Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    -1 & *
8 THE OMAHA DAILY < EE : Flit DAY , JUNK 22 , 189k
Work Done by Session of Grand Lodge
Which Closed Ycstcrdiy ,
Hem It A fleets the Crnft Memorial Will
Mark Centenary of Waililncton'i Death
omccri IClcctcd-Orunci Orator'i
Aildrcia Lilt of Urlosntcl.
The annual session of the grand lodge Is
taken advantage of by the members of the
Veteran Masons association to hold a banquet
| n the banqueting hall of the temple and
Wednesday night nearly thirty members of
the association gathered about the board and
indulged In reminiscences of the early days of
Masonry , the requisite of membership bel.ig
. continuous Mason In good standing for
twenty-one yean.
President D. II. Wheeler occupied the scat
Of honor at the head of the board , flanked on
either side by Messrs. Crclgh , Bowen , Llnln
ger , Glllmore , Edwards , McDrlde , Edward
nosewatcr , Dunham , Uutler , IJlakc , Dechel ,
Moodlc , King , Newbowcr , Adalr , Mount ,
Leach , Cain , Slaughter , Illngo , Drlscoll and
Hoblnson of Council Dluffs.
After a short welcoming address on the
part of the president , Mr. E. nosewatcr was
called upon and responded with a talk on the
"Press In Masonry , " tracing the early con
nection the press had with Masonry and
Masonic subjects. Mr. Edwards spoke on the
relief features of the organization , and was
followed by Mr. Blake , who delivered a fin
ished address upon Masonry In general. Mr.
lilnlnger sounded the tocsin against the too
frequent change In lodge ofllcers and was
trong In his denunciation of the modernistic
Ideas creeping Into the work of the croft.
Mr. Slaughter chose subject that Is very
" " which ho urged
near his heart , "Sociability ,
on the members as one of the keystones of
the faith. Mr. Crelgh. as treasurer of the
issociation , told of the condition of the treas
ury , other speeches being made by Messrs.
Cain , Butler and Bowen , the latter being
lust a trlle ( boastful of the standing of Ne
braska Freemasons.
After the feast of good things which the
Veteran Masons had Wednesday night and
the conferring of the past master's degree
tipon a number of candidates , the members
if the grand lodge were slow In assembling
pesterday morning , It being 8:45 : when Grand
Master Black called the brethren from re
freshment to labor In the Valley of Nebraska.
Immediately after the formal opening of
the lodge a number of the committees re
ported and action was taken. One of the Im
portant memorials presented to the grand
lodge came from Papllllon lodge , No. 39 ,
memorallzlng the grand lodge to prohibit
the use of the word "Masonic" by Individuals
nnd corporations In the state , the memorial
being aimed at certain Insurance companies
doing business In Nebraska. It was re
ferred to the committee on jurisprudence.
Past Grand Master Samuel P. Davidson
called the attention of the grand lodge to
( he sudden death of John Q. A. Smith In this
City , a member of Tecumseh lodge , No. 17 ,
fcnd Its Junior warden , who had looked for
ward with the liveliest anticipation to an at
tendance on the meeting of the present ses-
| lon of the grand lodge. A committee of
( Ixteen was appointed by the grand master
to attend the funeral services of the deceased
is representatives of the grand lodge and
to give the brother a. Masonic burial , Samuel
P. Davidson being made chairman of the
Lodges 162 and 165 memorialized the grand
lodge to favor an Interstate law permitting
lodges In one state to receive the petitions
Of candidates living-In another state , said
petitioners being nearer the lodge In an adJoining -
Joining state than In their own state.
A committee of three was appointed to ar
range a program for the centenary of the
fleatb of George Washington.
The committee on the doings of grand
Officers through Its chairman , Bradner D.
Slaughter , offered an amendment to the
faw of Installation that when St. John's day
falls on Sunday , as It docs this year , then
the Installation ceremonies may be held on
the Saturday preceding or the Monday fol
lowing that day. -unanimous recom
mendation of the committee that such a
change be made a law of the grand lodge
Was endorsed by the grand lodge of Masonry.
A change was also made In the annual
meeting of the grand lodge , the new lawmaking -
making the annual meeting on the Wednes
day on or following June 10 , instead of the
14th as was the law for years.
Past Grand Master George W. Llnlnger ,
during an Interval In the morning session ,
brought before the attention of the grand
lodge the question of Masonic funerals and
moved that a committee of three be ap
pointed to prepare a circular to be addressed
to each Mason asking If Masonic burial was
desired. While it will require the grand
lodge to print some 13,000 circulars , the
tuggcstlon seemed so excellent a one that
the motion was unanimously carried.
On behalf of the Omaha lodges , T. K.
Eudborough Invited the grand lodge to hold
Its next session In this city and the Invita
tion was unanimously accepted.
Grand Master Black gave notice to the
grand lodge that It he heard no objections
lie would appoint In the evening at 8 o'clock
for the delivery of the oration by the grand *
orator , Hon. George D. Melklejohn.
By vote"the time for the election of officers
was nxed Immediately after the oration in
the evening.
The committee of relief offered several
recommendations , which .were concurred In
by the lodge.
After come little talk upon a lease of
Waco lodge , defunct , the grand lodge at
12:30 : adjourned until 2 o'clock.
