Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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OFMCD - - NO. 12 P15AHL
Delivered tr carrier to any part of th eltf.
IIV. . T1LTON , Lcsiee.
Tr.Lrnnrtf.'ns-nmtntM omc . NO. : night
fdltor. No , Zt.
311X011 M
The new road Into Fairmont park lias been
A marriage licence was Issued yesterday
to J. II. Martin of Council Bluffs and Clnrn
B. Render of Davenport. Their ages are 23
The U. L. P. A. will meet tomorrow evenIng -
Ing at the old opera house to transact Im
portant business. All members are requested
to be present.
The Kindergarten children , under the
tupcrvlclon of Mm. Haidmaii and Mies Bald
win , were treated to n picnic In Fairmont
fcark Tuesday afternoon.
Unity Guild will hold a special meeting
Friday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock In the guild
room of Grace church. All members are
requested to be present.
Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran
Legion , and Ladles Auxiliary , No. 17 , will
Jhcct this evening at 8 o'clock at the Wood-
fiYch ot the Work ! hall.
Members of the American Protective asso
ciation are renueslcd t.p mset at Grpj Ajwy
Of the Republic hall this evening nt S
o'clock for \transactlon \ of Important
business. By order of the president. Orlde
JVM n , recording Secretary.
" Kriiest Freyer , a 'young man employed In
the Franklin Printing company's office , lost
the first finger of his right hand Tuesday
while operating a large press. In an un
guarded moment ho allowed his hand to get
tnlxcd up In the cog wheels , and the acci
dent was the result.
Frank Peterson , who was arrested on an
Information filed by Hans Hanson charging
him with highway robbery , was discharged
by Judge MrGeo yesterday morning , Hanson
being unable to awear to much of any
thing , and finally admitting that he gave
Peterson some money.
W. C. Kstep , F. T. Seybert nnd J. M.
Dungon returned from a fishing trip to Lake
Manawa with several fish. They have hit
upon a new plan for getting fish , and that
is to let the minnows grow up Instead of
Using them for bait. They have determined
< 0 test this scheme , and have a large tank
full of minnows for the purpose.
E. L. Shugart will build a $1,500 barn In
the rear of his residence , corner ot Sixth
itrect and First avenue. He has com
menced tearing down his old barn , which
has considerable Interest for the people of
Council Bluffs , Inasmuch as It was used In
the early days of the city's history as a
residence for Horace Everett , Dr. McCunc ,
Major Hoffman and others.
Mrs. Andrew Anderson , who was taken
In charge by the authorities at the transfer
{ Tuesday night for Insanity , was taken before
the commissioners of Insanity for an exam
ination. II was evident that she was Insane
pn the subject of religion , and she kept conj
tlnually praying and talking about It. It
teas decided that she bo taken to St. Ber
nard's hospital until her husband , who lives
In Rawllns , Wyo. , and works for the Union
Pacific , could be .notified. Her two little
Children went with' her.
J. M. Watson was fined } 5 nnd costs In
Justice Field's court yesterday afternoon for
Committing an assault and battery on Percy
Jlownrd In a livery stable on North Sixth
Btrcet , adjoining Indian creek. According
to the story which came out ! : i court How-
( u-d asked the men about the stable for a pin ,
and when none of them could give him one
went to Watson's vest , which hung on the
Wall , and began feeling around for the de-
elrcd object. Watson thereupon accused him
Of trying to steal something and knocked
him down , kicking him and hurting him se
verely. After the fine had been Imposed
Watson gave notice of appeal to the district
Good times are coming. Buy n hem >
while you can get It cheap. We write flro
Insurance In the best companies. Also loan
money for local Investors. Lougeo & Towle ,
435 Pearl street.
Ornncl 1'Inza , Lnko Mnimnn.
Grand Plaza will be open to free admls-
lon every day up to noon. From noon
Until midnight an admission fee of 10 cents
Will be charged , which will admit to giounds
and to concerts and all entertainments. No
return checks will bo given.
No person of questionable character will
be permitted to enter the grounds.
No admittance to Grand Plaza will bo
charged to persons who desire to rent boats
or bathing suits.
Ice cream and refreshments served lu the
pavilion of Grand Plaza. .
Meyirs-Durfce Furniture company , 336-33S
Broadway. Bargains In fine furniture.
Flro crackers ore cheap ; only 3o a pack-
Igo at Brown's C. O. D.
Washerwomen use Domestic soap.
L. T. Qenung of Hastings was In the city
W. L. Patterson has gone to Colorado to
ipend the summer. .
Manager G. H. Dcnton of the Rock Island
freight depot Is In Stuart.
