SPECIRL NOTICES , Advfrtl'tments for the * * eolumni will bUk n until 12 V ) p. m , for th eyenlnir and until JOT : p. m. for ibf morning nn < l Hundity edition * . Advertiser * , bv requesting n numbered check , ton h v anuwcni addressed to a numbered let ter In earn of TJicf Be * . Answer * o ndiJres'H will b delivered upon presentation of tha check. Ratm , Uie word first Innertlon , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for l i thnn l c. WANTED MALE HELP. BOLiriTORS , TEAMS FURNISHED ; INSTALL- m it goods. American Wringer Co. , 1C09 How- . " va . rd street. _ _ AGENTS. BALARY OR COMMISSION , THE greatest Invention of the age. The New Pat ent Chftnlcal Ink Era-iln * Pencil , Hells on drill. Work , like magic. AgenU Are makln * 125.00 to $125.00 per week. For further imr- tlculnrn write the Monroe Erasing Mfir. Co. , X 3A Crome , Win n 514 WANTED. HALHOMAN ! SALARY FROM tnrt , permanent Plae * . Brown Bro . Co. * , nurserymen , Chicago , III. 1J-M3S9 J22 SALESMEN WANTED. TO SELL OUJt OOOns by. namplfl to the wholesale and retail trad * , Imnlnes man or firm , nod on night to every ndvnnced for aavertl in8 llbrrnl iwlary : money . Address permanent pillion. and expense * : with tamp. King MfB. Co. , c-4'j ljjm ] j6. WANTED , TRAVELING 8ALF.SMAN TO HAN. on commtMlon.I'W J K ,11 * nulnlne-whldky commission. No llcen * rcrjulrcd. Address with reference , Quinine-Whisky Co. . LoulsvlH * . , $ * SALESMAN TO CAIinT SIDE LINE IN TIIB trade ! state what line and InrUorr. grocery Address N zl. lice. B-M9.1 10 WANTED. TEN SALESMEN : AI.SO THREE aleiladlw. Call at Bcolt house , > - PUSHING MEN TO TAKK ORDERS FOR OLD established house ; salary paid. Apply ljl Douglas. B-Ml79Jyl2 IIU8TLER. WITH SMALL CAPITAL. CAN control territory on n new nrtlelc of merit. ' " M " " Investigate at once. Prttchard. - WANTED , AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN TO cnnva country trade In a I > " clalty line. Hef- , required. Address N 43. " crenca "J _ M2M ls. WANTED , A YOUNG MAN AND HOUSE TO cirry livening Dally n e. Call at B ornce 4 p. m. _ _ _ B-M20S is _ MAN 1 1 FA C- I'M r MONTHLY GUARANTEED : ' luring concern wants a representative In Omaha ( or any city not taken ) . Must have few hun dred dollars' cash to pay * < > ' * ° ° j ! ' ° after orders are secured. F. E. 11-M20C ' . " 14 " ? building. New York. _ - WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT Vook. Mrs. Francis arable , London Court. 1th liouso from the corner of South 21th street. FIIIST CLASS COOK : TWO IN WANTED , , 2 family Call 1304 Chlcngo between hour and 4 p. m. . Mrs. Lcvl Cartln. C M181 15 * WANTED GOOD GIItL FOR GENERAL houYewoYk ; references required. 1U ) South 23th street. C 138-16' WANTED , A GOOD COOK. MRS MARSH. 8th and Pine St. , east of BrownclI haU. WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOLTSE- work. Mra. H. W. Brcckcnrldge , 1210 8. 50th avenue. C M..Q3 H' ' FOR. BENT HOUSES. FINE FLAT IN CLOUSER BLOCK AT 703 S. 16th st. : range nnd all other conveniences ; $25. George Clouser , room 2 , 1623 Farnam st. D 911 f HOUSES. F. 1C DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D 688 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis company , 1503 Farnam. D 1 > 7 C-ROOM COTTAGES. MODERN , CHOICE IN Batnford Circle. C. S. Elgutter. 204 Bee build- Ing. D-SS3 JIENTAL AGENCY , 507 BROWN BLOCK. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE , CONVENIENT , moderate rentals , best 3 and 4-room sulletf for housekeepers only. Reftrences required. Also -room suite In tenement. 818 S. 22d st. D 590 KELKENNEY&ca.R. 1. CONTINENTAI BLK. TOR RENT , $35.00 PER MONTH , 4110 LAFAYette - ette avenue , 7 rooms , furnace , bath , hot and cold water , closet , gas. electric lighting appH- nnces. etc. .Beautiful lawn , trees , etc. Fidelity Trust company. 1702 Farnam street. D E9 FOR RENT , GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM house 2621 Capitol avenue. B. H. Roblaon , room 7 , Commercial National. D 850 .TEMPLETON & PIURSON. Paxton blk. D 58 FOR -RENT. DWELLINGS IN ALL PARTS of Omaha ; call for list. B. H. Sheafe 432 Pq\ton block. D M668 FOR "RENT , DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN Council Bluffs ; call for list at Omaha office , 432 Faiton block. E. It. Sheafe. D MC67 FOR RENT , TWO 10-ROOM MODERN FLATS , cheap. J. W. Squire. ,243 , Hoe bids. D-S23 FOR RENT , 3. 4 AND 5 ROOMS. ENQUIRE C31 S. 17th avc. D 8.J-21 * FURNISHED HOUSE ON FARNAM STREET. , near 2Sth. Call at 607 Brown blocjVMM7 j . FOR RENT , DESIRABLE MODERN RESI- dcnce , 2513 Farnam. "R. C , Patterson. Rnmsa block. P-M8M " 8-ROOM FLATS CHEAP. 1413 N. ITJ"- . , HOUSES , F. D. WEAD , 1521 DOUGLAS. FURNISHED HOUSE. ALL MODERN CON- venlcncea. near Hanscom park. F. D. Wead. 16th mid Douglas. D 161 14 _ 8-ROOM HOUSE , $20 PER MONTH. NEAR High school. Inquire 261G Capitol Ave. D 167 18 * NEW FIVE-FOOM BRICK HOUSE FOR RENT cheap. Call at 2905 Parker. D M17C 14 * FURNISHED HoUsST6 RQOMS. $25.00 ; NEWLY p.pered | , painted ; nice yard. Inquire 602 South 10th street. Rcfeicncca. D 197 18 * FOR ItENT. OR SALE. ONE AMONG THE finest residences In Omaha ; rich maple and cherry finish , haidwood , polished parlor floors ! all modern conveniences , with barn ; cheap. ( Hobo Loan and Trust Co. , owners , ICth and Dodge. D-M213 16 FOB , BENT FURNISHED ROOMS ! 'LARGE SOUTH ROOM , 1919 DODOE STREET , ROOM WITH ALCOVE. 521 S. 2 TH AVE. E-I23J24 * FURNISHED ROOM , 2017 HARNEY STREET. E-M153 18 * > FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- keeping. Rent imiderate. 2005 Burt street. E-M8I7 H * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT IIOUS& Keeping. 1611 Howard street. E MS46 14 * DESIRABLE FURNISHED LARGE FRONT room and alcove , close to business center. Ad- drens N 8 , Boe. E 831 14 * BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED ROOMS 3u Jncent to business portion ; references ex- changed. Addrcsa N 9. Bee. E S83 14 * 8 FURNISHED ROOMS FOU IIOUSEKEBP- Ing for man and wife. Rent tak n In board. 319 N. 17th. D > - 10 AETNA HOUSE , NORTHWEST CORNER 13TH and Dodge. Rooms by the day or week. E 958 JyD * FURNISHED ROOMS , 1116 CHICAGO STREET. E-M977 Jy9 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ; MODERN cnventenccsj 2023 tit. Mary's lucnue. f | E-Mloa 16 * J NICE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT hnunekettplng. 