Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMATIA DAILY Bfi'fe ; FRIDAY , JUNE 1. 1894.
joupo coming slowly down under the via
duct. I watched It a moment and aw
two men on tlio icat. When the volilclo
reached a point about oppoalto my shanty
r the lights In the lamps on each Rldo of the
coupe went out. I think the cnmo of
thla must liavo boon the track * , ax tho/ arc
qulto fourth here , and the Jotting might have
canned the lamps to go out. As Boon ns I
noticed this I itaw a man climb from the
Beat. Ho did not got on again , and where
thin man went I do nol know. It was very
dark , and when the lights went out It was
absolutely Imposulblo to sec anything. That
there was some ono In the coupe I am qulto
certain , but whether man or woman , of
course It Is Impossible for mo to say. I
could hear the vclilclo as It reached the
other side of the tracks , and when It reached
n point which , I Judge. Is about op
posite the brick building , stop. It
stopped only for a few moments ,
however , and- then went east on Leaven-
worth street at a rapid rate. I did not go
over to see If anything bad been left there ,
nnd really I paid no particular attention to
It after that , as at the tlmo I supposed Satn
Payne , colored , was living there , not knowIng -
Ing ho hnd moved. "
"You could not recognize the vehicle or
liorao If you were to 'BCO them ? " was asked.
Mr. Knoll said : "I hardly think I could
recognize the vehicle or the horse. "
Mr. Knott said this was the first carriage
lie had seen cross these tracks In the night
tor several months.
Dr. Ilrown was seen last night at police
headquarters. Ho Is about 03 years of ngo
nnd for some tlmo has been a familiar figure
about the slreels of the city. Quite striking
In appearance , a good lnVker and n man of
some education , lie would at first Impress
ono" favorably. It fs said that ho Is not a
regular physician.
Ho was asked for n statement regarding
his arrest and to say something of bis ac
quaintance with the girl. Ho looked puzzled ,
knd said slowly : "I l-avo 1:0 : statement what
ever to give the press Just at this tlmo.
When the proper tlmo arrives nnd my case
has been thoroughly Investigated I may have
something to say , but until then , nothing , "
Ho was questioned by Captain Mostyn , but
the latter Bald ho told him nothing beyond
what appeared In The Ilee Monday. This
was that ho had boon Intimate with the girl ;
that ho had been treating her for a private
disease , although ho had no cortlflcato to
practice medicine ; that the girl frequently
obtained money from him. Ho formerly
jnndo this latter statement In the presence
of Officer Samuel Drnminy. Mrs. H. O. Slecn
nnd Mr. C. R. Speck , who resides at 413
S6iith Nineteenth street.
The conduct of Dr. Drown a short tlmo
previous 'to his arrcat has been considered
by the police as significant. For n few days
bis has had an Interest In a shooting gallery
nt Courtland beach , but late yesterday after
noon he disposed of this. Ho had a meal
ticket at the Ocm restaurant , COS South
Tenth street. On the ticket were left
coupons good for 10 cents. He went there
yesterday about ten minutes previous to
bis arrest and requested that ho bo paid
the balance on his ticket In money. The
reason ho gave was that he was going to
leave. Ho was given the money.
Dr. Drown stated a few days ngo that
Miss Rubcl was at Courtland beach Sunday
afternoon. He did not say whether or not
they were nt any time together.
One of the most touching Incidents In
connection with this case Is that yesterday
afternoon , when the body of his daughter
had already been laying for days In that
Ilttlo room , Mr. Uubcl Inserted the following
"personal" In The Bee : "Dear JIaudy
Jtubel , come home ; all Is forgiven. We
will try to make you happy. Mother will
Burely die If you don't come back. Papa. "
MIsa Hubel was 1C years old , prepossessing
In appearance and of womanly maturity.
She was missed from her home last Sunday
morning. In her room was found a letter
to her parents saying that she was going
to Jacksonville , Fla. , to marry Dr. Putnam ,
_ Jormerly of Omaha , and who had treated
her. Another letter was found purporting
to have been written by Putnam to Maud ,
full of terms of endearment and mentioning
trie wedding. From the. handwriting It was
upposed Maud wrote the letter herself.
It'was then learned that on Sunday
rrornlng at iD:30 : o'clock , Maud requested
f-'r'anlc Clnrks , whom she found on the
ttreet In South Omaha with a buggy , to
fllMvo her to Omaha. litrefused. . She
Uion asked him to drive her to Twenty-
third and O streets , and us this was on his
wny , be consented. She got out of the
buggy at the corner. Mrs. Hess , who lives
hero , and who know the girl , says that she
uld riot come to the house. This Is only
a block from the motor line. She then
came to Omaha nnd went to Mrs. Steen's
house , whore she left a bundle of clothing.
Baying she would call for It later. Mrs.
Stccn Bays that Maud nnd Dr. Br.own , who
roomed there , loft the house nt about the
unmo time , but she cannot sny they were
together. After this no trace of , the girl
was found , nnd the statement of Dr. Brown
that she was nt Coilrtlnnd Beach In the
afternoon Is neither believed nor disbe
'Good music , boating nnd balloon ascension
at Courtlnnd Beach tonight , lOc admission.
r The Book of the Builders
I'/ DV * * & H. Burnbam
Chief of Construction ,
& F. D. Millet
Director of Decoration.
BRING 6 coupons with 25 cents , or , sent
by mail , 5 cents extra , in coin ( stamps
not accepted ) . Address ,
Memorial Department ,
Only Hint , number or tlio book correspond.
Inn with tlio ncrles number of the coupon
presented will bo OlhcrcJ.
t ONE fiunjay ami TrcaVcukdny ecu-
pan * , wltli IS cents In coin , will
byy ono part ot The Atncrlcnn
Uncyclopeilla Dictionary. Send
orders to Tl\a Duo office.
ilall should ba addrc cd to
Brad or brine FOUR couponi and ten
etnt * In coin to tliU office unj r lv
the lltli part of thu iujwrb work Ilia ttorr
of th war , toll l > ) HID laullnc
on Ixith lido.
Knowing Ones Had a Hard Tlmo Trying
to Pick Winners Yesterday.
Itncoi at Union Turk Wrro of nn Interest
ing Character nnd Homo Lively
I'lnlnlic * .Matin Hjmrt for
the Itacrgocrt.
A clear sky , a summer sun and a well
earned victory for Newman's game Ilttlo
in are In the first rnco yesterday afternoon
gave the visitors at the Union Park track
such a pleasing start that at the close , when
the homeward journey was begun In the
gloaming , all thoughts ot their failure to
pick the subsequent winners was banished
by the delights ot the trip. The attendance
was surprisingly good , nnd the track had
again settled Into Its firm but springy con
dition that made It very fast. Fair fields
were entered In all the events , but the tal
ent found themselves unable to cop much
coin , owing to their Inability to get onto
the right horses.
In the first race , four and one-half fur
longs , but four ran , two good ones In Dick
Tiger and Jack Rodgers being scratched.
