THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JUNE 17 , 1891. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRAD ! Omaha Jobbers Boport a Very Fair More raont of Goods. CROP CONDITIONS IMPROVE BUSINESS Itnnh Clearing 81io\r nn Inrrrnta In tin 1'crrcnlitRo of LoAn * Compared with Onn Vnir ARK Iiniortiiiica | nf Correct ( 'roji Hcixirls , It IB not ncccsnary to tic a very , close ob server In order to arrive at the cnncliinlni that tlicrc In a much better feeling prcvalen In tlio wholesale district of Omalia thai there wab two weeks JRO. Thin better feel Ing amounts to a positive renewal of confl dcnco that must liavo no Hnmll Inlluenc qpon the operations of jobbers during th summer months. Two weeks ago the Jobbers bors were wearing very long faces , but th coming ot rains , that have been cUltc | general oral In extent , has given a broader and hap plor expression to the features of the Jobbln fraternity. "Tills Is what makes us smile , ' nald one , pointing to the government re port , on Nebraska , reading : "Local rain have greatly Improved crops ; corn prospect generally very good ; small grain will b < ahorti pastures recovering. " f There are still sections of the countr ; tributary to this market In which the droutl has not been broken , but they are emal ( n extent and will cut little figure In th &rand total. The shortage In the smal grain crop docs not cause any mica-sines In trade circles , as It Is well known Urn the mainstay In this state Is corn. Every rain storm sends the hopes of busl ness men just so much higher and brighten the prospect of future business. Whll business men In every line of trade may b < expected to follow a very conservative pol Icy and limit their buying orders to th Immediate 'demands of customers , UIUH ollm Inatlng very largely all speculative ten denotes , there can be no doubt but wlia the present cheerful prospect must havi some Influence upon present transactions. The conduct of every commercial enter prlso having become dependent to such i great extent upon crop reports , a local job ber observes that some Improvement shouli bo made In the method of obtaining thesi reports. So far as Nebraska Is concernei very satisfactory weekly reports are fur nlshed , but of other states so much can nebo bo said. At least business men do not ap pear to look with much confldcnce upon tin government reports and a great many o them go to great expense to secure prlvoti Information. While- the reports from tin territory tributary to Omaha are of mor < Importance to the business men ot this city the general conditions covering the wholi country are- closely observed. Just now tin government crop reports are being assallct qulto vigorously In the cast. It Is clalmet that the system of gathering and compiling crop statistics has not kept pace with tin demands of the times and that frequent ! } private Information as to crops and stocks of produce nro given greater credence It business circles than the official reports. MOVEMENT OF GOODS. As to the volume of trade , there has not been much' change during the past six days. Local jobbers generally report trade as run ning along In an even channel and as de void of any striking features. The grocery houses are all very busy and have their hands full In attending to the multitude ol medium sized orders that keep pouring In. The dry goods Jobbers report n very fair business fo'r the middle of Juno and are disposed to feel very well satisfied with the outcome of what was expected to be nn extremely 'dull season. The hardware Job- burs are doing a fair business , but nothing to boast about. There Is not much building going on , and that cuts off considerable business'In this lino. ' ' The Introduction" the fruit auction sys tem has given the wholesale fruit business of this city a great stimulus. Instead of supplying only the retail trade In the city and the smaller country towns , Omaha Is now supplying the wholesalers In the larger cities from the Mississippi river west through Iowa. Formerly the largo cities In eastern Iowa received their California fruit from Chicago , but now the fruit Is halted here , sold to the highest bidder and distributed from Omaha. Omaha has for a long time been recognized as ono of the best fruit markets In the country , but this latest move promises-to extend Its Influence still far ther. THE BANK CLEAIUNQS. While the decrease In Omaha's bank clearings for the past week are less than the average decrease for the whole country , this city docs not make as good a showing as some others. Minneapolis shows a slight Increase , but n year ago at this time she bad already experienced a heavy drop. Omaha hold up last year butter than many other cities and was one of the last to succumb to the panic , so that this city must necessarily be late In showing nn Improve ment when compared with 1893. The following arc the clearings nt Omaha for each day ot the past week : Monday $ 9M.192.3l Tuesday I2.0I.97 ! ) Wednesday 782,075.41 Thursday .7 815,383.89 Friday . . 811,402.77 Saturday 870,039.93 Total J3.2S3.19I.S3 SNOW , CHURCH & GO'S. V1RWS. Crop Prospects Light Dp the I'lituro for Nebraska Jlotullern. Albert Andrlano , local superintendent for Snow , Church & Co.'s mercantile agency , writes : "Thu past week 1ms been a ( rood one for crops , and ns a result of the abundant rains country merchants nnd farmers feel much encouraged. The rains have been qulto general nnd have done more than any oll'cr one tiling to restore confidence. Ite- tnllerrt report u fnlrly Kood business. owing mainly to the warm , pleasant wi-iither. In jobbing lines1 business may bo said to bo only fnlr. Country merchants Heein a lit tle more { nc'llncd to order with the Im proved1 condition of the country. The ex cursion of Oniahn jobbers In u new nnd excellent Iden , Jinny country merchants were Jinnbo | to coino to Omaha this season , uvon with -the liberal free ticket offer made by locnlMiquppx , Un this excursion the Job- will have nn' opportunity of becoming 5era acquainted with their customers i thi ) territory covered , nnd this will no doubt result In future business. Kvery move o' thh4 kind temliiiK to brim ? together thy wholesalers and retailer * In this state qnnnrces the Importance of OnnUia us a jdbblnA ventcV , nnd more firmly establishes * Its prestige In this territory. "The I'iutte river canal project has lln- nlly bc n submitted to the county cotnmts- Hlpners , The enterprise Is n great pun. and - one that , with Its tniccrosful completion , will murk thi' beginning of un era of re newed nrosperlty ( n Omaha nnd contingent territory. The exnendlturo of such u sum as : tlmt Contemplated In this proposition nt , such , tt time us the present will attract the attention of the entire country. It will materially Inereiuui the population of the city , ninny persons of means will come here to locate , capitalists from nil parts of the country will seek Omuhu as u place for Investment. Jleforo presenting the proposi tion to the people , however. It Is only right and just Hint such restrictions should In ; placed upon It us will protect thu In terests nf thu public. It Is to be hoped , howeyer , that these restrictions will bo of such 'a imturo that thu canal company can comply with them , -so Unit this entrrprlse. wlileh Is probably the most Important In thu hlxtory of the city , may bo carried on to a nuccessful consummation. "A careful , conservative review of the business situation In Omaha and In Ne braska lends to the conclusion that , whllo business , to bo strictly truthful , shows llttlu Improvement for the past few weeks , the prospects nrc today certainly brighter than they have been for nonui time. It Is hardly to bo expected that , with the summer months upon us , trade should show un Increaat ) over the sprlnir months. This wjuld bo unusual Indeed. As matters stand at present business Is In fairly Rood con dition. The tone Is llrm and conl'dencu prevails. 