OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , THURSDAY MOUSING , MAY 31. 1891. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. FROM PUBLIC FUNDS Lincoln PinancieiB Making Great Profit Through Joggling School Money. PEN AND INK THEIR ONLY CAPITAL Warrant Brokers Who Have Thrived at the Expense of Taxpayers. SELL THE STATE BONDS AT A PREMIUM Hew Scheme for Cutting Down the Surplus in Public OofferB. GOVERNOR CROUNSE ON THE MATTER U Dlnrui-Nr * Oue of the I'tirullar I'lnmen if the I'crniannnt School rund and tii u llviuedj- fur tbe Condition. LINCOLN , Mar SO. ( Special to The Due ) Tlie financial depression which ib causing BO much Inconvenience In moil of the large cities of the entire country serins to be having but little effect upon the finan ciers of Lincoln. No city In the went pos sesses a CBBB of financiers more fertile In resources more Ingenlou * in argument or more ndrolt in scheming. The finunclerB referred to do not Include the well known bankers and capitalists. These gentle men are attending strictly to their legltl-- mute bUKlneBE. Hut the financiers who are Just now reaping a JmrvcBt are the men who mcke fictitious investment * and reap large profits from ventures Involving nothing more serious than u email outlay lor pen and iiilc and a large uullaj of nerve and assurance. For years these flnancierB have made large profits from siieculatlon In state warrants. As warrant broker * they Infested the corridors riders of the capitol building , associated theiiiBulvoB lutimatoly with state officials , and In the Benton regime in die auditor's cfllce one of the clerks kept u book full of Kignod checks with which he purchased warrants for a well known broker us fust a * they were Ueued from the office. Hut the supply of warrants Is running nhort , and the financiers are compelled to turn their attention to new and undevel oped fields. They were not long In hit ting upon an expedient. It was suddenly discovered that there was a new and un tried field In the mutter of refunding county bonds and selling them to the State Board of Educational Lands and Funds. The conditions for the hucee sful working of the plan were more thau luvorable. , At the beginning of the present fiscal year , December 1. 1883. the state treasury held nomethliig like ? 7KnDiK ; of Idle funds be longing to the permanent school fund. Op portunities for Investment hud been BO few that the administration of Governor Iloyd Lad been unable to secure bonds at > fn-.t tin the money was paid into me hands of the utatfl treasurer. The prewmee 'of so much idle money In the permanent school fund created a demand for Its prompt invemment. Spurred by u series of articles in The Hep , Governor Crounse and Ills- colleagues on tire Hoard of educational Lands and Funds took active hteps to secure the speedy Invest- jnent of the funds. There was oiie difii- culty 1n the way. however. At , long as the etate could offer jiar and no marc for bonds , Just so long TVBS the state "being outbid by the agents of eastern brokerage companies. Every Issue of county bonQh was citgcrly miappud up by eastern parties. Confronted by this state of attain. , Governor Crounse and Secretary of State Allen proposed , us the only solution of the difficulty , that the mute take advantage of an cz jiarle opinion ol the supreme court and pay a premium on all bonds that could be purchased. This opinion was delivered by the supreme court in 1883 under the following circumstances. In order that tlie entire subject may be fully understood the provisions of the constltu- tlqn and the statutes bearing upon the ques tion are quoted. FUNDS TO REMAIN INVIOLATE. .Section u , article vlll. , of the constltuton : provides All funds belonging1 to the mate for edu cational imposes , the Interest and Income whereof only ure to be lined. HbuJl ne deemed mutt funds held by the tunic , unfl the Mate Khali supply ull loupes theieut that may In any niannei iieerue , HO that tlie name Bhall remain fotever luvlolaiu and nndlinlnlslied. Section 29 , act of February 2-1 , ISS.t , de- flnoR the duties of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds with reference to the In vestment of the permanent bchuol lund us follows- The said board shall , nt tbelr regular meetings , make the orders for the Investment of tlit principal of the funds derived from the ttale of huld lunar , then In tlie treiiBury. but none of said tundR Khali be Invested or Jouneil except on Vnlted States or state securities utid registered county bonclB. 1'rorfded. the r.ukl board nt their discretion may , In purchasing - chasing of BiUd bonUH , pay from the tem- jnirary school fund u piemlum on hich rules of Interest bonds. 1'rovlded , limY- tiver , the suld premium Khnll not bBiich us to reduce the investment in KaUl cusec to a louer rate of Interest than C per cent JUT annum. Tlie legislature of 1SR5 repealed thr law quoted above and iilucud on the 'statute books the following simple provision : Tlie fluid board Hhull , at their rejruhir xneutlngs , nmkv the necessary ordeis for tlie Investment of the principal of the lunrt.s derived from the Hale of suld laiuiK then iti the treasury , but none of suit ! funds Nbull be Invented or loaned except ' tiu I'nlted Suites or mate securities ur rtKi tere.d county bonds. Vuder the first miiiitlonud provlbion of the statute * the. Hoard nf "Educational Lands and FuniH made purchubcs from time to tlmu of bonds bearing a high rate of Interest , the practice lielng to detach enough coupons to reduce the. rate of Interest to the market value of such bonds at the time of purchase. Hut there came a time when a protest WHH entered to the practice. On Novembar 13 , J8K3 , nine months after the first act uf tint legislature quoted ubove hud been approved - proved , a block of bonds bearing 10 per vent Interest was offered to the board on & C per cent basis , the seller to retain coupons for the difference it , lu r-est State ITreuHurer 1 * D. Sturdevuut afude a vigor- HUB protest , and the- other member * uf the board , which at the time consisted of A. Q. Xundull , commissioner of public lands pud buildings , E. I' . Rocgou , becreUry of Etate. Isaac Powers , attorney general , and OamfB W. Puwes , governor , uddregsed a communication to the supreme court asking tar BU opinion upon three questions. These oucstlans were fonnulutecl in accordance wltb the proviKlang of the constitution obove quoted and of the net of the legislature iipprovttd Fubruory Si , 1SSS. The yti out ions > vere as tollowE 1st Can the Hoard of Cducutnon&l Lands tnd Funds under tlie Bald section of tut roustltutlon and law inve the principal of the iiermancnt nehool .fund in United Stalest S per cent bonds , an a If so , cuu they l y the premium