Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1894, Image 1

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Goyornor Waite Absolutely Hefuses to Oall
Out the Militia ,
No Wny Sfcmn Clear , However , for Getting
Them lnt Action Kirept on tlio Ke-
qufist of Governor Wnlto to the
Federal Gorrriuntiit.
DENVER , June 3. When Governor Walto
made his reply to Sheriff Bowers' request
Tor troops at Colorado Springs last night all
hope of receiving aid from the militia was
obout given up. Today's developments but
strengthen the Impression that no nld will
be received through the governor. Governor
Walte , Lorcns , his private secretary , and
'John ' Caldcrwood , president of the Miners
union , left Colorado Springs for this city at
12:30 : o'clock this morning , and arrived here
nbout an hour later. Governor Wulte and
Jyorens Immediately went Into conference
with the governor's advisers. Caldcrwood
went where none but Walte and Lorens can
find him. It Is not known who tlio gov
ernor's advisers were. Nothing was decided
upon at the first conference , and another was
hefd at 10 o'clock with a like result , so far
nn any one knows.
Sheriff Bowers followed Governor Walto to
Denver on the next train. Today he made
another appeal to the govenror for troops ,
but so far the demand has proved Ineffectual.
Sheriff Bowers then started In scarph of
Calderwood to arrest him , but failed to find
lilin. Lorens refused to say anything about
Caldcrwood'n whereabouts until he had had
n talk with the governor. The two went to
the governor , who not only refused to slate
Calderwood'H whereabouts , but Instructed
Lorens to say nothing.
General McCook , located at Fort Logan ,
lias prepared himself for a call and Is In
readiness , though how he can be called upon
Is a mystery.
( Forces at Cripple. Treek In Hourly E
tlon of u Itattle.
CRIPPLE CREEK , Colo. , June 3. All day
Jong the striking miners have been on the
> lert , expecting that any moment some of
Sheriff Bowers' deputies would put In an
nppearance In some remote portion of the
camp. Not n single miner Is working In
the camp. One shift was put In on the
Mocse , Elkton , Prince Albert , Gold Dollar ,
Ingham , Jack G and n few other properties ,
but the managers of the several mines were
informed at neon that It would be Impos
sible to run any of the properties. The
men arc now confident that they will be
attacked some time tomorrow , and th t the
licur may be directly after midnight. They
are ready , and this Is so well known by the
deputies that the officer commanding Is
iicing the utmost caution. All men not nec
essary to guard the approach to Bull Hill
nnd forage for supplies have been massed
nbout the fortification , and their number Is
ellgl.tly over 1,800. Today the strikers made
their last forage for arms , ammunition and
supplies. Fearing a siege they have filled
hundreds of barrels with water nnd stored
them In the fort. Parties have been draftIng -
Ing recruits. Many of these parties were
headed by women , who promise to stand
firm till the end comes. The towns of Vic
tor , Anaconda , Mound City and other places
'nre In the possession of squads
of armed strikers. Cripple Creek
, la entirely unmolested by strikers
today. The plan of the strikers Is to meet
the deputies and make aa strong a stand
'OB possible , und , If necessary , retreat to
Bull Hill , wheio n desperate stand will be
made. The deputies will bo commanded In
the field byV. . K. Palmer , leader of the
army that had so many scrimmages during
the building of the Denver & Rio Orando
road. Ho says that any moment the depu
ties may ndvanco to a. point beyond Mid
land , after which a battle will be only n
.question of hours.
The minors today hailed with delight the
words of Governor Walte In response to
Sheriff Bowers' demand for troops , and they
.now look forward to a battle , the end of
Which will bo for them either victory or ex
termination , Open threats against Colorado
Springs are made as a result of the treat
ment of Governor Walte nnd John Calder-
. \vood. The wives of the strikers refuse to
leave camp. Somn of them have organized
to care for the wounded and others have
procured Winchesters and will enter the
fight. The miners know not what to do If
the militia Is called out and they believe
Governor Walto will be their friend , but
. while here he said to the miners : "Thu
law has been violated and I shall see that
It Is enforced In the future at any cost. "
It la expected Deputy Marshals Wise and
Drowne will soon appear tn camp to servo
eunimons fin the officers of the union to ap
pear at St. l < ouls In the court of appeals.
.They will offer no resistance , as they fear
federal authority.
- II. E. Woods , president of the- Woods In
vestment company , whose main office Is In
Denver , but whose local office Is at Victor ,
elx milts from the city , was taken tn charge
nt 9 o'clock by a large body ot miners nnd
carried up to the fort on Bull Hill. His
jwlfe was present when he was taken and Is
almost frantic. The men told her that she
need not worry , as they would turn Mr.
( Woods loose In the morning ; that all they
wanted her husband for was to explain cer
tain matters that It would be Impossible for
Mm to do without Ills presence nt their
stronghold. At this writing not ten business
men hero know the news , but they look
Into each other's faces und see nothing but
'dread and fear. The cause of the kidnap
ing of Mr. Woods It Is Impossible now to
give. .
Quietly Stand One Side anil Alton Coal
Trill tin to Ho Moved.
SULLIVAN. Ind. , Juno 3 , The state militia
arrived In Sullivan this morning. The com
panies stopped over hero and waited until
the trainmen could get an engine to pull the
coal out ot Shcllburn. They came In through
the crowd Of miners and citizens who were
there nnd surrounded the coal train. No
'demonstration wast made except by an old
lady with n pistol under her npron , who
marched out-rendy for action with tha1
militia. She wits caught by Sheriff Mills ,
* jvlio selred the gun , She was willing to do
what she WHS naked to do after she had list
licr gun. As soon as the trainmen could get
the train In shape , which took nearly nn
liour , the track wns again cleared and the
coal train started out. The minors Imd each
car branded "scab coal. " The minors made
threats that should not ship coal
utilosa they kept a standing army r.t ShcII-
tiurn ull the time. After the mllltlu had
finished their work they came back to Hul-
llvan and went Into camp ut the fair
grounds. Sheriff Mills left Khcllburn , going
to Alum Cave and demanding the the
miners had sidetracked. They gave It up
without much dltllcully. The mllltin arc here
ntvnltint ; further orders from the sheriff.
Uetcrtrtl bj Tliolr l-'rlritiU Cunnclbiirs Men
Itvady to Gu to Work.
