THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUNE 5 , 189' ! . 8PE01HL NOTICES. AAwrtUcment * for thwie columns will b taken until ' ) p. m. for tha evening ni > until : OT p , m , for the mornlnic nnd Sunday edition * . Advertisers , by rrmiostlni ? A numbered check , can Imve answer * nddreiued to a numbered let- t r In cart hi The Uce. Answer * n a < 1 < lr w1 will to delivered upori presentation ot the check. SITPATIONSWANTED. . Ilntes , liV wonl first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing Uken forlcs9 _ _ than Ke , BlfUATIoTr fANTI irY Ar VOMAN A3 housekeeper In a iimall family , 402 N. 16th st. , * mom M. V-MO-t WANTIJD , SITUATION IJY AN KXt'K- rlneced tjookkeeper. Good reference furnished. Address M HO , Omaha Hep , A M703 9 TVANTKDJ TlV YOUNO WAN , POST- lion an nsslslnnt l okkccper , collector or clerk. References. Address M M'A"CT7M 15. BITOATION WANTED , HY flOOD film , . FOR cenernl housework In small family. Aimrrss llox 10S , dreln.1. Net ) . A M778 t * WANTED MALE HELP. Hates , IJJe wonl nrst Insertion , lo a , word thereafter. Nothing taken for less thnn 23c. SOLICITOUS , TRAMS FURNISHED ! INHTALL- mcnt goo < ls. American Wringer Co. , 1600 How ard street. 11-tM AOKNT8 , SALARY OR COMMISSION. THE greatest Invention of the ago. The New I'at- cnt Chemlcnl Ink Erasing rcnell. Sells on slKht. Works like manic. Apents arn making J2300 td J12S.OO per week. Tor further par ticulars wrllo the Monroe Erasing Mte. Co. , X 56. La Cromg , WH . P-SS4 WANTED , HALKSMAN : BALAUY FROM start , permanent place. llrown Hros. fJo. , nurserymen , Chicago , 111. n MSMJZP _ BALESMI3N WANTED , TO SELL OUIt OOOD3 by wimple to the wholesale nnd retail trade ; sell on sleht to every business nmn or llrm ; liberal salary ; money nilvnncol for ailvertlslnff nml cxpensem permanent position. Aildress , with stamp , King JlanufncturlnR Co. , C-42 , Chl- HI. H M771 9 WANTI3D. BAILSMAN ON THI3 IIOAD TO sell advertising cards and calendars on com mission direct from manufacturer. Can mike JMW PIT week. Advertising Specialty Co. , Huffalo , N. Y. 11-M782 C * WANTED FEMALE HELP. Itatcs , 1' c word nrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2So. LADIKH WASTING GUILS Al'I'LY AT THR Hcandlnavfan Young ladles' home , 3304 Cumlng. C 518-11' WANTIJL ) A COOK AT 1313 CHICAGO ST. C C75 VVANTHD , YOUNO GIIIL TO ASSIST WITH general housework. Mrs. 11. O. Counsman , 1581 North IStli street. O M77i 5 * WANTEDaiUL FOR GlINGHAli IIOUSR- work. Family of two. Call mornlnes , 623 South 26th street. C M78S C' FOB BENT HOUSES. Ilatca , Hie word first Insertion , Ic a wort thereafter , Nothing taken for less thin 25c. riNi : FLAT IN CLOusnn m.ocK AT 703 s. 10th St. ; range nnd all other conveniences ; (23. Gcortfa Clouscr , room 2 , 1C23 1'arnam st. D-311 HOUSES. F. K. DAItLINO , BARKER I1LOCK. D-G30 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THI3 CITY. THE O. P. Davis company , 1M3 Farnam. D-CS7 6-nOOM COTTAGES , MODERN , CHOICI3 IN Batnford Circle. C. S. Elsutter , 201 Deebuild- , Ing. * t , P 688 „ ItENTAL AGENCY , tffl BIIOWN BLOCK. - DSSJ CLEAN , COMrOUTAllLE. CONVENIENT , modcrato rcntnls , best 3 and 4-room suites for housekeepers only. HeMcnces required. Also C-rc , n EUltn In tenement. 81G S. 22d St. D COO KELKENNEY&CO..II. 1 , CONTINENTAL IJLK. D C91 CHOICE HOMK , EIGHT ROOMH AND BARN : nice lawn , city water and southeast front ; 1 block south of Leavcnworth on 3Sth avenue ; J25.00. Apply to N. I'erry. on premises. D 612 roil RENT , J31 M I'ER MONTH , 4110 , LAFAY- ctto avenue , 7 rooms , .furnace , .bath , hot and cold water , closet. Kas , elactrlo lighting appli ances , etc. Iteautlf\il lawn , trees , etc. Fidelity Tmst company , 1703 rarnam street. D M3 KOIt 11F.NT , GOOD DiTAClIUD NINE-UOQM liouflf , ,2021 Capltql avenue. .Also 9-room house 25iu Qnpltol a\cnUe , U..II..Itollson. room 7 , Commercial Nntlonnl. D C34 C-noOJI MODERN COTTAGE , LAWN AND shade. 2124 Jllnml street , D 5D5 ' THREE ROOMS , C34 S. 17TII STREET. D M100 J18 _ _ _ FOH RENT , CHoTcn FLAT IN THE I * . E. ller block , cor ; ICth nnd Jacksonstreets. . Call at 1112 Harncy street. _ p MS43 FINH LARGB MODERN l7oUSE , S. W. COR. 2Cth Capitol avenue , D 552 4 * HOUSE FOR RENT. TEMPLETON & 1'IER- son , 1'axton blk. D CO roll RENT. DWELLINGS IN ALL I'ARTH of Omaha ; rail for list. E. II. Sheafed 432 I'qxton block. D MC66 _ FOR RENT , DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN Council lllulTa ; call for list at Omaha office , 433 Paxton block. 13. JI. Sheufe. D M687 MRS. J. W. COTTON DESIRES TO RENT HER houto , furnished , for the summer. 118 S. 10th street. D M749 6 REI T. A CLEAN COMFORTABLE , cozy and complete homo of S loomi. All mod em. 823 Houth Zulli nvenue. Low rent to care ful tenant. Apply Kulm's drug store. D-M751 S TOR BENT FURNISHED ROOMS Rates , IVio word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing tnK n for less than 2Sc. FOR RENT. AT 2C5S DODGE. A LARGE. BAY window , second story front room , for HO 09 a month. No other roomers -and no children. n _ LARGE SOUTH ROOM , 1913 DODGE STREET. E 690 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t A15TNA HOUSE , NORTHWEST CORNER 13TH and Dodge. Ruams by the day or week. top J8 * _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ LE FURNISHED HOOM ; GENTLEMAN. 2017 1IAR- licy sticet. E 545 4 _ ROOM WITH ALCOVE. 624 S. 26TH AVE. E 4JSJ24 * _ FURNISHED ROOM. 2017 HARNEY STREET. E M775 U _ FOR RENT. NICELY AND NENVLY FUR- nlshed room. Urst lloor ; no other roomers ; , six blocks from 1' . O. ; gas , bath , etc. Addiesa 21 , Bee. E M530 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FURNISHED ROOMS. ALSO DOUBLE 1'AIt- lor , with or without board. 17M DadKe. K-M711 S _ _ _ _ VURNISHED ROOMS. WlTII OH WITHOUT lio.uil. 2211 Douglas street. References re- Quired. 3 JI6H 7 VLEAHANT ROOM WILL BE FURNIBIIEO joung ur mlddla aged lady with satisfactory references , for company of a wlfa whoso lius- Satul travels. Address Mrs. Charles Converse , Box 42S , Onialm. E M7 8 ( . _ * -OR RENT , NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. all modern Improvements , 2003 St. Mary'u nvenue. E-M781 11 FURNISHED BOOHS AND BOARD lutes , l o word flret Insertion , lo a wort ] thereafter. Nothing taken for Icsa tluin SOc. 80UTII ROOMS .AND GOOD BOARD. 210 } UouilUi tro t. F-M9CJ \OUNa WOME.VH HOME. UNDER GARB OIP \\emeni ChrUtlan association , ill 8. 17th st. SOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO. WITH board. In private family , 2020 St. Mnry'a ave. F M861 JU _ 11OOM3. FtTRNISHED OR tlNFURNISHED. with nrst-clasa board. 150C Capitol a\e. Inquire inu Capitol qye. F M774 _ DESIRABLE ROOM. BUITABLK 1 OR TWO , wth | good board. Rest of locations. 2510 Dodge. l' M560 & _ _ _ _ _ A LARQ13 FRONT FURNISHED ROOM , WITH board. In private family , for t o gentlemen ; no other boarders ; reference * excliunged. 