Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Record of Horrors Loft by tbo Ebullition
of Devilish Passions of Men.
Trlpla TrnRPily Arlnlnn from n T.OTU Af-
fnlr In an Alnlmmii Vlllniro 1'rottjr
KlftconVnrOlit Olrl Out-
rnRril by o Trnuip. *
niltMINQHAM , Ala. , May 31. An old
RTudge growing- out of a love affair resulted
In a triple tragedy nt Village Springs yca-
ttrday. In n nt of rngo and jealousy Tom
Karly went Intoa mine where Washington
Ilallcy was at work and shot him to death ;
thin going to Bailey's house the murderer
shot nnd killed the dead man's wife , with
whom ho had been In love , nnd who had
rejected him for Bailey. Both murders
wire cold-blooded and noon officers and citi
zens were after Early , who fled. The
pollco made a dash at him and ho fell ,
dying an hour later. Both men were
miners. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jlrokr Into n House anil Ilrutally Ansiiultcil
u ( llrl lit Her Parents' Ahuonrn.
( JUKKNFIKLD , Mass. , May 31. William
Stl/cr , n respectable nnd widely known
resident of Hast Colcralne , started with
Ills family for Greenfield yesterday mornIng -
Ing to visit friends and attend the Memo
rial day celebration. He left nt home a
bright nnd pretty 15-year-old daughter ,
iWhcn the family returned In the evening
the daughter was lying unconscious , a
eevrro wound In her throat , cuts and
scratches on other portions of her body ,
nnd outraged. The girl was at work In
the kitchen , when she was startled by the
appearance of a tramp , who grabbed a big
chopping knife nnd threatened to kill her.
.There was a struggle , he grasped her by
the throat , choked her and struck her
navagcly with the knife. She finally got
nwny and ran to her chamber. The brute
followed her and succeeded In accomplish
ing his purpose. The girl fainted nnd lay
on the" floor unconscious for some time.
.When she recovered , In her terror , she
jumped from her cliamb r window to the
Kround , a distance of fifteen feet , and ran
to the house of a neighbor. The neighbor-
liccd Is aroused and If the tramp Is caught
lie will bo lynched.
JACK Till : Ittl'I'KU AT I.AIUJi : .
Terror Created In Chicago nnd Tno .Men
Jliiiigorounly Hurt.
CHICAGO , May 31. Armed with a dirk
knife and acting like a maniac a veritable
Hack the Ripper created terror on the North
and West sides last night. Two persons
became victims of his mania and are now
at hospitals , terribly slushed and In a criti
cal condition. They are :
MARTIN I'ETERSON , stabbed In the back
find abdomen ; cannot recover.
JOHN TONG , cut on the neck four Inches
long , cervical vertebrae bared ; Is In a serious
The fiend with the knife Is still at large.
The assaults were unprovoked , and It Is the
opinion of those who witnessed the murder
ous acts that the man is Insane.
XcRrcs Kills Nogrps' .
SICLMA , Ala. , May 31. A shocking mur-
ficr was committed nt Orrvllle , near here.
'A negress named Pinkie Johnston accused
another negrcss named Kesslo of stealing
{ tome of her weaving apparel , and a quarrel
followed. After beating Kessle Into Insensi
bility the Johnston woman procured a razor
end cut her victim's throat from ear to ear ,
nearly severing the head from the body.
Excitement Is Intense among the colored
people of this vicinity. The murderess has
been safely landed In jail.
* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Slabbed In n Drunken How.
ST. LOUIS May 31. At 1:30 : o'clock this
morning In a drunken row at the corner of
Sixth and Elm streets , Guy Rothschild was
stabbed by Fritz Clark. The former shot
Clark , killing him Instantly. Rothtchild.
, who was not badly wounded , was placed
under arrest.
Washerwoman Found Stnincled.
NEW YORK , May 31. Minnie Weldt , 22
years old , a washerwoman , was found dead
In her room last night. A knotted handker
chief was around her neck and evidence that
Bhe had been strangled to death. The police
Ho not know whether It Is suicide or murder.
Tlio Hprlnu Medicine.
"All run down" from the weakening effects
of warm weather , you need a good tonic and
blood purifier like Hood's Sarsaparllla. Do
not put off taking It. Numerous little ail
ments , If neglected , will soon break up the
system. Take Hood's Sarsaparllla now , to
expel disease and give you strength and ap
Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic
fend liver medicine. Harmless , reliable , sure.
Dakota I'libllc Examiner Cnn
Ordurg to District Court Clerks.
SIOUX CITY , S. D. , May SO.-Speclnl (
{ Telegram to The Bee. ) Judge Jones sus
tained the' demurrer to the Indictment
against the clerk of the court , Albion
JChorne , for refusing to report the busi
ness of his ofllce to Public ISxunmlner
Meyers. The judge holds that the public
examiner linn no right to demand a re
port of clerks of courts. Thorna will be
tried next week on another Indictment of
misappropriation of (1,037 of county funds.
