' * in THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JUNK 2 1891 8PEG1RL NOTICES. for lhf columns will ba laki-n until 1J < W PI m. for th evening nnd until 9:0) : ti , m. for th mornlnis nnd Hunday e < lllloni. .Advertiser * , by rfqucntlna a nutnwrpd ch ck , ran have nnimrrs tuldrMnml to n numberiM In ter In cnre of The Hoc. Answer * no adJrewiMI will bo delivered upon presentation of tha check. IHc won ) tint Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for ICM than Kc. SEDATIONS WANTED. POSITION AH ilCH'HDKP.P.Pint HY A WIDOW. ftffo 3i , Kixxi crjok nnd laumlrcm , four jours' pxiirrlTicp In ilrcs mnkln , bent of references ; tmpaloi only Herman. AcluriMwt Ildfa Ixirentzen , 118 .Kant 8lxtli street , Grand Inland. "Hi. WATrrnt ) . nr AN nxpp.nmNcrfn MAN , | Ki ltlon nt collector ; Al reference BUen. Ad- ilroM O 43. Jlee , A--MG35 isoLictTona , THAMH ptmNismin ; INRTAM- menl goods. American Wringer Co. , IfrW Hiw- jud street. _ n-VU AOKNTfl , fiALHUY Oil COMMIBH1ON. THE creatwit Invention of the BRP. The New Pal- mi Chcmlrnl Ink nrnslne Pencil. Hells on xlRht Works like mimic. ARi-ntH nre making J2300 to JI2500 per week. Per furthT par- tlculam write tlio Monroa Erasing MfR. Co. , X 2G , L.X Crosse , WIs. II-8M 1't'SIIINO ' M1JN TO TAKE OnDCllS POM OLD eitabllnlicd house ; salary paid. Apply HH Douglas. n MlTMyH _ WANTED. CJOOI ) HUBTMHlfl POtt I.ATHST fniit HPlllnB necessity. Halary or cimmlMlon. InvestlKato this , Hlmpl "c Dr ss dinrt Co. lloic Mi , Kanent lty JIo. _ 5 M4i ! " _ < 8AlnSMP.N WANTND , TO SHU. Otltt GOODS by n\miile : to the vvholesilo anil retail trnde ; Mil On sight lo every huslnenH n n or firm : lib eral salary ; money ndvnnrrd for advertNIni ? nml expenses , pernmnint position. Atliln'ss , With stamp. King Site. Co. , C , ( MilriiKO. III. II MS'i : 30 * WANTED , A PIItHT-CI > AS8 1IUACICMMITII. Tor parltcularn wrlto to Donovan llron , Ilrny- ton , Neb. 1I-MS7I _ VTANTKD , A PIANO PLAYER ; GniUIAN preferred. 108 N. 8 Hi. _ H-M612 A OOOD HIIOKMAKRR WANTKD AT TIIH Fair store , North I'latte. Pur full particulars nililrcsi lllclmrd Uros. , North Platic , Neb. II 17 11 WE WANT TIIIinB nNBIiarjTir1 MHN TO take orO'-rH In thu city for the "New Vapor move Cover , " easy Holler. Good WKBc't. Terms nnd samples 020 S. ICtli st. Vapor Stove Co. WANTED , IAIIOItnnS AND on II. & M. railroad extension to Montana ; true transportation. Kramer A : O'llenrn , IM- bor Agency , llth and Parnum ctreels SITUATION WANTED AH SAI.RHMAN , SHIP- plni ? clerk or otockkeepcr In whulMiiIe notion , dry Rooili , toys and fancy Roods or hats und cap house , by experienced yomiff mam good references. Addicss O 40 , cure Uee. B MC3C 28 WANTIH ) , riUST CLASS IlUAC-KSMITIl. ntpaily Job for a good man ; mint understand plow wiirk. Address M. II. Altitthlcwn , Hu- l > BTlnr. Neb. 11-MC53 2 * _ WANTKD , MEN AND WOMHN TO TAKE nrilora for our kitchen iperlaltles ; house keeper * must lurvo ( hem ; Rood piy und oaiiy work ; xvrlte for terms and nample. r. M. liurton 1'ottory Co. , Itoimllle. O. 11 MOM 28 * WANTED FEMALE KELP. WANTI3D. Oinij FOR anNEItAU HOIJSn- work , Inqulro 2M9 DodBO street. C M417 \VATITED , A GOOD CHKL , FOR GCNKUAl , hnusewnrk. Apply 1701 South Ifith street. HURh Murphy. O MC15 23 _ WANTED AN EXl'ERIENCUD NORSTJ with lefeiences to care fur twoenr old child ott n trip to the lakca for thn summer. Must be neat and not under 13 soars of iigo. Apply at 633 So. 20th AVe. Immediately. C27 28 * -WANTED , ami ; FOR GENERAL IIOU3E- work In Email prUato family. Call l.33 Sher man nve. C CI3 27 * WANTED , ami , ran GENERAL IIOUSE- work. 2818 Charles street. C MCG1 30 * FOB BENT HOUSES. nNH FLAT IN CLOUSr.H BLOCK AT 703 S. ICtli st. ; ranee and nil other comenlcnces ; to. George Clouscr , room 2 , 1CZ3 Farnam st. P-ail _ JIOUSES. F. K. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. JIOtlSEH IN ALL PABTS OP THE CITV. THE O. F. Davla company , 1505 Parnnm. D 587 * nOOM COTTAGES , MODERNCHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. 8. Elgutter. 9)1 Bee build- Ing. D-583 linNTAL AGENCY. 007 BROWN BLOCK. D 589 , nr | | CLEAN. COMFORTABLE. CONVENIENT , moderate rentals , liest 3 and 4-room s'lltos for nouaekcoficrs only * References required. Also C-room tulle In tenement. 819 S. 22d si. _ * , , D S90 KELKENNEV&CO..R. 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK. ' D-C91 r FOR RENT , GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM hbueo 2C21 Capitol avenue. 11. II. Roblson , rom 7 , Commercial National. D SW , TEMPLETON & T1ERSON. 1'axton LIU. Jf D-658 FOR RENT , DWELLINGS IN ALL TARTS ot Omnha ; call ( or list. I ! . H. bheafp. 432 pn-aon block. D-M6C6 TUREE-ROOW PLATS , J7.EO. 1118 N. 17TII. P-.M8S7 ] y8 TOR RENT , DESIRABLE 10-ROOM , "SIODERN residence , Jlrat-clfiua In evcrjiletnll , centrally located. Rent , KO. E. II. Sheafe. 432 Paxton - ton blk. p M30I ) TENTS' FOR RENT mi PARNAM ST. i D-381 c VERY FINE 7-ROOM COTTAOE AT RI > ducedprice ; call nt once. Pldellty Trust Com- pnny , 1702 Fainam st. DI19 POR RENT. MODERNllOUSE ; REASONABLE terms. Enquire 1919 Dodge. U MHO 5 ! 5 CORNER 6TII AND WILLIAMS Blreets , 10-room house , with Rood bam , paved utreet , larRo Brounds , shrubbery , fruit , etc. cju-ap. Fidelity T.-ust company , 1703 Knrnam slroct. D - Mat-it VOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLINQS IN Council llliirfu : cull for list nt Omaha oince , 433 I'mton block. E. JI. Shenfe. D MC67 POR RENT , TWO IO-IIOOM MODERN PLATS , cheap. J. W. Squire. 243 Bee bMg. D-S23 7 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 3116 CHICAGO nil ret , } 23.00 per month. Apply nt mime ad- dress. D-M513 3Q _ FOR'RENT \ HOUSES , STORES. PLATS. Ames , 1C17 Fnrnnm. O MSSO 1'OR IinNT" WANTED , GOOD MEDIUM prlml houses. List your houses for rent with Ames. D M573 4 , R. 1-ltOOM HOUSE AND FLATrf ; 11RICK ; all modi-rn ; uneoualcd. Tizanl , 221 North 21th. D MC18 2S COTTAGE , SIX ROOMS , ON TUOTOR LINE , dty and cistern water ; rent JKMM ) . Wlllluma and Mlttan , loom 313 McCaguo block. TKN-ROOM MODERN HOlJSE , RENT LOW. H8 N Siith street. 1 > M635 4 FOB BENT FURNISHED EOOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS - HIS DODGE. E M357 30 * _ _ NICELY .FURNISHED ROOMS , GENTLEMEN _ mily. SOQj St. Mary's ave. _ E 175 2S * r PURN1BHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP- \ns \ for man anil wlfa. Hunt taken In board. 