Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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br carrier to nnr P rt of th cltr. '
II. W. TILTON , Lessee.
TnLKPIIONDS Business ofT.c * , No. 42 ; night
tdltor. No. 23.
Pilgrim Sisters' Academy No. 1 meet In
regular session at 8 p. m. In their rooms In
the Brown building.
Mr * . George C. Brown gave an afternoon
ten Thursday afternoon In honor of her
ulster , Mrs. Burroughs of Chicago.
Ed Bates , the city poundmaslcr , hai of
ficiated nt the funerals of seventy dogs
whose taxes were not paid during the past
The grass In Falrmotint park , like that
everywhere clue In this vicinity , Is suffering
greatly for lack of water. It Is drying up
nnd unless rain comes soon will be killed.
J. J. Carney , who was accused of obtnlnln ?
$200 from \V. L. Kerney of the Cattleman's
hank by false pretenses , was tried In Justice
Vlcn's cijtirt yesterday afternoon und dis
The report of the city physician ! IOWB the
total number cf cases of measles during the
month of May to have been thirty-one.
There were eight ca o of scarlet fever and
two of membraneous croup. '
A man named IJnrghaiiscn , who drives a
delivery wagon for John Clausen , was run
away with by a fractious horse Thuriday
and was hurled from the wagon to the pave
ment , sustaining some painful Injuries.
An entertaining program of musical and
literary numbers was presented by Grace
Btilld at the church Thursday evening. Some.
of the best talent of the city tcok part , and
thn evening was one of rare enjoyment for
those present.
"Lady WJiitcrmere's Fan" was presented
nt Dohany'H theater last evening by Gustave
Frohman'B company. Both play and rom-
p.iny were far buyond Anything that hax
been seen at this theater In a good many
weeks nnd the attraction deserved n
crowded house , which , however , It did 'not
Hans Jtnsen and Mrs. George Ayres , who
live near the corner of Fourteenth street
and Sixth avenue , had a scrap over that
never falling source of neighborhood trouble ,
a flock of chickens , nnd In police court yes
terday morning Jensen had to pay a line of
$0.60. He t once filed a counter Informa
tion against Mr . Ayres , who will be given
a chance to explain herself this morning.
It costs no more to have your lire Insur
ance In old and tried companies , like the
( liens Falls and Imperial , than In those which
are new and untried. Lougeo & Towlc ,
agents , 235 Pearl street.
On Sulo hut Oti-rloolicil ,
Notwithstanding the care taken In any
business , It Is a certainty that some certain
lines of merchandise will be overlooked. This
has been demonstrated beyond a doubt at
our May sale that the smaller articles have
nnt had the proper attention.
Now that wo have come to It , you may
expect some useful and desirable articles at
unexpected low prices , as a visit to our show
windows will prove to you that our state
ment Is not altogether without foundation.
We refer you to the special prices and
display of the following windows : Ribbons
and laces , soaps , toilet articles nnd station
ery , notions of every description , nnd In th
cast window , display of children's gau/o
underwear , all sizes , at lOo each , worth as
high as 3oc.
_ Council Bluffs , la.
( oliig Out of IliiglneHK.
Will therefore sell all millinery regardless
of cost. Miss Ragsdalc , 10 Pearl street.
l'\iin : Laundry Company.
620 Pearl street. Telephone , 290.
Miss Elsie Butts is visiting friends In St.
D. F. Elcher Is home from a trip to
Mr. M. Grossman of San Francisco Is here
on a short visit to his nelce , Mis. D.
Miss Nellie Sackott of Chicago Is spending
a week In the city , the guest of Miss Rice ,
on Fourth street.
F. E. Gllllland returned yesterday from
Denver , whcro he attended the trial of D.
G. Ramsay , ex-chief of the Order of Railway
United States Marshal Frank P. Bradley ,
who has been attending federal court ut Das
Mollies for several weeks past , Is spending
a few days at hla home In this city.
Dr. Armstrong Hopkins , who Is a sister
of Rov. C. N. Armstrong of this city , Is to
give an address at the Second Presbyterian
church Sunday night In regard to her seven
years' experlncco In India.
_ _ _ _
- - " * r
Council UlufTft Hut'eg.
From points within seventy-five miles of
Council Bluffs , the Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy railway will sell tickets for ' the above
event to Council Bluffs at one a'nd one-third
faro for the round trip. Tickets on sale to
and Including Juno 2 , good for return to und
Including June 4.
S. M. Williamson & Co. have by far the
largest and finest line of bicycles ever
shown In Council Bluffs. Bicycles for rent
and for sale on easy payments. First-class
workmen In our repair department. 106
Main street. _ _
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
Looking Toward Kli'ctrlcUy.
A company has been organized In Omaha
for the purpose of providing better transpor
tation facilities between Council Bluffs and
Lake Manawo. Articles of Incorporation
were filed with the county recorder yester
day by the company , which calls Itbelt the
Council Bluffs & Lake Manawa Electric
Railway company. The object , a ? sot
forth In the document , Is to build , equip and
maintain an electric motor line between
Council Bluffs nnd the lake. There Is a
capital stock of $50,000 , which may bo In
creased to $100,000 , nnd 25 per cent of the
stock Is to bo paid for cash down when the
stock Is subscribed for. The board of direc
tors are Jeff W. Bedford. L. II. Kent. J. P.
Flnloy , H. B. Coryell. D. 1) . Gregory , E. S.
