. .M. niryAir-ffe 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , JUNE 10 , 1801. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAI Eaina In tbo West and Declining Price Abroad Weakened Wheat. VALUES RULED MUCH * LOWER ALL AROUNC Eclllnp ; nt the Slurt Vi'an Oulto 1'rco nml There Wi : n 1'rolty Good Demand tor July Around Vlfty- Llght Ccntu , CHICAGO , Jimo 1C. The rains In the went and declining prices abroad caused weakness In wheat today nnd July closed % o lower. Corn closed with a loss of &C , oats lower nnd provisions lower all around. Wheat wns weaker nnd values ruled lower. The rnlns In the west nnd northwest and the lower cables caused many operators to clinngo from tlio "long" to the "short" sde ! of the market. The soiling nt the start was qtilto free , but nround from C8c to G8'o for July there wns n pretty good demand. Offerings fell off for n time , but later In creased ngnln , Influenced some by the predic tion of showers In the northwest nnd lower closing continental cables. Tliero was little changing going on by the elevator In. tcrcst , the difference most of the time being 24o. . Later private cables were said to ba more favorable , and July closed HO from the day's low figures. The range for the day was 'jc , the market opening from % o to % c lower. Corn was easier within a 9 c range. Free offerings nnd the breaking of the drouth caused the decline. Oats declined oil the weakness of other grains nnd liberal offerings. The rongo tot July was Ic. Provisions were again very dull. Open. Ing weak on heavy llvo hog receipts , Urn market declined with few reactions , aided by the break In whcnt. Compared with last night July pork Is 7o lower , July lard Co lower and July ribs Go lower. Lake business dull nt l'4c for wheat nml oats , nnd l@U c for corn. The leading futures ranged as follows ; 7\rtfcic ; . Wheat.No. 'i Juno , July , Scit * Corn No. 'i. Juno July , Sent Oalh No. 2. . . Juno Cnnh qiiolntlons were as follows : l-'LOt'lt-H.-iHlcr. WHI'AT Nn. 2 sprint ; . C7'io ' ; No. 3 spring , nominal ; No. 2 red , C7'ic. , . . , _ , . , . COHN No. 2 , 4.4o | ) ' : No. 3 yellow. 401i < fi > IOTic. OATS No. 2. 43o ; No. 2 white , 43W44o ; No. I white , 43ff43lic. UYK Nn. 2. I'J'.iC. I1AULI-3Y No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , & 3jic : No. , ro. I'LAX SI1GD No. 1 , 1.3D. TI.MOTHV SEKD I'llmc. JI.55. I'UOVIHIONS Mess pork , < 12.17',4 ' per bbl. Lnrd , tK.Wiltt.ffl % per 100 Ibs. Short ribs plrlcs ( loose ) . | 6.ciiU6.l5i dry united shoulders ( boxed ) . } 5.n2'iS7 , > .i ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , } O.C2',4 ffC.75. WHISKY Distillers' nnlshcd goods , per gal. , The followlns were the receipts nnn slilpmsnts fcrtodny : On the Produce cxclmnco today the butter mar ket W8H llrm , unchanged : creamery , 1017c ; diilry , 11O15C. Keira , wvak ; strictly fresh , lOc. f KK\V VOUIt OUNUUiVL rcstonluy'B Quotiitlaiig on Flour , Grain anrt I'mvUtona , MetuI ? , Ktc. NEW YOItK , June IB. FLOUU-nccelptu , 24.600 bbls. ; exports , 15,000 bbls. ; sales , 6.000 pkss. ; market dull , heavy ; demand only large enough to fill wants ; exporters Lidding less. nye Hour , steady ; sales , 300 bbls. Uuckwhcnt flour , nomlnnl. IIUCKWHEAT Nominal ; range , CSfl"5c. COHN MEAL Firmer ; sales , 200 bbls. ; yellow western , J2.Cofi2.80 ; Itrnndywlne , J2.SO. 11YI3 Nnmlnal ; stutp , CGffiMc ; Jereey , M353C. 1IAHLEY MALT Quiet ; western , C7J80c ; Can- adfi. 90ft95c ; slx-rowcd , SIHSSc. WHEAT Receipts. 49,700 bu. ; exports. 64.20D bu. ; sales , 3.S10.000 bu. futures , 01,000 bu. spot. Spot mnrket quiet ! No. 2 red. In store and elevator. 60c : nllont , COKc ; cnnnl , f. o. b. , nlloal , COHc ; No. 1 northern , CS&o ; No. 1 hnrd , 634C. Options opened weaker under lower cables and heavy rains west nnd northwest , nnd were Inter depressed by reports thnt Chicago elevators would deliver some of their old wheat July 1 ; late 'cables llrm ; close fnlrly steiuly nt ViCXc down ; Juno closed nt COV&c & : July , CO O-lCSlilHc. closed Cl'.ic ; August , Cl i CSVic. closed G2'c ; Heptember , C2'MiO3'ic ' , closed 03c ; December , 60 3-lCfiC6e , closed CGftc. COJIN Hi-celpts. 121,700 bu. ; exports , ' 4,900 bu , ; cnlcs. 203.UOO bu. futures , G7.000 bu. spot. Spot mnrket nomlnnl ; No. 2 , 45'MH5c In elevntor ; 45V5MS > lc ntlunt. Option market declined nenrly all dny on inlny west nnd unimproved crop pros pect ; closed ? ifl"/io down ; June closed 454c ; July , 45 9-16'fflCo. clOM'd 4 ! > Hc ; August , 4C'i © 46c , closed 46V1CJ September , 46 7-lC@ Hc , closed. 40c. OATS-llecelpts , 125.GOO bu. : exports , 1M bu. : sales , 13ri,000 bu. futures , 16,000 bu. spot. Spot market held higher ; No. 2. 4SH0Wic ; No. 2 delivered , 60c ; No. 3 , 47 > .ie4Sc ; No. 2 white , DOff 60Uc ; No. 3 white. 43c ; track mixed western , 603 : truck white western , 49iJ53V4c ; track white ntnte , 495f53Vtc. Option market strong , nnd closed WW/4o up on near months , owing to scnrclty of cnsh , but fnr months Me lower ; July , 47'Uf71ic ! , closed 474c ! ; Aunust , 37HG3Sc , closed 37 4c ; Beptcmber , 3j',40a5 ic , closed 35Vio ; October , S5Uc. HAY Steady ; shipping , i0.40ec.BO. 1IOPB Quiet : Btnte , common to choice , OffllCc ; Pnclllc const , HillTc. IIIUES QuIet ; wet snltcd New Orlenns se lected. 4.1 to 05 Ibs. . 4ViB'lto ' ; Texas selected , 45 to CO Ibs. . lftT.c : Iluenos Ayros. dry. 20 to 40 Ibs. , lOHOllc ; Texns. dry , 21 to 30 Itis. , D'/ic. LEATUEH Dull : hemlock sole , Iluenos Ayres , light to heavy weights. 15ilSc. WOOI < mow ; domestic Ileece , 19023c ; pulled. PROVISIONS Reef , quiet. Cut meats , firm ; pickled bullies. G iO7Mc ; pickled shoulders , 6io pickled hnms , ISVic. l.ard , steady ; western steam cloned nt > 7 nuked ; July closed nt (7 nomlnnl ; ( September , $7,15 nomlnnl ; rtllned. easier ; con tinent , 17.25 ; S. A. , 7.75 ; compound. 6 t36c. Pork , fnlr dcmnnd ; new mess. J13.50O13.73. 1IUTTKR tjuleter ; western dnlry , lOfflEc : western creamery , HliC'SHc ; western factory 8UB14 o ; KlKlns , 18c ; state dnlry , 13jfSc ; state creamery. 15Hflt > Hc. C'HKlcai : Miisy : 8tnte , Inrue. 7 < iCST4c ; small , fancy. 