THE OMAHA DAILY JJEE : SATURDAY , JUNE 2 , 189L IlWil Not Be Tilled with Water from Oak Oreok Right Away. MILLLR SHAF.PMCK WANTS. THE WATER If Dntlnrd Into the Lnho It Would Stop III * .Mill , mill lie A k the Court to 1'rovciit ThU Inter ference. LINCOLN , June 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) The Burlington beach people arc In more trouble. ThU forenoon Judge Tlbbelts Issued a temporary Injunc tion restraining Kd Blgnelland Job Hathaway , thu chief promoters of the beach , from tapping Oik creek to secure a supply of water with which to nil the artifi cial lake. The lake has been at very low tide , awing to the fact that numerous Improve ments wpra being made. Yesterday the j -nera of the lake made arrangements to tap Oik creek about ICO feet above the dam which supplies the motive , power for the jriit mill , leased and owned by .George W. Shnrpnack. Ho did not care to stop his mill while the lake people \\cro enjoying prosperity , and he accordingly appeared be fore Judge Tlbbctta this morning and se cured the injunction. The hearing will \ > f had on June t , and In the meantime low tide will prevail at Burlington beach. PILFERED REGISTERED LETTERS. Walter H. Flynn has only been In Uio railway mnll service since November , 1891 , btit In tint time ho has stolen nineteen reg- Utered letters , If the charges made against him by Poitoince Inspectors Sinclair , Fred- crick and Fosnes are backed up by the proof Which these officials claim to have In their possession , Flynn was arrested in the office at the Lincoln Inspector last night when he returned from his run from Dead- wood. He was charged with having ttolen two registered letters containing $65 each , which had been sent to the Lincoln postoirice by the postmaster at Pass. Wyo. , and of ono registered letter containing $95 sent to Lincoln by the postmaster of Fort McKln- ney. The Inspector * claim that they have proof that he has also stolen sixteen more registered letters. Flynn passed the night in thei custody of the inspectors who caused lila arrjOvt , as ho was unable to secure ball. Ho has been held to the federal court in the sum of $1,000 , and In default of ball was taken to Omaha this forenoon. It Is under stood that ho has made a jfull confession to the Inspectors. SAME OLD GRIND AGAIN. The district court has again reached that part of the docket which Include } the numer ous cases acaliist C. W. Moshcr and II. C. Outcalt. Judge Tlbbetts today commenced the trial of the case of the Farmers and Merchants bank of Galva , III. , against Mosher and Outcalt on a promissory note for $5,000. The leading feature of the ease li the fact that the bank people were the flrst to attach the property known as , the Outcalt farm , which had been transferred by Outcnlt to D."E. Thompson. The bank claims that the transfer to Thompson was fraudulent. There are still a large number of cases against Mosher on the docket , and many of them will bo reached during the present term. term.LINCOLN LINCOLN IN BRIEF. It lini finally been settled for certain that the Galvin hydrants recently furnished the City by the water works contractors do not fit the hose couplings and that the responsi bility for the misfit does not rest upon the chief of the flro department. Shortstop Pequlsney of the Lincoln team returned home today suffering with a badly sprained knee , which ho received at Jackson ville last Tuesday , Ho will not be able to play for several days yet. George Braddcen of West Lincoln today swore out n complaint charging Andy Mattes with assault with Intent to kill. The as sault occurred last Sunday night. Mattes struck Braddcen with a car link. W. Mortan Smith and L. H < H. Austin , the new proprietors of the Lincoln Dally Call , assumed possession' of that paper this afternoon , Slessrs. Bushncll and Cox retir ing. City Editor Mitchell Is retained , and L. H. Mor/c will have charge of the busi ness department. I'ort Sidney Abandoned. SIDNEY , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Companies D , F and G , Twenty-first Infantry , departed this ufter- noon on a Union Pacific special train for Plattsburg barracks , New York , The com mand comprises the following officers : Colonel nel Lyster , Major Boyle , Colonel Stone , Cap tain Eltonhead , Captain Bonesteel , Lieuten ants Hcaru , Lawton , Mullay and Parmonter. The town assumed a holiday attlro and every ono wont out to Fort Sidney to wit ness the lowering of the stars and strlpss frqm the flag staff that has done service forever over twenty years. The abandonment of the fort Is qulto a loss to this community , but citizens hope to improve the opportunity and have the grounds turned over to the Btato of Nebraska for the establishment of Bomo permanent Institution. Besides the out- Icolc for crops is excellent and the absence of the soldiers will soon become a matter of course. Tonight , however , many a feminine heart Is aching after the boys. Illiilr Notes and Pcrxoimln. BLAIR , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) At the election of officers of Blair lodge , No. 14 , Independent Order of Odd r Follows , Thursday evening. F. L. Parrlsh was elected noble grand ; B. P. Miller , vice grand ; Tlico Hallcr , representative to the jjrand lodge. Mrs. F. M. Castetter gave a kenslngton tea to several of her lady friends Thursday afternoon. The Omaha police force Is expected here on a special excursion June 13. Prospects are better now for fruit than ono week ago. Frost did not do much dam age. age.C. . O. Cassalrt , the man who cut such a swell at Arlington , as reported In The Bee a short time ago , has been bound over to the district court , and in default of ball he now languishes In the county jail. The Scotch societies of Omaha have made arrangements to celebrate the Fourth of July In Blair. \Vrnt Through u Sulmm. OHIOWA , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Sneclal to The Bee. ) The saloon of Thomas Peterson was entered last night by burglars , who secured about $40 worth of liquor , a target rifle and como cigars. U Is thought that the crime was commltteed by bootleggers from a neighboring town. Lon Moore received a severe electric shock on his way homo from town Tuesday evening. The horses he was driving were Instantly killed , and Moore was so badly stunned that ho did not recover conscious ness until the following morning , A neigh bor who was driving along the road on ' which the disaster occurred discovered the helpless man and took him to a place of shelter. It is considered doubtful whether ho ever completely recovers from the effects of the shock. The 'electric fluid left no marks upon his person or clothing , except on the sole of ono ihoo , in which a large hola was torn. l.nwroticoNoto * of Now * . LAWRENCE , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to The Beo. ) A two-Inch rain fell here Wednes day night. The Lawrence Gun club Is practicing twice & week regularly. John Klmmetmn and Mary Kcmpter were married last night at the residence of the bride's parents. At a meeting Monday night the town board fixed the saloon license at $1,000 and accepted the bond of Ben Bueschcr , appli cant. cant.Mrs. . Harding of Hebron , state chief of the degree of honor df the Ancient Order of United Workman , spoke last evening In the Interest of her order. A degree will be or- galnxcd bore. A match game of base ball was played Iioro yesterday afternoon by the Blue Hill and Lawrence clubs , the visitors winning. llu Married 111 * llalf-iilitor. TABLE ROCK. Neb , . June 1. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Deputy Sheriff O'Shea of Lancaster county came here last night with a warrant for L. W. Ennls , who was charged with Incest. Constable assisted In locating and arresting the man. who was taken to Lincoln this mornlriR. where requisition from the gov ernor of Wisconsin Is waiting for him. Ho Is charged nlth living1 with his half-sister In the relation of man and wife , but he has been hero for a month or more making his hcme with his mother and stepfather Mr. nnd Mr * . Shlvety , HnitU Illitre nt HASTINGS , June I. ( Special to The Bee. ) Flro last night damaged a barn of E..S. , Ducr to the extent of about $400 , The blaze started In the haymow and defied all the efforts of the department for some length of time. The origin of the blaze Is un known. Insured In the Glens Falls. 8. K. Honard has sold his stock of Jewelry to J. W. Howard of Indlanola , la. , for $2,000. A disposition has been manifested on the part of a number of Hastings' unemployed laboring men to find fault with Paving Con tractor Klosc on thu ground of employing Russians Instead of other laborers. Klosc retorts that the Russians are the better nnd more reliable workers , and refuses to employ the complainants , AttiMtiptril In Hlnli n I'rcnchcr , GREENWOOD , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) While Rev. L. O. Parker of the Methodist church of this place was In W. C. Railing's store late yesterday afternoon , Philip Green , better known as "Bud , " made a murderous assault on him. Mr. Parker wa . engaged In conversation when young Green came up behind with an open knife , and , with a vile epithet , tried to stab Mr. Parker. A sudden movement of the preacher at the sound of his assailant's voice saved him. Mr. Tarker grappled young Green , threw htm to the floor and disarmed blm. Trouble over prohibition Is at the bottom of the affair. ' Tritln Ditched. f'lrrti * N FAIRBURY , Neb. , June 1. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) A Rock Island train carrying Howe & Cushlng's circus to He bron Jumped the track above this city and dumped a lot of wagons and cages Into tlio ditch early this morning. None of the ani mals' cages were broken , but the poultry were flying around lively. The wreck was cleared up by 10 o'clock. An unsuccessful attempt to steal a team from Thomas Shcaron's barn was made last night , but the thieves were frightened away after they had the horses saddled. 