Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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4HH.HMH. *
Read our Such Prices are
List of Bargains. . Sermons in Econom 7 E
11 a i d
Dress Goods.
Mouselllno do saline , 15c a yard.
Mousclllno do India , 25c a yard.
Double width duck suiting , lOc a yard.
Silk striped zephyr , 25c a yard.
Creponotte , reduced to 15c a yard.
Llama cloth , lOc a yard.
Dark ground pongee , lOc a yard. ;
Black and navy blue ground Japanese
cloth , now lOc a yard.
Choice of all the Imported fancy crep
which were 35c and 40c , now 25c.
Serpentine crepe In changeable colon and
fancy printing , only lOc a yard.
Pacific organdies , lOc a yard.
52-Inch wide Canton cloth , Cc a yard.
Chlffonette lawns , 5c a yard.
Scotch lawns , Co a yard.
Spiral crepe , 6c a yard.
Light or dark ground challls , 2Vic.
Fast black an tine , Cc a yard.
Black grenadine , 2Hc a yard.
Parkhlll zephyr. lOc a yard.
Crinkled seersucker. 5c a yard.
Apron-checked gingham , 3Hc a yard.
32-Inch wide Scotch zephyr , 15c a yard.
Two tables full of remnants of wash goods
at about one-fourth their value to close.
| = Dress Goods
All qualities , all kinds to close. 25c , some
worth SOc. 75c and $1.00.
Remnants of all wool challles , length from
2 yards to 10 , price 22c ,
1,000 yards of 36 Inch alt wool dress goods ,
sold this season for 43c , price lOc ,
43 inch silk gloria , worth $1.50 , our price
Frederick Arnold's best German hcnrlettas ,
worth $1.00 , sale 5Dc.
40 inch all wool serge , all colors and black ,
worth C9c , sale price 33c.
50 pieces fancy dress goods , changeable
effects , sold this season for 25c to 39c , sale
price 12Hc.
6-plece quadruple plate silver tea set , hand
engraved , $0.98. worth $12.00.
CO styles silver plated belt bnckel hand en
graved and enameled , 49c , worth $1.00.
Ladies' gold and silver button sets , SSc ,
worth 75c.
Fine nickel alarm clocks , 55c.
Gents' best rolled plate cuff buttons , 25c.
Dents' told stiffened hunting' case watch ,
Elgin or Waltham works , $5.49 , worth
500 gents' gold plated -watch chains , worth
$1.00. 51.25 and $1.60 , on sale at 45c.
Solid sliver Initial rings , with Imitation
" "torquotso sots , 19c.
wim \
Senate Completes All the Important
Schedules Except That.
rotter Given Notice of an Amendment Ho
Will 1'roposo to the Income Tax 1'ro-
Tlslon Is Not Graded to Suit
the Kitnsna Senator ,
WASHINGTON , June 20. ilr. Pefftr ad
dressed the senate briefly at the opening of
today's session in support of his resolution
instructing the committee on postodlces and
post roads to report tack a postal savings
bank bill.
Mr. Manderson said ho had Introduced a
postal savings bank bill based on the English
system , but he did not favor the paternal.
Istle scheme of Mr. Peffer , which contem
plated making the government the banker
of the i > eople , nnd the complete extinction
of private financial Institutions.
No action was taken on the matter.
A resolution offered by Mr. Cullen In.
Btructlng the commlsloncr of pensions to
report to the senate what portion of the an
nual appropriations for pensions will remain
unexpended at the end of the fiscal year
ending June 30 , 1S91 , was agreed to without
Mr. Sherman presented a joint resolution
passed by the Ohio legislature relating to
the celebration of the 100th anniversary of
the victory of General Anthony Wayne at
Fallen Timber , August 7 , 1794 , which marked
the conquest of the Indian nation. It waa
appropriately referred.
After some bills of local Interest had been
passed , the tariff bill was laid before the
Eonato. The consideration of the * free list
was resumed , the pending question being
Mr. Peffor's amendment to strike salt from
the free list and place It on the dutiable list
at 5 cents per 100 pounds.
The present duty on salt is 8 cents. Mr.
Potter explained that personally he favored
free salt , but that his constltutenU Inter *
estod In salt manufactures believed they
would be Injuriously affected by placing salt
on the free Hat.
The amendment waa lost 24 to 36.
Tha senate finance committee amendment
restricting the free entry of raw silk to such
* s is not manufactured In any way was agreed
When paragraph 611 , "Sugars , " was
reached. It was expected that some debate
TvouM occur , but none took place. Mr.
Aldrlch merely demanded a yea and nay
vote on the finance committee amendment
to strike this paragraph ( rom the free list ,
where It was placed by the house. The
committee amendment carried by 33 to 22 ,
the republicans except Quay voting solidly
against and the democrats for It.
The detailed vote was as follows : Yeas-
Allen. Bate Berry , Blanchard , Cattery , Call ,
Camdcn , Cockrcll , Daniel , Faulkner.
