Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Crop TJainngo Hoports ami Heavy Purchases
font Wheat Dp.
Corn Wim Ocncrnlly 1'lrm All Iny aool
Uemnnil mid the Ailvntico In Wheat
Helped tlia 1'rlco Htocks
CHICAGO , May 31. Southwestern crop
tinnmgo reports , backed by buying from the
BIUIIO section , sent wheat up lc In big
Jumps after the weak opening today.
lleallzliiB shoved the price down again
later , but July closed lie higher. Corn
finished % c higher , oats lie higher nml
ju-ijviKlons at a slight advance.
Wheat honpcd tip and down briskly within
the lic range. Opening tradcB showed a
trllle loss and soon sold down iic more ,
tvhcn a % rally took place , but did not
lioul ; a % c to ? iu decline then snt In , after
Which the price changed but little. The
failure of thu predicted frost to Miow on
the weather map , the lack of any strength
to cables , the prospect of warmer weather
nnd the I'rlco Current's summary nil tended
to develop "bearish" features. The situa
tion changed later , and the rally which fol
lowed was due to the crop news which
continued to pour In via the southwest
with liberal buying orders from that section
SI , I.ouls principally. The Impression
prevailing that a prominent local concern
with elevator Interests was buying freely
through a half dozen brokers also hail a
Mrengthcntng tendency. Thn late conti
nental , markets were weak and lower , however -
over , and took the cdgo oft of the market ,
Iirlccu declining sharply when thu itiota- |
tlons were posted , but the market closed
Corn wns generally firm all day within
from Vic to % c range. Good demand nnd
the advance In wheat helped the price.
Oats were firmer on good buying , mainly
by shorts. After a % c range the market
closed near the top.
Buying by packers nnd the notion of
wheat caused a firm market In provisions ,
but trade was small and the range narrow.
Compared with l.tst night July pork Is 7',4c '
higher , July lard Co higher , and July ribs
2tic higher.
. Vessel rates to Buffalo were firmer with
a fair demand at lc for corn.
The leading futures ranged as follows ;
' Articles. I Opcjj , [ I Low. | UloHe.
Wl.catTNo. 2
May C4
.luly 05J
57 No. 2. .
.May 37 ? * 37
Sot 30
Oals No. 2. . .
May. . . . . . . . 34 U
Juno 34 34 ! <
July 31H 3174
Sept 27H
fork per bbl
.May 11 05
July , o 11 87 11 U5
Supt. 12 Ol ) 11 07 12 00
0 < 17M n 72 G 07 ! $
June. . . . . . . 11 77) ) < i ( i 77 ! 0 70 0 75
July 0 77.H1 0 80 ( I 7(5 ( 0 80
ept G 80 0 B7K G bU G B1H
Short lllbs-
May 0 17W 0 17W 17M tt 17H
July 0 IB 0 22 G 1C 0 20
Sept 0 ' . ' 2 0 U2M 0 20 II 2'JJ.J
< 'HBI | iguntntlnnscrc as follnws :
l-'UJl'R Knsy.
W11 HAT No. 2 pprlne , Gl c ; No. 3 fprlnsr.
SS'jo ' : fin. S led. Cl'jc.
CO UN No. 2 , 37-ic ) ; No. 3 yellow , 3SVSc.
DAT.S No. 2. Itl'.in ; No. 2 white , 37lSf37' ! e ;
Mo. 3 white , SCViMSic.
RVIO-No. 2.
y No. 2 nominal ; No. 3 , & 0ft53c ; No. 4 ,
.AX SREO-No. 1 , $1.33.
TIMOTHY BBKO rrlrac , W.OOffl.OO.
rtiOVlSIONS Mess pork , IMT Ijlil. ,
1193 ; Inn ! , per 100 Ibs. , J0.70S0.7214 ; short rllm Bides
( liMise ) , tC.22H0.2S ; dry ealleil hliouldTS ( lioxed ) ,
)5.7uf(0.H ( ) ; short clear Hides ( buxctl ) , JC.Ci Ti'
' WHISKY Distillers' finished Boods , ' per gal. ,
II. 15.
srOARS UnchanKeil.
The rollowin ; wcru tno receipt * ) mm alilpincnti
Jcr loday :
On the Prodiico oxchanco today the butter nitr-
Vet was flrni and unchiinrrtl ; creamery , MalOKe ;
dairy , 10f 14Jic. Kfi-'B , steady and unchanged ;
strictly frcsti , IQOlOHc.
y's Qnotntlons on Flour , Grain anil
rrovlslons , AlotnlH , I'Ue.
NBW YORK , Mny 31. FLOUR Receipts , 23-
SOO bbls. ; exports , 18,200 bbls. ; salon , 7,300 pkgs ;
quiet and about steady ; Jobbing trade In sprint , "
wheat and fnlr demand for winter low Rrndea
for local and export account. Southern Hour ,
dull. Rye Hour , quiet.
JUTCKWIIKAT Dull : rnnco , C8R7.1C.
: ORN MRAL-Sli-ndy ; yelluw western , ? 2.C5fJ >
2.70 ; Krnndywlne , J2.70.
HYB Nominal ; boat loads , 63Ca ! stale , 65o ;
Jersey , track. C2fl.3c.
RARI.KY Nominal ! Canada , C7e.
IIARI.HY MALT Firm ; Canada , 90G33c ; west
ern. G7 ( SOc.
WHI2AT Roeelpts , 270,200 1m. ! exports * C0.700
bu. ; cales , 3,903,000 bu. futures and lOO.OiX ) bu.
Kpot. HHt maikct firm ; No. 2 ml. In store nnd
elevator , 67c ; allont , 671ic ; f. i > . b. , 67'iHuSc ; No.
1 nortbern , Colic delivered. Options opjned wenk
on lower cnbleH nnd reported nbsenco of frost
Vest , but rallied suddenly nn bullish southwest
ern crop news and advnnoed $4Wc ! , nCter whlcb
tt fell off , closlnB nt Vic net advance. C'om-
MnlntH came In of damage by frost , rust nn I
ilroutb. Ni > . 2 red , June , 6057 3-1 Co , closed nt
C7o ; July , & 7H < ! i6S 11-lCc , closed at 6S > ie ; AiiKUst ,
closed ut 69c ; Keitcnilx | > r , OOjfClo , closoil nt
COc ; December , 03 3-lBiCt 3-lCc , closed nt 83Wo.
'ORN Rrccllits , 278,000 bu. ; exporis , 108,0) ) ) bu. ;
dnli'H , 203,000 bu. futures nnd 100,000 bu. sp > ) t.
Hput mnrket llrm ; Nn. 2. 43c In rlcvator ; 42c
illicit ; stenmer mixed , 42'ic. Options opened
ntcndy , advanced with wlient and on bullish crop
I news , reacted later and closed steady at un-
cliunKrd In ' .fc net ndvnnce. Mny. 431ju ; June ,
closed nt 43c ; July , 43 7-10fi44 ic , cloacd nt W c ;
AliRtist , closed nt 41Hc ; September , 44"49lOlc ,
vli ed lit 4IC.
KATS-RecelpIs , 97,000 bu. ; exports. 2,000 bu. ;
miles , 70,000 bu. futures nnd 1"0,0 < bu. spot.
Hiiot , firmer : No. 2 , 42o ; No. 2 delivered. 41e ;
No. 3 , 41cj No. 2 while. 44c : No. 3 white. 43c ;
trnck , mixed western , 42O4J15c ; truck , while
western , 4347c ; trnck , while slntc , 43fJ47c. Op
tions llrm on fnst reports nnd closed nt % e net
advance. June , closed nt OMie ; July. 3S14i(3Sic ,
clom l nt SS'ic ; September , closed nt 32i\
HAY Dull ; slilppln ? , J6.00HO.W' yoo.l to choice ,
7.00 8.75.
HOI'S Steady : state , common to choice , 9Q17e ;
1'aellle coast , 12U17c.
IIIIHCH Dull ; wet sailed New Orleans , se
lected , 45 to 03 Ibs. , 41463HC ; Texas selected , 43
to W Ibs , , 4U5c ; lluenoa Ayres , dry , 21) to 24 Ibs. ,
I.KATHUR Slow : hemlock sole , Ilucnos Ayrcs ,
Unlit to heavy uelKhls. 16BlKc.