7 fiSio : lull skims. SW2V4C. Kdas uull ; Htnta nnd Pennsylvania , 12012 < 4c : western fresh , UHO12c ; receipts , IQ.ICS pkgs. ; cases. J2.WC3.CO. IIUTTKII Stt > .idy ; state dairy , 13ifl8oj stnte crenmery , 15i < 719c. TALLOW-UnBy ; city ( JJ per pktc. ) , 4Hc bid ; country ( pkus. free ) , 4c , ns to quality. PKTROl.KUM-FIrm ; United closed nt SOJJc bid. bid.TfRPKNTINEStendy TfRPKNTINE-Stendy ; CO'JRJOKc. ROSIN Steady strained , common to good , ll.3Hrl.40. H1CI3 Hter.dy domestic , fair to extra , 4HCc ; Japan , 4l fli4Sc. - . MOLAPSKS Slcady : New Orleans , open ket tle. Rood to choice , 2UBJ ( > e. txil'PKR-yulet ; lake. V ) . I.KAI ) qulcl ; domestic. J3.10. TIN Rnrely steady ; plates , market dull , BPKLTKR-Qulet , but steiuly ; domestic , W.37'i bid ; snles on 'chnnBe , 50 tons July tin S. o. to dnuble. J19.40. COTTON HKKll OllWlthout Increano , ! na tivity ; market stendler on scant offerings , fol- lowliiK belief consumers nre cnrrylnu smull .MlnnriipollsVliout .Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS. June 15. The wheat market wan lower on lower cublcs and more rain In the Pnkotnv. The opening wns iic to 4ic lower , with come llrmnesa during the rnrly trail- In ir , and then prices nggcd ugnln about 14c , There was cnnstdernblo buying at the decline , which cuu t\l a rtnctlon , with an advance near the closing of yesterday. At thtt ckwe ca h price * were the same us the closing of yesterday , while futures were. Ho lower. Hecelpts , IJS.M'i bu.i ihlpmvntii , 10t > k ) bu. Toward the close ot the day there WHS KHIIO Ilnnness , due tn better ra- Minnd rex > rts that LlvcriKiul closed firm , with other report * that tales had be n made of tprlng wheat at Chlcngo at a premium cf more than Ic above the July futures. The clcelnj prices werui June and July. COo : September. ( SUc ; nn truck. No. 1 Imnl. 2ci No. 1 northern , Clc ; No. I northern , K > * ic. Th Hour market wns very dull. Sale * were rvpoitrd to range from J3.3J to J3.U for patents , and ut from J2.23 to IJ.SO for taken' . Coffee Market , NEW YOHK. June 15. COFFEE Options opennl Irrmular. 6 point * hlriier to 6 point * lower ; turned tinner and more active on stronger market , cloutmm ! , unclmiiKi-d to 10 points up. Balr * . K.IXW bags. Including June. I1S.00015.VO ; July. fli.U ; August. t14.2JOK.43 ; Brptember , IIl.7SflU.tO , Oclobor. JU.45tfl3.W ; December , IU.TO. tip-it coffct , JUa flrmj Mo , 7 , lit ; mild , nt'ndy , C.rdmn. 1JQ3' | ' , < - . Hnlrs , MO b.iB3 i" < n tral Amerlcnn nnd 1,0V ) ling * Mnrnrnlb. ' , prlvuli terms. WnrrlmuRV deliversn nut Imuul lud > > SANTOH , Juno I'-Qiilol , gmtl nri-iaite , $17 receipts , 6.W1 lings ; stuck , l.iw bng * , cl ni-ed ( Juno H , : inoo \ > I\K' . IIA.MIIfllO , Juno IB.-8tni.ly , price * un < chnmrpil ID 3'l pfR. lower ; miles 10.0W IMK * . HAVRtv , June 15. Opened Imrrly steady nlcs , 3,000 Img * ; tinchnnRiM ; at noon showed n 'if decline , with further ntles of J.O * ) bans ; al S p. m. Imrely lrnd > - ; stock , S.1MO I KS. In. eluding g.W ) bngM llrnzlllnn , ngnlniit a'J.O-X bnm , Including .J.iwo buns llnull l.isl week. RIO 1)13 JANEIRO , June IS.-Htrong. No. 7 , lll.M ; exchange , 95-IM ; receipts. 16i > baits ! cleared. f r Ihc United Mates , t , < Xf ) bags ; stock , IW.o-rf bng . l.ncnt I'roilucp Mnrltcl. Tliero wan unmistakably it wrnkcr tone to the duller and < -jtg mutket yesterday , owing to the nintkct situation In Ilia east as coiHnliud In the morning dli-patches. Poultry wus slow and liny re ! < ! ! > ! nrd In nbout I ho name nolch ns tbu day liet'o ; , HUTTiri : YrMrrilny'i dli-patches InJIcnled thnt western butter wax oft lu per Ib. In New York , nnd ns Hint | * jlnt I * the outlet for the surplus slock' hero this market naturally felt the effects. While some buycis claimed Hint they would dike th packing Muck which their rcaulnr customers hnd on inind nt He , they nil- milled lhat they wore not i mining nflcr It. Others offered only 104c. ! The bids rent Into the country weru Ic lower In romp cnses thnn the day before. Other grades nf butter nru quiet nnd prices nru nbuut Ktendy. It Is linn ! work to got over 13o for the bei-t countty butUr. Crenmcry butler Is stendy , nnd holdirrf ate usklng ISc for solid packed eep.irutor and 203210 for bricks. IXHIH The fcellntt In the egg tuaiket wns nlso weaker , owing to the fact thai Nan York , which linn been Inking n good ninny eggs from this S"cti < iti. wns quoted 2 > ; lower thun the high p-ilnt earlier In the week. While commission men were Keiieially linking lOu for bright nnd strictly Hrst chips slock , sales of Ilrsts weic claimed to hnvo been mndo nt D',4c. There nre HI ninny pixn- eggs coining In proportion to the gtmd ones thnt the- market Is almost Hooded with Fccondt ) , nnd they nrc selling nt all kinds of prices. LIVI3 POULTRY 'For some rcavon the mnrket Is very plow. Just why moii' poultty Is not going Into consumption l.i n hard question to answer , ns It In cheaper thnn most other kinds of meat. The dressem stocked up quite hfnvlly during the glut , In nntlcli'ntlon of a speedy nd- Vunrc , nnd are now unloading on the ictnll trnde , which may hnv ; Homf'tnmg to ilo with reducing the demand nt commlsrhn h tuts. lIuyerH arc very puitlculnr , ami want the lust hens , while old roosters nre neglected and hatcl to sell. Koine cumm'sslon ' hnuscH cleaned up all their hens nt iV , nn < l It wns hind work to get nny more. Thn dressers were offering only 4V4c for hens. Old hens , i"c ; roosters , 3o. The do- mnnd for Reese und ducKs Is \ei-y light , nnd what few nrc arriving nru mostly birds thnt hnvo been plucked , and In consequence not very desirable. Thrrc Is quite n little Inquiry for turkeys , and Ihc few thnt nrc coining meet with very ready sale. Ducks , 607c ; hen tur keys , "fj'Sc ; gobbleis , 65io ( ! > ; Keefe , 53 > 5e. VKAlj Thi ! mniket Is full of veal , nnd It Is about all Hint receivers can do to keep It moving out fnst enough. The puckers nrc nil filled up with veal , nnd some commission houses hnve written their shippers to slop consignments for a few days nnd give the market nn opportunity to clear Itself. Good venls nr < ! offered nt Cc. PIGEONS The Kim clubs use quite n Rood ninny plReons , and there Is n demand for old birds stroniT on the wing. Old birds , per doz. , HAY The market wns without chnnne so far ns the quotations nre > concernid. Therewns , however , n llrnier feeling * owing to the supply belnt ; lighter. There wns In fnct only one cnr received , but there were e\c-rul on the mniket thnt hnd been held over from the day before. There IB very little straw coming and very little demand. Upland liny , JS.IiQ ; midland , : lowland , J7.M ; rye straw , 1C. Demand fair ; supply fnlr. Color makes the price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top grades bring top prices. VEGETABLES. Some Texas cantaloupes nnd sweet corn hnve put In an appearance. Dealers arc not talking quite so strum , ' on potatoes. CANTALOUPES-A few Ti-xnB cnnlnloupes have arrived on the mnrkcl , but nre not mov ing oft very rapidly. On orders , I1.0081.SO per doz. doz.SWEET SWEET CejRN Texas sweet corn , on orders , per doz. . 