Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    Special Half Price Saloon Underwear Satur
day and Saturday Evening.
rtio Irri < Onodn , the Notion * nnd the
Hofllcrjrillnvr.Hpcclnl One Day I'rlccn
The .Mcii'fl , Itoj'n unit Clitldrrn' *
Straw Iluta to lla Cloicd Out.
100 dozen , gents' balbrlggan underwear
ihlrts nnd drawers , regular 60o quality , re-
luccd to 2fic.
100 dozen genta' Suspenders only 12VSC ,
noflh 25c ,
Our Silver Dollar nnlaundered shirts re-
luccd to & 0c.
100 dozen ladles' summer corsets only 50c ,
worth 75c.
Hoys' fancy percale waists only 25c , worth
1 case of ladles' $1.EO gowns reduced to
Children's fast black cotton hose , Herms-
Jorff dye. only 12'fcc ' per pair , worth 25c.
Ladles' fast black cotton hose only 12V4C ,
fporth 23c. . , ,
100 dozen gents' balbrlggan half hose only
I24c ! , worth 25c.
200 dozen elegant light colored Windsor
ties , regular 25c goods , all silk , choice lOc.
100 dozen dark all silk ties , choice 12V6c.
Special eato on ladles' silk belts , 18c , 2Bc
nnd 38o each. , , . , ,
the best Mexican
Get your hammock Saturday ,
ican hammock , full sized , 49c- The best
woven hammock , with stationary spreaders ,
only $1.18 ; this Is without doubt the best and
most durable hammock ever made.
COO elegant cloth bound books by such mi-
thors as Miss Fleming , M. J. Holmes , Jule
I > . Smith , A. S. Stephens , Mrs. Southworth ,
etc.Your choice 19c.
1,000 new novels , Oc each , regular prlco .JG.
CO good envelopes , EC.
Elegant playing cards , Ic per pack.
25 lead pencils for Be.
The best mucilage , 24c per bottle.
lot of those
We have Just received another
48-Inch black silk gloria , G9c.
Extra nno quality silk gloria , 48-Inch ,
worth $1.50 , for 7'Jc. ' ' .
Arnold's 40-lncli
40 nleeoH of
henrletta at C9c , worth $1.00. Blacks only.
Anything so It's blue.
Wo have everything In blue dress goods
from 33o to
storm serges particularly ,
° Is equal to
Our 89c 62-Inch storm serge
anything being offered at $1.60.
nun's veiling , nuns
Cream dress goods ,
serge , albatros , Henriettas , glacles , In fact
everything made In this line.
The greatest reduction ever made In this
and will continue
department will begin Saturday ,
tinue until nil Is sold.
Gents' straw hats lOc , worth BOc.
Gents' straw hats 25c , worth < 6c.
Gents' straw hats 50c , all the leading
styles , worth $1.23.
Gents' nno manllla straw hats 75c , worth
"Children's anil boys' straw hats , lOc , 15c ,
20c Hoys' fancy straw hats 25c , EOc , worth
Men's fur hats In nil the leading styles In
Derby , Fedora nnd soft hats , $1.00 , worth
from $2.00 to S2.EO.
38-Inch trunk for $5.00 , worth $10.00.
, 36-Inch trunk for $1.50 , worth $9.00.
31-Inch trunk for $3.50 , worth $7.00.
32-Inch trunk for $3.00 , worth $0.00.
We can only quote you a few prices , as the
Btock Is too large.
Again wo apply the power of prlco.
Men's nnd boys' clothing for tomorrow
, lower by far tjinn nt any ' oilier place In the
' ' '
Thin clothing.
A good summer coat anoVYest for 50c.
A black alpaca , men's coat , only 95c.
A fine nil wool summer coat and vest , In
three shades , tomorrow J1.75.vorth $3.50.
Men's odd sulta , wficro wo have but ono or
two left , nt less than half price.
Men's white nnd fnncy piquet vests ,
made to sell for $2.50 nnd $5.00 , but those
nro n sample line nnd you can have rour
choice of 300 vests tomorrow at 75c.
Boys' knee pant suits tomorrow at less
than regular prlco.
EOo knee pants nt 35c.
I 75c and $1.00 knee panta nt 50c.
You nlways get seeking In vain good butter
outsldo of Haydens' . Yes , here Is the only
'place whcro you can buy the finest butter
made at prices that defy competition. Rend
thpso prices :
Finest country butter made for 12o and
15c. You know by this time that we have
without n doubt the finest creamery butter
made. You nlso know that our price cannot
bo reached by any store In the west. Cream
ery butter that you pay 25c nnd 30o for you
can buy hero for 18o nnd 20c.
