TUB OMAHA DAILY J3KE ; SAUTKDAY , JUNK 1(5 ( , 185)1. ) f THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL ULUFFS. OFFICD - - NO. 12 1'EAHL STREET Delivered ! > r enrrler to any P rt of ( ho cltr. 11. W. TILTON , Lessse. ctr.ce , NO. 41 ; night auor , NO. a. County warranti cashed at par by Citizens BUtc bank. The Council muff * district of the Methodist church conference will bo held In Uunlap Juno 26-28. Miss Nellie Coker entertained twelve yo'ing lady friends at tier horns on Lincoln avenue J'huraday evening. The High School cadets will meet at the High tchool building ut 2:30 : p. m. sharp today. II y order of the captain , Prank Cnpell. The trial of Adolph Ilachwltz on tlio charge of burglarizing Hen Marks' house at .Man- awn occupied the district court all day yes terday. The musical and llttrary entertainment of the Hastcrn Slur has been postponed from the 15th to the 22d lust. Extended notion will be given later. The Knights of Pythias will hold their decoration day services In their hall Sunday afternoon at 1:30 : , All vlslt'ng knights In the city are Invited , All members of Dluffs Division No. 27 arc commanded to meet nt store of C. A. Tib- bits , 207 South Main street , this evening at 8 o'c'ock sharp. By order ol captain. The Graduating class of the High tchool , together with several of the teachers , wore entertained last Thursday evening at the residence of Miss McKezic : on the Chautau- qua road. Pilgrim Sisters academy No. 1 meet In regular session at 8 o'clock this evening In their rooms In the Browse building. There will bo Initiations , after which refreshments will bo served. Attention , G. A. R. ! All members of Abe Lincoln post arc requested to be present ut headquarters this evening. Bus iness of Importance requiring attention. F. A. Sackett , Commander. A picnic party of members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen Is expected to arrive from Omaha today to spend the day taking In the beauties ef Falrmount park. It Is thought about COO will attend. Miss Ida Clothier of Boston , a worker In the Interests of the National Women's Chris tian Temperance union and the Christian Endeavor society , will speak both mcrnlng and evening1 at the First Baptist church to morrow. All comrades and ex-union soldiers who are not In attendance at the encampment as posts are cordially Invited to fall In with Abe Lincoln post during the * grand parade and review on the 20th. F. A. Sackett , Commander. All members of corqpany L , Third regi ment , I. N. G. , are hereby ordered to report in full dress uniform at the armory at 12:30 : p. m. on Wednesday , June 20 , to take part In the Grand Army of the Republic parade. By order of W. E. Tltchlson , captain. John , the 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Adams , died of consumption at the family residence , 324 Stutsman street , after an Illness of six months. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Christian church , Kev. E. W. Allen offi ciating. Ilegular meeting of Council No. 1 , Com mercial Pilgrims of America , this evening at 8 o'clock sharp. Every member requested to be present. Initiation and arranging to take part In traveling men's celebration on July 4. II. J. McBrlde , W. P. ; W. A. Travis , secretary. The regular annual banquet of the High School Alumni association was given In Woodmen hall last even'ng. About 150 per sons were present , and n very attractive program of speeches and musical selections was rendered. After the banquet was over dancing was Indulged In. Ed Fees , a blcyclo repairer , was In Omaha Thursday night with a party of friends , all of them with bicycles. One of the tires blow up * with a tremendous report while FdoV hfln'fls'Avero'Yery-ciDpe' The explosion- tore up the sand In the street and filled both his hands with pebble stones , Inflicting several painful Injuries. Charles Hlnklc , Elmer Long , John Gray , JJIclc and Jake Bethers. Fred ; Ricketts , George Waddell and I. Delany , the boys who were fined $9.60 each for creating a dis turbance