Sioux falls Now * Notes.
| 4
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. . May 30.-Spcclul (
lo The Bee , ) George Miller yesterday
tilcaded guilty In police court to Htcnllng n
horse nnd buggy from Jacob Klel'H livery
ptable hero last Monday , anil wan bound
over In the sum of iuO. In default of
milllclent bondsmen he Is now In Jail.
William Stuart wns bound over In the
mim of $200 for breaking Into a carload of
beer ou the Milwaukee tracks here nnu
etenllng- two kegs. Hu Is also In the
county jail.
Luke CroURhnn saya he tried to poison
lilniHclf , nnd liln brother Owen xuyH that
liiike did nothing of the kind , The local
papers In mentioning the departure of the
invalid wife of Luke to the home of her
mother In Kodney , In. , tmld that her IUIH-
Imml had not properly cured for her , and
that he was shiftless , and the police In
tended to order him out of town , Sunday
night Luke went to a neighbor' house
ami told them that he had taken mlson
nnd had comt ! there to die. They at once
Hcnt for a doctor , who came and adminis
tered an emetic , nnd yesterday Luke wua
all right. He clnlniH he took the poison
because the newspapers roasted him. Uir.
brother Owen nays It wns a bluff and that
J.uko did not take poison. A few weckn
ugo Luke had Owen arrested for se'llim '
one of Luke'H wagons to buy food for the
latter's wife and child ,
A meeting of the Sioux Fulls and Ynnh-
ton turnvcrulns will be held In this city
next month. The Yankton turners have
chartered a Great Northern train , nnd will
come up here300 8troni ? to compete for the
prizes , A full day will be nut In with
P miorts and the evening will bo spent In
dancing and awarding the prizes won dur
ing the day. This district , comprising
P Bloux Falls nnd Yankton , will send rep
I resentatives to the next national turn-
rest.The case of the state against Henry
Van Nice of Flandreau for adultery , which
Rot Into the supreme court on a writ of
fiabcuR corpus , Involving- the validity of
Iho state law on the subject , has been
settled. The supreme court holds that the
aw Is good. Van Nice was sentenced by
tudKC Jones to nerve a term of one year
n the penitentiary hero for adultery with
sno of Van Nice's Sunday school scholara.
\ motion for trial has been denied
ilm heretofore , and ho will now have to
ako his inedlclno as prescribed by tnfc
"The students of the Sioux Fnlla university
trill bringreplevin proceedings tiRnlnst
rnnkton college for the possetmlon of the
COO chalcedony slab won by the Sioux
falls university In the recent state era-
orlcal contest. Yankton had the * lnb In
tn nosseeslon before the contest , and were
lo very certain of winning the contest
hey did not bring It to the contest , which
i required by the association rules. They
lave since refused to nemIt. .
PJudge Jones yesterday reiluced the ball
b'Dr. A. M. Fisher from Jl.OOO ' to poo. A
( notion was made by the doctor's attorney *
B let the prisoner go on his own recoKnt * .
tuc , but this was denied , finally he m- (
iluced friends to sign his boml for $300 and
ho wan relpnuetl.
The cni e of the state nfrnlnst Henry
Smith for arnault with n deadly weapon
on the person of Fred FoMpr last Nex.
Year's wns called for trial today. Both
the principals In the fracas nre yoiinu men
who vfcnt to n dance at Hartford , ami Ket-
tlnir Into a ncrnp over which should datico
with a certnln Rlrl , Smith , who WOH the
tinder mnn In the fight , took a revolver
from his pocket nnd shot Foster. The
wound \vns at first thought to be fatal ,
but the victim has now nearly fully recov
ered. i _
A Chile
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladles may use the California
liquid laxative , Syrup of Figs , and under all
conditions , makes It their favorite remedy.
To get the true and genuine article , look
for the name of the California "Fig Syrup
Co. , printed near the bottom of the pack
Attornryn Sue the County for the I'lill Hill
Attorneys Estelle and Mnhoncy have sued
the county for a balancs of $200 , which they
allege Is due on account.
Shortly after the arrest of Harney McGinn ,
on Iho charge of having murdered Edward
McKenna , these gentlemen were appointed
to defend. After the case was disposed of
they filed a bill with the county clerk , al
leging that their services \\ere reasonably
worth the sum of $600. The bill was cut to
$400 and It Is on this balance which wns
not allowed that suit Is brought.
ICdltor IMtulirofkN Trial.
Gilbert M. Hitchcock , against whom there
IB an Indictment In the courts , charging that
he published the advertisements of a lottery ,
contrary to the laws of the state , Is the
next man up for trial In the criminal sec
tion of the district court. Seine days ago
Hitchcock demurred to the Information , al
leging that he had committed no crime , for
the reason that the publication was made
In a state other than the one In which the
drawings of the lottery took place. Yesterday
Hitchcock withdrew his demurrer and will
make the light squarely upon the Issues.
Ovrr u haUi of block.