20J23c. I1EIJTS New beets , per doz. bunches , 20JJ25c , on orders. SQi'ASII Texns summer squnsh on orders , TCcfitl.OO per doz. CUCUMHERS The mnrket Is flooded with both home Brown nnd southern cucumbers , nnd they are not moving off ns rnpMIy ns dealers would like tn see them. On older * , per crate , J2 , or SOfTIOc per doz. ORKEN PKPP13RS Texns green peppers , per ' /S bu. box , 7c. OLD HUANS-Hnnd picked navy , J2.10ff2.13 ; medium navy , Jl.9032.00 ; common white beans , Jl.COftl.Go. ONIONS There wns nnother cnr of onions In yesterday nnd supplies nrc becoming very lib eral. The mnrket Is not quite so strong. On orders , southern , per bu. box , SI.50 ; California , 25i21io per Hi. POTATOES As supplies nre Increasing the mnrket Is not quite so strong , nnd dcnlcm nre not holding for quite ns high pi Ices ns they were. Good stock , Jl pr bu. CAI11IAGB California Is furnishing the 'only cnbbiiEc that Is coming to this market , nnd It In good fur the scnson. Good shipping stock , on orders , 2',4ff2ic. ASPARAGUS Good home grown stock , 35JJ400 per doz. . on orders. TOMATOES The supply on the market Is Very liberal , bolli Mississippi nnd Florida being large snippets to this mniket. As a result , prices arc considerably lower limn they were n short time lino. Mississippi stock , per 4 basket crate , Jl.C..ftl.W ; Klorldn stock , per 6 basket crate , J2.23i'-.r > 0. NKW I11IANS The low prices of the past have stopped shipments to this paint to such nn extent thnt there nru hnnlly enouRh to nil orders. In consequence , prices me up ngaln. Wax beans , per bu. , J2.00Q 2.23 ; string beans , (1.75 per bu. PEAS The supply Is light nnd the market stronger. Good stock , per bu. , $2. EGG PLANT Per doz. , on orders , 73c@Sl,00. FRUITS. Yesterdny morning there was nnother fruit auction , at which 419 crates of nprlcots , 399 boxes of peaches nnd twenty-six boxes of plums were sold. The mnrkrt wns fnlrly active and every thing was sold out readily , A car of peaches , apricots nnd plums Is reported to arrive on Monday , and n pnlc Is announced for 9:30 : n , m. of that dny. The prospect In now thnt there will be a sale nbout every day next week , ns n num ber of cars nru reported to uirivc. In the line of fruits lower quotations nrc given on apricots , blackberries , black rnspberrles nnd Cnllforn'a ' penches. The receipts of nil kinds of Cnllfornla. fruits In season , except cherries , nre Increasing very rapidly. STRAWI1KRRIES There weie no fresh re- celptu of strnwbeirlc'S , but between 200 nnd 300 cases WITH on snlo from the cnr received the previous dny. There were none of them tit to slilp out on orders. The best of them brought J3.DO. CIIKRRIKS The supply of California cherries m very light nnd It Is not nn easy matter to llnd enough stock lit for shipment to till all orders. Shipping stock , J1..V ) . Homo-Brown cherries , on orders , J1.23 per ' . ' -bu. basket. APRICOTS The mnrket Is full of nprlcots nnd as n result prices nre lower. Good shipping stock Is quoted nt Jl.DO. GOOSKI1KRRIKS The market Is well supplied , but the demand Is hardly so good , ns home grown berries are becoming quite plentiful In u good mnny sections. Quotations nre n little lower. Good stock , green , on orders , J2.CO per 24-qt. case. 1ILACKII10RRII3S Yesterday's receipts wore the largest of any ilny so fur this season , there being sixty to seventy-live cnses of fresh nr- rlvnls. Indications would now poem to point tea a rnpld Increase In the receipts , nnd from now on there nru likely to be more blnckberrlcs thnn rnspberrles. The mnrket wns lower nnd good shipping slock went nt J3.r.0ii3.75. IILAUK RASPUURRI US-There were only about fifteen to twenty cases of raspberries on the mnrket , nnd they sold nt J3.75ffl.00 IIKD RASPDHRRIUS There wore none re ported received yesterday. 1 KAC'HKS California penches nro becoming more plentiful each day nnd the mniltct la quoted lower. Good shipping stock , $1.73. PLUMS There , were a few plums nmong the offerings nt yesterdny's nuctlon. Small , red cherry plums , S1.251.50 ; large Clyman plums , TROPICAL FUl'ITS. BANANAS As usual , when berries nre on the market the demand for bananas la not very heavy. Choice stock , J2.noif2.W. LKMONS The demand haa not been Increased ORANOIIS A cnr of line Mcdllornno.in sweets caino In yesterdny and nru offered nt steady prices , that Is , J3.HQb3.73. ' PINKAPPLKS-There Is n fair supply nf Florida plnenpples on the mnrket nt jl.SOffl 73 per doz. , or JS.W D.OO per crate of nbout six MISCULLANKOUS. FlflS Fnnor , per Ib. , l'jfilE ' > c. DATES Halloween , CS to 70-11) . boxes , per Ib. , 1IONI-3Y California , -ICc ; dnrk honey , 10812c MAPL13 SVUUP Clallon cans , per doz ii NUTS-Almonds. 154(170 Knitlimi ( ; wumtiti 100 Itc ; filberts. 12e ; llrazll nuts. lOc. CIDER-Puro Juice , per bbl. . J8 ; half bbl. . HIDES-No. 1 green hides , ; iic ; No. l green willed hides , 3c ; No. 2 erecn united hides , 201 No. 1 vcnl cnlf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 6c : No veal cnlf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs , , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , to ; No. 2 dry Hint llldes. 3c No. 1 dry salted liHes. 4c ; part cured hides , Ho uer Ib less thnn fully cured. SHEEP PKLTS-Green snlted , each. JSfJCOc : ere n united shearlings ( thort-woolcd early sklni ) each , HJISc : dry iheurllnK' ( nhort-woolcd early iklns ) . No. 1 , each , & 10c ; dry shenrllnus ( short wooled early nklns ) . No. 2. ench , to ; dry Hint , Knnnas nnd Nebrntka butcher' wool , pelts , per Ib. . actual welKht , UJSc ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska mm rain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4HCcj dry Hint. Colorado butcher wool li/ltn , iwr Ib. . nclual welcht. 4O7c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual Weight. 4ICc. TALLOW AND ORKAHK-Tallow. No. 1 , 4 4Ue ; tallow , No. 2 , S > , ifi3 > ,4 < ) ! icrcimc , white A , 4lc ! ; grease , white H. 4c ; ( .Tense , yellow , Jo ; Kren e.Inrk. . Z'ic ; old buter. 2U2Ho ; beeswax , prime. 15 < flSc ; roush tnllow , 2c. Kaunas city .Miirk M. KANSAS CITY , Juno lB. Wl'EAT "nchnrjT cl ; - BlIH'MKNTH-None. _ Itulutli Wlirnt Murhnt. "VI'VTI,1June 15.