* , * / in i ' * , /Ml : j > < * hi THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JUNE 21. 185H. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. AdvefMnements for th columns will b * lsk n onlll 12 W p m. for lite errolnn nnd until * 0) n hi fir the morning anj Hunday editions , AdvrVlliiors. by rMuestlnir a numbered chMk , ran have an wfr * midrniiieil to n nnmli rp.l let. ttr n care of The It * * Answers no adilreswil Trill t delivered upon presentation of tli check. Ratm IV wont first Insertion , Jc word thereafter Nothing taken lor leu than l&r. SITtTATIONB WANTED. BITt'ATION WANTED IIT COMPETF.NT baker Country town preferred. Ad'lreM O. I Whiting , 1 . 'A-MtIS a * ACTOt NTXNTI SHOULD TIG PLEASED TO take one or rrtore sets of Iwok * from firms In the cltr to post np an keep the nme , my terms shall l > e reaw > n M , mr wotk atl fnc- f > rj monthly or other tatrm nt m lS out , otnr at the tin Omaha public Ulirnry and reading fmm. Zfltli St. , south of N Copying of all kind * done E MrBrld * . Llbrnrlnn So. Omaha Public Library and Heading Room. A 3W 20 WANTED MALE HELP. BOI.tflTOnS , TEAMS FURNISHED. INSTALLment - ment Krjods. American Wringer Co. , I5W II iw ard street. _ 5riL. AGENTS , BALnnr on COMMISSION. THE ( treutwt Invention of the nge. The New Pat- wit Chrmlral Ink Erastn * Pmelt. Belli on ulRht Works like made. Agents are making JKO ) to 1123 OT per week , For further pnr- tlfular * write the Monro Craning Mfg. Co. . X 88. Ll Crosse , VflM. B-RM WANTED. SALESMAN ; SALARY FROM utart , permanent plaeo. Drown Bros. Co. . nurserymen. Chicago. 111. D MiM JH * _ PUSHING MEN TO TAKE OHDCIIS TOR OLD established house ; salary paid. Apply IjM DoucUs , _ Tt-M179Jy vfi : HAVE PROFITABLE SIDE LINE ron reliable , wileimtn. Omaha Ilubber Brokerage Co. . 308 ti , ith utrcet. n Mill it _ SALESMAN WANTED. TO SELL OUR GOODS liy sample to the wholenale and retail trade ; uMl on ileht to every business nun or ftrm ; .liberal salary ; money aflvanccd for advertising and expenses ! permanent position. Andrew. with stamp , King Mfg. Co. . C 42. Clilraco. Ill. WANTED , AT. ONCE , A MAN TO WORK ON riding jrartfllen : onethnt Is rnpnble of making stock gaddles , n well as other grades , pre ferred. The Knnnntz Saddlery company. 227 , 23 and Bl E. Cth street , St. Paul , Minn HY A LARGE JOBBING HOUSE , AN Ex perienced liookltcepi-r. applicants must state present or former position and give age. Ad- ilrcas M , lUe. _ H-M4I6 Sl' _ _ WANTED , A . OOD UPHOLSTERER ; C3ER- irwn preferred. Apply to C. C. Cannon , Bchuylef. Neb. ma & _ SALESWOMEN. WE HAVE AN ORIGINAL. legitimate , much-needed article which sells IK-SI during hard times , because It saves money nnd suffering. Women and men without any experience whatever tire now making from J1500 to JM.W per -week without neglecting their home duties ; no capital required ; full particulars , free samples nnd references In your own state and ours try mull. Address. S. W. , box 1G92. Hoston. Mass. Only those seek ing respectable , profitable and permanent home cmplojmcnt need apply. 11 M4J1 2l WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN TO TAKE orders for our kitchen sp claltles. House keepers must have them. Good pay and easy work. Write for terms nnd sample. P. H. Burton Pottery Co. . Ilosevllle. O. B M432 21 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , STUDENT NURSE. AT W. C. A. hospital. Council Bluffs. C M2K 21 WANTED. GIRL IN FAMILY OF TWO MS S. 18th St. C a. 20' _ WANTED GERMAN GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. Inquire CM So. 13th St. , In grocery store. C 339 20 WANTED , GIRL POR GENERAL HOUSE- worl : ; must be good cook nnd laundress ; family of two. Apply , morning. 2M3 Douglas. C MHO 22 WANTED. FIRST CLASS GIRL TOR GEN- cral housework ; family of Oiree W8 B. 2 th street. Good wages. C MtM 22 * _ WANTED. GIRL TOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Mrs. D. T. Stubbs , 3027 Chicago st. C12020 * FOB BENT HOUSES. FINE J-LAT IN CLOUSER BLOCK AT 703 S. 16lh t.i range and all other conveniences ; 125. George Clouser , room 2 , 1C23 Tarnam st ' D OU _ _ _ HOUSES , F. K , DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D 556 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis company , 1505 Farnam. D 587 S-ROOM COTTAGES , MODERN , CHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. S. Eleutter. 201 Bee build ing. D tS3 _ RENTAL AGENCT , E07 BROWN BLOCK. D SS9 _ CLEAN. COMFORTABLE. CONVENIENT , moderate rentals , best S and 4-room suites for Iiouaekecpers only. References required. Also C-room suite In tenement. BIG S. 22d st. D 590 _ KELKENNEY&CO..R. 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK. D-CT1 _ FOR RENT. GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM house 2G21 Capitol avenue. U. II. Roblson , yoom 7i Commcrctal National. _ D SM TUMl-LBTON tt PIKRSON. Paiton . D CM FOR RENT. DWELLINGS IN ALL PARTS of Omaha : call for list. E. II. Klii-afo 41 } P Tton block , D MCSt _ FOR JIENT. DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN Council Blnffs ; call ( or list at Omaha office , 4B Paiton block. E. H. Sheata. D MCt7 FOR TIENT. TWO 10-KOOM MODERN FLATS , cheap. J. W. Squire. 248 Bee bldg. D-SU TOR ItENT. 3. 4 AND 5 ROOMS. ENQUIRE 01 S. 17th ave. U-K2-2I' THREE-ROOM FL.VTS. J7.50. 1 8 N. 17TH. D M837 jy8 _ FOR RENT. IIOCSlT 9 ROOMS , MODERN. Hoggs & Hill. D-227J3 4-IIOOM , FRONT , 1170 SOtTTII 18TIL D 22120 * RENT. DESIRABLE 10-ROOM , MODERN recklence. Ornt-cUsi In even * detail , centrally located. Rent. M. E. IL Shoofe , 432 Paxton - ton lilk. D M303 TENTS TOR RENT mi PAltNAM ST. D aai _ POUR ROOM COTTAGE. 