Rood and Isldor Ghick. An ordinance has
been prepared granting the company the
right to opcrato on the streets of thli city ,
and will bo presented at the meeting of the
city council next Monday evening.
A few of the celebrated Hurtl apartment
house refrigerators left at Cole & Cole's ,
Hid going at the lowest prices over offered.
Don't fall to price these before buying. As-
scstos mats for vapor stoves , only lOc at
Colo's hardware.
Gas cooking stovci for rent and for sale at
Qaa CD'S office ,
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Clmnen In Telephone * NyMein * .
The new quarters , of the Nebraska Telephone -
phone company In the Baldwin block will
bo ready for occupancy today and the
change will ho made between & nnd C o'clock
this afternoon. The change will lukn but
n very few minutes nnd the great majority
of the subscribers will probably miver know
when It happens. Several thousand dollars
have been Invested In the now multiple
witch board , which la complete In every
detail and has all the latest Improvements.
Manager Atkins wishes The Bee to call the
attention of those who use the 'phones that
If they will only bo careful to follow In
structions , which will be > distributed soon ,
there will bo no need of any trouble , if thu
subscribers will never ring the bell except
to call "central" and to ring off after using
the best and most satisfactory service will
be given. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CrncUi'M , Crurkem , Crnckrr * .
0. O. D. Brown received a car load of
crackers today , which ho will sell at one-
fourth their value.
XXX coda cVacVers , p r pound , 3c.
XXX oyster crackers , per pound , So.
XXX ginger snaps , per pound , 7'ic.
Bweet crackers , per pound , 60.
Strictly fresh country butter , 15o pound.
BROWN'S C. 0. P. , Council Bluffs.
Mrs. NUM. m'fr stamping patterns.
| Everybody knows D tU sells drugs.
Board of Equalization Concludes It * Work by
Undoing All it Had Doco.
llrlef Cull from lntrc til l Turtle * Con
vince * the Hoard of the Hrror of
II * Wny and It Gracefully
Hack * Don 11.
The Hoard of Equalization met yesterday
morning ) n the council chamber and suc
ceeded In undoing almost all It had done
In the last two weeks or so. C. U.
quemln & Co. , Henry 1'aschel , the United
States , American and Adams Express com
panies , I' . J. Day , J. I' , liesF. . Child's ,
Sarah U Garner , It. 0. I' . Obllnger , Hobln-
son Bros. , J. J. Shen , I'ryor Bros. , 0. W.
Chapman and taonnril Everett had all had
their assessments raised , but they came In
with affidavits showing that thn board had
done wrong and the assessment's were
promptly knocked off.
The most Interesting thing about the
morning's session was In connection with
the aMejsmcnt of the banks of the city.
A.V. . Uelkman , cashier of the First Na
tional bank , came In with n paper In which
ho set forth that the board In assessing
his bank with $12,000 In legal tender notes
and $27,000 In United States bonds ,
both of which were exempt from taxation ,
had broken the law of the United States ,
which forbade discrimination against any
national bank. He called the atten
tion of the board to the fact that the as-
seri'incnt of the Citizens' bank had been re
duced by $0,000 on legal tender notes and
the Council HlufTfi Savings bank had had
$10.000 of United States bonds exempted ,
and then demanded-that the board reduce
the assessment df his bank by $8.000. at
least , or ho would lead the Board of
Equalization 'ft dance through the courts.
The members of the board spent fifteen
minutes Iii consultation , and sent City Clerk
Zurmuehlen 'and Alderman Nicholson In to
the council chamber to break the news to
President Sanford and Cashier Helkman that
they had taken back all they had done with
regard to the assessment of all the banks ,
and had decided to leave each bank right
where It was when Assessor Hardlu got
through with it. The assessments now stand
this way : Council Bluffs Savings , $30.500 ;
Citizens' State. Mfi.DOO ; First National , $21.-
300 ; onicer & Puscy , $15,000 ; Cattleman's
bank , $2,000.
The. assessment of the Omaha Bridge and
Terminal railway was allowed to stand ut
$30,400. roic A IMPLICATION or MULCT.
I'lftiTti PartlcH Auk Prruilsalon In Sell
Liquor Under the Mnrtlu l.uiv.
Pottawattamlc county will have fifteen
saloons this year , any way , for there were
that many bonds of $3,000 each tiled with the
county auditor yesterday by parties expecting
to engage In the business. The following
are the parties who have filed bonds so far :
Council Bluffs Max Mohn , with C. Straub
and \V. Fitzgerald as sureties ; John Mergen ,
with L. Klrscht and P. Tholl as sureties ;
Sullivan & Kuhl , with M. II. Kuhl and J.
Nanscl as sureties ; HanRcn & Nielsen , with
J. A. Harold and P. Jensen as burettes ;
Charles Muycox , with B. Hagg and J. Llmler
as sureties ; Wheeler & Hereld , with Lew
Hammer and Oscar Youngerman as sureties ;
Jacob Ncumayer , with John Clausen and
F. G. Pfelfer as sureties ; Hoist & Spetman ,
jvlth E. F. Slacken and E. J. Gilbert as
sureties. /
Avoca Ehler Horst , M. Horsch & Co. ,
Fritz Bruhn and John Dollen.
Neola Louis Goldsmith and O'Connor &
Underwood Farrell & Wolff.
With each bond Is filed the written con
sent of the freeholders for fifty feet on
either side of the property proposed to be
used for a saloon , and u list of the persons
employed about the saloon.