CANNELBURG. Ind. , June 3. ItJs ap
parent tonight that the backbone of the
trike has been broken , Thn formidable np-
pearance of the militia Is what lias done the
; work. The Washington miners deserted
their colleagues at this place this afternoon ,
tier having gotten them Into considerable
trouble , and the hearts ot the local minors
are too faint to do anything but submit.
This afternoon scouting parties were sent
out to scour the surrounding country. The
earch was fruitless , the detachment ! fulling
to find any large number of men congregiied
At any one spot. It appear * that the miners
from Washington took a very Important part
In the destruction of property on Friday
night and returned to their homca , falling to
support the Cannclburg men. Superintend
ent McMahon of the Baltimore & Ohio .South
western , at the suggestion of the adjutant
general , U crowding all cars loaded with
coal from Cincinnati to the Indiana state
line on the west. About seventy-live car
loads were moved during the day. It Is ex
pected to have the line cleared by tomorrow
morning ot nil coal. If this Is done there
will be no more shipments for ten days.
Thin dene , the adjutant general expressed
the Intention of sending most of the trcops
home tomorrow , retaining a sufficient force
to prevent Interference with the train ? until
further developments should dictate the re
moval ot all the mllltln.
.Htrikn Lenders A r rented anil Con I Trains
Are A CM I n .Moving I'oi-ivurd.
WASHINGTON , Ind. . June 3. The state
troops marched Into Clarke Station this
morning. COO strong , with n Gatllng gun ,
to find that only about fifty miners had
stayed to face the music. The mllllla was
drawn up In line along the edge of the
woods , nnd Sheriff Lcmlng then read the
warrant against the miners for riotous con
spiracy , and placed three of'the leaders ,
Squire Summers , Dick Gale nnd John Flynn ,
under arrest , bringing them to this city
this afternoon nnd placing them In jail.
As soon us the tloops were In line the rail
road men at once repaired the track , and
the loaded cars were taken on west. The
thousand miners who were cnroute In
Clarke Station did not materialize this
morning , neither had they collected at any
point along the Baltimore & Ohio South
western. The certainty that the officers
Intended to enforce the law seemed to quell
the rebellious feeling among the men. The
miners say that an soon as the troops are
withdrawn they will again stop ull
cars , but anticipating this , two companies
will bo stationed nt Clarke until all fear
of trouble Is past. Every man In this city
Is now quiet , and there Is a Rcncral feeling
of relief among all classes. Trains loaded
with coal have been passing through the
city all afternoon.
Strike Will Not Hit Derlnrcil Off.
CHICAGO , June 3. A special from Co
lumbus , O. , says : Anent the report that
the miners' strike would be declared off nt
next Tuesday's meeting. President MeUrlde
said today : "The Htilko might be declared
off. That Is possible. The committee has
that power , but It Is extremely Improbable
that It will do so , 1. nm but o'ne member
of It and cannot spcnk for the committee ,
but It Is safe to siiy It will not declare the
strike oft" "
CUI.VMlll.t ST/r.1.
Wholesale Dlntrlct of Portland In Now En
tirely Under WUUT.
PORTLAND , Ore , June 3. This has been
a busy day In Portland. All day long mer
chants In the flooded districts have been at
work moving out goods or raising them on
paltforms above the water. The river con
tinues to rise every hour and the situation
becomes more perilous. The weather has be
come cooler here , buc no reports can be had
from eastern Oregon and Washington , the
source of all the flood. Telegraph wires
north and east arc down and It Is Impossible
to obtain any news of the situation along
the Columbia river. The river here Is thirty-
one feet above low water and every twenty-
four hours adds to It from eight to twelve
Inches. Three-fourths of the wholesale dis
trict Is under water from two to ten feet
and the water Is fast encroaching upon the
best part of the retail district. Hundreds of
small houses on the flats are surrounded by
water up to the second story and have begun
to turn over. A further rise of a foot will
take them out. Many merchants arc unable
to get lumber with which to build platforms
to Jcccp their goods above water. Every
available boat in the city has been hired and
boatmen receive from $1 to $5 per hour for
their services. . . The Western Union Tele
graph company's oflfce Is surrounded by six
feet of water.
On the west side of the river the water
extends almost to Washington street on
Sixth street , within one block of the Ore-
goniun building , on Sixth and Alder streets.
This evening the waters have reached the
highest floor of Llpman & Wolf's , the largest
dry goods store In the city. On the east
side many ot the elevated railways leading
to the river are submerged and the Madison
street bridge at the south end ot the city is
the only bridge open to traffic. A rise of six
Inches more will shut off the gas supply of
the city. The Union depot Is two feet under
water .and the Union Pacific car shops In
Albtna are surrounded by five feet of water.
The Southern Pacific Is the only railroad
running trains Into Portland 'ind they arc
compelled to stop nt the south end of the
city , being unable to reach either depots.
The Union Pacific Is hopelessly tied up , both
by rail und by boat. The Northern Pacific
makes regular trips with the transfer boat
Tncoma between this city and Kelso , Wash.
U Is learned from persons arriving here by
boat that the storm last night did much
damage along the Northern P.iclfic between
Kalama and Tacomn. Houses and trees were
blown down and at Centralla much damage
Is said to have been done. In this city a
hard rain fell most of the day. The flood
will Interfere with the election tomorrow , as
many of the polling places are under water.
No estimate of the damage by flood Is pos
sible , but It will bo something appalling
when the reports from the upper and Idwcr
rivers are received. The Dalles , u town ot
4,000 Inhabitants , cannot bo reached by wire ,
but It Is known from the height of the water
hero that nearly all the business portion of
the town is under water. There Is a strong
current In the Columbia In that point and
great damage has certainly resulted.
PiiMenger Trains Helm ; Held on Account of
the Wnilioiit.
LAMAR , Colo. , June 3. Last night fifty
feet of the south end of the bridge across
the Arkansas river guvc way before the
Hood , and an hour later twenty-five feet on
the north end wan swept awny. The river
covered all the bottoms und was a mile wide
at the bridge. The Santu Fe tracks east
and west are submerged , and at Prowers ,
seven miles west , teveral hundred feet of
track Is washed out. All the Irrigation
canals are filled by the. overflow , and some
ot them have been broken In ninny places.
