THE OMAIU DAILY Tit IS OM ArfA X LYEE. i rutty Jte ( imiinm HunJny ) , Ona Vcor. . . . $ J * Holly II < - < flii.l SunJ.ty , Oni Y ir . 1J JJ > tx Mnnlli ' I Wiri" Muntlii < int.iv tiff , OM Yrnr * tairti.i > Ilo > , one V > Dec ? , Olio Your. . . . . . Ot't'lCKS. " 3 nnli.i Tlio Tin * " Itulldlnfr. . . „ . * .mli iimahn.'Cnrni'r N nn < I Twenty-fourth 8I . round ! Illiidn , 11 r atl fitrM-t. -lilrnct Olll.-o. 317 rimmbrr of Commerce. .Vw York. Hoonn 11. II nml IS. Tribune Hid * . iTn ihlngton , 1107 V iitrccl. N. W. roltlHMl'ONIIIJNCR. .Ml rommmilriitlons rolitlnn to new * nnd odl- matter nhonlil lx > uddrpwd : To Iho Dlltor. 'in'BisiMS i.irrnjns. All ImnlnCM IMtcni nnd romUtanren nhnuM 1 > irldri-niiwl tn The IJw Pulillnlilnn compnny. Oimlm. nrnft , rhi-cks nnl | K > tolllci nrclorn to Be Hindi" nntntilo t'i tl" > onlcr of thi rnnitinny. Tin : niK runMHiiiN'o COMPANY. KTATKMBN'T Of CtnCUI.ATlON. npntifn n. Truchiick , wrrMnry of Tlm ) ( < ; < Pu1 > - Hulling company , liolns iluly vrorn , > 'H Hint tlii" cttiiil nunilMT of full nml complM * coplM of Tlii > Dally Morning , llvi-nlng nmt Rundny life prlnt l ilurlnB the month of May , 1S31 , wns os fulluws : 1 1.209 17 z.w j 11 22.217 :2,7I1 3. . . K.SW i5 : : : , . 4 22.4W ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ti' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jiw ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ! . ! ! ! ! . ! ! . . . ! ' : . ' 22. . . 22,122 21 A 22.IK i' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . ' . " :2.'c.iJ 24 22.202 9 22.72r 2i 22.214 10. . . . , , . Xl.lKl 215 22.711 n ii.w - ; r 2I.045 It 2.1.211 ! 22.3H 1.1 ' 24AM 29 22.141 II 22.C71 Si ) 22.011 IS 22.1.2 31 22,077 It 22.373 Total 703,187 Ix-m ilrducllon * for uniold nnd rnturned copies lo.sll Total sold M'.Jj ! ; Dnlly nvcrago net circulation 22,183 Sunday onOnnn n. TCSGHIJCIC. Sworn tn t > r > fen > mo nnd uli"crlbcd In my jiroi- fnro this 2d day of Jtino. 1S31. ( Real. ) N. 1' . niU : Notary Public. Wooden pavements ore bail enough , but mivo us from pavemontii patched with wood. However often the president of France may bo changed the French republic never dies. To wait so long for the postofflces and then to have the emoluments cut down Is cruelty which oven patient and longsuffering ing democrats must resent. Governor Wolto seems to have let go the opportunity offered by the Republican league meeting without making another bid for notoriety. Is Walle disheartened by Pen- noyor's fate ? The populists In the senate must bo en joying their possession ot the balance of power In this tariff debate more than they would having the responsibility of a major ity on the shoulders of their irarty. .Anything that escapes the Judiciary com mittee of the city council Is canght 1n the drag not of the Joint committee. Why not abolish the other standing committees whose usefulness seems to have almost entirely dis appeared. The new tariff bill opens up the field for Interesting and Important Judicial de cisions so soon as the doubtful points of constitutional law shall be brought up for .Interpretation by the supreme court of the United States. Denver Is being niado the testing grounds .lor determining the resistance which dejno- cratlc armor plates offer to shots of re publican oratory. Defective plates will bo plugged up by the administration nnd of fered for a second trial later In the season. Omaha Is not suffering from -building epidemic , but It Is doing as much In. the building line as other cities In the west. Artisans In the building trades cannot better tholr condition by going to competing west * ern cities for more remunerative employ' , mont. The scramble for the appointment to the position now held by Major Furay on the Board of Public Works will be over next Tuesday. Meantime the mayor's office is U being flooded .with petitions and remon strances and the mayor is besieged by dele gations. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wiley Is In no haste to have the city take steps toward completing arrangements for city electric lighting after his present con tracts shall have expired , * There Is an elec tion to Intervene and Wiley wants to keep r his trumps until it Is moro necessary to piny them. Washington is getting too hot for many ot our statesmen In congress. But Washington boat 1s not a circumstance to that which awaits some , of them -at their homes. Many ofthorn will find It so 1iot among their constituents that they will wish they had stnId away. iScnator Peffer wants to amend Iho tariff w us to include an Import duty of $50 per Jiead upon every Immigrant coming Into this country. Such a proposition , however , ( cannot derive much comfort from democrats pledged to exercise the power of taxation ilor revenue only. It Is always unpopular for anybody to advocate the cutting down of the salary' 'Hit , but when It becomes a question whether there Is to bo a deficit In the treasury or an unbearable Increase ot taxes It Is manifest that retrcnphment Is a matter ot necessity. constitutional power of congress to raUe revenue for the support ot the federal .government by the Imposition ot Import duties Is undisputed. Why should congress under present circumstances resort to lornu of taxation over which It exercises a doubtful Jurisdiction ? Colonel AUIn Is being quoted as the chief arbiter x > f the destiny of all the nchool ma'ms and regulator of all the Internal and external affairs of the Board of Educa tion. We realize the colonel Is a man of very largo capacity , but wo did not know that