Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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ru iilum iTo "nvKiiv MOUNINO.
Pally H 'o ( ( jllhoul BunJny ) , One \Vnr . JW
tVUly find ritimlay , Ono Year . J J
Px Mnntlm . . . ? J
Thrra M-mtlH . . . . ;
Humlny Dw , On < IVnr . * }
flnttmfny Boo , ( ) ( Yrnr . , . ' "
\\04-kly Hoc , On < ! Yenr . . . . . . . > . "J
Omn'ia Tlio Hoc IJullrtlne. . , . . „ , .
Fiuth Omnlm , corner N nnd Twenty-fourth Ht .
< " unr l | liluffn , II I'cnrl treet.
riilp.icn OlIKc. 817 Ohimtwr of Cnmmetre.
NVW York , Hnotn * 13 , II nml 1' . Trlbuno Hid * .
Wnihlngton , 1107 P Mrret , N. W.
All cnmmunlentloiiK rclnllnic 10 ni-wn nml edi
torial mntlcr ihnuM l > o niMrenwili To tlia IMIlor.
All biinliieni lottcrn nnd rpnilttiincon iihouM Iw
nrMrcnieil ( o Tlio t ! < v I'nbllsliInK company ,
Omnlm Drafts , check * nnd poitnlllcc otilerfl to
Iw mnilo pnynblo to the onlor of the company.
* " ' " r"'i : ' 't" " "INO COMl'ANV.
rsn II. Tzuchuck , recrr-inry of Th" Il'-o Pub.
ll hln compnny , li ln duly nwnrn , says that Iho
nclunl number of full nnd comtilcte copies or TIHJ
Unlly Mornlnic , HxeiilnK nml Sunday Uec printed
rturlnK the month of April , IB I , wn na Mlpw :
' " * ' * '
J 1C
2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2IO ' 17 22,3I
.1 ! , 22.830
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IS. . * . . . ' 21,093 20 22.2M
' ' " " "
Lc i ( tnIu'ct'lonV"for"uniiuiiV"nnii returned
copies , . . , , 18.M. !
Totnl olrt . - . f.W.32S
Dnlly meruKo net circulation , 22.CT7
8un < lny.
onoiion n. Tzscnunc.
Bivorn In Iwforo me nnd nuliscrllwd In my pren-
enrr thin ! day of Mny. 1831.
( flonl. ) _ N. P. Fnil. , Notary Public.
Ono thing Omaha haa been effectually cured
of Is laying wooden block pavements because
they are cheap.
The middleman between the State Hoard
of. Educational Lands and Funds and the
Investment of the permanent school fund
must go.
Mr. Wiley In willing to-unload his electric
light elephant upon the city provided the
city agrees to the terms which ho may pro
pose. Mr. Wiley was always noted for his
How can a contract not yet concluded for
supplying the city with electric lights from
the time of tlio expiration of the existing
contract take effect according to Its terms
when the latter has already expired ?
The constitution of Nebraska requires the
Btato to make good all losses that may
occur to the permanent school fund. The
taxpayers nro willing to make good unavoid
ably losses , but they draw the line nt sup
plying funds for the benefit of bogus bond
The Burlington statement for April shows
an Increase in net earnings over those of
the same month of last year despite tha
decrease of gross receipts. There has evi
dently been the most sweeping retrench
ment and wage cutting on the whole Bur
lington system.
We cannot explain how Congressman
Bryan could have the effrontery to deliver
a Memorial day address In the presence
of Grover Cleveland and J. Sterling Morton
on any other theory than that the breach
Is not yet beyond healing by the application
of a satisfactory amount of patronage
Lincoln need not crow so hard over the
promised removal of the crop report bureau
from Omaha to that city. Neither ntr > It'
imagine that Secretary Morton has crdcroJ
the change to please his most gracious
friend , Mr. Bryan. Secretary Morton has
no love lor Omaha , and never loses an op.
portunlty to give her the worst of it.
The growing Interest ot all classes of
American people In outdoor sports Is shown
by the way In which every general holiday
Is utilized everywhere for purposes of this
kind. Sporting events have become ono of
the customary methods of celebrating these
occasions , without reference to the character
of the event In honor of which the holiday
was established. While there are two sides
to the question the Increase of sporting
events Is evidence of their popularity.
What does the police commission propose
to do with the men who although spec ! illy
detailed to preserve order nt the Coliseum
on occasion of the recent flag presentation
drill and military ball , not only permitted
the most disgraceful orgies to bo enacted , but
also participated In tlio revelry ? The names
of policemen who \\ero supposed to bo on
duty during this scandalous performance
can bo easily ascertained , nnd nn explanation
demanded. The police commission CPU not
allow such actions to pass unnoticed.
The members of the Hoard ot Fire and
Pollco Commissioners who reviewed the
police parade ore said to have expressed
themselves ns very favorably Impressed by
the flno appearance of the men. A goad ap
pearance certainly counts for something In a
military body , but line looks nro by no
means everything. Ot what avail are they
when the ( prco Is rent by discord and In
ternal jilssonslc.ia and Its efficiency Im
paired by the distrust of the men In one
another ? Reorganize the police force !
