Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Mnrkot News Was acnornlly Bullish and
Corn Wnij Active rtml .Stronger U'ltliln a
Tlirec-riiurth * Cent HniiRO Dry
\Vmtlirr Cmnoil Jtncli of
tlio KtrciiRtli.
CHICAGO , Juno 12. Tlio market news to
day wan generally bullish and wheat finished
Iio higher. Corn closed % c higher , oats
% o higher and provisions at an ndvance all
There wns a largo trade , fluctuations be
ing frcnuont within the range of from % to
JgC. Opening trades were at from 1 % to ! ! u
advance , and after selling down % c , ad-
vanccd " ( ic , declined T4c , rallied
% C , changed some and closed near
the top. Dry weather talk and higher
cables were responsible for the strong
opening nnd created nn active demand. Pri
vate advices from IJerlln and Hamburg re
ported bad weather and raining Incessantly.
A good many dry weather reports continued
to come In from the west nnd northwest
and added n good deal of strength to the
market. On the other hand tlio state re
ports of Kentucky nnd Michigan were rwlte
favorable. The Kansas weekly weather bul
letin also reported a well distributed rain
fall , and the Haltlc shipments were much
larger. The partial settlement of the coal
strike , however , looked upon as a bullish
factor , caused the declines to quickly re
Corn was stronger nnd active within - c
range. Dry weather and the bulge In wheat
caused the strength.
Oats were active and higher on the dry
weather and the strength In wheat and
corn. The range for July was % c.
The bulge In grain nnd fair buying
awakened the provision market and prices
advanced with few reactions. Trading was
moro liberal than for a considerable tlmu
past. Compared with last night July pork
Is 35c higher. July lard lOc higher and July-
ribs 22'c higher.
Lake rates steady at lc for corn to Buf
falo.The leading futures ranged as follows :
Article * ; . I Open. | High. I Low. | Clone.
WheatNo , 2
June 00 BflVi noOTl
July OTl !
Sept 1)11 )
Corn No. 2. .
Juno 41 1)11ii
July 4'J > 41M ii *
Sent 42fc42tt
OntH No. 2. . .
Juno 4W
July 38 ? . . 30S30K
Pork per bbl
July 12 30 12 BO 12 20 12 fiO
Sept. I'J 30 12 O''tt 12 30 12 C'JM
Laid. lOOlbs '
June 0 SO G fi'O 0 fiO 0 80
July 0 77K 0 H-J ! < 0 75 0 H'JK
Si-pt 087k 0 US G 85 G VM
Short Hlbo-
July 0 H5 0 E2 0 32H '
Sept 0 HO ' II BO G 30 a b'o
Cndli nuntntlonu were ns follows :
n.Ol'll I-'Irm.
WHIAT No. 2 spring , COc ; No. 3 spring , & 7c ;
N'o. 2 red. Cnc.
COIIN No. 2 , 41Vjc ; No. 3 yellow , 42c.
OATS No. 2. line ; No. 2 white , 43ffl Vc ; No.
I white , ll'.4Q42ic. !
ItYK No. Z. 4-Ji'jC.
UAUI.RY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 52 0 0 ; No.
I nominal.
KI.AX SUED No. 1 , J1.33.
TIMOTHY KKI3U I'rlme. JI.23.
1'UOVISIONS ' Mesa pork , per bbl. , J12.47V4iS )
C.SO. IJird , per 100 Ibs. , } G.77V4gC.BO. Short ribs ,
Hdcs ( loose ) , > O.CO(6.G2l ; dry salted KhouMcis
tlioxed ) , JJ.CJliljj.STii ; Bhort clear sides ( boxed ) ,
. . .
WllIBKy Dlstlllcra' finished goods , per gal. ,
The lollo wins were tlio receipts : ina snlnnioufj
for today ;
On the Produce cxclmuiro today the butter mar
ket was steady , unchanged : creamery , lC(317c ( ;
dairy , llffllSc. Ktrga , luichangod ; strictly freeli ,
Vestcrcliiy'H Oiiotiitloni on Flour , drain nnd
I'rovUlons , .lletiilK , Ktc.
NRW YOnK. June 12. l-'I.OUn Receipts , 30-
( XM bble. ; exports , 20.000 bbls. ; sales , 14,000 pkgs.
Market firm , but quiet , buyers fairly well sup
plied on recent purchases ; exporters have done
loino trading nt better prices. Southern Hour ,
julet ; rye Hour , llrm , good demand.
miCKU'lIIIAT Dull ; range , C3G73C.
COIIN MKAI < Quiet ; snleH , 200 bu. ; yellow
weBtern , J2.65ii-2.70 ; Hrandywlne , 12.70.
IIYR- Nominal ; slnlc , BCOCSc ; Jersey , 52jT-3e.
IIARMOY MAI.T tlulet ; western , C7Q8Jc ; Can
ada , 0ff93e ; BK-nnved , S4QS5C.
WIIBAT Receipts , SHi.OOO bu. ; export , 221,01)0
bu , ; sales , 10,235,000 bu. futuies. Spot mniki-1
higher ; No. 2 led , store and elevator , Ci > e. omml ;
No. 1 northern , 7nic ; No. 1 hard , 71se. Maikei
strong on dry weather wist nnd llrm cnlilex , und
nctlvu local coveilng. Options advanced nbai ply
on big clearances In the afternoon. The mar
ket wns Iriegulnr and closed strong at ! ic nd
vance ; July , G3fjr-3le , closed nt CStie ; Sejitem-
bfr , CoUffCCo , cloned at 65 > ic ; December. CiiO
M B-lCc. closed at G Uc.
COIIN llecclplH , 147,000 bu. : exports , 78,000 bu. ;
Bales , 38,0(10 ( bu. futures , 00,000 bu. fpot. Spot
market llrm ; No. 2 , 4iic In elevator , 4Cft4GUc
afloat. Option market strong all day on the
tvfulhcr went , which brought on covering nnil
closed He up ; June closed nt 4. ' , % ; July , 45T4 ©
IGXc , closed at 4Cic ! : August , 4GTii47c , closed at
I7o ; September , 47Hi'47l,4c , closed nt 47c.
OATS Ilecelpts , 273,000 bu. ; exporls , 2,500 bu. ;
lales , 100.000 hu. futures. 63,000 bu. spot. Si > ot
market quiet ; No. 2 , 47c ; No. 3. 4Gc ; No. 2
ISd ; No. 3 white , 47e ; track , mixed western , 48c ;
Irnck , white -western , 48iff31-iit ; Hack , whit"
ilale , 49ff5Mic , Option market strong and
nlKher , except .June , which declined y.c under
llquldallon ; dry weather caused the advance In
liners ' , ic Ui ; June , 4GHe , closed nt 4Gc ; July ,
IMiCK c. closed nt 414c ! ; AiiKUit , 34V4ir6c.
tlosed nt S8o ; September , 34Kil3Sc , closed nt
HAY Steady ; shipping , JG.40JJG.5fl.
HOI'S Quiet ; state , common to choice , 9815c ;
Pacllle coast , 12017C.
IIlDIIS-Qulet ; wet wiled New Orleans se-
Iccled , 45 lo C. Ibs. . 4V4 44c ; Texn sclecled. 45
to M Ibs. , 4J5o ; Iluenos Ayres dry , 20 to 40 Ibs. ,
lOWlle ; Texns dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , S c.
LKATIIKU-Dull ; hemlock sole , Iluenos Ayrcs ,
IglU to heavy weights , 15flSc.
WOOIv Stendy ; domestic lleece , 19Jf25c ; pulled ,
I'UOVISIONS llecf , stendy ; beef hams , J18.
Cut meats , tinner ; pickled bellies , G',51i7'.4c ;
pickled HhoulderH , G iimc ; pickled hams , lOHff
lOHc > , I.anl , higher ; July clo > wl nt J7.15 , nom
inal ; September , J7.30 ntke < ) ; rcllned. linn ; eon-
llnenl. IT.45 ; H. A. , SOc ; eompound. 6ij c. I'ork ,
h'gher : new mess , $13.601113.75 ; cxlra prime ,
112.50013.00 ; family , 13.wjfl3.75.
IIUTTRIl-Steiidy ; slale daily , 13QlSo ; state
crwimery , ISliUl'Jc.
