Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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m $ HAYDEN BROS. c e e e e e e
Dollars is what wo can save you if you care anything - Cents is also what wo can anvo you by attending
thing about money-saving , and where is the man or this Clearing salo. Every person of sense would
woman in this year of hard times who does not Sharp Price Cuts All Around , Previous to Invoice Taking- . like to save cents nnd it takes no keen sense to
J-i want a dollar to wotk wonders. Bcont strong bargains hero.
Original prices and profits are altogether lost sight of in this June Clearance sale. Our sole object is to rid our shelves
us and counters of vast quantities of superfluous goods and these prices are going to do it.
Sharp Cuts in
fefe *
22-lnch plain China silk. In cream , yellow ,
light blue , brown , mvy , Nile green , cardinal ,
tan , scarlet , old gold , orange , ec. ! , actually
worth 40c a yard , for 25c.
21-lncli printed China silks , small figures ,
In navy blue , black , myrtle and brown
grounds , a cloth i < old everywhere at GOc ,
you can buy them now at 29e.
21-Inch genuine Japanese solid color silk ,
In S5 shades , the most complete line of col
orings In the weft , and a fine , handsome
silk ; actually worth C5c ; ROCS at 39c.
21-Inch printed China silk , In black , browh
and navy grounds , extra heavy cloth , really
worth 65c , goes at 39c.
21-Inch printed hobutal silk , In navy am !
black grounds only , such as other houses ad
vertise at a bargain at GOc a yard ; we shah
sell them week at 43c.
Brocaded pongee silks , regular $1 00 goods ,
that will wash and boll , wear llko Iron ,
and make the most serviceable summer
dress you ever had. at 49s.
In the finest grade of printed India silks.
21 and 28 Inches wide , we have put them all
In one lot , and you can have your choice ot
the finest fabrics of the looms at the unl-
form price of 03c.
24-Inch solid color extra heavy washable
habutal silks , In 70 colorings ; you can get
Just the shade you have been looking for In
this line at the low price of G9c.
The finest quality of India silk there U
made , fully 27 Inches wide , regular $1.00
goods , will go this week at C9c.
A beautiful quality of faille francalse silks ,
In browns , blues , grays , tans , wine , myrtle ,
etc. ; regular $1.26 quality ; this week th
price will be only 69c.
A coupon given with every purchase.
Share Cuts in
Children's trimmed and untrlmmed hats
from 25c upwards.
Children's wreaths from lOc to GOc.
The above are two special bargains-
two culled from many others. We have
the finest millinery department In Omaha ,
and wo aim to carry the very latest con
ceptions In this line.
Commercial Olub Plans Another Trip for
Merchants Into the Country.
list of Men Who Will Mnko nn Excursion
I'lirty for Trip to Ton as AluuR
the Missouri TiiclUc
The Itinerary.
The Jobbers of the Commercial club will
start over the Missouri Pacific road on their
second excursion at 7 o'clock this morning.
At noon yesterday the following firms sig
nified their Intention to bo represented on
the trip : W. K. Fahcs , of Steele , Smith &
Co. ; William Lyle Dickey , W. L. Dickey &
Co. ; B. V. Lewis , Churchill Pump company ;
T. W. Dunn , Cady Lumber company ; Mr.
Andreesen , Lee-Clark-Andreesen ; Lewis Ley ,
Standard Tinware Manufacturing company ;
C. E. Bedwcll , 13. E. Bruce & Co. ; Henry
Whiting , Murphy-Wasey company ; A. T.
nector , Rector & Wllhelmy ; J. B. Rabin ,
United States Supply company ; S. Blotcky ,
Ulotcky Bros. ; W. T. Baxter , Kllpatrlck-Koch
company ; Mr. Sturgls , Wood & Co. ; E. U.
Hastings , Morse-Coo company ; T. 0. Elchel-
berger , Wlnona Implement company ; Max
Meyer , Max Meyer & Co. ; B. A. Dayton , E.
A. Dayton & Co. ; George Victor , Heller &
Liver company ; P. H. Allen , Parrell fire ex
tinguisher ; M. W. Ryerson , Richardson Drug
company ; Dan Farrell , Farrell & Co. ; T. J.