Omaha's first parachute accident of the
eoason has already occurred , and will doubt
less bo followed by others with moro or less
serious results , List year the management
of the local summer resort was party to an
arrangement by which an utterly Inexperi
enced man was encourage 1 to m ) nn
ascension In which ho lost Ills llf ? . ! ' >
chute performers , of course , have to mule
their beginning somewhere , and nro always
taking a great degree of rlslc , but there Is
no need of employing novices to entertain
an Omaha public. The negligence of last
summer would not bo so easily condoned If
repeated this year , Ono lesson In that line
ought to be more than a suinclency ,
No moro suitable day than Memorial day
could have been chosen for the dedication
of the monument to Horace Orceley , because
ho as much as almost any other single
person inada the causa for which the fal'cn
veterans fought successful. It was pecu
liarly fitting then that the memory of
Qreeley should be recalled and reverenced
- at the very time when a grateful people
Ilk. was paying homage to the men who gave
tbelr lives to save the union under whoso
blessings the country has thrived and pros
pered , It was aUo fitting that the Orceley
monument should be erected under thu
auspices ot Typographical union No. G nnd
dedicated by the newspaper'men , who owe
o much ( o the great pioneers of journalism ,
While newspaper men have their peculiar
obligations to Qreeley , all classea have bene
fited by the works ot this great man and.
should join la honoring his memory.
The United Stat aenato ycstolay passed
the resolution declaring that this govern
ment ought not to interfere [ n any way
with the political affairs of Hawaii. It was
supported by men ot all parties , and there
uas not 3 single > ote recorded against the
resolution. This action will bo approved by
the country. However unfortunate the
course of the representative ot the United
States In using the power at his command
to enable the revolutionists to overthrow
the monarchy nnd take possession of the
government , the time has gone by when
this country could with any show of Justice
or propriety Interfere In the political affairs
of the Hawaiian Islands. After the rejec
tion by the deposed queen of the friendly
offices of this government , looking to her
restoration with conditions which a duo re
gard for human considerations demanded ,
wo wcro released from any further re
sponsibility ar duty , so long , at least , as
the provisional government , with which wo
held communication , If not giving It a full
recognition , was able to maintain Its hold
on power. The president exhausted all his
authority when ho withdrew the protection
to the provisional government Implied In
raising the American flag over the govern
ment buildings at Honolulu and sought to
bring about a peaceful reiteration of the
fanner political status. This having failed
and the American pcoplu being opposed to
the use of force , tha only proper course waste
to drop the matter , and this , In effect , Is
what the administration did. An expres
sion from congress was , however , desirable ,
If not necessary , and with the adoption by
the house of the senate resolution , which
may be regarded as assured , the United
States Government will have washed Its
hands of the whole Hawaiian business. It
Is a business which , on the whole , has not
been creditable to the country , but the les
son may be useful In the future.
The latest aCvlces from Honolulu Indicate
that the provisional government will bo sue-
talned by the popular vote , though the
right of suffrage Is. confined to a small
proportion of the people. Delegates have
been chosen to a convention to frame a
constitution , and the Intention Is to estab
lish a republican form of government. Tlia
probability Is , however , that the now ruling
oligarchy will shape things so as to per
petuate their power , and in order to do this
will so restrict the suffrage that few out
side of their adherents will bo allowed to
enjoy this privilege of citizenship. How
long the largo number of Japanese and
others on the Islands , capable of Intelli
gently exercising the suffrage , would toler
ate such a Btato of things it Is Impossible
to say , but there Is reason to believe that
the Islands may yet be the scene of a
severe struggle before a permanent govern
ment Is established. The resolution adopted
by the senate declares that Interference In
the political affairs of Hawaii by any other
government will be regarded as an act un
friendly to the United States , which will
doubtless be accepted by other governments
as an ample admonition to keep hands off.
At ? DKQIASll - ' '
Itlght Honorable Henry Chaplin , who was
a member ot the Salisbury cabinet , has long
been pi eminent among the advocates of bi
metallism in England. His Interests arc
Identified with the agricultural class , and
very generally the farmers of Great Britain
are the strength of the bimetallic cause
there. The agricultural Interest of England
has been greatly depressed for years. Wheat
raising especially has been unprofitable ,
owing to the severe competition to which
the producers have been subjected , and it
is said that most of the tenants of wheat
land In Great Britain are unibla losy tlielr
rents , those who own the land and are In
debt cunnot pay their interest , wnlle every
year moro and more wheat land Is devoted
lo other crops. The market value of all land
has so fallen that In many cases It Is not
worth the mortgages upon It. The agri
cultural class anxiously seek a remedy for
this state of affairs , and whilo"somo believe
that a return to protection would provide
the remedy many think It Is"to be found
In the remonotlzadon of sliver , or bimetal
lism , nnd it Is probable that .thero Is an
Increasing number who hold the latter view.
The address of Mr , Chaplin to the confer
ence of the Scottish Members of Husbandry
shows that be has full faith In the remedial
power of bimetallism. He maintains that
the real cause of the low price of wheat Is
not overproduction , as some assert , but "the
demonetization of "silver In 1873 and the sub
sequent divergence of the relative values of
tha metals which enabled the silver-using
countries , like India , to export wheat at the
present low price. " Ho expressed the
opinion that If silver continues to fall there
is no reason why wheat should not cheapen
indefinitely. In this Mr. Chaplin voiced the
opinion of blmetalllsts generally , those of
the United States as well as those of Eng
land , and yet the notion that there
lo any direct communication between the
fall in silver and the decline in the prlco of
wheat has been so often shown to be a fal
lacy that It Is astonishing- anybody valuing
his reputation for intelligence and sound
Judgment will cling to It. In the last annual
statistical abstract of the United States ,
published under tlio direction of the secre
tary ot the treasury , It is shown that In
ISSO.tho year after the resumption of specie
payments , the average export price of our
wheat was $1,25 per bushel , while In 18S5
It was 86 cents per bushel. According to
the report of the director ot the mint the
prlco ot an ounce of fine sliver In 1880 was
? 1.14H and in 1SS5 It was Jl.06',4. Thus
whllo at the latter date , wheat was 39 cents
tower than In 1880 the difference In the
average prlco of sliver In the two years
was cn'y 8 cent ? , ftat'stl s sLo.v that during
thu fifteen years from 1870 to 1891 the fall
In the prlco of silver was it per cent , while
j decllno In wheat was 47 per cent. During
tills period the decllno In all commodities
was only a little more than 7 per cent.