221J Vi'i-bster street. , 1' 745 S FURNIBIIKD ROOM WITH BOARD. RKFKK- ence. JI214 Farnam street. F MW4 8 _ rURNlSHKD ROOMS AT 2M7 1JOUOLAH BT. . _ F-44T-4' TWO COUI-LKS CAN BECIIItn ROOM AND boiud In a private family ; nice locatlont trten , mwii and larga porch ? * , refeiencu ie < ] ulrrd. ArtdryM M M. Bctf. -M7l)0 ! ) S NICKLY FUHNISIIED ROOMS , FOLDING bed * . mnJem convenience * , with Rood board. The Roxe , 3l0 Hurney. FOR RENT-UNgURNISH'D ROOMS. Hates. IVio word Ont Insertion. lo a word thcrntfler. Nathhuc ttlctn for I CM thn go. UNFURNIS1IKD ROOMB. 8UITABLB FOR hoiutkeuplnir. cltr w l r , etc. , low rant : north- vre t corner 17th unl Wibjler st. _ G WS FOR UKNT. 3 UNFUIINISHED ROOMS. M U i\'n\yorlli street. Q MTT7 t _ FOR RENT , STORES AND'O3B'J'IOE3 Rates , IH word flrat Ituertlon. la a wonl thereafter. Nothing UUta tor 1m than Ka. Kaic ROOM. WM. J , \VBLSIIAN9. JJl Boird of Tiailo IWf. FOB.RENT STORES AND OFFICES Continued. _ 18 MONTHS LEASE OF STORK , B. ITTlt , FOR RENT. THe 4-BTORY BRtCK 9111 1'arnnm itrret. Th biilldlnx has n fire proof .cem'nt basement , complete steam heatIng - Ing fixtures , water on alt ( loom , gas , etc. Ap ply at Ilia office of the Bee. 1 910 DESK ROOM CHEAP. FRONTING FARNAMT Room 2 , 1621 Farnam street. I MIH AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , AGENTS IN NEBRASKA AND Iowa to sell the Moss & Hlllynrd patent form er * ' hnndy eg ? case at reduced price ; biff money In It for the right man. Apply W. T. Letts , sola manufacturer of the farmers handy egg case , St , Joseph , Mo. J 557 J5 AGENTS WANTED , FOR NEW STOVE 1'II'E fastener ; sells at sight ; sample dozen with full particular * by mill , M cents. Address E. O. I.llfkln , Olenwood. la. J M6SO 5 * _ _ _ WANTED , A RESt'ONSIIJLK FnilHON TO take the agency In their town for an article that la a posltlvt necessity In every household nhd Will lie used by every one. 'Tin no fnkc nor catch penny. It Is placed on Iti merits. Samples art * sent tren m that It can be fully trsted. biforo anything further I * done. Refer ences reiiulred and given. Enclose stamp. It. B. West , MfR. , Cleveland , O. J M7S3 B * URECKINIlIDaE BOOK. BREACH OF I'ROM- IHO. History ot lltlgantfl. Illustrated. Agents' success unparalleled. 109,000 already cold. Out- lit free. Agents wanted , W. II , 1'ergunon , Clh street. Cincinnati , O , J-M781 t' _ AGENTS. GOOD MIN AT ONCE. REFERENCE required. Free outfit. Visit stores , etc. Steady work. Enclose stamp. United Co. , Racine , WIs. .1 M7SO C * _ WANTED TO RENT. WANTED , BOARD AND ROOM FOR COUPLE nnd 6-year-old child. State accommodations and price. Address M W , Bee. 1C M791 6 BTOKAQE. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. H. Wells. 1111 Farnam. M-600 _ STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS. 1214 HAIINEY , M-M1 WANTED TO JBUY. Rates , IHc word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. WANTED , TO , PAY IIO.W PER MONTH ON A new or nearly new No , 2 Remington typewriter. Blato price to M 04 , Bee olllce. N 721 C' WANTED , A GOOD.TARGE DRIVING HORSE for two-scaled surrey , Bultatila for n lady to drive ; must be young nnd sound. Address M 62 , Bee. N M778 7 FORSALE HORSES , WAGONSETO. Rates , ISic word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leas than 25c. FOR SALE , LIGHT CARRIAGE TEAM , 1130 N. 17th. P MJJJ J23 _ CANOPY TOP SURREY , .NEWLY PAINTED nnd In good order. Apply Mrs , J. W. Cotton , US South 19th. I' M743 B FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , 1H ° word first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c BALED HAY FOR BALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 tons of good bain-stored hay for ealo. All orders filled promptly. Q 603 FOR SALE , WAREHOUSE SCALE AND TWO showcases , cheap for cash , or trade. Inquire 1118 rarnam. Q 76J 4 MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , IVic nerd first Insertion , lea word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2" c. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL onice to 200 So. 16th , Brown block. . R 687-Jyl CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , lJ4o word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable buslne&s medium ; 7tb v ar at 119 N. 18 S 603 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. Rates , IVio word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. MMD ! IA RtfETTia SOUTH 15TH. MADAME SMITH. KB a 13TH , 2D FLOOR , room S. Massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , sul- phurlne nnd sea baths. T M711 9 * MADAME BROWN , 1314 CAPITOL AVENUE , 2d floor , room 4 , massage , alcohol , sulphur nnd sea baths. T M723 9 * MME. ANNA OF CHICAGO GIVES ALCOHOL baths , massage. 303 North 16th , room 13. T M7S9 6" PERSONAL. Rates , IHo word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leas than 25c. MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTUO-THER- mal baths. Scalp and hair treatment , manlcurc& chlropodls. airs. Post , S19J4 B 15th. Wlthnell blk. ' > . U 604 VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 343 Bee bldg. Lady attendant. i U 605 " MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1419 DODGE U MCS4 16 * LADIES' ( RUBBER.NEVER FAILS ) AND 10 O. N.T.I'lnkl'lllsmnllcd.Jl. Ladles' Bazanr.Omaha. U 639-J-7 LADIES' OR GENTLEMEN'S HAIR RE- stored. Prof. Frank Broglhi will uoaranleo to restore hair on bald heads 1C roots are not de stroyed , will stop hair from falling out , cure dandruff and return gray hair to Its natural color. Frco examination from 9 o'clock a. m. Steam shampoo and ladles' hair dressing will commence Juno 15th. Room 409 Bee bunding. NEXT OF KIN HEIRS WANTED. A DE- rrlptl\e Index of 20,000 namca of heirs adver tised for ( British eubjccts ) who have died In ( Irrat Biltaln , Ii eland , India , Australia. , etc. , from 1665. Copyrighted. Price , 00. P. O. older. Address Richardson & Co. , om o 617 Heed building. 1215 Filbert street , IMiIlailelphla , I > a. U M779 5 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property ; (3,000 & upnards , 6 to 6i } pur cent ; no delays. W. Furnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co.1505 Fainam st. . W 603 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . 16TH AND Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates ot Interest. W < ilO LOANS. 1 TO S YEARS. WARRANTS. BONDS , etc. Garvln Bros. . 210 N. Y. Life. W-611 LIFE INSURANCE POLICES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chcsney , Kansas City , Mo. W * 12 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms nt from S to 7 per cent. W. B. Mclklc , First National bank building. W-613 MORTGAGE LOANS , A. MOORE , GO ! N , Y. Life. -W-713-J9' MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS , Improved and unimproved Omahn. real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 1'arnam Bt W 609 LOANS. J. W. SQUIRE. 243 Ben Dldg. W-SfrF" MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urtmian , Love S. Co. , Paxton blk , ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO..31S N.Y. LIFE loans at low rate * for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Onialm city property CHOICE CITY AND FARM LOANS WAN.TEU J. N. Frciuer , opposlto P. O. W 9Jt J15 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to E years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Fainam. W-609 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 515 N , Y , LIFR W M9I3 MONEY TO LOAN. TEMPLETON & PIERSON , Pnxton blk. W 657 LOANS. E. II. BHEAI'12. 