tlon of lighter receipts , laler rcalced and closid
tveak at UffTio down. ; June clo ed nt 44'c ; July ,
45f45'ic , closed at 45o : August , 4tjT41Ka. closed at
4Cc ; Heptcmber , 4C ) ( ! I47c , closed nt 464c. !
OATS Recelpls , 43,200 hu. ; exports , 600 bu. ;
tales. 110.000 hu. futures , 17,000 bu. spot. Fpot
fnarket dull and lower ; No. 2 , too ; No. 3 , 43'4o ;
No ,2 whlto , 62ii53c : No. 3 while. 51Q5U4.c ; truck ,
pilxed wcttcm , 82 570 ; track , whlto stale , 62 ®
Tc. Option market declined Kharply on nenr
months on liquidations , closed UO&c down ; July ,
45f45 > < jO. elcsed at 4Jc ; August , Z4ic ! ; Septem
ber , 33Uffl33'.ic , closed at 33Uo : October. 33c. !
HAY Dull ; shipping. tC.OOSC.50 ; good to choice ,
HOPS Weak : state , common to choice. , SQ14c ;
Pncltlc coast , 10i15c.
lIIDGB-Dull ; wet salted , New Orleans , sc.
Icctod , 45 to 65 llw. , 6'i J4T4o ; Texas , selected. 35
lo f.O Its. , 4650 ; lluenoa Ayres , dry , 20 to 24 Ibs. ,
10\WlIc ; Texan , dry , 21 to 34 Ibs. , 5 c.
LLATIIUR Inactive ; hemlock sole , Duenos
Ayrcs , light to heavy weights , 15C18c.
WOOL Slow ; domestic fleece , 19(0'25c ( ; pulled ,
I'HOV18IONS-Hcef. dull. Cut meats , firm ;
Pickled bellies , 7JJ7WC. I ird , steady : western
Bteam closed at J7.03 nsked ; snlcs , 500 tierces
at t7.05 : July closed at 17.05 , nominal ; September -
ber , t7.20 , nominal ; refined steady. Pork .firm.
IlUTTiit Weaker ! western dairy. 10UQ14UC ;
western ciramery , 1401So ; western factory , 9'/O
14o ; Ulglns. ISo ; state dairy , 12 17ic ! : stale
creamery , ISJIlSc.
; i : Slendy ; part skims , 2'.4J'5c.
i : OSjiilet : receipts. 53S pltgs.
I'lOTROLKUM Dull : United closed at SOJlo hid ;
XViiRhlnaton. buls. . fC ; Washlngian , In bulk ,
3.M : rcllned , New York , t'i.15 ; Philadelphia nnd
lialtlmorv , t5.15 ; Philadelphia and llnltlmore. In
ROSIN Stciidy ; strained , common to good ,
1.35 1.40.
TURPUNTINH-Stendy nt 31J31 C.
1UCIJ Klnn ; domestic , fair to extra ,
Japan , 4Kic3Hc.
MOLA8Sis Qiriet : New Orleans , open kettle ,
pxwl io cholco , 29fl3Cp ,
PIG IRON-DwII ; Kcotch , tl9.DOe22.CO ; AmcrU
can. 110.oorfH.00.
toi > Plil-iilet : lake. t9.
LiAl-Qulet ; domestic , 13.10.
TIN llaaely steady ; straits , 119.25 bid ; plates ,
HPKLTim-FIrm : domestic. 13.37H bid ; s.iles on
'change. 50 tons prompt shipment spelter from
\vcsl , S3.47' *
COTTON 8CKD OlIQulet : prime crude. 29o
nektd : off crude , 2502Sc ; yellow butter grades ,
SSc : choice yellow , 31o asked : prime yellow , 3a
IT37oj yellow oft grades , 31U 33o ; prlmo white ,
St. I.nuu ( ivnornl Mitrknt.
BT. LOmS. Juno 29.-rLOUU-Wenker ; pat.
rnts , t2.8502.ti5 ; cxlra fancy , t2.25C163 ; others
IS" when buying caused 11 mliy uf % o to a close of
IS"I Uo below > esterday's ; No. 2 rtnl. cash , 64T o :
July. W'Sio ' ; August , 64V4Cf54So ; Beptember. 55c
UecemU-r , tT4c.
CORN After Homo fluctuations closed Uc above
yctlcrday ; No. 2 mixed , cuih , 44c ; July ana
Beptemt er , SSHc.
OATft-Klrni. but slightly lower ; No. I cash ,
43o ; July. 3lc : August , SKc ; Bcpicmbcr. 23'lc.
RVK-No trading.
IIARLEV-No tradlnir.
llltAN- cast track.
KLAX KKtl > Nominal.
CI.OVKR 8KHD-t7.50fi8.Kn.
HAY Iil lcr-prliiio to choice timothy , tO.WQ
10.5 > L.-
TlUTTER-Steadyj separator creamery , 14016c\
choice dairy , Uffllc.
LKAD-UultV : J3.07I4JJ3.10.
BPULTint-Weak ; offerwl at t3.17H.
OORN MUAIr-tZ.Wj2.15.
IIAOOINO 5HliG < ( .c.
PROVISlONH-nuH and weak. Pork , itandard
mt a , Jobbing , 113. I ird. prime ( team , K4) ;
choice. t . .57HUry salt meats , loose shoulders.
t5.E5 ; lonp and rllu. J6.63 | shorts , 16.50. Bacon ,
our , 8.000 bbls. ; wheat , J.COO bu. :
corn , SS.UUO bu. ; naU. 22OuO bu.
BHll'MUNTS-Klour. 3,000 bbla. ; wheat. 1,000
bu. ; corn , ee.QCO bu.i cots. ,000 bu.
Minneapolis Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. June M.-The wheat market
opened quitter thl * morning- and coon sold lower
on early lower cablti and b tter wrathfr In th
wwt , The last lalea were mad * at the same
frrtc * a * Ito closingaalti of ytiurday , but very
wntt I Ic nt thnl figure The fno
flo Mi .Iun , mi , | July , cov , , t !
"He. I'p. embrr eo' , Cae On tmck N
I'1PC. . N1 forthem. Me , Nn. 2 n .rth .
V. lic tipia wcro ll sj.bu. , thlpmenli , l
Conillllnii of iiiiil tjnotittlonii
Htnplp nivl 1'unpy I'roduco.