\YOOIj-Hteiuly ; pulled , 2iif2Sc. )
I'ROVIHIONH-Ileef , quiet. Cut monts , nrm ;
iilckled bellies , CHiHc ; plcliled ilioulders , C e.
1.11111 , quiet : westein steam closetl at 7.15 , noml-
liali sales. 12.1 tleices nt J7.10 7.1o ; July , closed
ut 17.20. nominal ; refined , dull ; continent , } 7..0.
I'mk , steady.
i-OTTON SKKI ) Oil , Innctlvp and nonrnnl ;
pllim- crude , Sc ; oft crude. 20i2e ; yelluw , but
ter Krades. 3IJil'.c ; choice yellow , 34 ; iirlme yo'-
low , 32j33o ; yellow , oft grades , 3i4fi32c | ; prlma
white. 304f37e.
IMIKKSI3 Quiet ; state , large , SiiO'.ie ; part
nklniB. AHtHHc.
Firm ; strained , common to choice , tl 3)
. . .
HllTTnil-Qulfti western dairy. OW12o ; west-
em crenmery. 131fl7c ; western factory , SIjlli ; ;
17c ; ulato dairy , 12WIO'.ic ' ; state crcamen- ,
K0(13 Slendy ; state nnd 1'ennsylvnnln. 1O
13o ; western fresh , HU812c ; case , JiW03.W ( ; re-
CflptH. 11. KM ) pkKn.
TAI.IXlW-Sleiuly ! city ( } 2 per pkp. ) , 44c ;
niunlry , ( pkK . tree ) , 4ic.
Tt'RI'KNTlNK-Klcndy nt JOHOM'.ic. '
I'l-rniOl.lH'M-KlrinJ United closed at S7'lc ;
AYashlnKton. In bbls. , 60 ; Wiikhlimion , In bulk.
13. Wi rellniil. New York , } 3.15 ; Plilhulelplila und
Ralllmnre , } 3.10 ; Philadelphia and llaltlmore. In
bulk , 12.6) .
IUC1 rtlendy ; donu-Ktlc , fair to extra. 4g6o ;
Japan , 4UtMe.
I'lO IRON-Dull ; Scotch , | ll.W ! K.M ! ; Ameri
can , tn. < xn3.b ) .
i-OI'I'KR-Uulet : Inke. W.23.
l.KAD-QQlett domesllc , J3.M.
MOISMIJH Stendv ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
{ rood to choice , 29fj:6c.
TIN -Itntoly ntfiidy ; straits , J19.73 ; plates ,
HPKLTKR-Qulet ; domestic , J3.M bid. M.-tnl
Miles on 'chniiKc : One rarlnnd spot lend , JIM :
twn cnrloml.n July lead , JJ.S'I ' ; on uarluud s ] > ot
lead. 3.1754 ; W tons July lead. , SO.
Wheat Market.
UlNNUAl'OLIS , May 31. The * h at market
was active nnd higher. to > Uy. onenlnic with
Beptembrr alwut He lower than the. preceding
day. At that decline there was K ° d demand.
Vmrticularly from the southwest , rvuultliiK In un
Advance of Tie , due to rtainnce In that section ,
Receipts In Ib * northwest were fulr
und also rrportnl fair In th Interior ,
There was a KIXK ] nemunil far cash
wheat , particularly of the rnllllna qualllli-n. Tlie
low icnvdes f"11 ! Poorly , und particularly smutty
n lid musty wheat which was until fur use by
tlin local mills.
Jlec li > U lor two day * wer 191.SO bu.
mpitls. i.wi MI. Miiu w r * Rrimlinr ni tin *
iii'int 140tx > i bu. in ilie SI hourn , Th" nm
l ( l iluiil : M.ry and July , f.V , MoplemUr f-'n
r-r. ; r. trnr ! ' . uln-i-i ( . snl > ( c bluhr-f than
Tu < lnj. No. 2 ( mid , ( il'io , No. 1 nortiictli
Stt c ; No. t linrtlfrn. Mr > r. The overact f
nlen slnjui'd oli-iut ihinmc nd\itnce iits >
Tiloxln * n avernno prtee .
Thi M.jitr nmrkr-t was inlet nnd prni-H.-nlly
ini'linnKMl. Piitftitittttc iiuoted at JJ.MB5.VJ ]
t l < f > rs , J2.00fl ! . .
Ji > riPruiluce \ .Murker.
UUTTHR The qtmllly rf the butter has b en
Iniiinivlntr roiisldi'mbly of Inte , nnd buyers I'.l1 ;
IH-ar rt llltl mnrp Hnxloin to K I hold of BOOI !
uni" I'oeklnu ' slntli. The ImcUcrs liavc rnlJed
their prlife In the country to 10n on Irncl : and
commission men nr trylnK to foroe Ilie mnrket
up h r . Thin fnr only Oo 1ms been rrp'irlc 1
for talking slock on this nmrk't. ! It nunt be
borne In mind , lumever , that the pncltlim stock
li r Ims Ix-cn ciilleil over nnd lidi silltnblc for
the city trade taken out , so that the nveraue
quality Is not r < i good ns tbit buttci Hint H
! > | IIK bought on Hack In the country , ( lixxl
to choice enuntry butler , lflle | ; scpainlur
rirnmery , Uf/lSc. /
I'XIdS-The rri-i > | pt < ftverage nWmt Ihe fnnii ?
fnim day tri dny. nnd the mnrkrt doe not show
liny mnterlni clianK" . 1'iesli slock continues to
cuiiuniitid ! > . - .
I.IVi : I'OI't.TRV.Tlie rerrlpli of nld tn\\\3 \
life lienxy , nnd III nddltliili In the eNpress Klllp-
liii'hm n K'x" ! innii ) nld hen * lite belnK brought
In ti > iiit'.ns fioni ncaiby | > 'ilnis mid cold ill-
reit In I Incliy linde. Tinrejllll Is n | D\MT
ni.irhrl. lth nirlviiN innvlnn pli ) ly. Old liens.
r.'ifIGim.iliis : , iinie , The denuind fur other
liin.N nf pouiny Is rath'T IlKht , lh n-li n Dm-
HIM ! q.lnl.'lly I * s.-ll.lbli' . Ducks. 7 77'4e ; ll"ll
turU"ji , 7JSe : coliblns , SfiCc : Rees.55(0c. .
VlJAIe-Thtf trrvlpls hnxe been very Inrsc nil
UKwei'K. . but dcalein have imm.iired to keep tin1
mnrki I pn'tlv will fli'inied up mid prkrs IIIIVM
lieen I'K'lly uvll maintained , ( itiod ful veuls
were qiuiled nt CtI7c , With sales uf Hie best
Inruely nt C'te.
PIOKO.Vrt Thrre Is n demand for old plKeoni.
but ynnn-f blnls that lire not stmn on the wlnj not wanted. Old birds , per doz. , ll.MOI.CO.'AiiLif.
OLD IIKANH Tlu > m.iikct Is - < ieai1.v- Neither
the domain ! nor tupply her > heavy nt this
point. California band picked navy. I1U82.M ;
ueslern navy. < 1..WT(2.00 ( : common white bi'iins ,
J1. ( filR.l.
ONION'S -New foulbern r.nlons are quoted nt Jl
per lib ) . Top onions nnpUMity at 13ij23c on
1'OTATOKS The potato tnntkol Ims been very
wenk ilnrlnic Hi" pnst elsht or t 'll days , but
llitru Is perhaps a Illllu firnn-r feel I UK lh n there
wan at the commencement of last wrek. Sumn
pii'lly Rood slock has sold on I nick us low n
73u lo peddleis , ( ! oed ! > lock suitable for ijliliuncnt
In quoted nt K"iiV. : .
CAIIIIAdK-Tlie supply of cnbbnse Is Iliht ;
nnd arrivals mo very lircKiilnr , to siirh an ex
tent. In fact , Dial It Is not nlunys an easy mat
ter to pick up Just what Is wiinlcil to till order.- .
Good sblpplmc slock on orders. 21ic.