therefor from the porary Bdiool funO , or will tbe board , in paying such premium , be compelled to druu irom the permanent m-huol fund therefor * 2J. Cun the board In puruhoBlnc a iilch rate of interest oounty iiond dotnch CouponB tiierefrom BO that tbe remaining BOUIIOIIB ts-IIl tiet the ntate C per cent internet - net from the date of purchuHe to maturity * ja. Have tbe board.atter puruhaMnc X'nited Elates Z per cent bonU lor tbe tiermuiieni nciiool fund , the power under the law to fell or convert eurli bonds into a high , rate t > t Interest county bonds * DEC1E10N OP THE BIPREME COVIIT I Xb docleloa of the sarrcnie court or rather , tlip opinion , for thf court had no case at law before It to adjudicate IF to be found on page CM of the fifteenth volume of Ne braska supreme court reporti , and It an fol lows : To the flnst question , tailing- them In tlif order In which thny are put.w * Htifwer that you clearly have the authority under tbe xrctlonR rmmffl of the nonstltutlon mid the nlatulett , to Invest those ftmdn In the Viillfd BUt > > s n par rent bonds If you tlera It advisable to So o. * An to the payment of premium * . If they l e nerewary. In the pim-hiine of fnltwl Sttotes bonds , thene must be made out of the permanent Hehool fund , fur there IP no authority for making them out of nny other. Tbe only TOBI-P in whlrh premiums can be puld out of the temporary school fund are tlioie of In vestments In "hlch rate of Interest" eounty bonds an provided In the above mentioned section , and even the e. . for thin special provision , would hnve to be made out of the permanent fund. The payment of a premium In making an InveBtni'-nt wh n the market value or the security Jimmies and requires It , Is u legiti mate use of the money u a part of the In vestment , and dot-fl In no eime violate the fonxtttutlonal lirovlHion that thlF fund "Bhall remain forever Inviolate and timll- mtnlshcd. " Invcntmeiit of this fund In any of tbe securities permitted by the con- KUtutlon , whether at tbelr par value or above or b-low It. although randIn the reasonable hope nf nn ndx-mire In tbelr market value , mid a romieqtlent gain , numt nerennarll > be at the haZHi-d of a deprecia tion mid cionH iiuitnt IOH ( . AVIlhln the re- Ftrlctions of tbe conxtlHition which limits these Investments to I'nlled States and Plate Hwurltles and registered county bonds , the law leaves them entire ! } to the Judgment of your honorable body To the xeuond question , we answer nn. "While so far as we now nee a purchune of high rate of Interest bonds in the mode mig- geHted by the question might prodtire suti- Ktantlully the name remilt as would that designated by the statute. It IH different , und when the legislature In preclst terms 'has specified tbe mean ? by which to rrnr-h a Oenlrvd end , those means should be used Hy UHlng the means provided therf Is abstolute safety of urtlon , while In adopting and using any other there Is not. The mode of paying the premiums required In tlie pur chase of thin siort of bond * , tbe statute pro vides , must be drawn from the temporary xrhnol fund , and this Khould Iw followed. The third question Is uimwered In the negative , but it Is not gtainuln to tbe Hub- Ject under discussion. The opinion was presented by Chief Justice George B. Lake and concurred In by Justices Cobb and Maxwell. It Is upon the above opinion that the Board of Educational Lands and Funds is today op erating In the payment of premiums on bonds bought an un Investment of the per manent school .fund. U was not entirely clear to the Board of Educational Lands and Funds in 18S4 , for after dlBi-UBslng the mat ter In a meeting held on Jsuuno * > p ISM , the members repaired In a body to the consulta tion room of thbi supreme court and nt > k d for further light upon the opinion. The su preme court then rendered the following sup plemental opinion : The board being In doubt as to whether , In view of the it-cent opinion of the su preme court , it nud the authority to make Investment In county bonds for th" benefit of Haid fund at rate of than U per cent , after consultation call-d upon the supreme Judges In their consultation room and were informed that in answer to the questions heiftofore propounded , the said court In tended to convey the opinion that no In vestment whatever could be made by said hoard In county bondb bearing a lebs rate of Interest than C per cent. In observing the first opinion of the supreme premo court the supplementary opinion , It would heem , was binding und of equal force. SOME PRACTICAL IIESITLTS. The present members of the board are thus working under an opinion of the su preme court given for the purpose of Inter preting a law paBsed in ISSIi , mid which law was by the legislature of 18K5 repealed in express and explicit terms. The results are somewhat startling. For .two year-prior io January 1 of the .present year but a fMimli amount of the permanent bdioul fund -hud been invested Ju Jnterejit-bearlng bond * , . Governor Crounse was extremely aincious to secure the speedy -investment of tlie lund. und he repuutudly urged -upon the oilier members of the board the -urgunt uecesHlty uf Investing the money from "which the state has received no bene fits , either directly or Indirectly. It was duo largely to the energetic action of Gov ernor "Crounse that the board was finally urged up to the point where It would deUs Us duty. The flrht difficulty that prehented itself was the ncuicity of boufls being of fered for sale. In one case , that of Fillmore - more county , the bonds were promised the board at par , but before a definite agree ment could 1 > e entered Into the bonds were disposed of to speculators , who Mild them on the eastern -market. To overcome this difficulty and to meet outside competition , the board determined to meet bid with bid and to offer a premium , when necessary , to secure bondK. The first opportunity came in February of the present yenr. when N. C. Brock , a Lincoln broker , proposed to sell to the state for an linenmont. In the permanent school fund , $150,000 In Douglas county road bands , bearing rate at 4 per cent , payable Beiul- unnually. Mr. Brock offered the bonds to the htate on a liutlh of 4 per cent per an num. The lioncls had been originally sold to Spitzer it Co. of Cleveland and Boston for $130,000. Mr. Brock claimed to repre sent the eastern firm. On February C the board , on resolution of Attorney General Hastings , accepted tbo proposition , and the htute treasurer was directed to pay Brock the sum of ? lfiOB.7ii. ! The money was paid out of the permanent school fund , On March u , C. H. Imhoff. coBlilwr of the Union Savings bunk of Lincoln , offered the slate. Blalnc county bondu to the amount of $ r.r > o ( ) , bearing