THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JUNE 2 , 180-1. MERCIAl AND FINANCIAL fuly Wheat Went Down'to Bed Rock with a Grttah Yesterday. WHEAT WAS DULL AND WAK ALL DAY Corn Win Fairly .Stonily IVItliln One-Fourth Cent ItaiiBO Oil Haying by Sliorti iun Ofttn Closed nt nn Adtiuico. CHICAOO , June 1. July wheat went down to bedrock today , toucliliiR Glc , and closing IHc lower than yesterday. Kino weather , weak cables nnd free selling were thfe de pressing factors , and the price went wearily down , with very few reactions. July corn closed % o lower , July oats % o lower and provisions at n nllRht decline. Wheat was dull nnd weak all day. The market opened % o under the closing price of yeitcrday , nnd uftcr selling up from HO to -c , declined , with some. rallies , % c. npl closed near the bottom. Offerings were Ifljrnl from the Btart , and the southwest , Whlcn * loaded up heavily yesterday , aold to day. The demand was light , and princi pally to cover "shorts. " July was espe cially weak anil wan freely sold , a good deal of changing taking place at l-74c premium for September. The morn favorable weather , the weak , discouraging cables , abtenco of raah demand nnd lower outside markets aided In the decline. Corn was fairly utoidy , within lie range. The action of wheat was against tbo price , but lack of offering presented a marked de cline. On buying by shorts June oats closed nt a slight advance , but July was weak with wheat , within Uc range. Liberal hog receipts nnd the weakness In wheat caiiied easiness In provisions' , moder ate buying by packers preventing much of a decline. Compared with last night July pork Is lOc , July lard 7'/jC and July ribs 7'/4c lower. Lake rates were steady , with fair demand nt % for corn to Buffalo. The leading futures ranged as follows : ( "null quotations were us follows : VLOl'llVnk. . . WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 53 ic ; No. 3 spring , t > 7'/4c : No. 2 reil , SIc. OOUN-No. 2 , 37Ti 3714cNo. : . 2 yellow. 3Sc. OATS Nil. 2 , 34c ; No. 2 while , SGftQOTUc ; No. 3 while , 36iff3G'4c. HYIJ No. 2 4'i\ 1IAIIL11Y--NO. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , MCMc ; No. 4 , 4 < ic. FLAX HKHD-No. 1. 11.33. TIMOTHY SI3ii-Prlrae , $3.9054.00. PUOV1HIONS Mem pork , per bbl. , J11.77V5. ft 11.80. I ird , per 100 II * . . JO.C7'iiiTt.70. ! Short rlhs Ides ( loose ) . $ C.12"j ti.l7i3. Dry salted shoulders ( lKixedr.C214 ) _ , 5.87'i ' ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , ' ' ' Vvi'u's'icY Distillers' llnlshed goods , per gal. , The following were Iho receipts aim shipments for todayt On the Prodnco nxdianito today the butter ki-t was llrm and unchinectli creamery. 14aiOKc : d.ilry. 10S14KC. Keen , llrm and unchanged ; strictly ( rush , NKU' VO1CK UiSiiAI. : AlAllKBT. Tcstcnluy's Ouotatlons on Flour , Oraln nntl I'rnvlslons , Jlctuls , ICtc. NIIW YORK , June 1. riXJUtt Receipts , 32,400 bbls. ; exports , 11,800 bbls. ; sales , 3,300 pkgs. ; market weak and neglected , low erode winter smrcu nnd wanted ; spring intents weaker ; buy er * nml si-Hern lOo npaft ; southern flour , Inacllvc. HYK FLOUR-Slow ; sales , 200 bbls. JIItCKWHKAT Dull ; ranRe. 6SjJ73c. CORN MnAL-Steadyjyellow western , 2.70 ; llrnndywlne , J2.70 ; rales , COO bbls. RYK Nominal : twal loads , 555Cc ; state , CSo ; Jersey , track , 62ifJ53c. IIAKLKY Nominal : Canada , C7c. DARLCY MALT Firm ; Canada , DOO05C. ; west- e'wiIUAT ' Receipts , 4-8,500 bu. : exports , C0.900 tin. ; sales , 407,600 bu. futures and 16,000 bu. spot. Hpot market weaker ; No. 2 red , In store and elc- vulor , 6CWc ; afloat , Cfl 4 6Ce ( , delivered ; f. o. b. . B7Uc. Options made new low records today owlnic to heavy early liquidation , due to dcmor- nllzed foreign market , better crop reports fiom the west and foreign selling ; prices rallied In the afternoon on covering , but closed at Tie de cline ; June , CCViijSeigC. closed at &CV.c ; July , C7)i(575ic ) ( , closed at 67So ; AUKUit. CSVi53ic , closed at CSHo ; September. C,4a60'4e. ! ) closed nt K)1i ) ; October , COHftCOIJc , closed at C0c ; Decem ber. lHtfiC3 5-ICc , closed at GSJie. CORN Receipts , 58,400 bu. ; exports. 13.COO bu. ; sales , 123,000 bu. futures und 100,000 bu. spot. Hpot market weaker ; No , 2 , 42 } o in elevator , 42l4ff42fto afloat ; steamer mixed , 42VU' . Option market opened weaker wllh wheat and on better crop news , but afterwards rallied n llltle , clos ing about utt'iuly at Uc net decline : June , 42i < 4 0. closed at 42c : July , 43 3-16ci2 4TJ4c , closed utr43 ! e ; August , 43W4lc , closed at 43ftc ; Hep- temb r , closed nt 4lc. OATri Receipts , k5,200 bu. ; e\ports , 18.SOO bu. ; sales , 40,000 bu. futures nnd 57,0 < X ) bu. spot. Hpot matket , mixed , noi offered ; white , firm ; No. 2 Millie , 42f42',5o ; No. 3 while , 41Uq ; track mixed. western , 422i43c ; tiack , while weslein , 43l7c ; track , white stale , 43ff47c. Oiillon market lower on Iho weather Improvement wehl , except for June , * 0ilch , under inunlpulallnn , closed c higher ; olheis , Vic. lower ; June , " CVi'iTIOo. closed ul 40c ; July , 3S"iff3SHc , closed at 3SJc ! ; August , cloHml at 32c , 1IAV Quiet , but steady. HOI'ri-lJulet. HIH | | : Dull ami weak. LKATHKR-Easy. WOOI Quiet nnd steady ; domesllo fleece , ISO ! 3e ; pulled , 20ff2Sc. 1'ROVlSlONS-lleef , lower : family , J10.COff12.50 ; extni mesa , IS ; beef hams , IIS ; city , extra India mess , 517.fK)1il'0.00. ) Cut meats , steady ; pickled bellies. C\Hf7o \ ; plckleil shoulders , 5fic ; pickled hams , tO'ic. J.nrrl. loner : western stejm closed nt $7.10 asked ; June closed nt 17,05 nominal ; July closed nt 17,05 asked ; refined , nulet ; contl- nenl , J7.CO ; S. A. . 7.8S. Pork , llrm. Ill'TTKR Steady. IJKSi ; Easy ; state. large , 8f3'.io ; small. , HOnS-FIrm ; recelpls , 14.120 pkgs. TALLOW Stfiuly. , PKTROI.UU.M-Unlteil , closed 87J4o bid. ROSIN Firm ; strained , common lo good , | l.sH i.37W. TI'Rl'HNTINn-Flrm. - . RK'B-Kteiuly. . MOLASSU.S About steady. Pill IRON Dull. c'Ol'PKR-Qulel. LKAD-We.ikor : tloineitlo , 3.10. TIN llaiely steady ; slnills , 120.00 asked ; plales. markel llrm. HI'KLTKR-Dull ; domestlo , $3.25 bid ; sales on 'changt' , 45 tons July tin nl 119.85. CO1TON HK1JI ) OIL-lnnclivc ; prime crude , rjo ; oft crude , :01nn : yellow butter grades , 3lj ( 85ci choice yellow , 3lc ; prime yellow , 32f33c ; jcllow oft grades , 3lHc ; prime while , 36C37c. IliiUliiuiro ( iruln Market. 