on the Manawa motors , paid the balance of their respective fines yesterday and were released. They had had a good chance to find out what the way of the trans gressor was like , and twenty-four hours on a bread and water diet , with no possibility of a raid on the maternal cookie jar , had weak ened them considerably. Betty Crclghton and her little child came to town a few dayji ago and took up lodgings at the house of a woman named Moseley , near the corner of Second avenue and Thir teenth street , until she could get a place to work. She only stayed one day , and when iho went back after her belongings she found Mrs. Moseley had taken all of her clothing and that of her baby In payment of the rent. She swore out a search warrant In Justice Pox's court and the stolen property , amountIng - Ing to about $15 worth , was found and brought Into court , where the case will be tried this morning at 9 o'clock. Irene Osborne , a lady who formerly lived In Emmett county , but who has been living for some time past with Mr ; . Stannard of this city , was brought away by thq latter from the Insane asylum at Independence on account of her claim that she had been abused. Yesterday Mrs. Stannard brought her before the Insane commissioner * and wanted her taken to Clarlnda , as she had found that an Insane person In the house was an expensive luxury. The commission ers refused to take charge of her and di rected that Mrs. Stannard either keep her or send her back to Independence , In order that Emmet county might take care ot her. Good times are coming. Buy a home * while you can get It cheap. Wo write fire Insurance In the best companies. Also loan money for local Investors. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. Wood. 1,000 cords of wood for sale. Delivered In carloads only ; also bur oalc posts. Ad- drest L. E. Williams , Glenwood , la. No fake advertising or false promises at Plerco'a shoe store , but. real bargains. Washerwomen use Domestic soap. C. G. Saunders Is back from Chicago. Mrs. A. E. Deems leaves today for a visit with friends In Adalr , la. John Merkel has come homo to spend his summer vacation with his parents on Wash ington avenue. Hey Campbell Is homo for his summer va cation. Ho Is attending theShattuck school - at Farlbault , Minn. Miss Dora Dunham of Omaha Is In the city for a few days , the guest of Miss Mary 8. Bryant , at her home on Stutsman street. A. W. Askwlth returned yesterday form Kearney , Neb. , where he spent several days engaged In a hard legal fight In a $20,000 civil suit , growing out of a recent commercial failure there. I , N. Fllcklnger returned yesterday from a four days' trip to O'Neill , Neb. , and that vicinity. He states that the whole north western part of Nebraska Is burned up by the drouth and crops are a complete failure. Fred Grass 1ms returned from Grlnnell , where he was attending college. Ho was accompanied by Miss Sadie. Ilalnes of Grin- liell and Mrs. H. C. Dye and Miss Dora Grass , who attended commencement exer cises. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Treynor and son , Al bert , returned yesterday morning from De troit , where Mr. Treynor attended the meet ing of the supreme lodge of the Itoyal Ar canum. They alto visited their former home , Goshen , Ind. , In company with H. G. P. Ogllnger and Mrs. McKunc , who are still there. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gas cooking atove * for rent and for sale at Gas Co' ofllce. Mr * . Nlles , m'f'r stamping pattern * . The laundries use Domestic soap. 4 Grand Plaza picnic grounds. Grand Plaz * . bathing beach. SEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS County Prosecutor Given a Llttlo Lesson in Criminal Law. HUSBAND AND WIFE ARE ONE PERSON Judge l.tMvln Hold ) thin to lie True unit So Uliclinrgcft tir ! MrUcrs , Wlio riVera Held for Con plricy to JJluckumll. As stated In The Bee yesterday morning , the attorneys for Mr. and Mrs. Melzcr , charged with attempting blackmail , de manded the discharge of their clients be cause they were husband and wife , and being one for Illegal as well as legal purposes could not be guilty of .conspiracy. Yesterday morning Judge Lewis decided the cute In favor of the defendant ? , and Mr. and Mm. Mel/er were discharged. The o Is another Ind c ment p ndlng against the pair , the charge being malicious threats to extort money. But this charge Is weak , so Attorney Organ says , In that Melzer did not demand any money of ) Jr. Mulhcrti , but simply demanded satisfaction. x nno.s. Fntiinlny'K Illu Sate. Special bargains all day Saturday and a big sale Saturday evening. 