THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JUNE 2 , 1891 THEOMAHA 1)At LY HER E. nOBBWATEIt , Editor. ruHU8inr : > r.vnnv MOIININO. ov sungenii'TioN. Pally llee ( without Sundny ) , On Year W Jlnllr nnd Humlny , Ono Year ' Hlx Month * > Three Month * < Hundiiy Ilee , Una Yenr . . .M. flilurdny life. One Yeir Weekly lice , Ona Ycnr. , i/niniiij Thl IlPO HulHInif. . o , N nnd Twenty-fourth Hi * , Houth Omnlm , corner fnunell lllufru , 12 1'enrl utrect. nilcnen Olllce. 317 ninmher of Cnmmcres. New York. Itoonn 13 , II nnd 13. Trlbuno llldg. Wn hlnston. HOT F direct , N. W. All communlcntlnn * relntlnj ? to iew * n lorlnl mnttcr nhould nddrewd : To the Ixll iiusiNnsd MJTTuns. All ImnlnesK tellers nnd lemlttnnce * rtiouM b ddreB e < l ID The Hen I'tllillshlnic compnny , Omnlm. Urnft , chcchd nnd ixntoniCfl onlent lo bo m do paynlile lo the order of th eoVJ1VX * TIII3 llin : I'UIII.IfilllNO COMPANY STATIMINT ov OIIWUI ATION. RC II. Tzuchuch , m-clelnry or The lloo l'iib dns compnny. Iwnln duly n rn. my * tlmt the ncttml numlier or full nnd cnmplclu conlo * of TIIIJ Dnlly MornlnK. I5 cnln nnrt Sunday floe print * ) ! durln the month nf Mny. HU * ns im f" " 2 22,716 3 W.SSIt 21.4'JS 4 ' B f. . . 22.10) ) 21 . . 22 > ' 21 . 23.122 7 , 2S.4I , 2 ( 22.14' . ' 8 22.CII 21. , " 222' ' 9 > . 22.7211 2- 22,214 10 21fWl fi 22,711 ' 2IOI' II 22 SSI 27 12 L. 23.210 it. . . . 22311 11,030 2AH1 13 - , 14 22.n73 30 22a-l 55 22.122 31 . 2J.077 10 22,879 Totnl i701'1" Jei s deductions for unsold nnd returni-d Totnl sold "Ji'fi Dnlly nvernge net rlrculntlon _ .i J Huhdtiy. anoiion n. TSMCHUCK. Btvorn to Ijeforc tno nnd suhsrrllxil In my P'c ' - enie tills 2d day f Junf , 1S9I , ( tteal. ) N. I' . 1T.IU Notary Public. IJqtwecn floods nnd strikes the people of Colorado are having a hard row to hoe. The political pot Is beginning to boll and Jt will get to boiling over within a few weeks. There Is a senatorial hen on. Senator Allen seems to bo getting all the tariff concessions from the democrats that , Jio asks for. Dettor ask for a few more. Thu report of the Nebraska State Board of Transportation contains only eighty-seven pages , whereas former reports have been padded to the extent of GOO pages. How the state printer must have wept ! If , wo are to have street cleaning wo must .have street cleaning Inspection. To abolish the Inspector and let the street cleaning bo done by the contractor Just as may suit him would bo a piece of economy at the wrong end * Tlo predicted fall of the Rosebory minis try has not yet occurred , nnd the latest votes In the House of Commons Indicate > that It has not suffered any loss of strength. The political prophets In England will have to guess again. Delegates to the free silver democratic conference to be held In this city the lat- .ter port of this month will have to bring credentials showing that they have a better standing , In the party than the cbnoxlous six-year democrats. Mr. Martlri ot Missouri boasts'that ho has n pull on the chief of police nnd members of the commission . that enables him to dominate the burnt , district. Mr. Martin must let go his pull or the decent people of Omaha will want to know the reason why. That docking rule In the house of repre sentatives will have to stand the blame for a great many' unkept congressional engage ments. It offers the most convenient excuse - , cuso a congressman could wish and Is already being subjected to some pretty hard service. The new French ministry makes a. clear and conclso declaration of policy to mark Its inauguration Into office. Dut all new min ' .1 . istries start out with good promises. They can only be judged after waiting to learn whether their promises are of any value when measured by their works. The execution of special police order No. IS should have been entrusted to that same merltrlclous pair. Sergeants Haze and Sign-art. Their efficient work on a prevlono Blmllr.r occasion ought to have distinguished them as the only men on the force capable of'performing this service satisfactorily. The senate bribery Investigating committee Is getting along superbly. It has had the vice president make certification under the Jaw pf 1857 , dug up anew , ot the newspaper correspondents who have refused to dlvulgo the source of their Information , A requisi tion ( or a pot ot whitewash la order. If the city Is going Into the business of manufacturing Us own electric lighting It must not stop there. The consumers ot commercial lights require relief from ex tortionate prices nlmoat as badly as the city , A city plant must have capacity to fcupply commercial lights as well as public street lights. Hascall , Wheeler and Holmes nro about to solve the question of truant electric currents In water mains and gas pipes. If any Institution of learning Is In need of a professor ot electrical engineering we com mend ono ot the trio to the earnest con sideration of the persons upon whom the cholco devolves. Judge Caldwoll's decision In the Union Pacific wage schedule controversy naturally came In for public commendation In the resolutions of the delegates from the various railway employes' associations recently as sembled In Now York. The railway men will not soon overlook such an oisls In the desert of adverse decisions. Chicago papers are raising a great hubbub over the action of the striking minors In Interfering with the movement of the coal trains on Illinois railroads. Such lawless ness Is most certainly to bo unreservedly condemned , but what about the seizures of private coal consignments by the railroads thcinsolvoiT Wo have not seen any pretest - test against these lawless acts In Chicago papers. Is It because In these cases a different ox wad gored ? We trust not , It Is gratifying to learn that Oinnha Is In , an excellent position compared with other cities to weather the