THE OMAHA DAILY I3EK ; FRIDAY , JUNE 22. 189k COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bullteb Foreign News anJ Bearish Domestic Advices Sent Wheat Up , THAT CEREAL OPENED WITH A JUMP Corn Vi'nn Generally Steady Within Three- 1'ourtlii Cent Itnucc Action of O U nil the \Vnrin VVcuthcr the Htrcngtliculug 1'nctori. CHICAGO , June 21. Dullish foreign ne\v ml bcnrlsh domestic advices cent wheat up and down the scale In Irregular fluctuntlonc today , but July finished % c higher. Corn closed He higher , oats Ic lower and pro visions higher throughout the list. Wheat opened with a jump at from < &c to Ic advance , but soon sold down from * 4o to ' ,4c , rallied from lie to % c , broku from I'.tc to l'ic , advanced Ic , changed Eomc and closed steady. The early strength came from the higher continental cables. Liverpool , according to the public cables , wan not higher , though private advices were stronger. Private Berlin cables re ported market "excited by advices from your side , weather wet , " and from another tourco the market was said to be up several marks. There was a good deal of realizing with the advances and the market gradually tagged back under the free offerings , the rains In the northwest and better crop re ports from that section creating a weaker feeling. The 1'rlce Current's summary was rather "bearish" as regards winter wheat , and Inclined to bo a. little bullish on the spring wheat outlook stating that the situation was more critical In some directions. There was little demand reported for cash wheat. The ele vator Intercuts were free sellers of July at the advance and this action again created a teed deal of comment. Closing public con tinental cables were much stronger and this accounted for the advance late In the session. Corn was generally steady within % c range. The action of oats early and the warm weather were the strengthening fac tors. tors.Oats Oats declined sharply , after a marked ad vance early , the range being % c. Lack of demand caused the decline. Provisions were generally ( Inn on live hog receipts under the estimate and buying by packers. The market closed strong at the top. Compared with last night September pork Is 2Gc higher , September lard 74c ! higher and September ribs 12V&C higher. Vessel rates , limited demand , at from Ic to lc for corn to Buffalo. The leading futures ranged as follows : _ Artlclc ; . _ _ I Open. | High. | Low. | Close. WhcatNo. 2 June 08W BO July OnK Bupt C3 Olfi Corn No. 2. . C3UH June 42 UH July Sept 4J OatH No. 2. . . Juno 47 47 47 July 40 Eept 4JH Fork per bbl July 12 35 12. 4B 12 30 12 40 Kent. 12 4U 12 OS 12 40 12 OS Lard.100 Iba July G ns 007X 0 ( IS 0 07M belli 0 77K 0 82X 0 77M 8 82H Short Itllm- July 0 42 ! < 0 00 0 00 Kept 0 4''h II J'JK 0 0 GO Cnnh quotations were as follows : KLOini-Stcady. unchanged. WHEAT No. 2 spring , D9Hc ; No. 3 Bprlng , nominal ; No , 2 red , 59ic. COIlN-No. 2 , 42'Uf42'lc. OATS No. 2 , 47c ; No. 2 white , 5053',4c ; No. 3 while. 51W52C HYE No. 2 , 45c. HAHLUy No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , Kc ; No. 4 , nominal. PLAX SEED-NO , i. i.4nt. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme. t4.75 ? 4.S5. 1'IIOVISIONH Mess poik , per bbl. , 112.450 12.47',4. Lurd. per 100 Ilia. , tC.C214flC.C5. Short ribs , aides ( loose ) . tG.COS6.G2V4 ; 'dry salted ahoulders ( boxed ) , 5C.Mfi6. ! > ' . > l,4. . HUQAllS-Cut loaf , unchanged. The followui. weru thu rccuipts ana ahlpmeuts for tcday : On the Produce oxehansro today the butter mar. ket was steady , unchanged : creamery , HK17o ; dairy , 1'Jai-IHe. . Keea , steady , unchanged ; itrlctly Iresli , O.UAUA OUNEUAI. Condition of Trade nnil Quotations on Staple mill I'nncy 1'roilnco. Ono feature of the market yesterday was the weakness In eccs nnd a little more firmness In the market for old fowls. Aside from that there wan Httlc'chanKe to note. BUTTI3R There were no new developments In the market yesterday , prices remaining unchanged. Packing stock on this market Is bringing 10a nnd the buyers nppear to want It t that price. Choice country butter , 12pl4c ; separator crenmcry , 1516c ; tricks. 16ifl8c. l.uUa The market was weaker and while com mission men generally were trying to hold the price up to Be buyoru claimed to bo able to get ell t : > ev wanted at 8ic. ! The eggs me cominB very poor. Dealers report finding as high ns twcm.v.iievcn dozen of poor eggs In six cases. The market In Hooded with seconds. UVi : 1'OUL.THY-Old hens wele not quite so plentiful yesterday nnd it wns possible to clean Op nt a little better ngure tlmn that ruling for jome days Imck. Spring chickens are a good deal more plentiful than they were n few days ngo. Bprlng chickens. 14flSc ; old hen , 6V4 6c- roosters , 3c. The demand for geese nnd ducks li very nBht , nnd what few nro arriving arc mostly blrda that have been plucked , nnd In consequence not very aeslrnblff. IJucks , CJii'cj hen turkeys , 7c ; gobblers - blers 60Co : Reese. 5T5Hc. VVAL7Hecclpta continue quite liberal and the market hna not as yet recovered from the lower quotations of last week. Choice fat nnd small Jfflicre quoled Qt ° VSG6c ; coarse and large , Clinnsn There la some very choice Wiscon sin chcebe on the market. Wisconsin , full cream , new make , lOWllc ; Nebraska und Iowa. * " 11 crenm. S0lOc ; Nebraska , nnd Iowa , part yklin , Cf 7c ; Llmburgcr. No. 1 , lOc : brick. No. 1 , 10c ; Swiss. No. 1. 13Q14C. "A * Upland hay. J8.50 ; midland , IS ; low. land , t7.W ; r > 'e straw , | 0. Demand fair : BUP- ? Yuf.alr > . Color " 'altea the best price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top gradca bring top prices. 1'ianONS The gun clubs use quite a good many pistons , and there IB a demand for old blrils strong on the wine. Old birds , per doz. , VnaCTAIlLEH. The market was not \cry fertile yesterday In new fcatuics. 1'rlces did not show nny radical change. WATnilMHLONS A fresh car of Texas water melons was received yesterday , They ure quoted ftt * 5 per 100. CANTALOUPES Texas cantnloupea are nrrlv- lnRilUL'e " , 'arket. On orders. | l.00 1.69 per doz. limriS New beets , per doz. bunches , 20HS5C on orders. SQUASH Texna summer squash on orders. 