A number * of farms along the river have
been greatly damaged by the Hood , which
washed out all the crups , Four passenger
trains bound west are held at the depot ,
waiting for the track to bo made passable.
The river Is slowly falling , and It U believed
that the worst Is over. It Is Impossible at
present to estimate the amount cf damage
done. The water reached a higher point
during the present flood than over before.
Wunlioulit Iiy the Score.
DENVER , Juno 3. J. B. Murden , con
tracting freight agent of the Union Pacific ,
Is In tin ) city , having walked all the dis
tance from Central City to Golden. Mr.
Murden said ; "No one can conceive of the
destruction In that iurt ot the country.
Every mine In Central Pity and vicinity In
Hooded , and tljcre Is not u vcftlge > f a plac T
mine left In Clear Cre k.
Between Central City and Forki Creek
there ure twenty-eight wa < houts , ranging
from ten to fifty feet In width.
"Between Idaho Springs and Golden there
are thirty-six washouts. The mining men
In Central City estimate the losses to the
county nt $500,000. It Is not known when
the Gulf will commence running trains
again to Central City and Georgetown , but
It may be a week or ten duys yet. O'f
course , this nUlmnte Is bated on the assump
tion that the creek will not again rise. "
Verdict of Murder In ih Pint Decree.
IIAWLINS , Wyo. , June 8.-Speclal ( Telegram -
gram to The Bee. ) The Jury In the CUHO of
Charles Howard , clmrgeU with killing
Charles Horn at Dlxon , December 31 ,
brought In n venllet this morning of mur
der In the first
Uncertainty aa to When the Senate Will
Vote on the Schedule.
Hepiibllrniis Will Probably Itculiit Any At
tempt to Extend the Sesilou * Hejond
0 O'clock Iteiiuhllraiif .May
Not .Show Their lluiid Vet.
WASHINGTON , June 3. The sugar sched
ule will again this week be the central point
around which the proceedings in the senate
will revolve. Among numerous senators vho
were asked for tliclr opinion as to when the
debate on this schedule wi/ild cease , not
one would attempt to fix a definite time.
The discussion has already proceeded for four
days , which was the utmost time the demo- ,
cratlc senators would concede before the de
bate was begun would bo necessary or would
be allowed to It. Some think It will be pos
sible to reach a verdict Monday or Tuesday ,
while others assert that there are contingen
cies which may postpone the disposition of
Die schedule until the latter part of the-
week. Among other lines of policy 'which
have been discussed among the opponents of
the bill Is that of allowing the schedule to
be accepted as amended by the comnilllee
on finance without a decisive vote In thq
committee of the whole , the Idea being that
the opponents of the bill shall not be forced
to show their hand at this time , and espe
cially that they may refrain from showing
their supposed strength among democratic
and populist senators. Senator Harris ad
heres to his determination to ask the sen
ate to prolong Its dally- sessions Into the
evening , beginning with tomorrow
Some of the republican senators have
taken Ills notice to mean that he will ask
the senate to sit Monday until the sugar
schedule shall be disposed of , but conversa
tions with him and olhcr senalors Indicate
that his purpose Is hardly so definite , but
that the intention is to press as near to the
goal as II may be possible lo go.
"We want , " said Senator Jones , "to see
that the senate does a good day's work each
day , and If It should be apparent that there
Is to be no effort to secure delay for delay's
sake we should not probably ask for ex
tended hours , but If we should sne that the
long bpeeches are to continue we should
probably ask the senate to sit far Into the
night. "
The republicans will probably resist the
attempt to extend the hesslons beyond 6
o'clock to the extent of at least demanding
that a quorum shall be maintained , and
some of them will decline to assist In mak
ing the quorum. The democrats appreciate'
this difficulty and will make an effort to
have as nearly a quorum of democrats as
possible on hand to meet this emergency.
They have the pledges of more than fifty
senators , Including most of the populists and
some republicans , that they will remain to
aid In making a quorum as long as may be
required. Senator Harris said today that
when the night sessions were once begun
they would be continued until the bill should
bo finally disposed of. Meantime they will
maintain their efforts to get the republicans
to agree to fix a day for the final vote.
TO I'EitMiT rooi.ixn.
Itcprcaeiitntlve PntteiMon Introduces a Hill
to Allow Competing Kond.s tti 1'onl.
WASHINGTON , June 3. After on Investi
gation of the subject of railroad pooling.
extending through all of this congress , the
house committee on commerce has reported
the bill of which Representative Patterson
of Tennessee Is the author to radically mod
ify the anti-pooling section of the Interstate
commerce act. The proK | > sed system , which
permits pooling under certain restrictions
and under the supervision of the Interstate
Commerce commission , has the support of
a majority ot the commissioners as well
as of prominent railroad men who know of
UK provisions. An amended law on the
lines laid down by Representative Patterson
was favored by resolutions of the recent
convention of state railroad commissioners
held Jn Washington. The report from the
committee has been submitted to the house
by Mr. Patterson. It states that there has
been shown a consensus of opinion on the
part of the state commissioners and the
Interstate Commerce commission to permit
competing roads to enter Into contracts for a
division of their gross earnings under safe
guards and restrictions. While many rail
roads are In the hands of receivers and
others are threatened with Insolvency It Is
held that It the companies were receiving
the published rates approved by the Inter
state Commerce commission they would bs
comparatively prosperous. Iiy rebates , draw
backs and other devices the large shippers
are reimbursed , while the small shippers are
required to pay the published rates. Thus ,
It U held , the railroads are Impoverished ,
the public Injured , destruction of small en
terprises and discouragement of individual
efforts brought about. A system by which
competing railroads may divide their earn
ings , says the report , would remove the
motive for discrimination ; that largo and
small shippers would fare alike. Passenger
and freight rates are shown to be lower In
the Unlud States than any other country ;
35 per cent below those of Great Britain ,
with even , greater disparity between this
country and continental European nations.
Stifling competition by pooling contracts
Is held to be the danger to be avoided and
Mr. Patterson argues that natural causes
exert a powerful Influence to make rates
reasonable , competition between localities ,
between systems of railroad not party to
the contracts , and with rivers , lakes , canals
and co.istwlsn currents of commerce.