Tlia Kfnernl mnrktl on country pitxluce
mnlnn alwut ttrady , with no Imprrtnnt chnn
IJUTTnil-The packcn nro ttlll pa > lnK lOc
pncklnR stock , nnd that appeals to be the Ur
nrd price with nil buyers. Choice country hul
iWHc ; feparator crenmery , solid paclied , 15f7
Liii'k'f , lJy A
iao8 : Thi1 igc mnrket has not iiioivn m
Chnnsc for tilt ff.ft rtrk , JK : being the gen
price * . CuiimiliMul ) lu.rt ramutQ1" thnl shlpi
ire lemllnii In A gorxl hinny povf tH * . CflO !
the wnrk of candling them out Ii no slnall II
MVi : 1'OIJI.TIIV ' Old htns sold yesterday v
largely at C'ic , and It as hard work to get o
lOc for fprlnn chlckenr. The demnnd for cl
nnd duiks Icry I light , and what few arc an
Ing nre mostly birds thnt have been pinch
and In consequence not very desirable. Due
7c ; hen turkeys , 7j8c ! gobblers , CC c ; gc <
5Mfcc. (
VUAk The rccclpln nre not very heavy ,
the uenlher Is ro wnrm that It would be
possible for the receiver to be very Indepcndi
Choice fat nnd small vtnls arc quoted at
coarse nnd large , 3Mc.
CIinnm There Is some very choice Wise
i In cliceto on the market. Wisconsin , I
cream , new make , lOfrilc ; Nebrntka nnd Io <
full rrenm , VdlOc ; Nrhrnnka and Iowa , p
iklm. tff'c ; Mmburger , No. 1 , loci brick. No.
lOc ; H\vlss. No. I. 13U14C ,
HAY The receipts continue liberal t
the maiket Is uenk , although not iluoln
lower. I'pland hay , JS.M ; midland , JS ; Ionia
I7.M ; rye straw , JO. Demand fnlr ; sup
fair. Color makes the best price on h
Light bales sell the best. Only top grades brl
top prices.
PIOnONB The gun clubs use quite a gt
many pigeon * , and there Is n demand for i
birds strong on the wing. Old birds , per dc
11.4001. DO.
POTATOi : Cnllfoinla nnd Arkansas polati
are sellliiB In n smnll way nt "StiSOc tier bu.
WATKIl.Mit.ON8-Houthern , t20.00a25.M.
CANTALOUI'KS Texas cantaloupes nre nrr
Ing on the market. On orders , tl.W per Atz.
DEISTS New bcct , per aoz. bunches , 2002
on orders.
SQUASH Texas summer squash on ordc
75c per doz.
CtJC MHinS-On orders , 3&0c per do * .
OnnF.N I'in'rnilS Texas green peppers , r
U bu. box , 7Sc.
OLD IlliANS Hand plcktd navy , t2.10f2.
medium navy , tl.KOO2.00 ; common white beai
ONIONS On orders. California. 2c per Ib.
CAUHAOE There Is plenty of home croi
cabbage being brought In by the local growei
and while the heads arc small , they arc ve
solid and good quality. There Is also coni-ldi
able California slock cm the market. Good shl
pine slnek , on orders , 2 > i2'ic.
AKI'AHAOl'K Oood home grown stock , < ; flt
per doz. , nn orders.
TOMATOI38 There Is n Inrgc business dnii
In tomatoes , and the slock now being hnndl
here Is vely cholcn. Mlsxlflppl Etnck COIIK
lutes the bulk of the offerlmrs. Oood shlpph
stock , per 4 basket crule , D.-'WIMO.
Ny\V IlHANfi The supply of wax nnd slri !
beans Is limited principally to home grov
stock , which Is not o\eily plenty so far , nl
which is held nt tlrm prices. Wax , ptr ' ,5 b
basket , tit Ttilnp , per 14 UUl laskcl , 75o.
1'UAB Tl > * silpMv Is Bomcwhnt larger. ao <
slock , per bu. , tl.75.
n O PLANT I'er doz. , on orders. 75011.00.
CAULirLOWnil-Cholce slock , per dor. , tl.GO
CAnuOTS New southern carrots , per do
bunches. 30fIJc.
PAIlSI.rjY On orders , per rtoz. bunches , 55330
TUIINII'S New home groun , per bu. , MgTi
home grown , per dobuijcji.'s | , 2olJ30c.
The offerings nt yesterday's nactlon talc nei
Inrsi' , consisting ol apples , peaches , apricot
plums , prunes and cherries. Owing lo the 1-111
bclntr Ijiti In rur'vlni ' ? llio tale did nol tali
cf jmtfl nfii'Tuooii1 ' : rk . , - f . -
n Saturday moinlntr there will be n sale <
n nr nnd n half of peaches and apples.
STnAWUnuilliS There wcro a few on tli
mark" ! held over from the day before , and goo
itoclf In quoted nt t3.0flif3.50.
S Theie nre plenty of Cnllfornl
be bnd on the maiket. Oood stocl
Al'I'LUS Callfmnla apples nre becoming quit
plenty. I'er 60-lb. rrate , 11.75. u- r
ApIUCOTS There are a few nprlcots comln
svery dnv , but they arc getting scarcer an
ilghor. Oond shipping stock. tl.2j01.CO.
UOOSniliitniis : : There ha\e been none rt
: clved to amount to nnyllilns during the las
, veck or more. Quotations nre nominally t2.251
"lILACKIinilUins The r - Ipts nre light nn
lenlcrs arc piedlctlns Mghfr prices. Oood stocli
ilLACK UASI'IiniUlinS-The receipts wer
nade up largely of homegrown stock. Ooo.
lock. $3.
IUn nASI'nKItninS There were n few Ii
'citerdny. which eold nt $4.00t5.00 for 24-qt
PnACIinS The supply of peaches was In
rensed yesterday by the ntictlon sale of a par
it a car of Callfoinla stock. Good stock , 11.0
PLUMS Only a few California plums nr
: omlne as yet , nnd they range In price fron
1.23 to tl.75 per box , accoidlng to Eire of thi
rult and variety ,
PRUNES A few bo.\cs of prunes are arrtvlm
rom California , nnd are worth about J2.W ue
riOS A few California figs have arrived
'hey are quoted at tl.25.