8U N. J7th. E DIP _ AETNA IIOUSE. NORTHWEST CORNER 13TU and Dod . Rooms by tha day or wejk. FURNISHED ROOMS , 181 CHICAGO STREET. _ _ _ ; _ E M977 Jy ! ) 1IABRMCNT AND PA11LOR PLOOR. SINGLE or tKOthar , . eleKuntly turnlalicd ; reasonable Cor suniiner. 005 Hurt. E 5SS 29 * _ FURNISHED ROOMS. 020 8. 19TH STREET. E M509 } ) " & _ rUItNISHCD ROOMS ; NICE LOCATION. S227 Podge. E-M010 2 _ I'URNISHEO ROOM , 2017 HARNEY STREET. PURNIHHED ROOM ; HATH ; $8.00 MONTH. 1911 Farnam. K-623 ; s _ BUITI ! OP FURNISHED IIOOSIS POR HOUSE- Uceiilng , modern. K$23 Varnani Btrpet. K23l FTONISHED ROOMS AND BOABD YOUNG WOMEN'S IIOMK. UNDER CARE OF \YonuQ-s Christian usoclatlon. Ill B , 17th st , lOO rs. ruRNisHEO OR UNFURNISHED ; ullh nnt-rlau board. 1903 Capital iu - Inquli * _ 1S10 Capitol n\e. r M771 L.\ndi"moKT ALCOVE ROOM. TWO NICE tlovets nnd crate , with board. The Albany , SHU Douglus Jll M. F 819 _ ROOMS i SKJARDT In N7l > i iIRS. TUTTLK. V-WKt i Jyll * _ " UtCS ROOM3 AND BOARD , 211 ioOM , WITH GOOD _ llna location. 2510 Dodge , F--M493S ) * VERY JirailUllLE ROOMS. FURNISHED OH unturnliOied. tlood location. SU oud 211 ii. " l r fet. I' M483 FL > RNI.SHED SOUTH ROOM wltb itrlctly Qr t claw bordHIM Douglas. F-JSS FUHM1SHED BOOMS AKP POAItP. Continued. LAIIOR fiOt'TH TRONT ROOMB , SINGLR OR entulte , with board ; references. 2314 rarnam street. F-M523 80 * DESIRABLE ROOMS , WITH BOARD. HEFER- ences. Terms reasonable. 201 N.181M. N.181M.P - H-JO POR RENT. ELEGANTLY FURNIHHED front room with nlrovc , nultable for two Ken- tlemcn , beside street car , soulhnrst cor. of (2d and Hamilton ( . , Walnut Hill. E-CH a ROOMB WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD ; pleasnntest location In Kountzo Place. Ref- erencei. O 4 ? , Uee. F MC3I ! FOR RENT-UNFURNISH'D ROOMS. UNFURNISHED ROOMB , SUITABLE POR iiousekeeplnir , city water , etc. , low rent ; northwest - west corner 17th and Webster su G 98 4.ROOM PLATC BATH ROOM AND CLOSET. 610 N , 17th St ; 110.00 , references required. O-C2C-23 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES CORNER SALOON , 024 DOUGLAS. INQUIRE 2i I-MSG8 1 MONTHS LEASE OF STORE , 309 6. 17TIL I-S99 SO' POR RENT , THe 4-STOllY BRICK BUILDING , 918 Farnnm street. The building has a fire proof cement bisement , complete steam bett ing fixtures , water on. nil floors , cas , etc. Ap ply at the offlco of the I > . I 911) AGENTS WANTED. AOKNTS IN AND OUT OF CITY ; LHIERAL commissions. Apply room 433 , I'niton block. J-J176 Jy7 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED , TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping , Addtr 4 O 33 , _ Hpe. K 03-2T STORAGE. bTORAOE. WILLIAMS i. CROSS. 1214 HARNKY. - . . . . . M 601 STORAGE POR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Painam. M-600 OM.VANiSTORAGE CO.,1COO DODGE. TEL,15s7 M 201 WANTED TO BTTX. HIGHEST PRICE PAID POR SECOND-HAND furniture , stoxcs , etc. I. Brussell , 710-712 N. 16th. N-657 HAVANA PRECKLES. A IOC CIGAR , FOR BC . . N M270-Jy-15 WANTED. TO LEASE A REPUBLICAN pnper at once. E. E. Shackclford , Gnllatln - il0- N M4S8 20 * If a house you want to rent ? You'll find it on this page , Or on buying you are bent ? You'll find it on this page. Do you want a girl to work ? You'll find it on this p.ige. Or , perchance , a man to clerk ? You'll find jt on this page. Do you want to get a bath ? ' You'll find it on this page. Or trade for that another hath ? - You'll find it on this page. "H SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT 'AND iold. L. Attman , 808 & 810 N. l WANTED. TO BUY A LADY'S SADDLE horse ; pacer i > referred. Rae Cameron. 118 S. N-M611 2 . 9th street. _ SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. 320 3. "THJT. SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOU WON'T MISS OUR money Low prices on furniture & household BoodiEnterprise : Credit Co. . 613-615 N. 1611 ] . st. O Sa7 _ FOR SALE. CHEAP TOR CASH. UPRIGHT Whpoloclc piano , used 3 vears : Inqulro of O. C. Mezemlorf. 410 N. 12th St. , Lincoln , or 211 S. 16th at. , Omaha. u wo FOR SALE , PIANO AND FURNITURE OP 6- room cottage. Southwest corner 22d and California streets. O-M631 28 * FOR BALE HORSES. WAGONSETC. FOR SALE , CHEAP. BRIGHT BAY MARE. 4 jenrs old , 1,100 pounds ; kind , gentle and well broke , J. B. Haddock , room 427 Ramga blk. 1 * M639 AVANTED. BY RELIAIILE PARTY , A double driver for the summer. Call or ad dress W. Vaugh , r. 5 , Crelghton block. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 tons of good barn-stored hay for sale. All orders filled promptly. Q-CW BENHE1M SPANIELS , THE HANDSOME little toys ; Scotch Collies. G. II. Moore , 1631 Bherman lucnie. Importer and breeder.873 Q -873 Jy7 SUPPLIES FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Sole agents for the NIGHT HAWK CAMERA , 5. 8. lloyn & Co. , photo supplies , 1003 Farnam it , Q 903-JyB * ST. BERNARD PUI'S. 2101 DOUGLASSTREET. Q MD50 Jy9 BICYCLES , NEW AND OLD , J20 TO J123 ; EASY nuyinunU : werent and repair. Omaha Blcyclo Co. . 807 N. 16lh si. Tel. 128. Q-13 > S.12500 BICYCLE NOW 187.60. 100.00 CUT TO 1C8.25. 160.00 cut la J12.CO. M. Trolol , 2700 I.cav- enworlh street. Q-M219 Jyl3 ICE FOR SALE IN CAR LOTS. OILBERT Bros. . Council Bluffs. Q-MS8J J > 23 J1TRSEY COW AND CALF AND OTHER fresh cows. Cull afternoon , yard 23th and Burl 81. p-COl-ST * OOOD HIZI3D HALL SAFE AT A BATIGAIN , 141)0 ) Podge l. Q-CJ1 8" MfsOE&IjANJSOUa. HAVE YOUll OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO rue * . Smyrna rues repaired , 1521 Leiivenvvortb. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND TOR CATA- loguo. Georce E. Brown , dr. , & Co. , 70J S. liith. OUliaVOYANTS. UBS. PR. II. WARRliN. CLAIRVOYANT , RE- llabls buslneis medium ; 7th yeur ut 119 N. 19. a < a CLAIRVOYANT PROPESSOR WHITE. THE greatesl clairvoyant of his age. 1ms arrived In Omaha. Ha nil ! rend your fuluro Ufa without a julstake. Gives valuable Information on nil mutturu. Will elve jau truthful ndvlce on all builncss , law , money matters , and all family attaint , being Hlfled with a rare and wonderful tnslKhl Into such mailers , und never known lo innka a mistake. The future plainly revealed , lover * unlttul. Trouble ! healed , reunites the separaled , from whatever cause , and causes happy marriage * . Gives names of friends nnd enemlcn , also the one sou will marry. Tells what lo do and where lo go lo tie lucky. All In trouble cull. Those desiring reliable Informa. lion on all affair * of life or business ore Inv lied to call. All counsel strictly confidential. He can be found at 1817 Chicago street , Hours from a. m. to p.