The report shows that the bill materially
enlarges the Jurisdiction and powers of the
Interstate Commerce commission. If the
commission determines that a contract - results
sults In discrimination or violation of the
law It Is clothed with power to disapprove ,
whereupon the contract ceases to be lawful
or enforceable and the parties nre relegated
to the law as It now Is and required to ob
serve It. From un order disapproving a
contract an appeal lies to a United States
circuit court and to the supreme court , but
the practical effect ot the bill will be to
place the contracts under the control of the
commission with the approval ol the su
preme court. While appeals are pending
contracts . are unlawful and unenforceable.
This bill makes shlppeis alone punishable
for frauds ugulnbt the companies by means
of falco bllU or otherwise , while the cor
porations , Instead ot their 'officers or agents ,
are to be punished for Infractions of the
law by means of drawbacks or otherwise
made by their agents , whather authorized by
the companies or net. Violations of the law
am Hindu punishable by fines not exceeding
$5,000 for each offense. Contracts or agree
ment * between railroads or certified copies
must bo flled with the commission and made
publle records , to bo competent evidence In
judicial proceedings. Procedure under tlio
bill U materially changed. Circuit courts
ara required to give CIIRCU from the com
mission precedence over all others , and the
supreme court lo advance tbem as It does
cases In which the Government la a party.
All evidence taken before the commission Is
to bo filed as evidence for the court , and. If
more evidence Is needed. It Is to be taken
by the commission. In this way the court
decides on the exact case certified ,
the Niivul l'orct : at Hluclluldii.
WASHINGTON , June 3 , The Marblohead
will probably start from New York for
Hluefleds ! next Tuesday. The' Atlanta , hav
ing delivered the Richmond at Philadelphia ,
will also start tor Uluejlelds as soon aa she
can bo ready. _
Second I'uitinaitcr General It
WASHINGTON , Juno 3 , Mr. J. 'Lowrle
Dtll , second assistant postmaster general ,
bu resigned to accept the position Ot gen
eral traffic manager of ll e Central Railroad
of New Jersey at a much higher salary. Ills
formal letter of reslftnatqu | was sent to Post
master General Illsscll IriSt Thursday , and It
IB to take effect June ( it ) ; the close of the
present fiscal year , Mr. Hell entered the
service as general superintendent of the rail
way service and was , ' subsequently promoted
to be second assistant frosttnaster general.
1'ollce Authorities I.malo drnnliy llouiird ,
n Virginia Hwludler , In Montreal.
WASHINGTON , June 3. Unless some
hitch ensues In securing his extradition
Granby Howard , who Is alleged to have
swindled Mrs. Joseph ,11. Spccht of Gunton
Hall , Va. , wife of n , wealthy ht. Louis
clothing dealer , out. of $3.000 , will soon be
lodged behind the bars of the Fairfax 'county
Jail. The commonwealth attorney of that
county has been Informed that Howard Is
In Montreal , and he Is now In communication
with the police authorities of that city with
a view to his detention until government
ofllctals can secure co-operation of the
State department | n tccurlng extradition.
Negotiations to that nd are now In progress ,
and the Fairfax authorities are confident that
Howard will be brought to trial.
There Is said to be a "strange story of al
leged hypnotic Influence- connected with the
affair. Howard Is an Englishman , about CO
years of age , of good education , and when
he went to St. Louis represented himself
as an ex-offlcer of 'theEleventh lancers ot
the British service. Ifc told many stories
about experiences In Imlla , and started In
St. Louis an order with eastern rites , styled :
"The Wisdom of doit , " Into which he
Initiated .Mrs. Spcchl nnd her daughter.
The Spechts n few years ago purchased
the historical country seat of George Mason ,
a contemporary of Washington's. Howard
soon appeared on the scene , and It Is charged
secured perfect hypnotic control oscr Mrs.
Specht , who fell In with Howard's plan of
establishing a college of occultism nt
Gunston Hall. Mr. Specht and his sons were
unable to stop Mrs. Spccht from aiding
Howard's scheme financially until they forced
him to flee for fear of arrest. In connection
with a $5,000 note which Mr. Specht had
given his wife and of which It Is charged
Howard became possessed.
Probability of n Democratic Caucus to
rorniuliito rt Mute IJiilik Hill.
WASHINGTON , June 3. The outlook for
the week In the house of representatives is
so much In doubt that a democratic caucus
may bo neccessary to agree on a plan of
action. The stale bank question has been
debated until the leaders are anxious for a
vote. But the debate lias shown the stale
bank men that they are liable to be de
feated by inablllly 'to agree on any one of
the many plans du qtissed. As the state
bt-nk principle was Incorporated In the dem
ocratic national pla'tform , the leaders are
loth to see the bill defeated , so that a cau
cus tomorrow or next'diiy may be called for
the purpose of formulating a party measure
which will command' united support. It Is
probable that the final vdte on the bill will
be taken early In the > tek , unless the whole
question Is allowed to go over until the
caucus committee had1 framed a satlsfaclory
bill. * '
The rules commlltee has been considering
the advisability of devoting one day to Rcpre-
senlalivo Cooper-Is bill toribiibatltutliiK green
backs and sIlveTi npesf | ' lo slate and local
taxation. At present these -forms ol paper
money are exempt 'frqm taxation.
Chairman Holman 6flHe Indian committee
Is pressing with the -luUiain approiirlatlonr
bill , and its consideration will come Imme
diately after the s'fatc bank debate , unless
Mr. 'Cooper secures an 'Intervening day.
The Indian bill will be warmly discussed ,
as 'there ' Is a disposition to question the
wisdom of many oTMr. Holman's reductions.
The debate Is expected to last a week.
Circuit Court of Appeals Puts tlin FlnUliIni ;
TnueliKS tn llond Selieuies.
WASHINGTON , June 3. An important
victory for the postal service Is the way In
which yesterday's opinion , of the circuit
court of appeals at Chicago affirming a de
cision of Judge Grogscup in the case of the
United States against McDonald , convicted"
of running a bond Investment scheme , Is
looked upon at the ! Pfstonce department.
