THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 23 , 1894. SPEG1HL NOTICES. . . AilvertlMinontii for theno column * will l > e until 12 30 p. m. for tlm evening nnJ until 9 : < W p , m for the mornlnif nnd Hun < lay lltlon . AdvertliK-m , \ > y rcmiciitlnK a mimlx-rctl r.ieck. Kin have an wrrii nililrMrn ! to a numbered lot- lr In cre of Tlio llrp. Anawpra no ntMrc > < l will bo delivered upon proscntnllon of tlm check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Ilntm. lie ! word firm minion , Jo a word thereafl r. Nothing tak n for _ ! jhan Kc. AS MILLRIl IN A MI LI. from 25 to 60 barrels per day. or nil econd In n lariro mill ; nm lnKl : M yonrn ; upcnk incll : li nnd Oormnn ; Rood referenccii given. Address August Hartmann , Ollmore , NP ! > . A MJU 81 * A. TOt'NO IjAI > YWIIOWIBin:9 : TO Ij drennmnklnic : would Ilko place nt onco. Ad- dreM 2SJ1 California it. A SIS It' WANTED MALE HEM ? . nnten , liio word first Insertion. Jo n word thereafter , Nothing taken for lens tlmn 2So. BOLIC1TOI1H , TKAMiTirUHNIHlIi : ! ) ; 1NBTA Mo ment Koocla. American Wringer Co. , 1W9 How ard street. H-3M _ AOKNTH , HALATIY OH COMMISSION . Tim Rrcati-Kt Invention of the nge. The New rat- cnt Chemlcnl Ink Krnslnit IVncll. Hells on nlKhl. Works like magic. ARentB nro making 12'.0) to 1125.0per week. Kor further par- tlculnrs write tlio Monroe Hrnslng MfK. t.o. , X 80 , Irfi C'rome. Win. l > lit _ \VANTKD , MKN TO TAKn OHDnilfl IN C1TT on iialnry : former experience not required. Applf at UK Dousing. D-M3M MM WANTKD. A Tiionouom/r salesman with an rxlnbllsheil trade to sell ft line of iHxits , shoe * nnd rubber * ( IloMnn goods ) In the mate of Nebraska. Must give good references. Address K. 1J. I'lekcnbrnck. Du- buque. In. H-M08T WANTiD-TO BEI.L OtIIl GOODS ! > / immplo to tli wholesale nnd retail trade ; sell on sight to every btislni-si man or firm : liberal salary ; money advanced for advertising nnd expenses ; permanent position. Address , with stamp , King Mfs. Co. , C-42 Chlcaso. III. U-M218 it' _ _ WANTED. OOOD MEN TO HANDLE I.UIIRI- rntlnir , linseed nnd paint oils alone or ns a sldn line. Address No. 705 , Qcneiw avenue , Cleveland. Q. fl M231 51 * _ WANTKD-KinHT CLASS BHAl'EU HAND. Apply H. M. Clunmul , 1023 So. 18th. 11 354-23 * WANTED , LAIIOHIUIS AND TBAMHTEIIS ON the II. & M. Ity. extension In Montana nnd Wyoming1. Kiee truinportiillon. Knimcr l& O'llcurn , labor agency , llth and Farnnm streets. 11 M.riS 26 * \VANT13O. SALESMAN ; HALARY PROM .Mart , permanent place. IJrown Ilros. Co. , nurserymen. Chicago , III. H MM ! ) JK' WANTED , AGENTS Altn MAKING $23.00 TO 1100.00 n day handling our ciln operated liquid vending fountains ; every machine Ruarnntced. Write nt once for particulars , llnthwpll Mfg. Co. . Cincinnati , O. 11-M3C3 23 * TO RENT. A HANDSOME UPRIGHT PIANO , very reasonable. Address M 2 , lleo nlllcc. It M3CC 23 * WANTED. A FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS MAN ; must bo n good salesman , stock-keeper nnd understand window die-islng ; best of reference required : nlnftlo man preferred. Addresi Lock llox 75 , Oborlln , Knn. H M362 23 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. nates. IKo word first Insertion , lo n word thcrpafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. BEST OF WAGES TO COMPETENT OIRL ; must 1 ? good cook nnd laundress. Mrs. J. M. i -Thurston , 2108 Fnrnam. C 203 LADIES WANTING GIRLS APPLY AT THE Scandinavian Young Ladles' home , 3301 Cumins. C M755 2S ' 3.00 TO JIO.OO TOR DAY BY LADY AGENTS who handle my Roods. Call nt once or nddresa L. M. Swnrlz , 2C17 Chicago street. C 979-23 * WANTED , CIHIL FOR GENERALHOUSE- work. Call SOI N. 18th 1 p. in. or after 0 p. m. C-217 23 * WANTED , FIRST-CLASS , EXPERIENCED cook ; none other need apply , nt room G3. Paxton - ton hotel , from 0 to 7 p. m. C M230 21 AGENTS. