Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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. - NO , 12 PEAHL STUEC'
Ddlvmd lijr carrier to any p < u ! ' lh * cltr.
II. W. TILTON , Le * ee.
Tri.rPHO.NE8 nu lnoM office , No. 41 ;
dltor , No. n.
Judge MrOce has adjourned superior cour
bntll Tuesday.
W. B. Heed's ton , who was hurt by i
bullet which collided with his leg , Is nbl
to bo About once moic.
A meeting of Fidelity council , Royal Ar
canum , will be held this evening at 8 o'clocl
Hi the hall In the Brown building.
A special meeting of the Loyal Indiistrln
union will be held at the Unncbn hall , conic
of Broadway nnd Main tlrcct. Saturday
June 2 , at S o'clock p. in.
George Morrison of Crescent will have i
hearing this morning on the charge n
threatening1 the life uf a man named Part
ridge , who also lives at Crescent ,
Unity Onlld wllf hold Its regular mcctlni
this nftrniiimi nt " ' 30 o'clock In the Uulli
room of Orace church , corner Pierce am
Union Htrcuts , Friends cordially Invited.
Word was received yesterday of the deatl
of Mary A. Smith at Tlflln , O , aged 70 years
Her daughter , Mrs. E. J. Walters of thli
city , was at her bedside when the sad even
occurred ,
Hawkeye lodge No. 181 , Independent Orde
of Odd Fellows , wrints every member In thi
city to bo present on Friday evening , Juin
1. A. E. Mitchell , noble grand. E B. Edger
ton , secretary.
The furcrul of Laura Ha7ard took placi
yesterday afternoon from the residence o
licr fathir , A. A. Hazard , Dr. Phelps olll
elating. A large number of sjmpathlziiif
friends were present.
Two women from Stella Long's place wen
thrown from u buggy on Little Cm Ms strer
Wednesday evening. Both were drunk. Oni
of them , Maude 1'ajne by name , wus con
ildcraldy bruised , but not seriously Injured
J. C. Wilcox , H. C. Raymond and J. R
Rice donated n largo lot of flowers for Deco
ration day , for which the executive commit
tee of the Grand Army wishes to retun
thanks ; also to the Woman's Relief corps
who arranged them.
Special services will bo held at the Youiu
Men's Christian association rooms at
o'clock Sunday , Juno 3 , In commemoratloi
or the fiftieth anniversary of th'j ftnU Yount
Mrrn's Christian association organization
Everybody la Invited to attend.
Harry Thornton , the crook who stole n
purse from Mrs. Bonham Wedne ho nfter-
neon at the building where the ladles of the
Methodist church were giving dlnnei , was
given thirty days In the county Jail yester
day by Judge Mcdoe for the theft.
Ono ot Frohman's companies will present
Ontnr Wilde's social comedv , "Lady Winder-
mere's Fan , " at Dohanj's this cvelng This
is ono of the latest and greatest of the
atrical successes , and the opera houic
Ehuild IIP filled to Its utmost capacity.
The American Hallway union will meet at
the hall of the Patriotic Order of Sons ol
America , on Broadway , on Saturday cvcnlnc
at 8 o'clock , to elect a delegate to the general -
oral assembly at Chicago. All railway mer
nro Invited. Per order E. H. Ott. secretniy
Next Sunday evening a twilight seivic (
will be Instituted at St. Paul's church , com
mencing at 6:45 : o'clock and lasting fort }
minutes. The sermon will be omitted am !
the service shortened , the music being made
an Important feature. Tills plan will be
followed during the month of lune.
Tomorrow will be ladles' day nt the races
and every lady will be admitted free ol
charge. This will be the opportunity for
the ladles of Council Dlufft ) nnd Omaha tc
see the races and for the rest of the wet Id
to see the ladles. Therff- 111 be some line
races , and the day will be an event.
The arguments of the attorneys In the con
spiracy case against HackwIU , Hall , Lim
erick and Kerns were commenced In Justice
Vlen's court yesterday , all the evidence
having been heard. The attoineys had not
succeeded In unreeling all they had wound
up at the tlmo of adjournment , und they will
pick up the thread again this morning.
Eugene Rogers was anested icstcrday on
the charge ot cheating by false
The woman who flled the Information al
leges that she ) gave him fifty cigars to take
to the race track and sell on n commission.
Ho failed to show up with the proceeds ol
his day's business. Wiien arrested he claimed
to have sold 25 cents' worth ot the goods
and to have left the rest at home.
Philip Keellne , who beat nml choked his
father , was before Judge McGce In police
court yesterday morning to answer for his
conduct. His father nnd he had In a meas
ure patched their difficulties and concluded
that as they couldn't got along together
they had better separate. Young Keellne
was discharged with the undei standing that
lie would leave at once for New Yoik and
stay away.
The proposed discussion between D. F.
Stout of the Utah ( Mormon ) church and T.
W. Williams ot the Latter Day Saints church
of this city upon the relative claims of the
two churches will bo held at the Saints
chapel , on Pierce street , near Glen avenue ,
commencing next Monday evening nt 7:30 : ,
Should the building bo found too small the
meeting will adjourn to the Woodmen ol
the World hall on Broadway , Many facts
connected with early Mormon histoiy will
be disclosed.
Clarence Brown nnd A. M. Hock , or Rogers ,
both of which names he claims , tiled to
.enter Nellie Rowland's house , at the corner
ot Broadway and Tvventy-sKth street , night
before last , but were lefiihed admittance.