Mru. S. Farnsworth has returned from a
trip to Madison Lake , WIs.
Charles T. Stewart has returned from
Chicago , where ho attended the Derby.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lacy and family left
fcsterday for a summer's visit to Colfax.
Mrs. II. N , Shuman and daughters of
Nebraska City are visiting Mrs. J. R.
Miss Murto , who visited Mrs. J. II.
riumcr on Glen avenue for several days ,
has gone to Denver.
Tom Farnsworth has returned from Farl-
btuilt , Minn. , where ho has been attending
Ebattuck Military school.
Marshal Turley , an old citizen , Is very 111
it his homo In Turlcy's glen , and his
trlcnds entertain doubts as to his recovery.
Mre. W. H. Campbell and daughter ot
Missouri Valley have returned home after
l visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Temple-
Mies Rose Mabel oX.Mavern ! Is spending
icveral days visiting her sister , Mrs. Kear
ney , corner ot Sixteenth avenue and Eighth
Sheriff Hazcn Is In Sioux City attending
Ilio Interstate Sheriffs association , of which
bo la vlco president. The Iowa Sheriffs
issoclatlon will hold Us meeting after the
Interstate convention Is over.
Grand Plaza telephone 45. -1 ' ,
Grand Plaza bathing beach. ' ' '
Grand Plaza picnic grounds.
Grand Plaza's cornet band beats them all.
Grand Plaza's flue row boats are all the
Grand Plaza excursion accommodations
can't bo beaten.
Afternoon and night concerts at Grand
Plaza , 2 to 6 and from 7 to 10.
Manager of Grand Plaza can understand
23 languages. So all nations will feel at
"He that docs not visit Grand Plaza know-
est nothing , and will bo for all time to coin *
branded a traitor to enterprise , " Uugone.
Cole & Cele will put on sale In a few
diys the biggest lot of granite Ironware
ever offered at just one-halt customary
prlco. 41 Main street.
A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach ,
Lnko Manawa , Is the proper thing to take
these hot days.
How far will a $ go ! Long waya at S. A ,
Pierce & Co. u thee store.
Hurry Dux In Hurt.
Harry DavlH struck a nail on one side of
the toboggan slide at Lake Manawa with his
fooi last evening. The furrow It plowed ex-
'tended from his ankle to the tip ol his toe.
, It ° bled profusely ,
A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach ,
, Lake Manawu , la the proper thing to take
these hot days ,
No fake advertising or false promise * at
Plerce'e > hoe gtorc , but real bargains.
Domestic oap outhuu cheap io p.
Postal Authorities Hnvd the Ex-Postmistress
at Yorktown in the Toils.
Trouble All Grpw Out of n Fight ( Her the
rofitiim trr lil | > nt tluit Town One of
the A i > lr.ititft Alleged to He
The little town of Yorktown , In Page
county , lown , has been oil torn up for
several months past over the momentous
question of who should have the legal right
to lick postage stomps for the people of
the burs ( hiring the coming four years.
It has finally licen ilecliled tlint H. N. fir-
nest Is the man , but he only scctircil the
appointment of postmaster after a tremend
ous sight of wire pulling and by overcoming
the opposition of two ot'ii ' r candidates , who , If
the stories which have now come out ara true ,
stooped several degrees lower than the law
allows to keep him from winning the
prize. The arrest of Miss A. M. Dowgcr , the
postmistress under the last administration ,
yesterday morning , was what brought the
( njlR to Heht.e " - J
Mis"s BuWSor Is charged with having
opened letters that were not Intended for
her. From all that can bo learned , she was
acting under Instructions from some one
else , and the t'nlted States ofilclals state
that she was simply used as a tool without
having much of an Idea of the serious con
sequences that would befall her. IJrnest
was In frequent communication with the
Postofflco department at AS'ashlngton pre
vious to his appointment , and It Is charged
that Miss Downer mode a practice of open-
Inn the letters both going and Coming , and
keeping the other candidates posted In this
way a to the outlook.
One of the letters opened was from Fourth
Assistant Postmaster ( Jcneral H. A. Max
well at Washington. The letter was token
out and another substituted , In which Ernest
was Informed that his application had been
received and placed on file , but could not
bo acted upon for some time , owing to press
of other business. Ho was exhorted not to
bo In any hurry. The signature of the
usslctHiit postmaster general , It Is claimed ,
was forged to this document. A letter was
also sent bearing Ernest's signature , In
forming the department that he had decided
to withdraw from the race. This , It Is
claimed , was also a forgery.