7&c per doz. CUCUMIinns Tticre appears to be no limit to the supply of cucumbers und they are gettlnc down pretty cheap. On orders , per crate , Jl-.W ' or 40tfitOc per do * . H0,1 , , 1 ! I'l-yi'CnS-Texna green peppers , per OLD llIJANS-Hand picked navy. I2.10ffl2.15 : mS.ll'um ' .navy. I1.9002.CO ; common white beans , ll.fiOSll.CO. ONlONS-On onlore , California , zo per Ib. I OTATOUS-Tlie receipts of nototoos have been quite large nnd the market If anything a little crowded. California und Arknnsaa have bern the principal shippers to this market. Home Missouri stock has put In an appearance , showing that polntom may soon be expected from polntH nenrer home. Uood shipping stock , 'JOcfiJl.W CAIliJAOIJ lljth California nnd homo grown cabbngc U to be found on the market. Good shipping stock , on order * . JHc. AsrAHAQUS Good home grown stock. ! 5C40a per dot. on onlors. TOMATOKS-riorlda stock I * prelty well ex- haustetl , the swison being rather far advanced for vhlpnienta frtun that stale. Mlpilrslppl stock Is In large supply. Good klilppmg stock , per 4 basket ctatp , II.23. NI2W I1KANH New beans were n little more plentiful yestcrilay and the m.tiket was weaker. Wax benna , H bu. IKIX. 75c ; wax. per V4 bu. ba . ket , 761- ; string l > nns , U bu. box , Cue ; string ptr M bu. basket , C0v\ PHAB The supply Is somewhat larger. Good stork , per bu. . | 1. KOQ PLANT Per dox. , on orders. 75011.00. OAULIKLOWUIt-Cliolce stock , per doi. , ll.WIJ CAIIUOTR New touthern carrots , per doz. bunches. 40c. PH5 I'UVNT-On order * , per Ib. . tc , I'AltHI.tiV On orders , per doz , bunches. IlttJOc TL'HNII'W-New southern , per bu. . 11.25 ; home grown , p C doi. bunches. 23G30C. A well attended auction ale was held yester day morning , The offvrlng conslslnl of 91 crates Itoyal uprlcots , 1,012 peaches. W peach apricots , 7 Mcrehrnd apricots. 42 peach plums , 43 Kunali Claude pluitm. 0 Clymnn pluinn and 18 apples , I'rlcss on cots were higher , and It would look an If the low point on this fruit hud be < n touched. In addition to local bu > ers the following cltf | bought through brokers : Dei Molnes. Itnl Oak , Bloux City , Davenport , la. , un.l Ueatrlce , Ntb. At Friday' * sale thf oRerlnen will consul of a Mixed car of California fiult. fiult.wu cr oJ Colo- bfrrlfi In yesterday , which sold at 13.75 for the li M dtnrk APPLES -rnlifornln tppl)1 * ore coming now. Oou < 2 lit : pin ? stock , tt bu. b T. ll.I'i. Clinnfil.Tt-C ! lfornit chrrilrs fro alwut cleanrd up , nnd very f tr rnote are expected It arrive. Bhlpplnjt t xk , n.2H. supply l falling off. Oo d stork. ll.OOVl.av OOO8iitirtItlis-Tlieri ! huvo b-xn none re ceived to amount to anything during the lA t faw dn K. Qi'uiRtiimii arc nominally USWJ.W BLACKIIfl < niiP-Tlie Vc lpt9 cic light. Good strxk. I2& < Q.7 ; . III.ACK IIAfirftnilltinfl-ArrlvnU were light. Onnd otock , J.I. nit ) ItAHl'llEIiniUS-Therc ncre none re- eeltM. PHACIins California peaches Are tmamlnn qultp plentiful , ( lood slock , tier box , 11.23171.50 PLUMS There were a few California plum * . which are quoted nil the nay from tl. 2501.75 , according to variety ami also. TllOPICAL FIIL'ITS , Plncnpplo , na will be noted below , are quoted a little lower. The lemon market la stronger on account ol the flrmnepa of the eastern market , Klorlda orange groucra arc not a little dla * tuibcd mcr the npponranci * In that state of the white scale , so desttiictlve In California , The pest la one that spreads \ery rapidly. The Pan Jose scale lim iitsa nppenieil In 1'loild.i , bcniK reported from De Tunlnk Siirlngs. Prof. Coin- stock considers this the mont pernicious rcnle Insect known In this countiy. The piofentiof the white lly , white scale nnd the Kan Juse srnlc In Klorlila Is well cnliulntc'd to caus > > nlnrm , The prvKctice of the uhlta frali > In California caurd the prouerH of that stnle to ( .ut down and bum ucixn UJKJII acres of ornii e treeIn nn effort to stamp out the pest tliaf wail ruln'ng the fruit Industry. 1IANANAK Aa usual , when berries are on the mark t the demand for Bananas Is not very heavy. CliMcc clock. J2.0002.50. LIJ.MON'H The demand lm not been Increased to an extent eulllclent to niUnncc prices ni yet , and the mniket remains steady. Fancy lomonn , 300 size , 14 ; fancy Icrnon * , 3W size , (3.75 ; cholco lemons , Sol r\zv. \ tJ.MflJ.76. OIIANIIIH ! A car of line Mediterranean swcela came In Prlday nnd are offerwl at steady prlceK , that l . .1.rji'i3. " . PINRAPPLIIK There la n fair supply of riorliln pliuappleH en the market nt (1.5 < J pei doz. , or WMffl.W per crate of about six doz. Miscit.r.ANiors. : : PinS-Famy. per Ib. . 12'iOUc. DATia IIallo ces. t.5 to 7l-lb. ) boxes , per Ib. . 5Hc. 5Hc.HONHY rnllfornln , 15c ; dark honelOfllJo. . ilAl'I.C SYHUP ( Inllon cans , per doz. , | li NUTS Almonds. IJfll'c ; I.'iiKllnh wainutB , 10O I2c ; lllborts. 12c ; linizll nuts , ivc. CIUIJIl-1'ure Juice , per bbl. , t ; half bbL. $3 25. IIIDUS No. 1 green hides. 2 < ic ; No. 1 green Baited hides. So ; No. 2 green wilted hides , 2c ; No. 1 vuil iiilf , S Ibs. to 13 Ibs. , Cc ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 Its. to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No , 1 dry Hint hides , 5c ; No. S dry Hint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry salted hl'les , 4c ; part cured hides , He per Ib. lens than fully eurcd. tmiiP PHLTB tlrccn salted , each , 25HMc ; green salted xliearllnKs ( shnrl-woolcd early cltlns ) , each , 5til5c ; dry BhcaillngH ( shot t-woolcd early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5MOo ; diy shearllnga ( short wooled cnrly rklns ) , No. 2 , cnch , 5c ; dry Hint. Kansas nnd Nebraska butclicr wool , pelta , per Ib. , iiLtiial weight. 5j9c ; diy Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska mutralnool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4Cc ; dry Hint , Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4Q7c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4ftGc. TALLOW AND niUSARR-TalloW. No. 1. 4if 4'ic ; tallow. No. 2 , 3'i ' 3tc ! ; grease , white A , { 'ic ; grease , xvhlte I ) . 4c ; grease , yellow , 3c ; grease , dnrk , 2V4c ; old buter. 2S2Mo ; beeswax prime , 15018a : rough tallow , 2c. NK\V voitic UINIKAI < JIAUKET. Yoitonlny'H Quotations on Flour , Grain and Prii\Ulon9 , Alotiil * , Ktc. NEW YOHK , Juno 21. FLOUH llecelpta , 42- 000 bbls. : exports. 17,000 bbls. ; Bales , 3.000 pkgs. ; market firm , but trading lacked life ; buyers refused to pay advance as asked ; export slow. Southern flour , dull. Ilye Hour , steady ; sales , 500 bbls. Uuckwhent flour , nominal. COHN MHAIj More active ; pales , 200 bbls. ; yellow western , t2.C5Q2.60 ; Ilrnnrtywlne. J2.0. IIUCICWHIAT Nominal ; range. 