The New Oi leans Sugar Bowl Is cnlhuslasth
ver the lirangu ercp tif Loulflnnii. nnd pays I
Mil be largtr than latt sear's because so man )
oung gioves are Coming Into benilng. Alom
he lower Mlolsulppl river , from New Orlenn'
j the aulf of Mexico , for a. distance of 1K
illes , young groves uie seen on many placet ) ,
n both sides of the liver , and from a point ol
fly miles below New Orleans , lo the > n , ginvci
re nlmost continuous miles nnd miles of solli
roves. Thai Is Hie pilnclpal Industry of llml
ensely populated section or our unite , hnd > vt
ow notify our frltndi In Florida and Callfurnln
lat Louisiana will not long reman behind elthci
f thom In oinngo production. Any person whr
I'er ate n ripe Louisiana orange can testify
at they are superior In flavor to any. Blown
Isewhere. That Is because of the wonderful
jrtltllty of our soil a rlth deposit like thai
lonir the Nile.
Illpe Ixiulslana oinnges may be very line , but
a one In this part of the country ever saw one.
he growers of llmt slate pick their oranges
nd get them Into the marKet while they nre
111 ns green ns grass.
DANANAS As usual , when berries are on
IB maiket the demand for bananas Is not very
eav . Cholco stock. t2.0032.CO.
LEMONS The demand has not been Increased
i ah extent sufllclcnt to advance prices as yet ,
id the market remains steady. Fancy lemons
0 slP , tl.CO ; fancy lemons , SCO size , t4.23'
lolce lemons , SCO size , 51.
OHANOES California Mediterranean Sweets
e to be had on the maiket at S3. 75.
PINEAPPLES There Is a fnlr supply of
lorlda plnenpples on the mnrket nt tl.CO per
) i. , or t7.OOQ7.50 per crate of nbout six doz
FIOS-Fanoy. per Ib. . 12',4gi5c.
DATES Hallowecs , CS to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. ,
HONEY California , 15c ; dark honey , 1012c.
MAPLE SYUUP-Onllon cans , per doz. . 2.
NUTH Almonds. 15fl7c ; English Walnuis , 10O
c ; fllberls. 12c ; Ilrazll nuts , lOc.
CIDEH-Purc Julct. per I'bl. , td ; half bbl. ,
, t,0 *
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 2l4c ; No. 1 green
lied hides , Sc : No. 2 crcen Killed hides ,
; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 6c ; No.
veal calf , 8 Ibs. to IS Ibs. , 4c ; No.1 dry flint
des. 6c ; No. 2 dry Illnt hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry
lied hides , 4o ; part cured hides , He per Ib.
ss than fully cured.
3IIEEP PELTS Orcen sa'ted. each , 259COC ;
een salted sheadings ( short-wooled caiiy skins ) ,
ch , Cpl5c ; dry shearlings ( short-woolcd early
Ins ) . No. 1 , each , CO'"o ; dry shenillnga ( short
> oled early skins ) , Nt. . 2 , each , Cc ; dry Mint ,
insas and Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , per
„ actual weight , CiiSc ; dry nint , Kansas nnd
cbraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
; lght. 4HCc ; dry flint , Colorado butcher wool
lls. per Ib. , actual weight , 4&7e ; dry ( lint ,
, lorado murrain wool pelts , | > er Ib. , actual
right , 4 Cc.
I'ALLOW AND QREASE Tallow. No. 1. 4O
c ; tallow. No. 2 , 3U0SUa ; grenso. whlta A ,
, c ; grease , whlto B. 4c ; grease , yellow. So ;
ease , durk. t'ic ; old buter. 2G2Vic ; beeswax ,
Ime , 151/lSo ; rough tallow , 2c.
Fruit Auction ,
3HICAOO , June 29. The Enrl Fruit company
Id California fruit at auction today , the prices
illtcd being ns follows ; Cherries , llnynl Anne ,
f7.1c ; lllnck Tartnrlnns , W TJOo ; llepubllcanu ,
i85o ; Illgecraus , Cje ; Kehmldls , DlgKernus ,
15 : oprlcots , Itnjnl. 70075c : Moor Turk , 73c ;
ncties , Alexander , TSilWe ; Hnles , early , 75cO
00 ; plums , Itoynl Native , RScfiJl.OO ; SI , Outli
ne , 90 iu ; Wnnhlngton , tl.10 : prunes , Ting-
It2.03fi2.15 ; Hlmonl. t2.15n3.00i peara. Hurt-
Is , t2.2HQ2.76 ; Unwell , half boxes , J1.40 ; Ited
trncimn uppleti , tl,50. Weather hot ; receipts ,
ernl. Strike not delnylng receipt * from Call-
nln , hut hindering somewhat distribution uf
same from Chicago.
"orter llroe. company of New York sold todny
auction live cm n California fiulf. Peneh plums ,
60U3.SO ; Abundance , tZ.WijJ.tS : Chmuns , J2.10 ;
rple Duafl's , tS.W ; OKOII. $3.25 : Japan plums ,
15 : HI mon I prunes. 13.1084.00 ; Tragedy prunes.
W3.10 ; Uo > nl Hellves. MJJMo ; Drill cherry
d Kocnlg Claude plums , Wftl&c : pears , J2.W ;
. $1.8) ) ; Hoynl aprlcols , MHSic ; Monlngamcls ,
0 I.W ; pvach nprlcols , tl.15 ; Moore Park.
Alexander peaches , GOcOtl.05 ; Iluleit. tl.lQO
) ; Iloyal Anne chcnles , 65ctH1.75 ; Illggeraus ,
0tl.l5 ; Centennial , 5oif(0e ; Hrpubllcans , We ;
: \ elands nnd Tartarian' , 40.
Kuixn * City Alnrkota ,
rANSAS CITY. June 2D.-WHEAT-Qulet ; No.
ed. 490520 ; No. 3 red , 47 < ? 43c ; rejected. 440450.
'OHN ' Mixed ' .ic lower ! white unchanged ; No.
, 'lllle , 39 3'Jiic ; No. 2 mixed , 33HQr.Cc.
\TH-lo lower ; No. t mixed , S3034c ; No. 3
lie , 36c.
lUTTEIl-Btendyj creamery , 14015c ; dairy , 129
eak ! 7c.
; ECEII T8-Whcnt , tS.OOO bu. ; corn. 2,000 bu.j
s , none.