CllKI'-SK Weak ; Btnle , large. 7C7Tic ; small ,
UOO8 Ua ler : state nnd Pennsylvania. 14ffl5e ;
wenUrn frenh. 13fll4c ; receipts , 10.S3S pkgs.
TAl.I.OVV Rasy ; city 112 per pkg. ) , 4Hc bid ;
country ( pkKs. free ) , 4e , as to quality.
I'KTIlOl.nUM-l-'Irm ; United closed at MUc
bid ,
Tt'Ill'HNTINIZ-Sti-ady ; SOUGSOftc.
HOSIN Steady ; Btrnlned , common to good ,
HICU Steady ; domestic , fnlr to extra , 4CCc ;
Jnpan. 4U 4Hc.
MOI.AS.SKS Steady ; New Orleans , open ket-
lie , good to choice , 2W3fo.
I'lO IUON Quiet ; Scotch , J15.50H22.50.
COI > ] > l-u : Quiet : Inke , | U.
l.KAD-Qulet : domeiillc , 13.10.
TIN Quiet : Straus , 115.70 bid ; plales , mnrkel
Sl'in.TKIl-Slendy : domeslle. J3.S * bid ; sales
on 'chnnge , 5 ton * upot tin , Jl'J.75 ' : 1 car August
lead , (3.30 , and 3 cars July lead , 13.30.
COTTON BKHIJ OIU-Klrmt-r In nympnthy with
Inrd , nnd with bolter Inquiry ; prime crude , SJv ;
off crude , 2Gi2cj yellow hulter grades , Ko ;
rholco yellow , 33 > e ; prime yellow , 32liI33c : yel
low off grudes , 3U44i3Sc ; prime white , 3Cif37c ,
ColTeo Alurkot ,
NK\V YOHK. June 12.-COPFKR-Optlons
opened C010 points up on teller cable * , lost ad-
.VKIICO under local uvlllng , closed uliiuly at 5
polnta advance ; sales , 19.500 bagii. Including June ,
ll4.6Jm4.7 ! > ; AUKUSI. 14.ur.HH.lo : Srptember , J13.S5
tiU. 70 ; Oclober , 113.9) ) ; December , } 13.i > 5. Spot
cofTee , lllo , iilHiut steady ; No , 7 , 16 > ic. Mild ,
ileudy ; Cordova. ISDrjlio ; nalrs , 1,100 l-ngi
Muracnlbo ; 2,100 tax * Cent ml American ; ware
house deliveries yesterday , 8,000 bags ; Now York
lock loday , 127.000 bacu : I'nttrd Hlalrs Block ,
1(8.000 biigu ; alloat for United Stales. (5,000 hags ;
lotul visible supply for Untied States , 2S3.COQ
BANTOR , June It Quiet : good average , 117 :
receipts , 2 days. 2,000 lm ; * tock , 33KM ( bags.
IIA.Mlll'llO. Juno 11. Bteady : prlcei unchanged
10 Hpfg blither ; mint. 9,000 bag * .
HAVftK. June 12. Opened steady at H@Sr " ' ' '
r&nce ; valet , ll.OOO bags ; steajy at JtflUf
not ndvance.
HIO IB JANKIItO , June IJ.-Qulct ; No. 7.
114. W ; nxclmiiKe.J 6-16.1 ; recelpt . 3 days , 10 0
tags , cleared for N w York , 6,000 bugs ; stock ,
117,000 bags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Chlciigu Fruit Uuolntloni.
nilCAOO , June It I'orter Ilrutbrr * company
old at auction today four can of California
( rulti Ciymuii piiinn. I4.00tf4.03 ; Hoyal lletlvn ,
lt.79. cherry plumi. Uctitl.00 ; Iloyul aprlcoti ,
11 U&1 75. Alexander pe chei. I1.86OI.W ;
tBg Bprlcati , | 1.M01.J5 | Uentiamtti , | J. ;
Inr'/irlui ' ! ihrnii.f. mo Inry poor order , too
OH .V. . lllKB.inu . fl.l-ifll 15.
Tli r.nrl l-'iuit cmnpiny rld 4w cnr loads ot
Cnllfninin fruit nt nuctinn this morning , n-nlU-
Init Hi * fnllotrdig prices : Ch rrlenj Tartarian * .
Il.4n01.ll ) ; IllKKprnus. ll.inffl.20. Apricots. Itoynl ,
JI.SMH.fO ; I'rliiRle , 11 HHTI.10 ; Hpnnlnh , Hi Ni 1-
llnjm , Jl.O-MI ! 13 ; Alexander fenclici. JI.35Q1.G5 ;
pliorry plums , 11.15.Ventbor Is vciy hot.
f.ncnl I'roiliiro .Murknt.
IlUTTRiT-Tim iccclpln of Imller have nver-
ngi-d ralher llglit Juf wimc few days back. 'In
the PnMMhi > m.iiket Ilfl-f Improved of Into nnd
llml fnct him Ind a declde-llf Umulnllng fffect
up..n Iho niaikol littf. I'Hck'nS ' Hi.71 * l . In
\try good deiunnd nnd prlcr * lm\e ndvnnccu 19
IDfllO'.ie. ' It is hard work tn get over 13o for
the li t rountry bultt-r , Crrnin'ry bu'.t ' r | j
llrniir ninl lioMerl tcni-rnlly ale nsklnK Iflc fur
solid packed nopalntor ulid Sltiilf. for brick * .
KUUH The u-ei-lptM of eggs lire quite liberal ,
but enctcin mnrlc-iii are In such shape Hint the
surplus cnn be shipped out. Home rilnll deal
ers nrc still H'lllng three dozen eggs for 2M , nnd
they ni paying Oc for these eggs. 1'erhnps
tile bulk of thfi salts of eggs tire now being
made nt 3',4o , Uxtrn bright nnd carefully
sclecled i-lock commaudii lOc.
UVi : roUI/ri1.-The iinuhct in rhlck.-im
docs not aho\r .much I'hii.gi1. The lei-npu nro
not ns heavy ns they weio nl one lime , nut
there nrc dill a good ni.tny holdovers on snln ,
nnd llic ninrUct has nnt been given nn opixir-
lunlly lo reenver to any extent. Old hens , 5Vio ;
rooslern , 3c. The denmnd for other kind * of
poultry Is rnl'.ier light , though a limited quantity
U salable. Uurkp , ( , 'itt\f \ hen tuikcyn , 7)8c ) ;
gobblers. rff < li- ; geese , UlS'iiC.
VHAIThc - market Is full of xral nnd It Is
nliout nil thnt lecflvem can do lo keep It moving
out fnut enough. Oond fat venll were quoleil at
PIOKONfl There l n demand for old plgeini.
but young birds th l are nol slrong on lhi > wins
are not wanted. Old birds , per duz. , 11.4001.CO.
Vr.aKTAIU.Ef ) .
OI.I > IHANS The innikct Is stendy. Neither
lite demand nor supply U very heavy al lids
point. Itiind picked navy , J2.W < Ti2.IO ; mnlliiin
navy. > I.NKi2.00 ! ( ; common white benns , SI.KOffl.CO.
ONIONS Ni-w southern onloni nre quoted nl
2'.4c ' per Ib. Top unions nro plenty at lHi-o ) on
I'OTATOnS While there nre quite n. good
many potatoes in riving there appears to be n
di-mnnd for them nil. The most of the Htoek Is
coming from Cnllfnrnln , though Texas and
ArkatiMiH conlrlbtillng some. Old potatoes
nre pmellcally alt gone. Oooil shipping stork ,
new , tl.ii9 t.l > ) .
CAmiAUK-Callfornln Is furnishing the bulk
of the cabbage nnd II Is pretty good Block for
this season nf the yc-ur. deed shipping stock ,
on nril'-i-s , 2'ifi2Jr. ' }
ASPAHAQUS Coo-l home grown stork , 333100
per doz. on oideis.
riB PLANT Home grown pie plant , 2o on
TOMATOES The maiket Is much bctler sup
plied llian was the case n. few days ago. Mis
sissippi stock Is now quite plenty and of good
quality. Shipping stock , per crate t baskets ,
$2.005)2.2.- ) .
NEW IIHANS Wax beans , J1.50 per bu. ; siring
benns , $1.11 per bu.