Hnydens' Is the only place you cnn get
, what you want. Full cream cheese , 7'ic
, nnd lOc ; full cream Young America checso ,
[ ' "t'/so ; brick cheese , 8c , lOc nnd 12' c ; llmbur-
r per cheese , lOc nnd 12' c ; Swiss cheese , 12'/4c ,
14c nnd 16c. Remember you cnn buy nny
kind of chceso made nt lowest prices when
you come here.
Talk about crackers. But read thcso
prices and then think for n' moment whether
wo nro In It or not : Oyster crackers , 3Vfc ;
per pound ; soda crackers , only 5c per
pound ; 3XXX ginger snaps , lOc ; Snow
Flnko crnckers , 7V&c ; Bremner's Lunch for
8V5c : sold all over the city for IBc , Wo handle -
dlo the finest goods In the- country and keep
ono of the largest cracker factories going
making our supply.
Corned beef , Eo per pound.
Plcklo pork , 7c ; cooked ham , lOc ; bone
less ham , lOc ; California sugar cured ham ,
Oc ; salt pork , 8c ; bacon , 9c ; sugar cured
No. 1 bacon , IHio and 12 0 ; pigs' feet , EC ;
bologna , head chceso and liver sausage , EC
per pound ; cod fish , 2 lie per pound ; fancy
lemons , 15c ; all kinds llsh always In stock at
lowest prices ,
Lenders In Everything.
Found n Cure fur Solatia Khnumntlsm.
Mrs. A. Invcen , residing nt 720 Henry St. ,
Alton , III , , suffered with static rheumatism
for over eight months. She doctored for It
nearly the whole of this tlmo , using various
remedies recommended by friends , and was
treated by the physicians , but received no
relict. She then used ono and a half bottles
of Chamberlain's Pain balm , which effected
R complete cure. This la published at her
request , as she wants others similarly af
flicted to know what cured her. For sale by
all druggists.
Sco the animals at Courtland beach.
Where Summer llrvi-zca Illow.
Would you fly If you could
To a glen In the wood.
To n upot , In.Uio shndo
That naturoMinth made ;
Rich with ferns nnd wild flowers
One of nnturo'H fair bowers ?
What Is llfo to the soul
If to labor Is all ?
What a joy to the heart
When for rest wo depart
To the woods and the dells ,
Docs your heart cry for rest
In a place that Is blest ,
With no shadow or sorrow
Nor care for the morrow ?
U EO , eend your address for a list of
"Summer Tours , " published by the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. George U ,
Heatford , general passenger agent , Chicago ,
$15.00 ta Denver and return via the Union
1'acino , Juno 11 , 12. 23 and 21.
City olHco , 1302 Farnam street.
Crowds are growln' at Courtland beach.
Foil from u Window.
Will Hentfrow , a IS-year-olJ boy , toll from
the iceond ilory of Mrs. McKnlght's rest-
< 3 nee at IBM Dodge atreet while cleaning
window * yetterday. He struck on his feet and
offered from eerero bruises on the right
tv > t , but teemed to be uninjured elsewhere.
U * 1 * without friend * or relatives and Mrs.
r lk ± '
§ i
Rowland , living nt Eighteenth and Djdgi
directs , kindly took him to her house anc
fixed up a tpare room for his use until hi
recovers. _
Seen the now balloon yet ? This eve at 8
Notice nf 1'ubllo Meeting.
Office of the county commissioners Dougln ;
county , Nebraska , Omaha , Nebraska.
Notlco Is hereby given to the tax payer *
and citizens of Douglas county , that a pub
lic meeting will bo held In court room No. 1
In the court house In Douglas county , Sat
urday evening , Juno ICth , at 8 o'clock , undci
the auspices of the Hoard of County Com.
mlssloners of Douglas county , for the pur
pose of considering the proposition to vote
; 1,000,000 In bonds to aid In the
construction of the Platte river canal. All
parties Interested cither for or against Bald
proposition are cordially Invited to bo pres
ent and express their views thereon.
Dated at Omaha , this 14th day of June ,
B. M. STBNDUnO , Chairman of Board ol
County Commissioners ,
FRED J. SACKETT , County Clerk.
"Sweet Ilttlo Allx. " 2:07 : i , the trotting
queen , and "Flying Jib , " 2:04 , the champion
pacer , will give exhibition miles at the
Union course trotting meeting , Council
Iliiffs ) , the former , Juno 26th , the latter
Juno 23th.
fiolliK Kust Tmliijr ?
Your cholco of four dally trains on ths
Chicago & Northwestern railway. Two ol
these trains at 4:05 : p. m. and 6:30 : p. m. .
are vestlbulcd and limited , arriving In Chi.
cage early next morning.
IJllto slecpra , dining cars and the latest
reclining chair cars.
Call at the city office , 1401 Farnam street.
The Northwestern checks your trunk at
your house.
Kxrurnlnu Unto * t'nt.
For full Information concerning summer
excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul ticket office , 150i Farnam street , or
address F. A. NASH ,
General Agent ,
Dollar * 1T Dollar * .