the other fourteen members of the board had abdicated. Des Molnes deserves to bo congratulated upon capturing the national convention ot the Republican league next year. Next year will bo an oft year ; yet It will bo near enough to the presidential campaign to make things Interesting. It will be a re publican year , too , und that will give the an Immense Impetus. The council will not glvo the mayor an opportunity to know whether It proposes to confirm or reject Sir , Schurlg as city electrician until next Monday night. If the appointment Is rejected ut the eleventh hour the mayor Is expected to find a new man for the place and send his name Into the council within less than twenty-four hour * . That U Hascallty for you ou thu half shell. MMIJUK ntixi IMKS. The declaration of "principles adopted hjr ( lie National League of Hcpuhllcan Club * Is In the main commendable. The demand for legislation to Insure a frco ballot to every cltl/cn will bo approved by nil friends of good government. The fact that hundreds of thousands ot cltltcna are still deprived ot a free ballot ( ti it large section of the country , nnd while counted as a part of the basis of raprescntntlon In congress nro not permitted to exercise as they please their right ot suffrage , Is a reproach to the notion. Yet It must bo confessed that the question of how to remedy this wrong prcEcnts a most difficult problem , the solu tion of which , If solution bo possible , Is worthy of the best efforts of American statesmanship. The republican party linn ever contended for n free ballot for every citizen nnd will continue to do so. The declaration In regard to protection Is Judicious In omitting lo endorse any specific act. It Is quite enough for republicans to stfcnd squarely nnd firmly for the principles of protecting the Industries , the labor and the homes of this country , without reference to particular cchedules. The system Is the thing ns to which they can with greatest advantage make their appeal to the Ameri can people , for. that everybody can under stand , while a great majority of the people are confused .then the discussion is of schedules. It is safe to iay that all republi cans believe the McKlnley law to be much better for the country than the pending bill would be , but ( hero are a great many republicans who regard the former ns by no means n perfect measure. All , how ever , believe In the policy of protection. The declaration regarding the currency should have stopped at ( ho first sentence. It would then have been unqualifiedly en dorsed by all republican . What follows shows the Influence of environment and evidences the great pressure that was brought to bear on the convention by the extreme friends of silver. The proposition that there will not bo a permanent return of prosperity to the country "until the full use and highest position of silver shall bo restored" Is unsound , and the barren de claration In favor of such laglslatlon an will bring about the restoration of sliver was unwise. If anything is meant by the "full use and highest position of silver" It Is that U should be given frco coinage , and It Is entirely safe to say that a. large majority ct the members ot the republican clubs do not believe that this Is necessary to a re turn of prosperity. On the contrary , a majority of them unquestionably believe that this policy would produce a condition of things far worse than that which exists. It M unfortunate that the bonventlon did not take a position on tftis subject that would have squarely and honestly repre- Bcr ted what was undoubtedly the predominat ing sentiment , but this feature of the declaration of principles will carry little weight v.'hcn the circumstances are under stood. Except the reference to woman suffrage , which also shows the Influence of en vironment , there Is no serious objection to bo urged against other portions of the league platform. The convention has been a suc cess In numbers nnd enthusiasm and its effect ought to be good. QARNOTS SUCCKSSOn. Although there were several candidates for the presidency of the French republic , the contest In the national assembly over the selection of n successor to the late President Carnet was short , and appears to have been entirely free from any of the Intrigue nnd strong feeling between factions which tiMtally mark _ events of this kind. The distin guished honor fell to ox-Premier Caslmlr- Perler. The new president of France , who will enter upon the discharge of-the execu tive duties at once , has long been prominent among contemporary French statesmen. He Is credited with more than ordinary astute ness as a politician , and has kept aloof from the fierce party contentions which have always rent the Chamber of Deputies and made Us sittings so stormy , without in any way forfeiting the good opinion of his as sociates or Incurring the charge of want of conviction or principle. He Is a man of sterling Integrity , universally respected , cau tious and conservative. It is said of him that ho has never flred the popular Imagina tion and ho has never disappointed his friends. President Perlcr Is as earnest In his re publicanism as was his lamented predecessor nnd quite as strongly devoted to a strong and stable Government. He has the firm ness and courage needed In the present exi gency and can "be depended upon to meet wisely and vigorously whatever extraor dinary demands may be made upon the ex ecutive authority by reason of the un precedented situation. The quiet election of a new president , under circumstances which