1112 Sautu llth ktrect.EM147 E-M147 1J FOH RENT. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT room ! bath , gas , etc. : only 6 blocks from busi ness crnter ; to young man only. 2112 DOUR- Us street. K 13S-1S ROOMS FOU LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. US North nth. E 11223 ! FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD HOUTII ROOMS AND GOOD BOARD. 7103 Douglas street. F MJM _ YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARK OF Women's Clirlntlan auoclJtlon. Ill S. 17th st. F-C37 y _ _ HOOM9. FURNISHED Oil UNFURNISHED , with flrst-elRiis boanl. 1908 Capitol uvr. Inqulro 1J10 Cupltol ava. V-M774 KICEUY FURNISHED ROOMS I'-sU , modem convenience * , with good board. The llo . gM ) Harney. F M J23 _ LAUQU FRONT AICOVB , ROOM , TWO NICE VluHcta and crate , wltb board Tha Albany , f 8101 Douglas street F-a _ _ 1SU CHICAGO. FRONT ROOMS. BINGLK Oil en tulle. Tabta IxurJera acconmimlated. F M115 1C * _ ROOMS 'AND HOARD , tail DOUQUVS BTRET I' MMT _ Dr.snuni.n FRONT ROOM AND ALC.OVE , with board ; rood location. 2510 iiaAfv street. LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOMS , SINGLE On rntulle , with board ; nftrencei. 2i4 Farnair Itreet. F-M1T4 U * _ _ FINK ALCOVn SUITE : ALSO SINGI.K ROOM , with or mlthout board ; prlvun family ; refer. y-umu * FiniNIHBED ROOMS AND BOARD. Continued. NICE COOL SOUTHEAST FRONT ROOM ; PRI- vat * board ) seperate house ) all convenience * . 2110 Douglas st. F-lig-13 * FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS , WITH OR without board. 1720 Dodge. F M1M 14 * FOR RENT-UNFURNISH'D ROOMS. FOR RENT , HIOOMS AT ITU H. 1ST1L . _ 0 873 14 * _ 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS , BUITABLC FOR houiekepptng , city water , etc. , low rtnt ; north * west corner 17th and Webster sU Q CM _ rOR RENT. STORES AND OFP10E8 CORNER SALOON , 3M DOUGLAB. INQUIttB 22. W MONTHS LEASE OF STOIin , * JJ B. 17TH , . _ I-63J FOR RENT. THe 4-STOitY BRICK BUILDING , 819 Farnam street. The building has a fire proof cement basement , complete steam heatIng - Ing futures , water on alt floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the oHIre of the Bee. 1-310 AGENTS WANTED. BRECKINRITX3E BOOK , 1M.OOO BOLD ; AGENTS wanted ; outfit free. Ferguson , Cincinnati. O. J-MSM 13 * AGENTS IN AND OUT OF CITY ; LIBERAL commissions. Apply room 435. Faxton block. _ J-mJyV WANTED. LADY AGENTS AT ONCE TO BELL a new article , good seller and good profit. Call on or address Emma Carter , 4123 Lake utreet , Omaha. Neb. J M145 17 * WANTED TO RENT. UNFURNISHED ROOM , WITH ALCOVE PRE- fcrrcd ; gentlemen ; must tx > nice location ; ref- erences. Address N 45 , Bee. K 135 15 STORAGE. STORAGEWILLIAMS & CRO33. 1214 HARNEY. M-tOl BTORAGU FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Well * , 1111 Farnam. Farnam.M M CO ) OM.VAN&STORAGE C0..150S DODGE. TEL 1553. M 201 WANTED TO BUY. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT AND sold. L. Altraan , 803 & 810 N. 16th St. N-823 Jy5 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-HAND furniture , stoves , etc. I. Brussell. 710-712 N. 16th. - N 857 WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND BANK furniture and safe. Address Box 231 , Clatonla , Neb. N 194 20 * FIVE TO SEVEN ROOMS. 1IODKRN COTTAOC and lot , must be good yard , within 1J4 miles of High school. State terms ; must b < * a bar gain. Address N 47 , Bee. N M220 16 * If a house you want to rent ? You'll find it on this page. Or on buying you are bent ? You'll find it on this page. Do you want a girl to work ? You'll find it on this page. Or , p erchance , a man to clerk ? You'll find it on this page. Do you want to get a bath ? You'll find it on this page. Or trade for that another hath ? You'll find it on this page. TOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUR monev B > Low prices < i. . Credit on furniture Co. . 013-615 & N. household Wth.st. FOR S ALE HORSES"WAGONSETO. LARGE DRIVING AND SADDLE HORSE FOR sale. 4 years old. 1C03 Douglas st. P 882 14 * SMALL PERFECT SADDLE HORSE FOR sale , suitable for lady. 1009 Douglaa s ( 1130 BUYS HORSE. PHAETON AND HARNESS stylish rig ; lady can drive. George Mitchell , 1114 Dodge St. P 125-13 2-SEATED SURREY FOR SALE OR IN EXchange - change for phaeton. Inqulro at 718 N * 2W St. FOR SALE SPAN OF HORSES , SIX YEARS old , bright bay , about sixteen hands high ; can be driven single. Apply to 1903 Davenport street. P-lCS-lf FIRST CLASS PONY CART FOR SALE CHEAP at 1424 North ISth street. P 104-17 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 tons of good barn-stored hay for sale. All orders filled promptly. Q-C03 BENHE1M SPANIELS , THE HANDSOME little toys ; Scotch Collies. G. II. Moore , 1631 Sherman avenue. Importer and breeder. SUPPLIES FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Solo agents for the NIGHT HAWK CAMERA , 15. 8. ileyn & Co. , photo supplies , 1003 Farnam st. Q 303-jy8 ST. UEHNAno purs , : ioi DOUGLAS STHKET. Q S13JO Jj-9 LAW nOOKM , WEST'S HEl'OnTtniS. APPLT 1S09 South 25th street. Q-SI154 18 * OEKMAN MILLET SEED. 40C PEH BUSHEL : sacks VM each. t. o. b. cars , Lyons , Hurt county. Neb. N. P. Peterson. Q-MIS3 11 * FOH SALE ; SET SINGLE TUACK HARNESS. Kl 8. IClh street. Q M9G7 13 BICYCLES. NEW AND OLD , ( ) TO JliJ : EASY payments : wo rent and repair. Omaha lllcycle Co. , M7 N. ICth 8t. Tel , m. Q-134 FOIl SALE , FINE 4-YEAH-OLD JERSEY COW aud calf , 1 C yenr-old Jersey , will be fresh in ton days , and other Rood family rows. Call afternoon at 22th and Uuit street * . Q MHO II * $125.00 UICYCLn NOW $57.30 , J100.00 CUT TO KS.25 , (60.00 cut to JI2.EO. M. Trolcl , 700 I.cav- cnworth street , Q MJW JylS JERSEY COW , KIND AND QE-N'TLE : VERY rich mllkerj a Brand family cow. Address N 40. Uee. Q-M2I1 U' _ FOU SALE , UPRIOHT PIANO. 817 SO. 16TII. Q ME1 ! M' NOTICE-AS MItS. NELLIE VAMPLEW HAS left my tied and board , all inrtles nro hereby notttltM that 1 will not bo lesponslbla fcr any tUbts that may be contracted by her. J. II. Vamplrw. Omaha , Neb. , Juno llth , 1S04. HAVE YOUR OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO russ. Smyrna ruca ispalrcd. 1551 Leaven- woitli. U-M213 J)13 OLAIUVOYANTS. SIRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. HE- llablo business medium ; 7th year at 110 N. 18. 