-m. < Bundnj . 9 to E , ARRIVED. H. PETTIBONE. MP.pIPM M\ni. jion hotel , for H few day * only. S MSJ1 S ) * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. MADAME SMITH. 603 a IITII , 2D FljOOR , room X Mnsnac * > vapor , Blcocol , iteam , aul- phurlno and * ea batlis. T Mill 30 * MISS UKVOL , FROM NEW YORK. HAS taken ch&rga uf Madam La Ilook'u ma mar u pulor * . U und U , 323 North. 16th. | MADAME BROWN. 1314 CAPITOL AVENUE. 2d ( tire , room i. inntuce. Icotiol. sulphur and sva bath * . T M478 1 * UMH. ANNA OF CHICAGO GIVES ALCOHOL tathi and umu.iBe. ) M N. 18th. room U. 50 PERSONAL. UAfiSAQH , MADAME BERNARD , 1419 DODOB ti LADIES' AMDF.R JEWELRY TO ORDER ! alia repairing. 611 3. ICtli etrcet U-MIM CREAM FOR WHIPPING ! COTTAGE CHEESE. Waterloo creamery , 1613 Howanri tel , 133 ] . U-MIH Jyll _ MISS JOHNSTON , LADIES' HAIR DRESSER , elianiuoolng. Old location , 211 S. 181 h street. U-SM-Jyi _ IMOOENE L. RAMSEY MAKES DELICIOUS homo made bread ; try one loaf. 217 N. IBth st. U-84Jy7 * _ WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY vfsIT J. J. Mulleri new tea cream parlors , 2SOJ Leaven- worth street ; everything Is new , Including tha building. Tel 1030 Ice cream delivered. U-M2H _ _ TAKB YOUR FRIF tD ; TINTYPES , t POR ZSc. Proctor , tit 8. 16th Btrect. _ U M 04 Jy9 PROF. FRANK DROOLIN RESTORES HAIR to the bald ; cures dandruff ; stops hair falling cut ; restores gray hair to Its natural color : both sexes treated. References furnished of Omaha patients who are relieved. No cure. no pay , lloom 424 , Bed Building , Omaha. Neb. u 2 o-jyn _ _ BAML BURNS INVITES YOU TO VISIT 1113 new arl room at any lime. 1318 Parnam , U-470 J)21 _ _ BALDUPP A pleasant nnd convenient place , 1520 ' Parnam street , 1'axton block ; 'phone , 711. HAVANA PRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR POR 5C. U M20'-Jy-13 DR. MAXWELL , SPECIALIST , OP .NTHRNA- tlonal kanltarlum , rtmo\cd to 103 Paxton M.ick. Teh JI5J7. _ U-M491 J > 22 * CATARRH TREATED , JI PER MONTH , ROOM 20 , Douglas blk. , cor. 16th and Dodge. U-S49-Jy _ _ _ MASSAGE TREATMENT , KI.ECTRO-THER- mal baths. Bcalp and hair tre.iunent , manlcure& rnlropodls. 11 rs. Posl , 319 S 15th. WIthnell blk. U 604 _ _ _ V1AVI HOME TREATMENT I'OR LATJIES i.'ealth l ok nnd consultation free. Address or eu ! Vlavl Co. , 815 Boa bldg. Lady attendant. U 605 _ WHEN ON FARNAM STREET STOP IN AT 1410 and see our new china. M. H. Bllvi. U 909-Jy 8 _ _ WIPE OR HUSBAND , WHICH DO YOU WANT ? My marilage paper mailed , scaled , for ttamp. W II Harbeckt Denver. Colo. U M5SI 9 * | rOIl R ENT. MASY TERMS , OLD ESTAT1- llshed butcher shop. ChlcnKo nnd 13th streets. Thomas O'Connor , 31S 8. 12th street.U U Mere 30 * VIAVI LECTURES : TOMORROW AFTERnoon - noon nt 3 o'clock the -third of the midsummer series of matinees for women take1 * pl.ice at tha Bee Building Hall. As previously an nounced , season tlckett may be obtained free of cost by application to the olllco of the company , 316 Bee building , U 644 27 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property ; J3.000 & upwards , 5 to C'/4 per cent ; no delajn. W. Parnam Smith & Co. , 13JO Pnrnam. W 007 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , ICTH AND Douglas streets , loan money on city nnd farm property lowest rates ot Interest. W CIO MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN'DOUGLAS. Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam Bt. W 605 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms nt from 6 to 7 per cent. W. B. Melkle. First National bank building. W 613 MORTGAGE LOANS , A. MOORE , COI N. Y. Llfo. W 713 J9- MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. P. Da\ls Co. . 1505 Farnam St. W 60S MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. 1 to B jcars. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. W 09 LOANS WANTED. J. N. PRENZER. OPP. P.O. W-MHI J)22 LOANS. E. II. SHEAFE , 432 PAXTON BUirilf , W-alfiH LIFE INSURANCE POLICES LOANED oft or bought. F. C. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. W C12 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA reul estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton hlk. W-614 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO.,318 N.Y. I.IKR leans at low rates for choice security on Ne- binska and Iowa farms or Omalra city property ii1-1 ! ! CITY LOANS , LARGE LOANS ON CENTRAL business property ; 6 per cent. C. A. Starr , C15 N. Y. Llfo building. W M2J9 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. QV NEW Yoik. Capital J2.000,000. Surplus JOOO W ) . Sub mit cholco loans to F. 8. 1'uscy , agoit , ! < lr" National bank building. \vvw. . LOANS , TEMPLETON&PILRSON.r'AX'l.O. . ui * WI7 LOANS. 1 TO B YEARS. WARRANTS. UU.XUJ etc. Garvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. Life. Vf-Vll MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM property. Ames , 1617 Farnam street. W "M5S1 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD lure , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security , ut lowest possible rates , which > ou can pay liack at any time , and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4. WIthnell block. X M26D MONEY TO LOATJ ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rules In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; jou can pay the loan oft al any tlmo or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 South 16th street. X 353 A. E. HARRIS. ROOM 1. CONTINENTAL BLK. X-M6U ' MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL. PROP- rty. Harvln Loan Co. . 