1'rospectn for u large crop nr better , , there Is HUlUclent moisture In thu country , and with a reasonably good sea- eon during the next few months the great est corn crop that wa have ever hud In this state will bo assured , Until that tljiio a very decided Improvement In the general situation Is hardly to bn expected. In the nieantlmo the tariff question will bo net tled on way or another , The labor trou bles will , It Is hoped , be adjusted , and with n good crop In Nebraska there la no plntis ! blc reason why business should not rcovei ana trade resume all of Its usual activity. ' AS DUN MKK.S IT. I'onpta Bhonld Ilo ( Irntnfnl for Two Thing ) Sltiintlii ) In Ixicnl Clrrlc * . Mr. W. II. Ilobcmon , manager of the mercantile ngeney of 11. O. Dun & Co. , speaking of'lrndo for the week , says : "There In much for encouragement In the conditions of affairs generally , aa they are presented nt this time. The movement ol the unemployed , which was finite threaten ing and revolutionary In appearance fein n time , has now lost Its Interest , The bodies of men who were moving toward the national capital nrc rapidly disintegrating , nnd the strikers herc an-l there nre be- Klnnlnir to yield to the logic of persuasion Instead of bullets. The great wave of dis content nrcms to hnv spent llflolf , nml now the country Is slowly recovering. "Tho next thing to be grateful for Is the generous rainfall , extending well over Ne- lirnskn. I wns out In Hiitler nnd several other counties during the week nnd war ddlKhted with the prospect presented. Corn Is looking well , nnd although small grain It badly damaged It Is tint n dead failure In the sections visited. Prospects nre nil right , nnd Omaha markets already begin to fed the beneficial effect of a recovery of ronfldence. "The third encouraging feature of the week's situation Is the fact that the canal proposition Is finally before the county commissioners It needs some amendment ! ! ns to details and further safeguards for the protection of thu people , but the plan In general 1-4 to commended , nnd $1,000OOC Is a small subsidy for so Important an en terprise. Assuming the feasibility of the scheme and that the development ol the power claimed Is practicable , the effecl upon Omaha will be electrical , literally as well ns figuratively. The attention of the Investing world will be turned to this city beyond the possibility of a doubt If the undertaking ID entered upon. "IJctrtll trade for the week In necessities IIOH been good , but beyond this It has been very dull. Dealers In luxuries , whether liquid or solid , are having a hard xUmmer of It. In wholesale circles trade 1ms been good , but not driving , and the week has been marked by the departure of a number of the heaviest dealers upon a tour of the smaller towns In Nebraska. These occa sional visits will help to attract trade , and by bringing Jobber and country merchant tea a personal acquaintance will bind the city nnd Its tributary territory more closely to each other. . "At the banks the cashiers nnd discount clerks still sing the old song of 'Plenty to lend , but fnw borrowers. ' "The extremely hot weather hero Is said lo prevail also In Washington , and this lends many a weary , waiting business man to hope that congressional speeches will be less laborious and that action and ad journment will not be delayed beyond mid summer. " _ St. I.ouin Ccnrrnl Mnrknt. ST. LOUIS , Juno IC.-KLOUR-naslcr : not ciuolulily changed. WHEAT Declined { Jlto on the Kcnerally Imirlsh slnte of nffnlrs ; No. 2 red , cnsh nnd June , etc ; July , OJVic ; August , ClKc ; Heptcmtjor , 65'4c. ( 'ORJf Ix > t 54c on crop news ; No. 2 mixed , cash n nd Juno. WJc ; July , SSUc ; September , 33Vic. OATB Gnlned l c on short buying nnd crop news ; No. 2. cndi. 46 c ; June , 44c bid ; July , 3.ic : Austin ! nnd September , SOe. RYU Nothing I'olnB. IIARLKV Nothing dolnfr. IIRAN c. east trnclc. i-'LA.v SIKI > , . TIMOTIiy HIJIII ) t4.M3f3.00. HAY I'lrm ; prime to choice timothy , J3.00O 10.00. 1H1TTKR Unchanged. KOOS Unchanged. LKA I ) Higher : IJ.10J3.12H. SPBI.TER Hull , J3.20. CORN MCA L 13.1083.15. WHISKY Jl.n. COTTON TIKH Unchanged : Kc RAGGING UnchanBed ; 6H c. PROVISIONS HlKher ; firm , quiet. Park , standard mess , johlilng. $13. Lurd , prlmo stenm. JB.4" > ; cholco , G.W/4. Dry salt mcntx , loose shoulders , ) . " > .87H ; longs , tfi.Ki ; shortn , 15.70. llacon. packed shoulders. $ ; longs , $7.75 ; rltjs , J7.21fl > 7.37'/i : shorts. J7.50W7.63Vi. RKCBIPTS Flour , 4,000 bills. ; wheat , 7.000 bu. ; earn , M.OOO bu. ; oats. 4,000 hu. 8HIPMKNT8 Klour. 6.000 bbls. ; wheat. 1.000 hu. ; corn , 51,000 bu. ; oats , 5,000 hu. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS , June 1C. Speculators gener ally expected a decline In wheat nnd opened the market n. fraction lower , but with fnlr buying It udviinccd tp yesterday's prices. Later , on the Kcnernl rnlns and other news , the mnrket broke almiit Ho. reacted slightly , nnd cloned at from Vic to % < ; lower. Trading. wa cJlclly , ln .small hits. Receipts were rather larger than hnd been expected all the week , so'that the demnnd.s of the mills , weru pretty well supplied , nnd the dls- trlhutlon decreased tht * surplus only nbottt to the exlent of the shipments , which were not far from 10,000 bu. for the week. The demand was goad for truck offerings , nnd they sold early nt nbout yo lower. Some lots thnt were nearly good were held on the market late before they WITO sold. but finally brought relatively very fair prices. The close was ; Juno nnd July , 594c ; Sentembo- , 57ic. The closing of cash prices was the same as yesterday : No. 1 hard. C2c ; No. 1 northern. 61c ; No. 2 northern. M'ic. Receipts wera 123.49) ) bu. , shipments 16.000 bu. Trading by outsiders was limited , and nltlouKh there was considerable activity among local traders the business for the dny was very much lighter than the average for tha week. Mills wera running alxmt ns usual , grinding , according to estimate , 33,000 bhis. In twenty-four hour * ; Salts were reported slow ut $3.31 3.50 for patents and I2.OT02.39 for bakers. Flour shipments were 3i27 ) bbls. 1 Wool Mnrkot. ROSTON. June 1C. The Commercial Rulletln says of the Roston wonl market ; The sales for the week arc 2,334.200 Ibsi. domestic , nnil 103.000 Ilia , of foreign , ngnlnst 1,157,000 Ibs. domestic nnd 1M.OOO Ibs. foieUn hist week , nnd 1,084.150 Ibs. domestic nnd 27 ! ) . 000 H > B. foreign for the snmo week last year. The totnl shortage In sales to dnto from last year Is 11.574 Ibs. The slurtngn In receipts Is 1G.CI1 bales domestic nnd 76 , CT bales foreign. Tht * Increased sales are caused by the dumping of ono lot of 1. 000.000 Ibs. of territorial , part on spot nnd port to arrive , nt an all around scoured Imsls of al ) ut 30c. Michigan X him been snld at 17c this week , the lowest price on record. New Georgia wool has sold again at 1515c. The market continues dull nnd depressed nnd extraordinary Inducements are nei-ded to move large lines. ST. LOUIS , June 16. WOOL Dull , unchanged. City Murkots. KANSAS CITY. June IG.-WHRAT-Slow : No. 2 hard. 52c ; No. 2 led. 54c ; No. 3 red , CORN liifle IIIWIT ; No. 2 mixed , No. S white. 37KC38C. OATS Very Him : No. 2 mixed , 40$40',4c ; No. 2 white. 41641KC. HAY Steadyr tlmotny , J3.0080.50 ; prairie , J5.00 RUTTint Active and steady ; creamery , 140 13c : daily. 