HIPMKNTS Wheat , 31,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
s , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1'forlu ( Iniln Mtirket.
EOHIA , June 29. COItN-Stcady ; No. 2 , 41Hc ;
, 9. 41o.
ATS Irregular , lower ; No. 2 white. 43 J45c ;
S white. 42W4Jtc. (
YE Nothlnr dofnir.
, 'IHSICY-FlFm ; huh wine. l rl . J1.15.
ECEIITS-Corn. 13,000 bu. ; oals , l.CCO bu.
llll'MliNTH Corn , 17,000 bu. ; oats , CO.WO bu.
Coffee Mnrket.
HW YORK. June 29.-COPFEE-Optlons
nid barely steady , 6 to 10 points down , ruled
emlly weak under foreign presiure. cloicd
idy and Unrhnnctd to 10 ix > lnts down ; mUa ,
00 tajt , includlnc July , tli.55tfl5.J5 ; Augmt ,
ttiSOnilU Bcplfmber , II415CHJO. Hpcl t
Kft. Itln qu | t N. . , 7 , is'ic. mild , quietj '
com. IMJHije , snjcs , I.CW nngs No. I. 14
c. nnrt f . 1.600 tmrfi gpntc * , No , t nnd . r
c , and f. , 1,000 hnga Mnrncnfl s , p. tt too I
C. A. , ti. t. , 2M bass Havanllln , p. I.
Wnrelioufo delhcrle * yesterday , 4 , S4 hi
New York * ' . " to' ' > - ' . ! W s fn
8 n estryk. . 128,170 bngs ; nnont for the Un
Stnles. 155.000 bagnj lotnl visible supply for
United States , 287,170 last , against 4IJ , 21 t
iftft ycfti * ,
HANTOS. June . -Market fnlr ; gowl n' '
ago Santos , t7 ! , receipts , 4,000 bngsj stock , 4C
HAMllt'nO , June . -Miukel quiet ; pr
unel'nnK ' * to 14 pfg. lower ; snles , 3,000 bags.
IIAMlE , June 29-Mnrkct i > Kne.l unchnn
to Wf lower ; nulrt ; nt 12 m. mnrket showei
fur her general decline of Uf ; closed with
further chnnniMies. : . 13.000 bngs.
IO IE JANKIHO , June W.-Mnrket m
No. 7 Itlo , tl7.10 ; exchnngc , 9'4d ; receipts , 3
lngs : cleared fnr the t'nlled Hmtes. 6.000 bn
for Luropc , 3,000 bngs ; stock , 110,000 bags.
nOSTON , June 23.-Thc Amerlcnn Wool t
Cotlon Iteporter snyn of thp wool mnrkett ! '
wool scotnS to be a question of only a I
weeks. The trnde generally Is of the opln
thnt the new tariff hill will probably gn I
operation the 1st of Augunt , when the nnxli
problems of Us effects will then enter I
process of solution. The mntkrl Is lifeless i
devoid of fenlures of InlereM. Mnnufncfur
using Australian nnd carpet Wools arc Ink
almost nothing out of bond. Nolmly Is oper
Ing In wool In the Interior on nny other tl
what they lielleve Is n "free wool basis , " I
ns to what this basis Is opinions arc widely
> nrlnnce. All nre showing a deep Interest
the nppionchlng event , nnd nre taking ns f
risks ns possible. Arrivals of new wools i
liberal , but prices arc dllllcult to determine
cnuse the demnnd Is so limited. The scou
basis for fine medium I'lnli , Idaho nnd V
omlng teem now to have fettled down to 5
The clenn ccH of Mexican X Is now 40c , i
lowest price on record. Georgia wools hf
reached nn unpiecedentfd low \nluc , 15Mc bei
the mnrket , Pulled wools rule quiet. The wee
sales amount to 1C13,000 Ibs. , against 1.F43 ,
Ibs. Inst week nnd 1,882,000 Ibs. for the sn
wrck Init year. The sales for the week In N
York aggregate 601,000 Ibs. The sales for I
week In Philadelphia aggregate 723,700 llm.
ST. LOUIS , June 28. WOOL Firm , unchang
Liverpool Markets.
LIVERPOOL , June 29. WHEAT Quiet ; i
mnrnl poor ; holders offer moderately ; No. 1 Cn
fornln , 4s I > ,4d05s ' , id ; red western winter , 4s
04s Oil.
COHN Quiet ; demnnd moderate ; new mlxt
fpot. 3s THcl.
BAULKY California brewing. 25s Cd.
FLOI'll Spring patents , Cs 5d.
PROVISIONS lleef , cxtm India mess , 71
Dacon , longnnd short clenr , CS Ibs. , 34s Cd ; lei
clear , 45 Ibs. , 3's 6d. Lnrd , pilmc western , 31
Receipts of wheat for the pnst three dn
were 6,000 centals. Including 33,001 centals Ann
Icnn ; receipt ! ) of American same time we
I3S.200 centals. _
Milwaukee Uonnral Iliirkot.
MILWAUKEE , June 29. FLOUR-Stendy ni
WHEAT Weak nnd lower ; No. 2 spring , CC
No. 1 northern. 65c ; September , Me.
COtlN-Scnrco nnd nrm ; No. 3 , 42c.
OATH Lower nnd demoralized ; No. 2 whit
39c ; No. 3 white , 38fi.19c.
IIARLEY Sternly ; No. 2. Kc ; sample , 4S053C.
RYE-Fcnrcp ; No. 1 , COo.
PROyiKIONS-Ixiwcr. Pork. t2.40. ! Lnnl , t .C
, RECElPTS-Flour. 0,900 bbls. ; wheat , 29,2
bu. ; barley , 2,400 bu ,
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 1,700 bbls. ; wheat , 3S <
bu. ; bailey , ncne.
Cotton Market.
sales , spot , 200 boles ; to arrive , 200 bales ; n
cclpts. 330 bales ; exports , continent , 4,550 bole :
coastwise , 2,249 balei ; stock , 03,991 bales ; future
quiet : sales , 20,100 bales ; June , nominal ; .Till'
tr..818C.S2 ; August. tO.735jC.75 ; September. t < U4l
0.75 ; October. tC.73JIG.SO ; November , tC.S3ffn.Si
December. tC.92i3C.93 ; Jnnuaiy , tC.l'Sfi7.00 ; Fcl
runry , S7.04fi7.0- . . -
ETC LOlJf3 , "June 29.-COTTON-Qulet ; mk
dung , 7'ic ( ; Bales , none ; receipts , SOO bales ; s lr
menu , 100 bales ; stock , 33,900 bales.