Cotton wa higher In the throe years from
1888 to 1890 than In 1879 , although silver
was much lower. Wheat was nearly as high
lit 1891 and 1892 as In 1879 , though sil
ver was 10 to 17 per cent
lower. The avorugq of prices of all com
modities was higher In 1888 , 1891 and 1893
than In 1879 , although silver had declined
In 1888 12.G per cent , In 1891 10,5 per cent ,
and In 1893 25.4 par cent. Within the last
year silver lus declined 28.2 per cent ,
wheat 20,8 per cent' , cotton 17C per cent ,
wool about 33 pur cent. In the face of
those figures what becomes of the theory
that there Is any connection between the
prlco ot silver and the prlco cf other com
modities , and particularly of wheat ? Its
fallacy Is obvloua and Indisputable ,
Mr , Chaplin said that the English bl-
metallUU propose nn International agree
ment to revert to the system which pre
vailed prior to 1S73 , and that they will ac
cept any ratio rather than continue as nqw.
Ha thinks that the market price of sliver
will conform to any fixed International
ratio , and that an agreement once reached
everything will ipeedlly adjust Itself to tht
now order. In working for an Intern * *
tlonal agreement tlio blmctatllits ot Eng
land nro much moro rational than the sil
ver men of this country , who demand that
the United States shall asiurno the task
Mono ot rehabilitating silver. It In proba
bly true , as Mr. Chapln lays , that the
cause ot bimetallism Is advancing
In England , but It docs not appear
that ( ho progress Is very rapid , The re
cent action ot the meeting ot the German
Hanking association In unanimously adopt
ing a resolution In favor ot a gold standard
Indicate ; that In Germany the cause ot bi
metallism Is not moving forward as vigor
ously as has been supposed.
Senator Voorheos has Introduced a bill In
the United States senate to Increase to $12 a
month all pcnslonn below that amount. It
Is stated that there are about 160,000 pen
sioners who now get less than % \Z. \ The
majority of those get less than JS a month ,
and there are ( > 0,000 who get no moro than
$1 a month. Should the bill of the
Indiana senator become law It would
very largely Increase the pension
payments. But It will not become law , and
probably Mr. Voorhccs docs not expect It
to. The policy of the present administration
Is to reduce pensions , and It has been shown
In debates In the house that the pension
bureau has actually been cutting off $2 a
month from pensions which are now rated
at $8 and less a month.
H has been known for some time that
Senator Voorhocs professed not to bo
pleased with the policy ot the administration
regarding pensions. Early In the session
of the present congress It was announced
that ho Intended to make a speech In the
senate criticising the course that has been
pursued by the administration In this mat
ter , but If ho ever entertained such a pur
pose ho was probably persuaded not to carry
It out. Ho may yet bo heard on his bill , but
If so It Is hardly to be expected that he
will make any attack on the pension bureau.
It Is suggested , with how much Justice we
will not undertake to say , that the Indiana
senator Is actuated In this matter entirely
by political considerations. The old soldiers
In Indiana constitute a largo body of voters ,
many of whom have affiliated with the
democratic party. They have indicated with
great unanimity their dissatisfaction -with
the pension policy of this administration ,
and undoubtedly a largo number of tboso
who have been voting with the democracy
will bo found with the republicans at tee
next election. The bill Introduced by Sen
ator Voorhees may bo designed to placate
this dissatisfied clement. If so It Is entirely
safe to say that It will not have any such
effect. The union soldiers of Indiana , In
common with those of all the rest of the
country , perfectly understand the feeling
toward them of the party In control of the
executive and legislative departments of
the government , nnd no sop of this kind
will Induce them to believe that party has
any Interest In or sympathy with them.
It has for years persistently inveighed
against the pension system , fighting the re
publican party at every step in the liberal
izing of the system , and as soon as it ob
tained control of the executive oulco and of
congress it commenced an attaclc upon the
pensioners. A policy that outraged all
sense of fairness and justice was Instituted ,
and It was only modified when the popular
denunciation became so Intense that It
could not be disregarded. The chief recom
mendation of Mr. Hoke Smith for secretary
of the Interior was his hostility to the pen
sion system and his presumed ability to
curtail the pension roll , and It must bo ad
mitted that ho entered upon the duty he
was expected to perform in a way to Justify
the confidence reposed In him by the ap
pointing power. It Is true that Mr. Cleveland -
land placed an old soldier at the head of
the pension bureau , but not for the reason
that ho was a friend of the pension system.
There has been no legislation thus far by
the present congress In the Interest of the
union veterans and there is not likely to be.
There Is no more chance to pass a bill for
Increasing pensions below $12 and making
that sum the minimum than there is of in
ducing this congress to abandon Its proposed
tariff policy and permit the restoration of
the prosperity that prevailed before the
election of the party in power. No old
soldier , In Indiana or elsewhere , i 'll be
deluded Into supporting the democratic party
by the sop thrown out by Senator Voorhees.