Concerning the effect of 'the Judgment , As
sistant Attorney General Thomas of the
Poslofllco department Mid today : "The
lotlcry schemes have been like the hydra-
headed monsler of olden times. We cut off
lha head of the Loulalana lottery , and then
a thousand and one schemes of a lottery na
ture sprung up with more harmful and pernl-1
clous effects. Lotlery fchemes Ihroughout
the country are now In course of Investiga
tion by the postofDce Inspectors. However ,
bond Investment schemes have had their
day and are dying ouL rapidly. The decision
at Chicago probably fill result In their en
tire extermination , i Companies have been
operating while the i McDonald appeal was
pending , but now It Is1 affirmed that most of
them 'will be closed ul > . "
to Uio'.Columhlii Trill UK-
WASHINGTON , June 3. Acting Secretary
McAdoo has receive * ! from Captain Sum
mer , commanding tht Columbia , an account
of the Injuries sustained by her. The ex
tent of these cannot bo Ascertained until the
ship Is docked , but'- the captain makes It
appear they are by no 'means serious.
Preliminary Trial of the Alliinrnpnlli.
WASHINGTON. Julio 3. Mr. Cramp states
the preliminary builder * ' trial of the triple
screw cruiser Minneapolis will take place
next Tuesday. The eourso will probably be
about ten miles lonp , off the live fathoms
bank. '
Giving SllnerH an E-itrmlon.
WASHINGTON , June 3. The house com
mittee on mining has authorized Chairman
Weadock to favorablj' report one of the sev
eral bills extending tht time for paying for
mining claims. . . t <
Endorsement of th JIjul css Men' * Opposi
tion to tlifpQumio Tux.
NEW YORK , Jupe'Ts. Tlio New York
Business Men's anwd&tlon of this city ,
under whose- auspices ] the meeting to pro
test against the Income tax WAS held In
Cainegle MuslchaUl8t , Friday night , continued
tinued- be flooded" , } h telegrams. All of
them endorse tiie a atfelaitlon In Its opposi
tion to the lncpmeta.x'.n\eusiire. The mes
sages come from MJaliio to Texas. Among
the moro Important ; ijro protests from W.
II. Ulmond , president Id ! the San Francisco
Cl-amber of Qoinrdprtc ; .Porter P. Peck ,
president of the Mlui&ottha National bank ,
Blotix Falls , S. D.j'Jffank Murphy , presi
dent ot the MorcRaufs National bank ,
Omaha , Neb- . / I
MuvriuunU or Se KOlneokSuU June n.
SAN FRANCISCO , , June 3. Arrived
Saturn , from Panama.
At New York Arrived La Champagne ,
from Havre } . "Furncsla , from Glasgow ;
Othello , from1 Antwerp ; State ot California ,
from aiusgow.
At Baltimore Arrived Lord Lansdowne ,
from Adrossan.
At Iloston Arrived Scythla , from Liver
Al Beachy Head Pajuctl Darmstadt , from
Baltimore , -f '
At Glbraltor Pnss a-Fulda , tor New
York ; Suevla ? for New'Yorlc.5
At D ver Pasied Sfeledam , for New
York. >
At Queepstown Arrlyed-Southward , from
At Liverpool Arrived Etrurla , from New
At Havre Arrived- Touralne , from
New York.
International Meeting of the Y. M , 0. A. at
London ,
Delegate * Go to the , Talx-cmu-lc to Jlenr
Itor. Hpurgcon Lord Major of London
( II vm Them n llrceptloii
nt Guild Hull.
LONDON , June 3. The International con
ference of theY. . M. C. A. occupied twelve
hours yesterday , the time being divided be
tween Exeter Jiall and an Immense pavilion
that had been erected on the Thames em
bankment. A public meeting was held In the
afternoon , at which the subject of mission
work was discussed. The speakers Included
Mr. Wlslmrd of the International commit
tee of the United States. Sir John
Henry Kcmtawu , M. 1' . , presided.
This morning a majority of the dele
gates attended the tabernacle. The Rev.
Mr. Spurgeon preached an appropriate ser
mon. Sir George Williams , the founder of
the Y. M. C. A. , was on the platform. In
the afternoon Rev. Mr. Meyer preached In
Exeter hall , sketching the history of the as
sociation. The foreign delegates were ad
dressed In their sections. The Lord Mayor
of London and the corporation gave n recep
tion to the delegates at the Guild hall to
Cold Continues to Pile Up In the Itunk of
LONDON , June 3. There Is no sign of
cessation of the Inllux ot gold to the Hank
of England , the stock of bullion having
reached the record of 30,000.000 , while the
reserve Is nearly 28,000,000. The high
prices of the best securities prevent the
bank from Investing. Discounts during the
week were weak at % d to Vad. Silver was
dull , owing to a slackening of the demand
from China. The feature of the Stock ex
change was the absence of speculation and
the high price of Investment securities. Ar
gentines were Hat on the advance In the
gold premium. Nothing has yet come of the
negotiations for an Argentine loan In Lon
don. The European cabinet crisis has hardly
affected the market. Turkish securities ad
vanced on rumors of a consolidation of the
Turkish loans. The retirement of Sir Ed
ward Watklns from the railway positions
occupied by him Is welcomed as promising
a more amicable working among the pas
senger lines , , lluslness In American railway
securities was reduced to a minimum , but at
the close of the week the market had a
rather better tendency. The decision of the
Erie board to suspend the Issue of new-
bonds until the settlement of the pending
litigation was generally well received. Lake
Shore , New York Central and Heading firsts
advanced 14 per cent on the week , Louisville
declined 1 % per cent , Denver 1 per cent ,
AtchUon shares % per cent , Illinois Central
and Erles % per cent each , Union Pacific ,
Norfolk & Western , Erie seconds and
Wabash M : per cent. Most of the southern
lines showed n fractional decline. The Van-
dcrbllt .stocks were better , Canadian Pacific
declined on a bad April statement. (5 ran a
Trunk recovered. Guaranteed rose % per
cent , , .while lue.'otber securities of. that. Una
showed fractional advances.
Is UiiMitlHfiictory hut Dealers Ex-
l eet an Improvement.
MANCHESTER , June 3. The aggregate of
business probably equals the production , but
It Is very unevenly distributed. The trans
actions have consisted largely of the gale of
stocks of common shirtings for China , wide
cloths for Japan and also the bettor cloths
for Madras and Calcutta. The prices made
were unsatisfactory and the China demand
was not quite filled. The feeling Is much
Improved. A 'good business Is anticipated If
the monson breaks favorably. The smaller
markets were not active. The homo trade
was dragging. In yarns there was a fair
business , without Improvement In the workIng -
Ing margins , as cotton advances rather
faster than yarn. The stocks , however , were
less burdensome , generally speaking. Order
books are rather empty. Many of the mills
are running on short time. This Is especially
the case among the looms working for the
home trade. Profitable business hi still
scarce. Germany reports continued good or
ders for yarn and cloth. French spinners are
also well engaged.
i : NAMES II1S I'KICi : .