date of 1KKO and drawing Interest at the rate of li per cent per an num , lie nlxo offered Logan county bonds to the amount of $2,000. the bonds bearing the same date and drawing C per cent per annum. On May - the .Board of Educa tional Lands and Funds accepted the propo sition and directed the state trenmircr , upou resolution of J. C. Allen , necrelary of htale , j I to pay to Imhoff tlie sum of $ ! i.r.l . ! ifl , thtifc purchasing the Bluine anil Lugan county bonds at a basis uf 4i per cent pur annum. One of the features of this transaction It. that the state already holds a part of the same Issue of Logan county bnntli. and the county Is In default of the Interest for one year and six months , Every attempt of the state to collect the Interest without resort to the courts hub been met with failure. So far BE can lie " 1 turned , the Logun county bandK lire the only ones held by the htulc uirnn which the Interest IIRB not lieeii met with rasonable promptness. The Logan county bonds purchased of C. 11. luihoff wore also In default of IntrrtRt for one year and six months , the coupons bt-lng detached and retained by ImhoH. On May 10 C. H. Imhoff offered the board Nance county lioncln to the amount of < f 17,000 , bearing D per cent interest per annum. The state purchased tbe hondr nn a babU nf 4 per cent , thus pfly-lng o prmiilum of JIi.400. The peculiar feature of thU transaction is that the bonds were origlnully offered to one member of the board at their face value at C per tent interest. Imhoff vl > ltud the oounty commissioners of Nance county and offered a premium of $ " 7G for the bondti. and got them. He then mild them to the Htate for { 3.400 , thUP netting a very tidy num. which IIBP gone to swell the total of his private bank account. In this case Nance county secured simply the face of the bondu , with a trifling premium of J-7f. , Another similar deal IE now iH'Inc ne gotiated. Washington county recently Is sued jriO.OUO In refunding bunds bearing C per cent Interest , The statement was made in B meeting of the board that the bonds could be purchased by the state. A short time later N. C. Brock appeared with the proposition to tell the same identical bonds on n 4 per cent busts. Tbe truntactlon has not been closed , but inasmuch an the se curities are looked upon as gilt edged , the proposition "will doubtless be accepted. STARTED A NEW INDUSTHY , But there it Btlll another feature of the matter winch callt for more serious atten tion. A number of brokerage firms have been iormed In Lincoln tor the purpose of making a specialty of refunding county bonds. The plan of operation U briefly BE followsA broker will vIMt the contmis- Bloners of a certain county and say "I Indebtedness at Jl-5.000. Thee bandit you Issued & number of year * ago uhen m- tereat _ rate were higher Inconsequence ( Continue1) on Seventh Puce. ) WAITE TO ACT AS MEDIATOR Oolorado'e Ijocntivo Has a Conference wltb tbe Oripple Greek Miners. TO MEET THE MINE OWNERS TODAY * llrjmrt. Tlmt Ho Jinn Authority to Make Term * on llehalf nt tlin Miner * Ob- noxlouK I > eputy Sheriff Jlejmrted to llu\t : llccl ) Captured. CRIPPLE CREEK , Colo. , May 30. The entire day has been spent by the miners on Bull Hill anxiously uwnltlng the arrival of Governor Waltc. The chief executive of the ntute Hpent from 5 o'clock u. m. to 3 p. m. in traveling from Florence to Victor , u dlB- tunce of twenty-four miles. On reaching Victor his excellency wns hastily put into an express -wagon , the only vehicle that could be had nnd transported to Bull Hill. Here he met the officers of the union In secret session. The word secret Is used , because all day long It has been im possible for a newspaper man or u person not a member of the union to tarry In the vicinity of Bull Hill , If , in fact , he was per mitted to reach the summit , for a longer time than five minutes. The governor in sisted that nothing like oratory bhould be practiced upon him , und In consequence n statement of no-called facts were submitted to him. What the governor said In reply It Is impossible to learn , but it IE given out as a fact that at the conclusion of the con ference ho was given power to net In behalf of the miners with tlie mine owners. Governor Wulte left Victor over the Flor ence Cripple Creek railroad tonight in com pany with President Jolin Calderwood. It is understood that his excellency and the representatives of the miners' union are to have a conference with the mine owners ut Colorado Springs some time tomorrow. The Galling gun ordered from Chicago Is expected to arrive tomorrow. A rumor Is current todaj thut a party of miners' scouts have captured Deputy Sheriff Bob Mullln. together with three other dep uties , but it cannot be conflremd. Mullln is the man whom tlie miners are so bitter against , and who wah reported UK shot In Colorado Springs the other day. INDIANAPOLIS. May 30. Representatives of the EvatiBville. fc Terre Haute and Indian apolis Terre Haute railroads this morning called on Judge Baker of the United States court and asked for a restraining order to prevent the striking miners from interfering with trains. Judge Baker said be did not feel like takluk upon himself the duties of a jieuce officer. He suggested a conference with Governor Matthews , and went with the railroad officials to participate in it. Late thisafternoa tlie governor Instructed the railroad attorneys to file a written complaint with film citing the InBtances where the strlkerb have Interfered with the running of the trains. The gov ernor tonight issued a proclamation Instruct ing the striker * to cease their interference with tlie trains. If tlie strikers do not take heed of this , the governor will order out the militia at once. LA SALLE , 111. , May SO. Two companies of militia went home this afternoon. Four companies of militia still remain here. BRAZIL , Ind. , May 30. An effort was made today to move thirty carfa of slack from a Vundallu switch east of this city. As soon as nn engine was attached to the train a crowd of miners blocked the truck with ties. The strikers then dumped sev eral "half cars of black on the track , block ing the cars. PITTSBURG , May 30. Governor Patter son has Issued a proclamation , admonishing all good citizens and all persons within the coke region ut.d under the jurisdiction of the commonwealth against aiding or abet ting lawlessness , warning them that -per- blbttance In violence will compel a resort to such military force us may be necesbury to enforce obedience to the laws. WALSENBERG , Colo. , May 30. Only thirty men were working In the mine at Rouse today , all Hie others having joined the 2,000 strikers assembled here. COLUMBUS , O. , May 30. The trouble at Gloucester has been settled