PI3AS I'eus nre nol qulle ns plenly ns they
were nnd the ninrket In decidedly higher. Qooil
shipping stock , on orders , $1.75. ,
Ycstculny afternoon nn auction Fnle of 252
crntes of apricots was held. This Is the first
nucllon sale of any fruit other than clieirleK.
Tlie nllendanco was light , owing to the short
notice given , the enr coming In rather unex
pectedly. .The demand was good nnd every
thing Bold quickly , but nt rather low prices.
A half n car of California cherries and u car
of California peaches nnd apricots nre expected
In Thursday. Two tales arc announced for that
liny , ouu nt 9 n. m. nnd one at 2 p. m. AH
soon as the California fruit becomes more plenty
It Is expected thai there will be auction sales
nearly every day.
8THAWIIKUIII US There were about fifty
discs of MIsMiurl berries on the market , which
sold rendlly nt 13.0083.50. It was Inferior Ftnck ,
howwcr , nnd Ihere wns nothing thai would dele
lo ship oul on orderH. Ciood shipping Mock
would be worth $4 nt least. Denver Is re
ceiving n few Oregon berries , but while dealers
here have been piomlsed shipments from that
stale none- have put In an appeninnco.
CIIKIIKIES California cheirles have been
rather hard to get for some days back , and are
quoteil higher. Good Dhlpplng stock , fl.My 1.73.
There are pome home grown sour c'.ierrleM on the
market which are selling at about $1.25 per V4 bu.
AI'UICOTS Apricots nrc becoming n little more
plenty , and In another week will be quite com
mon A part of u. car Is blllid to arrive hi
about two days. Good sh'pplng stock , T2.00ff
2 2."i
2."iGOOSnilEItRIES The market ! well supplied.
Good stock , gieen , on orders. $2.50 per 21-qt. case.
llIjACICUUItUIES Different houses had a am
or two of blackberries n n sort of sample , bill
there were not enough to cut much figure In the
market. Shipping stock would be worth about
J4.50 per cave.
I1I.ACK HASPIinnniES There were perhaps
twenty-live cases of black raspberries on the
maiket all told. Good stock , 51.50 per 21-qt.
case.HUD HASPIJEIiniES An occasional case Is
commencing to straggle In , but not enough to
make a market.
BANANAS As usual , when berries nre on
the market the demand for bananas Is not very
heavy. - Choice stock , J2.00W2.BO.
LEMONS The weather has not been warm
enough to cicate a very hckvy demand for
lemons. Tnncy lemons , 300 size , $4 ; fancy
lemons , SCO size , $3.75 ; choice lemons , 3CO size ,
OHANUES With the market full of berries ,
the demand Is somewhat limited for oranges ,
and the supply on the market la small. Medlter-
r.onenn sweets , } 3.50J3.75.
FIDS Fam7. per Ib. , 1214@15c.
DATES Hallowces , K to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. .
PINEAPPLES Choice , per dor. , $2 ; email ,
' '
HONEY Cnllfornln , 15c ; dark honey , 10i12c.
MAPLE SYKUP Gallon cans , per doz. , $12.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; English walnuts , 10B
12c ; filberts , 12c ; llrnztl nuts , lOc.
CIDEIt Pure Juice , per bbl. , $0 ; half bbl. ,
$3.25. " -
HIDES No. 1 green hides. i'.Jo ' ; . No. 1 green
salted hides , 3c ; No. 2 green ' salted hides ,
2ci No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , Go ; No.
2 veal calf. S Ibs , to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No , 1 diy Hint
hides. Be : No. 2 dry Hint hides , Zc ; No. 1 dry
salted hides , 4c ; pnrt cured hides , 'Ac per Ib.
less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green raited , each , 25GOc ;
sreen bulled sheailings ( short-woolcd early skins ) ,
each , 515o ; dry shearlings ( short-woolcd early
Fklns ) . No. 1 , each , 5flOc ; dry slmirtlngs ( short
wooled curly skins ) . No. 2 , each , EC ; dry Hint ,
Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , per
Ib. , attual weight , 5f8c ; dry Hlnt.i Kansas and
Nebraska muiraln wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
nelghl , 4Cc ; dry Hint , Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. , nclual weight , 4J7c ; dry Hint.
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight. 48GC.
TALLOW AND OUEASE Tallow , No. 1 , 4 ®
4'/ie ' ; tallow. No. 2 , 3iC3'ic ! ; grease , white A ,
4140 ; grease , white II , 4c ; grease , yellow , 3e ;
grease , durk , 2V4c ; old buter. 2ffl2Hc ; beeswax ,
prime. lifilSo ! ; rough tallow , 2c.
HAY The reco'ptu have been very light for
several days , and the maiket In consequence Is
very llrm. Yeslerduy only two cars were le-
cclved. Coarse hay. In ear lots , on track , } S
per ton ; upland hay. $9.
St. I.IIIIIH ( ieiii-rul .Murlii't.
ET. LOUIS , June 12. VLOUIl Steady ; de
mand fair.
WHEAT Opened with ft bull Hare nnd after
one or two relapses nnd tallies , closed with ft
net gain of 1&4C , principally on crop nnd foreign
news. No. 2 red , cns > h nnd June , f,7c ; July ,
53'Ac ' ; August , 57iB67c ( ( ; September. ESTlc.
COIIN Strong , with wheat nnd domestic news
ns the cnimes , gaining % c. No. 2 mixed , c.iRh
and June , yj < &c ; July , SO-Tie ; September , SU'ic.
OATS Strong , gaining Ic. No. 2 , cash and
June , 40o ; July , 354c ! ; August , 29Vie ; September ,
300.HYE Nothing doing.
IIAULEY Nothing doing.
11IIAN Easier ; on track , this side , G4c.
HAY Easy ; prime to choice timothy , $3.03 ®
EC1OS Weak ; Se.
Ill'TTEK ' Firm nnd higher ; choice separator ,
LEAD Very strong , higher ; $3.07',4. '
SPELTEH J3.2' ' ) asked ,
CORN "MEAL Higher ; $2.10JJ2.15 ,
llAOGINa-Hlghcr ; 1-lb. , Go ; 2-lb. , CUc ; 2VS-
Ih. , 7c.
I'UOVISIONS Higher , firm ; good demand.
Pork , standard mess. Jobbing , $12.874. Lard ,
prlmu steam , $0.65 ; choice , $6.70. Dry salt meats ,
loosi ) choulderH , $5.b7U.i(6.)0 ( ' ) ; longs and rltis ,
> G.GO ; shorts , $ G.75. llncnn , packed shouldern ,
$7 ; longs. $7.2o ; ribs , $7.2.1 ; shorts , $7.50.
RECEIPTS Flour , fi.odO bbls. ; wheat , 3,000 bu. ;
earn , 44.000 bu. ; oats , 2I.OOO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 10.0HO bbls. ; wheat. 1.000
bu.j corn , 131,000 bu. ; oals , 32,000 bu.
% 'MliiiirupiiIiHVlieiit Slur Ice t.
MINNEAPOLIS , June 12. The wheat markol
opened I'.ic higher , due to continue I drouth and
covering by bliorts. There was general buying
and few sellers. Fluctuations during the day
were not large , but a ralher large business was
Iransacled. The close wns lite higher. June
nnd July , Cl ic : September , GOV c ; on truck. No.
1 hard , G3tic ; No. 1 northern. C2'ic ' ; No. 2
norlhern. GlUc : lecelpls , 119.4l'0 bu. ; shlpmenlH ,
2I.W ) bu. , making n probable decrease. In the
surplus of the city equal lo iiboul CO.OO' ' ) bu.
Flour wns steely and sales equaling Ihe pro-luc-
tlon , which wns some 45,300 bbls. for Ihe twenty-
four hours : shipments , 23,603 bbls. The market
for patents was $3.4583.03 ; bakcre , $2.1002.45.
Cotton .MiirUrt.
