Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    T *
J/allcj's ' Ancient VWtor Traveling Back at
a Lively Gait.
I'rrtlniin Multn to tlin Kurtli' * Orlilt unil
I In * Trrrur It Ituplrctl- Kctimrk *
Olrnllnl Vngnuil timed
nt l. nf | Mange ,
Hnllcy'd cnmfl In cotnlnn back the comet
which , In the year 10 , iihed a cfleiitlal
uplcndor over the Norman confluent , and
terror-lnnplrlnK vUlt wan commcm-
by Ihe hand of Queen Matilda In the
Tnpc try ; the comrt that In HOO ,
the year of the battle of llclnrade , Hr-arcd
Turk nnd Chrliitlan alike , nnd wax anathe
matized by a bull from the i > ope ! the comet
whoxo utrniiRo nclmltar form ullll chilled the
jnarrovv of Iho iRnorant nnd xupomlltloiiH
nt HH latcm return In 183. , , It IB yet far
nway , vyllen Oarrott 1' . Ecrvlcn In the New
York Hun , but the eye of nelonco HCCH It ,
ulready within Iho orbit of Neptune , runn
ing mmwnrd nnd earthward with conntnntly
IncreanltiK velocity as It fnlln nloriK the Bleep
curve of Its orbit. Arid n call lo nnn.i , a
call for preparation , hnn junt been lantitd
Xroin ono of Ihe chief walch low ITS of an-
tronomy ;
I'rof , OlnKenapp nnnouncoM that ( ho coni-
) iullnK bureau exIabllHhed by Ihe Ru lan
j\Htronomlcil ! Koclcty turn iindcitiiUcn tl | < ;
cnluulallon of the Irue path of Hallcy'H
cornel , wllli u view In piiMllolltiK the exucl
ilitto of Ihu next reliirn. lie liopeH Hint
iiHtionomcrH acfimliiliMl | with uiipnbllHlicil
( ibHcrvalluiiH uf tin ; comul will communi
cate ; Ihu Information to the uoclcty.
llnllny'M comet In not one of the InnlK-
iilllciint crowd of lllllc comctH , HO ninny of
vhlch are ( Uncovered by IndiiMlrluiiH Htnr-
KL frH every year and which nobody ouUldo
the nlmcrvatorlPH over BI-CB. On the con
trary It fiirnlniicji , or nt least IIIIH done HO
Mlhorto , a aplcndld xpcrlaclo In the Hky.
Of course , In HpeaklnK of ordinary lelcHcopli :
cAinclH ILB limlKnlllTnnl , I refer only t th.'lr
n | parent nlze anil brllllnnry ; In n Ht'lenlllli :
nonne Ihey frcrpicnlly IIOSHCBH Hie lilfihont
Intcrent and xlKiilllcuncc. Hut llnlley'H
comet IH ono thai when favorably Hltiint.'d
command ! * every eye nnd doeH not need to
bo luolied for. HiirliiK at le Ht clKhlecn
conlurlen U linn perludlciilly nHlonlnhed the
liiliabltnntfi of the earth. In 11 nr | IH tall
WUH GO ilonrcca IOIIR. In 1M5 U had a lull
20 donrcCH In lotiKtli.
U Wns nflcr UH appearance In Ihe tlmn of
Newton , InWi \ , that the fact came to bo
rccoKiilzed thai thin comet IH a regular
Visitor to the iielKhborhond of the mm , In
other words , Hint It IravcU In a lorn ; ellip
tical orbit. When ncurrnt II IH aboul 60,000-
000 mllcH from the nun and far liiHlde Iho
oiblt of the cnrlli ; when moHt dlHlnijt It la
flbout H , 370 , 000 , 000 mllcH from the nun and
the known llmltH of Ihe plnnelnry
I'Mmund ' Ilalley dlHcovered thn porlodlcal
rhnracter of Ihe comet , U hud made UH up-
pcarnnco In the year of bin murrbiKo , nnd It
Iioworfully excited liln Inlet eht. Upon cnlcn-
I'i'JjiK ' the clcinenlH of IU orbit ho nolkud
tliat they rcHcmhlcd thoHe purtalnliiK lo
coinotH which hud been ucen In the yearn
K07 and 15:11. : "I'erlmpH they are all Ihe
xniuo coinel , " ho lliclit. : ; ; Finally , after
( ilahiirnllriK hlH calculnllniiH , he inlhcred
conlldenco and venliired lo predict that the
comet would return In 17fi'J , Ilalley litul
Iicon born In KiHli , and , In Iho courho of
nature , he could hnrdly hoiu | lilinxclf lo R"U
tbo nccompllHhmcnt of liln prodlctlon , Hut
li'o hcNoiiKht bin countrymen , In cauo the
cornel did come back , not to allow the world
to forKot that U wan an IJiiKllsliman who
liad predicted UH return. HH | countrymen ,
however , hnvo never nllowed Iho World
to forget a fact of Unit kind. It almost
ncnmed nu If nntnro Intumlod to nnslHt Ilal
ley In lliufnlllllmont of what could not
but have been a loimliiR wlHh of bin , tu HCC
the return of the comet wllh ( IH | own eyc ,
for ho lived to Iho rlpo ago of 8(1 ( ycara ,
dyliiR In 1712 , only novonleun years before
hlH comet renppenred , nnd wlion It had
reached nearly the tmnio point on UH return
Journey which U occuple today ,
When Iho llmo irew ; nenr for Iho renp-
) icarnnco ofho cornel , If lliilloy'H bold pre
diction wnc lo be fnlllllcd , Iho iiHlrDiionierH
of Kuropo bcnn ( to wntch for U , They
know thnt the attraction of Iho largo plnn-
ls must dlmurb the comet'H motion , nnd
they calculated , as accurately as Ihey wore
ublo , whnt Iho effect of inch dlsliirbanoo
would bo upon the period of UH return lo
perihelion , or nenrcHt approach to the Him ,
Two celebrated French muthomatlclnnH ,
ClalninU nnd Lalnndc , Inbored conllnunlly
for Hlx moiilliH , hnrdly HtoppliiK for Ihclr
incalH , to complete the calculation ! ) , nnd
they were BO effectively iiKHlRted by a womnn
astronomer , Mine. Lop.iute , that without her
aid they would have probably been unable tu
finish tholr work before Iho comet ItHolf
came lo Interrupt U. hiilamln never recov
ered from lh Hlrnln of Unl labor ho then
IHirformed. The roiult of Ihclr calculation
wan that Imvlnit boon delayed 518 ilayn by
Jupllor and 100 by Baliirn. Iho cornel would
rolurn lo perihelion on Die 13lh of April
1709 , and tint It inlKlit at any inninont be
iliitocled on Ua way to p.-rllu-llon. 1m-
mediately Iho OHlronomern of Kuropn be-
Knn lo Henrch for llm eomoi , hill , HliiKiilnrly
onoiiKh. they were nil benlnn by n fnrmer
John I'ulllHcli , llvliiK near Dremlen , who ,
havlliK provided hlniHolf wllh a Hinull lel-
cBeopo , WIIH cultlvntliiK a tr nomy on hit *
own account and obeyliiK the Injunction of
N"rHi" ! ' " ' " ' ° | llow"1" | | > MH olwervu Hie
When thn KldH. DniKon. nnd Arclnnix IHC. !