In spite of aU these maneuvers , howover.Hr-
nest finally succeeded In circumventing his
opponents and got the appointment. He sent
his bond on for the approval of the depart
ment and that was the last he heard of It
for a long time. The letter containing the
bond was sidetracked after It had been ap
proved by the department and did not turn
up until a little over a week ago. Ernest
finally got possession of the office , after
being kept out of It nearly three months ,
April 6 being the date of his appointment.
As soon as he got In he commenced pro
ceedings against the postmistress , and had
her arrested and brought before Commis
sioner Steadman yesterday morning. She
admitted having opened the letters , and
waived examination and was bound over to
the federal grand jury. She gave a bond of
$1.000 and was released. The federal au
thorities claim that they will be able to
show that at least one of the candidates for
the oulce was Implicated In Miss Downer's
wrong doings. They say that he had
boasted that ho had spent $25 to keep Ernest
out of the office so far , and was willing to
bpcnil $50 more for the same purpose. The
forged letters. It Is asserted , are In his hand
writing. They expect to make at least one
more arrest very shortly.
Miss Downer was found to be $545 short In
her accounts when she settled up with the
government at the expiration of her term
of otnce. She made up the deficiency , and
thus escaped a prosecution.
At Vmni's , 147 llriiiidwny.
The last week In millinery department.
Everything must go regardless of cost. All
our line hats must be sold.
LOT NO. 1.
$2.00 trimmed hats for 95c.
LOT NO. 2.
All $3.50 hats for $1.50.
LOT NO. 3.
All pattern hats , $2.03.
25c reeds for 5c ,
50c sprays for lOc.
All our untrlmmcd hats 23c each.
Navy and colored duckings all at lOc.
35c French sateens , 9c.
32-inch 12',4c fast colored summer goods ,
India linens , 5c yard.
25c India mulls , He.
Children's stockings Go pair.
Ladles' fast black hose Be pair.
Hose supporters 5c pair.
Embroidery spool sllk c dozen.
100 yards sewing silk 3c spool.
Iluttoti hole twist Ic.
All silk ribbons 3c yard.
JOc rag carpeting , 17c yard.
25o hemp carpeting , Uc. .
147 Broadway.
Mall orders given special attention.
Sumluy School Worknrg Orgnnlre.
About forty pe'rsons Interested In Sunday
school work met at the Broadway Methodist
Episcopal church Ttieiday evening and
completed an organization to be known as
the Sunday School Workers union. The fol
lowing arc the officers elected : D. W. Otis ,
president ; L. W. Tulleys , vlco president ; C.
H. Judson , secretary and treasurer.
After the matter of organization and
other business had been transacted , Rev.
Dr. Plielps of the First Presbyterian church
made the address of greeting , and was fol
lowed by Rev. Davis of the First Baptist
tihurch , upon the subject , "Tho Mcdcl
Teacher. " Mr. Davis outlined his thoughts
upon the blackboard. Rev. Knoll , pastor of
the Trinity Methodist Episcopal church , Is
attending the district conference and was
not able to bo present , but a very able
paper prepared by him , "A Model Pro
gram , " outlining an order of service for a
Sunday school session , was read by A. A.
Hart. Mr. Judson then made a few re
marks , selecting for his topic , "The Suc
cessful Sunday School. "
Whllo the attendance was lighter , owing
to the heat , than It has been at previous
meetings , these present are well pleased
with the work accomplished and are en
thusiastic over the prospects of a successful
future In their work.
Pills that euro sick Headache : DeWltt'i
Ltttlo Early Risers.
I.ukci 'Miiiiiiuu IlallHiiy Tlnio Card.
Commencing Saturday , June 9 , trains will
leave Council Bluffs for Grand Plaza , Bath
ing Beach and Picnic Grounds at Lake Man-
nwa as follows : No. 1 , 9 a. m , ; No , 3 , 10 a.
m. ; No. 5 , 11 a. m. ; No. 7 , 12 m. ; No. 9 , 1
p. m. ; No. 11 , 2 p. m.
Trains will run every twenty-two minutes
thereafter until 10 p. in.
Return trains will leave Manawa on the
half hours up to 10:30 : , when they will re
turn eyery twenty-two minutes.
Muiiliiitlun llcui'h.
Steamboat landing for Manhattan beach at
Lake Manaxva Is located at the foot of the
street , Just east of the board fence. Parties
not desiring to enter the grand plaza take
the road to the left on alighting from the
train. The steamers Liberty and Rescue
make ten-mlnnte trips to and from th
beach. No other steamboats land at Man
hattan beach. Faie , 6 cents uach way.