8 C03 CLAIRVOYANT PROFESSOR WII1TB. THE irrmtctt clairvoyant of his occ , ha arrlvrd In Omaha. Ho will read your future life without a mistake. Ghot > aluable Information on nil matter * . Will Klvo you truthful iirtili-a on all buslnoaj. la\v. money matters , and all family uffnlrs. being elf ted with a rare- and wonderful Insight InUi uurh matter * , and never known to nuktj a nilstulie. The future plainly revileJ , lover * united. TrouMcs hcttlrd , reunite * the iu > mtnl , from whatever cnu , and1 causes happy inarrlate * . Ulvc * names of friends and rnemleR , also the ana you will marry , Telia what tn do nnd where to RO to bo lucky. All In trouble call. Thosq dcnlrln ? reliable Informa tion on all affairs of Ufa or business are Imltftl to call. All counsel strictly confidential. Ho can bo found at 1U7 CMaigo Direct. Hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays , 3 to t. 3-MlSO 19 * MISS hnVOL , FROM NBW TOKK. HAS taken clmne ot Madam La Rook'H massaca parlors , IS and 11 , at Jxl North Itth MASaAOE. BATHS , ETO. MADAME HMITIt , Ml B. IJTlt , ID FLOOIJ , room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , tr\m. ; nul- phurlng and tea baths. T M957 1C * _ MADAME UROWN. 1J14 CAPITOL AVENUE 2 < 1 Hoor. room 4 , maxsage. alcohol , sulphur and spa baths. _ lrM.Jl ) 16 MME. ANNA OF CHICAGO OIVE3 ALCOHOL baths and maiuwge. 303 N. 16th , room 13. T M1Z3 14 * FEUS ON Ali. MISS JOHNSTON , LADIES' HAIR DRESSER , shampoolnff. Old location , 11 S. 15th Mro t. UStJy8 _ UASSAOE TREATMENT , ELECTP.O-THER- mal baths. Scalp and hair treatment , manlcure& cnlropodls. llrs. Post , 31JH S lath , Wlthnell blk. U 01 VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or cell Vlavl Co. , 3D Uee tide. Lady attendant. MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1419 DODGE CATARRH TREATED , $4 PER MONTH , ROOM 30 , Douglas blk. , cor , 16th and Dodge.U U 84Jy WHEN ON FARNAM STREET STOP JN AT 1410 and see our new china. M. II , " " ? " g TAKE YOUR FRIEND ; TINTYPES. 4 FOR 25c. Proctor. 616 S. 16th street. U-M961 Jy9 PERSONAL. IlEHAM KENNELS , OMAHA , offer cure for mange and fleas ; also handsome Cocker spaniels. U MHZ 16 * IMOOENB L. RAMSEY MAKES DELICIOUS home made bread ; try one loaf. LADIES' AMDER JEWELRY TO also repairing. C13 3. Kth street. U M1M CREAM FOU WHIPPING : COTTAGE CHEE3B. Waterloo creamery , 1C13 lloward : tel. 1332. PROF. FRANK I1ROOL1N RESTORES HAIR to the bald ; cures dandruff ; stops hnlr fnlllnB out : restores Bray hair to Its natural color : both sexes treated. References furnished of Omaha patients who are relieved. No cure. no pay. Room 424 , Bee Building , Omaha , Ni-b. U 2)0 JylS WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J. Mutter's new lea cream parlors , 2S03 Leaven- worth street ; everything Is new , Including the building. Tel. 1030. U M216 MONEY TO LOAN BEAli ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property : J3.000 & upwards , S to 6 % per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnrnnm. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davla Co. . 1S05 Farnam st. W 60S MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 6 to 7 per cent. W. B. Melkle , First National bank building. W 613 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate 1 to 6 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. W-609 MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , 501 N. Y. Life. W 713-J0 * OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . ICTH AND Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 610 LIFE INSURANCE POLICES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. W 613 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Farnam St. W 609 LOANS. D. II. SIIEAFE , 432 PAXTON CLOCK. W MC63 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. lirennan. Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W-tU ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO.,313 N.Y. LIFE loans nt low rates for choice security on Ne braska nnd Iowa farms or Omaha city property . W-615 CHOICE CITY AND FARM LOANS WANTED. J. N. Frcnzer , opposite P. O. W 931 J15 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital Ji 000,000. Surplus J COO , 000. Sub mit choice loans to F. S , Pusey , agent. First National bank building. w SOO ' CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , E15 N. Y. LIFE. \Y-MMS , LOANS , TEMPLETON&PIEiRSON.PAXTON blk W-657 LOANS. 1 TO B YEARS. WARRANTS. BONDS ' etc. Can-In Bros. , 210 N. Y. Life. W-GI1 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN- We wilt loan you any sum which you wish , small or large , at the lowest possible rates. In the quickest possible time , and for any length of time to suit you. You can pay It back In such Installments as you wish , when you wish and only pay fur It as long as you keep It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS HOUSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MEIICHANDIBB OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 SwUTII 16TH STREET , First floor above the street. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND'ONLY INCORPORATED - PORATED LOA. J COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-818 A. E. HARRIS. ROOM 1 , CONTINENTAL 11LK. X-M843 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP. rty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. V. Life building X-MCTl THE PLACE TO HORIIOW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY ON HORSES AND MULES. MONEY ON YFA150NS AND CARRIAGES. MONEY ON PIANO * AND ORGANS. MONEY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MONEY ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON goods that remain with you. MONEY IF YOU WANT NO PUBLICITY MONEY IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS. MONEY AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME. MONE\ THAT you may pay line-It at any tlms and In any amount , l nt ROOM 4. WITH- NELL block , corner ISth and Harney streets. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. U-617 BTJSINE83 CHANCES. PARTNER WANTED : INTEREST IN A branch business of well established tlrm ; JMO.W required. Address 'L , 60 , bee , with full nartlcu- lars. .Y-Mlfe JlH' _ PARTNER WANTED , YOUNO l ADY OR KentUman. to take halt Intercut In manufactur ing my life preserver. Not much money needed. Address Math Abcnt , Lamott , Iowa , Jackson Co. K m SAL'S. CHEAP , FIRST-CLASS JIESTAUR. nnt and lunch counter , opposite V , B. & M. V , dpot. Fremont. Neb. Y MM1 IP YOU WANT HOY. SELL onti\ . Chang * merchandise , cet In or out of bUblr. JA call on or addrriu the National InforanlUn nl Exehane * LV. , 2)1 Klrt National ' ) ii\k \ , Omaha. Neb. Y MM7 JJ6 _ WANTUO-A HOOD BALESMAN. BIO PAY. ? oed live man. Address , giving experience , all communication * , strictly confidential N 40 , care of Ilca office. Y 1CS 14 * _ WANTED-A PAUTNER WITH ! MO TO JOIN mo In best paying business In the city ; will clear l.00 > ) this eummar ; experience unm-c ? n- sary. lluslneu p nn n at and strict InvcuUga- tlon tollcltcdt for particular * address N 41. our * ot Ue cfflo * . Y IC-14 * BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued MILLINERY STOtlB FOH SALE. DOINO OOOD bunlnms In roe < l town ; borpUn If taken at once. AdilreM N 41 , w. .1A1T Y M8)5 " * . . , FOR HALK7 HOTEL KIXTtHtES AND rt'R- nlture ; hotel do i B < wd Cuslnem ; located In rounty scat , Addrns Box 151 , Itrohcn How , NeU * " ' " Y M > l 13 * Foil EXOHASr | > E. A LETTER FHOM KASTKUNiBI.IBNT DATED May 2S gaym "I wish to dlnpose of 5 , lo and 20-ncre trnctii Ju t noulh-of llnnscom park , clear of Incumbranee ; would consider In ex change blinlne.il or re KIHi < v block that will pay fair Interest on Invc'ttricnt. " J , J , Gib son , 317 First National ban ) ( Hvlldlnic. Z 871 A GOOD RANCH TO TRADBilJOR WESTERN mures j about 1,000 acres , hay , timber and water. Addrtss M. L. Taylor , tiprlnirvlew , Neb. Z-.M954 JH * EQUITY OF II.SOO.OO OR $5,000.00 IN AN OMAHA residence nnd Council Illuffi cottnRO for mer chandise or land. Dox 36 , Grliwold , ta. K M8 14 * FOU SALE OR THADE , I 7-YEAIl-OLO horncn , each -nelBhlni ? l.S'X ' ) IM. , or ovi-r ; will take smaller horses In exchange. Fred Terry , 430 Ramge block. Z-M9I * . 32 ACRES. PART IN FllUIT. 3 MILES EAST of Council Uluffn , to exchange for n home In Omaha \\nrtli J3.tOO.00. J. J. Gibson , 317 First National bnnk. YA3V STOCK OF MRSE. FOIl RESIDENCE JS.OOO'TO 110,000 , nne JIO.OO' ' ) residence , will tnke one-half In good farm. F. D. Wead , Kth and Dnuglns. Z-161-11 FOR EXCHANGE , BOO ACRES OF GOOD , clear land In Nebraska : what have you to offer ? Address J , T. Enslehardt , Drndnhaw , Neb. 7.-M178 U WANTED TO EXCHANGE. WESTERN LAND for mdie. nnd horses. Address Room 8. With- nell block , Omaha. Neb. / M215 17 FOR TRADE. A FARM , TEAMS. IMPI.E- ments , crops ( under Irrigation ) , cows , hogs , etc. , for a stnck of ucneral mcrchamllsa. J. W. Hillings , Laird , Yuma county. Colo. FOB , SALE BEAL ESTATE. BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. K. K. Darling , Barker blk. RE-MI BARGAIN. N. E. CORNER 2 > TH AND HICK- ory. F. 1C Darlliig.Barkcr block. RE Ml FOR SALE , 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT AT A bargain , one block from motor. Inquire at 816 S. mil st. RE 913-J11 * FOR SALE 400 CHOICE EASTERN NEBRASka - ka farms ; also a few for trade. C. R. Boat- right , S01 _ N. JT. JJfo " ldfr HE I2I-J2I FARJ LANDS. C. F. 1IARRISON , S12 N. Y. Life RE 426-J2I * FOH SALE , MY RESIDENCK. S. AV. 21ST AND Casa ; brick stores nnd liousv ? , 8. W. 24th and Hamilton ; houses and lot. 2tl9-23 Hamilton ; no trade. Leavltt Burnham , 609 N. Y. Life. R E 007 15 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HANHCOM PLACE LOT NORTH OF PARK , J2.200. Enat front corner 1 block oft 21th St. north. WM. Comer In PlMnvlew , JSM. Good alz l house and lot on Cumins St. . a bargain , I2.COO. Fine east front home on Lowe Ave. , modern , 13.200. Acre fronting park. SOth St. . near Fort , 11,200. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas.RE RE 161 14 GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE AND EAST FnONT iDt , 74HxlS3 , near Hanscom park , $4,000. $500 cash , balance 7 per cent , easy terms. R D. Wead. 16th and Douglas. RE 162 14 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT 4 BLOCKS FROM court house , n snap , at $3.200 , ( has sold for ? 6,000. ) F. D. Wead 16th and Douglas. RE 162-14 VERY GOOD 6-ROOM IlbUSB AND 42-FOOT lot , 1 block fiom car , $700. .i" . D. Wead. 16th nnd Douglas. * CJ1 RE 162 14 IMPROVED FARM , 160 xACRES , IN HOLT county. 4 miles from depot ; ! good buildings , high bottom , deep blnclC Boll no sand ; no drouth. Price , $1,800.00. ' Address A. A. Ege , Ewlng. Neb. ' ! RE 199 15 FARM LANDS. ' i " 60 acres Barpy county , $ X400. > 70 near Gietna , J3.2O ) . 6C7 near Springfield , $30 an acre. 320 bottom land , Sorpy Co. , $ M an acre. 300 bottom land , $45 an acre. 210 near Fort Crpok. $55 an acre. 210 near Elk City , $51 an iirre.- I * ) near Kennanl , } I5 an acre. 120 near Fort Calhnun , tlr > an ncre. 2UO near Omaha , $8,00i ) ( uheapi ) 212 near Nebraska City , $40 nn acre. 640 lloone county , $13 an acre ; 301 Nance county , $15 an aore.j. 470 Nance county , $22 nn..ncrcr . SZiTCumlng county. $35 an rtcre. " 4,000 Burt county.i $2i an acli ' B.OOO Harrison county. Iowa , ' $30 an acre. U section Otoe county. $15 an acre ( cheap ) . 40 near Florence , $1COO. ' 200 neiir Irvlnston , JK nn acre. 160 close to Omaha. $10.000. ICO close to South Omaha , $12,000. 320 Sarpy county , $17 an acre. ICO near Valley , bottom land , $6,400. I'M near Florence , $70 an ncrc. 040 Boone county , $15 nn acre. ICO Dodge county , $4,800. 240 near Mlllord. SCO an acre. 3.300 Lincoln county. $5 an acre. 329 Buffalo county , $25 an acre. 16 > ) Madison county , $35 an acre. 160 Dlxon county , $35 an ncrc. ICO Hamilton county , $30 an acre. 320 Thaycr county , $20 an ncre. 320 Cans county , $45 an acre. 160 Saundera county , $45 anacrc. C. F. Harrison , 912 N. Y. Life , Omaha. RE 193 13 * BUSINESS NOTICES. QUICK PRINTERS. KRVVMEU & CHANDLER. 1121 Farnum & 307-9 S. 12th. Phone 16M. Mall orders get quick action. 794-Jy4 A. MARTIN. MERCHANT TAILOR. ESTAB. 1878. Imp. & domestic novelties. 1607 Farnam. 793-Jy4 TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK. GUTTERS , spouting , valleys , roofing , done cheap. Gate City Tinners , S22 N. 16th st. 832 Jy5 BUY YOUR HAY BY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. II. Snyder , 1515 Burt at. , tel. 1107. _ _ 833 S5 DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. 