1ULTIMOHK. Juno l.-FI.OIlR-lull ; receipts , M.U70 bblsi ; shipments , 31,143 bbls. ; miles , 1,050 bNs. bNs.WIIKAT WIIKAT Weak : spot , 83\WUJe : July , 5 ff CfiHo ; August , & 7C(57Vic ; sleamer , No. 2 red , 524 4r5nc ; Meelpls , 17,94i > bu.J shlpmenla. 33,410 liu. ; Hlnck , 473,067 bu. ; sales. Ui.OW bu. ; mlllhie wheat by sample. fOltN Uullt | iot. 45 < j bid ; month. 44Ho bid ; July , 43Ho hid ; sli-ainer mixed , ' 42Htf4.i4ic ; re- ccirls. H.6S7 bu , ; slock. 83.717 bu. | kales , 5.000 Im. ; snulhcni corn by sample , 46f47c ; soulhem corn nn grade , 4USc. OATH Sleady ; No. 2 while , western. 4 ( 4IHc : No. 3 mixed , western , 42C43c ; receipts , 6,000 bu. : stock , 10,914 till. RYK-Dull ; No. 2 , 65 J16c ; receipts. 220 bu. ; slock. 9,6' bu. HAY Quiet nnd sleady ; gixnl to choice tim othy. ji47wni.i > . (1RAIN I-'HEIUIITS W tk. SlinAR Steady. IIUTTIJH Hleiuly to llrm ; fancy creamery. 17O 184 ; fancy Imllallon. ij(13c : faney ludle , 114J12c : Booil ladle. lOc ; sloro parketl , 809c. KOOSJ Firms fifth , IZOISc. CHKIMK Wwik. _ Mknnritolls Whcut Market. MINNEAPOLIS , June 1. The wheat > market opened weak thl * moinlns at Uo lower than the clone of ycileixlay , duo Jo weak cobles anil financial troubles abroad. Reports on the con dition of the whrat crop of this country werx tilaiut the am ns joslerUay , but thn dilft of thtf I railing was to the bear side and wllhout any coxl support , prices d cllnlns Ha' further ii ( UT ihr iipi'iiliiK. closlne Ic lower than yesler. day nil iirjund for cash wheat , ol.l crop futures nil nrwr crop future * . Wllh th llltlo aupixut there vita , If Ihtre had been any lurif" lines Mlllnr. price * would buv * fallen Hi II I more. The hiifv 1In' of whent owneil here urn limit ) ' held , ud fta dl * | > o ltqii | wu manifested to flyiv them nut llrrrlpli were 103,040 bu. , shipment * 7t"0 Lu. , niaVlnir a decrease In supplies , after lak'nir ' put Ibi lucid lalllloc cuu uuiplluu , ut noiuu bu. for the twenly-fnnr lie r . PnrmrM nre still inniketlnit fairly nctl In the northwest of the surplus they had , nltliniiAh tli" suprlles ret'elvnl In the country cle\ntois from farmers' move ments did not eiiunl the shlpnifnts from the Interior rlernlnts , imd n iiu-Iernle Oecrenre In sueh elciatins Is exix'clnl to l shonn this week , Thi crop Is still growing nell thmuxliout the nortlmcst , nllhotmli Itinny pl.ices are reported too dry for the IK I rcrulls , nnd mmm nr - even sufferlnir , It Is mild , nllhmigh II Is pmbiiblc Mint n fair dlslrlbiill m of ni lsture lien-after ulll brlnn them mil In fair condition. Thr great bulk nf thi > flelils of Iho northnest nr sllll doing well nnd pnmliilng gond results. The nmrkrt ringed : JUMP nnd July , fi'c ; Srplrmber. 54\if Cl4c. On Irnek : No. 1 hard , 60'ct No , I noilh- ern , M'ic ; No. 2 norlh-rn , t , ' < if. The Hour maiket was slow , nnl Ihe tendency sales was lo Ini-ldc rilllu-r limn outside quota tions , allhoiiKh some sales of ( intent flour wcrn made nt nM , nnd n few nbovf , with the gen eral rntiKc nf quotnllons nl ll. ) ij.Ci ) for palenls ; I2.nofi2.30 fur bakeis. Floni1 shlpmelils were 40VV1 Mils. , nnd lhr > | indiicll ! in about SO.OOO to SI.OW Mils , foi the l \ rinlfour _ liourf , I.nci ; I I'milucc .Murket. nOTTIJH The qil.illiy of. HIP liuller hn been ImiiroUiiK ( iinnldcnibly of bile , niul buyers ap pear n Illllu uicirv anxious In get hold of good graM luieklng sloiK. The pucl.rTS have raised Ihelr price In lhc iininli ) ID I0o on track and t'ommlMlon men nir trying to force th market up here. Thus far only.t'c ' has been rfporled for packing stuck on ihls maikel. It must be Itorne In mind , hon-nvrr , that tile ineklng sto < 'U lii-r. > has bcon eiillid nx'er ' imd lols suitable for the Pity irmle1 InlMi oiil , m Hint the axerage limtlty Is not so good us thf liuller Ihnt Is being bought nn track In tin1 nmnlr > . Oood to choice ccnntry butler , 12Ullc ; scparalor crenmciy. 17f/I5i' . i : < 5IH Tlie receipts nvringc nln.ut the mime from day to day. nnd the market does not show any material change , 1'icrli slock continues to command 9A , LIVK POULTRY-ThP re Mpt i of old fowls arc heavy , and in < iiddltlan lo Ihr express s ilp- nlenls a gMMl tunny old hens nr belnp broimht In by wagons frnm neaiby polnls ami sold di rect In the city trnifp. The re ull Is u lower markcl , wllh nultnls moving slowly. Old hens. 5 < a5'icj innslt-rs , 3ff4o. The demand for other kinds of poultry Is rnthfjllghl. . Ihoimh n lim ited miamlly Is salable. Duck , 7f7V5 | ; lien turkejs , 74iSc ; gobblerClfiio ! ; gee. i' , MlCc. 'VUAI Tlio receipts Inixe been \vry large nil lhr > week , bul dealer/ have liMnaged to keep the nlntkel prettj well cleaned up nnd prices have been pretty well maintained , flood fat \enls Were quoted nt C17e , with wiles of the best largely t G'ie. ' PlorONS-Tlier : ( > Is o demand for old pigeons , but. young bluU that ara not strong on the wins are nut wanted. Old birds , pet doz. , | 1.50@1.GO. OLD RHAN8 The market Is steady. Neither the demand nor supply Is wry heavy at this pplnt. California ( hand plckul mny. J2.ljtf2.25i western navy , $1.9002.04 ; common white beans , Jl.GOftl.s : , . ONIONS New snulhbrn pnluny arc quoted at 14 per bhl. Top onions iiiu plenty. at 15I(2oo on POTATOIJS Tlio receipts of old jiotntoes do ndt appear lo beery large , but Hie , supply Is keeping light up lo the demand. Colorado stock , inflS'lc. Tinni.irl.i't Is well supplied with new southern polnloes , uhlili nre qtiolnd ut 2c per Ib. on outers. CAllllACli : While giKxl slocK Hint will stand , shipping Is not plenty , Iheie Is soim ; arriving from Cnllf6rnla. At this eason of the year cab- bAgu bus to be nuiketl oft lapldly , as It will not hold up well. ASPARAGUS Good home grown slock , 35JJ40o per doz. on ordeis. ' P1K PLANT Home gro n pie plant , ! 