Don't let anybody fool you. Dell G ,
Morgan & Co. are the Broadway druggists.
Everything cooling , everything health-giving ,
everything for a Fourth of July celebra
tion , and everything at low prices , at both
stores , 134 and 742 Broadway.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
No 'Morn t'rlmlniil Cuueri.
The jury was discharged by Judge Lewis
yesterday , which means that there will bo
no moru criminal cases tried at this term ,
and that the work of the term Is almost
completed. Just after they were discharged
the jurymen nmcnibled In the court room
and presented Judge Lewis with a gold
watch charm.
The grand jury finished up Its work and
made Its final report , after which It wan
discharged. Only. on Indictment wa re
turned , but thai one nuant another green
persimmon for Rachwltz , Hall and the gang
of plug ngllcn who were mixed up with them
In the burglary of 'the freight cars In the
southern part of the city. They will not
bo tr d this term and. will conje < iuently
have to live In fall aU this summer.
Frank Jones , convicted of burglarly , and
Charley Miller , convicted of horse steal
ing , will bo { fnienced next Saturday mornIng -
Ing at 10 o'clock.
Hauling ImlurpiiirntR
During such hot days are just what most
people are looking for , some more 10 than
others , on certain lines , but It Is always
mode general when In want of cooling bar
gains offered by the Boston Store , especially
during their great Surplus Sale , which Is now
going on.
Big reductions In every department , and
call your attention to the following Items ,
which arc going fast at ralo prices :
49c a yard , all our 22-Inch figured Habutl
silks , sold for C9c , 75c ,
31c a yard buys our regular BOc figured
China silk and nil-wont clmllls.
33c Is the prlco of our Take It Easy corset.
19c will buy our 25c regular made hose.
3Ec , or 3 for $1.00 , now secures our regular
COc hone.
Sale prices on ladles' white waist at 2Gc ,
39c , 5Sc , C9c , 89c.
Bargains In umbrellas at 75c , $1.25 , $1.50 ,
$1.98 ,
Ladles' mitts , special , at lOc , 17c , 25c , 33c.
Don't miss wash goods bargains.
Look at prices In show windows.
Council Bluffs , la.
Commencement at St. "Francis.
Another year of school work closed yes
terday at St. Francis' academy. All after
noon and evejilng the Institution was visited
by frfends who were Interested In seeing
what had been accomplished during the past
year In the art department. This depart
ment has always been made a specialty , and
the work of the past year Is In no way In
ferior to that of pcevlous. years. The walls
of two rooms ore richly decorated with spec
imens of the young ladles' handiwork , the oil
paintings of Misses Mary Pa'chel of Council
Bluffs and Mary Murphy of Onowa. the water
colors of Miss Mae Farrell of Lake City ,
Colo. , and the crayon work of Miss May
Lunkley of this city being especially fine.
In one of the rooms hangs a painting of
Saint Cecelia , the work of one of the
teachers , which bears n blue ribbon , an
nouncing that It was awarded a gold medal
at the World's fair.
The exercises In the evening were held In
the hall , which was well filled with the
friends of the Institution. The class this
year consists of Miss Ada Murray of Little
Sioux , Miss Sylvia Mcssmore of Council
Bluffs. Miss Bride McDonnell of Sallx , Miss
Mayme Muldoon of Lincoln , Neb. , Miss Bes
sie Hew of Silver City , Miss Katherlne Fitz
gerald of Omaha , and Miss Mae Farrell of
Lake City. Colo. The following Is the pro
gram rendered by the members of the senior
and graduating classes :
Mnrche Mllltulre Wels
Misses Annie Wleklmm , Klsle Macnnel ,
Louise Lynch , Nettle Flint , Mno Fnr-
rell , AInyme Muldoon.
Chorus Hall Now with Songs of Tri
umph Donizetti
Accompimlstn , Misses Louise Lynch ,
May Shirley.
Salutatory Miss Bessie Rew
Song of the Waves ( Wnltz Duet ) Raff
Misses Nettle Flint , Mnfoel Kelly , Nellie
Callahiin , Anna Kllmiutlii , liertha
Jungbliith , Delia Jungbluth.
Clnhs In Physical Culture Seniors
Dance of the llutterllles Uonheur
Misses Anna Kllmnrtln , MH IO i\ ' r-
phy , Hrlde McDolilu'll , Muynu1 Tlinll ,
Theresa Wuldmnn , Anna McGarlgle.
Vocal Duet Conic Where the Bluebells
Spring lirxelnl
Misses Ada Murphy , Klsle Macnnel ,
Accompanist , AllsH Louis * Lynch.