200 ladles' laundered French percale shirt waists , worth $1.50 , Saturday $1.00 each. Ladles' $1.00 quality tinlaundcr > d French percale shirt waists , Saturday Me each. Tremendous reductions In wash dress goods. 1,000 ladles' Jersey ribbed yests , extra fine quality , was 20c and 23c , Saturday at 12 > , Jc and 15c each. All our children's gauze vests , all sizes , was 25c and COc , now all at one price , loc each. IlIBBONS NEARLY GIVEN AWAY. Beautiful silk sash ribbons at 15c yard , worth COc. SOO pieces all silk ribbons , again Saturday at Gc , lOc and 15c yard , not 14 or U their actual value. SPECIAL SHIUT SALE. 500 gents' outing flannel shirts at lOccach. Boys' outing flannel shirts , Saturday , 15c each. Saturday we offer all our gents' $1.50 laundered French percale shirts , neat , tasty styles , two collars and one pair of cuffs , Saturday they go at $1.00 each. All our boys' $1.50 Fauntleroy shirt waists go at 9Sc each. Spend your money where a dollar gees farthest. DENNISON BKOS. , Council Bluffs. Conllict llctwcrii l.mvg. The question of the legality of ordinances of the city regulating the keeping of dis orderly houses was brought up In pllce court yesterday morning , when several women were given a trial. There is a state law against keeping such places , and the punishment prescribed Is imprisonment in the peniten tiary. The city ordinance punishes the of fense by the payment of a monthly fine. The attorneys for the defendant' claimed the city had no right to pass ordinances In con flict with the state laws , and tried to get their clients dismissed , but to no purpose. Not caring to try the merits of their claim City Attorney Hazelton dismissed the prose cution he had commenced , and filed another Infermation in Justice Fox's court charging a violation 'of "lhestaf6"lav > T'Wlll < rh means a term In the penitentiary If the charge Is proved. This puts a new phase on the situ ation , and it now remains to be seen how the offenders will relish the construction of the law by their attorneys. The two women against whom the state proceedings have been commenced are Mrs. Jones and Jennie Williams. Grand 1'lnzii , Lake Grand Plaza will be open to free admis sion every day up to noon. From noon until midnight an admission fee of 10 cents will be charged , which will admit to grounds and to concerts and all entertainments. No return checks will be given. No person of questionable character will bo permitted to enter the grounds. No admittance to Grand Plaza will be charged to persons who desire to rent boats or bathing suits. Ice cream and refreshments served In the pavilion of Grand Plara. _ Ili'pulillcnit I'rlnmrlrs. This evening the republicans of Council Bluffs will hold primaries In the various wards for the purpose of selecting delegates to the county convention to' bo held next Thursday , Juno 21. The following are the places for holding the caucuses this evening : First Ward Wheeler & Herald's and se lect eight delegates. Second Ward Council chamber , city buildIng - Ing , and select ten delegates. Third Ward Over 415 Broadway and se lect nine delegates. Fourth Ward County court house and se lect eight delegates. Fifth Ward At 1C30 Fourth avenue and select ten delegates. Sixth Ward Shubert's hall , West Broad way , and select seven delegates. Cutting u New Channel. For the past two week's the "Big Muddy" has been making a big cut Into the farms along Its banku south of town , but while It has taken some big- slices