THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE ] 9 , 1871. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORENO , JUNE 13 , 189J. SINGLE COPY ITVE CENTS. END OF THE MINERS' ' WAR Bcttlemcnt Benched at a Conference at Denver Last Night , IS A VICTORY FOR THE MINERS Operators Cement to 1'ny Three Dollnrg for Eight 11041" ' Work nnd Mlnera Con cede the Itlfilit of Operators to Kmploy Nonunion .Men. DENVER , Juno 4. The strike at Cripple Creek has. been settled. Late tonight the conference between Governor Waltc , J , J. Ilagorman and David H. Mortal arrived at an agreement which IB satisfactory to all parties. The conference began at 8 o'clock at the request ot Governor Walte , As soon as the triumvirate assembled Governor Waltc an nounced that he wan authorized to act for the miners , and consideration of the various points was Immediately begun. But ono point canned serious complication , and that was the tlmo allowed for luncheon. The miners demanded thirty minutes , they to bo allowed pay for the time. The articles of agreement provide that the miners shall work eight hours n day. with twenty minutes for luncheon ; that they be paid at the rate of $3 per day , and that the mine owners In employing men shall not discriminate against cither union or non union miners. At the conclusion of the conference Gov ernor Wallc Issued a proclamation carting upon all the people In El 1'aao county who were forcibly holding the property of others and who were bearing arms In violation of law to deliver up such property and to lay down their arms. The entire state militia Is called upon to go to Cripple Creek , El Paso county , and aid the sheriff In icstorlng order. AVAITIXO FOIl Till ! IIATTLM. miners Hecclvo KrinforrcmciitN and Make I'lnal Preparatloim for the Struggle. CRIPPLE CREEK , Colo. , Juno 4. All rumors of a conflict between strikers and deputies are erroneous. There has been no conflict nnd there Is no likelihood that there will bo ono before tomorrow night or Wednes day , The deputies are awaiting rifles , a galling gun and ammunition , which will not reach them before tomorrow , nnd It Is no part of the strikers' plans to make an attack upon the deputies. ' U is reported hero that over 1,000 deputies nave taken a train at Divide for Midland , the terminus ot the Midland Terminal rall- ft-ay , and will proceed at once to Bull Hill. Thu telegraph offlco at Divide refuses to tend out messages and the sentinels will not permit any travel between this cty ! and Dl- .Vlde.Tho The strikers have spent the day In per fecting their defenses. Their forces were Increased today by 300 men , who came from the direction1 Pueblo. Women and chil dren have been streaming toward this place troni Victor and Altman. The miners have loaded beer kegs with dynamite , scrap Iron and railroad spikes , and have placed them on the crests ot Globe hill and Battle moun tain. The defensive movements of the strik ers have been decided upon , and are about as follows : Mounted scouts , who are spread qut In all directions , upon discovering the ad- .vutice of the deputies , will hasten lo camp , XUli the Information. A prearranged signal I/ / * will bo Rounded on the steam whistle at 1'lke's Peak mine , when the strikers will take their designated positions. The skirmish ers will fall back slowly , keeping the depu ties engaged , until they reach the barricades erected at the foot of Bull Hill. Behind the barricades the strikers will make a land , defending themselves with guns and bombs. If driven from the barricades they , \vlll hasten up the slope to the fort. Should the deputies follow them the dynamite mines , which have been planted at every few yards , will bo exploded. Cannon and bombs will simultaneously deal out death , tram the fort. Besides taking Henry E. Woods , president of the Victor Townslte company , Into cus tody , the strikers last night seized Clarence O. Flncll , county superintendent of schools , and D. E. Wllklns , a Colorado Springs teacher , and they are now held prisoners on Bull Hill as hostages for President Catffer- wood or any other miners who may be ar rested. John Shorten , editor of the Cripple Creek Herald , organ of the miners' union , has been arrested by the deputies. . A reign of terror exists in this city. Women and children are being removed to places of safety. The general belief Is that the deputies will advance against the ntrlkers on Bull Hill today or tomorrow. It Is reported that General Palmer who Unlit the Denver & Rio Grande railroad , and has nn established reputation as n fighter , will bo In command ot the deputies' army , with Charles Adams In direct charge of the cav alry. The fighting force on Bull Hill was Increased today by the nrrhn ! of seventy- eight coal miners from Fremont county , and now number about 1,300 men. A delegation of citizens waited upon the leaders of the strikers today and Interceded for the'TeleOKO of Mr. Woods , who , they rep resented , had 'always employed union men nnd treated them well. Upon learning that President Calderwood ot their union had not been arrested the strikers released their prisoners , Messrs , Woods , Finch and Wll klns. whom they wore holding as hostages , Mr. Finch loft Immediately for Colorado BprlngB , vowing to swear out warrants fur Ills caplors. > IOWA MILITIA UOINtr IIOMIC. I'lirlhrr Trouble with Conl Strikers Not Very Prolmbln Noiv. DES M01NES , June 4. ( Special Telegram to The Beo. ) The local camps of mllltla , which have been at Evani for several days , came homo at noon today , the striking miners having disbanded and a portion of them returned to work. U Is believed the. backbone of the strike Is broken In that Bcctlon , The much advertised barbecue yes terday was a failure. The strikers were lowing for their homes all day and will all be gone by tomorrow. They all saw It waa useless to Iry to uae force whllo tlin mllltla was there and they made up their minds they were clearly out of It. The household ot Huns who lived beside the mllltla camp were given their time and notified they could not return to work under any conditions. 