Thirty-two applications were mbd yester
day with the city clerk , and these will all
be disposed of one way or the other by the
city council Monday evening. By that time
It Is expected that u number of new applica
tions will be filed.
The landlords seem to be taking the mat
ter of enforcing the bond provision of the
new law into their own hands. Several
saloon tenants wore served with three no-
tlcos to quit yesterday because they had not
filed their bonds , and two of them at least ,
Mrs. Jacob Howarth of the Colorado house
and A. Schott of Lower Main street , had to
move their things out yesterday. The fact
that the saloon , tax is levied against the
building In which the business Is'carried on
makes the owner of the property liable for
the whole annual payment of ? GOO. The
landlords are showing the truth of the old
adage ubout touching a man where he lives
when you touch his pocketbook , and are
becoming staunch tcmpcranco people.
IIKNN1SON 111(08.
KiiorinoiiB Klhbon Snlo Toiiny.
Saturday Is the day. 20,000 yards of beau
tiful silk ribbons , a manufacturer's entire
stock , goes today at Bennlson's a.t > ,4 and U
actual cost to manufacture , In 3 lota , at EC ,
lOc and IGo yard.
All the 6 to 9-Inch beautiful brocade silk
sash ribbons nt 15c yard.
Thousands of yards of pure silk novelty
ribbons , 3. 4 and 5 Inches wide , every color
of the rainbow , worth 35c , 40o and EOc , will
go nt IBc yard. Now Is the time to buy
beautiful silk ribbons for fancy work , mat
trimming and for dress. Get all you want.
No limit. If you can't get out during the
day como Saturday evening ; we got plenty ;
you will not be disappointed.
200 ladles' laundered shirt waists , beau
tiful styles , today nt $1.00 each , worth $1.00.
Ladles' pure black silk mitts at 25c , 33c
and 500 pair , the best value we ever offered.
A nice child's summer bonnet nt IBc and
23e each.
Chenille dot tuxedo yelling , all colors , at
7'ic and ICc yard.
COO pairs gents' silk embroidery suspend
ers , Saturday 15c pair.
100 dozen ladles' ribbed hose , In tan and
grays , at 20e.
Stockings , Saturday , 124c ! pair.
Uoyn' fast black heavy bicycle hose , sizes
fl to 96 , nt 12V4C and 15o pair.
Opening Saturday evening until 10 p. in.
Council U luffs.
Itvwiird OnVroiI.
Minnie Smith , who was the victim of a
lecherous tramp near Underwood Thursday
forenoon , was In the city yesterday , having
come In response to u telegram asking her
to como and endeavor to Identify a tramp
who was In custody and was supposed to bo
the guilty party. Her husband , George
Smith , had gene out early In the morning
with n gang of men to renew the seacrh for
the tramp , but she was brought In by a
neighbor. The follow In custody proved to
be the wrong one , and he was turned loose.
Mrs. Smith furnished a fuller description
to thu olllclals than was obtained the night
before , and Induced the sheriff to offer n
reward of $25 for his capture , representing
that her husband wus not financially able
to pay any money for the purpose. The
tramp , she said , was about 22 years old.
five feet ton Inches In height , dark eyes ,
dark brown hair and moustache , had not
been shaved for a week , wore a striped
faded shirt , broad brimmed white soft hat
and blue overalls , Mrs. Smith Is about 26
years of age. .
Charles Lunkley , the well known undertaker ,
will occupy the building at 23S Broadway
after May 20. Various Improvements will
bo iiuulo which will give him one of the
finest undertaking establlshmonta ID the
west. _ _ _ _ _
The laundries uae Domestic eoap.
Weaver Will Comr.
General James n. Weaver will move here
as soon as he can get hli builness settled
up In his present home. Next Tuesday he
will be h re for the purpose of holding a
conference with the populist congressional
committee at Kiel's hotel. The Knights of
Labor have leased Dolmny'a old opera house ,
which will be mailo the headquarters for tha
Central Labor union and other labor organi
zations. ArrunuemeiiU nr ? now belnE madu
for a big populUt meeting to bo held there
within n few dayi , and It Is the desire of tht-
local iiopullsls to hn o General Wtaver ,
Eugene V Debs nnd J. It. Sovereign there
at that time.
Hale of Hummer PI-CM HooiU nt Vnirn' *
New Dry flood * Mtore.
35o and 40c French sateens.
Faet color French sateen In small and
larg figures , finer thin silk , 10 yards to n
pattern , fcr $1.29 per dress pattern.
35c and 30c French sateen In light nnd
dark plaid , beautiful Mlk effects , for ladles'
wnlsts , 4 yards to the waist , for COc a
Large stock of fine millinery at extremely
low prices.
\Vo employ one of the best trimmers of
Omaha , Miss M. Kllnker , formerly with G.
M. Getty , Omaha , and Mrs. A. McArdlc ,
formerly In Sioux City.
Vavra's New Dry Goods Store , U2 Broad
way. _
Will l.'iilertiiln thn Keillor * .
The Council Bluffs High School Alumni
association will give the senior class Its
regular annual banquet this year on Friday
evening , June 15 , In nil probability nt the
hall of the Woodmen of the World. A meet
ing of the association was held last evening ,
at which so much was decided upon , nnd
committee ! ) were appointed to make the
necessary arrangementx for the event. The
committees were a.s follows :
General committee , Mrs , Illsser , Mrs.