they are small compared to the big cuts T. B. Hughes of 919 Main street has made Into the trade of his uptown competltlors. Ho has made a great cut In his former prices of men's underwear , straw hats and fine shoes. A visit will convince you that when It comes to big cuts even the "Big Muddy" has to fall down. _ TlH-y Still i.lvc. Dutch Boylngton and Dick Webster are In Jail again , this time on the charge of trying to break Into and enter the dwelling house of N. Collier , 1413 Avenue K. Collier was paid off Thursday night , and claims that a female friend of one of these two young men saw him pay a part of his wages cut and put her admirer onto the silver trail. At 1 o'clock yesterday morning two men came around lib. dwelling and tried to get In , first at the door and then at the window , but the first was locked and when the vis itors tried the second he held it down from the Inside EO that they had to leave as poor as they came. He claims he recognized them both and swore out an Information upon which both were arrested during the forenoon. _ l.uko Mnnutnt Itiillnuy Tlmo Caret. Commencing Saturday , June 9 , trains will leave Council Bluffs for Grand Plaza , BathIng - Ing Beach and Picnic Grounds at Lake Man awa as follows : No. 1 , 9 a. m. ; No. 3 , 10 a , in. ; No. 5. U a. m. ; No. 7 , 12 m. ; No. 9 , 1 p. m. ; No. 11 , 2 p. m. Trains will run every twenty-two minutes thereafter until 10 p. m. Iteturn trains will leave Manawa on the halt hours up to 10:30 : , when they will re turn every twenty-two minutes. There's only one bargain shoo store In Council Bluffs , and It's Herce's. Afternoon and night concerts at Grand Plaza , 2 to C and from 7 to 10. Paris green , 25c. Davis , the druggist. Muro of Krnotllv' * Crookeilntu * . J. W. Templeton returned yesterday from Adalr county with tli * horse and saddle that were stolen from 'his farm east of the City by Charles Kenodle last November. The outfit had been bought by the man In whose possession It was at a public auction for $10. Mr. Templeton found that Kenodle had committed a couple of other thefts besides what had already been heard of. He worked for a farmer near Anita for a day or two , and borrowed a homo from hl employer. The MkJIMU PIG REDUCTION Stock ON Surplus Surplus Stock AT LOW PRICES. BOSTON STORB , BOSTON STORE We have just reached the most interesting part of this season's trade , that , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1A. is reducing- SURPLUS STOCK. Having1 just taken detailed account of COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. surplus gpods , found we are overloaded in the following lines ; HOSIERY , WASH GOODS UNDERWEAR LADIES' ' \ T f t T r * r * r * A TV T tv i T t n T rt rrtnr TT A r i i _ . i i i , , 'WAISTS , AND SUN UMBRELLAS , which must be reduced before we can contemplate our fall buy ing. The most important feature of the sa'cill > 'be the extremely low prices put on all surplus goods , and will certainly be appreciated by all purchasers. .Hosiery 5c children's ribbed hose , broken sizes , sold for lOc a pair. 12i c will buy the best hose ever offered at that price ; all sizes , medium and narrow rib , seamless foot and extra long. 15c a pair Is the price of our 20c hose , all sizes , C to 9 > ,4 , extra value. 3 for 50c. Don't fall to see this number , regular 25c stock , 2x2 , rib and very clastic. LADIES' HOSE. 17c , In Esty patent and pin stripe hose , good values , try them. 19c , Is the biggest value ever offered by us ; ask for them ; onyx brand ; full , regular made ; only 3 pair to a customer. 25c will buy our 33c number ; we put this price In at 23c rather than buy more stock. 