George. Gordon , Gorman. Harris , Hunton ,
Irby , Jarvla. Jones of Arkansas , Kyle , Mc-
1'herson , Mitchell of Wisconsin , Murphy ,
Painter , Pasco. Pugh , Quay , Ransom , Roach ,
Smith , Vest , Voorhecs , Walsh , White total ,
33.Nays Aldrlch , Allison , Carey. Chandler.
Cullom. Dubols. Frye. GalllnKer , Hale , Haw-
ley. Hlgglus , Hoar , Lodge. Mitchell of Oregon
gen , Merrill , Peffer , Perkins , I'latt. Power ,
Tractor , Shoup and Teller total. 22.
Mr. Pettcr. populist ot Kansas , voted with
the republican * and Messrs. Kyle and Allen ,
populists , with the democrats.
A rather sensational epUod * occurred at
1J:3 : ( ) In the aeiute. Senator Allen ot Ne
braska , moved to put all lumber on the fret
tUL Senator Chandler charged that the
Nebraska senator bad made a bargain with
the democratic aide to obtain It. In ex
planation ot hi * vote on sugar the announce-
that bo bad nat yet made up bU mind
Silks Special.
Black India silk. 27 Inches -wide , 49c yard.
Cream wash silk. 27 Inches wide , 49c yard.
Cream wash silk , yard wide. GOc yard.
Black India silk , yard wide. 75c yard.
Black moire silk , all silk , 7Sc yard.
Black twilled India. 27 Inches wide. 9So
New seeded taffetta silks'the latest effect *
just received. SSc yard.
Black satin rhadzlmcr , 24" Inches wide , 93c
Black duchesse satin , 24 Inches wide , 860
Always learn our prices before buying
Furnishing Goods.
100 dozen men's black sateen and fancy
percale shirts , COc each.
Men's fast black cotton halt hose , Hcms-
dorff dye , only 12VJc per pair.
Men's fancy suspenders , only 12Vc ,
We are showing an elegant line of men's
laundered negligee shirts , COc , 75c , OSc.
100 dozen men's unlaundered shirts , double
back and front. New York mill muslin and
continuous facings , only COc each , worth 75o.
Ladies' Furnishings.
1 case of ladles jersey ribbed vests , only
EC , worth lac.
Ladles' fancy lisle thread vests , 15c eacn.
Ladles' gowns 35c , worth COc.
Special values. CO dozen ladles' $1.50
gowns reduced to OSc.
1 case of children's fast black cotton hose
only 19c , reduced from 25c.
Hermsdorff dye , only 12 c. worth 25c.
Boys' shirt waists 2 c , reduced from 40c.
Ladles' lisle thread gloves 12V&C. good
100 26-Inch gloria umbrellas , worth $1.25 ,
reduced to 75c.
Upholstery Supplies.
Closing out patterns of lace curtains.
75c curtains 40c pair.
J.I.00 curtains COc pair.
{ L25 curtains 7Cc pair.
$1.50 curtains $1.00 pair.
$2.00 curtains $1.25 pair.
Also choice lot ot flnol curtains at $2.00 to
Curtain poles and trimmings complete ISc.
Chenille portlers.
$4.00 curtain $2.50.
$5.00 curtain $3.50.
$6.00 curtain $1.60.
how to vote on the final bill was a threat
and getting this amendment adopted he was
completing a bargain.
Allen retorted that his vote and action was
none of Mr. Chandler's business. Mr.
Chandler said he proposed to make It his
business. Mr. Allen subsequently obtaln-.d
the floor and replied to Mr. Chandler's re
marks. He claimed that he ( Allen ) was
not to be deterred from his purpose by a
senator who put himself In the attitude of a
baboon on every possible occasion.
The senate by a party vote has decided
to .put logs and lumber , Including dressed
lumber , on the free list.
The free list was completed at 1:30.
At 3 o'clock the senate was considering
section 9 of the hill relating to changes
In customs regulations. When section 23
Is reached Mr. Jones will move to strike
out from sections 23 to 50 Inclusive , being
the portion of the administrative features
ot the bill which it has been agreed to
leave out.
Mr. Peffer gave notice of his Intention
to offer an amendment to graduate the In
come tax so as to make Incomes In" excess
of $1.000 and below $10,000 subject to a
tax of 1 per cent ; between $10.000 and $25-
000 2 per cent ; between $25.000 and $50,000 ,
3 per cent ; between $50,000 and $100,000 ,
4 per cent ; above $100,000 , 5 per cent.
At 4:18 : the senate adjourned.
Gold Reiervo' Now Lower Than "When the
JlontU Were Sold.
WASHINGTON , June 20. The gold reserve
today , after deducting $2.230,000 engaged for
shipment tomorrow. Is $61,703.047 , or $735-
330 lower than ever before in Its history.