In Judge IJlalr's court the case of the
German American bank against I'erry
Brothers , stockmen of South Omaha , Is ou
trial. The bank Is suing to recover the sum
of $1,200 which , It Is alleged , Is due by
reason of the defendants having failed to
turn over money which should have been
collected on a sight draft , drawn to satisfy
n claim due from George Johnson , a stock
man from the interior of the state , who
shipped a consignment of cattle to the South
Omaha market. _
District Court Culling * .
In the probate court the estate of Richard
Kitchen , deceased , Is up for hearing on a
motion for a final settlement.
The supreme court has Interfered and has
prohibited the sale of the Ackerman Dros.
& Hclntzo stock until the proceedings can
be reviewed.
The baby Ruth Wright Ernest case was
on for hearing In the county court again
yesterday afternoon , the attorneys for the
parents contending that the adoption was Il
legal for the reason that the county com
missioners were without authority to farm
the child out to Ernest and his wife.
An unusually large number of persons were
In Judge Ferguson's room yesterday , an
ticipating a decision In the gatbage case of
Conmbcs and others against MacDonald nnd
others , brought by the plaintiffs for the pur
pose of restraining the defendants from In
terfering in the use of the Jones street
dump. The court disappointed the crowd
by announcing that the opinion would not be
handed down until next Saturday morning.
Before Judge Keysor the case of Jlmmle
Callygan against the city Is having Its In-
nlng , where the plaintiff Is seeking to re
cover damages in the sum of $3,000 , alleging
that the defendant failed to care for and
protect his property. During the summer of
1893 Callygan occupied one of the Murray
shanties at Fourteenth and Jackson streets ,
but about that time the Inspector of build
ings condemned the structures and they
were torn down. The household effects of
the plaintiff were placed upon the sidewalk ,
-Irom which place he alleges that they were
The damage case of Charles A. Hoffman
against Victor H. Coltman is on , trial ,
where the plaintiff Is undertaking the task
of convincing a jury that ho should recover
the sum of $5,000 by reason of having been
thrown upon the pavement at the Intersec
tion of Fifteenth and Douglas streets , some
three years ago. At that time the plaintiff
was driving along the street ( and was run
Into by a cab from the Palace stables. The
children of the defendant were riding In the
cab and suit was brought , the plaintiff al
leging that the defendant was responsible
for all that took place.
Teeter's Cnso Still on Trlul nnd Expert
Testimony Heine Offered.
The "moonshine" case against J. Z.
Teeter Is still on trial In the federal court.
The defense Is seeking to prove that the
whisky manufacturing apparatus was not
used lor Illicit purposes , but was simply
used to make "slop" for hogs.
One ot the witnesses yesterday was
I. A. Sheridan , the Red Willow county rep
resentative In the last legislature , who
achieved a gold-headed cane and a disfig
ured countenance for n few minutes lively
work In the corridor ot the state house dur
ing the last session. He accompanied
Deputy United States Marshal Tomllnson
when the seizure of the Illicit still was made ,
and ho also gave expert testimony as to
stills and whisky In general , and the strik
ing points ot difference between beer and
whisky kegs.
I.lho th Ountlo Dow from Heaven
Comes blissful peace to a turbulent , Unruly
liver brought Into subjugation and disciplined
with that grand regulator , Hosteller's Stomach
ach Dltters , a boon of priceless worth , not
only to the bilious , but also to the malarious ,
the rheumatic , the nervous , the feeble , the
constipated , and these \\liose kidneys and
bladder are Inactive. The liver Is always
chiefly Involved In malarial complaints , for
which the llltlera Is a bpcclflc.
1' , I' .
II. R. Tlntdey of Harlan , la. , Is In the
K. Helnshclmcr of Glcnwood , la. , was ! n
the city yesterday.
D. D. Scerle nnd wife of Denver were In
the city yesterday.
Major 13 , M. Ford , passenger agent of the
Union Pacific at DCS Molnes , Is In the city.
Irwln W. Near , esq. , n prominent at
torney of Hornellavlllc , N , Y , , la in the city
on business ,
Mrs , F. E. Holllster and daughters , Mary ,
Fanny and Eva , of Sioux Falls , S. D. , ar
rived In the city yesterday.
NchruHkuni t tlio Hotvlx.
At the 1'uxton ; J. T , AVeatennun , Lin
At the Murray : C. S. Calhonn , Spring
At the Mlllard : A , O. Greenlee , Lincoln ;
James W. Orr , Atkinson ; Kdwnrd Johnson
and wife , Full rton ; CJ , It , Kvuns and fam
ily , Hnshvllle.
At the Mercer : G. F. Iltirr , York ; J , A.
Rons , Fremont : J. O. Uowem and daughter.
Broken How ; T. P. Welch , Norfolk ; V. C.
Shlckley , Geneva ; Ira Mallory , North
Platte ; J. H. Nichols , Hastlngw ; J. H. Ab
bott , Blu Springs.
At the Pcllonu : W. U Wilson. Nebraska
City ; Thomas Marshall. Hebron ; A. K.