82V4c on orders. TOMATOIM It Is almost ImpnsslUe to find stock that will stand shipping. There has not been n season In n long time when tomaloes were as scarce as they anat the present tlmi1. C.ood shipping sleek on orders Is quiled at $3.50. OKISHN ViOKTAHLi.S : Radishes , per doz. , r07I25c : lelluci- , per doz. , KrtlOo ; cucumbers , I1.25W1.50 : paisley , per doz. , COS35c ; beets , per doz. , COO Mi- N13W HI3AN.S Recelpls are large and It re quires quite an effort on the part of receivers to keep the market cleaned up. Wax. beans , on orders , ' ,4 bu. basket , J1.00S1.10 ; string beans , ! ! bu. basket , . . P1JAS The market was overrun with peas nt the close of the week , and ' & * bu. baskets were billed out nt 7 > flI.OO. CAULIFLOWER The market Is fairly well supplied wllh good stock. On orders , 12.25 per dos. There Is some very small homo grown caullfloner arriving In the market , which cells ns low as COo per doz. to the local trade. FRUITS. STR.UVnnRRIKS There were close to 1.000 cases of berries on the market today , and the general quality of the offerlngH was good. Choice shipping stock , on orders , 53. riiniUUIiS The market was steady at the price iiuoled yesterday , fl.25 for shipping stock , on orders. QOOSUHI3RRII3S There was some Inquiry for .green gooseberries , but not many In ; good stock , per 21 qt. case , } 2.75. TROPICAL FRt'ITR. HANANAS II has been no easy matter to get bananas lately. There have been few sales In New Orleans. A good deal of the stock shipped to market has been too green , nnd It has been almost Impossible In many cases to fill orders with such stock ns was wanted ; good stock , per bunch. JJ.OOe2.CO. LKSIONS There have been very few days of real good lemon weather thus far this season. When warm weather really comes dealers look to see n much firmer lemon market. Fancy lemons , 300 size , SI ; fancy lemons , 300 size , U.75 ; choice lemons , 260 size , J3.50Ii3.73. ORANOns With Iho market full of berries , the demand Iscry limited for oranges , nnd the supply on the market Is small. Mediterranean sneels , J3.CO , FIGS Flint 7. Par Ib. . 12JV/ll5e. DATES HalloHces , 05 lo 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. . 5'/4c. I'lNKAPPLHS Choice , per doz. , J2 ; email. J1.75. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California , 13c ; dark honey , I2 c. MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , per doz. , $12. NUTS Almonds , 15ftl7c ; English walnuts , 100 12c ; filberts , 12c ; Urnill nuts , lOc. C1DUR Pure Juice , per bbl. , JG ; half bbl. , (3.25. APPLE UUTTER Per 20-lb , palls. Jl ; half bbls. , 3 c per Ib. HIDES No. 1 green hides. 2'c ; No. 1 green suited hides , Sc : No. 2 green salted hides , 2c ; No. 1 venUcalf , S Ibs. lo 16 Ibs. , 6Kc ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides , Cc ; No. 2 dry flint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c ; part cured hides , He per Ib. less than fully cured. 8IIHUP I'BLTS Qreen salted , each , ZSfiCOc ; green sailed shearlings ( Hhorl-woolcd early skins ) , each , MJlCc ; dry shearlings ( short-woolcd eaily skins ) . No. 1 , each , CfflOo ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 2 , rach , Co ; dry flint , Kansas und Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , per Hi.- actual weight , Elf So ; dry Mint , Kansas und Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4@Cc ; dry flint , Colorado butcher wool peliB. per Ib. , nclual weight , 4O7c ; dry flint. Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4i7Cc. & TALLOW AND OREASE-Tallow. No. 1. 4V.BI 4Hc ; tallow. No. 2. ? ; @ % : grease , white A , 4Uc ; grease , white R. 4c ; grease , yellow. 3c : grease , dark , 2l4c ; old buler , 2ff2',4c ' ; beeswax , prime , 15 18c ; rough lullow. 2fl2tjc. Sucur Mnrkut. NEW YORK , June 1. SUOAR Raw , steady ; sales , 1,300 tana Java , ! K ! lesl , 2 ll-16c , ex-ship ; 6.COO bnss centrifugal , 90 test. 2Jc nnd freight at lloslon ; refined lower ; No. 6 , 3iif3 9-lCc ; No. 7 , 3 G-lGfl3Uu : No. 8 , 3',1W1 7-lCc ; No. 9. 3 3-1G 3ic ; No. 10 , 3 l-16 3Vic : No. 11 , 3ff3 3-16c ; No. 12 , 2 15-lW3Kin ; No. 13 , 3 ll-16c ; oft A , 3 % 3\c ; mould A , 4 > , i 5 C-lCc ; standard A. 3 ll-168'JT c : confectloneis' A , 3 11.163c ; cut loaf , 4' i ( ' 4 13-lCo ; flushed. 4S4 | 1.1-lCc ; pawdered. t'Mf 4 o-lGc : granulated , 3 13-16fr4c. cubes , 4 1 5-ICc. LONDON , June l.-SUOAR-Cuno dull nnd lower ; cenlilfugal , Java , 13s Cd ; Muscovado , fair Us 9d. rctlnlng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Diilutli ( iruln .MiirkRt. DULUT1I , June. 1. WHEAT l-o\\er ; No. 1 lifinl. cash , C7'ic ; June , C8V > e ; July , CSV : ; No. 1 norlhern , cash , C6c ; June , COTic : July , 57'6c September , Cfilio ; December , C8'ic ; No. 2 north ern , cash , MVic'i No , 3 , 48'dc ; rejected , 42',4o ; on track , No. 1 northern to arrive , JS'/.c. RYi-4-c. , FLAX OATS No. 2 , K\-jc \ ; No. 3 while. 35c. Cur lnsp"ellon today Wheat. G7 cars. RECEIPTS Wheat. 25,000 liu. HH I I'M KNT8 Wheat , 232,472 bu. N nv York Dry ( loom Mnrknt. NEW YORK , Juno 1. The dry goods trade was without special life In any direction. Some Inquiry was made for coltons , flannels , dress goods , dommets , shlrllngs and collons , and also under wear and hosiery. A larger volume of business Is In motion than Is Justified by nppcurances. 'Frisco Wlittnt 4 > uotntIc > iH. SAN FRANCISCO. Juno l.-WHEAT-Wcak ; December , 'J9c ; new sellers , Wtr , x Jtiuiclienter Tin tiles , MANCHESTER. June l.