They accordingly kicked the door In. The >
were arrested and charged with diuiiKcnncss ,
nnd yesterday morning In police couit were
bcntenccd to pay a fine of $25 apiece. Rock
Immediately flled an Information against
Mrs. Rowland , charging her with keeping u
disorderly house. Her trial will take place
this morning. _
It costs no more to have your fire Insur
ance In old and tried companies. Ilka the
Glens Falls and Imperial , than In those which
nro new nnd untried. Lougeo & Towlo ,
agents , 235 Pearl street.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and tor sale at
Gas Go's ofllco. _
Wo want everybody to know that Morgan
cells paints and drugs. 134 and 742 Broadway.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
I. JMK.1G7Mt'llS ,
Tl. J. Clancy has returned from a south
ern trip.
Frank Trlmblo has returned from a trip
to Dubuiiuo.
B. F. Simmons of Clinton Is the gucat of
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Simmons.
V. J. Jameson leaves this evening for a
five days visit to DCS Molncs.
Mrs. A. T. Whlttlesey Is visaing Mrs.
W. A. Coulter In Kansas City.
H. C. Lynclmrd ot Mount Pleasant Is In
the city , the guest of Ida son , W. H. Lynch-
John G. Carlisle will occupy the Wels
residence during the absence ot the owner
In Europe.
Dr. J. C. Robertson has gone to San Fran
cisco to. attend the meeting of thu Ameri
can Medical association to bo held there
June 5-0 , Inclusive.
Mrs. H. A. Ballenger , accompanied by
nor two. children , Leigh and Lucille , left
jeaterday for a few days' visit with her sis
ter , Mrs. H , E. DeKuy , In Atlantic , la ,
A telegram received hero announces that
Mr. and Mrs. F. Wels and Mrs. Ida Sey-
bert and son will start from Now York
Juno U1 by the steamer Spree -for Ger
Mrs , Arthur W. Covvles , accompanied by
her Ilttlo son , Frank , and daughter. Helen.
IB In the city visiting her old friends for
a few days , and Is the guest of Mrs. H. W.
Tllton , G27 Fifth avenue.
Guy Shepard has been confined to his
home for more than a week past as the
result of a too Intimate acquaintance with
a bunch ot poison Ivy , which caused his
face to swell up to an extraordinary size.
He Is now able to bo about again.
Rev. C. W. Brewer , formerly pastor of
the Fifth Avenue Methodist church , was
In the city yesterday , and In the evening-
delivered an address before thu Railroad
Temperance association. He was gladly wel
comed back to the pulpit which he tilled
lor uverul years aa pastor ,
Application of the Martin Knlct Law t <
Local Saloons Impending.
Only Pour Appllrntlmm Are nn I lln lij
1'roftprctUa Dealer * In Wet Uooiln
AntfMor llttrdln Will llrln |
I.Uttni ; Locution * Today.
The city count II will hold a meeting nc.xl
Monday cvuilng , at which the momentous
question of whether or not saloons shall be
allowed to run In Council Illuffs under the
mulct law will como up for settlement.
There Is nut much doubt as to which way
this VIII bo decided. Applications for pel-
mission to engage In the saloon business
will have to be filed with the city clerk be
fore 5 p. in , on Monday. This Includes nil
dealers In liquor excepting registered
Theti ! has not been much of n rush In
the matter of filing bondH by prospective
xnloonlsts Only four have been filed so far ,
AH the law la already In force , carh of the
saloon keepers has neglecti d to flic n
bond Is really subject to prosecution. From
the fact that there Imvc been so few to
comply with the letter of the luw In this
reSpect , It Is thougl't by como thnt the
authorities do not cxp ct to be lee strict
In regard to the inimeioir ; details that make
the path of the saloim l.ecpvi * such a thorny
one. Ihcy will bo riquhed to put up their
cash every month to the city , aril tvcrj
tjuaitcr to the county , and their liability
will practically end there. Assessor Ilardln
will make his first round tod.i ) .
Charles Lunklcy , the well known undertaker ,
will occupy the building ut 2.18 Ilroadwoy
after May 20. Various improvements will
be mada'which will give him one uf the
fines' undertaking establishments In the
Meyers-Dnrfeo Furniture company , 336-33S
Uroadway. Hat gains in fine furniture ,
Domestic soip outlasts chtap soap.
IiiiproteineiitHiit Mini ot.t.
Lake Mana'va will be In it moie than over
this season. The thousands familiar with
the great pleasure rtsort , as It has ap
peared for the past few seasons , will
scarcely be able to recognl/e It when they
\lslt It ut the opening this season The
hotel has given place to an artistically
beautiful pavilion nearly 200 feet long , with
a central dancing floor 40x30 , constiucted so
that It can be quickly enclosed In case of a
storm or bad weather. At each end Is n
bastion fifty feet In diameter , with solid
walls studded with numerous windows.
These are filled with chairs and lofresh-
inent tables , where people can lounge , rest ,
cat or dilnk. The refreshment booths will
be at the "ides
In front of this main pavilion and ex
tending scveial hundred feet along the lake
frcnt Is the now bathing beach. Thousands
of cubic yards of clean sand has been
dumped Into the water , and n new bottom
made for the lake , extending Into water ten
feet deep , and reaching to the bir nt the
point of the Island. The entire front has
bten planked with two-Inch oak lumber , and
the angriest vvaves can find nothing more
movable than the white sands to play with.
The bath house's adjoin the pavilion , nnd they
are permanent houses , not lempoiaiy slieds
The new beach will biery popular on ac
count of It not being necessary to go across
the lake to bathe. Lots of new novelties
to make a plunge in tlie water still more
enticing have been added.
A gieat dial ) of work has also been done
on the Manawa railway. The entlie road
bed haa been reconstructed , with new crossIngs -
Ings and new oak ties , and quick time will
be made. The trains will be running Satur
day , and Sunday will be ft big day.