Barnes. I'onca ; A. W , Bell. Lincoln ; Henry
KroymborK and wife , T. W. Dean , Broken
Bow ; t ) . J. Irlch , Lincoln : C. L. Trlpp ,
Auburn ; B. F , Warren , Nebraska Cltv ; J.
M. Noyc.H , Ashland.
At the Arcade : J. A. Ilanseii and wife.
J. H. Hansen and wife , HoldiCKe : John
Rutly. R , L. Orr. Superior ; W. 1J. Wlldman ,
Lincoln ; C. C. White , Crete ; L. S. Sharer.
F. P. llonnell. Superior ; S. 8. Smith. Noith
Loup ; A. J. Knbody , Chudron ; T. J , Smart ,
Wood Ulver ; John Comstock , F. n. Barrett !
Oak ; Oeort'f Legge , Holers.
At the Merchants ; L. J. Htltzmnn , Fair-
bury ; J. U. O'Brien , Loup City : R Bamlnck ,
W. J. Illckctts , Genoa ; W. H. Chapman ,
Lincoln ; A. J. Catrn and wife , Wymore ;
C. L. Hoover , Pupllllon : J. KnldelbaiiKh ,
W. 8. Delwler , Holdrege ; Alfred Flint ,
Lltchfleld : Mm. 8. T. Caldwc-ll , Mrs. J. H.
U row n , Kdgur ; Charles Hurkc. North
Platte : Charles G. Ste le , Norfolk ; C. H.
Cornell. Valentine : A. J..Ingrt ; , Fremont ;
J. T. Wlcsman. T. a. Tolls , Lincoln ; W.
II. Conger , Loup City.
The Piro Loss of the Columbia Clothing
Co , Adjusted.
At o Heine Compelled to Unit , the Oppor
tunity of n Lifetime Will Ito Offered
to liny Clothing During This
Urciit Sale.
Having settled with tlio Insurance com
pany for the amount of our loss sustained
by tlio fire that occurred In tlio adjoining
building on the morning of May 30 , wo will
commence a terrlllc slaughter sale of all the
wet , smoked clothing.
As It Is. necessary to take time to mark
down these goods the sale Is announced to
As the business must be wound up before
long and as wo have received from the In
surance company the money for our loss In
the ( Ire , we are enabled to make such prices
that will move the stock quickly , and that
all can afford to get one of these suits.
The extremely low prices In this sale will
eclipse anything you have ever heard or
dreamed of before.
Remember that 80 per cent of the cloth
ing In our large stock escaped any damage
whatever and Is as sound as a dollar , but
goes at proportionate prices with the rest.
Wo cannot quote prices at this time
owing to the rush In getting the stock In
order for the
Which will commence promptly at 0 a , in.
Corner Farnain and 13th.
HAYIir.N 111(03. (
Urcnt Clothing Siiln I'rldny nml Sntui-
( luy.
Men's all wool suits , $3.75.
Men's $10.00 suits , this sale $6.50.
Men's $12.50 ami $10,00 suits go now at
Men's flno worsted pants , $1.75 ,
All wool summer coats and vest , $1.75.
Men's overalls , warranted not to rip , 25c.
A good boys' knee pants suit , 75c.
A llrst class made all wool suit , $1.95.
Our 75c and $1.00 all wool knee pants now
An all wool long pants suit now $1.75.
Another trunk manufacturer goes to the
wall and Hayden Bros , gets the entire stock
nt their own price , consisting of trunks ,
traveling bags , telescope cases , coat cases ,
shawl straps , trunk straps , sample cases ,
which will be placed on sale at less than 50c
on the dollar.
Men's pearl fedora , with black band , $1.25 ,
worth $2.50.
Men's derby In all the latest shapes , $1.25 ,
worth $2.50.
Men's latest styles of straw hats , COc ,
worth $1.25.
A large assortment of children's straw hats
at lOo , 15c and 25c.
Men's straw hats at 15c , 25c , worth 50c ,
Children's sailors at 20c , 25c.
A special reduction In our hat department.
Clothing and Hats.
IH Opened 1th u ItiiHh.
That bankrupt manufacturers' sale of
clothing , furnishings , hats and shoes at 115
South IGth street opened with a big rush.
People get more for their money than they
really expect. For just once. Men's strong
pants , neat pattern , 39c. Men's suspenders ,
3c. Elegant straw hats for dress wear , 19c.
'Sri * 'suns unj B.UBM033 'siroo ntf ! ! s.uajv
Handsome neckties , 3c ; they usually sell for
25c. All wool blue suits , $4.75. Genuine
Scotch wool pants , 75c. Iloys' long pants
suits , $1.25. Men's extra stout dress shoes ,
95c. Laundered white shirts , 25c. Ton
shoes , $1.25. Large Turkey red handker
chiefs for a penny. Black silk caps , 5c-each.
Linen ties , 3c per dozen. Spring overcoats
from $2,00 up. Collar buttons , 12 for Ic.