1'rrmont IVoplo Mothered by Thlov'es. FREMONT , June 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) During the temporary absence of Mrs. W. Ji Taylor from her house yesterday someone ono entered the open door nnd stole a valu able 'watch and chain which wcro hanging on the wall. Jacob \V. Stewart and Lucy C. Rhodes , both of Dodge county , wcro married in this city on Decoration ' day by County Judge Plambecl : , Henry T'reOrlckson and Frank Elllck are matched for a blcycto race to come off on the Chautauqua grounds Juno 14. School 1'lcnlo \Vuvcrly. . WAVERLY , Ncb. , , Juno 1. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The public schools of iWaverly and district No. 23 , known as Camp * Creek , Joined In a grand picnic today In Wong's grove , two and one-half miles north east of town. From 200 to 300 school chil dren. with teachers , parents and friends , sat down to dinner at different tables loaded with .an abundance of tempting viands. After that' { ho time was put In with swings and general sociability. Doperuto Pr goner I'.ncapcs. ODELL , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to too Bee. ) A desperado by the name of HutchInson - Inson , who was captured at this place Tues day after a running fight of half a mile and .the wounding of one man , escaped last even ing from the custody of Constable Amos Queln. Hutchinson Is wanted at Washing ton , Kan. , for robbing three stores and the postolflce on the night of May 27. He Is the leader of a bad 'gang. Klchnnl.iuii County Mortgages. FALLS CITY , Neb. , June 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) The following Is the mortgage Indebtedness of Richardson county for the month "ending May 31 : Farm mortgages flled , twenty-one , . amounting to $37,800 ; satisfied,1 thirty , $34.60.92 ; town and city mortgages" flled , twelve , $4,340.40 ; satisfied , throe , $8,390 chattel mortgages Hied , slrty- four , $3,034.38 ; satisfied , forty-two , $14,961.52. Farmer' * 1 1 envy 1,039. FULLERTON , Neb. , June 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) George "Clarldgo , a well-to-do farmer of South Branch township , whose farm Is sltirated about twenty miles north- wcst of this city , Wednesday \oat his barn by flro , which contained hay , grain , har ness and six head of work horses. Barn .and contents were Insured for $300 , probably one-third their actual value. Will Slake the Campaign Hot. ODELL , Neb. , June 1. ( Special to The ( Bee. ) The Republican league met last evenIng - Ing and elected the foltowlng delegates to the state convention June 12 : F. P , Mosely , , L. Nelson , James Smethurst , L. H. Valen- tlno and L. A. Scraggs. The league starts with a membership of flfty-flvo and proposes to make a campaign here this fall that will be remembered. ' lie Dedicated by lllshop llnwinan. ORLEANS , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) Bishop Thomas Bowman will dedi cate the new Methodist Episcopal church at Orleans Sunday , July 1. Bishop Bowman will also address the students of the Sum mer school July 2. Hon. J. A. Piper of Alma Is mentioned by republicans of the Fifth congressional district for secretary of state. IntcroBtlnfr Urit Litigation. ORD , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) , The time of the district court for the past three days has been occupied with the case of Margaret Sorensen against Joseph Masln and John Zabondll , wherein Margaret Sorensen - sen sues the defendants for $5,000 damages each for the death of her husband , which occurred December 21 , 1892. Reduced Ilntos to the l.onffue Mooting , LINCOLN , Neb. , May 20. All delegates to the State League of Republican Clubs meeting will be returned for one-third faro , providing they purchase tickets at the sta tion when they leave homo and take re ceipt from the agent , and have that stamped by Secretary Slaughter at the con vention. unions Colic. Those who are subject to attacks of this disease will bo Interested In the experience of Mrs. F. Butler of 22 Flllmoro street. Falrhaven , Conn. She says : "I suffered for weeks with colic and pains In my stomach. caused by biliousness. One-halt teaspoouful of Chamberlain's Chollc , Cholera and Diar rhoea remedy effected a cure. For sale by all druggists. _ _ Delightful entertainments at Courtland beach ; lOo admits to all , day and evening. Dll-lllerlc * CIoilnK Down. Tto ) distilleries are closing * down again. The Columbia closed last Saturday , and It Is stated that orders have been received for the Willow Springs to shut down within a week. This will throw about seventy- five men out of employment on the regular force , and