'A diffident number ot men will be Im ported from Missouri within a week to flll the shifts a * the mine. They will bo met at the county line and all will bo worn In as deputies ami armed by the sher iff. , Tlila morning between ICO and 200 men returned to work , a large proportion nf them being whites. Superintendent Me- Nelll nude a tour ot the miners' homos and informed the men that all who wanted to might go to work , and that In case they failed to gq to work In A tow days other men .would be put In tholr places. LYONS , la. , June 4. The coal supply here nd at adjacent points bcfng exhausted , cord wood and other fuel supply Is being rapidly used up by rlvor btcamcrs and other con sumers , Prices arc going up and It the trlke continues a general fuel scarcity will ensue here. OSKA1.00SA. la. . Juno 4. Troops were cut from Evans today ami the miners , gen erally went to work there. Critical bltuatlon In Indhiim. ' INDIANAPOLIS. June 4. A special to the ew3 from Shelburn , Ind. , says that the striking mlnera there are bringing In re inforcements from outlying mines by flrlfig nvlla as signals. They expect to have COO wen there by the middle ot the afternoon , nd uay no more coal earn shall be allowed to to through. State mllltla under com- tuand ot General McKee are eight miles nway , having gone there by orders of Sheriff Mills. The situation Is regarded as critical. < ioKitNoii HAITI : HIIKS : : ADVIOI : . Attorney Ortiernl Adtlsc * Illni It I * Ilia Duly lo Aid NherlfT llotrers. DENVER , Juno 4 , Governor Walte has requested Assistant State's Attorney Soils and Judge Steven A. Pratt to give him an opinion on the Cripple Creek situation and his duty ns governor. They have replied to the effect that the governor should grant Sheriff Bowers' demand for troops to aid him In disarming the strikers. What action the governor will take has not been an nounced. It Is understood that Governor Wnlte Imn been given power by the.strikers to agree upon terms of arbitration. At all events , Go\ernor Waltc requested J. J. Hagerman of Colorado Springs , who Is the principal owner nt Cripple Creek , to cnmo to Denver. Mr. Hagerman arrived here at 5 o'clock this evening. The strikers necm somewhat more anxious to arbitrate. U Is said they will wnlve the point of none but union men be ing employed In the mines , provided Immu nity from punishment for past outrages be granted. The mlno owners , It Is claimed , fear that a compromise will result In a mere postponement of a conflict which they regard a.s being Inevitable and are Inclined to have the battle out now. JIATTI.i ; WITH TUB .MILITIA. Stnto Troops 1'lro on I ho Miners nnd Kill Four of Tin-in. SULLIVAN , Ind. , June 4. Parties who have Just come In from Farmersburg report that the mllltla fired on the strikers and killed four men. News has Just reached here that the strikers are burning the bridges behind the coal trains. Herbert and Sam Wolscy , coal operators , have Just come from Shcllburn to escape the mob of miners that was after them with a rope. Colonel Ross has Just arrived from the south with five companies of mllltla. They are waiting for orders and will probably Join General McKees' command tomoirow. The country In the direction of Alum cave Is very wild and hilly ajid no operations will bo attempted tonight nnd unless the strik ers take to the brush at daylight very seri ous trouble Is expected toiliorrow. Sheriff Mills has just arrived with four * prisoners. There will probably be no further develop ments tonight. SHOT ritO.H A.MIIUS1L Four Men Killed liy Iliilcnown Purlieu as They Wore Leiiilug Work. CHARLESTON , W. Va. , June 4. A tele gram from Montgomery states that as the miners it Powellton were leaving the mines tonight several shots were 'fired at them from the surrounding timber , resulting In four men being Killed. None of the men who did the shooting were discovered. The owner of the mines telegraphed the facts to the governor , stating that ho had asked the shei lit for protection and asked If nothing could be done to protect his men. The governor replied that under the statutes military aid could only bo extended when asked for by the sheriff. Evan Powell , the manager for the Powellton company , tele graphed to Point Pleasant for bloodhounds to bo used In running down the men who shot the miners. r CO.MI > ILLKU : TO KITKIAT. : : Burrgiinileil l > y Ono Thousand "Miners Ho ( IvcH ll ] > thu Content. SPRINGFIELD , III. , Juno 4. Governor Altgold tonight received the following tele gram from the sheriff of Williamson county at Marlon : "I am powerless In the hands of 1,000 men nnd women armed with dynamite and guns. I am compelled to withdraw my forces at Cartervlllc , " . The governor replied , asking how many deputies the sheriff had and what violence , It any-had occurred. llrlilfjoii Iliirneil by Strikers. CLEVELAND. June 4. Not n train wns moved on the Cleveland , Lorraine & AVheeJIng road today , owingto bridges be- IliK burned by strikers. For three weeks this road has been the only source of fuel supply to local mills and fuctoiles. Unless the tralllc Is resumed on the road within two or three days hundreds of establish ments must close down. The Lake Shore nnd NIekel Plate roads have- also been sup plied from the same source , and many trains on these roads will be abandoned unless coal can be obtained promptly. The Cle\ulund , Lorraine & Wheeling road will attempt to resume a portion of Its tratllc tomot row. ' Tleuil Not ( iiillty to 'I rain Stealing. ST. JOSEPH. June I. Eight of the strik ing miners who were arrested Satunlay were arraigned before a Justice In this city this morning , charged with being accesso ries to the train stealing. All of them pleaded not guilty , and they were re manded to Jail until Wednesday , when they will have their preliminary hearing. ( -until Fo .Minerstrlke. . CKRRILOS , N. M. . June -Work In the coal mines here- has been suspended until further orders from President JIcRrlde of the United Jllne Workers of America. The mines belong to the Santa Fe rallionit com pany und nre the largest In the territory. A union committee will go to Gallup und endeavor to iiulucu the men to strike. Protecting Itullroiul Ilrldgca. CINCINNATI. June 4.-Ohlo stilkcrs numbering from 1,000 to 2,000 nre expected froift the Wellston district tonight to blow up the Norfolk & Western railway lirlilne. The lallroaa has about UK ) guards stationed at the Ohio river bridge , nrmed with Wlh chesterM , whllo military companies are held In tcuUlness for orders If needed. ItelnfnrremrntH for Illuo Illll .Miners. JIH'O , Colo. , June 4. Fifty nllnern , armed with Winchester rlllea.nnd . having sulllclent provisions to last several days , left heie. today to reinforce the Milking miners on Hull Hill. The deputies will probably at tempt to prevent their reaching the strong hold of the miners. Spring ( inleh 91 liters Will Not Ktrltce. QLUNWOOD SPRINGS , Colo. . June 4.