Essny Dissolving Views
.Ml s I'l-lde MtDoniPll
Bell Drill Tw.-lvo V.iiint' ladles
La Noce de Figaro ( two pianos )
Misses Mayme Muldoon , May Shirley ,
Louise Lynch , Klslo Mnennel.
Essay Our Molecular AVelKht
Miss Sylvia Messmore
Class Song Welcome Pretty Primrose. .
Accompanist. Miss May Shirley.
Beauties of II Trovatore nnd Sicilian
Vespers Verdi
First Piano , Misses Ada Murray , Mae
Fnrrell. Second Piano , Mls es Kath
erlne Fitzgerald , Bessie Rew.
Prologue Miss Nettle Flint
Drama Seniors
Overture Alessandro Stnulella Flotow
Misses Bessie Hew , Katherlne Fitzger
ald , Ada Murray , Klsle Mnennel ,
May Shirley , Anna Wlckham.
Closing Chorus Kvenliw
Conferring Honors , Graduating Medals ,
Diplomas , Ktc
Valedictory One Step MoreMIES
MIES Mae Farrell
The exercises throughout were highly en
tertaining. The essays by the graduates
were uniformly good , and the music was of
a high order. The class In physical culture
did some beautiful work , and the bell drill
was very effective.
A Great I'rult Crop.
The splendid rains have made the fruit
crop In the great fruit belt around Council
Bluffs. All small fruits are In the pink of
perfection , nnd are ripening under th ° most
favorable conditions. The headquarters of
the Council Bluffs Grape ( .rowers nrsocla-
tlon at 201 Broadway Is the seem of treat
activity , for the association Is handling all
of the output , and thlpplng Jlrect to cunom-
ers the same day the fruit Is plck'-d. The
supply Is great and the orders are promptly
Yon Can Itny
Screen doors for 75 cents. ,
Two-burner gasoline stoves , $3.35.
Two-quart Ice cream freezers , $1.35.
Asbestos stove mats , 5 cents ,
Refrigerators at cost and all goods In pro
portion at Swalne's hardware store , 740
A poverty social will bo given In the
parlors of the Broadway Methodist church
Friday evening. Literary nnd musical pro
gram and supper , 15c. An original and
funny feature will bo the appearance of
a number of ladles and gentlemen In cos
tume , who will bo arraigned and fined for
veering Jewelry and other ornaments.
Ice cream freezers at wholesale prices.
Brown's C. O. D.
Gas cooking stoves for rent.and for siJa 3'
Gas Co's office.
Domestic soap breaks hard water. ' "
Sulue the lEullromlg.
The city council held a brief and un
eventful meeting last evening for the pur
pose of opening bids for paving and sewer
work. No contracts were let , however , and
the bids , after being opened , were merely
referred to the city engineer for tabulation ,
to bo acted upon at the next meeting on the
first Monday In July.
The city attorney was Instructed to begjn
suit Immediately against the various rail
way companies for the purpose of opening
up Seventh street at IU southern end.
New billiard and pool room , c'gars , to
bacco and card room , Everything firtt-clofs.
Just opened for business. Call and see us.
M , Stadlelmann , 535 Broadway.
The third piece of new and Improved ma
chinery for the season has been put In place
In the Eagle laundry. Tel. 157.
1,000 pigeons wanted. 717 Washington
avenue , Council Bluffs. T. C. Moxley.
lIvuiiH Laundry Company.
620 Pearl strcat. Tcltphon.\ .
For cobs go to Cox , 10 Jlxu tlreot , Tele
phone 48.
Paris green , 30c. Davis , the druggist.
Discharged the Jury.
Jake Miller and F. M , Phillips were tried
before Justice Vlen yesterday afternoon on
the charge of fishing with a nolne In Lake
Manawa. After several hours the Jury re
ported that It stood five to one for convic
tion. There will have to bo another trial.
Real estateIs cheap In Council Bluffs.
Wo can sell you a home , a vacant lot , a
fruit or garden farm cheaper than ever.
Now IB the timeto buy. Day & Hess , 39
Pearl street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
California new potatoes only E5o bushel at
Brown's C. O. D.
There's only one bargain shoe store In
Council Bluffs , and It's Plerce'i.
Minterloui Iowa I > Uppearance.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , June 20. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) Fred Turner , who
has been firing at the water works , disap
peared about three weeks ago , just alter
receiving a month' * pay , and nothing ha *
been heard of him since , No satisfactory
theory can be advanced lur his disappear *
nncc , nnd the police artr-njriv at work on the
case ,
Sweet breath , sweet stomach , sweet tern
ftr ? Then u e DoWltj.'a.'XAttlp Early llliefc.