12 l4c. KOOS Weak to V-o lower nt 7(4 ( < 3Sc. HKfBHTH Wheat. W cars ; corn. 110 cars ; onts. 3 curs. HIIIPSIIINTS Non.o. Milwaukee ( ionenil .llnrkot. MIIAVAUKKK. Juno 1C. FLOUR Slendy. WIHJAT-Kosy : No. 2 , spring. 6l ? o ; No. 1 northern. C3c ; July , 57Wc. CORN Scarce ; No. 3. lie. OATS-lllKher ; No. 2 white. 4l lc ; No. 3 while. llfllJVic. IIARLIJV Nominal ; No. 2. 5lV4c ; sample , C2c. UY13 rinn : No. 1. 50V4C. PROVISIONS HUher ; l rk , J1S.45. Lard. j6.7\s. \ " Rii'iilTS : Flour. 7,400 bbls. ; wheat. 1,900 bu. : barley. 1,600 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 60 bbls. ; wheat , 2.000 bu. ; bailey , none. , ChlmR" Fruit Qaotutlonv. PHICAOO , June 1C The Karl Fruit company sold California fruit at auction this morning an follows ; Chorrles lllnek Tartarian. "OljffSc. Uovnl nprlcotH. I1.00OL2 ] . lVnche Alexander. }' , ; llilKKH peaches , | l.2u l.44. Cherry plums , Jl.W ; Cjolden Drop plums , Jl.Jj ; Clyman , $2.'iO. Some fruit sold for less. Purler Unix , snld today nt auction llvo cars of California fruit : Clyman plums. J2.0'f2.GO. Poach uprlcots , JL2.1 : Royal * . ! Wo J1.30. Cherry plums , J1.0VSI.40 , Alexander peaches , } l,05i > 1.43. Illnck Tnrlnrlnn chcrrlrs , 4of85c. Llvt'rpool M LIVF.RPOOL. June -AVHnAT-nioslns , easy : supply good ; No. 2 roil winter , 4s 6d , CORN Dull ; holders offer uparlnuly ; new mixed spot , 3s 8id ; futurfit , dull ; linMers offer iparliiKly ; Jun , 3n S'.id ; July , 3 * 8Vnl ; August , 3siSHd. FIAJUR-Rteady ; supply good ; St. IxJtils fancy winter. SH fid. PROVIrtlONS Lnnl. dull ; supply iioor ; upot , 35s 6d ; futures , holders not offering. Pork , dull ; holders offer freelv : prlmo mess western , 67s 6.1 ; wettcrn medium. 67a G.I. The children will enjoy the animals at Courtlauil beach. Take them. ISK.VLTY . MARKl'.T. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Juno 16 , ISO I ; WARRANTY PEEDS. Omaha Security company to Knner John son , lot 14. block 31. Albright Choeo. ! . . , | 1,03) ) Julia fitmw nnd Imtband tn Mln.t HeliiU. lots 7 and 8. Hhnw's suMlv. , 6,500 A R Dufreno nnd wlfo to M 1 ! IAIXIII , imt Vt of rait H lot 3 , block S , I.owo's 2d add 1,800 A H Itachinan and wlfo to Mangold K Ulandt bank , lots 13 and 13. block 3 , Albright's annex , , l 400 J 11 Prow nnd wlf to H I , Mitchell , lot IJ. block 3. South Omaha 1 H Mltcholl to Isabel ! Crosn , sama l M A . Maclmdvr et al to Jacob iiton , lot S , In JS-1 ' 1J I 1,000 QUIT CLAIM DBKD8. ' O L rtrndlty nnd wife ti > K ( Mlpetxur , lot 16 , block 7 , Hllchcock'd add 1 DKEDS. Sheriff to Omaha , Saving hank , lot II , block 11 , Went Knd ndd M7 Special maHtvr to Warren Swlt ler. lot 14. block * . iiubdtv of J I R dlck. ' ndd nnd lot 37. Haifa tubdlv 2.R Total amount of transfer * 115,0'd o Do sure you RO to Courtland today. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bearish Hews Waa Largely in the Majoritj and July Wheat Declined. WEAKNESS WAS DUE MOSTLY TO RAINS Lowrr Cnblc nntl Very Mmltcit Kxport AVcro I'romlnciit I'cnturcs in the lo- cllno I'riitlnloiiVrro Firm on by Shorts. CHICAGO , Juno 1G. Ucarlsh news wa largely In the majority today and Jul > wheat closed with a loss ot * ic. July corn closed Vic lower , but oats and provision acted Independently and closed firm. Open Ing trades In wheat wore at from &c to % c decline and gradually sold down Ic , rallte < from % o to % c , changed some and closoi lower. The weakness was duo mostly to the rains , the lower cables and very limited ox ports. Offerings , were quto | liberal at the start , with shorts covering , but the supply was much greater than the demand and the market ruled weak. There was some Belling of July and buying of September by the elo valor Interest , and this had a weakening tendency , especially for July. There waa also an Impression that deliveries on July con tracts might possibly bo qulto free and thle added some decision to the market and was looked upon as a bearish factor , There was some unfavorable crop nowabut It cu llttlo flguro. The market rallied some to ward the close , Influenced by stronger contl nental cables and covering by shorts. Corn was weak on rains and frco soiling The ran go for the day was % c. Oats rtvero unsettled within Hlc range for July. An early break on the rains was fol lowed by liberal buying and the market closed steady. Provisions wcro firm on buying , presumably by shorts. The higher Liverpool marko added to the strength. Compared with las night July pork Is 27 0 higher , July lard lOc higher and July ribs lOc higher. Vessel room In limited demand ; rates easy at Ic for corn to Buffalo. Tbo leading futures ranged as follows : Articles ) . I 01x311. | High. | Low. | Cloac. \ThcatKo.i * Juno 07 C7M BOM BO % : July fW < 07W oo' ' Sept OOh Com No. 2. . Juno 40M 40 30 July 40 40 Sept 40WQM 40M O.1IS No. ' „ > . . . Juno 43 43 41 July 3SW Sept 30 > { 20M 30 Pork per bbl July 12 25 12 BO 12 2 12 47 Sept. I'J 27)i 12 05 12 27K 12 Lard.100Ibs Juno 0 July 0 00 It 72 o no 72H Sept. . 0 72 > 085 0 72 0 85 Short Ribs- July. 0 ri2 > . 0 45 0 32 > t n 4VH Sept 0 DO II 45 0 30 C 4u Cosh quotations were ns follows : KLOUH Winter patents. J2.80it2.00 : RralKlit8 , J260 ; spring palontii. $3.1003.00 , otmlRlits , 2.202.70 ; bakers. lGOfi)2.00. ) WHEAT No. 2 sprlnB. K'Ac ; No. 3 sprlner. nominal ; No. 2 red. 56&C. CORN No. 2 , 40'4c : No. 3 yellow. 40c. OATS No. 2 , 44c : No. 2 wlrite , 44 44'/jC. IIVIS No. 3. 4310We. 1IAHLEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , Ctc ; No. 4 , Mr. FLAX SEED-NO , i. JLSJ. TIMOTHY SEED Prime. $4.73. PROVISIONS Mess pork , J12,43012.47"Xj per Ml. Lnrd. $ r.67V4 6.0 per 100 Ibs. r Iiort rllis sides ( loose ) . $6.5086.52V4 : dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $5.r 24@5.87 ; Hiuirt clear sides ( boxed ) , 10,02 0 C.75. i WHISKY Dlsttners' nnlshed goods , per gal. , $1.15. Tlio follou-lnff were the receipts ana shipments for todays On the Produce oxchaniro today tlio butter mar ket was steady , unchanged ; creamery. 150 17c ; dairy , ll@lnc. Eggs , weak , unchanged ; strictly fresh , u)4U10c. ) _ NKW YORK OUNKRAL MARKET. Yesterday's Quotations on Flour , Grain and 1'rovlslons , Metal ? , Ktc. NEW YORK , June 10. Receipts , 33,000 bbls.J exports , C9.000 bbls. ; sales , 2,700 pkgs. Mar ket has lost all tbo Improvement of the early week and rather dull , with small trade ; city mill patents. $1.0504.30 ; winter patents. $3.2i0 3.35 ; city mill clears. $3.65 3.60 ; winter straights , $2.COfi > 2.95 ; Minnesota patents , $3,4033.85 ; winter extras , $2.Q3ft2.H ! ) ; Minnesota bakcis , $2.1003.40 ; winter , low grades , fl. 60 2.15 ; spring. low ( trades , fl.60Ql.85 ; spring , extras , 'fl.802.SO ; southern Hour , dull ; common to fair extras , $2.002. ! > 0 ; good to choice extras. . J2.COW3.50. Rye [ lour , dull ; superfine , $2,7502.85 ; fancy , $ .90.ffi3.03. Iluckwheat flour , nominal. CORN MEAL Dull : yellow , western , $2.630 2.80 ; llrnndywlno , $2.80. 1UJCKWHEAT Nominal : range. 6875c. IIYI3 Nominal ; state. 56ff58c ; Jersey. C2053c. HARLEY MALT Quiet : .western , 68tfSOo ; Can- ada. 9095c : six-rowed , 82Q85c. WHRAT Receipts , 49.000 bu. : sales , 2.250,030 bu. futures , 10.000 bu. spot. Spot market " easier ; No. 2 red. In store and elevator. C04c ! ; No. 1 northern , 68o delivered. Options dull anil weak on rains In northwest , lower cables dis appointing weekly eiuorta nnd inter account of predictions of general rains tonight , closed Vic down ; Juno closed nt COe ; JUly , CO'/t eic. closed at C0 > ic ; August , CWQeS'Sc , closed at Clc ; B | > -mlr , C. ll-lCfrMVic. closed at 6.Kc ; December. 60 ll-1666 > io. closed at 66Hc. CORN Receipts , 77,000 bu. ; exports , 101.000 bu. ; sales , 20r > ,000 bu. futures. 