6S075C. UYn Nominal : state , DOG5Se ; Jersey , 52S53e. IIAHLKV MALT Quiet ; westctn , GkBSOc ; Can ada. ; Klx-rnucd , S2iiTSIc. WHEAT IlccelptB , 55,000 bu. : exports , 11.000 bu. ; sales , HSCOuuO bu. futures nnd L16.000 bu , spot. Spot market firmer ; No. 2 red. In store and elevator. C3c ; No. 1 northern , 70Hc , de livered ; No. 1 hard , 71c , delivered. Options opened stronger on higher Kuropean cables , but soon turned weak owing to lack of fotelgn sup port , and Inter cables weie easier ; rains north west also helped , hut nt the close a small rally took prlcew HK'lo up fiom lost night ; June cloaed nt f.2o : July , C2HlU < Mc , closed nt C3c : August , C4'4 < L < C ? 4C. closed nt Cl',4c ; September , 64 15-lGfK > < Hic. closed at COc ; December , CSW 69ic , clo8 l nt C9c. COUN Hecelpts , 46,000 bu. ; exports , 200 bu. ; saleu , 490,00' ' ) bu. futures und 136,000 bu. spot. Spot market firmer ; No. 2 , 46 ! c In elevator ; 46c afloat. Option market opened lltmcr , but soon cased off under .fuvornble crop news and sympathy with wheat ; Inter reacted , but nealn became weak ; closet ! Vtc up : June closed nt 43Tic ; July , 47444c ! , closed at 47' c ; August , 474sr , closed nt 47 4 ; September , 484SHc , closed at 48Vic. OATS necclpts , 91,000 bu. ; sales , 170,000 bu. futures and 3SJ.OOO bu. spot. Spot market un settled ; No. 2. 53 j534c ! ; No. 2. delivered , C4 ® &Hic ; track , mixed western , Dlff5o ; track , white western , 54f59a ; track , white elate. C4@59c. Op tion market /jponed strong on covering of shorts , but afterwards weakened nnd closed Irregular. \c down to yto up ; June closed nt C2c ; July , 51 ® 53c , closed nt SlVJc ; August , S9MS33'jc. closed at 39Wc ; September. 36 iQ37c , closed nt S65Jc. HAY Quiet : Bhlpplngr , $6.00Q0.50 ; good to choice , J7.OOaS.70. HOPS Dull ; state , common to choice , OSlGc ; PaclOc coast , ll@17c. HIDES Quiet ; wet Bailed , New Orleans , se lected , 45 to 65 Ibs. , 4',4@4c : Texas , ( .elected , 85 to 60 11)3. , 4iQ5c ; IJuenoa Ayres , dry , 20 to 24 Ibs. , 10H011C. WOOL Quiet ; domestic fleece , 19025c ; pulled , 20 28c. PROVISIONS Ileef , steady. Cut meats , quiet ; pickled bellies , G { S7Ho ; pickled BhouldeiB. ic ; pickled liams , 10HG10)ic. Lard , Bteady western steam closed at J7 ; Bales , 430 tierces at 17 ; July closed nt t7.05 , nominal ; September. J7.05 , nom inal ; refined , steady ; continent ) 17.35 ; S. A. , $7.76 ; compound , $5.7506.00. Pork , quiet. HUTTUn Firmer ; weulern dairy , 10015e ; western creamery , 14lSc ; western factory , 914 ® 14V4c ; iiRlns. 18c ; state dairy , 13@17c ; state creamery , 15til8c. CHRBSIj Steady ; part skims , 305Hc. KGas Weak ; western fresh , ll12c ( ; receipts , 7,740) ) pkgs. TALLOW Easy ; city per pkg. ) . 4 7-lGft4 < , ic ; country ( pkgs. free ) , 4iiff4Hc , ns to quality. 1'UTROLIiUM Quiet ; United closed at 891ic ; Washington , bbls. . t6 ; r Hned New York , tS.15 : Philadelphia and Baltimore , 15 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore , In bulk , (2.CO. IIOSIN Quiet ; strained , common to good , tl.35 01.40. TUHPBNTIND-Qulet nt SO'.Jc. IUCC Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 4QGc ; Japan , 41S f4&4c. MOLASSES Steady : New Orleans , open kettle , good to choice. 29Q3CC. P1O IRON Dull ; Scotch , J19.50S22.50 ; Ameri can , t11.00ftl4.00. COPPEH-Qulel : lake. t9. LKAD Quiet ; domestic. t3.10. TIN Steady ; straits , 119.50 bid ; plates , market quiet. SI'BLTKH Steady ; sales on 'change , E tons cast tin. In bond , at m.r.T.i. . COTTON SHED Oil * Inactive , but about Btendy ; prime crude , 25o asked ; off crude , 2Cfj > 2Sc ; yellow butter grades. 35c , nouitnnl ; choice yellow , 33HW34o ; prime yellow , 32V4 I33c ; yellow off grades , 31'.Ag32c ; prime white. 2637c. St. Louis ( lt > ii rul Murknt. ST. LOUIS. June 21. FLOim Quiet and un changed. After starting ttc up. sold off l'4c , but later recovered * ic. closing HOViQ above yester day's tlnal price , largely on cnblc news ; No. 2 red , cash , 5G"lc : June , 5Glej July , 67',4o : August , 56T > c ; September , t.SHiiT'SUc. COUN Started higher , but eased off to n close Uc alxivu yefcterday on weather and fotelgn news ; No. 2 mixed , cash. 40 < 4c ; June , 40Uc ; July , 39Ho ; September. 40H f40'ic. OATS Strong , ' ,4c higher : No. 2 , cash. 47Vie ; July , 38Hc ; August , 31ic ; September , 31Hc. HYn No. 2. Ko bid. 1IA11LIV Nothing doing. 1111AN Dull ; G3c. t'aat track. KLAX Siii-J1.15. : CLovnu si' : TIMOTHY Sinn ) W.50W4.00. HAY Active , stiong ; prime to choice , JG.DOiJ 9.50. 9.50.Hl'TTHIl Hl'TTHIl Unchanged , UOOS Unchanseil. LEAlI mer ; SU.10. RPULTiit Dull : 13.20. COUN MI3AI t-MOfii2.15. W11IHKY 11.16. COTTON THIS tTnehnnged : 95cfftl.OO. IIAdOINCl Unchanged ; 5UOGC. I'HOVIHIONK Strong , higher ; demand belter. Pork , standard mesH , jobbing , SI2.87'i. I-inl , prime Bteum , $6.45 ; choice , JO. CO , Dry Hilt meutx , loose BhoulderH , t5.87',4 ; ribs. S5.57H : shoita , B.72'4. llacon. packed shoulders , JC.70 ; longs , t7,25 : rlba. | 7.37'i ; shorts. J7.50. HliciIIITii Hour. 4.000 lib ! * , ; wheat , 4,000 bu. ; corn , 86.000 bu. ; ontB , 17,000 .bu. SHIPMUNTS Plour , 8,030 libls , ; wheat , 8,000 bu. ; corn , 57,000 bu. ; onts , 4 , KI. Kantian City .MurUutt. KANSAS CITY. June 21. WHHAT I'n- chanced ! No. S bald , 53o ; No. 2 red , 53c ; No. 3 red , 49ii51c ; lejecttd , 441H6c. COHN-Steatfyi No. 2 mixed , JOUe37c ; No. 2 white. SU'MMOc. OATS-DemaruIlze. ! ; No. 2 mixed , 41O43c ; No. i white. 45i 4Gc. IjUTTUK Weak ; creamery , 14ai5c ; dairy , 12 llflOS Very weak to lower : 74c. ! HKCMII-rs Whent , 12.000 bu , ; corn. 4,000 bu. : cats , none. SHlPMHNTS-Wheat , 6,000 bu. ; corn. 400 bu. ; oats , none. . Market. NEW YOUK , June 21. HUOAH-Ilaw. firm : fair it'llnliifcquiet ; sales. 10,000 baca Drain , (6 test , 2 l.lCc , LONDON , June SI.-BUOAH-Cnne. sternly : centrifugal , 14s 3d ; . Muscovado , fair refining , Its Cd. New York Dr.v ( inuiU Murkut. NEW YOniC. June H.