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AND best sellers In ladles' poods. Wrlto todiy. It will pay von. Ladles' Supply Co. . 3118 Foreit nvenuo , Chicago. C MSG7 23 * WANTED. 10 CURLS TO WORK IN IHIUSII fnctoiy ; none under IB yearn old need apply. Call a. M. Gummitl , 1029 B. 18th street. C M365 25 FOR , BENT HOUSES. Rales , ll&c & word first Inrcrtlon , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than SSo. PINK FLAT IN CLOURER HI.OCIC AT 703 S. IGth st. : ranRO nnd nil other conveniences ; J23. Gcorgo Clotiscr. room 2 , 1023 Farnam st. D 911 HOUSES. F. K. DARLING. BARKER BLOCK. - - D 332 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. 1 * . Davis company , 1505 Fnrnam. D 353 I-ROOM COTTAGES. MODERN. CHOICE IN Balnford Circle. C. S. Elgutter , 204 lien build- Ing. D 354 RENTAL AGENCY , 607 BROWN 11LOCK. D J55 FIRST CLASS. WELL LOCATED HOUSES. L. S. Skinner. 310 N. Y. Life. D 358 ; 0 * CLEAN"COMFORTABLE. CONVENIENT , mmlonito rentals , best 3 nnd 4-room suites for housekeepers only. References required. Also . G-room suite In tenement. 810 S. 22d st. D-358 KELKENNEY&CO..R. 1. CONTINENTAL BLK. NICE C-ROOM COTTAGE. J10.00 PER MONTH. L. 8. Skinner , 310 N. Y. Life. D9S3 CHOICE HOME , EIGHT ROOMS AND BARN : nice lawn , city water nnd southeast front ; 1 block Houth of ( Leavenworth on 3Sth nvenuo ; J23.00. Apply to N. 1'crry. on premises. D 239 fOR RENT. J33.00 PER MONTH. 4110 LAFAY- ctto avenue , 7 rooms , furnace , bath , hot nnd cold water , clo t , uns. electric lighting nppll- nnces. etc. lleniitlfnl lawn , tices , etc. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnnm stiect. D M213 FOIl RENT. GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM housi' . 2C21 Capitol avenue. Also 9-room housa 2"i29 Cnpltol nvpnuo. I ! > II. RobUon , loom 7 , Commercial National. D M&98 I-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE , U V AND vliiidp. 2121 Miami street. D M l FOR RENT. VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. 2513 Fainain. It. C. Pntter on , Rnmge bldg. r D M7J7 FOR RENT. THE BEST MODERN 10-ROOM linusn In Omalin for the money. Tcmplctnn & I'lorann. 308 Paxton block. D-M810 Id HOUSES. F , D. WEAD. IGth & DOUllLAS. rot'R-ROOM HOUSE. S315 JONES. M.OO. Sclby , S31 Chamber Commoico. D-M113 1 ROOMS. W S. J7TH STREET.D D 51109 J1S * 10-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN CONVEN- enci'B , goml clstcni nnd ccllur , newly papered and painted throughout ; splendid location. In- qluro 40 N. Y. Llfo bldtf. between 11 nnd 12 u. m. or f and G p. m. _ U Mli > 9 20 IVH HAVE A VERY LARGE NUMUER OF houses for rent ; J5.00 per month nnd up. Call for new lift Just turned. Clco. J. Paul , 111 Hoard of Trade. D M171 23 * _ MiOOU COTTAGE. FULL LOT. PAVED ST. . all modern coiiM-ntenccs. XX Parker st. , * 2iW. D 223 2J jl'NE 1ST. C-ROOM COTTAGE WITH FUR- niice. batn , i Inset , mnrbln wash xliuul , good b.irn , etc. , J22.W. The Fidelity , 17th nnd Fnr nam. D-350-23 " _ , rOTTAGE. 317 NORTH 17TH. 10 oms. 425.W. L. R. Seymour , 2101 Wlrt. D-M357 FOB BENT rUBNISHEU BOOMS , roil RUNT. AT row ROUGE. A I.ARGB. RAY window , oecund xtory front room , for 110.09 a month. No other roomers and no children. rOn RENT. A LARGE SOUTH ROOM AT 191J Dodge itreet. 15-M579 t OR S ROoTlS FURNISHED COMPLETE { Qll huusekeeplng. and also nice , conl tlceplna rooms. 