-Cloths and yarns firmer , wllh more Inquiry. \Vool Murlti't. ST. LOUIH. Juno L AVOOIQulet , unchanged. STOCKS AM ) IIONDS. Another Dull Uuy Aninni ; the Dealers In Keciirltle . NE\V YORK , Juno 1. This was another dull day In the Stock exchange , the market being at times stagnant. Fluctuations , ex cept In a few stocks , were confined to very narrow limits , and on the whole tha epecula- tlon was less Interesting than for a long time. Sugar was dealt In moro largely than on yesterday , but the trailing there in was feverish In tone during the morning , and a decline of 1U per cent was recorded. The selling In the stock WOB largely based on rcasors that the setiuto Investigation of Die sugar deal would In Borne way prejudice tlo ] interests of tbo refiners. In the afternoon the Influ ence ot the scare had worked oft , and on good buying the stock rose ZVt per cent , closing within V per cent of the highest point touched , at a gain of 1 per cent on the day , the preferred shares rising % per cent. St. 1'aul was the only one of the granger group which was at all prominent In the dealings. U was sold In small lots by London at the opening , receding % pec cent. A recovery of % per cent was made during the afternoon and a Una ) reaction of ft per cent. Ilurllngton & Qulncy moved within H per c nt limit , losing U per cent on the day , There was foreign selling of Louis ville & Nasbvllle. resulting In a ducllne of I per * cent , of which U per cent was .recov ered. AtchUon was sold , by London Ui tut > mornlut ; and. ubveo.ueutly. bought buck. The slock fluctuated between SVfc and 7ft > closing ! fc per cent above the lowest figures. Missouri Pacific sold down H per cent lo 26T4 nntl recovered the entire lots , closing unchanged from yesterday. The trndlng In the rest of the list was light , anil prices moved Irregularly , the speculation being depressed In lonb during the morning and In the main nrm In the afternoon , the market closing fairly flrm. The bond market was generally flrm throughout the day. The Evening I'ost says : Speculative Wall street , and nobody cite , 1ms shown any In terest In this week's market has two un certainties to supply Its gossip and Influence Its operations. The tariff bill's early passage and the coal strike's early settlement are both freely predicted. Information , however , Is limited to predictions , nnd this being the case , no small market adventurer Is dis posed to get far distant from his moorings. Prices have therefore moved nil the ncek , Including today , In n steadily narrowing orbit around the centers fixed a week ago. Today the fluctuations of Sugar stock made up practically all the market. The Evening Post's London cablegram says : The stock markets were In a condi tion of stagnation today , except for English Investments , which were Htrong , on the ple thora of money. The Argentine gold pre mium Is down to 30C , but uncertainty about the loan operation nnd the ability or the government to meet the service debt de presses values. This and the continuous weakness In Americans check all speculatlom 1 am In formed that the Argentine negotiations will probably be settled favorably nnd cUlckly. | This , with the speedy passage of the Amer ican .tariff bill , would .stimulate the markets here'marvelously. The condition of Argen tine exchange favors gold shipments from here. here.Tho following nro the closing quotations on the leading stocks oMhe New York ex change today : * _ " " _ Alchlson H Northern P.iclnc. Ad.tnls Express. . . M7 No. I'.ic. pfd it * Alton , T. II III ) U. P , D. & O do pfd 1.10 Northwestern . . . . IS ? " Am. Express 112 do pfdi.,1 ll.iUlmoroA.Ohlo. 172 N. V. Central CanadaPacllle . . . tr. : N. Y.&N. Kng. . . . Cnnatl.t Soulhorii. 40 Onlnrlo A W Central Pacltlo. . : Oregon Imp Chos.&Ohlo Oregon Nav 1ft Chlcnzo Alton. . . . O. S. L.AU. N. . . . C.,11.5cQ Pacific .Mnll Ohlc.iiro Gas P. U. A , K CotiBolldntodGas. PiitHhiia ice C.C. C. iVSt. L . . . Pullman I'alnco. . Colo. Coal . < - Iron 10 Heading CollonOll Cert. . . Jll.l HIcliniondTerni. . Del. Iliulion 1:11 : do pfd is Del. Lick. AW. . . mil H. O. W 14W I ) . All. O. pfd JO H. O. W. pfd 42 D.JkC. R Co Hock iMland 07M Kast Tcnn SI. Paul f'fiH Krlo St. Paul pfd UH do pfd Hi. P. & Omaha. . . : i3 Fort Wayne do pfd. . . 11 ! ) O. Northern pfd. . 100 Southern Pac is C.&B. I. pfd Sugar Hutlncry. . . 11) IU Rocking Vulluy. . Tcnn. Coal A Iron 111. Central HUH Texas Paclllo. . . . St. P..VIuluth. . . . T. &O. Ccnl.pfd. . 70 K. & T.pfd 2'2 Union Paelne f * Lake Erie & W. . . 14M , U. 8. HxpreHi do pfd OOH W.Sl. L.A.P Lake Shore inu : do pfd 1C Lead Trust Wells nirgo Kx. . las LoiilsvllIo&N. . . . Western 1'nlon. . . Loulsvlllo & N. A. W. A L. E M.'ltih.-UlarrCon. . . HUM do pfd Memphis A. C c MA.St. L Michigan Cent. . . . OS D. AH. O Mo. Pacific O. K nt > Mobllo.V Ohio. . . . 18 N.L 18 NashvllIoChat. . . 70 C. P.i I J4 National Cordayo. 23H do nfd UHH do pfd 4 II.AT. C UHHT N. J. Central 10U T..A. A. i. N. M. . . T N. &W. pfd SOW T. St. L. AK.C. . . . NortliAm. Co do pfd The total sales of stocu today wore 103,312 shares , Including : Atchlson. r.tWO ; American Sugar , 42,600 ; liurllliRton , 12.4UJ ; Distilling. 3.10U ; Louisville & Nashville. K.700 : MIvx mrl Pacific. 5,400 ; Rending , 2,100 ; St. Paul , 7HKK Union Pacific , 2COtf. 2COtf.Now Now York Money .Miirkot. NEW YORK. June 1.-MONKY ON CALI- Kasy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed , 1 per cent. PRIMi : MKRCANTILR l > APiil-X S pel- cent. STERLINO KXCHANOi : Firm , with nctunl business In bankers' hills at J4.SS3,4 for demand and J4.87H for sixty-day bills ; pasted rates , J4.8SV45I4.90 ; commercial bills , Jl.fS'.j. HIL.VKR C'ERTIFIfATBS r43 3o. GOVURNMUNT IIONUS Film ; slate bonds , Inactive. The closing quolutlons on bonds : U. S. Bares I17H S. L.AS.F.Gen.M. U.S. Bscoup. . . . „ 11751 St. P Consols . U.S. 4 rcg 11 aw SI. P. C. A P. Isls. U. 8. 48 coup 113M T.P.L. G. Tr. Rots U. S. 4 3re * Ult T.P.R. (1. Tr. Rets Pacinctlsof ' 1)3. ) . . Union Pac. IBIS. . Lonslana atpd Is. West Shore . MlBSOiirl UH 11)1) ) K. G. W. IBIS . Tenn. new set UH. 10'J Alchlson 4s . Tenn. new set .la. loa Alchlson 2KB A. . Tcnii. now Bet Hi. 7UH K. II. AS A. Us. . . Canada So. suds. . 104 do 78 . ICcn. Pae lnts . . . 105 II. AT. C. Os . U. A. H. G. Isls. . . na dotH . ID. &B. G. 48 7t\7 N.C. OH . ICrlo 'JndH 72 do IH. . M. K. & T. Gen. UB 44 Tonn. old Us. . . . . . M , K. & T. Gen 5s 7UM Va. CeniurlcB . Mutual Unlonlls. . 10UH clodoforrcd . tN. J. C. Int. Cert. 110 S. C. nonfiind . No. Pac. Isls Ala. Clasa A . 101 Nc Pae. Snd ! Ala. Class I ! . N. W. Consols. . . . Ala. Class C . N. W. Deb. BB Currencies . , . offered , t bid. liostnii Stodc Ouotutlons. BOSTON. Juno 1. Cill loans. IKai ! per cent : tlmo i loans , vyi'VAM per cent. Cloilu ? prices for Blocks i , bonds and mlnhur slmras : Sun Fritnulsco Mining iiotntlons. SAN FRANCISCO , Juno l.