Tiio best grade of celluloid collars , 8c , any
size from U'/4 to 17' . The best celluloid
cuffs , 15c. Finer grades of goods of which
there Is an enormous assortment , in proportion
tion still cheaper. Bo sura you strike the
right place. Come to the corner of Doug
las and IGth streets ; wo are straight oppo
site where they are now rebuilding the
Boston Store. You will see a great big red
sign that reads ,
115 S. IGth , near Douglas.
Wanted , experienced clothing salesmen.
Mountain and Occnn Itcsorts of tlio Knst
Are readily reached via Chicago and the
Pennsylvania short lines. The only route
to Creadon and other cool retreats In the
Allcghenlcs. Solid vestibule trains leave
Chicago union station dally over these lines
for Cresson and Altoona , running through
to New York , where connection Is made
for the White mountains , the Adirondack' ,
Mount Desert Island and places of summer
sojourn In the mountains of eastern New
York , Vermont , New Hampshire and Maine.
At New York connection Is also made for
Fall River. Newport , Narragansett Pier ,
Martha's Vlnoyard , Nantucket and famous
watering places along the Atlantic , to which ,
passengers via Pennsylvania lines have
choice of all rail route or palatial steamers
of the Fall River line from New York. At
lantic City , Capo May , Long Branch , Ocean
drove , Asbury Park and bummer havens
along the Now Jersey coast are on
divisions of the Pennsylvania system , which
comprises the most dejlrable route to them.
Any desired Information will be cheerfully
furnished by H. R. Derlhg , A. G. P. agent ,
248 South Clark street , Chicago.
( iolng IJust. Toiluy ?
Your choice of four dally trains on ( lit
Chicago & Northwestern railway Tno of
these trains at 4:05 : p. m. and 6:30 : p. m. .
are vestlbulqd and limited- arriving In Chi.
cage early next morning.
Elite Bloeprs , dining cars and the latest
reclining chair cars.
Call at the city offlce. 1401 Farnam street.
The Northwestern checks your trunk at
your house.
Verfoctly ut Home.
The Irrigated lands of Idaho possess that
peculiar qualification which Is perfectly
adapted to tlio raising of apples , aprlcoU ,
peaches , cherries , pears , plums , grapes ,
prunes , hops , alfalfa , corn and potatoes ,
which always find a ready market and bring
a good price.
You can't overstock the United States with
these commodities.
We'll send our advertising matter on ap
13. L. Lomax , G , P , and T. A. , Omaha , Neb.
Good' music , boating and balloon ascension
at Courtlnnd Beach tonight , lOc admission.
Now ( ; iiolr nt Temple lurael.
Beginning with the services this evening ,
the newly appointed choir , under the leader
ship of Miss Boulter , will bo Inducted Into
service at the Harney street temple. It will
consist of the following well known and tal
ented musicians : Mrs. Sunderland , soprano ;
Mrs. Day , contralto ; Mr. Northrup , tenor ;
Mr. Sunderland , bass. The names of the
persons Is sulllclent earnest that the musical
service at Temple Israel will henceforth beef
of a high standard. This evening the work
of the choir will bo augmented by a solo by
Rev. V. Rosenatcln , late of London , who la
the ixjssessor of rmii extraordinarily rich bar
itone voice. Tim Bubjcct of Dr. Franklin's
lecture for the cccailon will bo "Muslo and
Religion. " All * ho wish to attend these
services are welcome.
Coniinlfulnncra Kloct Dr. lllythln for
County riiyloluii Till Next Vcnr.
The county commissioners met In regu
lar adjourned cession yesterday for the
purpose of electing n county physician to
succeed Dr. Lnnynn , who tendered his resig
nation nt the last meeting of the board. A
score or more mmlloaj men had been proposed
for the place , aud while their claims were
considered before , the committee their names
never got before the board as a Whole , Yes
terday , when the order of business coming
under the head of reports of commlttccH was
reached , the chairman of the committee on
charily offered n resolution , naming Dr.
J. W. Blythln. The resolution was adopted
by a unanimous vote and the doctor was ap
pointed until the first of next year.
Dr. J. F. Larimer was given a place on
the medical staff at the county hospital to
fill a vacancy caused by tbo resignation of
Dr. A. P. Glnn.
The services of Fred Ilukley , assistant nt
the county store , were dispensed with , tuo
change to take effect today.
At an adjourned session of the boirtl held
In the afternoon the May pay roll was
passed , after which an adjournment until
June 9 was ordered.
Good music , boating and balloon ascension
at Courtland Beach tonight , lOc admission.
Itrlcf Syiinpalfl of the Portion of Zolii'ft Grout
Story Winch Him Keen I'rlnted.
CHAI'TIJH I , The opening scene of "Lourcles , "
which wan commenced In serial form In Sun
day's tlec of April 15 , la In a cur of the "white
train , " which cnrrlcn the very sick pIlKrlms
from rnrli to I-ourdca. Among tlio pilgrims
li Mnrlo tie Utiernnlnt , a young woman who for
years him been bedridden , HhP li accompanied
by her father nnd tlio Abbo 1'lrrrc rruinent.