1411 Honunl street. U M9I7 23 * VERY I'LBASANT iJOOiT INQUinil 1319 - . . . . ' E 25 AETNA HOUSE. NORTHWEST CORNER 1JTH and UoOse. Rooms by tlio day or week. E-CTi-JS * FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. FOR 1 OR 2 K" " " ' B. Mth av . E-5C9--23' ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT b-uixl. : : il Duiisla * 3tro t. Refercncoii 10- qulrod. E-.M9U a * Ft'RNlSIIED ROOMS AT Z2J NORTH 19T3I ntlVft. " UEsmiAllLE ROOMS wTTH HOARD ; " Mm. tlod o. 202 N. ISIIi. r-M3ll 13 * PITRNISHEO ROOM ; QliNTLEMAN. MI7 HAH- lu-y Btrtx-t. U J47-S > TWO NIt'EUY FURN1BHEU HOUTH ROOMS , eiuulta or ociunitn ; gentlemen only. 31J N. 114 t. FTJBNTSHED BOOMS AND BOABD. Ttutu.Q won ! first Insertion , lo n ward thtrmifler. NollilnR Ukco for leu than ZSc. UOITH ROOMS AND HOOD UOARD. 210 } tr ct. Nu ir Y runNisiiED ROOMB , WITH HOARD. lit ) IXxlvr tr t. FUBNISHED BOOMS AND DOABP Continued. ROOM WITH HOARD. PRICE MODERATE , ? 4M C M. F-ll _ FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD. REFER. ences. 2214 r.irnnm St. F 972 23 * _ FRONT AND HACK PARLOR UNFURNISHED. very d klrnl > to : also furnished room ; all first class. 112 B. lh St. F-930 _ YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME , UNDER CARE OP Women' * Christian association. Ill 8. 17th st. F 389 _ ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. with nrst-clasi board. 1 0 Capitol ave. Innulr * 19 Capitol nve. F M774 _ BOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO , WITH board , In prlvato fumlly. 2020 Bt , " " { v' " " FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with board nt 1715 Chjcago. _ r M-ir ! _ LARGE nOOMTviTII AlJcOVE , EAST FRONT : nisi ) elegant riKms with or without board , at tha Webster. 210 nnd 218 N. 19th F-US 2f * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , FOLDING beds , modern convenience , with good brtariL The .Rose. 2020 Harncy. F-219 3i * _ FINE LARGE OR SMALL ROOMS. WITH OR without board ; every convenience : private family. References. 1709 Dodge. F M3I3 23 * PLEASANT ROOM WITH HOARD FOR TWO gotlemen. 2MO Dodge st. F 3o3-23 * ROOM AND P.OARD , PRIVATE FAMILY , B minutes walk from postolllco ; Una lawn. Ad dress M 3. lle. . F M371 2o * FOB BENT-UNFUBNISH'D BOOMS. Rates , me word nrst Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken tor less than 8Sc. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR housekeeping , city water , tc. , low rent : northwest - west corner 17th nnd Webster st. O 361 E UNFURNISHED CHAMI1ERS FOR HOUSEkeeping - keeping to man and wife ; no children ; 319 N. G-M7-SS * 17th. FOB BENT , STOBEB AND OFFICES Rates. IMo word first Insertion. Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than25c. 10 MONTHS LEASE OF STORE , J03 S. FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRiqiC BUILDING. 818 Fnrnam st. The building has n fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating fix tures. water on all floors , gas , etc. Apply at the olTlcn of The Dec. I " ° _ DESK ROOM CHEAP. FRONTING FARNAM. Room 2. 1623 Farnam street. I M614 FOR RENT. CHEAP , FRAME WAREHOUSE , 708 nnd 710 Leavenworth street , with U. P. trackage. F. H. Davis. _ I M I2 20 DESK ROOM. WM. 7. WELSHANS. 