Cooper , Mrs. Tucker , Mrs. Poulson , Mis ?
Hart. Miss Walker. Emmett Tlnley and W.
S. Balrd. Soliciting committee , Emll
Schurz , Robert ifaldwln , Fred Empklc , Miss
DeGroat , Miss DoVol and Miss Hanna Mc
Millan. Committee on program , Miss Isabel
Patterson , Miss Katherlnc Ogden , Mrs. Mac-
Bride , W. S. Balrd. Committee on printing.
Emll Schurz , Robert Baldwin , Miss Maud
The following officers were also appointed
for the ensuing year : President , Mrs.
Rlsicr ; vice president , C. M. Harl ; secre
tary , Miss Hurt ; treasurer , Miss DeGroat.
The famous Maso Wise livery and sale barns
have been sold to J. W. Mlnnlck , and thu
business will be continued under his inanag -
menl. Horses boarded and cared for at
reasonable rates ; barn open day and night.
Washerwomen use Domestic soap.
Knelt u'lt / Krlriini-il.
Adolph Rackwltz , the train thief , has given
bonds enough to secure his release. The
United States authorities , who at first
peemed 10 anxious to get hold of Rnckwltz
In case he got out on bonds in the other
cases that are pending against him , explain
their lack of action by saying that Deputy
United States Marshal Richards , who had
the warrant , was kept nt DCS Molnes by a
case now on trial there In the federal court.
Watch the Eagle laundry for the Improve
ments of the day. A new sleeve and yoke
Ironing machine Is the latest. Telephone 157.
We want everybody to know that Morgan
sells paints and drugs. 13 i and 742 Broadway.
iKu l.lfeiisci.
The following parties took out marriage
licenses yesterday at the county clerk's
office :
Charles H. Stanley , OmnJia . 32
Emmn Klikemliill , Omaha . -SiS
C. H. CrclKliton , Omaha. .j . 28
May SI. Martin. Omalm. . . . . . . . , 22
Meyirs-Durfee Furniture company , 336-33S
Broadway. Bargains In fine furniture.
For cobs go to Cox , 10 Miin street.
phone 48.
Illinois Taking Off Trnlns and fac
tories Unrnlns Torn.
SIOUX CITY , June 1. ( Special Telegram
to The Dee. ) The first effects of the coal
famine were felt here today. The Illinois
Central Issued nn order this morning aban
doning the local passenger on KB main line ,
n. way freight on each division , a fast meat
train , and passenger train on Its Sioux
Falls. Onawa and Cedar Rapids divisions.
The fast express Is icduce < l to a local pas
senger. Factories have commenced mjx-
Injr corn with coal for fuel.
( iiiiiiiiriiccnii-nt nt .Missouri Valley.
MISSOURI VALLEY , la. , June 1. ( Spe
cial to The Uce. ) Last evening occurred
the ninth annual commencement exercises
of the city High school. A class of seven
finished the prescribed course nnd were
awarded diplomas. The commodious as
sembly room of the High school building
wus filled to Its utmost capacity. Tonight
occurred the annual banquet nnd recep
tion of the Alumni association , to which
300 guests were Invited.
Vlro nt llnmboldt.
DES SIOINKS , June 1. ( Special to The
Bee , ) Fire nt Humbolt , In. , this afternoon
destroyed property near the Minneapolis
& St. Louis railway , consisting of grain
elevators , coal und lime sheds , etc. , to the
value of $12,000 ; Insurance , $3,000. The Cen
tral Klcvator company Is the greatest
loser. _
To llulplK \ Iino.Htiiicnt.
DES MOINES , June 1. ( Special Telegram
to The Dec ? ) An election will be held here
to deride whether/ not a tax amounting
to $100.000 will be voted to help build a
$1,200,000 Independent rullioad and wagon
bridge , the necessary signers to the con
sent petition being obtained today.
Hoot anil hlioo DcnlnrR Full.
SIOUX CITY , June 1. ( Special Telegram
to The Uee. ) Allan ! & Kernlck , hoot and
shoe dealers , failed today. Liabilities , $20-
000 ; assets , $15,000. Their stock was trans
ferred by bill of sale to secure $15.000 of
local claims. Other creditors ore In the
Transcontinental Passenger Itatcn.
The call which General Passenger Agent
Sebastian of the Rock Island Issued Tuesday
for a meeting of transcontinental passenger
officials next Tuesday In Chicago Is not
meeting with any great recognition on the
part of some of the roads. While the
lines are almost a unit In favor
of the meeting It IB stated that Mr. Fee
of the Northern Pacific refuse * to join the
meeting unless the Canadian Pacific Is rep
resented , which Is almost entirely out of
the question. The Canadian Pacific still
insists upsn Its demand for differentials ,
which the Northern Pacific has constantly
refused to grant. The Atchlson , while not
asking differential rates , will Insist , It Is
asserted , on Its contract stipulation with
the Southern Pacific and that It be given the
same privileges as other lines on San Fran
cisco business. This means that If the
Canadian Pacific gets a differential via Port
land the AtchUou will get Its differential via
Mojave. These are some of the pleasant
thlngH which the transcontinental meeting
will be called upon to settle before any asso
ciation will be formed.