There Is no doubt that the running of
accommodation trains from towns within
100 miles pf Omaha by all the roads that
center hero would very materially Increase
local traffic and eventually help to build up
our Jobbing trade by bringing Omaha Into
more Intimate and friendly relation with
the people in the region ot which she has
become the metropolis. Where regular ac
commodation trains cannot bo made profit
able to the railroads they should by all means
get the managers of the railroads to run ex
cursion trains during the summer season.
The question will bo asked , who Is to nego
tiate for this suburban excursion service
and who will undertake to guarantee the
necessary number of excursionists to make
the train pay Its way ? It seems to us that
the Commercial club through its traffic
manager would bo the proper party to take
charge of this enterprise. In _ fact , the Com
mercial club should make the suburban ex
cursion service ono ot Its functions. That
body Is composed chiefly of the mercantile
class and has moreover a manager who Is
thoroughly familiar with their demands and
the facilities ot the railroads. Inasmuch as
ho has been practically relieved from wrest
ling with local ' railrpad managers over
freight rates and rebates he ought to bo in
position at least to render efficient service
where he will not be an offensive partisan In
tha eye of the railroad manager. That his
efforts to secure favorable rates for suburban
excursions will be seconded by our leading
retail merchants goes without saying. They
have for years been anxious to co-operato
and make liberal subscriptions tor suburban
excursions , but they have been balked in
their efforts by the stubborn opposition at
railroad hcadquartera.
Wo hope that the railroad managers can
bo convinced that It Is their Interest to fester -
tor the local trade of Omaha In the same
manner as has been done at other railroad
centers. Last year they had a good excuse
for declining , because all their rolling stock
was In active and constant requisition for
the World's fair. That condition does not
prevail this year and there Is no probability
that the overland travel will become so very
extensive this season us to monopolize all
their spare locomotives and passenger equip
K\ery succeeding Memorial day gives
rise to some new notoriety sucker , who at
tempts to have his name given prominence
by means of an uncalled-for and unwar
ranted attack upon the old union soldier
and the cause for which ho fought and died.
These outbursts of flame from the dying
embera ot civil discord are prompted by
f > i personal grievances ot the men who
Itlvo utterance to hcm , ot men who can
neither forgive nor'TOiot those who helped
to stamp Bece slon | thp lost MUSI' . They
are making their last and desperate efforts
to Inflame the mlnflsUf the new generation
In the south ngAlnat the people ot the
north , and the inqrfi , certain their failure
the more violent their denunciation of
everything and fcveryWlj' connected with
the preservation of. iho union. There Is
doubtless still a , considerable number of
southern men whp remain unreconciled to
the triumph of ho , northern armies , and
who harbor feelings pf resentment nnd re
venge. But they arc so unquestionably In
the Insignificant minority that they can
give but a feolilo-j cco ) to those venomous
outbreaks on the part ot their Memorial day
speakers. The upholders of the union have
condoned more grievous onslaughts than
these , and they will bo nblo to condone
these also.
The county commlisloners have appointed
half tt dozen Inspectors to watch the paving
of the country roads and keep the contractors
from slighting their work and using In
ferior materials. The next thing the com
missioners should do Is to appoint another
sot of Inspectors to watch the Inspectors and
see to It that they do not play Into the hands
of the contractors. And then the commis
sioners will have to follow up the last sot
and Inspect the whole outfit personally.
Multlpl > lni ; I'lilKiH'S.
ChlenRO Inter Ocean.
Qrovcr Cleveland , congress , the Coxey
armies , strikes nnd seventeen-year locusts
nro n bit ; load for the same year. There Is
but little chance to do any vaccination to
Htop them before the November elections.
JMulio the DiMidbcitdi Pay.
New York Sun.
The senate Is making a full Block of atro
cious culmination ana needs all the credit
It can get for such a sporadic deviation
Into the platform ns the restoration of
wool to the dutiable list would be. Sus
pend the free list. Make the deadheads
A DniiKcrous Operation.
Olotio Democrat ,
Mr. Cleveland told a senator the other
day that he wanted to leave the demo
cratic party better than he found It. Every
elecllon shows thnt the purpose Is being-
accomplished. The best way to Improve
the democracy Is by numerical reduction.
Mr. Cleveland should remember , however ,
that when a patient loses moro than two-
llfths of his weight he Is apt to die.
The .Sollrltndn of Hill.
Knnwia City Star.
Mr. Hall's solicitude for the newspaper
matt Is presumably not built so much on
principles of exact Justice ns a desire to been
on the opposite side , nnd perhaps to punc
ture a few of the senators who have not
been friendly to the scheme for defeating
the tariff bill. The appealnnce of Mr. Hill
as the champion of the press is one of the
unkind blows of fate which newspapers
cannot always avoid.
Urttliig Out from Under.
Kansas City Times ( dcm. ) .
The Times is not the champion of Grover
Cleveland , but it Is a believer In the doc
trines of democracy and deprecates the
prostitution of Its principles to the selfish
purposes of traitorous senators , whose
pecuniary InterertN are subiurved by perpetuating
petuatingMcKlttleyfstn. . The Wilson bill
as it passed the1 hduso was so nearly n
democratic measurunthat it would have
revived business in eyery direction , and the
destruction of It "was. a crlmo against the
people. J _
Will the SinatdVindicate Itself.
Minneapolis Journal.