24.000 bu. spot. Hpot market weaker ; No. 2 , 45c In elevator. 45V4 fflSVic alloat. Option market weaker nil day on generous rains In the corn belt. Closing : Junu closed nt 4IT c ; July. 45Uc. closed at 45'/jc ; August , 45'/4ji4Cc ' , closed nt 46V5o ; Beptembcr , 46W46e , cloned nt 4Cc. OATS-Recelpts , 113,000 bu. : exports. 6.100 bu. ; sales , 60.DOO bu. futures , 11,000 bu. spot. Spot market dull ; No. 2. 4Sfi'i'c : : No. 2. delivered. COc ; No. 3. 4Su ; No. 2 white , 5152c : No. 3 white , 60c ; track mixed , western , COOSl'X.c ; track white , western , C0351V4C ; tr.ick whlto , mate , C0fi > 53(4c. ( Option market weaker on rains west nnd reports of wavering lltu-s on Ions oats nt Chicago : closed 'io net decline ; Juno closed at 48V < c : July. 4 ; ii I'V.c. closed nt 46 > ; c ; August , 37V5W37 ; c ; Boplembor , 31H35c. closed at 34Kc ; October closwt at 3lSc. HAY Quiet ; shipping. $6.00tt6.CO ; good to cholco , $7.0038.70. HOI'rt Dull ; stato. common to choice. OOlCc : I'ncino coast. ItWI'c- . HIDES Quiet : wet salted. New Orleans , sel ected. 45 lo 65 tbi. , 4V40IT c ; Texas , selected , 33 to 60 Ibs. . 4gSc ; lluenoa Ayrcs , dry , 20 to 21 Ibs. , 10Vt lle. I'ltOVISIONft-Ilrof. quiet ; family ; ff0.cb12.50 ; sxtnv mew. $8 : beef bami. $21 ; tlty Qxtra India mess , fl7.00 20.X ( ) . Cut meals , quiet ; plcklkd bellli-s. CViOIHo : pickled shoulders , 5 , ® 5Hb ; pickled hams , 10V4c. Uird , steady ; western steam closed nt $7.00Jr7.05 : sales. 250 tlercoa > t tl : July doted nt $7.10. nominal ; Septem- l r. f7.25. nominal : refined steadier ; . .continent. [ 7.3j ; 8. A , , f7,80 ; comimund. 5O6c. ; I'ork , itoady ; now mpM. $ t3.60 ? 13.75 : txtni prime , JIJ.60K13.10 ; family , $13.50 14.00 ; short clear ! 1UJTTUR Easy ; western dairy , lOOlBc ; west- prn crenmery , llviWISe ; western factory. 9J4O l4V4o ; Elgtns. 18o ; state dairy , 13317lio ; state : renmory. 16V5 18c. rilEESE-Steady ; state , largo. 7WO871c ; small. 7)4SSo : ; > art Bklm ' 3 V4o ; full eklnis. ! n KCJOS Klrmer ; stntc nnd Pennsylvania , UO A. " " " 1" " ' . frf ! < n' ll'MMSe ; southern , cases. I2.6W3.00 ; receliits , 4.3TJ pkRS. TALI ) W-E sy ; 4Vi ? 4So for city. ( $2 per i'JjKj } : country ( pkB . free ) , 4HO4c ; as to I'ETROLKtlM-Qulet : unlte.J closed at 89 o ; li union , bbls. , $6 ; rollnoil N w York. $5.15 ; . ROSIN Qulot ; strained , common to BOOd , $1.31 TURI'ENTINK-Qulct at . RlCE-Qulet ; domestic , fair to extra , fapan , MOLASSK.S-Ht.a < ly ; New Orleans open ket- ; lo. eood to choice. 29WJCc. ! 8colcll < ' " MOM.S : Amerl. COI'I'BR-Qulit ; Uko. P. LEAD Firm ; domestic , $3.10. . COTTON HKRll OHMarket quiet. but itrudy ; I some demand for small lots ; prlma : rude , nominal ; off crude , 2 { > 2o ; yellow butter FI" ' ! " 35c ; , , cllol yellow. 3lc : prime yellow , vhSte SSoJfc trades , 31VJOS2C ! prims CofToo Ulnrket. NEW YORK. June 16.-COFFEE-Optlon ipened barely steady , unchnnROI to 10 i liil lown. roucl l shariily on European buying and : loaed steady at W10 points down ; nulos. . ) JIIK . IncluJlnn ; June , tl4.Mfti5.03 ; AUKU I. 114 45O1I.60 ; HeptemWr. JU.g.lff 14.00 : Octolwr I13.45W13.CO ; Docombor. $11.10013.19. Spot coffee ! tlo , nnn. but quirt ; No. 7. $1S ; mild , steady. mt qukt ; Conl9\a. $ l9.00lrlu. 5 : s.ilei. none ! IVarchouw dellverelei yeitenlny , 6.C7S baga ; Hew York stock today. ISO , las bags ; Unlle4 4lato Rtock , 170,770 UIRS ; alloat for United 4tat s , 14S.OOI ) bags ; total vUlbla for IJnltnl 5lati.ii , Xs.77J bag * , ugalnit 478,841 bag last rear. HANTOS. June 16. Quiet ; goal av ragt ) 'anto , $17 ; receipts , ld > 3 bags ; slock , li.0i lain. HAMRITRQ , June 16. Steady , unchanged to ipfg. Innvr. salcii. 11,000 liags. HAVRE. June 16. Opened UGtif higher , cloned 1 ' " JCI" quint nt UOMf up ; "CTUl untes , 1 , < W > bans clonnsl for New York. 4i ) lng llrnilllnn. RIO Di : JANKIRO. JiUvt 14. Htronni No. 1 $15 ; exchange , > Vid ; _ ttcHplfi. 6,000 UiRa cleare.1 for United at tefa , l > )0 bugs ; ttock , IS , 000 bo . _ nuiI I.ocnl J'rodncn Mnrkot. The week clote.1 with VWJJmarket nbnut slend1 In most lines and will ! ' tlo special feature o Importune ? . Very llttl fhange will be note * In the quotations. " & ' IIUTTER The situation1 wns practlcnlly un changed yesterday , the 'mnikot rcmnlntnR li nlwut the snmo condltwli ' as the ilay before The ruins nro said trt' .linvo stnrted up thi pastures In many necllflrW nnd Improved tin prospects for larger rcd'IM * Inter on. At tin present time receipts itlV'vpry light. Durlm the past week only LCoy Stkagi-s were recolve < as mrnlnst 1,556 for thn rlrevlous werk. ( low packlnu stock H ( ? cn'rnltolnB \ t He. Cliolci country , lllflle ; neparatnr creamery , solli parked. 17O1W ; bricks. 20-ff31c. I2OO3 The CKK market yesterday did not show much change. Whllo the rvcolpH for the wee ! were heavy , being 2,971 cases , they were le ' than the provjous week by 165 cases. Hcalen nr pn-dlcllnji n heavier run for next week , n' track Imjera have In some cnnc.s Inwerod theh bids In the country on account ot Iho docllm In Iho i-nntorn markets. Sales of Urals WCK made yesterday nl 9m(10c. LIVK I'Ol'LTRY No change was developoi' ' by yostonlay's markol. Puces continue nboul xvhoro thuy have been all Iho week , nlthotiKt the receipts wcro n > iBrteil lit only 151 coops. Thi Kenornl market Is slow. The dressers are offer Intc only 4iia for old hens. Old hens , Co rooKters , 3c. The demand for geese am ! ducks Is very light , nnd what few nr < arriving nro mostly birds that lutvo ber pluckml , nnd In 'consequence not vcrj dculmble. Thrro Is quite n. little Inquiry foi turkeys , nntl the few that nro coining mecl with very ready unliv Ducks , 6 { 7c ; hen lur key * , 7o ; gobblers , COffc ; Keese , CW34c. VEAI An nlreudy noted , It haa boon a ralhei dllllcult matter to keep the market cleaned up , Tliero has been a constant tendency for stock ; to accumulate , nnd In order to move then ; some pretty low prices. lm\e been in.ulo. Choice fat nnd small veals are < iuoted at CU6c ; coarse and largo , 3R4c. CHEESE There Is some very choice Wiscon sin cheese on the market. Wisconsin , full cream , now make , lOCilln ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , full cream , SBlOc : Nebraska , and Iowa , part skim , 6 7c ; Llmlmrgor. No. i , loc ; brick , No. 1 , lOo ; Swiss , No. 1 , 13i 'llc. ' HAY The week closed with the market slendy nt the ndvunco already notwl. The receipt yesterday" consisted of only ono car , nnd stock * are prttty well cleaned up. The supply Is so light that denlers nre predicting nn advance ol next week unless more hay comes In. There hn boon a good deal of complaint from Holt county , which produces most of the upland hay- that comes to this market , about a short hay"crop. . The grnss In that sdctlon haa been making very lltllo progress , owing to the lack ol moisture. There Is very llttlo straw comlmr ami very llttlo demand. Upland liny. $ < I.CO ! midland , $8 ; lowland , $7.COi rye straw , $6. Demand fair ; mipply' fnlr. Color makes the price on hay. Light 'bales sell the best. " Only top grades bring top prices. PIGEONS The gun Clubs use qullo a good many pigeons , and there Is a demand for old birds strong on the wing. Old birds , per doz. , $1.40O1.W. VEOETADLK8. The week closes with the market on vegetables about steady. String nnd wax beans are n llttlo more plentiful and not quite BO high. Home homo grown cauliflower of good quality Is being shown-on the market. CANTALOUl'ES A few Texas cantaloupes have arrived on the market , but are not mov ing off very rapidly. On orders , $1.0001.CO per doz. SWEET CORN Texas sweet corn , on orders , per doz. , 202oc. I1EETS New boots , per doz. bunches , 20S25c , on orders. SQUASH Texas summer squash on orders , CO SOo per doz. CUCUMI1ERS The market Is flooded with both home grown and southern cucumbers , and they are not moving off as rapidly as dealers would like to see them. On ordern , per crate , $2. or 3QW40C per doz. GREEN l El'IERS Texas green peppers , per OLD DKAN8--Hand ! picked navy , f2.10Q2.15 ; medium navy , fl.90@2.00 ; common .whlto beans. tl.COgTl.CO. ONIONS The market Is not quite so strong On orders , southern , per bu. box , " $1.00 ; Call fornla , 2i2'Se ' per Ib. POTATOES As supplies arc Increasing the market Is not quite so strong , and dealers nre not holding for qulto as high prices as they were During the past week thirty-two curs of south ern nnd California potatoes , were received , as against twelve cars for the previous week Good stock. $1 per bu. GARBAGE California Is furnishing- the only cabbage that Is coming to this market , and It Is good for theseason. . Good shipping stock on orders. 