peaceably. About C o'clock a telegram ivus received ut the governor's office from Sheriff Rlley of Athens , stating that the T. fc O. C. railway company had agreed to capitulate to the. miners and no more West Vlrglulu coal would be hauled during the strike. The sheriff asked that the call for troops be revoked , DENVER , May 30. Another bill was Died In the federal court lodiiy by C. S. Thomas for the Raven Gold Mining company of West Virginia , asking for an injunction to prevent tlie miners from Interfering with the working of itb properties at Cripple Creek. TRIMBLE , O. , May 30. Company A , Seventeenth regiment of the Ohio National guards yl ICew Lexington , twenty-eight In number , arrived in Gloucester on the lute puhscnger train to suppress the riots. They hud no sooner alighted from the train than they were surrrounded by miners who took their , tentb and cooking utensils and threw them Into the creek. Several guns -were also captured by the miners , and the Guards sought refuge in the school house. The city authorities wired Sheriff Rller nt Athens to send no more troopb and to with draw those already there und wait for the trouble to subside. The Guards were ac cordingly put In box cars und taken south , OMAHA MAN G , S. Wrgener Sleuth l > euth In a JUliiueHota lluilroadVreek. . Mr. Jucob S. Wegener. traveling agent for tbe Sunta Clara Manufacturing company - pany . of this city , with residence nt 3318 California street , was Killed yesterday in a railroad wreck , near StIUwater , Minn , ac cording to a dispatch received by Tbe Bee last evening. Mr. Wegener came to Omaha from Chicago cage about a yeur ago , and hud l * > tn with tbe Santa Clara company ten month * . He leaves a wife. His brother , H. F. Wegener , is manager of the business of the company. Tl KATJICK rOHIX'At-T. J'nitly Cloudy with Klionfro In tlmViHl - rrn Purl of Nriiru-.lni. WASHINGTON , Mny SO. The indications for Thursday ure : For Xebrabhu Partly cloudy , with show- em in the western portion ; warmoi ; eutt winds. For Missouri Purtly cloudy ; Bhowers In tbe southern portion ; warmer , except In the northwest portion ; eust winds. For South Dukotu 1'uir ; warmer In the eastern and soutliern portion * ; east winds. For Iowa Generally fair ; warmer ; eaai winds. POSTMASTER ARRESTED. t Charged with Frand iu tlm Illepul IkKUuurtt of I' < wtHl Notrt. Jules BanSoz. the postmaster at Orayson. Sheridan county , was brought o Omaha yesterday by Deputy United States Marshal Llddlard of Kushvllle. The cause of his ar rest was that he filled out postal notes and then went over to Jluslivllle , where he exchanged them for groceries and post age stamps. He is an old suttler and ban gained considerable fame as a hunter and trapper. IUfh I'liict-r DUcot cry. BOISE , Idaho , Mny SO. Great excitement prevails hure today over tbe discovery of rich placer fields soutli of Idaho county. Prospector "Williamswho mode tbe dis covery , says he mude J1UO a day with a rocker and that there is plenty of rich ground there. A party , well equipped , started for tiie locality I.o t hi J'ouurt. CHICAGO , liny SO The police were to day notified by the friend * of Prof. Jubu Dowe uf thr South Dakota university that they had learned tlncf fwan now on the ocean , bound far Scot ] und. Tnrmlay Night' * Tl li'Knr'iiiirai : ; ' Throughout Uir Ht'BBELL. Neb. , Way 30. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) Nothing but a scarcity of rain will prevent u large corn crop In this I vicinity. A refreshing and benvy rain , which WOB much needed In this locality , fell J here last night , tnd farmers ore wear ing I a cheerful countenance today as a re sult. Small grain cannot receive much benefit ' from last .nlght'B rain , but with oc casional showers dutlnc ; the coming season a largo crop of corn IE anticipated. LEIGH. .Neb. , Way 30 ( Special Telegram to 1 The Bee. ) A peed rain fell In this vi cinity ' last night. It was badly needed , and saves j small grain. During the storm flvo bead of cattle belonging to W. V. Forney , west of town , were killed by lightning. NEL1GH , Neb. . May 30. ( Special Tele gram I to The Bee. ) Quite a ruin fell here last j evening , breaking a live weekt , drouth. Crops arc all right In the north half of the county , but small grain will be a failure In the south half. BEATRICE. May 30. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Either the Rock Island ruin maker or mifureis , responsible for a nice bhower In this vicinity hint night The rain maker liar ccused operations and Is awaiting orders from headquarters. On the whole his Beatrice experiments have been a failure. SCHUVLER , Neb. . .May 30. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) A heavy rain fell In this drouth-stricken district lust night and relieved much legotatlon that was almost past redemption. GriiHt. and grains were dying , corn.wa . not coming up , but the heavy rain' fall will btnrt everythlug and cheer farmers. NELSON , Neb. . May SO. ( Special to The Bee. ) A very heavy rain fell here lost night and fanners and businc&s men arc very much encouraged. GRAND ISLAND. May 30. ( Special to The Bee. ) A flue halfMneh rain fell last night , being general In the country. In the lower lands , along tlie Platte , the wheat and oats crop will ba greatly benefited and , farmers on these lands feel assured of a fair crop In all small grulnb. Corn has fine j prospects. The absence of weeds , Incident to a wet spring , has fields clean. Beeto are In excellent condition. Garden produce will recover a great deal of Us strength , lost by drouth and frost , while liny will be ghen t good start. CHAPMAN. Neb. . May 30. ( Special to The Bee ) The long drouth was broken last night bv a three-Inch rainfall , which extended ell over Merrlck county * and every body Is jubilant in cansoqucnce. About one- half of the 6at crop will be saved. ST. PAUL , Jv'eb. , Moy30. . ( Special to The Bte. ) A fine shower Jell here last evening for about one and orie-Jmlf hours. The so much needed moisture icame down In fine shape , accompanied bjr'thunder and light ning. This rain is highly- beneficial , bring ing the corn out in * good thupe. Small grain In many places Is. beyond redemption , but some Holds of oats uiity yet j-leld a fair crop. crop.DUNCAN DUNCAN , Nob. , 'May ' 30. ( Special to The Bee. ) A goofl rala Monday night and an hour and a half rain last night has given the farmers spirits nf lift. Prospects for oats Improved 100 per-cent in the lust forty- eight hours. Corn looks fine : what was frosted Is rocbvering rapidly. GUB Keuacher , was the only oneT so for heard from who saved all his fruit and rpgi-tables from the frost. This be. did by bnllfllng llrt-g on the east side of his orchard Tcnfl garden. HASTINGS. Jilay