-Tlio onlclal oloslns quolalloiiBfor mlnltis atojkotatiwjrjili fol lows : Aim 10 Hula A Norcross. . . r < 0 Ilulchcr 120 Moxlcnn 12.1 Rest Allclchcr. . . . . ion Ophlr 205 Ilodla Con DA Polosl HH Ilulwcr 10 Savage 71 Chollar GO Slorr.i Nevada til ) Con. Cal. A Va 40.T Union Con 70 Crown Point 1)5 ) Utah 8 UuroKaCou ! li > Yellow Jacket 70 GotiltJ ACurr.v. . , . lll.t London Stuuk M irkot. LONDON , Jiinu 1 1 p. in. closing : Consols. motiu.vIOl 1-1(1 ( Mexican ordinary. 1UM 'Consols , aco'nt. . . . 101H St. Paul com MOW Canadian 1'jultlu. . . (1CH ( N. Y. Central 100 Erie 13M Pennsylvania fidif Krlo 2nd 73K Ri-adlnjr KM Illinois . . OiiM Mcx. Con. IIKWla. . ex-lnl. 11AR SILVER 2B B-lfld per ouneo. MONEY K M percent. The rate of discount In Iho open market for both short and thrcu months' bills is 1 : i-1 u pur cent. Now York 'Mining ( juntitlun : . NEW YORK. Juno L The followlns ard the closing mining quotations : Cholor. ' , M Plymouth 20 Crown Point. . . . 7.1 Sierra Novada. . , . . 00 Con. Cal. A Va. . . . 4'JS Standard. . . " . 140 Dc.ldwood 60 Union Con 70 Gould A Curry 1)0 ) Yellow Jacket. . . . 76 HaloA Norcrosa. , AO Iron Silver 10 Homcstako 1250 Quicksilver 200 Mexican 100 do preferred 1400 Ontario , . . , . 7i'iO llnlu cr 10 Ophlr. . ; ' . ' 80 Chicago Ntciclc UuotatloilB , CHICAGO , Juno l.-Slocks lower. Closing prices : City Railway JIOi ) N. Chtcniro SI. Ry. . 244M Alley L W W. Chicago St. Ry. 1 M LilkoSt. L 10V QasSH HIM Diamond .Match. . . . lllll Fllimirlul Not4 > . ROSTON. Juno L Clearings , } 13,2iDS3 ; bal ances , J1.7W.352. I1ALT1MORH. June 1. Clearings , 3,0a,770j balances , JOJl..i'J : . PAU1H. June l.-Three per cent renles , lOCf CJu for the account. I'HILAUKLPHIA , June l.-CIearlngs , 111,710- Wl ; balances , 2M3'J11. LONDON , Juno L The amount uf bullion goni" Into the Hank ot England on balance today was CINCINNATI , June 1. Money , 2 flC per rent. New York exchange , Ma premium. Clearings , IZ.Z71.COO. BAN FRANCISCO. June -Drafts , night , 100J telegraphic , l4c : slUer bars , ' lTte ; Hex- lean dollars , CHiM'.ic. BT. LOUIH. Juno l.-Clrarlngs , } 3.33r.iMi bal- nncei , $ lSU,5k6 ; money , dull at 5fi7 per cent ; cx- changti on New York , 7io premium bid. CHICAGO , June Clearing * . JU.cVtt.000. For eign exchange , dull ; slerllng rxctmngp , I4.S 4.Wii New York exchange. 70 premium ; money , strudy ( it SWJ per cent. NEW YORK. June I.-Oold shipment * by to- k morrow's nUamers will bu between IJ.hJU.IHx ) and N , 000,000. Tlio Hteamer Tra\e. from t4outham ) > - lon , brought 376,000 francs In gold , 'The New port , from Pununm , brought | ! 9i7IO In silver bare , The average dally redemptions of mutllutnl qur- mncy In the New York sublrraeury have In- crrased from JMO.I/X ) to tt-00.000 per day In the past month , which la regarded as an Indication of. the dullneiM nf trade In Interior loculltlvs. Clearings. SO , 9tlO ; baluncei , J7,048,36i. . flood mualo , fine Ixiatlng , Courtland bench. OMAHA LIVE OCR MARKETS Month Opens with it Ffelr Run of All Sorts of Offerings , ml n TK BEEF TRADE OPENED , A TRIFLE WEAKER ( ' -j , Liberal Sr.pply 4llrc 'iei\lers ) n Clmuco to J'lcli IloK Drop" Off n Dlmo nml Close IVcitlc lit the zrr- " „ . " * FIUDAY , June 1. t The month of Jun < ? opens with a very fair ' run of all kinds' of'-tlcck. Receipts for the flvo days , compared with the corresponding period last werk , show n falling off of about 1,200 cattle and 1,000 sheep , while the In- In , iiogs has been about 7,000 head , Ample cattlu receipts caused a rather slow market , but a good general demand pre vented any serious decline In prices. He- cnlpts bore for this week have not been all heavy , and nt other points a considerable falling off has been noted , so that cotull- tldns generally have not been unfavorable to "tellers. Local b'uycrs started In rather bearish , but n good outside demand held prices about steady on desirable beef grades. Common hiflf fat stock did not' fare so well , and most buyers were Inclined to neglect It. . Rough heavy cattle and thin light stock wa's slow of gala all day and generally at prices \ycnk to a shade lower than Thursday. Con sidering the rather liberal supply , the movement was fairly active , and an early clearance of desirable stock was effected , while there were a few odd bunches of com mon stuff still In first hands at the close. Good to choice fat cows nnd heifers were In active demand nt strong prices , but the common and canning grades ruled dull and lower. There were a good many calves on sale , and trndo was slow at steady to a shade easier prices. The market for bulls , oxen and stags * was just about steady. In stackers and feeders n very fair amount of business was transacted , and generally on the basis of stilt ( Inner prices. More country buyers appeared than for sometime past , and present supplies arc not at all burdensome. The general market Is quota- lily lOc to IBc higher than a week ngo. Fair to good stock sold largely at from $3 to $ .1.25. Good to choice feeders arc ( mated at $3 to | 3.40 , fair to good at $2.TC to $3 and the commoner grade's at from $2.75 down. Rep resentative sales : I 3 mixed 78J $1 DO 65 steers " 528 $2 73 17 mixed SSI 3 00 HOGS The supply was 1,000 lighter than Thursday , but nearly 1,500 heavier than last Friday , and the Increase so far this week over last amounts to nearly 7,000 head. In quality the hogs were not so good as last week , the proportion of common light stuff Increasing dally. Business opened out slow , with buyers generally bidding about a nickel lower than Thursday. The general market , however , was not more than a shade lower. There were several sales of choice , heavy and butcher weight hogs at from $4.07 % to $4,05 , nnd common , light stuff and pigs went at from $3.50 clown to $3.30. The close was weak at the decline , but about everything finally changed hands , the bulk at $4.BO and $4.55 , against $4.55 on Thursday and $4.65 and $4.70 on last Friday. Itenrcsentutlvo sales : No. Av. Bh. Pr. No , Av. Sh. Pr. 94 1C3 240 $4 30 74 216 40 $4 52 93 , , 156 160 DO , 2li5 120 3. . 273 . . . 7G 253 120 4 330 . . . C3 21 80 65 W 1C3 240 72 2IH 120 83 192 160 75 23 $ 81 178 124 niiI 71 , . . . . . .220 80 97 175 80 ' " ' i4 ICO 83 184 i > 0 - - cc' ! , . .240 SO 104 .189 120 a fs 65 . ,236 10 11 183 M 14 * { to . .242 240 G4 227 160 i rni > 88 , , , , , . ,223 120 W 240 120 _ j S" 63 . .2) ' ) " " ' ' ' W * " ' . .210 ! ! ! ! > . . . 