a half dozen government em ployes employed In the storekeeptng and gauging departments. It will also make a material falling off In the receipts of the Internal revenue office. _ Sweet breath , sweet stomach , sweet torn perT Then use DeWltt's Little Early Risen. . Balloon ascension , Courland beach tonight. O. K. T. oniclals I'au Through. W. V. Powell , the new grand chief of the Order of Railroad Telegrapherj , and party , consisting1 of Assistant Grand Chief M. M. Dolphin of Kansas City , Grand Sec retary and Treasurer J. weatherbeo of Denver , Grand IMItor and Manager J. H. T. Austin and wife of Toledo. O. , A. J. Itlniel , chief clerk In the grand secretary and treasurer's olllce at Vlnton , la. , aim F. 1-3. ailllland and wife of Council ItlulTs arrived lost evening from Denver , enroiuc to the headquarters of the order nt Vlnton , Ja- m Pills that cure lick Headache ; DeWltt's Little Early Riser * . _ La Rose Bros. , the celebrated acrobats , give two exhibitions at Courtland beach every day , afternoon and evening. NEBRASKA SCHOOLS CLOSED Interesting Commencement Exorcises Ob served Throughout the Stito , FULLERTON'S ' WELL-TRAINED CLASS Graduates Acquit Themselves Creditably Cromlr-d HOU CK ( Ireet Them on All Sliles Not Ahlo to Accommodate tlio bcliool 1'iitron * . FULLERTON , Neb. , June 1. ( Special to The Bco. ) The commencement exercises of the Fullerton High school were held last night In Sheaf's opera house. The building was filled almost to suffocation and many wera not able to get -within the doors. The stage had been elaborately decorated with potted plants and cut flowers. The motto of the class , "Seek and Obtain , " was sus pended over the speakers. The graduates were ; Grace Slaughter , Hattto LaOrangc , ' Dale C. Loucks , Henry Fitch , Helen Porter- field , Joseph A. Storch , Blanche Chandler , Edward Waggoner. VERDON , Neb. , June 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) The graduating exercises of the Ver- dou High school occurred at Iho Congre gational church Wednesday evening. The church was crowded and many bad to re main outside. The class consisted of but two members , Otis Sloan and Martha King. A profusion of flowers and many substantial tokens were given the graduates. Superin tendent Rccco of the Falls City schools made an excellent address. WAHOO , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to The Beo. ) The commencement exercises of the Wahoo High school were held at the opera house last night. The citizens turned out enmasso to hear the orations of the class of ' 04 , which numbered fourteen members. The program uas rather long , but the large audl- cnco listened with deep attention. The grad uates were the recipients of numerous pres ents and bouquets. EXETER , Neb. , June 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) Last night the High school graduat ing exercises wcro held In the opera house. The house was literally packed with the pat rons of the school and others , Including a number of visitors. Rev. C. H. Hucstls , In a very neat and appropriate speech , pre sented the diplomas to the graduates. Misses Olive May Wallace and Helen McOhlc. TEKAMAH. Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) The graduating exercises of the Teknmah High school took pluco at the opera house Wednesday night. The audi ence room was packed to tlio door. There were nine graduates : Eugene. Brooklngs , Harry W. Conkllng , J. Milton Crowcll , L. O. R. Wood , Albert I. Mason , Rose Schercr. Ettlo M. Slaughter. Nelllo O. " Taylor and Jennie O. Telyca. Mrs. S. C. Brooks , pres ident of the Board of Education , made the address to the class , which was a model of neatness and highly complimented. ORD , Neb. . June 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) Judge W. F. Norrls of Ponca , Neb. , , delivered the annual address to the grad uating class of the Ord High school In the court house last evening. The class con1- slstcd of eight young ladles and one young man. ' GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to The Beo. ) The class of ' 94 of. the Grand Island High school graduated last night , the exercises taking place before a vast audience at the Barhenbach opera house. It was the twelfth annual commencement. The stage was very prettily decorated with flowers and- plants. The following are the graduates : Lulu' Hurley , Josephine Cleary , Frederick Wlllard , Janet Boyd , Margaret Egge , Eliz abeth Dall , Jesse Wagner and Margaret E. Brown. HASTINGS , 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) Tne annual promotion exercises of the Hastings city schools were held last night at Dutton hall. The audience present was the largest , probably , that over crowded Into the room , and many were turned away at the door. The exercises were enjoyable , and reflected much credit on the youtUful participants. t . „ . Tonight the