33l" Hoard of Trade bldg. 1 04 _ FOR RENT. THREE-STORY AND BASEMENT brick building nt 1011 Farnnm street. In llrst- clasi condition , good location for nny business. Inquire of A. J. Popplcton , room 314 First Isn- tlonal bank building. I M35i 23 _ AGENTS WANTED. Rates. IHo word first Injcitlon. lo a word thereafter Nothing taken for less than 25e. AGENTS , BOTH SEXES : TEN INDISPENSA- bio articles ; retail for 15.10 : absolutely frea to our demonstrated rustlers. The Clausa Shear Co. . Kansas City. Mo. J M62S Juno 80' WANTED-AGENTS IN NEBRASKA AND Iowa to sell the Moss & Hlllynrd patent farm- crs' handy esc case at reduced price ; bis money In It for the right man. Apply W. T. Letts , sole manufacturer of the farmers' handy ega case. St. Joseph. Mo. J Sa7 Jj _ AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY CITY AND town to handle "The Story of the Common weal. " The fastest selling book ever published. J10.00 n day can bo averaged by good agents. Samples , 25c. Call or wrlto for terms. W. B. Conkey company , 341-351 Dearborn street. Chl- cago. 1111. J-M600 _ AVANTED , TRAVELING SALESMEN TO SELL lubricants ns a specialty or side line. Allen Oil & Grease Co. , Cleveland. O. J M232 2S * WANTED , AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS BY sample at homo or to travel. Expanses nnd good salary or commission to rlpht party. Apply nt once for samples. Address ZocU Box 1331 , N. Y. City. J STOKAOE. Rates. lV4c word nrst Insertion. Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. H. Wells , 1111 Farnam.M M 381 STORAGEWILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY. M-3C5 STOVES STORED DURING THE SUMMER. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair works. M114 Stay 81 WANTED TO BUY. Rates. lV4o word nrst Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. RETAIL LUMBER YARD , NEB. OR WESTERN Iowa. Address I' . O. Uox & 52 , Da\ld City , Neb. N 170 M24 CASH PAID FOR SECOND-HAND FURNIture - ture , carpets , etc. I. LJrussell. 710 & 713 Ni 16th , N 193 J3 FOBSALE HOBSES.WAQONS.ETO. Rates. l'/ic word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. FOR SALE , FAST MARE , COLT 1 WEEK old. by Wlnslow Wllkes. 2:0311. ( Illy 11 months old by Mark Wllkes. S. E. corner 21st and II streets. South Omaha. P M720 FOR SALE , TEAM WELL MATCHED BAY horses , cheap. T. J. Rogers , 14th and Farnam streets. P aigCO 23 * THREE CAR LOADS OF MISSOURI HORSES , single drivers , double teams , work horses , sad dle horses and ponies nrrlvcd Tuesday ; will be sold at auction Wednesday nt 1 o'clock sharp. Union Stock Yards stables. A. B. Clarke. P 318-22 $1.100 BERLIN COACH OR HACK.USED C months , S550. Drummond , 18th and Hnrney. I P-351-24 FOR SALE , THE BIGGEST BARGAIN YOU over saw : horse , phaeton nnd hat ness. Address - dress M 1. Bee. P M361 21 * FOR SALE. ONE ROCKAWAY CARr.IAGE , ono family carriage. In llrst-class condition. Ennulra of Gcorgo Forgan , American Savings bank. N. Y _ Llfo building. 1' M301 2J FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 ton of good barn-stored bay for sale. All orders filled promptly. Q 369 MISCELLANEOUS. Rates. IHo word first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25o. WANTED. A GOOD HORSE FOR HIS KEEP. Ing : will five him tlm best of care and light driving. Call 1403 Fnrnam st. It-220 2J OLAIKVOYANTS. Rates , IHo word first Insertion , lo n word thei carter. Nothing taken for lean than 25c. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable bu lnc33 medium ; 7lh ytar at 119 N. 11 B-367 MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. Rates , lOa n line each Insertion , 11.0 a line ptr month. Nothing taken for lcs than iSc. MADAME SMITH. " CO ? B. 13TH. 2D FLOOR , room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , sul- phurlno and sea baths. T M181 26 * MADAME BROWN. UU CAPITOL AVENCH. Id door , room 4 , mauage , alcohol , sulphur and ECU baths. T-MMJ 24 * ' MME. LA RUE , 41H SOUTH 15TH. T-73M10 * PERSONAL. Rates , me word first Insertion , lo a ward thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Sa. MADAME LA ROOK. MASSAGE. 