Another ( IrtrlHtgeJ'OfcUInn ,
The garbage case was Iti'juJge Ferguson's
court again yesterday , where It was decided
that Alexander MacDonald was lu contempt at
the time when he cautod the arrest of Henry
Coombes and a number of , others who were
dumping garbage without first securing per
mission from MacDonald n'3 to the time and
place where the dumping should bo done.
In passing upon the , case , the court held
that MacDonald was ln'concmpt ( and that ho
had violated the former order made In the
premises. For having violated this order ,
he was fined the costs and the Injunction
was continued In force. The court Inti
mated that In his opinion' It was not a case
of willful contempt , but that It was one of
these coses where the man had gotten Into
trouble by following the advice of his attor
ney ,
Ulllou * Collr.
These who are subject to attacks of thli
disease will bo Interested In the experience
of Mrs. F. Butler of 22 Flllmoro street ,
Falrlmven , Conn. Shn says : "I suffered for
weeks with colic and pains In my stomach ,
caused by biliousness. One-half teatpoonful
of Chamberlain's Chollc , Cholera and Dlar-
rnoea remedy effected a cure. For sale by
all druggists , jf / * * , - , ;
To Maungo the town Control.
DBS MOINES , June 20. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) A dispatch was received from
Colonel L. M. Martin , who Is now In New
York City , this evening that he has been
tendered and accepted the general manage
ment of the Iowa Central railway In place
of E. II. McNeil , who has been appointed
receiver of the Oregon Railway & Navigation
company. Colonel Martin recently resigned
the general management of the Des Mollies ,
Northern & Western railway to take charge
of the Lake Superior & Gulf railway , which
Is In process of construction. The Iowa
Central Is COO miles long , and may In future
become part of the Lake Superior & Gulf
A New Kind of Insurance.
For 25 cents you can Insure yourself and
family against any bad results from an at
tack of bowel complaint during the summer.
Ono or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy will cure any
Tdlnary case. It never falls , and Is pleas
ant and safe to take. No one can afford to
Do without It. Far sale at 25 cents per bat
tle , by all druggists.
Alleged Miraculous CuroR.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , June 26. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) There Is great ex
citement at Columbus Junction over the al
leged miraculous cures being effected by
Mrs. Woodward , who Is In charge of a
Church of God camp meeting being held on
the fair grounds In that city. In one case
Mrs. Harriet Long , from near Falrfleld , who
had been bedfast for a long time , was car
ried to her , and by laying on of hands and
praying she was completely cured. Many In
valids are flocking into the town to be cured
by Mrs. Woodward.
Luftle pills for great Ills : DoWltfa LIUIs
ilnr.'y ' Risers.
Dr. FlHhcr'n llniiclsincn Alarmed.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , June 2G.-Speclnl (
to The Bee. ) The news received here of
the arrest of Dr. A. , M. JFIshcr at Chadron ,
Neb. , for theft Is smiled at In a kind of "I
told you so" way by gome , while others ,
especially his bondhmgn , are Inclined to
swear a little. He Was recently hailed out
of Jail by two prominent Sioux Falls men
after being In there'n * vear , charged with
murder , belnir the Subject of disagreement
for two juries. His1 bondsmen are feeling a
little leary and talK 'dome of sending' the
sheriff after the doctor hnd then withdraw
ing from his bond. ' ,
I .
It has grown up with ( he country for forty
years. Cook's Extra. Dry Imperial Cham
pagne has been a household word.
To IlKht the Ntrtrch Trust.
SIOUX CITY , June ,20f ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) Work was commenced hero
today by the Sioux .City .Starch company , an
anti-trust company , "orp 4' $65,000 * starch fac
' ' "
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Etcher's Castoria.
Chronic ,
Nervous ,
Wo euro Catarrh. All Dlaoasos of
the Nose , Throat , Ghost , Stomach ,
Llvor , Blood , Skin and Klclnoy DIs-
oosoa , Female Weaknesses , Lost
Call on or Address ,
Dr Searles & Searles " *
, , "o JKJF&SI , ?
At 337 Uroadway ? Ho Is the prototype of
Bowing Machine , the xwlftest , lightest run
ning and bust tticrols | i earth , the winner of
all first iiwnrrts at thO.vvorlU's fair. There iiro
no others just at. good , iilid they are the cheap
est In the market , ranging from $10,50 to
JG5.00 , on easy tontin 11
for ono year with every machine. The best
muchlno anil the best newspaper go together.
You got both cheapest qf
' It. T. F/JVOUBV.