701 N. Y. Life bulldln * X-M271 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE. CHEAP. FIP.3T-CLABS RESTAUH- nnt und lunch counter , oppoalta F. E. & II. V. danot. Premonl. Neb. Y M661 ESTABLISHED COAL BUSINESS : GOOD trade. Address Box 4SI. Hasllnes , Neb. Y-M4S8 30 * PROSPEROUS HOB'EL BUSINESSS FOR SALE ul greal nacrlflce : accounl ot Illness ot pro prietor. Address Box 533 , Horton , Broun , Co. , KnnsaSf Y M500 13 * BUTCHERS , ATTENTION , A SNAP JfEAT market , Tlznrd block , for rent , with tlxtuies Party now doing good business ; through un foreseen circumstances moves by May L Apply ImmodUlely , Tlzard , .221 JCurth 21th. i V-Mew2 _ _ _ FOR SHORT TIME 7.OANS APPLT AT ROOM No. CJ4 , I'axton block. Jk6."J-.Iy25 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. ONE OP TH15 l > esl paying drue lores In cntrrn Nebrenkn ; teims , one-half lasli , balance clear real estata or paper. AUdresp O 42. llee. Y Mt33 30 * FOR SALE. GOOD MILLINPJIY BTORUi vtock tiOO.04 , half cash , balance tlma ; CIMX ! kecurlty or lrnd for land or Benirefl notes ; dalnff.EOOd business. Addn'iu O U , lice. XT-.MCM zs FOR SALE. DRUG STORE. JIOCo7oJ"i\SH. balance long ilme ; guod notes or trade for farm land ; best locution In Nclmibku , Addrue * 041. Bet. Y-M631 IS 4P YOU WANT TO UL'Y , HELL OR T\- chnnco mtrchandlir , cot In or out at lm : nj. . call on or aJirrea UM National Inforrnu'.on nl Rxelunca Co. , iW i'lrtl Nutlonnt \ . < , Omaha , Nrb. V-M6WJy ! BUSINESS G-o- ' Continue I'OR BALE , A WELL E5TAIIL13HED PRO- ilnco and commls lcm bumivt * " , Ith best raid sttirago phnt In Omah jy Pirndl < t locathm , lit \ ry low figure III lv > alth of proprietor's family necessitates removal.from Omaha. Per tprmi and pnrtli.ulars apply tw O 37 , Bee. ' HAVANA PRECKLES , A Wf.CIGAR , POR 5C. FOR EXCHANGE. HAVANA FRECKLES , A 1 _ J CIOARPqR BC. -jv ; FOR EXCHANGE-IMPROnjD IB ) ACRES. 4H miles west city limits ; owner desires cheaper land within 123 miles frofaOinati.i. | | Ames , 1017 Parnam street. K-M577 POR BALE Oil EXCIIANOK , 174 PEET frontnK < > on llarnoy stiect ni"\r Wth , nil Rrndiil mtily for building ; Ra * . newer nnd water connectloni ; stone side mnlk , paxed street , \erj' clone to tourt lieU o ; near library , city tmtl , etc. , will cxchangn for good , unln- cumbered nnd Improved Iowa or Ni'brn-k.i fatms ; no better property In Omaha. Ad dress S. A , Slonian , 14 lelcgraph blilK. , DC- tirtt , Mich. S5-M6BO 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND PARMS. sale or trade. F , K. Darling , Barker blk. RE-C21 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS For the next ten for ininhaslnB lots on GEORGIA AND VIRGINIA AVENUES. between MASON AND PACIFIC stieetf. The choicest residence portion of oui cltv. Cart be purchased NOW at prices that would fall to buy suburban property. INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. as present prices hold good only till JULY FIRST. THE FIDELITY TRUST CO. . 1702 rarnam street. RE-MI.-.2 30 POR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CELlar - lar , cistern , city water , cur. 30th and Sahlor ; J1.23) ) 00 : long time. Enuulro 131S Parnam. Sam'l Burns. RE M5I8 DO YOU WANT TO MAKE $300 ? If so buy before July Istl Lot 19 , block 46S. Grand View , for J300 , J100 ci Kh , balance Ions time at C per cent. On prnde. Or MS feet east frontage on GeorgK avenue , near Martha , for JC30 , 1200 cash. Pitted street nnd car line. Or M fppt fronting on 3Cth nnd 57th streets , near Chicago street , for J OO , J300 cash , balance long time nt 7 per cent. Or A fine lot In A ondole Park nt S1.204 , * 300 msh , balance long time , 7 per cent. Think of III A fine cast front lot In Ilnns- com Place , on grade , for $1,000. Prices good only till July 1st. Cilt nt once. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY , 17th and Farmm Htroets. RE-M5G3 30 REAL ESTATE HAVE TWO CUSTOMERS for medium priced residences. If > ou lm\e a bargain. List with Ames , 1017 rarnam. 111 _ * FOR SALE , EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE NEAR Ilanscom park , full lot , cast front : property Is free from Incumbranee. Will take part In real estate if clear. Address O 31. llee oince. LtUY YOURSELF A HOME. ? IT IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT. LOOK OVER THE FOLWiWINCJ LIST OP HANDSOMK-ltLACES WE CAN OFFER POR bAT.E AT LOW FIG URES NEAR IIANWOM PARK ELEGANT HIHCK AND rilttMC COTTAGE , right rooms , antique u-ik iliklsh , nil modern conenlenc ( " * I. ft MODERN 11UILT FRAME IIOUSE , ten rooms , elegantly Jlnlslird In oak 'wltl ) hand omi' stair- \yay und screen ; house h is , parlor , reception room , library , dining room , large kitchen , fl\o bed rooms , bath room , .pantry , closets , etc. , J9.000 5IOIJERN IJIIILT 9 roonl boose , No. 1102 S. 31st Bttwt , corner 31st nnd Pacific , elegantly finished throughout , cnlohlAI s > tjle , white nnd Bold Interior , porcelain batlirtub , slate sink , rutnacc , sonants' closet , l.uinilry , etc. ELEGANT CORNER I1OCS1V No. 1103 8. 31st street , ten rooms , elegant .reception hall , spa- clous parlor , library , tllnlntf roonv mnoklng roonl , large bed ro ms , ! otci , hJitdsome onk finish , electric light , RO.S. fufnice , l.'irge bath room , hot and cold watiji ; filne walks , etc. LARGE LOT , with two 'cottiiKes , inearHans - cam U'aih.-JMHondldl IocaU"qii | < noHPP > ! 1 TEN ACRES , with b.cautl i IsJiadKtrees , etc. , near newElmw6odJPnrk , fn West Omaha ; owner must HO ! | at once. ' * - MODERN IIL'ILT FRAME HOUSE , eight rooms , furnace , liith , snneragc. gas , etc. HANDSOME EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , NO. 3210 Poppleton nvonue , new nnd modern built , with furnace , PAS , hath , city water , sewerage , etc. N1NE-ROO.M COl'TAGE , will make a cozy home ; has furnace , gas , bath , sewerage , etc. , south front ; lot 50x100 feut. ELEGANT DOUBLE HOUSE. Nos. 112S and 11JO South 31st street , with laigp barn , spac ious grounds , 7 x100 feet ; east front ; houses have all modern conveniences. HANDSOME I1RICIC IILOCK , 2 houses , corner 32d and Poppleton ave ; south nnd east front ; only one block north of Ilanscom Park. Call and'let us quote you prlcea on the above. Hicks Real Estate Agency , R. 303 N. Y. Life. z R E-CI8 27 BUSINESS NOTICES. BUY YOUR HAY BY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Snyder , 1CJ5 Hurl st. , tel. 1107. 833 33 DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 71D N. 16. 31 Jy3 ROEDER'S PHARMACY , 707 N. 1CTII ST. 830 Jy5 D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL office to 209 So. ICtli. Drown block. CST-Jyl OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY : OLD pipes made new. 613 S. IGth. M151 HOTEL BRUNSWICK. 1CTH AND -3ACKSON. changed hand ? , European plnn , first class. Special attention to looms by month. Rooms , J1J.OO to 135.00 , Inrludlne baths , light and cle- vatcr. MH3 Jill CHINA DECORATED TO ORDER AND .MEND- ed like new , 10G S. 14th et . W-Jyll CARRIAGE TRIMMING , GENERAL REPAIRS , top 510 up. Louis Gutting , 114 8. 