Your Wife. Will You
If yon wear that old hat much longer. It
looks worn and shabby , and has no more
style about it than a cord of wood. You
would not be a bad looking fellow at all If
> ou wore one of Tom Hughes' nobby new
spring hats. If your head Is an odd shape
have It conformed the hat , not the head.
Hughes Is also conforming his prices so as
to make them fit the times. 919 Main street
Is the lucky number.
For cobs go to Cox , 10 IT-iln street. Tola-
phone 48.
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
Three Urns.
The flro department was called out three
times yesterday morning. About 4 o'clock
a lamp exploded In the Midway saloon , 2020
Broadway , In one of the upstalr's rooms.
The flro was extinguished after about J100
worth of damage had been done.
About twenty minutes later , and before
the firemen had left the scene of the first
flre , there was another alarm. It was from
the corner of Thirty-fourth street and Ave
nue A In a house belonging to the Omaha
Security company nnd occupied by Tom
Wlttig and family. Wlttlg was at n loss to
know whether a lamp exploded or was tipped
over by his wife , but attributes the blaze to
ono of the two causes. On account of the
seal city ot flro hydrants in that part of the
city It was Impossible to extinguish the
flames , and the whole building , with ItR con
tents , was burned down. The loss Is esti
mated at about $800 and is covered by In
surance. Wlttlg claimed to have lost $100
In cash , which he had hidden under his
pillow when he letlred.
At 11 o'clock a third alarm came In , this
tlmo from the house nt 1829 Avenue F , occu
pied by D. S. Kcrr as a residence. The flro
\\IIK the icsult of a gnsohno stove explosion.
The damage amounted to only $10 ,
Council IHufTrt ItuceH.
From points within seventy-five miles of
Council Bluffs , the Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy railway will sell tickets for the above
event to Council Bluffs nt one and one-third
faro for the round trip. Tickets on sale to
and including June 2 , good for return to and
Including June 4.
S. M. Williamson & Co. have by far the
largest and finest line of bicycles ever
shown In Council Bluffs. Bicycles for rent
and for sale on easy payments , First-class
workmen In our repair department. 10G
Main st.'ott.
doing Out of
Will therefore sell all millinery regardless
of cost. Miss Hagsdale , 10 Pearl street.
( inn Club Slioot ,
The Council Bluffs Gun club at Its shoct
Wednesday made the following score :
Seoie. 1'os.sible.
Heieshcim . KG 100
I'liur . 7 ! ) UO
AlKl'H . . . . 7 ! ) 100
Kinxubm/ . 77 100
.MiUli-r . 77 1UO
KViiett . 49 63
Mll.vim . 48 I | fi
Hiiro . 21 no
Unlillison . 21 W
Optimal . * . 20 Ui
JllllUH . , . , . 19 ,
Uishsmltll . 19 2o
The famous Maso Wise livery and sale barns
have teen sold to J. W. Mlnnick , and the
business will bo continued under his manage
ment. Horses boarded and cared for ut
reasonable jategj barn open day and night.
While you are paying for laundry why not
get the beat ? The Eagle laundry solicits a
trial and Invites comparison. Telephone 157.
Washerwomen iuo Domestic soap.
Coming Wedding ,
Secretary F. M. Wright of the Young Men'n
Christian association leaves today for Red
Oak , where he Is to be married on Thurs
day , Junu 7. to Miss McCrary , ut her resi
dence near Red Oak. In order to avoid the
possibility ot a charivari by the small bojt.
of that place they will return here the same
day , and will no doubt be suitably enter
tained upon their arrival by the members ot
the association. They will make their home
with George Jones , 722 Mynster street ,
Kvan * Laundry Company.
620 Tcarl street. Telephone , 290.
Omaha Won.
For the flrst tlmo a game ot whist was
played between the Council Bluffs and
Omaha teams Wednesday iilght that ru-
nullcd In n verdict for the Oinnlia team b
slight majority. Only five teams playci
J. C. Waterman and W. K. Altchlson
the home team won by four points , 0. f
wlckham and A. W Hclkman by thrc
points , and J J , Shea nnd V L. Treynor b
fourteen points. J , M. Barstow and I. M
Treynor were defeated by eighteen point
and W. J , Lauterwasscr nnd F. S. Puse
by fh < > noa ! ( , ? " Hint Omaha * cm the whol
game by ttto points.
UndcrtTooil I'cnpln Looking for n Trtni
Who In I ! , idly \Vnntecl.
Oeorgo Smith , a prosperous farmer wli
lives six and a half miles south of Under
wood , went homo for dinner from the flel
where he had been working and found thn
his wife had been made tli
victim of n criminal assault dtfrln
his absence. About 10 o'cloc
In the morning she started to the spring
short distance from the house to lead
colt to water. On the way she was knocke
down by a tramp , beaten almost Into In
sensibility and a handkerchief stuffed hit
her mouth to prevent her outcry from belli
heard. The tramp accomplished his purpos
and got away n couple of hours before Mi
Smlth'n return. When the deed was ills
covered Smith rode to Underwood and notl
fled the people there what had happened
A posse of citizens , about thirty-five strong
was organized In a few minute
and armed with shotguns , and
search was made throughout th
vicinity. It was claimed the tram
left the farm In a southeasterly dlrcctlo
and n thorough search was made throng !
the timber along Keg creek , but wlthou
avail The crowd was armed with shotgun
and was prepared to use them , and If th
fellow had been found there Is not the slight
ext doubt as to the result ,
At U o'clock last evening the men re
turned home , having given up the search
The tramp Is described as a young mm
about 23 years of age , wearing blue overall !
without a coat , and lie has been loafing abou
Underwood for two or three days past. Mrs
Smith was In a condition that bordered 01
Insanity as the result of the experience
and hci head and face were covered will
scratches and bruises.