- The Newcastle coul miners who went to Spilng Unlrli Saturday to tnduco the- men to Mtrlku returned homo today , having failed to accomplish their object. No fur ther attempt to close the mines there la anticipated. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MrlUu Nutea. The Hlllxboro , Mo , , miners have gone back to work. The Bheilff nt Brazil. Ind. , yesterday suc ceeded In moving coal trains. Unless th" Consolidated Coal company's men quit thu strike In Maryland Is liable to collapse , Sulking West Virginia miners have gone to Wlnlflcld to Induce the miners woiklng there to quit. . The soft coal supply nt Chicago Is piric- tlcnlly all exhausted , nnd Inke- steamers will have to use hard coal or tie up. The supply of coal nt Clearfleld. Pa , , has been reduced to three cars , and the opera tors Induced a .few men to go to work. There Is n possibility that In cnso the Pennsylvania operators start with nonunion men the- railroad men will refusa to haul the coal , Coal miners In the vicinity of Johnstown , Pa , , nre all out. Reports that the mllltla have been ordered to that section an : with out foundation. All but two companies of mllltlu have de parted from Cannelsburg , Ind. Every thing Is quiet there , and the strikers r.r- rested have given bond , Repot ts of rioting at Bhcllburn , Ind. . are without any foundation. The mlneiH stopped a train and examined box cars for coal , and , finding none , released the train. The negroes brought to Hcottdale , Pa. , to work In the coke works have quit , saying the work was too hard for them , Operatord expected strikers to return to work yester day , but were disappointed. , The statement that * the operators nt Punxatawnle. Pa. , had agreed to pay the price demanded by the miners Is denied by the operators. The company has deter mined to open the mtnea this week , nnd will put In nonunion men under guard If the old men do not return to work. JAPAN HAS HER TROUBLES Newspapers Object to the Government's Power to Suppress Them , LEGISLATURE OPPOSES THE MINISTRY Canton Scrlounly Alnrmcd Over the Out break ot n Ucmlly Fever Korean lle- Tolt'IlnH Not Vet llecn Suppressed I'ntat .Mnrlno Collision. SAN FRANCISCO , June 4. The City of Sidney arrived today , bringing Japan ad vices to May 8 and China lo May 9. The Japanese Diet met May 12 and a candidate hostile to the government was nominated for president of the lower houeo by a plur ality of seven votes over the next highest candidate. The selection of Kusuomoto Masa- taka , the successful candidate , will no doubt be confirmed by Uio emperor. The session ot the Diet was formally opened by the em peror In person May 15. On May 18 Count Ho , minister president of state , delivered his formal address to the homo and there were scenes of great disorder. The address was frequently Interrupted and the minister was asked many direct questions , which ho de clined to answer. The fight between the government and the opposition Is particularly sharp on the question of foreign treaties , the opposition standing for a rigid enforce ment and especially as to Korea. The gov ernment wants a revision of the treaties. An address Impeaching the minister was brought In , but was defeated by five votes. Another address of censure U pending , but was Introduced by the party comprising the government followers. If not supported by the opposition the government must boon be defeated. An anti-government newspaper league of seventy-six Japanese papers nnd magazines has been formed for the purpose of opposing several propositions of national policy , and particularly to secure the abolition.of the present government power to suspend news papers. A newspaper league to support the government has likewise been formed. Canton Is In serious alarm over a plague of fever and dysentery which has made Its appearance. In one place an unconfirmed report says forty deaths have occurred In forty-eight hours. The authorities have Is sued proclamations prohibiting the slaughter of pigs and the capture of fish. The In habitants nre going through elaborate re ligious rites to frighten away the plague. The Korean revolt had not been suppressed at last accounts. Statements as to Us extent and the amount of Injury already Inflicted by the rebels ure constantly coming In. One report says that 10,000 Inhabitants of Sofu , In Zenra province , arose and massacred three officials , and then broke Into the gov ernment storehouse and confiscated a large amount of rice. Soldiers were dispatched to quell the disturbance , but found the populace so Inflamed and angry that they were able to do nothing. The Korean minister of war Is now LI Shoga , who recently succeeded Mining Yen Chen. A collision occurred recently near Ponang between the steamers Ngapoota. and Kwan- tung. In which over sixty lives were lost. The Kwantung ran down the Ngapoota In the night and the latjer filled fast and sank. Passengers and crow floated about on wreck age and made appeals to the Kwangtung for relief. The latter had a large hole In her port side , and she Immediately made for land. Of 138 passengers on the Ngapoota forty-eight are known to have been saved. Some others were probably picked tip. The Drltlsh ship Uldston Hall Is badly ashore at Little Heacon. PA-5SKS TIIROUc'll Till : OICDKAL. Now I'retich Ministry ISccclvcg a Decidedly Ia\orablo Vote. PARIS , June 4. in the Chamber of Depu ties today. M. Goblet , raising a question re garding the formation of the new cabinet , said that the composition of the ministry was not In accordance with the express will of the Chamber. MM. Bourgeois and Brlsson stated they were given a free hand. To this M. Goblet replied , saying thai his party was not consulted In the formation of the cabinet , which , ho added , was formed with disregard for the parliamentary con- ' dltlons. The radicals , ho added , had no confidence In the ministry , and a Dupuy regime would , In the opinion of the speaker , mean a condition of affairs worse than monarchy. f There was an uproar In the Chamber at the conclusion of M. Goblet's remarks. Finally M. Dupuy accepted M. Isambert'fl motion to the effect that the Chamber had confidence that the government would pursue - > sue a course of radical reforms