13th st. 2jj Jyll C. E. MORRILL , CARPENTER. orPICEAKD stoio fixtures a specialty. 1513 Capital a\e 427 R. L. CARTER. METAL CORNICE SKT lights , BmoKo stacks , furnaces. 1617 Howard st. MERCHANT TAILORS. A. MARTIN. MERCHANT TAILOR. ESTAD. 187S. Imp. & domestic novelties. 1007 Painam. 738-Jy I SUITS TO ORDER AT COST. B. LATISEN , 815 N , 10th et. Established 20 years. 251 Jyll S. MORTENSEN , THE OLD REI.IAIILE TAILor - or , 404 N. 16th. has greatly reduced prices. Sea his (5 pants and t-0 suits ; all made In Omaha. 263 Jill GRINDING. SCISSORS. LAWN MOWERS , -RAZORS. ETC. , Ground. Mclcholr Bros. , 1119 Fnrnam St. St.793Jy RAZORS. SHEARS .CLIPPERS , LAWN MOW- crs , etc. A. L. Underlain ! , 100 N , lllh , 173 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND RE- paired. W. Boehl , rear C12 8. Iflth. 330 JyH MEAT MARpST. NEATEST MARKET. UEST r OF MEATS. E. A , Marsh'i Washlncton macjeat. (14 N. 16th. 07 133JylO THE REST CHOICE CUTOF , ! MEAT AT llclnzmtin's market. 703 N/'jtth st. 132JylO OEO. W. KURZ , CHOICE 3IEATS. PRICKS reasonable , lit H. 18th ytrcft. M517 Jyl3 II. 1C. BURKET , PUNEliX'IVblRECrrOR AND embulmcr. 1C18 Chlcaect U'llOiW.623 8WANSON S. VALIEN , t/N't RTAICERS AND cmbalmcrs , 1701 Cunilug Dtlp > tilepbono 10CO. ) oT 83 M. O. MAUL , UNDETt.Tl'tii.'R AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Parnam ulrci.'ri ' ncet ! > lionc , 223 , > Jfl.lf 334 HEAPEY & HEAITn' , ZfjPtvm'H ST. TEL. 205 ; itUo , 24th and N btnlt' do. Omaha. 11437 TENTS AN3D A17UING8. WHY "DON'T YOU PUT Xn > rAN7lA1W\'INa ON your home ; keeps out' un , bvautlffcs your leal- dence , co ts but little. Omaha Tent & Awning Co. . 1311 Funittjn Bt , . Ttl.tp3. ( 3M-J > 17 WOLP HROH. & 'CO. . "MANUFACTURERS OF1 awnings , tents , flaci , v > ABUnphay < ntodk co\cr > , tarpaulins , banners , utrmmei B. TO , 703 B. I6th street. Tel. 6)4. T nt tot rent. M388 JOB TKlNTlNG. QUICK PRINTERS. lOiAHChi"CHANDLER. . 1121 Piiriiain & SOl-2 H , ntb. Phbtia 1C30. Malt orden tet nutok. action. t 7 | .Jyl RKKI ) JOU PRINTiNO CO. , FINE PRINTING ul nil kinds. 17th vtrcet ' , lice building. M4M ( TINNERS. TIN AND SHEET lllON TN'ORK , ' QUTTERS , tpoutlngalleys , roofUic , dee * clioap. Dal * City Tinner * . K3 N. ICIh it. Ml Jy5 TINWARE REPAIRED. K , ailEOlC. 717 K , HtU ilreet. Couper and iheetlrou work. work.UJy t STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR UNB MMI. STEAMSHIPS-SAIL reitulnrlr e ery Bnturflny from New York tot lomlondcrry nnd Glasgow. Ethlopln , July 7. 9 n. in . lurnr sln. July H , 3 p. m ; An- rhorla , July II , 4 p. m. j Clrras ln , July S' , J P. m. Saloon , necond class nnd KleeraKe , Blnglo or itiund trip tickets from New York or Chicago nt reduced rates lo the principal Scotch , English. Irish nn3 nil continental point * . For money orders , drafts , outward or prepaid tlckf 19 npply to any of our local ugeiili or to Itendfrson llros. , Chlcaco : LOST. LOST , C'UIIAN PARROT , WHITE HEAD , green nnd red body. Return to 821 Ho. 21. 612 21 * LOST , EXCJL1HH SETTER DOO , WHITE , ulth black ticks , black patch n\or nno e > e. Reward oflered for toturn to 1013 IMlk nve. CIO IS * LOSTrSILVER MATCH SAPE. A HOOT JUNE 20th ; toward. Address O 47 , Itee otlU'e. MM * 3) ) HARNESS. HARNESS , WHIPS. SADDLES , ETC. ; NEAT repairing. B. I ) . Canad , C24 S. 16th street. M-asc JyJ _ GET MY I'RICES I1EPORE YOU BUY A HAH' ness. August Bohne. 711 S. ICth street HARNESS , WHIPS. NETS. ETC. REPAIRIXO a specialty. 113 N. 15th st. Mi HORSESHOEING. K. B. BURT. I10RSUSUOER , 314 N. 16TH. 820 Jyl MRS. THOB. M"A LONEY. 912 N. IOTII T DRES3MAKINQ. DRESSMAKINO-BY DAY AT HOME ) TERMS reasonable , cut nnd lit guaranteed. Inquire nt 1721 Capitol ttvcnuo. OJ-2J * ELECTRICATu SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND , storage batteries rcthargcd , electrical nnd gen eral machinists ; supeilor work guaianteed. Omaha Electrical Works , C17 and C19 8. 16th Bt. 332 HAIRDRESSING. MILLER. LADIES' IIAIRDRErfSING , SHAM- paolng , steaming hair goods , 1013 Douglas. PAWNBROKERS. FRED MOHLE. 1S17H PARNAM. 623 H. M ROWITZ LOANS MONEY.503 N. 16th St. WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited KOS Parnam street. -M4CO OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO , LEADING OPTICIANS ; J. P. Ponder , m linger ; scientific examina tion of the cjes fiee ; 222 S 16lh street , Com'l Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. , In Klnslcr's drug store. M 591-30 * PLUMBERS , FREE-PLUMBING OP EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot water heating ; sow ei age. 313 S. 10. MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. O. F. GELLENIJECK , RANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California street. 911 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND 613 N. Y. Life. Omaha. Ask for clicular. 621. DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE S. NASON , DENTIST. SPIT 20il Paxton block , IGth and Poinam stroets. Tel. 712. MCD7 TICKET BROKERS. J. II. DAVIES , MEMBER A. T. B. ASS'N ; tickets bought and sold , 1312 Parnam street. 291 Jyl6 p. II. PUILBIN , CUT RATES. 1403 PARNAM. 202 Jyl6 IIKALTY MAIIKIT. ' * . _ _ _ * INSTRUMENTS placed on record Juno 27 , 1894 : WARRANTY DEEDS. A E Ageo to J F McArdlc. undlv Inlnrest In lots Ifl nnd 17. block 8. Baker's $ DOO Frederick Drexel nnd vlfe to same , sw nnd so nw 13-10-10 10,000 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. H \ , Well to Poppleton Park Building a so- clatlon , lot 13 , blocU 2. 1'oppleton paik. . . . Same to same , lot 10. block 1. same 23 II A Wllbor nnd wife to T J E\ans , lot 13 , block C , Albrlgnt's annex -1 H E Hegel nnd wtfo to J M Swetmim , lot 21 , block 2 , 1st add to Central patk , lots Z and 3 , block 4 , L aven orth Tuirace. . . . . Total amount of transfers $10,533 DOES WE HA.VE YOUR A ROOM FOR FITTING TRUSSES PLEASE and a YOU ? Large Stock The Aloe & Penfold Co. 1408 Parcum St. , Oppssite Faxton Hotal. THE LION DRUG HOUSE. BUUEAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building ; , OAJ AEIA , Neb. Advice FUEb. RHILWAYT1MKGHRD tmvca lOHTCAGO , ilURLlNG'JON 4c Q.lAmvea Omalial Uepol 10th and Muaon Sis. | Oniiihn " " 4:43pm : .Chicago Vestibule 7:02in : | Chicago nnd Iowa Lu'eal ll _ S."uiinj..il.Puelfo ! Junction LocaU Liavc TlfURLlNGTbN i M67 lfiVE if.ffi"vcT | Ojiiuhuj Deiiol J0lhimil _ Mason Sts. \ _ Oniu'io 10lSam : . . .Denver ExprcBK.,7. . 