Mrs. , loneV Aft ctlons.
The jury in the case of Ira Jones agalns
Prank Cooper , after being out for thlrty-sl :
hours , returned a sealed verdict , which wa
opened by Judge Thornell yesterday morning
All day Wednesday there was one mcmbc
of the jury who hung out , all the rest belli )
In favor of a verdict for the defendant. Tin
jurjnifn asked to be discharged , but Judgi
Thornell was Inexorable. When the verdic
was opened yesterday It was fount
thai the recalcitrant juror hai
come to time and the verdic
was for the defendant. The case was on <
in which Jones asked for $10,000 damage !
from Cooper for the alienation of tin
affections of his wife. Both the defendan
and Mrs. Jones admitted their Intimacy
Jones and his wife are living together , not
Some of the criminal cases of a minor na
ture will be taken up next Monday , and tin
following two days will be occupied inulnlj
with civil suits. It Is thought that by tin
middle of the week the criminal cases wll
bo taken up In earnest. The following as
slgnment was made of trials for the first
three days of the week :
Monday , Juno 4. City against McCadden
State against Bushorn ; City against Bier
worth ; City against Collier ; City agalnsi
Herinis , West against Livingston.
Tuesday , June B. Ncedhain against Davis
Huston against City ; Brown against Wads
worth ; Davenport against First Nntlona
bank ; Coyle against City ; Maloney agalnsi
Wednesday. June C. Miller against Ha en
On Sulo but Overlooked.
Notwithstanding the care taken In any
business , it Is a certainty that some certain
lines of merchandise will be overlooked. ThU
has been demonstrated beyond a doubt at
our May pale that the smaller articles have
not had the proper attention.
Now that we have como to it , you may
expect some useful and desirable articles at
unexpected low prices , as a visit to our show
windows will prove to you that our state
ment Is not altogether without foundation.
Wo refer you to the special prices and
display of the following windows : Ribbons
and laces , soaps , toilet articles and stationer
of description , and in the
er ! , notions every
cast window , display of children's gau/e
underwear , all sizes , at lOo each , worth na
high as 35c.
Council Bluffs , la.
Will Coiiimcnio Morlc Monday.
Work on the new road Into Fairmont park ,
spoken of In The Bee several days ago , will
be begun next Monday. It will be done un
der the direction of the park commissioners ,
so that the contractors will not have a smel
of the profits. All the money will bo palu
out to the laborers at the rate of $1.50 pet
day for men and $3 per day for men wltli
teams. The cost of the entire Job will be
about $1,200 , and as there are many men out
of employment who are anxious to earn a
little something , the prospects are that the
work will not last long when It Is once com-
The grading will be commenced on Tenth
avenue and run up the west side of the bluff
at an easy grade ot 5 per cent , rounding the
southern end of the ridge and finally Joining
the road that runs down the east side of the
rldgo Into the valley. It Is calculated that
this will require the removal of 7,465 yards
ot earth. _ . _ .
* Wuverleys.
They are all the go" More Waverleys sold
In Council Bluffs than any other ono make
of wheel. Call at Cole & Cole's , 41 Main
street , and see the 21-pound racer.
Hustling for Timiln.
The finance committee appointed last Mon
day night for the Grand Aimy encampment
held a meeting last evening at the mayor's
oillce In the city building to make arrange
ments for securing funds with which to do
the proper thing In the way of entertaining
the veterans when they come. W. J. Jame
son was chosen chairman nnd A. N. Lund
secretary. After some discussion It was
decided to go through the city directory and
make n list of every one whom they thought
ought to pay anything toward the expenses ,
and the amount. The city will then be dis
tricted nnd a committee appointed to see
every one whose name graces the list. The
committee on preparing the list , consisting
of W , J. Jameson , S. B Wadsworth , J. J.
Steadman , H. B. Jennings and J. C. De-
Haven , went to work nt once , and the sollc-
Itois will be sent out as soon as It Is com
plete. _
Crackers , CrncUors , Crackers.
C. 0. D. Brown received a car load of
crackers today , which he will sell at one-
fourth their value.
XXX soda crackers , per pound , 3c.
XXX oyster crackers , per pound , 3c.
XXX ginger snaps , per pound , 7&c.
Sweet crackers , per pound , 6c.
Strictly fresh country butter , 15c pound.
BROWN'S C. O. D. , Council Bluffs.
Mnrrlngc l.lnmarM. ,
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by the county clerk yesterday :
Name nnd Address Age.
Huns Kriise , Omnlm . 34
Annie Luwience , Omnlm . , . 30
Alexunder Morris , Omaha. , . . , . . . . . . . . 23
Florence CHIT , Grand Ilaplds , Mich . 21
Mrs. Nlles , m't'r stamping patterns.
Everybody knows Davis sells drugs.
University of Omaha.
The commencement exercises of the college
department of the University of Omaha
will bo hold at Bellevue next week. The
baccalaureate sermon by the president wll )
bo delivered on Sunday at 10:30 : a. in. Mon
day will bo college field day , Tuesday after
noon the annual meeting of the board of
trx-tteea will be held and Tuesday ovcnlng
the annual oratorical contest will bo held.
Wednesday morning -the music recital will
bo held und In the afternoon the annual
address to the students and the commence
ment exercises occur ,
Itunker * Convention.