and defense of secular rights. M. Sambort's motion was eventually adopted by a vote of 215 to 1C9 , LKVKi : AT ST. .IAMBS' TALACK. I'rlnroof WnloNllocs the Honors to the Chi cago's Onieerf ) In Ills Mother'n Abucncc. LONDON , Juno 4. The prince of Wales today held a lc\ee at St. James' palace on behalf of her majesty. Presentation ) ) to his royal highness upon this occasion were con sidered as equivalent to presentations to the queen. The levee was In full state and the feature of this brilliant gathering was the presence of the otllcers of the United States cruiser Chicago , who were nearly all In attendance. There were GOO persons pres ent , the largest number since the Juhlico celebration. Guards of honor were posted lit the palace yarn and the Americans were most warmly greeted. Among those present wore Sir William Vcrnon Harcourt , the earl of Klmberley , Lord CarrliiKton. the marquis of Urenihlilnne , Viscount Wolseley , Haron Roberts of Kandahar , Adjutant General Sir Redvers Duller and General Sir Francis W. Gronfcll. together with representatives of all the foreign embassies and many other promi nent people. , josir WANTS A I-UI.MIIIC. Kiupvror of thu Dual Kmplro In the Ilun- Rnrlun Capital. nUDA-PESTH. Juno 4. Emperor Francis Joseph arrived hero today and was warmly welcomed at the railroad station by many deputies. Upon arriving at the palace the emperor summoned Count Hedcrvary In or der to consult him regarding the political situation. I.i Iho Unt-rKuB tclij Dr. Wckerle , the preinler , whoso resignation IH In the hands of the emperor , announced that as the crown had not fully accepted the govern ment propositions the ministry had resigned. The emperor , however , he milled , had not yet rotne to a final decision tu accept the resignation of the ministers. Referring to Count Hedervary , Dr. Wokerle said that to form a cabinet , he had merely been In structed to report upon the situation. Upon the motion of Dr , Wekerle the house de cided to suspend Its session. The opinion continues to gain ground that Dr. Wokcrlc will remain In office. HAS NO TIJIK FOK TUX. Ilrltl.ih Ifoiuo Cannot Adjourn for the Derby or Xl cus3 Uptnda. LONDON. Juns 4. Sir William Harcourt. In the House ot Commons today , replying tea a question put by Mr. J. W. Maclure , ono ot the members for Lancashire , said that the house had not enough superfluous tlmo to udjourn over \\'ednesday for the Derby. Replying to Rt. Hon. A. J. Ualfour , Sir William Harcourt said that them was no time for any further discussion of the Uganda question before the budget was settled. ut the llrltlih limbauy In Parli , PARIS , June 4. Lady Victoria IJIackwood , the youngest daughter ot tUo British am- bauador , the marquis of Dufferln , was mar ried today to Hon. William Lee Plunkett , eldest son of Lord 1'1'unkqttu , archbishop of Dublin. Die civil marriage < ook place In Oic British ambassy and the -rollelous ceremony In the Church of the i Rue d'Aguesseau. The father of the brldcgroon offlclatcd. Lord DufTcrln gave his daughterlaway. A reception attended bjr rqany distinguished pcrson.s was held later tn th'o-day In the Brit ish embassy. The houcym9on wilt be passed In the Italian lakes. TALKS THAT I > O > T TALLY. Tito Very Different Versions of the Situation In Sun Halviidor. WASHINGTON , June. 4. A dispatch re ceived by the State department from Lit Llbertad announces ( liqt tlin revolutionists In Salvador have triumphed completely and thai President Ezcta las | fled the country. PANAMA , Juno 4. The Star and Herald has received the following from San Salvador vader : In the battle at , Santa Ana on May 24 the government troops under General Antonio Kzeta were defeated. General Ezcta died , COO soldiers wore kilted and General Bolanos was wounded , President Ezota has reslgncil In favor o ( Carlos Bonllla. A counter revolution Is pure to break out , as Bonllla Is not generally acceptable. Pos sibly General Manuel Rlvus may become president. SAN SALVADOR , Juno 4. Consternation reigns hero notwithstanding the govern ment bulletins Issued blalhilng victories over the rebels. The Ezct&s arc making a strong stand nnd n brave fight , but reports Indicate that the rebels are gaining. The rebels uro marching on Acajutla. It is reported that the city of La Union Is In revolt. The commander of the United States cruiser Bennlngton will protect American Interests. GUATEMALA , Jum ; I. It Is reported at Chalchmipa that COO Salvadorean soldiers Joined the rebels , taking their arms. Riots are feared In Salvador. coNi'HiiuNon IIUIAKS : UP. Met In IVIiniury but I1 H Itenchcd No Con- eluDlon ou til' ; . uhjt'ct. BERLIN Juno 4. The silver commission , which was convened In February last , con cluded Its labors today without arriving at any decisions. Kxtcnillng Northward from Korea , LONDON , June 4. A dispatch to the Times from Tien Tain , , China , says that the revolution In th'e province of Klrln In Man- choorla Is greatly extending. Mounted ban ditti , armed with repeating rifles , have de feated the Imperial troops In every engage ment and have occupied several Important positions , Including ilic Sarcslng arsenal. In which 100,000 rifles w.ere stored. The situa tion Is so alarming "that Viceroy LI Hung Chang Is gathering a large force to suppress the rebellion. " ; Franco" Jlluy < ! et It Yet. PARIS , June .4. M. La Grange of the Patrle and M. Gautlerand. Gardcnne of the Figaro , who went to Brussels to see Turpln , the Inventor , were eupccisful In convincing him he would be guilty of a great wrong against France If ho. were .to sell his secrets to Germany. The tlree | Journalists received from Turpln and brought/with them docu ments desccrlptlve of his -plans and Inven tions , and will pjaco lhcmiln , the hands of the minister of war ; Admiral Krdon Itcturiilnp Compliments. LONDON , 'June 4.