1'nlllBcli dlBcovtrod the ciimi't on the nlKht
ot December an , 1758. The iirofcBsloiial
nHlronomem followed inoro than Ihrco wockn
Inlor , and oven after th.-y . luul found tlin
roniot ut the Olmervalory of | > arln ou tliu
yist of Jnnunry. I75t. ! ihny kept the fad n
m crel. not knowlnK that thu aiijiri.tmillou"
rnrmer-iiHtronomcr had HO completely dis
tanced them thai they wore no longer In the
race. It may be nd | In J.iHllJo . to
UBtromnncra thai thnso nt I'arlH
, at nny rail-
worn much troubled by cloudy weather In
tholr Henrch fur Iho romot. The perihelion
jwniMiKu occurred on thn U'lh of March ; ono
month curlier than the limn predlcled. Hut
in aniimmel.iK . lliu romill , , f ( ( , „ calculntlona
inado by Lnlniulo. Mmo. hi-pnuio nnd him-
Be f Clnlraiill had remarki'd Unit tin. comet
inlKht como lo perihelion n month earlier
or n month Intur limn tlin niodlclod tlmn
liccauuo they hud unavoidably ni'Klcctod In
tholr cnlciilulluns certain Hoiirces of dlH-
turlmnco that would nltect iho come I'M
motion. After Ita pi-rllu-llon the conuH
lirem > nli < d a line appearance.
The noxl rolurn was dun In 1835. As early
UK 1817 Iho astronomers beRiin to bestir
thi'insi'Ivi-a In order Unit the moment of
perihelion PUSSIIKO mlBht bo mgr.i accurately
foretold than It luul been In 1761) ) . liaron
DamnlRcauon a nrlzo by bin rnlculatliinii.
which flxed the return to perihelion for
November 4 , 1835. I'ontecoiibint predicted
that the return would occur u week luicr
than the tlmo aot by Oanuilucaii , Hut I'rof
llOBOnborKvr of llnllo mndn ( ho most idnbo
rate calculations of all , nnd bin prcdlcllon
named NuviMnbnr U aa the critical date
llexldeii ullowliiK for thw Iniliienro of all the
Krent outer plnnotu except Neptune , which
had not then been discovered , Uosonberr.or
found thnt the attraction of the cnrth would
nhorlen the comi la InboiTnd Journey ilftpcn
and two-Uilnl days ; that of Venus flvo nnd
imp-third dnys , nnd the combined attraction
of Mara und Mercury ono diiy. An outlook
was IWKUII for Ihe npproachliiK coinel nearly
a year In advance of the predicted ( line of
Its perihelion pamaue. Sir John Ilcm-hel ,
then at Uio Cave of Quod llopti wili { tilu
liuge leli'ncopo , Joined In the watch. Hut the
comet did not como Into view until the Cth of
AuKtint , 1S35 , when It was Been from Uio ob-
eorvatory at llonif. It became vlilblo to the
naked eye Into In Beptomberi then 11 tail was
developed , and during October It waa watchej
nlowly 8\\ct'pliiK , with constantly Increasing
kplciulor acruis Ursa Major , Hercules and
Ophluchus , down to Its perihelion meeting
with Iho sun. The perihelion iWHsago oo-
\f \ curr J on November 16 , ttv diyi later than
the time predicted by I'rof RivatnberKor.
Th aprwaraneo of the head of the comet
In October excited the astonishment ot all
observer * . On October 13 I'rof. Struve do-
scrlbcJ It as restmbllns"the stream ot fit a
which Issues from the cannon's mouth after
dlschArpa. when the sparks are driven back
ward by a. violent wlnJ. " Some drawings
wen nu.a ot the tail show that It * -
lumeil at time * Uio most txtraor "nrr ?
Aflcr Its perihelion Uie comet was wilrhed
retreating out Into p.icr tialll May , 183C ,
when U wns finally \rnllu rd from ilRht.
It will be In perihelion ngaln about I3ll.
hat with the grrnt telescopes now In exist-
rncc , and thn Rre.iler onrs thnt mny then
hnvc been count rurtrd , It Is probable
that the comet will 1 ilelected coming sun-
wnnl a year or more curlier than that.
The fact Hint Uio labor of computing the
precise time of Us return Is already nbout
to begin gives assurance that the noxl
tlmo It will not be n 'jiiRstlon of how many
days , but rather of how many hours , or
oven minutes , the calculations will bo In
Mn I ley's comet travels around the sun In
a direction contrary to that In which nil of
Uio planets move. Wo can hardly
Bilppo c , then , Hint It originated out
of the snmo nebulous mass from
which the sun nnd the planets were
created , Wo nrc rather led to believe that
It must have corny Into our HystPin from
ouler space , nnd Hint the Inllucnco of Nep
tune , perhaps , has been effective In making
It a permanent member of the rellnue of the
sun , but sllll only an adopted member , whose
foreign origin Is Indicated by Its Independ
ence of the great law of revolution that no
planet dhotieyn.
Now that astronomers have undertaken the
prediction of the exact period of UB return It
will bo Interesting to aiic who will first complete -
plete his cnlculnllons ami'who will till near-
psl lo the murk. And UIOSP of UB who actu
ally see the great roniot on UB return will
surely find It doubly Interfiling , because U
Is like a slowly revolving hnnd upon the dial
of history. It panned across the nky twelve
yearB before the birth of .Christ. It passed
again when Nero was emperor ; again when
lliu flrsl of Iho AntonlncH had jusl begun
his pacific reign ; ngnln when the. Cloths
wcro preparing to attack Rome , and yrt
agnln In the dnys of Ploclellnn. Tim ad
vancing Huns beheld Its transit In the year
37.1 ; and It was blazing In the sky when
their grcnt King Altlhi wns defcalcd nt
Chnlona In 451. Hcllrarlim may have
watched It nn U swung across the heavens
just after he hail begun his victorious ca
reer In G30. It passed again while Molium-
rued was Bllll worshipping the Idols nf his
fnlhers In fiOS. The world unw HIP great In-
ilex In Ihe flrmnmcnl again In GSI , In 760 , In
8.17. In 012 and In 989. II was on ( lie noun
mnrk for William Ihe ( 'onipieror In lOtifi.