NEW OULEANS. June 12. COTTON-Steady ;
saleB , spot , 1,800 bales ; receipts , 1,500 bales ; cx-
iwrts , coastwise , 1,431 bales ; stock , S4.720 bales ;
futures , quiet ; vales , S,5drt Imles ; Juno , J7.'JO ;
July , JT.'Jil bid ; August , JC.9U bid ; September ,
$ .WOG.S1 ; Octoiier. $ > > .8. . C. 3 ; November , $7.00SJ
7.01 ; IVcember. $7.W 7o7 ; January , J7.12 bid ;
February. $7.18 bid , "
CINCINNATI , June -COTTON' Qulcl , 1 we- ;
middling. 7 c.
ST. l.OI'IS. June 12. COTTON Steady ; mid-
dllng , 7 3-lCe ; sales. SO bales ; recelpls , none ;
Bhlpments , 100 bales ; slock , 37,100 bales ,
Oil MiirkiitH.
OIL CITY , Pa. , June It National Transit eer-
tlncntrs opened at IK ) ; highest , HOVi ; lowrit , 89 % :
closed , 83 i i ( uleii , 4,000 bbln. ; clearances , CAMO
bbls. : shipments , H-0 ! bbl * . ; runs , U.632 bbls ,
IMTTSIIUHO. PH. , June 12.-Nullonnl
certlllcales opened at W ; closed at WHi highest ,
WV4' lowest , DO ; no sales.
Sugar Alxrlict.
NEW YORK , June 1Z -BUQAn-naw. itrone * > r ;
fair rvtlnlng , 20-lfro ; cvntrlfugal , 9S tent. 215.6o ;
salf * 2.000 tons centrifugal , 94 tail , nt Z I5-16a ;
1,000 bags crntrlfunal , M leit. at i 16-lCc.
LONDON , Junv 11-SUaAH-Cane. Hriner ; cvn-
trlfural Java , Ha ; Uutcovodo , fair refining ,
1Z 3J. .
New York Dry OooiU llurkot.
NEW YORK , June IB. There vraa. a good num
ber ct bujtra la tb wurktt. nail mor lnttrt t
wnmnnifcutrd in merc'iandm ' * . a for n numV-r
of innrkHs uhlpments were being made l tnki *
advantage of Iho low freights. Consldrrnhli *
wn * done In hji ached cottons , dnrk prints nnd
gingham * , coloied cottons , cotton llnnncl" nod
many nutunin vprrlallleti. 1 rlnllng cloths
nulct nt 2 11-180 for 64
Liverpool M
I.IVERPOOI , . June . -\Vlin.\T-Flrmt de
mand mndernle ; holders offer sparingly ; No. 1
California , 4s UK ) ; red western winter , 4 * MO
4s 7.1. .
CORN Firm ; demand moderate ; new mlxetl.
spot , 3n SU'l.
PROVISJONS-Ileef , extra India mc , 77 * Mr
I'ork , i > rlme > me < . C7 Gd. Iliitter , nnest nnd
pooti. pomlnal , Ilncon , long nnd short clear , 61
Ibs. , 3I ; long Clear , f5 llm , , SSs , Lard , prime
Western. it. * li
CHEKMU American finest , 47s W ,
TALLOW-24S 7d.
The receipts of wheat for the past three days
were 270.000 centals , Including 154K American.
Receipts of American corn tame < lme , Gl,000
centals. Wealher more favorable.
Clnclmmt ! Ci-ncril 'Mnr'.iet ,
CINCINNATI , June 12. FLOUR-Oood ilc-
innml. tending upward.
WHEAT Firm , higher ; No. 2 fed , C'OSSc ; re
ceipts , lr.Q < l head ; s'.ilpmcnts , none.
CORN Uood demand , strong ; No. 2 mixed ,
4 : t2'c. ' (
OATS Active , strong ; No. 2 mixed , 43C43',4c.
RYE fjnlet ; No. 2 , Die.
PROVISIONS - Pork , firm. $12.75. Lnrd.
stronger , $0.7n. Hulk meals , blrung , $ O.Wff
G.G2H. ll.'icnn , flrmer , $7.7. .
WHISKY Quiet ; sales. 502 bbls. , J1.15.
HUTTER Firm , higher ; Elgin creamery , 10SJ
134c ; Ohio , Ific ; d.ilry , lOc.
SfOAR-Falr demand.
EOOS-FIrm ; 12c.
CHEESE Stonily.
City -Markets.
KANSAS CITY. June I ! . WIIBAT Ic higher ;
No. 2 hnnl , 53054c ; No. 2 red , SIS53C ; No. 3 led ,
CORN Fraction higher ; No. 2 mixed , 3SJ3SV-c :
No. 2 w'.llte. 39'ic.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 39l4c ; No , 3 white ,
40c.HAY Steady ; timothy. $8.0009.50 ; prairie. $ G.OO
. .
ItUTTER Firm ; creamery , HiflScj dairy , 12 ,
< TJ4c.
EGOS Very firm ; 8'4c.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 5 cars ; corn , 41 car * ; oats ,
G cars.
Mllwnilkro Miir-u-M.
MILWAUKEE. .Ill ic 12. FLOUR 3t102 h'g'le- .
WHEAT lluoyaiit nnd higher : No. 2 spring ,
CS4c ! : No. I northern. t5c ! : July , 5S'ic.
CORN Firm ; No. 3 , 4lV4c.
OATS HlKher ; No. 2 while , 43'ic ' ; No. 3 white.
42',4ff4.1'5c. '
IIARLEY Higher ; No. 2 , 5lc ; sample , nom
inally llrm.
HYE Qulcl : No. 1. 49TJC.
PROVISIONS Higher. Pork , $12.40. Lnrd ,
It ECE II 'TS-Flour , 15,200 bbls. ; wheat , 22.SOO
bu , : bailey. 3,200 bu.
SHIPMIJNTS-Flour , 23,500 bbls. ; wheat , 3,500
bu. ; barley , none.
Diilutli Whmt .llnrkot.
DULUTIt. June 12. WHEAT Close ; No. 1
hard , June , fif-e ; July , Glc ; No. 1 norlhern , rash ,
G2'.Jc ; June , GOHc ; July , G2tc ; September , Cl'ic ;
December , G3 ic ; No. 2 northern , cash , S9c ; No.
3. Sl'.ic ' ; rejected , 49Vic ; to arrive , No , 1 northern ,
C3'Jc. _
TrlKOOVllC ! t < ) IHtlltllIH.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 12. WHEAT Weaker ;
December , $1.11 % ; new S. S. , $1.0UV4 ; new ttl-
Icis , $1.02V . _
liiurhcstcr Tvxtllci.
MANCHESTER , June 12. Cloths , betlcr de
mand for India ; yarns , quiet nnd unchanged.
AVool .Mtirluit.
ST. LOUIS , June 12. WOOL Firm nnd quiet ,
without change. _
Thcro WnH Little nr No Interest In the
Slnirc Speculation.
NEW YORK , Juno 12. There was little
or no Interest In the share speculation today ,
and although the close in most cases
showed an advance compared with yester
day there was nothing of buoyancy In the
market and trading was , as a rule , irregu
lar. The activity was confined to three
stocks , Sugar , St. Paul and Durllngton &
Qulncy , and Chicago Gas , which had some
prominence In the dealings , was the only
other stock in which the transactions ex
ceeded _ 5,000 shares. Sugar was weak at the
opening on sales of 'a block of stock bought
before the recent advance on which piofks
were taken.
When this was out of the way a good
buying movement was Inaugurated by brok
ers on the Sugar clique and as prices moved
upward the shorts began to cover , swelling
the volume of the purchases and causing n
steady advance. The early decline was
per cent , and ti gain , of 2 % per cent was
made. There was a good _ deal o.f , , stock
bought In to close out short accounts In
view of the closing'of the books for the
dividend tomorrow * In late -dealings tlfu'
stock reacted % per' cent , leaving a net gain
of 1 % per cent. Sugar preferred advahcod
1 per cent. St. Paul was bought by London
and the room traders during the morning
and rose % per cent to 61 , subsequently 'os- '
Ing % per cent. The speculation In the
stock was strengthened by a report that the
company had sold its bonds nt figures near
tlio current quotation on the exchange. Dur
llngton & Qulncy opened nt an advance-of
Vt per cent and then on selling orders , be
lieved to be mainly for the Doston account ,
broke 1 % per cent , closing at a recovery of
Vt per cent. The raid was made In the hope
of bringing out sonic long stock , but did
not meet with any measure of success. In
the late dealings the market was dull and
steady to firm , some few shares showing
signs of weakness , and at the close the
speculation was fairly firm. The railway
and miscellaneous bond market was llrm to
strong all day for the leading Issues.