On February 2 , 1834 , Just previous to the
bond Issue , the reserve reached $65,433,377 ,
the lowest point up to th t time , and the
cash balance was $83,645,102. The cash bal
ance today was $115,763,715 , or $31,518,613
greater than on February 2. The treasury
officials are apparently not alarmed at the
continued outflow of gold. The July Interest -
est paymcnts , nlso the largo amount now
being required by the large army of Amer
ican tourists now moving towards Europe ,
and possibly the withdrawal ot European
capital which has not found satisfactory in
vestment , are thought to b * the causes of
the present demand for gold. Previous ex
periences indicate that within a short time
the tide will have turned. That there Is
no lack of gold in the country Is shown by
the last national bank statement , which
shows that on May 4. 1894. the national
banks of United States held specie to the
amount of $239,941,923. of which over $201-
000.000 was In gold coin and gold certificates.
The treasury receipts BO far this year ag
gregate $280.877.652 and the expenditures
$361,151,337 , leaving a deficit for the year up
to this time $74,273.705.
Government tolluve n Majority of the Com-
| iuny' * Director * .
WASHINGTON , Juno 20. Unsettled de
tails of the Nicaragua canal bill which will
be reported to the house were practically
cleared up at the meeting ot the subcom
mittee today. Thcro will be recommended
a directorate of eleven members , eight gov
ernment directors , one representative of the
company , one from the government of
Nicaragua and one from Costa Rica. Three
government engineers will have charge ct
the work. It will be provided that divi
dends shall not exceed 5 per cent , so that
a. linking fund may be established. The
government share ot dividends will bo
credited to a sinking fund. Some members
ot the committee think the debt can be
raised in twenty-five years on the lines
laid down. Bonds -were practically decided
upon today for the whole amount , as the
proposition to coin silver Involved trouble
some complications and opposition. How
ever , that section ot the bill 1s left subject
to change , so that It any plan involving
the use ot silver seems practicable It can be
adopted. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OUtlllen Have > Grievance.
WASHINGTON , June 20. T. II. Shirley
ot LoulJTllIa. Ky. , and a delegation repre
senting 93 per c nt ot the Kentucky distil-
Ur * . cillcd at the Treasury department today
and flltd , with Commissioner Miller of tht
Internal revenue bureau , a protest
Hats. Caps and .
Straw Goods.
A general clearing sale * In seasonable
J1.50 men's straw hats of leading styles ,
$1.00 mon's straw hats of leading styles ,
25c.75c men's straw hats ot leading styles , ICc ,
Boys' and children's straw hats , lOc , 15c ,
$1.50 boys' and youths' straw hats , COc.
$2.00 men's fine fur derby in the latest
shape , $1.00.
$2.00 men's fine fur fedora In the latest
shape , $1.00.
$2.00 men's fine fur soft hats In the latest
shape , $1.00.
Great Stationery
Commercial paper , 20c per quarter ream.
Linen paper , 20c per Ib.
-Envelopes { 50 in pkg. ) 5c and lOc per pkg.
A full line of office books , blank books ,
etc. , etc. , at wonderfully low prices as here
Journals , 15c.
Ledgers , 20c.
Day books , 35c.
Memorandum books , Cc , lOo up.
Tablets , two for 5c.
Mucilage , two bottles for 5c.
Fancy silk belts , 18c , 23c and SSc , worth
25c , 35c and COc.
Fancy silk belts with silver buckles , 50c ,
75c and 93c.
Odd lot nlco leather belts , lOc , worth 20c to
Full line of fancy all slllc Windsor ties ,
19c , worth 35c.
Full line of fancy all silk Windsor ties ,
12V c. worth 25c.
3,000 yards good % , % and fa inch clastic
at Ic per yard.
Trunks and
Traveling Bags.
Don't fall to get our prices before buying.
33-inch black enameled iron covered
trunk , $5.00 , worth $10.00.
38-Inch canvas covered trunk , $3.00 , worth
A large assortment of traveling bags , 95o ,
worth $1.50.
Telescope cases from 35c up.
the practice of allowing distillers to burn the
names of wholesale customers on the heads
of barrels , which gives the Impression that
the wholesale customers themselves were tha
distillers. Section 3,259 of the Revised Stat
utes requires the name of the actual distiller
to be burned on the head of the barrels con
taining whisky made by him. Latterly , how
ever , distillers have been accustomed to
give notice to the Internal revenue bureau
that during the next five days , ten days , or
thirty days , as the case might be , they
should operate the distilleries In the name
of some specified wholesale customer and
place his name on the package. This cus
tom , it Is claimed , Is pernicious and often
Impairs the reputation of particular brands
of liquor. _
Veterans of the Late War Heiiieinbered by
the General Government.
WASHINGTON , June 20.-Special ( to Th
Bee. ) Pensions granted , issue of June 7 ,
were :
Nebraska : Original Isaac Ogden , de
ceased. Surprise , Butler. Renewal George
McClelan , Johnson , Nemaha. Increase
Robert A. Swift , Beatrice , Gage ; Levl Car-
kins , Hastings , Adams.
Iowa : Original James O'Mara , Ireton ,
Sioux ; Amos Stewart , AVashlngton , Wash
ington. Original widows , etc. Minerva
Hell , Livingston , Appanoose ; Maria Dobozy ,
David City , Decatur ; Mary E. Ridley , Ks-
thorvllle. Emmet.
