Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1894, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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Bocfoly , Just Able to Got About , Tnrns to
Wcddlnga for Roliof.
Jin , Ititrlii'lorit unit Tlirlr i'elo Clmiiiprtro
Card 1'iirty In Honor of Cnil | ln mill
.Mr . Ayi-r * Kvnntu Unit Ilnvo
flil Iliu U'oob.
Lanus ! about describes the condition nf
society at the present time , and there Is
little prospcct of the swell world reaching
nuy other condition under the present humid
iiaturo of the weather.
Cupid has been particularly busy during
thu past week , but his catniulgn Is ncarlug
a close , and In a very few weeks the "dear
little god of love" will rest on his laurels.
And there Is n pretty big pile for him to
rest on , notwithstanding the financial de
pression. _
I'rntty .Inno Wedding.
Tuesday afternoon a pretty Wedding oc
curred nt the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian
church , Miss Mabel Cole of Eric , Pa. , nnd
Gcorgb Forgan of this city being the con
tracting parties , Uuv. Charles 0. Sterling
officiating. Shortly after 2 p. in. the bridal
party entered the church , Mrs. W. B. Crltrer
playing Mendelssohn's wedding march. The
brldo wns accompanied by her brothcr-ln-
Jaw , Mr. Charles II , Annan ( who gave her
uway ) , nnd Miss Maggie C. Forgan ns maid
of honor , and was met at the altar by the
groom , attended by his brother , Mr. Robert
L. Forgan. The party was preceded by Mr.
Joseph Ucdflcld and Mr. James II. Holmes
ns ushers.
The bride looked very sweet In a gown of
cream brocaded silk cntralnc anil ttillo
bridal veil tr'tmncd with bride's roses nnd
carrying a bouquet of the same. Immediately
nfter the ceremony a reception was held nt
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Annan ,
to which the relatives of both families were
Invited. The church alid house were beauti
fully decorated with Jessamine , la France
roses and tropical plants. After the wedding
feast Mr. and Mrs. Forgan loft for Denver ,
I'lko'i ) Peak , Hot Springs and other western
points of Interest amidst n shower of rlco
and old slippers. The numerous presents
wore handsome nnd costly , and showed the
high esteem In which the young couple are
held by their ninny friends. After July 1
they will bo nt homo at 4010 Seward street.
e In Kuunt7c I'Jiu'c *
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock the mar.
rlago of Miss Winifred E. Parmotor and Mr.
Alfred J , Luteyyna solemnized at the Unl-
vorsallHt church , 'Twenty-first and Lithrop
streets , Ilov. Augusta Chapln officiating.
The church was profusely decorated for the
occasion , and the ceremony was as pretty
as It could well be. At the hour named the
bVldal procession entered the church , pro.
coded by ushers , Messrs , Proux , Oleson anil
Sparrow. Miss Bessie Latcy acted as brides
maid nnd Mr. Frank B. Underwood as best
man , the brldo being also attended by hci
younger sister , Inez , a pretty llttlo tot of 0
years. The bride were a beautiful gown ol
tan-pink silk , trimmed with pink changeable
nllk and carried a boquct of La France roses.
The bridesmaid was attired In whlto lawn.
After the ceremony a reception was held
at the residence of the bride's uncle , Mr.
Congleton , on Maple street , at which n largo
number were present. The brldo and groom
left for Chicago on the evening train , and
whlla away will also visit Milwaukee and
Illpon , WIs. The groom Is a mall clerk In
the Omalia postolTico and the bride a most
estimable young lady. The poatofllco em
ployes presented the couple with a handsome ,
solid silver tea set , and many other presents
were received by them from tholr friends.
ln t the Commercial ( 'Iul ) .
Ono 9f the pleasant events of last week
wns the muslcalo given for Miss Kathryn
Morgan of , Chicago by hpr friends , Mesdames
Charles F. Drexel and L. Swallenberg nnd
Miss M. B. Smith , in the rooms of the Com
mercial club. In honor of the occasion the
parlors were very prettily decorated and
the event cno of delightful charm. The pro
gram rendered was as follows :
Tenor solo , Boating Song , Mr. Abel ; soprano
eolo , "Spring Tide , " with lluto obligate.
Mrs. Chorfes F. Drexel ; tenor solo , Mr.
Wclr ; flute solo , Mr. Charles Abbott ; recita
tions by Miss Morgan.
Among those prcseht were ; Mr , and Mrn.
Charles Abbott , Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
Drexel , Mr. and Mrs. J. . H. White , Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Swallenberg , Mrs. Peacock , Miss
M. B. Smith. Misses Thompson , Jllidlo
Kelley , Mabel Kelley , Mr. Charles McConnell -
nell , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. White , Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Dunmlre , Misses Ruth , Hamilton , Weir ,
Martin , Manchester , Thomas , Stuart , Shor-
-wln of Fremont , Kelly , Messrs. Dewar ,
Crowe , Forsyth , Cantlle , Weir , Abel , S'lnder-
land , Ferguson , Tate , Clark , Woolsey ,
Miller , Dr. Ocorgo Nason , A. A. Cooper and
Whlto. _
I'rntty nnd Original Curd Tarty.
For Captain and Mrs. Ayers , who are
Boon to leave Omaha for Governor's Island ,
their now station , Mr. and Mrs. James McKenna -
Kenna gave a very pretty and original card
party Wednesday evening. The score cards
were exceedingly dainty , the number of
game's won being Indicated by small bows
of the ordnance colors , crimson and white ,
for the women , tiny ( lags being presented
to the men. The prizes were also very ap
propriate , the winners of the first prizes ,
Mrs. Prltchott and Mr , Wlliyni , presenting
thalr favors to Mrs. and Captain Ayera as
souvenirs of the occasion. The second prizes
wore won by Mrs. Lyman and Mr. Lyman
Ulchardson. A dainty supper was served at
the close of the games.
Among these present were : Mrs. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Kllpatrlck. Miss Wakoley Dr'
and Mrs , Bttcho and the Misses Bacho Oen-
eral Cowln , Major and Mrs. Wilson , Mr Her
man Kountzo , Mr. and Mrs. Oarneau Mr
nnd Mrs. Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. McCord ]
Mr. id Mrs. Prltchott , Mr. Lyman Hlcli-
ardBuTi , Mr. Charles Wilson , M ? and Mrs.
? Vt)9SGIS *
Kiiturtiiincd at Dinner.