322 N. tCTII pjrlura 12 nnd 13. U-M2- 1 2S * C1ET MAR1UED7 SEND FOR MY BIG PAPER ; hundreds of ad\crlls ia want husbands and wives. Mailed sealed for itamp. W. II. Har- beck. Denver. Colo. U M323 inM * MASSA'GE""TREATMENT ! ELECTRQUTHER- mat baths. Hculn & hair treatment , manlcura A chlropodls. Mr * . Post. 319H U IMh. Wlthnell blk. VIAVI. HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book und consultation free , Addre or call Vlavl Co. , 311 Bee bldff. Lndy attendant. Attend our free Illuitruted lectures next Tues. day. 8 p. m. 11 nil. 7th lloor 1 leu blde. _ _ U M _ MASSAGE , MADAME BERNAIID , 1419 DOUail. If M973-1 * PERSONAL TO LADIES-INVALUABLE AD. % lcc , "sp elal" questions answered ; Jl.W. Doctor , uHu C-1S , Contrul a\onue , Minneapolis , Minn. U M ? 24 * YOUR PAST. PRESENT AND FUTURE READ by lady clalrvpant. Mi B. 17th. U 222 27 COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES ASTHMA. bronchitis , consumption , catarrh , etc. Thret day * fr at . 33 , boutlas blk. llth anrt Do U U-4 LADIES' ( III Illicit. NEVER FA/I.S ) AND 19 O. N.T.l'Ink PIIU malled.tL Ladle * ' Baxaar.Omaha U-5 J-T HAIR RESTORED. FR .VNK mio5LlN. OFFICE with barber shop. 1315 Farnam St. . puaranieei tu irslors your hair If roots ara not destroyed , tops hair from falling out and returns natu ral color to gray hair. Free examination every day from 9 tu 11 a. tu. and I9 : to S p. m. u-m j _ MR3. F. DORSBY , CARD READING. 1120 N. i ) . U MIM MONEY TO LOAN BSAL ESTATE. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE FOR ANY LENGTH of time , from thirty diys to five years. Reed * Belby , S3I Board of Trade. Warrants bought. W230 UNITED 8TATE9 MORTOAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital UmOOO. Surplus 1600,000. Sub- mlt choice loans to F , S. 1'usey , agent. First National bank building. W M225-m20 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. * W 3J1 ANTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO. . IH N.Y.LIFBi loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city prnpcity , W ifO MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unlmprovid Omaha real estate , 1 to K years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Fnrnam. _ _ _ _ W" I ? _ LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED C1TY property ; J3.000 A upwards , G to CH per cent ; nj delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 13M Farnam. W 374 MONEY TO LOAN ATWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Fnmam st. _ W a MONEY TO LOAN Ohf FARMS IN DOUGLAS. Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real .estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam st. W-373 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . 10TH AND Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 377 LTFB 1N3URANCB POLIC1ES LOANED ON or bought. F , C , Chesney , Kansas City , MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 6 to 7 per cent. W. B. Melklc , First National bank building. W 379 _ " MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , Ml N. Y. Life" _ W-7KJ3L' LOANS. J. W. SQUIRE , 245 Bee , W890 CHOICE CITY AND FARM LOANS WANTED. J. N. Frenzer. opposite P. O. W 034-J15 CITY LOANS" ! c. A. STARR , sis N. ' Y. LIFE. LOANS. 