coal famine , pro vided , ot course , that It is not protracted beyond many weeks. Oiualm has not yet suffered materially from the effects of the coal minors' atrlku , although numerous other places have been compelled to watch their facturlsi anil work shops close down , It li to bo hoped that the trouble will have blown over bulora Omaha' * coal lupply shall have boon exhsuntcd , TIIK Cl'lMINATINH ATHWl'1'V. Senator Shermnn Raid In his speech on the tariff bill that the culminating atrocity ot that measure U free wool , No defender of the pending bill Ima offered a single sound reason or argument for the destructive as sault on the American wool Industry that Is Involved In putting wool on the free Itxt. That Industry In ono ot the most Important In the country. There Is Invested In It the enormous sum ot over $500,000,000 , whllo half a million people nro employed In carrying It on. There Is annually expended for labor In this Industry not far from $100,000,000. The amount ot wool produced annually In this country Is about 360,000,000 pounds , and the annual consumption a little over 000,000,000 pounds , so that wo Import nearly 200,000,000 pounds n year. Under the protection given this Industry down to 1883 It experienced a 'steady nnd largo growth. A serious check to the progress of the Industry wan given by the reduction of duties in 1883 , but with the restoration ot n portion of these duties by the McKlnley law such nn Impetus was given to the wool growing Industry that the yield again Increased at a rapid rate. The Increase was from 310,000,000 pounds In 1891 to SCO- 000,000 In 1893 , nnd It Is believed that If the prcsfcnt protection wcrd continued the pro duction at the close of the century would reach 630,000,000 pounds , or nn amount some what In excess of the present consumption. Since the advent of the democratic party to power the price of sheep nnd wool has suffered n considerable decline. According to authentic ngures the 15,000,000 of sheep In the United States on Janudry t , 1893 , were Worth , In round numbers , ? HO,000,000 , whllo on January 1 , 1801 , tholr value was only $89,000,000 , a decline In ono year of $57,000- 000 , duo chlolly to the democratic threat to put wool on the free list. The wool product of the world has been growing rapidly during the last twenty years. That of the Argentine Republic has nearly doubled and now ex ceeds the production ot this country. That of Australia has moro than doubled slnco 1870 , nnd Is now not far from twice the amount produced In the United States. , In Asia the wool product has doubled In twenty years , ' wfllle It has largely Increased In Rus sia and France. Remove the protection to the American wool Industry und leave it to the unrestricted competition of the wool of Australia andr Argentina and other countries which produce n surplus , nnd It Is perfectly certain that the effect upon the Industry here must bo disastrous. Then , Instead of Importing 300,000.000 pounds of wool , ns wo have been doing , we would be compelled to Import double that amount to meet our de mand , for consumption. For the great sacri fice of capital and labor this would Involve , who except the foreign producers would bo benefited ? Can there bo any doubt that as soon as this state of things was accomplished the price ot foreign wool would bo ad vanced to a figure largely beyond that now paid for American wool ? According to the estimate ot the department of agriculture the total number of sheep In the world Is 531,000,000 , ofyhlch this country has about 9 per cent. The total product of wool In the world Is about 2,500,000,000 - an nually , and this about equals the world's demand. Destroy the Industy In this coun try , which supplies over one-eighth of the total , and the effect must bo to Increase the price ot the remainder. With this Increase tho'prlce ot every woolen garment would ba advanced. i The states of the middle west and the Pacino coast are profoundly concerned In this matter , for the destruction' of the wool Industry In these sections would bo a tre mendous blow to their prosperity California has Invested in sheep some $75,000,000 , giv ing employment to over 80,000 peoplo. In Oregon and Utah the Industry Is carried an upon an extensive scale , and It Is Important In Washington , Idaho and Montana. It Is a valuable Industry In other states west of the Mississippi nnd onp which the people of these states earnestly desire shall bo maintained and Increased. It Is ppctlnenUto nsk , why should the wool producers ot- , America be compelled to compote with the cheap labor , the cheap rents and the cheap production of foreign countries ? Why compel-our people ple to compete with this character of labor In South America , In Australia , in Russia , Turkey and Asia ? A policy that proposes to do this cannot bo Justified upon any ground of necessity or expediency or upon any sound economic principle. Senator Sherman was not extravagent In characterizing i free .wool as the culminating atrocity of the demo cratic tariff bill. ' TUB 1'ItESlDKXT DISl'bEASKD. There Is nothing Incredible In the state ment ot the Was'llnBton ' correspondent of the Now York Herald that Mr. Cleveland Is displeased with the way In which the tariff bill has been bungled In the senate and tainted with suspicion * of jobbery and cor ruption. It Is hardly concelvuble that the measure as It now stands can have the ap proval ot the president , assuming that ho has any clear Idea of what a tariff bill ought to bo. Not only Is the pending measure full ot glaring Inconsistencies and evldoncoi of the Incompetence of the men who framed It , but It Is admitted on all hands to bo entirely out ot harmony with the tariff plank ot the democratic platform. It Is true that Mr , Cleveland did not endorse that plank. On the contrary ho made It