To Denver and return ,
To Colorado Springs and return ,
To Pueblo and icturn ,
Via the Union Pacific.
Tickets on sale June 11 , 12 , 23 and 24.
Call at 1302 Farnam street for further par
Fifty MIlcH of Torcst
Surround Hot Springs , S. D. , and every
single tree yields Its quota of the fragrance
that makes Hot Springs air the most de
licious on earth.
The nurllngton's city ticket agent at 1324
Farnam street will gladly glvo you full
Information about Hot Springs , and also If
you ask for It a beautifully Illustrated
It Makes No Dlflerencn
What your ailment Is , a fortnight's stay at
Hot Springs , S. D. , will benefit you.
Tlio chances ore , It will cure you.
The Uurllngton's city ticket agent at 1324
Farnam street will gladly give you full
Information about Hot Springs , and also If
you ask for it a beautifully Illustrated
folder. _
OMAHA , June 14. To the Editor of The
Bee : In the matter of paving county roads ,
or rather. In the matter of expending $1GO-
000 In Improvements , from the corporate lim
its of Omaha city , as far Into the county
as this sum will extend them , I wish to say
a word.
Plans and specifications were formulated
by ( ? ) and approved by the county com
missioners , upon which , per advertisement ,
bids for conduction were solicited. One road
was let for Colorado stone ; two roads for
It Is In reference to the "specifications"
for the manner of constrcctlng the macadam
pavement that I wish to extend my compli
ments , nnd will call attention to pages 9 nnd
10 of-"Proposals , Specifications and Contracts
for Paving County Roads" to be found in
the county surveyors office
The bottom layer "must be clean , broken
stone , free from dust and dirt , " and -within
the dimensions of from three inches to one-
half inch. Of these sizes the minimum
should be extremely limited or entirely re
At the foot of page 9 occurs the fatal
mistake a prodigy , or a proglny borne out
side of the macadam family , nd Introduced
Into this contract to become a notorious
distributing element. It reads as follows ,
viz. :
"la laying this ( the first ) course of stone ,
n small quantity of binding material may be
necessary to be used , sufficient only to fill
up the crevices and render this portion of
the pavement solid. " '
Having filled up the crevices on the sur
face of this first course and rolled it until
smooth and "solid , " to what , pray , will the
next course of stone attach itself ?
The angular stone dumped and spread upon
thla smooth , "solid" surface , will slide
along Indefinitely In front of the roller , seek
ing for a "crevice" in which to attach or
lock Itself .to the stratum below , nnd finding
none , must forever remain detached from its
A third stratum suffers the same abortive
Now , therefore , although these three separ
ate strata may bo coaxed to llo still until
the contractor has realized upon his labor
and material , It will break up In install
ments ! fcnd soon become an ( obstruction
to travel and a public nuisance.
Question \Yhy Is It necessary to roll the
first , say six Inches , before putting on the
ijext four or six Inches.
Answer To break up the disposition of
"arching , " which n stratum of angular stone
of ten or twelve Inches deep will develop
under pressure , leaving thousands of arched
Intricacies unlocked , llenco the necessity of
rolling in Installments.
Q. What of a "binder ? "
A. This is only for the surface , and may
bo sand , gravel , stone screenings , or even
clay , combined with any or all of the others ,
nnd Is to protect the Individual surface stone
from being picked out by the calks of the
horses that travel on it.
In many states common road supervisors
successfully construct the macadam pave
ment. Therefore , as one of the contributors
to the ? 150,000 fund , I here enter my protest
against this abortion.
I'ollco Appointments.
Special order No. 21 has been Issued by
the chief of police nnd details men to take
the place of some of the officers recently dis
Sergeant Slgwart Is made acting captain
and will have command of the night force
until further orders.
onicer Cook Is detailed as acting sergeant
to report to Captain Mostyn. W , C. King
will bo acting sergeant under Slgwnrt.
Officer J. li. lioylo is appointed court offi
cer , vice Walker , dismissed ,
Officer D , D. Tledomnn to bo patrol con
ductor , vlco Keysor , discharged.
These appointments go Into cfffct at 7 a
m. today.
Chief of Police Seavey yesterday Issued
additional general orders appointing Captain
Patrick Mostyn and Acting Captain Sergeant
Slgwarl "a * my deputies , with full power to
act In the matter of accepting ball and to
execute and return all writs and procesics
Issued by the police Judge. All police of
ficers , Including sergeants , detectives , court
officer , Jailers , turnkeys , patrol conductors ,
are hereby appointed ns my deputies to act In
the matter of executing nnd making returns
on all writs. "
Tire Tot Exploded.
The explosion of a tinner's fire pot In
William Lyle Dlckey'a workshop , 1103 Doug
las street , caused nn alarm of flro to be
turned In yesterday afternoon.