A series of resolutions were read In the
Afternoon from Superior lodge No. 121 , ask
ing the grand lodge to prohibit lodges having
fitly or more members from meeting In the
lodge rooms of other societies , on the ground
that such association tends to retard the
growth of Masonry and to undermine the
undent standing of the craft. The resolu
tions were referred to the committee on
Jurisprudence ,
An Interesting debate ensued over the
question of whether the representative of
1'nllsailo ledge No. 210 should bo allowed a
on the pay roll In view of the fact that
t was the only lodge that had failed to make
report to the grand secretary. Representa
tive Adams of Palisade lodge stated that the
master and warden of his lodge had left
Ghaso county on account of the drouth. lie
raid he had como to Omaha In good faith ,
believing that the report of the lodge had
been forwarded to the grand secretary. Ho
tinted he knqw the members of Palisade
lodge had paid their dues and thought it
was an oversight on the part of the secretary
of PalUade lodge.
After a number of speeches had been
mailo pro and con on the question whether
JiU name should be placed on the pay roll ,
the body ' decided to appropriate enough
money to pay the mtleago and per diem of the
representative , and the law of the grand
lodge bo enforced.
Chairman Frank II. Young , from the com-
pilttco on charters and dispensations , recom
mended that charters be granted Woodlake
edge , Land Mark lodge , Stiver Cord lodge ,
Jmmence lodge , and Cable lodge ; that Wll-
ox and Exeter be continued , "under dis
pensation. " The report wag adopted. The
cport also recommended that now charters
)9 iisued to Trestle Board and Athlar
odgea , which was also adopted.
The committee to which was referred the
Circular letter from the grand lodge of
Colorado relating to a memorial observance
f the centennial of the death of Brother
George Washington , which occurred Decem
ber 14. 1799. reported through Its chair
man , E. II. Duffle , that the proposed mem
orial to be held at the tomb of the father
of hi * country at Mt. Vcrnon , by proper and
pproprlate ceremonies and addrestes on the
one hundredth anniversary of the death of
George Washington , at which shall be pres
ent all the grand matters of the United
BUt . with their subordinate officers and
luch other members as ice fit to attend ,
would mark an epoch In the Masonic hli-
tory of tha country never equaled and
nivor to bo forgotten. If the eeveral grand
lodces of th * United States should agree
that the grand o&lcrrs of their
koveral JurUdlctloni shall meet at
the tomb of George Washington
that great man and eminent Mason , the re
port recommends that the grand lodge of
Nebraska be represented on that cccaolon.
The report olio recommends that a commit
tee of one with ono alternate be appointed
by the grind masters to arrange for the
representation of thu grand lodge of Ne
braska at the proposed centenary of the
death of George Washington , provided that
a sufficient number of other grand lodges
of the United States tike favorable action
upon the recommendation of the grand lodge
of Colorado and that said committee report
Its doings at each annual session until 1899 ,
at which time final action may bo taken ,
The report of the committee was adopted.
The committee on the codification of the
law , through Its chairman , offered a report
which was referred to the committee on
Jurisprudence to report back at this session.
L. M. Ilhccm , chairman of the committee
on accounts , recommended the transfer of
the money In the Masonic educational fund
from mortgagee to city or county bonds ,
which was adopted.
The committee on pay roll reported that
the pay roll amounted to $3CGI,21 , which
was approved.
"In re Waco , " as It has come to bo
known In grand lodge circles , then raised
MB head , as It has been In the habit of
doing for the last ten years. Waco lodge ,
which has long been defunct , owned the top
story of a Methodist church , taking a
nlncty-nlne-ycar lease on the property. An
agent collected the rent for the lodge and
some of the stock certificates were paid off ,
but for the past five years nothing been
heard from the agent , and Waco has been
In every grand master's hands since that
time. Finally , after years of weary wan
dering , Waco was laid at rest by resolution
that the lease be sold to the Methodist
church for a sum of money and the In
debtedness of the ledge be wl | .d out.
Business of a purely clerical character
occupied the attention of the lodge last
night until a few minutes after S o'clock ,
when the grand orator , Hon. George D.
Melklejohn Fnllcrton , member of congress
from the Third congressional district , was
A fluent talker and the possessor of a fine
presence , Mr. Melklejohn began what many
Masons regard as one of the ablest orations
ever given before the grand lodge. After
a short Introduction , felicitating the occa
sion which brought the grand lodge In an
nual session , the orator began a sketch of
Masonry which showed deep reading and
profound study. Tracing rapidly the ancient
symbolism from which Masonry is said to
have taken Its rise , the speaker said :
"Tho east toward : which the worshipers
of the sun would ever look to catch the
first morning greeting of their Apollo , to
ward which the wise men looked for that
star that heralded the birth of the Christ
and to which the tabernacles and , the
temple of Jerusalem were erected , has al
ways been held sacred by mankind and to
It Masons ever look for light.
"Every Masonic lodge represents , that
temple , Inspired by the Creator , founded by
David , greeted on Mount Morlah by
Solomon , Hiram of Tyre , and Hiram ,
the widow's son , and dedicated to this
glory of God a millennium be
fore the birth of the Nazarlno which we as
Masons will always cherish with reverence
and adoration.
"This sacred edifice of God , with Its pil
lars of Jachin and Boaz , Its porch , sanctu
ary and holy of holies , where Abraham of
fered his son to the Father , where sacrifices
were made to the living God , glittered on
the hills of Judea for four centuries , until
Jerusalem received her divine punish
ment. *
"To the Master Mason the temple of Solo
mon Is a symbol of the search for light and
truth and emblematical of this uncertain and
transient life , with its sorrows and tempta
tions , where , Inspired by God , it budded
yesterday in yoi th , blossoms today into
manhood , and , like autumn leaves , falls to
morrow In old age , where all which Is mortal
Is received by the grave.
