Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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i : . noanwATnn , iMitor.
lice ( without Hun.lny ) . One Year. . . .MM
I itly I * * nivl Hundny , On Y.nir . 10 M
Bx M'inttH . , W
Jlirro M.nith * . " ' 2S ?
Hun ! ny Iw. ! OniV.iir . . . J JJJ
M urifiiv ! ! . On Y d- . . . . . J1'
< ? , OnYmr . . .
Dmnrm. Th ! ! < > uintf.
P..UII1 Omnh.1. > in T N nn > l Twenty-fourth Sta.
Council Illiirrn , IJ IVnrl Hlrwt.
rhirnio ( ) lllo , 317 ChiimW of CMmnicrce.
N-w York , H-Kimn IJ , II nn < \ IV TrlbUno
\\mliliitcton , 1107 K Mrrrt , N. V .
All rnmmunlcnllonii rrlntlnu to nw * n ml cell-
In' Ml mntter MmuM be mldtwwl ! To tlm rMHor.
. .
All ttnlnciu Minn nnil rrmlttjncM should be
nrlil , 'imed In The Hca I'ubllnlilnn company ,
Oniilin. Drnftx. rliccUn nmt tumlnlllcc orders to
lie imil imyiililo to lln1 order of HIP cotnpnny.
( leorRO II. Tzfclnick , secretary of The llee t'tifo-
H : ilnK comimny , hclim duly mu > rn. nyn thnt Hie
nctunt number of full nnd complete copies of
The Dally Morning , inlni ( nnd Sunday Il-o
lirlnteil during the month of May , ISM , wn * n
follow * :
I..OM deductions for unsold nnd leturncd
coplcii * * . * . . . * . . .i lo.GH
Totnl unld M7G7
Dally nvcrngo net clrruljtlon. . . . . . . . . . 22,1S3
Rworn to before mo nnd ul < rlbcd In my pres
ence thli 2J dny of .June. 1891.
( Seal. ) N. r. ri3IU Notary Public.
Now that Charley Unltt'H official organ has
turned up Its toes , ho will probably have to
improvise an ofllclal handbill.
President Cleveland need have no fear of
returning to his po3t of duty at Washington.
Those anarchists nro vouched for as entirely
The rain-makers will soon eo out of busi
ness In Nebraska. The showers of the past
week have reached the top-notch of the
It's a vapor steve manufacturers' trust
now , but It runs a great risk of .going up
with a flash. These vapor stoves always
did require the greatest precaution to avoid
Neither high nor low are spared by the
epidemic of congressional malaria , Speaker
Crisp himself has been compelled to suc
cumb to the tcrrlblo scourge In order to
maintain his salary unimpaired during his
absence from the house.
All Chairman Wilson's personal sacrifices
to get coal on the free list go for naught
when the senate Insists upon having coal
made dutiable. Congressman Wilson must
begin to wish that ho had taken the credit
for a duty on coal to himself.
The silver conference Is to be a rather ex-
cluslvo affair. Nobody will be admitted to
the floor who does not subscribe to the 1C
and 1 unlimited free coinage fad , and the
gallery Is ( o be exclusively reserved for
Orynn's claqucrs. Under such conditions
harmony Is assured In advance and enthusi
asm can be uncorked so long as leather lungs
will hold out.
The Insurance agents are doing their ut
most to prevent the Hoard of Education
from carrying out Its plan for an Insurance
fund of Its own. They are bringing pressure
to bear to compel the board to take out no\t
Insurance policies , which would practically
nullify the resolution of the board to bo Its
own Insurer. The now plan should cither
be rigidly adhered to or entirely abandoned.
Senator Perkins of California must bo ex
ceptionally conscientious to refrain from voting
ing on the coal schedule for the reason that
ho has a personal Interest In coal
mines on the Pacific coast. His associates
In the senate did not suffer any scruples of
conscience when they voted for free silver ,
notwithstanding the fact that they or their
trtends were personally Interested In silver
mines and mining stocks.
Investors are not yet jumping at the op
portunity offered by the passage of the general -
oral electric franchise ordinance to estab
lish competition In Omatia. In extending
the Invitation the council has expressly re
served the public lighting as a monopoly for
Mr. Wiley's company. A monopoly of the
public lighting Is nlway * accompanied with
a monopoly of the commercial lighting. The
general ordinance has flattering prospects of
remaining a dead letter.
The garbage question Is as unsettled now
as it was a year ago. The wrangle has ox.
'tended through the council , the Board of
'Health and the courts. In the interval the
ipooplo are farced to submit to Inofllclont nnd
Inadequateservice. . When the garbage job
was railroaded through the council last year
lovory ono was apparently Impressed with th
necessity for prompt nnd speedy action.
Since the job has fallen through this haste
has been supplanted by tli most gross In
difference. This question can not bo put off
The attorney of the school board has been
directed to draw up the annual contracts
with the school house janitors. Why there
should bo signed contracts with janitors
when there are no written contract * with
teachers or other employes Is Incomprehensi
ble. A contract for labor holds the city for
the full time at the stipulated price , but the
janitor may quit work whenever ho sees
fit or ho may strike tor higher wages. The
way to employ janitors Is to engage them
as they are wanted at fair wages during the
pleasure of the city , which means during
good behavior.