16. ' 831 Jy5 ROEDER'S PHARMACY , 707 N. 16TH ST. 830 Jy5 TINWARE REPAIRED , E. GRED1C , 717 N. 16th Etrcet. Copper and ehcetlron worl ; . 855-Jy 6 D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL office to 209 So. 16th. Brown block. 637-Jyl GET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY A HAR- ness. August Bohne , 711 S. 16th street. M-J56 Jy9 HARNESS , WHIPS , SADDLES , ETC. : NEAT repairing. S. D. Casad , 521 S. 16th street. M MO Jy9 OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY : OLD pipes made new. 613 S. 16th. M151 HOTEL BRUNSWICK. 10TH AND JACKSON , clumped hands , European plan , llrst class. Special attention to rooms by month. Rooms , $12.00 to $35.00 , Including baths , light anil ele vator. M143 Jyll CHINA DECORATED TO ORDER AND MEND- < H ! like new. IOC S. Htli t . 173-Jyll HARNESS. WHIPS. NETS , ETC. REPAIRING a specialty. 113 N. ISth st. 202 LOST ! LOST. ON SUNDAY. A FANCY HAIR PIN with gold tiger head. Reward If relumed to 2501 St. Mary's avenue. HI 14 * LOST SMALL , LIGHT , RED COW. WITH END of horns cut off , wire on head. C. P. Whltis 209 N. 16th. 1S9 14 * LOST. UMBRELLA. IN HANBCOM PARKON Decoration day. Finder please nee description at Snow & Lund's drug'store. . 16th and Fornam , and leave umbrell.-i ; there. M21I It * MTJSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. OELIJNBECK. HANJOIST AND teacher. 1SIO California St/ . Sll 17KDEB.TAKEKS AT D MB ALMEBS II. K. BURKET. FUNERMi1 DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer. 1C13 Chicago , Tel.VM. C25 SWANSON & VALIEN. U D'ERTAKERS AND cnibalmern. 1701 Cumins fl , , telephone 10CO. > * < 823 SHQBTHAND AND Ta'PEWBITINO. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND , 513 N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular , 621 ELECTRICAL STOPLTES. STORAGE BATTERIES IU5. U VRaED.C17S.16th. - . 1I14J HOBSESHOEING. E. B. BURT , HORSESHOtJt , ' 311 N. 16TH. 8M Jyi MRS. THOS. MALONEY. lll N. 16TII HT. ; JyS GBINDINO. SCISSORS , LA VN MOWERS , RAZORS. ETC. , ground , Mclcholr Bros. , 1119 Fnrnam t. t.793J4 11AX.OR3 , SHEARS .CLIPPERS. I.AWN MOW- crs , etc. A. U Underland , 106 N. Kth. 171 MEAT HisKKET , NEATEST MARKLT. BEST OF MEATS. U. A. Marsh's \VaahUitton market , (14 N. ICth. > 33JylO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE BEST C'HoTcijTuT OF MEAT AT Uclnxman market , 703 N. Kth st. U2JylO wKURz cioiCE MEATS , MUCKS reaaunable. 1i ti. llih > tr t , M17 JyU STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly every Balurdny from New York fnr Londonderry and Glmguw. Clrcassl.'i , June 23 , 9 A. m. i City of Homo , June 30 , 3 p. m. i Ethi opia. July 7 , 9 a. m.j rurnexirta , July 14 , 3 | i. m. Saloon , iiecond class nnd ftteerngc , Blnirle or round trip ticket * from New York or Chicago at reduewl rules to the prlndp.il Hootch , English. Irish nnd nil continental point * . For money orders , drafts , outward or prepaid tickets apply to any of our local ngonts or to HenJfrxon iiro . , Chicago ; 1'ASTUBAGE. WE HAVE 160 ACHES OF BLUE GRASS PASture - ture for horsed. Board fence , spring water. Barton A Phelp * . ( JIImore. Neb. , or A. W. Phelps & Son , 207 N Y. Life bldg. Telephone 1034. M 959 J21 * DBESSMAK.ING. DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE FAMILIES ; FIT and style guaranteed. AoMrcM N 37. I lee. M-lll 15 * FINANCIAL , CASH PAID FOR ENDOWMENT IXDLICIEd In old line comp.inles ! Addrcs A. K. Brock- lesby. Box 233. Hartford. Conn. M3W-JM' PAWNBKOKEBS. FRED MOHLE , FARNAM. 623 II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , B14 N. ICth SU KKALTY ai.VItKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Juno 13 , 1S94 : WARRANTY DEEDS. O N Hicks nnd wife et al to E F Beaver , lot 7 , block 4 , West Lawn . $ 1 O H Payne and wife to N L Burton , lot in. block 2 , Avondnlc p.-uk . . . l.tMO S W ItMley and wife to C A Husktna , lota 3 nnd 4 , block I , Everett Place . 1,000 C A Honklns and htmbnnd to John Reno , lot 3 , block 1 , t > arna . 1 C A Hulhert to C S Hulbcrt , lot G , Preston & W' nulnllv. . . . , . J C Barnard and wife to Union Inv il mont company , lot 7 , block 6,11rHt add to South Omahn , n ' 4 lot .9 , blnck 3 , Etchnnge Place , tots 10 nnd H , block 1 , William HaKeilorn'fl nilil , w H of B 131 feet lot C6. Gl.ic'H nilJ , c 23 feet lot 8 , block 5 , Shltm'n add. 1,500 C II Wnlworth nnd wife to United Real Estate nnd Truit company , lot 3 , block 35. Kountze Place 4,316 II C Stuht to Minnie stuht , lots 6 , 7 nml 8 , block 1 , Brighton 700 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. W F Parkei ct al to Omaha and Florence Loan nnd Tru t company , lots 1 nnd 4 , block 33. lot C , block 69. lot 6 , block 87 , lot 9 , bloek 93. lot 13 , block 131 , lot 9 , block 141 , lot 12 , block 101. unillv H outlet lot 15' > , nut lots 15. ITU , nnd n Vi lot 178 , nml unillv ! ! : out lot 2C5 , Florence I C Campbell to B R Hume , trustee , lots 2 , 3 , 4 and s H lot 1. hloik 6 , loin 2 and 3 , block 7 , loU 1 and 2 , block II , Pratt'a suhdlv Sophl.i Lowe et nl to E L Spoils ct al , lot 4 , Shaw's subdlv In Walnut Hill DEEDS. Special master to New England Ixmn and Trust company , lot 13 , block 113 , Dundee Place 817 Bamo to same , lot 19 , block 113 , amc. . S25 Same to same , lot 19 , block 95 , same 792 Same to same , lot IS , block 95 , same 79J Total amount of transfers. . . . $11,231 Diagonal Clay Worsted &Vest Cut to Order. 3 Pants Company 408 N. i6th St. BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors , Bee Building , OMAHA , NEB. Advlco FREE. RH1LWAY TIME CHRP Lea > ea ICH1OAUO. _ ' Oinalml _ Depot 10th and Mason Sts.j Omaha 4:45pm : Chicago Vestibule 7 9:60am : 8:45am : Chicago Express , . . 4:25pm : 7:02pm : Chicago and Iowa Local 8:0uam : ll:35um 1'aclllo Junction Local & : Mpm Leaven ( BURLINGTON & MO. RIVER. ( Arrlxes Omahal Depot luia and Mason a la. I Omaha 10:15am : Denver Express ! ) :35am. : 1016am ; Deudwood Express. . . , 410pm ; 4:50pm : Denver Exprtm 4:10pm 60pm..Nebraska : Local ( except Hun. ) . , . 6:50pm : EUam..Lincoln : Local ( except 8uaday..ll25um ; Leacs j K. C. , ST , J. & C. it. ( Arrives Omahal Depot loth and Manon Sts. I Omaha . .Kansa3 Clly bay Express & :5pm : C. Night Ex. via U. P. Trans. 