"The Mason loves that historic land of
monuments and catacombs , , that winged
land of bdence and art , that 'great center of
civilization and learning , toward which the
nations of the earth have gravitated ( to drink
from her fountains of wisdom.
"Tho architectural remains of Egypt ,
though covered with the veil of centuries ,
cast a ray of light Into her history , which Ib
dim and clouded with the ages. To Egypt
the Mason looks as the mother of our ancient
and renowned institution.
"The Egyptians looked upon this mortal
life as but a brief sojourn in which to pre
pare the soul for Its eternal abode and as
they believed there was such a relation of
soul and body that they would walk together
the .Elyslan fields of eternity , their efforts
and endeavors were exerted In the direction
of preserving the body for the return of the
soul and erecting tombs and sepulchers for
Its reception. These are extant today when
other evidences of their civilization has been
destroyed and annihilated by the ravages of
"The mother of civilization , the land of
science and philosophy , this nation where
civilization was ripening when only budding
In other parts of the world. Is where we , OB
Masons , look for the cradle of our mystic
"The seat of the Initiation Into these mys
teries of Isis and Osiris was at Memphis
under the shadow of those great monuments
of Egyptian architecture , the pyramids. "
Than the orator told of the goddess , Isis ,
and the god , Osiris , and what they stood forte
to the ancients , those people of prehistoric
time , through whose chambered monuments
and pyramids have walked those solans of
learning , Herodotus , Plutarch and Pytha
goras In search of more light.
In closing Mr. Melklejohn said : "My
brothers ever walk In the light of the teach
ings of Mabonry , with a belief In that holy
book , with charity for all mankind , with
brotherly love for one another , with faith
In God and hope In Immortality. Emulate
the life of Ills Son , sent for the redemption
of a fallen race , who passed through the
morning , noon and night of an earthly so
journ , walked through the valley of death ,
wrested victory from the grave on the
bright morning of His resurrection and as
cended to His .Father from whom Ho came
and to whom He must return. Then when
the meridian of your years are passed , the
autumn of life has come , when the chilly
blasts of winter creep o'er us , when mortal
ity Is claimed by death , our eyes will only
close In sleep on earth to open on the tccnes
of Immortality In that land beyond the
grave , when the soul will rest In peace
through everlasting eternity with Its author ,
the Grand Master of the Universe.
The oration was received with pronounced
favor , and by a rising vote the ledge ex
tended thanks to the speaker.
The hour having arrived for the election
of grand ledge officers. Grand Master Black
appointed tellers and declared the polls
open , with the result that the following were
elected for the eniultg ) year , 410 votes being
cast for the various ofilcurs :
Grand master , John A. Ehrhardt of Stun-
ton ; deputy grand master , Henry II. Wilson
of Lincoln ; grand senior warden , Charles
J. Phelps of Schuyler ; grand Junior warden ,
J. B. Dlsmoro of Sutton ; grand treasurer ,
Christian Hartman of Omaha ; grand secre
tary , William R. Bowen of Omaha.
The newly elected grand master Is a
Prussian by birth , born December 6 , 1818 ,
at Erbach Hesse Darmstadt. Ho came to
America In 1S54 and settled In Chambers-
burg , Pa. He mo\ed to Illinois In IbOl and
enlisted In 1S6I In the Fifty-second Illinois
Infantry and after the close of the war en
listed In the Nineteenth United States In
fantry , serving from 1867 to 1870. Mr.
Ehrhardt moved to Nebraska In 1877 and
located at Stanton , his present home , where
he IB engaged In the law.
During the taking of the ballot C. K.
Coutant of the committee on charity , ap
pointed a year ago , offered a resolution
constituting the five principal officers n
committee on relict controlling the relief
fund and also recommending action for a
more efficient collection and use of the funds
of the Nebraska Masonic home. The resolu
tion was adopted and at 11 o'clock the
lodge waa called otf to meet at 8:30 : this
The following delegates were In attend
ance upon the grand lodge of Matons , for the
itate of Nebraska :
Nebraska No. 1 E. n. Duffle , Oscar 11.
Allen , John Jenkins.
Capital No. S-George W. Llnlnger , Wil
liam N , Nason , Ira O. HlioaiK
Nemaha Valley No. 4 John J. Mercer ,
State Attorney Mclntosh , D. II. Mercer.
Omaha No. 6 Robert U. Evans.
Covert No. 11 William L. Ritter.
Nebraska City No. 12 James D. North-
colt ,
Orient No. 13 John C. Shepherd , Dudley
Van Walkenburg.
Peru No. H-Sterling P. Glasgow.
Fremont No. 1C Thomas J. McKlnney.
Tecumseh No. 17 John Harmon , Arthur
C. Sullivan ,
Lincoln No. 19 Luclen B. Freomsn.
Washington No. 21 Byron F. Monroe.
Pawnee No. 2.1. II. Walter Dover.
St. Johns No. 25 Frank S. Hayes , T. K.
Sudborough , George A. Klmmel.
Beatrice No. 20 Frank II. Crowcll , Noah
M. Ryan , George E. Hnwklne.
Hope No. 29 John W. Taylor.