J. A. Nelson , one of the tinners , who was
standing over the fire pot nt the tlmo , was
considerably burned about the arms. He
waa taken to a doctor's ofllco near by and
the burns dressed. The flro was extlii-
EUlshed with a pall of water.
A New Kind of Insurance.
For 25 cents you can Insure yourself nmj
family against any bad results from an attack -
tack of bowel complaint during the summer.
One or two doses of Chamberlain's Colls.
Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy will cure any
ordinary case. It never falls , and Is plca-
ant and safe , to takeNo ono can afford to
be without It. For sale at 25 cents per bet-
tie , by all druggUts ,
Crowds are srowln' ut Courtland bcacH.
Retiring From Business Their Largo Stock
at a Sacrifice on Oost.
I.iullen' Hosiery nnd Underwent , Cnpp § , Suits
mid itnckcts , .Men's I'urnUliinss , Chinaware -
ware , Curpctil , UniiicrlcH , Drcns Goods.
Hllkt. I.uces , Olovcs , Notions , Etc.
Men's furnishings , a line assortment , and
In many cases at less than fifty per cent of
the cost.
Ladles' and children's hosiery and under
wear at n great discount off cost.
Winter hosiery and underwear nt prices
that will make It an object to lay In a supply
for next winter.
Jackets , cap ° s , suits , mackintoshes , waists ,
In fact any article In our suit and cloak de
partment for summer or winter , you buy at
a discount off cost ,
China department on second floor Is a very
busy spot ; elegant pottery , brlc-a-brac , fine
china , cut glass , save 50 per cent on all your
purchases. $1.00 will do the work of $2.00.
Our stock as yet la practically unbroken ,
nnd we would suggest that you come early.
$35,000 worth of elegant dress goods , the'
greater part of which arc new goods , this
season , to be sold at any price whatever , so
they are sold. Buy your dress goods now
and save three profits , the manufacturer's
the Jobber's nnd the retailer's.
$25,000 worth allks must leave our store.
This means you can buy sllkn at about your
own price. Wo don't expect to get cost , or
near cost ; our .elegant silk stock must bo
sold , whatever the price. You can buy silks
at cotton prices.
If you wlih to get a choice pattern In car
pets or curtains come at once.
A handsome Wilton carpet for double par-
low , usual price $2.75 per yard , went for
The best body Brussels sells everywhere for
$1.25 ; we sold lots of them this week for SOc
per yard.
A Brussels that sells for $1.00 wo sell now
for 70c per yard.
Closing out millinery regardless of cost , as
choice goods as at the opening of the season ;
will be sold for what they will bring.
Go to Courtland beach tonight.
Losses of the Overland Will Aggregate u
Million nnd n Half.
While railroad people In this vicinity
know pretty well the condition of the
waters about Portland , the meagerness of
the dispatches to the dally papers have left
a somewhat erroneous Impression upon the
minds of the reading public , nnd there are
many stories In circulation as to- the dam-
nge done by the swollen waters of the
Columbia and Snnke rivers. The most au
thentic information was received yesterday
by General Northwestern Pnscsngcr Agent
Kennedy of the Rock Island from his
agent , 13. J. Waugh , at Portland , who
writes under date of June 7 :
"There Is at present three and one-half
feet of water In our ofHce as I write you.
In nil the experience of the 'oldest Inhabi
tant' there has never been a flood like this.
The water is up to Fifth and Washington ,
nnd bouts nre running through the. streets
carrying passengers nnd removing freight
from the flooded business houses. The
scene is a splendid one , but the splendor
is dimmed by the destruction and desolit-
tlon that have been caused by the water.
It Is estimated that property on Front
street has depreciated not less than 60 per
cent and that a great many houses will
close out permanently. Business is , of
course , prostrated. Nine-tenths of the busi
ness portion of Portland is under water. On
Front street the -water Is nine- feet deep.
The Grand Central depot Is Hooded , and
In fact every place down town is under
from two to nine feet of water. There is
no telling how much damage has been done ,
but It Is estimated that It will run into
millions. The Union 1'acltlo is getting the
worst of It. Its tracks are under water
from Umntlllo. to Portland , and the most
conservative estimate of the loss places it
at $1.500,000. The Northern will probably
lose $500,000 or JCOO.OOO. "
Olio Little 1'olnt that Has Not Yet Keen
Settled by the Committee.
NEW YORK , June 15. It Is semi-ofn-
clally stated the Atchlson reoVgnnlzatlon
committee has not yet decided whether
the Income bonds or preferred stock will
bo given to the common stockholders ns a
set-off for the proposed assessment. The
committee will meet next Monday and
finally settle all the details of the reorgani
zation plan and make nn ofllclnl announce
ment on Tuesday. It Is understood the
assessment of J12 on the stock will be
called for In installments of $2.50 at In
tervals of not less than thirty days , all of
which are to be paid within six months of
the adoption of the plan. The new in
come bonds to be issued will not be in ex
cess of $110,000,000 and they are to have the
voting power until 5 per cent per annum
has been paid on them for three years in
succession. These Income bonds are to
be given for the assessment nt their par
value. It Is said the reduction to be niano
In the fixed charges under the plan will ,
under ordinary circumstances , allow of the
payment of 1 per cent a year on the Income
bonds , even If the entire J3UvOOWO second
mortgage bonds'should be Issued.