-l-Adii\iral Erden of the ' United Sta'tes cruise/'Chicago will entertain his personal fi lends nnJmuny { of the army ' and naval officers aml hel'r fair relatives on board the 'American ship oil thu llth lust. It Is stated that only , six of the crew have deserted the Chicago Wsinco her arrival ut Gravcscnd and that ' * Vievre ! merely "weeds. " v ' . . , . To lialao the Time of the NcimpapcrH. LONDON' , * . June 4. A circular signed by 103 members lictHouse \ of Cominqns has been sent . .to the .editors of the prominent dally newspapers throughout the United Klngddm asking tliem'to cease ( o demoralize the people by reporting sensational cases of Immorality or brutally and In 'other ways appealing to the sensual nature of man. Did Not Know It Would Go On . LONDON , June 4. A party of excursion ists near Tralee , county Kerry , Ireland , picked up an old shell nrar an artillery camp and began rolling It. along the ground. The shell exploded.and killed three ot the party and \younded dozen more. .v i.v * Indications Are the Republicans lime lUuctcd 'I heir Kntlre Ticket. PORTLAND , Ore. , June 4. The most ex citing election In. the history of the state took place today. Lord ( rep. ) for governor Is undoubtedly elected by a large plurality. The entire republican slate ticket Is prob ably elected , with the possible exception of Irwln for superintendent of schools. The legislature will be ve y _ close , and the popu lists may hold the bajanco of power In the senate , though the republicans claim they will have a majority In both houses. Her mann ( rep. ) Is-1 elected to congress from the First , by from 1,000 to 2,000 majority. Ellis ( rep. ) Is In the lead In the Second district , but the greater part of the Second district Is cut oft by the flood , -and no returns will be received for several days. Counting Is progressing very slowly. In this city 100 votes counted give Lord ( rep. ) for governor , GO ; " Galhvay ( dcm. ) , 21 ; Plerco ( pop. ) , 10. Based on the few scattering returns re ceived up to 10:30 : Lord's ( rep. ) plurality for governor will not fall short of 5,000. and may reach 10,000. JMTTM ; av rnh IIK.ITH nun. ISrothors l-'lght for tlii > Inheritance Ilofore the Old -Mm Diet. NEW YORK , June 4. Worth $3,000 , John Lane , who had boon a private In the Fourth United States artillery during the war , died on Saturday at his jiomo on West Filth street. Father Glbifey ot St. Michael's church had Just administered extreme unc tion. Grouped about thu bed sldo of the dying man were his iwo sons , Michael , aged 31 , nnd Daniel , Hged 28 ; his daughter and her 10-year-old son , apil several neighbors. The bolenin rite had , | scarcely been finished before Daniel began * a. , dispute over the question of Inheritance. , with his brother. The old man \vai In .tho last agonies , but made a feeble geHtlr.e.for | Daniel to stop. The younger Ron continued to talk until Mlohaol tried to iMil.IjIin from the bedside. Daniel then knoclica Michael down. The two struggled , and finally Jllcliae ! subdued his powerful brother * A neighbor hurried for a policeman , 'and , * as Daniel was taken from the bedchamber ! to ' the Jail , the old * man died. In th6 JqffCTaoh Market police court Danlul Lane tv'as lined { 10. ! AT JfJUSKFOJlT. Greeted by a Lnrgo , ( Ironrt and Made an FRANKFORT , Ky. , June 4. Congressman Brecklnrldgo spoka hera today to on enthu siastic gathering ot 4,000 people. Ho was met at the depot by 500 people , who cheered him lustily rs ho got oft the train. The speaking was hilled .to bo at the court house , but It waa found , not one-third ot the crowd could got Insldo ai\d the meeting adjourned to the state house yard , where he spoke from a table. Ho was Introduced by ex- Mayor Taylor and was received with such applause- that ho could not commence hla speech lor fifteen minutes. Ho spoke about un hour itnd njtltalf mid made ono of the most cloquentjeftorts of ills life. He did not ro"a t his opponents as r.overcly as on other occasions. This county has alt along been considered aa Owens' strongest point , but the reception to illrecklnrldgo loday was certainly boy owl expectation. Many ladles were present. Colonel Brecklnrldge was dined today at thu homo ot Colonel E. H. Taylor , Jr. FRASER RIVER STILL RISING Unless the Temperature Falls the Water Will Continue Rising for a Week. LULU ISLAND DIKE GIVES WAY lllcheat 1'art of tlin I'murr Illvrr Valley It Tlicrrby Flomleit If ( ho Water Ho- coilot Itupldly Homo Crop * Mny Stilt Ho 1'ut In. VANCOUVER , Juno 4. The Fraser river rose four Inches last night nml U Hllll ris ing. The highest water will not bo rcachcil for another week. Vancouver ID about shut off from the rest ot the world except by steamer. All telegraph wires nre down cast and the Canadian Pacific railroad has stopped selling tickets , nil trains being can celled. Yesterday passengers were brought down by steamer from Vale to Westminster , thence by electric cars to Vancouver. Sat urday and Sunday all telegraph wires were down. At Westminster the water Is over the floors of buildings and wharves , and as there will bo 11 very high tide tomorrow It Is ex pected that Front street will be flooded. All the mills along the water front liavo been shut down for the last week. Many houses and cabins In the lower portion of the town ar.e nofloating. . A report reached here this morning that the dyke at Lulu Island had Riven way , but It has not been con firmed. If that be true thu best agricultural district In the whole Fruper valley will be flooded. Reports from the upper river slnto that the water Is still rising rapidly and on Juno 1 the temperature at Qiiesnele was 105 In the shade , the water rising four Inches nn hour. At Yale the water Is one foot eight Inches above the 18S2 mark and Mill rising. The large railway building at Mission Is still Intact , hut It Is expected to go shortly , owing to the height of the water and the quantity of the driftwood. So far no further loss of life Is reported , and there have been only two deaths from the flood as far as known. Saturday's train had a narrow e.scape at Nlcoll bridge , the last car being barely off the bridge when It went down. At North Demi a Chinaman was drowned. It Is staled that If the water subsides rapidly there Is 11 possibility of saving the timothy crop , while barley and oats can also he sown , -still It Is Impossible to estimate the loss , but it will be enormous. Subscriptions have been started In every town and money Is being freely received. COLUMBIA STILL ItlSINli. Union 1'nctrtc Steamer IJrulile to Miiltn Headway Against the Current. PORTLAND , Ore. , Juno 4. The waters steadily continue to rise. Since last night six Inches have been added to their depth. No news can bo obtained from the upper Columbia region or the Pugct Sound coun try. The only telegraphic communication with the outside world Is by way of San Francisco. The Union Pacific steamer Har vest Queen , which left Portland yesterday for the Cascades , was unable to makti head way against the swift current and was tied up -Bonncvllle for the night. From the mouth , of the Willamette to Cathlamot the lowlands are flooded. At some places the housetops nre barely visible and float- -lHKho.usesar ? a'cpnjmpi blght. 