Iloel , McCord , Brady & Co. ; J. B. Cowglll ,
Davis & Cowglll ; G. W. Llnlnger , Llnlngcr
& Mctcalf ; M. G. Perkins , American Press
asboclatton ; II. Hardy , II. Hardy & Co. ; E.
E. Miillltt , Alee & Pcnfold company ; II. G.
Harte , Wllllums-Hayuard company ; A. U.
Rawllns , Omaha Tent and Awning company ;
Bol Bergman , Bergman Jewelry company ;
13. D. Hamlln , James Good & Son ; Major
Erb , Mercer hotel.
The following commission firms from
South Omaha will go : Jackson , Acker &
Co. , Speets , Hitchcock & OIncy , J. A. Hake
& Co. , Blanchard , Shelly & Rogers , George
II , Green & Co. , Garrow , Kelly & Co. ,
Hyers & Co. . Boddock & Co. , John Wall-
work & Co. . Allyn , Smith & Co. , P. J. Lee ,
0. W. Woodruff , David Cole , Davld _ Cole &
Co. ; M. C. Peters , Bomls Bas company ;
O. C , Holmes , Manufacturers and Consumers
association ; C. B. Hall , Klrkendall , Jones &
Co. ; W. E. Clarke , Consolidated Coffee
company ; R. T. Hodgln , Commercial Exhibit ,
J. II. Medlar. Hotel Reporter ; P. C. Ayi- ,
Fairbanks , Morse & Co. ; W. N. Nason ,
Union Life Insurance company ; C.V. . .
Johnson , Western Electrical Supply "com.
( iany ; W. AU Gibbon , Qlbbo Hot com\
jiany ; D. A. liaum , naum Iron company ;
{ rug Brewing company ; C. J , Barber , Home
"Ire Insurance company ; Samu61 Reed , Rees
'rlntlng company ; G. 0. Deltz , Deltz Lum.
icr cqlnpuny ; M. Kahn , Omaha Brewing
The following' schedule and time table
lias been completed ;
Anlvo Leave
Omaha 7:00am :
West Side Junction 7:19nm :
Block Yards Switch 7:2Sam :
jurninlt Junction :
Ullmore Junction , . . 7:4lam :
> \ > rt Crook 7:47am :
La Platte 7:5oitm :
'I'luttsmouUi S.OIain
aynanl 8:10am :
urray .JJnm
Sharp Cuts in
10-lncli storm serge , worth C9c , for 33c.
48-Inch silk glorln , north $1.50 , our sharp
cut price now , G9c.
4G-lneli hcnrlctta , boat made , worth $1.00 ,
our sharp cut price now , C9c.
A bcautirul line or fancy black goods , all
now weaves , our thaip cut pi Ice now , 75c ,
S9c anil $1.00.
u2-lmli : all wool storm serge , worth $1.50 ,
our sharp cut price now , 7Cc.
DLACIC AND NAVYS-An Immensu line ot
remnants of all clabtcs dress goods , oui-
sharp cut price , 25c.
Sharp Cuts in
70-Inch wide German bleached damnsk ,
all linen , remember 70 Inch wide , at 50c yard.
81-Inch wide extra heavy hotel linen , full
bleached , our regular $1.50 grade , on sale
tomorrow morning at $1.00 a yard.
66-Inch cream damask , the 60o grade ana
good \altia at GOc a yard , buy It tomorrow
at 20c yard.
64-Inch American turkfy red tablecloth at
12 lie yard.
Call for freecoupons. .
Sharp Cuts in
A boys' flno knee pants suit 95c , worth
Strictly , all wool double or single-breasted
knee pants suit , on sale at $1.50 ; they are
worth $3 00.
llemember your choice of all our fine
grade summer suits In kneei pants , 3 to 15
years , > our choice at $3,25 ; they have been
sold for $3.00 and $0.00.
Call for coupons.
Freelliif ? .
Falls City . I-30pm
Stop one hour at Plattsmouth.
Falls City . G:00am :
KreellnK . 6.05am
Venlon . C:19am :
Stella . 6.32am
Howe . Glam : ( !