431 PAXTON BIXDCIC. . W MM3 MONEY TO LOAN OHATTELST" Rates , 1H ° word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Jo. MONEY TO LOAN- W * will loan yuu any sum which you wish , smalt or large , at the lowest possible rules. In the quickest possible time , and for any length of ttm * to suit you. You can pay u back In ueh InntallmtuU an you * rln , whtn you wUh , and only pay fur It aa lone a * you keep It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HOILSKi ) . WAGONB AND CARRIAGES , WAIUIHOUSB RECEIPTS. MERCHANDISE. OR ANY OTHER BKClfRlTV , without publicity or removal of 'property. OMAHA MORTGAGE I.OAN CO. , 30 * SOUTH 1 < TU STREET. First floor abova Itm street. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOA.-I COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-411 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ A. E. HARRIS , nOOU 1 , CONTINENTAL 11LIC MONKY TO IjOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- crtr. lUrvln Loan Co. . 701 N. Y Ufe building X-MI71 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Continued. TUB PLACB TO BORROW MONKY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY ON HORSES AND MULES , MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. MONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS. MONKY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MONKY ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON goods that remain with you , MONEY IF YOIT WANT NO PUBLICITY , MONEY IN I , A ltd K OR SMALL AMOUNTS , MONEY AT IXWEST POSSIBLE RATES , MONEY IN QUICKEST l-OSSIBLE TIME. MONEY THAT > ou may pay hack nt any time and In any amount. Is at ROOM 4 , WITH- NELL block , corner 15th nnd Harney streets. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. UT BUSINESS OH ANOE8. Rates , Hie word first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. 1'ARTNER WANTED ! INTEREST IN A branch business of well established firm ; J.Vxl W required. Address YJ 50 , bee , with full particu lars. Y M172 J18 * IF YOU WANT TO BUY. BELL , "oil EXchange - change merchandise , get In or out or business , call on or address the National Information and Exchange Co. , 203 First Natlonnl bank , Omaha , Neb. Y-M507 JM FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN , RESTAURANT doing paving business ; good location ; satisfac tory reasons for selling. Address L 65 , Bee. Y-MtOl WANTEIV-SILENT PARTNER WITH J200 FOR mntcrest In a good paying business : Ad dress at once M 31 , Bee ofllce. Y 381-5 SGMW WILL BUY A GOOD PAYING I1U8N ness , a household necessity. Largo profits , exclusive right In this state. Tcmnleton & Fleraon , Paxton blk. V 653 FOR SALE , CHEAP , FIRST-CLASS RESTAURant - ant and lunch counter , opposite F. E. & M. V. depot , Fremont , Neb. Y M66I FOR SALE. LUMBER AND COAL YARD IN town of 700 Inhabitant1 ! , on main line Union Pacific railway In eastern Nebra k . No competition. Owner has other business reason for selling. Address M 61 , Bee. Y 774-6 PARTNER WANTED , YOUNG LADY OR gentleman , to take lialf Interest In minufactur- Ing my life preserver. Not much money needed. Address Math Abent , Lamott , lonn , .Incknon Co. Y M777 15 FOR EXCHANGE. Rates , IVic word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. A GOOD RANCH TO TRADE FOR WESTERN mares ; about 1,000 acres , hay , timber and water. Address M , L. laylor , Sprlngvlcw , Neb. Z M934 J15 TO EXCHANGE. GENERAL MERcTlANDISE for good work horses. Address M 23 , Bee. Z MEM 5 * 1 WANT TO TRADE A GOOD 4SO-ACRE FARM In Hamilton county , Kansas , tor good residence In Omaha Address C. B. Christy. Malvera , la. Z M565 5 HERE' A FINE STOCK OF GENERAL MER- chnndlse to trade for a farm ; stock A Xo. 1 ; good town : southeastern Nebraska ; farm must be In good country ; no west. O. W. D'Mcnt. Crab Orchard , Neb. K M7C3 5 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS /VND / TARMS. sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker blk. RE-C21 BARGAIN , N. E. CORNER 20TII AND UICK- ory. F. K. Darllng.Barkcr block. RE 621 FOR SALE , 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT AT A bargain , one block from motor. Inquire at 816 3. 25th St. RE 913-JH * FOR SALE 100 CHOICE EASTERN NE11RAS- ka farms ; also a few for trade. C. R. Boat- right , 301 N. Y. Life bldg. RE-421-JJ4 rARM LANDS. cT F. HARRISON. 912 N , Y. Life RE 126 J24' I OWN A NUMBER OF FARMS IN NE- raskn nnd Dakota. I will sell at from five lo ten dollars per acre , about half their actual value. Address Chas. E. Miller , Frankfort , Ind. R E M700 8 * FOR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE AND lot , corner 30th and Sahler streets ; cellar , cis tern , city water ; 11,25000 ; easy payments. In quire 1318 Farnam. Sam'l Burns. 769 4 STEAMSHIP LINE Rates , l',5c word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for jess than 25c. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS SAIL regularly every Saturday from New York for Ixjndondcrry and aia-igow , Anchorla , June 1C. 3 p. m. ; Clrcasala , Juno 23 , 9 a. mi : City of Ronio , Juno SO , 3 ] i. m. ; Ethiopia , July T , 9 11. in. Saloon , necond class and steerage. Single or round trip tickets from New York or Chicago at reduced rates to the principal Scotch , English , Irish and all continental points. For money orders , drafts , outward or prepaid tlcltt IB apply to any of our local agents or to Hcndfrson Bros. , Chicago : = = = LOST. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , J1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for leas than 25c. " LOST A SMALL OPEN FACE SILVER watch with silver chain and cross , on S. 10th street. Miss McCracken , Browne ! ) Hall. 773-4 LOST , MAY 28. ON FARNAM MOTOR OR 26TH street , a lady's shawl. Return to 720 S. 22d street. Reward. M7 6 C * ' PASTURAGE. . Rates , llic word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leaa than 25o. WE HAVE 160- ACRES Oli1 BLUE GRASS PASture - ture for horses. Board fence , spring water. Barton & Phelps. Gllmore , Neb. , or A. W. Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. Life bldg. Telephone 1054. JI 953 J2l MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. Rates , IHo word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken ( or less than 250. a. F. GELLENBECK. 'BANJOIST'.AND teacher. 1810 California st OH FINANCIAL. Halts , IHo word nrst Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing ; taken for less than 25c. CASH PAID. FOR ENDOWMENT POLICIES In old lino" companies ; Addres A. K. Brock- lesby. Box 233 , Hartford. Conn. M3S9-J23 * PAWNBROKERS. Rates. 1H ° word first Insertion , la n'word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. FRED MOHLE. isnvs FARNAM. 023" SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANTS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. 