-WHlAT-Ixiwer : No. wrd. ca M , 0i Jun * . > northwo. . W-- . Ii-ember , ep , . . N2 n < > ni- tn , rn h , 6s ; < - . N. . 3. K3V , rejected , 48UCJ to arrive. No. i northern , STOCKS AND I10ND.S. Moro Tluin Onp-IInlf of the TrnnsnctlonK \\Vr In SiiRiir. NEW YORK , Juno IS. Moro than one- half of today's transactions on the Stock ex change were In Sugar , and In only three other stocks itltl the calei exceed 5,000 shares nnmcly , Chicago Gas , St. Paul and Union Pacific. There wns some buying of Sugar at the opening to cover ehort con tracts , which caused an advance of 1 < 4 per cent , but ( he upward movement was quickly checked by ft bear raid un7n the stock , under the Influence of which n decline of 1 % per cent was made. The reaction brought In some buyers , whoso purchases caused a rally of 2 per cent , but the higher range of values Induced a fresh attack by the shorts nnd n reaction of 1 per cent , which waa followed by a reccovcry of % per cent and later by a decline of 1 % per cent , bringing the price down to 90 % , the low point of the morning , tn the fltial deal ings n rally of li per cent took place , of which % per cent had been lost at the close , the final sales today being at the same ilgtires ns on yesterday. After nn early re action of % per cent Chicago Gas took nn upward turn under purchases for the ac count of a prominent bull on the stock and rose 2 per cent before noon. After mid day thcro were realizing sales , which caused a slight depression In the stock , which gave way % per cent , rallying % per cent , nnd receding % per cent , closing nt mi advance of % per cent for the day. Of the granger group St. Paul was the only one which showed any special activity , and even In this stock the sales were smaller than usual. The fluctuations , too , were limited to n range of % pep cent , the last being the low est price of the day nnd % per cent below yesterday's final figures , Some long Union Pacific stock was brought out by reports that a big assessment would be levied on tlio stock under the reorganization. A de cline of jft per cent resulted , of which ' / & per cent was recovered on the better report of April earnings than had been anticipated In view of the low estimates put out by the bears during the past few days. The bond market was Irregular and un settled. The Evening Post says : Some genuine long stock may have been sold on yester day's forced market weakness , but. It was not sufficient to demoralize today's prices , On , the contrary there was a. tendency In one or two quarters to return to yesterday's early level. As a whole the market ex perienced little change. Sugar certificates and Chicago Gns did , however , nfter a goot deal ot rearing and plunging , struggle up to n higher level , and there was , on the other hand , a tendency to somewhat lower prices In several stocks of Insolvent railways. The Evening Post's ) London cablegram says : The stock markets were duller today , owing to the relapse In Americans , which closed at the lowest , particularly Atchlson The London committee of bondholders Is now sitting. It Is rumored that they will not accept ! the reorganization schema In Its present entirety. Spcer Bros , announce the Issue of 2,000,000 of Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 4 per cent general mortgage gold bonds. The price of Issue is 92. They are likely to go well. Operators nro again driven by cheap money and other causes Into gilt-edged stocks. Consols have risen to 101 5-1C. The following are the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the Now York exs chnnge today : Now York Money Alnrlcot. NEW YORK , June 15. MONI3Y ON CALL 1 per cent ; Inst lonn nnd cloned , 1 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 2iG454 per cent , STERLING EXCHANGE-Dull nnd steady , with actual business In bankers' bills nt Jl.SSvi for demand and at J4.87U for sixty days ; posted rules , J4.8S4 nnd J4.90 ; commercial bills , M.SS'.i. SILV12U CERTIFICATES CIJ63c. GOVERNMENT UONDS-Strong ; Btate bonds dull. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : HllllkH Will IIlllHllO till ! (31)1(1. NKW YOHK. Juno 15. It wns reported In Wall street thin ndernoon that the nntlonnl hanid will In the nenr future furnlnh nil cold for ix- l > rt. The uOOiXX ) uild to bti fhlppt'd tomorrow will KO from one of the national banks. The Inat Kohl furnished by the bnuKu wu during the month of April. riimmlul Notni. IIOSTON. Juno 15. Clearings , Ji.0 : < ,008 ; bal ances , $1,99C)0. ! ) 1IAI.TIMO11K. Juno 15. Clenrlngu. Jl.0(1,023 ; balances , t JC,49. NKW YOHK. Juno 15. Clcarlnus , JCS.OiJ.C ? ! ; balanct-n , | . ' . , CSS,05I. I'AIlia. June 15 Three per cent rentes , 103f SOa for the accxumt. PHII.AUIM.PHIA , June 15. Clearlng , $7f35.- 019 ; balances , tl.091.172. MKMPHIH , June l& . New York exchnnzc Bell- Int nt tl. CluarlngD. tlM.WS ; tialanccs , 100,378. LONDON , Juno 15. The iimount of bullion h-onn Into the Hank of Hnglnnd on balance today U I37XX ( > . CINCINNATI , Juno It. Money , Iifl8 ! per cent. N w York exchnntjtt , WtiWo prvmlum. Cleur- inei , si.cu.uo. BAN KHANCI8CO , Juno 15-DrnfH. iKht. IZ'.io ; teletniphlc , 15c. Silver barn , UC'Wic. Mexican dollurn , tltfililc. ST. LOUIS. Jun 16. ClearlnK" . 3.S93ZC3 ! bal- uric * * , $ kt ,7M. Money , iiulet at 607 m-r cent. Kxehanxo on New York , Wo premium bid. CHirAOO. June IS. Cl vlni ! , llZ.fM.CCO. New York exchunue , too premium. Steillnjc ex- clinnKe dull ; uctuat. | 4.MWI.WU. Money , etcady at 4U per cvnu OMAHA LIVIVjSJOCK MARKET Cnttlo Suffer Mnclftfn * Price on Account of LIBERAL SUPPLY'S DULL TRADING Heat Offering ! ! Sell Nearly Steady but Others ( lu Lower nml Mow Ilojfn Slump liiiilly.lxit } C'liuo Active and Stronger. . _ h _ ' ' iVlUDAY , Juno 15. There was nn Increase In the cattle supply as compared with yesterday , there also being a larger proportion ot beet cattle on sale. Tlio trade was the worst of the week , all classes of beet and shipping steers selling lower and trading was slow. A 'few of the handy fat ulcers were perhaps not over Cc lower , while on less desirable holdings prices ruled lOc to IGc lower. Cows and heifers. If right tidy and fleshy , were fair sellers , but everything grassy was hard to move at unsatisfactory figures , the trade all around being dull and dragging. There Is no Improvement In the stock cattle trade , lots of the light stuff being practically unsalable. Tliero Is even less Inquiry for heavier steers , and the market In general was about as dull as , It generally gets. Hep- rcsentatlvo sales : DRESSED DEEP. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . MO 3 75 26..1077 It 00 33. . . . 1207 14 30 1. . . . 700 3 00 20..117Z 410 35..1281 4 . ' 0 1. . . . CO 323 SO..1192 415 41..1270 4 SO 1. . . . 740 360 20..1170 415 73..1170 430 C. . . . CI3 3U 2J..11S9 4 ID 41..1281 4 SB 1..1(100 ( 3M 33. . . . UM 315 79..1165 435 2. . . . 7uO 350 100..1179 415 40..1287 416 4. . . . 907 375 20..1148 420 45..130 ] 4 3714 3. . . . 520 375 22..112.1 420 31..1225 4 < 0 1. . . . M,0 375 14. . . . ! )40 ) 425 11..UK ) 440 19. . . .1274 375 M..KM1 430 16..1191 440 20..1203 385 3.1273 43' ' ) 12..1291 445 4..1017 3 90 13..UC2 I 05 MIXED. 17. . . . 707 375 2' ' ) . . . . OU > 385 C..15I' ' ) 440 * COWS. 1. . . . 780 100 1..1120 175 1..1120 225 1. . . . 7f.O . 100 3. . . . U'JO 175 3..1015 225 L. . . S50 125 1..1UOO 175 14. . . . 817 233 1. . . . ! > 30 140 2. . . . 045 175 2..1175 260 0. . . . 4IS 145 12. . . . 775 175 6..1095 2 SO 1..1010 1 f.0 10. . . . CSO 185 1..1070 260 3. . . . Ml ) 160 2. . . . Wi5 200 1..1270 2 M 1..10 ? ) 160 C. . . . 8)3 ) 200 3..112 $ 2 f.O 6. . . . 748 160 1 CIO 200 3..1023 2 CO 2. . . . 850 160 2..10M 2 00 3..1090 2 G.'i 1. . . . 850 1 f,0 4. . . . 83' ' ) 200 1..1110 273 S. . . . 773 163 1..1020 200 9. . . . 921 2 S5 11. . . . 710 165 5..1112 200 I..1120 285 7. . . . 78S 1 65 3..1033 2 00 1..139) 3 00 4. . . . S03 ICO 2. . . . 945 200 1..1110 3 UO 7. . . . CSS 1 C3 1..1020 200 2..1105 315 3. . . . 933 1 CS 10. . . . 833 205 1..1090 3 25 4..1045 1 C3 3. . . . M3 210 1..1220 325 7..1000 170 0..10815 210 1..1220 323 8. . . . 837 175 1..1070 210 4..1125 325 4..1U92 175 1..1030 225 2..1273 360 2. . . . 795 175 1..1110 225 1..11SO 350 HEIFERS. 5. . . . 347 133 7. . . . BS2 1 C3 1. . . . 600 2 CO 4. . . . 627 ICO 1. . . . 700 175 3. . . . C70 273 4. . . . r,0 1 CO 3. . . . 460 1 75 6. . . . 7C8 3.10 1. . . . 570 160 8. . . . ! > 32 190 13. . . . 4S.O . 330 1. . . . 420 1 50 0. . . . CSO 2 00 6. . . . C16 3 35 1. . . . 28) ICO 1. . . . 470 240 43. . . . S21 335 11. . . . C3J ( ICO 21. . . . 662 243 2..1120 3 S3 5. . . . 69G 1 CO YEARLINGS. 18. . . . CC5 1 C5 CALVES. 1. . . . 300 123 2. . . . 150 3 CO 1. . . . ICO 400 1. . . . 250 250 2. . . . 170 350 It. . . 150 400 2. . . . 130 260 1. . . . 120 3 CO 1. . . . 200 400 1. . . . 240 2 CO 40. . . . 162 373 1. . . . 230 400 2. . . . 232 260 2. . . . 225 400 2. . . . 2CO 423 205. . . 130 3 00 3. . . . ISO < 4 00 BULLS. 1..1300 1 50 I.'ll40 2 00 I. . . . 623 2 60 23. . . . 942 1 C3 L. llOO2 10 1..1CIO 2 CO 1. . . . S40 1 C5 1..12SO i 10 2..1105 2 CO 1..1210 175 1..1180 225 1..1230 275 1..1000 190 2..1375. . .2 25 2..1575 2 SO 1. . . . 950 2 ( ) 1.-H& ) . ft 30 1..2120 315 3..1216 2 CO 1..S20 2 3j 2..183) 315 1..11CO 2 00 1. . . . C20 2 43 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4. . . . 432 150 23.-650- 65 23. . . . 751 SOT 2. . . . 53.1 73 23. . . . 1732 C5 8. . . . 818 30) 2. . . . 440 200 10./672 275 2G. . . . 77C 3(0 ( 1. . . . 220 2 00 4. . . . 650 2 75 2C. . . . 910 3 10 3. . . . 250 2 00 18. . . , 410S 75 1. . . . 720 3 15 ! J. . . . 437 2 30 l.'KX > ' 2 SO 1. . . . CGO 3 15 3. . . . 476 2 30 7. . . . 7342 ( .0 1. . . . 7SO 3 11 1. . . . 3SO 230 24.-'MS' 2 SO 1. . . . 700 315 6. . . . 633 2 30 25..1 C44Z 90 6. . . . 7S < 3 15 1. . . . 610 2 30 4. . . . 785 2 SO 10. . . . 873 3 15 2. . . . 730 230 10.-702 C 90 15. . . . 7C3 315 1. . . . 530 2 CO . . . . , , ! . ' ( 300 23. . . . 907 320 ! 4. . . . 441 235 , / ' CVDLOIIAD'O CATTLE. So. - . .Av.- J'r.No. . - Av. Pr. ,1 strs , fdrs.,1332 J4 W52 sirs. fdrs. . 923 31 10 ! 0 sirs , fdrs..l2s2 4 23 ' HOGS Prices on hogs took a big slump Loday , with the receipts again very heavy , showing an Increase so far this week over last of about 2,000 head. Liberal supplies it all centers and lower markets elsewhere : ended to depress the business here , and as i result the market opened slow and lOc to L5c lower , at which basis the bulk sold. Li.ito shipping orders helped matters some- iVhat , the market closing a little more active , ivlth about everything out of first hands. Sales were at extremes of $4.15 for light , Jklppy stuff to J4.C5 for prime heavy hogs , ind bulk $4.55 to $1.GO , against a range yes terday of $4.60 to $4.80 , and bulk $4.65 to M.75. Representative sales : STo. Av. Bh. I'r. No. Av. SIi. Pr. CO 1CS 320 $4 23 CO 220 120 Jl 57'A 2 197 CIO 4 C5 77 223 40 4 r,7 > | > 9 ICC ICO 4 40 SI 209 120 4 G7'.4 14 193 210 4 40 CO 249 ICO 4 CO iS 223 200 4 CO 61 276 120 4 C ) 82 200 480 4 60 48 2M 240 4 CO ' 8 1S8 120 4 60 S7 . " . .211 100 4 CO . . . . ' . . . . ( . . . 4 60 CS 238 80 4 60 2 173 3CO 4 CO 190 260 SCO 4 C ) 3 174 40 4 60 C8 242 40 4 CO 224 200 4 CO 78 233 200 4 CO 4 405 80 4 CO CS 273 100 4 CO 4 317 W 4 60 120 2i2 UH ) 4 CO 8 193 200 4 60 - 14 202 . . . 4 CO 2 201 160 4 60 77 243 SO 4 CO 8 183 12i ) 460 63 238 (0 460 7 1SI 40 4 60 64 2JC . . . 4 C ) 0 190 i > 0 4 50 63 213 . . . 4 CO 5 199 200 4 60 74 237 120 4 CO 9 191 ICO 4 60 61 23C 200 4 CO 3 ,21)5 ICO 4 6214 73 222 40 4 CO 0 220 . . . 4 52 < < j , 64 236 8) 4 CO 6 200 . . . 4 r , _ : , < i C9 25 ; 120 4 CO ' 3 192 240 4 K''j CO 219 40 4 CO 5 234 40 4 55 65. . . 237 240 4 60 5 224 240 4 65 70 267 240 4 CO G 22G . . . 4 55 77 , .221 SO 4 CO ) 231 160 4 55 Cl 243 . . . 4 60 1 215 ICO 4 55 48 315 120 4 CO 5 217 200 4 65 70 221 . . . 4 0) 5 210 SO 4 65 43 280 SO 4 CO 9 239 2U 4 63 73 241 . . . 4 CO 5 24 ! ) 40 4 C5 64 259 160 4 60 2 22.3 200 4 65 68 214 120 4 CO 7 233 80 4 65 129 271 IsO 4 CO 7 23G ICO 4 65 68 244 160 4 CO G 290 . . . 4 65 72 243 . . . 4 CO 5 291 100 465 CG 242 ICO 4 CO 3 221 SO 453 40 277 ICO 4 CO 4 233 SO 465 CO 2CG SO 460 2 200 SO 465 C2 2J5 . . . 4 CO 4 218 ICO 4 65 71 230 . . . 4 CO 0 1S2 40 4 65 CG 237 40 4 CO 5 195 120 4 65 C7 203 SO 4 CO 1 205 200 4 65 C3 252 60 4 CO 0 244 SO 4 65 71 2 120 4 CO 4 257 SO 4 C5 C9 225 120 4 CO 30 233 210 4 65 75 241 200 4 CO 7 226 120 455 C8 200 80 460 4 2J1 210 4 55 74 228 SO 4 CO 3 25 . . . 455 CS 222 240 460 C 243 . . . 4 65 69 244 80 4 CO 5 Mil . . . 4 63 63 330 fO 4 CO 7 233 fcO 4 65 GO 249 SO 4 CO 8 228 120 4 65 66 260 40 4 CO 2 20'J . . . 465 C9 240 . . . 46214 ) . . . . . . . . SO 4 65 63 2'i2 200 4 C214 2 20S . . . 4 65 65 264 40 4 621,4 1 221 320 4 65 GS 211 SO 4 C2i ! 7 217 160 465 68 , . .2C2 SO 4 621 * 7 218 kO 4 55 CO 2C9 SO 4 62'i 2 223 40 455 . f,3 205 120 46214 > 230 . . . 