Friday evening Mrs. S. S. Caldwell enter
tained at dinner , the guests being Mrs. Henry
W. Yates , Mrs. John A. Horbaeh , Mrs. Col-
llns , Miss Collins. Mrs. Morgan ( born Uebv
Yates ) Mrs. Boyd. Miss Boyd. Mrs. Lacey
and Miss Ilugus of California. >
The table was decorated In roses and sml-
lax. The courses were many and were served
on seine of the daintiest Dresden china In
Omaha , collected by the hostess durlnn her
many European visits , together with the
finest embroideries which can bo done by
Parisian needle women. In the drawlnc
room and library were bowls of pink rosua
and feathery whlto flowers. After dinner
cards were playvd and a charming evenliiK
was enjoyed by the cotorlo of congenial
guests present.
ClencH Un l.lluniry Work ,
The Tuesday Morning club closed the sixth
year of Its work last week with a breakfast
at Hauscam park.
Nearly every member was present and It
was a most delightful occasion.
At a business meAlng held before separat
ing for the year It was decided not to con
tinue the literary work of the club. The
Woman's club offers so many attractions In
that line In Its various departments that It
was thought unnecessary to keep up a separ
ate organization for study.
However , the members are loth to g vc up
, th < ? pleasant companionship they have en
joyed for so many years and decided to
meet In a social way once In three week *
during the coming year. _
lluusou Mutu * .
v An Ice cream social for the benefit of the
church fund was given at the town hall on
Tuesday evening. Among these present
were : Judge and .Mm. Coo. Mr. and Mrs.
K. H. Cone , Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Waten-
paugh , Mr. and Mrs. Mulford , Mrs. Charles
U. Dodson , Mri. Maynurd , Missed Nellie and
Belle Edge , Qraco Snow , Lottlo Moore , Ada.
Stlger. Traoy Keller and Messrs. Stlger ,
Drowsier , Murphy. B rr.
The work on the Benson new Methodist
church U progressing rapidly and will prob
ably bo completed by early fall.
The tamlly of Mr. William Kdgo of Mystic
park will remove to Iowa la & few days to
permanently rexldo. Mines Nellie and Belle
Edge will bo much missed In the church
social circles of Benson.
Mrs. Wolcott , who has been visiting
friend * out of town , returned homo a few
days igo.
Miss Lottie Moore , who formerly resided
here , was In town last week , the guest ot
Miss Grace Snow.
The Lndles Aid society met at the resi
dence of Mrs. II. C , Barren on Thursday
afternoon Mrs. Henry McOlnnts was elected
president to flit the vacancy of Mrs. Edge ,
Mrs. Frank M. Watenpaugh li visiting the
family of Mr. Thomas Moore at Kcllcy's
lake , Washington county , Neb ,
A very creditable as well as highly en
joyable entertainment wns that given at the
First Methodist church Tuesday evening by
Dr. Hippie's Sunday school class , when
eighteen young ladles gave an aesthetic drill
and exhibition of Dclsarteari posing. A largo
audience was present , completely filling the
Sunday school room , In which a stage had
been erected for the occasion. The en
tertainment was for the benefit of the In
terest fund nnd n neat sum was realized.
The young ladles participating were : Estcllo
Brown , Ida Butts , Edith Burns , Selena
Burns , Martha Stone , Margaret Hamilton ,
Myra McClelland , May Maynard , Laura
Winter , Maud Miller , Beatrice Kershnor ,
Florence Winter , Lizzie Swnrtz , Laura
Swortz , Beth Van Wagncn Ruth Phllllppl ,
Imcgone Wheeler , Blanche Jossolyn , Jessto
Lovett , Kato White , Nora Emerson.
The drill , which lasted about fifteen
minutes , embodied n number of very pleasIng -
Ing maneuvers , which were nmdo all the
more attractive by the Greek costumes of
the participants and the harmonious blend
ing of the colors of the airy draperies. The
posing wns n pronounced BUSCCSS , the entire
class appearing In the presentation of each
number. The poses were ns follows :
Salute ; Triumph ; Horror ; Listening ; Ab
horrence ; Threatening ; Astonishment ; Bless.
Ing ; Anguish ! Faith ; Rejection ; Mourning ,
Resignation ; Imitation ; Pain ; Challenge ;
Defiance ; Sympathy ; Disdain ; Admiration ;
Flattery ; Entreaty ; Supplication ; Appeal ;
Lamentation ; Boasting ; Bashfulncss ; Ridi
cule ; Revenge ; Curiosity ; Farewell ; Confi
A piano solo by Miss Alma Ringer and a
cello solo by Mr. John S. Brown were ex
ceedingly well received , and added much to
the enjoyment of the evening. Miss Katie
Swartzlandcr gave a couple of recitations ,
"Old Times' Happiness" and "Judy O'Shea
Sees Hamlet , " In very happy vein , added
much to her elocutionary laurels. Some , of
those who were present will endeavor to
Induce the young ladles to repeat the en
Fcto G'lmmnntrc.
The Bachelors could not have selected a
more beautiful night for their lawn fete
than Thursday , nnd , In consequence , with
the added attraction ot excellent music by
the Second Infantry band , society donned
Its prettlesl of summer gowns and came out
to enjoy an evening that was perfect in
every way. The porches and lawns were
provided with chairs and the guests crowded
the green sward and Hstened to the music
of the band , which never appeared to so
good advantage as on this occasion. The
parlors of the Bachelors' house on Twenty-
fifth avenue were canvassed for these who
desired to dance , but , strange to say , the
witchery of the moonlight had too great
an attraction and those who took a turn or
two found the outside much preferable.
.Among those present were : Major and
Mrs. Schwan , Mr. and Mrs. Offutt , Mrs.
Dandy , Mr. and Mrs. Kllpatrlck , Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Wheeler , Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Reed , Miss Nash , Miss Curtis , Miss Doane ,
Miss McKenna , Miss Emily Wakeley , Miss
Redman , Miss Dandy , Miss Hlmcbaiigh ,
Miss Pugsloy , Mrs. Russell Harrison , Miss
Dewey , Miss Barnard , Miss Chandler , Miss
Burns , Miss Smith. Miss * Colpctzer , Miss
Summers ; Messrs. Cartan , Crofoot , Dr. Mc-
Eldcrry , Wilson , Doane , Hall , George „ Mer
cer , Lymnn. Clark Redlck , Mullen , Paul Hor-
bach , Saunders , Barlow. _
In Honor of IIU Departure.