513 N. Y. Life. Omaha. Ask for circular. C21 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS II. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer. 1C18 Chicago , Tel. 90. 625 HUALTY MAHKKT. INSTUUMnNTS placed on record Juno 4. 1891 : WARRANTY DEEDS. T G Shelly nnd wife to I A Coffman , n 33 feet lot 1 , Coburn'a subdlv t 5,000 C L VanCamp and wlfo to G L Green. part tax lot S , In 3-14-13 , 1 G L Green and wlfa to A C VnnCamp , Kama , , j W F Bwecsy and wlfo to Frank Colpotzer , B 4 lot 6. block 169. Omaha . . , . . . . ! 2 John Merrltt and wife to Joseph Schllts Brewing company , s 2S feet lots 3 and 4 , block 104 , Onmlmi , . . i 20,000 F P Hanlon , trustee , to E 8 Dunily. Jr. , lots 13 nnd 14 , block 1 , 1st add to West Bide. . . . „ , SOO J E Canton and husband to New England. iJian nnd Trust company , lota 9 and 10. block 7 , Brlggs' Place. . . . . . I Edward Mmdlmber nnd wife to Inez Callahan , w M feet lot 5 , block 25 , Kountza Place. , . , . . . . . , 1.600 John Meganja and wife to Mlka Povlll- nlo , undlv 11 lot 22. block 3 , Potter & C's 2d add to South Omaha 400 Mike Povlllnlc to John and James Bruzda , lot Si , block 3 , same (33 C A Hubbard and husband to W H Reid , lot C , Falrmount Placu . . . , . , . 1,070 F W Corliss and wlfo to B B Corllsn , lot 4 , block 9 , Mount Douglas COO D A Itlncr to Victor Roaevtater , a DO feet of w 239 feet lot 11 In 21-15-13. . , 4,500 8 O Cady to O H Payne , lot 10 , block 7 , Hitchcock' * 1st add COO QUIT CLAIM DEBDa B J and W T Rrackenrldge to H C Gary. e EM feet lot 4 , Bartlelt add D.OOO J L Browne to J M Markell , lot t , block "P , " Lowe's add , . . . 2 Kato Begley to Johannah Egan , i < A lot 11. block 91. South Omaha. . . . . . . . 1 J K Stevens to W Bweesy , * H lot 4 , block 169 , Omaha , , . 300 DEEDS. Master In chancery to New England Loan and Trust company , 44 f et lot X , block 101 , Omaha 6.133 Total amount ot transfer * . . . , , . 1134,351 Notice tn Oontrurtui * . Sealed proposals will be received by Lewis lodge. No. 140 , J. O. Or-1 ? . , of Lewis , lo , . at the law olllce of F. J. Macombur in Lewis , la , , until B o'clock p. m , of Juno U. for the erection of a two-story brick struc ture. Dimensions , 28x90 feet ; height of wall , 42 feet , I'laim and specifications now on ( lie at the olllco of P. J. Macombcr. night re- nerved to reject any or all bids. QUOUOK & CARIt , Chairman. Lewis , In , J3-d6t VICTIMS OF 1IARWS GREED urnoT Find it Necessary to YieJirto Every Demand Ho Makes. WHITE SLAVES TELL OF THEIR TREATMENT Mnrtln'n Clncli on Exorbitant Itcnt Exac tions Strcngthrnod by IIU UcmstcU Friendship With the Chief of 1'ollco- Seine of IIU Mcthiicfr Exposed , When M. P. Martin undertook to rcfuto The Bee's statements about his methods of dealing with the women living within tie | proscribed llmltu of the city known as the "burnt district" ho made It appear that ho was the one who was being Imposed upon , buttlio nomen keeping the leading resorts ot this kind do not agree with Mr. Martin In any particular , and without exception they allege that they have felt the oppression of Martin's methods to a moro or less degree. The rent's of these houses moro than pay for the buildings and grounds In a few years and In nearly every Instance the landladies have had to expend their own money to decorate and make the Interior ot the houses fine enough to suit the fancy ot the mis tresses , who have to bo In style or lose cus tom. tom.A A reporter called at a number of thcso places since Mr. Martin's statement In Sun day's Bee and at each place was told how the landlady had been bled ot her money through this .nefarious system of exorbitant rentals. Georgia ration pays $160 per month for a house of thirteen rooms. This woman Is sick In the hospital and has hard work keeping Martin from getting hold of her furniture. Through the dishonesty of the person to whom Georgia cold the furniture before she went to the mountains for her health Martin was enabled to gain possession of notes and mortgages covering the fixtures. Tlio housekeeper at this place said that Mr. Martin had not offered to reduce the rent of the place and It took about all that could bo made to pay him. MARTIN & MANN. Miss Bertie Mann said that she and Mar tin went Into partnership In running her place. Martin put In the rent as his share , and wanted halt of the receipts. She thought that he was getting the best of the bargain , and forced him to dissolve their business relations. "I am having a lawsuit wjth Martin now , " said Miss Mann , "and he Is trying to get me out of here. Ho has been trying to collect ni exorbitant rent , and I am going to test the matter In the courts , for wo women are made to pay twice as much as a place Isorth for the privilege ot living flown In the district after wo have bpen driven hero by the police. I was forced to buy some furniture from Martin , and agreed to pay him $4,500 with 10 per cent Interest. After I had settled with him , he remarked one day that the stuff cost him about $1,200. I rented two houses of him for about two years , and had to pay him at the rate of $320 per month during that time. When I came In hero I had to pay him $400 per month , but as I only occupy half of the "castle" now , the rent Is $200. I have not paid Him for some time as I want the courts to settle whether he has the right to go ahead ard | actually take all the money wo can make- for rents or not. After I quit paying him his rent , he used to stand In front of this 'place ' and tell his troubles to a policeman My case comes up Wednesday for a hearing In the district court. j "Last year I moved up to the old Elkhorn house at the northeast' corner of Eleveuth and Dodge streets and began to keep a hotel. Martin came thYre 8ne day and said to me : 'Bertie , you can't keep this place , you will have to go back on Ninth street. ' He said that Chief of I'ollce , Seavey v.-i.3 his bosom friend , and would make mo move Uaclc Into the dlstHct-trso you see I was " forced back here , "and Jthls was about the only house that I could get .at that time. II have had to pay for the plumbing and other Improvements , ns heould not do a thing for me In fixing the place. I , tell you It Is no Joke , -nhen' ' ! say that It takes all the women down hero can make to pay Mar tin , and their other creditors have to wait for him to be paid first. Ho has threatened to put several of us Into the streets , and 1 know of ono Instance where he had a girl and her trunk put out onto the sidewalk In the winter when Itvas bitterly cold. He has a negro to do n good deal of his dirty work. Since times' became sb dull , wo have not had enough money left after paying our rent and other living expenses to purchase decent clothing for ourselves. If this house was appraised at Its real value for a resi dence or hotel or anything else , I don't bo- lleve that It would bring more than $60 to $75 per month , and he Is now asking only $200. " Minnie Falrchlld has lived In the district Children Cry for Pitcher's GastoriaD Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for loner's Castoria. BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitor's , Bee Building , OMAHA , NEB. Advice FREE. TIME GHRD IClilUAUO. UUUl.INGiuN & u lArruta Omalial Depot 10th and Mason bts. I Umaha * 4UGpm ,7..Chicago VestibuleS.GOatn > :4Jam : Chicago Ktpress 4:25pm : 7.02pm Chicago and Iowa Local. . . , . 