CHAl'Tlia IK The Abbe 1'leireuin tile
son of a rlivmlnt. who lUed at Netillly. Kiting
next them were M. > Oucrxnlnt unil liln family.
Llttlo Marie < le nueimilnt nnU I'leire plaivd to
Kether , and Ilii.illy fell In lo\e with eucli oilier
nt they mew up. Murle rcceUed an Injury
whlpll rcEUltid In nenrly total imialysls. AH
she could never be his wife 1'lerro became u
CHAl'Tim HI. The cufferlnR In the train li
Intense when It stops at 1'oitlcrs half an hour
for lunch.
CIIAI'TUIt IV. AB the train starts Sophie Cou-
teait nets In. Bho tells the story of the cun-
accorded to her diseased foot by simply dipping
It In the water nt Lourdcs.
rHAPTUIl V The abbe rends nloiid a Imok
Kiting the history of llernailette , and describes
the eighteen tlmcn she saw the visions In tie !
Rrottu. Lourdes Is reached In the eatly moin-
Inff. As the train rolls Into the station an un
known man Uks.
CHAPTER I. Alvld picture Is Rlvon of the
confusion when the Invalids are landed and
conveyed to the hospital.
ClIAPTHIt II. The hospital li greatly over
crowded. At 8 a , m. the procession to the
grotto starts. rather MussalH asks the Mist
eonsrcKatlon to pray for a great mliuclc , as the
body of the limn who died In the Haiti Is to be
Immersed In the pool In hopes that life will be
CHAPTER III. The abbe meets his old filend ,
Or. Chassalgne. The crowd forces the abbe to
the pools. The dead man Is brought In nnd
Immersed. No mlrncle occurs. On BOlne out
the abbe finds that Mnrle has been bathed with
out effect.
CHAl'TlHl IV. Dr. Chnq nlKiie accompnn'cs
the abbe to the Iturrau of Citlllcntlons. Kllz.i
Itouquet , whose ftice was mmle hideous by a
lupus , declares the soroi-ls steadily di lnt ; up. La
Grl\otle , who had bean In the last BtagcH of
consumption , comes lushing In , shouting , " 1 nm
cured ! "
CHAPTER V. In the evening the abbel llH
Marie at the hospital. She Iseiy much de
pressed became she was not cured , and Is los
ing her faith In tlni cliuiUi. He reads to the
Invalids , continuing t'.ie story of Bernadette ,
telling how prsecutlQiis followil upon the
miracles , how the giotto us closed by soldiers
and belleters forbidden , to get the water , until
finally faith In the miracles became BO great
that the chuich and the government took cog
nizance of it nnd the hiotto was made free.
Six 3P.US after the apparitions the first te-
llglous cciemony man held ut the crotto , and
a mulble statue of the Lady of Louidtn t reeled.
Five years nfter that the beautiful basilica had
been built , nnd the first mass was held In It.
The ubbe's lecltatkm cheers up the Invalids nnd
restores Marie's faith. < All the occupants of
the waid parlalie of I ho holy communion , and
the lights lire put tout. . . . *
CoutliuiutL'lnrTho Snmlny lice.
Balloon ascension at Courtland Beach this
evening. Fine boating also.
Omaha Wholesalers " \Vlll Got Aciimlntcl |
ntth Their Country Customer * .
Commissioner Utt and Secretary Drexel of
the Commercial club are making arrange
ments for the wholesale jobbers excursion
In the early part of July to the towns along
the B. & M. railroad and its branches to the
Black Hills country. They expect to fill n
train of nt least four sleeepers and n couple
of other coaches , and will ba gene several
days. They will visit Chadron , Sheridan ,
Deadwood , Hot Springs , S. D. , nnd will
stop at all the intervening places. The
party Is to be composed of representative
men from each of the wholesale firms repre
sented In the Commercial club , nnd the ex
cursion is for the purpose of bringing the
jobbers Into social contact with their cus
tomers and to also advertise Omaha as a
commercial center. Before returning the
party will make a visit to Yellowstone park.
The Commercial club also expects to ar
range a similar excursion through the west
ern part of Iowa and the western and south
ern part of Nebraska. After these excur
sions arrangements may be made to run ex
cursions to Omaha for the benefit of retail
dealers who may want to visit the city and
look over Us resources for a day or two
while the yare on a goods purchasing ex
Ono word describes it , "perfection. " Wo
refer to DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve , cures
Tire Suspects .lulled.
Two tough looking citizens were arrested
by Onlcers nyan and Torn Hayes nt an early
hour yesterday afternoon and taken
to the central station , where they
gave their names as James Russell
and Jerry Sullivan , which the po
lice bellevo are fictitious. On search
ing their clothes quite a number of articles
were found , one of the men having a gold
watsh , on the Inside of the case being In
scribed "De Motte Watson Smith , From
Mother , Feb'y 11 , 1SU4. " A small pin with
pearl settings was nlco discovered. Both
men had small pieces of camllu.s concealed
about their clothes , while one of the suspects
had a small sterl saw carefully hidden away
In the lining of his hat. They were charged
with being suspicious characters , and locked
up In separate cells ,
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve cures ulcers.
DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures pile * .
l/nllcriiHO / < l Vendera of Intoxicants
Sergeant Thomas Ornibby has been
directed In special orders to Investigate
assignation and bonces of prostitution to xce
If liquor Is soldito Its Inmates or fuests
without the license provided by law. If
Onnsby finds places of thin kind bflllng
without license ha Is directed to cause the
arrest of the proprietors of Mich pieces.
This officer will 'also ' ascertain tnc number
of houses of thlsaklnd where u ROM rtw-cnt
liquor license Is pald.
DeWltt's WHcb Hazel Salvo cures plies
Oi-oifi'om Camilla.
A cnr of silver ore from Canada passed
through the cusuhn house yesterday
for the smeltlngwworks , and a carload ot
leaf tobacco from ! Havana was received for
Iloscnstock & Co.
I tleWltt's Wltctt Hazel Salve cures piles.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
owder :
Tfaeonly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
in Millions of Homes AQ Years the Standard
The Extract of the Heart of the Ox
I'roviM | < ( l according to tlio formula of
In Ills Inlxinttory at
\VASIIIMirON , I ) . < ! .
"In the cnxe of a prominent physician of In
"cllnnn.llin hrnrt brat wns frrulo nnrt
"lar , anil tlirre wnn a constant \erll n wlill
"nntltliitf , or even while In n Ktnnillni ; IKW !
"lion , in tliln fare tlio relief wns cquiill
"promt. He reinnlnpil under * my cnro nnl
"tltren tlnys. bring numtnniml homo uy tele
"Kram liy ilcknvai In his rmnllv , niter makliif
"iirrnnciMnontH to procure a nuftlclcncy of Cnr
"dlno for home use , and I iulvl eil him to con
"tlmic It for nt Icnut n month. He arrived 1mm
"before the C.'nnllno reached him , nml feellnc tli
"need of It , he nt oncn teleKrnplieil for It t
"be nent to him in noon nn possible. He Informci
"me tlmt Iho effect upon him wnn no ilecldi'i
"Hint , wlierenn , formerly he wnn Innlh to wnl !
"even a few nteps for fenr of bflUB ovflpow
"ereil by cllzr.lm-x.x , n nliiRlc Injection ennlilcil hln
"toilk HK much n * he plonncil fur four u
" ( l\e hours nftciwnnlH. "
Dime , l'iv Union. I'rli'n (3 ( tlnliMM ) , S'J.I5O
Wliore local clriiKclHtn are not xuppllod will
the Hammond Anlnml Hxtnicts they " 111 b
mailed toRothrr with nil exlntlnff literature on
the subject , on receipt of price , by
Wimliliiclnn , U. C.
C.'o. , nKunts fur Otimliit.
It is Imril to
pick a oiiiplo
Haw In this
Hall Slum ! . It
has every vlr-
tuo of style ,
mid equipment.
It IKIH not ono
of tlio iniiioi
defects , bomoof
which arc near
ly always pro-
bent in an inexpensive -
pensive p a t -
In general appearance It Is easily rccgnlz-
able as a new pattern of tills year. The pro
portions arc admirable , the framing Is un
usually heavy , anil the outlines are ns grace
fill as one could desire.
The seat Is deep and low to the floor ; the
lid lifts , and there Is a large storage chest
for overshoes , gloves , etc. The mirror Is
nearly two feet In diameter , and French
beveled plate.
The umbrella Rack Is of brass , \\lth a
rustless bowl ; the hooks are of antique pat
tern , with branching arms , the top and cross
framing are superbly quartered and hand
For an Inexpensive Hall Stand It would
be hard to surpass this In a years search. .
Chas. SMverick & Co. ,
FURNITURE of Evary Dasorlplioi
Temporary location.
706-1208 DOUSL S 3T. .
1408 Farnam Street ,
The Aloe & Penfold Co ,
140B rarnam 8t , Opposite Paxton Eotol.
Eeadacha Cans3d by Eye Strain.
Many persons whose lieada nre constantly ach.
Inc libn'e no Idea what relief scientifically fit
ted classes will clvo them. This theory Is now
universally established. "Impioperly lilted classes
will Invariably Increase the trouble nnd may
lead to TOTAL DLINDNCSS. Our ability to
adjust elnsscs safely nnd correctly U beyond
question. Consult us. Eyes tested free of charge.
Opposite Paxtoti Hotel.
Medical and Surgical Institute.
E. V. DAVIS , M. D. ,
all forms of
We cure speedily and permanently nil ill-
aeuses of the sexual Hytstem , ulno kidney ,
bladder , blood , ekln and stomach troubles ,
Our principles and assistants have all
maUo life studies of our specialties
Send 4-cents for our now 120 page book.
Call or address with stamp ,
119 South i4th St. , Omaha ,
rureil uC Jicrvuun Llublllty l.ult
Vitality. VarlciK-oic. Atrophy ,
rijyulcul WcakucM. etc. . Ijy IK.