1COO SOUTH HTII ST. . S3.UO. Inquire 82S South ISth SU D 378 24 FURNISHED HOUSE , C ROOMS , KS.OO ; NCTVLY ImixrcU. painted ; nice yard. Inquire C02 S. Itlh , Btreet. References. _ D 483 M VERY FINK 7-UOOM COTTAGE AT RE- dticed Trice : call at once. I'ldrllty Trujt Coin- pany , 1702 Partiamst. DI19 _ FOR RENT. MODERN HOCSE : REASONABLE Icnnl. l iiulra H Dodge. D MHO RENT. riJUNISHED HOUSK. AI'PLT 02 Iaxton block. D M 0 27 POR BENT TUBNISHEU BOOMS. LARGE EOUTII ROOM. 1S1 DODGE STREET. U- > _ ROOM WITH ALCOVE , tei 8. tSTII AVE. E-425J24' _ FURNISHED ROOM. 9)17 ) 1IARNEV STREET. E M39I 2i _ 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOIl 1IOUSEKEEP- Inc for man and wife. Rent taken in board. M N. 17tb- E 0 _ AETNA HOUSE. NORTHWEST CORNER UTH and Dodce. Rooms by the day or week. K-Sii Jrf' _ FUllNISHED ROOMS , 1US CHICAGO STREET. _ _ E JH77 Jy I NICE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 111 ! Sooth llth street. K M3S7 25 _ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. ml Howard st. EM Old 23 * WELL FURNISHED ROOM FOR MAN AND wife , board If desired ; good location. Ad- drc m N C2 , D , K SCO 13 * ' FURNtaitED ROOMS. HIS DODGE. E-MK7 a * _ FURNISHED ROOMS ; LARGE YARD ; SHADE trco ; Walnut Hill ; cam SUM the door. 4013 Hamilton jtrect. K 1I42S ts 1'UHNIBHED KOOMLS AND BOARD bOUTII ROOMS AND GOOD BOARD. T1UI ttrt l. YOUNG WOUKNS HOME. UNDER CARE OF Women' * Christian association , ill 8. 17th st. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFUHN1S11KO. with flrst-clas * board. 1904 Capitol ave. Inquire M10 Capitol T . _ N1CELV FURNISHED ROOMS , FOLDING U > di , modern conveniences , with guoU board. The RM . 6)M ) Harney. _ LARGK FRONT AICOVE ROOM. TWO NICE closets and crate , with board Th Albany , 2101 Douglas ctrctt F-4U ROOMS AND BOARD , 2011 DOUGLAS STUET. y MM ; a * DUSUU.UI.E ROOMS. WITH ItOARD. TIEFER- encen. Ttnns ruasonablt. tii tt , Itlh. ' F tW ' _ _ _ A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD fur two gentlemen. In print * family ; n oihtr toardens. ali Websttr street. f-XHJSC _ TWO FtiRNIKHED PARLORS , WITH BOARD , alu saulltr r crcs. U ] N Xlth ttrrrt FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Continued. ROOMS FOR LIOHT HOUSEKEEPING 1 No. Itlh fit. . NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN cnrenlences , 2 2 St. Mary's avenue. F-M1 23 _ _ FOR RENT. TWO LAUGH SOUTH ROOMS A T th Hllldde. llth and Dodge. F-217 21 _ FURNISHBD ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT bo-ird. 17 ) Dodge. F M4.H 22 * _ ROOMS & BOARD , S22 N. 1J. MRS TfTTMi F MMJ Jyl6 NICE ROOMS AND BOARD , 211 S. 20TH. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . r-400-JylS' FOUR ROOMS TO REUAIILE PARTIES irllhout children. 1 1C Farnam. F M4D2 21 * _ VHRV COOL , ELnOANT Fl'IlNtBHED SOUTH front room , private board ; detarlied house ; Pleasant tnme. 2110 Douglas. F MI17 2S FOR BENT-UNFUBNISH'D ROOMS. I UNFURNISHED ROOMS , SUITABLE FOR housekeeping , city water , etc. . low rent ; north west comer 17th and Webster st. O 538 FOB BENT , STORES AND OFFICES CORNER SALOON , S24 DOUGLAS. INQUIRE 22. I-MSM 1C MONTHS LEASE OF STORE , 20 S. 17TH. I-C9J FOR RENT , TIUSTOItY BRICK BUILDING. tie Farnam street. The building has a lire- proof cement busement. complete steam heatIng - Ing fixtures , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the office of the Bee. 1 910 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS IN AND OUT OF CITY ; LIBERAL commissions. Apply room 433 , Ponton block. J < 78Jy7 * STORAGE. STORAGE.WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY. M-tOl STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rau. 1C. Wells. 1111 Farnam. Farnam.MtOD ' OM.VAN&STORAGE CO..130C DODGE. TEL.1S5J. M 201 WANTED TO SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT AND sold. L. Altman , 833 & 810 N. ICth St. N-823 JyS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-1L\ND furniture , stoves , etc. I. ErusseU. 710-712 N. 16th. N 857 HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR , FOR EC. N M270-Jy-lS PERSONAL _ _ MISS JOHNSTON , LADIES' HAIR DRESSER , shampooing. Old location , 211 8. Kth street. MASSAGE TREATMENT. EI.ECTRO-THER- mal baths. Bcajp and hair treatment , manicure. * rairopodts. lira. Post. SUH 8 15th , Wlthnell hlk. U 04 V1AVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. 'eallh liook and consultation free. Address or caol Vlarl Co. . 14) rt bldg. Lady attendtnt. U 605 MAB3AOE , MADAME BERNARD. 1419"DODGE CATARRH TREATED , 14 PER MONTH , ROOM XO , Douglas bile , cor. Kth and Dodge. U 549-Jyt _ WHEN ON FARNAM STREET STOP IN AT 1410 and see our new china. M. H. Bllu. _ U POJ-Jy 8 TAKE TOUR FRIEND : TINTYPES. 4 FOR 25 < * Proctor. r 8. 16th street. U-M964 ) y ! > IMOGENE L. RAMSEY MAKES DELICIOUS hem mads bread ; try on loaf. 21 , N. Uth jt. LADIES' AMBER JEWELRY TO ORDER ; also repairing. CU 3. 16th street. U M150 CREAM FOR WHIPPING. COTTAGE CHEESE. Waterloo creamery , 161J Howard ; " ' j f- . H PROF. FRANK BROGLIN RESTORES HAIR to the bald ; cures dandruff ; stops hair falling out ; restores gray hair to Its natural cour ; both sexes treated. References .furnished of Omaha patients who are relieved. No core , no pay. Room 424. Bee Building , Omaha. Neb. - " * WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J. Mullcr's new Ice cream parlors. ! W Leaven- worth street ; everything Is new. Including the building. Tel 10JO Ice cream delivered. HAVANA FIIEC1U.CS , A IOC BALOUrF A pleasant and convenient place , 1520 Farnam itreet , 1'axton block ; 'phone , "j . . .j. MONEY TO LOAN RSAIj ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property : U.OOO & upwardi , G tu 6h per cent ; no Sriayivr. Farnam Smith ft Co. . 1JZO rrnam. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS. Improved anil unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Tru t Co. . 170 ! Farniim at. W CM UrE"IN"suHANCE POLICES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Cheancy. Kansas OUy JIo. MOHTGAOE LOANS. A. MOORE. 