The Evening Post says : Some brokers
who sold stocks yesterday on whatever "ar
gument" they could extracs from the situ
ation , bought back their stocks today , there
by restoring the majority of quotations to
yesterday's level. Tlio ostensible Hurposes of
these purchases was the reported coal strike
settlement. To prove how unresponsive
market prices , have been to this and other
recent developments , It Is only necessary to
turn back a month In the record of the
stock lists. The general price level stands
today almost exactly where It waa on
May 12.
The following are the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the Now York ex
change today :
The total unlcs of atotkB today were 1M.917
nlmres , Incluillnit : American Suitar. TJ.iOO ; Ilur-
llngton , 13,000 ; ChicaKO QQB. .8.200 ; Il ; lllorB and
Cnltlefi-v.lrin , 4.200 ; General Klectrlc , 8,200 ; Ml * .
ourl I'ncllliMO ; St. I'aul , 11,700 ; Western
Union , 4,400
Him I'raiiclseo AI
SAN FIIANCISCO , Juno 12-Tho offlclnl closlnr
quotntloiiBfor inlnlnir ntouK4toity worj ai lot-
lows ;
llottuii Stock ( Juotutiin.i. |
BOSTON , Juno 13 , Call loam , 1H32 p r cent )
tmi > * . SU.i.Tf per cent CloMiisf prices for
Block H. bouiln nnil inlnunt snai-ji
A. T. * S. F. . j | ? AVrHlln h. fiiactrto 0
Ant. Sugar INHffW. Ellis. DM 62
Am. suirar i pM . rtr { Win Central 4
llrtv Stale fins . u AtchlHOii Vila OOl .7
ItpHTclupliono. . . . 2l < l I AtchlHOii 4s 74K
* VM VII t ' Jt I ISilll , ) . . * UI New England flu. . lOij
Uoftton * Mama. . . . ifir-i ( Inn. Kleotrlo Bs. . . BilM
dopfd i5 ( 4 > Win. Cent. Intl. . . . B8
C. . II. &Q IT Ullnuei.MliilnifCo. 29
Fllehhunr lo Atlantic H
Orn. nifi.-lrle .77 hoAton & Monbma 23U
Mi-xlcan t'entml. . , f jlutlo.V lleMon. . . . H ? (
N. V..VN. Kuir. . . . 'foj ' Cnlumut , V Ileola. . 270
Old Colony 180' Centennial 10(1 (
Orceon Short Mr.o Frntikllu 7M
Ilubticr ! . . . . ICears.iiro B
San Dlosro. bsceola U )
biilncy 81
Tamarack 107
\\VHt Knil ii
New Vorlc Mnney Mnrltet.
Rnsy , nt 1 per ccntViflit lonn nnd closcJ 1 per
STHIIUNO nXCIIANOK-DulI. with ortunl
burlncB * In ImnkerH .Kiln nt Jl.SS'i for dcniaml
nnil nt JI.H7'.4 for Blxty ilnyB ! iwntcil rates , JI.SS'4 '
Ol. ! > 0 ; cnmniorrlnl | | | , 4.f-fi'j '
SlljVitl ; CKIlTII-'ICATKrt lCc.
OOVIUNMINT : llONPB-l-'Irm ; elate bonds' ,
The cIpBltitf quotitloni ( < on Ixmiln :
offered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
London Stock 'Murltnt.
LONDON , Junu I'J. t p. in. clonlnif :
CoimolB.monuy. . . . Mexican ordinary. 17
CuiiHidH , ai-c'nt.lOU ITi-ld St. rani com O'JVi
Canndlnii I'ncinu. . . Uo > j N. Y. Central 100)
Krlo . in I'ciiiiHylvnnli ; G0 ?
7C Ue.idlnir PK
Ills. Central Mux. Cun. . _ _ new _ _ _ ! _ . _ CUM _ _
HAH Slf/VEtl is Id per ounco.
MONBY K pcrci-nt.
The rate ofillHcount In thn op ii inarltot to- both
short and three months' bllla la Hi per cent.
I''nuiMrlfil Noti'i.
NHW Oni.nAN'S , Juno 12. Clearing ! ' . J1.C03 4"4.
MKMI'IIIS. June 12. Clearings , J350.730 ; bal
ances , { 158,402.
11OSTON. June 12. Clenrlnea , } 14COS,1CI ; bal-
nnccs , S1C77,9CO.
11AI.TIMOIIM. June 12.-Clcarlng3 , $2,473.4lE : ;
balances , fS07i2 ! ! ) .
NHW YOIIIC. Juno 12. Clearings , JS2SSI.SD1 ;
balances , $ : . ,472K9.
I'.MIIS. June 12. Three per cent rentes , lOOf
COc for the nceount.
I'lIII.ADKM'HIA , June 12. Clenrlnss , $10 3M-
7D3 ; halances , Jl.C7S.321.
CINCINNATI. June 12. Clearing , JI.DOl.OOO.
Money , SfiQG per cent. New York exchange , 70c
lOc ; teleurnnhlc , 1214C. Silver bars , C2SC2',4c. '
Mexican dollars , Glir."il'ic. '
ST. I.OUIS. June 12.-ClearlnKi , J3.7M.S92 ; Iril-
iinccs , fClG.M. , . Money , dull , dlil per cent. I2x-
clianRe on New York , Me premium bid.
LONDON , Juno 12. Tlio amount of hutl'nn FOIJ
Into the Hank of KnRlaml on halnnce trulay Is
114,000. The price of ROlil nt Uuenos Ayns
toilny Is 200.
CHICAGO , Junn 12. Clearings , $14 Df.S.rO ) . New
York exclmiiBe. 70C prem'um. ' SterllnK exchnnRo.
sti-aily ; nctual , Jl.Mv'JiSt.Sa'Ji. Money , steaily ,
4SO per cent.
Three steamers at Courtland , take a sail.
: oBCEBIN3. : . '
Union Pnclllc Octtlng Out of tlio Wet In the
UYstiiliiiil Notrs.
At Union Pacin hqcplquartcrs It was an
nounced that reRijlar travel had been re
sumed between Ttkort , Wash. , nnd Wal
lace ! .Idaho. This travel was suspended
as far back ns May ; 20 , on account' the
high waters In thd abjihwcst. Mr. Orr also
stated that for the twenty-four hours endIng -
Ing Sunday evenVftg 'Hie Snake river had
fallen eighteen lilparla , nnd the
Columbia at WalliflaJJwelvo inches. While
the waters are ntcpilfiig at Portland It is
still Impossible to determine the amount
of the > damage , done to ! Union Paclllc prop
erty In the Columbia river country , the
trncka. In some placif being ns nnuch ns
ten feet under water.1 At the rate ? the Co-
ltnnblo. } It. jyjjl , te.-from ) ' .ten'
to fifteen days befbTe"any definite 'Informa
tion can be learned of tlio greati damage
done to the Oregon Hallway and. Naviga
tion company , a leased line of the Union
Pacific , llepalrs are rapidly being pushed
on the'washout between Payne and Mniket
Lake , nnd It Is thought the damage will
be repaired by tomorrow night.
Itatrs to Ilcnvrr.
General Parscnger Agent Lomax of the
Union Paclllc , when shown the dispatch
from Chicago regarding the proposed boy
cott of the Lake Erie & Western line ,
which persisted in quoting a round trip
rate of $21.7. between Minneapolis and Den
ver for the meeting of the League of Re
publican Clubs , said that so fur as the
Union Paclllc was concerned It was in no
wise connected with the making of thn
rate.Ve sent out on Miiy 28 notices to all
lines that our rates would be the same as
Western Passenger association rates , nnd
the Gulf was nlso informed that" side trips'
would not be allowed except at tariff rates.
After the summer excursion agreement was
made- the 'Union Pacific pulled Into line
and Is living rigidly up to the agreement.
If the KrloIs still quoting the rate alleged
it will simply have to pay the Union Pa
cific Its $15 from the river , although there
arc lines other than the. Union Pacific
which the Erie might use In conjunction.