Mr. Lomax pf the Union Pacific , In
speaking of the matter , stated that ho had
signified Uls Intention to be present , and
thought that the times were sufficiently
dcipcrate to demand some such nn associa
tion for the protection of the revenues. He
could neo no good rcabon why
the lines In the weit might
not form on association without the
aid of the Canadian Pacific If It persisted In
refusing to come In and thought a strong
agreement could be made without the help
of the "Canuck" road. "But I have every
confidence In the association being formed ,
and that all differences will bo
harmoniously adjusted. Wo have
had entirely too much fighting , and
the sooner railroad officials appreciate
this the sooner will the revenues of the
various companies Increase , The Canadian
Pacific cannot afford to stay oul If all the
other ronda show a desire to amalgamate
for revenue , for It would be seriously
handicapped on Its California business. The
time Is ripe for a transcontinental associa
tion and the Union Pacific Is In sympathy
with the movement. "
Fount ) n Cure for Sciatic Itlieumatlim.
Mrs. A. Inveen , residing at 720 Henry St. ,
Alton , III. , suffered with static rheumatism
for over eight moiths. She doctored for It
nearly the whole of this time , using various
remedies recommended by friends , and was
treated by the physicians , but received no
relief. She then used one and a half bottles
of Chamberlain's Pain balm , which effected
a complete cure. This Is published at her
request , as she wants others similarly af
flicted to know what cured her. For sale by
all druggists.
Notice of nv * linn or lt under this htad , Ofljr
rtntij ach additional llnr , ten cent * .
M ALONE EM ward 37) ) ureu 3 yearn t !
months , at residence , 3420 . Boyil street ,
June 1. Funeral notice later. Chicago
papers pkajt copy ,
Miners tit Orlpplo OreokVT/ko / Every Pro-
cantion to Guard Against Surprise.
' Jo It
.Miners Who ( lot Urnnk 'Promptly I'ut In
the Ounril HOIMO ( > yl RVnenil John-
ton All Sulooiiv Kept Under
I.ovk Hin
CUIPPM3 CUERIC , Cold.7 Juno 1. Abso
lute quiet reigns thJ-otlghbltt the camp to-
nlglit. Not a deputy ling. put In an appear
ance. Tlie strikers , however , have redoubled
their vigilance- guarding their stronghold
on Hull Hill. Four lines of pickets guard
every road and trail leading from this city
to the mountain , and the guards extend
down the Canon City and Florence roads
for a distance of twelve miles. Tho"saino In
true of the Cheyenne canon road to Colorado
Springs. 1'lckcts are also stationed as far
as Midland and beyond , and It will be next
to Impossible ( or the deputies to surprise
the strikers. At Altitun , the stronghold of
the miners , the strictest military rule Is en
forced. All the saloons are under lock and
key , but , by some means , some of the
strlkeni procured a small quantity of whisky
and became slightly Intoxicated. "General"
Johnson , who has charge of the military
forces , being Informed of the doings of the
men , caused them to be put Intp the guard
house Immediately.
The opinion Is generally held that the
strikers have lost sight of any effect ( Jov-
ernor Walto's visit may have had and that
they Intend to forget. It , as they feel confi
dent of routing the deputies.
Considerable excitement was created today
by the appearance of six armed strikers , the
first to come armed Into the city , and the
subsequent shooting of Ed Smith , a drunken
railroad employe , by a policeman. Smith
will d'c. _ _
CrlslH In the Strike Situation "Will llo
ItiMichcd Next Week ,
DES MOIN13S. Juno 1. ( Special Telegram
to The lice. ) Hcporls from Muchlklnock and
Evans today state that nil was quiet and no
trouble was anticipated. Tnfc strikers , ns lias
been their custom for ten days past , paraded
to the music of n brans band , made speeches
and exerted themselves to net the workers
to join them , but so far without success.
The state troops are having a good time and
nothing to do. It Is probable they will with
draw soon , the preservation of order being
left to the sheriff and his deputies and some
sixty rinkertoiiB , employed by the North
western Kallroad company.
The strikers are congregating from towns
In the vicinity to hold a monster meeting
and barbecue Sunday , and 2,000 are expected
to be present. President Clarkson of the
State. Miners union held n conference with
Major Leper , commanding the troops , and
Invited the mllltlu to attend the barbecue.
Major Hume arrived In 'Via ' Molnes today
from Muchlklnock. He said he believed that
had * not the troops arrived on the scene as
they did trouble would have ensued , with
probable great loss of life"ijnd property. IIu
thinks there Is danger yet , for both sides
are determined. One of the operators said
If bloodshed starts the" 'colored men will not
leave a striker in thft vicinity to tell the
story. All hope the mattdr can bo settled
without serious consequences. Major Hume
says he looks for the qrjslsto , be reached by
Tuesday or Thursday < pf next week.
Tells the Mlnnrs They Must Not Interfere
with Conl Train * .
* '
COLUMBUS 0. , June „ ! , The officers of
the United Mine Workers of America will
hold a consultation hergiext Tuesday on
the coal situation.
John McBrlde returned today from Spring-
Held , III.
The Norfolk & Western railroad , having
complained that the miners at Wellstown
and Coalstown , O. , threatened to stop the
moving of coal trains from Virginia. Mr. Mc-
Drldo telegraphed to his lieutenant , Joshua
Thomas :
"Reported here your men Intend to
stop coal shipments over the Norfolk &
Western road and will destroy property if
other means fall. Do not allow such work.
Mr. McUrlde said today : "Tho whole situ
ation hinges on one company in Illinois , the
Consolidated Coal company , alias the Wabash
railroad , which controls elghly-ono mines , or
one-fourth of tha output of Illinois. "
Deputies In Ilettcr Wplrltg.