50I N.T. _ Ufe. MONEY TO IXDAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan. Lore & Co. . Paxton bHc If a house you want to rent ? You'lf find it on this page , Or on buying you are bent ? You'll find it on this page. , Do you want a girl to work ? You'll find it on this page. Or , perchance , a man to clerk ? You'll find it on this page. Do you want to get a bath ? You'll find it on this page. Or trade for that another hathr1 You'll find it on this page. WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND BANK furnittlri aio. safe. Addres. Box l ttaioMa. WANTED FOR CASH. A STOCK OF OEN- VSu mS . in nniUl town. Must b. a bar- Lock "Pox 44. Hartlneton. Keb. N4JS SO WANTED GOOD DOUBLE SET LIGHT BUGGY harness for CMh. Addr . O B. " FOB. . SALE FTJBNITUBE. PAYMENTS EASiC YOU WON'T MISS YOUR monrr. Low prices on furniture & household Enterprise Credit Co. . C13-S15 FOBSALE HOKSES.WAQOIIS.ETC. FOR SALE. LIGHT CARRIAGE TKAM. 1110 N. 17th. _ P M333 Ja * ONE TEAM , NEW WAGON AND HARNESS ; also one road wagon , for sale cheap : mtlet be Bold at once , ridellty Loan and Ouarantea Co. . Room 4. Wlthnellblock. . P-M236 HORSE. PHAETON AND HARNESS , A COM- pl .tjlUh rlc : horse \ery t-entle , cheap. Q , Mitchell , lilt Dodge St. _ P 37 < M iron SALE. LARGE. YOUNG DRIVING AND riding horse. ICOa Douglas street. I' MIPS 26' FOB SAI E MISCELLANEOUS. BALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company. Amei. Neb. , hav 2.000 tons of teed barntored bar for sale. All orders niled promptly. _ Q-flg 11KNHEIM SPANIELS. THE HANDSOME little toys : Scotch Collies. O. H. Moore , 1631 Sherman avenue. Importer and breeder. O/-875 JyT SUPPLIES FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Sole agents for tha I NIGHT HAWK CAMERA. U. B. Hern & Co. . photo supplies , 1003 Farnam it. Q 903-Jy8 ST. BERNAHD PUPS. 2101 DOUGLAS STREET. Q MSW Jy9 BICYCLES. NEW AND OLD. JIO TO J123 : EASY payments : wo rent and repair. Omaha Bicycle Co. . M7 N. 16th st. TcL 119. _ O.-H4 JUJ.OO BICYCLE NOW JS7.SO. J100.00 CUT TO SG8.2S , SCO.OO cut to ItrSO. M. Trolel. Z709 LCS.V- enworth street. Q MS9 JyU _ LAW BOOKS. WESTS REPORTERS. APPLY ISM Sooth Ilth street. Q M333 M * _ TRESH JERSEY COW : TtlJJD AND GENTLE ; larr and rich milker. Address O 3. IUe. Q-Mia n * H1SOELLAWEOUS. HAVE YOUR OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO rug * . Smyrna rues repaired. 1K1 Leaven wort lu It-M2B-JyU _ TAXIDKRMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- losue. George B. Brown , jr. , & Co. , 709 S. 1Mb. R Mtn CLAIBVOYAIfTa. MUS. DR. H. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT. RE- 1UU * business medium ; TU > year at 119 to. II. S K3 CLAIRVOYANT PROFESSOR WHITE. THE greatest clalnojnnt o ( bis aue , has arrived In Omaha , lie will read rour future Ufa without a mistake. Qlves valuable Information on all matters. "Will glra > ou truthful advice on all business , law , money matters , and all family attain , belnc gltted with a rum and -nondtrful Inntelit Into such matters , and never known to make a mistake. The future plainly revealed , loier * united. Troubles healed , reunite * tbe separated , front wiiatever cause , and causes happy marrlacci. Gives names of friends and enemies , also the one you will marry. Tells what to da and where to BO to be lucky. All In trouble call. Those drslrtne reliable Informa tion on all affairs of life or business are Invited to call. All counsel strictly confidential. He can IM fuuoJ at 1Q7 Chtcaco street. Hours from a. m. to p. m. Sundays , s to & . S Mitt If * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. MADAME BMITII. U3 a UTH ID FLOOR , room * . Massac * . vapor , alcohol , steam , sul- phurtne and tea batlis. T 318..J3 * _ IIADAV1E BROWN. I < CAPITOL AVENUE. ! d floor , rcom < xnassafe , alcobol. sulphur and sta bati.s. T MIOa _ MMK. ANNA OF CHICAGO OrVE3 ALCOHOL baths and massage. SU N. llth. room U. T MISS 1JEVOL. I'llOM NEW YORK. HAS taken chare * of Madam La Rook s massase parlors. U and 11. JJJ North ICtU. T-MIM J7 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 8 to 7 per cent- W. B. Melkle. First National bank building. W-611 LOANS. B. H. SlfEAFE. 2 PAXTON RLOCK. W M6 3 ANTHONY LOAN i TRUST CO.,318 N.Y. 1.IFB loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property W-05 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Farnam st W 603 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , 16TH AND Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 610 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to B Tears. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. W-0 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital J2.000,000. Surplus J GOO , 000. Sub mit choice loans to F. 8. Pusey , agent. First National bank building. W 800 LOANS , TEMPLETON&PIERSON , PAXTON blk. " IX3ANS. 1 TO 5 YEARS , WARRANTS. BONDS , etc. jarvln Bros. . 210 N. Y. Life. W CH CITY LOANS. LARGE LOANS ON CENTRAL business property ; 6 per cent. C. A. Starr , SIS N. Y. Llfo building. W MKJ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. A. D. HARRIS , ROOM 1. CONTINENTAL BI.IU X-MMO MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- ertr. Han In Loan Co. . 701 N. Y. Life building X-MZ71 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- lure , pianos , hones , wagons , or any kind of chattel security , ct lowest possible rates , which you can pay back at any time , anil In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4. Wlthnell block. X MMi ) MONEY T OLOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. horses , wagons , etc. . at lowest rates in city ; no remo\al of coeds : strictly conndentlal ; you con pay the loan tiff at any time or In any amounts. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. . 20 $ South ICth street. X S3 BUSINESS CHANCES. Kim BALE , CHEAP. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURant - ant and lunch counter , opposite F. E. & M. V. depot. Fremont. Neb. Y MCC1 IP YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL OR KX- chance merchandise , get In or out of tiuslr. * * * , call on or Address the National Information and Exchange Co. . 