ASI'ARACirs- lioma ernwn stock , 33B40o
per doz. on orders ,
I'll : 1'I.ANT llumo grown plo plant , 2 2C ! on
TO.MATOMSi There Is a wide ranRO In prices
ns In quality , but choice and really desirable
shipping slock Is worth } . " . .M un orders.
ORIIKN VKOKTAIIl.KS-RnillshPH , 'per doz. ,
2062SC ; lettuce , per doz. , MMIOcj cucumberH ,
SI.23ffl.W ; piusley. per doz. , 305i35c ; beets , per
doz. . COc ; water cress , per case , 10 boxes. $1.3" .
Nl-IW IlIlANS Receipts nrilarpe nnd It re-
quhes qulto an cltort on the part of receivers to
Ket-p thtj market cleaned up. Wax beans , on
orders , 14 bu. basket , 11.23 ; string benna , 14 bu.
basket , fl.
I'BAS The market wns overrun with pens nt
the clopo of the week , nnd "A bu. baskets weic
billed out'nt II.
CAUl.iri.OWRR The market Is falily well
supplied \\ltli Kood stock. On ordeiM , 12.23 per
doz. There Is some very small home Brown
cnullflower airlvIliK In tile mnrket , which sells
ns low as 50c per doz. lo the local trade :
STRAWIlIvRRIKS The receipts were not as
heavy as they have been. ti"r : bi'lns only
4W or fx case ? . The market , HI fnr ns good
hblpplnt ; stuck li concerned , i cumins steady
nt M.
CHHRRIKS-Tlier" wns another largo auction
sale of cherries yesterday , 2,029 cases bclns dis
tributed. The qunllty , however , wns not coed ,
nnd stock that will stand rcshlpplng Is source.
Good shipping stock , on ordrrs , 11.23.
GOOSKIII3RHIES There was some Inquiry for
Brcen Boowi-crrlos , but not many In ; good stock ,
per 21 qt. cute , t.'J.
DANANAS It has been no easy matcr to get
bananas lately. Them Imve been few Kales In
New Orleans. A Rood deal of the stock shipped
to market hni been too Bix-eu , nnd It lias been
nlnioit Impossible In many cases to till ord.-rs
with such slock as was wanted ; good stock , per
bunch. JiOOB2.50.
LKMONS There Imve. been very few days of
real KOOI ! lemon weather thus far this Benson.
When wnrm weather really cornea dealers look
to see n much llrmer lemon mnrket. Knncy
lemons , 301) size. Jl ; fnncy lemons , 360 slr.e , J3.75 ;
choice lemons , : ! CO sl/.o , J3.riOW3.75.
ORANOKS With ( he maikct full of berries ,
the demand Is veiy limited for nrnngofi , and the
suppl ) on th market Is small. Medlteirancan
sweets , J3.HO ; Callfoinla scedlliiRii , JJ.21.
FIGS Kam'7. per Hi. . 12Vifj.K.c.
DATES Hnllowees. 05 to 70-lb. boxes , per lb. ,
I'INBAI'I'I.ES Choice , per doz. , J2 ; small ,
HONEY California. 15c ; dark honey , 1215C.
MAI'LB HYRUP Qnllon cans , per doz. , J12.
NUTS Almonds , 15 17c ; EnRllsh walnuts , 105 ?
12c : Illberts , 12c ; Ilrazll nuts , 10c.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , JO ; half bbl. ,
APPLE RIITTER Per 20-lb. palls , SI ; half
bbls. . 31 c per lb.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 2'ic ' ; No. 1 ereen
salted hides , 3c : No. 2 croon salted hides ,
2c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. lo 15 Ibs. , 54c ; No.
2 veal calf , 8 Iba. to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry flint
hides , tc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry
salted hides , 4c ; part cured hides , lie per lb.
less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green pnlU'd , each. 235600 * :
green salted shenillnKS ( shorl-wooled early skins ) ,
each , Hfi'13c ; dry shearlings ( short-wooled early
skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5W10c ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early sklna ) , No. 2 , each. r > c ; dry Mint ,
Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , per
lb.- actual weight , GftSc ; dry flint , Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , nctunl
weight , 4ii6c ; dry flint , Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , nctunl weight , 4S7c ; dry Mint ,
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight. 4flOc.
TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1 , 4Uf ?
4V4c : tallow , No. 2 , 3J037ic ; grvase , white A ,
414c ; grease , white 1J. 4c ; grense , yellow , 3o ;
grease , dark. 214c : old buter , 2JJ2',4c ; beeswax ,
prime ; IStflSc ; tough tallow , 2S2 > 4c.
.St. Louis Uoiioral Mnrknt.
ST. LOUIS. May 31. FLOUR Rctler , but not
quotnbly higher.
WHEAT Shot up Tic early , with active trad
ing , but ndnpsed , rallied , relapsed again , nnd
closed V4Wc up , principally on bullish crop
news ; No. 2 red , cash and Slay , C2c ; July , 63'lc ;
August. Mile ; September , 64ttc.
CORN Firm but quiet ; No. 2 mixed , cash ,
Si'io : June , 3.1140 bid ; July , 30o ; September , 37c.
OATS Strong on crop news ; No.-2 cnjh , 30c ;
May. 3014c : July , 20ic ; August , 201ic.
RYE-Snli-H of No. 2 nt 40c.
RARLEY Nothing doing.
1IRAN Scnrce , llrm : clc bid , east track.
FLAX SEEn-J1.104Jl.12.
HAY Weaker ; prime to choice timothy , J8.50
1IUTTER Unchanged ; strictly fancy creamery ,
EGGS Higher : lOe.
I.EAD-Dull. weak ; J3.1214 asked.
SPELTER-t3.2i ) asked.
CORN MEAI--J1.95 2.00.
WHISKY Jl.OSIfl.1" .
I'ilOVISIONaiQiiU't. cnsi-r. ! Poik. Elqml.inl
mpKi > , JolihlnB , H2.3TA. I.anl , prime steam ,
RECEIPTS Klour , il.OOO bbls. ; wheat , 13,00 bu. :
corn. 291,01)0 ) bu. ; oats , 63,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 13,000 bbla , : wheat , 1,000
bu. ; corn , 100,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu.
Mlhvuukco Markotf ) ,
MILWAUKEE. May 31. FI.OUR-Steady ,
WHEAT Irregular ; Nn. 3 spring , Ctc ; No. 1
northern , C314c ; July , Bl ic.
CORN Dull ; No. D. 37 c.
OATS lllsher ; No. 2 white , 38c ; No. 3 white ,
37 37ic.
IIARI.EY Nominal ; No. 2 , Me : sample , 49 i
RYE Quiet and easier ; No. 1 , 43Jc ,
PROVISIONS Steady. Pork , J11.83. Lard ,
JC.70.RECEIPT8Flour. . 19,000 bbls. ; wheat , 20,200
bu. : barley. 8,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 27,000 bbls. ; wheat , 1,300
bu. : barley , tuo bu.
City .HarkHtK ,
2 hard , 4903 ( > c ; No. 2 red , 4'J4rilo ' ; No. 3 led ,
CORN Wenk to llrm ; No. 2 mixed , 3314c ; No.
2 while. 3i5i1t37c.
OATS-t'nehanged ; No. ! mixed , 30Hfj37c ; No <
2 white. 37W37'-i ' > .
RUTTKIl Blendy ; crenmery , 14CI5o ; dairy ,
EOGS-FIrm ; strictly fresh. 74c. !
RECEIPTS Wlient , 18,000 bu , ; corn , 1,000 bu. ;
oats. none.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 31,000 bu. ; corn , l.CO )
bu , ; oats , none ,
Dnliith . ( iniin .Mnrket.
DULUTH , May 31 _ WHEAT Closed higher ;
No. 1 hard , cash , SSHc ; May , f.U'/fiC ; July , cgHc ;
No. 1 northern , cash , C7Kc ; May , C7Tic ; July ,
ISUc ; September , f > 7Kc ; Deccml > er , & 914o ; No. 2
northern , each , M'ic ; No , 3 , 4Jl > c ; lejectcd ,
43' e. on track ; No. 1 , to arrive , G7'ic.
OATS No. 2. 3l4c ! ; No. 3 while , 34c.
Car Inspection today ; Wheat , C3 cars ; corn , 1
RECEIPTS Wheat , 41.632 bu. : corn. 899 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 92,090 bu. ; corn , 699 bu.