Tekamah No. 31 Charles T. Dickinson ,
Ensley G. Houston , Robert A. Smith.
Platte Valley No. 32 d cor go C. Donc-
Ashlar No. 33 Charles P. R. Williams.
Acaclrt No. 34 John C. Spechcr , George
H. Wells.
Falrbury No. 35 John Gcllatly.
Crete No. 37 J. M. Wolf.
Oliver No. 38 Frank 0. Simmons , Smith
D. Atkins.
Papllllon No. 39 Malcotn P. Brown.
Humboldt No. 40 E. S. Norton.
Northern Light No. 41 Charles P. Parish.
Robert M. Appleby , Alexander J , Kearney.
Junlata No. 42 W. G. Sadler.
Hebron No. 43 James Dlnsmore.
Palmyra No. 45 John O. Moore.
Rob Morris No. 46 Walter W. Barney ,
Wallace C. Illercc.
Fairmont No. 48 A. F. Ashley.
Evening Star No. 49 John C. Merrill.
Hastings No. BO A. R. Van Sickle.
Fidelity No. Gl Thornton B. Myers , Wil
liam F. Quadc , George W. Osterhouti
Hiram No. 62 Omar Whitney , William D.
Charity No. 53 Henry W. Brewer. Alex
O. Willis , Robert B. Fulton.
Lancaster No. Cl Levl M. Hubert , Fran
cis A. Graham , Henry K. Kcrman.
Mosaic No. C5 Silas G. Dean.
' York No. 56 Gustnv F. Wenck , . Robert
Mount Morlah No. 57 O. Home.
Lebanon No. 68 Gus G. Bechcr , John D.
Wnhoo 59 : IIcnry St. Martin , Edward E.
Good , James E. Durgln.
Melrose CO John A. Randall , William II.
Keystone 62 Daniel E. Price.
Illvorton 63 Willis P. Fulton.
Blue Valley 61 William H. Mann , Porter
F. Dodson.
Osceola 65 Milton R. Snodgrass , William
J. Conklyn.
Edgar 67. Charles A. Voorhces.
Aurora 68 Henry B. Hart , William II.
Alden , Ernest J. Waddle.
Trowoll 71 Hpnry E. Kryger.
Friend 73 James V. Beghtel.
Alexandria 74 E. M. Jenkins.
Frank Welch 75 Julius Nowbauer , Joseph
Taylor , Henry St. Ilaynor.
Joppa 76 James E. Kelly , E. H. Marshall ,
William E. Hatch.
Nelson 77 S. Addlson Searle.
Albion 78 Homer D. Wagner.
Geneva 79 Mark Butler , E. 0. Lemon.
Composite 81 Willis A. Baldwin.
St. Paul 82. Casslus B. Manuel.
Corinthian 83 Cyrus E. Hunter , Joseph
B. Elsesser.
Falrfleld 84 Melvln D. Gates.
Tyro 85 William W. Wright.
Donlphan 86 Martin Ennls.
Ionic 87 Solomon Draper.
Star 88 James Ashley , Thomas A. Love-
Cedar River 89 Davis W. Randolph.
Oakland 91 William W. Hopkins.
Beaver City 93 John T. Sumny.
Bennett 94 Harry Hnnnee.
Utlca 96 Thomas J. Brant.
Republican 98 Clarence A. Luco.
Shelton 99 Moses L. Philips.
Ponca 101 Alfred E. Barnes.
Waterloo 102 George Johnson.
Ord 103 Albert W. Jackson.
Wymoro 104 Le Grane S. Saga ,
Stella 105Wllllnm R. Wyntt.
Porter 106 Charles Couhlser.
Steel City 107 James S. Taylor.
Table Rock 108 James A. Carloclr.
Arapahoe 109 William D. Prultt.
Pomegranate 110 A. E. Butler. ,
Globe 113 Seth J. Arnett. ' ,
Wlsner 114 Frank C. Evans.
Bralnard 115 Veron B. Loomls.
Harlnn 116 James Pepperel.
Boric 118 William Frldpll.
Wayne 120 Julius Tower.
Superior 121 William H. Dean.
Indlanola 123 John J. Lamborn , Grorge
S. Bishop. '
Auburn 124 Robert0. . Boyd.
Mount Nebo 125 Lewis G. Stock.
Stromsburg 126 James D. Edwards.
MInden 127 John P. McPheely.
Blue Hill 129 J. W. C. Thlerman , Robert
A. Simpson.
Tuscan 130 Alvln A. Thorp.
Elm Creek 133 David I. Brown.
Solar 134 John C. Hartwell , Hans M.
Kakjcr , William R. Moor.
McCook 135 E. E. Lowman.
Long Pine ISf-yJohn S. Davidson.
Upright 137 Wftics J. Bernard.
Raw-alt 138 Daniel D. Mclntyre , George
E. Whitman.
Clay Center 139 George A. Shlke.
Wcsten 140 Peter Waldorf.
Summit 141 Charles C. Stone.
Anchor 142 George W. Smith.
Crescent 143 Frank D. Burgess.
Kcnesaw 144 Charles D. Courtrlght.
Bancroft 145 George II. Ransom.
Jachin 146 E. W. Wright.
Slloam 147 Jamoa A. Rice.
Emmet Crawford 148 Francis M. Rublee.
Jewel 149 William H. Taylor.
Cambridge 150 George W. McKoan.