Starter Hatch scut the quartet oft on the
llrat breakaway , with Idle Boy , the favorite ,
In the position of pilot. He was -closely fol
lowed by World's Fair nnd Dr. Hrlggs ,
while Jones , on Llllle , seemed content with
the last hole. Ho changed his mind , how
ever , after the stretch had been entered ,
and plying bat nnd heel he took after the
leaders. The Doctor nnd World's Fair were
quickly left behind and Idle Boy collared ,
when a great race began. It was nose and
noae ten jumps away from the string , and n
dead heat looked possible , but the Lily
pushed out her gray muzzle and the judges
gave her the race.
The second race was also a hummer , Mike
Flynn beating Kunlco out by the closest
kind of a shaveTlicro was some Ilttlo fid
dling at the start , but'when the horses wcro
cut loose It was upon as oven terms ns was
possible between such hot rivals as the trio
which ran. Hoodoo , Royalty nnd Council
Plat declined , the engagement , leaving only
Mike , Eunice ami Nehawka Girl to contest
for the glory and shekels there were In It.
On the start being made , Miller's black gel
ding quickly took command and retained It
to the end , winning , straightened out , by a
neck , Eunice second , with Nehawka Girl at
her rump.
And again was It nip and tuck In the
third , eleven-sixteenths , Georgia Hnmlln and
Henry R making as pretty a race as ono
could wish to see. Henry R Was a warm
favorite , and , ns Is so frequently the case
with the best backed boss , not of ! with n
gap of daylight showing between him and
tlio remainder of the bunch. There were
llvo In the field , and every one ran as If It
was his last race nnd the stakes were life.
But there were only two strictly In It. From
the first turn Henry nnd Georgia had the
race between them , nnd stuck together until
well on the wny home , when the daughter
of War Sign shook oft Ills Pillbaglets nnd
In the last furlong drew away by a length
and a half , winning under a pull , with Henry
second and Council Plat third.
The last race went to Hoodoo over the well
backed favorite , Doley Brown. Like the
first and second events , this was a regular
cuckoo , and It was fully half an hour after
weights up before the judges decided that
the get of the great Longfellow had won.
While the result was Indisputable , of course ,
it was somewhat unsatisfactory , especially
to the boys who had placed their money on
the chestnut mare. McKnlght never rode
a better race , and had It not been for his
refined tact In the finish Brccken's mare
would have surely won.- Summaries :
First race , four nnd one-half furlongs , for
3-year-olds , weight for ago : Lllllo Lochlel ,
119 , gr. "m. , Jones up , Young LochleJ un
known , R. Newmnu , won ; Idle Boy , 110 , ch.
c. , Long Tom-Ulrd , W. J. Miller , second ;
World's Fair , 122 , b. h. , Faustus-Ella
Payne , Patterson & Co. . third. Time : 0:50. :
Second race , five furlongs , for 3-year-olds
and upwards , ; beaten nonwlmfcrs at this
meeting ten pounds below the scale ; If beaten
three times allowed ten pounds additional :
Mlko Flynn , 100 , blk. g. , Berger up , Jim
Gore-Qlenannn , W. J. Miller , Won ; Eunice ,
107 , b. m. , Hlchlleu-Nora Nunn , J. J. Ryan ,
second ; Nehawka Girl , 99 , b. m. , Savoy-Ida
May , M. D. Pollard , third. Tma ! : 1:02.
Third race , eleven-sixteenths , , , for 3-year-
olds and upwards that have nbj won more
than one race since May 1 , 1893jllO pounds ,
no sex allowance : Georgia Hamlln , 110 , sr.
m. , Jones up. War Slgn-Chnrltdn Maid , J. A.
Prltchard , won ; Henry R , 110 , br. g. . Big
Henry-Belle , C. A. Alderson , "second ; Coun
cil Plat , 110 , b. g. , Council Bluffs-Lottie
Moon , Plainer Bros. , third. Time : l:10Vi.
Fourth race , selling , six furlongs , for nil
ages , at $700 , weight for age ; four pounds
off for each $100 to $400 : Hoodoo , 99 , b. g. ,
Berger up , Longfellow-Lightning , J. J.
Ryan , won ; Doley Brown , 103 , ch. m. , Green
Balley-unknowu , J. Breckon. second ; John J
I , 111 , b. g. , Stroatlnnd-LInnett , Sadie
Fisher , third. Time : 1:11H- :
The card for this afternoon embraces flvo
events , and on tomorrow afternoon , the clos
ing day , there will bo n steeplechase , In
which flvo entries have already been made.
First race , one-hnlf mllu : Jake Inger-
man. 100 : Dixlo B , 107 ; Bill L , 109 ; Doctor
B , 1M ; Dick Tiger , 119.
Second nice , live nnd a halt furloncs :
Royalty , 110 ; Henry 11. 110 ; Dixie B , 110 ;
John J I , 110 ; Negus , 110.
Tlilnl rni-i' . ( Ive-cljjhthH of a mile : Long
Tom. 121 : lilli > Boy , 110 ; Barkis , 119 ; Tommy
II. 110 ; Llllle Lochlel , 119 ; Mollle Penny ,
Fourth rnce , three-quarters of rj' mile ,
selling : Sllltp Flynn. W : Bell Si , 1C3 ;
Yankee Ban , 101 ; Uuley Brown , 103 ; Hoe
doo. M.
Fifth race , flvo nnd n. half furlongs :
Tlmm , 110 ; Mnud Johnson , 110 ; Barkis ,
110 ; Stranger , 11U ; John J I , 110.
ritKt Truck n I.Htlo Marrrcl by Chilly
Wnatlior. but I'ltiorlti-i Won.
ST. LOUIS , Mny 31. Today's card nt
the fair grounds was a fair one , ami the
sport InteroHtltiff , the track being fast ,
though tlui weather was a little loo. cool
for high class work. The nfternoon' &
events opened with a slight surprise for
the talent , u middling outsider taking
the muney easily. In thu noooml , Colonel
S , though nt 4 to 1 , carried most of the
money and helped the talent to bear their
e.irllur defeat with equanimity , Fjllowlng
till1' , in the third nice , Leonard It spoil il
the favorite , Fayutto Belle , but tha Iwj
.succeeding events went to the pick * ut
the talent , Prince Carl and Dolly McCone.
The lust race wns Romeo's , and so the
talent evened up on thu races , If nit .en
the money. The long dlstancn racing u
gaining In favor rapidly , ami thu caul
now contains regulnily at least two such
events. Saturday the (5.000 mlle and a
quarter Club Members' handicap will tii
run. KosUHs :
First rnre , llftcen-slxtrunths of a mile :
Lizzie McDuft ( fl to 1) won , Vlda (1 to 1) )
iocoml. Miss Pel kins (7 ( to 1) ) third. :
Second race , mile and three-eighth * :
Colonel S ( to 1) ) won , Miss UauKhmzi
(30 ( to 1) ) second , Ether ( lo to 1J third. Time :
" '
'Third race , live furlong * : Leonard B (5 (
to 1) ) won. Deceit (3 ( to 1) ) second , Mollle
R (15 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmu : lOIi. ; !
Fourth nice , mlle nnd a sixteenth :
Prince Carl ( even ) won , Guldu (12 ( to 1) )
second , Uthel Otgy (8 ( to B ) third. Tlmo :
'Fifth race. Ilftcon-Mxtecnths of a mile :
Dolly MC.COIIP (8 ( to C ) won. Sly Lisbon
(3D ( lo 1) ) hero ml , Lull In Mills (3 ( to 1) ) third.