337 Uroailway , Council Muffs.
Typewriter gupp'llcs and typewriters for
sale or rent.
Summer with Its Debilitat
ing Weather Is Here.
I'ho lieu of IhouRht ntnl Cure In Duo to
the Old People for Thorn to Ho Strong
nnd Iliippy , ItofronhliiR Sleep 1 * Nccr -
nry rulnu' * Celery Compound Mint
Now Ito Taken.
Young people In the flush of health are apt
to forget that the aged need help more fre
quently than they , to ward off weakness and
to check disease.
Because there are no symptoms of any spe
cific disease they think nothing can bo done.
They forget that the weaknesses of aid age
ore general weaknesses , a difficulty of the
slow organs of digestion and assimilation to
properly feed the nerves and body.
The one great need , as hot , debilitating
weather comes on , Is for new , rich blood ,
frco from the poisonous humors that Invaria
bly result from a stniiant ; , condition.
The certainty with which Palno's celery
compound quickly sends new blood to every
i.nwis c. CHOPSHN.
part of the body Is shown by n stronger
pulse , fuller heart beats , and n brightening
of the spirits. Sleep beomcs sound and re
freshing , and rheumatism , sciatica , neuralgia
and other results of an underfed nervous
system disappear.
The world of worn out , nervous , feeble men
nnd women Is indebted to Prof. Edward E.
Phelps , M. D. , L.L.D. , of Dartmouth Medi
cal school for the discovery of this great
regulator and blood purifier the best and
final fruit of a long life devoted to the study
of weakness of nerve tissues , and Its natural
Palne's celery compound gently stirs the
workings of all the vital organs , feeds the
nerves when waste In their tissues has ex
ceeded the repair , and thus relieves nervous
prostration , dyspepsia and disorders of the
liver , kldnoys and heart.
It builds up wasted bodies , frees weak
nerves and nerve centers of irritability by
supplying rich , abundant blood to build up
the worn out tissues. When there Is general
debility , lassitude , a loss of appetite and a
lack of Interest In life that comes at this
season ; when one looks wretched nnd feels
so all over , the great modern remedy goes
straight to the source of the weakness and
Immediately gives strength and a vigor of
mind and body such as must follow perfect
nutrition of every organ and part of the
The lives of thousands of men and women
past middle age who think It time to stop
work , might be prolonged to many years of
usefulness if they would only use Palne's
celery compound , the great modern blood
and nerve restorative. It will give new life ,
ambition and cheerfulness , ns It did to Lewis
C. Crossen of North Cohocton , N. Y. , who
writes : "Palne's Celery Compound has done
me a great deal of good. I have been af
flicted with Insomnia , nervous chills , loss of
strength , and poor digestion , for some time ,
also loss of memory , and all ot these troubles
are much better now. I have gained In
weight since I commenced Its use and am
much better and stronger In every way. I
shall recommend the compound to all oth
ers. "
Stonm and Hot Water Healing for
Residences and Buildings.
J. C. B1XBY ,
202 Main. 203 Pearl Streets , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
President Cashlor.
First National
Capital , $100,000
Profits , 12,000
One of the oldest lianltR In the stntc of Iowa.
We pollclt your business nnd collections. We
pay 5 per cent on time deposits. We will bo
pleased to see nnd nerve you.
of tooth without gas. Teeth taken out In the
morning uml new > > ct Inserted MI mo day.
A full set on rubber * 5.00. lli.-st clastic plato
J 10.00. Silver lllllrigbtl.UO. I'ure gold Illllnga
12.00 and up. llest work always.
, - ,
3rd Floor I'axton Block , lOtli and Farnam 3U
Entrance Kith Htrcot side. Lady attendant
Telephone 1085. German spoken.
Buy Good Clothing
While You Have a Chance
From the Fire Sale
At about 50 Cents on the Dollar.
Hundreds arc taking advantage of the op-
i *
portunity to buv the best clothing in Omaha
* >
at the lowest price Why not you ?
The insurance companies paid the loss and
as the season is getting on we arc compelled to
unload quickly.
To do this
Prices Tell the Story !
150 elegant pray cnsslmcro
L suits In straight and /ft A
C round cut suoks , resent Ts'-f
Cent , Sl.GOctich W '
200 cutaway (4-button ( ) frocks
in tuns , { frays ana oxfordn ,
were only wet , now dry ,
pressed and ull right , go at 5.00
$5.00 .
275 suits in cutaway * and 6,00
sacks Prinuo Alberts
, even
ainoiifr&t them , now take ifff \
your choice at SO and $10. . JLU.UU
Wilson Bros. ' nccli eo 7 ( " " _
shirts at "flu , worth $1.50' . . / " )
Manchester MIR. Co. , No , Manchester , Intl.