60 11l"'V 200 40 2. , 323 . . . DO Cl. . . . } , .243 120 10 2 7 . . . ' " . ,213 ICO G 282 40 : . . .227 10 G 2UO 80 , . . . ' . . , . ICO 6 248 40 , 63 23 120 22 219 W < M. , 277 IM 71 222 200 65 218 . . . M.,206 40 ' S3 . . .231 120 , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , 160 85 213 10) . . . . . . . . 160 78. , 249 360 Cl , .2 0 160 79 201 320 OS. , 267 80 79 174 240 69 279 200 78 193 . . : 74 234 241 2 41 20J 160. 66 : M 80 55 1 290 . . . , ci , . : oc so 55 I ) 250 . . . . C9 200 55 61 244 ISO C9K > , . : ; ; . . ; 80 55 30 243 200 Cl SO 120 55 Id 241 ICO 55K , 76 234 120 77 u.225 200 K 73 232 SO CS . ,260 . . . 55 so ; , , 7 2 o D9.-.2.V > ] GO 55K 10 308 . . . Si , . . V2 160 K 4 , , , 342 . . . 72 , ,277 SO K 4 304 . . . U 241 160 V 64 314 160 711 , .213 120 C5C5 p Cl 229 .11. 14 232 240 C5 6. S20 . . ; 67.T. 249 IM C5CS M ) .1W 1 0 7I , , , . . . 232 120 CS . . . , . . . .2il ( 120 69 211 V > CSM . , , . , , . . 200 7 , . , , , . , .228 . . . 55 6t ! 22.1 120 78 , , ,245 120 ST. 74 210 IM 38 . .245 . . . ST.C5 75 240 IW . , . , . , , . ISO C5 79 , . . .III 160 U.,3tt IW. 5i , , ,2cl7 240 , , , . , . 80 CA a ; : : : . , ,2.13 120 C0r..272- . . . CSW ,211 M . . , ; .i.5 see CSC5 ; ; ; ; ; , . . . . e 2H id ) C5 76 233 40 3. , , , . , ,303 W S7U .63. 234 120 14 . 2/7 tO Mli 73..223 IW ; 67(4 ( n i-a w ciilliiiiizn iw SO 1(7 I M'i Cl 247 0 I (1 210 tO 4 81'i 74. 2M 0 I 57V J . . . JI6 110 4 SJi { t.9. . 231 1 4 J7M SI. . Ml M 4 81 * M. . : , . 4 67' ) II . . , .837 SM 4 C2 < J M , . 977 . . . 4 (0 7 ! 224 920 4 tJ'k ' M 257 TO 4 CO 70 234 l 4 GJ < t 77 22S . . . 460 si 191 : so IMU ei : is 40 4 co 74 235 SO 4 HiJ : . . . 4 CO 1 210 SOO 4 C2H (1 2)5 ) 240 460 (6 21 } 120 4 62'4 ' M 293 . . . 4M 67 242 1ft ) 4 52' { CS Ml . . 4 65 . . . . . . . . (0 4 & 2 < J 70 CSi ) . . . 463 1 1QS AND 1SOIH1U , t 0 . . . 3W 1 479 . . . 415 , , . . . . . . . . . 323 1 .630 . . 4 21 1 . .410 , . , 40) 3 2i3 . . . 445 SHEEP Supplies consisted of ( wo doubles of western mixed aheep nntl two of Mexican lambs and ycnrllngs. Tlio sheen avorap.eil 102 Ibs. . and sold readily nt | 4,35. Tlio do- tnand Is Rood for denlrablo muttons niul lambs , and prices qtiotnbly nrm. Kalr to good native ! ) arc quotable at $3.50 jj ? 4.40 ; fair to good westerns , $3.2004.30 ; common nnd stock sheep , | 2.50T3.2G : Rood to choice 40 to 100-11) . lambs at J3.50UT4.C5. Ucprcscntatlvc sales : No. \vi. i > r. : w > mixed IUB * 4 : i : Itccolpn mill ll pnltlon or .Stock. Official rcDiUHnnddlHtKHllloiorilJ2.lHriotv | ! : ! i byihahoakaor tin Union StJ3't Yarli ronpri/ for tlm twenty-four IioilrH umilnir nt if o'clock p. in , Jtmo 1,18U4t CATTLE. TMI.I Curs. Hend Cnrti Care. llcad CUM , I Head , It.OO" till 11:11 : il in Jlttl'OltTIOX. nurrits. CATTLE. Omaha Packing Co ThcG. II. Il.iiiimond Co. . l.Ilil ) . . . . . . . . . lie CO. . . 010 John P. Squlro A Co L. Heckor Ill A.II. . 401 II. UcckcrA Down 181 I * . U. Armour 11511 Cuilnliy Ilros n.w Rlnvolnnil 1117 Chicago P. A ; P. Co. . 1:1 : a ShlppcrRnnd feeders ' " leftover "llOOl "Mil Totals. nn : CHICACO I.IVK STOUK. Cattle .Market Quiet mill Steady Wlitlo Ii > B \Vrro U'riik. CHICAGO , June 1. The cuttle market was iiulet ami steady today. Only about 0,40 ( * head arrived , niul the tntnl for the last live Oiiyn l Inn cly 48,0)0. ) Thcio weic bujrrs tor nil offerings - ings nnd the advance gained caillcr m lhoeek \\UH closely adhered to , the feeling , HO far ul least as the upper grades uure coiiceiitt'd , brlmi rather Him. Today'8 onViingr Inohided few choice loin nnil ther was only here und there n sale abate Jl.3"i , but the hulk of the sierra sold ut better than J'1.90. Choice mm it anil helfi'18 nre FUlnble at full prlres , while poor to coniiiuiu grades were not ipiidlly tinned o\er lit Tiling- day's quotations. The run of Texhs euttlc ns estlmateil nt l.OHO hend. nil of which were wanted. The hog mark < l was \u-akrr. It open d nt from So to lOo off from yestenlay'M iiuotutlons niul remained dull nndciik until nimr the clo-te , when there was n slight Uniting up , closing pntex showIng - Ing a decline ofnot more than .1c. No one had looked for as many IIOKS as had actually ar rived ( estimated nt 28.000) ) , nnd the iteniunds of buyers for concessions did not meet with \ery stubborn leslstanee. At fium II.S9 to J1.75 for common to prime light anil nt from > to $4. 8.1 for heavy n eights , theie wow n very good clear ance nnd the late in.nket was llrm. The bulk of sales were ut fium J4.C3 to J4.7.1 for 1'ght ' and nt from $4.70 to J4.80 for medium anil heavy. The sheep market was dull and lower. There was very little call fiom any iiuiirler and sheep were from 15c to 20c lower , ui from $1.50 to 54.M for choice. The lange of prices for > e.irllugs ulso was lower , qtintntlons being diopped to from $3.2. > to J4.SJ. Spring lambs weic dull and weak at from J.I to $ . " > .W. Ilecelpls : Cattle , ,4'W ' henil ; cnlves , 300 head ; hogs , 2S.OOQ h ° ad : sheep * S.IKH ) head. The IJxenlng Journal ri'poits. CATTI.1B Heeeltits , li.DOO hendi SM Texnns ; market slow , weak ; prime to extra native sti-ers , J4.15W4.CU ; medium , JJ.SWf4.UO ; uthvis , $ J.3003.SO ; TexnilH , t3.10fi3.S3. HO(5S Jlecelpts , 28.0OT hend ; market 'ic lower ; rough heavy , Jt.J 84.M ; packers nnd mixed , J4.OOiii4.7S , primp heavy nnd butcher weights , JI.8yS4.Si ( ; assorted light. JI.70W4.73. SHiii' AND I.AMIIH llecelpts , 8CK > 3 liend ; market dull and lower ; top sheep , JI.2oti4.GO ; top lambs , J4.7HJS.W ) . Kaiisiis City I.lvu Stock ; ? Ttrknt. : KANSAS CITV , June 1. CATTI.K Itee"lpti. 3,000 ; Htilpments , 70i ) head ; mniKet steady to strong ; Texas steers , J2.2'i3.CO ; Ti-vas cows. J2.00@3.1i ) ; beef uteciH , : ! ( ! ; Htockets and feeders. J2.r,0 | 3.SO ; bulls. 2.3.'ifi3.20. IIOOS Hecflpts. I.V.IOO hrud : shipments. 2300 head ; market trifle lower ; bulk of sales , J4.ri1C 4.CO ; heavies , J4.40 f4.M > l packeis. Jt. 33 4.50 ; mixed. J4.43i(4.50 : lights. J1.30jj4.00 ; Yorkers , ji.40H.r,3 ; pigs , i.'o. SHEKI1 Ileoulpts. 