Time : ln7.
Sixth race , mile and Ihreo-clghlnH :
Romeo (5 ( to 1 > won. Old I'pppur (10 ( to 1) )
Bci-ond. Ixiiig Tonv (3 to 1) third. Tlmo :
rriinioiil'i V. V. c. IMrlt
FREMONT. May 3L ( Special to The Bee. )
Thn Young Men's Chrl.illnn association
nark at the Chfxutatiqua ground ; wax dodl-
eatiMl yestfidny afternoon with fi program
of llclil ajiorls , llrxt of which wo u hill
game between the Young Men's Chr'silnn
association clubs of Omaha and Fremont ,
resulting In u score or SX to a In favor of
thu former. Duilng thu game the follow
ing three cycle races earns off :
One mile , cpan : Frank Klllck won ,
Froilerlckson second. Tlmo ! 3M. :
Half mile , open : Frcderlckxon won ,
Frank Klllck tecoiul. Time : 1:19.
Novice , one mile : Guy Hliunun won.
John Stewart second.
Just ut twilight eighty-five ladles and
gentlemen tiled Into line In front of the
young Men's Christian association rojins
mounted on gorgeously decorated cycles
and made the tour of the city. I'rlzca
for the most tastily decorated wheels were
awarded im follows : " Klrntr Mrs. W. R
Jones ; second , Mlftn Nellie Mooncy ; third ,
Master Harry Kuen. J. 1C Mny , C. M.
Stobblns ana I' . It. Bctbge were the
judges ,
Talent nnd Iloolmmkern Split About Kven
on Ilio l > ny'n Itcxtillii.
CINCINNATI , May 31. - The chilly
weather rather thinned out the attendance
at Latotila today. The track was fast nnd
the bookmakers and the talent evened up
matters. Three favorites , one second choice
anil two outsiders won. Dolly Withers ,
who opened at 8 to 1 , won the first easily
from the favorite , Ann Elizabeth. Valiant ,
2. to 1 , beat out Domingo , nt 1 to 2.
Sigurd , the favorite , was first under the
wire In the third , Clayton's supurlor riding
lining nil that prevented Flora Thornton ,
15 to 1 , from capturing the purse. La Rosa ,
the favorite , had n desperate race to beat
Cnptaltl Urnni nt 8 to 1. All that kept
Acu from beating Dolly McCnnn was the
lead of threu lengths which the
latter was given nt the start.
Egbert , thu second choice , Won the last
race In a gallop. Pcabody , the favorite ,
landed third from last. Results :
First race , six furlongs : Dolly Withers
( a to 1) ) won , Ann Elizabeth (3 ( to 1) ) second ,
Nicaragua (15 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:17.
Second rnre , seven furlongs' Valiant (25 (
to 1) won , Domingo (1 ( to 2) ) second , Bcatl
llco (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:2S',4. :
Third race , one mile : Sigurd (7 to 10) won ,
Flora Thornton (15 to 1) ) second , Pocahontas
( C to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:12. :
Fourth race , six furlongs : La Rosa. ( S to
ii ) won , Cnptnln Drnne (8 to 1) ) second ,
Lancelot (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:13. :
Fifth race , llvo furlongs : Dolly McCnnn
(8 ( to' C ) 'won. Ace ( G to 1) ) second , Myrtelle
(5 ( lo 1) ) third. Time : 1:03. :
Sixth race , six furlongs : Egbert (11 ( to 5) )
won , Billy Bennet ( G to S ) second , Lucasta
(5 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:1514. :
Second Day nt lUorrlx 1'arlc.
NEW YORK , May 31. There was notn-
Ing sensational In today's racing at Mor
ris park. In the last race Kingston was
made the favorite In spite of his heavy
weight nnd the distance , and the best ho
could do was a bad third , Galloping- King
winning all the way. Results :
First race , five furlongs : Hermanlta (10 (
to 1) ) won , Canterbury (4 ( to. 1) second ,
Nlnovnh (7 ( to 1 } third. Time : 1:00 : % .
Second race , one mile : Potentate (3 to C )
won , Trevclyn ( fi to 1) ) second , Wilfonso
( G to 1) third. Time : l:42Vi. :
Third race , five furlongs : Harry Rped
(2 to 1) ) won. Mldgetry (8 ( to 5) second , Po
tash (10 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:00. :
Fourth rnce. mile nnd a sixteenth : Sport
( even ) won. Flirt (2 to 1) ) second , Stonelio
(2'A ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:51. :
Fifth race , six furlongs : The Ironmaster
(10 to 1) ) won , Addle (2'fc to 1) ) second , Will
Elliott (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:12. :
Sixth race , one mile : Galloping King (9 (
to 6) ) won , Clementine (3& ( to 1) second ,
Kingston ( t to D ) third. Time : 1:12 % .
Rancho Drl TaSDYrarl nga.
May 31. Thu annual sale of Rancho del
Paso yearlings was begun today. The ani
mals which brought more than $500 were
as follows : Chestnut Oily , bv Midlothian-
Agnes H , $1,03 ( ) ; b. f. , by Snlvator-Allee ,
M. Byrnes , J1.100 ; b. c. , by Maxim-Altitude ,
Gideon & Daley , $2,100 ; ch. f. , Salvator-
Aurotla , M. Byrnes. $3.000 ; b. f. , Mnxlm-
Basblon , Onek stables , $1,150 ; br. c. , Dobbln-
Baravla , M. Byrnes. $2,100 ; br. f. , Sir
Modred-Bedotte , A. H. Daniels , $ G50 ; ch. f. ,
Salvntor-Bessle June , J. R. Keene , $2,000 ;
ch. c. , Sir Modred-Blltbsome , T. B. Dowell ,
$1,000 ; ch. c. , Salvator-Blue Grass , Cough
Acres stables , $2,100 : br. c. , Maxlm-Curlna ,
Blemton stables , $1,600 ; br. c. , Salvator-
Cachuca , A. H. Daniels , $700 ; br. c. , Fllz-
James-Columblana , Llttlfcldl , $1,000 ; br. c. ,
Fltzjamcs-Cordelia Planet , A. Lakeland ,
$ ! > 50 ; ch. c. , Sir Modred-Dlxlnnna , Gough
Acres stables , $1.000 ; ch. c. , Salvator-Easter ,
Dr. Street , $ ICOO.
I'liilshrs ut Hawthorne.
HAWTHORNE. III. , May 31. Five-eighths
of a mile : Pelleas won , Babe Murphy second
end , Vlshun third. Time : 1:01. :
Second race , seventeenths of a mile :
Plttsburg won , Lyndhurst second , King
Mack third. Time : 1:32. :
Third race , five-eighths of a mile , heats ;
Carlsbad won two etralghts , Dalsyrlan second
end , Tom Griflln thin ) . Time : 1:04W.
Fourth race , one mile : Illume won. Glee-
ber second , Grace C third. Time : l:44Vj. : ,
Fifth race , seven-eighths of n mile : Em-
pera won , McLlght second , Entre third.
Time : 1:30. :
_ _
On tlio Old Dominion Truck.