perfectly plain In accepting the nomination of the conven tion that ho was not In sympathy with Us letter or Its spirit. Ho did not subscribe to the absurd doctrine that the policy of pro tection to American Industrie * Is unconsti tutional. Dut the president' expected a revision ot the tariff that would at least bo consistent In Us details and would fairly rettcct the reform Idea cf which ho had be come the loading exponent , The pending bill reflects nothing except the lack , ot a definite economic policy , the willingness of certain democrats to subordinate principle to local Interest , and the sectional Influence that domlnate-j the party In control of con gress. As to the suspicions of corruption and jobbery there seems to bo warrant for them , but this may trouble the mind ot the president less than the apprehension that his administration will not get the credit of having given the country a tariff policy In harmony with the Cleveland idea. Cor- talnly the pending bill doi j not contemplate such a policy as that Idea Is commonly understood. Whether or not Mr. Cleveland shall , decide to let the public know of his displeasure Is probably not now of great Importanca , It 13 very questionable whether bis doing so would have any Influence with the demo cratic senators who hove committed thom- tolves to the tariff bill as It stands , some of them , It has been assumed , with the under standing that the measure would bo ap proved by the president. It might have some effect on democrats In the house , some of whom have already expressed their de termination' to antagonize portions of the senate bill , but It is hardly to bo tupposed that anything the president might say would Induce congress to enter upon another gen eral revision of the bill. The desire of most of the democrats U to got through with the consideration of the metiurc as soon n possible , so Hint they may go homo nnd take care of their political Interests , Secretary Carlisle U made to bear the ro. sponilblllty for much of the senate tariff lilll In Its present form , and ho wilt need tc make n very strong and clear defense tc MVO his political reputation from being Hcrlouily damaged. Meanwhile the republi cans will find encouragement In any manifes tation of displeasure the president may make. Some of them still entertain the hope of being able to defeat tariff legisla tion , and the greater the dissatisfaction and division In the democratic ranks the bettor the chance ot accomplishing this. K 1'llK STAVKS , The revelations concerning the Iniquities practiced upon the denizens of the burnt district call for energetic repressive action on the part of our authorities , While every thoughtful and Intelligent citizen who has given the subject any attention must con cede ttat | public morals jnd good govern ment are promoted moro effectively by con fining the ( octal evil within a separate dis trict , the levying of extortionate rents by greedy landlords Is a monstrous wrong to an unfortunate class. And when ono man becomes the owner of nine-tenths of the disorderly resorts of vice and Is allowed to domineer with an Iron rod by the aid and co-operation of the police the com munity tolerate ) n slavery more degrading than was the bondage of the African In the south before the war. The slave driver at least hr.d some regard for the health and comfort ot his human chattel. The death of n likely negro man or woman en tailed a loss of from $800 to $1,200 upon Us owner , nnd where the death was caused by cruelty on the part of a lessee he was obliged to reimburse the owner for his loss. Our man Martin does not wield the lash and cannot torture his slaves to death , but he can force them to contribute from the earnings of vice so long ns they nro In Jicalth and throw thorn into the gutter pen niless or force them Into Jail by the con venient help of the police. A more , horrible rible state of affairs can scarcely bo Im agined than are the tyrannical exactions of $3 a day In advance-from wretched women ' who occupy mere hovels and nro loft to a cholco between freezing and starvation , or a life of shame. The miserable tenements for which Martin gets $3 , a 'day or $1,100 a year would not rent In the moit respectable resldenco quarters for moro than $3 a week. And when the stock ot female slaves runs down others are Imported from abroad or driven within the pale , which practically means cast Into-slavery on Mar tin's municipal plantation. ' There certainly must bo some way for breaking "up Martin's monopoly by the officers ot the law. Some means must be devised by humane men and women in Omaha to break the shackles of Martin's slaves. A QUESTION OF VROl'lllKTY. When Senator Allen asked Senator Hill on Tuesday whether he believed that a sena tor could speculate In sugar stock without having his vote on the tariff bill Influenced by that Investment the latter replied that Senator Allen was confounding the legal question with the question of propriety. Thp substance of that colloquy was to the effect that a senator had a perfect legal right to become personally interested In matters about which he Is called upon to legislate , and that he is doing nothing that violates the laws jwhen ho uses his position as a member of the senate to assist him In his flnanplal ventures. So long as he does , not accept what can be construed Into n di rect bribe ho can keep himself within the bounds of law , nnd there Is little doubt In the minds of those who claim to be in- fcrmed that if the senate committee that is now investigating the charges of the exercise of undue Influence upon the senators whose votes have determined the proposed tariff policy of the country were able to get at all the facts. It would uncover more' offenses against senatorial propriety than any' ones has as yet dared intimate. There are moro