"Of course , while contracts were made
with various organizations , the agreement
vitiated these contracts and a new order
of things was Instituted. Them may be
several law suits growing out of this turn
affairs have taken , but there Is one thing
In advertising certain side trips and dis
tinctly another thing in selling tickets on
the strength of these side trips. We main
tain that our connections , and , for that
matter , all other lines , hnd ample notice
of our withdrawal from the side trip fea
tures of the agreement long before any
tickets were sold. Should tickets , how
ever , have been sold the roads will have
to make good their promises , that's all
there Is lo It. So far ns the Union Pacific
Is concerned , it stands squarely onthe
agreement , and 'any road quoting
rates other than those agreed upon will
have to settle at the captain's olllce. "
KnUvruy Noti-H.
J. O. Phllllppl of the Missouri Pacific
went to Atchlson last evening.
John A. Keene , commercial agent of the
Milwaukee at Denver , Is In the city.
! " . H. Semple , general passenger and
ticket agent of the Union Pacific , Denver
& Gulf , was In Omaha yesterday on busi
ness connected with the Union Pacific.
Among the railroad men present nt the
funeral of W. F. Vnlll from out of town
yesterday were n. A. Uraneh of the Krle ,
George A. McNutt of the "Katy , " Gilbert
H. Harris , city ticket agent , nnd S. A.
Welsh , Union avenue ticket agent of the
Burlington at Kansas City , nnd C.H.Ilogers ,
superintendent of the Uurllngton < xt Wy-
The report that the Pennsylvania lines
were compelled to shut down on account
of the scarcity of coal Is denied by Mr.
Jules I.umbard , representative of the Penn
sylvania company , 'Who has received a tele
gram from 1C. A. llaWon , western superin
tendent , stating that 'nil trains , freight as
well as passenger , , jare running regularly
ns heretofore. [ -j
See deer , antelope , etc. , at Courtland.
Ity Borne unkno\yH , meaii8 nn Incipient
blaze started In44i cupobr of the boat
house Monday , where the fireworks weie
stored. Hy the prompt use of fire extin
guishers most of thc'lireworks wore .saved ,
the loss being mertlj' iiomliml.
The lady who claliried to have had her
watch stolen fromvJxer on Sunday finally
discovered she hnil.iUlrpoHed of It 'In siirh
a secure place that she was unable to find
It until her return Jrtmo. when Superin
tendent Criuio wa > ; uWlllcd by letter of its
safety , much to hla-gratification.
Manager GrUIItH * "Monday accompanied
the Union Pacific nfflclalH , Including Mes ra ,
Buckingham , Nlchblu , Lomax and others ,
on a , tour of Inspection around to the north
side of Courtla.nd lake , tlio object belnc
the locatlnK of sidetracks to handle the ex.
curslon 'bUHlness of .the season. Now that
Mr.GrlllUhH has purchased a large steamer ,
It Is the Intention to take all excursions
direct to the lake and transfer the pas
sengers from the curs to the beach by
boat. These gentlemen also located the
dock at which the steamer will land and
the pier nt the beach W H Mpmbiv ovi"ltii.-
located by the Courtland Beach association
olllclals. It will extend some Ulutuncu Into
the lake Just went of the pres nt boat
liouuo. The laying of track huu already
begun and the erection of the pier began
yesterday ,
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles
See deer , antelope , etc. , at CourtlaaiJ ,
Oattlo Values Take on a Pinner Footing
Under Good Demand ,
Itnthcr Limited Supply Fall * to Meet
Jtcaulrcmcnta of nn Aollvo Trmlo
Hogs Atlvnnco a Nickel on a
llenvjr Itnn.
TUESDAY , June 12.
Cnttlo values firmed up again today , and
while thcro was no appreciable ndvance In
prices the tone of the trrulo was considerably
better than yesterday , especially on finished
steers. The supply was not at nil excessive ,
and as compared with same day last week
was several hundred less.
Cows and heifers sold In yesterday's
notches from start to finish , and while the
market was not particularly brisk u clear
ance was effected early In the day. Hough ,
grassy stuff and light , thin cattle sold rather
slowly at moro or less uneven prices.
There was no special change In the feeder
market from that of the past few days.
Desirable feeders of good weight and quality
ere In fair demand , while lighter steers arc
Irregular sellers , and prices on the moro
common stackers are pretty low at present.
Good to choice feodcrn are quoted at $3.10 ©
3.40 , fair to good at $2.SO@3.00 nnd com
mon from | 2.SO down. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. IT.
1. . . . M3 00 15..1235 14 2' , 10. . . . 1133 $1 40
1. . . . 970 3 Tr > 43 1138 4 30 43..120) 4 ) > }
20..1183. 3 S5 C7..1131 430 12..1015 440
42..11S3 40) ) 22. . . . OS1 430 27..1138 440
1..13i)0 410 SO..1277 433 Z2..1SI8 445
7. . . . 968 4 10 19. . . . P87 4 33 2..101' ' ) 4 5)
20. . . . 970 4 10 19..1021 \ 35 43..128 ? 4 M
41..1090 410 100..HOI ! 431 St..1201 \ f,0
23..1122 4 13 31..1070 4 35 18..12J7 4 f,5
32..104 ? 415 C..1I22 433 24..129) 4 IWi
01..1242 4 20 22 12J1 4'40 19. . . .12(3 ( 4 6) )
23..1134 4 M 2S..104 : ! 4 40 43..13CO 4 03
22..1203 4 23 19..1097 4 40
1..1230 335 29. . . . 723 410 20..1237 4 M
3. . . . 733 373 25..1078 423 22.1030 4 M
13. . . . SIS 410 1..1410 435 25. . . .1416 4 C3
3.1.20 410 15..1283 433 19..12 ! 400
41. , . . Ml 333 19. . . . 933 415 15..10)2 430
13. . . . S30 4 10
4. . . . 977 133 2. . . . 9SO 200 1..1W 2 7C ,
1..SIO 135 ] . . . . J302 0) I.,1HO 2 SO
12. . . . 816 ICO 13..1020 2 0) ) 17 P2' ' ) 280
1. . . . 730 ICO 6. . . . 748 2(10 2..MS : , 2 & ' )
4. . . . 910 ICO 1. . . . 800 200 1..1I1M 2 SO
1..I010 ICO 7. . . . k70 210 C. . . . .W 2M
4. . . . COO 1 C3 1. . . . SSO 223 3..11M 2 ! n )
2..1080 170 7..11"3 223 2..12iK ) 300
2. . . . S23 175 2..10110 223 2..1035 300
7. . . . CCS 175 1. . . . 030 2 2i 3. . . . 92iJ 3 00
2. . . . ! K)5 ISO C..110fi 223 1..14W 3 IV )
2..1005' 1 SO C. . . . 757 235 1..1SOO 310
1..1120 190 1. . . . 970 2 CO 1..1230 510
9. . . . 917 190 1..1210 2 CO 1..10W 310
3..1073 1 90 C. . . . 934 2 C3 1..12T.O 3 00
C. . . . 793 190 1..1220 275 1..H40 375
C. . . . C33 1 90 1. . . . 930 2 75 1..13-10 4 00
21. . . . 978 I 95
20. . . . 782 2 23
3. . . . 340 1 CO 20. . . . C.,0 1 75 8. . . . CI3 2 0)
2. . . . 713 1 70 ! . . . . COS 1 90 1. . . . C.SO 2 50
10. . . . 420 1 70 3. . . . 626 1 HO C. . . . 720 3 00
4. . . . COO 1 75 8. . . . SC5 2 00 1. . . , 7SO 3 25
8. . . . C40 1 73 1. . . . CSO 2 00
4. . . . 103 1 CO 7. . . . 110 3 23 1. . . . 20 4 < W
1. . . . 220 200 1. . . . 110 SCO ] . . . . 110 40) )
1. . . . 120 200 1. . . . 230 SCO 2. . . . 13) ) 400
11. . . . 141 2 00 1. . . . 2G > ) 3 50 1. . . . IS ) 4 23
7. . . . Ill 200 C. . . . 228 3 M 1. . . . HO 425
1. . . . 110 2 CO 1. . . . 1(0 3 CO 2. . . . ICO 4 23
1. . . . ISO 3 00 2. . . . 123 3 CO
1..1040 ICO 1..22IO 215 1. . . . C70 2 CO
2. . . . MO 1 75 1..142) 2 13 1. . . . C70 2 CO
I.C40 1 75 1..1100 2 20 1..13(10 ( 2 51
1 1090 190 2..12li3 220 . 1..1C10 300
2..1030 200 1..1100 220 ' 2..142) ) 30. )
1. . . . COO 200 2. . . . 7CC 220 1..1VO 3 '
1 CIO 200 I. . . . CSO 220 1. . . . ! > 49 300
3..1010 205 1..1000 220 l..rS'l ' 31) )
I..1310 210 1..1510 2 21 1..2")0 ) 313
1. . . . MM 2 JO 1..13S3 223 1..1310 330
1..1420 2 10
1..11SO 3 23 1..1J..0 3 73
3. . . . Oil 220 7. . . . 740 295 31. . . . 050 310
12. . . . 345 250 5. . . . CSO 300 42..712 Z 10
4. . . . C37 2 CO 2. . . . SCO 300 8. . . . C70 310
11. . . . 403 2 CO S2. . . . Of. 300 1. . . . 740 310
2.1. . 705 285 1 C70 300 1C. . . . 77S 315
21. . . . 441 2 S3 4. . . . C37 3 OJ 1. . . . 9.10 32)
11..1003 290 15. . . . COG 305 19. . : . 755 320
14. . . . 715 290 3. . . . 653 303 31. . . . 90S 330
13. . . . 460 2 95 23. . . . KO 3 05
No. Av. Pr.