Buttz , for nttemptltlg to bribe senators ,
can be Indicted nnd punished under section
DJ50 of the Uovlged ! Statutes. It Is there
set forth that eveiy , person , promising , of
feringor givltift ii oney or anything of
value to any rnfcmber of cither house of
congress to Influence votes , shall be lined
three times the dmount of money or value
of the thing pronllsell , with three years'
Imprisonment This tvlll bo hard on Uuttz ,
but the senate should put him through to
vindicate its own honpr.
rronxbliiuBl lt > uHO to Ornio. , ,
lioulavlljjj. Courlor-Journnl.
The democratic outlook does not brighten
as the solar system puts on Its summer
Karb of green nnd gold. The confusion at
Washington Is radiative , Its dissonance epi
demic. Democrats go about bewildered.
Chagrin among the rank and file of the
party , passing from amazement to dismay ,
ha.s. culminated in disgust , deep nnd uni
versal. A political society which has
weathered so many headlands and sur
vived so many adversities , was surely not
born to die ; but little short of complete
reorganization seems adequate to its res
cue from total disruption.
Degradation of Party Principles.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The bill that finally passes will not be
the Wilson bill , but the Gorman bill , or
the Hill bill , If It be not called the Bill Mc-
Klnley , Jr. As matters are going , and In
any event democratic hopes are ballled ,
democratic pledges stultified , democratic
prospecls blighted. Better another two
years of the McKlnley tariff pure nnd
simple , and another appeal to the people
upon the old line fair and square , with
everybody forced to toe the mark , than to KO
over to the enemy or to take to the woods.
If wo lose , we should at least go down
with our flag flying , our honor Intact ,
whereas victory under present conditions
can be purchased only by the degradation
of all things great and noble in our na
tional life.
Besides , It Is not victory , but defeat , that
stares us In the face.
iirctrlclly : and
Philadelphia Ledger.
The action , of the fire underwriters In
Hartford , Conn. , In establishing n system
of inspection of the electric wiring of busi
ness blocks in that city should bo followed
in every city in which electricity has come
Into use. The inspectors have already
found fifty stores and business ollices in
Hartford with defective wiring , and the
buildings have accordingly been con
The Increasing- number of fires ascribed
to electricity demands the exercise of
greater care In the use of this method of
furnishing light and power. Boston has
had a number of fires within the past years
directly traceable to electricity which
burned up millions of dollars worth of prop
erty. The lire record In Hartford shown
the same result , and doubtless an Investi
gation of wires In other cities would
prove the destructive part electricity , when
not properly handled , haM played in Urea.
The burning ot Talmage's church In Brook
lyn recently , with much valuable
property adjoining , was probably enured by
the defective Insulation of Home electric
light wires.
XEJIlt.lHK.t Affl > *
Pawnee county farmers appear to bo
fairly prosperous. Ono of them living at
Stelnauer Is about to build a brick barn
costing about $7,000.
A flond at Firth' drove a team of colts
belonging to Alex Ellis into a barn and then
set fire to the structure. The animals were
consumed with toe Vlrn.
A keg of beer Avasitl > D Instrument with
which Frank Pierce of Grcoley amputated
ono of his fingers.He dropped the weapon
on his hand , allliotigh ho knew It was
loaded , f (
Rowe Erlowlnoiita. iSeward young man ,
tried to pass bet\ve/n / a couple ot cars by
stepping on the dumpers. The doctors hope
to save the footbut , , the heel Is crushed
bad enough to give Rowe a pain for some
days to come. jol i
Five Indians with , a bear tried to buy
flro water at Sclniylqr , and when It was
refused them thoKutook to lemon extract.
They bought out > one dealer , and when
they loft town they were feeling sour as
swill , but 8omewliMvhlarloti8. |
A man who had burglarized four stores at
Washington , Kiuliiuiuas located at Odell
with Taylor's circus , and four officers
started In to arrest him. He no sooner
sighted th officers than he made a break
for tha brush near tlio circus grounds. PayIng -
Ing no attention to the cries ot halt the
pursuers opened fire on him , which was re
turned with a vengeance. Several times the
fugitive hid In the brush and when routed
out would hold his ground for a few mo
ments whllo engaged in firing volley after
volley at his pursuers. Fully twenty shots
bad been flred when one ot the officers came
up with tlio burgiRr and at the point ot
a revolver effected his capture. Ho waa
found to benjnhurt , but the pursuing party
had not fared BQwell. . Officer Lashbrook
was ahot through the leg btilow the knee ,
the ball breaking the bone and making a
serious wound , which may necessitate ampu
tation. Thu Burglar's name Is Lloyd Hen
derson , lit ) ll said to be one of the worst
-lmln.-la out of jail.
ttnur.v ,
Denver Republican : The rnvolt agalnit
law nnd order at Crlpplo Creek should b
suppressed , regardless of cost or conso-
rjuenccs. Colorado cannot afford to acquire
it reputation for the toleration of anarchy
under any circumstances.
Washington I'ost ; No stain docs Its duty
that does not guarantee to thu humblest
citizen the right to sell his labor and to
fulfill the contract without being beaten ,
shot , or otherwise maltreated for the cxer-
clso ot that right. U Is Included In the
"Inallctiablo right. "
Cincinnati Commercial : When Colorado
sets out to capture the attention of tha
country she does It effectively. Her gov
ernor Is brilliantly eccentric , nnd her
strikers have a way of dispensing violence
right and left that keeps the reporters
busy , Colorado Is bound to keep Its place In
the procession of lively states.
Chicago Herald : Any coercion by moral
or physlc.ll force to compel a man to quit
work Is slavery of the same degree. One
man has the same right to work on terms
settled between him and his employer that
another man has to rcfuso to work because
he and the employer cannot agree upon
terms. The striker who compels another
man to strike with him enforces an odious
and Inhuman system of slavery.