caused an apprehension that there might bo some demonstration of political turbulence , Is most gratifying testimony to the sub stantial character of the republican system- In France , nnd will go far to reassure the world -of the permanence of that system. There has been a tremendous ebullition of popular passion directed against the Italians , with n tendency to. reach out to other foreigners , but the government has shown this no countenance , and probably no com plications will arlso from It. If the new president will make himself popular with the masses , among whom he Is not thor oughly liked because of his aristocratic adulations and his supposed partiality for the capital class , ho has an opportunity to greatly distinguish himself. It Is to bo hoped that ho will prove In every way equal to the task that Is before him. TllK PEA'XSritVJKIA DKMOC11ATS. The democrats of Pennsylvania , who hold their state convention yesterday , have not learned anything from the crushing defeat they sustained last February , when Galusha A , Grow was elected congressman-at-large by the largest republican majority over given anybody In that state , the democratic tariff policy being the Issue In the cam paign. Equally unavailing for the Instruc- , tlon of the democrats of Pennsylvania have been the results of the elections elsewhere , notably In Oregon , where this policy com manded the undivided attention of the voters nnd was overwhelmingly rebuked by them. Plainer or more unqualified protests against the policy of a party were never made than those which have been pronounced by the people , so far as they hare hnd nn oppor tunity , since the democratic party came Into power and brought with It financial distrust and business depression. T t the democ racy of Pennsylvania endorses the doctrine ot the last national platform , which declares the principle ot protection to bo unconstitu tional a doctrine which even the democratic president rejected. The Pennsylvania democratic platform lays upon tlm republican tariff policy the respon sibility for the existing condition of finan cial and business affairs. Perhaps thli waste to have been expected , but It U Incredible that the democrats of the Keystona state hope to add to the stronglh of their party by declaration * so easily confuted. The ctr.lm that the enactment nf the tariff M 1890 Impaired International exchange of com- moJItlei Is most conclusively disproved by the statistics of our foreign trade during tht two ytnrs following th enactment ot the McKlnley law , and although that act greatly enlarged the free list the revenue from customs wns well maintained. The charge of Improvident appropriations by the last republican congress long ago ceasfd to have nny weight , tn view ot the fact that the democratic house of the Fifty-second con- Kress made larger appropriations than the preceding congress , and vas justified In doing so because the public Interests Im peratively demanded It. The statesmanship of the Fifty-first congress saw the necessity of Improving the postal service , ot Increas ing the navy , and of doing other things that were for the general good , nnd 11 did not hesitate to meet these demands of a progres sive country. The republican congress also felt the duty of treating moro generously thenation's pensioners , and It manfully dis charged this duty. There wad no difficulty In finding the resources to provide for these obligations so long as the republican party wns In power and there was no apprehen sion of democratic succession. It was not until the people made the mistake they ore now bitterly repenting , of placing- the demo cratic party In control of the government , that the International exchange of commodi ties became Impaired and revenues from duties were reduced and there ensued the other financial and commercial Ills from which the country Is still suffering. There was > never a more foolish boast made than that which claims great credit for the first administration of Cleveland In regard to the surplus. Had that administration pursued the same business-like policy In reducing the public debt that Its successor did and been loss disposed to nurse the surplus for political effect Its record In this respect would bo far more creditable. The democrats of Pennsylvania under stand , of course , that they have an utterly hopeless flght before them , and they per haps feel that It will bo better to go down to defeat adhering to the old creed , although Its potency for harm to every Interest of the country has been most distinctly and painfully demonstrated. They know that anything different would not bo accepted by the people as honest or sincere , so strong and deep Is the popular distrust ot the party. A JUDICIAL ANAttClllST. Anarchy Is defined to bo that state of society where there Is no law or supreme power ; In other words , an absence of gov ernment and a state of general lawlessness. Under our form of government a state of general lawlessness is not conceivable so long as Justice reigns supreme through a well ordered judiciary. Anarchists might assassinate our executives and terrorize our legislators , but so long as the courts were In position to administer the law and mete out justice , anarchy could not destroy the fabric of government. The most dangerous form of anarchy , therefore , is that state of society in which the strong arm of the law that holds the scales of justice alike over the rich and the poor , the weak and the powerful , be comes paralyzed either by a law-defying Judiciary or by