DIVIDE , Colo. , June 1. The deputies
were In bettor spirits today , the sun shining
for the first time In three days. Chief
Veatch received a telegram from Commis
sioner Hoynton stating that reinforcements
were coming In and that no move would be
made until the party should be large enough
to do effective work. Probably no move
will bo made before Sunday. It Is expected
that the deputies will number 1,000 and that
they will approach the strikers from three
different direction" .
Cloning Worklnc .Alines.
WALSENUUKG , Colo. , June 1. Six hun
dred of the striking coal miners started
south today to bring out the miners In other
camps. They will camp at Agulllar tonight.
Many of the Fremont county miners have
left for home. About 200 remain here to
prevent Plcton and Walsen men from work
ing. One hundred miners have returned to
work at House.
ntrlltu Notes ,
The miners at Newcastle , Cal. , have gone
out on a strike.
The grand Jury will make an Investigation
Into the Cripple Creek strike.
An effort la being made to secure another
conference between the Ohio miners and
The big strike In the National Tube works
at McKeesport , Pa. , Is In a fair way to be
settled by arbitration.
Four thousand miners at Coal Creek ,
Tonn. , who went back to work after the
strike , have gone out again.
The attorney for the Haven Gold Mining
company has appealed from the decision of
Judge Hallett , refusing to grant mi Injunc
tion against the strlkjng miners.
A party of striking miners yesterday
stopped a freight train on the Vandalla road
at Brazil , Ind. , and uourchod all the cam for
coal. Not finding auiy they allowed the
traJn to proceed. mid
Coal operators whd 'remained ' away from
the Illinois conference * ddtiy that the reason
was because they did n , < ft want the strike
settled , but because itioy.j | would not treat
with anybody except tlioln.own men.
_ i i ' . _
A M TJ 6 Ey > l , bj ; N/TS.
J..IST O .
The Bohemian Girl.
The New Erminie.
Chimes of Normandy.
Prlcoe : 25- , BOo and 75o.
Hf member lliu ICB ORBAM MAT1NKK Saturday.
lOo.ZOo and 3Uo ,
The Eminent Actor
In the irreit play ,
Sunday matlueo and night , "ZYu Ittd JUr.
Mnn > enu & llropximii , liny shippers nt
Montreal , hnvc frilled.
Douhtn nrc expressed whether Jerry Simp
son will uver permanently recover.
Andrew Jucknon of Slu-rrlll , Ark , , was
shot nnd killed by hN wife yentenl.iy.
Representative Stone 1ms prepared a mi
nority report on the Jsnklns InvestlRittlon ,
.The martin hospital ncrvlee has received
n telegram that cholera Is prevalent In
An ex-dlvo keeper In New York phnrces
that he retctilnrly paid the police for pro
JnmcH 13. Mnlone , ex-register of the Perry
land otlk'c , Indicted for fraud , has been
K. M. Tnllfero. a St. I.oiiH traveling man ,
was shot nnd kilted at Hunker , l-n. , by
Henry Firth.
The olllcliil recount of the salary nmrnd-
ment vote In .MIoblKun MIOWH Hint the
amendment was defeated ;
There wn * n IiirKu mpetliiK of New-
York Implies * men held lust nlKht tti pro
test nKtilnst lilt ; Income tax.
General Ariz's Commonweal army cnt-
tered at Topfku , but the comiimmlor cuys
he will wither It together again.
The Cripple Cicek banks Imve sent all
their HtirplUM curr.ent'.v lu Denver , belnn
afraid of n. raid by Mlrlklni ? miners.
A negro named Hallaid , who- attempted
to outniL'o a white ulrl nt Jackson , Teiin. ,
\VOH captured by citizens and shot.
A number of delegates to the lute t'nltel
Presbyterian general assembly ure holding
a three days meeting In Krunc'Uco.
The mints during tlm past month coined
$9.120,4ri < ) , of whli-li all but SG75XK ) Was gold.
The only silver coined was half dollars.
The convention of physleltnis and stir-
gons nt Washington yesterday devoted the
day to dlscii'wlng thu surgery of the ncs. .
General Sehulleld denies that fedenn
troops will be UKeil nt Cripple Creek for
the purpose of urrestlng Governor Walte.
Hanker John Htissell and wife of I'.il-
myra , N. Y. , were shut by burglars , \\ho
escaped and Imve not yet been captured.
lr. J. S. Hreeillng , who Hooded the coun
try with forged \\Vlls-Kitrgu express or
ders , plend guilty at SI. l.oula yesterday.
Second Lieutenant Daniel of the Sixth
cavalry died III the Yellowstone park ni
the result of being throu'i from a horse.
Dr. Meyer , the New York murderer , wns
to have been sentenced yesteiday , bin not
being ready , sentence was deferred until
The judges of the fulled Stales cmnt of
appeals announce Jhey ulll hear the ap
peal from the JenkliiK Injunction order In
stead of lettini , * It go direct to the supreme
court. .
Governor Jones of the Choetnw nation
denies that lie sent the telegram to which
his name was signed u klng for federal
troops to settle mining dllllctiltles In tut-
Rev. J. T. I.nnsliiK of lloiton has mane
charges that police olllcers In that city
have been lecclvliiK bribes from keepers of
disreputable resorts us the pi Ice ot police
protection ,
The committee appointed to revli-e the
articles of the Southwestern Passenger as
sociation made Its report yesterday , but
the association hus not taken any action
on the report.