'ttin toRn of Kahuna is entirely under wafer.In thin city many wharves 'along the rl\er front art ; snapping and cracking In an ominous fashion. On pearly all of them are valuable goods which cannot be removed at present. The gas company was compelled to teabc opera tions today. The river reached the thirty-two-foot mark this evening and Is still rising. Hundreds of persons whoso places of busfncss am sub merged have moved out and established new temporary places. In the lower portions of the city , where a great many poor persons live , the condition Is most deplorable. Qieat numbers have been driven out by the lifvad- Ing waiters and have taken temporary refuge wherever shelter can be found. Much dis tress prevails and the temperature has fallen ten degrees at IJaker City during the past twenty-four hours , from which It Is surmised that the temperature has fallen o\er the country drained by the Columbia and Its tributaries , In which case there Is a pos sibility of a cessation ot the rise. This afternoon the Western Union Tele graph company * succeeded In restoring com munication with Taconia and Spokane. LOSS IS KNOKMOUS. l-'raser Illvrr Claims One Ilnnilrcil Liven mill Four .Millions of Properly. VANCOUVER. D. C. , Juno 4. Four mil lion dollars will hardly cover the present loss by the Fraser flood and there Is not yet any sign of abatement. The waters are still rising and as the warm weather con tinues' melting the snow In the Rockies there Is no Immediate prospect of beginning the work of restoration. One prominent railway official thinks the loss of life will reach 100 , though conservative estimates are not so high. Bridges , trestles , tunnels and tracking along tho. Canadian Paclllc have gone and the company has over -,000 men at the scenes of danger working night and day. From Prevelstock to the sea , 380 miles , along the railway Is now a watery waste. The last point above Vancouver which can now bo reached Is Iluby Creek , eighty-two miles. Thence Is all water. Masqui , Mis sion , Chtlliwack , Patslo and Lnngley prairies and the towns of Harrlbon , Centcrvllle , Langley , Chllllwack and Mission are all under water , not a farm building being left standing. Fully 10,000 cattle have perished. The blockade was broken for the first time Saturday by a steamer from Huby Creek to Warncck , Passengers on the delayed eastern trains were brought through. The railways ure completely demoralized. No .Moil ) lloillert I'oiinil nt J'nelilo , PUEBLO , Juno 4. No other bodies ol people diowued In Wednesday night's flood have been found and the- list of fatalities remains at four. The flooded area Is rapidly being drained through trenches and Htcum pumps are raising the water from the cellars. Active- work of relief Is being done by the citizens and municipal authorities and a request has been sent Governor Walle for the use ot 100 tents. Means are being de vised , by a. company of engineers to prevent a recurrence of the disaster. The coroner's Jury In the case of Ilarney Hafferty , who was found In the Bessemer ditch under cir cumstances giving rlso to suspicions of foul play , brought In a verdict that he died from causes unknown. Ninety-Five MIleM of Truck fiiiliiiicrceil. TACOMA , June 4. Assistant General Su perintendent Dickinson ot the Northern Pa- clflo returned from a trip over his road today. Ho says ninety-two miles of the Northern Pacific Is under water , from Horse Plains , Mont. , to Odin , Idaho , fifteen miles west of Hope. Business on that division will be suspended until the waters recede , Hnuta l"o A k Iho Court's Alt ) , CHICAGO , Juno 4. The Santa Fe railroad applied to Judge Grosscup ot the Uulted State * court today tor aid In subduing mlnera alleged to bo Interfering with the operations ot the road at Stroatnr , Coal City and other Illinois pointsTim road being In the hands of the court through * welvcr- shlp , Judge Grosscup ordered. United States Marshal Arnold to proceed to Streator Im mediately with a posse and Instructed him to u > ear In all the deputies necesssury. I'our Dctperatn Men UreaU Jull. WICHITA , Kan. , Juue 4. Sylvia , Young , Blglcr and Drown , train robbers lately cap tured at SI Reno , have broken jail at 1'otiO Creek. All officers of the southwest are after them. They are well armed and It Is expected will fight to the death before being captured. jtvx.t.MtTi : ox TIII : ni.tcit- It Was rorooil Off the Hull * by the KiiKlnii Without Imploding. TERRE HAUTE , Ind. , Juno I. Four pounds of dynamite were placed on the track of Iho Evansvlllc & Terrc Haute railroad this evening by striking miners. The terrible explosive was placed on the track In front of tlu ) train bearing several companies of mllltla under General McKee. This was at a point .1 few miles south of Farmcroburg , between hero and Shcllburn. Orders hud been given the mllltla to escort n train load of past the sovcral mining camps. The coal train went ahead , followed by the train with the mllltla. After proceeding about a mile the coal train came to a atop , having been stopped by an obstruction on the track. In ambush In the heavy thickets nn each side of the track were 200 miners. It was their purposeto capture the train. The disem barkation of the troops was Immediately be gun , and General McKee ordered them to try to surround the miners , but the maneuver failed , as the miners scattered. The wreckage - ago on the track was removed and the coal train was sent on. Four dynamite bombs were found near Shelburn and were forced oft the track by the trains without exploding. A coal train was captured by the miners and run to Alum Cave , where the strikers have a stronghold. The mllltla are sleeping on their arms near Farmcrsburg and noth ing more will be done to recapture the train until morning. _ M.w.s err .SH/J.U.S anoitr. One I'roliiililo Can in for the Ils.ipprtiiiiicn of the S. M. A. A. .Soeretury. CHICAGO , Juno I. ( Special Telegram to The Dee. ) The ciusc of the sudden disap pearance of William A. Slmsrott , secretary- treKsurer oftho Swltchmenjs Mutual Aid association , has at last been discovered. For a couple ? of weeks past a special commit tee has been Investigating the books. Today It was found that Slmsrott has credited the first lodge of the Switchmcn'H Mutual Aid association with $2,000 less than the re ceipts , show he had received from It. It look nearly two weeks to untangle this one account , and get the others in a shape to balancs In a set of books without system or rule. This initial error was nn overwhelming surprise and the members of the Inquisition nre trembling with apprehen sion lest the 17 ! ) remaining lodges bu found victims of a similar neglect. They hope that the figures showing the discrepancies may be the result of their Inability to fntho.n the ways of the books , and regret exceedingly that the man who has handled $ .100,000 n year for the 8,000 members should be absent just at this time , when they most need his assistance. o Donth of an Ktnlnenl r.ernmii l > onoiiilnl. LE1PS1C , Juno . Prof. William Husulier , the eminent political economist , Is ilcml. Prof. Homelier was born ut Ilunover Octo ber 21. 