-Kor all clashes and Qualities of reasonable stuff the Inquiry of pre- Yluu iU > Waj well laalauuutj mill couaiaeiut/lo biislntts was done , though moderate al i. I "r the more staple goods there was no s ttlea re quest , itlll many gowls are going forward nn memorandum. Printing cloths w r dull tlll-lw ( for 64 ( quarts , _ STOCKS AND IIONUH. Slmro Spcctilntlon W nll Vc tenlnf , tlio Voliimn Ili-lne I.lRlitcr. NEW YOUK , June 21. The share upccula- tlon was dull today , the volume of business being lighter even than on yesterday , nnd the trend of prices was generally downward. In Sugar , which was the most active of the lltt , the trading was languid , except at In tervals , when the bears made a small dem onstration , After an advance of H per cent In the opening dealings the shares declined gradually 1TA per cent to 96 % , some small lots of long slock being brought out by the decline. At the lower flgurei purchases to cover short contracts were made nnd a recovery of 1 per cent ensued , leaving n loss of % per cent on the day. Reports of poor crops In Kansas and Missouri caused sales of Mlssstirl Pacific , Which sent the .stock down 1 > 4 per cent , with n subsequent rally of VA per cent. The publication of the Atchleon plan of reorganization does not seem to have overjoyed the stockhold ers , for nfter a gain of Vi Per cent at the opening the shares sagged off on sales of long stock % per cent to 6T , the lowest point yet touched , the close being nt a recovery of U per cent. The fact thtVt no light Is thrown on the financial condition of the company was remarked upon unfavorably In the street nnd the granting of voting power to the new Income wns not looked upon as an advantage to the stockholders. The grangers were again neglected , the transactions : In the entire group bring less than 0,000 shares , of which St. Paul took more than half. Sales of 700 shares of Denver & Hlo Grande broke the price 3 % per cent without nny recovery. Wells Fargo lost 1 per cent on the reduction In the rate of the semi-annual dividend from J4 to $3 per share. Lake Shore nnd United States Cordage guaranteed were each 1 per cent lower compared with yesterday's figures and the general list shows declines ranging from > ,6 to Tf , per cent. In the final deal ings the market was firmer than nt nny time during the day nnd closed In fairly good tone. The railway nnd miscellaneous bond market was generally weak during the day , but In the Into dealings a recovery was made on some of the Issues traded In. The Evening Post's London cable says : Today's bank return exceeds nil the records , but utterly falls to stimulate the market. The total coin and bullion amounts to 38- 878,000 , nn Increase for the week of 11,084- 000 , of which 700,009 came from abroad , 37,000 coming from the continent , 250,000 from Australln , 15,000 from China , the re mainder being bars nnd United States coin bought. The rest of the Increase was due to the return of gold from Scotland. Paris Is taking gold from the London market. The stock markets were utterly Idle to- day. Americans were fairly steady , except Denvers , which were flat on rumors of a receivership. The following ore the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today : Tlia total sales of stocks today were 103,930 Bharca , Including : Atchlson , 0,400 ; American Sugar , 23,900 : Chicago Gas. 13.400 ; Distilling , 4,800 ; General Electric. 3,200 ; Missouri Paclllc. 10,000 ; St. Paul , 6,000 ; Union Pacific , 3,900. New York Alone } ' Mnrkot. NEW YORK , June 21. MONEY ON CALL Easy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed nt 1 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 2501i4 ; pel- cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Dull nnd easier , with actual business In bankers' bills at i4.SS % for demand nnd nt tt.87',4 for sixty days. Posted ratea. J4.SSVvW4.90. Commeicinl bills , J4.8G % . SILVER ( JERTIKICATES-fi4ire5c. ( GOVERNMENT UONDS Steady ; state bonds , dull. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : Ilostou Stock Oiiotiitloin. DOSTON. Juno Ul. Call loans. IW2 par cent ; tlnio loans. 'JliitiH.H per cent. Closing prlcoa for stocks , bonds and mining sharra : Kun Francisco 'Mliiliii ; ( liiotutlons. SAN FKANCISCO , Juno 2) ) . The official closlnr quotatloiiHfor mining btojicatoJ-iy worj as fol lows : Uclchcr B7 Muxlcnu 71 llcBt.V llclclicr. . . . . Ill ) Mono 10 llodlo Con 70 Ophtr 11)0 Chollar ' . ' 4 PotOHl 45 Con. Cal. A Va. , . . . 300 Rav.ik'e 40 Crown Point C2 Slcrr.t Nevada 41 KureKnCou 23 UulonCoii 30 ( louHlSi curry. . . . 04 Utah 0 Hald.t NoruroHS. . . CO Yellow Jacket. . . . . 4l ; Nnir York Mlnlntr Oiiotntloni. NEW YORK , Juno 21. The following Bra the closing mining quotations ! 3on. Ual. it Va. . . . 2&u Sierra Nevada AS Duadwootl 00 Standard 17U Gould & . Curry 00 Union Con 40 llalo.t Norcross. . 00 Yellow Jacket. . , . 49 llumcfltnke 12W ) Iron Silver. . . 10 Mexican 70 Quicksilver 2-JS OnUirlo 70 do prufcrnsd 1000 Ouhlr. 170 Ihilwur. . . , S I'lyuiouth 10 Fiimiiclul BOSTON , June 21. Clearings , tl4C41U4 ; ba | . ancea , I1DS9,949. HALTIMOltn. June Zl. Clearings , 11,894,254 ; balances , 1220,949 , NEW YOUK , June 21. Clearings , f73C2S,5l5 ; balancea , t5,54),150. PAIHS , June 21. Three per cent rentes. lOOf 42fcc ! for the account. PHILADEin'HIA , June 21 , Clearings , JS.Sn- OSS ; lialancra , tI,496C34. IXNDON , June 21. Tim price of told at IJuenoB Ayres today U 2&5. NEW YOUK. June 21. Ijiznnl Frercs will ship tl.000,000 In gold on Saturday. 1/3NDON , June 21. The amount of bullion none Into the Hank of England on balance oday la 113,000. SAN FHANCIHCO. June21Draft . sight. i.i ° ; telegniphlc. lie. Silver bars , C3HOfilc. Mexican dollars , M 51',4e. BT. LOUI8. Juno Jl. Clearings. J3.:6lt3l ; bal. nncra , 1570,325. Money , dull , rnsy , K/7 per cent. Exchange on New York , 75c premium bid. CHICAOO , June 21. New York txchunge , 76o premium. Clearings. IU.643.000. Foreign * * . change , qultt ; iterllng exchange , actui.1 , | 4.i1t U4.IWU. . iloucy , lUiuly , 1C gcr c &U . . OMAHA Li W STOCK MARKET r m Receipts of All Sorts Foil Off Sharply from Last Wok's ' Supply , ONLY A HANDFUt'OF CATTLE APPEARED i * KHUri Indifferent nntl Knutcrn Uuycrs Out of tlio .Murlict fjtocltcrs nntl 1'ccdcrs In Dciimml Hoga Jump n Dlino Under J.I R lit Supply. ; , THUIISDAY , Juno 21. Receipts of all kinds wcro again compara- lively light , the falling off In supplies so far this week compared with last amounting to something like 3,000 cattle , 8,500 hoga ant 4,100 sheep. There was only a handful of cattle here but that circumstance failed to stimulate ) the trade to nny appreciableextent. . Dai markets In Chicago and at other points cast and the demoralized condition of the