Square 151 John H. Par'ter.
Parallel 152v-Ed E. HarJUn , Hiram A.
Evergreen 153 William 13. Bishop.
Lily 154 Robert Tweed , William H.
Hartlngton 155 Julius F. Jcnal.
Pythagoras 156 Harry / . llllcmnn.
Valley 157 William W. MoGaw.
Samaritan 158 Albert W. Orltus.
Ogalalln 159 Edwin M. Pearle.
Zercdatlm 160 Benjamin F. Walker.
Mount Zlon 161 Henry AV. Humlston.
Trestle Board 162 James F. Biggs.
Unity 163 Cyrus F. Hall.
Atkinson 161 Jacob Smith.
Barneston 165 Seth S. Ratloff.
Mystic Tie 166 C. Edwin Burnham.
Elwood 167 Burten L. Chambers.
Curtis 168 William H. Latham.
Amity 169 Cornelius Patterson.
Mason City 170 John T. Castellar.
Grafton 172 William A. Combs.
Robert Burns 173 John W. Burney.
Culbertson 174 Wiley S. Corntitt.
Gladstone 176 Joslah A. Armour.
Hay Springs 177 George H. Rhoades.
Hespcrla 17S Joseph W. Ireland.
Justice 180 John R. King.
Faith 181 Daniel C. Glbbs.
Incense 182 Elmer W. McFarland.
Bee Hive 181 Walsten B. Wyman.
Boaz 185 William A. Mlnnlaer.
Plumb 180 Daniel J , Fink.
Israel 187 Daniel C. Northway.
Meridun 188 Samuel E. Rutledge.
Granite 189 James II. Davis. >
Amathyst 190 Alonzo P. Tarbox.
Crystal 191 John T. Price.
Mlnnpkadusa 192 Thomas C. Hornby.
Highland 191 Albert B. McNIchol. '
Arcana 195 Samuel S. Joyce.
Level 196 John L. Sanders.
Morning Star 197 Robert S. Hlrch.
Purity 198 Fred A. Hoffmelster.
Gavel 199 James II. llryork.
Blazing Star 200 Thomas L. Hall.
Scotts Bluff 201 Martin Bristol.
Golden Sheaf 202 Thomas F. Zlgler , James
Roman Eagle 203 Edgar D. Foster.
Plolnvlew 204 John B. Brlnglow.
Golden Fleece 205 Fred Ludmany.
Napthalla 206 James At Blxby , William
H. Dlller. '
Parian 207 Frank L. Haycock.
Qangee 208 James W. Saunders.
East Lincoln 210 Wilson E. Field.
Cement 211 Edward C. Wilson , William
B. Kern.
Square and Compass 213 E. W. Nortbrup.
Plumb Line 214 Isaac J. White.
Palisade 216 M. J. Abbott.
Wauneta 217 D. Fenton Hostetter.
Bloomflcld 218 John Copeland , E. Lauver.
Magnolia 220 Frank 0. Paulger.
Kcnooniy and btrciiRtli.
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Notice of five Itnti or l ia under thli head , li ' -
ctntij each additional line , ten cenu.
DROWN Rachel , wife of Isaac Drown , at
10:30 : p. m. Wednesday , June 20. Funeral
from her lutu re UU-nr ? ' .I4 TiouBliH
itraet , ort Friday , June 2J , 2 o'clock p. m.
High School Gridunting-EicrclB.s at Bojd's
Theater Last Evening.
Wlint the Young Scholar * Have lli-en Think
ing About nstihomi by Essay nml Unt-
tlon llcnotlrul Decorations by
AluiiinliniKl Under Classmen.
The commencement exercises of the class
of ' 94 of the High school were held last
night at Boyd's theater. The theater woe
filled with the friends of the graduates and
many alumni were present to recall the day
that had Bent them out Into the world. The
house was well decorated. The classes of
' 93 , ' 96 and ' 97 had draped the lower boxes
with their class colors and banners , while
the class of ' 95 had pre-empted several front
rows of the balcony and had hung there
from their standards.
With the rising of the curtain and the
opening strains of an orchestral march , the
class advanced from opposite wings of the
stage In two divisions. Meeting In the cen
ter , they marched to the front and again
separating , but In single file , to the right
and left , they performed a graceful march
between the rows of chalra , and took their
places. This march was a decided success ,
Judging from the applause that followed.
The winding files of white dresses , with an
occasional black attlro , produced a good ef
The opening event of the program was an
essay by Miss Ingeborg Andreasen , ciltltlcd
"Tho Universality of Masterpieces. " The
essayist said that this wan obtained because
masterpieces show the reality ot life at Its
highest point of development. They place
before our lives the Inmost soul of things.
Besides appealing thus to our censes of
truth they also appeal to the sense of the
beautiful by their artistic completeness. But
beyond everything , they lift up our thoughts.
They are needful to the world.
An oration on "Anarchy A Remedy for
Social Inequality , " by Erwln Davenport , fol
lowed. Classes must exist In society ,
claimed the orator. It Is the rule of nature
that a few should excel. But In success
each man only reflects what nature has
given him. Each generation has Its prob
lem to solve. Wealth Is the problem of the
present. Anarchy has been put forth by
Ignorant and vicious men as a remedy for
this , and has committed foul murder under
the name of social reform. Its weakest
point Is Its lack of consistency. It Is against
the law , but places Its followers under the
severest law. Anarchists point out no way ,
and men will not rosht the teachings of
centuries to try an unknown new scheme.