Inventor of the Ilullet 1'roof Coat Doesn't
Want Die Eurtli.
LONDON , June 3. Hcrr Dowe , the In
ventor of the so-called bullet proof coat , has
written to the Times offering to forfeit the
purchase money to any one who buys his
cuirass If It contains either Iron or steel.
He declares that his Invention Is for sale at
a price much under the 200,000 mentioned
In the newspapers. Mr. Maxim , whoso "In
vention" of a bullet proof material was tested
a few days ago , has written to the papers ,
stating that his first letter , declaring that
he could In six bourn Invent a bullet proof
material superior to Herr Dowe's was merely
a joke. He still claims , however , that he
had produced a lighter shield , which is just
as effective as DOWO'H. Mr. Maxim declares
that the whole subject of bullet proof cloth
ing IH a farce. His prepared steel , he nays ,
Is the best substance In the world for stop
ping bullets. He adds ho has sufficient evi
dence. , to convince him that Dowe's cuirass
contains a hard plate.
I'rlnco Ferdinand IH ( 'liporril nml tlin Xoiv
Minister Growing .More 1'opiilnr.
SOFIA , June 3. Troops are still posted
on the main streets ot the city , but other
wise everything presents almost n normal
aspect. The public gardens are closed with
a view to preventing the holding of public
meetings. Prince Ferdinand and the prin
cess were loudly cheered at noon when they
appeared on the balcony ol the palace to
witness the mounting of the guard. A depu
tation of leading merchants went to tlio
palace today to thank Prince Ferdinand for
his recent action. The newspaper organ of
Prime Minister StollolY publishes fifty tele
grams , Including one from Tlcrnovl. the
birthplace ot ex-Prime Minister Stamhoulufi ,
telling of the holding ot meetings and thn
adoption ot resolutions congratulating the
government upon the change In Its ministry.
It Is slated that the prohibition agalmU
French and other papers entering Dulga.-la
bas been removed ,
Trouliln i'orinliiB u 1'nlilnct.
BUDA-PESTH , June 3. The president
and vice president of the Diet , Count Tijecn
and Baron. Podrnanlsky , both declined to en
ter the cabinet which Count lledervary was
trying to form. Reports from all parts of
the country tell of demonstrations of sym
pathy i\nd confidence In Dr. Wekcrlc. A
grand torchlight procession In his honor la
being organized for Tuesday night. It Is re
ported that at the meeting of the liberal
party , held on Saturday , lr ) , Wekerle ex
pressed hfs readiness to resume office , It Is
believed the emperor will bo obliged to re-
summon him.
No Menace to the I'eaci of Europe.
ST. PETERSBURG , Jun * 3. The dlsmlsial
ot the Uulgarlan prime minister , Stumbou-
loft , by Prince Ferdinand , caucrd a sensa
tion here , but It Is not regarded as menacing
the peace of Europe or offering any proipeot
ot the solution of the Hulgarlan question ,
for Russia' ! objection was I jt to M. Stain-
bouloff personally , but to Prince Ferdinand's
Illegal occupancy of the Dulgarlan throne ,
which Russia holds In be a standing Infrac
tion of the Ilcrlln treaty.
Condemn tlin Nr\v Aritriitliio I.onn.
LONDON , Juno 4. A dispatch to the
Times from Uucnos Ayre.i rays that the
papers there unanimously condemn the pro-
pt. ed loan as a breach of the pledge made
by the president of the republic. They also
cor.dcmn any Idea of suspending the Interest
on the public debt. They declare that the
national revenue Is rapidly decreasing In
concequrnc3 ot the general stagnation of
commerce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sorlnlltt Drinoinlrntloin AbiiiiiloniMt.
PARIS , Juno 3. The demonstration by the
socialists In communoratlon of the bloody
week of the Commune , which It was pro
posed to make today nt the cemetery of
Pcre la Chaise , was abandoned. Attempts
were made by thn poclnllsts to hold meet
ings elsewhere , but the police Interfered and
suppressed them.
I'rlncp I'Vriliimnil YNIIn StiiiiibonlolT ,
SOFIA , June 3. Telegrams continue to
bo received reporting Isoblcd disorders.
Troops are protecting the offices of M.
SlamboulolT's paper , the Svoboda.
Last nlRht I'rlnco Ferdinand visited M.
Stambouloff and Stulloff and Dr. Greckoff.
Ho had n long conference with M. Stambou
Much niniutUrnrtlon at Illnrllel In. .
COLON , June 3. The United States steam
ship San Francisco has arrived here from
IHuellclds. The Nicaragua ! ) troops In clmrgo
there wilt retire , if England demands that
they do so. Much dissatisfaction prevails.
The San Francisco Is coaling preparatory to
returning to Dlucflelds.
Surplus In tlic Cuban Ilinlgrt.
MADRID. June 3. It Is stated that the
Cuban budget will show a surplus of 2.,000
pesos , attained by raising the tariff on
American Imports , lowering the export duty
on tobacco and admitting Spanish wlno free
with a view to excluding French and other
wine : ! .
Argentine ( Sorcriinicnt Will 1'n.r Its Interest
PARIS , June 3. A dispatch from Iluenos
Ayrcs says that In consequence of the fall In
gold premium all fears of a suspension of
the payment of Interest on the national
debt have been dispersed.
llcilervur.v filir.i It I'p.
VIENNA , June 3. Count Hedervary , who
was attempting to form a ministry In Hun
gary to nucceed that of Dr.Vekerle. . has
t&legraphed to Emperor Francis Joseph that
he Is unable to form a cabinet.
( iluilNlonn Driven Out.
LONDON , Juno 3. Mr. Gladstone drove
out today In a close carriage. Indicating that
his eyes are fast recovering from the effects
of the operation.
Imp < * ror ( iocs to Hungary.