Auburn . 6:60am :
Nebraska City Junction. . 7.01am
Glen Hock . 7:03am : 7ir : > am
Brock . 7:23am : 7:3Sam :
Tnlmnge . . . . . 7:47am : 8:17nm :
Crete Junction . S'ZOam
Cook . 8:3Sam : 8E.lam :
Burr . 9OSam : 9Stnm :
Douglas . 9:3lam : 9l9am :
Panama . 10.03am 10:18am :
Hlckman . 10:31am : 10tliam :
Sprasue . U:01um : ll:16am
Kramer . , . ll:31am : llMGam
Crete . ll:57am :
Lincoln . 3:00pm :
Pecks Grove . 3lCpm : 3:25pm :
Walton . 3:37pm :
EaBle . 3:52pm : 4:07pm :
Elmwood . 421pm ; 4:15pm :
Wabash . * 4:41pm : 4CGpm :
Weeplnur Water . 5:10pm : 5:40pm :
Avoca . 6 Glpm G.Oflpm
Berlin . GlGpm : fi:31pm :
Uunbar . GMIpm 7:05pm :
Mnnley . S10pm ;
Louisville . 8-21pm
SprlnKlleld . : (
Portal . 8rCprn :
Omaha . 9:25pm :
A Tulu of Sluirp Cuts.
The half of our fifth page In this Issue of
The Dee la given to a tale of sharp cuts In
every department of Hayden Bros , big de
partment store.
Sharp cuts arc made right and left. Price *
are slaughtered without mercy and lots ot
of goods will bo sold In the next few days
at prices that will surely please the pur
Invoice taking will soon occur and Hayden
Bros , desire to rid themselves of superfluous
stocks ot goods before that event.
Hayden Bros are always In the habit of
giving their customers their money's worth ,
but this Is an opportunity that la far above
the average.
Kicurslon to Anbury Turk , N. J.
The Baltimore & Ohio II. n. Co. will sell
excursion tickets to Asbury Park , N. J. ,
and return frcm all points on Us lines July
7 , 8 and 9 , good returning until July 10 ,
with privilege of extension until September
1 , provided the return portion of the ticket
Is deposited with the Joint agent at Asbury
Park on or before July 13. Tickets- will be
valid for passage via New York and will
bo Issued for the outward Journey via the
D. & 0. II. II. and Washington , and for re
turn Journey via any of the other through
The round trip rate from Chicago will be
$22.00 and correspondingly low from all
other points on the B. & 0. system.
Tickets will olio be sold at all principal
oflleca throughout the west and northewst.
For Information In detail address L. S.
Allen , Asst. G. P. A. . B. & 0. II. II. , Grand
Central depot , Chicago. HI.
Ride the switchback at Courtland Beach.
Juit Ouo'Ilnlr.
tljo regular faro will be charged 4th of July
excursionists on Union Pacific lines See
your nearest U. P. agent for dates of sale
and limits on tickets. .
Firework * nuU Flags
At the lowest prices at
Corner Eleventh and Farnain streets.
Wo have the largest and finest stock In the
Sperlnl Kiouralon Eiut.
Via the Northwestern line to Asbury Park ,
Cleveland , Toronto and ono hundred other
ploasaut summer resorts. Call at the city
ticket office , 1401 Tarnnm street.
Balloon nightly at 8 at Courtlanq Beach.
The funeral of Theodore Large will take
place at 2:30 : p. m. Thursday , June 28. at
the residence of his sister. Urn. n. K.
Mackoy , 1721 Davenport Btrcet. Interment ,
Funeral -mill take place
Juno 29 , at S o'clock.
Interment at the Holy
In 3-0 , fl-0 and 1-0 sl/os , In white onnir.ol with brass trimmings. For the hot
summer nights nothing equals these Iron beds for 200 ! comfort. Heavy wooden
bodft seem stuffy ; Iron beds live light , airy and graceful , about which the air eabily
circulates. ,
Only the rich nt ono time tmd.not such a long tnno ago could alford nn iron
bed. Hut wo have brought the prices ( as with all other Idnds of furniture ) within
10 '
If you need'anything in Sideboards , Extension Tables , Book Cases , Desks , etc. ,
etc. , we can please you both in quality and price.
Sharp Cuts in Notion Prices
15c yard veiling for
lOc curling Irons for 4 } c.
" lOc corset stools fof 4',4c. THINK OF WHAT
Three beautiful table mats for
Large hand or stand mirrors for 4i c.
Six nice linen collars for 4V&C.
A good lOc leather purse for 1' c.
One dozen tv ln wlro dre&s staves for 4V&C.