In Chicago the campaign against the tmoko
nuisance has gotten as far as the Institution
of several suits for damages against ono of
the worst offenders by the owners of neigh
boring property , who propose to show ex
actly how much they suffer from thu smoke
nuisance and to demand pecuniary compensa
tion for their loss. Should this move provo
successful and the right of property owners
'bo oitubllshed to obtain Judgment for the
damage * which they suffer on account of
euch violation of the city ordinances , a won
derful Impetus will bo given to the Introduc
tion of unoUo consuming devices Men who
will bravo a , pullo prosecution fear the
whluia of a Jury that may bo cilled upon to
fix the penalty ( or their neglect. A mul
tiplicity of private suits for damages for inJury -
Jury caused by smoke will In that event be
come the most effective method of enforcing
the itnoko nuliauce ordinance.
wonn't : AUK /.osnvr ;
Since the hard times begun In this coun
try the tide has turned nnd emigration from
the United States has assumed extraordinary
proportion ! . It Is said that for the first
tlmo In the history of slccrags trafllc the
home-iccklng aliens arc les than those who
are returning to the homen they left when
the commercial and Industrial skies on this
side of the ocean were bright with hope.
At first the outflowing tide was moderate ,
but It swr-ltod In volume as the nrmy of
unemployed Increased nnd lockouts and
strikes multiplied. The great majority of
thoic who have left and are leaving the
country are of the more thrifty class of
foreigners , people who can afford to pay
their way , and each ono carries with him
money accumulated by months or years
of labor. Having saved up aomo money they
feel that It Is better to go to their native
land , where the expense of living Is leas
than here , and wait until the depression Is
passed and there , Is again In this country
an actlvo demand for labor. The rates for
steerage passage to Europe being very low ,
men out of work who liave accumulated
something arc taking advantage ot It to visit
their old homes. These people have taken
with them In the aggregate several millions
of dolllars , drawn from the savings banks ,
all or the greater part ot which will be
spent abroad and Is therefore so much taken
from the wealth of the country. Probably
most of thesa people will return when times
Improve , but very likely many of them will
remain away , for It Is by no means certain
that the Improvement In Industrial condi
tions In the United States will come so sooner
or will be no great as to Induce the return
of such of these people as may find employ
ment abroad. It Is doubtless safe to calcu
late that fully one-fourth of them will not
come back and there will bo comprised In
these the most desirable class of aliens In
dustrious and thrifty people , who make ex
cellent citizens.
In the meantime there has been a
marked decrease of Immigration , particularly
since the beginning of the present year.
From the figures of Immigration so far this
year it Is Indicated that the number of
nllens who will como Into the country during
1804 will bo smaller than for any preceding
year since 1878 , The people of Europe ,
familiar with the unfortunate Industrial con
dition here , and staying where they arc , and
unless there Is a revival of the Industries
and business of the country within the next
three months those who want a complete
suspension of Immigration may have their
deslro gratified without any additional legis
lation for Its restriction. Every man who
returns to his native land In consequence of
his Inability to find employment hero Is a
messenger bearing a warning to his ac
quaintances abroad to stay away from this
country , nnd there could bo no more poten
tial form of restriction upon Immigration
than this. These who are still calling for
further restrictive legislation may therefore
quiet" their fears , If they really have any , for
the conditions hero are proving to be a
most effective check to Immigration , while
operating at the same time to send out of
the country people who have the means to
go In so great numbers as to tax to their
full capacity the accommodations of the
steamship lines. There nro thousands of
others who would return to their native
lands If they had the means to do so.
There are some whoso prejudices are so
strong or whoso Ideas are so narrow as to
regard the outflow of population as a good
thing for the country , but no ono who can
take a common-senso and practical view of
It will so think. Not only do the people who
return to Europe take out of the country a
largo amount of money that will not comeback
back , but they reduce the body of con
sumers and thus lessen the demand for
American products. The loss of 100,000 people -
plo out ot a population of 65,000,000 docs not
appear to bo very material , but everybody
must admit that It would bo much better
If the conditions were such that they could
remain hero and have employment that
would advance the development and Increase
the wealth of the nation. This Is ono of
the consequences of the democratic assault
upon the long-established economic policy of
the country. It has not only almost put a
stop to the Inflow ot population , but It has
also forced many thousands to leave the
country , and for this It Is unable to show a
single compensating benefit.
The facts thus far brought to light by
the committee of the Now York state senate
which Is Investigating the police force ot
New York City show that the present Tam
many managers are no less venal and cor
rupt than In the days of Tweed , though they
may generally use their unscrupulous gains
In loss prodigal and vicious dissipation than
did their predecessors. It is said ot the Tam
many leaders ot today that whllo they have
been a more Intensely money-getting sot than
were those of Tweed's times , with a few ex
ceptions , the flaunting of vices In the face of
the public and all those tilings which shock
the public sense have been carefully avoided
by the leaders of the Crokor regime. Nearly
all of these men have seemed to have es
pecial prldo In their families and to have
led self-respecting lives so far as domestic
relations are concerned.
Uut they scorn to have boon no less greedy
nnd unscrupulous than their shameless pre
decessors of the Tweed period ; no less will
ing to profit by corrupt practices and to ac
quire wealth , or lay the foundation for It , by
forcing tribute from all the depraved and
lawless classes who Infest the metropolis.