4C5/ ' ,63 2fiO . . . 4 Gi ! ' ! , 3 217 40 465 ' < * M 227 . . . 4 624 ! 1 224 40 4 65 " ' " 'CO 261 SO 4 6214 ! 2Z8 SCO _ _ . . . , 2CG 120 4 C2'j S 228 ICO 455 r-60 328 120 4 C5 1 213 200 4 55 IW.'I ' CS 302 240 4 63 2J5 . . . 465 _ - . , M 274 SO 463 ) 107 360 465 , - , j/65 30G 40 4 CS ! . . . . . . . .208 160 465 t.u GO 2S3 60 4 C5 - 1 211 2SO 463 ' io . . . 4 65 i 231 SO 4 65 _ -41 26' ) SO 4 G5 1 221 . . . 4 55 ca"CS ! ) 2S8 120 4 Go J 252 80 455 | i .linCS 254 120 465 | 257 . . . 4 M - 63 280 . . . 4 G.3 . . . . . . . . 160 4 67'ilM 1/63 263 40 465 ) ] (48 ( ICO 4671k' ! 'S 231 . . . 4 Co 1 218 40 4 67'p ! 67 254 SO 4 65 1 . , i(2l 120 467'69. . , , 30J 40 465 I . ' .Ml K'O 4 6714 ' ' 62 251 SO 4 65 2S4 ICO 4 671460 316 ICO 4 65 i 224 200 467VJ ; ! ; . 65 288 120 465 ! 308 ICO 4 67V4ls61 262 . . . 4 C5 1 214 120 457',489 ' ; 324 160 463 1'ioB AND .nouan. ' " ' ! 120 . . . 400 81 178 120 420 I ,161 200 4 15 BHEI3P Hecelpts-ilui.lted | and market un hanged. Fair to good natives are quotable t ia.SGffS.SO ; fair to good westerns , $2.76 © .25 ; common and stock sheep , $2.002.25 ; oed to choice 40 to 100-lb. Iambs at $3.00 ® 4.00. Ilcpresentatlvo isles : o. Wt , Pr. US mixed i HI ) S'J 40 \vcBteriiyonrllnga , 04. a US Htock In Bight. Record of receipt ! of live Block at the ( our rluclpal yard * fur 1'rlJay , June 1C , 18)4 : Cattle. HORI. Sheep. nuttl Omaha 2.735 11,372 623 hlcago 6.000 31.0W 4,000 IIUHUH City MOO 11.000 300 t. Louis 2.400 4.SOO WO Totals 17,235 68,17 : 8,7 Kiiiina * City I.lve Htock Market. KANBAB CMTV-June 15.-CATTLK-necclpt , 100 html ; ilil | > meiiti. l.JOO head. Market wvak > Uc lower ; T. ua KU m. IZ.COQi.tOj Texa > t IWK. It f. < ? J - nitet \ fclotm. JJ.rSriSM ; nnllv down , $1.26fr4.10 ; Ktockera tmtl fccili'rg , (0.5 ii ; 8.7.1. tmlld , ll.50 2.C" , lioas-ltecelptn , 11.000 lirnilt uhlnmenU , 1 OOJ tieml. Market lu < J28o lowers luilk nf rnf. \ . SI,66 < T4. fi ; liravlen , 14.5584.73 : l < nrkrrn , | 4.CO t4.7S , mlxc < 1 , I4.60t4.l i llglitR , II.4J0I.60 ; Yorktrn , ji.r.-.oi.coi pip , , ti.iw.w. H1I1JK1' iiocclptn , SCO liciul ; shipment * , none , Market Itrrrlpn mill Dl < | > nltlnn nf Stock. 'Oinol.il receipts nml dliporitlon of stack n shown tiy the books of the Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four liours ending nt 3 o'clock p. m. , June 13 , 1S94 , UKCKlVta , Curs. Itrail. Cattle . . . . . . . 107 2,7.1.-i lings . ICG 11,373 Hlieep . . . 2 521 DISPOSITION , Iluyers. Cnttlc. Hops. Sheep. Rwlft nnilkCompnny . S2S 1,641 6u9 The O. Ml Hammnml Co , . . 408 1..1H , . . Omnlm 1'ncklnK Co . 1C 2,417 . . . The Ciutahy I'acklntt Co . 2J3 4,520 . . . Jolin I' . Spulrc & Co . 612 . . . Cinlnhy llros . S31 . . . Cleveland I' . P. Co . 141 Chicago P P. Co . 181 A. Unas . 3 . It. Decker & Descn. . . . . . . . . 73 . . . . . . P. I ) . Armour . 1,304 . . . Cinlnhy of 1C , C . HI . J. Iom ! ui . . . . . . 78 . . . . . . linn ft Drown . . . II . . . . . . I. . Decker . 234 . Hhlppors nnd fcodcra . 3S4 . . . 147 Left over . 300 230 Total . TC97 13,253 GM CHICAGO I.IVi : STUCK. Cnttlo IVcro Generally Quoted Lower , li Without 1'iirtlciilnr Cniuc. CHICAGO , Juno 15. Them did not appear to bo any goml lencon for a change In prices of cattle , but they were ucneially quoted lower , The receipts were light , estimated ut 6,000 head , and an all buyers appeared to have their orders pretty well tilled they were not willing to talk trade on a basis of yeslcnIay'B prices. The supply consisted of about 3,500 tmtlvcs nnd 2COO Texas cattle. Fnles of the former were gener ally at from $4 to il.75 fur steers , nml at fmm } 2 to tl.25 for eows and bulls. Toxuns sold principally at from $2 to J3.73. Trade opened slow , and WHS very dull all day at 11 decline In everything uxcVpt strictly choice nlecm of lOo per 100 Ibs. The hog market was lower and very quiet , Hot weather , heavy recolptH and depression In the Hoard of Trade markets enured a benrlsh leellnrf , nnd bcfoio buslnrxx had been 111 pro * greys nn hour , prices were off from 60 to lO.r They closed lOc lower than at yesterday's lowest time , $1.90 being an outside quotation any time after 9 o'clock. Shlppero wanted but tew hops , and local packers bought In a llslleeaiiy , but there wcic not many other IIOKM In the pens nt midday. Hale * wtie laigely ot from J1.75 to tl.90 for medium and heavy , and at fioni (4.C5 to 11.75 for light wclehts. Only a few times In the past have wllers of Flu-cp encountered a moic dlNlii > i > slnRly dull nnd lampntnlily weak market than the one for the week ending with today. There hus been an average shrinkage slncn our la t report at COo per cwt. In everything wearing wool. Sheep nro down 73c , to ? 3.60 for poor to best good , while yearlings are off from J3 to tl , nnd young lambs to from S-.W to 14.50. This Is a reduction from the prlceu of the season of from 11.50 to } 2. and a reduction from the prices ruling nt this time last year of from $1.S5 to $ " .25 p'r cwt. The bulk of the sheep hnvo within HIK last week changed hands nt from $2.25 to S3. and from $3.75 to $4.25 bought the greater pnit of the spring lambs. Never before since Chicago became a market could fat spring lambs be bought so chea ? ) as nt this stage of the h'enson. The offerings of Texas sheep were not very numerous. They were taken on a basis of from $1 to $3 for poor to choice. Receipts Cattle , 6,000 head ; calves , 400 head ; hogs , 31.000 head ; sheep , 4.W ) head. The Hvenlng Journal reports : CATTLK llecelpts. 6,000 head : market Etendy ; prime to extra native steers , J4.75W3.00 ; medium , t4.00ffl.25 ; otheiK , 3.S.VK3.9r > ; Texans , J3.OOIfl.00. HOGS Hcctipts. 31,00) head ; market active and 610c lower- rough heavy , } 4.25(34.50 ( ; packers nnd mixed , $ l.73 < nt.80 ; prime heavy nnd butcher weights. JI.S3WI.90 ; assorted lights , JI.70RI.75. SHEEP AND L.AMIIS llecelpts , 4,000 head ; market slow nnd unchanged ; top Bhcep , 3.253.50 ; top lambs , tl.00iffl.25. St. I.ouls I.lve Slock Murker. . ST. LOUIS. June 15. CATTLE Receipts. 2,4 head ; shipments , 1.6CO head. Mmkel dull and lower generally ; Texas steers , 1.000 Ibs. , $3.31 ; cows and heifers. J1.10P2.23 ; native steers. I.OOO& ' 1,300 Ibs. , J3.S034.20 ; COWH nnd heifers. J2.CO. HOGS Hecelpts , 4,800 head ; shipments , 3,100 head. Market weak nnd lOiiloc lower ; good heavy nnd light. S4.S05f4.90 ; gond tn fn r light , $4.cnff4.73 ; pigs and common light , J4.255J4.50. SHEEP Ilfcelpts. 