201 First National bark , Omaha. Neb. Y M507 JM HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR , FOR 5C. Y MlOJ-Jy-lS FOR SALE FRUIT. CIGAR AND CONFEC- llonary stand ; best location In town : located on Uie principle street. Address N 7 I tee. Y 3S M FOB EXCHANGE. HAVANA FRECKLES , A. IOC CIGAR. FOR 5C. M2G9-Jy-13 FOR SALE OR TRADE. 4 7-YEAR-OLD horses , ench weighing 1.3oO IDS. , or over : will take smaller horses tn exchange. Fred Terry. M Ramge block. Z M i t > WANTED. MDSE. IN EXCHANGE FOR GOOD clear farms. 1 do a general real estate busi ness , examine Unds or titles , furnish ab stracts ; corrcspouiKuca solicited. U. B , Lilly , Broken Bow. Neb. Z422 26 TO EXCHANGE. IMPROVED FARM IN CENtral - tral Nebraska find Imported stallion for mod ern Yejldcnce in good town. Box 79 , Harwell , Neb. Z-ilia It * FOR SALE , A TROTTING BRED COLT THAT can trot ; sound , "ne\l \ broken , li hands high , dark bay , 4 year * old , trotted last year In 3M : ; upheaded , strllsh and all right every way. Should beat ! : U tills > ear. Price , (123. Box int , Falrfield. Neb. 2 &IUI 27 TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FARM LANDfU C. r. HARRISON. Ill N. I. Life RE 1JC-J1P FOR 8ALE-4M CHOICE EASTERN NE1WAS- ka farms ; also a few for trade. C. R. Boat- Menu Kl N. Y. Lite bidg. RE C4-JH BARGAINS. HOUSES. IjOT3 AND FARMS , sal * or trail * . F. 1C. Darltng , Barker Llk. RE1 FOR SALE. UOT . BTANTON PLACE. ON Learenworth strott , taride the Belt line , make m * an offer. Address * U tU. Helen's ave. , Tacoroa. Wash. UB MU3 23 * TAXED UP. TAKEN UP TWO HORSES. GELDINGS. ONE Borret while face , wnite feet , other llir.t ro&n. white fact , white feet. Marham. near Ueol and Dumb Institute. { - > undtZ : * BUSINESS QUICK PRINTERS , KRAMKR ft CHANDLKR. im Fanu.m ft 587-9 S.-.lJttr. Phone l a Mall orders * et quick Bcft t 771-Jyl BUT YOUR HAY 1IY CAll'OR TON LOTS. Wli bur bar. A. H. Bardrr. ifiW llnrt st. , tel. 1197. . ' * 833 8S DAMAGED MIRRORS nEHttVERED , 71 > N. II. ; t Ml Jri _ _ _ ROEDER'S PHARMACY. 7TO N. TH ST. tt 830 Jr _ _ D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL office to a Bo. ICth. llruumf block. C8T-Jyl OMAHA HKKRSCIIAUM PtVn FACTORY ! OLD pipes made new , til 9. ) ! SUi. Mlil _ HOTEL BRUNSWICK. Ntht } AND JACKSON. changed hands , European ; plnn , nrst class. Special attention to rooms Cy month. Rooms , V-00 to I3J.OO , Including baths , light nnd ele- fmcr. Ml 13 J ) 11 _ CHINA DECORATED TO ORDER ANO Mn.S'D- cd like new , 10 $ B. llth st . 17J-J ) It _ CARRIAGE TRIMMING. GENERAL RI'.PAIRS. top 110 up. Louis Outline , 111 8. Kill st. ijj Jyl > _ C. E. SIORRILL. CARPENTER. OFFirE AND store fixtures n rpeclatly. 151 ] Cartel uvr R. 1 CARTER , METAL CORNICE SKY lights , smokestacks , furnaces. 1C17 Honartl st. LOST LOST KNIGHT TEMPLAR PIN , RED on fold , finder please return tu Dee office nnd Bet reward. J79 M' MERCHANT TAILORS. 'ji. MARTIN , MERCHANT TAILOR. ESTAB. 1S7S. Imp. tt domestic novelties. 1607 rarnam. 79S-Jy4 _ SUITS TO ORDER AT COST S. LARBEN. CU N. ICtli st. Established M years. ! St Jyll S. MORTENSEN , THE OLD P.ELIAULE or , 404 N. ICth , lias greitly reduced prlc * See Ills (5 pants and )20 cults : all made tn Omaha. 3 JH GRINDING. SCISSORS. LAWN MOWERS , RAZORS , ETC. , ground. Mclcholr Bros. , 1119 F.irnam st. 7 S-Jy4 _ _ _ 11AZORS , SHEARS .CLIPPERS , LAWN 5IOW- ers. etc. A. L. Undcrland. 106 N. nth. 172 LAWN MOWE"RS SHARPENED AND RE- palred. W. Boehl , rear 5 S. IGlh. K8 Jyl4 MEAT MARKET. NEATEST MARKET , BEST OF MEATS. E. A. Marsh's Washington market , III N. ICth. 123JylO THE BEST CHOICE CUT OF MEAT AT Helnzman's market. 705 N. ICth st. CEO. W. KURZ , CHOICE MEATS. PRICES reasonable. 722 S. ICth street. M217 JylJ UNDERTAKERS AND EM3 ALMERS ir. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. ISIS Chicago , Tel. 90. C25 SWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKEItS AND embolmcrs , 1701 Cumins st. , telephone 1000. M. O. M UL. "UNDERTAKER AND EM - balmer , H17 Farnam street ; telephone , 223. S3I HEAFEY & HEAFEY , 118 S. HTH ST. TEU : C5 ; also , 21th and N EU. . So. Omaha. MU7 TINNERS. TIN -AND SHEET IRON. WORK , GUTTERS. Fpoutlng , valleys. rooflnjr. 'done cheap. Gate City Tinners , S22 N. IGth It. S32 Jy5 TINWARE REPAIRED. . . 71 ? N. ICUi street. Copper and shttillron norl- IM 833-Jy 0 PLUMBERS. FREE PLUMBING OF ( EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot ualcr heatingev. erase. 313 S. 1C. HARNESS. HARNESS , WHIPS. SADHLES , ETC. : NEAT repairing. S. D. Ca. ad.K1S. . 16th street. II' - > 9 M 9C6 Jy9 GET MY PRICES BEFORE- YOU BUY A HAR- ness. August Uohne , 71113. 16th street. M 936 Jr HARNESS. WHIPS. NETS. .ETC. ItEPAIRING n specialty. 113 .N. 15th afTi 202 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WHY DON'T TOU PUT U § AN AWNING ON your .hornet keeps out eun , . beautifies your resi dence , costs but little. Omaha Tent & Awning Co. , lill Farnam St. Tel. 8S3. SS2-Jjl7 WOLF BROS. & CO. , MANUFACTURERS OF awnings , tents , fines , wagon , nar. stock covers , tarpaulins , banners , streamers. 703. 703 S. ICth street. Tel. 604. Tents for rent. M3SC HORSESHOEING. E. B. BURT , HORSESHOER. 314 N. ICTH. 828 JjS URS. THOS. MALONEY. 915 N. ICTH ST. 817 JyS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND , storage batteries recharged ; electrical nnd. gen eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Works , C17 and C19 S. 16th St. 332 PAWNBROKERS. FRED MOHLE. 1517H FARNAM. 623 H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY.COS N , 16th St. 171- SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. E13 N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 621. MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. cT n GELLENBECK. BANJOIST AND teacher. 1S10 California street. 