ways than one. ot commU. ting these breaches of propriety without subjecting the Interested party to the ne. cesslty of violating any.speelfic Jaw. The usually careful Washington correspondent of the Chicago Record says that the Inves tigating committee has gotten to a point where It seems advisable for It to stop if Its members are to retain their peace ot mind. They are said to have discovered some new and unexpected leads , which , followed up , might make several people high In .official tireles exceedingly uncomfortable. If th line of senatorial propriety is rather loosely drawn for the senators themselves It be comes almost too faint for detection with some of their near relatives , and soon dis appears altogether. The wives ot the sen ators and representatives residing at ono of ( ho leading Washington hotels are said to have , entered a pool and cleared from $5,000) ) to $ C,000 each on the rlso in Sugar trust certificates under the guidance of an ac commodating friend , And ono of the mem bers of the pool was the wlfo of one of the cabinet officers , who , whether with or without her husband's knowledge , carried off her share of the profits without having advanced any of the margins Or taken any of the risk. The son of a certain member of the cabinet , the private secretary of an other , and the nephew of a certain senator , who Is almost constantly with his uncle and Is said to carry his pocketbook , are also , according to the Record correspondent , "mentioned as having studied the tape so continuously while the sugar stock was on the rlso that there was fear lest they might Injure their eyesight. " It the surrender of our public officials to corrupt influences such as these Is at present only a question of propriety It Is high time that It were made a question ot legality. A judge who should venture to adjudicate n case In which he was notoriously ono of the parties or who should allow his friends or relatives to speculate upon an advance no tice of .what his decision In some Im portant suit was to bo would bo a fit subject for Impeachment. The same offense by members of congress differs only In degree. If our senators and representa tives have such a lax sense of propriety or care so little for It as Ihcso numerous stories Indicate they should have tholr consciences strengthened by some timely legislation. T o republican party cannot allow Itself to become entangled by free coinage 1C to 1 sophistry. The republican party Is com mitted to honest money and that means money that will pass current for 100 cents on the dollar and every dollar as good as any other dollar , whether gold , silver or paper. Free coinage at 16 to 1 simply means a Mex ican currency and a shrinkage In the volume ot money by the expulsion of all the gold coin In the country and a foreclosure of all the mortgages held by foreign capitalists , who naturally would Insist on getting their pay In money ot the same quality as that which they loaned , Free coinage on a basis Inwhich gold and silver would bo paired on the bails of actual vnluo In the world's market - kot , * would bo u good thins , but It would take on International'ifgrccment la keep the two metals together if a ) lxd ratio. There Is moro irrttrnnesa connected with the dotectlvo department under Haze than there was lost yi'P'ir'bt the Douglas county jail. Hut Mr. HnzuTolnlnts that hu has n pull with the ctrturMssfdn nnd therefore cannot bo dislodged. This thing has gone about far enouglf. Th6 detective force should bo disbanded and thu police force reorganized. The t | conimlsslon has had ample time to inornate over the detective scardals and If they contlnuo to Ignore the matter much lonCTB'lhe * suspicion that the 'commission Is controlled by fear of some unsavory exposure will be confirmed. Iho attention of Assessor CosgroVc of the Third ward Is Invited to the discrepancy between the enormous rental Values ot property In the burnt district nnd Its valua tion on the assessment roll. When n piece of property which rents nt $400 n month Is assessed nt $2,500 while store buildings which rent for $80 a'month are assessed at from $3,000 to $6,000 there U n striking discrepancy that calls for un explanation. Twn-XhrilK | Might. Qlobc-Dcmocrnt. Expert arithmetic men have figured out that the senate fnrlrt bill will reduce the McKlnley duties one-third. So McKlnley was two-thirds right according to his friends , the enemy. ChlcnRo Ilecord. A Frenchman named Turpln has excited the wrath of the French government by soiling the secret of some terrible' explosive to the Triple Alliance. It would seem that the French ought to have been deeply grateful to him for not adding another to the list of explosives already In use at home. Tlin JtomiUfH at Trust. Springfield Republican. A cracker trust hns been holding a meetIng - Ing- out In Indiana. It Is said to Include most of the large cracker manufacturers cast ot the Mississippi river , and they nro managing to hold up the price , notwith standing a great reduction In the cost of HOUR A 20 per cent tariff helps them. Tlie farmer Is paying about the same price for crackers as he did when he got nearly twice ns muph for hla wheat and that Is one of the , things which Is making popu lists of the wheat growers. _ - o - The Ilatmicratln Traitors. New York Sun. We hear a cry of "traitor" throughout the length nnd breadth or the democratic press. When names are called , since his recent speech Senator Gorman's name has led all the rest , with Ilrlce , Murphy , Me- Pherson , Smith nnd Caffery' almost on a par. The failure of congress to pass a bill according- the democratic platform constitutes the treachery. Treachery there has been surely , on a colossal scale , even for the extravagant Imagination of this wide country. Thu trouble was born In the white house and began with the