Open Market Purchase ! Disapproved.
WASHINTGON , June 20. Secretary Smith
has ordered that all Indian agents and super
intendents of agency schools be directed to
make requests for open market purchases
of supplies only when actually necessary.
In a communication to the commissioner of
Indian affairs , the secretary says : "In
many Instances authority for open market
purchases Is requested when the exigency
contemplated by law does not exist. The
practice has obtained , to some extent , proba
bly because of the change of agents. You
will instruct ail agents that authority for
open market purchases will not be granted
when the necessity Is such as could have
been foreseen In time to make the purchases
In accordance with the true Intent and
meaning of the law. You vrlll Impress upon
them the necessity for a close adherence for
the law In this respect. "
Mitchell .Milken n Denial.
WASHINGTON. June 20. Senator Mitchell
of Oregon , who was absent from the city
last week when the senators were examined
by the senate Sugar trust Investigating com
mittee , went before the committed today and
replied to the questions concerning specula
tion in and ownership of Sugar stock. He
answered all the questions of the committee
In the negative , saying that he had not
bought , sold or owned any of tha stack , and
none , of his family , to his knowledge , had
done so.
Wheat Statistics Wanted.
WASHINGTON , June 20. Senator Petfer
today Introduced a resolution , which -wu
passed , directing the secretary of agriculture
to inform the senate as to the amount of
wheat supply , visible and invisible , the esti
mated crop of this year , the amount neces
sary for export , and such Information as
may ba available.
Tnro Day * for the Income Tax.
WASHINGTON. June 20. The duration of
the debate on the Income tax will depend
largely on Senator Hill , and he has ex
pressed the opinion that two days time will
bo sufficient to dispose of the matter. The
disposition on the republican side Is to let
the democrats settle the matter among them
Confirmed by the Senate.
WASHINGTON , Juno 20. Tha scnato In
executive session. , today confirmed tha nom
ination of John B. Gordon of Georgia to b
consul at Matamoraa. Me * .
"Falrle * * Carnival. "
"The Fairies' Carnival" will unquestion
ably ba the midsummer event. There will
be so many novel features , such elaborate
stage settings , such beautiful groupings
and pretty music that It will delight every
beholder. It will bo given at the Fifteenth
Street theater June 27 , 23 and 9 , cloelne
with a , grand children a matinee June 30.
Seat rale opens Monday morning at tne
box ofac * of the theater.
Thin Clothing
A fine flannel coat and rest $1.75.
A light coat and vest in small sizes , SOc.
The entire pant stock In three lots.
All $5.50 to $7.00 men's pants , now $4.25.
All $3.25 to $4.00 men's pants , now $2.75.
All $2.00 to $3.00 men's pants , now $1.75.
Broken sizes In men's and boys' suits at
less than half price.
A god business suit , $3.7fi , worth $7.50.
Men's suits In broken sizes , $7.50 , worth
Knee pant suits , $1.95 and $2.50 , worth up
to $0.50.
Knee pants 25c , 35c and SOc that are
worth double this price.
Book Bargains.
No lover of books should pass these op
1 line ot paper books , 5c.
1 line ot paper books , lOc.
1 line ot paper books , 19c
The above lines embrace all the latest and
"best works of fiction , script type.
One line of cloth bound books by such au
thors as Scott , Dickens , Thackery , Corey ,
etc. , 25c.
One line of cloth bound books , comprising
the Caxton , Tourist and the Aldlne edlti-
ttons of popular authors , ordinarily sold for
2Cc. 15c.
The Century line of popular authors
show the finest style of the bookmakers'
art , COc.
Drugs at Cut Prices.
Castorla. 25c.
Brown's Jamaica ginger , large , 3oc.
Ayer's hair vigor , 65c.
Mellln's food , large , 65c.
Hood's Sarsaparllla , CDC.
Scott's emulsion. Cue.
Palne's Celery Compound , COc.
Hires' root beer. 14c.
Whisky , SOc bottle.
Prescriptions carefully compounded at tht
lowest prices.
Hardware Dept.
Hammers Cc and lOc.
2 key jail pad lock , Sc.
, 2 ft rules , 3c.
Hand saws , 35c.
Wire nails , lc per pound.
" ( Shovels , 35c.
r Hatchets , lOc and 25c.
Carpet Bargains.
A good all wool carpet for SOc.
jA good Brussells carpet for 45c.
Cotton and wool Igraln , 25c , SOc to 35c.
Mill remnants of curtain scrim 2o yard.
, Sllkallne , Sc , lOc and ISc.
frlnse , 6c to lOe yari'
Contract for Constructing an Irrigation
Canal at O'Neill ' Awarded.