Balloon ascension , Courlnnd bench tonight.
No .More Coiicerln nt Jaffcrtnii Square
Itoutlnn IliiHlueMR Truimt > tcd.
At the regular meeting of the Doard of
Park Commissioners yesterday afternoon It
was decided to.abandon the concerts nt Jef
ferson square. This action was taken on
account of the injliry done to the grass and
trees by the Immense crowd at the first con
cert. It was also argued that only those
who were near the band stand could hear
the music unywuy , and the square did not
seem adapted for open nlr concerts.
The bid of Mount & Grlllln to sprinkle
North Nineteenth street wns accepted , and
they will begin operations at once. It was
also decided to lower the sidewalks slightly ,
as It waj thought that thai would Improve
the street for boulevard purposes. Judge
Hascall reported what had been done by the
council with regard to the southeast boule
vard , nnd the board decided to let the coun
cil go ahead nnd do all that U would before
taking any hand In the matter Itself.
The question of a Fourth of July celebra
tion at Hlvcrvlew park was suggested and
discussed to sonic extent , but no action was
taken , the members preferring to wait until
they had a chance to zee how the first con
cert at that park was received. Bills anlount-
Ing to | 9,2G1.39 wore audited and approved.
Dislodge Bile ,
Stir up the Liver.
Cure Sick-Headache ,
Female Ailments ,
Bemove Disease and
Promote Good Health ,
Oorcrod with a Tasteless & Solnblo Coiling. |
Famous the world over. 1
Askfor UccchanVa und t.tke no others. '
Of all drUEcist * > - Irlco5 cents a box. J
New von- Depot , 16 * Canal St.
At a good restaurant
you often order IliosoiIellcatoillHlicBWlthilc-
HclouH num'i'H , which you do not h.ivo nt
home. Jlut ilia Ituvoroccur to you that with
BH n Block or l > could have these very
dlBheu Hindu In your own kltchun1/ /
Miss Marie Parloa
tellHjoii how.
100 of her icclpCH sent postpaid
by Datichy Si Co. , i7 ! 1'ark
Place , New Yorlt.
Made a .well
Man of
ltl > ll'JH ! lu CO DAVB. C'lire7
Nerous Plitntei , l-'ulllnir Memory ,
rare. fi.SlpeiilekFnrBStWcakncf ctc. , ' * _ ! _ "
rauieUiirnaitabuira and quickly biitiureTyrcitorM
l.o.t l. ufiood Infildor jounu' . Emily carrfnl In vett
packet. rilco61.VOapn < ; kaec. Six for5.U ( > wllli u
irrltlcnirimrnnlrrlorure or money rrfundrd. Don't
buy un Imllnilim but Insist on bavin ? 1M > AI'I . If
vourdriiBt-lctha.iiotBotlt o will tend It ur p ld.
Oriental Mrlllrnl Co. . C1IIUOO , ItU , .r tkiIr jf.l > .
EOl'.D by Ruhn & Co. , Cor. 13th and I > ourai ( ! Sti. , unit
J. A. Fuller Co. . c'or ' Hth fc Doualars Bl . . OMAllAi
in charge of the siatora of Nloroy.
This renowned Institution la situated on the
high bluffs uno.cof and overlooking the city of
Council jlIufTs. The ipioloui KrouiuU , Us
hl li locution and splendid view , make It a
most pleasing retrett for tbo alHIotod. A staff
of em uent phvsloUnsitnd a largo corpi nf ex
perloncoa r.uraes minister to the comforts of
ho patients. bpeoUl euro tflvon to ludv pit-
For particulars uuplr to
Frank Street - - Conll ; BliiL , levi
The laJy whoso portrait heads this oj-Uclo
Is Mrs. Mary P. Covell , of Scotland , Bon
Honiino Co. . 8. Dai. She writes to Dr. K.
V. IMcrco , Chief Consulting Physician to the
Invalids' Hotel nnd Surgical Institute , at
Buffalo , N. Y. . as follows : " I was sick two
years with ' falling of the womb' ami leucorrhoea -
rhoea previous to taking your medicines. I
took sis bottles ot lr. ) Piorco's Favorite Pro
scription , nnd was entirely cured of both In
six months ; it U four years this month ,
since I was entirely well of both these dls-
oases and have never had any signs of their np-
pearonco since and I am satisfied the ' Favorite -
ito Proscription ' saved my life , for I could
hardly walk around when I commenced
fc ing that medicine nnd 1 think it is a God's
blessing to mo that I took it.
I was pronounced incu.ra.blo by the best
doctors hero in the West. I gave up nil
hopes nnd made up my mind that I was to
bo talion away from my husband and baby
of two years old. I was sick all of tbo time
could not cat anything at all. In one week ,
after beginning the use of the ' Favorlto Pro
scription' my stomach was so much bettor
that I could eat anything : I could see that I
was gaining all over , and my husband then
went and got mo sis uottlcj ; I took tbrco of
them and my stomach did not bother mo any
more.Wo sent to yon and got the People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser , and found
my coso described Just as I was : wo did
what the book told us , in every way ; in one
month's time I could ECO I was much better
than I hod been ; wo still kept on just as the
book told us , and in three inonths I stopjwd
taking medicine , nnd to-day , I can proudly
say I am a well women , yes , am well , strong
and healthy.