WASHINGTON , May 31.-FIrst race , four
and a halt furlongs : Camden won. Red
Tick second , Finance third. Time : 0:51. :
Second rnce , six furlongs : Oberlln won ,
Ella second , Lucy third. Time : 1:21 : % .
Third race , five furlongs : Nlghtllght
won. Florist second. Senator third. Time :
1:01. :
Fourth race , five furlongs : Cosset won ,
Pathway second , Phil Daley third. Time :
Fifth race , six furlongs : Poverty won ,
Postmaster second , King Bird third. Time :
Whoclor Got the Itaco.
PARIS , May 31. In the professional ten
kilometre bicycle races at the Velodrome- '
Buffalo today , Mcdlnger , a Frenchman ,
finished first. He was disqualified , how
ever , for foul riding , and the race was
given to Harry Wheeler , the American
Balloon ascension at Courtland Beach this
evening. Flno boating also.
Clover Lent n Disturbing Element In the
Western Passenger Association.
CHICAGO , Mny 31. The Clover Leaf today
throw a bomb Into the ranks of the Western
Passenger association lines by announcing
that for the Society of Christian Endeavor
liioctlng at Cleveland It would make a rate
of about $21 for the round trip from Kansas
City to Cleveland. This Includes sleeping
car accommodations , hotels and various ex
penses while the purchaser Is In Cleveland.
Those things being deducted , the rate to be
made by the Clover Leaf Is really not over
$3 for the round trip. Tltls Is , however , not
the worst part of the trouble of the western
lines. The Clover Leaf , not having a line
beyond St. Louts , must have the co-operation
of some Western Passenger association lines
In making the rate from Kansas City. Its
regular connection In this direction la the
Missouri Pacific , but nothing has shown
that the rate is made over thnt lino. Un-
luss the matter Is quickly straightened out
there will bo more serious trouble. The
meeting of the association , which was called
by Chairman Sebastian for June C , has been
postponed Indefinitely. Nolen.
Omaha had the honor of entertaining
yesterday W. II. Burns , president of the
Montana Union ; L. W. Schwan , vice presi
dent of the Lake Erie & Western , nnd
George Crocker , vice president of the South-
el n Pacific , the latter two going west , on
their official car "Otsego" In the afternoon ,
Mr. Burns enroutn east.
The passenger department of the Uurllng-
ton has Just Issued Its long-promised folder
on Hot Springs , S. I ) , , and It Is a beauty
In matter nnd typographical makeup , thu
cover being an artistic bit quite In keeping
with the best of railroad publications. The
cuts have been made expressly for this
lasuo nnd comprise n. general view of Hot
Springs valley , South Dakota , an Interior
view of the famous plunge bath , exterior
of the same place , 11 sketchy picture of
Cheyennu Falls , a glimpse of Red canon ,
which Is reminiscent of Mlllspnunh nnd
Hamilton , two of the principal
hotels , the Evans and Glllcsple , a map" of
the Burlington system and a map showing
parts of South Dakota. It Is one of the
very bent folders ever Issued by the Bur
lington , the whole affair being upon a high
artistic piano.
Itll.lll CO.
'I'lirvo 1'onnt\K \ 1'rolmbly Fatally Injured In
u .Memorial Uiiy Wreck.
MACON , Ga. , May 31. The rear coach of
a train on the Albany & Columbia branch of
the Southwestern railway wa overturned by
broken rath at Holts , and forty people wore
Injured , two or three of whom will In all
probability dlo. The train consisted of nix
cciachps loaded with , excursionists from
Aiuleraonvlllo to attend Memorial day exer
cise * at the national cemetery. Those
fatally Injured are :
JOHN SMITH ot Dluflton.
ANDY JON 1:3 of Edison.
Nolin of the others are thought to bo
mlously Injured. About 1.000 were on luo
train , The rear car wan crowded almost to
buffocatlon. The wrecked coach rolled down
a steep embankment , und It Is a miracle that
many more were not killed outright , ns It
contained over 100 people.
Balloon necetulon at Courtland Beach this
evening. Fine boating also.
Buck Ebright's Sfal&nlon Open on the
Local Grounds This Afternoon ,
R 1 < I
Ilnil Wrnllier nnit.nood Crowd * nt the
Illlnoln ( Innii-d SiitluMpU with tlin Tcitiu'A
Work Bothered by ; * n Umpire
* "
nt tin1-1"1 " -
President McVlttlo led his conquering
heroes homo from Illinois yesterday. In nn
Interview last night ho and Manager Hourko
expressed themselves as very well pleased
with the result of their recant experience
In Illinois. Some tmd weather wns en
countered ; at Jacksonville an obstruction In
the shape of an umpire made some trouble , but
attendance wns good and the games wcro
lively , nnd Omaha won flvo out of the cloven
games played. As Itourko only looked for
seven out of the twelve scheduled he came
pretty near making It an even break , for
ho would In all human probability have won
the game postponed nt Qulncy , nnd with or
dinary good luck should have had ono nt
Jacksonville. He says the Illinois
teams have all been strengthened ,
and that their pitchers are all
dolnp bettor. Today the Omahas
open a three-gamo series with Lincoln , and
then the team goes to St. Joe for three
games , returning hero 'to ' play DCS Molnes.
As Lincoln has had a dose of Jacksonville
alnco Omaha was there "Buck" Ebrlght
Is naturally sorer thnn Rourko , nnd Is seek
ing for vengeance. This and other consider
ations Indicate an earnest collision this
afternoon. The teams will be :
Omaha. Position. Lincoln.
McVey . .First base Sullivan
Mnnynn Second base Ebrlght
Hourke Third base Hughes
Boyle Short stop Pequlgncy
Pedros Left field McCnrty
Seery Center Groves
Fear IllKht Held Johnson
Moran Catcher Speer
Whltehlll pitcher Lookabtiugh
Now York's IndlnVrcnt Work Mnkcs St.
Louis' Winning Kny.
NEW YORK. May 31.-The New Yorks
played a lifeless game nnd were easily de
feated by St. Louis' . Attendance , 1,000.
Score :
New' York 1 01000000 2
St. Louis 0 30102002-8
Base hits : New York. 8 ; St. Louis , 4.
Errors : Now York , C ; St. Louis , 1. Earned
runs : Now York , 2 ; St. Louis , 0. Home
run : Davis. Three-base hits : Davis , Wil
son. Two-base hits ! Davis , Doyle. Double
plays : Peltz and Sillier. Umpire : Mu-
Qunld. Time : Two hours and flvo minutes.
Batteries : Westervelt nnd Wilson ; Breiten-
steln and Peltz.
Terry "Win Too Wllil.
BHOOKLYN , May 31. Terry's wild pitchIng -
Ing at critical stnues was the chief cause
of Chicago's defeat today. Score-
Brooklyn . " . " 1 0400000 * G
Chicago 0'6 0030000 3
Base hits : BrooHlj-n ; C ; Chicago , 4. Er
rors : Brooklyn. 3'Chlcnco. ; 4. Earned runs :
Chicago , 1. SlrucfJ oitt : By Kennedy , 2 ;
by Terry , -I. Tlmo : OTIC hour and forty-
seven minutes. Umpire : Swartwood. Bat
teries : Kennedy .and'Dalley ; Terry and
Klttredge. ( { , , ' ,
I'lrotoit Sniothen tlio Senators.