1,000 head ; Khlimifnts , l.WO head ; inajket Hleaily. _ , SI. Louis l.ivo Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June l. CATTU : llecelpts , 310 head ; shipments , 1,000 hend ; maiket steady gen erally ; native steers , 1,273 Ibs. , J4 ; 500 to 1,000 Ibs. , } 3.30ff3.40 : cows , J2.4D ; calves , J4 ; Texns steers , 900 to 1,000 Ibx. , JL''JOii J.33 ; cows , JlOOjf- 2.15. 2.15.I1OOS I1OOS llecelpts. 3.500 bead : shipments , 4.400 head ; market GfilOc lower ; best heavy , J4.7n : good light and heavy , J4.lOU4.70 ; common , 14 nnd below. SIILUil' Ilecelpts , l.OiW hend : hhlpments , WK ) head ; market steady ; lambs , J3.COiQ4.00 ; n.itlvu mixed , J3.23. . _ _ _ _ _ _ \v York I.lvo .Stock Miirkct. NCW YOIIK. June 1. UEKVIIS Ilecelpls , 4,400 head ; market active ; shade stronger ; na tive steers , prime , J4.2.r { i4.Cr , ; fair to Rood , Jl.Si ( | N.50 : ordinary to medium , J4.10@4.30 ; bulls , poor to good. J2.C. > ( ? ) . Slinni" AND I.AMI1S llecelpts , 0,800 hend ; market tlrm ; sheep , poor to prime , J3.23iit4.3l ; yearlings , J4.23i3.12Vi ; southern lambs , very poor to choice , . IIOOS llecelpts , 2,800 head ; \try few on sale ; market steady ; Inferior to good , J3.10 < rf,40. Sioux City l.lvo Stock .llurknt. SIOUX CITY , June 1. IIOOS llecelpts , I , MO head ; jesterdny , 2.896 head ; xhlpments. St'.i henil ; market 5c Imver , J4.45 tl.30 ; bulk , J1.4 ! ' , H.CO. CATTIyK Ilecelpts. 200 head ; yesterday , 4S2 head ; .shipments , 4WI head ; market very dull ; feeders , ' K.Wi > 3.M ; yearlings , J2.23(13.23 : cows , } 1.2Ji2,90 ; bulls , JI.Wfi2.40 ; oxen , J1.2of2.7G. Stock In HlKlit. Reconl of rocelpts of live stock at the four principal yards for Friday , Juno 1 , 1804 : Cattlo. UOSH. Shcon. South Omaha . .1.007 0.40U 1IH1 Chlcntro . 0.1UO 28UI ) ( 8,000 Kansas City . 3.UOO lA.fiOU l.SOO St. Louis . : i,100 3 , 00 1,000 " Totals . . 10,407 CJ.100 , St. Lotus ( it'iicriil Murknt. BT. LOUIS , June 1. FLOUH-Qulct , without change. WHIJAT NcniNh ; almost panicky cully , but stiffened a little later , losing net "SijilUe " ; No. 2 led. cash nnd June , 51c ; July , 52H' ! ; August , C2He : September. M , c. COHN Depressed by crop nnd weather reports - ports , closing % e off ; No , 2 mixed , cash and June , 33' c ; July , 33c ; September , Sfl'/ic. OATS Higher : No. 2 cash and June , 36o ; July , 20lic : ; Augunt. 20Hc ; September , 27c. HYI3 44o bid for No. 2 , cast tiack. IIAHLI2Y Nothing doing. 1IHAN Klrni ; C3o , east trai'lc. KI.AX Sni-ID JI.12 nominal. CLOVlIll S13I3I ) L'ncli.nsed. TLMOT11Y SUIIO-Unchangcd. HAY Kualei ; pilmo to chol.e timothy , JS 5) { ? 9.W. 1H1TTI3K I'lrm nt recent advance. iaOS Klrm nt recent advance. LRAD-Steudy ; 3.12'r ' > Sl'nhTlIll-Dllll. JS.i'O. WHISKY J1.0S tl. IS. IIAHOING 1'IHlir.ngeil. , rOTTON TIKH rncliangrd , 1'11O'IKIO.NSVtnk. . 1'ork , slnrdiud mess , jobbing , JI2.30. I. aid. prlnut atenm , ts.r > ) ; choice , J6.62'i. ' Dry rait incuts , loose shouldeiu , J" > .73 ; longs and libs. tG.23 ; shorts , J6.40 , Ilucon , pncknl shoulders , J6.7J ; longs , Jii.87i ! libs. J7 ; bhorts , J7. 12W. HKC'KIPTH Klonr , 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 5,030 bu. ; corn , 127.0(10 ( bu. ; onts , IS.OiM bu. SHII'MIJNTS I'lour , 11,000 bbls. ; wheat , 20,000 bu , J corn , 2I.UOO bu , ; outs , 2.1,000 bu. Milwaukee Alnrkrts. MILWAUKiiJ. Juno 1. l-'I.OUIt-Steady. WHUAT Weak and lower ) No. 2 npilng , S3o , No. l northern. U ; July. t > 3iu. COHN Steudy ; No. 3 , 37ilo. OATS Lower ; No , 2 while , 37in ; No. 3 white , . t. IIAULKY Steady ; No. 2. G3o ; sample , HYIV-Klrmer ; No. 1. 4SKe. , I'HOVIHlONH-StHidy. 1'oik , J11.83. I < nid. J6.70. J6.70.HIICKIITS Dour. 7,630 bbls. ; wheat , 21.400 bu. ; biuley , 11. SW bu , BHU'MKNTH riour , 10,883 bbls. ; wheat , none , barley , 2,400 bu. _ l.'lty Alurkiiti , KANSAS CITY , Juna 1. WIMJAT Wenk ; Jftl'jc lower ; No. 2 hard , 47 T4Sc ; No. 2 led , 4S Mc ; No. 3 reil. 4W47C ) reje1-leil , 4 | 42e. COItN Viu loner ; No , 2 while , 5U'V37o ; No. mixed , 3314C. OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 3G'ji37c ' ; No. I white. 37 < i37'ic. ' lltJTTRH Steady ; cieamery , 140I5c ; ilaliy. . KOOS I'Mrmer. 7'ie. ' HKCIJH'TS Wilful , JO.OOO bu. ; corn , none ; uats , none. SHH'MKNTSVheut , 9,00 > ) bu. ; coin , none ; outs , none , . Liverpool Mur eU. LIVIIIU'OOL , June 1. WIIHAT Unn.tnd < Mr ; holders offer fieely ; No. 1 I'allfurnhi , 4s CV4dt 4s 7d : re < l western winter , 4s IHdjl | M. IXJIlN Oulet ; ilemund IiiiHleiutn ; No. 3 mixed , js 7Ud , lUiOVIHlONH Hef , exlru India me s. 77s frl. 1'ork , prime mesn , ff ! M , Jlacon , loin ; nnd short clear , 65 Ibs. , 8U dl ! lonK clear , 43 Ibs , 3i M. 1'corlu Urulu .Marknt. PiOtIA | , Juno I. COKN ririiiii ; No , 1 , 37icj ( tATH yu'lft. easier,1 No. 2 white , ! 6H i No. 3 whllu. 354 3IHJc \VllIHKV-Klnu ; hleh wine bulls , II , 16. Uellghtful entertalninentB at Courtland beach ) lOc aUmiU tu oil , day.utia evening. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK. LADIK'S IlKRD ttOCKRUS , very 140 PAULOn at'ITfl , nvc pieces , Htyllsli , double cnnc Rent , folia oak Mulshed antique , tnnhnlr ortlinnrlly for $3.00. Consignment crushed plnshoitli ( M , but thoOQ < Price , . i. . . , . , , uotmlgnor rni sell them for . ua\ CHINA CLOSETS , pollsht'il nnk , Over 200i ) RXTKNSION TA1ILK3. double thick glass , worth fcKJ.GO. H Qfl finished niitliitt | > , latest style , you CotiHlKiiinont price lliOU would nay they weio cheap nt JI2.0 ; ( hey nru consigned to Fell OPHOLSTRIIKO ItOClCKHS. lln- for . , . Ished antique , latest Htvli- , worth 0 5Q 140 FOLlllxn Iinn.H , novcr retail Jt,60. Consignment price " ' " ° ed for lew thnn JlSj If you need one yon can get one on ncqount P Qs HAM. HACKS , solid onk polish tin- . of being consigned for . , . . 0 < yo isn , InrKo mirror , iisunlly sells * 7 3i6 rolls IIIU'BSRLS CAIll'RT.vnlA ior $12. Consignment pi Ice " ' " IIP tl.OD per yard , consigned to AQ' Hell for . * " ! * LAWN 8ETTKK9 , pnlntoil. red ' four feet wide , regular priceCO ( 201 rolls'INOIIAINS. . latest pnt- $3.50 , Coiislgntnent price , l'OJ ternn , full yurd wide , rejrular TQp. price 75c , conslgtipil to soil for. . . . uuu CIUFFONIKIIS , extra large size , 1.400 dozen \\INDO\V S1IADRS. antique onk , usual price $ U'.W > . 