8.0)am ) I'aclllo Junction Local S.Jipm Leaves lUUItLlNGrOt ? & MO. HIVUR.ArrUel | Omalial Depot loth and Moaun ats. I Oinain 10.15am Denver Express 3 : 33am. 10lSam : Deailwood Uxprens 4:19pm : 4Mpm : ! Denver Express 4:10pm : 6Mpm..Nebraska : Local ( except Hun. } . , . C.50pm 8:15am..Lincoln l.ocal ( except Sunday.ll:25iiiii Leaxis I k. C. , SlTtj. ft C. lT. fXHTveT Omalial Depot IQlli and Mason Bts. I Omaha tMSam Kansas City Day Express 6.53pm J:15prn.K.C. ) _ Night Ex. vis. U. l . Trans. tfiSOam Leaves I CHIC-V3O. H. I. A I'ACIKIC. | Arrl\es OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & Mason Sts-1 Omaha EAST. 10:15am..Atlantic : Uxpregaex. . ounday ) . . Io5pm : 6:23pm : . .Night Express 640am ; 4 : < opm..Chicago VestlbuleV ) Limited. . . . l:25pra : UI5lim.Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. U. ex Bun ) . E:35an : > 6J5nm.Oklahoma : & Toxa i ixp. ( ex Bun.ll:35pm ) : lj35nm. . . . . . . . . .Colorado I.lrnlieJ. . . . . . . . . . ! lOpjn Lea\e " OmahalUnlon Depot 10th feMaaon | Bts. I Omaha JWam. : . . . . . . . . . .Denv'or "TCrpres's . alsOpm Z:15pm. : . . . . . O\erland'nyer : . 0IOpm lUSpm.Ueatrlce & Strorapirg Uxe > Bun ) . 12 30am 6.40pm . Pnclflo Express . W15utu ; .Tait.JMall. . , . . . . . , . 4Jpm : OmahalUnlon Depot 101U. & Mason SU I Omahn * CUpm : . Chicago LlrSittd . . . . . . 9 .30am llUOam. . . .Chicago Hxprens ( BX. Hun. ) . . . . t.Wiim Leave * I F , E. A MOT VAI.liY. ( Arrive * Omalial Depot ISth and Vtbster Sts. I Omaha 'e:05am : . Dcadwood Express . . . . SilOpm : OBani.Ex. SaU.Wyo. ( Ex. . ( Ex. Man. ) . 6 ; 10pm 6.00pm. . Norfolk Expresi ( Ex. Hunrtay. ) . ,10145am 830pm ; . Bt. t'aul 'Express . 0:40am : Leaves I CHICAGO" * NOTtYHWEST'N ( Arrives Omahal U. I' . Depot lOthj & Maaon Bu. | Omaha . . . .Chicago 'Uxpreia , , . 6:10pro : 4:05pm : . Vcsttbula Limited . 9SJum : t.SOpm. . , . Kaatern Flyer. . . , . 2l5pm : 6.30pm , ( ExBar. . ) . elite. Pass. ( Ex. Mon. ) , SiUpm ; tian . Mo. Valley Ixx-nl . . LSveT ] MISSOUUll'ACIFlC TArrlveT Omahq | Depot Uth and \Veb ter 3U. I Omaha $ ; 00am . , , , .Ut , Louis Expreu , . , . . . 6.00am -.limn . St , Louis Expraiui . :55pni : CllOpin. Dally ( ex. Bun. ) Nebraska Local. SilUum Lea"vesT C. , ST. r.T M & " O. ( Arrives Omahal Depot IMh and Web ter 8.ts. | Omaha "fi.OOam. . . Sioux Cltr Accom ( ExBun. . ) , . tOSpm : 10.00am. .Bloux City Accom ( Bun. Only , ) , . < : oipm liiiepm.,8loux City Uxpreu ( Ex. Bun ) , .llU4m : 6:3Qpn : . . . . _ .8t. _ l > _ . . . . . , . , . . _ ! _ Leaves 8IOUX CITV & ' I'AcTrTa ( Arrives OmabaU. | P. Depot10tlii _ _ Maaon BU. ( Omalu < : SSam . Sioux City Paisenger , . . ,10 , pm i'.iSpm . . .Bt. 1'aul " B/prg . . , . . . . . . .10.00 i ' Uave * I BlOUX" CITY & I'ACIFlcrTArrlves Oiiiahal Jepot'lSih and Webster Hts. I Omaha 6sopm.St. : . Paul Limltul. . , . , . . . . . :40atn : B.0pm. . . , . Chicago Limited . . . . ; tam I.-avti I OMAHA A arri JUlS jArrlvo OmihajU. P. D pot 10th A Mason Hts. I * t.Upm . St. Loula Canaan Hall . , .lJJ5pi : for atraut flvo nnd one-half years She form erly occupied her own house , but was forced to move further down when'the confines ot the district were made more narrow by the city officials. She could find no suitable loca tion at the time she was compelled to move , si the had to rent from Mnttln the place she now occupies. She had plenty ot fine furnl- turo then , but Martin had this house fur nished and he would not rent her the house unless she bought the furniture , which eho was compelled to pay him ft,600 for. Miss Kalrchlld says that during the time she has occupied this house she has paid Martin $175 per month , making her rent for that period amount to nearly $12,000. Desldcs this aha has expended from $4,000 to $3,000 on keep ing the house In repair. On the ndvlcc of her attorney she Is trying to make up some of her rent out ot the money paid out for repairs , and Martin Is now trylnR to get her out of her place. Her lease expired some tlmo ago nnd Martin nt once proposed to raise the rent to $200 per month. Lottlo Lee , who Is ono ot Martin's tenants , Is compelled to pay $ ISO per month for a two-story frame , which cost probably $10,000 whan It was new , She owes Martin some money for furniture and has to pay him for this and the rent nt the rate of $225 per month. "I don't ewe Martin a cent , but I unnt to tell you that any time any of us people eve him a cent he goes around after It every day nud politely raises thn devil with us. He won't spend a cent In making repairs for us , nnd It Is n wonder that the building Inspector does not condemn this old shell , as It Is all sagged down In the center. Martin don't care If we don't pay any ono clso of our creditors so that we pay him , and ho bragged the other day about going to throw n couple ot landladies out the same as ho did Jennie Holmes , llut ho has got n cinch on most ot us , and what can wo do about it ? " OTHER CASES IN POINT. May Coleman has occupied ono of Martin's houses for a couple of years. Until last July she waa compelled to pay $250 per month , but as times got so dull that she could not make her expenses she threatened to move nnd Martin reduced the rent to $200 , which she paid until March of this year , and then she made him comedown down to $175. Later she tried to got Martin to reduce the rent to $150 , but he said that he would not and was going to ralso the rent again soon. Miss Coleman got behind ono month's rent , and , although she had been a good tenant and had ex pended $3,000 In fixing up the place , ho had notice of removal served on her at once. "I had to pay out nearly $2,000 to flv up and decorate the parlor floors , " said Miss Coleman , "Since the place has been fixed up in good shape Mr. Martin has on several occasions brought his friends Into the house and shown them through my rooms and practically giving them to under stand that ho did all this , when not a cent of h'is money was used for that purpose. Ho has a powerful advantage over \A from the fact that there Is BO other place for us lo go unless wo get out of town , lint there other people who o\vn and rent houses down hero that are Just as adept In charg ing big rents as is , Mr. Martin. " Utanche Wilson pays $180 per month for a two-story brick , and at one tlmo , n few years ago , was compelled to pay as high as $240 a month. Martin pays for none of the repairs around the premises , which have cost the tenant about $2,000. She says that she does not ewe Martin a cent , and says that she has advanced him money on a few occasions. She pays him nt the rate of $15 per week , and says that promptly between the hours of 12 and 1 every Monday he ap pears at her door for his rent , and as promptly resolves the pay. Blanche was not Inclined to talk