It returned In IHf , ; In 122.1 It WUH thought In
have predicted Iho death of I'hlllp AligilHtus ;
In 1.101 It WUH watched with nitonNbment
from Iceland tu China ; In 1.178 I'hlnew nnd
KuropcniiB unco more recorded Its transit In
their iinnnls. We have seen how Islam and
Christendom were terrlllcd by U In 1150. U
WIIH bnck ngaln In IM ! nnd 1007 , and when ,
In IfiSi ! , It Hhono once more In HIP sky , the
man had come who was lo road UB riddle
and solve Us mystery.
Is It possible to look forward , lo the n ! urn
nf a comet having such n history IIH this
without feeling thnt the proper field of
human Interest IB not limited by the narrow
round of this en.'tli ?
KTIllVf > Ol' ' r.K'IIT HAVIXU.
Sumo Irn.itur < "i of tlin Niihln Sport from n
llrlllHh I'olnt or Vliin.
UONUON.June 3.-Tlio Field , In Its ynpht-
Inir arlli-lc yrnu-rduy , Hay : "The contention
that the VlBllnnt WMH not u fair vcsfH to
match ngalnut Iho Valkyilc on account of
her lllniHy cunHlrucllon will be omplinHlzcd
by lliu fuel that Hbu IH being Klrcngllicned
for her Atlantic paHHiigc. Wu believe Unit
the committee of the Royal Victoria Yacht
club meditated last autumn a clause liiNlir-
Int ; that the defending yai-bt fur the Vic-
lorln gold cup should bu built capable of
Railing Iho Atlantic on her nun bottom.
Tin ; eluiiHc WUH not adopleil , owing lo thu
dllllciilty of ilelennlnliiK tlie lltncHS of
building her for tlio purponc , nnd IICCIIIIMC
It would inoHt HUely result in the chal
lenger grllliu ; the mutch after Hlie had
croH.Mud tinAtlantic. . Still , the point well
dlpplayH the enonnoim advantage which
Ihe defending yacht ban over the clinl-
"The InviiHlon of American built boals
thin Hcauon hi llkuly to try the genlu.s of
our naval nrchllwlH Heverely. So far ris
Ibo Vigilant IH cunvriniMl , we Hbiiuld cay
that Hb < ! wilt lie enormously Impiuvcd by
the reduction of her hall plan. 11 IH lo be
boned that the Valkyile will not have her
Ball plan Increuncd MI milch IIH reporlcd.
At any rate the Vnlkyile had enough cloth
hint Hummer.
"Tin' Vlgllniit'H ronliollri-H would be wife
In accept the view of an cxpei lencoil IIIII-
| HI | yachtunmnvlio. . talking of lb > > conHler-
nallon which ( be Dakotah cuimeil amour ;
tln > len-ialelH of Ibe Clyile , wlieru wbu WIIH
regnrded IIH amilherVcnnnah , .say thai
the rry will go forth that lluw American
artlcleH Hhoiilil lie taxed or haiidlcappcil , bc-
cniiHo they Hpoll our racing' . The keen
HportHincn win ) Import UICHU nhcll ( IncUn
are coimlderud Homewhat unpatriotic. Still ,
for our part , wu adinliu tholr Hplrlt and en
terprise. It IH quite plain that wo have
Homethlnir to lenrn HO far IH Binall racing
yachlH go , and tin * HOOIICT wo learn U the
boiler. It IH necetiHiiry to remember , nlBii ,
that IncteiiHcd Hpced meaim InoreiiHed cruln-
Ini , ' iiunlltleH.
"With reference to Ibe Vnlkyrle'H gcllltiK
net ilayH for the yacht . ineetlngH , the
yaehtHmiin referred to inI'vlneM that Hlie
enter all pOH.sllilu events , IIH the Navaboo
did. If Hlie cannot beat the particular craft
In Hlieh mutches , bow on earth can nhe do
HO In dual cnntcHtH , which do little or nn
good tu Ihi ) general cause uf yacbllng ?
"Tbo IntereHt displayed In Anierlea'H riii |
raceH lant nenHiin would have le < l Ibo ordi
nary observer lo mippoHo that every cltl/.cu
had liceoini : piiBscHMeil of n racing yacht.
Iimteail ul ° which we wltiien.s lliu collapne
uf raclnit all nloni , ' the American HborcH.
"Challengu raooy , " Hit ) Field HayH , In
conuliiHlini , " ( inly lend lo deteriorate a
healthy pastime ,
NKW Yoii'T { ( ) iMrn.Aniii : > iiiA.
Trl-Sliitn lleluy Hiiro Won by Now dnisity
Itlilei-H hy Ten I'olntH.
'lUA , Juno 3. The New Jer-
Hey rlilerH yeHteiilay won the trl-Htato relay
race of IM mlleH between New York and
this city , HcoiInK seventy pnlntH. I'ennsyl-
vnnla wim Heeond , with Blxty polntH nnd
New Yoik llilnl , llfly polnlH. In Ihu tun
from WheaHlieaf Inn lo Ilroad and Nice-
town lane , the llnlHli , the I'enn.Hylvanla
rider had hanl luck , but showed game.
In completing thu Dual relay he had tu ride
Ihieo dllterenl wlicels. llo hud gone bill
a few hundred yanls In thu last great ef
fort for the coveted humus when his lire
WIIH punctured. While waiting for a new
miu'hinu he wan panned bv thu Now Jersey
and New Voile rltlern , lOndeiivorlng to ro-
galn hlM lusl Kroiind , he fell , hi caking ( ho
handlebar. 11 wnil not until he reached
Rltilng Kun lane , u short distance from iho
llnbih , that he secured a thlnl wheel. After
nil these udviTsltles he managed to CIO.MS
the lint ! only one minute behind Ihe leader.
Tint race WIIH started nt KG2 : u. in , The ro-
IIIVH wenllnlshed an follows ;
First relay. New York to I'atorHon : W.
0. Roome , New Jersey , llrst ; I * * . l | , Marri
ott , Pennsylvania , Horunil ; FICM ! Nugle ,
New Ymk. thlnl. Tlinif 10:1 : ! ) ' . ' . .
Seeond relay , , I'atteison in Morrlatown :
Rharlen Chureli , Pennsylvania , llnil ; if. J.
Mu.Mahmi , Now Jeruey , second ; C ! . I' , Htiin-
baeh. Now Yoik , Ihlrd , Time : 12:1S : ,
Third relay. MorrlHiuwn to WhealHheat
Inn , between lOlliahelh and Rahway : U. l < ,
Hlauvelt , New Jersey , llrst ; (1. A. Murray ,
New Yoik. Hiu-nml ; l.oulH ( icylur , I'onn-
Hylviinla , tiilid. Time ; 1125.
Fouith i clay , WheiitHlieaf Inn to Fr.inlc'ln '
I'arle : J. M , Hnldwln , New JeiVev. HMI :
U. H , I'ulge , New Ynik. Hfound ; William
Hall , Pennsylvania , thlid , Tlnut : 2:11 : ,
Flflh relay , ) < Yanklln park to WhealHhenf
Inn ' , between Tienton und llrlslol : o.V. .