WASHINGTON.fady 31. Heavy batting
by Plttsburp In tlte 'eighth and ninth In
nings settled the game. Score :
Washington M l'0 2010000 4
Plttsburg ,0 [ 2 101002 9-15
Base hits : Washington. 7 ; Pittsburgh 11 ;
Errors : Washington , , Cl plttsburg , 1.
Earned runs : Wnsjilngton , 2 ; Plttsburg , 7.
Two-base hits : Jinculre' 'Sugden 3 , Dono-
vnn , Bretalytf. JlBfria .runs : Abbey , Sten- I
plre : Hunt. BnttiVjes : ' Espcr , Cartwrlght
and McGnlrc ; Klllen and Sugden.
t Tony Downs tlin Ilmls.
BALTIMORE. May 31. Baltimore bunched
her hits nnd Cincinnati her errors , so that
Dwyer's really creditable pitching was of
little avail. Score :
Baltimore 0 02020201 7
Cincinnati 0 01000000 1
Base hits : Baltimore , 11 ; Cincinnati , 7.
Errors : Baltimore , 2 : Cincinnati , B. Earned
runs : Baltimore , 2. Two-base hits : Kecler ,
Reltz , Brouthers. Three-base hit : Keeler.
Struck out : By Mullnne , 1 ; by Dwyer , 1.
Time : One hour nnd forty-live minutes.
Umpire : Lynch. Batteries : Mullane and
Hohlnson : Dwyer and Vaughn.
PHILADELPHIA , May 31. Philadelphia-
Louisville gnme postponed ; rain.
BOSTON , May 31. Boston-Cleveland game
postponed ; rain.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P. C.
Plttsburg . ' 31 22 9 71.0
Cleveland 28 19 9 C7.9
Baltimore 26 17 9 65.4
Botton 31 20 11 64.5
Philadelphia 28 18 10 64.3
New York 32 16 10 CO.O
Brooklyn 31 15 16 48.4
St. Louis 32 14 18 43.8
Cincinnati W 11 17 39.3
Louisville 28 10 18 35.7
Chicago 30 10 20 33.3
Washington 32 0 26 18.8
aillwnulfeo rinds Camp's Curves Ju > t Right
In Duo Inning.
INDIANAPOLIS , May 31. Milwaukee
landed on Camp for eight runs In the fifth
Inning , earning six. This won the game
for tern. Score :
Indianapolis 1 00210000 4
Milwaukee 00208021 13
Base hits : Indianapolis , G ; Milwaukee ,
10. Errors : Indianapolis C ; Milwaukee , 2.
Earned runs : Indianapolis , 2 ; Milwaukee ,
8. Two-base hits : Langford , Carey , Luby.
Three-base hits : Dalrymplc. ShleJtiK.
Homo runs : Cllngmon , 2 ; Luby. Struck
out : By Cnmp , 3 ; by Qayle , 1. Double
plays : Westlako to Murphy. Time : One
hour and forty-live minutes. Umpire : Mc
Donald. Batteries : Camp , Gayla and
Wcstlake ; Stephens and Lohman.
Standing f Ilia Tvum .
Plnved. Won. Loit. Pr.Ct.
Sioux City M 18 7 72.0
Kansas City 27 18 9 OJ,7
Minneapolis 20 17 9 65.4
Toledo 27 17 10 63.0
Grand Rftpida. . . , , . . 32 14 18 43.8
Milwaukee . . . . ' . 19 7 12 : ifi.8
Indianapolis 30 11 19 30.7
Detroit . . 23 6 22 21,4
Content of AtllletcH ,
The Omuha Athletics and the South
Omaha Athlollcs crossed bats Decoration
day nt the Nonpareil park , and up to the
eighth Inning they ( n' ' yeil as fine a game
as was ever puty lpby. . amateurs. The
score stood 4 to 4.ijp.o the eighth Inning ,
when thp OmulinsML'a'.qfC ' with three runs
and followed up.Jn.Jhe ninth with flvo
more. They wlft/plfty / ugult > Sinulay , June
10. near Syndlcnuparl { { . Thu score by
Innings : . * ,
Omaha Athletics..Q.,1 210003 5-12
S. Omaha Atliletlq (2 „ } 010003 0-7
Batteries : Bout ! ' .Omaha , Cyrua ami
Hunter ; Qmnhu , IcCnnn' and Mahoney.
Base hlta : Omnhn , ( H ; South Omaha , 4.
Two-basa lilts : .iMQ ullrfe. Struck ouit
By McCnnn. 8 ; bjr" " CVrus. 4. Ilaro on balliii
Oft AlcClinn. 2 ; Off'ICyrus ' , 3. Hit by
pitcher : McCnnnio li I Cyru.i , 1 , Errors :
Omaha , 0 ; SoutAH ) Qmulm , 2. Umpire :
AVOCA , In. , MiVyt 31.-Spec ( | l to The
Bee. ) Hnran ) ana 'Avocn played an ex
citing ton-jnujng $ > " * ' ot ball ut Ilia Ilar-
lan fair cro'imus yesterday afternoon.
* k
Score :
Harlan , . , . 1000040000-5
Avoca ; . . . -
Batteries : Cory and Tollman ; Turk and
Anderson. StruqK qiit ; By Cory. 11 ; by
Turk. 9. Buses on balls : Oft Cory , 3 ;
off Turk , t. Time : 'Two hours nnd thirty
minutes. Umpires : Hogan and Schlua-
linger. . _
Ruttviibiirg Mil nn cum ronvlvtcil.
NK\V YOUJC. Slay 3L Tha county court
of Hudson county , New Jersey , has ruled
thnt the Guttenburg rnco track Is "a dis
orderly house , ' ' nnd thnt Gottfried WaU
uaum , County Clerk Dennis McLauchlln ,
John C. Carr and Nicholas Cruslun are
guilty of n mlsdemrnnor In running it ,
Sentence will bo paused two weeks hence.
YlKlliint Hlnrt * fur llnnluml.
NEW YOHK , May 31. The cup-defender , \
Vigilant , vos towed out of the Erie basin
this morning. 8he was followed to sea
by Frank T. Merrill's nwlft steam yacht
Vamoose. Howard Could , Captain llaff
ami nome relative * nnd friend * of the cr w
went down the bay In a tug to see the
yacht off , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Itrrnilntlinin'n 1'ctn Clot A wny with Mln-
nourl Vnlley Twleo In it Dny ,
MISSOURI VALLEY , May 31.-Spcclnl ( to
The Ilec. ) The Convcrftlonn from Omaha
demonstrated to n largo crowd of Missouri
Valley's population that It In ono of the
strongest teams In the western Mates. In
the morning game they pounded Mr.
Bracken nil over the lot , nnd won the game
with comparative cnno.
The afternoon was n close game for six
Innings , when Manager BcrmliiKham'ti pels
turned what looked like defeat into victory.
The team work of the visitors -wits certulnly
a plensuro to witness. Taylor's base run
ning nnd Adams' nnd McAulirf's b.ittlng
were the features of the afternoon game.
Score of both gnmes :
A.B. II. IB. S.B. P.O. A. E.