first mes sage President Cleveland sent to congress when meeting In Its regular session , o Far-FotchPil hrimtorlnl Courtesy. New York Tribune. The courtesy of the senate is n fine old phrase , with a flavor of crusty port and long-kept Madeira , and , like them , rather more suited to a'vorfner' ' tlmo than to this one. It supposes , the senator , as such , to be ex-olllclo ehtlUed -peculiar politeness - ness and consideration , ns If such stamp and attestation ofr merit , as went with the place were a sufllclng warrant therefor under all clrcnmunc ( H. Hut suppose the senator ought not to be a senator at all. Suppose him to have been a stock jobber out of the senate nnd to be one in It ; sup pose him to have : bought his senatorshlp out and out from the proceeds of a suc cessful and not too creditable stock Jobbing transaction ; or supfib1) * him to have won It ! by proficiency in the dirtiest kind of poll- tics , or 'In many of tle.ways'lnwhich the once-high place Is jio\v * Von Is" such a sen ator entitled to Ihe cdurtesy of having his performances .covered up and Murred over by his Investigating colleagues , or to have charges against him sifted behind . closed idoora-.andafluL.of thqhearlnB of the public ? It has , no-tloubt , been supposed by the capitalist wu > put hs | .money . .Into . a senatorial place that all the honors went .with It ; but he mrij'jsome tlmfe wake up to the fact that they do not always and necessarily do so. XI1J1 BKiiATOttrAIi &UOAJC HAH'L. New York World : It Is an outrageous proceeding ( or a committee which Is set to Investigate senatorial bribery to divert Its attention to the punUhment of newspaper men for publishing the news. Chicago Herald ; David Hill has lucid in tervals. Ho Insists that the bribery In vestigating committee should call as wit nesses the senator. ! , brokers and lobbyists who know all abdut the corruption , rather than the newspaper corespondents , who ap parently know nothing at all about It de spite their large profcssjons of knowledge. New. York Herald : The business of the committee Is to investigate the matters brought to public notice by those correspond ents , not to pursue or persecute the corre spondents. As there Is no lack of wlt- no.'ses whoso testimony may prove timely and pertinent there Is neither occasion nor excuse for pursuing a course suggestive of a purpose to switch the investigation off from Its true line and divert public atten tion from the real Issue. Courier-Journal : Lobbyist Duttz referred the bribery Investigating committee to Claim Attorney Holeman , who referred It to Lob byist Karris , who Is dead. Taking hU cue from Duttz , Correspondent Edwards likewise runs his side ot the Investigation into the ground by giving as his authority for certain statements ex-Speaker H. W. Hoyt of Con necticut , who is dead and unable to contradict him. The Philadelphia Press "scoop" seems to have gathered nothing but wind. Minneapolis Trlbuno : That's right. Prosecute the newspaper correspondents for refusing to give away their sources of In formation In the Sugar trust expose. They will pay their fines and servo tholr terms of Imprisonment , but the Information will not bo forthcoming , for the newspaper corre spondents of Washington know their busi ness. Whllo the so-called Investigating committee Is about It , why not examine a few of the senators who could toll the whole story If they would ? Let's have an In vestigation as Is an Investigation. Philadelphia Press ; The work of n journalist , as much a public service and as necessary as that of the senate Itself , be comes Impossible It his professional confi dence Is violated. Public opinion protects him In preserving this confidence because It Is necessary to society that his work go on , and In duo time law and precedent , which the action ot the senate Investigating com mittee Is helping unwittingly and unwill ingly to form and create , will also protect him. Meanwhile , the duty of the journalist Is clear. He caimqt and ho must not re veal the source Rtjfliiy information which reaches him In pr fijsajonal confidence. Philadelphia Tlmoi : The senate has dig nified this scandal by 'the appointment of a committee to Investigate It. Under ordi nary circumstancesIt might reasonably call a halt when the quUiora of the scandal seal their lips and confess that they have no evidence to furnish . " 'But ' It Is duo allko to the senate , to thonAdnflnlstratlon and to the country that the truth , and the whole truth , should be ascertaTn d 'nnd the guilty party brought to pimlihTnertt. Either Secretary Carlisle has been tiullty of most Infamous conduct , or two newspaper correspondents have been guilty coMtho most Infamous prostitution of thalriposition by building up scandals from thd'ivaporlngs of the political alums ; and the country should know , and Journalism should know , on which side there Is guilt. Probe the fccandal to bedrock. OTHKIl A.I.V/M TJM.Y OVtt.1. The latest acquisition of African territory gives Drltnln an unbroken line across the length of Africa from the Mediterranean and the Nile to the rxtrcmo point ot the continent. In all , thin territory , held In various ways , from Capo Colony up to the "occupation" of Hgypt , Is In extent aboul 1,400,000 square miles , and has a population of . " ,0,000,000. In the Nile valL-y it Includes Incomparably the best of north Africa. In Uganda It holds the key to the lakes of central Africa , nearly ns largo as our own lake system. The now treaty gives It the high land west of Lake Tanganyika , con siderably higher and healthier than the eastern , In German hands. The new con quests of the Urltlsh South Africa company adds the great table land of the Interior of subtropical Africa , in much ot which whllo men live. Ltstty , there Is Capo Colony , the only vita ? Kuropcan settlement