3 for $1.00. The biggest assortment of goods ever offered at the price ; cleaning up stock and must go ; see Hsles , Ingrains , bootes , plains and Yancles sold as high as Hosiery. horse has never been recovered. He stayed over night with another farmer In Adalr county , and when the farmer arose the next morning he found a team of horses and his new-found boarder had disappeared together. Will I'rosccute n Koail Ilofir. Al Wells , a ealoon keeper , will have the honor of being the first "road hog" to bo prosecuted by the Ganymede Wheel club , or for that matter by any wheel man In Council Dluffs. Last evelng he was driving up from the driving park when he met sev eral wheelmen on their wheels. He refused to give up his share of the road , and stopped his horse In a way that showed the wheel men that he was spoiling for grief. Some vile epithets were applied to all the Oany- medes generally , and hauling off , he struck W. H. Ulgdon with a whip over the head. For a few minutes It looked as though there might be a fight , but the cyclers changed their minds and decided to prosecute him legally. An Information was filed by Hidden In Justice Vlen's court and Wells will bo given a chance to ex plain himself today. Special -Millinery Sato. Miss Ragsdale , 10 Pearl street , will sell nicely trimmed Leghorn hats for $1.25 , former prlco $2.60 ; best hats at $5.50 , former price $10.00. This week. We want everybody to know that Morgan sells paints and drugs. 134 and 742 Broadway. Domestic soap breaks hard water. Grand Plaza telephone 45. Dainniful a Itlvcr. John and Isaac Cllnkenbeard , the former SO years of age , were arrested yesterday on an Information filed In Justice Fox's court charging them with putting a dam In the Doyer river near Honey Creek statlcn In such a way aa to prevent the fish from passIng - Ing through. David Forsythe was the com plainant. The case will come up for a ju dicial Investigation next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. _ Genuine lightning Ice cream freezers $1.43 up ; lamp stoves 75c ; 2-burner gasoline stoves $2.93. All EUinmer goods must go at Cole's hardware store. Kvmis Laundry Company. B20 Pearl street. Telephone. 290. Prize * for Munlc. The executive committee of the G-and Army encampment have decided to offer prizes for the best music furnished by bands outsldo of Council Bluffs next Tuesday. A prlzo of $25 will bo given the best band and a fine flag , Cxl2 feet In size , the second. It Is hoped that these Inducements will bring a number of outside bands to the city. Another new machlno has been received at the Eagle laundry. It's a collar and cult Ironer. Telephone 157. Manager of Grand Plaza can understand 22 languages. So all nations will feel at home. _ Opened n Kafo. Oscar Younkerman's store , 1C2 Broadway , was burglarized Thursday night and about $200 In cash stolen. The burglars forced open the rear window with a shovel and had no difficulty In getting Into the safe by breaking open the door ot the cash box. There Is no clew to the thieves. None of the papers In the safe were disturbed. "Ho that does not visit Grand Plaza know. est nothing , and will be for all time to coma branded a traitor to enterprise. " Bugene. How far will a $ go ? Long ways at S. A. Plerco & Co. ' s shoe store. MeycrS'Durfee Furniture company , 330-335 Broadway. Bargains In fine furniture. < lun Club Shoot. The following Is the ottlclnl score of the Thursday shoot of the Council Bluffs Gun club , blue rocks being the birds shot at : Carlisle. 23 out ot 25 ; Hart , 23 out of 25 ; Everett , 24 out of 25 ; Piper , 49 out of 60 ; llfri'EliIein , Cl out of 75 ; KIngsbury , 39 out of 50 ; Parsons , 48 out ot CO. Grand Plaza excursion accommodations can't bo beaten. Grand PUua'B fine row boats ore all the Domestic coup outlast * cheap toap. Shot ThrouKli Iho KooU John Wlatt was busily engaged In shoot- lug rats last evening when he missed his lasli Goods , Gc challlcs , In light colors , for this sale I 10 yards for 19o 1 For So a yard we offer our regular 12V percale , full 30 Inches wide. At S' , c we Include a big line of sateens shantong , pongees and pineapple tissue all regular 12',4c goods. 