The executive council of the Nebraska
State Bankers association met Wednesday In
the parlors of the Nebraska National bank
ind decided to hold a convention In Sep
tember. Charles B. Walters was elected sec
retary. It U expected that several hundred
will attend.
Fortunate Escape of Pcofllo Who Were Sur
rounded by flames.
I'lflccn Children Thrown from thr Ifpper
\\lnilnirn to n Illnnkot llclow Ono
Child .Suffocated nml heicrul
Oilier * lln'diy Injured.
NEW YORK , May .A terrific explosion
followed by a flre occurred at 4 30 o'clock
this morning In a distillery on the ground
floor of a double tenement house , 120
Suffolk street , resulting In the death of
Lizzie Yaegca , aged 4 years , and serious
Injuries to four others ,
Twenty .families tenanted the li'illdl'ig
The explosion and flre cut them off from the
stulivvay. Fifteen children were thrown
Iroin upper windows. Some of the older
pi if ons escaped by creeping o-i tne nnirivv
ledge of the second story to ihc window of
the next house. Two men living .n ll.e
house In the rear of the burnln , . ; hi.lh'lng
got a blanket and used It us a net to cileh
the chlldien dropping from the \vlml n\ *
above. The children had to bo rescued
through n sheet ot flame which poured
tl rough the windows between the uppir
windows and the blanket. 'fter Hi"
children had been rescued the older people
jumped. Anthon Weiuel and his son made
their perilous jump In safety , but his wife.
who was quite heavy , broke the blanket b )
her great weight and she was severely In
jured. The firemen arrived at this time
and set to work to save the rest of the
occupants ot the building.
Chief Ahem found Ilttlo Lizzie Yarga
on the board floor unconscious. She died
a few moments after being removed to the
hospital. Meyer Dietrich , aged 41 , was
badly burned In attempting to get cut
through the lower hall. Several persons
on the top floor , who were overcome by
smoke , had to be carried out by the firemen.
The damage to the building Is estimated at
Tour persons were burned to death In the
same building two years ago.
Four Ice. Houne * on I'lre.
ARLINGTON , Ma-s. , May 31. Fire dc-
strojed four large Ice houses and other prop
erty valued at $125,000. The Insurance will
cover two-thirds of the loss.
KIliSKIi AX1 > M.I I > n VI * .
Creslon'n ICIopcment Cu o Kudu Oukllj to
thu UlKKtmt of tm ) CnrloiiH.
CnCSTON , la. , May 31.-Speclnl ( to The
Bee. ) Mrs. J. B. Hoot , who eloped
jesterdny with Hoot's hired nmii ,
was brought to this city last
evening In company with Scott , the man
nhe eloped with , In charge of Jlnrshnl
Wat dell. A curious crowd assemble 1 at
the depot to witness the meeting between
Hoot nnd bis > oung wife , but they were
deprived of seeing a reconciliation , which
they expected , for It did not occur tin li
the party reached Justice J. 11. Klisch's
office. Then the little truant bride of a
few- weeks threw her aims about the no"k
of her aged husband , and begged his for-
glvenuMs. The "colonel" was very roluct-
nnt In granting thenequest made bv Mrs.
Hoot , but after a few moments of pei-
Htftisive pleading he .consented , and for
gave and made up Jtoot notified the
juntlce that hu withdrew the charge , nnd
Scott , Hoot's hind ijnnn , paid the posts In
the case , nnd the elopement affair was
at an end foi a time , at least. Hoot's
wife Is u clever little'uc'tresM. Alter Scott
paid the costs In the case he went to a
pawn shop und dlspo"eri > of a gold watch ,
procured enough inpniiy on the tlmenlfce
to get out of town , , and left on the fliat
train east. \
Very Short on Coul.
CEDAn HAPIDS , > la , May 31. ( Special
Telegram to The BeeO There Is a gentinl
tightening up of the cbaHsltuntlon In Cedar
Huplds. More train 'crews on the Burling
ton , Cedal Hnplds & JJprthern have been
laid off , and tomorrovy morning the two
Cedai Haplds pnsseufferTtralns of the Illi
nois Central will be , abandoned Indefinitely
because ot the scarcity Of conl. The Cedar
Itaplds Water company commenced today
to use wood and today not an electric light
In the city was burning. Cedar Itaplds
Elcctilc Light und Power company Is in
sore Htiaights , having on hand at 0 o'clock
tonight but one car of coal. All machines
in the city which run by electricity and
depend upon this company for power were
Idle today. This caused great Inconvenience
among the Job pilntlng establishment In
the city. There Is not n bushel of soft coal
In the city to be had by dealeis at any
FOHT DODGn , la , May 31. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) The Illinois Cential
has stopped several freight runs on Ha
Iowa division and tomonow cuts off the
Clipper passenger trains between heie and
Sioux City. It has coal , with economy , to
run this end of their line thirty days.
Arrnnglne for thn Alitsontc Contention.
C1SDAH RAPIDS , la. , May 31.-Speclal
Telegram to The Bee. ) Tomorrow moinlng
at 9 o'clock the Iowa Ma.sonic grand lodge
school of Instruction will convene In Ma
sonic hall In this city for a three days
session prior to the fifty-first annual con
vention of the Masonic grand lodgp of Iowa.
This school of Instruction will be In charge
of Past Grand Master George B. VnnSaun
of Cedar Falls , and will be attended by
nearly 400 presiding officers of subordinate
itEn CLOUD AXI > nit , n.txn.
llnrouto to the Shoahonc Reservation on n
Hunting Trip.