1 TO 6 YEARS , WARRANTS , BONDS , etc. Gnrvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. Life. W j/5 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates. I'/io ' word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. MONEY TO LOAN Wo will loan you any sum which you wish , small or large , at the lowest poslblo rates. In the quickest possible time , and for any length of tlma to suit you You can pay It back In such Installments as you wish , when you wish. and only pay for It as long as you keep It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS. HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE. OR ANY OTHER SECU1HTY , without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 306 SOUTH IGTH STREET. First llooor nbovo the street. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-383 _ WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlty : strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1. Continental block. X 330 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE , PIANOS. ull articles of value. Fred Terry , 430 Ramga block. _ _ X 381 THE PLACE TO BORROW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY ON HORSES AND MULES , MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , MONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS. MONEY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MONEY ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES. MONEY ON goods that remain with you , MONEY IF YOU WANT NO PUBLICITY. MONEY IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS. MONEY AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME. MONEY THAT you may pay back at any time. nnd In nny amount. Is nt ROOM 4. WITH- NKLL block , corner 15th nnd Harney streets. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. X 382 _ MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES. WAGONS. pianos and furniture of all kinds Business confidential J B. Haddock , room 427 , Ramgo block. _ X 334 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- crty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life building. X-MZ71 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , IWo word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lc than 23c. THE NATIONAL INFORMATION AND EX- chnngc Co. , 203 First National bank , Omaha , have cash nnd clear city and farm property to exchange for merchandise. Wo want gro ceries , dry goods , drugs , clothing , boots and shoes and general stocks. For sale , stock dry goods , boots nnd shoes. JO. 000.00. General merchandlso S5.000.00. Gro ceries J400.00 to $8.000.00. Bilkery and confec tionery J2i)0.00 ) to 11,000.00. Call on or write us If you want to buy , sell or exchange anything. PARTNER WANTED : INTEREST IN A branch business of well established firm ; 5300.00 required. Address L 00 , bee , with full particu lars. Y-M173 J19' _ A TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP VERY CHEAP ; best location ; first class business ; good reasons for selling. Address L Cl. Bee. Y M33C 26 * THE PIONEER BUSINESS AGENCY , SHERt- djn , Wyo. , have for sale , hotel , businesses , farms , estates for colonies , securities , mining shares. Collections made. Y M341 21 * SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION OPEN TO ALL. Try our syndicate system of speculation. In crease your Income ; Information free ; send for circular. Thompson & Derr Co. . 38 Wall sreet. New York. Incorporated under the laws of the state of New York. Capital , 1100,000. Y M363 23 * _ RESTAURANT AND CHOP HOUSE. CHEAP ; easy terms ; good business. Will exchange for clear property. S. II. Walker , 22 Barker block. Y M360 23 * _ FOB EXCHANGE. Rates. 