When I began to take your medicine my
face was poor and eyes looked dead. I could
not enjoy myself anywhere , I was tired and
sick all thu timo. I could hardly do my
hpiiio-work , but now I do that und tend a
bi garden , help my husband and take in
sawing. "
The following will prove interesting to
feeble women generally , and especially so to
these about to become mothers. Mrs. Dora
A. Gutbrlo , of Oakloy , Ovorton Co. , Tonn. ,
writes : " I uovor can thank you enough for
what your treatment has douo for mo ; I am
stronger now than I have been for six years.
When I bofran your treatment I was not nblo
to do anything. I could not stand on my feet
long enough to wash my dishes without suf
fering almost death ; now I do nil my house
work , washing , cooking , sowing and everything -
thing for my family of eight. Dr. Plorco's
Favorite Prescription is the best medicine to
toke before conflnomeut that con bo found ;
or at least it proved so with mo. I never
suffered so llttlo vrith any of my children aa
I did with my lost and ttlio Is the healthiest
wo have. I recommend your medicines to nil
of my nolghbora and especially 'Favorito
Proscription' to all women whoarosutroring.
Uavo Induced several to try it , and it has
proved good for them. " Yours truly ,
Dr. Piorco'a Favorite Prescription is a pos
itive euro for the most complicated nnd
obstinate loucorrhea , excessive flowing ,
painful menstruation , unnatural suppres
sions nnd irregularities , prolapsus , or falllnc
of the womb , weak back , " female weakness , "
antovcrsion , retrovcrslon , bearing-down , sen
sations , chronic congestion , inflammation and
ulceratlon of the womb , inflammation , pain
nnd tenderness of the ovaries , accompanied
with "Internal heat. "
Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription is a
scientific medicine , carefully compounded , by
on experienced and skillful physician , and
adapted to woman's delicate organization. It
is purely vegetable in its composition and
perfectly harmless in ite effects mcniu conclf-
FI'OII of the system. For morning sickness or
nausea , duo to pregnancy , weak stomach , In
digestion , dyspepsia and kindred symptoms ,
its use will prove very beneficial.
Dr. Pierce's Book , " Woman und Her DIs-
oatCH , " (103 ( pages , illustrated ) , giving suc
cessful means of homo treatment , can bo had
( sealed in plain envelope ) by enclosing 10
cts. , in ono cent stamps , to pay postage , to
the Doctor , at his address , as given at the
beginning of this article.
Look Around First
At the WESTERN ,
Any and nil out of town people visiting - Boys'nnest $3.150 suits RO at $1.05.
ing OiruUn this -vcok nro cordially In lioys'supcrllnr $0 suits go at $3.75.
vited to call on us. whether they Buy or Men'working pantsusual price t\.23 \ ,
not. And pat it down us a solid nnd go at Hoc.
substantial fact that whatever you have Boys' best pants , woit'.i $1. ire at 50o.
to buy in clothing , hats , shoes or furn FURNISHING UOODS.
ishings can bo bought In this great Best DUa French balbriggan under
special sale for about 50 per cent less wear goes at ! 27c.
tnan prices on the same goons else- Bust 20a fast black and tan sox go at
where. ' lie.
MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. lie.Best $1 fancy shirts go at 05o.
All our men's suits , worth up to $10 , Best $1 night shlriu co at COc.
Men's new $15 black Cheviot suits go All men's $1,50 und $1.75 hats po at
at 7 BO. 83c.
Men's finest $20 and $2J suits go at All men's and boy' 50c straw hats go
$11. at 2'Ji- ' .
Western Clothing Co. ,
1317-1319 Douglas Street.
Tht > ee Doors East from Corner of 14th.
PaintOil , and GlassCo. a-
Wp hWO I.OO3 Wl irlows In Btpok , maUo by the
. A. Murphy Munufacturlni : ( Joiiipany. No litittor susli can
bo nmilo , which no will glitzo with any Kind of plust tlmt you
wunt , und bull yon ( or loss nuinuy thun you oun Iniy the Door ,
sappy hush niafli ) In the cast for. lal us Rlvo you ptlucsana
wo will not your urdar.
Our I'ulntcan not bo oxcollcd for ( lurublllty , boiuty o
finish or covering cuimclty by nny other inlxod palnU In tli
market. Our price U Sl.'i'i per Kullon.
1 and 3 Fourth St. , - MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING.
Stonm and Hot Watsr Hoatlng ( or
Residences and Buildings.
J. C. B1XBY , -
202 Malu. 20. < Pearl Streets , Council
, Iowa.
I'ronldcnt. Cashier.
First National
Capital , $100,000
Profits , 12,00(1
Ono of tlm oldest banks in the Btnlo of Iowa Wu
Kollclt yuiirbuitlnoBHiiutl colloctloim. Wo pay o
porcriilon UmudopObltB. Wo will lu phutieU t o
Bee unit Hurvuyou.
I BQinbii I l'r , c-
a llfo In HIM t t unit
fmitirul ouiicc , itooniK 'iOU-7-H-O ,
blncK , Council Ilium , lu
aAitiiAau nittovup. CKMsrooLd. VAULT- .
clilnmtyi cleaned. Kil Kurke , ut Taylor * *
Kroctry , HO llroudtray.
city property bouclit ana tola. I'usty *
Tliuman. Council IJlulTa.
3 iiillcu north of town ; good mun In charge.
U. 1' , JuJson , 'Jfj HUth avenue , or 3JS Urott4
way , Council muir * .
work. Mrs. W , tBapp , 2 ! | Oakland