6:5Uam : " Leaves I CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OroahaI lUnlon Utpot Iffth & Muaon StB. | Omaha UA3T. 10 : Uam. . Atlantic Kxprciu lux. riunuay ) . . 6u5pm : C:23pm : Night Exprcs . 6iOam : 4:40pm. : . . .Chicago Veitlbuled Limited. . . . l:25pra : lltUpm. .Oklulioma Exp. ( to C. U. ex Sun ) . S3iam ; " WEST. 6:33am. : Oklahoma & Texai Exp. ( ox SunJ.llTupm 1 j33pm . . . . . .Colorado tlmlleU . . . . . . 4illpm ) leaves I UNION PACIFIC. ( Arrlvea OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & ManonSts. _ | Omaha 0cbani Denver Express 3Wpm 2:1Cpm : Overland Flyer 0:20pm : l45pm.Beatrice ; A Htromub'g Excx ( Sun.12:30am ) : e:40pm : ,1'aclrlo Kxpnss lnUam : CUiOpm. . . . . Fast Mall „ _ . . i Jpjn leaves [ CHICAGO , MIL. & HT7 IAULJIArrlvea Oniuliul Union Depot 10th & Mason tjta. | Om.mi * ( ; 35pm Chicago Limited .T9:30.im : 11 ilOam..Chicago Express ( ex. Hun. ) . . . . 00gpm ; " " " leaves ! l'"E. & MO. VALLEY. lArrlve * OrnahaDepot | _ I5th nndWcb _ ier SU. " 11 Umah > Br ; > 5am. . . . > . . . .Deadwood Kip.-ujj. SjlOgni SOium.Bx. ; ( Snt.\Vyo. ) Ex.Ex. ( Mon. ) . B:10pm : ttWpm..Norfolk : Express ZKX. Sunrtay. ) . : - " 6:30pm. : < . . .St. l > nul Expresn Lcnves I CHICAGO & NOHTHWESTN JArrUes OinahalU. I' . Uepot 10Ui _ & MaaonBu. " _ | Omaln ll:0ai : . . , . . . . , > .Chlcitco Express , . Grtoum < : tSnm ) . Vestibule Limited . S:2jnm : :30pm : . Kustern flyer . ZL5imi : iUapm.HJx. SoL.ihlc. I'asKx. ( Mon. ) . : pm .Mo. Valley 1/ocal . l' Leaves ] lBSOUn'AcpIC ArrlveT Omaha ! Depot IJth Bnd\S'b _ ter Sts. I Onuna ' . "ssMaiiT , . . .rt..Ht , IXMiii Kxpreu. . . . . 6iam ; . ) ; } 0piin . Ht. Louis Express . CUim : ) 610pm. Pally ( ex , Hun. ) Ncbraslta Local. 8lium : leaves j C. , BT. V M. & 6" lArrhcj pmahaLP p < ) 15th anilWebjterSta. _ _ | Omaha * SDOaia. ; . Sioux City Arcotn ( Ex. bun , ) . . 8CSpm ; JOOOam..Hluux : City Accom ( Sun. Only. ) . . 8:0jpm : J3:15r : > m.SI"Ux city Expreu < Ex. aun..ll:5m ) : : , , . , . . . , . . 1'aul Limited . 'JM.'ani ' leaves 810UX CITr ft PACIFIC. | Arrlve OnialialU l1. Urpot 10th & Muson JJtaJ Om.ilu " : ; . . . . . , , . City rassencvr 10:20pir : > Ji5ira..St : | , I'uul Exrreg * lJUjan ; > leaves I IOUX Clfy i PACIFIC. | Ar7l s Omatiaj Depot 15th and \V bsler ata. I Omah.i "iTwvTnT. . , , , . . 'Jt. 1'tul Limited.Trr. . . . 'JIWiSi 6Jiirm. . Chicago Llmlt i..L , . . . . . : l'a.i ) l eivu | OMAHA A STT'LOUfs TArrV < Oiniua U , I * . Dy > ot 10th U Mason Sts. ) Oir.\ l.t praSt , Louis Cannon IU1I I2.3p > JUDGE IIASCAU OVERRULED Ho and Major Wheeler Got Ohcckod Up Short in the District Court , RHEEM'S ' APPOINTMENT KNOCKED OUT Wnlton IVriiclnnlly Knjoln * thn Coun cil from Usurping Kxccutlvn I'nlicllnns lto\v O > or ti IlriitlrrttiR I'liint Nnty DUorro Cn.o. The alleged nppolntlvo power , which Coun- cllmon Dan It. Wheclor , Isaac S. llusc.ill nml some of their colleagues claim to lioUl In the hollow of their hands , was Riven a ter ribly black cyo In the equity division of the district court yesterday by Judge Walton holding thai they were not only trying to run the entire city government , but that they wcro trying to usurp the powers of the mayor , as uell. As a matter ot fact , Judge Wnlton held that If L. II. Ilhccm wanted to continue his services ns city electrician ho would have to look to the councilman who appointed him BO far as getting his pay was concerned. Some weeks ago Mayor Itcmls named n man for the position ot city electrician and sent the appointment Into the council. That body refused to confirm. This moved along for some time , and until Councilman Dan II. Wheeler sprung a surprise by nominating L. II. Klicem for the position , doing this b > Introducing a resolution , which was adopted , When the resolution was sent to the mayor for Ills approval the executive vetoed the same and sent it back to the council , giving as a reason that the council , ns a council , had no authority to appoint an ofllclal.ln the event that the appointive power was vested solely In the executive. At that tlmo hot speeches were made by Wheeler and Iko Hascall and the veto was rejected. This left Uhccm In power and ho at once com menced to exercise the duties and functions pertaining to ths office. In fact , ho worked a month , and then his friends In the council managed to place the bill for his May salary Into the appropriation sheat. This amounted to $10C , and although many objections were made , the Item was allowed and the sheet went to the mayor , but thcro It was vetoed and the council allowed the Item over the mayor's veto. About this time , Ocorgo U. Tzschuck , a heavy taxpayer ot the city , went before Judge Walton and secured a temporary re straining order against the mayor , the treas urer and the city , enjoining the payment of the amount. The casu was set for hearing yesterday , and an Interested crowd of spectators gathered In Judge Walton's room , where Captain E. H. Crowder and K. W. Slmcral appeared for the plaintiff , with Ike Hascall looking after the Interests of the other Bide. The first move was to file an answer , In which the defendants asked for a dismissal , alleging that the petition did not set forth facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. When this wonderful document was read , Judge Walton smiled and replied that ho was of a different opinion. The answer was allowed to bo filed , but the motion to dis miss was overruled , after which the at torneys for the plaintiff read the petition and cited sections of the charter , showing that when the members of the council had filled the office of city electrician by ap pointment , they had usurped the powers of the mayor , and had set themselves up as executives of the city. Messrs. Crowder and SImeral were loaded down with authorities and were prepared to make some lengthy arguments , but were cut short by Judge Walton , who said he had heard enough upon that subject. Re ferring to the parties on the other fide of the house , he asked , "What have you to say ? " Iko Hasca'l started In and talked for an hour , trying to show that the resolution was valid and that the council had a per fect right to fill the office to which Mr. Rlieem had been appointed. After he had concluded attorneys for the plaintiff were preparing