As to Cut KntcH.
General Passenger' Agent Lomax of the
Union Paclllc left last night for Chicago.
To a Bee man he said yesterday that so
far as the L'nlon Pacific was concerned it
was rigidly maintaining the summer excur
sion agreement nnd would continue to dose
so , although he admitted that the air was
full of charges and recriminations. While
he hoped that the demoralization would not
be general , he thought there were troub
lous times In store for all western roads
because certain roads wcie making charges
against other roads for doing the very
things they were themselves doing.
General Passenger Agent Francis of the
Burlington , In talking about the charges
iniulc ugnlnst his line by the Rock Island
In cutting the rate from Denver to Chicago
cage for u number of school teachers , Bald
that there was not a scintilla of truth
In the dlbpatches In The Bee from Chicago.
And he further went on to any that the
Burlington was ready to redeem at tariff
rates all tickets alleged to have been sold
to this party.
Mr. Smith , nssltnnt general freight agent
of the same road , stated that It was an
easy thing to get a photograph of any
ticket , and that In Itself was not evidence
worth considering at all. "While I do not
mtiko any charges , I have every reason to
believe a competitor of ours has demoral
ized the market , as alleged by the dis
patches , ngalnst the Burlington. One ticket
hns been found sold for less than tariff
rates , and this we have redeemed at tariff
rates , as provided for In the Western Pas
senger association agreement. Chairman
Caldwell has also been Informed by wire
of the utter falsity of the rumor. In ad
dition to this , General Agent Vallery of
Denver is now In Omaha In consultation
with Mr. Francis , and he emphatically Ue-
nlts that the ( Miff rntc wns cut to socur
the school tenotar * K0\ng \ to the Nntlonn
Educational imiHrolition convention. "
Cut Knt * tfrnm Suit
HALT LAKEriOune 15. The Klo Grande
V.'cstcrn rnllroail today announced a roum
trip rnto of JSiSO between Bait Lake nnc
Clllenffo. nil tickets' to be Rood until Ben
tember i. The Union Pacific rend promptlj
met this rntc nnd put Into effect the fol
lo-vlntr additional rates : Hound trip fron
Salt Lnlto to Hi. Louis , $ I7.W ; to Omalm
Council ltlurrn. Hloux City , Bt. Joseph nm
Kansas City , $40 ; tickets good until Scp
tember 1. _
Khllmiy Notes.
George Ilnllentlney manager of the Unlot
Stock yards nt Denver , Is In the city.
Colonel Hooker of the Rock Island goes
on n vacation It ) Hot Springs , S. D. , today
I * . P. Shelby , general manager of the
Oreat Northern , with headquarters at Scat
tie , was In town yesterday.
W. H. Sllllwell , superintendent of the
town division of the Rock Island , left for
home yesterday , satisfied that the Com
monwealerH would not molest the Hocl
Island property for some days to come.
At the llnnl business session of the Nn
tlonnl Association of Freight AROtitn the
following worn elected : President , K. 13
Xelgler , PlttxImrR ; vice president. Mr
Smith , New York ; secretary , Iiot Brown
Chicago ; treasurer , C. H. Newton , For
Wayne. The next meeting will be hck
In New York In June , 15 r > .
The drouth along the Burlington between
Republican nnd HoldreKo Is nt last broken
a heavy rain Thursday night drcnchlm ;
the country for many miles. Within this
territory It hns been extremely dry nl
summer , nnd not even n common-slzci
disturbance ooitld be raised , but the rail
of Thursday night hns dimmed the con
dition of things , and the farmers are Jubl
Sco the annuals at Courtland beach.
.11 oilier of Holdlorn.
The remains of Mrs. Rhoda n. Patter
son , who died Wednesday last at the home
of her son-in-law , John Wycker , 2733 Fort
street , were borne to their last resting place
by six soldiers of the Second Infantry. This
was particularly fitting In view of the con
nection of the deceased with the regular
nrmy for more than two generations.
The deceased was born In ISO , ! In the Htnte
of Georgia , and It was her fortune to see
all the presidents of the United States who
were In office from that time until the
present. Her husbiind , who was considera
bly older than she , was a gallant ofllccr
In the war of 1812. nnd nfter their marriage
he fought under General Jackson.