ItAI'li , t It * irroat Hindoo liomrilK
Wrlllrn KimrnnlM of rure. Hall
liy Kuhn A Co. , Cor. inth & lioiigl SI > , ana J. A.
Vullcri Uo.t'or.lltli 4 Duiii.-l3nbt < . .OMAIIA.
. . .
HE rirm iuu w w , ww rni .w-
Wrlte for Bank References.
No Operation , Ho Detention from Business ,
307-308 N.Y.IU * Did * . . OMAHA , NEB.
"J'lH patriotic and noble to
A celebrate Decoration Day.
Let those \vlio sacrificed life
STUPENDOUS for future pence , IInil a corner
In the hearts of every true
SUIT VALUE American , Let us worship
their memory. Let us keep
their graves ijreen ; because
they were heroes because
they fought for us , and paid
for it with every drop of
Speaking about heroes
made by fighting , we ought
to be some sort of heroes
ourselves. We fought our battle with those manufacturers
cast ever since early spring to * secure what we are offering you
this week and we got there you bet.
As pure wool as the pelt of a lamb , as pretty as painted , and
as durable as the Rock of Ages lay Kight Hundred Stilts of six
different patterns , some pin checked , some plain , some invisible
plaid , some black and white mixed brown-gray black blue-
terra cotta and other shades well trimmed stylish made all
this at but a pauper price T-'our Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents
a suit. Six and a Half is what we used to gjt for 'em. If you
think you can get a better
one at Ten Dollars , we'll
simply say : "God Bless
you , " buy elsewhere , we de
serve none of your confi
dence if we cannot tell the
truth. They're worth Ten
Dollaas a Suit you depeiid
upon it.
G. A. R. Suits arc $5 and
$7 , with a guarantee of
strictlj' fast colors.
A truly magnificent memorial of ( he tivll war , the enormous
worth of which will become more and more apparent as the years roll t t.
Philadelphia Telegraph.
General Wolse- To estimate their
Icy , of the British value the histori
cal student has
army , in his recent
only to think how
criticism of the THE such
eagerly a seri -
war , declares that ' i Tbs by Napoleon
the Century Co. | and his marshals
has " ! and the generals
"done a great WAR
who opposed him
service to the soldiers
would be seized on
diers of all armies BOOK if they could be
by the publication discovered to-day.
of these records. " Sa n Francisco
Chicago Advance , Evening Post ,
Histories have been written , and
will be written , of the great internal
conflict which darkened the land and
drew the eyes of the world. But the
reader of those histories will turn to
these memorials of "Battles and
Leaders" to verify and to vivify the
impressions made by historians.
Boston Watchman.
No other ( alleged ) War Book wns written by the officers of the Union and
the Confederate armies and navies.
A magnificent contribution to the The Century is the ONLY
literature of rcent American history.
War Book written.
Italian 1'ntntfrtfl , so
No other ( alleged ) War Hook is as comprehensive or as complete.
The Century War Book is
In a literary sense It has no uperlor ; ONLY history
the complete
In Its own field It lias no equal ,
. C. f 'cu > ant Coiirirr.
ChatlcitOH ( S. ) > i
tory of the war.
No other ( alleged ) War Hook is at all authoritative or of any historical value.
In contradistinction the
The most ItitcrsstlnK nnd valuable
erles ol war pnicrs | yet l ued. A
War Book IS.
J''iiii.cftca J.rtiunj Century
The Intelligent
Valor has never reader , uith this
received a greater book for his Riilile ,
tribute at tlio may form a much
hands of art nnd ; fairer opinion of
literature than ! the war , Its lead
that paid to the | ers and Its bat
battles and leaders , tles , than those
who fought in Its
of the great civil i
war In the United fluids or who lived
States In the remarkable through the trou
markable work recently blous times , readIng -
cently Issued by j Ing the news day
the Century Co. by day Phila
Hangar ( "Afe.J Whig delphia J'ublic Led-
and Courier ,
On page 2 of this paper will boloiiml a Wai * Hook Coupon , -1 of these
coupons of dllTorcnt dates will , when accompanied with ton cuntu , entitle
the holder to Part No. 1 of this book. The whole work will bo eomo
ploto in about 20 parts , bound In heavy paper covers ; a now part will bo
issued each week , and coupons will he printed dally until the series la
complete. Any 4 ol these coupons , with 10 cents , ontltlos you to any Isauo
or number of this book. . . . .
FOR CITY READERS Bring coupon ? , together with 10 cents , to
the olllco of The Omaha Uoo , where you can obtain one part. Others parU
WlUF0ORWOVUT-V6F"TOWN READER8-Mull to War Hook Depart-
inont , Omaha Uco , coupons and 10 cents In coin , lie particular to (1) ( ) stQta
the number of the part desired ; (2) ( ) your name and full address ) ( d ) la.
close the necessary coupons and 10 cents. The part you rouuoat will b
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