914 PASTURAGE. WE HAVE 160 ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PASture - ture for horses. Board fence , spring water. ISnrton & Phelps. Gllmorc. Neb. , or A. W , PhelpsiSon , 207 N Y. Life bldg. Telephone 10S4. M 953 J21 _ FINANCIAL ! CASH PAID FOR ENDOWMENT POLICIES tn old line companies : Addres A. K. Brock- Box 233. Hartford , Conn. M333-J23 * STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS SAIL regularly e\ery Saturday from New York for I ndonderry and Glasgow. City of Rome , June 30 , 3 i > . m. . Ethiopia , July 7 , 9 a. m. , Fur- nessla , July 14 , 3 p. m. ; Anchorla. July : i , 4 I > . m. Saloon , second class and steerage. Single or round trip tickets from New York or Chicago at reduced rates to the principal Scotch , English , Irish and nil continental points. For money orders , drafts , outward or prepaid tlckits apply to any of our local ageuts or to Hend raon Bros. . Chicago : _ TICKET BROKERS. J. II. DAVIES , MEMBER A. T. R ASS'N ; tickets bought and cold. 1312 Farnam fltreeL P. H. PHILIJIN , CUT RATKS. 1191 FARNAM. i nt 232 JylO RU.tI.TY Styi tf KT. - T B > - INSTRUJ1ENTS placed' 'oni record June 20 , ' - . " Aslak Olson to S G Cady , Iqt : 19 , block 4C5 , Grandvlew . I SOO AUB Slcvers to EmU Strobtds ! lot JJ , block 9. Clifton Hill . < . .ku . 4M W O Camptxll to J S Campbell , lot 17 , Selby Heights . nM > \ . CM Emily Corby to William iUIrd. lot S , block 1. Sherwood park-7'V. . , . J'1 M A Paddock and imsl lua tn Holland & Bradford , lot G , block J. Jiffrlea re- plat of Albrlcht's Cholce.Vi . KO F D Wead to M J Brown."TOt 8 , Mlchtls' eubdlv . . . . . . . . „ . , „ . 700 Peter Anderson to D W.rronklln , ISH'llW int. In Stone Quarrj't , t rve . 7,000 QUIT CLAIM XIEEDS. Oscar Quick to G II Payh3"part of Wil liams street nnd Flfth' ' r rt adjoining lot 4. block 1C. Credit Fancier add . 1 Gust Larson and wife to Thomas Mur ray , lot L in n ne 23-13- } . 100 DEEDS. Sheriff to A L Wolcott. lot 4 , Block's subdlr . . . C7 Total amount of transfers . . . .112,641 U the onlj SPECIALIST PRIVATE 8ISBSEI and DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. Wc en Exelsdid. 18 years experience I'lrculark free. f 4th and Faroomii OMtBl. An Ideal Summer Gift. Mo more acceptable or charming gift could be devised for Maid or Matron ; Sister , Sweet heart , Wife ; for Bachelor or Benedick ; Brother , Swain or Spouse. Long will he live in memory sweet who presents to his friend a box of the GENUINE Laura's ' FLORIDA WATER. This estia- ordinary Re- Juvenal or 13 tho' Falling Sen- most vonderful nation * . Nerv ous twitch ing discovery of tha age. It of the eyes nnd other n s been en dorsed by the pa.ts. IcadlugBclen. Strengthens , tlfic men of invigorates Europe and nnd tones tlie America. entire sys ton. Hud > an is. Hudjan cures purely vcgo- Deb llity , Nervousnets , Hudjan stops missions , Premalurer.sss aaddevclopcs of the d 1 and restores s- charge in 20 weak organs. days. Cures Pains in the bacfc , losci LOST by any or MANHOOD night stopped quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. Prematureness means Impotency in the flrct stage. It is a symptom of semtnul weakness and barrenness. It can be stopped In 20 days by the use of Hudyan. The new discovery was made by the spec ialists of tha old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It is the strongest vltallzer made. It Is very powerful , but harmless. Sold for $1.00 a package or six packages for Jo.OO ( p'aln scaled boxes ) . Written guarantee Blven for a cure. If you buy six boxes nnd nre not entirely cured , six more will be rent to vou free of nil charges. Bend for circulars nnd testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1032 Market St. , San Fnmcisoo , Cal. -CP,3\U. SUES 6 CO. . Solicitors , Hi S , OMAHA , NEB. Advice FREE. RHlLWfly-T-lJjdEOHRD Leaves ICJIICJAlJOTTjUrnnNGTON A : ( J.Arrives' | Omahal Depot 10thuna _ Mason Sis. | Omaha ' 4 : < 5pm Chicago V'estlbule 0:50am 0:45.1171 Chicago Express 4.25pm 7:02pm..Chicago and Iowa Local . . . . S : mm ll.Kam Tneinc Junction Local. . . . . . 5:5Spm : ' Dmahal Depot 10th and Mason Sis. | _ Oma.ia 10:1.1am Denver Express 9Uain : 10l : im Deadwood Express 4lupm 4&i > . . . . . . . . . . . Express. . . . . . . . . . 4:10pn ) 6Wpm..Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . . . " 8ll > am..Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . „ : .Leaves I K. a. ST. J. & C. II. | Airl\es Omubal Depot 10th and Mason Sta I Omaha 8 : vun. . . . .Kansas City Day Express. . . . 5:3 > pm SMIpm.K. C. Night Ex. Ma U. P. Trans. 6:0ani Lcavc I CHICAGO , It. I. & PACIFIC. ( ArrUe OaiahalUnlon Depot 10th & Mason Sts , | Omaha _ _ EAST. 10:15am. . Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunday ) , . 6:05pm 6wpm . Nlcht ExpresB . C:40am : 4:40pm. . . .Chicago VcstlLulrfl Limited. . . . lEpni llKlim. Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. li. ex Ban ) . 5:3 : Jain _ WEST. f.:2. : > um.OUaliomu & Texas-Exp. ( ex Sun.ll:33pm _ 1 ffipm . . . . . . . . . .Colorado _ Limited . 410pm ; E ics | ONfOIfTACiriC. | Arrlv < a OmalialUnlon Depot 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 9:5 > > am . Demer Express . 3:30pm : 2:15pm. . . . . . Overland Flyer . Gipm : 3:4opm.IIeatrice : & Stromsb'R Exex Sun.i.3i.im ) C:4ipm : . I acinc ExpreRt. . . . .Fast Mall . . . . . Lea\es ( CHICCTOO , MIl & . ST. PAtJLTATrlvM' OjnahaUnlonDepot ! _ 10th & Maapn dts. | Oinalia CKpm : Chicago Limited 9:3'am ll:10.im..Chicago . .K IIICM ( ex. . . Sun ) . . u oirmi Lea\es [ F ETXTM(5r\'AC GTl . lAirlxea' Omaha ] Depot 13th nndWebsler _ Sts. _ ( Umaha 9o5iim ; Dnadnood Express T G'Knm 3:05am.Er. ( Sat..Wyo. Ex . ( Ex. Mon ) . 5lipm r.xpm ) .Norfolfc Express ( Kx. Hunilay. ) .l ( > ' 45ain _ C:30pm. . . . . . .St. I'KUl Expjvsi. . . . . . . 3-4iam Leaes rdHlCAGO & " "NORTH\VEST'N JArrlvfs OiiiuliulU. 1' . Depot 10th & Mnton Sts. | Oinuha ll.Q3nm Chicago Exprew 6:10pm 4:01pm : Vestibule Limited S.Iftam CSJiim.Eastern : Fljer Srl.'irmi 6:30pm.Ex. : ( Sai.l.Chlc. Pass.Er. ilon.l. SS..pm : CMam. ; . Mo. Valley Local ; . .lO Jpm Leaves" ! MISSOURI" PACIFIC | An IVCT OinaliaDcpot | _ 15th and Webster Sts. [ _ Omnh.i "sTorinm.- . . . St. LouLi litpress. , fiQflim tt30pm ; . . . . . . . . .SU Louis ExpresH. . . . . . . . C : ' pm Jljliipm.Diiljj _ ( ex. _ Sun. ) Nctir.i kaLocal. r . : l' ' > am Omaha | _ Depot'ithdnd'Webster _ _ 'sis. | _ pnmia ! 