1 3c a yard buys the best quality of prints standard goods , worth 60 At 4c a yard we offer a special drive In outing flannels , well worth Sc a yard. ALL WOOL CHALLIES. All our 45c and 50c all wool challles for this sale 31c. aim and one of the bullets went through his foot. A painful wound was Inflicted. For cobs go to Cox , ) 10 ilnin street. Tele phone 48. Grand Plaza's cornet band beats them all. CHANGED'THfi 13ATE. Itcnsons 'Why Populist State Convention JIiis ISrcn I'oitponcd. The executive committee of the people's party of Nebraska held a meeting yesterday afternoon at Lincoln and changed the date of their coming state convention from August 15 to August 24. Chairman Deaver returned to Omaha last evening , after the action had been taken , and said : "When our committee fixed upon August 15 we did not know that that date had been covered by the Grand Army reunion of the southeast district of Nebraska , which meets August 13 to August 17 , and as there are a great many In that district and over the state who want to at tend both meetings we decided that It was best to make the change. Before doing so , however , wo sent a blank to every one of our state commlttcemen to vote upon the question , and a large majority voted to change the date out of respect to the large number of old soldiers that affiliate with our party. " FOItKCAST. Fair for 'Nebraska , Preceded by Hnrly Morning Showers In the Kastern Portion. WASHINGTON , June 15. The Indications for Saturday are : For Nebraska Fair , preceded In the early morning by showers In the eastern portion ; probably warmer in the western portion ; variable winds. For Missouri Showers ; slightly cooler In the southeast portion ; ( southeast winds. For South Dakota Probably fair ; van- able winds. For Iowa Showers ; slightly cooler ; vari able winds. Far Kansas Generally fair , preceded In the early morning by showers In the east ern portion ; probably slightly warmer In the northwest portion ; variable winds. TEHMltA I'lllC JtltlHFS. The Maine populists have nominated C. D. Chapman In Boutelle's district. On account of the prevailing disturb ances Jewish merchants are leaving Mo rocco. The Baltimore & Lehlgh road was sold yesterday to one of the bondholders for $250,000. Captain Smith Moore , one of the oldest living lake sailors , died yesterday at Mar- quettc , Mich. The Canadian steamer St. Magnlce , which went on the rocks near Duluth , has been hauled off badly damaged. The Itlchmond & Danville road was sold yesterday to a purchasing committee rep resenting Urexel , Morgan & Co. Hunk ! Matsukl , a native Jau , educated In this country , was yesterday married at Boston to Miss Martlut Putnam Meacom. Marlon Pickering and 'Blmon Booker , col ored , were yesterday given life sentences at Jeffersonvllle , In1.or / the murder of Stephen Gcer. Republicans on thej.liiuse elections com mittee filibustered yekUrday and prevented a report on the Fiiruton-Maney ) contest from Kansas. ( _ , 3 : , Informer Sill continued his testimony in regard to armor Tntulls yesterday. It wan merely a technical elaboration of his testimony the day before. The Master Car I/uUders' / association , In session at Saratoga yesterday , completed the revision of the cade of rules , touching the Interchange of ( nitric. Judge Payne of Chicago nan Intimated he will grant Prendergast no further stay of execution. If he .sets a stay It must come from the suprim < j.court. Several hundred Whalers at Mnndan , N. D. , forced their way .past ie bridge guards and crossed the river. Tl % army at Steele boarded a train and got out of town. Two hundred and llffy.Coxeyltes have ar rived at Bismarck by 'boat and say they will go east from there by rail. They are camped near the track watting for a train. U IH authoritatively iitated the Ohio Southern , Cleveland , Akron & Columbus , Cincinnati , Lebanon & Northern roads are to be consolidated In pursuance of the , late Ives' plan. A movement has been started 'to establlnh a Catholic summer school of philosophy nt Chicago , which IB strongly antagonized by thOM- Interested In the school at Platu- Imrir. N. Y. Henry Newman & Co. , wholesale clothing- dealers In New York City , who failed re cently , have made a proposition to pay GO cents on the dollar. Creditors are con sidering1 It. Mrv. M. A. Downing of Santa Fe took a walk to the foot hllTa day before yester day , accompanied by her 4-year-old son. She become absorbed in a book and the 8ifn Umbrellas , Four special numbers worthy of your at tention. 