mob violence. When any man occupying a position on the bench subordinates the law to his own caprice and sets at defiance the mandates of higher judicial tribunals , or seeks to stig matize the supreme judiciary of. the com monwealth , he becomes an anarchist in the broadest sense of the term. The pres ent occupant ot the criminal bench of' this district , Cunningham R. Scott , has by his conduct and utterances proved himself nn anarchist of this type. Within the past six months he has repeatedly usurped the pardoning powers of the executive by lib erating self-confessed felons , when the law expressly makes It his duty to pass sen tence-upon them , and pending sentence to have them remanded into the custody of the sheriff. He has taken It upon himself to disregard a specific order of the supreme court and thus Invoked judicial anarchy. Scott has made a virulent assault from the bench upon Judge Norval , chief justice of the supreme court , and declared that the chief justice laid himself liable to Im peachment In issuing a writ of prohibition In a case that had been adjudicated by himself. Now , while there Is no law on the statute books against such assaults , there is an unwritten law that forbids any reputable magistrate from abusing and seeking to bring Into disrepute the highest judicial tribunal of the commonwealth. The re spect and reverence due to that court de mands implicit obedience to its mandates and courteous language toward members that compose it. Anything short of that Is judicial anarchy. As a citizen Cunning ham R. Scott has a right to criticise deci sions ot the supreme court and express dissent from Its conclusions. As a citizen Mr. Scott may express his dislike for Judge Norval , and go as far as ho can within the bounds set by the laws against libel and slander. But when ho occupies a seat upon the district bench Judge Scott Is presumed topreserve the dignity of the courts and maintain that strict obedience to lav and deference to the supreme judi ciary , -without which nil law courts would bo degraded to the level of the pot house. The fact that Judge Scott Is unfit by his temperament and lack of balance for any judicial position has been apparent over since he has been placed on the bench , but his usurpation of power , his abusive harangues from the bench and his virulent assaults upon the highest court make him absolutely dangerous to the well-being of the community. Ho Is a judicial an archist -who not only brings the bench Into disrepute , but mattes the administration of law a travesty on justice. STATUS OK THE STATE SCHOOL FTOVD ! Tlm decision of the supreme court grant ing the writ of mandamus prayed for by ono of the capltol warrant "brokers to cam- pel the state treasurer to register general fund warrants in order that Interest may ats cruo upon them will probably close the > series ot cases which have been furnishing the people of Nebraska with judicial In terpretation ot the laws' affecting the per * manent school fund In this state. With the various opinions of the courts before them the state officials must see the exact sltun * lion In which they are placed , nnd It the > fall to abide by the authoritative construe , tlon of the statutes they will bo acting with their eyes open. The status ot the permanent school fund under the constitution and the laws Is sub stantially this : That fund Is set aside ah * an Inviolable trust for the benefit of thh public schools , the annual Income thereat only to bo expended , and any losses that ma > occur from unfortunate investment must-bo made good by thu taxpayers , The Invest ment ot the fund Is vested with the Stats Board of Educational Lands and Funds , but Its selection of securities Is limited by tht constitution to those of the United States or of the state ot Nebraska or Its several counllos. It Is the duty of the stnto board to ttccp the morJjV nl Us commnnd c6rU * t.ntly Invested , since In that wAy ftnly tan nny Income bo derived for the benefit ot the schools. Idle sehool money remain * In the custody ot the slnto treasurer , bul ho has no authority to lend It out or to de posit It under the depository law. His on1 > legal course Is to keep It n * n special deposit \ posit until opportunity for Investment offer * . What has bcctijjtlto dlflfcuHy , nnd what promises to continue to be the difficulty fo . some time , Is that'n considerable portion o > the permanent school fund must remain IdU on account ot 'th Impossibility of securing the proper pccurljjcs In sufficient amounts. The Inw of 1SD1 contemplated the redemption ot general fund warrants to absorb the un invested pert ot the permanent school fund. So far ns declaring these warrants state se curities , and therefore available to the state board , Ihe supreme court lias upheld the spirit of the law. In Its last decision , however - over , It really Bays that such wnrrnnts can only bo bought by the state board just a * It buys other state or county securities. The holder of the warrant has a right to haveIt registered In the abuonce of money In the fund upon which It In drawn , and to retain It for the sake of thn 7 per cent In terest which It draws until there shall bo money In. . that particular fund to redeem it. Ho can , If he desires , accept the offer Of the face value of the warrant , which th state board stands ready to make on be half of the permanent school fund , but in doing so ho may use his own discretion. There can bo no compulsion about It. The state board may buy warrants , but It can not redeem them. It Is