K'errlck. Pennsylvania , Ural : M. Mclljvern ,
New Jeisey , seeond ; R. AloDonald , Nuw
York , thlnl. Time ; 1is. ; :
Hlxth relay , NVheiit heaf Inn to llnlHh : J.
W. Davlson. New York , llrsl ; Charles Meim-
mo , PeniiHylvnnla , nvmml ; Whltlleld Hinltn ,
New Jeritey , third , Time : U:1SI5 : ; ,
\Vi > 'ri ! li < r < M'H WorU ,
1.0NC1 1IRANUI1 , N. J. , Juno 3.-Tho
fourth Hhool ni live pigeons for thn River-
Ion ( lun clnb'H chlillcngu pinto took place
yesterday on the Hollywood pink grounds
Uoorgo Wdik uf New Yoik and H. A.
Welch of Philadelphia were the eonleHt-
nnlH. The lalter won wllh 81 birds to S3
for Work , out of a jKissllilo 100.
A Child injo : )
The plotuant effect nnd perfect safety
wllh which Indies may use thu Oallfornla
llQiild laxative , Syrup of FK ! , and under all
conditions. niiiUea U their fuvorllo remedy ,
To got ihe Iruo and genuine article , look
for the name of the California Klic Byrup
Co. , prlntvd near thu boltom of the package -
ago ,
Urlly Ntlil lldliig inu : < rtnlncil ,
BT. 1.0U1S , Juno 3.- The bint heard from
Kelly and hl navy \\IIH at HI. Oenevle\i > ,
Mo. , which point ho pasned yoBlerday affer-
noon. Ctimp was imule HPVI-II inllcn liplow
Unit town. They WITH kindly und ho pltn-
l > ly troulcil. The t-lly Iwiinl iippolntml u
committee to inepl KpHy'H lulvanoo KUiinl
uiul funiUh provuiuim fur hU men ,
, .c.u Indigestion and bllhounnoj with
UUt'i Uttl Eirlr
Hcraarkablo Kpitodo in the Oriral unl His
tory of California.
Illooiljr Crlmri Clmrenl Acnlntt n Hnncli-
nmn I'rotrpn Knhic lijr the IM co ery
of ( lift reman * Said tu HrtTn llrcn
.Mimlcrrd-A StraiiRO Story.
One of Hie most remnrknblc opcodes In
the criminal history or California came to
an abrupt and satisfactory conclusion a few
days ago.
Near the town of Yrekn , In Slsklyou
county , reHldcH George Decker. Gossiping
neighbors lilnlcil that ho wait a flond In
human form. Although a rcHldcnt of the
neighborhood for thirty yearn or more , pur
suing Ills dally duties UB u rancher unmo
lested and living the llfo of a recline ,
stories of various crimes alleged to have
been committed a generation ago wcro
charged against him. A boy found some
hones In a cave. A physician suld they were
the rcnmliiH of u woman and babe. A mar
ried daughter of George Decker , who wan
a child twenty-novel ! years ago , told the
district attorney that on the day her father
took them nil for a drive ho led her mother
nnd babe Into the woods , HcreuniH were
heard , and In half an hour her father came
back , his hands covered with blood. He
drove home with her nnd her llttlu brother ,
Henny , niiil told them that If they ever
mentioned their mother' ) ) name he would
kill them. To the front cama another wit
ness , who testified beforu the grand Jury
that the document Decker used In securing
his divorce was obtained from the wife by
force , that lie , the wjlncss , enlerliiK the
Decker home had seen the husband with u
whip , and the wife seated at a table hud
cried , "I'll sign. " A man remembered that
Decker had told him that his first wife
died at s a. A score of people re
called that Decker had not slept alone for
twenty years because of fear. A woman
told how he screamed nt an npp.rlllon. An
old nurse testified to having seen flngcr
marks on the neck of a baby that had died
of strangulation. Witness testified that he
would allow no onu to visit the bedside of
his second wife , but removed her to n
strange town. Then Ban Itafacl added to
the chain of evidence. Persons there
vouched that Mrs. Decker No. 2 bad ac
cused her husband of murder with her dying
breath ; that he had sent her medicine and
delicacies , after pcrtaklng of which she be
came worse. The body , they said , was not
embalmed there. Then Yreka took up the
story again and told how this corpse had
arrived with the stomach missing.
And with each allegation thera was n
motive coupled. He had killed his
wife that ho might marry his second ; he
had killed the second to secure her property.
Children and grandchildren had been mur
dered either because they know of liU
"crimes" or stood In the way of securing
that which he coveted.
After being arrested and thrown Into jail
a fellow prisoner added to the suspicion by
declaring that Decker called out to his fled
at night und cried aloud that ghostu were
haunting him.
The district attorney of the county said
that evidence seemed conclusive , the grnnd
jury was ready to return an Indictment ,
probably a number of them ,
Up to that time May 14 Decker had no
defense. Knoiigh evidence to warrant the
hanging of the man had been secured , so
lawyers In that town said. The bodies of
victims had been found. A relative had con
nected their disappearance with the prisoner ,
arid the niotlvo was there. In addition the
sentiment favored the carrying out of the
most severe punishment known In law. One
night they came near saving the expense of
a trial , and even a woman expressed a do-
slro to "pull on the rope. " Hut Sheriff
Walker IIUH much Influence In Slsklyou
county , and ho announced that he would
have to bo killed before a mob reached
On the afternoon of May 14 the grand Jury
announced the prisoner would be given a
last chance. He had said that If a certain
Benjamin F. Mitchell could be found a new
light would bo thrown on the mystery. Of
course ho maintained his Innocence of mur
der , but suld ho had no Idea where bis first
wife and child wcro ; Indeed , ho had not
heard from them or of them slnco the sep
aration twenty-seven years ago. So his
protestations of Innocence , coupled with
this assertion , made his case even darker ,
for It was said that a woman and child
couldn't disappear entirely unless they wcro
dead ,
Then the San Francisco Kxnmlnor under
took the work of clearing the mystery. Tele *
grams were sent to correspondents In every
city In the Htato , Instructing them to locate
Hen Mitchell. After three days' search
Mitchell wau found In Williams , Calusa
county , and his Identity established. Hero ,
too , was found a domestic , a widow named
Nevada Davis , who answered the descrip
tion of the babe of George Decker , sup
posed to have been murdered by him. The
last link In the chain of Innocence was
found In the person of a Mrs. Hamilton ,
who proved to bo thu mother of Nevada
Davis , and Mrs. Decker No. 1.