export trade had a disastrous effect on business and this , added to the usual Thursday's dull ness , made a decidedly unsatisfactory mar ket. Outsiders did absolutely nothing ant the dressed beef men apparently took little Interest In the proceedings. Included In the meager arrivals was a train load of Texans from Kansas City consigned to local kill ers , and the total offerings of beef cftttlo would fall under 200 head. Some few sold perhaps a shade stronger than yesterday but the general market was not much more than steady and decidedly slow at that. Cow stuff was In rather limited supply and of Inferior quality. Prices were low but generally no lower than they have boor recently. Calves were In very poor demand at away down prices and the market for rough stock generally was dull and weak. liuslncss in the steelier and feeder line was somewhat restricted owing to the limited offerings , but the demand was active both from country buyers and yard traders Prices averaged up firm at the recent ad vance , all of 25c to 30c higher than a week ago. General rains have put pastures In excellent shape and created a better de mand In consequence. Good to choice feed ers are quotable at $3. 1503.60 ; fair to gooi at $2.8503.10 ; common to poor at from J2.80 down , llepresentatlve sales : DIIESSDD 1IEEF. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . 740 } 3 23 4C..12SO Jl IS 79. . . .1332 t4 40 3. . . . ! > 33 3 SO 1..1S30 423 14..12J7 4 DO 34. . . .1134 4 10 COWS. 8. . . . C95 1 23 1. . . . ( GO 1 CO 2. . . . 910 2 35 11. . . . SSC 1 35 1. . . . SSO 1 75 3. . . . 846 2 35 19. . . . 734 1 45 1..10CO 1 75 1. . . . 9JO 2 85 9. . . . 781 1 5 3. . . .1050 1 S3 3..11GJ 2 C5 3. . . .1113 1 C5 1..IOOO 2 25 IIElFnilS. 4. . . . 850 1 00 10. . . . Ctl 1 75 14. . . . 614 1 75 1. . . . 390 1 CO 3. . . . C70 1 75 7. . . . 841 1 SO 22. . . . 774 1 CO 1. . . . t > 30 1 75 1. . . . C70 1 SO 47. . . . CCO ICO 3. . . . 910 175 1. . . . 770 240 CALVES. 1. . . . 2SO 140 1. . . . 210 200 1. . . . ISO 300 9. . . . 13 $ 1 CO 10. . . . 308 2 60 2. . . . 13) 3 00 4. . . . 187 ICO 2. . . . 2M 275 1. . . . U > SCO 2. . . . 210 1 75 DULLS. 1..1450 ICO 1..II60 200 2. . . .1130 220 1..1370 185 1..1130 215 1..1490 225 1..14M 1 90 1..1150 2 20 ' STAGS. 1..1150 205 _ . . STOCKEKS AND FEEDERS. 4SO ] 15 3 ? . ' . 463 2 85 1. . . . 810 3 00 345 2 25 2Zr.C9S 2 * 5 1. . . . 830 3 S3 COG 240 2-CfcO ; 293 11. . . . 9CO 335 463 245 1. } . . CIO 300 1. . . . 820 333 2. . . . 415 2 CO 21. : . . 647 300 1. . . . 870 3 . ' 5 9. . . . C71 275 li.--i.830 300 9. . . . 867 33714 HOGS Ilecelptff fiflf oft sharply today , the supply being Icbsf than half as heavy as on the same day last week | , and the effect was noticeable at oncp. , Reports from the cast were In the main rather favorable , but with out the stimulus -of an active shipping anil speculative demand local packers started after the hogs and were not long In picking them up at prices ' fc to lOc higher than Wednesday. Falr t { > choice heavy and butcher weight hogs sold at from $4.65 up to $4.76 , with fair 3o Choice light and light mixed loads at frotnC $4.GO to $4.70. Poor light stuff sold dawn to$4.50. . The pens were- cleared early , ' , tfie'bfg bulk of the fair to good hogs of Sll-'wclghts going at ? 4.fi5 to $4.70 , as against $4.55 to $4C5 Wednesday. On last Thursday 'the bulk of the hogs fold at from $4.65 to $4.75. Representative sales : No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 1 . C70 . . . } 4 60 80 . 211 40 tl C7',4 74 . 219 100 4 CO 202 . 200 ICO 4 67'/i 28 . 191 120 4 C5 89 . 2U9 40 4 07ft 82 . 1SI SO 4 C7H 64 . . .201 200 4 C7'/- 73 . 210 200 4 CO 20 . 200 . . . 4 C71 * 73 . 203 120 4 0 G7 . 278 230 4 67'A 224 . 211 BCO 4 CO C3 . 284 . . . 4 C7'A 72 . 1S2 40 4 CO t3 . 216 40 4 C ! % 80 . 193 120 4 CO C4 . 2SO 40 4 67',4 85 . 189 . . . 4 00 67 . 214 240 4 G7 > 4 4 . 322 . . . 4 CO 73 . 237 40 4 C7'A 94 . 183 404 CO C8 . 24S . . . 4 67'A 07 . 227 200 4 C24j ! 70 . 237 . . . 4 70 89 . las 200 4 C2V4 Cl . 239 40 4 70 73 . 204 . . . 4 C2V6 CS . 288 S ) 4 70 66 . 235 SO 4 6r 64 . 275 . . . 4 TO 76 . 247 tl ) 4 C5 60 . 235 40 4 70 CO . 2 < ! 2 ICO 4 63 63 . 257 . . . 4 70 3 . 211 200 4 CS s K . 320 ICO 470 ' 8. . . . . . . . .220 160 4 C't 77 . 247 ICO 4 70 77 . 223 2isO 4 CS 75 . 263 ICO 4 70 85 . 220 40 4 65 68 . 241 120 4 70 C2 . 225 80 4 C5 C4 . 232 40 4 70 97 . 199 200 4 C5 63 . 215 . . . 4 70 W . 239 120 4 C5 M . 272 . . . 4 70 77 . ll'S ' 40 4 65 CO . 263 8) 4 70 CO . 239 . . . 4 CJ 69 . 295 80 4 70 73 . 217 40 4 CS K . 265 . . . 4 70 71 . 220 80 4 C5 63 . 236 8) 4 70 61 . 264 120 4 C5 74 . 210 160 470 CO . 216 200 4 65 64 . 2C8 120 470 64 . 214 SO 4 C5 W . 270 120 4 70 63 . 223 ICO 4 63 60 . 2S3 120 4 70 73 . 219 120 4 C5 CO . 313 80 4 70 78 . 214 . . . 4 CS 63 . 278 80 4 70 78 . 204 120 4 65 M . 307 . . . 4 70 64 . 217 40x4 65 67 . 250 80 4 70 42 . 267 160 4 65 72 . 2M 200 4 70 70 . 26D kO 4 C3 132 . 234 SO 4 70 65 . , .2.11 80 4 0.5 60 . 336 40 4 70 74 , . 220 t > 0 465 67 . 288 . . . 470 C3 . 261 200 4 65 62 . 245 120 4 70 62 . 214 120 4 65 77 . 252 160 4 70 61 . 275 SO 4 67' f,7 . 301 200 4 70 03 . 235 120 4 G7'i 13 . 271 SO 4 70 62 . 220 200 4 67'/i C2 . 2S5 . . . 475 1'ICS AND HOUGH. " 1 . 200 40 2 75 2 . 276 . . . 400 1 . 690 SO 3 00 SHEEP There were no fresh receipts of sheep and nothing to make a market. The demand was only fair and prices not quot- obly changed. Fair to good natives are quotable at $2.75 to $3.25 , fair to good west erns at $2.50 to $3 , common and stock sheep at $2 to $2.25 and good to choice 40 to 100-lb lambs at $2.50 to $4. _ Itcrolpt * mid UlipiMltlnn of Stock. Official receipts and disposition of stock as shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. , June 21 , ISO I : HECE1PTS. Care. Head. Catllo . 35 fcSJ Hoga . 12 6,640 DISPOSITION. Buyers. Cattle. Iloga. Sheep. Omaha Packing company . 2,249 The O. II. Hammond Co . . . 82 1,021 Swift and Company . 42 1,6:5 The Cuclaliy Packing Co . . . . 120 1,076 Cudahy Urns . 639 O. II. II. , from K.-C , . 108 L. Itecker . . . .SI . 30 llarr & Itrown . 23 Cudahy , from K. a-- . . . . 125 Shippers and fccdw f. . . 