hardly probable that any but specu lators and warrant brokers will prefer to hold warrants drawn upon exhausted stat * funds for no other reason than to secure the Interest to which the law entitles them. Most of the bona fide holders will prefer disposing of them at their face value to the state board to discounting them with the broker. But there Is always the pos sibility of a dearth of securities In which the permanent school fund may be Invested. This precarious condition of that great trust can only be remedied by constitutional re vision. The State Board of Transportation has been Informed by the supreme court that that is not the tribunal to which It should apply for writs of mandamus to compel the recalcitrant railroads to carry out Its orders In the transfer switch cases. This means more delay and continued Inaction. It Is said that the board may apply to the dis trict courts for the desired mandamus , but as the district judges are everywhere preparing - paring for their summer vacntlons it Is quite unlikely that any action can be taken under the transfer switch law until next fall. Suppose that' the board did secure Its writ of mandamus , what then ? Are the law- defying railroads any more apt to obey such a writ than to obey the plain mandate of the statute and the regular order of the board In accordance with Its provisions ? There is a way prepared by the law Itself to bring pressure to bear upon the railroads , but the State Board of Transportation ap pears reluctant to pursue It. Every day Increases - creases the accumulation of penalties fov neglect. By this time the penalties must amount to a neat'little sum for each of the railroads involved. Recovering the penalties , of course does not build the switches , which are ln > reality tlio thing wanted , but It would bo n powerful Incentive to.Jhe railroads to obey the law with more alacrity. If suit 'hadboon 'broughttroitne'pcnnltlos soBOON as the roads maoltested tholr Intention to disregard the board's orders the Issus might "perhaps have been' ' decided by this time. Even now that plan offers as satis factory a course as application for man damus. Whenever anything Is done In connection with the flre department that does not ex actly suit the fire Insurance companies the business men of the city are immediately threatened with a raising of the rates on the policies which they hold. But rates are never affected in the opposite direction. Yield to every demand ot the Insurance-com panies and rates remain the same. Ther * Is a point above which Insurance rates bring smaller profits to the companies. That point Is only partly dependent upon the effi ciency of the flro department , The local insurance companies have no > cause to com plain because the axe of retrenchment Is not Iccpt off of that department. The populist Wealth-Makers prints Prof , Herron's commencement address and en titles It "Tho Great Oration. " Ono hundred dollars Is the present price of great orations. They used to come higher , but slnco the financial depression competition has brought prices down. For a populist address , even that is pretty good pay. If the flro insurance companies were al lowed to have their way the city of Omaha would bo supporting a flro department twice the size of what It now has. Perhaps turnIng - Ing the control of the flro" department ovei to the Insurance companies offers the enl > solution that wll satisfy them. Suspicion Added to Contempt. * Louisville Courier-Journal. Senator Gorman Is said to have declared that the senate Investigation Into senatorial stock Jobbing has done nothing but bring ridicule upon the senate. It Is not fair ti. lay It on the Investigation , The public contempt tiiuler which the senate IB now resting antedates the appointment of the committee. AVhut the Investigation done Is to add suspicion to contempt , und this has resulted from the. course pursued by senntorH who think It Is none of the publlc'n business what they do and who damaged themselves more by what they declined to tell than by. what they con fessed. . , Joint's i-ato Son. Clnclnnnff rjn'ijulrer. ' Candidates tor the' nfbsldency como and go. Mnny nre cullcu.Hmore are mentioned und few are chosen. lmt .William B. Alli.sou of Iowa Is nlwnys lit ttio' minds of thought ful republicans In pr.eMUentla.1 association. Senator Allison Is upe'ot thu best equipped of the few men Who 'nro really dlntln- guished In congress : ' MTo la wise for the publlo good , and wlS yror his own career. Time hus vindicated1- judgment In not taking the treasury .portfolio under .Presi dent Harrison. Ho3ir In advance of hla party In mental view ! , though never sensa tional. If the republicans should get out of the habit of looking 'for u mull with a specialty , and reach for. mi all-round unites- inan , It would not Wf.'S&y for Mr. Allison to es'cnpe the responsibility of loudlnt ; the republican ticket In 1800. TllK Minneapolis Journal The Nebr.nkft demo crats nave up ! It on the silver t | test Ion. It Is a matter ot connrntnUtlon limt there vre ' some democrats In thai slate who Are sane ' enough lo object to n proposition to flump | down to the sliver standard of 60-wit cur rency. . Courier-Journal ; Some of the Nebrnskn democrats have said Ihe silver horse Is six teen feet high , nnd they propose to stick to It nnd swear by It nnd legislate on It. Why don't those Ncbrnnkn democrats nlso rexolvc 'that n bucket nf wheat Is equal to a dollar | In told or n barrel of pork lo $20 In the yellow metal ? What's the use of stopping at silver If prices