All these years , twenty-seven In number ,
Mrs. Decker and Nevada have been living
within n radius of 150 miles of Yreka , yet no
one In Slsklyou county knew It. When hus
band and wife separated thnt day In 18H5
they boc-nmo as dead to one another. The
woman thought her husband had gone easter
or hud died. She married again , another
Davis , and It was this man's nnmo that Ne
vada , the child , now bears. Ho died und
then flho married a Hamilton. Now she Is
u pauper supported by Caliisu county , Shu
had forgotten all about her first husband
and the words of the Kxumlner correspondent
recalling the past ut first bore no fruit. Then
ho touched th curd of motherhood and spoke
of the children , the two that had been left
behind. That opened the door and memory
came In. Shu recalled her past llfo and
remembered enough tu save. Gcorgo Decker
from the gallows.
All these years George Decker had thought
his wife dead or well he knew not what.
When charged with her murder , all ho couhl
say was "Kind Ilcn Mitchell , " for the man
had no knowledge of his wife. Had she been
duud It Is doubtful It Hen Mitchell's testi
mony would have saved Decker , for It would
havu amounted to little In the sralcs against
thu circumstantial evidence at Yreka , And
Nevada Davis. It would not have been possible
to prove her the bubu of a few months who
was sent uway by her father In 1S05 for oho
rumombers nothing.
The woman and bubo sitpposrd to Imvo been
cruelly murdered by Urn husband and father
were brought to Yreka , anil their testimony
befuro the grand Jury resulted In the release
of Decker.
The case has had enough curious features
In the strangely separated flimlly , and the
remarkable series of events that bus brought
them together agnln , to furnish material to
an ambitious novelist. The days of thrilling
romnnco arc not altogether In thu past.
Frco in Air ,
Although long and obstinately obstructed ,
free as air become the bowels when Hostel
ler's Slomnch Hitters Is lined to relieve und
rcguluto them. Not that the great laxative
operates unduly upon theim Quito the con
trary. Neither does It cause griping. In
both these parllcularu U In preferable lo u
violent cathartic. Use the Hitters for ma
larial and rheumutla ailments , klduey trouble ,
biliousness , dyspepsia amlnprvoiitmcss.
The Decline of MRhtnliiir Hoil.
"What has bi'como of nil the lightning
rodsT" united n friend of the Huffalo Inquirer ,
"Ilnvo you noticed thul of lute yearn you cull
Rcareoly llnd n house In a day's Journey
which U fitted up with the o old'llmo protcc-
tloim against electric bolts ? \Vliy , a few
yearn ago every prosperous farmer would UH
eon have thought of louvlng bin tuoli with
out water ua lo negloet protecting hla house
mid barns wUh lightning rods. AKOIIU coined
money traveling around the country
In wagonH nnd putting up thenu
contrivances to ward off danger.
Hut their day wan soon run. More disaster *
wore created than averted by the UBO of
UK-BO Bo-called protector * . The Insulators
would become loosened and when thu elec
tric nuld began running * > < > ' ° rod * ' :
Ulead of being grounded , us wan Intended , It
found mi Inviting chance to dodge off Into the
building which the rods were uppo eil to
protect. My old father bad thtt lightning
rod builntsa Uowu Hue , lie never could bo
persuaded to put one on benne or barn.
Ho used to declojrcy that he'd rather hare
one good tree In JWto dotryard as a protec
tion against llRlitnins < ban to hare hla home
covered with lightning n > fl > "
A Irntnl Duel tlin'lUTuTt of a ltcm rk In
Fun to rf'Wctty Womiin ,
A pretty fcpanlirh' ' girl sat by the window
of her house at El Motile , near Ixn Angeles ,
the other evening''when ' n wagon with a
number of Mexicans drove by. One of the
men , nnnied Juan'tirosco , Raw the girl. Ills
pycs kindled with 'Admiration and he called
to her In fipnnlih"Oh ' , my pretty one. " An
n consequence to , ( lirt remark a duel to the
death was foughtfbetween the pretty girl's
husband and thoyoung man and the girl
Is now a widow. T ic conlest was beforn
wIlneiiBCs , but sur'stons nnd seeonds were
omitted. "
The wagon had got about a mile away
from the house when the sounds of a hone's
hoofs wcro heard , and soon a man wan seen
to drive up , beating his hcree In a vicious
manner to Increase Ills speed. The rider
of the animal was Uurcla , the young
woman's husband , and ho was gestlculullng
wildly lo Ihe men In the wagon. The
wagon was brought to a standsllll and Gar
cia drove up. He berated the men for In
sulting his wife. The men In the wagon
wcro Inclined to regard Ihe mailer as a
Joke , but Garcia was terribly In earnest.
He challenged Orosco to get off the wagon
and fight him. Orosco , thinking Garcia
meant an Issue at flsllctifTs , Jumped from
the wagon wllh alacrity. He was much
the younger man nnd more active and lllhe ,
nnd as he Jumped from Iho wagon he called
lo his coniiMtilons lo watch how quickly ho
would "do" his opponent up.
Scarcely had Orosco gotlen a few feet
away from tin1 wagon when Garcia pulled a
revolver and began shooting at him. Orosco
was somewhat dazed at first , but he pulled
out a revolver and relumed Ihe fire. It Is
said that Garcia fired four shots and Orosco
three , but anyway , after Orosco was through
shooting , Garcia was heard to give a cry
and fall back In the road. One of Ihe bullets
from Orosco's weapon had gone through his
head. Orosco was shot through the right
The young Spanish girl , with whom Garcia
was living nnd whom the latter clalmel tub-
his wife , Is pretty. She stated that when
the wagon passed Iho house she was silting
at the window , and Orosco was , sh noticed ,
sitting In the rear of the wagon. She said
that Oroeco spoke to her In Spanish nnd
aald : "Oh , you pretty one. " She did not
Witnesses slated that when Orosco saw
that It was to be n duel a 1'outrance he
calmly drew his weapon , and , as coolly as If
shooting at a mark , making no attempt to
protecl hlnibelf , returned Garcla's fire.
Hoth of the men seemed to understand that
one of them must die , and both acted In a
stralghtforuard , bravo manner. When
Garcia fell Orosco expressed his regret , nnd ,
with his comrades , drove back to Kl Monte.
Pills that cure sick headache : DcWItt's
Lllllo Curly Klscrs.
Secretary l > esrllirn I'luni-.Muthml * of Se
curing Member * Votcrit' IMrdgo.
Jtev. Gregory J. Powell , secretary of the
Municipal league , says of that organization :
The main purposes of this InstlluUon are
to awaken the civic patriotism and nrouhe
lo their social duties . .the people of Omaha ,
lo call Into nn active participation In the
affairs of the cltv Us best men , both by
their thorough cooperation In the selection
and election of pood' ' . men , und by laying
upon good men their , responsibility to bo
serve Ihelr city , and' by organl/lng such
backing for them' than they will be encour
aged lo lake olllco'wlth ' the hope of effccti\e
Study nnd overnight * will bo given to nil
the attains and Interests of Omaha through
the various departments of the league. The
plan of the leagufc'a ' organization Is pat
terned closely uftCr Ihe Civic Federation of
Chicago , nnd Is In' ' brief us follows :
The central council Is Hie general or city
organization nnd Is1 ma'de up of twenty-seven
members nt large , nnd will be Increased by
two from each ward as fast as they ore
elected by the ward council. In Ilko manner
the ward and prcclilcts nro to be organized.