A number of young people gathered at the
beautiful homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wert , In
Clifton Hill , Saturday evening to attend a
farewell party In honor of Mr. Earl Wert.
Cards and dancing were the principal fea
tures o'f the evening. A very enjoyable lun
cheon was served during the evening. ,
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon ,
Mr. and Mrs. Parkenson of Council Bluffs ,
Miss Shields. Nannie Shields , Miss Sheldon ,
Ollvo Sheldon , Dannie Molten , Certrudo Mc-
Cullough , Edna Palch , Maude Duncan , Jessie
Werl , Messrs. Herm Wallace , A. Boots , Le
Roy Patch , 'Ed Sheldon. John Price. Dick
McCullough , Roy Moore , Fred Newell , Clarke
Young Mrn'H Institute.
The strong card In the June assQinbly pro
gram of the Young Men's Institute ) . Js a lecture -
turo on electricity by the distinguished
scientist of Crelghton college , -Rev. J. F.
Rlgge , S. J. Father Rlggo has- ' kept pace ,
by study and original Investigation ? with the
marvelous development of electrical science ,
and is Justly regarded as an authority. His
consenting to lecture on a subject of univer
sal Interest Is a treat worthy of a representa
The lecture will bo delivered In the college -
lego hall Tuesday evening.
Commencement Week nt the High School.
The baccalaureate sermon to the graduat
ing class ot the High school will be preached
this morning by Rev. L. Wright Butler at
the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church.
Class day exercises will be held .on the
campus Tuoiday morning. The commence
ment exercises will be held In Boyd's theater
Thursday evening and the commencement
week terminates with a reception Friday
evening by the Alumni association to the
graduating class at the High school.
Movements und U'licri-ubouts.
Miss Palmer Is visiting In Kansas City.
Miss Redman leaves for homo on Monday
Miss Amy Barker has returned from Nor
Miss Jessie Dickinson la back from
Mrs. R. R. Ritchie left Thursday for
Stockton , Minn.
Miss Alice Andreesen returns homo from
her school next week.
Miss Stella Hamilton Is spending the
summer at Bennlngton , Neb.
Mrs. J , J. Gibson has gone to Monroe ,
WIs. , for a three weeks' visit.
Mrs. A. P. Tukey left Monday for a sum
mer In her old home In Maine.
Miss Edith James left Thursday for Tacoma -
coma , on a visit to her parents.
Mr. Edward Cornish and C. P. Halllgan
will spend .tho summer In Europe.
Messrs. Will and Herbert Rogers return
home next week from tholr schools.
Misses Grace Allen nnd Fannie Duryea
have returned from Lasoll university.
Miss Hall , after a delightful stay In
Omaha , returned to Minneapolis last Mon
day. ,
Mrs. W. H. Burmolstcr and Miss Clara
Burmcister of Chicago are visiting frlonds
In Omaha this week.
Mr. Hoxlo Clark , son of President S. H.
H. Clark , of the Union Pacific , graduated
from Princeton on Wednesday.
Mr. and .Mrs. Francis E , Bailey returned
i-rlday from California , where they have been
visiting for the past two months.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holler leave for n
trip to England next Saturday , mainly on
accouut of Mrs. Holler's health.
Miss Ilugus , daughter of Mr. John Ilugus
or California , has arrived In town to spend
the summer with Mrs. Caldwell ,
Mrs. Wilt Green of Lincoln nnd Miss
I-unnlt , Metcalf are visiting In Omaha , the
guests of Mr. William A. Metcalf.
Mrs. Edgar M. Morsman was called to
Chicago on Monday , owing to the serious
Illness of her mother , Mrs. Sharp.
A few friends , of Judge Wakeloy gave him
a delightful surprise on Friday evening , the
occasion being the Judge's birthday.
Mtas Loomls and Miss Helen Loomls. Kll-
bourn. WIs. . are visiting their uncle and
aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner.
Mrs. Nellie Burns-Eastman , formerly of
Omaha , arrived from Chicago Monday to
spend a few weeks among old friends.
Mrs. J. B. Melkle and her mother , Mrs.
Maynard. leavu on the 22d for Clear Lake ,
la. , where they will spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Thayer of Sallda ,
Colo. , are spending a few days at the Mll-
lard. Mr. Thayer'o name has become very
prominent la tha eastern papers lu the lait
two months , he having been unanimously
elected president of the Hotel Men's Mutual
Benefit Association of the United States.
Mrs. Howard D , Smith and daughter have
returned from tholr eastern trip , where they
have been spending the past few months.
Miss Mabel Spcrry leaves Monday for
Boone , la. , where she will spend n month's
vacation visiting with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Miller htwc returned
from n delightful trip to the lak s nnd wilt
be nt homo at 814 North Twenty-third street.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Caldwall and chil
dren , who have been visiting relatives In the
cast , are expected home some tlmo this week.
Miss Rachacl Hcston , one ot Omaha's
most popular young ladles , left yesterday
over the Northwestern for her summer vaca
Prof. Chatclaln gave his second reading In
French at the residence of Miss Mlllard yes
terday morning. A comedy by Jules Uovcl
was read.
The marriage of Miss Oencvlovo Dodson
nnd Mr. Lbuls Hough was solemnized at the
Church of the Good Shepherd Tuesday even
ing nt 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garneau have re
turned from tholr visit to St. Louis and have
as their guest Miss McCreery , a resident ot
the southern city.
Mrs. A. D. Smith , wife of the assistant
general passenger agent ot the Burlington ,
Is spending tha summer with her parents at
West Newton , Mass.
Mrs. Ella W. Peattlc , leader , announces
that the department of philanthropy and re
form of the Woman's club will meet In
Myrtle annex June 18 , atI o'clock.
Miss Mary Nash went to Now York the
early part of the week , whore she will re
main a fortnight and upon her return will
bring Miss Adeline Nash homo from school.
William Walker , with Kllpatrlck-Koch
Dry Goods company , returned last Wednes
day1 from a two weeks trip to Niagara Falls ,
London , Toronto , Windsor , Detroit nnd St.
Nelson Mercer , the son of Dr. Mercer of
this city , Is expected home from Andovcr ,
Miss. , on July 3. Mr. Mercer graduates
from the school there and goes to Yale In
the fall.
Mr. Llecestcr O. Peck of San Francisco
arrived with Major and Mrs. Wilson en last
Tuesday and will remain until this week ,
when he will accompany Mrs. and Miss Wil
son cast.