The piano duet announced to be given by
Misses Emma Harris and Anna Brown was
omitted. Miss Brown was not present , on
account of the death of her mother , which
occurred yesterday morning.
Miss Alice C. Heller followed with an
essay on "For What Are We Here ? " The
speaker thought'that It was not to obtain
fame or wealth or happiness or virtue alone.
We are here toAlo our duty , our whole duty ,
In whatever position wo may be placed.
"A Second Trial , " a recitation , was given
by Miss Edith A. Waterman. Her selection
was well given mnd heartily applauded.
Arthur D. Pratt , In an oration , "The Safe
guard of the Nation , " said that the best way
to Instill the purest democracy was through
the school. People do not realize Its Im
portance. But 'Individuality must be In
culcated , as by Hi at means only can
democracy bo obtained. Ideality Is another
factor. Democracy has been advancing for
centuries , and has reached its highest point
In the United States. Education Is the great
est Instigator to Its further advancement.
After an orchestral Interlude , Philip W.
Russell delivered an oration on "The Scholar
In Politics. " According to the orator the
present corruption In politics can only bo
abolished by .tho entrance of the scholar.
He has studied jtho past , but the present
and the future Is his field and with him
lies the future of the country. In him are
found candid Judgment , freedom from-pre
judice , and advocacy of tree thought. The
state Is now considered ns a body of In
dividual units and as man Is ethical the
state must be. Thus politics should be
the noblest profession and Jt Is the duty
of all to enter it. Constitutional history
of the past shows the marks of the scholar
and the present questions of national and
International Importance can be solved only
by the scholar. With his aid wo can- reach
the highest stage.
After a well executed piano duet by Miss
Eva M. Kohn and William Ingram Battln ,
ono of the best features of the program was
given by Ross ToWlo. It was n declamation
entitled "The Closing Year , " and was a
most difficult pleco. Mr. Towlo lias a good
volco and he spoke exceedingly well.
The essay , "Has America a National Llt-
eraturo ? " by Miss Ruth E. Plillllppl , claimed
that when our authors thought of particular
things In a particular way our national llt-
oraturo would arise. Irving forms the link
between the old world literature and the
now. The author Is chiefly Influenced by the
government of his country , and the essayist
prophesied that the nation's future litera
ture would grow stronger and better with
national unity.
In his oration on "International Fellow
ship" Charles S. Detweller made a plea for
International arnlty. Each nation maintains
Its position by force , protective tariff or ex
clusions , but the orator saw a tendency
among nations toward unity without losing
Individuality. At present true patriotism Is
carried to excess when ono only thinks of
his own nation. Too little patriotism must
also bo avoided. One should have a regard
for his birthplace.
The "Storm March" was played by Miss
Mabel Brown and Fred F. Teal. Ralph Pier-
son followed with nn oration on "A Vista of
Our Future. " Mr. Plerson thought that In
the future a man would not enter politics for
mere gain , but would bo prompted by the
highest patriotic desire. The best opinions
only would become laws. Manhood would
have a truer and nobler aim. The future
man will be self confident and trustful.
Democracy will produce him and must ob
tain him to preserve Itself.
After the completion of the program the
graduates performed another winding march
past Prof. Lewis , and obtained their di
plomas. Superintendent Fltzpatrlck , In be
half of the Board of Education , then con
gratulated them on having completed the
first stage of their education. Ho said he
felt satisfied that their efforts would be
productive of the success they desired.
After the curtain had dropped the theater
resounded with the cheers of the different
classes. The stage was soon crowded with
the friends of the graduates , who wore over
whelmed with flowers and gifts.
There nro sixty-four members In the class.
Their names follow ; Isabella C. Adler , E.
Ingeborg Andreasen , Mary L. Bcrgland , Nel
lie C. Boll , Anna II , Brown , Florence V.
Brown , Mabel E. Brown , Nannie M. BrlgKi ,
Francis T , Ruchhalz , Louis 0. Burnett , Ida
V. Butts , AllcovM. Craig , Annette Dellolt ,
M. Estello Furls , Anna J. Kittle , Jessie C ,
Godso , Mary E. .Gardner , Emma L. Harris ,
Allco C. Holler , * Stella A. like , Bessie M.
Hungate , Mabel : P. Kelley , Elizabeth Kimball -
ball , Maud B. Kimball , Salllo S. King , Eva
M. Kohn , Zelta. Matthews , Agnes G. Mo
Donaugh , Annto Wi McNaughton , Minnie
M. Neal. Nellie O'Ncll , Mamie Novacek ,
Ruth E. Pbllllppl/IMamle Rood , Louis P. Sal
mon , Edith A. Shields , Neva A. Shlpherd ,
Leah Tlmms , Minnie Trevett , Maria C. Val
entino , Edith A. Waterman , Bertha B.
Williamson , Gustavo A. Andreen , Norwood
B. Ayres , William I. Battln , Henry George
Uolln , Jesse P. Cleland , Erwln Davenport ,
Lowls H , Davenport , Charles S. D tw llflr ,
A , Tennyson Elmer , Wrtltnr T. Erorlng ,
ham , William P. Hancy , Emll R. Krotch ,
Ralph Plerson. Arthur U. Pratt , Philip W.