45 feeilers..l214 ? 3 40
HOGS For two days the receipts of hogs
show an Increase over last week , with 11,000
received today. Notwithstanding the heavy
supply the demand was fully equal , and
under active competition prices strengthened
Cc to lOc all around , the market closing
strong at the advance. Sales were at ex
tremes of $4.55 to $4.70 nnd bulk $ I.GO to
? 1.65 , against $4.50 to $1.CO and bulk $1.55
yesterday , and bulk last Tuesday a ? 4.45 to
$4.50. llcprcscntatlve sales :
SIIKE1' Receipts were 491 head , Including
a bunch of sprint ; lambs that sold for $4. BO.
riio general market was lower. Fair to
good natives , ? 3 to $4.15 ; fair to good west
erns , $3 to $4,10 ; common and stock idiecp ,
; 2.50 to $3.26 ; good to cholco 40 to 100-11) .
ambs , $3 $ , CO to $4. CO. Representative sales ;
No. Wt. I'r.
40WCS . 05 ff.'l 2.1
JHlt wentern wethers . 107 4 17) )
70 lambH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M 4 no
Now York I.lvu Ntot-k
NKW YOHK , June IS. lIHKVKS-HecelptB ,
89 hi-aili none on Hale , Hurt.iH'nn ralilco iiunte
Anifrlcan Bleero nt 11512" | > i-r lu. iritil ) uclKht ;
efrlKunttorwtt \ , kH Hc r T Ib. KxjKirta to-
dny. LOW beevra anil 1.6W nhei-ii.
OA1.VK8 Ilecellil" , m henil ; nmrkH Blow.
barely uteaily ; veals , mnllum tn rrltiuII. . Wit
.00 per JOO Mm. ; fnlr butctnnllk ealveti , } 3.W f
'HHUKI * AND LAMIIA-ltereliitii , 1,8(0 lii-ail ;
8 carl on cnte ; no ri'covrry from yt-nteriluy'y
cx > llupnai prtcvn Bhmle tower ; 2& cars unmilil ;
htep , poor to KOixl , ILCOITXTS per 100 Ibs. i
outturn Imiibi , poor to choice , JS.OO < .374. !
IIOQS Hvcelpt * , J.956 tu-aili market llrm ; In-
trlor to iooil , 15.1030. J5 p.r 100
Ht. I.ouls I.Ivn Ntiic-k Murknt.
Senii-Annual Inventory Sale ,
otuny other city. * 2T > 0,000 worth of jrwidB nt cost ,
nnil untlor. Spcelnl milo on ovcrytliing. 1,600 ,
pictures at one-third rciiulur prices. Furniture ,
Carpets , Stoves , linby Unri-liiKus , KofrlKoratorn ,
Gnsollno Stoves , oto. , nlmtst Riven ixwny. Dlj ?
nttrnetiuna in the Parlor Furnlturo Department.
Spnco prevents Knowing moro than one , but it ig
only n sample of how everything else ! s belug sold.
This Parlor
S Piccos
Oak frame , finished antique , in bro-
catclle , plush or tapestry , and worth
every cent ot $40,00 , for
Formerly People's Mammoth Installment IIotii2.
Close Evenings , cxopting Mondays and Saturdays.
jHEI jji : ! ' * !
4.M : cows. : .2r.ff3.CO : calves , J4 ; Texas Moon" .
medium to good , J3.35Q3.70 ; cows , ! 2.15&.35 ;
C"lINOOS nocclpls , B.SOO head ; shipments , 1.100
head. Market active. stronK , lOo hlKhcr ; Iiaelt- . . t4.SO.fI4.S5 . tar Kood , lioavy ; Rood.
llpht , J4"0f4.SO ; fair to medium. Unlit , t4.Do ®
4.65 : plKH and common Iteht , J4.2104.4j.
SllKEP-Hecelpts. 6.400 head ; shipments. COO
head. Market active , steady ; native mixed ,
J3.00G3.40 ; Iambs. J3.Wff3.40.
Cattle Slurkct AVus Quiet nnd 1'rlccs Were
V Ithout ChnnRO.
CHICAGO , Juno 12. The cattle market was
' change.
quiet nnd 'prices were without quotable
Natives , of which there were barely 3.000 head
basis of from J1.25 to
fresh receipts , sold on a
J230 for Inferior to extra cows nnd heifers and
$3.73 for very common to extra steers. The
offering of-ood cnttle were f.-iv nn 1 were tnjcn
. Tlieic was
nt the recently
a steady market for Kojd Texas cnttle l > ' "tliei
wcio slow and wenlt. blnc
Brades of cattle have been nearly s . IMO bend
receipts time last week nn. 1 If
more than for the same
this "eeic
Tor the rcmnlnder of
the receipts
iliow a correKpondlng Jncrcate no doubt prices
WThcV ' advance of 60 per cwt. on , IIMJS
Immediately upon the c.penlnK of . 1'u l.n ? " "V"
marnlnif. nnd the mlynncc was n ° , ' " ? ! ' 1l"
tame. 1 lie
the diiv , though the close \yns
. 30)
weight nveriiitos. i
ti olccst 0 to J4.UO , nn.l thic
400 Ibs. , were quoteil up
" - 7. ,
were wiles "ot assorted HBht at J4.EO. IJi-om } 4
to JI.S5 boupht the bulk of the medium and
heavy , nnd fmm $4.05 to } 4.75 were " < ; P''v nl.1 :
1'oor Bluff wild
Ins prices for llRht weights.
culls were quoted nt from J3
around J4.W. nnd
to ? "M. The proportion of prime heavy hops
nf ,
was smnll. but the average quality
was Rood for the time of the year. Hec" Ipts
17.OW head , niaMnK at out
wen- estimated nt .
f,20M henil slnco Saturday , or 10.0 * ) head less
thnn for the same time Inst week.
and Iambs of
There was a decline In riieop
from 100 to 15c per 1M ( Ihs. Common to choice
sheTp were quoted off to from I2.GO to $3. , . . . and
sprlnc lambs were slow at from $2. ,5 to J4. , , , .
Yenrllngs were ealablc nt from J2.W " - ' :
valueless. Thev n it
Infcilor sheep yjo
wanted nt any price quoted nt from $1 to Jl.,5.
ilecelpts : Cattle. B t ) head : calves. 145 head :
hogs. 17.000 head ; elieep. 11.000 head.
The HvenlnK .lournnl reivorts :
CATTI K-Ilecclpts , f.(0l bead ; mn'ket sUrv a-vl
a trll o lower ; nrliiiiM i-xtra native lfl ; 'fi * * < >
4.00 ; medium ! f4.Wif4.7S ; olhciB. $3.9001.10 ; Tex-
.ie.Ulma.rket . : active nnd
; rmeh ay ,
ivelKhts. J4.S04T4.90 ; apBortfsl light. 4 T.ifM.f * .