25c worth of best rick-rack for 4' c.
Fine leather belts for 4',4c.
Three fine handkerchiefs for 4',2C.
A fine rubber bib for 4' , c.
lOc tracing wheels , 4' c.
lOc side combs , Hie.
20c dress shields , 4'/4c.
G packages needles , 4lc.
lOc sleeve holders , i'Ac. .
lOc tape lines , 4'/4c.
1 dozen collar buttons , 4c.
Sharp Cut in Paper Novels.
2.OOO in a variety of titles. " t r\
Regular 2Sc and SOe books go at Q\j
WRAPPERS ToClose at Once.
A line of serviceable dark calico wrappers , well rnntle and ready sellers at
$1.25 , now to tro at
Two Uotljfo Stroat Ijiillei
Two Dodge street ladles paused In their
Ipurchaslngs yesterday at Hayden Bros , long
enough to exchange a few remarks about
the weather , hard times and shopping mat
Said the first Dodge street lady : "I have
learned one fact a fact of great benefit , too
and that Is how to spend my money now
to good advantage. Although my husband
Is not making as good wages < is he was a
year ago , yet his money can accomplish
Just as much as larger sums did In the
past. "
"Please explain , " asked the second Dodge
street lady.
"The explanation Is simple. Now , I go
to Hayden Bros , to do my shopping. It
Is really surprising how much a small sum
can accomplish there. No matter what I
want , whether It Is groceries for the house ,
a straw hat or a necktie for John , a pair of
shoes for the baby or a now dress for my
self , I find I con always get there the best
offerings In Omaha. "
"You are right In those remarks , " said
the second D. S. lady. "My house Is fur
nished from top to bottom and nil the furni
ture , carpets , rugs , china and even the piano
came from Hajileu Bros. , and I know we
saved money by patronizing them. "
The two ladles echoed the bentlmcnts of
thousands of others who have found out by
long experience that for gooJ gooJs and enough
of them at bottom prices Hayden Bros. ' big
department store Is the place to go.
Popular music at Courtland Beach.
Coming of the Itif ; Show of tlio World.
This great show exhibits In big cities ouly
and will visit Omaha Saturday , June 30th ,
and , regarded as a whole , It Is doubtless
without parallel. Wherein It differs from
others Is this1 in Its rare variety , lt endless
Interest , Its boundless capacity to pleas ;
every taste. Good things with It are not
doled out with n grudging hand ; they arc
poured forth In a Niagara-like profusion ,
typical of the great country of greatest en
terprises. Here we have a regal Roman
hippodrome , 50-cago menagerie , three big
clrciibcs , caravan , performing droves of
wild and domestic beasts , a huge tropical
acquarlum , Australian aviary , huge stages ,
gladiatorial combats , spectacular pilgrimage
to Mecca and magnificent free street parade ,
rolled Into one tremendous alliance , for but
one price of admission ; or , more properly
speaking , roaring , rushing , racing , marching ,
dancing , gliding , tumbling , soaring , diving
and disporting under some ten acres of tents.
Whew ! the very thought of It fairly makes
one catch his breath. And not only Is It
all a very great , but It Is a very good , clean ,
admirably managed show , under the Imme
diate eye of Its proprietors and free from
any and every annoyance or objcctlonal as-
Ine Union Pacific will sell tickets to 4th
ot July excursionists at ono faro for the
round trip.
S e your nearest U , P. agent for full par
Popular music at Courtland Beach.
Special Tax Snle.
City Treasurer Bolln has sent In a com
munication to the city council urging that
some action be taken to protect purchasers
In special tax sales. The decision of Judge
Ambrose that property cannot be legally sold
for special taxes when the general ta\es
are paid , has operated to discourage buyers
who do not care to buy property when It
Is likely that their title cannot be main
tained , and they will bo out the amount
of their Investment. This Is Illustrated by
the fact that the county special assessment
sales from January 1 to June 1 , 1S31 ,
amounted to only $27,028.51 , as compared
with a total sale of $73,498.04 during the
corresponding period of the previous year.
The treasurer suggests that the council pass
a resolution guaranteeing that the money
paid by the purchaser will be refunded In
case the sale Is decided to be Illegal , and
some action of the kind will probably bo
Rfdo tha switchback at Courtland Beach.