for fear of incurring the 111 will of her landlord , but she admitted that there had been times when It was hard to make all accounts balance , and she could never remember of Martin ofterlng to reduce her rent unless he was forced by circum stances to do so. The above mentioned persons run the larg est places "down on the row , " nnd It Is presumed that their receipts nro larger than any of the others of Martin's tenantb , so It would seem that the women running the smaller places and living In the miserable shanties which return a revenue of from $2 to $5 per day suffer greater hardships than their moro stylish sisters living In the district. Martin's statement that his tenants are In arrears for rent Is not berne out by the facts. Whooping Cough. There Is no danger from this disease when Chamberlain's Cough remedy Is freely given. It liquefies the tough mucus and olds ex pectoration. It also lessens the severity nnd frequency of the paioxysms of coughIng - Ing , and Insures a speedv recovery. There is not the least danger In giving It to chil dren or babies , as It contains no Injurious substance. 25 and 50-ccnt bottles for sale by all druggists. _ La1 nose Bros. , Courtland beach. BOABD OF EDUCATION. Insurance 1'Iaii Slightly Modified-Itotitlno litmlncss Trnnsnrtcd. At thq meeting of the Board of Education last night communications were read from William Coburn nnd Wheeler & Wheeler requesting the payment of premiums on $11,000 of Insurance on the Cass , Davenport and. Pacific , schools at short tlmo rates. The jnsuranco had been drawn up In February and hold three months and had then been cancelled. The premium for the three months would be 30 per cent of that for three years. Considerable discussion was had nn.4 ilia board finally decided to continue tno Insurance for the thrco years fnnu last February. The Insurance will be used to cover buildings on which Insurance will expire this year. A leave ot absence of sixty days was granted John L. Plerson , a member of the board. A report was read from Secretary J. M. Oil Ian , showing that $330,073.77 had been expended by the board since July 1 , 1893. This sum Is $7,410 less than tlm amount drawn for the carcrspondlng months of the previous year nnd Is considerably less then the estimate. The report was referred to the finance committee. A report was read from Superintendent Fltzpntrlck , showing that there are at pres ent 1,500 more pupils in tha schools than at the corresponding time last year. The In crease Is distributed pretty evenly over the city. Several schools show a decrease on account of erection of new buildings. Secretary Glllan reported the estimated value of the books , furniture nnd apparatus ot the High school to be $9,867.80 , Ot this sum $3,442.80 represents the Value of books. A communication was read from Superin tendent of Bulldnlgs MacLeod ncccptlng the plumbing of the Lincoln nnd Train schools. The flushing system of the latter school was not satisfactory. A communication from M. Trauthon with drew his contract for removing earth from the High school grounds. The work Is now being done under the direction ot the build ings and property committee. The bid of C. Kitchen to sod the north nnd west slopes of the High school grounds nt CO cents per square yard was accepted. The bid of Edward Runhurt to nil the Mason school grounds at 8 cents per cubic yard was accepted. A resolution to close the present term of school Friday , Juno 22 , was lost. The term will close Juno 29 , The use of the High school building was granted to the Omaha High School Alumni association for Us annual meetings , A resolution was passed to hold the ex aminations for teachers' certificates on Juno 20 , 27 , 28 nnd 29 , The special committee on Insurance reu- ommcnded u slight redistribution of the In surance at present held on school buildings. Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne has no equal for table use. Keep a few bottles In your Ice chest. Dentil nl Father Union. Rev. James A. Union , a young priest for merly assistant at St. Phlloniena'a cathedral In this city , died yesterday at the Catholic university , Wnshlgton , I ) . C. Dispatches announcing the dangerous Ill ness of Father Drucn were received at the cathedral Sunday morning , and their con tents made known to the congregation , The news was a shocking surprise to he parish ioners , none of whom were aware of hU Illness , and were disposed to bellevo the , report exaggerated. Yesterday Mr , John Bruen , brother of the deceased , received n dispatch confirming his fears. Father Bruen passed away surrounded by fellow students. Ills" brother Timothy , and members ot the university faculty. The cause of death was peritonitis. Father Bruen waa 30 yean of age. He waa born In Kllnnanc , Limerick , county , Ireland , received a preliminary education for the priesthood In Munpuot rollrgo , Limerick , completing the theological course In Collcglo Caprnnlca , Homr , being ordained In that city for the diocese ot Omaha early In 1S90. Ho arrived In this city In September of that year and wns assigned to St. I'hllomonn'a cathedral ns assistant. Ho liborcd In the parish two yearn , nnd was transferred to Kearney , Nob. ltd remained nt Kearney up to September , 1893 , when ho accepted the Invitation of Bishop Scanned to take a post graduate course nt the Catholic university In Washington. The deceased wnn n man of moro than ordinary ability and promise. Ills tempera ment was hopeful and most engaging. Added to It wns n sunny disposition , the faculty of fringing sorrow with cheer nnd making the o weary ot life's bu dcns look on the bright side. Speaking six languages fitirnUy , ho was admirably fitted to minister to the spiritual wants of n cosmopolitan congrcgn- llon. Friends and ndmlrers were legion , both In nnd out of the church. To these the death ot Father Bruen , nt the threshold of his usefulness , comes as n personal ser row. _ A Now Kind of Insurance , For 25 cents you can Insure yourself nnd family ngalnst nny bad results from an at tack ot bowel complaint during the summer. Olio or two doses ot Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy will euro nny ordinary caso. It never falls , and Is pleas ant nnd safe to take. No ono can afford lo bo without U. For sale at 25 cents per bottle tle , by all druggists. Heir the Delegation In Congress Lot im Opportunity Slip lly. CHADUON , Nob. , Juno 3. To the Editor ot The Bee : It Is with a sentiment of something more than ordinary Indignation that a resident ot western Nebraska reads the Congressional Record nnd nmrks the at tendance and attitude of Nebraska's repre sentatives upon the consideration of a ques tion vitally affecting the Interests of Ne braska ns well as thu entire west. The appropriation for the Department of Agriculture liuil the floor , and the Item for "Investigating the amount of water neces sary to Irrigate , the evaporation from the same , special observations ot snowfall and rainfall In Irrigated regions , nnd for temporary ary local assistance" was under clnsldcrntlon. Eight