Now York Dry ( looilH Market.
NEW YORK. May 31. The demand was of an
Informal character and inure with n view to
prospective requirements than Inunedlatu wants.
Inquiries w re chiefly for autumn ginghams ,
dpmosllcs , denims , cotton flannels und other
leading specialties und some business was donn
In each. Printing cloths were dull on sales of
2 11-160 bid , and declines for 01 square spots nnd
Sugar Market.
NEW YORK. May Sl SUOAR-Raw , steady ;
sales , 1,600 bugs centrifugal , 9 test , at S > ic
landed. RetlntM , iiulet.
LONDON. May 3-8UaAR-Cune. ! very dull ;
centrifugal Ja\a , Ms ; Muscovado , fair
Cotton Market.
( pot , iM ( ) bales ; to arrive , 100 bulca ;
onl'nnry. i" i ( rood inllnnrv. 6'jfl , I < WV
inullllnir. s 13lfcmlilillinir , 7 lite , C'V ' * !
mill-Unix 7 3 1B < . mlil'llinR , fnlr. i'kc , ; fnlr 9 1 I6o , rco-lpto , 1.078 lining n-
iwrl.i to I Iron i Dri'ntn. 4.8'W Iinlro , stock SS.C71
ffllrK. I'utiiri1 * . M'nly , fnlf-i" , 53.8W lutlrs , June ,
7.03 Mil ; July , 17 n-jfff.OT ; Aummt , JT.Oli H"ptr > m-
Iwr , > C.5tfHi.t)7. ) Oi tulwr. J1.Wf7.W ( NovrmlKT
tr.OI 7.W ; DernnlNT. ) ; January , J'.l )
( J7.I7 ; February , I7.2lfl7.3j.
ST. I.OIMs , May 31. COTTON -flrmi mid
illmg. 7 l-10c ; rnlen , 100 Imles ; receipts. WO bales ;
ulilpmenls , Si > ) tmles , slovks. X > SOO bales.
tlALVESTtJN , Mny 31.-COTTON--Receipts. 301
Iwiles ; fXntlf ( 247 [ ' ( lies ; tnlfj , 424 lle | ( mld
Ollng7c ; stock , 20,0 > iO balis.
AVool .Mnrket.
nOSTON , Mny 31. The American Wool nnd
Cotton Reporter says cf the wool mnrket ! The
market I * demoralized. It Is hard to say what
wools arc worth today. The quotations for old
wool menu one thing nnd the quotation * for new
wool menu another. Ohio XX Is sold at 22c this
week nnd Michigan X at ISc , but these prices
do not neci'.osnrlly mean the value nf new wools ;
In fact , It seems likely that somewhat less prices
will hate to be accepted. Wo hnvo now reached
n point where we are fncc to fncc with the
question whether wo nre to havit free or dutiable
wonl. This Important mutter pinmliicg lo be set-
tltil either uni > xvny or Ihu oilier within n com-
parntlvely few days , nnd until It Is determined
mnnufacliiiers riinnot be Induced to purchase
one pound more wool than their actual necessi
ties require. If thu bill should fall of passage
nn advanc" In wool would undoubtedly occur ,
while. If It bec'inii's n law , ns now nppenrs
probable , there nre certain smiley on which a
further decline may lw looked for. In thn In-
If I lor the i-xcllcment w ilch hni exlfled mining
buyers nnd rnllcltnrs has quieted down consid
erably during ( ho pnst few da > s. Se\ernl com
mission bonus nre mpnrleil lo have liislrueted
their agents to reduce nihmivcH , whlln biiyeri !
iin not paying quite ns much ns heretofore.
The principal movement In new wools In the
lloston market this week has lioon In .Wyoming
on n bntlH of 3Cc to Sic for line imdlum , 30c to
37o for wmp , vcr > - choice wool , Pulled wools
tire very quirt. There has been only a small
Inquiry tnr AuMitillnn wool this week , nnd tile
demand for cm pet wool has not Increased. The
sales for Ihe week amount to 1.U97.5W ( Ibs. domes
tic und 133 , Ibs , foreign , making n totnl of
l.KGO.&W His , The wiles since Jnnunry 1 111 Itos
ton amount to rlSo > ! . .VK ) Ihs. , ngnlnxt C2C37,0 < ) i )
Ibs. n year IIRHa decrenso of fully 17 per cent.
The sales for the week In New York ngere-
uale 1,117,0i. ) III" . , 540,001) ) Ibs. being China wool.
The sales for the week In Philadelphia aggre
gate GSii.nix ) Ibii ,
ST. LOTIS , May SI. WOOL Hotter ; medium
Missouri nnd Illlimls combing , It'ifMr.c ; clutli-
Ing. 131iifil4c ; coarse nnd In aid. 1314014 ; nu
ll um Texns , tl lo 12 InjuUi * . liflISc ; conisu nud
livv. 7fflOc : ni'illiini western and northern. 11
lo ; course and low , 7jc ! ) ; eholcu lub-washdl.
CofTco 'Market.
NEW YORK. Mny 31. cnFFEE-Optlons
opened barely stonily at B to 13 points decline ,
recovered p.ntlally , but returned to lowest points ;
dova , Jlfl.OilI ? 1:1.23 : ; sales , BiW b.igs Rio Agnus
and Mat bean basis , Jl.1.37 for new. Warehouse
deliveries since thn last report , 4,241 bags ; New-
York stock todny , 190,858 baps ; United Slates
slock. 203,00) lugs ; nlloat for the United State. ' .
noCOO bags ; totnl visible supply for the United
Slnlcs , 299,000 bags , against 471,721 bngs last
SANTOS. May 31. Quiet : good average , Jl" ;
receipts. 100 bags ; stock , 30. ( X ) lings.
HAMIIURG , Mny 31. Today's and yesterday's
maikel slendy. with prices 'i pfg. lower In li
pfg. higher. Todny closed with net changes ns
computed with Tuesday's closing show Ing from
unchanged to 3i l > Tg. decline and quiet mnikct.
Sales. 11,000 bags.
HAVRE , Mny 31. Yesleidny's mniket quiet
With pj-lccs from unchanged to * if lower ; today's
inaihvl opened at Uf lower to 14f higher com
pared with TuiMdny's ; nt 12 noon Q general ad
vance of 'if ; nl 3:3o : p. m. , no ruither change :
.1:30 : p. pi. , a cenernl decline of Ifcf ; closed
quietly. Sales. 18,0m ) IKIUH.
RIO DE JANEIRO. Mny 31. Firm : No. 7.
J17.C1 ; exchange , 9c ; receipts , C.COO bags ;
cleared for the Unlled Slates. 8,000 bags ; for
Europe , 2,000 bags ; stock , 1S9.00' ) bags.
Liverpool Mnr.'icts.
LIVERPOOL. Mny 31. WHEAT Ktcndy ; dc-
innnd poor ; holders offer moderately ; No. 1
California , Is 7dSls S'/id ; red western , winter ,
4s 3d f ? I a 4 lid.
CORN Firm ; demand niddcratc ; new nilxtd ,
3rt 711d.
PROVISIONS Bocf , extra India mess , 77s Cd.
Pork , prime mess , C7s Cd. llacun , long and
short clear. 51 lb . , 31s Gd ; long clear , 43 Ibs. ,
32 * u ! Laid , prime western , 35s Cd.
Oil Markets.
OIL CITY. Pa. . Mny 31. National Transit eo--
tlflcntcs opened nt R7W : lilghesl , S7'4 ; lowest. Mi :
closed , 87 ; sales , 21.0uO bbls. ; shipments , 1CO.S7.
bbls. : runs , 183,113 bbls.
PITTSHURd. Pa. , Mny 31. National Transit
certificates opened nt S714 : closed ut 6Ci ! ; highest ,
S7'i ; lowest , 8C'i ' ; no sales.
Flniinclal Notes.
NEW ORLEANS , Mny 31. Clearings , SSC2.9S7.
BOSTON. Mny 31. Clearings , J13,711,2SO ; bal
ances , J1,7GS,548.
HALTIMORE. May 31. Clearing ! ) , J2,7C5,1SO ;
balances , J532.827.