, Vln the IturlliiRton It011(0.
July B , 6 and 7 round trip tickets to As
bury Park , N. J. , will bo on sale at the one
way rate , plus $2.00.
This substantial reduction from the regular
tailff Is made on account of the National
Educational absoclatlon convention , for
which the Burlington route has been made
the official line.
A special train , carrying sleepers and free
reclining chair cars wlil leave Omaha at 4'30
p. m. , July 5 , and will run through to As
bury Park.
Tickets and full Information upon applica
tion to the Burllnetoii's city ticket agent at
1324 Farnain street , Omaha.
Water Itcnln Duo July 1.
Payable at office , Bee building ; 5 per cent
discount Is paid on or before July 1. Fuu-
ure to receive bill will not entitle any one to
discount after July 1.
iicurHloii : Itutes Cast.
For full Information concerning summs'
excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee &
fit. Paul ticket ofilce , 1G04 Farnain street , 01
address F. A. NASH ,
General Agent.
Samlx from Conrtliiml Ilcncli.
The number of lady bathcis the past
three days lias almost doubled dally.
Since the warm weather 1ms set In the
number of bathing parties Is becoming
Severn ! pretty bathing rostumcs were vis
ible on the bands at Courtland ycstuiduy uf-
The Independent Woikmcn of Ameilcn ,
Oinnlm lodge No. 1 , held u picnic yesterday
at Courtland lleucli.
The number < of "bleachers" has been few
and far between until this week , but since
the batlilni ; suiibon tins opened In earnest
the picket fence is lined with sightseers
both afternoon and evening1.
Marlenne I.llHen Stolpe , the famous lady
cxpoit BUlmnicr , wad In attendance nt the
bench yes KM day for the 111 at time. Shu 1ms
becen engaged by the management to lii-
Btruet ladles and children , fiee of charge ,
the art of Kvtlmmlni ; , nnd will bo nt tne
beach every nfturnoon after " o'clock.
iUarrlnco Licenses.
The following marriage were Is
sued yesterday :
Name and address. Age.
Charlie W. L-araen , Omaha 2J
Annie Jensen , COmaha , 19
William WnUtaker. Omaha Z7
Netta Chrlsman , Omaha 2C
Carl E. Halstcd , Omaha 25
Lottie K. titrombcrtr , Omaha 2t
Popular music at Courtland Beach.
Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair.
The only PdreCfeam of Tartar Powder. No Annnoula ; No Alum.
Used m Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Sharp Cuts in
$2.13 will buy you your choice of a lot of
China silk waists , black grounds , dots nnd
stripes , sires 32 , 31 , 30. The ordinaly sale-
price Is $3 25.
$1.98 will get a gloria silk" walstbo\
pleat , back and front.
$3.25 secures n line Jap. silk waist In a
variety of colois , wortli $5.00.
$ J.50 will get n wash silk mixture waist
sizes 32 to 3S , worth $7,00.
$3.50 gets a regular $5.00 serpentine swivel
Call for free coupons.
Sharp Cuts in
Odd summer pants at half regular clothIng -
Ing house prices. An all wool cashmere or
cheviot , pants on sale $1.75 , worth $3.00.
A fine grade of all wool , made like tailor
made pants , $2.75 , wortli $4.50.
To close out the entire lot of white and
fancy piquet vests. They are sample lines ,
none worth lois than $1.50 , your choice at
Men's light weight suits In dark or light
shades , cut to half regular prices.
Sec the suit we now sell for $3.75.
All our fine all wool suits that we sold for
$12.50 to $15.00 , your choice for $7 50.
Sharp Cuts in
Worth. Sale Price.
Men's straw hats 25o lOc
Men's btraw hats 75c 2Gc
Men's yacht sailors. . . $1.50 GOc
Children's straw hats. 25c lOc
Children's straw hats. 35o
Children's straw hats. SOc 25c
Chlldien's straw sailors 35c
Call for our free coupons.
The name tella the whole story. "Oc
casional" to bo used only on occasion
as needed. The difference between an
ordinary table and an Occasional Table
is that ono is always a table , while the
other is only a table at such times tisyou
wish. Elbcwiso it is a compact seven-
inch Bholf against the wall.
This is one of the best Occasional Ta -
les over devised. It is very compact
when folded , nnd very rigid when open.