Russell , Alfred Sachs , John A. Savlllo , Louis
Him no , Ross B. Towle , Fretl F. Teal , Frank
B. Van Horn , Herbert A. Whlpplo.
The annual reception given by the alumni
of the High school to the graduates will take
place at the High school building Friday
night , Juno 29.
Popular music tonight Courtland beach.
The Contorted 1'rlrnt.
Bishop McNamara , whoso lectures on
Romanism have created such n furore over
the country , will lecture on Sunday next at
2.10 : and 8 o'clock In Washington hull ,
Eighteenth street , on "Rome's Treatment of
Women" and "Popish Municipal Politics. "
Admission , 25 cents.
I'owor of .Money.
Money can accomplish much In these days
of tight markets , and In Haydcn Bros. ' an
nouncement on another page this fact Is
strongly set forth.
Housewives on the lookout for bargains
In linens should attend the present sale , as
such an opportunity may not again occur for
years. _ _ _ _ _ _
A. O. U. rinnn.
Picnic of Union Pacific ledge No. 17 to
Sarpy Mills park has been postponed to Sat
urday Juno 23. Carryalls will leave 15th and
Douglas streets In two sections. "First"
at 8:30 : a. m. ; "second" at 1:30 : p. m. All
tickets Issued Will bo honored ,
Dr. James S. Carradlne , late of Now York
City , desires to announce that he has opened
n prlvato sanitarium at 1609 Douglas street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Sunday , .Iiuin 24.
Special train for the accommodation of the
Bohemian Turners Benevolent society and
friends will leave the union depot , Omaha ,
at 8 o'clock next Sunday morning. Re
turning , will leave Wllber at 8:00 : p. m.
Round-trip rate $1.50.
Get tickets from transportation committee
at depot , before departure of trajn.
rircnorku and rings
At the lowest prices at
Corner Eleventh and Farnam streets.
We have the largest and finest stock In the
Go to Courtland , cool , refreshing.
Attention , Sir Knight * !
There will bo a special meeting of Myrtle
division No. 3 , U. R. K. P. , Friday evening ,
June 22 , to make arrangements for the
funeral of our deceased brother , Dennis
O'Brien. By order
Wilt or KcntH Duo July 1.
Payable at office , Bee building ; G per cent
discount Is paid on or before July 1. Fail
ure to receive bill will not entitle any one to
discount after July 1.
A Itomarkable Endorsement.
In the financial column of a New York
dally , says the Troy Budget , there appeared
recently the following Item :
"Ono result of the Vnnderbllt control of
the old Now York & Northern , now the New-
York & Putnam , Is seen In the fact that the
bonds of the company arc selling abroad at
105. As the company docs not earn enough
to pay Interest on Its bonds , the high price
now ruling Is the direct result of the prop
erty having become part of the Vanderbllt
system. "
Hardly a stronger endorsement of the gen
eral policy of the Vanderbllt lines could be
made ; the careful but progressive manage
ment of the Now York Central Is so fully
understood In Europe , ns well as In America ,
that the fact that a pleco of railroad prop
erty has come under the control of the great
four-track trunk line Is prlma fnclo evi
dence that It will be Improved and made
better , not only In Its physical condition and1
for Its owners , but also for the- people and
the territory served by It. The above Item
speaks volumes for the management of the
New York Central.
Juno SI nml 25 Vm Cjilcngo , Rock Island
& 1'aclllc Itnllnay.
Denver and return $10.75 , tickets good to
Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo. The
Rock Island Route Is the only line running
through sleepers and chair cars to the
above named points. For tickets , sleeping
car reservations and any other Information
call on or address , CHAS. KENNEDY ,
G. N. W. P. A.
1G02 Farnam street , Omaha.
At the meeting of the Jacksonlan club
Saturday evening Rev. Dr. Duryea will
lecture on "Moral Forces In Politics. "
Jamea and John Maher and Tom Bryan
were arrested yesterday by Officer Davis foi
having a lot of cheap Jewelry , for which
they were unable to account.
Key. Dr. 'Augusta Chapln will speak on the
suffrage question under the auspices of the
Hillside Men's club at the Hillside Congre
gational church Friday evening.
John Doolcy , 17 years or age , Is In Jail
here for Incorrlglblllty. He ran away from
his home , Cumlngs , la. , because , he said , he
and his father were unable to agree.
Friday shoppers should take lunch at the
Young Women's Christian association straw
berry festival In The Bee building rotunda.
Hot or cold drinks , to suit the weather.
The ladles of the Grand Army of the Re
public will glvo an Ice cream social at Mrs.
Delia Wlnans , 61(5 ( South Fifteenth street ,
Tuesday evening , Juno 26. All comrades and
their families are Invited to attend.
Members of the department of English
literature of the Woman's club arc requested
to meet at Myrtle annex , Saturday at 4:30 :
p. m. , to choobe a permanent chairman and
consider a change In the plan of study.
During the heavy rain yesterday the
barn of Mti Taylor , 2210 Sewnrd street , was
struck by lightning and a horse killed. The
lightning started a fire , but a hose company
and chemical from No. 1 house soon had the
blaze extinguished.
Harry Spencer and John Glvens wore ar
rested by Detectives Dunn and Donahue yes
terday for burglarizing the tailor shop ot
Louis Maglhn Wednesday night , when they
stole clothing ot the value of $150. They
were caupht In Council Bluffs.