Bracken , pit .
Sharer , 3b .
Cadlgnn , c .
Cusuck , Ib. . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 11 0 0
Nowttxn , m . 3 0 1 0 1 I ) 0
Holmes , p. .
Turner , 2b .
Herron , If .
Deur , rf .
Totals . 29 3 T T iff li ) 4'
A.U. R. 1U. 8B. P.O. A. E.
Samuel , p . , . . . C 2 1 1 0 5 0
Taylor , c .
Ford , ES .
Bowman , 3b .
Hubanks , Ib . 3 3 2 1 11 1 0
Adams. 2b .
Monnghan , If .
Powers , rf .
Mcll value , m. . . .
Totals . 35 15 16 " ? 21 16 3
Missouri Valley . 0 020010 3
Conventions . 1 0 4 5 C 0 1C
Earned runs : Conventions , 0. Two-base
lilts : Adams. Tlircc-lmae hits : Cadlgon.
Base on balls : By Holmes , 3 ; by Samuels ,
4. Passed balls : Cndlgnn , 3 ; Taylor. 1.
Hit by pitcher : Hubnnks , Samuels. Time
of game : One hour nnd forty minutes.
Umpire : Burkott.
' AB. R. IB. SB. PO. A. E.
Brnnkcn , ss . 4 1 0 0 2 10 1
Shafer , 3b .
Cadlgan , c .
Cusaok. Ib . 4 0 2 0 14 0 1
Newton , if .
Btilkett , 2b . 3
Holmes , m .
Herron , If .
Turner , p .
Totals . 31 2 6 0 27 18 3
AB. R. IB. SB. PO. A. E.
McAullff , 3b . 5 1 5 1 4 2 0
Taylor , c .
Bradford , ss . 6 1 1 1 0 G 0
Bowman , Ib . r 2 2 0 12 1 0
Hubanks , 2b .
Adams , m .
Alonnshan , If . 5 1 2 0 2 0 0
Powers , rf .
Mcllvane , p .
Totals . 47 14 20 8 27 18 " 5
Missouri Valley. . . . ! 00100000 2
Conventions . . . . . . . 00000158 0 14
Earned runs : Conventions , 8 ; Missouri
Valley , 2. Two-hasp hits : Cadlgan , Adams.
Taylor , McAullff. Double plays : Bradford
to Hubanks to Bowman. Struck out : By
Turner , 2 ; by McIIvalne , 6. Hit by pitcher :
Adams. Bases on balls : Oft Turner , 3 ; off
McIIvalne. 1. Time of game : Two hours.
Umpire : Talcott.
She Itodo tlin .Stormy Son ,
GLASGOW , May 31. The Valkyrie ap
peared to bo but little the worse for her
boisterous voyage. She made the passage
across the Atlantic under storm sails and
with her jugger sail hoisted at her stern In
order to stay her. For days together the
seas swept over the Valkyrie. The helms
man was lashed to the tiller nnd was fre
quently half drowned by the heavy seas.
Oril Won thu Oiimo.
ORD , Neb. , May 31. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) The return game between
the Ord nnd Burwell base ball clubs was
played here yesterday afternoon , and tne
game was won by Ord with a score of 32
to 7.
Sacramento Mpmliers of the " > "nvjr" i
Jtovolt On co Moro.
ST. LOUIS , May 31. The Commonweal
army of "General" Kelly , now In camp
here , divided today , nnd 600 of the men ,
under Colonel George Speed of Sacramento ,
will hereafter march or lloat by them
selves. The cause Is the alleged arbi
trariness of Kelly , not the least Incident
In which Is his persistence against the
wishes of the men , In allowing two women
to remain with the army. Speed wl 1 en
deavor lo enforce a division of the commis
sary by legal methods.
The schism In Kelly's army was empha
sized late this afternoon by the appearance
of Colonel George Speed , head of the se
ceding part of the command , with J. D.
Jones , the agent of the Chicago publishers ,
and several of the olllcers of the rebellious
staff before Judge Lubkc of the circuit
court. They charged Kelly with Illegal re
tention of the entire commissary stores
and equipment of the Jleet , nnd they wanted
authority to compel a division of the pro-
erty and compel Kelly to give an account
of his receipts and disbursements of money
contributions. Judge Lubke told Colonel
Speed that he had a perfect right to sur
round the commissary boats and prevent
their removal nnd then to apply for a re
ceiver. A division of property and funds
will bo sought through the courts tomor
row. The existing troubles do not seem to
have any effect upon the recruiting , some
300 men having joined the army since Its
arrival here. Kelly has ordered his men
to be ready to leave here at 5 o'clock to
morrow morning.
Hun Awuy from Indictments.
Andrew Anderson was arrested yesterday
by Detective Hudson on Information re
ceived from Sheriff Pugh of Spokane , Wash.
The Information Is to the effect thnt Ander
son Is wanted to nnswer ten grand jury
Indictments. Ho was out on bonds , but left ,
and the arrest Is made at the instigation
of his bondsmen. He was arrested nt a
saloon at Twentieth nnd Clark streets.
Kfiitucky Itiipubllciin CIulM Moot.
FUANKKOnT , Ky. , May 31. The State
League of Republican Clubs held their annual
convention hero today. About 500 delegates
participated. Resolutions adopted are an
endorsement of the Minneapolis platform.
The convention was rounded up tonight by
i grand mass meeting.
Wllliinl JlnstKcep llur Salary.
CHICAGO , May 31. While no executive
ictlon has been taken the odlcera at the
Women's Christian Temperance union head
quarters nro unanimous In their resolve that
Miss Wlllard bo not allowed to return any
part of the salary paid her during her nb-
icnco from America.
Husbnml Wunt * n Divorce.
MU8CATINE. In. , Mny 3L-W. A. Nlcho-
nua , husband of Zclla Nlcholaus , today
lied a petition In the district court here
isklng a divorce from his wife on the
irouml of desertion nnd adultery. The
: aso will come up for hearing In the Juno
lerm. _
Mlsxonrl I'roh bltloiiMts Meet.
CAimOLI.TON , Mo. , May 31. The state
irohlbUluu convention met hera today.
\fter perfecting a temporary organization
he convention adjourned until afternoon ,
Mllltlu lliis Loft Li B.illo.
LA SALLE. 111. , May 31. The last two
lompanlcs ot mllltla left hero today and ao
ar all Is quiet.
MlnUlcr to thu Vatican.
ST. PHTBItSnUHG , May 31. M. Tiwclsky
ms been appointed Russian minister to the
.Movements of Hraguhig VuKsoIi Slay 31.
At San Francisco Arrived Colon.
Ilearecl Alamcda , for Honolulu and Sytl-
icy. Departed Jeanle , for Herschel Island ,
At New York Arrived Trim * , from iJre-
ncn ; Uubhludum , from Amsterdam.
At Liverpool-Arrlvecl-Htenmer Oregon ,
rom Montreal. . . .
At Ulai BO\v Arrived Circassian , from
At Queenstown (8:30 : p. m. ) Arrived
lermanlc. from Now York.
At Ijoiuioii Arrived Manitoba , from New
Inle'of Wight-Passed Amsterdam , for
\lcw York.