Tt is low to the Iloor and fitted with
light castors. In Oak \\o price it a
only $9.00.
Think of the number of uses for such
a convenient folding tal-lo. For a woman
when sewing or "laying out" work ; for
a man when examining papers or plans
for thn children's study or for ganu > s ; in
sicknpss'as a convenient recoptablo by
the bed , or in the dining room as a serv
ing table :
Only $9 ! And it lasts a lifetime ,
ruruituro of Every Dasoriptioa ,
Temporary Location ,
ISOtl ninl li > UU Uotixli
Till CHI a
IlKSUI.IHIn BODArfl. „ „ . .
Ner 9Ui IMivoin. lulling Memory ,
l' re. li. BlteU'iintiiUiukiim.clc. | ) , - . _ -
HUIIbrj < tiibu i ndquickly Iiiitfiirrly7tttor i
I.oil Mnnliooil In old or jounif. a | | y carrftd In Teit
pocket. ITIco I.O a.ckn | o. Hli for # a.ol > IIh a
BOLD br Kuhn ft Co , Cor 16th and DougUn Rti , > nd
J. A. Fuller & Co . Cor lltb & UouvUli16W . OUA1I Ai
U , H , Vfvvtltoru , Omaha , \ebnnha.
CAPITAL - - $400,000
SURPLUS - - $55,500
Oftlctri an Dtrectori : Henry W. Tat i ,
crtildent ; John B. Colllni , vlce-preildcnt ; L wli
B. Iltftd. Ct hltr. William II. & llugbi * , ai > l t-
ui citMtr. . . tj.iui
Sharp Cuts in
M'.son fruit Jnr rubbers , 3'ic per dozen.
Ktt them while they Inst.
Jelly glasses , 2Jc per dozen.
Ilocl/iiKham cream pitcher , Cc cnch.
_ 2lx sheets , nil colors , shelve paper , fancy
bc .lcr , 5c.
SlUur inetnl tea spoons , 13c per sot , wortli
Silver metal table spoons , 2Cc per set.
worth $1 50.
KIMther dusters So each.
Terra cotta cuspidors , 13o each , \\ortli
Ice cream freezers , 9Sc each.
No. 7 copper bottom wash boiler , worth
7Gc , 40c.
No. S copper bottom wash boiler , worth
$1.25 , GOe.
No. 7 copper bottom tea kettle , worth $1.00 ,
35c.No. 4tl'
No. S copper bottom tea Ucttlc , worth $1.25 , '
A good tin tea kettle , worth COc , 15c.
An extra heavy dish pan , wortli 2oc , Do.
Wash basins , 3e , worth lOc each.
Milk pans. 2c , worth Sc each.
Pie tins , Ic , wortli Co each.
Stew kettles , 8c , worth ISc.
Preserve kettles , lie , worth 25c.
llread pans , lOc , worth 20c.
lixtra heavy Jnpaned dust pan , Cc , worth
The Western wnsher , $2.25 cnch. Don't
pay other dealers from $2.00 to $3.00 moro
for the snmo machine.
Coupons free with nil purchases.
Sharp Cuts in
Aycr's Hair Vigor , C5c.
Parkoi's Hair Balsnni , 40c.
Warner's Safe Cure , 95c.
Pond's Extract , largo 76c ; small 40c.
Syrup of Figs , large 7Gc ; small 40c.
Duffj'H Malt Whisky , S5c.
Indian Say\\a , 75c.
Ammpnla , largo bottleSc. .
Florida Water , 12' ' c.
Prescriptions carefully compounded.
'Tis ' a euro for weak oycs to see such a rich lot of vests as wo really
don't consider it Belling , but an offer of appreciation v/o therefore aim to
improve annually. ft would take an hour to dot cribo the designs there
is n stripe check clot plaid plain white bar ring crossbar z\s-zng \
and other dcsi/ns , which wo are totally ignorant to descrlbo. Eaoh pattern
torn of pink red blue black carmine green and a variety of shadoa.-
They're single or double breasted with detachable pearl buttons and
nobby finish. This collection classes and retails ovorywlioro
AT FROM $1.25 $ UP TO $2,00 $ EACH. .
But the Nebraska says every year , Take your pick
And it goes while they last. Uow long will they last ? . You may Imagine.