OELIUCHS , S. D. , Mny 31. ( Special to
The Bee. ) Hed Cloud , the famous chief
of the Sioux nation , with the following
named Sioux Indians , Slow Bear , Bnnk
Bone , Jack Red Cloud , Moccasin Top , He
Dog , Little Shield , Good , Bioken Arm ,
Kills at Night , Paints Yellow nnd Hollow-
Wood , who , with their families , made a
party of about fifty , came Into town today
from the reservation and traded quite ex
tensively with local merchants , after wh'ch '
they departed on their way to the Shoshone -
hone reservation , near the Yellowstone
park , where they go on a slxtv days visit
nnd hunting' expedition. Hed Cloud is now
CS years old , nnd his hair Is well HtroTkcil
with gray , yet he Is active and retains
his diplomatic expression , which BO char
acterized him during his palmy days.
Obstructed by HljjH Mater.
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Mny 31.-Specltil (
Telegram to The Bee. ) The steamer List
Chance has returned here from Yankton
and Is engaged In ferrying across the river
the hundreds of cattle and large number
ot jiralrle schooners which hud arrived
here since the pontoon bridge was dam
aged by blah water. On account of the
unusually high water In the Missouri the
pontoon bridge will not be placed In posi
tion for some da > yet.
Sioux fulls' Illc Fourth.
SIOUX PALLS , S. D.7- May 31.-Spcpal |
Telegram to The Beii.i-Mrs. Lease has
signed a contract to'speak for the popu
lists here on the I-VUfth of July. The
other speakers are-- Senator Orvllle II.
Platt , republican , aniLiltepresentatlve W.
J , Bryan , democrat. , Sltfux Falls will have
the blggCBt political'tournament ever held
In the northwest on .tin ? Fourth.
I oeiiloil In * nPCavo.
MILAN , Mo. , May ii'j.T-Tho Taylor broth
ers who murdered lira Meek family are lo
cated In a cave twcntylght miles east of
this city on the Ch rftpu brakes. A posse
has been organized to i capture them. The
cave Is located on th' smith hlllstdo and Is
surrounded by u dense , thicket of small oaks ,
and seems made forrsuah emergencies as
this , having a heavy Irpn door with port
holes. The Informantsaya that the 'luylniu
entered the cave In company with two
other persons supposed to'be the two Brookfield -
field bank robbers. Ho also said that he had
seen Phillips , the fellow mentioned on a
former occasion , carrying them something to
KleoIrUltj'a Maiiingo to 1'lpe * .
Councllmen Holmes , Hascall and Wheeler ,
constituting the special committee appointed
to Investigate the damage done by elec
tricity , were out yesterday digging up
sewer and water pipes and making tests of
the electric currents noted ) They are ac
companied by Acting City Electrician Rheem
and an assistant , and the result of their
observations will probably be reported to
the council next week. The teats which are
contemplated may tuko several days , as a
thorough Investigation ot the trouble U
( Continued from First Page , )
merged and \\aoliod out for huiulrcils uf
feet In mnny placet ) .
DENVER , My 81. Reports from all
direction give accounts of heavy rnlnfnll am
considerable damage. Rivers running
through canons tmvo beconto raging tor *
rents , and many bridges Imvc been sncpt
away and trains delayed at many points in
conscience. At I'ueblo the Postal tplcRrunh
olflco was flooded to a depth of six feet nnd
the Journal has bean obliged to stop work.
The damage throughout the stnto will bo
very extensive.
The rain which began falling litre at 3 it
Til. jesterday still continues. The 1'la'tte
rher Is higher than It has been for nmny
years , but no damage la reported. Hull-
roods running west and south arc all tied up
by washouts.
All telegraph and telephone wires are down
between Denver nnd Pueblo nnd no IIIMVM
whatever had been received hero up to II
o'clock concerning the Hood at I'ueblo.
At the Hock Island oillce n dispatch was
received from the I'ueblo agent saying * that
there were two feet of water In the triangle
block In the heart of the business district.
Hetwccn I'tieblo and Eden the Hlo"Grande
tracks are under water. A bridge on the
Hlo Cirando , twunty-flvo miles west of I'ueblo ,
has gone. Between Colorado Springs ami
Manllou f > 00 feet of Hlo Grands track has
been washed away and a bridge on the Colorado
rado Midland Is gone. William Smith , n
track icpalrcr , was killed by n boulder
which was washed down upon him. This IH
the only lo s of life reported.
8AL1DA , Colo. , Way 31. The storm In
tlil vicinity exceeds an > thing In the mummy
of the. oldest Inhabitant. The Hlo Uramlo
railroad Is blockaded by rock sllJes , wash
outs and damage to bridges.
CANON' CITY , Colo. , May 31 The rainfall
hero exceeded live Inches and Is the heaviest
ever known Both the Hlo Grande and Santa
Fo tracks cast of here are washed out In
places , and In others covered with rocks
and xand.
MANITOU , Colo. , Mny 31. Apprehension
was felt hero last night lest the dam at
Lal > o Moraine , built to supply Colorado
Springs , with water , should break , but Su
perintendent 1'rlce says It Is secure. 1'IKcs
Peak railway has been damaged by Hoods
for the first time since It win , bnlH , and no
trains are running. The Hlo Grande nnd the
Santa Fe railroads arc blocked by washouts
and landslides.
I-KASIK : uiiit : STII.I. msix : .
All Diuigcr Is Nut 1 rt Past In Itiltlxli
VANCOUVER , 11 C. , May 31. The Fraser
rl\er Is still rising , nnd the Indications are
that the flood will be even more disastrous
than the great flood of 1SS2. The rl\cr has
already risen tolthln eight inches of the
high water mark of that great Inundation.