Miss Knlptenberg of Indianapolis Is ex
pected by Miss Nash next week. After a
short stay In Omaha the young ladles to
gether will visit Salt Lake City and Yellow
stone park.
Mrs. I. B. Uoscnthal and daughter , Ray ,
have been visiting at the residence of Mr.
Max Meyer the past week. They have been
the recipients of many social favors from the
hands of their friends.
Daniel Taylor , Ed Swobc , Dwlght Swobe ,
Ira Van Camp. Max Morsman , Burt Raymond
mend , Russel Burt , Burnlo Fowler , Lefllng
and Johnson have returned from Shattuck
school , Falrbault , Minn.
Mrs. Clarkson leaves for the east this
week and will pass the entire summer In a
round of most delightful visits. She will
first be the guest ot Bishop and Mrs. Little-
John at Garden City , L. I.
Ed C. Wilbur and bride will reurn from
their wedding tour next Wednesday f.nd will
reside temporarily with Mr. and Mrs. M. H.
Hoerner , 1C06 South Thirty-third street , pre
paratory to going to housekeeping.
Major and Mrs. Wilson and Miss Gertrude
Wilson arrived In town on last Tuesday on
their way to Washington , D. C. Major Wil
son left for the cast yesterday , his wlfo end
daughter remaining until this wesk.
Mrs. E. S. Dundy , Miss Dundy , Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Baum , Mr. and Mrs. David Baum ,
and Mrs. W. A. Redlck attended the wedding
of Miss Annie Funke and Mr. Charles Burr ,
which was solemnized In Lincoln on Tuesday.
Captain B. H. Crowder anticipates sailing
July 11 for Antwerp and a brief tour of the
continent. Ho will take In London , Paris
and the Antwerp exposition , and If possible
endeavor to see some of the military maneu
Miss Jessie Tlshue of Seward has been the
guest of Miss Amy Barker during the pdst
week. Miss Tishuo Is a graduate of Brownell
Hall and has been In attendance upon the
quarter centennial cpmmencement exercises
ot that institution.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Potter left Friday
for Jamestown , N. Y. , to attend the annual
session of the grand lodge of Elks. After
the adjournment of the grand ledge Mr.
Potter will spend some time along the At
lantic coast Ini an endeavor to regain lost
The wedding of Miss Mallette and Mr. Scott
Van Etten of Houston , Tex. , will take place
at St. Barnabas church on Wednesday , Juno
20 , at 8 a. m. , Rev. John Williams ofircIaUng.
The maid of honor will be Miss Dorothy Hol
land and the best man Mr. Thorn is S'.nvurd.
The brldo and groom will Hn/o at or.ce fur
Houston , Tex. , Mielr futurehome. .
As a farewell to Miss Hall , a picnic to
Pries' lake was given last Saturday after
noon. Those ( participating were : Mrs.
Wheeler , Miss Hall , Miss Pugsley. Miss
Doane , Miss Curtis , Miss Barnard , Miss
Emily Wakeley , Miss Hlmebaugh , Mr. Crary ,
Mr. Zug , Mr. Doane , Mr. Garneau , Mr. James
How , Mr. Quay , Mr. Gulou. and Mr. Mullen.
Mr. Charles S. Loblngler of thjs city was
given the degree of L.L. M. by the Univer
sity of Nebraska at Its commencement this
week. Mr. Loblngler already holds the A.
B. and A. M. degrees from that Institution
and is the first to receive the second degree
In law from It. His dissertation traced the
development of the sulcldo clause in Insur
ance policies.
Mrs. George Squires entertained pleasantly
on Friday with a Kensington In honor of'Mrs.
Smith of Davenport , la. , nnd Mrs. Guthrlo
of Helena , Mont. , sisters of Mrs. Squires.
During the afternoon Mrs. Bstabrook and
Misses Amy Barker and Birdie Van Keuren
sang , and Mrs. J. H. Evans recited several
selections very delightfully. Cards were
played nndtho ( afternoon enjoyed greatly.
Wednesday Mrs. Coutant entertained at
luncheon for Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Guthrlo.
Twelve ladles were present : Mrs. Smith ,
Mrs. Guthrle , Mrs. Richard Carrier , Mrs.
George G. Squires , Mrs. George Patterson ,
Mrs. R. W. Council , Mrs. Charles Squires ,
Mrs. Joseph Lehmer , Mrs. Howard B. Smith ,
Mrs. J , C. Parrott and Mrs. Chailcs E.
Smith. The table decorations were In pink
and white.
Mr. Al Patrick took a Jolly party of
friends out to his farm , near Fremont , Fri
day , on his tallyho. They will spend Sun
day In touch with nature , which It is hoped
will bo In Its happiest mood. The party was
composed of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wheeler , Jr. ,
Me. and Mrs. W. A. Redlck. Miss Wakeley ,
Miss Emily Wakeloy , Miss Hlmebaugh , Mr.
Quay , Mr. Clark Redlck.
Mr. Frank P. VIncent entertained a num
ber of his frlonds Wednesday evening with
a "hay rldo , " reviving an old-fashioned cus
tom that was always very enjoyable. There
were present Mrs. W. T. Whlto , Mrs. Fisher ,
Misses Ltlllo Ellser , Gay Manning , Lottlo
Doss , Blrdlo Wlthorspoon , Lottlo Slattory ,
Messrs. J. T. Edllng , W. T. Whlto , George
Sebor , J. W. Bailey , C. E. Reynolds , Joe
Spollman , 0. H. Crumley.
For Miss Ray Rosenthal ot St. Louis , who
Is a guest at the residence of Mr. Max
Meyer , a delightful tallyho party was given
Tuesday evening. The guests were : Misses
Rasonthal , Edna Wise , Cora Becker , Belle
Adler , Jessie Lobman , Elma Rothschild ,
Bertha Newman , Lena Rehteld , Ida New
man and Solmu Hellman ; Messrs. B. Rob-
fold , S. Becker , D. Degan , A. Banks , H.
Baum , Al Rosenthal , H. Oberfolder. Ed
Morrltt , A. Newman , William Hoffman.
Misses Adler and Oberfelder chaperoned the
The homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Klmball
was the scene of a very pretty wedding last
Tuesday evening. At 8 o'clock their daugh
ter , Miss Nellie Klmball , was united In mar
riage to Mr. Harry Rlsley of this city. The
liouso was beautifully decorated with flowers
and palms , while "Old Glory" had a con
spicuous position over the entrance to the
front parlor. Rov. S. AV. Ware performed
the ceremony , which was followed by a wed
ding supper. Mr. and Mrs. Rlsloy will take
a short wedding tour to the Black Hills , and
bo at home Jitter July 1 at C17 North
Twentieth street.