PHILADELPHIA , May 31. dealings , S8SC0.410 ;
balances , J1.5iilCI7. !
NEW YORK. May 31. Clearings , JS7,21SOS5 ;
balances , JI,713A1. :
1'ARIS , Mny 31. Three per cent rentes , lOOf
SOc for thn nccount.
NEW YORK , May 31.-Gold exporis by today's
steamships amount to J2.000OijO.
CALCUTTA , Mny 31.The Hank of Bengal's
rate of discount Is C per cent.
LONDON. Mny 31. The llnnk of England's
rate of discount remains unchanged nt 2 pur cent.
LONDON , May 31 , The nmonnt of bullion gone
Into the blank of England on balance today was
MEMPHIS. May 31. dealings , J3S3.I9S ; bal
ances J210,1M. New York exchange selling nt Jt
CINCINNATI , May 31. Money , 21400 per cent.
New York exchange , ( Wo premium , dealing's ,
CHICAGO.May 31. Clearings , Jl.l.SSI.OOO. For
eign exchange dull. New York exchange , 70c
premium. Money , steady nt 3'jiiiG per cent.
ST. LOUIH. Mny 31. Clearings , J2.4S5.C07 ; this
month , J97.M3..133 ; May , 1893 , 1109,131,290 ; decreabo ,
10.2 per cent. Ilalanccs today , J572,441 : this
month , J10.215.7S4 ; Mny , 1893 , J12.429.S37. Money ,
quiet nt C07 per cent. Exchange on New York ,
75c premium bid.
Speculation In .Securities Yesterday Was
Dull anil Uninteresting ; .
NEW YORK , May 31. The speculation on
the Stock exchange today was dull and un
interesting to a degree , the trading In Sugar
and Chicago alone relieving the market from
utter stagnation. What trading was done
was mostly on the short side of the mar
ket , the Influences affecting the speculation
being mainly of an unfavorable character.
Although the sterling exchange mnrket was
a' shade caster In tone , today's ship
ments of gold were Increased unexpectedly ,
bringing the total exports so far this week
up to $3,000,000 , and a similar amount will
go forward , It Is thought , on Saturday. This
had a depressing effect on the market , nnd
the receipt of reports of several railroads ,
which showed decreased earnings for April
heavier than were anticipated , added to the
general weakness. Sugar , while most act
ive of the list , was not extensively dealt In.
After nn early break of 1 per cent n coverIng -
Ing movement was begun , which resulted In
an advance of 1 % per cent. Renewed sell
ing checked the Improvement , and a gradual
decline set In , resulting In tlio loss of the
entire gain. In the final dealings there
was a rally of % per cent , with a reaction
of U per cent at the close , making a decline
of Vs per cent on the day. The preferred
shares lost a similar fraction , The fluctua
tions In the granger shares were within
fractional limits , St. Paul and Hock Island
losing % and ' /d per cent respectively , and
Burlington & Qulncy gaining \'t \ per cent
on the day , and there being nothing done
In Northwestern , Oregon Improvement
broke 2 % per cent. Tlio market at the
close was uteady to firm. The band mar
ket was firm during the morning ; , but be
came easier during the afternoon , and closed
The Evening Test says : There were some
evidences In today's foreign exchange quota
tion of an eflort to force DIllH on the mar
ket against hlpmcnts of gold to.earnings. .
At any rate It IB clear now that the direct
London withdrawals linvo ceased and that
today's S.L',000,000 export , with probably the
week's earlier shipments , ere destined for
Germany ( ilonc. The open money market
rate at Derlln and Frankfort Is In fact at
present higher than at any other European
center , and It will be remembered that
113,000,000 In gold was shipped to the United
States from Germany to meet the needs
of last Bummer's panicky money market ,
The Evening Post's London cablegram
says ; Today's bank return was the strong
est In every particular ever publtihcd , The
total of coin and bullion was 30,000,000 , the
largest since 1879. The Increuue during the
week was 1,780,000 , of which 1,19 ! > ,000
were In cold and United States coin , but
68,000 came In from Australia and the
remainder from homo circulation and the
usual return from Scotland. The stock mar
kets were Idle today and Americana \vcro
dull and weak. The strength of the bunk
forces up gilt-edged Blocks to fancy prices.
Contois were nearly 101 % , Negotiations
hnvo been practically concluded by a syndi
cate of bankers hero to advance 1,000,000
sterling to the Argentine government to
assist In the payment of Its debt. The
loan In conditional on a satisfactory settle
ment of the Argentine railway guarantees.
The break In Argentines this afternoon was
duo to sale * In Paris on rumors- that the
funded loan would bo paid In scrip. This
Is not believed here.
The following arc the closing quotations
The total wiloH of slocks were 100,104 nlinrns ,
InrludliiK : Amork-nn Tobacco. 2,700 ; Atehlmin ,
2.40) ; Aniprlcan Kiicnr , 2.1,30) ; IlurllnKton , 19,600 ;
IHstllllni ; mill t'nltlpfpoillnb' , 2.600 ; Louisville *
Xinlivlllf , 7.700 ; llpinllng , 7,300 ; Rock Inland ,
2,000 clinic * . _
Nmr York .Momiy Miirknt.
NEW YORK , Slnj- 31.-.MO.ViY ON' CAI.I-
Knny at I per cent ; Inut loan , 1 per cent ; closed
nt t per cent ;
1'IU.Mi : MIIIti'ANTlI.n l'Al'iR-2TiSI',4 : per
8TKRI.1NO KXPHAN'OK-Stonily , with nctunl
mslliKFH III linnkviH'.tills nt 1I.SS % for deniainl
nml nt JI.S714 for sixty days ; posted lutes' , HSS'.l '
l.J'O : eoinniiTi-lal l.lll ? . JI.M'1. ' ; .
HIIA'KR ( 'l-ilTIKICATlCS-Oin05c.
CIOVUHK.Mn.NT RONUS Htronir. State Iranda.
dull.Tlie clo.iliiK Quotations on bonds :
Itoslon Sti'ieTi Qun'tntlont.
nOSTON. Way 31.-Call loans. 1HB2 P3r cent :
tliiin Uiiins , 2H ( . < 3j pur cent. Closinj prlcJ3 roi'
stuckH , bonds and mining Hiiro3 ) : :
Sun Friinclscn .11 In hi Quotation * .
SAN FRANCISCO , , Jlfty jIl.-Tho official closlur
qnolntloiiHfor mliiln' ; aujxotuliy wjrj : n Ul-
lows : ;
JTeiv York Jllnliis O" tiitloin.
NEW YOIIK , Mny" 3t.-Tlio followlns ara th- >
cloHlntr nilnliU' ciuotiitlons ;
Con. Cal. A Va. . . . fill ) Sterr.iNovad.-i KM )
Ueaihvood CO SUimtnrd 17f.
Ooulil A Curry 100 Union Con 75
Halo A NorcroB3. . CO Yellow Jacket. . . . 80
Houientnko 12AO Iron Silver 1O
Mexican 140 Qulckallver 2)0 ( )
Ontario 720 do preferred 1400
Ophlr. H2fi Bnlwer 10
Plymouth 20
* aoke < l.
I.oiKlon Stock Mnrket.
LONDON , Slay 31. 1 p. m. closing :
Consols , money. . . lOlMi Mexican onllnary , Uuf
Connol , ncc'nt..l01 D-ltl St , Paul com 60H
Canadian Pacific. . . , 07 N. Y. Central lt)0 ) > <
Krie. 13K Pennsylvania Si (
Krle''nils 73W Heailliiff. . . , U
Illinois Central. . . 02W Mex. Ceil , new 4s. . BOU
Chicago Stock Quotation * .
CHICAGO , May 31. Stocks dull. Closing-
prlcea : '
City Hallway./ . . . . 30(1- ( Diamond Match. . . . Ill )
Alley L HIW \V. \ Chicago St. Ry. 13SM
Lake St. L 1UK
llnnk of ICnRlaiul Statement.
LONDON , May 31. The statement of the Bank
of Kngland , Issued today , shows the following
changes ns compared with the previous nccount :
Total reserve. Increase , 1,035,000 ; circulation ,
Increase , 154,000 : bullion , Increase , 1,785.900 ;
other securities , decrease , 204,000 ; other deposits ,
Increase , 1,194,000 ; public deposits. Increase , 210-
000 ; notes reserve , Increase , 1,090,000 ; government
securities , unchanged.