SU. ( Special to The. Bee. ) About 30 o'clorlri lost night a heavy thower of ruin beganfulling bejre .and con-- tlnued until about. Aninch and a TiaV comes In tme tfa'Tlo ; y > e corn much good and will help tbe octs' ind vlieat crops to some extent , thongh'itse < 5iy weather for the last few weeks has almost -entirely ruined the prospects of those two cereals. TAIRFIELD. Neb. . TU y 30. ( Special to ; The Bee. ) The long drouth wab broken last i night "by a good rain. It came too late to save small grain , but will be of Inestimable value to corn and grunt , A fund ofJoO .had just been .raised to pay an itinerant "raihma'kur" * for -"bring ing" the desired moisture. With the light ning flashing and the heavy rain clouds coming up the chemlcaluwere sot to belling - ing and In half an hour It rallied. NEWMAX GROVE. Neb. , May 30. ( Spe cial to The Bee. ) Thr drouth was broken last night by a splendid rain , which seems to have spread over a large scope of country. The email grain crop hits .been . Injured borne , but tlie rich soil of thin locality with the aid of rain will accomplish wonder * in the line of restoration togtts normal condition. Corn IB a sleiidld stxnd and In excellent condition. > , BLL'E HILL. Neb. . Slay 30. ( Special Tele gram * to The Bee. ) TJEere was a nice rain at Blue Hill and vielnlly lust night. FAIRBURY , Neb. , play 30. ( Special to The Bee. ) A heavy rainfall visited this section last night , wjilclr will materiality help wheat and corn.'iOato have dried out beyond redemption. g WESTON , Keb. , Mfiy 30 ( Special Tele gram to The Bee , ) A flne rain fell In this locality last night , ana as a consequence everyl > ody is happy. Crops were needing rain badly. / bad Aetddeiit ia a I'leusun1'urry. . TVAVERLY. Neb. , May 80. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) A , sad COBC of occi dental bhooting occurri'd here this afternoon. Henry Ccx , in comnanrwith a dozen ladies j and gentlemen from Lincoln und HuVelnck , ! were fishing in Salt creek , a hliurt dUtance j northeast of town. Irij addition to the llhhu | ing outfit all carried larte rifles. While Mr. Cox was lishing Bome of the others were firing ut a target , which was ' placed about the bank where Cox was sitting. He hapiwned to raise up just in tlmejto .got u bullet iu his back. The wounded fern was brought Into town at 3 o'clock p , in. and physicians called to attend to him. By the use of the probe the ball was located in the spine , it being firmly wedged in between the lumbar vertebra. After a dllllcillt operation the bullet was removed , and the unfortunate man was taken to bis home In Havelock. The physicians bay it is a berloiib case and may result fatally. rlHl of thr " * Printer * t > tlm Oreut lldltor UnvtillmT ttl 7 > w Turk. KEW TORK , Mayi . Horace Greeley's memory was honored 1 > rTn , > 0cruplilcal union No , C today -when the jrtstu by Alexander Doyle , at the junotlapaaf Broadway , Sixth avenue and Thlrty-thlnljstreet , wn unveiled , Turre was fin antUaii \ > r .Congressman Amos 1 J. Cummtngs and Pm Utoiit Keller of the New York Press1 club ipake --Horace Gree- o ley's influence on the newspaper men of the day , " The statue was acetrtea' | onrftebalf of the city by District Attorney Fellows , who rep resented Mayor GllroyA The statue is of heroic proportions. Front tbe'jbase of the plain polished granite 'r aestal to the top of tbe etutue measures ab Son lent. It repre sents Mr , Greeley sealetniii an arm cliulr in meditation with a tierWiUBiier clasped Ju his right baud , his plnmstIn his Jen. The statue itself Is seven feat In height. On the pedestal IB the Inscription , "EVfoUed Under the Auspices of Typogrnphlca ] Urtlon No. t. " Tbe first movement toward fhp erection of the monument woe Tutherwl by promi nent citizens , capitalist * and aiewspuper editors. The Bum ofCO.OUO Wnfi readily Is nubscribed , but the panic of 1S72 put a stop to the movement utiil * jiothlne was done until 1879 , when the agitation was renewed. Little was aQuonipllHiw ! at this time and the plan slumbered Tmtil 1SW , when tin- Typographical union , gn T ew Yerk and Brooklyn took tbe matter up. The cus todians of the lund ufrrudr raised readily consented to turn it over to the printers' committee. Trout ITlu * Vlrt Itlnod. KEW YORK. May 30 - DuOce Laconibt lian issued a preliminary Injunction restraining straining- certain manufacturer * of cigar ettes from using f.c.reue pat ented by tbe iitmnarb Machine company The order IB a. victory tor the clt'urette a trunt. SILVER ONLY WILL SAVE US Opinion Erpreraod by a Former Memlisr of the Salisbury Cabinet. INTERESTS I OF CREDITORS DEMAND IT Only Unelmid .Stniidn In tlie Way of an In- tcmntliiniil Agreement , and in So StundK Iu It * Otrii Light Vuluc Art * All I'li EDINnCRGH. May 30. An Important pjieech touching upon wheat , silver , gold and American mining , raflroads and land mort gages was delivered here today by lit. Hon. Henry Clmjillu , conservative , president of the Board of Agriculture In Lord Salisbury's government. Tlie rpeeneh was un address to a crowded conference of the Scottish Members of Hlsbandry. und had for Its sub ject. "Bimetallism In Relation to Agricul tural Depression. " The speaker declared that ngrlcultural de pression was chiefly due to the steady auJ. heavy fall In the prires of produce , which he claimed , was due to the monetary changes of 1854 and could only be- stopped by revert ing to the previous monetary fcystem. No body could foresee where the present fall of prices would end. According to tlie latest table , the fall from 1872 to 18 3 of 40 per cent In wheat amply Illustrates this. The British commissioners studied the price of wheat In America In 1RT1) ) and believed that it could never be exported chenpsr than 40 shillings per quarter Superior India wheat was sold last week at Hull at 1 ! ) shillings 3 pence per quarter. Continuing , he said the majority of the farmers believed that the fall In prices Is due to foreign competition , and that the remedy wus protected. But the fact th.ut hulf the countries of the continent und "the United States , while Imposing the heaviest duties on Imporlen produce , complain of iigrlcul- tural depression , refutes this argument , Mr. Chaplin asserted. Touching upon the farmers of America , he auld thut they es pecially were being ruined und becoming bankrupt faster evn than the British farmers. Others contend that overproduc tion Is responsible for the fall In prices , but he claimed statistics show that the produc tion of wheat hue decrensed , although the prices have fallen. Therefore , from thr point of view of the speaker It was farcical und ridiculous to attribute the fall In prise to that caut.e The real cause , he Buld. wus the demoneti