thousand dollars was the amount of the Item. Congressmen from the 1'acific blopo and the mountain states made a splen did fight to Increase tha amount to $25,000 , Justly declaring that $3,000 was entirely In significant for so great n work. At the out set of the debate they were met by n letter of the day before from Secretary J , Sterling Morton to Congressman Grain of Texas , In which the secretary answered Grain's request for n larger appropriation to bo recommended by the secretary by saying the settlers In the semi-arid regions should "nt once discover how much water can bo taken from the streams and underground supply for the purposes of Ir rigation and must not Improve lands bejond the limits of that supply. " In other words , as Congressman Grain ( himself n democrat ) aptly said , the people of the west were coolly told by the head of the Department of Agriculture that they should know for them selves the very data that appropriation was made to llml out. In another part of the' same letter Sec retary Morton stated that the remedy for people who lived In the regions wheto inl- Kntlon was necessary was "not to overstock or overpultlvato" the land. Immediately following this letter from Secretary Moiton Congressman Harter ot Ohio , the well known gold standard dcmo- ciat , took the floor and endeavored to have the entire appropriation btrlcken out , sayIng - Ing that overproduction was the trouble with the country and that farms could bo bouqht In his district in Ohio for less than $1 an aero , after deducting the cost of , buildings , etc. Ho was opposed to taxing the oust In order to help develop the weit by irrigation , and thus bilng nioro acres under the plow and bushel" ! In the market. Then Congressman Hatch , In charge of the hill , tried to shut off debate by limiting it to ten minutes , but the western mem bers mndo a plucky fight for more tlmo to present the needs of this work. Finally a motion to liinlto debate to thirty minutes was passed by a vote of 151 to 03 , and after nnother plucky fight by the western members the amendment to increase the amount to $25,000 was lost by 71 to 81. Now where WAS the Nebraska delegation when this Item was under consideration . Only two of them answered to the roll call , Brynn and McKcIghan , and both of them voted to limit debate to thirty minutes. Kem was excused on account ot sickness. Not one of the whole delegation appears to have put In a stroke for an Incieaso In the amount of the appropriation or an In crease In the scope of the work , both of which amendments were proposed. Where were the magnificent justllng qualities which Annln is never tired of abcriblng to Mercer , Halner and lelklejohn ? What were Bryan nnd McKcIghan doing when the western men asked for two hours to present the Importance of government surveys % and Investigations to prepare the way for spreading the waters out upon the valleys and table lands ot the west nnd the managers cut them off at thirty minutes ? Here was peculiarly a fight of the west for recognition and development , and from the Nebraska secretary of agricul ture down through the ranks , republican , populist and democrat , the whole Nebraska base ball nine appear. ! to have thrown the game. I do not write as a partisan , but If I were disposed to do so I should want to know why Mercer , Molklejohn and UnJncr , who nre constantly performing the most wonderful feats for Nebraska , according to the republican literary bureau , didn't even hnvo the snnd to vote on the question , al though present , as the roll call for quorum disclosed ? For what purpose have wo been holding Irrigation conventions hero In Nebraska nnd passing resolutions ubking ( .ongresi for exactly this kind of investigation and work by the government If our congressmen give the subject the cold shoulder and our Berrc- tary of agriculture gives It n black eye ? Here in thla land district the records show that settlers have paid the United States government over $1,000,000 for tholr lands. Wo have been asking that a very small part of this bo expended hero in Mnklng artesian wells , in gauging water supply , In surveying routes of water dis tribution and storage , In furnishing the dntu for us to know the means and cost of Irri gating. And Secretary Merion tells us the remedy for dry weather Is not to overcultl- vato the soil , and to "discover at once how much water can bo got from stream ; ; nnd underground for Irrigation , " whllo our whole congressional delegation Jumps the track and goes out to get n drink when the subject Is under flro and c-autcrn num bers ore clamoring against tn\lng the east In order to help develop the west , Great shadow of the AlloEhnnlcs ! I turn to the appropriation bill ! for 1892-3 and II nil such fat Itcmii as these : Repairs , Army and Nnvy hospital , Hut Spilngs , Ark. , JM.UOO ; tiring mauling nnd ( wining gun nt military posts , W.UW ; pub- llo pumps , District of Columbia , $5,000 ; for xotmdlnKH nnd toinpeiixturo obsei vatloiiM In Gulf stream. It , 100 ; for nmmim for purks , District of Columbia , fJ.WO ; for rvpalra to greenhouse , uxcuutlvu imuiHlon , fl.uoO ; for furniture nnd ammunition nt TsVw York nrdnunco proving giound , Jlfo.nwi , for pint- form for mortar batteries , JM.OOO : for Im proving Greut Kiumviha river , West Vlt- Blnhi , $000,000. 1'ago after page ot appropriations ot money for eastern towns and risers , of nppiuprla- tlona to bury dead congressmen and give extra pay nnd junketing expeditions to llvo ones. Money to survey Crawfish creek , Ohio , In order to ascertain whether It would do for an lee harbor ; money to hang fog bells along the shores ot I.alio Erlo nud buy flowers and plants fur the presidential conservatory ut Washington ; money by the millions for government expenses and ex cesses , but merely a pitlunca of $8,000 to map out the work of reclaiming the desert and making U blossom Ilka the garden nf Paradise , because there Is too much land under the plow already , and too many oppor tunities for tha labor thut'crlea In > the streets or marches 011 to Washington ! Vor- lly this U u strange land that we llvo In , where It U "paternalism" to help the pioneers neers ot the plains plan a campaign ngaliut thu BIIOWS that glisten on the lummlts of the Iloclcy mountains , but "bualnosi judg ment" to spend millions of dollars ( a keep Carneglo'a mills buiy turning out rotten nteel plates and buying cannon to smash them. And In thU strange land Nebraska's representatives it Wauhlnuton seem to be no strangera , A. K , SHELDON. Best ot rnualo at Courtland beach. SHE IS ON TRIAL ONCE MORE Mrs. Rutllpor Again Fnces a Jury Charged with Mutclering Baton Eolsor , INTERESTED IN SELECTION OF JURORS ( Irrtlo CruibyViintn Jfirijr Thounaml from I1 rim It I'lirninlco fur llmu-lt of N rromlsu-otlivr I'nsc * lit the Dlstrlitt Court. - - The second trial of Klolso Uudlgcr , charged with the murder of "llaron" llelser , Is on In the criminal section of the district court , where the whole of the afternoon wa consumed In securing Jurors \\ho ha\o not rend of the