St. Louis Republic : Every day the coal
strike continues the employment of great
numbers of men In factories becomes more
precarious. Dull times have driven many
manufacturers to run on as short time as
they can without risking the depreciation
ot plants In absolute Idleness. If lack of
fuel forces Idleness or very short time dur
ing Juno they will be ready to shut down
In July for two months. The usual summer
slackening nnd overhauling will begin early
and end late.
St. Paul Globe : It Is proposed that the
pending dlfilctiltlcs between the coal miners
and their employes bo submitted to the
governors of the several mining states for
adjustment. The plan would be a good one
If the public could bo assured that political
considerations would bo Ignored. It Is to
be feared , however , that the governors are
more prone to bo politicians than business
men , nnd that the decision arrived at by
them would bo dictated more by a deslro to
hold or gain votes than by a sincere solic
itude for the general welfare.
Kansas City Star : It has been proposed
by the business men of Plttsburg that n
board of arbitration , composed of the gov
ernors of the leading coal producing states ,
bo formed for the purpose of bringing to a
close the widespread strike which prevails
among the miners. Four governors have
assented to the plan , and It Is expected that
others will co-operate. It Is hoped that
this movement may contribute to the solu
tion of a problem which is becoming very
serious , and which , It Is fully apparent ,
will not bo satisfactorily settled by forco.
Chicago Record : First of 'all , ruinous
competition between rivals must stop. Mine
owners and other largo employers of labor
must demand and receive for their products
and merchandise enough lo enable them to
treat thulr employes like human beings , and
such pilco tha consumer ought to be willing
lo pay. Second , employers should so curb
tholr greed for gain as lo recognize the In
herent right of their employes to fair com
pensation for their services. These rem
edies cannot be brought about or applied by
legal enactments. They must come In re
sponse to a higher law than that of man's
creation. The Inhumanity of man to man
must he supplanted by an admission of the
truth that there Is a. common brotherhood
In man , and this must not bo merely a
sentiment , but an active , dominant prin
ciple of every day life.
Georgia's new senator favors every po
litical fad in sight , Including an appropri
ation for Atlanta.
Wealers and wheelers should not diverge
from the cardinal principle keep In the
middle of the road.
Decision on the question , "Does money
talk ? " Is reserved until the senate acts on
the sugar schedule.
Judicial orders requiring milkmen to teethe
the chalk line are not excessively onerous.
It Is the usual line of duty.
One ot those strange freaks of nature Is
the paucity of water In prohibition qtates
and a deluge In open door states.
Senator Hill's enthusiastic defense of
newspaper correspondents ullerly failed to
plug the blowholes of party organs.
Kentucky horsemen are the most per
sistent and consistent advocates of an in
creased circulation of stable money.
Cash contributions and an abundance of
giub proves ruinous- discipline In General
Kelly's Wealers. A shortage of chuck in
spires obedience.
Corporal James Tanner , cx-commlssloncr
of pensions , has almost entirely recovered
from the effect of a fourth ampulallon per
formed recently In Brooklyn.
Prof. Gllbchln , the eminent sociological
virtuoso , whllo urging economy In all di
rections , wisely draws the line at bathing
suits. More economy in that line he re
gards as visible extravagance.
The manner In which Editor Watlerson
is pumping double-leaded cannlslcr Into sen
atorial traitors Indicates that the star-eyed
goddess has reached the parade ground be
tween the slaughter house and the grave.
A new substitute ' for butler nnd oleo
margarine has been patented , and the In
ventor Is confident It will drive both com
petitors from the field. The task Is a largo
one. Much of the present commodity Is
strong enough to resist and repel all as
The patriotic Coal trust , organized to prevent -
vent unseasonable deviations In the price
of anthracite , announces a 25 cents advance.
The benevolent barons will undoubtedly
contribute means to prolong the miners'
strike. "You scratch my back and I'll
scratch your's , "
It is expected that Dr. Edward Netlleshlp
will recolve 2,000 guineas ( $10,000) ) for his
operallon on Mr. Gladslone's eyo. More
over , he Is almost certain to become the
fashionable physician ot London , and It Is
not unlikely that ho will be made a baronet.
Dr. Nottlcshlp Is about 03 years old.
The city council of Chicago has passed' ' an
ordinance prohibiting the sale of cigarettes
containing opium , morphine , glycerine , Jimson -
son weed , belladonna or sugar. The pro-
Jecled reform is not a popular ono because
the aldermen are not 'required to umolco all
samples submitted for Investigation ,
They are talking In Boston about a clergy
man who , at a recent dinner , drank a quart
of champagne under the impression that It
was apolllnarls and good for his digestion.
Fortunately the cleric had provided hlm-
self with a hatband built on the Goodyear
plan and no serious discomfort was experi
enced in that quarter.
Robert Winthrop. who Is In his 86th year ,
has had a personal acquaintance with every
president ot the United States except Wash
ington and Jefferson , Ho Is the oldest
living ox-speaker of the national house of
representatives , the oldest surviving Massa
chusetts senator , and It Is seventy-three
yours since ho was a schoolboy at Boston's
celebrated Latin school.
Cyrus Arml , grandson of dovornor ArmI
of New Mexico , has discovered evidence
which ho thinks will make him a successful
.claimant for part of the famous Hyde es
tate In England. The evidence Is In tlio
form of an old English family bible , found
In the possession of a former nurse , which
shows his descent to bo from Elizabeth
Hyde , who was married to his greatgrand
father at St. Andrew's church In Holborn ,
London , on May 10 , 1812.