2V4 2Kc. . . . . . ASPARAGUS Good homo grow * stock , ,25O40o per doz. , on ornera. TOMATOES The supply on the market Is very liberal , both Mississippi nnd Florida being large shippers to this market. As tv result , prices are considerably lower than they were n short time ago. i Mississippi s.tock. per .4 basket crate. $1.255M.CO ! Florida stock , per C basket crate , t2.25fi2.50. } iNBW 1IEANB There were n few more beans In yesterday , and the stock coming from Mis souri points wns n 'deiS"i4 Umprov n nl over some of the Texas beans that were on the mar- Itat earlier In the week. Wax beans , on orders , l5er Vi bu. l x , 8090c ; per V4 bu. basket , tl.lOJJ 1.25 ; string beans , per V4 bu. lx > x , 75fi 0c ; per V , bu. basket. tl.OOifl.10. PEAS The supply Is very light nnd the mar ket strong. Good stock , per bu. . fl ' EGG PLANT Per doz. , on orders. 7Cfffl.OO. CAULIFLOWER Choice stock , per doz. . $1.609 1.75. CARROTS New southern carrots " , per doz. bunches. ' 40c. " " ' ' PJE L'LANT On orders..per Ib. . 2c. iCuiHLEY On orders , per doz. bunches. 25$30c. TURNIPS New , southern , per bu. , $1.25 ; home grown , per doz' . bunches , 25@3)c. FRUITS. Some few changes will be noted In the fruit market. On account --of > the rain yesterday morning , blocklwrrlos and raspberries sold lower. Advices ifrom 'Wisconsinsay that the drouth Is threatening 'the blueberry crop in that state. According to the report of the Department of Agriculture on the condition of the apple crop there arc 9 states with a condition above 90 , 10 with condition between 80 and 90 , Inclusive. and 27 below SO per cent. In sections of New England , where * the season Is far enough ad vanced for the fnct to be.determlned. a fine set Is reported , and prospects- unusually promis ing. In Now York trees have bloomed full , but some counties report datriago from frost nnd cold rains. A .sudden decline In condition begins with New Jersey and Pennsylvania , due tp the causes just stated , and , tlie increased damage from the freezing weather of March , as wo go south Is clearly Indicated. Conditions nro voiy low In the Piedmont district and In the Ohio valley. In Michigan the condition Is higher , re lating , however , principally to bloom. In sec tions of the state May frosts have done damage. but at the time of report It was not known how serious the Injury will prove ? to be. In the Mis souri licit the conditions nro hlgner than In the Piedmont Tind Ohio Valley districts , but are by no means encouraging. 1'rospccts are good In loua , the mountain states , and on the Pacific coast. Utah reports an net of tho. legislature compelling orchardlsls to spray their fruit trees. A very rapid extension of orchards In being made in Washington. Several fruit counties In that state report that the prospects for a. full crop of fruit of nil kinds were never better , STRAWI1ERR1KS There was another car of Washington strawberries on the market yester day. The stock was In pretty fair condition and brought J3.2r.ffl3. GO. CHERRIES The supply of California cherries Is very light nnd It Is not an rasy matter to llnd enough stock fit for shipment to fill all orders. Shipping stock , $1.60. Home-grown cherries , on orders , J2.2Mi2.5o per 21-qt , case. APRICOTS The , market Is full of apricots and as a. result prices nra lower. Good shipping stock Is quoted nt $1.60. GOOSnilERRIES The market Is well supplied. but the demand Is hardly so good , us home- Brown' ' berries are becoming quite plentiful In a ; o.xl many sections. Quotations arn n little Dwor. Oood stock , green , on orders , 12. CO per 21-qt. case. ItLACKIlEItRIKS Yesterday's receipts were not far from seventy-live cases. Early In the morning there was a heavy and steady fall of rain , and. berries did not inke with the trade very well. As a result , prices were lower , and iood stock went nt $3.50. 1ILACK RASI'liERRIEH-Tho receipts were Ighti but that did not prevent berries from sell- ng lower. Good stock. $3.50. RED RAHlUtlCRRIES There , were none re ported rwelved yesterday. , "I'KACHES California , ranches are becoming more plentiful each day nnd tin1 market Is quoted ower. Good shipping' Btoeki $1,75. PLUMS There were n few plums nmontr the offerings at yesterday's "auction. Small , red cherry plums , $ I.z5@l.COr large Clyman plums , I3.60ffl2.75. . _ TROPICAL JftJITS , HANANA8 As msual. iltthen Dorrlcs nra on ho market the demand for bananas Is not very leavy. Cholco stock , $2v < X > < j > 2.60. LEMONS The demand nak not been Increased o nn extent sulllclent tuiklvancu prices as yet , nd the market remains Ulfrndy. l'anc > ' lemons , U size. $4 ; fancy. lemons , ISO size , $3.75 ; choice cmons. SCO size , JS.r/WW.TlSS ORANGES A car of line Medltcranean sweets am In Friday nnd ore offered nt steady irlccs. that Is. $ J.503.75. , ' PINEAPPLKS-There li' a fair supply of Florida pineapples on tha. market nt $ l.COjTl 75 > > , r doz. , or $8.0069.00 pir crolo of about six lor. u' . MISCELLANEOUS. FIOB-Fanor , per Ib. . c. DATES Hnllowees , C5 ( tojJO-lu. boxes , per Ib. . llONKY California. IScrjpt&rk honey , 10 12c. MAl'LU BYRUP-GalloatCuns. per do . , $11 NUTH Almonds. 15017 < J : fiiiKllsti walnuts , 10O He : niberts. Uu ; llrnzll mlO lOc. CIPEH- Pure Juice , per _ bbl. , { 6 ; half bbl. , HIDES-Ne 1 green lr)5Ai.iHo ) ; No. 1 green alted hld s. > or No. 'S" green salted hides ! o : No. 1 veal calf. 8 11 , * . lo 15 Ibs. . Co ; No. t veal calf. S Ibs. to IS I Us. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint ildes , Cc ; No. J dry fllmThldes. Jo ; No. 1 dry alted hides. 4c ; part cufed hides. Mo per Ib. e > than fully curfd. SHEKP PKLTS Green wiled , each , 2160c : creen salted shearlings ( ihprl-wooled early kln > . ach , > M15o : dry shearling * ( ahort.vrnoled early klnt ) . No. 1 , each , 6 10a ; dry shearlings ( short voolcd early Bkln ) . No. 2 , each , 6c ; dry Mint , Camum and Nebraska butcher wool , p ll * < per b. , aUual weight. 6BSc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual vclKht. 43 < k > ; dry flint , Colorado butcher noel iclis. per Ib. , actual weight , 4Ir7c ; dry flint , 'olorndo murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual velght. 4O6c. TALLOW AND GRKAflE Tnllow , No. 1. 49 Sic ; tallow. No. 2. SUfrl'-ic ' ; grease , white A , Uc ; Breate. white II. 4cj greaie , yellow , Jc ; Tease , dark , JHc : old buier. 201Vic ; b eiTax , irlme , UOlc ; rough tallow , 2c. Miirknt. NEW YORK. Jun 18. BUOAR-Rnw , Trm. ut quiet : unchanged ; fair running , 2c ; cen- rlfugal. M te t , 3o : laltu. none ; renntl. fairly ctlva ; No. , J ll-16OlTtc , No. 7. 