In all Africa , As It stands , this great highway holds two- thirds of all ot Africa In which Europeans can live and carry on an efficient administra tion , It has Iho most fertile tract In the continent in Egypt , Us healthiest In Capo Town , Its greatest gold mines nnd the enl > region from which tropical Africa can be controlled. Still Inorc Important Is Its re lation to African water courses. A steamer can start at Alexandria and run , when the Mahdl's successor Is cleared nway , to a point bn Albert Edward Nyanza-125 miles from Lake Tanganyika , This runs to within seventy miles of Lake Nynsso. From this lake the Shire river , broken nt Murclilson Falls , descends to the Zambesi and the In dian ocean. From , n navigable point on the Congo It is less than 100 miles to Lake Tanganyika. The Aruwlnl runs ns near the Nile. It Is possible to start at the mouth of the Zambesi and reach the mouth of the Congo or Nile with less than 200 miles of land travel , and the key and cen ter to this great system Is now In English hands. * * Thq discontent of the Finns at the differ ence In the treatment accorded them by the btc nnd the present czar made Itself mani fest In some ot the speeches delivered on the occasion of the recent unveiling of the mon ument to Alexander II nt Hclslngfors. Af ter the reading of a conventional proclama tion from the reigning czar several native speakers extolled the dead monarch with at enthusiasm very foreign to the ordinarily undemonstrative nature of the Finn. The representative of the burghers quoted signi ficantly the words used by Alexander II on penlng tho. Diet In 1883 : "On my part noth ing has been done that could disturb or violate the agreement nnd understanding which should exist between sovereign am people. I wish that this agreement shouk servo as n pledge In the future of pleasant and favorable relations established between mo and the true and loyal people .of Fin land , " The representative of the peasant class laid still moro emphasis on this point Apostrophizing the statue , he said : "Arise noble and kind-hearted monarch , whose blessed memory thy Finnish people celebrate today. Accept from us the confirmation of thlno own magnanimous words , which wo , the elected representatives of the FInnlsl people here assembled , repeat from the dcptl of our hearts. On thy part nothing was done that could violate the agreement whlcl should exist between sovereign and people , ' The Implication of bad faith on the part of the present czar Is obvious , and the Finns , wlll bs lucky If It Is not resented sooner or later. . * * . j | Although the general election In Belgium will not , be held for nearly five months , all po litical parties arc beginning to shows signs o Jdeep anxiety concerning the possible result The new electoral lists show that Instead of 20,309 votes , as under the old arrangement Brussels and Its faubourgs will now possess 142,182 votes. The actual voters , however do not number more than 95,150 a large pro portion enjoying the qualifications of age paternity , professorship and means , which confer upon them the privilege ot the plura vote. It Is calculated that In the rural con stituencies thb electors will be Increased to fourfold the extent shown In the registration In Drusscls , where hitherto at least one In habitant In five has possessed a vote , whereas 1n the country districts the proportion fre quently Is as' ono to twenty , and whole villages , containing a population ol several hundreds , possess no vote at all. The liberals , radicals and democrats , among whom must bo Included a strong con tingent of Roman Catholics , will make the representation of minorities their party cry. They oppose , the policy of procrastination adopted by the present cabinet , and the more extreme of their organs are uttering ominous nous hints respecting the financial condition of the' Congo state , and the risk to Belgium of embarking fresh millions In It. Another bono of contention Is the project of convertIng - Ing Brussels and Drugos Into Important har bors , an enterprise regarded with great dis favor , both In Antwerp and Ghent. * In. Daden a noteworthy suggestion has been' made looking to a modification of the cleptoral system. The existing method In the grand" dUcliy for the election of the Diet Is that ot universal suffrage , as it Is for tho" Imperial Diet. It only differs from the Im perial system In that the members them selves ore Indirectly elected. An agitation for the abandonment of this system , on the ground that It has no practical value , has been going on for some tlmo. A committee appointed to discuss a radical motion ad vocating the Introduction of dlrr : t suffrage , pure and simple , has accepted this proposal unanimously on condition that the proportional tional system bo adopted. This means that the various parties shall be given members In proportion to the total number of votes which falls to each party ns a whole. The resolution has to receive the sanction of the upper Chamber and the government , and U It not thought probable that any such assent will be given. If adopted , the scheme would result In an Increase of the social democratic and ultramontane parties. Dy ap plying this system to the Imperial Diet the social democratic party would gain far moro representatives than any other. After the socialists would como the ultramontanes. Tlie conservatives and national liberals , who obtained about the same number of votes In 1893 , would possess an equal number of members , and not , as now , sixty-eight and fifty-three respectively. * Alluding to the recent scare In India cre ated by the mysterious smearing of mango trees , a corrrespondont of the St. James Gazette says that "It has long been a tradi tion among the Brahmins , In another quar ter of India , that In this -year of the