TIIK U1I1VAHU lT..tTt'Otl3I.
WushliiKton filar ,
I was once a Joyous platform ; In Chicago I
was mode ;
The people laughed nnd hollered and the
bandH all came and played.
My plankH were joined so neatly that the
carpenters declared
'Twan a case of clear perfection , and they d
lick the man who dared
Insinuate that I waa anything but ataunch
and good ;
And now there ain't enough of me for cam
paign kindling wood.
Where are now those vocal efforts and
those sentiments sublime ?
Those tunes played gladly out ot keys and
mostly out of time ?
Gone Into ( Jeep oblivion ; laid high upon the
Dear , patriotic speeches , you're back num
bers , like myself.
They ald they niado me strong enough to
cope with any fate ,
And yet I proved as fragile aa a chunk of
armor plate ;
To patriotic flrea I'd give HO mo splinters , If
1 could ,
Dut now there ain't enough of me for cam
paign kindling wood. ,
MoKclghan Delivers Euloginm on the
Great Nebraska Dcclinor ,
If tlio IrilcpciiilonH Cnnnot lllrrt ( Inn of
Their Own fulfil to the I'nltril ' States
Nrimto Tliry Mionlil
1107 V street. N.V. . .
"Although on excellent terms \\lth Mr.
Bryan , " says Congressman McKelghan , "I
liavo never spoken to III in un thu subject of
tliu gcnatorshlp. I would like to Htntc , In
jtistlco to Mr. Ilrynn nml tlio populists , Hint
ho tins never suggested to inc that lie would
join the populist part ) * In order to become
a candidate for senator. I liavo been nt >
( ached to Mr. Ilrynn for Ills mnnly support
of principles , nmlvlthln the last twelve
days I have lnul a long Interview with him ,
In which I urged him to join us , for the rea
son that ho believes In the frco coinage of
silver at the ratio of Hi to 1 , without waitIng -
Ing until England gets ready. For the fur
ther reason , also , that ho advocates the
Issue of all p.iper money by the government ,
that It all be made legal tender nnd that
no one should bo allowed to contract against
It. In all these things ho and many other
democrats arc In full accord with my views
and with the views of the populists , Know
ing these facts , I sought Mr. Hryan and
urged him to join that party that was united
In the support of these propositions.
"So far as the senatorial contest In Ne
braska Is concerned , I liavo no Interest of a
personal nature. And so far as Mr. Ilrynn
Is concerned , I would feel that if the popu
lists could not select a man of their own
party nnd should select Mr. Hryan the stnto
would bo represented wisely and well. If
Mr. Dryan had any Intention ! ) of joining the
populists I think he would have made them
known to mo. For the past six. years we
have been close friends , personally nml po
litically , nnd It may be that those who tire
reporting him as having joined the populists
have other motives than furnlnshlt.p the
facts. The populist part ; rronldclcomu Mr.
Bryan with open arms. Wo cannot have too
many such manly men. "
Ex-Speaker Heed lias written Senator
Maiulerson a letter stating that Inasmuch
OH It will be Impossible for him to attend
the meeting of the league In
Denver ho will bo unable to comply with
the request to visit Hastings , Neb. Mr.
Heed expressed the hope that the Invita
tion may hold good until some thno when
ho may bo able to visit Hastings.
Congressman Dolllvcr of Iowa Is unable
to keep Ills engagement to speak before the
Republican State league of Nebraska , When
ho agreed to come to Nebraska on that oc
casion ho expected that the congressional
convention for his district In Iowa -would
bo held about the same date , but ho has
slnco learned that while the Nebraska meet
ing will occur on the 12th of June the con
gressional convention for the Tenth district
of Iowa will not bo held until the middle
of July. Mr. Dolllver says It would bo 1m-
posslblo for him to make two trips to the
neglect of public and private business , and
ha also says that "tho high grade of states
manship which the democratic managers of
the house have manifested In the discovery
of an ancient law which deprives a member
of his salary when ho is absent upon a
patriotic mission makes it impossible for a
poor congressman to do anything for his
corr.iry except occupy his scat In the house
of representatives from day to day and de-
cllno to accept any Invitation for profit or
pleasure of any character. "
National Cominltteeman Richardson of
Iowa arrived here tonight and will Im
mediately Interest himself in tlio appoint
ment of a new postmaster for ( ho city of
DCS Molnes. The settlement of the pension
agency has greatly relieved him and al
though his original selection was not rati
fied , and he was obliged to consent to the
appointment of the man who was selected
by Senator-elect Gear , Mr. Richardson takes
the matter with ns good grace as possible
and hopes to be able to control the appoint
ment of the postmaster for DCS Molnes.
The Manderson bill , Imposing a tax upon
and regulating the manufacture of oleomar
garine. Is now being considered by the house
committee on agriculture , as well as by the
senate committee. That Is to say that , while
the Manderson bill Is not formally before
the house , It Is well understood by Chairman
Hatch of the house committee and by other
members of that committee , and they have
Informally discussed It in advance of Its
passage by the senate.
Martin Fox has been appointed postmaster
at Nashville , Jackson county , In. , vice A. I.
Scliclu , removed.
Representative Plckler has received a pe
tition from over GOO citizens of Hlghmore ,
S. D. , asking that Hyde county bo trans
ferred from the Huron land district to the
Pierre land district.
President James Hoeffer of the Crelghton
university of Omaha has written Senator
Manderson requesting that a military ofll-
cer be detailed for duty at the university.