Their sons likewise evinced a readiness
to go Into the nrmy , and during the
civil war two of them fought under the
confederate banner , while a third was en
listed under the flair of the union. All
three of them lost their lives. Although
her husband and one son died In defense
of their country , Mrs. Patterson never re
ceived a pension. Her last years wcie
spent with her son-in-law , Mr. Wycker ,
who Is now enlisted in the Second Infantry ,
and who has been in the United States
army for the past thirty-two years , being
for eighteen years with Colonel Wheaton.
now brigadier general , commanding the De
partment of Texas. The deceased was a
devoted member of the Methodist church.
The remains were Interred In the Grand
Army of the Republic section In Forest
Lawn , whither they were followed by n
delegation of Red Men nnd a number of
sympathizing neighbors.
DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Small pllta.
safe pills , best pills.
Father IMgga on Electrolysis.
Rev. Father Rlgge , the eminent scientist
of Crelghton college , will deliver a lecture
on electricity In- the college hall on Tues
day evening , under the auspices of the
Young Men's institute. The lecturer will
treat of the latest developments In the do
main of electricity , with special reference
to its effect on wnter and other pipes laid
In the streets. The chemical action of
waste electricity on Iron , cornmoply called
electrolysis. Is a subject of general atten
tion nnd Investigation. Father Rlgge has
Ijlven the matter careful study nnd mtidi-
numerous tests , nnd his conclusions possess
timely Interest. The subject will be Illus
trated by means of the electrical appli
ances of the college.
Little pills for great Ills : DeWltt's Little
Early niscrs
Local free ' silver 'democrats report that
there will fully COO delegates present at
the convention to be held Thursday , June
21 , in this city. Congressman Bryan ha. "
telegraphed that he will reach Omaha on
Thursday at 2 p. m. and will speak nt night
on the proposition : "We favor Immediate
restoration of free and unlimited coinage
of sold nnd silver at present ratio without
waiting for the aid or consent of nny na
tion on earth. "
Pills that euro sick headache : DoWItt's
Llttlo Early Risers.
Sweet breath , sweet stomach , sweet tern
per ? Then use DoWltt's Llttlo Early Risen
Crowds are growln' at Courtland beach.
Not Deaf UnoiiKh.
Harry Simon was nrrested yesterday by
Officer Sullivan , charged with attempting
to obtain goods by false pretenses. He had
a letter In his pocket from a doctor In
Alula , la. , saying the bearer was totally
deaf and dumb and unable to work , nnd
any assistance that could be given him
would he thankfullv received. Simon Is a
smooth younw fellow , \\ell dressed and
talks very fluently.
The United States cxcell In champagne.
Cook's Extra Dry takes the lead.
Seen the now balloon yet ? This eve nt 8.
1'ISKSOX.11 , 1'A II.I ailAl'llS.
Tobias Castor Is at thePaxton. .
Captain J. S. Loud is registered at the
Ncurntkniig lit the Hotels.
At the Murray A. D. Sems , C , B , Camp
bell , Grand Island ; Mrs. M. 13. Hlller ,
At the Mercer Mrs. C. D. Thompson nnd
children , Miss Thompson , Potter : 13. H ,
Dunkln , NellRh ; O. II. Swingley , Beatrice ;
II. H. Wallace , Teknmah.
At the Paxton-13d L. Wlllets , A. L.
Burr , Alma ; A. 13. Caddmgton , C. I.
Tuttle , Kearney ; A. J. Robertson , Broken
Bow ; I. M. Raymond , Lincoln ; J. J. Mc-
Intoeh , Sidney ; John Rlnncy , Grand
Island ,
At the Mlllard K. Lanjrwln , W. T.
ninckman , Hastings ; N. W. Wells , Schuy-
ler ; H. C. Draver , Alliance ; H , W. Lans
ing , George A. Adams , C. Upham. William
G. Clark , Lincoln : John T. Mallullcu ,
Kearney ; C. U. Holohan , Norfolk ,
At the Arcade F. W. Melchor , II. Brock-
man , West Point ; Frank Day , lioone ; S.
II. Thomas , I3l ln ; H , Myers , George 13.
Hall , Lincoln ; John Payne , P. W. Payne ,
13lgln ; W. A. Margram , Preston ; John A ,
Wlslierd , CUirkson ; J. B. Xqok , Dlller ; R.
A. Hall , Humphrey.
At the Dellone John M. Butler. N. P.
Curtice , Lincoln ; C. A. Whymnn , Wymore ;
II. W. Sprlngsnte , D. J. Sinclair , Ne
braska City ; Mrs , R. S. Heller , Ruahvllle ;
Hugh McKee , Willow Island ; Sylvester
Reed , J. M. T. Connor , A. Hlggins , Auburn ;
B. S. Costel , Wllbcr.i
At the Merchants W. I' , Watson , Cen
tral City ; GeorgciD. Mattlson , South Bend ;
A. M. Armstrong , Dwlght ; Frank Cerney ,
David City ; J. H- Perry and wife , Meadow
Grove ; J. P. Splttler , 13mery ; F. E. Feltz ,
Kwlnf ? ; 13d Stewart , Blair ; A. W. Norton ,
Peru ; C. 13. Joy ( St. Paul ; Ed Farley ,
Bancroft ; J. B. 'Taylor , Beemcr.