76c Umbrella Is the befct ever offered and comes marked B. U. I. A. And means best umbrella In America for the price. $1.23 is the price we offer the new corolo silk , a guaranteed umbrella , well worth $1.75. $1.93 * entitles you to a flno English silk serge. md selected acacia handles ; same goods sold is high as $3.00. $2.75 3uys the swell thing of the season. Siin Umbrellas , FOR THE Insane In churzo of the Sisters Of Morcy. This renowned Institution Is sltuntod on th9 hluh bluffs line < of and overlooking the city of Connull Ululfd. The sp icloui grounds. Its hlith location and splendid view , nrike It u most pleaslnj retro-it for the nflliutcd. A stiff of om nentpbyslulunsiind a lar a carp * nf ex pcrleucod nurses minister to the comforts cf ho patients. Bpoclul card cl von to ludy pa tents. TERMS MODERATE. For particulars anplsr to SISTER SUPERIOR Frank Strest - - - CoavJl BliTs , Ion HAVE YOU S' .EV THE LIGHT THE KEW HOME DOG At 337 Ilio.idwny ? He Is the prototype of S-owlns Machine , the swiftest , lightest run- riliiir and best tlicrolson unrtli , the ivImiiTof all Hrst awards at thu World's r.-dr. Thuro nro no others just us t'ood , and they : ire iho cheap est In thu imirkut , ranging from J10.6U 10 JG5.00 , on cusy terms. THE -WEEKLY BEE FFEE for one year with every machine. The bust nmclilno and thu best m-wsoupur uo together. You got belli chuupust of.y. .y. T. ifixir.ii' . 337 Itroudwiy , Council lllulfs. Typewriter supplies and typewriters for salu or runt , little fellow strayed away. Falling to find him she raised the alarm and yester day a party of searchers found the body. The child evidently died from fright. Charles H. Schroeder , a prominent Galveston - veston teal estate agent , was arrested yes terday charged with forcing signatures to notes and deeds of trust aggregating $17- 000. 000.It It Is stated at Lexington that the Chesa peake & Ohio road Intends to dispense with the sen-lees of Colonel Brecklnrldge as their attorney on the ground that his services are no longer valuable. The Cosmopolls society , a colonization an- Boclatlon organized by the labor unions of Chicago , has bought 2,500 acres of land near Jlerced , Cal. , for $75,000 , on which the society will locate a colony. The United States consul at Belfast re ports the largest tobacco factory In the world Is being erected there. He thinks the American tobacco trade with Great lirltaln can be greatly Increased. The report sent out from Los Angeles to the effect a son of H. R. Nicholson , a prominent railroad man , had been arrested for forgery. Is pronounced untrue. The man arrested Is no relation to the railroad man. The evidence In the Bealle murder case at El Ileno , Okl. , will probably all be In today. The defense staked ItH chances on on a law point , which the court overruled , and the chances are that he will be con victed. The grand Jury of the District of Colum bia yesterday Investigated the cases of the contumacious witnesses certified up by the senate. IndlctmentH were agreed upon be fore adjournment , but have not been for mally prepared. Prominent Elks were In session at Cin cinnati yesterday nt which the plan of the battle of Jamestown was outlined. It Is expected 1-00 lodges will be represented. Ixxlgeu which have not paid their per capita tax will not bo allowed representa tion. tion.A A company has been organized at Phila delphia to put Into use the French syutem nf telephones In this country. The system will be no competition to the Bell com pany , as It Is adapted principally to use In hotels , apartment houses anil large olllce buildings. The Chicago Board of Trade Is likely to have a competitor soon , us the result of the row between the board and warehouse men. The latter propose to start an ex change of their own , to be known aa the Chicago Corn