SIIl-nr AND I.AMIIS-necelpts , ll.OOO head :
lower than nnv tlm f
market dull , with prices
which theie Is n record ; lop sheep , J3.OOu3.-J.
lop lambs , J3.90C4.CO. _
Ititcoliitt mill llsiHltl | ( < pi > of KtnnV.
Ofllclal recelpls nnd dlspoplllon of Mock ns
shown hy the liooka of the t'nlon Hteek nrdij
hours ending nt 3
company for the twenty-four ,
o'clock p. tn. , Juno 12 , 1894.
Cars. Ilcnd.
, . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . 101 _ _ _ 2.fi7ri
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1D5 10,7rJ , ) .
Sheep . 3 4JI
Horses nnd mules . * *
Huycrs. Cnttle. HOKS. Bhccp.
Imaha I'ncklntf Co . . . . 2.35 ; ' . . .
flic O. II. Ilnmmond Co . 621 2,3J.i
fwlfl nnd ComiKiny . 313 1.60.1 . . .
Hie Cudahy 1'ucklnif Co . 709 2.173 383
Folm I1. Siiulre K. Co . 713
: ildilliy Ilios . wj
Hammond & Htnndlsh. , . I" '
S'clson Morris . J ? " .
\ . linns . } yj .
. . . . .
It. Ili-cher & Degen . 141
I' . U. Armour . ; sl
[ . . Decker . { .
F. Lehman . JJJ . :
Jhlppein nnd feeders . 327 . . . . . Ill
Totnl . 2,703 10.689 4JI
KHIIHII City l.lvii Si k Slnrltut ,
12.-CATTM-llrcclpts ,
1,000 head ; shipments. l.SW hind. Market BlriinK
for natives ; 'IVxnns Blendy ; Ti-xn * slfi'i'H. J2 4' ' W
I.W ; Texas cows. I1.75 . S ; bwf Htc.-is. J.1.30 i
I ! P5- native cowii , ll.mfin.2G ; ntucKern nnd fn-ilers ,
t3.Xfi3.5 ( ) ; bulls , > 2. ( i3.2.'i ,
llOdS-llecrlpts. 12.30-1 head ; chlpmenls. nnne.
Mnihft lOfilBo hlKhcr ; bulk nf wili-y. f4..tH..J ( ;
lii-avlrH H.BSfll.W ; iiackers. M.704 | > 0 | mixed ,
ll.ioVfl ? . , M.COWI.W ; YO.IWB. . J4.M04.70 ;
' 'siilll'ir -ItecHpIs , WO head ; BlilpmcntB , 100
lend. Mniket meady nnd plow.
.Stock In
Ilecord nf recelpls of live stock at the four
irlnclpal ynidH for Tut-Bdiiy , Juno 12 , 1H9I :
Cattle. UIIKH. tihcep.
louth Omaha . 2.OT 10.760 4i4 :
- '
CuniuiB City . 4.0'12.300 ) I'OO
it. IxJUU. . . . 4,0'W B.SOO 6,400
TolalB . 16.076 45.SCO 18,791
Cliicliinull l.lvo Ntuck Marki-t.
CINCINNATI , June 12. HOOH Htnmit ; f .23O
.DO ; receipts. l,40i | head ; hliincnt | , k't ' > head.
CATTiaStfuily ; )2.H/t.W ; rccelpln , ( VMheaili
ihlpmcnlii , TIJ-I head.
HIIICKI'-Weiuly ; Jl.WQ3.7li ; recelptB , 3,300 head ;
ihliimrnls , 1,3' ' * ) bend.
tiAMlia-l.lHht ilfinand , meady ; I2.00CI.M.
Dollurn 10 Diillur * .
To Denver and return ,
To Colorado SprliiKB and return ,
To 1'uclilo ntiil return ,
Via tliu Union I'uclllc.
Tickets on Bale June 11 , 12 , 23 nnd 21.
; all at 1302 Fnrimm atrttt ( or ( urtlivr I > ar-
tculari ,
Commission Mercliaiit
Private wires to Chicago and Nenr Yorfc All
CorresppnOenco sollcKed.
DENISON. In. , Jlny 2i ( , 1891-Wc will Ic
to the lowest and best bidder the moving o
° "inclnn(1 cl ht > rnc (6.C81) ( ) yarTH o
noi nn nTclP.honr ? rU(1' slx mlles south o
? S 1s hlngton towiwhlii , Cniwfon
coll"ty. lown. Pints of the ronil can ba
, ° Vh-eiu''Htor's ? "lco or ftt the real-
i nn AfiJ'i , ? { ' ' " WnHhlngtcm town-
ship. All bids to be soalcd nnd left with
i the county nudltor nnd will be opened on
boVir < lnry'iJuno 23' ,1&Di- Contract ? to Blva
, , , ,
! ii t m r"- } ll'llllre < l ( lollnrs ( JSOO.OO ) for-
the fnlthful
perfprmnnce of tlie work. Con-
trnct to be llnlshed by September 15 , 1SSI.
nn , the saniB will be paid for when com-
PJi 'nd'iA ' releYcl will bo trilten of the grnila
J13 mSt
Question that is Now Being Seriously
Agitated in Now York.
Clnlin that the Sii-culntirH | Wh Cnino Out
Went mid. Contriii'l fur Ilnttor In Ail-
vmico of Di-lhi-ry Are Ituln-
IliK the Triiil'i ) ,
The New York produce commission men
nro up In nrms over the Hystem of con
tracting butter which ha.s grown BO rapidly
of late. Under this system the contractors
come out west nnd vlult the best cream
eries , nnd offer them ' /ic to lu above the
market price for their goods , the prlco
being based upon tlio market for the day
on which the goodn are delivered In New
York. An offer of tliln kind IH quite at
tractive to the creamery mnn , and HH a
natural result the contractor hax little trou
ble In arranging for all tlie best makes of
June butter. Tlio commission men claim
thnt the contractor then KOUH upon the
New York market and does all he can to
bear It , an tlio lower the market the K-HS
hu will have to pay for hlH contract buttc-t.
The contract butter , on arrival , IB gener
ally plueeil In cold storage to he held until
later In the Kt-aflon , when the price Is ex
pected to lie higher. CommlHHlon men com
plain that this Hyntcm IH undermining theu-
biiHlnes.H and that It IH a great Inconveni
ence to the trade. A dealer explains thin
Hldo of the question In the New York Bul
letin thux : "SuppoHc you havit been talcing
KoodH from a regular creamery , your ctis-
tomei-H ure plcimvil with them and you
have u good trade for them. Buddenly lit
June you get a letter from your Hhlpper
Haying that he cannot j < eml you any moro
butter at pre.-u-nt IIH he lias contracted It
to Homo one t-lHe. Then when your buyers
come In and ask for that make of butter
you are forced lo tell them that you have
not got It and try to Hell them Homcthlni ;
else. They may ho milted with Homc-thlm ;
else , and after they have been running on
that for two montim butter from the fo. .
mcr contracted creamery begins to arrive
again and you are confronted with Iho
name dllllculty agu4n. The creamery man
IIUH Hold tlio finest butter he can make In
the whole year to the npeculntor , nnd then
afterwards wnntu the commlHslon merchant H
to do the bext he cnu for him on t > oudn of
a lower ( imtllty. " Ajjaln It In claimed thuv
the HyHtem temlH to create a fictitious mar
ket and to mrtku the butter situation n ,
strained nnd abnormal one. During Junu
more tlno Initelr IH made than diirlnir any
other month of the year , and prices ura
normally lower at that time. Thin fact
offcrH an adatituKU to the Hieculator [ , who >
can neutrally get their KoodH at u much
lower prlco than the mime will lirlnf later
In the veaHnn , when the make of buttvr' '
beRltiH to Krow IlKhtcr.
Jutit how the commlHulon men expect to
lirlnir about the retirement of the contract
xyHtem cannot tie very readily nceu at pres
ent , but weutern creamery men will wntcn
the controversy with no Ilttlu IntcrcHt ,
For full Information concerning summer
cxeureloim call at tlio Chicago , Milwaukee ft
St. I'aul ticket olllce , 1S04 Fa main utreet , or
address F. A. NASH ,
General Agent * j