The disclosures ot the Investigating commit
tee furnish startling evidence ot how the
police of Now-York City have boon used to
exact contributions for the perpetuation of
Tammany rulo. The counsel who Is directIng -
Ing the Investigation Is reported to have said
recently that It would not bo an over esti
mate to say that $20,000,000 have boon paid
corruptly for police protection and in the
shape of poltco bribery within the last twelve
or fifteen years. Whatever the sum may
have been the greater part of It has
been turned over to the district committees -
tees ot Tammany and used to keep Now York
City In the control of that political organi
zation. That the managers of Tammany ,
having access to this money , have not failed
to turn a part ot It to their personal ndvan.
tago there can bo no doubt. When Klchard
Croker became the head of that organization
a few years ago he was not a rich man , Now
ho la very wealthy , and no explanation has
over been made showing that ho obtained
hla wealth In a legitimate way. Ha and his
friends have shielded themselves against In
quiry by asserting that this was a matter
with which the public had no concern. As
soon as the evidence ot police venality began
to bo disclosed Croker fled to Europe , os
tensibly for hla health and by the advlco of
his physician , but there Is strong reason to
bellovo really for the purpose of avoiding
being called before the Investigating commit
tee. Other Tammany leaders have become-
wealthy within a few years , and whllo it Is
doubtless true that some of them have been
fortunate In business enterprises and In spec
ulation It Is not questionable that they owe
a part of their gains to the cornipt practices
that are being brought to light.
Tammany nnd Its leaders cannot escape
the odium of these dcvitopments , tor that ,
organization controls the police department
of Now York. It would bo absurd to assume
that Us leaders have known nothing of th
corruption and vonollty that have existed
In the department , for the evidence of It
was constantly before them. It would be
equally absurd to assume that while permit
ting It they did , not profit by It. The enl >
sure remedy for this stnte of affairs Is the
overthrow ot Tammany as a political organi
zation. It Is Inherently corrupt nnd unscru.
pulous , nnd as long ns It Is permitted to re
tain power it will seek to pcrpetuato Its
rule by v nal nnd dishonest methods. If
the results of this Investigation do not lead
to Its overthrow the people of N w York
City will forfeit all right to clean and honest
KKKI > in < run aouo iro/fic.
The Commercial club nnd Manufacturers
association have done n great deal ot good
work for Omnha since their organization.
The Commercial club has Infused life and
enterprise Inta the jobbing and retail trade
by concerted effort to Increase and extend
trafllc. It has advertised Omnha's re
sources at homo and nbroad , and exerted a
wholesome Influcnco In fnvor of united
action In support ot measures nnd projects
that tend to promote the growth of Omulia.
The Manufacturers and Consumers associa
tion has given powerful Impetus to local
manufacturing by the homo Industry move
ment. It has not only enlarged the patron-
ngo of our mills and factories , but drawn
other manufacturing concerns Into Omaha
by convincing their owners that this Is a
promising field for Industry. It goes with
out saying that both ot these associations
linvo had a good deal of up-hill work and
encountered many obstacles by reason of
the prevailing business depression nnd gen
eral despondency among investors. In fact
It Is surprising that they have achieved
any results In the face ot such discouraging
conditions. Their success under untoward
circumstances and almost Insurmountable
difficulties only goes to show what pluck
and perseverance can do.
The consensus of opinion among farsighted -
sighted business men Is that we have
reached bottom and nre now on the eve
of a gradual era ot Improvement and de
velopment. The new tariff bill will doubt
less become a law within sixty days. However -
over detrimental some of its features maybe
bo to commerce and Industry the settle
ment of the tariff controversy for three
years at least will tend far toward bring
ing on n revival of activity both with Im
porters and manufacturers. The importers
who have allowed their stocks to run down
to avoid loss by the Impending reduction of
duties will feel safe In laying In new stocks.
An Increase of purchases by jobbing houses
will naturally follow. Manufacturers will
readjust their output to the changed con
ditions under the new tariff. Some concerns -
corns may bo forced to close altogether
by the abolition of Import duties below
rates that would enable the American manu
facturer to compete with pauper made Im
ported wares. But the great majority of
factories and mills that were closed down
by the panic and kept closed
by the uncertainties of tariff tinkers will
resume operations and run In full blast
before the end of the year. With the re
sumption of trade and manufacturing will
come re-employment of idle labor , Increased
consumption and steady revival of business.
Under such conditions the prospect for
recovering lost ground and forging ahead
Is as good for Omaha as any of her com
mercial rivals. What is needed now Is
preparation to meet the demands of Im
proved conditions. The Commercial club and
Manufacturers association should not slacken
in their good work. Stiffen the backbone
of the doubters and grumblers by hammer
ing away Incessantly at some project , and
encourage every enterprise and help to re
store popular confidence by pointing the
way to now enterprises that will contribute
toward Omaha's material welfare and
growth. Wo are very near the turning ot
the tide and all wo need is a long pull , a
strong pull and a pull all together to reach
the shore.
Secretary Morton has been once more
utilizing his letter writing abilities , this
tlmo for the benefit of the coming conference
of free silver democrats. Somebody out In
Tecumseh had the audacity to complain to
the secretary about the failure of democratic
candidates for civil service offices to fetch
the places. In reply ho was informed that
If the democrats didn't pass as good exam
inations as the republicans It was their own
faults and they deserved to get no plums.