VIENNA , June 3. The emperor has .starttd
for Dmla-Pesth in deference to Count Hcder-
vary's deslro that his majesty show himself
to the people. _ _ _ _ _ _
liipiuirsc Diet DUsuliod.
YOKOHAMA , June 3. The mikado has
dissolved the Diet.
Conimonwealers Who Captured n Train
Hunted Illicit to Dcini-r.
ELLIS , Kan. , June 8' . The eastward
progress ; ofa. band of Commonwealera came
to unexpected end hero this afternoon ,
and , Instead'of being sent'on to Kansas' Clt'yJ
they were hustled back to Denver under a
guard of United Strifes marshals. On Satur
day about seventy-live Commonwealers under
Captain RollRton came In from Denver over
the Union Pacific. Superintendent Drinker-
hoof , after communicating with General At
torney Wllllams.-dccldcd that the men must
not be hauled out of. this station and Issued
orders that all trains should be abandoned
rather than carry them out. United States
Marshal Neely , who had been notified , ar
rived In Ellis on a special train this morning
with fifty deputies. A train was made up
here this evening and the Commonwealers
allowed to board It so as to meet the mar
shal's train at a siding six miles east of here.
On reaching the Coxey train Marshal Neely
took a few men , and , going to where they
were seated on top of the box cars , com
manded them to get down. Captain Rollston
asked If they were prisoners. Marshal Neely
replied they were United States prisoners ,
and the men at once compiled. The rank
and file were ordered to climb Into two box
cars and were started for Denver , where they
will probably be released. The captain and
two lieutenants were not allowed to go , but
were taken to Leavcnworth tonight and will
be held for trial.
inns'T TALK ran init IIK.II.TU.
Hi-leu M. Goncar Trslllien to Ilelng I'altl
for Polltlcul Spceehrs.
BOSTON , Jnne 3. Ity nn unprecedented
ruling of Judge Putnam In the United
States circuit court Helen JI. Cougar ot
LaFaytjtte hns been compelled to lllj an
swer to questions put to her by Congress
man Elijah Morse In the now famous libel
suit In which Mr.n. Ciutignr auks 125,000
damages , Some ot the unmvcrs ure ns
folluwx :
The defendant Inquires if ; ura. Oougni
received compensation for political She uiiHwers "Yew. "
In MuKsiU'huxettH during the last pjlltlc'il
campaign Hhe received $5dufl for fifteen
( speeches , In l M she. received Jl.oOO from
thu prohibition party for xpeuklng once 01
twice per day for a month. Him UHU ! mild
she made like piieecliPH In other Males
und received Home compensation. Sne
nlso udmltH Mie flumped the state of In
diana for Illulne and Logan In 1SSI , li it
only received $100 for speeches outside tne
state. She nlso flumped Wisconsin , Ill
inois and KuiimiH for Illnlne In 1S8I and
received puy. The famous letter wblcii
she wrote Ida Hnrper of Indiana , In wblcii
she said fhe would lewch the hypocritical
republicans n lesson by currying New
York and Indiana for the democrats , waH
brought iqi und Die plalnlirC waived an
Mrs. Oougar denied ever having pun-
Untied the letter In a paper culled the New
Era III Springfield , 111.
JlltKVKIXHIIHlK f.lNi : KXI > KI > .
Judge Itrndley Oiei-mlcx tlin Sei-nml .Motion
to Tile Hill of Kxeoptloim.
WASHINGTON , June 3.-CVilono ! llreck-
Inrldge'a nttorney yesterday served notice
on Miss Pollard's counsel that they would
apply to Imve their bill of exceptions com
pleted , signed , sealed ami entered of rec
ord. As the previous notice WUM held by
the court to be too Miort , Die full notice
wan ( liven. The whole proceeding i > f today
wtis for the mirporfu of fettling certain
polntH. rained last .Monday , us to whether
the court had the power to extend tint Jan
uary term thirty days utter April L'K. either
with or without the consent of the par
ties , or for nny purpose. The time , It Is
claimed , Imd been extended by consent.
iireeklnrldge.'s contention Is that the bill'
of exceptions wax prepuied nnd entered in
the appeal In tb January term , mid hence
that he had the entire April term In which
to complete tlin Mil. The court held here
tofore that as the defendant bud fulled to
give the notice tin required the court had
no nltcrnutlve but to overrule the motion.
AH the three dayH' notice hud confessedly
not been given , the second notice was prepared -
pared , nnd todny'B proeetlln H were
had for thn purpose nf Having the point.
Jtuluo Urndley today overruled the necond
motion , nnO tills probably ends the matter.
Itnln In the Illiivlt II111.
OBf.niC'IlS , 8. I ) . . June 3.-SpecIal ( to
The Reo. ) This rounty mid. the en
tire Boutliern portion of the Illack
Hills was visited by successive local
thunder gliowe-rx rtstordny , with In
dications for stilt more rain to-
nlRht. It linn been ilry here for some
time , nnd Home IKltlH of small grain began
to suffer , und the iunt'o uiuus Mimved the
drouth , but corn und potatoes und garden
Bluff have been doing nell. The ruin cutnc
In time to save the crops , und with more
rain to follow noon tills nectlon will not bu
materially hurt by the recent dry ptU.
All Efforts to Determine Maud Rubel's ' Mur
derer Are in Vain.
Purl * Hint 'Mar Poislhly Hum Some lienr *
Ing mi I hit Cimo-Purty Who Thlnkt
Ho Snir llriiivii mid tlio ( Url
Together .Mondiiy Evening.
Some new facts liavo been developed In
the past twenty-four hours that may have
some connection with the ttuticl murder cnse.
Among them Is the statement ot Louis
Flglns , n laborer at the smelting works , re
siding nt 845 South Seventeenth street. Mr.
Flglns said to the police that at Sixteenth
und Marcy streets , directly beneath the Six
teenth street viaduct. Is a one-story building ,
which Is used by the colored people residing
In the Immediate vicinity as a dance hall.
He said that last Sunday night a dance was
held there by the colored people living near.
The dance was prolonged till near morning ,
Mr. Flglns states that ho and a neighbor
went over to see what was going on. They
stooil at the door of the hall , where they
could see everything within. The Ilrst pe
culiarity that presented Itself was the fact
that there was only one woman present.