Kotlco of five , lines or less under thla head , ( Ifty
cunts ; eacli additional line , ten cents.
ELLISON Samuel Edward , beloved son of
Mr , and Mrs. Oscar Ellison , June 15.
Funeral Saturday afternoon at 3:30 :
o'clock from family residence , 310D Frank
lin street. Friends Invited.
PURCCLL Eliza , nged 50 yers , June II nt
residence , 49' ) N. 30th street. Funeral
Saturday morning at 8SO : o'clock from
residence to the- Sacred Heart church. In
terment , Holy Bepulclu-e cemetery. -
Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair.
The only Tare Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes AO Years the Standard ,
/IHI POMM Ttir < inirp\TVAti
CllEGSON , Tilt INVrJTOlf ,
Romarknblo Englishman's
Work In This Country.
liicofttnut I.nbor Nntrly Van Him till T.lfc
Ho Trim ! America' * UroiitPitt Itrmmly , inn )
It.Mmla Him Wull Slccpl Souiiil for tlio
First Ttiiin In Several Yuiim ,
"Inventing in my
business , " aald Goo.
This remarkable
Englishman hns been
In this country live
years. llo received
the nrcnl ROM medal
from tlio I'.irls Acad
emy of Inventorsami
It uns Ills \\orlc that
\vns selected by the
exnmlncr-ln-chlet nt
the World's Knlr ns
the best rcpresentn-
tlvo Invention of Its class.
Most people think of Inventors as men
Rifted with golden brains that turn out the
most marvelous devices without exertion.
As n fact , men of Ideas are the hardest
workers. They live by the very sweat of
their brains ; In the engcr pursuit of nn Idea ,
like many professional nr.d business men ,
they forget that thslr minds are not tireless
and that to rack their brains all day and far
Into the night the nervous system must have
unusually good and abundant nourishment
that wilt build up Its myriad dcltcatn parts.
The following letter from Mr. Oregson la
an example that Is better than columns of
ndvlno :
CAMimiDCJB , Mass. , April G , 1894. Wells ,
Hlcliardson & Co. - Gentlemen : Having been
subject for years to extreme nervousness ,
% lth Its attendant want of sleep , I was In
duced , much against my will , to try n bottle
of I'alne's celery compound simply us an ex
periment. The Improvement that followed
was so marked that of my own accord I
purchased a bccond bottle nnd then a third ,
lly tlio tlmo I had finished tlio third bottle
I felt like a new man , slept sound at night
and awoke In the morning both ready and
able to do u day's work. Whenever I now
feel In the least Indisposed I at once take
nno or two doses , and that is all 1 require.
In my case Palne's celery compound proved
to be all that Is said for It. You have my
permission to publish this In any way you
like. Very truly yours ,
His Is the experience of thousands of
Palne's celery compound feeds the nerve
tissues , banishes lassitude , debility , Inability
to sleep , and prevents nervous prostration.
When an overworked and worried brain
worker , no matter whether student , lawyer ,
minister or man of business , has RUtllclcntly
sinned against the laws of health , ho begins
to suffer from disturbances of heart and
stomach and to have certain signs of nervous
exhaustion. He works with less case , sleeps
badly. New symptoms come : giddiness ,
dimness of sight , neuralgia of face or scalp ,
with entire nights , of sleeplessness. Many a
man struggles on. Ignorant of the terrible
demands he (3 ( making on an exhausted
Diseases of the nervous system do not
come without warning. Rheumatism , dys
pepsia , and dlscflbos of tlio heart , liver , and
kidneys are loud cries for a prompt Increase
of nourishment for the bialn and nerve cen
ters. This feeding with just the food these
vital parts crave Is what I'alne's celery com
pound does. It Is upon this marvellous power
of nourishment all the nervous tissues and
purifying the blood that Its remarkable cures
Its action is perfectly Intelligible to every
wpll educated physician , nnd this Is Just why
Palne's celery compound Is bo unhesitatingly
prescribed by phyhlcl.ins In every city , town
or village , without exception , In the United
States and Canada.
It supplies rich , new b'ood ' , full of brain
and ncive food ; It feeds worn out nerve cen-
tets and exhausted tissues wherever the
freshly enriched blood stream goes. The
languor and tired feeling that without ex
ception accompanies thin , lifeless blood , van
ishes ; the spirits arc raised and a new feelIng -
Ing of health and life declares tho-prosonce
of pure blood and well fed nerves nnd brain.
Medical and Surgical Institute.