Inasmuch ns Donno col lens was recently
accommodated with a military Instructor
under the new law , It I * not likely thnt
any detail can bo secured at the present
time. However , when the secretary of war
returns to the rlly , Senator Mandcrvon will
make an effort lo neetirc favorable consider
ation of the request ,
Senator Allen expressed considerable pleas
ure this afternoon ivt the success which at
tended his effort to hn\o nil nmnufnclurrd
lumber put on the free list In the pending
Senator Mnndorson today presented a.
largely signed petition from the citizens at
Otoo county protesting against the tax on
Incomes of building and loan associations.
rotnnilltrn Addri-M 801110 IVrll-
liriit ItriimrM * In thn l'o tmnMi < r flrnarul *
WASHINGTON , May 31. A. I * Randall ,
chairman of the International Typographical
union committee un government ownership
of the telegraph , has written u letter to
Postmaster General lllsspll , accusing him of
never having read the postal telegraph bill ,
on which he recently icported adversely to
Chairman Wise of the house committee on
commerce , Mr , Randall says Mr. Hlssell evi
dently took It for granted that the bill re.
forred to him was the Wanamakcr bill of
the Fifty-first congress. lie than calls at
tention to government ownership of tele
graphs In other countries , and asks : "Arc
not the people of this country as capable
of conducting a government telegraph as
those of tlip European nations ? " This Is
followed uptrltli this threat : "Tho Interna
tional Typographical union has Inaugurated
this movement. It will do Its utmost to do.
feat any man found working and voting
against the great reform , regardless of party
nllllliUloiu.Vo have had several hearings ,
but at the present writing wo are aware
wo have been 'sidetracked , ' If we do not
get back on the main track soon we will
know by whose authority wo are being hold
back. It may bo a schema to hold 113 on
this siding until after the November -ilec-
tlou , but that will noon put us on the main
line , so wo sec who our friends are. Wo
will ni once commcnre the campaign In the
districts of members of the committee who
arc responsible for our delay and will use
all honorable means to compass their de
feat this fall , no matter which party they
belong to. " _
Presidential Nominations.
WASHINGTON , May 31. The president
today sent the following nominations to the
nonato : Postmasters Nicholas C. Stanton ,
West Liberty. la. ; Frank E. Frltcher ,
Nashua , la. : Joseph M Swlgart , Mnquokota ,
la. ; George W. IJoyd , New Whalcotn , Wash.
Treasury Maurice Rorhrelmcr , Ohio , to bo
appraiser of tnerchamllsa In the district of
Cuyahoga , Ohio. _
Omllrmed ! > > tlia Somite.
WASHINGTON , May 31. The senate In
executive session today confirmed the fol
lowing nomination : Postmaster : Colorado-
John C. Rose , at Cripple Creek.
I.OA T1X < 1 f.-l V1STY.
Puck : "Going to see the diva In 'Caval-
lerlu' tonight ? " "Vou don't mean to hay
that they're ' bringing this tank buslneja
Into Italian operas ? "
Hnllo : "Miss Adamant , " murmured thn
youth , "why tire you so Imrd-heirtedT
Your heart Is no nurd us a dlamniu .
"Yes. " sighed the maiden , suggestively ,
"and diamond uuta diamond.
Indlaimpolis Journal : Conductor-Here ,
that half dollar Is counterfeit.ou cant
. PuMsenscr-I just
pass that on this train.
thought I would try It. We don't seem to
be passing anything else.
Atchison Globe : Every summer about
this time we long to nee n clicus man ,
with his lies and elephants.
Sittings : Sami fn brought down the
houic , but nobody called for nn encore.
Arkansaw Traveler : Doctor-Madam ,
vour husband hatparesis. . "I re Oh ,
doctor. I'm delighted ! I waa afraid It
was measles , and they are so common , you
Somervlllo Journal : A spellingma'cli In
Wales muat be a thrilling and exciting
Chicago Record : Uncle Joshua 1 he o
city people have mighty pollle manner. ) ,
Ills Wife How so ?
Uncle Joshua Jusl let a couple of fel
lers have my watch that they offeredI 10
co and get regulated free gratis. They rote
to brlnff it back to mo at the hotel.
Detroit Free Press : "My muscle , " fall
the prize tighter. "Is as hard ns armor
regular man-of-war.
plate. I am a
"That armor plate notion Is not a bad
one , " said the man at a safe distance ,
"considering the blowhole that Is in your
face. "
Chicago Tilbune : "Did you speak to
me , sir ? " said the passenger on the seat
In front , turning al\l\\y \ \ \ to stare at the
passenger who had leaned forward to rs- - ' )
mark that it looked like rain. "NoL sir , ' '
replied the other pleasantly. "I epoke tea
a gentleman I thought you resemb'.ed. I
see I was mistaken. "
ChlcnBO Journal , '
While those who cross the ocean fear
The Iceberg's awful power.
That sinks a frail and helpless ship (
In Bom unguarded hour , .
The more unfortunate are those
Who stay upon the land ,
And meet the Ice bills awful shock
That's harder far to stand. '
Down teA
SPECIAL SALE of suits for $10 all wool , ele
A gant suits that sold at $12.50 to $18 and $20
sale begins Friday No fake but genuine , flrs't-
class suits suoh as we only can make , accompanied
by our guarantee that means you get your money
back , or satisfaction , if you don't gat more than
your money's worth. See the show window
everything in the window except the policemen's
presents is $10 Sale begins Friday , mind ,
Browning , King & Co. ,
S , W. Corner 15th and Douglas.