Ditch THll Extend Some Twelve lilies
and aiakci Crops on
Many Thousand Acres
O'NEILL , Neb. , June 20. Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The. contract was let
today for the construction of the Irrigation
ditch south of the Elkhorn river by the Elkhorn -
horn Irrigation company , and work will
commence in a few days. C. H. Lease &
Co. of Spencer , la. , are the contractors , and
the amount Is $5,650. The contract provides
for the completion of the ditch by November
1 , 1894. The proposed ditch will be twelve
and a half miles long. It takes the water
out of the Elkhorn river , ten miles west of
O'Neill , and conducts It south of the river
to a point on Dry creek. four miles south of
O'Neill. It will Irrigate one of the prettiest
sections of the country , comprising over
90,000 acres In extent The settlers alohg
the route of this ditch are very fortunate , as
It will make their crops a certainty every"
year , and enhance considerably the value of
their lands. While the ditch is being con
structed quite a number of Idle men will
be able to secure work , on It , as It is the Intention
tention of the officers' to employ as much
home labor as they conveniently can.
0. P. Blglln of this city originated this
Idea about two years ago. At that time It
was thought that such an enterprise would
bo Impossible. This ditch may be said to be
the inauguration of an ago of Irrigation for
northern 'Nebraska. Other similar enter
prises will surely follow.
Attaint nt Fremont.
FREMONT. June 20. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The following delegates have been se
lected to represent Dodge county In the
silver convention In Omaha tomorrow : F.
I. Elllck , W. H. Weeks , Hon. B. F. Farrell ,
Hugh Fey , Hon. N. P. Nelson. L. P. Hansen ,
John Hanns , Senator John Thomson , J. P.
llallon , Anson McDonald. J. N. Pollock , J.
K. Cramer , W. R. Wilson , Hon. L. P.
Larson , C. H. Chrlstensen , Waldo
Wlntersteen , Dr. Ji "S. Devrlcs , Dr.
E. W. Martin. J. W. C. Abbott , Henry
Slevors. Robert Kittle , ; LHenry Looschen ,
Hon. C. Hollenbcck.O. . D. Hanns , Jacob
Bodewlg , Charles Shaeffer ; W. J. McVlcker.
Some eneak thief reached through an open
window to George Buckland's , ' room and stole
bis panU , containing $7. ,
The following officers ol canton Fremont ,
Independent Order of pddi Fellows , were In
stalled at their regular /meeting : P. B.
Cumlngs , commander ; Wi J. Bullock , lieu
tenant ; J. M. Shlvoly , enaign ; Soren Hansen ,
standard bearer ; E. .Sctturman , treasurer ;
W. H. Haven , clork. '
Ilollorne Joint 'Itnlded.
BELLEVUE , Neb. , JunV 20. ( Special to
Tha Bee. ) About TaWary 1 Henry
Hornberger , an ex-saloon keeper of Omiha ,
rented the old Clarke store building and
started wJiot purported to bo a drug store ,
with one Ed Neuschaeffer. The drug store
* eon developed into a bootleg joint of gen
uine type , which called , forth many expres
sions of Indignation from the peaceable and
law abiding citizens of the village. Horn
berger continued his wet' goods traffic until
some of the representative citizens concluded
that It was about time to call a , halt , und a
complaint was filed with. Judge Beti charging
Hornberger wlht vloUttng the Slocum law.
A search warrant was immediately placed in
the hinds of Marshal McCarty , who raided
the Hornbarger joint , confiscating hU Block
of wet goods , and arreited Hornberger In
the act of converting a fresh keg of teer
Into bottled ginger ale. After a preliminary
hearing , the liquors "were destroyed and
Oak bedroom stills , 3 pieces. French bevel
plate mirror , bed 4xfi , all well made and
finished In good style , drawer work perfect.
Price , $15.00.
Cotton top mattress , $2.00. '
Woven wire springs , $1.25.
Oak cane seat dining chairs , Sac.
Oak center table , 95c. $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.60.
Largo oak rocker , with arms upholstered
In plush or tapestry , $2.95. We have all
there la of these and they cannot bo dupli
cated. Used to sell for $5.50.
Baby carriages , the best make on 'the
market , at $1.60. $2.60 , $3.00 , $3.60 , $4.S3 ,
$6.00 , $7.60 , $8.50.
We arc saving the paople money on furni
ture. First class , well made goods at the
lowest possible prices.
Household Necessities
No. 8 copper bottom wash boiler , 60c.
Pint Mason Jan , 40c per dozen.
Ono quart Mason Jjrs , 50c per dozen.
2-quart .Mason jars , COc per dozen.
Wash tubs. 25c.
2-hcop water palls , 7Vic.
Screen dcors , % Inch , 50c ; 1H Inch screen
doors , 75c each.
4-quart sprinkler , IGc.
C-quart sprinkler , 19c.
S-quart sprinkler , 25c.
2-quart ice cream freezer , $1.13 ; 4-quart ,
$1.35 ; 6-quart , $2.10 ; 8-quart , $2.70.
All copper tea kettles , 7flc.
No. S nlckle tea kettle. S5c.
3-gallon water cooler , 50c.
4-gallon water cooler , COc.
C-gallon water cooler , 8oc.
Mason jar rubber rings , 7V&c per dozen.
Jelly glasses , 24c per dozen.
Water coolers from 30c up.
Refrigerators The old styles from $9.00 up.