cnn be regulated no easily ? If wo can force Europe to accept nlxtecn ounee.i of our silver for nn ounce of gold , nnd to settle trade balances nn that basis , why not force It to pay what we want for our wheat nnd corn and pork ? Pioneer Press : Wo should like to nsk the free silver people of Nebrnskn , nnd of Mln- ncsota. und of any other stnte cast of Colorado rado nnd Montana , what they expect to gain by their demand , If It were granted. They complain that they are working now for the capitalist * of the cast. Well , suppose for a moment that Ihls were true ; will they be any better off when they nre working for the Nevada Mining nnd Milling company , nnd the other millionaires who control the silver output of this country ? Suppose they had free silver. What then ? It would enable the owner ot silver bullion to take his pro duct to the United Stales mint and sell It for a llttlo more than twice what It would bring III open ttnarket. Wo can understand why he should approve that. But nre there any owners of bullion In Nebraska or Min nesota or the other ktnte * where people talk about free silver as a boon to the poor ? And If not , where do the people come In ? TAIt . Chicago Record : If the great state of Colorado Is not already sick of the mis rule and lawlessness which huvc lately characterized Ha public proceedings the last outrage ought to suffice to make It so. The recent events In that state afford a memor able lesson not only for Colorado , but for all other states as well. It Is a lesson which teaches the danger of Intrusting high places and authority to men who are fearless in the abuse of power without nt nil under- stnndlng Its uso. Buffalo Express : The kidnaping and tar ring and feathering of Adjutant General Tarsney of Colorado , though done by Gover nor Wnlte's political enemies , Is a direct outgrowth of the doctrines which Watte and Tarnsoy have been preaching nnd practicing. They hnvo Inculpated disrespect for law , and the use of violent means to ends , and It would be strange If some of the moro reckless of their opponents did not turn the tables on them nnd give one , at least , of thorn n dose of their own medicine. The feeling against Wnite has been very bitter in Colorado Springs ever since the miners' strike at Cripple Creek , In the same county , broke out , Chicago Post : The assault on Adjutant General Tarsney at Colorado Springs was contemptible , nnd ono has little patience with the newspapers and Individuals that defend It. Colorado Is rapidly acquiring a reputation for lawlessness among Its so- called conservative class that is doing more to undermine the confidence of the east In the stability of Investments in that state than all the erratic outbreaks of the wild- eyed governor. Denver seems to have ex perienced a reversion of type to Its pioneer barbarity. Still it is hoped there may be sufficient respect for the law left In that community to Insure the capture and punishment of the cowardly gang. PEltSl'IllIKO J'I.E.ISAXTRIE8. Puck : The1 tramp will not descend to slang when It comes to using "soap" ns a synonym of money. Boston Journal : "Little boy , doesn't It pain you to see an elderly woman hanging on to a strap ? " Boy ( keeping his scut ) No'm , 'less It's my ma. Indianapolis Journal : "By the way , speak ing of the human race , has It ever been de termined whp won the first beat ? " "Prometheus , of course. Don't you re member he discovered fire ? " Atlanta Constitution : "Look here , old man , oughtn't you "to keep that boy of yours a little more In check ? " "My friend , I do my best ; this is the fourth one I've sent him this month. " Washington Star : "Don't you think Bly- klns has a very high-handed way about him ? " "I should say he has , " was the mournful reply. "Four aces was what ho sprung last night. " _ Detroit Free Press : "Aw as I under stand it , " said the traveling foreigner , "your oftlce holders here are the servants of the people. Am I right ? " "You have become a little mixed , " said the citizen. "It must be the ollloe tickers you are thinking of. " Spare Moments : Guide Now , vou will have to be careful : many a tourist has bro ken his neck at this spot. Gent ( to his wife ) Augusta , you go llrst. Fun : Mrs. Towell I have such nn Indul gent husband ! Mrs. Cameron ( spitefully/ Yes , so Justin tells me ; Imt lie sometimes Indulges too much , doesn't he ? INCONSISTENCY. Brooklyn Life. He wrote letters to the papers , saying 'twas a crying shame To run open cars unless the day was warm- ; But when they put the closed cars on , no matter how It rained. He rode outside upon the front platform. the .Swindling lluWt. Chicago Post. William Stucey of IJwa Kalis was charged with being engaged In some land swindling scheme , nnd the Texnns wished to discour age him. They wore courteous nnd consid erate about It nt first .und simply ducked him In a pond , lie did not seem to realize the force ot that argument , so a few days later they tarred nnd feathered him. Still he was not convinced of the error of his ways , they claim , BO they hanged him. That seems to have proved a xutlsfactory method ot settling the matter , for we arc Informed that he hasn't swindled any one since. A Joyful I'ronpt'ct. Globe-Democrat. The brightest prospect that the tariff bill carries with It is that of.nn early adjourn ment ot congress after its passage , whlcn will mean the removal of one of the prin cipal obstacles to the restoration of pros perity. _ rSAT,3l OF TllK SKtfATOH. Sullivan. Tell me not In mournful numbers Life Is but a tale of woe , For the trubts and corporations Make It pleasant hero below. Life Is full of hope and promise , If we only worlc It right ; If we only pull the string In Every time we get a bite. Sugar Blocks nro fluctuating , And It wo would buy them low We must mingle with the "agents , " Who will kindly let us know , While the senate unte-chambers With the lobbyists arc crammed , Tnko no notice of the people Let the populace be d - U , "Lives of cuckoos all remind us We can -warble through our hair , And , departing , leave behind us Jawprlnta on thu ambient air. Jaw-prints that perhaps nnothcr Congressman with lengthy speech A forlorn , bewhlskered brother- Seeing , shall begin to ucreech , Let us then be up and talking. Talking hard with all our might ; Talking much on all occasions , Talking every day und night. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. " . ? m Baking Powder ABSOUUTEiy PURE P/\OT .AP THU'AVlMF Ull I IP COST Ol < lllfc GOiliY CRA/t Whnt tlm Government Must Pny as IU Slmro of the fcxponscs , SLVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ASKED Olney ltriiic | t Till * Mudrat Kuni to lie In rn ) Ing for tlir Mupirrlon | of fnmnioimridcru In the AVotorn Hlutr * . WASHINGTON HUHRAU'OF THK I1KE. U07 F Street. N. W. , WASHINGTON , Juno 2T. The attorney general today sent to the sci'ato through the secretary of the treasury n request for a deficiency appropriation uf $125,000 In lieu of $50,000 asked for some time ngo. This amount , It Is estimated , will bo required lo meet thu expense Incurred by Iho United States marshnta nnd other officers of the Department of Justice In the nrrest and punishment of Coxeyites In the west charged \vttli stealing trains over which the go\ eminent has Jurisdiction , The attorney general's letter , \\hlcli contains this request , shows these Coxey demonstra tions occurred In fourteen stales and Uo territories. Ucllef for the Creek Indians who emi grated to the Indian territory under the treaty of 1S2G and have not been reim bursed for the expense resulting from their removal , as provided by the treaty of 1832 , Is sought In n petition signed by Creek delegates. The Indian commissioner urges the payment of the claim , amounting to $12.229 , In a report on the condition of the Ulntah nnd Ouroy Indian reservation In Utah , In. spcctor McConnlck says : "The Mexicans who work on a largo portion of the land nnd a number of squatters who are very demoralizing should be driven from the reservation by the general government. The police are unreliable and the herders at Ouray can be dropped without detriment to the service. " IN A OI3NKRAL WAY. Senator Allen today Introduced a bill to prevent the appointment of cadets to the navnl or military academy from states , territories or districts In which such cndctn do not reside. The bill was referred to the senate committee on military affairs for report. llcpresentatlve Melklejolm today called nt the pension omen In the Interest of John C. Knapp of Palmer. W. D. McHugh and Kuclld Martin of Omaha were at the capltol today , accom panied by J. Sterling Morton. They had no particular bualnuss , but were seated In the galleries looking dowi. upon the demo cratic party upon the floor of the senate. Senator Manderson went before the com mittee on commerce this morning and tnido another argument In behalf of nn appropria tion for the Improvement of the Missouri river between Council muffs and Omaha. Ho says that It seems probable nn ap propriation will be made either In the river and harbor bill or in the sundry civil bill. Senator Pettlgrew has succeeded in get ting a clmngo of mall service in Charles Mix county , South Dakota , so far as to glvo the town of Bartholdl a delivery on every week day instead of trl-weekly as hereto fore. fore.Hon. Hon. Charles T. McCoy of Aberdeen , late chairman of the South Dakota republican state committee , Is In the city , nnd took lunch with Senator Pettlgrew at the capltol today. Mr. McCoy Is one of the largely In terested men in the mining district of Crip ple Creek , Colo. , and Is on the way to New York to place some bonds. Senator Allen today presented the petition of N. F. Donaldson and others of Lincoln county against taxing the Incomes of life and accident Insurance companies. Orlando J. King of Onialia wns the lowest bidder for constructing the superstructure of the public building , in course of erection at Mankato , Minn. , bids for which were opened In the office of thc'flupervlslng' arch itect today. The amount of the bid was 140,470. The contract will probably bo awarded to Mr. King in a short time. Postmasters have been appointed cs fol lows : Nebraska Kirk , Banner county , Charles W. Johnson , vlco Mrs. Eva Maynard , re signed ; Marlbank , Keya Paya county , Edwin n. Hellyer , vlco Charles L. Phelpa , re signed ; Royvllle , Sioux county , Mary E. Graham , vlco Clarence J. Green resigned ; Slocum , Holt county , Harvey Wells , vlco William M. Kelly , resigned. Iowa Sunbury , Cedar coutny , II. II. Peterson , vice J. L. Denkman , resigned. Al'l'KOriUATIONS KXTKMDKD. Tlioso for the Current Fiscal Vcnr Kxtendoil Thirty Day * . WASHINGTON , Juna 27. The house got Into a series of deadlocks over the New Mexico statehood bill. The bono of conten. tlon was an amendment originally proposed by Mr. Smith of Illinois , requiring the public schools to teach the English language. The consideration of the bill was not concluded at the hour ot adjournment. A cablegram from the French government , acknowledging the action at