393 035 C.610 CIIICAti ( > MVi : STUCK. i \1 Decrease In th < jArj-lviils of Cuttle 1'rc- lenti'd jl rllior Decline. ' CHICAGO , Juno'ft. A decrease In the arrivals of 6,000 Jiend ImdVtth * effect to prevent any further depreclatlontln'tho vnliio of beef cattle , but was not patent enough to enable sellers to Bet back any pnrt-ut-tke blir decline of thw- pre vious day. Coinpory jvlth Monday' ! quotations prices show n decline -varying from 15c to 3Jo per 100 Ibs. From 11' to 11.25 for lean cows , the quotation * rangedJjJ3p .to from 14.85 to 14,90 for extra steers , and .frpnujl.ko to 13 for COWH und bulls. The receipts' Included about 2.0UO Texas cattle. They were vlendy at yesterday's decline , or , at from $1.23 tb $2.26. for poor to good cons anil at from IJ to U.75 for steer * . The hog market appeared to have a healthy tone today and the feeling was firm. The choic est of today's offerings brought $5. That also was the top of jcxteriluy'H market , but Is lOc under trie highest prlcu paid one week ago today. Not many trades \vero 'made ' at belter than JI.'A and sales below JI.7U were also few. The bulk of the 150 to 200-lp. hogs changed hands at from 14.70 to 4.80 , and from . 4.SO lu | 4.i5 ! bought tin greater part of the heavy anil medium weights. More than 30.000'head were offered , nearly all of which had been weighed by noon. The ( 'lose was strong. The shcvp and lambs markets wcro firm and reasonably uclho , flood , , to choice qualities sold readily and generally a trllte higher. Inferior to choice sheep were quoted at from II to 13.01 , and pnor to choice spring lambs at from lt.76 to 14.65 , Choice to extra yearlings were salable at from 13.76 to 14. ItecelplH Cattle. 12.600 head ; calves , (00 head ; hogs , 24.000 head ; sheep. 7.00U head. The Evening Journal reports : CATTLK llecelpts , 12.600 head ; prices steady tt j'Mttrday't d clla el lOOWoj srlme to extra nMlvc steer * . $4 0 < J4 ,0. medium , 14 ! > 04 SO , eth ers , tllSRJDj. TcXDtlK 12 < X > i Mil- llOU" llnvintf. 2I.OVO limit , market nclU , 60 liiifli-r , nil sold , it'UBh heavy , I4.00UI.21 , paik-ia und mixed , llfciftlti. prlmi houvy nrvl buti-hrr weights , | l.i n6.0i } ; nrxurtrd 1IM , 14. TO Hl'ibin1 AND t.AMMH-nero'lptii. I.OM hond : liett nherp nnd limhx n tiln > higher ; top thccp , W.8504.00 ; top lafi.u * . .i-lti4.Su. Kiinnun City l.itn htocl KANSAS CITY. June 2t.-CATTI.n-necclpln. 7.400 1 1 mil ; shllinunt.i , 2.GM lirml ; market fir b t lU.idy , others weak : Trxnn ftfern , IJ < 0 * 3.7 ! ; Ictus cons , II I'M ) J. 4.1 ; beef steers. 41.109 4.76 ; ni'.ive roun , > I.Cli3.60 ; Mockers nnd feed er * St.UUv'.Kt lulls. Sl.64fl3.00. 110(16 ttcooiiur , 7,700 lienil ; shipments , 2 , JO ) lie.i'l ; rt 'I.IIK to 5 ? higher ! bulk of sales , 4C1U4 7 ; li ivii > , : packers. tl.'OO 4.8.f , ; mixed , U.u ) ( IS : mills , > 4 t. : < J4.73 ; Yorkers , } 4.7ilt4 ft ; | , lf , II 4'Yj.M. SIinir-Uccclpt : . COO head ; slil'ni | nt . lfO ) head ; marlct : sti-n < ly to wctik. .St. l.nnlR I. He Stork Murltct ST. I.OriS , Juno JI.-rATTMX-necclnts , 2,600 head : rhlptiirnti * , t'M lii'xdi mnikd active and steady ; n.ttixc ste'in , 1.W1 to 1,3)0 ) Ibs , , J3.COH 4.13 ! riil\C ! , > 3 ; Tr-vn Hoois , WO to 1,00-1 Ibf. . 2.SOfi3.12ii ; cows , ( I 'ilfi2 4J. IllulM lU'crlptn , .l. ! < x ) hi-ad : shlpmcntx , 1 , < 01 head ; inmlu-t study to .V hlglur ; heavy , H.krtff 4.M ; IlKht , M.T'iM.V ) ; lilPillunt to fair , | t.C,1 4.70 : iiliii and coiiimon llKhV 14.4004. 64. HlIIJi ; ! ' Iticelpls. 1,4'k ' ) head ; shipments. f.X ) head ; mniket active and strong ; mlxetl , J3.1S ; lambs , J3.2iW4.25. _ Ncxv York fjlvo HnirU Murhnt. NHAV YOUK. June 21.-IiniViS-llecclpts , 604 hrnd : no mniket. HIIlJi : ! ' AND LAMIia-Hecelpts. 60) hfnd ; nlieep , dull ; lambs , Vic higher ; sheep , I2.72U3.75 ; lamb , SJ.wg6.75. IIOOS ttpci'lptn. 3.200 hend ; mnikct weak ; In- fcrlor to choice , ( | tioted tit JJ.COii3.3li. Slonx City I.Un Stoi-U .Miirkrt. SIOUX CITY , June 21. HOOS-necelpls. l.TIM head ; shlpmrntK. lei hoad. Market 60 higher at S4.62'iK4.G.bulk ; , H. 171,51 1. Oi. C'ATTl.IItecelpts , CW hrnd : shipments. 1 < C hend. ( Irnfii COUH ln cr ; fcrdorn , J24ilMr- , yrnrllngK. Uir.m.lil ; cons , 11.0002.90 ; bulls , 11.25 O2.25 ; oxen , tl.50fri.75. .Stock III Itccord of recelnlR of live stocle at the four principal y arils fur Thursday , June21 , H9I : Cattle. HoijH. Sheep. South Omaha . M2 Bcn . Chicago . 12.500 24.00. . ) 7.WO Kansas City . 2,10) 7.700 CO ) St. Louis . 2.CCO 3,600 1,100 Totalo . . . . . . . . 18.382 40,840 9.WO C'ofTi'o Murknt , NHW YOIIK , June 21.-COPPni3-Opllons opened stendy. unrhniigcd to C points higher , ruled generally llrm but ijulet ; closed stonily nl 5 points up to 10 polntH d.iwn ; calex , 1C.OUO Ings , Including July nt Jl.-.JOJT1vr. ; AUKIKI. $ , i > 14.70 ; October , JI3.COfl3 C. ; Uei-emlior , f3.13 ! 13.20 ; spot coffee. Kin , xtiwlyi No. 7 , Sir. .itHUS ; mild , steady ; I'nrilDMi , Jll'W ' U'-.l ' : H.'ilcs , 1.C04 bags" No. 7 nt HC.23 In hi > shipped. SVnrt'housa deliveries' yeitcrday , 8.431 bacs. Now York itook today , liacn , t nlltd States slock , 151/22 bags ; allont for linlted Stutrf , HIS.OiW buga total vlslblp for tlnlttd States , 3H.V2Z bogn , against 481.777 buss last year. IUO JANinrtO , June 21. Firm ; No. 7 , Hlo , J14 ; exchange , OVid ; tccclpts. 6Qi bazs ; cleared for United States , good stock , 139 , 004 bags. SANTOS , June 21. Quiet ; good average Santos , J17 ; receipts , 3,000 bags ; stock , 21,000 bag" . HAMIIUItn , Juno 21. Steadv. prices un changed to Vipfg higher ; snles , 6,000 bags. IIAVHR , June 21. Opened steady , liffijf ad vance , nt 12 m. shDwed further advance of 'If ; at 3 p. m. was unchanged to yf lower ; close steady ; no further change ; sales , 32,000 bags. pollx Wheat Murliet. MINNEAPOLIS , June 21. The wheat market opened higher on higher cables. Local demand was llsht nnd prices quickly receded. The openIng - Ing was He higher nnd fell quickly 14" . The market then set In to n. period of dullness nnd prices settled down below the point closed nt last nlKht. hut rallied later on hliiher clo lng cables nnd finally closed nliout 'ic higher. June nnd July , K\c ; September , CO'.ic : December , C2',4c ; On track , Na. 1 linnl , C4Sc ; No. 1 north ern , C34c ; No. 2 northern , C2Wc. The cause of the weakness In the middle of the day was due to n belief that the drouth In the northwest had broken. The volume of trading \\ns not large , fxeal receipts were 22,00' ) liu. , with hhlp- mcnts , 16,000 bu. , leaving about 4.000 bu. for lotnl use ngalnst n demand of 141.0)0 bu. for local use. The Hour market was mm. but dull , with mill ers hnrdly nlile to fell their production nt t3.40 C3.CO for patents nnd i2.10ff2.40 for bakers. ChleilKO Krult Sales. CHICAGO , June 21. The Enrl Fruit company Bold California fruit nt auction this moinlng as follows : Cherries , nil inln dam.igcd ; Taitnr- Inns , best sold for 50fR3c ; Itoyal Anne , COitS3c ; poorest brought less. Apricots. Mnnlgiimcl , ! ' 5ci ? tl.33 ; Iloyal , 75SWc. I'cuchcs. t2. Uai licit peais , Porter Hros. company , Chicago , sold nt auction today eight cars of California fruit : Ilovnl Hellve plums , 51.20Ifl.C3 ; Tragedy prunes , t2.COIJ > 3.10 ; St. Catharine plums. tl.Mfil.43 ; Clyman plums , tl.40iT1.43 ; peaches COciiitl.OO : Iloyal Anne cherries. CO&SOc ; black Tartarian * . 