to reply , when Judge Walton told them that It was not necessary , as the law was clear upon the subject which had been brought to his consideration. There wa nothing to do , ho said , but to make the Injunction perpetual , as It was clear that the council had no more right to appoint an electrician than It had to appoint a mayor , a treasurer or a comptroller. The office was one that was provided for by the charter and could be filled only by the mayor , the council confirming the appointee. Ho said Mr. Hascall's argument was very In genuous , but the resolution was undoubt edly an attempt to evade the law , which no court would cuntenancc. The Injunction was granted. Row Over lEemlrrlng Work * . The rendering work out on the prairie In the vicinity of uuser's park are causing an endless amount of litigation , while the sheriff la running up some good sized fee bills as a result of the fight. The land and the plant belong to Gustavo Klnklc , who some time ago , by virtue of a lease , turned the whole thing over to J , B. Smiley , who set up in the business of making a low grade ot oil and grease out of hogs and cnt- tlo which had died while on their way to the stock yards. Smiley was doing a prosperous business until a few days ago , when the creditors of Kinkle swooped down upon the establishment and carted away a portion of the machinery. This , In due time , was replevlned , and then the real fight started by the creditors go ing before a Justice of the peace and secur ing another execution giving them authority to take away any and everything In sight , which they proceeded to do , Tuesday night the case found Its way into the district court , where Judge Ferguson Issued a restraining order enjoining Kinkle and nil part.cs claimIng - Ing under him from Interfering with the business of Smllsy. The order Is mandatory , and Instructs the constables to return the property and also to keep their hands off until the case can be heard on Its merits. I 'In oil n Tardy , ) un > r. Monkeying with the business end of the criminal section of the district court cost Julius 1'eycke $23 and attending costs yes > - tcrday , all of which was paid as soon ns the sentence was pronounced by the Judge upon the bench. I'eycko was a Juror , having been sum moned Into court sonio days ngo to sit for three weeks. When ho first appeared ho claimed that he had business that was of great importance , and on this showing he was let oft for nno week. On June 4 h again reported and told a tale of personal Illness , which give him n lenvo ot nhspncij for ono day , which on his own motion ho extended for an Indefinite period of tlmo , Yesterday when u jury was called for the trial of a cause I'eycko was found to bo nno of the delinquents , and upon the court ques tioning the clerk It was discovered that this particular juror had not boon reporting for duty for more than n week. A capias was Issued , but before It could bo served Peycke got wind of the proceedings and bolted into the court room. The rapid move that ho got upon lilmr.rlf did not save him , however , for when the facts were explained to the court the flue was Impoaed. ,1 tint n I. kilo Jnh is In the criminal court I'at Ford , Jr. , Is on trial charged \Utli larceny as bailee , tha particular charge being that ho got away with a $05 diamond ring , the properly ot Charles Catlln. The prosecuting wltnest claims that hu turned the ring over to Ford for safe keeping , but that Instead of caring for the property he soaked it In u pawn shop , Ford admits having the rlnt' , but allege ? that he kept It merely as a Joke. II * fjlU to explain how he happensd tp Jeav. It with the pawnbroker. _ Vuliiii of u Hoy's l.lfr. In the cane ot John Halpy , ndrnlnl.itivuu ot the estate cf William Haley , deceased. against Patrick A. Ilagley , the jury yes terday returned a verdict finding for thu defendant. William Haley was the In ) who was crushed to death In a sand pit on South Thirteenth street a couple of years ago. He was In thu employ of Itaglcy , the cwncr of the pit , and after his death h.b father Initltuted n , $5,000 dam s uH. ngly Mnlitcluus , The Stevenson divorce continues to be thr > star attraction In tha equity court presided over by Judg * Ferguson. There ! a any amount of filthy testimony , nnd ye terd y It bccnmo so rotten that the attorney for tha plaintiff grew glck and had lo ask for a con tinuance until today. "Minor Court Mutton. Dora nrccly hs Instituted proceedings , looking to a separation from her husband , Amos , whom aho alleges linn deserted the Grocly bed and bimrd , wholly frtllltiR to pro- vlilo for the wants ot the family. In the case of Jacob Kntloman against Dan Dalley , constable , a mandamus Ima been Is sued , citing Mr. D.illey to appear In court nnd explain his official conduct. The peti tion sols up the statement that several days ago the ofllcer levied upon some property belonging to the plaintiff In the present action , and that so far ho has refuged to call In three disinterested free holders and nppralso the same , as provided by the stat utes. Thn NprliiR Mcdlclnn. "All run down" from the weakening effects of warm weather , you need n good tonlo and blood purifier 111(0 Hood'H Snrsap.irllla. Do not put oft taking It. Numerous Illtlo all. ments , If neglected , will soon break up tha syMem. Take Hood's S.usap.irllla now , to expel disease and glvo you strength and ap petite. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartlo and liver medicine. Harmless , Tollable , sure. Have you seen the big star at Courtland beach yet ? JOBBERS' EXCURSION. Will T.onvo Over thn IMkhnrn This Moraine Wlio U 111 ( ! . At 7 o'clock this morning a special train bearing a number ot leading Omaha Jobbers will leave the Klkhorn depot for a thrco days' visit with their customers along thlu line of road as far west as Hastings. The train will be composed of four coachoa nnd stops will bo made at every town on the road. The Jobbers will stop over night at Seward nnd Hastings nnd will return homo early Saturday evening. The following Is a list of the merchants who had agreed to go yesterday afternoon , but It Is thought several others who Imvo been undecided will Join the psriy at the depot this morning : Klkhorn Officials Charles C , Hughes , gen eral superintendent ; K. C. Morehouao , gen eral freight agent ; J. U. Buchanan , geiiernl passenger agent. Jobbers A. J. Vlerllng , architectural Iron foundry , machinery , I'axton & Vlorllng Iron works ; Gcorgo A. Hoagland , lumber , Hoag- land Lumber company ; K. J. Hoe , hats , caps , gloves , manager Oato City Hat company ; J. H. Cowglll , machinery and foundry , Davis & Cowglll ; Qeorga Marks , tmddlcry , leather. Marks Hros. W. A. ' ' ; 1'age , soup , I'ago Soap works ; W. K. Clarke , coffee , spices , man ager Consolidated Coffee company ; A. L. Johnson , manufacturing pharmacists , the Mercer company ; Amos Field , drugs , treas urer Richardson Drug company ; Lowls Ley , tinware , manager Standard Tin Manufactur ing company ; \V. II. Ulass , hardware , secre tary Loe-Clarke-Andreesen company ; W. A. L. Gibbon , lints , caps , gloves , W. A. L. Gib bon & Co. ; Charles 1) . Hall , boots and shoos , Kirkendall-Jones & Co. ; W. F. IJaxtor , dry goods , Kllpntrlck-ICoch & Co. ; Gcorgo M , Tlbhs , dry goods , M. E. Smith & Co. ; II. D. Mulford , boxes , manager East Omaha Box company ; D. A. Damn , Iron and wagon wood , Ilaum Iron company ; 0. C. Holmes , secretary Manufacturers and Consumers as sociation ; C. O. Lobeck , hardware , managoh Lobeck-Llnn Hardware company ; Henry Harte , boots and shoos , Williams-Haywortl company ; E. E. Hruce , drugs , E. E. Druco & Co. ; W. S. Wright , hardware , secretary Hector & Wllhelmy company ; Dan Farrell , syrups , Jellies , Farrell & Co. ; Euclid Martin , Implements , Parlln , Orondorff & Mirtln : George W. Kelley , dry goods , Kclley , Stlger & Co. ; C. M. Wllhelm , carpets , Orchard & Wllhclm company ; Isaac Carpenter , paper , twines , Carpenter Paper company ; C. C. DIetz , lumber , C. N. Dletz Lumber com pany ; Sol Dlotcky , notions , Blotcky Brothers & Co. ; H. F. Cady , lumber , etc. . U-F. Cady & Co. ; II. Hardy , toys , etc. , II. Hardy ; O. W. Johnson , manager Western Electrical Sup ply company ; A. P. Tukoy , capitalist ; Samuel KaU , clothing , Katz-Novlns ; M. Q. Perkins , manager American Press associa tion ; Hon. Alrln Saundera ; Max Meyer , music , jewelry , cigars. Max Meyer & Brother Co. ; II. Whitney , furniture , manager Mur- phoy-Wosey company ; J. B. Hahm , pumps , fittings , etc. , manager United States Supply company ; E. V. Lewis , pumps , fittings , etc. , president Churchill Pump company ; A. H. Ilawltzcr , manager Omaha Tent and Awning company ; E. A. Dayton. Jewelry , E. A. Day ton & Co. ; Gcorgo H. Payne , broker. Fidel ity Trust company ; I. A. Medlar , pub lisher , manager Dally Hotel Reporter ; G. S. Wagner , grocers' specialties , manager Santa Clara Manufacturing company ; T. 0. Elchelberger , Implements , manager Wlnona Implement copmany ; Thomas Storks , Imple ments , manager Nebraska Mollno Plow com pany ; P. II. Allen , manager Farrell Flro vu extinguisher ; It. F. Hodgln , manager Com II mercial exhibit ; J. E. Utt , commissioner Commercial club ; E. E. Hastings , boots and shoes , treasurer Morse-Coo Shoo company ; W. F. Fahs , groceries. Credits , Stoolc-Smlth Grocery company ; F. S. Haller , Implements , secretary Llnlnger & Metcalf company ; Charles Metz , brewer , Metz Brewing com pany. From South Omaln Oeorgo Burke , packers. Hammond Packing company ; Fred Chlttenden , live stock commission men , Chltlenden & Co. ; K. M. nichardaon , live , stock commission men , Bralnard , Illchard- son & Carpenter ; D. L. Campbell , llvo Block commission men , Moore , Campbell & Co. ; W. II. Dudley , James Morton , live stock commission men , Morton & Co. ; T. D. Per- rlne , llvo stock commission men , Perrlno , Cook & Co. ; Fred Harris , live stock com mission men , Roberts , Purrlnton & Harrla ; .T. L. Paxton , superintendent Union Stock Yards company ; A. II. Lee , traveling agent Union Stock Yards company ; C. E. Dun- meyer , packers , Swift Packing company. o ' Found n Curt1 for Srlntlo HlimmmtlMii. Mrs. A. Inveen , residing at 720 Henry St. , Alton , 111. , suffered with static rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for It nearly the whole of this time , using varloun remedies recommended by friends , and waa treated by the physicians , but received no relief. She then used ono and a half bottloa of Chamberlain's Pain balm , which effected a complete cure. This Is published at her request , as she wants others similarly af flicted tn know what cured her. For sale by all druggists. o See the Chinese performances tonight at Courtland beach ; also this afternoon. HOMEOPATHI8TS to the Xittlniml .Hunting I'caturci cif Cloning ; ttsnloii. The twenty-first annual convention of thl Nebraska Stale Homeopathic Medical soclctj wts adjourned yesterday utter a threi days' session , which was well attended ami highly Interesting from a professional standpoint. At ( he morning's sesclon Dr. A. A. Fonh of tills city read a very Interesting paper on "Atresla Vaginae , " and Dr. J. West Hlngs- ton of Cheyenne , Wyo. , discusied "Prlllclal Dilatation. " These were followed by tha usual dlsrUKslons and the convention closed with thn report of the committees and tha chairmen ot bureaus At the afternoon H''BMon papers were rend on "Gynecology" by Dr. F. B. lllghter ol Lincoln , and on "Noso nnd Throat Dluoacei of Children" by Dr. 0. Unrnro Follows ol Chicago. As usual thexo were wall discussed Just before adjornlnc the following wera nlnctcd deleK.iics to tin American Institute nf Homeopathy : Dr.i. Amelia Burroughs , IV. II. Hanchett , 0. S. Wood , C. O. Sprague nnd 11. F. Bailey. Later In the afternoon a largo number 61 the members left en a special Union Paclfio train for Denver to attend the national meet * Wliixipliiir Cough. There Is no danger from this disease when Chamberlain's Cough remedy Is freely given. It liquefies the tnugli mucus and nldx ox- pcclor.itlnn. It nlso lessens the ( severity and frequency cf the paroxysms of cough- Inj ? , nnd lnaur < ! 8 a npeolv recovery. There U not the leait danger In giving It to chil dren or bnblej , as It contains no Injurious i fruhatancv. " ' > and 50-cant bottles for sale by all druggists. _ Kir.urilon Itittaf Knit , Tor full Information concerning raimrnfr ciciirKlonB call at the Chicago , Milwaukee A St. Paul ticket olflce , 1504 Farnam street , 01 .iJdri F. A. NASH , General AgeaU