9:3oam : , 10Uani.Daadwood Express 4:10pm : 4 ; Upm Denver Kxprrss 4:10ptn : C:50pm : . .NcbrnsKn Local ( except Sun- ) . . . G&ipm S:15um..Lincoln : Local ( except Hunday..ll:25uni ) : Leaves I 1C. C. , ST J. & C. B. ( Arrives Omaha ] Depot 10th and Mqsun Sis. I Omaha UMJiim Kansas Ctty Day Express , . . . CMpm : CMJpiu.K. C , Night Ex./via U. I' , Trans. b:30.im : Leaves I CHICAGO , R. 1. & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmalmlUnlon Depot 10th & Mq on Sts. | Omaha TJAST. 10I5am.Atlantic : Express ( ex , Sunday ) . . 0.03pm G:2opm : Night Expri'is C:4)am : 4:4Upm..ChlcnEO : Vestlbuled L'.mlti'd. . . . lJ3pm 11:33pm.Oklahoma : Exp. ( to C. IJ. ux Sun ) . & : Jiini WEST. r :3.'mni.OUlahonui : & Texas Exp. ( ex Sunll:3jpm : l33iirn. ! . . . .Colorado Limited 4lQim : "L5avc"H l UNION I'ACIFIC. | ArrlVLs" OinahalUnlon Depot 10th & "Mason 8ts. | Oma'in D.SOam . . .Denver Expreaa 3:50pm : 2l5pm ! Overland Flyer C0pni : 3:4pm.Beatrice : & Stromsb'R Exex Sun ) l..aduii C:40pm : 1 nclllc llxprrx : ) 105"am ; C:30pm. : . Fast Wall . 4.2Dpm OniahalUnlon Dei'iol lat'h it Mason Sts | Oiinlm C:33pm : . . . . . . . .Chicago Limited..7 . . . . . 0:3 : am llilO.un. . . Chlfiign KxinuiiJ ( eii. Hun ) . . . 5uvpm : . . * Qmahal Depot 15th nndWcbster _ Sis. ( Omqlia 9:0am : . D nd oed Express . SlCpm : 8:0'.am : ( Ex. SaD.Wyo. Ex. . ( Ex. Mon. ) liilOpm CWnn. ( | . Norfolk Exprpas CEx. Huiuiay. ) . . 10:15 : nil _ C3iJpm. ; . , . . _ ' -li ? _ Paul Express . . . . _ . 8 ' 4 lam KoWr CHICAGO" & "NORTltU'l T'N | Atrivis OmuhaU.I [ _ _ _ Depot l"tl _ & _ lla on Sis. I Onmlia lliO'iam . r.ChlfnB' ) 17xpre < ! s , . . . . . . , . , C10im ; : 4:03pm : . Vcsllbulo Limited . ll ) am C3Dim ; | . Envtern Flier . 2lSpm 6:30pm.Ex : , Sat. ) chic. Pass. ( Ex. Mon ) . upm * CsOSatn. i. . . . _ . . .Mo. _ Valley Local , . _ . . . . . .10.2)im | Irfa"ves I MISSOURI PACIFIC I Arrives OmahalJDepot llthjind Wibsler Sts.L Omihu SM : m St. l.ouls Expie i C00iro ; K:3 : > 1ini St. J-ouls Expioxs , . C53urn ; _ t10pm.psily. ; jex. HUmji Ncl-riuiU } Lnoal. a.lo.im 'irtMViwT ' C. . ST. P. . M. * O. " lAriives _ CnmlmDepol | _ _ 13tlj " _ nndWcbiler _ ' St . _ | _ Uumhn : OO.iruSiMtir"Cll"y "Acconf'flJx. Hun" ) . S.OSpm 10OOam.Hioux : * Cliy Actom ( Sun Only I 8'O pm J2tl5ini.HIoux City Exi > ri ! < a IE < c. Sun.11 Kim ttSvf SIOH.X "CITYlrpACU'lcr "fATrlv7" " Ouialia'U. 1 * . Depnt lotli & Miidnn HtJ | Omuha 0 "urn. . . . , . ! ? | OIIK city Paiienxer . . ll:2)i : ) > m 3. Titim. . . . . * . .i > i , Paul ExpU'Hi < . , 10' .irn "fi5v TIOUXTOT fc PAC'IPIC. fAirlvii" _ Oiiuliul _ Depot Uth unit Webster Hts. I Omaha 5.3Cjiiu,7. . , . , .U ; Tiuil Llmlltd . . . . 0 : < 0.im J.:3uj : > ni i'lileagu Lunlii-d . , 9 4)jrn < MAliA "lA3pmTT7n78lT'Louis Cannon Bafir.77f.Ti3J'm SINCERIT IS THE VICTIM Pouiisjlvanln Democrats Ncmlnnio the rhiladulphia Editor for Governor. i ENDORSE THE LAST NATIONAL PLATFORM Articles of Pallli ClmrRn tlin I-rrsriit Ilitsl- lies * DrprritMoit \Vorlln ; s of Ilo- pulillciui l.u s mill 1'ator TurllT IlrUtlon. For anvcrnor.\VILT.TAM M. SINOUttLY I'or Congrcssincn-n tUir o . . . . . JOSIUMI O. I1UCHKU , II. K. SI.OAN. J-'or Auditor denornl . UAV1IJ M'niJU Secretary . AV.V. . Ultl CNLANU lUHHIsntma , I'a. , June 27. The ilcino- cratla Btato convention was called to order by Chairman Strannhan at 12:10. : The hall was decorated \\lth bunting In which tlio American colors iircdomlnatcd. The callas \\as read by Secretary Ne.td , after which Chilrnmn Strannhan announced the nnniua of tompurnry oniccrs ulilcli hnd been selected yesterday by tlio state executive committee. Robert II. Wright of Allculown , tlto tem porary chairman , then spolto as follows : While 1 cannot hope to fotetliudow the form In which this convention shall expression to KM conviction upon tln > Kruve public conditions that surround us , I Know that I cannot nilstnko the principles It will endeavor to enforce. In our judg ment utul purpose upon the Krcat economic questions , settled In I ho im-moinble con test ot isyj , thcie will be no wnveilnjr or shallow of turning. Uy the vet diet then rendered It was detcrmlnud that the con stitutional power of the federal Rovein- ment to collect revenues by Impint tlutles should not be perverted from Its legiti mate purpose , should not be made the ve hicle .for turning the hard-eat nod WHKOS and property of the mtisseH Into the ovui- HowliiK corf cis of the protected few. This pilnolplo in Amrrlcan polltli'H hn.s not jmsseu beyond the stane of discussion. It is no longer u contiovertod proposition Thu mlshlon of the dcniorrutlu paity , no entrusted aa It Is with all the active < ie- paitmcnts of the government , Is to mold the judgment of the American ] > conlc Into active , eltectlve , productive leKlMlntlon To thu performance 01 this duly our party Is dedicated and pledged by eveij' consldeia- tlou that should aftect the honor of men. In Jts fnlllllment there will be no fnltuilnjr. The shadow of tcmpotarj advorslty that has enveloped us must not check for ti moment the purpose of our Rieat work. Republican extravagance nnd misrule hav ing virtually bnnkiupted the government , biokeu Its uicdlt nnd destioyed publla con- lldence In Us ability to meet Its obligations , It Is not to be wondered at that the trade and commerce .should he temporarily par alyzed and all depaitmeuts of business depressed. Though republican responsi bility for this condition of affairs Is patent , our party has not escaped nnd can not expect to escape the adversity that always tempoiarlly comes ) , though un justly , to the party happening to bo In power when unfortunate conditions exist. Those adversities , however , should only Intensify dcmocintlc determination to ap ply and enfotce the remedy the people have decreed. Our revenue system ought to bo icformed. Tailft duties must be ic- duced. Let the democracy of Pennsyl vania then send gioetlngH to her repie- Bontatlves and hold up tholr hands In the struggle In which they are engaged. Ket the convention's plutfoim speak. In loud tones. At a caucus of the Allegheny delegation ten of the twenty-nine members bolted. The trouble arose over the Introduction of a