Though the \vhole valley U under water ,
teh Fraser having spread out Into a vast
lake , the tide Is , crawling up at the rate of
an Inch every tluee hours. At Nv\ West
minster the river wharves are submerged.
.Many cabins along the watei front ha\e
floated oft on the tide , and many root fam
ilies have lost all their belongings. Points
further up the river report Increasing dan
ger. At Nlcomcn Islam ! fortj-ftmr fine
farms are entirely under water. Though
much live stock has norlshcd , but eight
human lives are Known to have been lost.
No further fatalities are reported today.
Annacls island , two miles above New
Westminster , Is totally submerged. Many
fine faims formerly dotted the island. The
ranchers were rescued by steamboats , but
all their stock has gone down the river. All
the ilver stcum > rs have been commissioned
by the government to service In securing
the Imperiled persons. In the vicinity of
Huhy the greatest danger lb apparent , and
several steamers have he n ill-patched to
that district. The maiks of the great flood
of 1882 have already been passed.
The Fra/er river has ti&en three Inches
at Westminster during the past twenty-four
hours and Is still rising. At North Bend the
water Is a foot above the mark of the great
floods of 1882. As the \varm weather con
tinues and there is Etlll a large amount of
snow In the mountains the river may bo
expected to rise much higher. Steamers arc
still busily engaged In rescuing settlers and
cattle. An Idea ot the depth of the water
may be gathered from the fact that a
steamer drawing six feet of water passed
over several Islands In the center of the
channel of the river. Last night the water
reached fourteen Inches over the Central
Pacific tracks near Mission and no trains
were dispatched today. No mall has been
received hero for eight days. A fund has
been started here to assist settlers who ha\e
lost their all by the floods. It is no uncom
mon sight now to Bee houses and barns
floating down the river. Reports of the
drowning of some Indians have been re
ceived , but cannot be verified.
Trackft Into Portland Under Water nml loi\tn !
the Means of Communication.
PORTLAND , Ore. , May 31. No trains have
arrived from the east over the Union Pacific
slnco last Saturday. The company has put
on boats at Umatllla , , but Is experiencing
great difficulty in making portages at The
Dalles nnd Cascade. Telegraph communica
tion along the Columbia Is cut oft to Uma-
tllla and the only means of reaching eastern
Oregon and Washington is by a circuitous
route. Miles of the Union Pacific track
along the Columbia Is washed out , nnd It
will probably bo more than a week before
another train reaches this city over that
route. The Northern Pacific managed to
keep passengers and malls moving by press
ing Into service the largo transfer boat used
at Kalama. The Southern Pacific has expe
rienced only slight delays. The northern
part of the city , back as far as Ninth street ,
Is a vast lake , and business In the whole
sale district Is entirely suspended. The absence -
sonco of any current in the Willamette
river makes navigation by boats \cry easy ,
and hundreds of small boats are being used
along Front , First and Second streets from
Alder street to the north end. The river
was at a standstill at 3 p. m.
A telephone message from the assistant
RO\eminent engineer at the Cascade Locks
states that the bulkhead is leaking , but ho
iloes not think that It nil ! go out nor that
any serious damage Is likely to bo done.
The damage to the Union Pacific track be
tween Portland nnd Umntllla will , It Is
thought , reach Into the hundreds of thou
Great damage has been done to farmers
living along the Columbia river In the loss
af stock and crops. In the city but little
lamago has thus far resulted. Owing to the
slow and gradual rising of the water , mer-
2hantH had ample time to get their goods
jut of the way. The latest Intelligence from
; ho upper Columbia region was that the
river at Umatlllo and Rlparla was statlon-
iry. It la generally believed that the water
n this city 1ms about reached Us extreme
lelght. Its subsidence will bo very slow
iwlng to the largo arm over which the water
a spread. The Western Union tonight lost
ill wires to the north and Seattle and
racoma are totally cut off as far as tele-
is concerned. Twenty
; r ] > lilc communication
miles of poles along the Columbia are
: overed by water and It will probably bo a
veck before they can bo repaired.
1 limited by n Ilrokrn Hum.
MINNEAPOLIS. May 31. A Spokane ,
iVusti. , special to the Journal says : A tele-
jrain received this morlng from Coulee City
itatea that the flood at the village ot Con-
: onully was a second Johnstown , caused by
.ho breakage of a dam above the \lllage ,
SverythliiB went before the advancing wall
it water. However , but one life Is an yet
mown to have been lost that of Mrs , Al-
nlra , Keith. The village w/ss located In a
: anon a hundred feet wide , ami through
.his narrow channel the flood poured with
eslstlesH force , sweeping everything with
t. The property Ions IB estimated at $100-
When Baby was slclt , ire cave her Castoria.
When BOO wa a Child , shu cried for Castoria.
When the became SIlss , rJio clung to CostorU.
When iho bad Children , she gave them Costork
\/OU can save from § 3 to $15 on any ono of our stylish nud
* woll-mmlo
= = Suits-to order $20 $25 $30
lA/IIYpay ? 12 to § lf > for Trousers , when our assortment at
SB6 S'7 SS is bound to please you as well woa'r ; as
well look as woll-
V/OU'LL learn a lesson in economy when you deal with us.
WE 207
MAIL South
SAMPLES. 15th.
All kind * of Dyelu ;
nndOloinln ; dime In
the hUhoit style of
the urt. b'a lo.l i\nl
lit lined fibrlji made
to lool : in
now. WorK promptly
done mil aollveral
In nil pur ( a of tba
country don 1 for
prluu llU.
Broadwny , near Nortll
western Depot.
Tel hone 'J- .
& Co.