3 9-16 " , % o , No. . 3HO3 11-lCo ; No. 9. 3 7-ICf3HO , Nn. 10. 3 S-15i Ho [ No. 11 , JWOJ MSoj Na. U , S 3-UOJ o , Na. 13 , 113-160 ! off A. J ll-lSJMo : mnuld A , 4S < 4 ! ! stfindnnl A , 3 13-l O4Uo ; confcclloneni A , J r.-18U4Vdc ; cut lonf , 4H M 1-lSc ; cnishMl 4TW"i 5-16c ; powdrrtil , 4W4l o ; Rrnnulated 4 l-l 4 c : cutwi. . 4 3ISR4l o. IX3NIHN. Juno 16-HUOAR-Cnne , steady prices fully maintained ; centrtfu nl Java , ll Jd Muicovndo , fair , mining. Its 6d , STOCKS AND 11ONUS. Spirit of Speculation Not Very Highly Do velopcil A'culeriliiy , NEW YOIIK , Juno 1C. The spirit o speculation was not very highly ilovclopoi on the Stock exchange today , many of tin leading operators ; were away from tlio street the arbitrage houses wcro out of tlio mar kct and the room trailers wcro not dispose * to do business. Most ot the trading wn : done by shorts who desired to close on their standing contracts and by small hold ore of long stocks who were anxious U take profits. Consequently there wan nc pressure to sell and the buying was feeble and spasmodic. The total transactions were less than 00,000 shares , and In only three stocks wcro the sales more than G.OOO shares Sugar alone exceeding G.OOO. I'rlcos inovoi sluggishly and Irregularly , with periods ol aluoluto cessation of business. The opening quotations were generally a small fraction higher , Sugar showing the greatest Improve ment , recording an advance of % per ceni and Immediately moving up nn aildltlona % per cent. Then under realizing sales the entire Improvement was lost , but the cover ing of short contracts In the final dealings caused nn appreciation In value of 1 % per cent , the last being , the highest price of the morning. In the general market the tendency of prices during the first hour waa downward , but the losses were merely frac tional. After 11 o'clock a better tone prevailed - vailed and under the leadership of Chicago Gas and Cordage an advance was recorded. The higher range of values was not , however , maintained for long , and on mod erate selling a partial reaction took place. In the final , dealings spec ulation again became strong and the market closed In good tone. The bond market was firm during the day , but the dealings were light In volume and the changes ; trifling. The following are tlio closing quotations on the loading Stocks of the "New York exChange - Change today : The total sales of stock today were 46,541 shares. Including : Atchlson. C.OOO ; American Sugar. 12.300 : Chicago Gas , 5.100 ; St. I'onl. 2,100 : Union rnclllc , 1,900 ; Cordage , 5.COO ; Western Unfpn , 1,000. , Noiv York Alonoy JMurkct. Nn\V YORK , June 16. MONEY ON CALIj Easy , at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed at-J-per.cent. . _ PRIME MERCANTILE PAI > CR 2iQ4V& per STERLING EXCHANOn Dull , with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.88 % for demand and JI.S7V4 for sixty-day bills ; posted rates , $ I.WV4 ! 4.90 ; commercial bills , $ l.86Vi. SILVER CERTIFICATES 64 65c. GOVERNMENT IJONDS Vlrm. State bonds , Inactive. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : lloston Stock Quotations. DOSTON. Juno HI. Call loans. 1HQ2 per cent ; time loans. 2Mj@3H per com. Closing prices for stocks , bonds and mining Noiv York Allnlni ; Uuotitloni , NEW YORK , Juno lO.-Tho following ara the ing auoutlons : Rholor. . . , , . . . ill ) IMymouih 10 Rrown Point 00 Slorr.i Nevada 7(5 ( Con. Cat. ft Va.100 Stand.ird 170 Do.idwood Cl ) Union Con fin Gould & Curry 85 Yullow Jacket. . . . 00 llalu.V Norcross. , CU Iron Silver 10 llomostnko 12& ! ( ) Quicksilver SOI ) Mexican 00 do preferred..1400 Ontario 00 Duhvur 0 Jplilr. " 40 Sun Vntnclxco Alliilni ; Quotation ! . SAN FRANCISCO , Juno ID. The official cloalnr juotatlonsfor mlnliis atocKatoJiy wur.iai fol lows : Ixindon Stock Market , LONDON , Juno 10. t p. in. closing : I1AR SILVER-28Kd t > or ounco. MONEY-Knoreom. Tha rate of discount In the open market for both ihorl and tureo months' blln [ ( s H per cent. I'liiuiu'lal Notes , PARIS , Juno 16. Three per cent rentes , lOOf 7V4q for the account , LONDON , Juno 1C. The amount of bullion ; one Into the Hank of iJngland on balances to- lay Is mi,0 < . ROSTON , June 10. Clearings , ; bal- mceM , tl.6M.19S. For the week , J79,2M,8'J3 ; bal- inces , $9,838.479. $ SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 16. Drnfts : Sight , lHc ; telegraphic , 15c , Silver bars , 6.Tie. ilex- can ilollarH. 51O51HC. HALTIMORK. Juno ll-Clearlngd , JJ.1K.317 ; > alnnce . J1M.971. For the week ; C'leurlniss , 13.617.571 ; balances , Jl,817,23 : ! . NIJW YORK. Juno 1C.-Clearlnz > . JW.509.601 ; lalancos. J3.5KI.555. For the week , clearings , 141,983,939 ; balances , J30,573,859. PHILAnKLPHIA , Junn 16. Clearings , J10. . M.100 ; balanoeH , JI.8Jl.liil. For thu week ; hearings , J53.564.199 ; balance * . J9,4V,870. CINCINNATI , Juno 10. Monoy. 2Vi p r ent. Clearings , J2,001 , )0 ; for the week , ! ( ? . - > ) lCOO , Nvw York rxrhnnire , COVTOo premium. CHICAGO , Jun * H. Clearings. Jll.619.000 ; dial for week. JUljyj.OW ; corrBFinindillg week luit year , J8i.(20.00i ) . Nvw York exchange , 7Jo iri-mlum. Sterling exchange , dull ; actual , I.S7H and J4.89. MEMPHIS , June IC.-New York exchange Ml. IliK at Jl. ClearlniM J2i2 ! , : t ; balancen. J1U.07S. ST. LOUIS. June 10. ClearliiKi. JJ.87ti.557 ; for he week , jj.CHCJO ; lam week , 1:1,884,451 ; cor- enpondlnc week , IN ) , J22.5.U.OI4. Ralancei today , 697,338 ; this week , JI.Ut.07S ; last week. JJ.UIS.- 34 ; corrcupondlng week , IW3. JI.363.29) , New York 'xchange ' , 85o premium bid. Money , dull , 6t > 7 i r cent , OMAHA LIVE STOCK HARKE Week Olosoa with Another Good Hun c Cattle and Hogs. BEEF TRADE BADLY DEMORALIZE ! Nothing hi the Bltimtlon to Knconrng Dealer * nnil 8nlrVrro Slim unit l.inicr lloijn llnirx I'tmiiil ' Ito- ccniT n Nickel , SATURDAY , Juno 1C. Cnttlo supplies have not been as largo a last week , yet values have depreciated ver , materially. The figures are as follows : Cuttle. HOR . Slice Hocelpts tills week. , . . U.luti M.8.O ti.GC Itecelpta lost \veol ( . . . . 17.0.V ! r > 7io7 ( 4W Same week last year. . 11,9.18 20,539 1,00 The marketing early In the week causei buyers to be bearish later on and the clos today found the market In a demoralize' ' condition , especially on thin and rougl stock , Ueef cattle values are anywhere froti 20c to 40o lower , cows 20c lower and stockcr and feeders 20c to 40o low or than Monday The depression began on Wednesday am continued the rest of the week , the marke proving most unsatisfactory to shippers. The condition ot the trade today was tin very worst seen here In a long time , not si much from the decline In prices , which wa bad enough , but from the fact that then was llttlo desire to take many of the cattli at oven low prices. The market In genoni was lOc to ICc lower on the fair to goot beef and shipping steers , while on some o tbo grassy , warmed up steers prices wen oven lower , If they received a bid at all. Cows and belters were also slow sale am lOc to 15c lower all around , The supplj was not excessive , but , as on the steer mar ket , there was absolutely no life to the trade Bulls , oxen , stags , calves , and , In fact , al classes shared In the general decline , tin market closing very dull and weak at tin decline. There was no Improvement In the fecdci trade from that of yesterday. Values on In ferlor grades are as low as they generallj get , and plenty of stock cattle have beer carried over day after day for want of i purchaser' willing to pay anywhere near t satisfactory price. REPRESENTATIVE SALES : DRESSED IlKEF. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3. . . . 