8WimT7sioux : CltjAccom ( Ex. Sun. ) . . S:0pir 10:0'am..Rtoux ' City Accom ( Sun. Only. ) . . SrOJpm 12lupm..Sioux City Express ( Ex. .Sun..ll ) : .un JJdftnm..at. I'aul Limited V.4)ani Leaves SIOUX CITY "STPAtrFfc : lArffveT Omiiha.U. | I' . Depot 10th " & Mason _ St .J _ Omaha C:5"mm..tkSIouT City"- St. Paul LenV ; * r"flOU ! > J CITt" & PACiriC , ( ArrivnT Omahal Depot 15th and Wcbater StB. I Qiualta .St. I'aul Llmltrd. . . . . . 9:4oun Chli-ago l.lmllfj. . . . . 9-4 > .im leaves I OMAHA & ST. LOUIS | Arrivci _ fmaliaU. | P. Depot loth & Mason St . | Omaha . St. Louis Cannon Hall . liJipra WANT HIM TO SaTTABE UP. Itondsnieii After an Ux-I'cHtmintcr to Mulio Goixl a SliorUio. T. S. Armstrong of Butte , Neb. , Is in the city on a matter pertaining to the shortage of E. O. Blake , recent postmaster at that place. Mr. Armstrong said Tuesday night that Blake was short something llko JC10 , but be would not state how the shortage occured. A few days ago Sir. Armstrong , who Is one of Blake's bondsmen , received a letter from D. J. Sinclair , postoulcc Inspector , asking that the bondsmen of Blake at once remit $610.51 , the exact amount Blake was short. Blake came to this city , and as soon ai Mr. Armstrong received the letter from the Inspector he camu here to see Blake , in the hope the latter would set -matters right. Tuesday night Blake said he would make the shortage good , and has a draft for Jl.OOO with him. Blake would not state how he came , to bo short in his accounts , nd his bondsmen can assign no reason. Mr. Armstrong li acting postmaster. 1IOIIUJIIAN AT WlLUKIl. SutnUx , Juno 31. Special train for the accommodation of the Bohemian Turners Benevolent society and friends will leavu the union depot , Omaha , at S o'clock next Sunday morning. Ito- turning , will leave " \VIIber at 8.00 p. in. Round-trip rate Jl.SQ. Get tickets from transportation committee at depot , before departure of train. Elegant rouile tonight Courtland beach. PI intipn TITP T\v\nfpn VMTP SLASHED TIIEDLN\LR \ KATE Western Lines Agaiu Forced to Enter Into Profitless Oompatition. SANTA FE HAS BROKEN THE AGREEMENT Knocked thr Itutlutu Out of the ltn lnr to Drnvrr During tliu MrrtiiiK of tlin I o- I > Ubllran LrnRUo Clnli * ( Hlirr Lines -lire ! tlin Cut Itnte. The Santa Fo ypaterdav proceeded to cut the vllala out of the summer excursion agreement by announcing a round trip rate of J 10.75 from the Mlsiourl river ( or the national convention of the I/caguc < > t Re publican clubs , which convenes In Denver next week , dates of sale and oilier conditions to remain the enma as agreed upon by the transmlssourl lines. In Us notice of the reduction there arc no specific charges nude by the Santa To against any Individual line , the rnto seeming to have been put In on general principle ! , the Santa Vo holding that none of the lines touching Colorado had observed the agreement made during the month of May. While no rate has been named from Chicago cage , U Is presumed that the standard rate of $12.50 will be put Inwhich , added to the rate made by the Santa To , will make the Chicago rate $23.7G. While the Union 1'aclflc has carried out to the letter tbo agreement of May 2S , the passenger department announced that It111 meet the rate offered by the Santn Fe com pany and vtlll Instruct Us agents accord ingly. All the other lines have announced their determination to meet the rate. While the rate named applies only for the meeting of the League of Republican clubs. It Is safe to tay that the Shrlners and the League of American Wheelmen will be accorded the same advantages as made for the republican league. Whether the Santa Fo v.111 be able to maintain the rate made remains to be seen , although from present Indications It Is some what doubtful. U Is the old story of the Knights Templar ever again , and will be a grand hustle for busme s from this on. Coming closa upon the lioels of the Santa Fe'a new rate , the announcement Is made that the Alton , the Santa Fe and the Chicago cage Great Western refuse to Join the boy cott against the Lake Krle & Western , which completely knocks the bottom out of the boycott. Revenue Is what the railroads of the country want Just nt present and any thing Is regarded as fish to their nets that has a cent of revenue connected with It. It was this principle that prompted the Rock Island to haul 174 of Uncle Sam's soldiers to Chicago for less than 1 cent a mile , It Is said , that Induced the Milwaukee to cut the rate to Chicago for a number of Lincoln school teachers , through the assistance of the Union Pacific , that actuated the liurling- ton to take care of a number of Denver In structors for less than tarlft rates and that moved the Union Pacific to carry several llfo Insurance men from Denver under like shady circumstances. Hullnuy Nntcs. J. A. Munroe , freight traffic manager of the Union Pacific , has returned from Boston and New York. G. W. Bush , cashier In the passenger de partment of the KlKhorn , has gone to Sparta , WIs. , on a visit with relatives. lj. G. Garner , general superintendent of the American -Express company , and family , left for Hot Springs , S. D. . yesterday. Mis. J. R. Buchanan , wife of the general passenger agent of the Elkborn , has re turned from a short visit to AVatertown , WIs , George H. Thomas , formerly of the con struction department of the Union Pacific , but now a resident of Detroit , Is In the city , accompanied by his wife and daughter. M. S. Giles and B. P. Humphrey , cloud pushers for the Lake Shore , are camping on the trail of the Grand Army of the Republic veterans , now In Council Bluffs , to secure PIttsburg business. The Burlington passenger department has received n testimonial signed by fifty of the .Masonic excurslcnlsts , thanking the company and especially Special Agent Reynolds for courteous attentions on the tr.p from Sioux City to Hotl