"When , " ho ndds , "tho members of a party
cease to study economic questions , and are
willing to have outsiders like populists do
their thinking for them , to the extent of
proscribing flat money as a panacea for all
commercial depression , it Is not surprising
that they got somewhat behind In the study
of dutlos pertaining to the various depart
ments of the government. " This Is directly
In point for the tree silver democrats. To
Secretary Morton free silver colnago Is as
heretical as pure fiatlsm , and every ono who
subscribes to either Is hereby warned that
the democrat who goes Into the coming conference
ferenco leaves hope of federal patronage be
Wo are reliably Informed that every dele
gate to the conference of free silver demo
crats is to be presented with a handsome
souvenir In the form of a medal commemo
rative ot the occasion. The metal Is to bo
Issued on the basis of 1C to 1 , the alloy con
sisting of sixteen parts of iron to ono part of
brass. The face Is to represent an Idol , with
the body of populism and the head of Bryan
In the attitude of delivering his famous
speech on "Why You Should Vote for Mo
for Senator. " The obverse sldo nlll show
.fragments of the former Idols at whoso
shrines the Nebraska democrats have wor
shipped In the past. These Inedals will pass
current In payment of nil political obligations
and will bo redeemed at their market value
by any self-respecting pawn broker. The
prospect ot securing such a valuable me
mento ought to assure the attendance of
every democrat who wants more silver.
The Philadelphia Press reads the opinion
of the United States supreme court In the
Texas Hallroad commission case as estab
lishing the right of the states to determine
reasonable rates by state judicial process.
It appears , furthermore , to be apprehensive
that this decision might make It possible
for a state adjudication of rates In duo season
to drlvo pretty much all the roads Into the
federal receivership corral. Of course tbero
Is no danger of tlilu at present , nor Is there
any likelihood that the state courts would
approve a. maximum schedule of rates that
waa clearly conflscatory In Its character
any more than the federal courts. The
danger Is rather on the other Bide ,
that the railroads In the future as
In the past will aucceod In man
ipulating courts so that they will overthrow
ralo schedules that , quite reasonable to
every tnlr-mlntlcd midMdlslntercstcd person.
The state courts nre"aijwcll able to Inquire
Into the question of r onnbte rates as the
federal courts. All \\tgy \ , want Is to bo tree ,
from federal Intcrferllico.
When Cowglll linTf' i cn ousted from the
city electrician's oflldo ' the Wiley cumblno
In the council declarpljthat lh y were ready
to confirm any cotnppt < jnt man the mayor
would nominate. Thp rijayor has nominated
a man whoso competency cannot bn culled
In question. He ls'h ' | most practical elec
trician In the clty bu ( the Wiley contln-
gent has hung him tip. ' They do not dare to
question his capaclty'or Impugn his Integrity.
Hut they say he Is $0 slow. Yes , he Is too
slow , and so Is every other man who does not
consort with Wiley ! The fact U a man who
Is not willing to sell himself In advance to
play dummy and catspaw has no show of
being confirmed by Wiley's contingent.
Senator Hill reserves the right to vote for
the tariff bill or not when ho sees what It
Is as n finality. Can It bo that the uncon
querable David Is preparing to hedge when
the Issue Is squarely presented ? Mr. Hill
has said that ho would never vote for the
bill so long as the Income tax feature re
mains Incorporated In It. Ho knows that
that feature Is there to stay ns long ns any
other provision of the bill. If Mr. Hill Is
sincere his mind must have long ago been
made up as to his vote on the final passage
of the bill. .
New York Woild.
The servant girl who sends telegrams
without nuthorlty Is Ilrst cousin to the
Carnegie workman who ctieata the govern
ment In violation ot the wlshos of his
Hint Vnir for the Doctors.
The public htnlth this year has been
exceptionally good , nnd some of the doc
tors say that plainer living Is the cause
of the Improvement. If the democrats
don't use this fact In their -platforms they
will miss tlielr only chance for a jubilant
Snmxhlnfr Hn ItloU.
Minneapolis Tribune.
Carl Schurz , who used to worship Cleve
land , Is now hammering his Idol with n
club. It Is the custom of certain savage
tribes to smnsh their goda nnd carve out
new ones when prayers for r.un are not
answered. Human nature is much the same
the world over. It would be Interesting
to know what Mr. Schurz wanted.
finis I.cKiHliitlon Dofeatcil.
SiirlnBtlold ( Mnsa. ) IU-publlcnn.
An eight-hour day statute In Nebraska
has been declared unconstitutional by the
state supreme court. The grounds stated
nre that It Is special or class legislation ,
In view of the exemption of farm laborers ,
and that it denies the right of parties to
contract with reference to compensation
for tlielr services. This Is not likely to
prove an unpopular decision In many parts
of Nebraska. The average farmer knows
that the more be works the more he gets ,
and he would be unable to understand or
sympathize with a movement which seems
to rest on the contrary rule.
Clean Uut the Conspirators.
Cincinnati Commercial.
No more infamous' conspiracy has ever
been unearthed Washington than the
one which Is now -belnff slowly and re
luctantly uncovered hjf tthe benate commit
tee. It is fair to presunie that all the old
trusts are Involved In * it , although none
but the Sugar trust-has yet been revealed.
It presents the gravest question that can
be considered by any people , nnd that Is
the Integrity of oUr rulers. There Is but
one remedy , nnd thht Is to turn every man
Involved , and everynman who attempts to
shield the BUllty , out ofiofllce us quickly na
It can bo done , tjie proposed legisla
tion , there can be no further question
about It amons no.upraflemen. . Not only
should It be defeated , but every existing
law under which A' monopoly has been
formed should be irepDftled without delay.