Dut if you want to see the finest thing In
the world in a refrigerator you want to s a
the new Automatic. We arc sole agents.
Sugar bowls , 3c each.
Butter dlshej , 3 c each.
Spoon holderH , 2V4c each.
Creamers , 2J4c each. _
Fruit saucers. lc each.
Water glasses , 1' c each.
China gold band cup and saucer , 7o per
China gold band plates , 3c each.
Dinner plates. 4c each.
Pie plates , 2c each.
Wash bowls .and pitchers , 24c each.
Chambers , 21c each.
Hotel bakers , 39c per dozen.
Plain white cups and saucers , 2c each.
Hornberger held to the district court In the
sum of $1.000. Yesterday a new pharmacist
was duly Installed In the joint and the Indi
cations are that Hornberger will endeavor to
continue business , but the authorities declare
that the first misstep will be the signal for
another raid. As a man cannot make a liv
ing at this place out of the drug business
alone , the general impression Is that Horn
berger Intended from the start that the drug
business would simply operate as a screen
for his whisky traffic.
At a citizens' meeting held the other night
It was decided to have a Fourth of July cele
bration at this place , and committees were
appointed to take charge of the arrange
ments. Bellevue's picnic grounds are the
best In the state , and a genuine old-fashioned
celebration is contemplated.
Smooth Pickpocket Captured.
ELKHORN , Neb. , Jun 20. ( Special to
The Bee. ) Yesterday Wallace Rich , foreman
of the Union Pacific extra gang , at work
here , assisted by City Marshal Fardenwalt ,
effected the capture of Billy M. Smith , a
pretty smooth pickpocket who dropped In
hero on Monday pay day and was reliev
ing the railway employes of their wealth
by the rolling process. He was doing a
good business until a couple of small boys
caught him In the act of "touching" a more
or less Intoxicated man. The boys told Mr.
Rich of what they saw , but as It was
some time after the discovery before Rich
was found the thief got out of town. The
wcrk train engine was pressed Into service
by Rich and accompanied by the train crew
and city marshal , started In pursuit of the
fugitive. He was overtaken nnd captured
at Waterloo and brought back here for pre
liminary hearing. When arraigned In justice
court this morning Smith pleaded guilty and
In default of $1,000 ball he will board at the
county Jail until next term of the district
court. From Smith's talk the police of
Omaha and South Omaha are pretty well ac
quainted with him. He says he was dis
charged from the South Omaha jail last
Friday and has served one term in the
, Kastcni Star Lodge Hloct * Officers.
FALLS CITY , June 20. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The Falls City chapter , Order of East
ern Star , met in regular session last evening
and elected the following officers for the en
suing year : Mrs. I. Reavls , W. M. ; Frank
Hlnton. W. P. ; Mrs. R. AWherry , asso
ciate W. M. : Mrs. C. W. Farlngton , secre
tary ; Mrs. D. W. Sowlos , treasurer ; Mrs.
Anna Tucker , W. C. ; Miss Sallle Shepherd ,
associate W. C. The chapter made arrange
ments to give a picnic at Hlnton'8 park on
Wednesday , June 27.
Republican League Club Organized.
BATTLE CREEK. Neb. , June 20. ( Special
to The Bee. ) A republican league was or
ganized here last evening , with twenty-five
members. George S. Hurford was elected
president , Lee Pryor secretary and Thomas
L. Curas treasurer. This town is one of
the leading democratic strongholds.
Crute llankor .Married.
CRETE , June 20. ( Special to The Bee. )
Frank H. Connor , vice president of the
Crete National bank , was today married
to Miss Evaiyn Hill of Warsaw , III. The
ceremony took place at St. Paul's Episcopal
church at Warsaw , 111.
laatlua | Uealdeuco liurned.
HASTINGS , June 20. ( Special Telegram
to Tliu Bee , ) About 9 o'clock this morning
the residence of Mrs. J. Beardsley , a widow
living at C and Lincoln avenue , was almost
completely destroyed by flre. Loss , $300 ,
with no Insurance.
Small Illaio at fit. Paul.
ST. PAUL. Neb. , June 20. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The residence and contents of George
Helm were destroyed by fire today. Loss ,
$1.400 ; Insurance , $1,050 , In the Continental
of Now York and Home.
Check Itauor Sentenced.
NEBRASKA CITY , June 20. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) S. A. Clvens pleaded
guilty this morning In district court to rais
ing a check and was sentenced to one year
In the penitentiary.
lt d Cloud M on Meet.
RED CLOUD , N b. , June 20. ( Special to
The Bee , ) Charity lodge No. O , Ancient
Sugar Cheaper
than Ever.
O rlng to the senate Investigation of the
sugar trust for bribery and the probability
of sugar going on the free Hat , we can tell
granulated sugar just now for 4c , but it
may go lower.
Haydcns' Is the only place you can get
what you want. Full cream cheese , 7Ho
nnd lOc ; full cream Young America cheese ,
7V c ; brick cheese , Sc , lOc and 12',5c ; llmbur-
ger cheese , lOc and 12Vic ; Swiss cheese , 12V c ,
He and 16c. Remember you can buy any
kind of cheese made at lowest prices when
you come here.