Iron age , 1894 , the Immemorial sanctity of the Ganges would pass away , and that the pris tine virtue of the holy river would bo con veyed through caverns under ground , 'meas ureless to man , ' to the Nerbudda , Should there bo any chance of Allahabad and Hurd- war on the Ganges no longer taking toll from the Immense hordes of pilgrims who for centuries past have flocked hither to cleanse them of tholr sin , we may well be- llovo that extraordinary efforts would bo made just now to publish far and wldo the advantages ot other holy places , rJanaltporo among them. It was at the city of Rajah Janaka that the lotus-eyed Rama , the hero of one of the great Sanskrit epics , won by a feat of arms the rajah's ( daughter , the Incom parable Slta. There has been some dispute as to the situation of the ancient city where Rama found a brldo , but the Brahmins of Janakporo are , of course , provided with Innumerable stokas In support of their claim. So It Is moro than possible that the mysteri ous occurrence reported from districts lying between Nepaul and Benares U entirely the Highest , of all in Leavening Power , Latest U. S. Goy't Report PURE work of Iliclr mlaslonfrs. The desire , In deed. Is distinctly creditable to the oriental Intelligence. " t * "Hungary" Is < t country which In n pop- uhtlcn of lt,4Jil73 ( In IS'JO hnd but 7,2lfl- 730 Hungarians. This ID the serious weak ness of such n prosecution tor "treason" as linn Jtut been carried out against the up- portent of Hounianbn nntlonMlty. In num ber the Uomnanlans , In ull 11,591,005 , nrc one- third as numerous as the .Magyarn , I.cs.i lilnhly nlvlllzed , they como from iUlte | at good n nloclc ns the MttRynra , nnd they liavo acrosH ( heir eastern boundary In Uinunnnla fi , SOD , 000 Uoiunanluns , who nrc making most rapUV proKrcsR , crentlng n intlonnl literature und nilvu with feeling. For forty years the Magyar lian been endeavoring to enforce Ills rule on tlio 10,000,0(10 ( associated with him In the Hungarian kingdom and di vided between various nationalities. In every case the Hungarian government ami the Diet has been forced after an InefCectunT resistance to concede autonomy , as It will In the present Instance. Hrecklnrldgo has been denied an appeal In the courts ot the District of Columbia , N'p\V let the Ashland district reject his ap peal and the country \\lll rejoice exceedingly. The petitions for woman suffrage pro- scntcd to the New York constitutional con vention contain 212,953 names. It Is not probable the government \\lll procccl against the signers for Interfering with the malr.n. ' General Oliver L. Shepherd , U , 8. A. , whose death was recently announced , grad uated at West Point In 1S40. There were forty-two men In Ills class who graduated , iiinoiiK them William T. Sherman , Cleorgo II. Thomas , Governor 1'aul Herbert of Louisiana and othcrn of note. General Shepherd's death leaves only two members of the class still living , General Gcorga II. Getty and General Stewart Van Vilet. Flvo members of the class were killed In battle and many wounded. Speaking of C. W. Buttz , the alleged would-be briber ot senators , the Philadel phia Ilecord says : "Ho .went Into the army from this city In 1S01 as first lieu tenant In the Eleventh Pennsylvania cav alry. He .was an clllclont mid 'popular o nicer , nnd In 1SR3 was madu assistant provost marshal of Suffolk. Va. Realigning from the service In that year , ho married n southern lady and began practicing law In Norfolk. For obtaining n writ of habeas corpus In u case of arbitrary military ar rest , General Butler ordered him -out of his department. Huttz went to Washington. and In company with Simon Cameron called on President Lincoln and laid his case be fore him. After pondering a few minutes , Lincoln's precise words , ns repeated after ward by Duttz , were : 'Duller gives mo moro trouble than any other general In the army , and yet should I deprive him of com mand , I should have the state of Massachu setts and the whole of tfew' England down here. ' Then ho wrote with his own hands an order giving Duttz permission to return to Norfolk and remain there 'without mo lestation. ' " _ _ KIA'KS CAST IX 1'LKISAXT I'JIK.ISKS. Hallo : Debby What do you try after n night oft ? Hubby My wife's patience. Slftlngs : "Ah , Hint may be said to help thu caws , " said a crow , na he looked upon the corn Held. Boston Courier : "What , give a prize to your son ? He persists In doing nothing ! " "Well , give him the prize of perseverance , then1' ! ' Washington Star : "Ob coh'se. " said Uncle Eben , "time Is money. Hut It do beat all how much cnnler 'tis ter gib a needy frlen' two liounlis * talk 'bout econ omy dan 'tis ter len' ' 1m CO cents. " ! Chicago Record : Weary Hokus Here's 'a ' paper w'nt tells of a fellow's bavin" de- Hryum trcemuns. Wandering ; Willie ( sighing ) Read It out loud , pardnar. It's a long time since we've had anythln' real soothln' . Indianapolis Journal : Mrs. Watts This talk of husbands having to foot the bills for presents they get from their wives Is the sheerest nonsense going. Mr. Watts How about It when she pre sents him with twins ? Indianapolis Journal : "I Vlon't mind a woman beln' neat , " said old Mrs. Jason.r "but ono woman I used to know , was Jlnf a little too neat for any use. Why. that there woman used to take a couple of gold- llsh she had out of their tank every Satur day night and give them a bath. " Philadelphia Record : She Kiss me again. He My dear , I've Just kissed you seven teen times In seventeen seconds. She ( reproachfully ) Hni old , you love another. Washington Star : "Mlstah , " said an urchin to the man who was driving a very poor horse ; "does yoh want me to hoi' Mm ? " "No ; this horse won't run away. " "I didn't Tnean hoi' ' 1m fns' , so's he won' run away. I mean hoi' ' 1m up , so's he