_ _
* i- - - - - i
Oil Mnrltcts.
OIL CITY. Pa. , June tt. National Tinnsl
certlflcales opened ot M'.io ' ; hmhe-r. H'.ic ; hwtsl
PlTTSmillU , \ ' . \ . , , imo : ? . Nnilniiul Tinnsl
certincnlea opened at Sl c ; closed at Sic ; high
est , k4c ; lowest , MTJp , no 'i
New York Dry ( foods Mnrkot.
NEW YORK , June 29. It has been a qule
market ; stock takings have engaged the chle
xttentlon of merchants , orders were few , am
from some sections they were minimized b'
railroad strikes that caused visiting purchaser !
lo keep quiet. Printing cloths were quiet nnt
Irm nt 2 11-lCc.
Supnr Mnrkct.
NEW YORK , June 29. SUGAR Raw , stcndy
lales , 2,000 bags ccntilfusnl , M lesl. 'Me ox ship
100 bags molnw.'s uujar , 9 test , i 7-Hc ; rellnul
LONDON , June 29. SUOAR-Cnne. dull am
lecllnlng ; cenlrlfugal Jnvn , 13s Od ; Muscovado
air refining , 12s.
DuIiUliVhout Mnrkot.
DUI.UTH. June 29.-WHEAT-Closed nrm : No
1 hard , cash , June nnd July "
Mniivlioiter Tcxtllrs.
MANCHESTER , June 29. Cloths and yarns ,
cmand poor ; prices barely steady ,
[ ransiictloni In Securities Yesterday Very
Much Lighter than Usunl.
NEW YORK , June 29. This was a very
ull day and the transactions were lighter
han for many days past , the sale of only
wo stocks exceeding 10,000 shares nnd of
ut three others exceeding 6,000 shares. But
n spite of the general dullness , the specu-
itlon was falrly-flrm during the greater por-
lon of the day. The continuance of the
trlke exercised a depressing tntlucnce on
lie railway list. The room traders , who were
bout the only ones In the market , were
frald to buy under the circumstances and
iiey were not sufficiently confident of the
istlng quality to Bell very heavy.
The May report of the Burlington was not
3gardcd as entirely favorable , the cost of
16 operation being unusually heavy. Sugar
'd in the transactions , opening % per cent
iwer , and on good buying , believed to be
ir the account of Insiders , reacted % per
mt. The advance was contested , and under
icaslonal raids there were frequent reac-
ons all the way up. A 1 per cent decline
illowed , after which came a recovery of %
sr cent and a final reaction of % per cent ,
avlng a gain of l'/i per cent on the day.
hlcago , Burlington & Qulncy declined % per
snt under brisk selling , but rallied % per
int at the close. St. Paul fluctuated within
margin of % per cent , making a gain of
per cent on the day. Hock Island , which
ild ex-dividend , receded U per cent and
orthwestern % per cent. In the rest of the
it the trading was light and the speculation
The Evening Post's London cable says :
le stock markets were steady today , but
Ith almost no business. It will .bo a holl-
iy tomorrow. Americans were easier. The
le of a few bankrupt stocks hero wcro an-
mnced after the house closed. The Indian
ivernment Is to pay off the 4 per cent
pee loan of 1842 next Notember. The re-
ntmler of the loans are to bo converted
to S'/i per cents , none of which are to be
.Id off for ten years.
The Evening Post says : What today's
Dck market seemed to reflect was corifl-
nco that this week's Insane labor uprising
11 meet a speedy collapse. The result ot
la feeling was a market exceedingly dull ,
, t much stronger than might have been an-
ilpatcd. As .a rule the railway stocks
jsed at or very near their opening figures.
The following are the closing quotations
, the leading stocks of the Now York ex-
ange today :
he total snlfs of stocks today were 10,791
.res , Including ! Atchlson , 3,100 ; American
lor , 3I.UOO ; Uurllimton , 10,000 ; Chicago Oim ,
< i ; Distilling. ,000 ; Headline. 3.0W ; tit. Paul ,
Bccoipta for Fiygays Show a Slight
crcasirOyprLast Week.
IJV1/T -
u 1
Dealori Cnmo ClB'n Together nnit Made
Lively \Vhllo It „
' '
Slump llnd'ly 'Under Prospect of n
Freight ; lllockndc.
n , : PIUDAY , June 2 !
So far this week , , cpmpared with last , th
has been on Increase of about 1,200 cat
800 hogs and 700'sheep.
The supply of cattle was not at all la
and Included the usual train of Texas cal
from Kansas City , billed direct to a lo
killer. Owing to the very light supply
desirable bcovcs and the rather bullish t <
to Chicago reports , the fat cattle marl
was active and pretty close to a dime hlgl
than Thursday. Handy killing grades s
to the best advantage , as the local beef rr
were all anxious for supplies. Owing to I
fact that railroads were refusing to take 1
stock except at owners' risk as to delay
reaching destination there was no Inqu
whatever for shipping account , and on this i
count the heavier grades wore a trifle si
In moving , although all grades , includl
oven the half fat and grassy stock , show
substantial Improvement over any day tl
week. Trade was fairly active and the fe
Ing Hrm throughout , on early clearance bel
The supply of cows and mixed stock w
Insignificant and the market moderately z
live at substantially unchanged prices. ! '
dry fed stock iwos all right , but low gra
cows and heifers sold at pretty low flgun
Veal calves were In very fair demand at m
figures and the same was true as to the tra
In bulls , stags , etc.
Offerings today consisted largely of sta
stock. Country buyers were comparative
scarce , but regular dealers did quite a lit !
trading and on the basis of fully steai
prices. Good to cholco feeders are quotab
at $3.15 to $3.60 , fair to good at $2.80 to $3.
and common to poor at from $2.75 dow
Representative sales :
* o. Av. 'Pr. ' . i No. Av. Pr.