At Southampton Passed Columbia , fiom
QW York.
At New York Arrived Normandle , from
Moderate Price at Which a Llttlo Moro
Experience Was Purchased.
llought Mining Stock Itrlow the Quoted
1'rlre hut Whim Ho Witnlml to Hell
Ho 1'onnd It WorlhtpM nnd
HI * llrokcr ( lone.
NEW VOUK , May 31. Elkln Farmer , n
retired business man , who claims to bo the
victim Of swindlers to the extent of $10.000 ,
sat writing In his , comfortable room on Park
avenue nnd smiled ns ho wrote. Ho did
not seem to mind his lots much , The
story be told with n bread grin on his face
was ns follows : "I was led lo Invest some
$2,000 In a mine. I thought Itvu a good
thing. It wns quoted at 30 , nnd I got It
at a good deal lower figure through a Wall
street broker.
"Tho broker told mo to wlro n firm of
brokers In Uutto City , Mont , , for quotations ,
and I did so. The mines nro located close
to that city and are worked to my certain
knowledge by a duly Incorporated company.
Ho replied that 30 had been offered for the
stock out there , and I at once decided to
take the chance and got thu lower prlco
here. "
About $2,500 was accordingly Invested ,
and Mr. Farmer still has the certificates In
his possoislon.
This happened In March , nnd a little
later Mr. Farmer thought It would not bo a
bad plan to get a Ilttlo more. The Butte
City firm wrote him that he could get some
more from a man In Columbus , 0. "He Is
a customer ot lurs and has some good
lots , " wrote the firm.
"I went to the man In Columbus , " said
Mr. Farmer , "and found him at thu address
given. "
Mr. Farmer says that ho paid the Colum
bus man $7,000 In cash for more lots. Shortly
afterwards Mr. Farmer returned to New
York and offered his stock at 30. The
Butte City firm of brokers , fiowcver , wrote
back that there was no demand for the
"I was very suspicious by this tlmo , "
said Mr. Farmer with that same pleasant
smile , "and I became more so when I found
Hint my Wall street broker hnd left his
ofllce and disappeared. I nm afraid thnt I
have been duped in the matter and that
my stock Is worthless. At present I have
no Idea where any of the men are. '
This was all Mr. Fanner had to say. Ho
smiled all the time , and seemed to think
his loss a mild joke.
A half century has gone by sines the
first production of Balfe's "Bohemian Girl , "
nnd In that time a new school of operatic
composers has come Into public favor , but
even with nil the change.- ) that have taken
place In the public taste , the gem of Balfe r >
works continues to rank ns one of the
very brightest operas of the dnimntlco-
lyrlc school. And It will be remembeie.1
when more ambitious and perhnpi more
meritorious operas , composed by Italian ,
German , French , Spanish and English
musicians , are neglected by the general
The great charm of Irish music and of
musical compositions written by Irishmen
Is the simplicity of the melodies and tne
direct appeal which they plaintively make
to popular sympathy and Imagination.
Balfe , who wna a native of Dublin , com
posed In all some thirty operas , but "Trie
Bohemian Girl" continues to be after fifty
years the most admired of his works , and
it was this opera which * The Carletons
gave last night at Boyd's to an enthuslast'c
audience that applauded the old yet ever
new songs like "I Dreamed that I Dwelt
In Marble Halls" and the "Heart Bowed
Down" to the echo , several of the quartets
and duos also winning a fair share of ap
plause , for they were all splendidly sun ,
Mr. Carleton'a Count Arnhelm is ono of
the very best creations of thnt well known
singer , and last night was no exception
to the rendition one expects from the head
of The Carletons. He sang the role with
excellent discrimination , the Irish songs
seeming to find a responsive chord In his
heart as the music rippled along In splen
did measure. Mlbs Bell , ns Arline , was In
fine voice , and. she played Hie part In
a manner that left little to be desired. She
Is such a' conscientious artiste and so
satisfying a singer withal that her per
formance , of Arline deserves to be ranked
among the very beat of the season. Tom
Ricketts Is. In his element In such pans
as Devllshoof , his dramatic ability adding
largely to a well-rounded Impersonation.
The Thnddeus of Mr. Taylor was also a
very commendable effort. Although not
much of nn 'actor , he sings well , und the
music of Thaddeus seems especially
adapted to his voice. Miss Wisdom was
queen of the gypsies. The chorus never
sang better than last night , and altogether
It Is doubtful If any other comic opera
organization cntour can give as credit
able n performance of "The Bohemian
Girl" ns The Carletons. I
Mr. Carleton , after giving the Omaha
public an opportunity to hear good opra
at popular prices , and HIP public not seem
ing to appreciate the efforts of the man
agement , announces that the season will
close with the performance of the "Chimes
of Normandy" next Tuesday night. To
night and tomorrow night "The Bohemlitn
Girl" will be produced , Saturday matinee
and ? Sunday night "Ermlnle , " Monday
night "Nanon. "
Wont I'olnt ( irudimtcH.
WEST POINT , N. Y. , May 31. The holels
nro showing the usual signs of the an
nual gathering for the cadet examinations ,
which commence here tomorrow. The
graduating class this year Is fairly up to
the average. The names of the rlnFS ,
given In the order of their precedence
of class records , IB us follows :
William J. Burden. Connecticut : William
B. Lndne , Oregon : William P. Pence , In
diana ; Samuel Hof , Wisconsin ; Clarence C.
Williams , Georgia ; Edward P. O'Hern , New
York ; James M. Williams , Alabama ;
Ooorgei F. Hamilton , Minnesota ; William
H. Payne , Connecticut ; John W. Joyes ,
California ; Charles W. Castle , Minnesota ;
Francis L. J. Parker. South Carolina ;
Dwlsht E. Aultmnn , Pennsylvania : War
ren II. Mitchell , Pennsylvania ; Clarence
E. Lang. Ohio : John W. Craig. Alubam-i ;
Paul B. Mnlone , New York ; Hush D.
Borkely , Mississippi ; Frank D. Ely. Il
linois ; Albert E. Saxton , Nevada ; Alston
Hamilton , Virginia ; Hamilton S. Hawkins ,
Delaware ; Thomas G. Carson , Illinois ;
Roger F. Gardner , Mnssachusotts ; Freder
ick M. Luwlon , Mississippi ; John G , Gilmore -
more , Jr. , New York.
Sixth Wuril Iti-pllbllnun ,
There will be a regular meeting of the .
Sixth Wnrd Republican club held nt the
club rooms , Twenty-sixth and Lake streets ,
on Saturday evening nt 8 o'clock. It Is
requested that there bo a good attend
ance , us business of Importance will come
before the meetlni ? .
MILES D. HOUCIC , President. ;
Hiipponml lo Iliivn llrcn Drowned.
ALBANY. Mny 31. Clmuncey I' . Wll-
Ilnms , president of the National Exchange
bank of this city , Is thought to have been ,
drowned while fishing In the Adirondack
mountains , the- boat in which ho net out
having , beer , found capsized. Mr. Wil
liams wns 17 yearn old.
r..isr n
The Bohemian Girl.
The Kfew Erminie.