The ward and preclmH councils will bo
Instllutcd by the central council nnd under
Its directions. IJvery one In sympathy
with the objects of the league may be a
member of his own precinct council.
These who hold and are candidates for
elective municipal ofllces cannot bo mem
bers of the ward or central councils.
The leagueIs now fairly organized , with
the following members of the central council
who have accepted their elec'lon ' :
Central Council Judge G. W. Doane , Hor-
mnn Kountzc. V. O , Strlcklcr , 11. W. Yules ,
J. II. McCulloch , John A. McShano , Gregory
J. Powell , W. A. L. Gibbon , Thomas Kll-
palrlck , D. Clem Doavcr , A. T. Ileclor , C. A.
Slurr , Warren SwIUler , Howard I ) . Smith ,
C. F. Miller , William M. Dodge , Max Meyer ,
George- . Payne , 13. E. Bruce , K. A. Henson -
son , X , T. Lindsay , Joseph Barker , Dr. Glf-
ford , K. M. Androcscn.
The oMlccrH of the league are : Judge
0. W. Doano , president ; J. II. McCulloch ,
vlco president ; Gregory J , Powell , sccietury ;
II. W. Yules , trcusurer.
The executive committee IB the ofllrers
and A. T. Hector , C. A. Starr , n. A. Benson ,
W. A. L. Gibbon nnd V. O. Strlcklor.
Committee on Ways nnd Menus Herman
Kountzc , Joseph Darker , John A. McShnno ,
H. W. Yules and K. A. Benson.
Committee on Kducnllon Wnrren Swltzlcr ,
Thomas Kllpatrlck , Gregory J. Powell , C. A.
Starr und D. Clem Denver.
Thu other committees und departments will
bo supplied later.
Thu oxocullvu committee Is planning n
great public meeting to be hold ns soon us
urrungcinontH can be made for It.
The voters' pledge , hero Inserted , when
signed , Is the > Initial step nnd entitles to
membership In the league. All voters are
Invited lo till out lliu blanks and send their
names to Hov. Gregory J. Powell , secretary
Municipal league. It IK hoped by means of
this pledge to ascertain very HOOII those who
nro In Rympalhy with , and will co-operate
for , good city government. The pledge Is :
1 pledge myself lo ondoiop for municipal
ollli'i'H only Mich candldntes IIH 1 believe to
bit honest nnd capable nnd In Hyinpalby
with the principle of nhsolute Hcputnllon
nf municipal finm imtlmml und xlutf
politics , und I ulHO promise In tiiktnn
iietlvc IntereHt In , und nttrml when possi
ble , nil rniiciiHeH and primal ICH uf my
IN [ I I 111" . ! .
AddresH .
Wnnl . . . . . .
Sweet breath , sweet stomach , sweet torn
per ? Then use DoWltt's Mltlo Uarly Hlseri1 ,
IPK.I Til till J-WH.TM.Sr.
1'ulr Wrutliur unit Vurlulilo Wlmls for
Nrlirnifcu Mom'luy.
WASHINGTON , Jiiuo 3. The Indications
' *
for Monday nro :
For Nebraska , Jp.x'a't ) , Missouri and Kansas )
Fair ; variable WlndJi.
For South DahoUH-iVuIr ; warmer ! south
winds. " *
\Vntclnniui 1'ollH llnrKbirH ,
An attempt wnJi iiJlc Batunluy night to
ImrglnrUtt the Htoruiof Iho WeMleni Cloln-
IIIM : company , 13lprfliotiglaH Htrrul.
lllouk Wntchmi'A ' Kinder hud occasion to
Ki > through the Alleji when ho Helloed n
light nt a rvar "window. AH thu ollli-pp
approached the .Until went mil and ho
heanl Homo oneMiimhlliiK > ( to gel away.
The placi- was vny.Hlurk and hit could nut
xeo who wn.i tlleruJ An examination or
Ihe alley and promises by Flxhrr anil OMI-
cer lllover rovcaltit a ciowlmr mich IIH IH
used lo open iKiKiivir * ' Near Uu > crowbar
wore it couplp ofjtonoe UrlckH. Thu < IIICI | > IH
then made a further Henrch , and light ut
tin- window loading Into tin * Imscmont lh
Iron KratlnK had been removed. Nothing
had born taken from the store.
DoWIU's I.Htln ICarly llltem. Small pills ,
tmfo pills , bent plll .
Jumped unil llrokn III * Nri-U.
I.ONO IBhAND CITY , N. Y. , Jimn 3.-
The explosion of it lamp curly this morn-
Ing1 Hturteil a lire In it lem-mrnt lioiine ut
33 QIUTII Hired , which was occuplHl by u
number of fiuiillK's. ThoimiH Itrfiiniin wns
awakened by the Unmet ) to llnd hlu bed
ding on tins Ho Kpnxng- from the nccond
Diary nn < l hlu neck wns broken. All thii
othei tenants tucupvd without Injury. The
bulldlntr was almost entlrvly dextroyed.
Little pills for BrcaTllli : DeWltt'i Uttla
Uarly Illiura.
Wall Street Bears Bccnt Improvement from
Afar Off rind Prepaw for It ,
Kratonnliln Certainty thnt U Will Moon llo
Ktmctcil U Hollering Id < trnlnt-li- ) !
uuMlon of tliii Currency ( Jnritlon
Attract * .Much Attention.
NHW YOIIK , Juno 3. Henry Clews , head
of the banking home of Henry Clews & Co. ,
writes of the slluallon In Wall nlreot :
"During the past week , notwithstanding the
Interruption of a holiday , there has been a
dlntlnct lmpro\eincnl In the tone of business
In Wall street. Us main expression IIUH up
pcared In Iho covering of 'shorls. ' which has
crcatt'd a demand favorable to prlcfs , while
It Implies that the 'bears' have discovered
symptoms that betoken a coming recovery
In the market. The most pessimistic ac
knowledge that the passugo of Ihe tariff
bill , viewed as an end of suspense , would
have an Important effect In the restorallon
of general confidence ; und the present situ
nllon of 'Iho measure In the senate Is gen
erally conceded to bo favorable to Its
enactment some time during the current
month. This view seems to lie taken In bus
iness circles generally and Is having Us ef
fect In a more hopeful feeling , though not
yet In any marked change In the volume of
mercantile transaction. ' . Wall slreel Is
quick to perceive this new tendency , nnd Its
'bear' contingent shows Its respect for It ,
and hence the Improving tone.we are able
to record.