E. V. DAVIS , M. D ,
all forms of
We cure speedily and permanently nil dl
senses of the sexual system , nlso kidney ,
bladder , blood , skin nnd stomach troubles
Our principles nnd assistants hnvo al
mndo life studies of our specialties
Send 4-cents for our new 120 page book.
Call or address with stamp.
119 South i4th St. , Omaha ,
Ask Your Grocer to Send You
For Puddings , Custards , Blanc Manjrc , &c.
Use Kingsford's "Silver
Gloss" and "Pure" Starch for
the laundry ; it's unexcelled.
For Sale by all Grocers.
A FUI/.L SET 85.00.
DR. BAILEY ? Dentist.
tiniest ) oxtraetlon without MS. Tooth out In
iitid iilatl-
OIH-H buforo dark Oolil
norntns-now um llllliiifH. $1.00. 1'tiro colil IlllltiifH. f..OO and
All wort warnuitoU. LaOy iitu-ndant hi
jfllco. German Broken. Telephone 10tf5 ,
PLEASE and a
YOU ? Large Stock
The Aloe & Penfold Co.
1408 Farnam St. , Opposite Paxton HoteL
A damage suit for $6.50 , where
in a cow was defendant and the
late Ben Butler plaintiff
35 years ago
is still ringing m the ears of the profession.
Barring the cow we have a suit for $6.50 which
a famous eastern manufacturer lias forfeited to us ,
that'll eclipse any sensational occurrence up to date
Made up for stylish wear and to retail atFiftccn _ Dollars
a suit-perchance they would sell i5.oTif
at $ . tluy were
not beneath the Nebraska roof. A desirable dark mixed
gray in color so much more in favor of the suit otherwise -
wise an imported cheviot oxford silk
cut , serge lined
suit , carefully tailored is worth $15.00 any day Don't
you think so ?
Suit , Oxford cut.
The Bedstead kelps the keys of Sleep.
There is only ono fashion in Sleep , but
there , arc many fashions In bedsteads. If
you make your choice with solo reference
to sleep , you can make no mistake. . You
will then become the owner of a brass bed
Light , strong , neat , clean , beautiful and
enduring who would not pay a small price
for such adjectives ?
Remember that for fifty years a brass
bedstead has been like a badge of nobility.
It has belonged to the atmosphere of good
breeding. The tradition still abides ana thu
proof of It may bo seen In every home of
leisure and luxury.
It will harmonize with any scheme of
: olor or decoration ; It is equally available
tor a * largo or a small bedroom , and it Is ,
winter 01 summer , In the city or country ,
.ho one piece of furniture which Comfort
md Fashion , both prescribe.
ruraituro of Every Description ,
Temporary Location ,
12OU atiil J'JOS Doiiflnf > Stroot.
of all
jnite ? in a perfect form all tlie ( ] uali-
'ies ' eveiybocly desires to find in his
food. It is as Nourishing as Meat ,
md still pleasant to take. It is as
Delicate ns a Luxury , and still cheap
in price.
It is by far healthier than either
Tea , Coffee or Cocoa.
Fherefore it should be made a lionse-
liold aYticle for daily use , as it is in
-It. , Uilcago-HtMV. llroajnar , N. V-
FUi U t > ( N r oui Debility , Loil
\titr | , V ricoctl , Atropur ,
I'blil Wenkncii. tc , t > / IN-
lvrit ( n cu > r itle rvure. bofj
lir Killin * Co. , Cor , IMti * UguclmSli i , jnij ) A.
Vulltrt Uo.jor UtU lPouzUuBti..OMAIu.
Cut to Order.
408 N. i6th St.
Yf A xrlll eend 700 thfi mnrrclans
rrrnch Preparation CALTHQB
free , nnJ a Irval euiraute * thit
HAI/rilOrf will Uoatorn your
Ucol u Mrc BU uuJ Vls
Hit Hand fay i/talttfie/i.
livery IIOIIHO that lii { iIuNfrrcil on wood
Intli l u ( Ire lnipiiiul coiiNeqnciuly n
leulli trap. The Interior wood work
iiulor tlio drying rU'crlN ol' urllllclul
lit'ut licroincMiiM Inlltiniiililo an Iliid r ,
locdlm ; only u inpurlc lo Ilimli IIio lira
"roni collur to roof wllli frequent
rohiiltlnt ; IOM of life.
Expanded Mctnl Ktoul Lath whet ) covered
llh Its uoutliiK of mortar ( the bent known Uru
material ) Insure * lufety and costH but
Ironf In fxectsiof wood. It provciitu crack-
UK und falling of plaster.
Adopted for nil U. H. ( iovornmont Hulldlngg
indiuuso.ohllultory In all HotnU , Thuutera ,
Uylums , Hospitals und Bchpol Ilousca In
v'hlciiKo und other lurgo ctllfs. Wrlto for
: ululoxuo of liitlilriif. fencing , etc.
100 E. 20th Otroot , nuiOAGO.