2 feeders. . . . 910 t2'73 4 feeders. . . . 7C2 t2 83
3 feeders. . . . 7UI 3 03 i 63 feeders. , . . 933 3 20
1 COW MO 1-CO 3'cows 033 1 CO
1 cow ; . . 920 2 00' 18 feeders. . . . 955 3 10
HOGS The marketfelt the effect.ofvth (
allroad strike , arid prices on an averag (
Iropped very nearly lOc , although Chlcagc
nd other eastern markets were quoted
teady. Supplies were fair , but by no meant
xcesslve , and as shippers and speculator.-
: ept out of the market , packers could pound
rices to their heart's conten't. They started
a bidding and paying Co lower than Thurs-
ay , and wound up by refusing to take hogs
t from lOc to Be lower. Prices ruled very
neven , but In general the heavy and
utcher weight grades sold at from $4.70
j $4.80 , whllo the light and light mixed
rades went largely at from $4.60 to $4.70.
ho close was at the low point , with several
> ads unsold. Sales were mostly at from
I.C5 to $4.75 , as compared with $4.75 and
J.80 on Thursday and last Friday. Repre-
mtatlvo sales :
'o. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
' J79 2M | 4 65 21 207 40 tl 70
: 190 240 4 CO 70 221 ICO 470
182 . . . 4 CO -G5 2C7 40 4 70
15G . . . 4 CO 70 227 120 4 70
227 120 4 CO Cl 212 40 4 70
295 . . . 4 CO 69 2J4 200 4 70
190 3CO 4 CO C3 229 . . . 4 70
216 . . . 4 CO 69 202 12) 4 70
209 200 4 CO 71 227 200 4 70
. , 310 . . . 4 CO 77 2.-.0 40 470
227 80 4 CO 79 223 ICO 4 70
214 210 4 CO 70 24S 120 4 70
. .234 240 4 C3 85 219 ICO 4 70
153 . . . 4 C5 87 202 120 4 70
335 . . . 4 C5 85 203 120 4 70
. . . . . . . .290 . . . 4 C3 3 350 . . . 4 70
257 . . . 4 63 7U 2J3 ICO 4 70
272 . . . 463 73 210 120 470
327 . . . 4 C3 76 210 120 4 70
184 SO 463 64 290 80 470
200 . . . 4 63 75 238 200 4 70
302 . . . 463 66 241 80 470
31D . . . 465 C2 2C2 240 470
214 .80 463 71 267 SO 470
, 214 160 4 65 7C 2J7 80 4 72'4 '
183 10 46 ! S 29i . . . 4 72'A
, 238 SO 465 , . . , . . . . : ) . . . 47214
. . . . . . . .278 . . . 465 6 402 . . . 4 72b
218 . . . 4 C5 6' ) 316 . . . 4 72' ' , ; ,
200 320 4 C5 73 2i4 . . . 475
231 120 4 65 60 S2I . . . 4 75
. .1..21S M 4 63 60 303 . . . 4 75
201 120 4 65 6S 90S 80 4 75
214 ICO 4 65 6' > 274 120 4 65
243 . . . 4 65 2 250 . . . 4 75
227 . . . 4 C5 4 29 > . . . 475
223 . . . 4 65 60 324 40 475
212 200 4 63 69 284 ICO 4 75
203 120 465 65 291 SO 475
207 80 4 65 62 205 80 4 75
2UO 200 4 65 C4 244 1C' ' ) 4 75
ISO 160 4 65 63 241 SO 4 75
199 120 4 67 ,4 68 277 . . . 4 75
231 120 4 C7 , 70 251 . . . 4 75
279 . . . 4 67'4 ' 15 330 . . . 475
204 120 4 C7V5 67 241 120 475
223 SO 4 CT.a 74 210 ICO 4 76
205 40 470 78 225 210 475
217 SO 4 70 76 242 80 4 75
211 . . . 4 70 50 247 120 4 75
252 . . . 470 62 244 200 475
223 . . . 4 70 ' 78 222 SO 4 75
227 . . . 470 65 312 83 475
251 CO 4 70 68 253 120 4 75
312 . . . 470 60 271 120 475
437 . . . 4 70 69 , 270 . . . 4 75
253 SO 4 70 66 303. 80 4 75
299 . . . 4 70 61 2CS 200 4 81
370 . . . 470 74 , . , 218 320 4 SO
277 SO 470- 67 301 - . . . 480
263 80 4 70 70 ,247 200 4 80
278 SO 470. , , 65 318 . . . 48)
250 . . . 250 1 ISO . . . 400
480 60 30 < t'T1 1 350 . . . 460
3IIEEP None fJ-fcsh were received. There
a fair demand 'for ! desirable muttons and
nbs and spine 'tp/Mry for feeders. Prices
> quotably' flrm mFaIr to good natives are
otable at $2.75Jf3.25 ; fair to good westt
is , t2.GO@3.00a ; nmon and stock sheep ,
0002.25 ; good , to , choice , 40 to 100-Ib
nbs , $2.50(3)3.75Representative ( ) sales ;
I . Wt. Pr.
I Mexican yunrlllbir. , . 70 f'J IK
i Mexican yuarllugH. . , HI U 20
Receipts unit Disposition of Htock.
fllclal receipts and disposition of stock as
wn by the books' of the Union Stock Yards
ipany for the twenty-four houis ending at 5
lock p. m. , JumV , ' 1891 :
, Cnn. I If ad.
tie 3..J. 62 1,421
i , , 101 7,110
Duyers. HOES. Cattle. Sheep.
aha Packing company. . . 1 1,916
II. Hammond company. . 9S 1,443 154
Ift and company (43 1.C33
lahy Packing company. . 208 1.C83
Decker & Dcgen 23
Decker , , . . , 14
Lot man , . 25 . , , , .
ft , from K. C , 103
pper * and feeders , . . , . . . , , 621 , .
t over 100 . . . . .
Total 1,643 7,173 154
Kuiuni City Live Stock Market.
AN8A8 CITY. -CATTLE-Recelpt8. .
0 head ; shipments , 1,500 headj market strong
lOo hliher and active ; Texas steers , II.7MI
; Texan row * . ll.20fll.JO ; beef trer . I3.20U
; native cnwi. JS.KU4.75 ; tocken mid ftnl-
U.UUfl3.7& : Imlln. I1.2SU3.SO.
OUS-Mectlpts , isw heuj ; .iilpments , 1.4W
mArkrt craned ncllre nn < 1 Mronr In
doting weak , bulk of Mien | l,7ff4
, l4.MU4.JJi pnckem , 14 flJ4. . ml !