Springs. One of the fastest freight runs on record was made by the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Tuesday , landing three carloads of bulk tobacco In Omaha \vlthln eighty-four hours of Us consignment at Louisville , a distance of nearly 900 miles. The train left Louisville at 8:05 : p. m. of the 15th , and was delivered to the consignees In this city at 7:10 : a. m. of the 19th. DeWltt's Witch Hazel salve cures plies. CAUGHT THE COUNTEHKE ITEBS Agent Hitches ( irts the Last < > the Iowa < ; ! ] . Special United States Treasury Agent Hughes returned from Iowa yesterday , where ho went to arrest the two remaining members of the gang of counterfeiters which operated around Creston during Uie past year. The men whom he arrested are Albert Williams and Cliarles Craven. Wil liams waived examination and was bound over to the district court for trial in the sum of $1,000. Craven was .given u hearing before Commissioner Steadman at Council Bluffs Tuesday afternoon and was also held In the district court. This breaks up one of the most skillful and dangerous gangs of counterfeiters that have been operating in the west for many years. They tnade bogus silver dollars nnd half dollars and a very skillful imitation of a five dollar gold piece , some of which -were passed on Omaha merchants last fall aud winter. Craven lives near Macksburg -was not suspected by the federal authorities until early this spring , when he attempted to mur der Ed lllatr , one of the gang who turned state's evidence to escape Imprisonment. After his release Blair went to Macksburg and as soon as Craven heard of It ho chnsed Blair over the country for several miles on foot and occasionally when he got close enough he would take a shot at the fugitive. Then Uie secret service men turned their attention to Craven and have succeeded In securing enough evidence -warrant his ar rest. Four other members of this gang are now serving sentences In the Iowa peniten tiary at Fort Jladlson. HllhiiM Colic. Those who arc subject to attacks of this disease will be Interested In the experience of Mrs. P. Butler of 22 Filtmore street. Fnlrhavon , Conn , She Buyn ; "I suffered for weeks with colic and pains In my stomach , caused by biliousness. One-half tcaspoonful of Chamberlain's Chollc , Cholera and Dlar- rnoea remedy effected a cure. For sale by all druggists. S1O.73 to Ilcmrr anil Jtoturn. June 24 and 25 , the JJnrllngton route will jell round trip t.cketa to Denver at the very low rate of $10.75. City ticket olDco , 1221 Farnam street. Court limit Iliuirh .Nolr * . A "slide for life" has been added to the performance feature. On Wednesday next. Independent Work men of Atnerlen , Omnhn lo > lK < * No. 1 , hold their annual picnic at Courtland lUuch. The management will christen the newly born fav/n as Boon us an appropriate nuuiu is ) fcUKKeMcd. It is a cute little spotted animal that jilcanei the little folks im mensely. Everybody stems to enjoy the ride on the new Kant Omuha motors. They ur.o twice the length of the ordinary motor cars nntl wt-11 lighted , Thl la one of the cooleat joules about Omaha. The hlKh wulcr in the Missouri con tinues to retard the progress of Oourtlancrs new steamer , but Manager CrlltlthM hupex better time \\11I be mude uftur the bttamer cuts up the river a little farther. Cook' * Extra Dry Imperial Clvampujsu * has no superior. A largo j early Inoruse in its kales say JKJ , _ See the Jugclere CourtJana 1/aach. After tlto L'ntaivful rutirrs. A complaint was flled late Tuesday ogaliut a man by the name of Anderson for seining in Cutoff by the officer ol the Fish Protection astoclatlon. The Asoeiatlan Is doing a gr at amount of work to flop the unlawful taking of fish In thin vicinity , and In A nhort time lovers of the rwl and line need not leave Omaha for a day's sport. I omul n Cure for Srlntlc lllirnniKtl < in. Mrs. A. Inveen , residing at 710 lltnry St. , Alton , III , sulTered with ilntlc rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for It nearly the whole of thin time , using v rloui remedies recommended by friends , and wai treated by the physicians , but recelvml no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain balm , which effected a complete cure. This U published nt her request , m die wants others similarly af flicted to know what cured her. For calo by all druggists. _ Go to Courtland , cool , refreshing. BACHED HEART ACADEMY. rrotpprnu * Yritr Iltutril liy IIIMrlliutloii of I'rrniluiiK Ttirixliiy. Tuesday's distribution of premiums at the Sacred Hetrt academy nt Ttvcnty-scvonth street nnd St. Mary'i nvenae closed what has been unquestionably the most successful ycir cf the Institution , the popularity of which I ) rapidly growing among parents who dcMro the training for their daughters In point of literary culture and distinguished manners. The evening's program bore the clamp of refined taste. Knch number showed n careful adaptation of the part to the pupil who wns to render It , and a rare finish wai given to both music nnd recitation. Before entering the hall the sweet strnlni of "Kuryanthc , " from Von Weber , by Missel Adele Moores. Lillian llushman , Margaret Kaufman and Tessle Little , at the piano , greeted the visitor. Miss M cores' fine touch nnd musical InterpreUtlon were fully dis played In the selection from Mozart which followed , while the fairy scene equally grati fied the eye , which couldvhardly tire of gaz ing on the exquitlte mountain scene , painted by the Instructor In art. A marble terrace , with Us palnm nnd vises , made n pleasing foreground , while the room Itself was n bower of these graceful exotics. If the car was caught and , the soul stirred by Miss Darlene Coe's \Iolln In Mozart'j "Tlouber- flote , " the heart was equally touched by her rendition of "Join of Arc. " The young Udy Boomed to ha\o seized the trno Inspiration of the piece , and by turns the warrior hero , the Icncly child and the martyr maid bent and swayed the feellngi