Down with the trusts and the men who sup
port them. _ * " _
Congressman llvynn "Cuts Loose. "
Chicago Herald.
A dispatch from Omaha announces that
Congressman William J. Bryan , the young
oratorical storm center and whirlwind of
Nebraska , will make n speech at Lincoln In
that stnte the 21st. Inst. on this subject :
"We Favor the Immediate Restoration ot
the Free anil Unlimited Coinage of Gold
and Silver at the Present Ratio. Without
Waiting for the Action of Any Other Na
tion on Earth. "
This is like the case of a book reviewed
by Macaulay. He said that the title page
contained enough matter for an ordinary
preface , and the contents ot the preface
would fill un ordinary volume.
It has been for the Interest of the demo
cratic newspapers to puff Mr. Bryan Into
notoriety as a great national orator , nnd
they now see what they have done. He
begins to feel that he Is too big for the
party. It Is like the chap who was Jilted
by his Rlrl. He explained the trouble by
saying that "he had flattered her so much
that she had got to be too proud to speak to
him. " It Is not the first time that over *
praise has produced cephalic enlargement
of a serious character , even while It Is
ridiculous in its manifestations.
Mr. Bryan gave It out himself , some time
ago , that he should not be a candidate tor
another term In congress , and that he should
cease to be a demoernt "on account of the
silver question. " It Is easy enough to see
why the young- oratorical cyclone of the
Platte valley concluded he would not go to
congress again. In 1890 ho was elected
over his republican opponent by G.713 ma-
jotlty. In 1892 the great landslide year
for other democratlo candidates his ma
jority was 110. He lost C.477 of his majority
in two years. His disgust for a congres
sional career Is explained.
Mr. Bryan's election to congress In 1890
was quite a lift for him In life. Ills success
at the bar had been unsatisfactory , nnd It
was a munificent boon when the demo
crats took him up and elected him to con
gress. It was not their fault that he nar
rowly escaped defeat the second time he
was a candidate. He fulled to work for
himself , and mistook the artificial fame
which had been created In the newspapers
for home popularity. The trouble with
newspaper fame is that it cannot vote.
Home popularity can vote , nnd In that
respect Is more powerful than fame with
all its trumpets and the wind to blow them.
It Is understood that Mr. Bryan will nut
return to the practice of his profession. Ho
has confided to his nelghbois that ho "has u
hotter thing. " Something In the Coxey
line. He Is to become , so they say , a wan
dering odvocate'of the silverltes and their
theories. He is going to convince the coun
try , or try to , that to call a thing a dollar
makes It a dollar , whether it is a dollar or
not.This will be a great mlxtako for Mr ,
Bryan. He Is n personal Illustration of the
electric truth that simply calling a thing o
does not make It so. The democratic news-
pwpers have been calling him for three
year.s n splendid democratic orator and
statesman of national merit nnd Interim-
tlonal promise. The experiment was a
failure. Calling him so did not make htm
HO no more than cATlliig cents' worth of
silver a dollar makostlt a dollar.
The Coxeyltes exnect.jx revival when the
young oratorical cyclone of the Platte val
ley gets around among the people. New
vagabond armies , tlloy tintlelpiitu. will fol
low him. The tuttunlttpmllon brigade will
whoop It up for him lind , surround him i i
long as the people .will provide rations nnd
other comforts of TTairrp life. It is prob
able , however , that the democrats of Ne
braska will not bo trrcorfaolnble. They can
not bo much wonuKbffi without him than
they have been with-him. When he cm * ,
loose they will not In wiore affected than a
ten-acre lot Is when a bjuloon that has been
held down within It la cast off to float away
on the air. They/Will utand uolldly to
gether , will plan tlltir Campaign with pru
dence , foresight and.iiougage , and will make
the best light that th y.can against repub
licans , Bryan , Coxevlfts , the world , the
flesh and other enemies ,
mil j
i'T , < iTTH nirjtn tvi.var .
OMAHA , Juno 10. To the Kdltor ot The
lien : It Is usually neither pleasant nor
profitable to sail In opposition to the current
of pubtlo opinion , and consequently many
people nro willing to trim their sails so ns to
drift with the tide , oven when they know
that It carries them away from what they
consider to bo safe anchorage. Kor that rea
son wo often find mon who nre opposed to
schemes for supposed public Improvement ,
who are quite outspoken against It In private ,
and yet they do not have the courage to give
their opinion In public. Much foolishness
and great fraud often arise from this selfish
habit of Indifference. Wo nil admire the
modesty which makes many shrink from a
contest , and yet this virtue Is often carried
to such an extreme that It becomes cowardice.
At the meeting held at the court hottse
un Saturday night I am confident that many
ucre opposed to running through the 1'l.itte
canal scheme without duo consideration and
care , and yet they were averse to entering
their protest against the largo majority who
came to the meeting determined to vote for
the canal at all hazards. When a young
man. whose position and experience gave him
a right to speak , gave strong and sensible
reasons why \\o should not jump Into this
scheme without consideration. It was very evi
dent from the unkind allusions made by many
of the speakers that the meeting was not
anxious to hoar anything which might be
taken as opposition to the canal. I presume
that all sorts of bad motives will be attrib
uted to the writer for his opposition to the
scheme , and yet It will be difficult to give
any good reason , except his sincere convic
tions , why ho should bo In opposition to the
Platte river canal.