Monday afternoon the Alumnae of Brown-
ell Hall held their annual reception In the
Commercial club rooms , about twenty-six
members being present. The guests were
received by Mrs. Burr , Mrs. Potter , Mrs.
Patterson , Mrs. Barkalow and Mrs. Arthur
Wakeley. After a cordial greeting all
around those present sat down at a table
prettily decorated to partake of light refresh
ments. During the course of the repast Mro.
Flemon Drake offered a very entertaining
toast oa "The Early Days ot Brownell Hall , "
Mr * . F. H. Wilson oJJClattsmouth delivered
one on "The Class Motto , " and Miss Ethel
Davenport read ono rv"The Present Days
of Brownell Hall. " t
The Alumnae of Brownell hall held a bual-
ness meeting on Tuesday atlernoon In the
hall library , when the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year : President ,
Mrs. Horace Burr ; vice president , Miss Ethc
Davenport ; secretary , Miss Kato Drake
treasurer , Miss Florence Yates ; executive
committee , Miss L. Hhccm , Miss Abba
Bowcn , Miss Elolso Couchmon.
Last Saturday afternoon Mrs , Charles Hull
gave a most dcllgh Till luncheon , the day
being the third onnh crsnfy ot her wedding ,
The guests were all , vlth/one / exception , her
bridesmaids. The t ibis was lovely with
silver and cut gtas \ profusion , and In
the center n large cl r of brldo roses and
n flower at each pi ice. The guests were
Miss Mabel Balcomt * . Mhs Yates , Miss
Bessie Yates , Miss llash , Miss Hoagland ,
Mrs. Offult.
Of the 184 graduates at Princeton on
Wednesday seventy-two were on the honor
list , four Omaha boys having received the
much coveted recognition. In the second
group. Cum Laudc , were Thomas Crclgh
and Larlmore Conover Dcnlsc. In the third
group were Henry Leland Akin nnd Paul
Hagans Ludlngton. In addition to these Will
Rogers nnd George S. McCaguo also gradu
ated , a very fine showing for Omaha and the
greater west ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown have Issued f&rds
to the wedding reception of thch' daughter.
Miss Clara Maynard Brown , and Mr , Henry
F. Wyman Tuesday evening , June 2C , 7:30 : to
9 o'clock. The ceremony Itself will cnly bo
attended by the relatives of the t'vo lar.illles
nnd very Intimate friends , \fter the recep
tion Mr. and Mrs. Wyman will go to Kansas
City for a short stay , and will be ot 1 nine to
their friends Wednesdays , September C and
12 , G 3 South Twenty-seventh street.
A party of young ladles , clerks In W. R.
Bennett Co.'s store , gave a pleasant moon
light picnic last week at Ilanscom park.
After supper games were played for several
hours. Those present were : Misses Hnmblct ,
Updykc , Brown , Hfeywood , Beecher , L.
Ilnmblet , Vodlcko , Grubcrt , McVea , Rowan ,
Manning , Twist , Moran , Bcemnn ; Messrs.
Weathers , Stull , Turner , Norrls , McCesland ,
Kllcncroft , Farnslcy , Pholgln , McKluney ,
Dox , Beecher , Barttn , Harris , Garrett.
Ed Swobo Is the happiest boy In all the
west , company C , of which he was captain
at Shattuck school , Fartbault , Minn. , having
won the flag In the competitive drill at the
commencement exercises ot the school on
the llth , at which tlmo Edward graduated.
In the competition his company made
ninety-live points out of a possible hundred ,
the highest record ever made by a company
in competing for the flog , which Is regarded
as the highest honor to be obtained at Shat
tuck school. The young man stood exceed
ingly high In his class , and for his gradua
tion received a magnificent watch from his
father , Mr. Thomas Swobe.
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgcj Patterson were pleas
antly surprised by a number of their friends
Monday evening , the occasion being the
tenth anniversary of their wedding. Among
the guests were : Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Leh
mer , Dr. and Mrs. Conner , Mrs. Thomas ol
Detroit , Mich. , Mr. and Mrs. Gamble , Mr.
Robinson , Judge and Mrs. Ives , Mr. and
Mrs. Frank K. Coutant , Mr. and Mrs. George
G. Squires , Mrs. Smith of Davenport , la. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Smith , Dr. and
Mrs. R. W. Connell , Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Dickey , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Squires , Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Carrier , Mrs. J. C. Par-
roll , Mr. M. E. Parrolt , Mr. and Mrs. Cong-
don. *
The Hard Times Whist club held a very-
pleasant meeting Monday night at the home
of Miss Lena Rhoeybelng _ entertained by
Miss Rhoey and Mr. G. A. Ochlenblen"prizes
being won by Mrs. G P. Moore and C. L.
Hopper. The last of the series will be played
Monday evening at the residence of Mrs. G.
P. Moore , and entertained by Miss Mary
Meyer and Mr. Robert Dugdale. Those pres
ent at the last meeting were Mr. and Mrs.
G. P. Moore , Mr. and Mrs , . D. S. Lockwood ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. -Hopper , Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Campbell , Mpsdnines Bemker and
Rlley , Misses Ida Blackmoores , Lear , Rhoey ,
Messrs. Charles VorHiesplackniore , Ochlen-
boln. Dugdale , C. L. ilopper.
The Crete Chautauqua jthls year promises
to excel any previous year In the ; history of
this summer school , the'high ' sta'nding of the
instructors being an earnest of good results
In the Chautauqua course. ! , In addition every
Indication points toy all the coUages-beIn&
taken , the secretary already having received
many requests for quarters. Among those
from Omaha who are contemplating a so
journ at Ihls classic retreat are : Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Burns' ' and family. Dr. and
Mrs. Duryea and family. Miss Susie Col-
petzer , Miss Hattlo Cady , Miss Gertrude
Chambers , Miss Helen Smith , Miss Ura
Klllz , Mr. George Mercer , J. W. Battln ,
Charles Kountze , W. H. Wheeler , Wing
Allen , Roy Crummer , Ed George , W. J.
Broach , Lai Johnson , Herbert Cook , Mr. and
Mrs. Wood Allen , Mrs. Fitchle.