zation of silver in 1873 , und the subsequent divergence of the relative Tallies of the met- uls which enabled the silver-using countries like India to export wheat at tbe present low price. Mr. Clmplln also said : "And If silver continues to full there Is no reason why wheat should not cheapen Indefinitely. We propose as a remedy un International agreement o revert to the system which prevailed prior to 1B72. "The failure of the Brussels conference Is I no argument ngulnst this , as it bus sluce been clearly proved that nothing but thi > action of the English delegates broke up the confetcnce. Chancellor von CuprJvl's subse quent \ explanation of the conduct of the Ger man delegates conclusively proved this to be a fact , " ilr. Chainiil reviewed the bimetallic move ment on the continent and polntrJ out , esj > eclaUy.4Jie imuirJ-ii.iitu | ) , ot Pjv > liUmt Cleve land ubtainlngJpnwer to resume tlie c : > nfer- unee. uddlng ; " ' .My ant-wer to the nrgument that un agreement ns to the ratio between silver and pold IE Impossible is thut bl- nietHHIsts will accept any ratio rather than continue as now , and Bllver is so penhltlve that HE market price will conform ta any fixed .international rutlo. The Increased out put consequent upon such an agreement would In our opinion Jiot affect the mut ter In the lenst und It would Tie Infinitely small , compared with the immense exporting maes. The argument that an in ternational agreement -would make the fortunes of the American and Mexican silver miners does not touch the question nf the expediency and morality. Tlie mobt im portant adverse argument Is that Great Britain , being the greatest creditor nation of tlie world , would receive payment of her - debts In the cheapest metal.Ve contend that both metals would perform equal functions , while , on the other bund , we abk If Jt is wise for n creditor to embarrass a debtor by a .monetary change ? " The speaker then refer : ed to American railways und jnude tlie assertion that one- C third of their number WUB In the handB of receivers. Mr. Chaplin followed this by dwelling upon the unfavorable inevestmcnts made in American lund mortgages and suid. Trora the accounts , of the condition of the land and the farmers there , and especially In the west , owing to the fall In prices , 1 should be very anxious about such iuvcBt- mentb If they were mine. Iu fuct , the cred itors everywhere ore In the greatest danger of losing their capital or the greater part uf it , owing to the uppreelutiou of gold. The argument iu favor of monometallism is besade on the luct that enormous quantities of gold arc .lying idle in the Bank of England , uud ure erro neous , ns it merely points to tbe fcur to in vest it In indn try uud enterprise Jn the fuee of falling -prices. "The bimetallic prospect * of the future ure anost promising , and I can reassure our foreign friends that the recent ucrouut of the bimetallic debute in the House -of Commons was devoid uf importance. The discussion of the matter was attempted against tlie advice uf Us friends , uud the re sult was Inevitable , seeing thut no division wns possible. " n -.Advices from railway quarters show that interest in the question Is steadib' und widely spreading , and * thut the city of Lou- don itself lb coming In. " Sir Chupllu's bpeech greatly impressed the and be was loudly applauded. T1r iu u 1'rlnt Nhop. Shortly ufter S o'clock yesterday morning fire was discovered In the printing house of F. . A. Monger , S12 South Thirteenth street. When the deportment arrived it was some time before much could be done as the smoke poured In dense volumes from the windows H und doors. It was fully twenty minutes after the alarm wus turned In that the seat of the fire was located. Doors and windows both in the first and second floors -were broken open. The fire was found to be in thcr rear of the store , uud wus soon extinguished. The building 4s owned by the Northwestern s Life Insurance company , and the damage to t l will be about $200 , The loss on the stock of Mr. Manger will reach ? 2,000 , covered by Insurance. This Is the second time during the past year that this place bus been afire. The first time it started in the store proper , and the blaze was seen by an employe of the Electric Light company. IICTUEE the Ktrewt , who turned In the alarm. He , by the way , was the first to see the fire yesterday , and be turned In the alarm. In both Instances no one was . . found who could give any Idea as to how it * ' started. From appearances it would seem that the fire yesterday started iu the basement and worked its wny up. The Columbia Clothing company , In the rear of whose place is Manger's establish ment , will suffer a heavy ID&S from smoke and water , reaching into tbo thounands. The store will remain closed till the Insurance He adjusted. _ _ incitement * of Kemcolue Vrneln M } ' 30. At Llverjwol Arrived Indluna.frora Phil adelphia. At London Arrived Baumw ell , from Montreal. At Glasgow Arrived Norwegian , horn Xew York. At J'ulladulpblu Arrived Maine , from London. At Scllly Fcssefl Buakw , from Philadel phia , Russia , from New York. Trust Company KANSAS C1TV. May 30B M Jarvl * und kt L. Coiikllu of tbe JarviB-ConUln Mort- C&CC compeAj trc in this city , "With refer lor ence to thr affair * of tbe Jarvln-rotiklln Mortgage Trust oumpuny Mr. Jiirvls said' "I can say thut reorganisation Is now assured , nnfl tbe creditors will nt-clve liw cents nn the dollar. It Will tuke about ninety dnj-K to wind up tbe nffnirs of the > ld rnmprtny. The new company will be capitalized ut " VXITJI > rinJi t A * Spvclal I'rxyrr Sen lee Uriel for th Yt - rrunx of thr Kcpiihlln. ALBANY. Ore. , May SO. The I'nltwl Presbyterian nwombly opened nt it in. with prayer. Tlie it-port of tbe committee on church extension wns rend und ap tr proved. tt The report of the committee on reform contains the following recommenda tions , which wennilopted : Protesting against Cttthollc encroachment ujKin tbe Indian schools , especially nguliiHt the meas ure befort- congress to npproprlnte $ ) for the expenditure nf the Cuthollr chtirrti for this purpose ; protesting ugulnst San- bath 1t 1 ciusttcrutlon : favoring tmppre.Hi'on ' of 1r tbe liquor tmllicluvuring ; un lunemiinent to tbe constitution of the United States rei-ocnlslnc ; the deltj , expressing sympathy wltb unemployed lubor and tlioxp w ho llnd no mhrket for tbelr product , und n reinlu- tlon in use tbe right of c-ltlaenshlp to elect men who will ruleln the fear of God and for tbe good uf the republic. The ussemlnj ciiKuged In a xpuclul service of prav.r for the veteran soldiers of tbe republic and gave an expression of fyinputhy with Ut - orntlon da } exercises. The report of the committee on finance was adopted. liinknrcl * AnntinJ Meet Ing. MYERSDALE , Pa. . May Rd.