of lier auditors. Miss Lula Schenk entered fully into the feelings of her beautiful salutatory , and face , lips and graceful gesture gave a heartfelt wel come to all. The "Sleigh Ride , " In which Miss Jeanna Wakeficld'j violin added merriment to the party , gave the Imagination n pleasant va cation from the dust nnd heat . of the summer. It would bo unkind , as well as ungrateful , not to give the little ones their meed of praise , as their fairy footsteps and sweet voices charmed every ojie. Miss Hi Orcutt , the soloist of the pretty and graceful cantata , "In the Glen , " pos- sessses already a well developed voice , which promises much In mattirer years. Miss Marguerite Wheeler's "Lllllput" was a masterpiece. Every word , oven a whisper , being distinctly understood , and the varying parts fully entered Into by the tiny maiden. The last weeks of the scholastic year have been devoted to oral and written cx- amlrations , which entailed hard study on the part of the pupils , and close attention on that of teachers , and the prizes nnd crowns distributed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Scannell rewarded the victorious competi tors. Notwithstanding the financial de pression , the school has been a great suc- CBSS nb to numbers during the past year and the teachers ure proud of the rcsponro which their pupils have given to the un- wearying efforts made In their behalf. The attendance has numbered sixty-five , which Is an Increase over previous years , the sixth annual commencement of yesterday closing the most successful term In the history of the Institution , The gold medal for attendance wns won by Miss Cecilia Farrcll , there being ten whose markings were perfect. Dach of the others received n book. The .prizes were for proficiency' ' In the various 'grades In the English , scientific and classical branches. " About twenty members of the clergy were In attendance , observing closely the evi dences of advancement made by the pupils during the year. At Sncrpd llnirt roinont. There were no graduates at the Convent of the Sacred Heart this year , but commence ment exercises "were held there yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. These are always unique in character , but those of yesterday wore especially interesting and reflected great credit on the pupils of the Institution. The special feature of the program was the presentation of scenes from the career of Joan of Arc. The participants were Misses Hosiers , Shelby and Meyor. Miss Hosiers sustained the part of the hcrolno of this beautiful operetta with ease and spirit , whether among her flocks at Domromy or after the coronation of Charles VII. nt Rhelms , or when going forth resignedly to death. Her voice is rich and replete with promise. The tlireo scenes of the 'operetta were Interspersed with musical selections by MUses McShone , T. Schmidt , M. Barrett , A. Furay and R. Shelby. In the "Magic Shoe , " children of the primary department discussed with amusing gravity some of the burning questions of the day In the moral , intellectual and politi cal sphere. These taking part in the comedy were Misses V. Gehlen , K. McAdam , Helen McConnell , L. Synon. E. Schmidt , N. McShane , A. Hayes , M. Shelby , A. O'Rourka and E. Cloves , ofwhom the first four gave evidence of especial juvenile talent. The overture wns played by Misses T. Pchmldt. M. McShane , N. McShane , F. Head , I. Maple , L. Mergcn and M. Reynolds , , and was exceedingly well done. Ip fact , the music , both Instrumental and vocal , was of a high order and manifested care ful training , whether on harp , violin , piano or guitar. The address to Rt. Rev. Bishop Scann * ) ! by Mlfs n. Schmidt closed the program. It embodied the thought that the scrvlca of the creator must obviously be the end and object of the creature and that every thing short of God Is transitory. The saints understood this , Miss Schmidt Eald , anj there were many in the church who under stood this and it was their duty to make this thought filter through the snassos. The allusion to Bishop Scanncll's Interest In the pupils of Park Place was delicate and heart felt , and found an echo In the prelate's congratulatory remniks to the pupils. The scholastic joar liax been a successful one , not perhaps In point nf numbers , but in the results ax shown by the pupils In the oral and written examinations concluded Tuesday. The new session opens on the first Wednesday in September. Whooping Cough. There Is no danger from this disease when Chamberlain's Cough remedy Is freely given. It liquefies the tough mucus and aids ex pectoration. It also letscns the severity and frequency of the paroxysms of coughIng - Ing , and Insures n speedr recovery. Tbero ls not the least danger In giving It to chil dren or babies , us It contains no Injurious hubslance. 25 and CO-ccnt bottles for sale by all druggists. A cooling rldo to Courtland beach. A bazar for the benefit of 'The Scandina vian Evangelical Lutheran Bethany School nnd Young Ladles' Home , " Thirty-third end Cumins streets , will be given at Pattcr > on's liall , southeast corner Seventeenth end Far- tiam fitreeta , Thursday ofternCon , Jane XI , from 1 to 7 o'clock , and Uie following Friday acd Saturday evenings from C to 10 p. m. A great variety of fancy work and many other uitful article * v/ill be sold at reason able prices. Admission IS cents. lee cream aud cake served free. AU are cordially In cited. Kxiiiintlon llHlrt L'MHI. For fall information concerning summer escurdona call at the Chicago , Ullvtaukoo & St. Paul ticket office , 1WI .Tarnurn street , r address F. A. KASH. General Agent. ttlO.7. % tn llrnvrr anil Iteturo. June 31 and IS , the Ilarllugtnn route will mil round trip tidcoU to Driver at the very low rate of ? 107u. City ticket tiflle * . 1824 Fnrtiam ttrect. Switchback nnd oaruus&l Oourtlnnd. { 15.00 to Colorado Sprints ntid return via the Union Pacific June 11 , U. 23 and 21 , City oiQc 1302 I'arr.atn street.