Mechanical Jcvlcn for removing nil Impurities
from boiler ; pir\rntlng pcnlliiK , foamlnx , nlso
remove nil old scale , without the life at com
pound \vimlilng out. Hold strictly on Ktinranlco
to Klva ftntlsfnutlon. ( 'orronpumlc mo solicited.
Oeneml Western Olllcu 103 , Uco Building ,
Omaha , Neb.
fiOO suits , odtla ends , for
short nml Htout , lonjr nnd S7.50
Bliin , fill Htylos nnd put- n > x tti
terns , tnko your choice for i r'ff \
$7.50 to $10.00 each JLvP.Ul/
UOO boys' nnd children's suits 7 ( " '
at 76o half up former prlcas , from ' / J\ j [ *
200 hemstitched hand
kerchiefs ( largo size ) for
BHitlaman , some Unit are
hand embroidered among
them , slightly soiled by "i ( " ) ! -
water , now ( jo at l"jconch , I /jj (
formerly brought 33c toOOo J- '
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
The Inter-State Investment Co.
Offers for sale on the most favorable terms , as to prices and
payments , the following- described properties , all in the city of
Omaha , Nebraska : '
3.600 shares of the fully paid capital stock of the Omaha Street Railvvav company
( of the par value of $300,000. )
Also , lot 1 , block 122 , known as the Paddock block.
Also , 41 lots in blocks 0 , 9 nnd 10 , Jerome Park.
Also , 21 lota in block 16 , Highland Place.
Also , 4 lotsin block 5 , Paddock Place.
Under conservative depression appraisements , recently made , the total va lu
ation of these properties has been placed at $425,000. Proposals will bo received
for any part , or for the entire property in bulk.
These properties , each and all , are well known to every citizen of Omaha to'ba
among the very best , and to have taken as a whole a real and speculative ) valub
second to no other of corresponding variety and amount , in Omaha.
No such opportunity for investment 1ms over been offered anywhere. At least
100 percent prolit could bo safely guaranteed on the purchase of the whole bloolf ,
Snsido of four years. Omaha is to have the greatest growth it has over experi
enced in the coming five years.
Long time and a low rate of interest on the larger part of the purchase monov
can bo given to a responsible party or syndicate taking a part or aU of the offered
property. Proposals invited by correspondence.
Office of the Inter-State Investment Co 9
Paint , Oil and Glass Co.
Wo hnvo I.OOO WMdowa In stpok. made by the
A. Murphy .MamifurtuiIiiK Uoigp'tny. No liatlur nasli
bo Hindu , ulilch o will cluzo with uny Kind of Kins * that you
want , and soil you for less inonoy than you can buy the uoor ,
.sappy sash inauo In the eaU for. Lot us give you prltius ana
\\o will get your order.
Our 1'iiliitcan not bo oxoollod for durability , beauty o
finish or covorlim capacity by any oilier niixoU paints lu th
market. Our prlco Is $ ! . > pur callon.
1 and 3 Fourth St. , - MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDIN1.
Specla )
chimney * cleaned. Ua liurke , at 'laylor * *
grocery , 140 Uroadway.
3 miles not tli of town ; good man in charge.
L. 1 * . Juilson , 929 HUlli avcnuo , or 328 BrOad-
way. Council UlurtB. .
Improved , chcup. drucnulileldB , Nlcholion
& Co. _ [ _
house for light houBcKcrplnKi t > ua Hove , 494
flU'ii avenue.
rlnsu Bmltli ; Btilctly BOM.T | ; no others need
nimly. H. F. llatlcnlmuiT. Council ( jluft . |
tmcrs nnmr nf I'Kk. Return and receive r -
ward. No. 203 I'nrlt nvcnuo.
Qiie-lhlnl In CIIHI nml turn In a Rood younff
team In part payment. Apply to Leonard Er-
tnku rare of tiam and do chores. Jacob Buna.
n I
t If
i ' Hagan's It banishes freckles , sunburn and tan , therefore
a toilet necessity for the seashore and mountains.
It is quickly applied , and gives to the skin a soft ,
Magnolia creamy appearance , removing all redness , rough
ness , pimples and sallowness.
Balm Its effect is immediate , and deceives the closest
, observer as to its naturalness.
It brings back the freshness of youth to the faded
a Harmless Liquid
cheek and to look .
causes a woman years younger.
for Face , Neck , If ap.plied after dancing it will be found delight
Arms and Hands. fully cooling and refreshings