annual commencement exer cises were held In the opera house. The graduating class was composed of Myrtle Brown , John D. Fuller , Philip Fuller , Bertha Harlocker , Lucy Hakes , Edith Lamp- son , Etta Lampson , Arthur Palmer , Roy Stone , May Wanzer and Ruth Wilson. NEMAHA CITY , Neb. , June 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) The opera house was crowded to Its utmost' capacity last nlght by those desiring to witness the commencement ex ercises of the High school. A large num ber came late and had to return homo , being unable to get even standing room. The class of ' 94 was composed of four , two young ladles and two young gentlemen , Charlie Howe , Miss Mellio Mlnlck , Charlie Woodward and Miss Nina Moore. Rev. M. M. Geode of St. Joseph , Mo. , delivered the class address , which was a masterpiece of eloquence and advice. D. A. Morton , president of the Board of Education , pre * sented the diplomas. Misses Maude Mlnlck , Bertha Skeen and Mary Chamberlain and Messrs. E. L. and Frank Argabrlgfit furnished delightful music. The board is so well pleased with the present corps of teachers Prof , and Mrs. J. H. Veeder and Miss May Brooks that they will be retained another year If possible. , HUBBELL , Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to The pee. ) The graduating exercises of the High school were held at the opera hall this even ing and a large number of persons from the surrounding country and towns In close prox imity came hero to witness them. The grad uates bedecked the hall with festoons , flowers and bunting. The following is the class of ' 94 : Miss Alcrta Klsslck , Miss Ro- sepha Edwards , Miss Dorcas Crlley , Miss Olive Kelso , George Edwards , Miss Emlllne Uenjamln and Miss Harriet Roderick. NORFOLK , Neb. , June 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) Prof. Fltzpatrlck of Omaha delivered to the graduating class of the High school last evening the annual address. The lec ture was an Intellectual treat from start to finish , being listened to by an appreciative audience. ORLEANS. Neb. , Juno 1. ( Special to The Bee. ) Tlio closing exercises of Orleans col lege for the current year began this evening with a muslcale. Saturday evening the Oro- phlllan society will render an excellent pro gram. Sunday morning Rev. John Thomas of Beaver City will deliver the annual ser mon. Sunday evening Rev. I. F. Lusk of Ravenna will make the annual address. Monday morning Rev. J. W. Longworth of Wallace will deliver the annual lecture , and In the evening there will bo a recital. Tues day evening the cantata , "Esther , " will be rendered. WAVnRLY , Neb. . June 1. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The flrst graduating exercises of the Camp Creek school district. No. 23 , occurred hero this even ing. Although the opera house was crowded to overflowing and crowds outside gazed Into and listened at the open windows , yet the most perfect order and attention was given to the exercises , which lasted over two hours , consisting of essays by the graduates , declamations , dialogues , class recitations and bongs. A beautiful scrap album was pre sented by the school to Miss Jennie Baln- brldge , the young lady who was Injured wlille playing at school some few months ago , this being her flrst appearance since that time. The graduates were : Misses Helen Balnbrldge , Ida M. and Emma J. Penn , It was pronounced the finest exhibition of talent and most successful entertainment ever witnessed In the district. The fourth graduating exercises of the Waverly schools occurred here In the Meth odist Episcopal church this evening. An In teresting program was rendered. M'COOK. Neb. , June 1. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The closing exercises of the McCook public schools took place this evening. The class of twelve showed that they had faithfully applied themselves. Mrs. Alice K. Goudy , deputy state superintendent , was present , and she was more than pleased with the work done by McCook schools , sayIng - Ing that they were second to none In the state. QIBBON , Neb. , June 1. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The opera house was filled to Its utmost capacity tonight to witness the commenc mont exercises of the Gibbon graded scnool. There were three graduates , Schuyler Evans , Lucy George and Ella Flora. Each delivered an oration , which , In both matter iuid manner , was a credit to both pupils and teachers. The floral tributes were very profuse. WYMORE , Neb. . June 1 , ( Special Telegram - gram to Tie Bee. ) Commencement exercises MfiirTHE MORSE DRY Spot Casli Sale u tf OUR * SPOT CASH SAIiE ! makes our stores the foremost money-saving trading place , We announce prices cut to make it a benej/or / , { : you to spend your time and money here today. .j Gratjcl offering i > oUr Cloak ad. Sliifc For Saturday. June 2. Ladles' flno