"The Introduction of HIP bank note qucs
tlou Into the house Is atlr.tctlng much Inter
cst In financial circles. Though , for some
time , It has been regarded nx an Impending
Issue , yet n < Its Introduction at this silling
of congress has not been expected , It has
not been counted us n factor affecting Immediate -
mediate Interests on Ihe slock exchange.
The ( luestlon , however , Is now fairly rained
for treatment , nnd can hardly fall to be
come an Important factor bearing on Ihe
future of Investments. Its discussion opens
with a mere proposal to restore to the slate
banks their former ability to Issue notes
under Iho exlsling banking laws of Ihe sev
eral stales , Ihrough repealing the existing
tax of 10 per cent upon any circulation put
out by them ; but the bank circulation ques
tion Is such a broad und 'burning one that
It cannot possibly bo treulcd within Ihls
narrow scope. It lies at the basis of any
plan of currency that pretends to deal suc
cessfully wllh the Inconsistencies , weak
nesses and dangers thnt surround our pres
ent monetary arrangements.
"Whether It Is sought to keep In check
the still remaining drift towards silver In
flation , or to defeat the tendency In certain
sections towards flat money , or to relieve
the national government of the embarrass
ments growing out of a standing demand
Indebtedness of $500,000,000 In any of these
cases , or for all of them combined , there Is
no feasible way of accomplishing these ob
jects except through a very material en
largement of the possible Issue of bunk
notes. This will soon be acknowledged to
bo the real r.cone and the chief Hlgnlflcanco
of the bank note question ; It therefore can
not fall , from this time forward , to atlract
profound Interest In Wall street circles. In
view of the great Importance of the position
which the bank note must In future occupy
It becomes a vital question what shall bo
Its nature , authorisation , gtinrnnlcc , nnd lo
what regulation shall It be Mibjcct. These
are qucsllons not to be lightly disposed uf ,
and their consideration may occupy more
time than those now raiding them In con
gress seem to contemplate. Three cardinal
questions will center around these points :
(1) ( ) How far shall federal nnd htatc powers
respectively be recosnlzed In the construc
tion and administration of the system ; (2) ( )
shall the guarantee consist of bond col
lateral , following the precedent of the na
tional bank act , or shall It bo provided by
pledge of the entire assets of Iho bank ,
wllh special liability of the stockholder
added ; and (3) ( ) what arrangements shall be
provided for securing ready , economical and
odlclont redemption of the notes when their
volmno IH superfluous. So far as Ihls leg
islation affords n reasonable hope of UH
ptovldlng a wholesome settlement of the
currency question. It will prove a most val
uable contribution towards the strengthen
ing of confidence in every form of Invest
"The export of gold continues without
abatement. It now appears that this extraor
dinary outflow Is chiefly due to Iho prep
arations of the Austrian government for the
restoration of gold payments , for , although
the contracts with bankers for supplying
the gold have long been made , It fceems that
the actual delivery of the metal has been
largely deferred until Itas required for the
act of resumption.
"The various reorganisation schemes now In
progress will ultimately have an Important
bearing on Iho market for the holler. At
present their progress Is slow , because of
opposing factions und Die depressed condi
tion of railroad Irafllc. Hut these are only
lemporary dlfllcullles , which will quickly
disappear wllh any Improvement In business.
In this connection It will bo well ti > keep
In mind the recent unanimous decision of
the supreme court of Ihe t'nlted States limit
ing the power of stale railroad clmmisslons
and prohibiting them from pulling Into
effect unfair and unprofitable rates. This
Is one of the most Important decisions affect
ing railroads announced In many years , for
some staten have been so severe und arbi
trary In their restrictions that they practi
cally amounted to confiscation of properly ,
ut Icnst so fur as profits were concerm-d.
These facts should bo remembered by reor
ganization committees , for the reason thai
they materially affect the earning of prollt.s
by some of the embarrassed roads.
< ; < iox II.KCTIOion ir.
ItepulilleuiiH Confident of Carrjlug thu Sliito
unil h'eelirlng tlin I.eglHliiliire.
PORTLAND. Ore. , June 3. Oregon to
morrow will vole , for a full stale ticket ,
members of congress and u legislature to
cheese a successor to Senator Dolph. The
republicans have made a thotuugh canvass
of the state during the past six weeks ,
both In the way of pending out spe.ikerH
nnd oigiinlzllig clubH. The ilcmoeralH have
never had any chance of winning , and
have eonseniienlly not condiicled an a
gresslvo uanipalgn on Ihe Htatu ticket. The
have not been Idle. Ooveinor
ropiillslH , wlio is nn avowed candidate for
the United States senate , ban traversed the
Mate from ono end to the other In behnlf
Of the populists , making speeches In almost
every county seat. It Is believed that the
three-i'orneu'd contest will result favor
ably fo thu republicans , and tonight there
seems little doubt that nearly the entire
republican slatu ticket will be elected.
The legislature , will In all probability bo
very close. In many counties the demo
crats and populists havu fused on Ihe leg-
Islallve ticket , and the inajoilty hereto
fore belli by Iho republicans will suiely lit
reduced , If not overcome.
lllituill Uutivui ! In Hie lliiiKp ,
WASHINGTON. Juno 3. Represeiilallvo
Hilt of Illinois has Introduced In the house
a resolution on the Hawaiian ipii'htlmi Mini-
lar to thai pniscd by the bonnte. The reso-
lutlon was referred to the committee on
foreign affairs.
When Baby wns nick , ire gare her distorts.
When ihe was a Child , sbo crlixl for Tastorli.
When slio Ixvamo Jllss , she clung to Catiorla.
\Vlion eha had Children , she B ' them 0 utoril
Commission Merchant
J'rUftle wlrvt to Clilcoro and Ntw VorW. All
builnru nler placed en Oilcuco UoarJ ot
Uurre < poiulenc wllclled.
Office. r > m , N w York Uf Uulln | . |
TiUshono ISO * .
> -
/ ' ] if his house is cleaned in the old-fashioned ,
\ ' \ tearing-up way. Why can't a man's wife use
J Pcarlinc for cleaning house , and let him
keep comfortable ? That's all sht ; needs Pearl'
Vi ine and water to make it an easy thing ( and a
quick one , ) botli for herself and for everybody
around her.
Everything in the house , from cellar to
attic , can be cleaned best with Pearline. Besides ,
with your paint and wood-work and such things , you'll
save a lot of wear that comes from useless scrubbing.
< f Pnrl ' 'Cl'l"crl ' am' ' &omc unscrupulous grocers
< - _ ; . * JCXiU. w j | | tcH you il tli ] $ js M KOH | ftj or . , , | , e
\ VT// / it "Roolr same ns I'carlitie. " IT'S KALSE
JJct' JS- : I'carlino is nndlf
\ / never pcilillcd.
. _ . > . / your grocer semis you somctliinc ; in place of I'earlinc ,
W S l > ] \0" \ > r < t < e > itittttt. 410 JAMES rVI.K , N. Y.