14.7004 Its. lining , Jl. 5ff4.SO , Yorker * , | 4.UtH
plfr * . JI.Mfil 80.
B1IKKPItrcetptii , tiend lilpmcnti ,
ntadj mntkcl active and tglO { higher.
Smnll Supply of Cntllo SIndo Compotltl
llrmlc mid Prlrc * Higher.
CHICAGO , June 20. H In many yenrn. tl
nt IcnM , rtncc nn few entile airlvrd on a I
day ns wn recorded todny. Tlic estimate v
4,000 hend. K\rry hoof of Hint number wn i
of nellcm * hands by the middle of the forem
ml at n MK advance. Tim Improvement
tended to everything In the lini < < of a. btillo
The BUddcn rlno was liy t npon of the men
receipts and the uneettnlnty rcminllnR uppl
for the nenr future , liuyeigere nnxloim
provide nsnlnst n meat famine , no far ns tl
Individually were concerned , nnd competition
the paltry 4,000 entile the pens contained
of the nlmrpoM. It In qulto Itnpos'llile to t
Just where the top of the market Jested , I
very onUnnry dry lot of uteem hrniiKlit fn
11.40 to JI.50 , nnd Kome that weie liy nn inei
choice clmnKed hnndx nt from JI.70 tn $1.75. t
tmlk of mien were nt better than II , and fr ,
M.SO to II were popular prices for emvs n
hclfciK. Hales of Texan c.ittle nero on n ba
< " , f" > m ll.M to 11.25. according to iiuallty.
. . "n.'i " . ' " ' . " ' " " V u"'i > - n.uvu nous nnd or
llr.OOp hend for the week so for , the ndvnnln
remained with eelleis. The demand wns r
nt all slmrp , shippers tnklns hold sparingly a
looiil packers not seemlier to cnro lo Invrst , t
sellers remained Him. nnd finally nude n ft
clearance nl about steady prices. The mn
for quoinllijtis wns from tl.7o to ts.10 for coi
nion to prime heavy , nnd fiom tl.CO to t4.9,1 f
light , and the ttrenler pnrt of the supply we
over the scales nt from tl.85 lo t3.
The present week hus been n moderately n <
Ive one In the sheep market , nnd , nlded by u
usually lljtht receipts , sellers were In n twsllli
0 promptly close out nnd nl slightly belter prlc
than pretnllrd lust eek. Sheep iirr now nuoti
at from tL21 to f.1.75 for poor to choice. Tl
" ' IOM Vk.'s > 'PPly lirouRhl from t2.
lo 1 t3.2o. The lamb market olio slums Improv
nenl , closing nrm nl from 13 to t4.PO for pj. .
: o choice. Duly n few Texiis sheep were offere
nnd they were mostly of poor qualities , quote
at fiom tl,2S lo tl.
TinIlvenlnu Journal reports :
CAT ! LK-ltecelpls. 4,01 hend ; 1,200 Texnn
Mniket 25c higher thnn Wednesdny ; prime
extra native utivrn , tl.6"ifj4.90 ; medium. t4.00
4.40 ; olhers , t3.501F3.90 : Tcxans , ti75H4.2."i.
' 09.T ' > M . . 'w * * < " } : . .Mutket tlo
and weiiU ; louKh heavy , $1.60 ® 1.75 ; pnckers at ;
mixed , $ I.Cjlt4. 0 : prime heavy nntl Imtchi
m-'ri.1 ' ' 10 ' v'Vi-l1.0 ' ' ? " " ' " ' 'M ' - < .
SllhhP AND LAMIIK-Hecvlpts. B.IKW hem
Market lOo higher ; top sheep , $3.73 ; top lamb ;
New York Live Stock .Mnrknt.
NEW YOHK , June 29.-IlirVES-necelpti
3,000 hend : market lOIilSo hlchei ; native steer ;
ir&ini ! " ' " ' RrnKH fpll > poor ' " llnldl > ' > > rlm <
$4.S5ff6.00 : medium to fair steers , $ l.45ff4.SC
common to choice steer * . II.OOJfl.M )
SHEEP AND LAMllS-Ilecelpts , 0.000 head
l7nmnjftct.lvo.inni1. ! ! " " ' rhfVI' ir to pHm <
im % : ilnlll'f' ' ? ! ; tn , l > rlnu > ' * 3-6000.Z5.
, iJ.S2."i ; . Jlp . ] > ,4l0n exticme ° ll"nil ! " "fket nominal !
St. I.tmls IAVO Murk Murliet
hnn.nrTpt ! ' > , 2 > 7 ? ° llcn'1 : slilpments , 2.10
hend ; market steady , slow ; end me-lluin weig
' "ellt M-M04-
J1f'i ! iSlTSBiooincdlul11 > - - 8
1I.KnI' iUtCHi1'1 ! ( ° ° hca(1 : shipments. 90
h |
' ' ' '
' ' ° 'VCr ; lambs' ' 23S
| .
Stock In siRht.
necord of receipts of live stoek nt the foui
principal yards for Friday , June 29. 1891 :
' ' Shecr
South Omaha . ? '
Chicago . . . 4,000 n M ) j'Jij
Kansas City . 2,5X ) 1 VO l"o
St. Louis . i2jo ; oT0 ; - .
Tolal . ' . . . . . . . . . . . 9lgj 25,310 6,70.
New York Money Murker.
1 > er CCIU ! In9t Iu' " ' nnd closc'd at l
er cent
" MnnCANTILR r-vrcn-snoiH per
STEHUNO EXCIIANOE-Steadv , with actual
business In bankers' bill , at $'A for demand
ind at II.87VI for slxty-dav bills ; posted tales
ll.SSff4.S9i4 ; commeiclnl hills , JI.WHi.
, - ' - - .
GOVEHNMENT DONDS-Stctidy ; state bonds ,
Closing quotations on bonds wcro as follows :
llonon stock Quotations.
BOSTON. Juno 20-Call loans. ms2 per cent
mo loanB. 2K33W per corn. Ulosms prices "o
locksbondH and mlnlurslnres :
Rcsulta of tlio Strike on the ninrknt.