laundered or untaundered waists frco Saturday with every suit pur chased , * * * i * We have tlio largest line and .beat , assorted suits In the city. , 'Our prices are" lower than the Ion cat. Pine duck suits $3.38 , and a waist tree. Flno duck suits $1.48 ? and a waist tree. Fine duck suits J4-89. and a waist free , . Fine duck suits { 4.03 , and a waist free. t- Ladles' all wool suits , $7.50 , { or 31.98 , and a waist free. Ladles' all wool suits , $10.00 , ( or $7.50 , and > * a waist free. Ladles' all wool suits , $14.00 , for $9.98 , and a waist free. Ladles' all wool suits , $16.00 , for $12.00 , and a waist free. ; , Ladles' all wool su\U , $17.00 , for $13.00 , ' and a waist free. , . Ladles' all wool suits , $18.00 , for $14.00 , and a waist free. Ladles' all wool suits $22.00 , for $15.00 , i i and a waist free. Ladles' all wool suits , $25.00 , for $18.00 , and a waist free. Your choice of our entire line of wash waists free with every suit purchased. . For Saturday wo offer you your choice of our $5.00 Jackets for $1.75 , , , For Saturday wo offeJrr , bu your choice of our $10.00 Jackets forl$5io5. i ' i For Saturday we offer you your choice of I ! ' it our $15.00 Jackets for fftSO. ' / n I . LADIES' HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. Ladles' Egyptian cotton vests , regular 25o quality , SATURDAY FOR 110. Ladles' Ilslo thread Vests , ecruo and white , regular 40o quality , SATURDAY F051 230. Ladles' pure silk vests. $1.23 quality , SATURDAY FOR 48C. Ladles' Egyptian Ilslo union suits , regu lar $1.50 quality , SATURDAY FOR 980. Ladles' illk and Ilslo union suits at MUCH I1ELOW COST. Boys' Airee thread bicycle hose , double knee , heel and toe , regular 40c quality , SATURDAY FOR 230. Ladles' fast black seamless hose , regular ! 0c quality , SATURDAY FOR 11C. Ladles' flno seamless tan hose , regular 20c quality. SATURDAY FOR 90. Ladles' fine lisle thread hose , with drop stitch , regular 60c quality. SATURDAY FOR 350. Ladles' flno mace cotton hose , fast black , flouble sole , heel fcnd toe , regular 76c quality , 'SATURDAY FOR 4sc. Ladles' flno hemstitch Initial handker chief , actual vnltto 20c , SATURDAY 3 FOR 25C. Men's colored hemstitched and colored center handkerchief , latest designs , regu lar 25c quality , SATURDAY FOR 110. BOYS' CLOTHING. Black sateen waists , regular 75c quality , SATURDAY FOR 37WC. Wash flannel suits , regular $1.00 quality , SATURDAY FOR $1.00. Boys' all wool pants , $1.23 quality , SATURDAY FOR 890. Men's $1:50 : , Monarch shirts , made of color - or < ! d percale , SATURDAY FOR 9SC. Mcn'c 20c tan lioso , SATURDAY FOR 12MJC. Men's S5o undershirts , % SATURDAY FOR 18C. Men's 35c suspenders , SATURDAY'FOR 230. TOILET ARTICLES AND NOTIONS. Florida water , 13c. 1'ozzonls complexion ponder , 25c. Tctlow's complexion powder , 20e. Swan's down complexion powder , 7c. Benzoin lotion , 35c. Almond meal , IBc. Calder's tooth powder , 19c. Vcnnard tooth paste , . 19c. White rose soap , 36o box. La Parlsienne soap , 21c box. Fisher's root beer , 17c. Shaded crochet cotton , 3c. Dress'stays , 7c dozen. Twin dress stays , 9c dozen. Hooks and eyes , Ic. Darning cotton , Ic. Velveteen facing , Gc. Pins nnd silvered tray , 8c. Hair pins , Ic. . Black pins , Ic. Gilt and silvered Invisible hair pins , lOc. Chemisettes , 15c. Pink and blue collars , 9c. Pink and "blue collar and cuffs , 2oc. Fancy ruchlng , 5c. Shelt'halr pins , 8c dozen. Velvet dress hlelds , 12c. Paris satin dress shields , 15c. Curling Irons , 3c. Canvas belts , 5c. Gowns , corset covers and drawers In good muslin , trimmed with lace , regular 76c goods , Saturday fo.41c. . Gowns made of best muslin , neatly trimmed with hemstitch and embroidery , regular $1.00 goods , Saturday for 51c. Gowns skirts and drawers of fine cambric , elaborately trimmed , $1.35 quality , Saturday for S7c , Children's gingham dresses , regular $1.25 quality , Saturday for S9c. Children's silk and mull bonnets at much undercoat. Fine summer ventilated corsets , regular 75c quality , Saturday for 41c. C. B. summer corsets , fast black , regular $1.25 quality , Saturday for S9c. Children's waists , tape fastened to but tons , regular 35c goods , Saturday for 19c. LADIES' CAPES. Our $3.00 capes for $1.50. Our $5.00 capes for $2.38. Our $7.50 capes for $3.75. Our $10.00 capes for $5.00. In addition to the above \ > o place on snlo Saturday morning a large line of ladles' sul s which we bought for 33Vi per cent off manufacturers' prices. FOR SPOT CASH. We offer them at as much off the regular retail prices pricesLACE LACE DEPARTMENT. An elegant line of butter colored Bourdon Insertion , regular prices 30c and 35c , Satur day at 15c yard. An elegant line of butter colored and ecru laces from 5 to 12 inches wide , Saturday at below cost. A line of butter colored Insertions , actual value up to 2oc , prlco for Saturday DC. An elegant line of Point Dot Paris Inser tions , special price for Saturday , BELOW COST , IOC. Children's Bicycle Hose , Seamless Fast Black , 9c. At 3:00 : P. M , Ladies' . ' Seamless Hose , No , 16 All Silk Moire Ribbon 9c. Fine Dress Sateen , Regular soc Value , lOc. Best 40c French- Sateen , 25c. Fine Hemstitched Scalloped and Em broidered Handk'fs 5c. All Silk Baby Ribbon One Dozen for 3c. ORSE GOODS CO. 