"She wits a white woman. " Mr. Flglim
said , "or rather a wlilto girl. She did not
appear to be over 10 or 17. I mentioned
this p.iillcularly to my friend , and ho ro-
mnrkcd : 'It does seem strange , one woman to
be among so ninny men , and she white and
they black.Vc did not go Into the hall
nt nny time , but could FCC everything going
on within from where we were standing.
\Vo were not the only ones looking In from
the outtlde ; there were others , but 1 do not
know any of them. It was about 12 o'clock
and we Marled to go home , when wo heard
something fall.Ve returned , and saw the
ctlured men carrying the girl to a bcnuli.
She appeared to be unconscious , but tills
was only for a short time. Slio asked one ,
who wan bonding over her. to take her home.
She said she lived In South Omaha. Wo
went away at the request of the colored
men , UK they told lib they could and would
care for the girl.
"About twenty minutes after we left , ai
we were sitting on our porches , about fifteen
colored men passed , having In their midst
the same girl wo saw at the hall. They
wore urging her along , as nearly as we could
make out In the dark , and partly carrying
her. They went north aa far as Leaven-
worth on Seventeenth. There we lost trace
of them. I walked around by the hall again ,
but there was only one man there. He WIIH
colored and was locking the door. I have
seen him a number of times , but do not know
his iiiine. I turned to go home and he took
the fame course as the others who preceded
him. "
Mr. Flglns thus describes the girl : Her hair
was dark brown. She was of medium
height and well developed. She wore a
dark dress and sailor hat. Her shoes were
of tli' ' Nee pattern , but whether slippers or
shoes he did nut notice. She appeared to b /
enjoying hen-elf very..much till she fell to
the floor. "I saw her attempt to kick above
her head a couple of times , " Mr. logins said.
The dances hud at the place Indicated are at
tended by persona of degraded character.
Mr , Figlns suys ho I8k1nclned | to .be.eyeUiut ! (
the girl lie saw was Maud Jlubel.
J. W. Walker , colored , residing at 850
South Sixteenth street , ' said he and a friend
called "Sndw" Jackson saw Dr. brown and
Miss Itubcl at the north end of the Tenth
street viaduct last Sunday evening at G.
They wore talking earnestly and she ap
peared to be ciying , holding her handkerchief
to licr eyes almost continuously. "Wo went
on our way across the viaduct , turning now
and then , but Drown , or the old gentleman ,
and the girl disappeared. They did not cross
the viaduct , neither could we see them going
north on Tenth street. "
Yesterday morning the police recovered a
pair of new tan slippers , which It Is thought
might possibly have been worn by Maud
Rubel. They arc of the size that she wore
and hers were also new. These were found.
In the house formerly occupied by N'elllo
King , Ninth street and Capitol avenue. They
were given to the police by Mrs. Samuel
Payne , who was the last occupant of the
building on Tenth street. Slio could not suy
how they came to be In the house. The shoes
have not been shown to Mr. and Mrs. Rubel
and they might not be able to Identify them
as their daughter's even If they were hers.
Mr. Beam ? , employed at the white lead
works , told the police that on Sunday or
Monday evenli g , about 5:30 : , he saw a man
and a girl corresponding to the .description
of Drown and Miss Hubel standing at the
corner of Tenth and Jones streets. They
appeared to lie waiting for some one.
Brown's trunkfl were examined by the
police yesterday , but nothing was discov
ered that would throw any light on Ute
Tlie heads of the police department put In
a hard day yesterday trying to make hcad.-
way In the Rubel murder case , and at one.
lima it looked as If there was a ray of
light ahead , but all hopes were dashed to
the ground by "a. telephone message. A ,
letter dated May 29 , and postmarked 330. ;
p. m. , was received by a well known young
man on Wednesday last. This missive wax
signed "Maud Hubel , " and Implored aid
from thin "friend , " and also arranged for
u dattt at the * Coliseum for Wednesday night ,
The person who received this letter turned
It over to the police after the body had been
found and tlin Inquest held. This Informa
tion puzzled the police greatly , for If Maud
Rubel was alive Tuesday afternoon her
body could not have been. It was thought ,
so badly decomposed by Thursday afternoon
as It wau.
The writing In this letter was compared
with some of Muud'R letters , and while
them was some resemblance , there was
still u great deal of doubt. During the ex
amination ot thene letters a telephone mes
sage was received from the coroner' stating
that a young man had confessed to the writIng -
Ing of the letter to a friend of his for a Joke.
He had taken his Inspiration from The UC.B
stnry of the girl's disappearance Monday
night and expected to have some fun at the
expense of his chum.
The pullro did not take kindly to that sort
of jnku. At the earnest request of both the.
Homier and the receiver of the letter the
police have withheld their names , but here
after the coroner and the police will keep a
sharp lookout for such Idiotic schemes on the
part of would-be smart young men.
A letter from Dr. Putnam , dated Savan
nah , On. , March 11 , to a friend hero , wan
found and compared with the letters Miss
Itiibel alleged came from her lover , The
comparison showed beyond a doubt that Miss
Uuhcl wrote the letters iiddrusscd to her
purporting to come from I'utnam ,
. i .
VIIKHOKIKS : inunixii riiitin jwo.v/jr.
Trader * \Vlio Sola Tlimn nn Crrtllt ( Jotting
AnxloiiH for Tliclr I'ay ,
Mt'HC'OOKK. I. T. , Jnnu 3.-The Chero-
keea liuve received the first Installment ot
one-sixth o/ their money and the big pay
ment of more than V5WO,000 , will begin to
morrow nt Tuhlcqunh. More than 21,004
ClierokeeH will draw ? ? 07 In cold cnsh each.
Great crowdu , trader * , fnklra and shark *
are ilocklng to Tithlcquali In the hope of
gelllnir ? ome of the money. U IH futlmatctt
tluit the merchants have traded more than
fl.Ouo.ixK ) on ulrlp claims , and It In now u >
question Imw closely they will collect.
There watt u rhute built from the exit Ooor-
of the eupltol to the rolloulorx' quui lerH , up
that nil pni'tli-s wmld have to pufix out
through the i Mute und run the gauntlet of
the collector , but such complaint wan
made by the people that the chute hau'beeii '
torn away. It Is nnld that In some rom-
munltleH they are holding secret meetings
Hud are determining to pay only about w
per rt-nt un tliclr Indebtedness to tiie retail