The proportion of the Bank of Kngland'a re
serve to liability Is 09.07 per cent.
Hunk of Franco Statement.
PATHS , Mny 31. The weekly statement of trm
Hunk of Franco shown the following changes , ns
compared with the. previous account :
Notes , Increase In circulation , 0.475.IKiOf ; treas
ury accounts current. Increase , SS,300OOOf ; gold
In hand , Increase , l,173,00if ) ; bills discounted , In
crease , t7,750,000f ; silver In hand. Increase , 1C23-
Viilr Weather nml Viirlnhlo Winds for No-
liniDku Friday.
WASHINGTON , May 31. The Indications
for Friday are : For Nebraska Fair ;
warmer In the western portion ; variable
winds :
For Iowa Fair ; warmer In the eastern
portion ; variable winds.
For Missouri Warmer ; variable winds.
For South Dakota Fair ; south winds.
For Kansas Fair ; warmer ; variable
Local Itcconl.
May 81. Omalin record of tcmpornturo and
ralnfullcotniwred with corresponding day of
puat four years :
1894. 1893. 1802. IfiOl.
Maximum temperature 7GO 08S Di ! = 77 =
Minimum tomporatnro , 4Qo (193 ( f > 03 fins
Avornito toniporatUrb. . 003 04 Bio CH
Precipitation . " ' < -00 .10 ,15 .30
Statoinont showlii'tne condition of torn-
peraturoand precipitation at Omaha fur the
day and sluco Marqli'l , . lb'J4 :
Normal tumioratun.3.\ . G7 = >
Deficiency for thodjy/ ! . . jo
Kxci'sssliico Mnrch-jU. . . * . . . . 3 5 GO
Normul proolnltntliuidu. . 10 Inch
Dotlcluncy for tlio'cUyi . 10 Inch
Deficiency blnco Mnr ha . 0,24 Inches
Jteportn from Oilier Stations ut 8 1' . AI.
"T" Indicate * trace.
OEOIt'JK B. HUNT , Local Korccant Ofnclul.
i n
Fourth Ward Itepubllcaiu.
There will bo a meeting of the Fourth
Ward Itepubllcan club at I'attereon hall ,
Seventeenth ami Fiirnam BtrcetB , Friday
night. Juno 1 , to select deleeates to the meet
ing of the state league.
Cattle ami. Sheep Supplies Tailing Short
Whi'o Hogs Increase Ltirgaly ,
Light Iterclpt * nml Iinprovcil Demand Kcc | >
Frlcc * Well Stintnliicil MORI Suffer In
Ijimlltj- , lint Clone Htcudy nt
THURSDAY , May 31.
Receipts of cntllo fell under the cstlmntcB
today , but the run of hogs keeps tip well.
There were no sheep hero. So far this
week , compared with last , there has been
a falling off of about,3,000 cattle and 1,000
sheep , while the Increase lit hog supplies
has been nearly 5,500 head.
The light supply of cattle , the favorable
tone to eastern advices and the good demand
from local dressed beef houses all combined
to make a good , strong , active market.
Shippers and exporters were not In It , but
with such small supplies the stimulus of
outside competition was not necessary to
make a llvtly trade. The movement was
free throughout with prices steady to a
shade stronger than Wednesday on about
everything In the beef steer line.
The cow market was active and firm on
the little good stock here and slow and
weak on common stock. Calves ruled fully
steady , and the market for rough was gen
erally unchanged.
Activity and strength continue to char
acterize the tiade In stoclters and feeders.
The demand has Improved considerably
lately and the market Is In better shape
than for two weeks past. Good to choice
feeders are quoted at from $3 to $3.30 , fair
to good at from $2.75 to $3 , nnd the com
moner grades at from $2.75 down. Repre
sentative sales :
rmnssiio IIKIR :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. Xn. Av. Pr.
I..1030 } 2 73 S. . . . SM $3 & , 3..1IIO J3 ! > 0
3. . . . Mil 3 00 : : . . . . MO n 70 41. . . .1213 3 ill )
2..10.V , 3 IH 8..1135 .1 7. ' . 17. . . . 1127 3 1W
2. . . . t > 41 3 00 33..HIM 3 S' ) 40..102S 3M
2..11S5 .1 23 2..1011) ) 3 Si ) 111. . . . 1372 3 OS
2. . . . 10 * ) .1 23 23. . . . 7JS 3 t > D 21. . . .1121 4 00
] . . . . 001) 3 2" 21..HOG 3 Ki IS - 1U4S 4 ( X )
10. . . . 623 3 40 37..11P1 3 S3 32. . . . 11)19 ) 4 ( K )
1. . . . 92) 3 iV ) II..Iil < i2 3 J > 5 0) 12113 4 li )
10..1131 ; i CO < : ! . . . . 1037 3 S3 44. 1273 4 10
1. . . . S8U 3 C'i 17..I1CS 3W 40. 1377 4 13
13. . . C4I ) 3 IS M. . . . 003 3 73 390
15 . .770 1 a1 ! ] . . . . 720 1 75 8..1003 240
4 ' 3. . . . 000 1 83 1..1130 2 M
1 iilOTO 'l 00 1..1070 1 S3 2..1USO 2 CO
. . G97 i no 1. . . . 770 1 90 1..11)11) ) 2 M
. . sr.r , i rD ] . . . . 030 2 00 1..1030 275
. . 810 1 M 3. . . . OCO 2 10 1..1000 29i )
. . ns.5 i ro 1..12IO 223 4..1237 3 00
. . 038 1 CO 1..12CO 2 25 1. . . . S20 3 00
. . 905 1 00 G..1023 223 1..1030 300
. . SSO 1 7.1 2. . . . 1010 223 7. . . . Oil 3 10
. . 770 1 75 1. . . . 920 2 33 0..1033 3 10
. . H70 I 75 8. . . . 072 2 31 3..1JJ3 3 23
. .US ) 1 75 1. . . . 040 2 40
4. . . . 413 1 00 2. . . . 770 2 00 2. . . . C2. ) 2 25
3. . . . fill ! 1 73 18. . . . 407 2 n ) 2. . , . 270 3 35
1. . . . 470 2 00 3. . . . COO 2 03
90. . . . 717 3 CO 13. . . . COD 3 C3
1. . . .150 1 M 7. . . . 3S3 2 S3 HO 4 M
1. . . . 22" ) 1 CO 1.-1UO .100 1S7 i ro
3. . . . 220 1 60 7. . . . 101 3 CO 110 4 75
3. . . . 2J3 Id ) 2. . . . 220 4 00 151 4 75
11. . , . 117 2 7.- 1. . . . 110 4 M K.O 4 75
1. . . . 270 2 80 2. . . . 133 4 23 213 00
1. . . . 870 1 73 1..1I20 2 10 . . .1470 40
r. . . .1300 1 00 ] . . . . 9."J1 2 23 . . .KOI 40.Ml
i. . . . 310 2 CO 1..1CBO 22.1 . . .1050 .Ml
i. . . .1110 2 00 4..H21 233 . . .1.1CO t.0
4..13S5 1 C5 1..1IOO 2 73 1..13V ) 3 23
4..1575 2iO (
1. . . . 710 150 1..11CO 200 2. . . . 7S3 200
C. . . . C40 201 1. . . . 710 300 20. . . . 777 310
2. . . . 570 2 50 1. . . . 4)0 3 00 22. . . . C55 3 10
9. . . . 52S 2.75 ] . . . . 041 3 00 26. . . . S24 3 10
3. . . . 310 2 SO 33. . . . 079 3 00 25. . . . 701 3 10
5. . . . SCO 2 85 34. . . . 498 3 00 0. . . . 75' 3 IS
10. . . . 522 2 90 9. . . . GC3 3 00 9. . . . S02 3 15
4. . . . 572 2 SO 1. . . . W ) 3 10
J24 00
1 row nml calf 2550
1 cow anil I'nlC so 03
HOGS The heavy hog receipts keep up
well , but the quality is suffering. Light
weights predominate and the heavier grades
are getting rather scarce. The market
opened active and strong , with a gocd line
of buyers on hand , but later , as urgent or
ders were filled , the heavy receipts had a
depressing Influence , and prices ruled a
shade easier. The strength In provisions
and good reports from Chicago , however ,
finally caused a good , steady close. At the
opening the hogs sold largely at $1.55 to
$ - .GO. On the weak spot , $ -1.50 to $4.55
bought the hogs , und at the close the popu
lar figure waa $4.55. The big supply was
not long In changing lianas , the big bulk
of the liogs selling at $4.55 , the same as
on Wednesday. On last Thursday the hogs
sold mostly at $4.60 to $4.G5. Representa
tive sales :
BIIKBI' None were received , There In n
very fulr nxiuett for desirable imittonx and
lambs , und prices are quolably a uhade
( Inner. Fair to good natives aru quotable
at $3.DOW4,40 ; ( air to good m'sterna. 1.20
04.30 ; common und stock sheep , $2.500:1.25 : ;
good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs at ? 3.50Q >
Nliiux City I.lvn Stock Market.