The Gate City Gun club held Its annual
picnic at Anchor Mill last Sunday. Despite
the threatening weather of the morning an
early starl was made , and these participating
enjoyed a pleasurable day's outing. FishIng -
Ing , boating and other means of amusement
were Indulged In. The commissary depart
ment was not overlooked and a bountiful
supply of refreshments was ono of the prin
cipal features of the day. These present
were : Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Knapp , Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Harnnan , Mr. and Mrs. F. Harr-
man , Mr. and Mrs. Julius Miller. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Harrman , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bernhard -
hard , Mr. and Mrs. Hall , Mr. and Mrs.
Fisher , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krug , Messrs.
Frank C. Durr , John Zeller , Fred Brandes ,
I. P. Llnd. L. W. Lloyd , Jr. , F. W. Snyder ,
George KJeffner , Joe Trlska , Andrew John
son , Henry Blum , Gus Ickon , Charles Krug ,
H. Schunke , Hans Bock , Charles Robinson ,
Wesley Cope and Emll Augustat.
Balloon aft. and eve. Courtland today.
Theater Hinplnycs llenellt.
Benefits are always In order at the close
of a theatrical season , and In order to bo In
line the employes of the Fifteenth Street
theater will take a benefit , at that popular
house next Tuesday evening. There Is on
ertfieclal attractive . feature ) about benefits
that Is well known theatrical patrons. It
Is like a regular old New" England Thanks
giving dinner. There Is an abundance of
everything good. A much more pleasing
program Is always offered ! than at a regular
theatrical entertainment. For this coming
benefit the leading feature will be the exhi
bition drill by the Thurston rifles , the full
company appearing In drills and phantom
tableaux , all under the broad and search
ing glare of the calcium light , a sensational
effect never before having been produced
for them on a stage or otherwise public ap
pearance. The Omaha Letter Carriers' band
will give a concert In front of the theater at
8 p. m. Mr. C. A. Hlgglns nnd his sister ,
Miss Daisy , will give violin and piano selec
tions. T. J. Pennell and Mrs. C. F.
Drexel will give solo selections. The
Bedouin quartet have been secured. Albert ! ,
the La Rosa Brothers and Press Wakellold ,
well known and pcyiular professional people ,
will appear. T > .
Tickets will bo onlytpO cents each for re
served seats , which \po. on sale Tuesday
morning. , , n
' '
The temperature o 'lh'e water at Court-
land beach Is perfecl fcjr bathlng.
Singers ut-JCImntiuiui ! .
The musical feature announced for tha
Chautauqua assembly , a ( Crete this sum
mer are perhaps the-iiuuet attractive things
on the program , Btflldas the famous con
tralto , Mrs. KatharltfOi Flsho , Mlga Electa
Qlfford has been cnguBvdl as the leading so
prano. Miss Glfford. ' * nwondorful talents ,
ovur since her dobu'jmidor ( the direction of
Theodore Thomas la t , year have been a
source ot prldo to tUo great western city
which she makes her ( mine. Since , the be
ginning ot her professional career Miss
Glfford has scored triumph after triumph.
Good music has been scarce In Nebraska
this year. None of the great opera or con
cert companies have been west. Almost
ever/ one Is hungry for a llttlo good music.
Miss Glfford will bo heard at the preludes
ot the assembly and will glvo one recital
herself. In this country wo are glad enough
to co to a crowded concert hall to hear a
goood singer onco. It Is a rare thing to
have an opportunity to hear ono ot the best
sopranos not once , but jnany times. No
recreation Is complete without good music ,
and with It no entertainment van bo iiny-
thlnc but enjoyable.
Be sure you go to Courtland today. M'KttTlVAIt OFSO.m
Orent I'rppnrntloiU Itclng Mndo far the
"nngnrfrnt nt Now I'urk.
NEW YORK , Juno 1C. A national fes
tival of song a national sangerfest which
promises to eclipse any previous effort of the
kind that has been attempted In thin coun
try , will be begun In Madison Square Gar
den Saturday , Juno 23. The carnival of
music nnd song will bo produced under the
auspices ot the Vercnolgtcn Sanger society ,
of which Mr. William Stelnwny Is the hon
orary president nnd Mr. Richard Katzcn-
meyer Is vice president. The society , In
bringing about this festival , docs so In the
belief that It will tend to encourage the
cultivation of music nnd song. Thu com
mittee of arrangements Is a very represent
ative one , nnd among these who nro taking
an actlvo part In making the affair a suc
cess are Mayor Gllroy , ex-Mayors R. Draco
nnd Hugh Grant , Chauncey M. Depew , E.
Ellery Anderson , James Kllbrcth , collector of
the port of New York , Andrew Carnegie , R.
Myers , Joseph H. Choatc , , George B. McClel-
lan , W. B.Brndford Slorrlll , Charles A. Dana ,
John L. Cockcrlll and Jndgo P. Henry Doug
las , All the principal societies In every
state cast of the Mississippi will bo repre
sented and It Is expected that a chorus of
10,000 male voices will bo heard. This will
constitute the largest inalo chorus ever
heard In this country. The committee has
entrusted the management , of the carnival
to James Morrlscy , and In addition to the
singing societies , tha members ot which arc
all nonprofcsslonal , the following well
known soloists have been engaged : Amolta
Matcrna , Emma Jticli , Lillian Blauvult ,
Madame Tavary , Maud Powell , Gulscppe
Campanlnl , Emll Fisher. Conrad Bchrcns ,
Arthur Froldhelm and Victor Herbert. The
musical directors , Messrs , Vanderstucken ,
Zoolncr and Hein , have been laboring very
effectually for the past three months at re
hearsals with the several societies which
are to take part and they are perfectly satis-
fled with the result of their labors. In all
there will be five concerts. The opening
performance will be at 8:30 : o'clock on Satur
day evening , Juno 23 , and It will bo given
In honor of the visiting singers. The second
end will take place on Sunday afternoon.
It will be devoted to prize singing , In which
male chorus societies of the first and third
class will compete. The former , consistIng -
Ing of representatives from Buffalo ,
Baltimore , Philadelphia , Brooklyn and
New York , will sing Zerlatta's
"Das Grab 1m Buzento. " The third ,
class , comprising soclolles from every state
east of the Mississippi , will render Pache'a
"Walkelnaamkelt. " The prizes In each
class will bo : Flrsl , a Stelnway grand
piano ; second , a solid silver cup ; third , a
solid silver wreath. The competitive prize
singing for the second class will take place
on Monday afternoon , June 25 , when Von
AVclnzerla's "Herrbst Nacht" will bo sung.