920 J2SO 115..1213 J3 7.- 30..1122 4 05 48..1063 3 25 10. . . 1013 .t 7 ! > 22..1109 4 10 1. . . . TIU ) 3 W 1..1330 5 7.1 3. . . . 9'M 1..1265 350 20..10-.7 380 41..II'M ' 1..1290 3 W 4. . . . M 3 80 20..1210 47. . . . 92S 3 50 9..10U 381 ! ) . . . .13U 2..1000 300 20..10S2 3 85 37..12ft ) 23. . . . 930 3 CO 22..10.V ) 390 7.127.V 6. . . . 790 3 60 20. . . .1141 303 20..1S42 IK. . . . 831 3 60 28. . . . OS4 4 00 27..1209 20..1112 370 IS. . . .1141) ) 4 04 35..13S4 4 3' . 5..12SO 3 70 42..1035 4 00 17..1231 4 4) SHIPPING AND EXPORT. 1..16M 320 17..1213 425 ia..l2 . . < V . ) 433 . 73..1183 3 80 30..1220 4 23 18..1210 4 35 13..1194 4 10 55.1353 4 23 SS..1M4 433 10..1161 4 10 CO. . . .1364 430 1G..1261 435 20. .1420 4 IS 67..1311 430 7..14J ) 4 40 17. .1227 4 20 103.4I6 4 33 22..1233 4 40 MIXED. 2..1185 SCO 16..1161 4 10 22..1239 4 40 COWS. 13. . . , 805 1 fS 1..1270 2 23 1. . . . 830 1 75 1. . . . 1)60 2 25 1..10.H 1 85 1. . . .1010 2 40 15. . . . 8S8 1 90 1. . . .ltd ) 2 W 10. . . . 788 1 90 7. . , 911 2 M 10. . . . 875 1 95 4. . 1110 2 71 1. . . . 930 200 1. . . . 9M 173 4. . . . 702 200 1..109) 3 M E. . . , 804 2 00 1..1210 3 00 4. . . , 830 2 15 1..1110 300 2. . . . C25 285 1..1400 3 00 3. . . . 8M 2 25 2..1210 3 15 T..1090 225 16..1335 3 40 HEIFERS. 2. . . . MS 1 75 2. . . , 850 2 25 2. . . . CIO 1 75 1. . . , 510 2 5 1. . . . 450 1 85 1. . . ,780 , 2 25 3. . . . 843 2 00 B. . . ,704 , 3 00 1. . . . 410 2 00 1. . . . G60 3 25 7. . . . 400 2 20 1. . . . 780 3 25 3. . . . C80 2 25 22..11G7 3 SO CALVES. 1. . . . 240 2 75 f . . . . 140 .1 50 1. . . . 240 275 1. , . , 190 3 50 3. . . . 130 3 00 4. . . . 227 3 CO i 3. . . . 150 3 00 1. . . . 210 3 75\ \ 1. . . . 100 3 00 1. . . . 1SO 3 75 4. , . . 135 3 04 2. 370 4 00 4. . . . 177 3 25 170 4 00 DULLS. 1..1054 200 1..HCO 2 15 2..1010 2 00 1..1160 2 15 2. . . . 081 2 10 1. . . . S20 2 15 1..13M 2 10 1. . . . f)2 ) < ) 2 25 1. . . . 950 2 10 1. . . . W ) 2 23 1. . . . 810 2 10 1..1490 2 35 1. . . . 320 2 10 1..1860 3 20 2..1100 ZOO STAGS. 1..10SO 325 STOCICERS AND FEEDERS. 1. . . . 330 200 17. . . . 409 250 19. . . . 678 290 4. . . . 670 210 1. . . . 340 260 3.,9V ) : t 00 2. . . . 390 2 25 10. . . . 620 2 M 20. . . . 78' ) 3 00 4..346 225 15..843 263 20. . . . 640 300 1. . , . 370 225 20. . . . 715 260 18. . . . 703 300 1. . . . 410 230 4..1010 260 41. . . . 7(3 ( 300 2. . . . W5 2 45 18. . . . 619 2 70 1. . . . 970 3 00 . ' 0. . . . 431 250 1. . . . 780 275 32. . 797 310 6..J. 820 SCO 1. . . . 640 275 47. . . < 90I 315 3. . . . 530 260 8. . . . 801 280 2..1 ! 340 325 G. . . . 403 2 50 4. . , . 5V ) 2 90 7 6 3 25 2. . . . 623 2 60 2. . . . 7M 2 30 3. . . . 733 3 23 HOGS CLOSE STRONGER. Free marketing characterized the hog business again this week , the run almost equaling last week's big supply. During the early part of the week free buying from all sources held up prices well , but Thurs day the market took a down turn and 16c of the advance was lost on that and the day ollowlng. Today a stronger feeling pro- alled and more activity was apparent In ho trado. Extreme Bales were at from :4.35 : to J4.C5 , the same as Friday , whllo the > opular price today was J4.CO , against from :4.65 : to J4.60 , the market averaging up a Ittle better. Representative sales : To. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 7. . , 191 120 $1 35 61 260 120 J4 60 2 186 323 435 C.3 212 360 4 60 17 161 210 4 40 71 230 120 4 60 3 1C 2SO 4 45 74 210 SO 4 60 1 177 80 4 50 172 207 ICO 4 60 3 207 240 4 CO 31 27 ! ) ISO 4 60 S 21(1 ( 40 2 CO 4 ? 290 . . . 4 CO W 185 160 4 60 67 21. 200 1 60 00 130 200 4 50 61 302 CO 1 60 7 214 . . . 4 CO 61 2M . . . 4 60 3 183 120 4 r,2H 66 2l'J 10) 4 61 9 112 200 4 52V , G.1 KW ICO 4 CO 01 172 89 4 Wi 74 222 120 4 CO 6 233 . . . 455 70 1'j ; . . . 4 CO 3 192 160 4 C5 3) 214 . . . 4 CO 9 237 ICO 4 65 76 235 160 4 GO 1 216 . . . 4 55 72 217 IS ) 4 CO i < ) 213 240 4 55 7 215 320 4 6 < ) 1 231 160 4 65 0 223 200 4 CO 9 212 120 4 C5 60 i.'O SO 4 CO J 2C3 . . . 455 74 202 SO 4 CO . ' 200 200 4 65 60 242 40 4 60 N ) 21G 240 4 55 61 210 . . . 460 0 200 120 4 55 46 322 80 4 60 5 214 40 455 64 20fl SO 4 60 4 210 160 4 55 77 239 160 4 60 ' 229 160 4 C5 70 24.1 CO 4 CO 7 239 80 4 55 81 212 40 160 1 238 120 4 55 M 218 40 460 9 2S2 80 4 55 187 21 ? 200 4 60 4 235 240 4 5r 67 210 80 4 GO 3 224 160 4 55 71 227 4) 4 6) 7 2-7 101 4 55 06 ! 2J7 40 4 CO 6 210 160 4 M SI 222 200 4 60 9 213 SCO 4 imj m..u..ra . . . 4 6214 1 234 80 4 57V-J 52 30.1 . . . 4 C2',4 7 224 160 4 fT , < , 72 264 SO 4 1,2 i 7 KB 40 4 VtVt 231 80 4 eSVS 3 240 120 4 C7Vj 0 238 XO 4 6214 3 242 240 4 57(4 ( 72 Z73 120 4 6J H 2SI 80 4 C7V4 21 277 . . . 4 65 ) 2IS t 4 57Vi 45 211 40 4 65 4 214 200 4 57U 67 26.1 . . . t 65 0 22(1 ( 210 4 5714 64 , .2M . . . 4 65 ) 217 80 4 'M 63 . .285 U ) 4 K A 24J 160 4 57 74 263 JM I 9 254 80 4 67ii 60. . , 263 . . . 4 63 15 228 SO 4 57 4 61 300 60 4 63 7 239 80 4 CO 3 270 . . . 4 65 3 11 ICO 460 57 260 160 4 65 3 232 ICO 4 CO M , . 2X2 160 4 65 J 211 80 4 60 65 281 1 ) 4 65 i Kl 80,460 61 2al . . . 4 05 d 213 ICO 4 60 . . . , . , , , ( . . . 4 65 4 215 2404 60 68 246 SO 4 03 PI03 AND ROtlQir. 8 381 CO 3 CO 92 ICO 400 415 SHEEP IN BAD SHAPE. There wera no fresh arrivals of sheep , rho week has proven dlnastrotiH to Hheen nen as well UH cattle owners , us prices have ccllned from COc to 7Go within a short time , 'air to good natives are quotable at from 3.25 to 13.80 ; fair to Rood westerns , from 2.75 to J3.25 ; common and stock Hheen , rorn J2 to $2.25 ; good to choice 40 to 100-11) . a nibs at from $3 to $1. Kunia * City l.lvu Ntork Mnrknt. KANHAH CITY , Juno 16. CATTLE Itecolnti , 100 head ; fthlpmpnU , 1,300 htiiil. Murket mow ml weak : Tinas slcfrn , ! .3WI.75 : TPXUA uown , l.tonj.CO ; twf sU'cr * . $3.23& ! > . < Mi nittiv. ] cown ! .Olitl.K ; utockrni ami feeder * . ri.60W.70 ; li-jlln , 1.10 )2.50 * IIOUH-Receipt" 7.600 head ; ulilpmonH. 2,000 fad. Market steady In lu lower ; bulk of Halm , I.WiPl.W ; heavleH. $ | .5MI.0 ; p.irkcra. tl.Kti 70 ; mixed. $4. & > U4.C5i IlKhU. Ji.40WI.CO ; York- r . II..WOI.CO ; | , l ? , , $4. > < W4.5. HIIKKl' Receipt * , 600 head ; ihlpinent * , nuno. lurket teiuly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tit. l.oul * l.ivn Stork Market. 8T. LOUIB , Jun * ! . . - A'lTI.K-llfci-lpl , 7 > * a.l ; uhlpmtiit * , 1,500 heudj market iilt-ady ut rliluy'j prlct * . IIOUH-Rrciilptt , S.OOO lint < ] ; * litpmenti , J.OOO h < vicj mi\rkct li > nilv In E < ? lower ! 4.83 : inlxp.1 , 14. 60(14. M : llRhtn. II.eilM.TJ. SHKEI1 Itrwlptn. j. W hfmli Khlpmcnt * , , < nend ; market nominal ; tvwlpt * twlng prlnclpnllr through _ Itcrolptn nnil Dinponltlon of Htock. HECKIITS. . Cnrm. Itnuf. Cnttlo , . . 130 J.CM HOKI . , . 10J 7.671 DISPOSITION. Hm-eM. Cattle. HOR * . Omaha ParklnK ti . , . , . I8J Tu ( > U. II. Unmmonil l'o , , . . . . . . . . J78 l.ttl Swift nnd ronipiiny . tM j.451 Tlio fndnhy 1'nrkliiR Co . 4 2.W1 John I1. Xiulri > jt Co . . . . . . . . . . 8J iMdnhy. from Knn .ix City . . . . . m ' Jj. . 104 A. Iliim . , . 551 It. litykcr A Pewit . , , . . m J. l/ . . . . . . . , " . . , , , . f UirrAtllm . , . . . . . . ! . 31 ( Inn , HI. lout * . , , . . ChlciiRit I * . I' . CV. . . . , . . . 311 lleekor . n nnd fcodcra . . . . . . . , , . . , . CIS Total UIIIUAUO I.IVK MTOCH. Tliiin ( ) nn Tliiiininnil llrnil of Frwih CiittloVi > rn Kt'cdlvril. June 16. IK > M limn 1.000 hfml of cattle ciimi In HI frvnh nnpply ted ) - . All but nlwiit SO head wen * Ti'xnn * . Thn nutU'o trade , with nn odd loud wnttrnM hero niul there , wan nt nlniuHt n ntnndgtlll. None of the tilg buyeni utlemptnl to do anything. The few loin ot cows ami nilxml ntuffere plekeil up l > y local butcher * t nl-ont dte.