7 foot long , best rollers , best Consignment price cloth , nutnnl vnlite 7 ! > e consigned for . WAUDIIOHEM. . extra Inrgo clsie , 8C5 pairs NOTTINGHAM LACB Consignment llnlBbecl nntltiilc onk , worth $11 ! . Cl'ItTAINS.full ' length and width price latest Ktylp , inndc to rctnll for Q7p 2.M consigned to sell for . " ' " DOOKCASKa. pollnhPd oak , ntljust nblp shelVeH , Inrgo Hlze. wcirth R 1Z A lot of GABOLINB BTOVB8 , $12.50. Consignment prlee u' ' each one gimrantecd worth } 6.0i ) . 0 Vft Consignment price . u > lu ISASKr.S , solid onk. polMi finish , AQp Oooil fashionable 1IAHV CAUUIA- worth $1.0) . ConslBninent price. . . * G US , full nlze , bicycle wheels , A 87 cheap nt J10. Consignment price. . lUI CBNTI3U TAni.KS , solid onk nnd l'P A lot . big of URI-MltORUATOHS. Blgnment polish lliilah price , worth $ .I.W. ConI ltl" 4\ ( \ nil modprn Imprnvomentu , well made and worth J13.CO. Consignment - 1'I.USH IlKCKl'TION CIIAIItP , ment price . onk , nntshcd iintltiuc , uottli fo. I 0 ! 8OLII > OA1C SKCHKTAUI1CS. Ill ConHlgnmcnt price i * vu antique Ilnlsh , large writing desk plenty of bonk loom , worth $12.60 , CHAMlIKIl SUITS , 3 pleoca. lat the consignor sayn sell them for. est style , large mirror , iintltini ! or ' 118 U'R KOXKH , lltu-d wltb best 16th century tlnlsii , worth $30.00. < n 01 quality nine , locks , hinges patent IJ Consignment . , . .1U' > price.t best make , woi th J7.50. Consign9 7R u' ' ° MUS. POTTS' SAD 1HOXS , nlckle ment price . ' Ilnlsh , three IroitH , one liundlc RAt 215 UlNNBIt SRTS , best Kngllsb and stnnd. Consignment price. . . . " " goodw , rich royal bine color. 102 pieces , easily worth $20.00 Con(1 ( 00 ONK LOT niiDHOOJI SUITS. 3 Blgnmcnt price . w'vv pieces , llntsh d nntlqup , worth A big lot of 4-hole cast HANGKS , $17.50 for , consignor sny.s to sell them Qt v > \ l\l \ \ from a foundry that only ninkva good goods , worth J12. Consignment - A 0(1 ( C5 CIIION1LLR COUCHUS , nicely . ment price . * ' " ' draped , any color , well worth ALL COl'l'RH WASH HOILRHS , $15.00 , consignor allows UH to sell fi OR No. 8 Hlze , best cold rolled copper j Consignment price . l' Terms , Cash or Easy Payments. We close evenings at 6:30 : , except Mondays and Saturdays Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House. JHr fui'iHHl.iyson ' > lf ' ! U ei'.t' i /in. rH $ B ? This extift- Constipation ordinary Ho * Dlzzfnets , Juvenator lathe , Falling Sen the most sation Nerv * , wonderful oua twitching discovery of of the eyes the age. It W and other has been endorsed . is. pa. dorsed by the leadlngtcicn- Strengthens , tiflo men of invigorates Kuropo and and tones the America. ontlrofcystcm. Hudyan Is Hudyan cures purely vege Debility , table. Nervousness , Hudyan stops KmiiBlotiP , Prematureness and develop ) s and restores of the discharge ' weak . charge In J0 ! 1'alns organs. in the days. Cures back , IOESCI LOST by day or MANHOOD iiightstopped quickly. Over Z.OOO private enaoisementa. Premuturcness means Impotency In the nrat stage. it Is u. syniptoin or scmlnul weakness and barrenness. It can bo Etoppcd In 20 days by the use of Hudyan. The new discovery was made by the spec ialists of tbo old famous Hudson Medina I Institute. It Is the strongest vltallzer made. It Is very powerful , but Imimless. Bold for Jl.OO a package or six packages for 5.00 ( plain sealed boxes ) . Written guarantee given for n cure. If you buy elx boxes nnd are not entirely cured , six more will be sent to you free or nil charges. Send for circulars and testimonials. Adilrens HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1032 Marlcot St. Snu Frniioisoo Gal " " "CUPiDENE. Cures the effects of self-ububc , excesses , emissions , Impotency , vailcocele and consti pation. One djllur a box , HX for K. For sale by TUB GOODMAN - MAN IJHUO CO. , Omuhn. Neb. A Prof. llwhn'H Nuiirosthc'iilc Pill Is the { 1HJAT- ; i.ST riTUIIN'ClTIIKNKIl of the MI'V'.1' " , ; 'iH In lioth wxc.i liiio n lo the " > ld H will c-uro sou. Mull pno dollar lo Prof. . . N " ' " ; Mhiiillc. Conn , llox 9 , and In- will mall ion Vno lioi of tlcsu wonderful plllx. No We nlll ( nd yon th nn" > toni Frtnch l'rtp r tlon CALTHOO rixw. nd I'l'l Ruartnlce that tlAI/niUH will Urlore jour Ilcaltli , Htreagllt aud Vleor > the { land fayifialitjled. Adrlro.o VON MOIIL CO. . W.rU .ilwU , CUcUmiU , Okl * . WALL ST. OPERSTIOUS Cun bu can led on with large prom * und llttli ' by jolnlne our Co-O | > ciutl > e Itulliuud htocU erscu profit of " 0 p r cent n tumuli rnrn a itnil paid to tliuaubiurtlntm lor pisi s'z mniilli * . Illgheit rcffrcnct-B. I1o | ietlui , giving detail , nl Information uf oour perfect } Klein , moiled WEINMAN ci CO. , Stock and Grain Fwkora , Not 41 llrouclnay , No v VorU City WM. LOUDON , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS- Private wlrea to Chicago and N w York. All tiu lne vrden placed on Chicago tloiiid cl Correspondence aollcltcd , Office , room 4 , New York Life Quilling Telephone 1309. in Trousers , Cut to Order. Pants Company 408 N. i6th SL IrrryIioii < iiliiitiNilnNtcrrcloiiivoud lulli IN u llro lrapiin < l coiiNciiiioiitly a dentil I rail. Tlio Interior \voo < l 1'urlc under tlio clrj'lni ; HIVcl * of iirtlllclul liuat lircoincwiiN liilliiniiililo IIM llnclrr , nei-tllncoitlyu Njiurlt to Ilimli tlio < lro I'roiu ct-llur tu roof \vltli rroqucut rcNiillInt ; lokH ol'lllc. Rxpinili : > d Mt'tal Hteol I.nth when covered with UH4'outliiiof inortiiritliobwitknown tire iiroof ' muturliil ) Insutc'Mbafoty and ro.slH but I1 , tlli ) In uxri'ssiif W < MH | , It pruvuntH cruuk- iiK.nnd fnllliiK of plaster. Ailoiiti'd for till U. H , ( Jcmirnment IlitllillriKB nnd Itsusu , nlillultnry In till llotulii , TlmuturH , AHyluniK , llosplliil ! ! nnd Bclicx ) ! HOUKCD In IJhlrtiKO nml utlicr liirKn clllt-s , Wrlto for cutuloKUiiof lathliiK , fiuiclng , utu , NORTHWESTERN EXPANDED METAL CO. , 400 Ei 2Gth Street , CHICAGO. 'l ; < 4unrMiil < llu < 'tirti Hiermuturrliu'n ) , Hemlnul W lt- ne H , Viirlcocclo. truinlonnoiifuce , ull ii rvoii > dlnordi'M , Itoturei .o t Vigor. nritlrntoifiiUfiit . TLI riiifij e - . ( rnurr with uuirvfloui rftulta. SOI OBZUICAL IUrOKTIHU.00 , , 01MQllJB TJf 0t