The prizes In the second class will bo similar
to those of the first and third classes.
Tha first concert will bo given on Monday
and all the prominent artists mentioned will
take part In It. President Cleveland and
Governor Flower have written to the com-
mlttco accepting the Invitations to attend ,
and 11 is expected that many notable per
sons from the different state ! will come to
see the performance. The decorators are
already busy at work on the garden , and
when the doors nro thrown open the specta
tors will be confronted with a dazzling blendIng -
Ing of the stars and stripes and the German
tricolor , festooned with natural flowers and
garlands. The front of the building on the
Madison Square side Is similarly decorated.
In case a "hot spell" should pay a visit dur
ing the celebration the Immense sliding roof
can be thrown open , thus giving ) the specta
tors the .pleasure of an open air concert.
A triumphal archils being erected In front.
It Is expected that from this balcony Presi
dent Cleveland and other distinguished vis
itors will review the procession which will
herald the opening of the saengerfest. This
parade will be the principal feature of the
festival. Fully 20,000 men will be In line ,
each one wearing an alpine hat and carryIng -
Ing a lighted torch. They will march to
the time of vocal music and all along the
line of inarch the citizens have been re
quested to Illuminate their residences. In
terspersed along the line there will be several
floats , beautifully decorated , and the princi
pal one will represent on apotheosis of music
and song. It will have the place of honor
between the Arlon and Llederkranz societies.
Several uniformed organizations will also
take part , and altogether the sight will be a
pleasing as well as an Instructive1 ono. On
Tuesday a grand picnic and summer night's
festival will be held In Ulmer park , Benzon-
hurst , Long Island , where the prizes will be
awarded to the successful societies. This
will bring the carnival to an end , nnd from
present Indications. Judging from the ex
traordinary demand for seats , the success of
this gigantic saengerfest Is already assured.
Continuous performance al Courlland. cincr.Ks.
At the musical service at C o'clock lomor-
POW evening at the Westminster Presbyterian
church Mr. Frank Badolet , now ono of the
three toachem of the flute at the New York
Conservatory of Music will , give Handel's
sonata No. 2 on his favorlto Instrumenl.
Mr. Van Kuran and Mr. McCuno will sing
solos , and Mr. Van Kuran and Joseph Bar
ton have a duet ,
Miss Hawks , ono of St. Joseph's favorlto
young ladles , will sing a solo In All Saints'
church this Sunday morning. She Is visiting
Mrs. Horace Everett of Council Bluffe.
The recital by the pupils of Mrs. J. W.
Cotton Wednesday evening at Meyer's hall
was wonderfully successful , a very large
audience being present to enjoy this excel
lent program ;
Rappelle-tol . Ncvlna
Miss Doane.
Thou Wondrous Youth . Abt
Mrs. Frank.
Violin obllgato by Mr. Charles Hlgglns.
The Hose . Spohr
Mlas Gentle Yutes. V
Come , Darling , Come . Stevenson
11 r. Fischer.
The Winds In the. Trees . Thomas
Miss Burns.
a. Surrender . Meyer Hellmund
b. I Love nnd the World Is Mine .
. Clayton Johns
Miss Knox.
Love's Sorrow . Shelly
Mr. Abel.
Apple Buds . , . . . Emery
Miss Paris.
Thou , Whom I Kver Loved So Dearly. Wood
Miss Mullen.
Voices of the Angels . A. Lane Wilson
Mrs. Kennedy ,
Waltz Song . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mls.s O'llourke.
Queen of the Earth . Plnsutl
Mr. Hultman.
a , I.ullaby . Chndwick
b. Spring . . Saplo
Miss Evans.
Ave Maria ( from Oavallerla Itustlcnna ) .
. , . Muscagnl
Miss Lobman.
With violin obllgato by Mr. Clms.
Mss Celt
Take a swim at Courtland today.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Program of the "Westminster Proabjtoriai
Early Musical Scrvico this Evening ,
Minister * ' OntliiR nt llitnitcnni I'nrh Tcv
morrow-All Biilnt * Will Ilnlil n
I.turn 1'nrty I'rniprctn * of the
City I'ulpltK for Toiliiy.
The proRram for the early Sunday ovcnlnt
midsummer musical service at Wcstmlnstci
Presbyterian cliurcli tills evening Is :
Organ Festival Mnrcli. . . . Stnnr
Quortct Oently , Lord , o Qrntly Lead
Us . , . llurnci
The Temple Quartet.
Flute Solo Sonntn No. 2 . Hniule
Mr. Frank Itmlolet.
Tenor Solo Quppllcmtlon . Vlntot
Mr. A. J. VnnKurnti.
Scripture Lesson.
Ton-Minute Sermon on "The livening nl
Cnna of Oalllee. "
Itnrltonc Solo Friir Not Ye , O Israel. .lucl <
Mr. W. S. McCunc.
Organ Oftertory The Evening Star .
. . Wngnei
Duet-Hope lloyond. . . . White
Mr. VniiKiirnn , Mr. J. F. llarton.
Hymn No. 127.
The Congregation .li Invited to unite In the
1'ostlude. In D . Mcrkel
Mrs. R F. Ford , Oruanlst.
I'll I r Irs' Ciinmiil.
The Women's Christian association and the
Young Women's Christian association , bolli
ot which occupy the front rank among
worthy organizations for the advancement ol
the Interests of womcnklml In general , have
Joined forces for the purpose of securing
funds to assist them In their work. They
have undertaken the production of "The
Fairies' Carnival" and have secured the
Fifteenth Street theater for Wednesday ,
Thursday and Friday evenings , June 27 , 2S
and 29. with a matinee on Saturday after
noon , June 30. Itchcarsals are now In prog
ress under the direction of J. Edgar Owens ,
who will direct and costume the entire enter
tainment. Mr. Owens has had large experi
ence In this work , and he Is most emphatic
In his declaration that he has never had
liner material to work with that ho has
found here. The ladles of the two associa
tions have secured for him the very best
to be had In the city. The Immense stage ,
the largest In the west , will fairly swarm
with children , and the grotesquely costumed
dances In which they will appear will be a
most charming revelation to all who attend.
There will be four performances , and as the
children who take part are already selling
many tickets this far In advance , the net
financial results to the ladles who arc Inter
ested promise ! ) to be most handsomely sat
isfactory. _
V. M. C. A. Kvents.
The new class In political economy led by
Dr. Duryea had an enrollment of fifty-throe
men Friday evening ; hot weather does not
scorn to stand In the way of this class.