NIOUX U1TV , Mny 31. HOtlH-llPcclpli , 3,200
licuil ; yi'atfnlay , lWi ( liruil ; i < hliinvnlR , Ui > 5 lirad ;
murket weuk to 60 lower ut 11.4301.55 ; hulk ,
tl.50W4.52 H.
(3ATTI.IJ llecelpl" , 300 hfiulj yotenluy , 7 2
heul : ihlpinenti. 370 liwul : market iiulet ; fettli-rn ,
| 2.50 < (3.60 ; yrailiiim , 12.25ft3.2.1 ; iow , ll.254f3.W ;
LullD. il.O-Hia.M ; men. , COi(3.W.
HI. I.onlt Live Htot'k Alurket.
HT. IXHJ1B , May JI.-CATTI..K ll c lpt . 1.400
livud : Blilpnu-ntK , l.COO head. Market utruily unil
BtruiiK ci-neiully ; native lcr l , 1.100 to I.4M
1L. . , J3.Biai.Wi li Uer , litmy , 3. ; cuwi ,
UnKn UOClCUnS , very
stylish , double rune nent , sells
ordinarily for $3.00. Consignment QQp
price wO
CHINA CI.OHRTS. polished oak ,
double thick glass , worth $22.W. (4 ( Oft
Consignment price nJU
UPHOI.8TK11KD UOCK13H8. lln-
Ishptt nntlnuc , latest style , worth
JO.W. Consignment price. . . . HACKS , solid oak polish fin.
Isli , Inrgo mirror , usually scllH 7
for $12. Consignment price ° 'IJ
LAWN 8I3TTKKS , painted , red
four feet wide , regular price { RQ
$3.50. Consignment price 1'DJ
Cnit'-FONIHItS. extra larg.- . size ,
antique oak , usual price $11.50. ! P RR
Consignment price UlUO
WAUprtOHKH , , extra largo size ,
finished nntlqne onk , worth $12. 5 AQ
Consignment price " ' * °
DOOKrASKS , polished oak. adjust
iiiile shelves , large nlze , worth R K
$ i.00. : ! Consignment price ° ' 1J
EASKt.8. solid oak , polish finish. AOp
worth $1.50. Consignment price. . .
CRNTI3U TAI1LES , solid onk nnd
polish finish , worth W.W. Coni i \l \
slgnmeiil price ' ' "
oak , llnblicd nnthnie , worth J5. \ IK
Conslgntnunt price ' * ' "
OIIAMURIt SUITS. 3 pieces , lat
est Htylp , large mirror , nntlque or
ICth century Ilnlsli , worth $ | 01
Consignment price 1U.OJ
Ilnlsh , three Irons , tmo handle RJp
and stantl. CoiMlgninent price. . . . u u
pieces , llnlshcd antique , worth
$17.50 , consignor Hiiya to sell them Q ( A
for "llu
63 CHRNIf.LH COUCHES , nicely
draped , any color , well worth
$15.00 , consignor allows iw to sell R QR
for UiOU
Terms , Cash or Easy Payments ,
We close evenings at 6:30 : , except Mondays and Saturdays
Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House.
liilOe foi" i > ait.tye on Mj
J2.CO ; Texas slPrr.i , 800 to 1,100 Ibs. , J2.SOja.50 { ;
COWH , J2.1.1.
llOOS-ltccelplH. 12.000 head ; shipments. 4,500 ,
head. Mail < rt sti-ndy ; top prices , J4.M ) for a
few choice heavy ; good HKht and medium
welKhl , $ < .70i/N,85 ; pics , comnuui and luiiKli ,
SHKU1' Receipts , 2.700 liend ; Fhlpmrnls. 40. )
bead. Maiket active , ultonK ; nnllvu mixed ,
J3.73ffl.10 ; lambs , tt.3501.00.
Receipt * mid lli | > ! Mltlnn of Stoclc.
Official ruci'iniM and disposition of stos'.cais'io.v.i
bytbobouknof tlio ( Jnloti Sloslc Yarls C3iiiir ! :
for Ibo twenty-four hours cndln ? at 3 o'cloclc p. m .
M.tySl , IbUl :
Hecelpts of Cnttlu Roiitliino Llflit anil tliu
Denuinil Actlxo.
CHICAGO , Mny 31. The receipts of cattle
continue light , nml , the demand iimliitnliilng u
fnlr degree of ncllvlly , tlu-ie ns nn occasion
for nny softening of prices. The receipts of
natives weie nlxnit 12,000 head , the bulk of
which miMvered to the dehcrlpllon of fnlr In
choice and sold principally at from J3.M to
J4.10 for steers nnd nt from J2.BO In J3.IO for
cows nnd heifers. Fnr those iloFciIptloni the
market was blroug eaily , wlih many t-uli'M at
a. small advance on Wednesday's pilro.i. Tin-
close , however , was weak. Thin rough stuff
nnd gr.its cattle did not tell to any better ad
vantage than onily In Ihe wi-ek , thn difference
between that class nnd ripe diy-fed entile
growing gradually wider. Texas fed cntllo mild
strong. They were In gond demand , and III *
l.Girt bend offered were disposed of , the best
fetching from Jl.'Ji to , 4.40.
In hogs Ihe opening prices were nt Co off ,
and the tmdo wns dull nt that decline , l.ulei
In Ihe moiiilng the demand In.movcd , and py
Ibo middle uf the forenoon prices weie back
lo Wednesday's range. After about U < > clock
tuning was flee , nnd nlthoimh the nitnilwr nf
hogs inn very cloeo lo 33.000 bend , nniily every
thing was i-loscd nut before nnnn , the bulk at
froni 11.7' ) to | l > 0 for light nnd medium weights
and at from 11.75 to J4.M for heavy grades , nvtr-
UKC i.f . over 2.V ) Ibs. A Illlle P""r Huff sold
nt from | 4 m to J4.CO. nnd there were wallei n
Itiileji nt 4. ! 1. Kor the time of the yiur I ho
quality coiitluuen notnbly gind.
ND ehuiige of Impnrlane * lo"U place In sheep.
iiiodernlo supply , n moderate demand
There wim n
mand nnd a le.nly . range if . . | ; ( oo , to
cliidcu bcep were iiuotnblo nt from M to 14. 05
and gindi'H ut from ' " - " ) " ! ' ' :
lings weie In demand at finin : i.M ) lo 5.I5 for
poor to fancy , nnd spring lambs worn ipiotud ut
fnim J3.6D in J5.W , nciiudlng In ipiallty.
Heeelpls : Cnltlc. 13W ) bead ; cahiw , &W head ;
hogs 30.000 bend ; sheep. 19.00head. ) .
Tim Kvmlng Jnmiml " ; i > ? l'Bi ' . . , , . , - .
CAUTL-ecepB. 13.&V ) head ; H cnra Tex-
market stendy to flnmtc pi'lme In i-j i
ans iiiiUvu ; steers. ll.lSfl4.75 ; medium , 3.Si rM.i > l ;
others , l.sJf3.75 | ; Texnns , Z.4Wn.M ; l o H'ads.