'Were Tield at the opera house , tonight. Patrons of the school anil visitors filled the room to overflowing. The three graduates , John R. Hook , Aletta Neff and Luella M. Neff , acquitted themselves with credit. Prof. Chatburn ma'de his farewell address , and spoke of the need * of the school In the future. Ho then Introduced his -successor. Prof. E. C. Grubbs , who made an Interesting address. ' Good music , fine boating , Courtland beach. AFFAIBS AT SOTJXH OMAHA. Arrangement * to Celebrate tlio Fourth Uall Players Hurt. ' There was an enthusiastic meeting of South Omaha merchants and citizens at The 'Bee ' office , In the Singer 'block , last night to take steps to celebrate the glorious Fourth In this city in a manner that would draw the largest crowd the city has seen for years. John Flynn was chosen chairman and J. A. Hall secretary. A motion prevailed that the chair appoint a committee of fifteen to take charge of the affair. This committee will appoint subcommittees , and the work of getting ready will commence at once. The committee Is composed of John F. Rltchhart , F. A. Cressey. E. J. Seykora , Frank Broadwell , Jake Jaskalek , Charles Bcarr , Bert Sage , Joe Kopetz , George Dare , E. O. Mayfleld , J. M. Tanner , Ed T. Johnson , Thomas Hector , J. S. Walters and James Hayes. The committee will meet at The Bee office this evening at 8 o'clock and appoint all of the subcommittees. _ Dull 1'liiyertt Hurt. Two of the young men who were to play ball with the Stockman team today were knocked out , and as a consequence there will be no contest today. 'The accident happened at Twenty-sixth and D streets. A number of the boys who were to play In today's game were out on the commons practicing. A. J. Caughey of the Stockman knocked out a fly , which was to be the last for the day. John Klncane and Frank Richardson both started , to got under the ball. They were running fast and looking up. Neither knew that the other was coming , and when the men came together the result was serious. Richardson's forehead struck Klncano on the mouth and nose. The boys both fell , and It was an hour before Klncane knew where he was. Mr. Richardson was also badly stunned. They were taken Into Mr. John Owen's residence and Dr. Shlndel attended them. Two hours after the accident the men were token home , but It will be some time before either of them will care U > tackle base ball. Klncane was more seriously In jured than Mr. Richardson , and It is yet feared ho Is hurt Internally. Two Prisoner * Charles Lewis andTom Johnson , both charged with being s'4sHclous characters , broke Jail yesterday ndjjaro still at large , These men were arreatedj , several days ago and were being hole } mntll their records could be looked Into byQ ) ( et Brennan. They claimed that they werenifrt given enough to eat and demanded an > ilw > medlato hearing. When the Jailer opqned the room where these fellows have , been kept they -were missing. The men made their escape by prying apart two Iron i bars that cover the window. The hole dona , not look as though a large man could squteae through It. but the other prisoners 'cayl that Lewis and Johnson went through- ' s sleek as an eel. No effort will bemadi > jLoubring them back to South Omaha. ' ' Arranged fqr ( hlioot. The South Omaha Gun club "held a meeting last night. The committee on grounds asked for further Mine and It was granted. Ono thousand targets will bo purchased at once and the flrst shoot will take place June 10. The club will iUrt ) off with a membership of thirty. Another meeting will bo held next Tuesday nlsht , when a permanent or ganization will be effected. La Rose Bros. , the celebrated acrobats , give two exhibitions at Courtland beach every day , afternoon and .evening. Axe of Itetrenchment. t The official axe baa fallen In the city en gineer's department In obedience to the recent action of the council , and four of the employes have been notified that their services will not bo required any longer. The victims of the retrenchment axe arc Engineers Charles G. Carpenter and John Cowles , and Rodmen Ed P. Donahue and W. D. McKay. o Delightful entertainments at Courtland beach ; lOc admits to all , day and evening. The advance sale of seats for "Ermlnie , " to be given at Boyd's this afternoon , was very large. The management will serve Ice creatn to all who attend. Tonight "The Bohemian Girl" will be given for the last time. Awarded Contracts. At the regular meeting of the Board of