90) head ; snlpments , 1,200 heiul. Market nirct ! , nothing doing , excipt In lambs , J3.ooif3.37',4. New York Live St < o'c Alnrkct. NEW YO11K , June 13. DEnvns Ilecclpts , 10,000 head. Market very dull and lOc lower : nn- tlvn steers , choice , $1.85 ; good to prime , J4.C1S31 4.82'4 ; medium tn fnlr , $4 35i4.62fi ; commr.n tn ordinary. Jl.ir.ff4.25 ; oxen nnd stags , JU08I.-5 ; bulls. J2.75S3.25. ' SHEEP AND \MIJP llecelpts , 6,000 head. Market ve'y dull , but steady ; sheep , poir to choice , $2.5niit.0l ) ; lambs , medium to fair , $3.60 04.25 : no prime or choice offered. HOGS Receipts , 4,000 head. Market nominally firm' at $5.001 ; 5.50 for extreme weights. St. I.miirt General .Mill-lent. ST. LOUIS.- June 15. FLOUH Quiet , un changed. WHEAT Weak , losing &ifI9io ; No. 2 red , cash , 54'lo ; June. Sl c ; July , 65T W5Cc ; August , 55c ; September. 56c. COHN Weak ; No. 2 cash nnd June , 33'lc ; July. 38 4Q3S'Ac : September , 38Tic. OATS Down In sympathy with wheat nnd corn ; No. 2 cnsh , 47c. track ; July , 34J4c ; Au- Bust nnd September , 30c. Ri'IS Nothing doing. 1JARLEY Nothing doing. DRAN 4e Uil , east track. FLAX SEED Jl.15. CLOVER SEED-C.60f7.50. TIMOTHY $3.504.09. HAY Dull ; prime to choice timothy , $8.500 ) .SO. .SO.KQOS KQOS Lower ; 7 > , ic. LEAD Firm M.10. SPELTER Held nt $3.20. CORN MEAL J2.10cff2.15. WHISKY J1.15. COTTON TIES Unchnngod. DAQGINO Unchnnged. I'ROVISIONS Slow , weak. Pork , standard mess , llrm , t2.75. Lnrd , prime steam. JC.37'i ; : holce , J6.D21. ' ' . Dry salt meats , loose shoulders , F5.87V& ; longH anil ilbs , 50.40 ; shorts , $0.62' { , . llacon. packed shoulders. $ G.7oS > 7. < X ) ; longH nnd ribs. 17.12"Iff7.25 ; shorts , $7.37Mia7.60. RECEIPTS Klour , 4.COO bbls. ; wheat , 12.0M bu. ; corn , 28.000 bu. ; oats , 9,000 bu. SHlPMENTS-Klour , 11.000 bbls. ; wheat , 10,00) ju. ; corn , 68,000 bu. ; outs , 10,000 bu. Wool .Market. DOSTON , Mass. , June 15. The American Wool ind Cotton Repoitcr says of the wool market : The steadily IncicnsInK depression lias cnuswl me or two houses to be free sellers al mnnti- rncturcni' prices. The feature of th < mniket : hl week 1ms been the sale , by a leading com- nlsslon house , of fully I.COI.OHO Ibs. of line nnd ! lne medium territory wools In original pnck- iges nt private terms , but which , we undci stand. ; est the put chaser close to 30c , scoured. Kully JOO.OOO Ibs. of this was tnken by a Ira'llns S'ow Knglnml woolen mill , whllo about 400,0-W bs. wns sold to another manufacturer to nr- Ivc. Aside from these transactions , the rn'ot mvo been hmnll nnd ecatlercl except In one nstnnce , wheic another prom'nent hou'e sol 100 Ibs. of fine nnd Hue median Utah on a slightly ilgher scoured basis. hashed fleeces have not ret coino forwnid , nnd prices for these new voolH cnnnot now be named. Drlght , unwnthml neillum wools are greatly lacking demand In his mnrket nt present. Texas , f'nllfornla nnd Oregon wools nru very quiet , while pulled wool , \ustrnllnn and carpet selections shine In the ; eneial cluliness. The m\cs \ tor the week In loston aggregate 1 , 92COJ Ibs. domestic nnd .74.000 Ibs. foreign. The pales since January 1. 894 , have been 65.077.700 His. , naalnst Cl,41.l.4'0 i year ngo. The Bales In New Yoik aggregate 175,000 Ibs. The sales In Philadelphia nggicsntc 22.000 Ibs. ST. LOUIS , June 15.VOOIr Firm , quiet at ecrnt advance. Demand brisk for combing voolH and others on that order. Now Orleans ( irnoiiil JMnrltot. NR\V ORLEANS. June 15. I'ROVISIONH Steady. Pork , $13.25. Lard , refined tierce. 15.60. lox meats , shoulders , IC.12',4 ; sites , $0.75. Dicon. IH-H. $7.62' ' , Ham , choice sugar cured , lO'.ii/i ' / O'Jc. RYE Firm : ordinary to good , 43T4W14ll4c. COKPEE-Qulet ; Rio to low fair , tl7.IViiiTll.QO. FLOUR Firmer ; cxtia fancy , J2.80C2.90 ; r t- nts , J3.10fi3.l'0. CORN MEAI-Steady nt $2.20i2.30. . No. 2. sacked mixed 61G52c PORN Finn : * ' It. f" , , ; ellow. 62o ; white. IZtittc. OATH Firmer ; No. 2. sacked , 410. 1IRAN Quiet at MlfiKZVvO. HAY Hosed easy ; prime , JI3.OOffll4.00 ; choice , lS.ooSfl3. & ' ) , Kl'GAll Firm ; Lotilslnnn , open kettle , prime a strictly prime. 3n ; common to fullv fair , S-lCeff2 13-lGc ; rcnlrlfugnl off white. . " ? t /l ll-10c : rime yellow clnrltled. : % { | ' 3hu ; off clnrltloJ , 3 f3'ie ; K'conds , 2(3 ( l-1Cp. MOLASSES CentrlfUKnl. prlmn to strictly rime , Wtllo ; fair to prime. StiOe ; good corn- ion , C i7c ; poor to common , 3'f4c. ' . t.'ottnu AlarUnt. NEW ORLEANS. June 13. COTTON-S.ilef. pot. KOO bules ; to arrive , 3V ) bales ; i-celpts , 1M7 bnles ; stock , 8S.f31 bnleu. 'ill urea quiet nnd steiuly ; sales , 11- )0 bales ; June , J6.98. nominal ; July , ! .t 6i6.l ? > 8 ; August , JC.9G&G.97 ; September , JC.iOO ! 91 ; October , J6.9MJG.U3 ; Noveinh-r. J7.(0ii7.'ll ; lecember , J7.00i&7,07 ; January , J7.12O7.13j Febru- JS . < ry , J7.18 bid. - Srik-iir .llurkrt. LONDON , June U , HVQAH Cnm > , steady , 43 ! ltd on upwaid tendency ; centrifugal Java , 1 Is 3d ; Muscovado fair roHnlng , 12-H Cd. 1 NEW YORK , June 13. SUGAR Raw llrm ; ales , 5,720 1'iilfH centrifugal , OS lett , 3c , and ,976 , bags inoliusea sugar , 89 test , at 2Kc , c. f. ; bu ellned llrm. Oil Miirkotii. ba OIL CITY , To. , Juno 15. National Transit cer- llcates opened at HO ; hlghcat , i'O'i ' ; loue < t , (9Ki loved at & 9Hi shlpmrnts , CC.C47 bbls , ; run * , Hi i'lTTHIUJRO , Pa. , June 15. National Transit priinciitea opened at b'Jli ; closed at Ki ) high- si * st , 89J4 ! lowt-m , S9H ; nu sales. Juwl 'I'rluro Wheat Ituofutloni , wl BAN FRANCISCO , Jun 15. WHEAT Dull ; 3T. iccember , $1.07',4 ; May , $1.13. 3T.K | > illl JlHuclientcr Textile * . MANCHESTER , Juno 15. Cloth and , yarns nn , with a fair demand. de tin Seen tbo new balloon jretT This eve at 8. ne Serai-Annual Inventory Sale , THE GBEATEST SALE over hold IN I WWi , IJ MHWMMHHHKHM in Omnhn or any other city. $250,000 worth of goods nt cost and tumor. Special onlo on ovorytiilnp ; . 