Our Meat '
Corned beef , Cc per pound.
PIckle pork , 71 c ; cooked ham , lOc ; bone
less ham , lOc ; California sugar cured ham ,
PC ; salt pork , Sc ; bacon , 9c ; sugar cured
No. 1 bacon , ll5c ! and 12&c ; pigs' feet , Cc ;
bologna , head cheese and liver sausage , 6c
per pound : cod fish. 2t c per pound ; fancy
lemons , 15c ; all kinds fish al.vuys In stock at
lowest prices.
You are always reeking in vain good butter
outside of Hoydens' . Yes , here is the only
place where you can buy the finest butter
made at prices that defy competition. Read
these prices :
Finest country butter made for 12Hc and
15c. You know by this time that we have
without a doubt the Onest creamery butter
made. You also know that our prices cannot
bo reached by any store In the west. Cream
ery butter that you pay 25c and 30c for you
can buy hero for ISc anil 20c.
Free and Accepted Masons , elected the fol
lowing officers : H. M. Brewer , master : A .
G. Willis , senior warden ; George Hagan ,
senior warden ; J. A. Gulleys , secretary ; M.
B. McNItt , treasurer.
Farmer Instantly Killed.
ST. PAUL , Neb. , June 20. ( Special to The
Bee. ) Isaac Lund , a Swedish farmer living
about ten miles west of here , near Danne-
brog , was Instantly killed yesterday. He
and Gustav Johansen , a neighboring farmer ,
were crossing the Union Pacific railroad
track when the horses got frightened and
ran away , throwing out the occupants. The
wagon ran over the head of Lund , crushing
his skull. Johansen , though somewhat
bruised , was not seriously hurt.
Cluy Center Prohlbs Not Numerous.
CLAY CENTER , Neb. , June 20. ( Special
to The Bee. ) The prohibition county conven
tion , which was called for this place Monday ,
failed to produce many delegates , the total
number being about a half dozen.
MUNROE , Neb. , June 20. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The prohibition county
convention held here today nominated W. D.
ElwcII for representative and elected dele
gates to the state and district conventions.
Vlsltlnc the lluil'.n.
CHADRON , Neb. . June 20. ( Special Tele
gram to'Tho Bee. ) A party of ten Princeton
students left here today In charge of Prof.
J. B. Hatcher on a three months' trip
through the Bad Lands of South Dakota and
Wyoming. They presented a grotesque ap
pearance , as attired in clothes of the Buffalo
Stil style , they mounted their bronchos for
the first time.
Cliiy Center Hotel Ilobbed.
CLAY CENTER , Neb. , June 20. ( Special
to The Bee. ) During the absence from the
office of Landlord Van Doren of the Commer
cial hotel yesterday some person broke open
the money drawer , securing about $12 , and
made good his escape.
After n Cruel Cowboy.
CHADRON , Neb. . Juno 20. ( Special Telegram -
gram to The Bee. ) A reward of $100 has
been offered by the National Humane society
for the arrest and conviction of the parties
whoso horses died In the 100-mllo race held
at this place June C.
Harrowing Cxpnrlcmro of a TaungHtor In a
C'lnclnnntl Tenement.
Shortly after 9 o'clock Sunday night there
was a dramatic scene In the large tene
ment house , IS ) Central avenue , Cincinnati.
On the xecond lloor of this building , re
ports the Enquirer , lives the Slmltz family ,
which is composed of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Shultz and their 7-months-old son , Louis.
Mr. Sliultz had gone across the street on
an errand at the time mentioned above ,
and his wife , hearing footsteps In the hall
way , went out to see If her husband WHS
returning home. It proved that the foot
steps which Mr * . Shultz heard were tho.v >
of another tenant returning homo. In
the Imlhvuy were several women who live
In the house , and Aim. Shultz concluded to
remain outside of her apartments for R
tlmo In order to engage In a friendly chat
with her neighbors and await the return
home of her HCKO lord. Mrs. Shultz hittl
been engaged In quiet conversation with
the neighboring women but a short tlmo
when Hhe was startled by hearlnu ncreanu
coming from the bedroom of her tlut. where
her baby had been asleep In a cradle.
The frightened mother hastened to the
apartment and a moat sickening night met
her gaze. She beheld three largo ruts
perched on the railing of her Infunt'a cra
dle , and the rodents were gnawing the face
and arms of her little one. Seeing
Mrs. Sliultz the ruts dustily made their en-
cape front the room. Streams of blood
were trickling down the cheek * of the babe ,
and the tot's face bore an agonizing expres
sion. The bedclothlnff In the cradle baa
been torn Into shreds In a number of place : *
by the rats , and both arms of the Innocent
little one were a muss uf ncratelies and
bites. The tiny night dress of the Infant
was thoroughly saturated with the Ufa
blood of the suffering' victim , and there
were several largo abrasions on Its neck.