If It Is to benefit the city now or In the
Immediate future 1 am ns likely to be bene
fited at any one , because I am not only ac
tively engaged In business , but I also own a
considerable amount of real estate. Not
withstanding my Interests and also that I
am always pleased to be In sympathy with
my fellow citizens , 1 am from my present
knowledge quite opposed to the canal scheme
In Its present condition. I am really In
clined to think that the whole project Is
quite wild In Its conception. It will be un
derstood clearly that I have no knowledge
of engineering , and I consequently take It
for granted that the statement of the expert
engineers , backed up by the statement of
our very able city engineer , Andrew Ilose-
water , are correct , and that the scheme ,
merely as an engineering feat , la quite feasi
ble. Indeed , In the'o days there la scarcely
anything In the engineering line but what
Is possible. I am confident that our en
gineers could today build the pyramids of
Kgypt or any other of the seven wonders of
the world , and In such cases the only ques
tion that Is asked Is , "Will It pay ? " And
that Ir the question which I mean to ask
In reference to the proposed Platte Klver
canal. Before I ansuer this question let
me- refer briefly to the present condition of
the city. We were told at the meeting In
elegant and eloquent language that the city
was to be compared to a sinking ship , and
that except help was offered at an early day
we would , as a city , sink to the very bottom
less pit. This was , indeed , the keynote
for all who manifested their enthusiasm
for the canal scheme.
I except from this statement Mr. Herman
Kountze , for ho was not an enthusiast , but
came to the meeting to tell them that he was
anxious to do a little , and cautioned them
to prudently investigate before they rushed
headlong Into what might not only swallow
up their capital but also the credit ot our
Let us analyze carefully the present condi
tion ot the city nnd see If we are -eally In
that fearful condition which Is represented
by a "sinking ship ; " if so , It behooves us
to keep active In more ways tlian one , and
If it turns out that wo are not In that sinkIng -
Ing condition , then It certainly behooves us to
keep cool and not frighten both the passen
gers and crew , especially by false reports.
Lot me glance over the leading Industries
represented here In Omaha.
First , the banks : If I mistake not our
banks are in as good a condition as the
same number of banks in any city In the
country , and they have weathered the late
I storm without , so far as I can remember ,
a single failure. They are today In a
healthy condition and with an unimpaired
credit , and with more money than they can
use to advantage.
Second , the manufacturers : . It Is quite
true that wo are not essentially n manu
facturing city , but at the same tlmo we
liavo a number of large manufacturing
plants whose product Is natural to this
locality , and I am Inclined to think that
they stand well in comparison with any
similar manufacturing establishments in the
' country , and that they are having a fair
' share of prosperity , even In these hard
times. There Is i > doubt but what our
largo smelting works and our packing In
dustries could do more business than they
are doing at present , and their stockholders
vculd probably bo glad to get larger profits ,
but I am Inclined to think that they are
today just as profitable and as prosperous us
the woolen , cotton , steel or other manu
facturing Industries of our country.
Third , the wholesale trade : The whole
sale dealers hero are largely depending upon
the people of Nebraska , and It Is well known
that the Industrious people ot Nebraska are
by no means rich , and that they are de
pending every year upon the returns from
their agricultural products ; and for that
reason the wholesale trade In Omaha is at
all times a little uncertain , but notwith
standing that fact , the wholesale dealers
have passed through the late panic without
almost a single failure and with unim
paired credit , so that many of them are
today able to borrow money In the' east as
low as 3 per cent. They nro also rejoicing
In the late rains and they are making ample
preparations for a good fall trade. Surely
that does not mean that they are In a
sinking condition. The chances are that
the majority of them did not make much
money during the last year , but all they
want now Is to be let alone , to as to average
ono year with another , and It Is the writer's
opinion that this constant "hue and cry"
about our weak and helpless condition is
doing us n great Injustice. '
Fourth , the retail trade : My business
makes mo very familiar with the "true In
wardness" of the retail trade , nnd I am sat
isfied that the trade Is overdone , even for the
normal condition of the city , and that In
these hard times many of them are having
a hard strugglp perhaps for existence ; but
If let alone the prospects nro that they will
weather the storm without failures. They
want above all things to bo let alone. They
do not want any of that "stimulating" which
was referred to recently In your editorial ,
Many people- would llko to see no * stores
being opened , and additional competition and
excitement , forgetting the fact that wo have
now In Omaha moro capital invested In the
retail trade than the > whole trade of the city
Is able to profitably support.
Fifth : I como now to an industry ( It It
may bo called an Industry ) which Is In a
sinking condition , and the people engaged
in this occupation , whatever you call It , nro
truly In n sinking condition , nnd they are
the people who are clamoring for a canal ,
or for anything under heaven , profitable or
unprofitable , which may afford them relief.
I refer to the real estate dealers Some
flvo to ten years ago , when the city began
to have a natural and steady growth and
when the people became somewhat rich by
the work of their own hands , they naturally
wanted to see the city Improved and made
Into a fit place for living , and so they began
the work of Improving In the way ot sewers ,
grading and paving , and at that time a per
fect hofdo of adventucrers hurried Into the
real estate business and began by every
moans possible to boom the city. At that
tlmo they sold houses and homes to our la
boring people , and Indeed to many others , at
foolish and fictitious values , and took mort
gages upon these homes. They were
also so far carried away with their own
Take no Substitute fo
Royal Baking1 Powder
is Absolutely Pure.