congress rcla. ttvo to the death of President Carnet , was l.iM licforo the house , fclb ix mcsiAKo frotft Iho president transmitting the lalcAt Hnunllnn correspondence. A resolution \ n Adopted extending th upproprlatlons for the current , fiscal year for thirty ifny.i front the ( Oth lint. , ns llio an > nto \ > lll not be nble to net on nny nppro prlntlon- bills before the expiration of tht fiscal year. At the request of Mr. Wnlson otVnshlns ton the Joint resolution wns passed cnlllin on the Mcretnry of war for Infornmtloh rolntlvo to dreglng the hnrbor of Kvfrett , Wash. , for the purpose ot making n fresh water l.nrbor. The hill Klvltiff the nr.tln.iri1 ft Northern Minnesota HAHwny tompany n right of Wfty through the I.erch I.nkc Indian resprvaMo * ' WKS paused , nlto n bill tuithorMtig the con. structlon of n foot nnd wagon bridge oVc * the. St. Crolx river between Wisconsin ( ind Minnesota , At CSO : the hrmsn adjourned. INCOMK TAX DI-.IIATK Itr.StJMKD. Alilrnilnirnt Ailnptrtl Exempting MutniO SnxliiQft llnnk * from Tnintlnn. WASHINGTON , Juno 27. Only cloven sen ators were In the chamber when Vic * President Stevenson called the body lo order. Twenty minutes were consumed awaiting the. appearance nt n quorum. A bill to amend the net providing for the times and places for holding terms ot United States court In the state ot Washington was passed. Then the ileUito on Iho Income tax provi sions ot the tariff hilt wns resumed. Tha pending amendment wns that ot Mr. AllUort. to exempt corporations , companies or asso ciations having a capital stock of less than $100,000. Mr. Hilt Immediately took the floor. The theory of this Income tax , ho said , wa that the Incomes ot Individual Investment * unless they exceeded $4,000 should not bo subject to the tax. Hut no such limitations existed ns to corporations. He could sco no reason for the distinction. Ho thought some amendment should bo adopted that would give n small corporation the same exemption granted to Individuals. Mr. Vest , In reply to Mr. Hill , said that under the present system of taxation , the tariff system , the citizens paid upon con sumption. It wns unjust nnd unequal. Tha poor paid practically as much ns the rich. Property and Incomes , In his opinion , should pay for the protection of the RO\eminent. Mr. Allison Dually' deckled to withdraw hln amendment altogether. Several amondmentE were offered exempt ing corporations , Joint stock companies and other associations , but they were each In turn lost. Mr. Aldrlch offered nn amend ment to except savings banks organized on the mutual plan .solely for the benefit ot their depositors. It was nccepted. Mr. Vest. In the Kama connection , offered an amendment , which was agreed to , ex empting mutual savings bankK conducted for the bcnclU ct depositor in the state of Dela ware. Mr. Hill moved to amend section CO , to provide for the Inspection of the accounts of corporations subject to the tax so as to limit the tlmo of Inspection to the period between March t and August 1. After some further debate , ullhout action on Mr. Hill's amendment , the senate , nt 6:20 : , adjourned. WIHTIKN : PENSIONS. Veteran * of tlir I.uto Wnr Iteineiiibcrml lf the < ipner l ( iovrrninrlit. WASHINGTON. Juno 27.- ( Special to The Bee. ) Pensions cratited , issue of June 14. were : Nebraska : Renewal Carson Jj. Andrews , Tlladeii , Webster. Tlelssue Samuel IT. Fra- zler , Iliunboldt , RlcJuml.son. Original wid ows , etc. Juliana Heillg ( mother ) , Tecum- srli , Johnson. Iowa : Increase IrvingA. . Btrlngham. Des Molnea , Polk ; Solomon T. linker , Kco- saiHiun , Van Tiurpii. " ' South Dakota : Henewnl nnd Increase- George F. Johnson , Uedlleld , Splnk , In crease Christopher C. ICInK , Cunning ; Hughes : John II. Campbell , Hot Springs , Fall lllvcr. Reissue Andrew J. " Uraley , Bonesteele. Gregory. Original widows , etc , Almlrn Shafer , Vnlley Springs , Mlnno- hnlia. Colorado : Original widows , etc. Mary Tlcknor. Fort Collins , Larimer. . . „ " v * .j For a number of years Judge" Joseplfv H ; Blair has held the poHltlon of fish commis sioner of the state , but because his other duties required so much of his tlmo ho resigned , the resignation to take effect on June L An effort wns made to have him continue looking nfter the Interests of the llnny tribes In the lakes nnd brooks of the state , but this was without effect. In vlewr of the fact of the resignation , James B. Melkle of this city lias been appointed to III ! the vacancy. He qualified yesterday nnd Is now ready to enter upon the dis charge of the duties of the olllce. At this time the commission consists of W. I. , . May , n. H. Oakley nnd James B , Melkle. This year the commission hoa planted 26,000,000 of wall-eyed pike and countless numbers of black bass , trout and croppies In the streams of the state. It was the Intention of the commission to place 1,000,000 pike In Courtland lake , but this will not bu done so long as the prac tice of unlawful seining IB permitted by the authorities of this county. MoNltt-Ilrowii. A very pretty wedding took place Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. W , II. Brown , 2221 Dodge street , when Miss Emily W. Brown was married to Mr.Frnnk McNItt In the presence of a few Invited gucstd , Uev. T. J. Mackay of All Saints olllclatlng- . The parlor was tastefully decorated with palms and llowers , and a light repast was served to the { 'uests. II ' Hold your breath , We're going to Pant. - ( Watch this space. ) browning , King & | xCo. , d S. W. Corner 15th and Uouglns. * ! u