Empkie-Shugart . ,
BICYCLES A full line of medium and high grade wheels *
Send for catalogue ,
1O9 , 111,113 , 115 Main Street.Council Bluffs , la.
This crcnt Vget bl9
tlonol n famous IVpnon physlUnn.wl.l quIcUriurpiotior all Her-
\oiia or ( lUfusiN ot KOiarntlve orenuc , entli 111I-oat Manhood. ,
Insomnia , l'"l"3 In til" ilm'kHe.nlrml ntnlsslnin , Nervous Debility.
IMmplci , VnlluiesH to Marry , Kxlmnstlns Uriilus. VarlcorrlO and ,
CUril > iNlJrlp-inr : > n thollvcr.tho Itldnoyj and the urinary
[ BEFORE AND AFTER organs of all Impu.ltlfs.
CUl'IUUNU strensthcns nnd roRtorf small \\oik oranns.
Thn rn IHOII BtifCiTi'rH nro not ciiriK ! liy Dootorx IH hic.iuso nlnn'v percent are tronblod with
rroHtutltU. CtJPIDBNK Is the only known remodv to onro without nn opentlon. fi 000 tes
timonials. A written RinrantenKl von and money rolnni"If HItioxoa OOPH not olttct a por-
iniiiipnt euro. $1 00 u box.Htx fnr1 r,0 , bvm ill. loud fori'lroular and tPHtlnionliUH
Addri'Ha OAVOr. Blr.PICIXi ; Cl..P. O Box -07U San rrr.ndlHco.Cul. Foraaloby
Goodman Druir To. . 1110 Farnain St. . Ouiaha ; Caiuu Una. . Council muffs. Jew .
' toe uru nil iicrvuuBUUou OH.BULli as Wcnlc Altiuor/ . Lost
'owir. llrndaclic\Vnkefulncus. I-oet ManhoodNluhtly rinlssloni' . NurVonsi
ne 3alldriili nnil Io3 of power In Generative Orifniu uf elthpr paxcauBcc )
hr over exertion , > oudiful cri orn , OICCBSIVO n c of tobacco , opium or stlrui
ulants.which londtolfitlrmltyConsumption or Intunllj Cnn nn carried In
. vent pocket , til pcrhox.O for.9tn. liy run ! ) pronild. WlthaS.'i order wa
Aslve uvi Itten triiurunlro lo cnrr or rcfunil lh ninney. Hold by all
"ilrugvlitB. Ast font , take iiiiiitlicr Wrlti- for frcu Medlcnl Hook sent ncttlid
MToTE'irCtixu. lnpluluvrrup [ > er. Address NKKVJ2EE1 > CO..MasonlcTcnililet'
For sale ! n Omaha. Neb. , by Sherman & McConnell and by Kuhn & Co. . Drugglit * .
Dcliciously Exhilarating , Spark
ling , Effervescent. Wholesome
as well. Purifies the blood , tick
les the palate. Ask your store
keeper for it. Get the Genuine.
Bend 3 wnt ilmnp for Itiullrul plctoro cirJi
&n4 book.
Dr. G. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment
N sold under positive \vrltl en guarantee. , by author
ized agcnta only , to euro \Vcali \ Mfiuon ; LOEB ol
Drain nud None Power ; Ix tSImihoodlulrknei'8 ; ;
NlL'ht Lotweg ; I'.vll Dreams ; 7-nclt of CouHilonce ;
Norvousnops ; Lassitude ; nil Drains ; Lncsof I'OMer
ot the Generative Organ * In clth ° r BOX , CBUMX ! by
ovor-Biortlon ; Youthful Errors , or Uxceselvo Ueo of
Tobacco. Opium or Liquor , which soon lead to
MUurCouBUmptlon , Insanity and Death. Iinnll ,
fl a box ; Bfor$5 : wltlMrrlltcuiniarantoo to cure or
refund money. WJST'H COUCUI 8YKUP. A certain
cure for Cough' . Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Croup ,
Whooping t.'oujrh. Horn 'Ihroat , IMeaunt tntaku
fimnll elm difConuimiMl ; old.BOo. nlze , now'i'c. ; old
ft size , now 60o. QUAKAliTlira tesued only by
Goodman Drug Company.
I > produced by the OirnruiiA Itn.Mcmts whin
f-f all other * full. Thuy tleantc the
' sculp of Irrlutlnif nuilj , cru tcil ,
and blotchy humorn , ntlmulatu
the Inlr folIldt'H , and ilc tro } ml *
croscoplc luietta M hlch freil tm
the h dr , and hcnio nutcced when
the Uc l plivniclnnii and nil other
romedlca fall. Bold throughout the world.
I'resldont. Oaahlur.
First Naiiona
Capital , $100,000
Profits , 12,000
Ono of thn oldest b inkn In the Htato of low a Wii
Hollclt your Dimlncnn und collections Wo | ity 0
MTinnton tlmo deposlta. Wo will hi i > lo.iw4 to
H < uindHi : > r\n > iii ) ,
Special Nolc&3 !
JAUUAQH nuMoub , cEsa-oouj.
chimney * denned. Ud Ilutke , ut Tujlur'j
grocery , (40 Uroadway.
city property bought uud cold. I'utey < b
Thomai , Council Uluff * . _
I inllrn north of toHn ; good man In charge.
U 1' , Judson , S3 Hlxth imnue , ur 34i llroud.
way , Council lllucr .
work. Mri. W. 1' . Han1 , ' Oakland uvuiuv.
Title Absolutely Perfect.
Never Sga'm
Never Again
Never Again
Don't Delay ,
West Omaha is Growing ,
ElmwoodPark *
5 P. M. or CALL AT 402 BEE BLD'G.