1,500 , pictures ut one-third rogulnr pricos. Furtilturo , Curpots , Stoves , Dnby Carriugca , Hofrlgorntura , Gnaolino Stoves , etc. , nlnnat olvon nwuy. IHi ? attractions in tiio Parlor Furniture Department. Space prevents showing nioro than one , but It is only a sample of how everything oho ! s being sold. S Pieces EXACTLY LIKE PICTURES Oak frame , finished antique , in bro- catellc , plush or tapestry , and worth every cent ot $40.00 , for T Formerly People's Mammoth Instillnieni : Hou 3. Close Evenings , excepting Mondays and Saturdays. sassaKzaa IAY PRICES ON THE UPTURN Sharp Advance Noted on the Omaha Market During the Week. CARCITY OF SUPPLY IS THE REASON 'ailing On In Tlecolpts Quickly Followed by Raise In Quotations Uoulcre Hardly Anticipate u Fninlnc The Sltuiitlou. During the past three or four days th ay market has taken a sharp turn , up , -ard. owingto a decided falling off In tin ecelpts. This , however , Is nothing unusual s prices are very apt to tulvnnce during before the ne lie spring or early summer rep Is cut. Three years ago there was an ndvnnci i March thnt reached a rather unusmi xtreme for this market , the price In a fev ays golnnr above $20 per ton. As the con Ition of the roads Improved nnd the farm rs were enabled to get their hay Into mar et the price went oft rapidly nnd wa ; 3on down to nbout the normal point. Thnt owever , was a season of surprises In the ay market , and Inter In the summer , while 10 fanners wore haying , there came on a icccsslon of rnln storms that cut off sup lies. Again the mnrket went up to ram Thnt season hay wns shipped to Omnhn om as far south ns Indian Territory. ho early flilppcrs made money , but need oed many who got In nt the break lost cavity. When , the market commenced to 0 down It went rapidly , the price soitie- mcs being $1 per ton lower than on the : iy previous. Hay that was bought to > ll for $ M brought us low ns from $8 to \VhIle 0)my ) Is one of the most ynltinble ' . farm crops , It Is not , ns a rule , very Idely distributed from the point of pro- action , Its great bulk rendering trnns- jrtutlon to great distances costly. A very rge proportion of all the hay used In ils market comes from Holt county. The ly district starts In about Kwlng and ctcnds Into Hock county. It Is In this strict that tlio best upland liny Is pro- iced , which commands the top price on ils market. This hay Is brought Into malm by the Klkhorn , which does the oat of the bay business In Nebraska. Some considerable liny Is cut on the liitte bottoms near Fremont , and on the iHHOiirl lowlands near Teknmah. This wland liny Is very coarse am does not rmmand as much money on the market 1 the liner upland hay. The conrso hay. iwever. has Its friends , and Borne heavy cders will use no other , claiming that It better for horses than the upland. Alfalfa liny , which Is grown to a conslder- ) le extent In the western part of tli state. IB not found Its way to this market yet. Is better calculated for rcodlnp cattle an horses , as It Is very fattening , but it strengthening. In California , whore It grown extensively , they feed their horivcs i barley hay. The barley Is cut while 111 Kreon and cured like hay , thus making hiit In this Htiito would be culled only u SnWft Millie a little timothy ly llnds Its way to this city , but not ough Is received to make a market. In e. eastern status timothy l the great inilliy and Is always preferred for horses. over buy Is a great favorite In the cust th sheep and cattle , but Is seldom seen this country. The- New York farmer juld term Nebraska lowland buy uwnmp ass , or slough grass. IMIhvnukfo MnrkrU. III.WAUKBn , Juno 15. I'l-GUIl Dull and V1IKAT I ewer and wenk ; No. 2 spring , Me ; . l northern , Clc , . . . . : OHN-ln fair demand ; No. 2 , 41'i < * . IATR HlKher ; No. 2 while , 44'ic ; NO. 3 white , LHY Klrni ! No. 2. C4',4c : uninnle , IYK Kteiidy und rjuleti No. I. 60V e. 'IIOV18IONS ' Urooplne. Pork. 112.20. Lard , 10 tRPKIITH Klour , 11,300 bbla.j wheat , 39,000 illl'MKNTH Flour. 21,703 bbla. ; wheat , none ; ley , none , r Liverpool Mur : < rt * . iIVBItPOOU Juno 15.-WHKAT-Cloi.lnif ! By ; demand imorj No. 3 red. winter , 4 Cd. OIIN Hltuily ; demand moderate : new m'xcd , > t , 3 1M ; future * , Ntrndy ; demund mo.lurnlu . ; le. 3n Sdj July , 3 8\d : AuKimt , 8 hi , 'I.OUH Hteudy ; demand | > oor ; Ht. I/JUI , fnlr tier , ( . Gd. 'HOVINIONH ' iJinl. dull ! ilemnnd iwor : t pot. Gd ; future * , no demand. Pork , dull ; deiiurrid ir ; prime menu , wcitern , 67n Cd ; prime me- m , M Gd. _ Now York Dry ( Jooil Murkot. IK\V YOIUC. Juno 15. In the jrfnerally quin nnnd that im prevailed for ntuple cotton * ro mn Iweri no change , nnd only a modrrntn ir builneim wu done. On former I'Urchaim ' tTRlBIMIUtr l RKGISURED , , Made a well Man of IN DIP OX 1 THE CIIKATilL - - HINDOO REMEDY romivcES TIIK JIDOVK % 1 Nurv aus DNeafiC' * , KullliM ? Memory | wmtenpiinrniilcclo cure or money n-fi.Mdcd Don't billon rmltatUin fml Insl.t on ha" l.\lAi > o if rourdrucnrteiliiitiiotirotlt e wll icncllt preuald Oriental AUdlrM Co. . CIIIM60 , ILL. , oMkfft"f 60iU hy Knhn.t Co.Cor. ISth nml Uoui > ) aMflti. . nnd J. A. ! uller & Co. , ( Jor llln A louclat St . . OJU1I At General Oillce of the Chicago , Saint Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad Company. St. I'aul , Jllnn. , June 9 , 1SDI. In compliance with the statutes of the stute of Nebraska we , the undersigned , the president nnd a majority of the directors , hereby give no * . , tlce that nil the existing debts of the Chl cacjo. Saint I'aul , Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad company , on the 30th day of April , 1801 , were as follows : Honded debt . $21,092,80000 floating debt . 285,393,85 Total debt . J24,379,1SD,93 MAHVIN I1UOIIITT , President. MAHTIN L. BYKHS , Director , DAVID I' . KIMHALU Director. THO.MAS WILSON , Director. 13. W. WINTKIl , Director. J. A. IIUMKIItD , Director. I1YHON 1 . SMITH , Director. J. M. WHITMAN , Director.JIG JIG dlt mil ST. Con be carried on with Usrfo profits und llttli risk by Joining our Co-Opuratlvo Jftillroad Block Syndicate. Aver. i ; prnllt nf SO per cunt n month nriiiMl HIMI | ii ; | ( | to the HiilMcrlhent for u.iitc B x inontlin. IIlBhest rererences. Prospectus , Rlvlne dctnll- cd Information of oour perfect system , mollcil WEINMAN & CO , , Stock and Grain Frokora , No. 41 Itriuiilwiiy Nc\v York- City WM , LOTTDOU , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Private wires to Chlcneo nnd Now York. All business orders placed on Chicago LlourJ cj Trude. , Correspondence eollclted. Orrice , room 4 , New York Llfo Tclephonu 13U3. li'llvcile.s nrn tnltlnp n Rrent mmy : gondH. kVuoIcn Ko-xl" , In very light ierucst. | Kor iiitunin prlntH , itliiKhninK , cotton dre.8 Koodn , nilloH' duck sultlnKx nnd other KpoclnltleH , thorn VHH mnro biiHlneiiH dnlnk. 1'rlntliiR cloths dull it 2 11-lCo for Gl siunit' . Cure Indigestion and blllioiunets leWltt'i Little Karly Illiuri. Crowds are growltV at Courtland beach , j