exchange. Membership in to be limited to 1,000. ' Ladies' ' Waists , At 25c wo offer an assortment of ladles' white waists that would be cheap at 39c and 50c. , j. , | , .i. jj JH11I12L 1 S9c. Every garment that sold from $1.00 to $1.50 we offer In this lot. ; i _ $1.19 buys a beautifully embroidered ladles' waist that we usually ask $2.00 for. At $1.50 wo offer a beautiful line of white waists , with colored trimmings. This In cludes all our $2.00 , $2.50 and $3.00 waists. S7c Is our price on the celebrated star laundered waists ; actual value $1.25. Ladies' ' ffaists , Underwear , At lOc u line of children's gauze under wear In all sizes , 10 to 34 , former price 15c to 35c. i ' i i.i i be. Every one tins a 5-ccnt vest , but none as good as wo offer. 10c , 12'.4c and 17c arc three special unm- bcrs ; ask to sec them ; extra value. 3 for $1.00 wo offer a fine Halo thread vest , never sold for less than COc each. C24c ! gents' Egyptian llslo underwear which we always sold for $1.00. 49c Is the price we have put on all our fine printed Jap and China silks , worth from C9c to $1.00 a yard. BIG CLEARANCE SALE OF Clothing , Gents' Furnishings and Shoes Commencine ; Saturday , June 9th , at Ourbuycr left Thursday Inst for the Eastern markets to order our Fall goods , meantime we have concluded to rcdtie our stock by a sweep ing reduction sale. If you are in doubt , come in nnJ sec us. We are the oldest clothing house in Omaha , and you can rclygn the goods and prices bcinji right. We quote a few of the cut down prices : $22.00 Men's Suits go at SI 0.50. S15.00 Men's Suits go at $7.75. $10.00 Men's Suits go at $5.50. $5.00 Men's Suits go at $2.75. Boys' Suits Out. $12.50 Boys' Suits go at SG.7S. $8.00 Hoys' Suits go at $4.50. $5.00 Boys' Suits go at $2.25. ar. Full suit Bilbriggan Underwear for 50j. White or Colored Laundered Shirts go at 5c. Men's black and tan Socks , all sizes , former price 25c , go at 10 ; . Shoes Bi a Out. $5.00 genuine Kangaroo Shoes go during this sale at $2.75. SlkOO Calfskin Shoesgo during this sale"at $2.25. ! $2.50 solid leather shoes go at $1.25. STRAW HAT PICNIC THIS WEEK AT THE WE1STEXRN CLOTHING GO , 1317-1310 Douglas Street. - - 3 Doors East from Corner 14th St. COUNCIL BLUFFS Paint , Oil and Glass Co. GLAZED SASH. Wp have I.OOO WMdowa ll slock , ma-la hy the . . A. . .Munufuuturln . . .Murphy ? Uimip'iny. No bjttor h-ish ii.in bo made , which no will Jiltizo with any Kind of nltM that you want , and dull you for less money tlrin you can bay thu uoor , sappy hush tnudu In thucuit for. Lotus j'tvo you prlcos niu u \\lll gut your order. HIGH GRADE PREPARED PAINT. Our 1'nlntcan not bo excelled for durability , beauty o finUhorcovurliiKcaDielty by anyotliur mlxud paints In th market. Our prlco Is JI.23 per gallon. 1 and 3 Fourth St. , - MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDIN } . Sloam and Hot Water Hoatlrrj for RosldoncoB and Buildings. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Main. 203 Pearl Streets , Council Bluffe , Iowa. CEO. P. SANFORO , A. W. RICKMAH , I'rcslduiit. ( Jushlur. Fifsi Nationa or COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , $100,033 Profits , 12,000 One of tliuolilm bnnkH In theutitnof Iowa Wo ttollctt your DiMlii'Mt an I colluctlorin. Wu my 5 IXTcent0:1 : tlinnilojiaiUH.Vo will lu plcau4 to fceu anil Hurvu yo J. Special COUNCIL UAUUAG * : JUMOVUU , . clilmneya clcant-d. Ud llurke , ut grocery. ! ) Uroadway. I'ABTUHAGi : . I'JIlfiT'CLASS , FOIl MO IIIIADr i mllcn noith of town ; guul nun In cliuuis. U 1 > . Juiltcn , t ) Hlxth uvuiue , or 328 Ilrunil way. Council Ilium. von SAM : , JO-ACUIJ rnujr KAIIM , wilu ) Imprcntil , clieup. Gren tilcl < Js , .Nlctiolion ic Co. Mp.NUV rOU.N'IJ. OWNIJU C-AN HAVUXAMli by calling en A. Culu-r , & 0fl Main m. J'011 HAI.I3. A FINi : J-MONTIIfi'-OLIJ JHltHinS Iiclfi-r. unil u 2-riontlu''Ol < } J r y bull , loin fllull'lo to n-KUtiy In A. J. C. C. W AJ Clroncwam | -runk mit-ol. A oooi ) ami. CAN KIND A BTKAUY PI ACIJ nt ( . ' 00.1 wae ; icvnerul tiouivwurk. ilrf U. JUcJ , U -