1817. DOSTON , June I , Ex-Governor rbailes Collins Van Xnndt of Ithode Inland died today In Urookllne SAN JOSE , fill , June 1. G. W. W I on , capitalist mill nn old resident of Chicago , died suddenly today of heart disease at Hie residence of his son-in-law , Flunk Ooykon- dall , where he 1ms been visiting several month" . He wns the Inventor of the Wil son sowing machine , His wife nml twii daughter * were nt his bedside. The re mains will be shipped cast for Intel ineiit. No I'rospcct of n Settlement. PITTS1UJRG. June -I. There seems little prospect that a nettlement of the strike will be "reached UB-nn outcome -of .tomor- . row's conference of the minors , olllcluls anil- organizers at Columbus. Secretary Wiinif r , who , with Organizer Harris , Is. yet In the city , said them will certainly be no 69-rcnt rate compromise for- the PlttslmiR district , no the miners will not hear of It. They have struck for 79 cents , anil unless they get it they will continue the light. IliiMtroiiH : Storm Neat-Tort Scott. FOUT SCOTT , June 4. A disastrous wind Ktorm passed through this county , six miles northwest of this city , tonight. The wind wnn accompanied by a violent rain , and glowing corn and other grains weie laid low. Trees were uprooted , window glass destroyed , and barnn were parried from their foundations. From meager 10- ports received so far It Is learned them were but two men seriously hurt. The ilanmKo to crops , live stuck and orehuids will bo huiivy. Father O'Grtidy Too ill to Appear. CINCINNATI , June 4.-When Fa.1 liar Oomtnlck O'Orady was called In Jiuljte Cumler'H court today to answer the charge of murder In the first degree for killing Mary Gllmnrtln he did not appear. Dr. lichee , who has been attending the pils- oncr , said he wns not able to come Into court. The Jury was discharged and riiv case passed until the July term. Coal Kiito Ln\r Dncoimtltiitloiml. Git AND FORKS , N. D. . June 4. Attor ney General Standlsh of North Dakota has rendered un opinion that the coal late 1-iw passed by the last legislature Is line JUKI l- tutlonnl , as a discrimination against c al mined In other states , anil adds that the law , like most of the woik of the last legin- luture , was put through hurriedly. Killed for -men Ihilliii-x. CHICAGO , June 4 , Mrs. Gloseppa Fiera was shot and Instantly killed today by Louie Veckl. Frank Flora , her husband , was seriously wounded. The bhootlng was the result of a quarrel between Veckl and Flera because the latter refused to pay rent amounting to $7. , Itoturnoil to the ( Mil Wagon. CHARLESTON , W. Vn. , June 4.-Tin Splint coal operators of the Kaimuliu and Knrnarvon districts met hero today and decided to Increase the price of mining to 21/- cents per bushel. . . This the pi Ice toi- murly paid. It Is thought this will cuuss thu Splint miners to resume , unless the coalers prevent them.o Scaling Schoonrri Wrecked SAN FHANCISCO , Juno 4. A letter from Hakodate , May 10 , states that the captain of the schooner "Wlllnrd Alnsworth found the schooner Matthew Tinner bottom up during a scaling cruise. Another cap-ilrci iichooncr , painted giccn , wns also seen. She was supposed to bo either the Lilly L or Rosa Sparks , lllg rreinliun on Honda. FERGUS FALLS , Minn. , June 4-Otter- tall county's Issue of $200,000 bonds Inuo been Hold nt auction to a Chicago firm for $8,300 premium , an oftcr of Jl.uot ) extr.t if thu bonds were made to rend payable In gold being refused by the populist com missioners. _ iJrocory I'nUuru at Fort Scott. FORT SCOTT , June 4. The Vt * . U. Bell Wholesale and Retail Grocery company of this city executed chattel mortgages to night to home creditors to the extent of $7,500 imd the latter - . " ( take charge of the business. The liabilities and assets are unknown. _ Killed ly u I'ronmturu iilo : | lon. HOT SPRINGS , Ark. , June 4.-R. 13. Cren- uhavv , a railroad contractor of Springfield , Mo , , and Robert McConnel , n , laborer , were Instantly killed today white at woik on the Hot Springs , Little Uoclc & Texas rail road by u premature blast of dynamite. 9In > ciHciitn of Hoiigolni ; VoKioU . .JunoI , At Now York Arrived Mississippi , from London ; Runic , from Liverpool. At Glasgow Arrived City ot Rome , from New York. At Quecnstown Arrived Arizona , from Now York. . At London Arrived Brazilian , from Mon- At'flan Francisco Arrlved-Clty of Hid- noy , from Panama. At Gibraltar Arrived Gelort , from New At'Bcllly Passed Chester , from New At' New York Arrived Weikuiid.ini. from Rotterdam. . , , , . , , , At QueeiDitowii Arrlvcd-Cejiliiilonlu , from Iloston. , 4 At I'hllaUclphla ArrlveO-Ohlo , from My 1IACI ) RUBEl'S ' RINGS F3UND Were in Possession of Mrs. Payne , Who ia Placed Untlor Guard , SAYS HER HUSBAND GAVE THEM TO HER Story Condli-tn with Ono Told tn n Neighbor ( llrl'n SlmcH A Inn I'onnil at Her HotiHc Case lleciiines .More Puzzling .Still , The rings Maud Rubel wore and which were missing when her body was discovered have been found and tndcntlflcd by the parents. The plush covered slippers which are supposed to have belonged to the girl have also been found , but the parents have not yet seen them. Thcso things were re covered In the house now occupied by the woman who passed as the wife of Sam Payne , the negro who last occupied the apartments at SOt ! South Tenth street , and the woman Is detained at the police station though she has not been placed under ar rest. Information had been received that Mrs. Payne had shown the