All others contain alum or ammonia.
statements Hint they Invested nil their sud
den gains In moro real estate , nnd once or
twice they extended thn limits of the city so
ns to have n larger flthl for their operations.
This could not last forever , nnd no a reaction
came , nnd every one of this fraternity \\lto
could conveniently leave town hurried oft
to California or elsewhere to seek new victims.
The mortgages planted upon the homes ot
the poor some five years ngo nro now falling
due and bearing their natural fruit. The
poor men who hnve been paying part of the
principal nnd the nnd taxes are now
no longer able to pay , nnd they nro being tin.
fortunately foreclosed out ot house nnd home ,
These poor people nro truly In n sinking
condition , nnd I urn sorry for them from the
very bottom of my heart. The real estate
ngents nro also In n strait , nnd they nro
clamoring for n canal , or for nnythlng under
thu sun to glvo them Immediate relief , nnd
like many others they nro apt to think thnt
their own small environments means the
city at laruc.
"Where nil the men nre nmd
"They take the rustic murmur of their
"For the great wave that echoes round the
world. "
In addition to the foregoing we have of
course the poor unskilled laborers , ulio have
been Induced to come hero for work under
the falsa cry ot unusual prosperity. They
are to bo pitied , for however honest or In
dustrious they may bo they are at present
not nblu to got work ; nnd yet I hear around
mo everywhere a cry for moro population
nnd a more extended city , reaching out , ns
ono of our judge * said , "to Seymour park. "
For heaven's snko , let us give up this foolish
cry that wo are In n sinking condition , and
that except something desperate Is done < \o
will soon bo beyond redemption. It Is not
true , as our average condition will compare
favorably with any city In the country ; nnd
what \\e want U to bo quietly let alone , and
then the city will grow naturally nnd health
ily , ns all cities do , by the industry nnd
economy ot Its Inhabitants.
Now , ns regards the canal , It Is said to
bo quite feasible , and Is estimated to cost
nbout $3,000,000 , but even niter It Is built
no onn Is yet positively sure that wo uoiild
luivo sufficient water to justify tlie original
cost. Second , It Is said that it would glvo
present employment to our people , but it
would not only do thnt ( for that Is not what
the real estate men want ) , but It would also
bring a largo Influx ot population the
worthy and the unworthy and when the
work was done we would bo very likely to
hnve a condition even worse than that of
last winter , for hero laboring men \\heu
thrown out of ono job cannot easily find an
other , and for my part I would prefer to
see a steady and slow groutli In our popu
lation one that would secure comfort , good
citizenship and education. Third , we nro
told that manufacturing Industries uonld Im
mediately spring up whenever the water
power was , finished. Now , In all modern
times I am not nwaro of any such sudden
change as Is mentioned by these enthusiasts.
Manufacturing depends for Its success upon
many things In addition to mere power , and
everywhere , even under the most favorable
circumstances , so far as my observation
goes , It has been a slow nnd steady growth ;
and nny establishments thnt might come
hero without undergoing this grndual evolu
tion from small beginnings would very likely
be n failure. I am told that wo have * had atone
ono tlmo neil works In our city. What 1ms
become of them ? I'crhaps some of the older
citizens who helped to start the enterprise
may be able to glvo us something of its his
tory. Lately they have been proposing
to pay n bonus here to a new
shoo factory , and I was told by
ono of our most shrewd and capable mer-
cl'fiits that ho meant to subscribe to tills
bonus "because , " he significantly added , "I
expect to bo able to buy In the factory
within two or throe years nt 23 cents on the
dollar. " If I mistake not the story \\o\ilil
be this : When we had the power. In the
shape of olthor water or electricity , It
\yould bo essential that wo should have
p'er.ple hero to use it , and any number ot
falling adventurers would como hero to
start factories nnd would put In their old
irnchlnery and plant at a fictitious valuation ,
and wo would bo asked In each case , either
as Individuals or as a city or county , to
contribute a bonus to start the factory. It
wculd probably take the shape of the county
giving the bonus and capitalists subscribing
to the stock. A prudent merchant or manu
facturer who has capital to Invest and who
has brains enough to use his capital to the
best advantage will always quietly look over
the situation and take Into account all the
conditions , and will , as a rule , begin In a
small way and trust to his success for
further growth ; nnd If our water or elec
tricity Is to remain unused until we have a
sufficient number of such sensible people to
use it I am afraid that a good deal of it
will go to waste. Surely these prudent
people are the only ones that our city will
want. Let us remember that ono failure Is
worse for a city than the mere lack of ten
factorlos especially if they are struggling
for existence.