won' drap' , " A ROMANCE. Detroit Tice Press.1 Miss IV > lly came to our house To tea the other day , And I took Polly home that night , And loafed along- the way. And when we'd got to Polly's house. We both had hail our say , And Polly promised that she como To our bouse to stay. Amnnl ChlcnRO Trlbuno. If It will quiet General Weaver of Iowa to give him an olllce of some kind , In hu manity's name let him have It. TIIK nan. The Installment of M. Zola's atory , "Lourdes , " In The Sunday Dee ( tomorrow ) begins with the recital of the Third day's cvenls. Competent critics assert that no stronger work of notion was over heforo presented by a newspaper In this country. Interest Is maintained to the last word. It U a literary frast. Illustrated. A novel feature Is an Interview with Ullenthnl , known ns the "flying man , " whoso Invention of n flying machine ban at tracted extraordinary popular Interest. The article will be Illustrated. U Is a late , au thoritative utterance by Mr. Llllcnthal In regard to his Invention nnd experiments nnd the solution of Mio ( lying machine problem. "Stability ot Western Kami Mortgages" Is the cnntlnn of an article by J. Henry Wood ot Ho'ton , based upon recent census statistic * . It la shown conclusively that of the millions of farms In the United States no moro than 70 per cent of them arc mort gaged nnd none mortgaged to ex- rood 50 per cent of value. The a\crngo mortgage debt Is loss than 17 per cent. The article presents n strong argu ment In behalf of western Investments. "Cnrp , " In his special letter from China , tells of the native antipathy to foreigners ; describes the brutalities to which foreigners are subjected nnd the methods employed to create n sentiment of bitterness among the natives nnalnat subjects ot foreign powers , Thli letter relates many new and sensa- tlonUl ( acts , and Is exclusive with The Sun day Dec. "The Problem of the Allen , " by Prof. Hjalmar II. lloycsen of Columbia college. Prof. Doyeson has made a special study of the Immigration question nnd has contributed several notable articles to the reviews on this topic. He treats his subjects In a vig orous nnd muaterly way. A local authority on matters pertaining to "good form" In the smart world contrib utes n criticism upon the Omaha young woman which will cause something of a flutter In exclusive circles. The writer has lived here lung enough to acquaint himself with the subject , which Is handled without gloves. There will also be a budget of light , spicy reading of general Interest to women , with the latest fashion hints of the season. The society page will chronicle the local events of the week ; the sporting department will treat of field sporting events , with gos sip about sportsmen , while the local labor news of the week will be 'presented ' fully. The upeclaf cable service , unrivaled As sociated press dispatches and The DOO'H spe cial telegraphic service are a standing guar anty that The Sunday Doe will present the news of the world , while locally the flold will bo thoroughly gleaned. The Iliivlneit WlUon Hill. Phllndelp'tln In'Jo'r. The changes made In the Wilson bill by the Kcnnto nro In the direction of pro. tectlng American Industry. When corn- Dieted the bill may not differ greatly from thu net of 1SSH , which preceded the McKln- ley act , except for me Inclusion of the Income tax feattne as a wop to the IK > PU- llRts. The republicans , however , nro fighting for u nrlnclple. The passage of the Wilson bill , In the event of future democratic success , would , doubtless 'be followed by a more radical revision , since It 18 to the llrmness of a half dozen sena tors that the country Is Indebted for the modification Intioduced In the senate. The majority of the democrats frankly admit that the bill Is too conservative In Its provisions. TUU coxaitiss. FlttsburR Dispatch. ( Tune "The Old Oaken Ilucket. " ) How dear to our heartH Is our democratic congress As hopeless Inaction presents It to vlewji Thu 1)111 of poor Wilson , the deep tangled And every mad pledge that their lunacy knew ! i The widespread depression , the mills that 1 closed by it , The rock of free silver where great Giover fell , - i They've busted our country , no use to > deny It , . And darn the old party , It's busted fti well. well.This a , Cleveland congress , This Queen lM\y \ congress , This wild , free trade congress , Wo all love so well. Their moss covered ple'lges we no longer treasure , For often at noon when out hunting a We lln'd that Instead , of the corn they had { promised , JF They've given us nothing not even a How ardent we've cussed 'cm with lips overflowing With sulphurous blessings ns great swear worctH fell , The emblems of hunger , free trade and free Are sounding In sorrow the worltlngmanV knell. ' Tills bank-breaking congress , This mill-closing congress , This starvation congress Wo all love so well. How sweet from their eloquent lips to re- i- f coivo it * "CurBod tariff protection no longer up- Wo listened and voted our dinner pulls empty The factories silent , the furances cold. And now far removed from our lost sltua- The tear of regret doth Intrusively swell. We yearn for republican administration And sigh for the congress that served U3 no well. This Fifty-third congress , This democrat congress. This sugar-cured congress We wish was In well. IIP- ยง Sl ; .Down to SPECIAL SALE of suits for $10 all wool , elegant - gant suits that sold at $12.50 to $18 and $23 -sale is now on No fake but genuine , first- class suits suoh as we only can make , accompanied by our guarantee that means you get your money back , or satisfaction , if you don't get more than your money's worth. See the show window everything in the window except the policemen's presents is $10 The sale is now going on. Browning , King & Co. , I S , W , Corner 15th and