resolution by County Chairman Hrennan that the contest In the Fourth Allegheny dls- trlct bo settled by giving the delegates halt a vote each , The followers of George S. Fleming opposed the proposition and left the caucus , afterwhlch _ the majority unani mously adopted It. After the roll of delegates hud been re ferred to the committee on credentials tha chairman announced the committees on resolutions , -credentials and permanent organ. , izatlon and at 12:45 the convention took a lecess until 2 p. m. The platform wns amended In the commit tee on resolutions by omitting the wordt > "secret political" In section 9 und Inserting the word "political" before ' 'proscription" in the same sentence. It was then adopted. It read as follows , except for the change just noted : The democracy of Pennsylvania lenew their expression of faith In democratic principles , and their unfaltering conlldohee that the principles nre efficient for good government , municipal , state nnd federal. The derangement of business , the dis turbances between lalior and capital , the reduction of wages , the unequal distribution of prolits In economic operations , nnd the gross disparity In social conditions which have resulted from the operation of repub lican laws , will continue so long as those laws nre umepealed , und the McKlnley tariff bill Is In full force and operation. The enactment of that tuillt In ISM Im paired International exchange of commodi ties , and redticed levenues nilslng from duties ; which , with vastly Increased ex penses thtough Improvident appropriations und anticipating future icvcnuc led to a deficit In the Income necessary to support the goveinment. A democratic ndmlnlstia- tton left $100,000,000 surplus In the federal treasury , A republican successor In four years converted this Into a deficit of 5"0- ! 000,000. We declare this condition has fol lowed republican administrations , and that business depression has resulted from vic ious legislation , for which the lepublicnn party Is fcolely icsponslble. To correct and lellevo these a democratic pi evident nnd democratic congress are pledged , and their efforts in that dliectlon arc ontltltd to the support of patriotic citizens , legaidlesa of party. We again endorse and approve the dec larations of the democratic national plat form of 1W on which a democratic presi dent and congress were elected , und we desire und demand that the tat Iff law'H be levlscd In accordance with that authori tative declaration of party pilnclples. We declare that the constant , couiageous and Inflexible determination of u demo- ciutlc piesldent to maintain the ciedlt at the government terminated a financial panic , restored confidence nnd composed disturbed values.Ve are opposed to the icckless inflation of the cmrcncy to $11) per capita demanded by the lepubllcan state convention of Ihitl and 1391 , and while wo favor the circulation of constitutional money , gold and silver , nt u parity of value , we are unalterably opposed to any debase ment of the curiency or depreciation of any dollar Issued by the goveinment to the people After denouncing the republican party In the legislative branches of the state gov ernment , arraigning It for profligacy and condemning It for refusing to enact whole some laws demanded for the public welfare , A thing of beauty and a joy forever. Beauty i < ? not confined to looks. "Hindsome : is that handsome does" was never more aptly applied than to Murray & Lanman's Florida Water. Whether on the Handkerchief - . kerchief at the , Dressing- table or in the Bath , it charms the senses and is truly a joy forever. Always buy the genuine lurray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER. s llroiiio-ceierg. ' d enroll npmt for rlnrYoot or Hl-.k ) j , lirula 1 kliftUktlua , HlA ple > iiMii , oi or uoaoml urllltlu. jilio tor Kli u > injtl.ra , Oout , Kldnor IHxmliiri , Aild ! > / > iwijilu. AiininU. Anttdoto 'or Alcolilllo nnd otlitr cicakun. I'dco , 10 , iSiniOlcout * . THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 8. Wtslern A % PII . For Bale by all drugecl'ta. Omaha. nnd cordially approvlrlR tlio nilmlntstrollon of Governor Hubert U. I'nttlaon , the plat form proceeds ; We honrtlly npprovc nml omlorsc the up. rlRlit nml unKnolotm nilinlnlMtrntlon of Prcn lilont t'lcvi'liiiul , which hut fnllllloil this lileitRon of hN pnrty nml hus satlsilcd the expectation of the propli' . We deplore nil ilirterrno's hotwen em ployer uml employe , nnd .wo ileprernte the rosoit to foreo for Mottleniont of nuvfttloim that should be ilctcrmlnotl hy peaceful arbi trament , \ \ > recoKnUe the riiiht ot every cltUen lo bo protected In the free enjoj- ment of his properly nml of the prlvllrKo to work \\hun , for whom nnd at what UIIKOR ho will. It In the duty of the Htato to mnlntnhi for him that rlKht. The hlBh- wn > of the commonvvenlth should lie open to all vtho lawfully traverse tin-in , nnd the pnth to proper oinployment should not hu obstructed by any uimulhoilzcd power. Jsone the lew we condemn the InBln- cerlly und Inconnlttency of those Who clamor loudly for protection to Amerlcnti Industries , and yet seek every occasion and lose no opportunity to mipplunt It with ehe.H ) , Imported , piutper labor.Ve de nounce the hypocilte who pretends r.nl for the Impiovcment of the social condi tion of the Amcilcan AvoiktiiKinen , and yet displaces an American for alien wolkmon , \Vc stand for the ilisltl enfoict-ment of all the liuvn of the comtaouvveitllh , enacted to piotect the lives nnd preset vo ( he health of AvaKc-earners , nnd to secuie for them the prompt and regular payment of their UUKOS of money In undlmlnlslicd putchaH- Inir power. \\e tcanscrt the old democratic doctilno of ciiual lights nnd rellKlotis liberty ; wo me opposed to all secret political oiKanl- /atlonH which strike at freedom of con science , and we declare Ihat no putty can justly be deemed national , constitutional or In accordance with American tnlticlplei which Is animated hy a spirit of proscrip tion' of religious Intoleiancc. Tlio convention reassembled nt 2:25 : and the committee on permanent orKnnlzntlon reported that William U. Ilonsel of Lnncna- tcr had been selected for chnlrnmn , Tlio convention then proceeded to th nomination of candidates. It. Jonci J\Um. aRliau of AVoslchcstcr nominated William JI. Slngcrly of 1'hlladclplila