LADIB'S URED ROCKERS , very 0 PARLOR SUITS , five pieces ,
stylish , double cnne sent , ncllH oak finished antique , mohair
ordinarily for { 3.00. Consignment Q9n crushed plush , worth J50 , but the00 l fl
price VM consignor suys sell them for ult\V
CLOSETS , polished onk.
double thick glass , worlh J22.W. lQfl \ finished antique , latest style , you
Consignment price n.JV would say they were cheap nt
$ l2.fW ; they are consigned to sell 7
ished nntlquc , lalesl wlvlc , worlh 0 Q 110 FOLDING HEPS , never retail-
Ifl.DO. Consignment price " > < )0 oil for less than $18 : If you need
one you can got one on account Q US
HALL RACKS , solid onk polish fin- of being consigned for u.wu
lsh , large mirror , usually sells 7
lor $12. Consignment price 0 < llJ 3T > rolls BRUSSELS CARPET.val
ue JI.OO per yard , consigned to iO'fl '
LAWN SETTEES , pnlntcd , red yell for " 2"
four feet wide , regular price I PQ SOI roils INGRAINS , latest pat-
W.CO. Consignment price 1'UlJ li'ins , full yard wide , regular TOp
prlco "Go. consigned to cell for. . . . uuu
CHIFFONIERS , extra large slue , UOO dozen WINDOW SHADES ,
nntlquo oak , usual prlco Ill'.DO. UlUO fi R8 7 feet long , best rollers , best
Consignment price cloth , aclual value "Go consigned 2oC
WARnnOBEM , , exlra largn size ,
llnlshcd antique oak , worth Jli. s JQ SC , pairs NOTTINGHAM LACE
Consignment price " ' u CURTAINS.full length nnd width . . .
Inlosl Hlyle , made to retail for Q7n
BOOKCASEy , polished onk , adjust $ J.GO consigned to sell for * lv
able Bhclves , Inrge nlze , woith A lot of GASOLINE STOVES ,
J12.GO. Consignment price each one guaranteed worth $0.00. 0 7ft
" ' "
Consignment price
EASELS , solid oak , polish finish , Op Good fashionable BABY CARRIA
worth J1.50. Consignment price. . . " ' GES , full size , bicycle wheels , A 87
cheap at $10. Consignment price. . 'ul
CENTER TABLES , solid onk nnd
polish finish , worth tf.oO. ConI I If ) A big lot of REFRIGERATORS ,
slgninent price lllw all modern Improvements , well
made and worlh $13.GO. Consign- 0 An
oak , finished antique , worth Jo. 0 SOLID OAK SECRETARIES , In
Consignment price l"i" antique finish , large writing desk
plenty of book room , worth $12.00 , R 08
CHAMBER SIHTS. 3 pieces , latest
the consignor sell them for. " 'W"
est style , Inrge mirror , antique or says
16th century finlsli , worth $30.00. < lf ! Qfl 118 ICE BOXES , lined wllh best
Consignment price iu. " quality 7lnc , patent lockn , hinges
best make , worth $7.GO. Consign378
MIlS. POTTS' SAD IRONS , nlcklc incut pilce , u i
finish , three Irons , one bundle fiip 2ir , DINNEU SETS , best English
und stand. Consignment pi lee. . . . " goods , rich royal blue color , 102
pieces , easily worth $20.00 ConQ 00
pieces , finished unllque , worth slgnin nt price
J17.CO , consignor says to sell them Q ( fl A big lot of i-hole cust RANGES ,
for vl\l \ from a foundry that only makes .
peed goods , worth $12. Consign- Of ] I
C5 CHENILLE COUCHES , nicely inent price t.vJU |
draped , nny color , well worth ALL COl'l'ER WASH BOILERS ,
$15.00 , consignor allows im to sell f ! OR No. S size , best cold rolled copper A KC I
Consignment price , . . l.UU |
Terms , Oasli or Easy Papents ,
We close evcn'ngs at 6:30 : , except Mondays and Saturday
Formerly People's Mammoth IiisUlImont House.
t'rnil l ( > o'or t t ji oil eit ifu
The l > est SliooH fur
I ho Leant Money.
SqiuMUIcssIloUom Wjlcrproof. Ili'st Shoe sold at the price.
$5 , and S3.GO Dress Shoo.
j < . pun custom \\urk , cosljng Ironi lo $3.
.S3.5O Police Shoo. 3 Soles.
test \ \ iilKinj olioc L\tr ni.iiic *
$2. GO , and $2 Shoes ,
Uiiiqu.illid nt the price.
Boys $2 & $1.75 School Shoes
i Arutlie Jlvst lot brrvice.
$3 , SS.5O $2 , $1.75
iHtliiiK li > . .StjllHh.rorfoot
l'IltliiKaiiilS rvli'pai > ] n.Upnt
In ( hi ) Horld. AH RtylfR.
-iTHIS IS THE l t iipiui havliiRAV.It ,
- juiliiH Shu * H. Nauib
ami prlco Hlainpeil on
IlllttUIII. JUllH'lltOII
GNATX NKWMAN120 South 13th. ELI AS SVKNbON , 4119 North 2-Hh
A.W. BOWMA CO. , 117 North Kith. C. J. CARLSON , 218 North 21th
. W. KISHER , 102.5 Lciivonwoi-Hi. R A.CHI3SSY , So. Omiiliq
Tills KreiitVcKntnble
ciiri-i , . . . .
fwnoiwrrencn pliyBlcluu.wl.l iiuloUlycurojiniof nil ncr-
tlfiiiuf , , ? ? ' " i-f "I" KCiHTBtUe OIKUIK , wicli nn * , o * AlailllOOll .
lUl'Ult'l -
vll np . " * . - " . . . . . . " , , . . , , , , * .
1 iumnto. IWi.sliitli.ill cK. j e.iiliiul ) i < i > tlB.iljiriB . Nnrtrntta DfhllPj- .
j-lmplA , Viattio ! i to Mnrry. Kxlimistlui ? Jlrnlii ! . . Vnrlco ! o and
tUIK'illi''Nni2' ! ' > lr' ' > npfl : tliollror.tho Uldnoyi nnd the urinary
inanoiitcum. fl-l'P.a ' L1-.1. . . . ' ? . ( 'O..11 ' n. , nnv "ii/n FisiiiltHcn. Oil. far Halo : ! by
in s''u { ; Caiuu Uraa. . Cci.iu.ll llh.llH. . luv. .
Jfo HoUcf. Kit titfum. No Kiiglnetr.
HliST I'OWKH for Corn and I'ced Mills ,
Iluy , RunuluKHepuratorK , Croumurlen , < So.
Stationary or Portable.
JloGOU. P. 8 to80 II , 1' .
mcrridforO talog , I'f1cCTtta , , li crlblBgworklol ) < lon *
Onulia , 107 S. 14th St 33d * . Walnut SU. | 1'UILA.DUU'IIIA , 1'A.