CHICAOO , Juno 29. Mnny of the cor.iminston
luses at the slock yards regard Ihe sltiuilon
serious nnd hnvo notllled Ihelr cllenls In
wn , Kansas. Nebraska , Missouri , Tcxn nm
her slnles not to ship stock unless the rail-
ad nsrees to deliver iho t.ilpmcnt | nnd to be
sponslblc for lonir delnys , or responsible If
ere nro nny losses on nccounl of de'ny. The re-
It Is thnt the shipments hmo been stopped
many Inslnnccs , nnd the price of meat Is
peeled lo toke u mpld Jump up\\atd before
3wlft nnd company snld : "Wo hnrdly know
w the tle-up will affect our biislnops. From
esent Indlcnllons It looks as If Ihi ; resultH
nil.l . bo dlsnstrous. Sonic of our pc'Hshnbl
right Is on the. rcmd now , nnd we will hold
o rends responsible If there U nny damnKP.
ist nlKht wo linil to inKo a line of ilreisvd
ef cnrs Imck , belnB nfrnld lo send Uiem out ,
c could get nn nuviirnncc'i list iilKht that the
llroadsould Ret Ihe Khlpnient to the point
sltfnaled on time. The situation Is ccilulnly
bad one. "
I'lnuiii'liil Ntitr .
1OSTON. Juno 29. dealings , tilColOSS ; bnl-
ces. tlCCS,778.
1ALTIMORH. June 29-Clearlngs , t2,057,097 ;
Innces , t3lC93. !
JEW YORK , Juno 29 , ClearlnRs , t70,9SC,22S ;
Innces , t6.3IO,8.S.
'x\RIS , June 19 , Three per cent rentes , 10)f
o for the no-count.
HILADMLPIIIA. June 29-ClenrlnBS , t7,77l-
; bnlancci , tl,335P39.
, ONDON , Juno 29. The price of Bold nt
enos Aytea today Is 2C7 ,
IEMPI1IS , June i'J.-New Vnil ; rxi-honcp sell.
; lit tl. Cleui I.IBS , SJSO.f , : ; l.ilan.-os , Ji'7.775.
.ONDON , Juno 29. The amount of bullion
ic Into the Hank of England on balances
ay Is 16,000.
ilNCINNATI , June 29. Cli-nrhiKs. tll,63S,500.
ney , 2 1(0 per cent. New York exchange ,
f7,5o premium ,
UJo tha switchback at Courtland Ieach.
ommission Merchant
'rlvate wires to Chicago and New York. All
ilncas order * placed on Culcaco UoarJ ot
lorreipondence solicited.
Office , room 4 , New York Lit * Uulljlng
Vlepbone 1303.
orateMircemfiilly In H'ull Mrcot through
ur C < ) -i n tive 1C. II. hturk Synilicate.
Ivldends paid up to June 15th , U91 , as fol-
rentier , IHII11 , i'JJ > j jter tent. XtU
1HUI J-'l\i \ " '
HKiry , , -
' " HI > ' "
intai'i/ ,
rth , > n n
rlt , 14 "
U , ' < ID it
ne , a 11 it
making 100 per cent , earned and paid In
months. Provpectui giving detnlUd Infuriua-
i of our plan mailed fr e on application ,
hest refsrtnc < .
\VrlA ii AN & Oil. , Stock and Mrnln
Jlroker41 HrouUwuy , New York.
stock of brass and Iron beds , white onaraolfid , brass trimmed , nt nbout I
usual prices to close them quick. All our brass ffooda uro hlffhly " ) ar >
qnorod , " that is to say , covered with an imperishable , transparent nrcna-
ration so they will never tarnish , but remain bright and clean. Thodd-
mand lor brass and iron beds has boon constantly arowln ? durlriff the nait
five years. They are wholesome , neat and last a lifetime. Uoroaro a few
prices :
Fn White Enamel and with Brass Trimmings.
Former price $12.50 Nnw a 7 Kn
Pocmor price 20.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; : : " . ' ' ' " Now 11 S
Former price 22.50 . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . 12W
Former price 110.00 j ow 1700
' ' ' ' '
Former price 35.00 . . . . . 'NOW looO !
Cold Finished Fire Lacquered Goods.
Former price 343.00 Now 824.W
Former price 53.00 No& 27 6 (
Former price 70.00 Now 84.01
Former price 85.00 Now 42.6C
Terms cash or easy payments.
Formerly People's fctamoth Insla'lmsnl Housa ,
Close Evenings at 6:30 : , excepting Mondays and Saturdays.
Astonishment , Astohishea
Amazement , Amazed.
Paralysis , Paralyzed.
with the goods
, and the prices.
That's the way we are keeping up our
record No such bargains were ever be
fore and how could there be with such
good reasons for selling as we. rrave go
ing out of business a few goods that
were smoked a few that were Wet ,
nearly all perfect goods.
Price Tells the StoryM '
150 elegant gray cassimoro
suits in straight and /f | A ( \
round cut suuks , regent TSM- ] l I
\ S\J
cut , $4.50 cauh W *
MO cutaway ( -1-button ) frocks
in tans , grays untt oxford ? ,
wore only wet , now dry ,
pressed and all right , go at 5,00
$5.00 ,
! 7 ! ) suits in cutaway * anil 6,00
sacks , ovoii 1'rlnoQ Alberts . , , o
amongst them , now take -t/-v rvrv
your cholco at $0 and $10. . J.U.UU
iVllson Rroa. ' nogllgco * 7 f *
shirts at 75o , worth $1.5U. . / * ) ( )
500 suits , odds and ends , for
bliurt and Btnut , lun < r and Jfi7
Blim , all Htylo.4 and pat- v m
torus , take your choice for * * z - _ J
J7.60 to $10.00 each 1O.OO
30 boys' and children's suits
75u at half up forinor prices , from 75c
L\Xdozon hoiiHtltohod hand-
koruhlcfd ( largo slxo ) for
L'Mitloiuon , soiuo that uro
hand cinbroidorcd among
thorn , bligtitly snllod by
wutor , nuw go at l-iuoioh , 12c !
formerly brought ; ijc toCOo
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
Ka Hotter , jfo hteam. No'nydirrr. .
\X I1EST 1'OWKH for Corn uml IVcU Mill * , Italia *
/Ov Hay , HiinnlugKoimriilorc , Crcuuierlua , < o. ,
Stationary or Portable.
to 60II. I * . 8 to 2011.1' .
nil for Catalogue , Triers , etc. , dcr-rrlblnz wort to bo clones
Cuicago , 245 laka St. I OTTO GA S E N GJ N EVI/0 R KS ,
auluu U7 6,14th