About 6:30 o'clock Wednesday evening the
high wind blew down John Rcznlchck's
kitchen , 2954 Martha street , and upset the
stove. A still alarm was sent to No. 10
engine company , and the firemen put out the
blaze before any damage had been done ,
The Ancient Order of United Workmen
and the Woodmen of the World picnics , to
have been held yesterday , have been post
poned. The AVorkmen will picnic at Sarpy
Mills on Saturday , Juno 23. The Woodmen
will have their outing at Burlington Beach
on July 4. _
Dr , and Mrs. Richard C. Moore have re
turned from their visit to California.
Mr. Nathan Bernstein of Trinidad , Colo. ,
Is visiting his parents at 851 South Twentieth
Miss Dell R. Porter of Glasgow , Ky. , Is
the guest of her brother , G. C. Porter , 3330
Mandorson street.
J. W. Jordan , business manager of the
Lincoln Weekly Herald , Is visiting friends at
1907 Capitol avenue.
//Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair.
Powder :
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
"Used i-i Millions of Homes do Years the Standard.
Forgive us won't you fop kcopinfj yon n-wnltln ? n fortnight for
that celebrated half dollar wnsh vest -ale. Good things lilco tlioso vents
are like apoligtcs "over more appreciated if olTorotl somewhat later "
Faith , wo hail our hands full serving crowds with our $0.50 ( imported
Cheviot ) and 87.50 ( bhio serge ) suits great values wo dai-o say and the
people are still grahbing them , like pop-corn at a circus
But a few of 'em left gentle folks and now we are ready to cole .
brato our Washable- Vest anniversary , same material as last year or year
before About cloven hundred single and double breasted vests soporat-
able pearl buttons , perfect fitters made according to our fancy worth and
retailed the continent over at say from $1.25 up to S2.00 apioco.
And in order to servo the late or the early riser alike , wo open saloon
on these "Givo Awavb" Saturday morning at 9 The price "For cholco
vest In this lot is
Don't Fee ! With Your Eyes
Headache Caused by Ejo Strain.
Many persons lioso lieailx are constantly nch
Ins lm\e no Idea wliat relief scientifically flt-
.ted clauses \ni El\e them. This theory la now
universally raUibllEhctl. "Improperly luted liais
es , nlll Invatiubly Increase the tmublo and may
kad to TOTAL , 1IUN'DNCS.S. . Our ability -to ad
just clasess safely und correctly In beyond ques
tion. Consult us. Lljes tested tree or cliarce. s
L | Opposite 1'axton Hotel.
' ' .
tlonof a famous rrtncli physician , n 1.1 quietly cuioiou of all ner
vous or illnmies of I lie generative omuii , Hiich in Lost Manhood ,
ItiEomnln. 1 Mlns In the JiiicU.Beailiml Kinlsalnrn , Nervous DobUI'r.
/'Implex , UnQliiB33 to ilurry , EjibanslIiiB Cralni. Vatlcoccla and
CUPll > iNUclonncs ; thollvor.tho Uldnoyi and the urinary
_ | BEFORE AND AFTER organs or all Impurities.
CUPIDCNK BtrcnKtliena and restoroH email we.ik orpanR. , , , , . . .
The reason BiiffiTorH are not cured by Doctors In liocanso nlnntv per cent are troubled wllli
rrontutltlH CUl'IDENB Is the only known remedy to euro \ \ Ithont an operation. 8,000 tea-
tlmonlilH. A written cuaraiitcfl Riven and money rcliirnoil If six DOXUH Aous not effect a per
manent cure SI 00 a box.Blx for * 1.0. . by mail. Semi for circular and testimonial ! ! .
Address fblvoVr MKPJOINU < ! O" PDo * : i07U S ' " Fre 'llB ? ° ' Cul- For u'vle * ?
Ooodraaii > Vrus Co. . 1110 Farnaui St. . Omaha : Cuino Bros. . CoucUl Ulurra. lowx.
Chronic ,
Nervous ,
n , !
DiseasB3 ,
Wo euro Catarrh. All Dlsonsas of
the Noao , Throat , Ghost. Stomach ,
Llvor , Blood , Skin and Kldnoy Dls-
oases , Female Weaknesses , Lost
Call nn or Adilrcsi ,
Llr. OCiullJS 1410 031A11A , MiU.
U , S , Uejioiltoi'i/ , Omaha , Ifcbraika ,
CAPITAL $400,000
SURPLUS $55.500
Officer * anC DlrectorIIenry ! W. Talti.
pmldent ! John 8. Colllni , vice-president ; L v U
B. lUf L Caihltr. William II. U. lluiehi * , anlit-
Art in F unit ore ,
Among our laic ttwlles In old
furniture IH this Clilffonnlor with Its dollbH
Bwell front and ItH antlauo prow like sup
ports to the mirror. *
It makes a very beautiful pleco of furni
ture executed In blnl'n eye maple or curly
blrcli , nml with trlmmlnga of ppllBliod braus
In Ulfilitceiitli Century dcsluna.
TheBo 1631 patterns mean nothing until
you "top to recall the fact that they were
all deslBncd In the early days of the busi
ness depression when low prlco wag tha
llrst and last consideration. They are simp
ly "Htudli'8 in Economy , " and auch valueu
may not reappear In the furnlturo buslnei *
In the next half dozen yearn.
If you hiivc a uliicle furniture need , tup-
ply It now.
Furuiturt ) of Every Description ,
Temporary Location ,
li'OfJ mid r.'OH HoiiiflnuHtroot