for govcrnpt , The nomination was seconded by Maurlc T. Wllhere , I'lillailelphln. SltiRorly wns nominated liy ncclnnmtlon. K c-JutlKo Joseph C. lluchur of I.ovv IslnirR nnd II. K. Sloan of Indiana vvoro nominate * for congressmen-nt-large. David McOee or Lancaster was nominated fur auditor gen. oral nnd General W. W. Greenland for scc > retnry of Internal affairs. Thu convention then adjourned. _ OM.V A PAKTIAI. KN Adinliilstrntlon DIX-II Not < ! el n OIMIII Pill from llllnoU Di-iiiiieratA. For United States Senator . . PUANKMN MACVrUGIt For State Supeilntondent..linNUV IIAUH For Treasurer . ISAYAUU J. CMjACIG13TT Trustees Stnte TTnlvcinltv. . . Jl'MA HOI.MK9 SMITH , O. I , . I' MSA S A NTS. T. U. Cl.lONDL'NNlKO. SPniNGFIELD , III. , June 27. The ( lomo- cratlc convention made the following nom inations' For United States semtor , Frank lin MacVcngli ; for state stiporlntcndcnt ot public Instruction , Henry' Raub ; for state treasurer , Bayard J , Claggott ; for trustees , Stnto university , Julia Holmes Smith , C. L. Plensnnts , T. C. Clondonnlng. The party endorsed the national adminis tration ony * so far as Its actions have coin cided with tlio Chicago platform. This endorsement wns the outcome of a hlttor fight waged In the meeting of the platform committee hy Congressman Klthlan against the administration. The light for n tlmo threatened to result In a mlnoilty and a majority report. The struggle ended in a complete victory for Flthlati. The convention was not called to order until after 12 o'clock. Itov. MlHogers of Sprlngflold pronounced a hrlcf Invocation. Chairman 1'helps of the state central committee followed with nn nddresB repudiating the claim that thu democratic party was In any way responsi ble for the present business depression. > Owen Scott of Illoomlngton was presented as temporary chairman. Ills address wn received -with great approval , the jncntou | > oC Cleveland's -iiamo pr&vokmg unusual ap. ' plan so. He spoke as follows : You ure hero today ns the representatives' of the greatest political party known in human history. Jn J8S7 our great leader startled the coun try with his marvelous message demandIng - Ing emancipation frorii commercial slavery. The people did " -not then comprehend the reul slffnlflpanco of this mnstuiful appeal. Oiganlzed sppllatlon under the , subtle guise of pi election to American industries and American labor operating through the fcoi lupt use nnd poweiful influence of the vast tribute wrung from the people , came Into full contiol of A'l ' departments of the gov- cinmeitt. The Fifty-first congress became n carni val of Jobbery. Tariff-fed monopolies braz enly dlclnted the schedules of the McKln ley bill. The prodigal giandson entered upon his torml of riotous living , nnd before the end of his term the very verge of na tional bankruptcy was i cached. The Shei- man .silver law -was given as that portion of the swag necessary to Becuro the elec toral vote3 of the mining states for the ensuing presidential election. Then began the sure and steady undermining of our monetary system. The disaster nnd mlseiy of the last year need not and could not be enumerated. From the twin monsttosl- llcs , Sheimnnlsm and MclJInleylsm , have come such dlro consequences as are sel dom felt under a 'free government , Iabor Is ground even more than during that other protection panic of lS7o. The cry for bread has gene up , wages have gone down , and Industry Is paralyzed. The people found that tholr Interests were betrayed. The avalanche came and icstored the misused powers of national administration to the people , , The Sherman law was repealed , but It was too late to avert the oilsls. The first pledge was thus redeemed. Davenportism has also been swept uway. MclClnlcylsm would long since have joined Shermunlsm and Davenporllsm In political hades hart not the senate contained enough Judas IscarlotR to botrny the people's cause with a treacherous kiss. These protectionism masqtioradlng In democratic garb havu been MiMlclent to turn our party Into hu miliation nnd disgrace. But nil Is not lost. The Wilson bill , a long step In the direc tion of our pledges to the people , has been somewhat emasculated by the lienedlcc Arnolds In the ) < ennte , but It yet contnlns enough of the virility of reform to enlist the cunning nnd corrupt opposition of every tariff benellclary In- the land. Ilrlbery would not have befjn considered neces sary by protectionists If tlio Wilson bill , even as amended In the senatu , meant the same as .McKlnlpylmn The false nnd sense less attempt to hold our paity responsible for the evils of almost a third of a century of lepubllcan misrule needs but the light of common reuse and simple reason to du- fitray It. It Is a sort of ignoianco und credulity which Invites the success of tha gold brick seller or the fool killer. Committees were appointed and the coti- votrllon took a recess until 2:30. : When tlio convention met again the temporary or ganization was made permanent and tha convention proceeded 'to the nomination ot candidates as above given. In response to many calls , Mr. MucVengh came forward nnd hpoku. On the money question , ho asserted himself as u hlmctalllst of the most violent typo and oppoaod to mono metallism of either gold or silver. At the conclusion of Mr , MacVoagh'u ad- ilrenn the platform was read. U rcnfllrma allegiance to the platform of 1831 ! , jirotosU against the doctrine of "their opponents. that the government should take euro of rich and the rich will care far the poor. " The "fearless Integrity and sturdy doter- mlratlon nf Governor Altgelil's administra tion" Is heartily oommondtid. The Ameri can Protectlvo association Is denounced In vigorous terms. They again declare tholr loyalty to the tlmo-linnorol pilnclplo of the democratic party which fuvorn /.iest 1 ihoney , the gold and silver cdlnugo provided by the constitution and a currency con vertible. Into Htich coinage without loss , to the holders. They dumand that ttiq govern ment Hhall Kparo no effort to bring about a proper ratio iiotwoen the valucH of gold and silver , BO -parity may bi maintained bo- twccn the two metals und all mints thruivn nptn to free coinage , Tlio platform wua r.lniotisly adopted and the convention adjourned. _ _ Hiiiid'B und Only Ilontt's. 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