The text book used Is Ely's "Outlines of
Economics. "
Last evening the young men's service was
addressed by Mr. Yule of Bellevue college.
Rov. Charles F. Taylor addresses young
men Sunday a 4 p. in. on a timely theme
for the west and summer weather. His
address will be especially for young men
away from home.
A new class for bible study has been
formed under the direction of Mr. Haven
and meets at 9:15 : Sunday morning and al
ready has a good enrollment. Secretary
Ober's class at 3 Sunday Is now held In
the beautiful parlor of the association.
Entries for the tennis tournament are
coming In rapidly and the promise for the
field day , Juno 23 , Is good for a big list of
Salvation Army .M
The Salvation army will hold meetings all
day today , beginning at 7 a. m. with knee
drill. At 11 o'clock , holiness meeting ; 3 p. m. ,
grand family gathering , and at night tliqy
will hold a memorial service In
honor of their comrade , Mlsi Emma
Johnson , who was promoted to glory and
laid to rest Friday. Everybody Is "wel
come to thesemeetings. .
ICav. Itoliml 1 > . Grant' * Visit.
Ilov. Roland D. Grant , pastor of the First
Baptist church , Portland , Ore. , was In Uio
city last week on his way home from Sara
toga , N. Y. His visit there was partly to
persuade the May meetings to assemble In
Portland In 1895. It Is probable ho will
succeed. _
Altl Society I.iiwu I'arty.
The ladies of Alt Saints Church Aid so.
clety will glvo a lawn party on the re-ctory
lawn next Wednesday evening , when they
will servo strawberries and Ice cream. They
will have a hearty welcome for all.
MluUtort ) ' Outing.
The ministers and their wives will toke
an outing In Ilanscom park tomorrow with
1. Cures FKVKIIS.
7. Cures COIJUI1S.
10. Cures liYSriiPSIA.
13. Curra l.KUCUUKIIOKA.
13. euros CUOUr.
14. Cures SKIN D1SUASK3.
in. Cures IlllIIU.HATlSM.
10. Cures 1 KViil AND AGUK.
10. Cures CATAHKII.
so. euros wiiooriNG-coucm.
III ) . Cures UltlNAHY DISjlJlSKS.
34. Cures SOItK T11IIOAT.
77 , Cures GIUl'rK.
IIHMlMlllY'ti WITCH IIA7ii. OIL Cure *
Korsnlohy DrupRUtH.or trial bottle of any
nf the nbovu sent oil receipt of urlco , 2Dc. . or
Cor. William und John Sts. , Now York.
3. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts.
4 per cont. interest paid on savings
4 ] per cont. on time certificates 3
o 0 months.
6 per cout. on tirao certificates 0
nonths and ever ,
You are Invited to come In and open un ar-
ount with us. Banking hours 0 to 4 P. M ,
lally. Open Saturday ulRhta to rucolvo < &
wsluonly , OtoB P.M.
II. O. DEVUIES , Pro * .
CADET TAYLOR , Vlco-l'ro * .
W , II. TAYLOR. Oashlor.
n. A. IIANBEN , Asst. Cash lor.
a basket lunch , meeting At 4 o'clock. This
wilt titko thn place of the usual monthly fore
noon gathering. All the clergy of the city
arc Invited.
llrlrf I'ulplt rnrrciiMH.
Castcllar Presbyterian Rev. Dr. J. M.
Wilson this evening will preach on "Cnthollo
Trance nnd the French Ilovolutlon , " being
ono of tha scries of sermons on "Historical
Christianity. "
Trinity Methoillst llev. W. K. Ilonns will
preach In the morning on "A 1'lca for
Smiles , " In the evening on "Homo Ainimo- ,
tncnts. "
draco Lutheran Morning sermon on
"God's Use of Rich Men , " evening , "Soo-
Ing Jesus. "
Unitarian Special Moral service of Sun *
tiny school at noon. Usual morning service.
Hillside Congregational Children's day
service In the morning. In the evening a
temperance address on "Tho Situation and
What Next ? "
Kountzo Memorial Lutheran Preaching
both morning and evening by the pastor.
The subject for the morning will bo : "The
Helpfulness of the Mountains ; " In the evenIng -
Ing another most nnlituc and helpful null-
phonal service by two choirs ; subject of the
sermon will be : "Seeking the Way. " The
observance of children's day was postponed
from last Sunday until 12 o'clock today , when
a beautiful service of song and rocltntluiu
will bo rendered.
Danish Evangelical Lutheran Twenty-sec
end and Leavenworth streets. Hcv , J , I * .
Lllli'svi1. pastor. Itegular services , morning
and evening.
Plymouth Congregational Hcv. II. llrosi
will prc.ich In the morning.
How jolly 'tis to KO to school
With Mich a nice tuhoulfellalit
T\\o souls with but ODD happy thought ,
Two hearts 'ncuth ono umbrella.
Umbrellas , though , nro not so nlco
SI not ) the ilayot nmrklnto hos ;
Ills ImmlH iiru fri'o to help mo o'or
Where the wuter sweeps and washes.
A mackintosh you'll dm ! O. It.
If nt Scnllnld'ti stnro you got It.
Ho sells the kind that'll keep you dry
Though copious shower * wet , It.
This week at $2.50 to $15.00 each. Aaj
ono of thorn will look uncl provo
bargain. Every garment win-ranted.
Huvo you &cen our duck suits yotl
At $3.48 , $4.98 and $ j.9S , which are pronounced
nouncod the best shown ? \Vo mail
samples when requested' and pay express -
press charges when money comes with
the order.
Now ones , black and navy , 310 , $12 , 813"
and $17.60. Every lady should have one
whether remaining at homo or going.
aWay for the summer.
, , . .
10c off on every dollar
during next HO dayu.
Massafjo or bottle of *
hand whltonor with a
Consultation Free
Address all communica
tions to
A. S. ' COM VERSE , '
Under Price ,
You liavo hoard the story of the wlfo
who , noticing the hudly tattered con
dition of her liiiHbaml , aakod if ho had
hocn in an encounter. Ho replied ,
"Worst than that ; it was a bargain
Wo guarantee full police protection
to every man who comes for any of our > , ' *
reduced prlco baby carriages.
Wo have HCieotod fifty of our best
carriages on which wo have placed a re
duced prlco that must sell thatn bo for ?
July 1st.
Do you want ono ?
rurnituw of Every DMcription ,
Temporary Location ,
unel I'JOa Jiittmlan SCroot.