-nly prleefl , m.Mtly nl from Jl. ) ( o 13. Homo plain , llshl steers iwlil n.t from $3.0) to | a.w , nnd fnlr l.fW-lb. stix-ra nl tl.25. The Texas rattle were neatly nil for tlio market ami sold slowly. A hunch of f > 3 fwlr 810-lb. HI-UK * steers sold nt J2.60 , nnd u loml of 97Mb. steeis nt 3.23. Homo fnlr 6M-lb. Texas eows went nt < l.80. Monday's rcovlptii nro plneo , ! at nbiiut 15. ( ) lu-nd. nnd with such re ceipts n Rixnl , sti'nd ) ' mnrket IK pn'dlctod , IliiC receipts tteiv Inrgi1 for the climlnK dny of the week , nnd the trmle opened liiKKlsh nnrt wenk nt from 60 to lOo deellne from Krlday's rnnso. The demand was not nt nil iirHont ut the start , but Inter trtn market dcvi'litped n Ix'l- ler tone. l icnl shiUKliterers bought freely lain In the day nt Cc deellno fnini the \nluos ot tint dny before , nnd most of th deslrnblu ofterlnim found nn outlet l 'foro Hie mnrkel cloned. Some faney 315-lb. IIOKS solil up to 14.90 , but Bales nt J4.85 were rnro. Most of the Rood to cholco imcklnR nnd shipping. Kits sold nt from (1.70 to 14.8) nnd plain IlKht nnd mixed nround | t,60. . These prices slnnd 20o ul ivo the closlnu vnlliai of lust week1 , when lM < t heavy Bold nt J480 ! nnd IlKht nt 4.60. Only 2.OX ) head ere left In t > eii „ unsold. Monday's receipts are estimated around 31.000 hend. The market clo cd llrm. ' In Hheep only n handful of froth nrrlvnls cnmo In tixlny , but with tlio stnli * stock nt Imnd tlmro wiui n supply for the uniall demand. The itnla stock sold nt n lltllo K'tter prices than wera offerml the day before , hut there wns no quotubln advance from tlio low level of the week. Moit . of the stock WUH cleared before the mnrkot clotted. I-'nlr 90 to 100-th , native muttoni sold nt 12.60 nnd n load of Kood cc-lb. native Inmha went nt $3.25. It reinilres nn oxlrn loiul of mut ton she > p to sell above $3.25 now , nnd few lambs nro Rood enoiiKh to fetch $1.25. Receipts : Cuttle , 1,000 head ; calves , 100 head ; boss , 27. 000 head ; sllc > p. dW head. The Hvenlnn Journal reports : CATTI.K-ltecHpls. 1.0M head : shipments. 300 hend , nearly nil Tcxani ; market unchntiiml ; prime to extra native steers , $4.80'if4.85 ; miilium , $4.25fr4.6o ; others. } 3.7 : , 3.95 ; Texans , $2.6003.90. HOOS RerelptK. 27,000 hend ; shipments. 8.000 head ; mnrkot active nnd 5c lower ; closed steady. all sold ; louxli heavy. $4.2.'iQIl.60 ; packem nnd mixed. $4.651(4.85 ; prlmo heavy and butcher welRhts. $4.SOf > > 4.85 ; iismirti-d llKhtB , fl.C5Ol.70. 8HKKP AND IjAMIIS Receipts. 50. ) head ; al most no market ; tap sheep , $3.2jf3.G < ) ; top lambs , $1.0004.50. _ Sioux City I.Uo Stork .Market. SIOUX CITY. June 1C. 1IOQS- Receipts 1,100 head ; yesterday , 2.053 head ; shipments , 1,764 hiMd ; market a shade higher nt J 1. 151/4. 00 ; bulk , fl.GrtV1.72Vi. PATTLK nccellitn , COO head ; yesterday. 165 : shipments , 30 head ; mnrket iiulet : feeders , $2.403.35 ; yo.ullnns , $2.5r.ifii3. 10 ; eows , fl JiW.OO ! bulls , fl.SOO2.35 ; oxen. fl.50O2.75. .Stock In Sight. Record of receipts of live stock at the four principal yards for Haturduy , June 16 , 1834 : Cattle. ] IoR . Sheep. South Omaha . 3.031 7.67S . . . . Chlcnwo . 1,0)0 ) 27. ( ) CM Kansas City . 2.10) 7.600 CO ) St. l.ouls . 700 2.0)0 2,100 Totals . . . C.80I 44,273 3,40) Now York \\cekl.v linnU Statement. NHW YORK. Juno 16. The weekly bank state ment shows the following changes : Reserve , decrease , $511,675 ; loans , Inciease. $329,900 ; specie , deoroaso , $ vS5,9i)0 ) ; leual tenders , decro.ise , tSt. M ; ( ippotiltM , decrease , JIVHi.GOO ; circulation , decrease , | 8)COO. The banks now hold $76 , 376,575 In excess of the rwiuliemcnt.i of the 25 per cent rule. The Imports of .specie for the week were $60- 978 , of which $13,571 wore enhl ami $ U,407 Bllvqr , $103,418 last week and $18.1.123 : the corn- spondlng week of last year. Now York Dry ( ioodH Alurb'ot. Nn\V YORK , June 16. Ituslness wna of Unified projHjrtlons today In dry goods , nothing t > elnR done beyond actual requirements and a II in I nil order demand for miinmcr spralalltlea. On ndvnnce enKaKonients for autumn the for- wanllnKs returnfd n Kood volume of sales. I'rlntlnj , ' cloths were dull nt 2 11-lCo for 64 squares. Halos nt I'nll River for * the wcolc , 67 , OW pieces ; dpllverles. 105,000 pieces ; produc tion , 205,000 pieces. Cotton .Market. NEW ORI.TIANS. Jun 18. COTTON Knsy ; sales , 100 bales ; receipts. 665 bales ; exports , const- wlso , 133 iMlea ; stock , S5.4V > bales. Futures dull : pules , 8,800 bales ; June , $ C.9I nominal ; July. $6.91 ii'C.'JC ; AtiRUbt , JO.'jlwr. . : ! : , ; Soptfinhur. Jfi.iisriO.S3 ; October. $ iI.93Qi. ( 4 ; November. $5.1'5f0.99 ' ; Jan uary , $7.10 lildj Kcbruarn $7.10 bin. ST. I-OIJIS. June 16. Middling. 7 3-16c : rc- celptH , 3i bales ; shipment * , 70 bales ; tocl ; , 35,300 bales. _ Spnolo Kx ports. NEW YORK , June 16. The exports of spcclo from the port of New York for the week weru : Hold , $2.3u,000 ; silver , $262.000. The Imports of spcclo fur thu week > vero $66,978 , of which $3,571 was KOld nnd $53.407 silver. The Imports of dry floods and merchandise at this port for the week ending today were valued at (6,406,253. Dillllth Win-lit .Murltot. nUMTTII. Juno 16. WIUJAT No. 1 hard. cnsh , C'iiiO. Juno , 61'4c ; July , 61'.4c : No. 1 northern , cash , ( M'.le ; Juno , COc ; July , 60'/c ' ; Hep- ember , 6'J'Se ; December. CJ'.io ; No. 2 northern , cash. G7 o ; No. 3. GS'Jiu ' ; icjected , 47I1C. To arrive : No. 1 northern , 61VJo. 'Frisco Wlimit Quotations. HAN FRANCISCO , Juno IB. WIIUAT-FIrm ; December , fl.OOH ; new sellers , 9Sc. The temperature of the water at Cotirt- and beach Is perfect for bathing. OF MUlllUHl. Itocly from tlio Missouri liut the "Money Is All Missing. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. . Juno 1C. The body of lenry UhlinBor , who disappeared from his city several weeks ago , waa dragged from ho Missouri river at Atchlson thin morning. The body had a wound , presumably made by a bullet , and Mr. Uhllnger wns probably ntmlercd nnd his body thrown In the river , When ho disappeared ho had JCOO In lila lossession , none ot which was found on tlia > ody today. How Ho ( invn llnnxolf Awiiy , NEW YORK , June. 1C. Arthur Ilock la un lor arrest charged with the murder of hit ather. The latter disappeared the llrat week n January and his body allowing a fracture of the skull waa found In North river .March . Young Hock quarreled with his mother > ecuu30 she would glvo him no money and n the presence of two witnesses threatened to (111 ( her ati ho had his father. Take a swim at Courtland today. nomcatlu Truimly ut Uriinil Ituplilv GRAND UAI'lUS. Mich. , Juno lO - ienshaw probably fatally shot his father-In- aw , Jacob Suttor. Ho fired through the window at his wife and then killed himself. Us wlfo had left him on account of his dissipation , m Arrrntod for llruvy Korcrrlcii , i NKW YORK , June 1C. Charged with for. gerles , which , It la said , amount to 110,000 , Cdward Mulligan was arrested In Mont Clnlr , < . J , , by direction of Inspector Mclaughlin , lo worked for an Insurance company In No\t York. Clilldrtin Kllloil by n Train. IIOCHKSTKR , N. Y. , Juno lO. Kddl'e , aged C , and Nellie , aged 11 , children ofVI1 - lam Duyuk , a Henrietta farmer-were klllml iy a Lohlgh Valley train at fUiupel crosslnu ust night. No ono wltncnaed thu accident. Try a sail at Courtland. WM , LOTJDON , Commission Merchant CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. Prlvato wires to Chicago and Nvr York. All lUiliifu ordurs i > Iucud on Chlcaco Uoaril ut Trade. Corrcupond'nco solicited. Office , room 4. N w Yorli Lift DulMIng