Itfanon. dn
Chimes of KTormandy. pe
Prices : 29' , SOo nntl 75o ,
Ujiiioinbertlio IOB OKKAM MATINKB 8iilunlay.
lOo.iiOo nudUOo.
TO slU > JT
'J'Uo Kralnviit Actor IKwi
J. P. nUTLEDCE 3 ! *
ID thu great Play ,
Sunday matlnao and ulgUt , "The nl fox , ' *
Which Is the Condition People Should ,
and May DC.
If You Are Not us You Coultl Wlih , It
Will I'ny You Well to Itrnil tlio
Viilunblo Truth * Tlmt follow.
If you nro getting thin you nro sick ,
though you may not know It.
If you nro losing weight steadily , there
s something wrong about you that needs
looking to.
If you have always been thin It doesn't
fo low ( hat you nro slcit , but that you
might be healthier.
You mlnht bo fat , nnd plump , anil strong ,
nnd huarly.
You c-iiinot l > e strong If yon'ro thin.
Thlnnots Isn't necessarily a sign of sick
ness ( unless you commence to got thin and
keep getting thinner ) , but It Is n sign that
you are In danger Of being sick It's n sign
that If you get sick It may be hard for you
to get well ; that the lonst chill may MUBO
a cold , the cold becomes something
worse. A tlgn that out of a small ailment
may como gout , rheumatism , diabetes , con
sumption , rickets or scrortlln and many
other sad diseases which might have boon
prevented by healthy fatness.
Try , then , to bo healthy nnd fat. It's not
dlfllculL It you know how the trying Is
both easy nnd pleasant.
In n few word * , getting fat consists In
eating proper food , food that contains the
proper nourishment , food that digests easily.
Till a few years ngo doctors , us well as
ordinary people , had n great many funny
notions about the stomach , about how food
was digested nnd about mint became of'It
after It was digested.
No ono knew any better , no ono had
studied right. Not until tome eminent
men gave the subject Ihelr special atten
tion did we get any real knowledge.
Most people ( nnd ninny doctors ) still think-
that everything ycu take Into your mouth
Is digested In your stomach. This la
wrong. „
The only foods that nro directly digested
In the stomach are the albumens , nnd those ,
while Important , are. If anything , the least
Important of the foods wo digest.
To understand how to get fnt you must
try to rcmembar the following explanations :
All foods we rat belong to one of the four
following divisions :
1. The starches.
2. The fnts.
3. The albumens.
4. The salts.
The salts undergo no dlgcaton nt all , so
wo will not speak of them further.
The starches nnd the fat. ot the body are
sometimes called fuel foods , because they
supply our energy , our motive power. Wo
burn them up In our dally life ns the cn-
glno burns coal. Our fat Is our reserve
fuel. The starches , well digested , make
us fat.
The albumens are used In our body for the
repair of worn out tissue , of which a small
portion gees to waste every day.
The starches , then , form tlio fuel for our
engine , the albumens repair the wear of
the machinery. With a good engine we
need more fuel than repair material.
So unless you do hard labor yon need lit
tle albumen , but always plenty of starch.
Thin people often have better appetite *
than fat people , may even cat more , but
still they don't get fat. What Is the
reason ?
The reason Is generally bad digestion. In
digestion has of late years been proved to bo
the cniiBo of a great1 proportion of nil our
Indigestion can be cured without drugs
by eating proper food properly. Curing
Indigestion means getting normal fat.
You probably know what foods contain
starch. If you want to get fnt these are
the foods to eat , ,
If you want to know which of these to oat , ,
consult your palate. Do you like It7 Does
It agree with you ?
If not , don't eat It.
The old Idea was that to get fat you must
oat fat. Fat meats , fat oils , cod liver oil.
This Is wrong.
Starchy food will make you fatter than
oily foods. You could llvo without oily
foods altogether If you wished , I
Starchy foods are generally more easily
digested than oily foods , hence nro better
for people who wish to get fat. It people
are too fat they should not eat starchy foods.
All doctors admit this.
Paskola Is a sarchy food. Its use will
enable you to get fat when nil the starch
and fnt foods you eat do not help you. The
reason for till ? Is that U la already dl-
gebted before you take It.
Puskola saves your digestive organs from
having to work. When It reaches the In
testines It Is absorbed at once.
Wo said that getting fat consisted In eatIng -
Ing proper food , food that would digest
Paskola Is that food. Ii
For a thin person the certainty of get
ting fnt depends almost entirely upon Pas-
Most people cat enough In xthulr dally
meals to become fat , but tlio fattening food
Is not digested. It merely passes through
the system. Thin people can see why It la
they .need . a food thai Is already digested.
The old doctors told their patients , If
they suffered from dyspepsia , that drugs
could euro them , that drugs would help
them to get fat.
Even now many of them recommend pep
sin and cod liver oil.
Popsln won't digest starches or fats. It
only digests nlbumen ( lean meat , white of
eggs , cheese , etc. )
Albumens are not fattening. If they
don't agree with yon don't eat too much ot
them. Then you won't need pepsin.
Modern science has discovered that
starchy food Is the food for thin people.
Pnskola Is the outcome of the most modern
illscovcrlcs of modern science. It Is the
best starch food. It Is composed of the
finest and most nourishing flours , artifi
cially digested.
Paskola Is pleasant to the taste. No
cooking or other preparation Is necessary.
It contains no drugs or medicine. It has
simply been digested by being treated with
the substances which , In a healthy man ,
ire used by nature to digest stroch foods.
Paskola Is nothing but natural food.
Consumption Is wasting uway and losing
lesli. It U but ono of the many dls-
lases wo suffer from caused by bad dlgos-
Bad dlgoitlon can bo cured , the consump-
.Ivo can gain llesh and strength , and this
vlll help the doctor to cure the illease.
Tha way to do It Is for the consumptive
o take Paskola. Pnskola will make any
me fnt , even a consumptive.
Fatnesa , happiness and health , They all
o together. How seldom do wo nee a fat
inhuppy perion !
On the other hand , the unhappy thin poo-
ilo ; the dyspsptlc , the consumptive , the -
lervouB Invalid , Why can they not all bo
at ? They would look so different. They
,011 Id feel so 'different.
They could be fat If ( hey tried. They
ould even be well If they tried.
The wny to get well would bo to got fat ;
ho wuy to got fat would be to take Pas-
Pankola Is for sale by all reputable drug-
A pamphlet giving full particulars ro-
peeling Paskola will bo sent on application
j the Pro-Digested Food Co. , 30 Reado St. ,
few York city.
Painless Extraction of Tooth.
the morning , now tooth Inserted bcfor i
irksamnilay. I'll iruaninlcod. I-ill I fcot S.
Illne 11.00 und up. Hold crown , , tj ( to , s
ire gold UllliiK * 12 and nu. llrldgo work 10
ir tooth , 23k.
d I'loor I'uxton Illoclf , 10th and L'urimin
Toluphono 10HD. Out thU out.
Healu < l I'ruiuMuli ,
Bids will be received until noon Juno 0.
) l , for the construction of a nyntcin ot
uter workn at Klnenley , la. Plans and
educations cun bo uccn at the nltlce of
M. Wormley. muyor , KlnKBley. la. Tin
lunell rescrveK the rlKht to rejaot any
all bid * J. A. INOALLH.
MU dralM