-The wcnthrr has moderated considerably since ytiater- day and the Intnhnrds who gathered ut the meeting todny did not find the tuhernuole quite so unpleasant. About .ViOU persons were present. All the bushiest * tru.imai.ted wus of u routine imtute. Illlll il runner Shut While In Ttecl Without Any Apparent IHotlin. WATSEKA , III. , Jliiy 30. Stokes Hell- Ings , un unmurrled fiirmer , living alone about seven miles MJUtbeuKt of thin city , wiin shot tuk'c while In bed this morning. One ball penetruted his breust and the other his ju\v. In this condition he aiose and managed to reueh the house nf his neurest neighbor , ubout hulf n mile dlstutit. Helling * suw the man who committed the deed , but did not lecognlze him. After the neighborhood had been aroused neiii-ch was made for some clew to the iip ifHln. when n j'ong mun numed John Humwiill wus found unconscious In un outs Held ncioss the roud , his head eoveted with blood , his coat und throat cut. Zumwult wu * . met by his uncle , Jesse Xitmwult of thlh city , in Chicago yesterday. It ih thought he came down on the midnight train and walked out to th scene of the trngedi. YoungZumwalt will probably die. The cune lb icry mysterious. Helllngs had no enemies und little -wealth , thoucrh the jiresumption heems to b ? thit fie wjuld- be murderer thought be bud money. Young Zumwult formerly resided in that vicinity , but be bus mude him home In Chicago for the lust two yeurs. Whether he Ehot Hell- ings and then attempted suicide is not known. jrj.v.\r.i j-j.orn or r ITT. Turn Out u I.urge Amount Which With 1'rartlrully Ail Mild. MINNEAPOLIS , Mny 30. The Northwest- era JUlller suys : The Minneapolis mill * ground pruetlcully the sume amount of flour ns the week befoiv IM.fcKI barrels , aguiiist 17S.K17 in 18P3. Froduetlon this week will probably be even heavier. Nearly as much Hour wan sold lust week usVUB mude. Some parties wild about us. Inrge n quantity ol'patent abroad jut they dlU ut home. BaUeis iiouUnuo to 4ro lor expert Hut offrja are tending downwuiJ , The. Superior nnd lJiiluth mills innde _ Ki.j ! 4 , bir- , . . condition of trade IK .nut murh iilterrS from n week ago. The .output id JVIIlvaukeeWUH . hatrels. 'comparea with S7.MW burrels the week lieforc and 4SWU ( luinelt ) in Floui ha * Improved Humewhiit. At St Louis nine city mills and eight .near iiv mnrte 4CI : ) : > 0 barrels. The. market Js rtlii lifeless. KansuB , JCebiusku und Oklahoma crop reports arc ' " ' " 'b luss favorable than they buve Itt-en , owing to tlie drouth , mst and frobt. Colonel Speed iintl HIP Surmiiientn Cuntln- gent Dehert Oeiierul Kelt ] . BT. LOUIS , May SO.-This being a holi day , thousands of people visited tbe enmp of the Commonweulers. "Commodore"w Kelly liud planned lo leave tomorrow , but -will be unable to do no because ol u split in tbe ranks , caused by dlssensloiiFi of long standing. Colonel Speed of Snmuneiito bus succeeded in getting I'ompanieH N , U , C , H und L > , representing the Sacramento contingent , to follow him , urtdwill go to Washington bv some other mute than Hint tuken by Kelly The nrmr left cump at o'clocl ; this evening , und uficr being joined by several local assemblies of the ICnlghts of Lribor niurched to Twellth street , in the vicinity uf tbe Grunt mewiment win-re an immense crowd hud ansembled. Kelly and a number of labor leaders addressed the assembly , ufter which they murched back to camp. -Working for un ( > 1 < 1 Claim. CHICAGO , Mny 30. Tlie western heirs of Jacob Be Haven perfected tbe orgunl- zutlon of tbe Jucob IJe Huvtui ulub tciduy und adjourned. The new rlub l to work In conjunction with the eastern lieli-s to secure the puyment nf the claim ugulnst the government , which hnF been -variously estimated nt from J2.WIQ.WW to SlII.Wm.iKK ) . The president of the -lub Is Tt. G. Blugofos nf Ruclne , "Win. During revolutionary times Jacob De Haven , who lived ut A'ulley Forge , loaned the government Slwj.ooJ. Thin money wns never Jepuld , and the livlim helif > want to get the principal and Interest trom the government.o Killed ii ; u l rnlght Wrrek. BHAROK , MUMS. , Mny HO-Three men were killed and one serloubly Injured in freight wreck here todaj. An express freight smashed Into Home freight curs left on tbe iinrthhmind track by the local freight train. The deud ure. K1RI2MAN EDWARD T. GOODWIN of Itoxbury. liliNJARIIN M'LBOn nf TJoston. AN t'NICNOWJC THAMP. The one seriously Injttied if u trumii , who wns stealing a ride In company with the one killed. His Hume Is not known. a Hot-He htoulliic by lioletmlr. GI'THRIE , Okl. , Stay 30. During tbe pust eighteen months nearly 200 homes have iHH-n ptolen In Pottuwuttumle county , but wns Impossible to obtain any elew to the Identity of the thieves until the piiHt week , when a man In jull lor murder mude u con fession , which nuve the ciflieers clews , re sulting In the indictment by the grand jury yenleuluy of thlrtj-thtee residents of this oounty for horse stealing. Wun.v of the In- dli'ted men ure fanners of prominence. Seventeen of tlicin have already been Jailed. Veil from u 7'ruper.e. a Last night about 30 o'clock Mrs. Clark , one of the. Razilllan family , which has been performing nt Cotirtland beach , fell from a trnpesc , u dlstunre. of thirty feet. She fell on her buck , her shoulders striking the ground first. She escuped without brtuUnK any bones and It IH thought with out sustaining Internal injuries , but was badly bruised. She wus In great pain when removed lethe the . residence of "VV. R. Gould ut 509 North FJfteentb utrcet. Mrs. MurjCuhlll tlvorr ul. BIOUX FALLS , B. I ) . , Mny 30. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) This morning- de cree of divorce was grunted Mary Cuhlll to from Uichatil Colilll. Mre. Cuhlll Is the author of several well known novels. The defendant was here to contest the case Is the editor of Horn * "Lltht. a Catholic puper , published in Chicago. The cruund for the divorce was uotisuppurt. Ctilomm Siilli fur Euroj > . NEW YORK , May 30. Among the pas- senperswho Bulled for Europe today on the Bte-amur New York -were the T'rlncwM dl Culutrn Colonna , with two of her chil dren , mulds and one man servant The princess nays she exptctn to be away from America ulx mouths. Teuvlu > u Her bamiuar KEW YORK May SOThe Uytiktnlt * cruiser VeBUVlus whlrh nailed from Boston yesterday UU her Hummer rrulsf urr veil he new yard Kb irtly be' < re FIO/H. will probably remain * t the burr a Xew duye before prooceOlnc. o DITCHED AT A SWITCH Bemoval of a Bolt Causes a Fatal Wreck in Wisconsin. SIX LIVES LOST AND MANY INJURED Coaches Immediately Take Fire and Oromats Most of tlie Victims , ENGINEER AND FIREMAN DIE IN THE CAB Trainwrecters