Public Works yesterday afternoon the con tracts were let for grading the alley be tween Charleu and Hamilton streets from Twenty-qlxth to Twenty-seventh street , nnd for permanent sidewalks. Henry Hall was the successful bidder on the former contract nt 17i cents per cubic yard. The bidding was very close for the side walk contract. The lowest on artificial Btone were Kntz & Co. and Ford & Connolly nelly , who tied on 16 cents per square foot. They Hipped up a dollar to see who should Bet the contract and Ford & Connolly won. The contract for natural stone was given to J. E. Hlfey as the lowest bidder. The pay roll wns approved and a number ol estimates allowed. A Now Hind of Insurance. For 25 cents you can Insure yourself and family against any bad results from an at tack of bowel complaint during the summer. Ono or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy will cure any ordinary case. It never falls , and Is pleas ant and safe to take. No one can afford to be without It. For sale at 25 cents per bottle tle , by all druggists. Another Milk Cusp. Several days ago Peter Nelson and M. F. Elmburg were arrested by Inspector Hurst for violating the milk ordinance. When their cases were called in police court yesterday the milkmen wanted to settle by paying for the license. This was agreed to and the case was held ope- , while Nelson repaired to the Hoard of Health rooms to get the required document. In a short ime he returned nnd told the court that the board had no license blanks and therefore could not Issue a license. In order to allow the board time to get some piUitlng done both cases were con tinued ten days. Balloon aicenslon , Courtland beach tonight. Ilyilrnpholiln from the lilte of n Hat. GUTHRIE , Okl. , June 1. Ten days ago Melville Glover , Justice of the peace and a prominent farmer living southwest of here , was bitten by a rat In his wheat bin. The blto scarcely drew blood. In two days he was taken sick and Is now a raving maniac. The doctors pronounce It hydrophobia. The excitement has driven his wife crazy , and It takes all the men of the neighborhood to care for them. o , Complaint uf KloMitor Conductor * . The elevator conductors held a meeting Thursday night In room C01 , New York Life building. One application for mem bership wns received. Complaint was made that a few of the proprietors \\ere now employing boys to run elevators , which la contrary to law , nnd the .Central Labor union will be asked to enforce thu law wherever It la being violated. DoWltt's Little Early Risers. Small pills , eatn pills , best pills. Balloon ascension , Courtland beach tonight. . JtltKriTlKH The Maxwell court martial has adjourned and Lieutenant Maxwell left last night for St. Paul to attend the Maney trial. A special meeting of the city council was held last night for the purpose of passing the monthly salary appropriation. The only change proposed In the appropriation was an Increase in the salary of the park super intendent from $125 to $150 per month. This was not allowed. Balloon ascension. Courland beach tonight. They Are T , ' ' ' , COMING IN CROWDS TO THE Manufacturer's of CLOTHING at 1512 DOUGLAS Street and Nowhere Else. i : Where we not only sell this clothing , made by one of the best manufacturers on earth , at less than half retail prices now in vogue in regular clothing houses here , but for less thanJiaH the cost of making : An elegant cheviot suit , worth SO to $3 , 2.OO tomorrow . A fine dark ofTcct cassimoro suit , worth 3.SO $8 and 810 . Worth four times as much. A strictly all wool blue diagonal sack suit , ordinarily the consumer will pay $10.00 A flno cassimoro suit , light shades , salt nnd popper olIcctB , strictly all wool ; if you can find any suit in town to match it for $10.00vo , will pivo it to you. . . . Light colored suits in plain , tan , grayer or brown Bhadod , in straight or round cut , cost to make S'J.OO , go Friday for. 200 clay worsted , genuine Imported suits that cost to manufacture $12.00 ; you 7. can buy ono or all at 67.00 a suit . 1250 light colored worsted suits In eight dilTorent ehndos , that ccbt to manufao turo $14.00 ; you can buy ono or all at. . HENRY WILLIS , Manager. A proofs Uromo-Oeieig. pUnJU cnrctlro s ut for NerromorSl-.k udMha , Urnln liihuuitlon , UleeplMineu , ocUl or n ner l Neuralgia ! ) oor HIiKO- im , flout , KlJnn pisorJnri. Acid l > lt- a. Anarml * . Antldoto for Alooholu nd o thar OIUUMM. rrioo,10 , 3ondCOc aU. CJCflerftioonU CHEMICAL CO. IBIS. Wftttem y t < . CHICAGO Vof ale by all druggUto. Notice. Sealed bids will bo received until Monday , Juno 11 , 1KII , for the extension of Bteain hcatlnir apparatus for the itecond atory of brick school In district No. 71 , JDawes county , Nebraska , according to plans and npucltlcallonB now on tile In tliu olllce of the moderator , C , K. Kills. JKANNUTTU tUCUKIjrnj. Director , Crawford , Neb.