rings to a neighbor several days ago with the explanation that they hud been given to her by a white man , who , she said , was stuck on her. When visited by olllccrs Mrs. Payne re luctantly produced the rings and after being taken to jnll she sild that the slippers could be found In a pile of bed clothing In a part of the house which she Indicated. When seen at the jail last night Mrs. Payne ut first said that her name was not Payne , but , and even denied knowing I'.iyne , hut afterwards she stated that some times she went by his name and that she had occupied the looms at SOfi South Tenth street with him. She said they left several . days ago , Just when she could not tell. She > MI Id she was now In Nellie King's uld IIOUBO simply to take care of It. When asked when ( she saw her husband last she replied : "Oh. i It might have been three ilnjs ago , and It / nilght have been three weeks , " She then said that the two rings were given her by him four or five days ugo. He asked her to keep them for him , as he did not want to rarry them around. "That ts all , " she said , "he ever said about the lings. " When asked If ho had given her the plush slippers , she answered : "I won't say he did or he did not. That's something that 1 do not think I ought to answer. " "I am sorry , " said Mrs. Payne , "to ba placed before the public tn such an unfavor able light , but talking , under the ctrcum- fctances , Is no use. " WANT TO FIND PAYNE. These circumstances Increase the dcslrs ot the police to get their hands on Payile , though thcofllccrs have not concluded that thu facts point to his guilt , nor do they rely on the statement of Mrs. Payne that the rings were given her by her husband. It has been proven conclusively that Payne va cated the rooms he had In the Tenth street building a week ago hist Friday. The following Saturday , or the day previous to the disappearance of the Rubol Rlrl , Payne left for Kunsns City. Just . when ho returned is not known , but Mis" Payne said that after , her husband left she dlil not sec him for three days. Ho lias long been n resident ot Omaha. He bears a fairly gaud reputation and has only once during his residence In this city been under police surveillance. Thjjt was.four Drears ago. Ho was arrested for'Youbery proved to be the wrong man. It will be remembered that when Aland Rubel's body was found a cloak was found with It. This cloak was for some time and until yesterday" thought to have been MSR | Rubel's. Yesterday It was discovered that It did not belong to her. About two week's ago The Bee printed an article relating that William Knottu , residing at ICOf Howard fctrcot , went to the pollco to report that Miss Laura Barrett , who left home a year previous with n Mr. Cleveland , had boon teen In the city. Ho wanted the police to ap prehend her. Nothing was done In the case , however , but a few days after the report was made it was learned that a young girl was lying sick at the house of a colored man under the Eleventh street viaduct. This girl was Miss Barrett. WAS MISS BARRETT'S CLOAK. The cloak belonged to Mlsa Barrett. The police do not connect Miss Barre'tL In any way with the case and how the clo-ilc got to the room Is a mystery , and thp only way It can bo accounted for Is It may have been thrown away by Mlfs Barrett and foundby some ono eonneoted with the murder. The only object In throwing It over Miss Rubel'ii body would be , Inasmuch as there wore two girls of about the name age missing , to cause the pollco doubt as to the Identity of the body. Dr. Brown was again asked for an Inter view last night. Ho only volunteero'l the Information .that , his attorney advised him to nay nothing of the case' Brown said the truth would bo known very soon und he hoped for a complete vindication. Some Interest was caused by the report of Mlhs Drewstor- residing at Eighteenth street and St. Mary's avenue. She Is employed ut King & Smcad's overall factory , Eleventh and Jackeon streets. She was looking out of the window last Monday and saw a col ored man and a white woman at the north end of the Eleventh street viaduct. She thought the girl was crying and saw the man lead her by the arm down under the vlailtct. : , She could not state whether It wan Payne or not. The pollco say they have facts that will develop the case In n very few dayH now. What they were they would not toll , but guaranteed that it would not ba another week till the Rubel case waa cleared up. OUT TO PIECES. StiuiUlaiia Martian McnU a Ilorrlblo Doilll lleiifath the Carx. Stanislaus Martlnn , employed at the white lead works -nnd residing at Nineteenth and Williams ttreet , was Instantly killed tit 10 o'clock last night by being run over by the cars. Ho was walking along the tracks when a train coming up behind canned htm to Jump from the track he was walk- on to another. He Jumped right In front ot the bridge train. His body was fright fully mangled. The train was In charge of Knglncer John Stockdale and Conductor JumcH Sciillen. Murtlnn leave * a wife anil two children , who wore witnesses to the uccldent , but did not know ut the moment whu the victim was. Letter from Oin Taylor llroltiorn. LINNAHUS. Mo , , Juno I. The laloit turn In the chase of the Taylor brother ! , who killed the Meeks family , Is a le tcr from W. P. Taylor to parties in Drowning- . This Is confirmed by heveral reliable men who have neon the letter and they say pos itively it IH W. P , Taylor'ii handwriting. Thu contemn of the letter have not been made public , except a small part , and that Is about an follows : "If the ftuthorltlcH will call In nil the puiHiterH and dogH the Taylors will aur- render and stand trial. They claim they are Imuxjcnt and can prove It If given u chance. " This Is believed by many to be a 8 herno to ulluy suspicion and slop the hunt HO th * fugitives can escape. Their Icrmu are not Ilkoly to bo ucceiiicd. Oimrantlno , Agalnit Kelly , CAIRO ; III. , Juno I. The mayor of Cairo today Issued a quarantine proclamation against the entrance ot Kelly'H Industrial navy Into this city , on account of the nuvy having been exposed to smallpox , The nuvy will reach hero Wednesday. Ilolloriuiiker * Ilrotlim'liooit la Htsilon , MILWAUKEE , Juno 4-Tho drift annual convention of the lirotherhood of Boiler- rnakoiH and Iron Ship Hullderu of America was called to order here toduy. The con vention will remain In eesnlon during th \ \ ck , nnd possibly longer.