30B75c ; Royal apricots , 70cStl.OO ; Montgamels , 11.15. Hunk of England Statement. CONDON , Juno 21. The weekly statement of the Hank of England Issued today shows the fol lowing changes ns compared with the previous account. Tolnl reserve. Increase , 1,117,000 ; circulation , decrease , 83.000 ; bullion. Increase , 1,034,061 , other securities. Increase. 355,000 ; other deposits , Increase , 1,382,000 ; public deposit * . Increase , 307,000 ; notes reserve , Increase , 1,130,00) ; gov ernment secuitlcs , Increase. US1.0CO. The proportion of the Hank of England's re serve to liability Is 70.46 per cent. The rate of discount remains at 2 per cent. Milwaukee Markets. MILWAUKEE. June 21. FLOUR-Steady. WHEAT Higher ; No. 2 spring , 67c ; No. 1 northern , C5y.c ; September , 59'fcc. CORN Quiet and easier ; No. 3. 42'/4c. OATS Lower r ; No. 2 white , 50',4c ; No. 3 white , 40032c. HAIILEY Firm ; No. 2. S5c : sample. 60if5lc. RYE Quiet nnd firmly held ; No. 1. 50'4c. ' PROVISIONS Dull. Pork , $12.40. Lard , f6 70. RECK i-1 H Flour , 3,900 bbls. ; wheat , 6,500 bu. ; barley , 3,200 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 400 bbls. ; wheat , 700 bu. ; barley , none. Toledo ( Jraln Market. TOLEDO. June 21. WHEAT Active , higher ; No. 2. cash and June , 69c ; July , 59 , c ; August , CO-Mc : September. 62ic ; December , 64'4c. CORN Dull ; No. 2 , cash , 43c ; No. 3 yellow , 43 Vic. OATS Quiet nnd firm ; No. 2 mixed , 45c bid ; No. 2 white. 49c. RYE Quiet ; cash , 51c. CLOVER SEED Inactive ; prime , cash , t5 ; October , 15.13. RECEIPTS Wheat , B.OOO bu. SHII'MI " Flour , 8,000 bbls. ; Xvhcat. 16.000 bu. ; corn , 2,600 bu. ; oatB , 1,000 bu. ; rye , 1,000 bu. l.uorpool Mar.d'ts. LIVERPOOL , June 21. WHEAT Firm : de mand poor ; holders offer moderately : No. 1 California. 4slOd ; red winter , 4s 4d04s 6d. CORN Firm ; demand moderutc ; new mixed spot , 3s 9d. FLOUR Sprlnir patents , 5s Sd ; California brewIng - Ing bailey , 23s 6dft25s Cd. PROVISIONS lleef , extrn India mess , 72s Cd. Polk , prime mtss , CGs 3d , Ilacnn , long nnd short clear , 55 Ibs. , 34s ; long clear , 45 Ibs. , 35s. Lard , prlmu western steam , 34s 3d. Oil Markets. OIL CITY , Pn. . June 2L National Transit cer- tlllculcs opened nt 68 % : highest , 0 ; lowest , SOW ; closed nt I'D ' ; sales. 3,000 bbls. ; clearances , S3SCO bbls. ; runs. KI.112 bbls. PITTSHURQ. Pa. . June 21. National Transit certificates opened nt tuft ; closed at 00 ; highest , DO ; lo est. fr'.IH , no s les. CALCUTTA LINSEED-Spot , 38s ; June nnd July , via cape , 3Ss. Uuluth Wliiuit .Market. DULUTH. June 21. WHEAT Higher ; No. 1 , cash , June nnd July , C4Kc : No. I northern , cnsli , June and July , C3Uo ; Septemtier , 62c ; December , C3Kc ; No. 2 northern , cash , COc ; No. 2 , 55c ; re jected , 50V4c ; to arrive , No. 1 northern , 64'lc. Cotton MurliPt. ST. LOUIS , June 21. COTTON Middling , 7 3-1 Cc ; receipts , 100 bales ; shipments , 200 bulta ; stock , 34,200 bales. AVool Market. / ST. LOUIS , June 21. WOOL Quiet nnd un changed. Ualloon nightly at 8 , Courtland. , Jj IN DISTRICT COURT. _ * * 6am I'nynn in Ho Trlcil In September Other Muttrm. In Judge Blair's court the caeo of Anton Martenec against the llurllngton Hallway company Is on trial , where the plaintiff Is seeking to recover the sum of $30,000 for the loss of a leg , which has disappeared at a joint just below the knee , b'omo days ago C , L. Chaffee brought suit igalnat John J , Ilanlln , at the same time Instituting attachment proceedings to re cover on u debt for goods sold and delivered. Today Hardln has filed a motion for the dis charge of the attachment , alleging that the affidavits filed In support of the writ were untrue. In the case ot Sadie Keller against Charles M. Ilachmnn , wherein tbo defendant was found guilty , a motion has been filed for a new trial , the allegations In support of the same being to the effect that the former trial was punctured with errors. The case of Charles P. Taggart , re ceiver of the Omaha Irurdwaro company , against the 1'hoenlx Insurance company of Brooklyn Is on for hearing before Judge Hopewell , the plaintiff eeckltig to recover thu sum of $3,000 , the defendant giving a risk for that amount on the property which jurned on March 8 , 1802. For a defense the nsuranco company alleges that the policy was written without authority and without nstructlons from the head office. The fire occurred on March 27 , 1892 , and on April 26 , of the name year , the hardware com pany went Into the hands of a receiver. In the criminal section of the district court 1U cute at tlio ttuta aluit Songof the washboard. Endless rubbing tiresome , ruinous , back-breaking ; wear and tear on things rubbed ; wear and tear on temper and health ; wear and tear on every thing even the washboard itself. It's all done away with , if you use Pcarlinc. There isn't any washboard ; there isn't any rubbing on it ; there's no wear and tear , and there's very little work. It's the only sensible way of washing easy , economical , and , above all tilings , absolutely safe. redtllcrs ami some unscrupulous CTOCCM will tell you " lliis fs M good as" or "the same ns Peiullnc. " IT'S FALSK I'catline is never peddled , { . T > _ _ 1 nd if your troccr sends you fimcthim ; in plat * of I'earlinc , ba IU JDaCiC honest letiJ it tjet. 413 JAM1JS PYLU , New Vork. CLOSING OUT Gnsollno Stoves ut loss tlmn cost. This is not for shoddy goods , but for llrst elnss Gimollno Stoves. Everyone warranted. $0.00 Gasoline Stoves for. . $2.7.'l $8.00 Gasoline Stoves for. . JJ. < )6 ) $10.00 Gasoline Stoves f < ) | 1 4.00 $2.50 Gasoline Ovens for. . 