Let us remember tliat our bonded Indebted
ness is now already about $5.000,000 , or about
25 per cent of our assessed valuation ; lot
us think that over and remember what that
moans. It means that If wo paid our debts
at once it would leave us only threa-fourths
of our present property. I am well aware
of the fact that our assessed valuation Is
not the real value , but after all , I venture
the opinion that If the property was put ,
as the saying Is , "under the hammer" today ,
so as to realize this 15,000,000 , It would take
the best part of the 25 per cent. For the
general truth of this statement I would refer
my readers to those who have lately been
foreclosed out of their homes. Wo have
become so much accustomed In this country
to "protection" ' and "bounties" and "bon
uses" that we have n foolish feeling that
nothing can bo done except we have special
I legislation , nnd except money Is voted. a
. If , forsooth , the voting ot money and the
collection of tnxoa meant the creation of
wealth. Let us not forget that the real es-
! Into boomer Is "nn unproductive coinumcr , ' *
nnd that his gains nre hut n tax upon In
dustry. I think It our business men gave
this matter consideration they would under *
stand It somewhat more clenrly , nnd would
not lend themselves so readily AS they did
to the "Heal Kstato exchange" on Saturday
night , whoti they made their dramatic inarch
Into the meeting ,
I confess Ido not remember anything no )
spectacular slncu Urn days when C. K. Mnyno
used to start twenty-live wagons with a
band of music to visit suburban property.
It was Indeed highly suggestive ot Coxey
nnd his nrmy. nnd these bonuses nre nt the
foundation ot the whole Coxeyllo move
If the city of Omaha or the county ot
Douglas nro nnxlous to cncourngo n healthy
Ktottth. associated with geminio prosperity ,
let thorn pay bonuses to these who nre now
here In the way of judicious pxpendlturoa
and reduced taxation. I sincerely hope that
the people will think twice before they vote
$1,000,000 for n schema of which they know
neither the beginning nor the end. I had
supposed that It hml become a matter ot
v ell established public policy thnt the votliiR
of money should not bo at nny tlmo sub
mitted to n popular vote ; and I respectfully
ask the question- Have the people a right
to vote public money ( not their own ) for
private uses ? THOMAS KILI'ATIUOIC.
XKItlt.lSK.t . .VOIK.I.S/f.l.V.S. .
State apportionment of school money gives
IlufTnlo coi'tity $ rt,73l.
Johnson county corn Is reported growing
so fast you can almost sec It shoot up.
The ( Jage county prohibition convention
will bo held In Hcatrlce Tuesday , Juno 2fi.
A Sarpy county farmer has some alfalfa
Hint 1ms grown fifteen Inches In seven weeks.
New potatoes are on the market nt Pawned
City. They are selling for $1.50 per bushel.
Three I'npllllon cyclers made n run up to
Iloldon , Neb. , linking the distance of 150
miles In two days.
The Amelia creamery Is turning out nbout
COO pounds of butter n day and the product
Is dally Increasing.
Elwood has deferred final notion toward
the building of n factory , which wns post
poned until October ,
Farmers In l'a neo county report the corn
crop farther advanced this year than usual
owing to the early spring.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoot , nn aged couple of
Sand Creek township , nro suffering with a
severe slcgo of the measles.
Grand Island has already rnlscd $100 to
wards a grand Fourth of July celebration
nnd expects to make It $1,000.
J. Snider of Furnas county shelled 1,700
bushels of corn last week nnd sold all but
about -100 bushels at 35 cents.
Now York Weekly : Friend Your two
sopranos appear to be very good fi lends.
Manager Yes , each thinks the other can't
Somervllle Journal : Uuskln Is Cnsslus a
good Hamlet ?
Thespls No he's only achieved the first
syllable ns yet.
Truth : "The baby Is wonderfully like Its
mother. " "Yes , I have to mind her just
the same. "
Boston Transcript : First Politician I can
say this , thnt our party conducted the
campaign In an honest , fair and stralght-
forwnid way. What more can you say of
your party ? Second Politician We won.
Arkansas Traveler : Father I'm afraid
you hadn't bettor marry him , I fear he's
too cnsy-golng. Daughter Knsy-golng ? I'm
sure If you could see what a struggle It la
for him to Bay good night you wouldn't
think It easy for him to go.
Washington Star : "Has the editor read
my poem ? " asked the long-haired young
"I tlon't know for sure , " replied the office
boy , "but he's sick In bed tolay. ( "
Medical News : Doctor Did you apply a
mustard plaster to your spine ?
Patient Yes.
"Didn't you find It a great help ? "
"No. I felt that It was a great draw
back. "
Boston Beacon : Maud Did you know
young Gollghtly is awfully rich ? Why. they
say he has monev to burn. Clara Has lie ?
Oh , how I wish he'd take mo for a matclU
Washington Htnr.
'TIs now the girl In dainty white
Gets even with the nicncher
Who talks till Into on Sunday night
A somewhat prosy teacher.
For , on the platform , pretty dear ,
Through hours she holds her station ,
And makes the pastor stay to hear
Her piece at graduation.
Somervlllo Journal.
Sitting on the side veranda ,
Screened from view by leafy vines ,
Edward toward his dear Amanda
Tenderly fit last Inclines.
"Do you love me , dear ? " he asked her ,
"Love me faithfully and well ? "
And If she does not , she masks her
Cold Indifference fairly well ,
'Bound her waist his arm goes stealing ;
On his shoulder rests her cheek ;
Both of them Just now nre feeling
Too enthralled with bliss to speak.
Then a shriek of terror gave me
Chills that made my blood run thick :
"Oln that horrid June bug ! Save met
"Kill him , darling ! Kill him quick ! "
There were never any greater bargains over
offered under any circumstances than at our great
broken lot sale of men's suits. We made-a lot of
people happy. They wont at half the regular
price , some getting1 a good suit for $5 , and none
paying moro than $14. There are just a few loft.
Browning , King & Co. ,
S. W. Corner 15th mill Donglns.