"ilCMJrtHeeelpts , 3l,0o head ; heavy , ctendy ;
ol e Ho " er : rough heavy. 4,30M. 0 ; puck-
nnd mixed , ll.70W4.83 ; pi hue heiivy nnd
butcher weights , t4.80 4.Wi usi-orted lights , 14.70
' : : ANI > LAMim-ite'ciiit. | lo.ofio bend ;
iiinrket lower ; top sheep , 14.4)'al.W ) ; top lambs.
Kitnuii City I.ITU Htnck Alarket
2.-W heldY Hhll'mtnti. . , 1.200 hou.L Market .Uniig
to 100 hllfheri Tex-n steers , : . .0 < | J.W : Texas
cows. II.W'rtS.75 ; shipping .teem. | 3.00 l.40 ; na
tive cow . II.S5 ? 3.W : Htockern und feeders , I3.CKI
3.M ; bulls , JJ.SO&3.ZO.
| IOlH-Ilecelpl , 9.700 licoill hlpineiil , 3.1M
heud. Market utronK lo 60 higher ; bulk , < / ! '
4W heavies , JI.WC4.65i piukeri' . | 4.SriW4.0.1 ;
niii'e.1. ll.M&4. 2lt lights. | 4.43 4. U Voikers ,
S4.CW. , ; pKS , . . .
HHKKP-H reli | | , 4WO head ; * hlinicnt , none.
Jlarktt t ady. _ _
Xew York Mvo Stock Miirl ( t.
NKW YOUK. May 31. IlKKVCH-ltecelpts , I 0
' " ' " '
"si'lKKP "ANlV' Mim-Ilecelpl. , SW h-ud ;
heeu very dull , partly itnily ; Unibs llrm ,
lltllo * tixiiiv bii lui tiiulti ; > hcf | > , puur lu vrlme ,
140 PAH1.OU SIMT9. nvo pieces ,
oak Mulshed niillnlio. mohair
crushed plnsli , worth 50 , lint tlicQO
conslKtior HityH Hell them for. . . . . " " '
llnl.shi.Ml nnlUinp , lati-st ntyle , yon
would cay they wore cheap at
Jli'.W ; the } ' arc consigned to neil N 7R
for . . . J.IO
HO FOUJINO UUns. never retnll-
I'd for IOSH thniv } 1S ; If yon need
oni- yon van get nun on account Q Os
of being coiiHlKtird for . ouu
tic Jl.lX ) per yard , consigned to AO'P
elt for . tli' J
201 rolls INOItAIXB , latnst pat-
tt-rtiH , full > anl wlik , n-Kiihir TQp
Iirtco 75o , vuiiNlKlicil to Hell tor. . . . "w"
1.41X ) iluzfiiV1NHOW SHADKS.
7 feet loiiir , bent rollers , beat
I'lotli , iiutiml value "Bo consigned Of\P
for . „ . " " "
iM'llTAIN.S.nill loiiRth nnd width
latest Ml. vie , Hindi ! In retnll for Q7p
ti'.W consigned to Fell for . "
A lot of ( JASOL1NH 8TOVUS.
nncli onr > Kititrnntced worth Jil.OO. 0 78
ConslKiimcnt price . " ' "
Oonil fimhlonalilu HAIJY CAHUIA-
OKS , full HUe , bicycle wheels , X 87
I'lienp nt JIO. CotiHtRiuncnt price. . * ul
nil mndvrn Itiiprovi'iiuMitH , well
made and worth $1.1.50. ConsignR A\
° ' ' "
mi-lit price .
iintliltio Ilnlsh. hit go willing UoRk
pli'tily of book mom , worth J12.SO , R OR
tin ; consignor HiiyH sell them for.UOU
118 ICI'3 1IDXKS , llnod with best
quality 7. 1 tic , patent locks , hlngca
bo.Mt niiiki- , worth $7.50. ConsignQ 72
mtnt price . " ' ' °
2I. DINNKU HUTS , best English
KoiidH , i Ich roynl lilue color , 102
pieces' , easily worth $20.00 Con0 ( ] Q
. " ' " "
HlKiinient prlco
A blf ? lot of 4-hole cast HANG1CS ,
from u foundry that only makes
KIIOI ! Roods , worth $11. . Consign- Oft
. ' "u
inent price
No. S Blzc , best cold rolled copper I Rfl
Conslcnmcnl price . . ' '
; Commission Merchant
Private wires to Chlcoso nnd New York. All
business orders placed on Chicago Uoard tf
Correspondence solicited.
Office , riinin 4 , Now York Llfo UulMlns
Tclcphono 130S.
3fOfi4..r. : ; orillnnry ye.irllnss , J4.EO ; lambs.
Illfeilor In choice , J5.7Sf70.7l ) .
HOOH-lteeelpis. B.400 head : market Btendy ;
Inferior lo fair IIORS.
Slorlc In
Record of rrcepln ! of llvn Block at the four
principal yard * for Thursday , May III , j
i ' , Cattlo. Hoira. Shcop.
. outh Oninhti . i.nau . . . . . .
Chlcairi ) . , . l.'t.ffOO : ( ) , ( ) ( ) ( )
Kniib.iR City . , : JM ( ) 4.HOO
St. Louln . y.100 2,7UU
TotalH . . . . _ ' 0,7ii ! : 2.130 l-.BOO
Oiniilm In ( iniii ! .Sliiijin So Far n No ( Jen.
ernl Ailrancu .Mndr.
According to the rciiortH of local coal
men Onmha Is In better ahnpe iia rcgardn
the eonl Rtipply than most any other city
In the country. Jiotli mantifactnrcrM and
coul ( Icali'r.s took alarm when the Htrlkr.s
union ; ; the mlncrH were llrut InauKiiratel
and have been Hlorlng- all the coal they
could net over Hlnce. A ennvnwH of the
Hlliiiillnn now revciils the fact that the
Hinall mannfactiirerh have u Rtipply on
hand adequate to about two weeks run ,
while the heavier consumers arc Hllll bet
tor off. H him been found In most cltl'M
that the supply has held out better thun
was nt Ih'Ht estimated , ns all cnnHimieni
commence to economize as coon as Ihsro
Is danger of a famine , nnd this city mny
bo no exception to the rule. The dealers
have enough cual on linml for dom8ia :
Theie Is still a Rood deal of coal ar
riving In the city , though the supply fiom
eastern points has been cut off ent'rely.
nnd It Is from Iowa that this city received
the hulk of Its soft cnal , The mlncri nt
Newcastle , Hock Springs and Hherldan urj
still lieliiR worked , and aru producing1 largo
ciimntlttcs of coal that lu being brought
this way.
While dealers am nshlni ; more money
for certain kinds of coal , there has bc n
no general ndvnnce of the market. In
New York City the market un bituminous
coal Is lower than It was n week ago , iiJUt
operators are predicting thu speedy ter
mination of thu strike.
Tuo Cars of Chorrle * Knlil at Very Loir
The largest auction of fruit held In the
city yet took place yesterday at a. m.
There were two curs of cherried , or 2,029
boxes , on sale. The buyers were late In
arriving' , which delayed the culo consider
ably und disgusted those who arrived on
time. The attendance of buyers , however ,
was largo when ( hey had ull put In an ap
The quality of the fruit was poor , A
good many of the cherries were small ami
Inferior to start with , besides being over
ripe nnd not good enough for the shipping1
trade ,
While the buyers evidently wanted the
fruit , the suit ) progressed slowly. After u
buyer's bid hud been accepted It would taku
several minutes for the buyer to decldu
what he wanted , and a goml deal of valu
able tlmn would be lost. Kverythtng wn
sold before the close.
Out of the lt lots offered four lots
hrought ( K ) cents ; twelve lots , & 5 cents ;
three loin , W cents ; six lots , 75 centu ; eight
lotx , 70 cents ; twenty-seven lota , 6fi cents ;
iilmi lots , tX ) cents ; sixteen loin , K cents :
thirteen lots , DO cents ; two lots , 45 cents ;
three loin , 4U cents ; two lots , 25 cents.
While tiie prlcea look low cm their fuc-u
they are to ho accounted for by the fact
thut very llttlo of the fruit , ( f any , would
stand reMhlpplDK.
We could not Improve the quality If vrv
paid doublu the price. DoWltt'a WltcU
llu/el Halve In the best salve that cxpcrlcoc *
can produce , or manor cua buyc