1.42 $1.25 Oil Stoves for 5U 50c S-Knllon WooJ.Jacket Cans for 24 GScS'Kullon AVofKl.Jackct , Cans for 37 150 DIFFERENT STITLES of Baby Cnrringcs from the best manu facturers in the United States. Every one to bo sold loss than cost. $4.00 Carriage for $ 1.90 $ G.OO Carriage for ' 2.87 $8.00 Carriage for . 3.00 $10.00 Carriage for 4,70 $15.00 Carriage for 8.05 $20.00 Carrirge for 12.00 $25.00 Carriage for 14.75 Refrigerator EVERY REFRIGERA TOR and Ice Box to bo sold quiuk for less than cost. Remember , wo never sell anything1 that has price only to com mend it. Our Hefritrerntora are war ranted to give satisfaction or moncv re funded. $ 7.50 Ice Box for $ 3,90 10.00 Ice Box for 4.85 13.50 Refrigerator for 7.8 ! ) 17.00 Refrigerator for J. J8 20.00 Refrigerator for 12.50 25.00 Refrigerator for 14.50 I Terms-Cash - or Payments , Presents to All Purchasers , Formerly People's Mammoth Installment Close Evenings at (5UO ( , excepting Mondays and Saturdays. Payne , charging the defendant with the mur der of Maud Hubel , was called and con tinued until the September term. Owing to the fact that the defendant Is In the peni tentiary for safe keeping , he was not ar raigned to plead guilty. Henry Urldgewater , charged with bur glary , was n'rralgned and pleaded not guilty , as did Charles Orleans , charged with shoot ing with Intent to kill. A cooling ride to Courtland beach. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. the Cltlzcnn Want tlio I'lutto Cunal lr iMiitltlnn Mudlllcil. The proposition to build the Platte river canal has been thoroughly discussed In South Omaha , especially within the last few days. Mr. Dave Anderson circulated a petition and secured about forty signers. The petition Is addressed to the county commissioners and reads as follows : "In arranging and formulating the canal proposition the undersigned citizens of South Omaha would suggest that the following named conditions be Incorporated therein : "Klrst The company should be required to defray the expense of holding the election. "Second The company should define the cost of power at different or specified points along the canal. "Third The work should begin at once and be completed within two years. And one-half the amount voted should bo withheld until the work Is finished and the necessary amount of water obtained. "Fourth A definite amount of water per hour should bo guaranteed at all times at the terminus and a maximum rate should be es tablished for a unit of power delivered for a unit of time. " STOLE A WHEEL. Young' ItnrdeU In . .lull.Aculn . unit Not Apt til Out Out h < mi. Yesterday the police arrested L. H. Dr.rdcll , a youth Just past 10 , for the larceny of a blcyclo from Will Thompson. Only Wednesday this lad was released from the city jail , where he had been detained for opening a letter addressed to Marry Fox , care the State hotel , Mr. Thompson left his wheel at the pout- Ddlco while ho went Inside. Along came Dardell and rode It away. That evening the thief called at Dushman's store house on Eleventh street and asked how much It would cost to store the wheel till morning. One of the clerks told him It would cost nothing If ho ( the clerk ) would bo allowed to rldo the wheel home. This flardell agreed to. The clerk happened to have some busi ness at the postolllce , and so went home that way. Policeman Arnold spotted the bicycle ind sent rider and wheel to the Jail. Mattern were explained , and when Ilardtll called at [ lusbman's yesterday lie was arrested and ivlll bo prosecuted. Elegant music tonight Courtland beach. Soldier HofTermau'n Fu ueral. The funeral of Private Jamen Hefferman , laffmtr/j occurred .t a a'closi WM. LOUDON , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS' Private wires to Chicago and New York. AU business orders placed un Chlcaeo Hoard ol Trade. Con Dependence solicited. Office , rpoin 4. New York Llfo DulMInf r ' Telephone IMS. day morning. The body was laid to rest with the ceremonies duo the dead soldier. In regard to the shooting heard on tha night In question Coroner Maul has learned that several gardeners out In that vicinity patrol their fcnco lines all night armed with shotguns and occasionally fire a shot Into the air to frighten thieves away. The police are now satisfied that the soldier was not murdered , hut think that perhaps his body was robbed after It had beea knocked down the bank by the train. DoWIU's Little. Early Risers. Small pills , Bafo pills , best pills. l''lr ' mill I'ollco CoiuiiilRsldii. Owing to other engagements by the mem bers of the Hoard of Klro and I'ollce Com * mlssloncrs , a short session was held last * night. The board ordered the seven mea on the police reserve list to report to thn chief of police and city physician for th purpose of undergoing a physical exomlna * tlon , and If they pass the examination the ? are Instructed to get ready to report fo $ regular duty on July 1. The votes cant b # ° tha firemen on the proposition to rctluc * tulnrles were placed In tha hands ot a com * . mlttco , which will arrange them and present the matter with the counter proposition oh the firemen to the board at Its meeting nox- Monday night. _ See the Jugglers Courtland beach. . * Itll.Vl.TV MAKICKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record June 21 * 1891 : WARRANTY DEEDS. ! Houth Oinahn 1-iiml company to Martin Thornon , lotH 7 , 8 and ! , Mock 112 , Houth Omulm * W V N Wurner ami wlfo tn W J Wniconcr. lot 2 und P IS of lot 3 , Mock 4 , HUtvcntli . „ _ Mivrt mid 1,001 C I' Woolwurtli und wife to J M Woolworth - worth , Mock * 1 to 4 ( uxcviit lot 1 , Mock 1) ) , Uakliumt W.OOJ Jacoli William * and wlfo to H CJ Tulhlll , lot II , Andrew * . W. At T'H pulidlv Z.Z04 II K duly iinfl wife to Uirrttn cjutuly , lots 3 , 4. 23. 24 , 27 nn < l 28. Mock l ! lot 26 , block C ; lot 8 , Mock 8 , Eckcriuati 1'lace , . 1,000 QUIT CLAIM DEEDiJ. A H Kavpor and wlfo lo H J Illackburn. lot C , Mock H , Hawthorne- . . . . . 109 F I Thomas nnd hunluind In ( ' I. Tlioman. w lt > feet of iU ) ( ret of lot 1H. and i H of lot 19 , KuunUu M add ; lot 3 , Mock V , IXJWO'R add : lot 4 , llui-ir miUllv : lota 8 , 10 , 10 and W , Mnck 4 , Clifton HIM. . . . 1,009 J W Howard to J \Voolwnrh ( , lot" 6 and 0 , Motk 111 , Omulm. , , , 1 Howard llutchtr nnd wlfu lo J A Howard , lot 1 , Mock 3 , Halcyon HHKhta. . . . . . 1 DEEDH. O W Lex ( iimilgnee ) to J A Howard , lot I , Mock 3 , Halcyon lli-lglitu , Total amount of trannfcri , t I rills that cure lick : peWltt'j llUeri. ,