Nut only had the rats gnawed the body of
the helpless child , but they had also
chewed largo pleceM out of the wooden cra
dle. Several of the upholxteretl chalra In
the room had a Inn been attacked and tiio
hair with which the Beats was atuffed was
protruding In a number of places. Other
furniture In the apartment bore vldenuo
of the advent of the roiUmts. When Mm.
mViltZnnhcldi < ; the frKh ) "l condition of hel
one and
saw the larce ratt Hh ViV
tere.l one- scream nnd fel
to the floor In an
bSffhlfrrtfd ! 'I" ' ' Several ofthe nelffh"
, , , ,
? Si ° lnc bedroom
„ „ and .Mrs. Shfilti
suffering babe a"J plac.ctl UP" " * bed. Th"
was taken from Its onuiln
and placed beside Jts mother. The
S ' ] al' ' ° w " ° ° ne else to minister to "t ,
returned hnfn6 me5ln"rae Mr. Shultz nk"
r , .ne nnd he assisted his wlfu
? the " "merous wounds of thelt
. ? / } unfortunate child cried Inces-
belnB , bathed"nd it was ap.
e t" Jhe Teem that tl'e I't- '
Juttertn r excruciating pain.
uounds in the " child's tJ trlclt' ' ° 'rom thi
face and arms nnd
.deemctl best totake The 55f-
to.ho . { hospital Instead of to
.ny8'0,111 ' ? . The little victim was
n bundle(1 , V ntul hurrlcilly taken
on V ovf nnt"e(1 Institution. When the
! wa brou ! t , , ln nt the Ann street
cltlnsr and crying plteously
' nat.lJ macle a Buncrnclal
of the infant's wounds , nnd
at once realized the little
one was In a
precarious condition. The receiving physl-
2nn , ? = nd Ml as ls"nts ; counted forty-two
° " was ' >
to cauterize necessa''J
The tiny victim was by that time as palo
' was fast ro.mth.loss , , . ° r Wood. IlS
ebblnp nwny and thp sur-
c"PelIelJ ' 'o ' work as rapidly
. . . Restoratives
were given the
' ff ' ,7 Hvnlehv.tho lmlf hundrc.1 woundS
were bathed with
an antiseptic solution.
7h'Leniame ' thf ln > orlous ta k of cauterizing
the bites nnd
pcratches. It was a deli
cate task but the HUffprlne child bore
? ? \ .fedlnfly-wcl , nder the trylnu ordea .
Dr. Castle treated the wounds the
other iihyslclnns. toKother with the father
of the bnl > e , held the llttlo one. Each time
the surgeon would touch It thp poor child
would nlmoit Jump with pain , nestora-
before iSre . f-.lve/J / thp and .chJl(1 his nsalatants a secon'l "mo had
So ish ! thelr tnsfr When a" Ul wounda
had been
carefully cauterized the Infant
was placed upon another couch , where
the numerous bites and scratches were
child ' fh ; Aftcr nl , hn < 1 bocn done for tha
that was possible It was put to bed.
nnd at last reports was In u
verj' critical condition. It Is thousht , however -
ever , that with careful nureinir nnd proper
treatment the unfortunate babe will
vlve. It wlU.
require Beveral weeks of con-
stnnt care and the administration of much
nutritious food before the child can rcgalK
Its lost vitality , as the loss of blood by
the night s episode was very great. Dr.
Castle and the other physlclnns nt tha
hospital expressed the -opinion that the
unfortunate child's face will ba somewhat
'llsflsured In case of Its ultimate recovery.
This Is the first case of this character that
has come to the notice of the physlclanu
at the hospital for several years past.
Switchback and carousal Courtland. *
It "UIII Not Ntnj Don-n.
The county commlsHloncrs are havlnfc
more trouble with the macadam pavement
being laid on West Dodge street. One.
half mlli ) of material has been laid and
the work of rolling was Instituted yoHtcr-
day , but Instead of the pavement packlnff
down Into onp solid mos.i. It bunched up
nnd pushed alon In front of th roller.
The contractor has declared that he can
not do the work In Accordance with the
spcclllcatloris. He In of the opinion that If
he were allowed to use clay for a binder
ho could puck the pavement , but If he In
compelled to use pea fjr.ivM , ns provided
for In the contract , he nvows that It will
be Impossible to make a road that will
satisfy the commissioner * and come within
the terms of the upcclflcatlons.
Balloon nightly at 8 , Courtland. < l 1 | '
ItnvUIng thn Proposition.
The county commissioners and the citi
zens' committee , the members of which are
City Engineer lloaewater , S. D. Jlercer
and O , M. Hitchcock of tills city. O. W.
Whltmore of Valley and Mayor Johnston
of South Omnhu , held a Bosnian ymter-
day aflrrnooit for the purpose of considering -
ing the features of the I'latte river canal
proportion , with H view to eliminating
any objectionable features , Theje meet-
lriK will contlnuo from tluy to day until
the proposition Is reported back to the
open board. George W. Lake has been up.
pointed as the letcal adviser to aee that
the Interests of the county are properly
protected. _
Slide tor life , Courtland beach tonifiht.