Arc Supposud to Have Tani- perod with the Switch. PASSENGERS IN THE SLEEPER ALL SAVED Scrim f I he Wtv-rU HII Abniidnneil Lumber To n Wherr i.lttle Aerominodiitloii Tor the Injuj-rd Cnuld lie Obtained DetulU of the IllmiHtvr. MAKSIiriELD. WIs. , May 30. Train Mo t on the Wisconsin Ccntrul railroad wui wrecked here thlb morning. The curs took , fire and there was a terrible IOBS of life Six persons , arc dead and four others arc missing , supposed to have been burned to death , and from fifteen lo twenty persons are injured i , some of them fatally. Among Nit dead ure the engineer , fireman und brukeman. A nut bad bean taken off the switch allow - ItiE It to get loose. Train No. 4 jumped the track. The forward curs took fire nt onct nut Conductor Gavin succeeded in uncoupling the rear sleepers and No. 47 , thereby saving f them from burning. Everything else burned except some mull und baggage. The namcb of the killed are : JAMES HUBBAKI ) , engineer , of Stcvtau I'oint. GEOItGE GEEHAUDT , fireman , of Steveni I'olnt. .TCDSON BIGELOW , bnikcman , uf Stevcui 3 W. B. RUSSELL , n civil engineer in the cm- \ ploy of the company. ' MRS. JOHN WAGNER. Duller , burned IE the ruins. > Among the Injured aie : ' Henry Chester , Alarblifleld , legs und spin * badly injured. O. W. Ilozely , news agent , Ste-vens Point , Injured Internally ; died in a few hours. > Arthur Turnlce , Chicago , head cut and otherwise Injured ; will re-cover. Dr. Weltzel. Glldden , hurt intoriiRlly runnle Burtle , Sprlngdale , 111. , hand badly cut , „ AVIlllam Ryan , Sturgeon Bay , ribb broken and head cut. . E. A. Twltche.ll , attorney at law , Mlnne- apolls , head cut. Henry Klleber , received internal f.nd ex ternal -wounds , probably fatal. Charles Welnburntrayrllng - man of Chlp- l > evi-a ralU , badly bruited. - I'red Jack of Bessemer , Mlcli. , badly bruised. ' . - - * - Arthur Tunica 'nf Chicago cuf In the head 5 and Jes kura ued. - * "William Ryan of Sturgeon Bay , WJs. , sev- ; ] era ! ribs brukon and head badly cut , I CAUSE OF THE DISASTER. At the office of General Manager Whit- , ] combe it was stated that the ace dent happened at 1JC n. in. , and the -wrecked train wcs let southbound limited from MlnmmpDlls to Chi- " I cago. It was a fairly heavy train and -wai j running ut the usual rule of speed when it j trtruck the - openswitch and -went off on a " ] straight piece of level track. The baggage und mail cars , the smoker and second day j coach and two of the three sleepers left the I track and nearly all the cars , except one ol I the two Sleepers. , were cither burned or badly j wrecked. 1 Three or four .members ofthe train crew j were reported missing , and it is thought Jj that they were beneath the wreck. Several 'i | passengers are not yet accounted for and J may alBo be dead. None of the passengers j in the sleepers were Injured , but twelve or 4 > J fifteen In the smoker and day coach were "A hurt. The'Injured were brought to Mnrshfleld , 1 where they are receiving every poHElble at- J tuition. The bodies of the trainmen" were I taken .to Stevens Point. J A report that one of Ihe Tweedy brothorB ] uf thlb city was among the killed was a I mistake. Aman supposed to be among tbo I dead wus referred In the first report as j thought to be one of Tweedy's men , -mcau- J Ing one of the men he employs as laborers. ] Robert H. Tweedy Is the chief englneeer of j the Wisconsin Central , and the first uiippo- 1 bitlmi was that It was ho who was in the j wreck. 1 The opinion litronely prevails In onica\ ! 1 clrcleh of the CentraLthat the -wreck was tbe * 1 result of crlmlnalJBtainperlng With the ; 1 switch at ManVHlaTTlt does not appear that -I It can be out of place except by being tarn- J pered with , and it is believed that some -j wrecker has caused the terrlblu accident by iti a murderous act. , ; J The town of Manville , where the accident al happened , was almost tolally dehtrojud by PI lire last fall , and nince tiiat time there has | been little there except a railway station. 'i It wa . formerly a lumber center , and a Vl large saw mill was operated there. .J Receiver Howard Morris was In the roar 1 sleeper , and telegraphed the first facts to -I General Manager Whltcombe. , | HUSHED HEADLONG TO DESTRUCTION. 1 MILWAUKEE , May 30. A special to the .1 Evening Wlfconsin from Marfchfleld , "NVIs. . I saysThe St. Paul limited southbound I train on the Wisconsin Central railroad , I which pnssed here at 1:30 : a. m , met with J horrible accident , which has never been 2 etmalcd iu northern Wisconsin , and adds I another long list of victims to the dit > - 1 asters of this kind. The train , which wan i in charge of Conductor Gavon , and WUE -I made up uf seven coaches and sleepers , left I Abbottsford behind time , and while running ,1 at fifty mlluH an hour struck a dofvctivtt I split switch at Mannville , a deserted station , I derailing the uutlre train and piling engine I and cars In a heap uf broken timbers. To I add to the tiorror the entire mass was soon I In a bliuet of flame , which , mingled with J the groans and cries of the injured , made 1 scene that turned the htiart of the brav'I eat. I No. 8 northbound passenger PUHRCS No , 41 I at this place , and as soon as word was re- I cetved No , 8 went to the scene with a num- I her of physiclanb and nurfces from here , The I dead and wounded were brought back and tbe I depot was turned into u hospital vheru I everything was done to make the unfortu- I iiutcs comfortable. I Mannville , the scene of the accident wns I once a lively saw mill town , but uf latu I years has gradually sunk to nothing , until I now all that remains are. a few scattered I buildings. Pur Ing the forest flrus last fall i the dt'jiot burned and about ull thut Is Isft 1 mark the place are a heap of burned ruin * I and a number of side tracks. The accident I occurred ut the first switch , where ft sup- I pofied broken bar ( mused a switch to opei > . 1 sufficiently to derail the train. I After leaving tbe track the train plowed ] alone over the ties for a distance of ton rodi j and then toppled and rolled over , the eii- 1 glue and tender golne into the dllcb and ' the cars piling on top of elxch other All I were uoon set on fire from tbe stoves Front I out of this tangled muss men ana -women I who were lucky iinougb not to be pluntA I down crawled , many inuklng woudurful e * > I capes. Tbo bodies uf Tluusull end Jud I Ulgulow , who were caught In the Uinbiii , I were not recovered until about 7 o'clock I thle morulne , and were burned to u crisp. I As near an can be ascertained about fifty I paskeneurii were un tbu train , and M thi I work uf clearlne away the wreckaee tut * on otbtri may be yet found to swell the lut { those who act their dettii by