case , or formed conclusions re garding Its merits. Yesterday the caao was called and the alleged murderess MU escorted fiom the county Jail to the court room by ono of the deputy Jailers and given a scat In the prisoner' * dock. An unusually largo crowd was In attendance to wltncsa the proceedings , but there was disappoint * moil I In store for all , owing to the fact that the attorneys for the defense were engaged In the other courts. The case went over un til afternoon , when the trial was com menced. Mrs. nudlger , the alleged slayer of Uolscr , took a decided Interest In the selection of the Jury , nnd Intently watched each man as ho went Into the box and answered the ques tions asked for the purpose of determining his competency. Aside from this , the pris oner paid little attention to the surrruund- Ings , and appeared to bo perfectly at case and as unconcerned as parties who had no Interest In the proceedings. In personal np- pearanco ulio has Improved since the last trial , until she looks as though she had re turned from a vacation. Her garb , consist ing of a blue summer silk dress , gloves and hut to match gave her a girl like nlr , and was sulllclont to imiKo her the center of at traction. In this case It Is charged that during the evening ot October 26 , 1S93. Reiser was walking along ono of the streets In South Omaha , when he was met by the woman now charged with murder. They had some words , after which she pulled n revolver and fired , Inflicting a severe wound. Having shot Reiser she turned the pistol upon herself. She was arrested , and Reiser was taken to * . the Presbyterian hospital In this city , where he remained until December 15 , when ho died from the result of the wounds. It was charged that the two had been criminally Intimate for Bomo time , nnd that they had ft row , which was the Immediate cause of the shooting. _ .Mrs. 'luxlpr'B Will. Proceedings looking to the probating ot the will of the late Catherine M. Tusler , who died at Madison , WIs. , on March 22 , were Instituted In the probate court yesterday. The deceased was the mother of Stella M. Stodilard , wife of Heniy I' . Stoddard of this rlty , and resided hero for a time some years ago. She owned a largo stock ranch In the western pirt of the state , some property In this city iiml considerable In Wisconsin , the value of which aggregate1 ! something llko $30,000. By the terms of the will all of th6 plite , Jewelry nnd household effects go to \ Mrs. Stoddnrd. She Is also ghen the sum of $900 , seml-annually , so long as she lives. In the event that she dies before her hus band , the property nil goes to her children , I If there are any surviving , but If there nro no children then the property goes to the ielatl\03 of Mrs. Tusler. Should Mrs. Stod dard sunlvo her husband , upon his death all of Hie property , both real and pn-oiial , at once passes Into her possession. Tlio ex ecutors named In the will arc lrs. Fox and Keanan of Madison , WIs. IVIio of llui Dimtnry Ilrlll. The National Fenclblos , the crack military company of Washington , I ) . C. , by the cap tain , O. S. Domer , has eued W. J. Broatch and othcis of this city for $1,250 , alleging that this amount Is a balance that Is duo and uiipild. The suit is ono of the cchoca of the military drill , held In this city during the month of June , 1S02. The petitioner. the captain of .the company , alleges that at great expense ho brought his men to the city to compete for the principal prize , a purse of $5.000 In cash. This prize , ho al leges , he won In an open nnd fair contest , but that only * the sum ot $3,750 lias boon paid. _ llrrllrh of 1'rumlsu ' biilt. In the district court Gertie Crosby has brought n $50,000 damage suit against Frank S. Parmalee. She alleges 'that dur ing the month of November , 1891 , under a promise 'jl marriage , she commenced living with the ttefomlant , nnd from that time until May 13 , IS ! ) I , they sustained all of the re lations of husband and wife. On the last mentioned date the plaintiff avera that -the defendant absolutely refused to make good Ills piomiscs , and as a icstilt the suit has been brought , _ hull Agulnst Kx-Jiulgu Kllor. The county attorney has brought suit in the name of the county of Douglas against J. W. I'ller , the man who was formerly the county Judge of this county , The petition sets forth the statement that Ullcr , as a public olllccr , collected the bum of $2OCO.C8 In fees and costs and failed to account for the same. It also charges that ho- failed to faithfully perform the duties of the olllce. The suit la also against the men Who are on niler's bond. _ _ iclf'rtim : rromlHim to I ! " Good , Charles W. Hdgcrtcn , the Went Omaha Jus tice of the peace who has been before the courts n couple ot times and has been con- \lcted ot maintaining an dfllca and transact ing Judicial business outsldo of the precinct In which he resides , has signed an agree ment that lie will return his justice shop to his homo and tlicro remain. Court CulUni ; * . Jmlgo Ambrose returned to Hurt county yesterday , where ho will remain until Wednesday , utter which ho will return and take up the trial of causes which are as signed to his docket. Andrew Miles , executor of I ho estate of John L. Miles , deceased , has appealed from the order of the Judge of the probate court refusing to make an allowance for the sup port and maintenance ot the family ot the deceased. _ _ found n Cum for hrlutlo Klimimitl'iu. Mrs. A. Inveen , residing nt 720 Henry St. , Alton , 111 , , buffered with static rheumatism for uver eight months. Bho doctored for It nearly the whole of thla time , using \nrloua remedies recommended by friends , nnd was treated by the physicians , but received no rnMef. Glio then used ono and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain balm , which effected a complete cure. Thla Is published at her request , ns she wants others ( similarly af flicted to know what cured her. For sale by all diugglsta. n I'onnltt. Th ? following building permits were la- rued ny the ItiHpcctor yesti-rduy : Mri. Mary H. Nee , two-story fr.imo dwelling , 13JT Ucoriilu avunuo . $1,200 John Krniner , olio-story frame dwell- \i\K \ , 13W Boutli Heventcenth xticut. . . , 1,200 Two minor iieimltu . , . ; . W Total Illllous folio , Those who are subject to attacks of thla disease will bo Interested In the experience of Mrs. V. Duller ot 22 Flllmoro streut , Kalrliaven. Conn , She suys : "I nurtured for wcoUa with colic and pains. In my Htomuch , caused by biliousness. One-halt teaspooiiful of Chamberlain's Cliollc , Cholera and Diar rhoea remedy cffcctod a cure , For sale by all drugglata. _ Tuiluy ? Your choice of four dally train * on thi Chicago & Northwestern railway , Two of these trains at 4:05 : p. in , and 6:30 : p. m , . are > estlbuled and limited , arriving In ChU caga early next morning. " Kllto clceprs , dining cars and the lattit reclining chair can. Cull at the city ofllco , 1401 Farnam strtot. The Northwestern checks jour trunk * t your jioutie , La. Roxe Broi , , Courtland beacX