1H ° word first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. TO EXCHANGE. CHASE COUNTY LAND FOR merchandise. Box 261 , Imperial , Neb. 2 M930 23 * _ EIGHT HUNDRED ACRE RANCH IN ELK- born valley for sale or trade. A bargain. Ad dress L 39 , Bee. 2 935 22 * A GOOD RANCH TO TRADE FOR WESTERN marcs ; about 1,000 acres , hay , timber nnd water. Address M. L. Taylor. Sprlngvlevr , Neb. Z M954 JIG * WANTED-GROCEUY STOCK. DRY GOODS stock , boot and shoo stock , clothing stock , drug stock or general merchandise stock , also a wine und liquor stock. In exchange for clear Omaha property or Nebraska lands nnd part cash. The larger the slocks the better. All Information in regard to stocks strictly con fidential. W. H. Green , 217 Karbach block , Omaha. Neb. Z-M1C4 23 FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. Rates , lyjo wo'-d first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. * BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ale or trade. F. 1C. Darling , Barker block. RE 38(1 ( 5 , 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. 2W MILES EAST of Council Ultirfs. at 1100.00 to $200.00 per acre , suitable for fruit gardens und homes. Da } & Hess. Council muffs. II E-MI31 J3. BARGAIN. N. E. CORNER 29TH AND HICK- cry. F. K. Darling. Barker block. RE-388 VILLA RIDGE ACHES ON MILITARY ROAD , near motor line , at (000.00 , easy terms ; pa\eu stieet this summer ; now Is the tlmn to buy , A. P. Tukey. RE-M8D1 DO YOU WANT A HOME. A COZL LITTLE farm ot 3 to 30 acres , where you can attend to your business In the city and ralso your own fruit , \egetnblci and poultry and live Ilko a king when times are hard ! Come quick nnd Ret your choice. Terms easy. Add. Box CU Mlllard. Neb. R 1172 VERNON HEIGHTS IS IN THE NORTHwestern - western part of the clty.overloolcliir Miller Park , and Is the most sightly view to be found. Think of the price nnd terms. JGOO per acre , } SO cash and J15 per month. Fidelity Trust com pany , agents. R E 889-23 FOR 8 ALE. T-IIOOM HOUSE AND LOT AT n barcnln , ono block from inoter. Inquire at 816 a. 25th st. R E 913 JH * VILLA RIDGE-HEAUTirUL ACRES. ON Military road , north ot motor line , easy terms , only 33.00 per acre. Bar * and sound Invest- merit. A. P. Tukey. R E 737 FOIt B.VLE-WE ARE INSTRUCTED TO SELL all of the untold lots In Kymonr's addition , which lays on tlio beautiful plateau couth ot Miller park and near North Iloulcvaid , at the small price of only J100,00. These are the cheapest lots In the city , und we will nUo you easy times on these loin. Bend for plats , etc. Geu. J. Paul , 111 Hoard of Trade.R R E-M170 23 * _ * 100 FT. OHIO STREET , CORNER 40TH , ON cradc , tine view , jsoo. worth twice that ; tan use good driving hone. Fidelity TruM com pany , 1T02 Furnam st. It E 319-M 2J FEET ON CUMINO ST. NEAP. 27TII ONLY JI.WO. content o ner , vnry cheap | . terms easy. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Fnrnnm st , FOR SALE. AT GREATLY REDl.'CED PRICES and on eaey payments , 18 loti near Academy uf the S. crcd Heart , Apply lo Geo. M. Cooper , Patternm block. RE M36.1 n * LOST ON SUNDAY , TWO WATCH CHARMS ; retuiu to Janvs Morton & Son Co. . 1511 Dodge l end receive rc\\unl , . ' .out 2il-U LOST-LADIES' GOLD WATCH ? BETWEEN corner Cupltol nvenuo nnd 2Ctn and Bennett's store , about 8 ft. m. Finder will kindly return tti W. It. Bennett Co. M-224 3 * PAWNBBOKEBS. Rates. IKo word tint Insertion , lo K word thereafter. Nothing taken fur less than 2 . FRED MOIir < B"uiTU FARNAU. oT" Rates , l > ie word first Insertion , lo n , word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than ZSc. WE HAVE 1W ACRES OF-ULUE GRASS PAS- lure for horses. Board fence , spring water. Barton A Phelns. OIlmorc.aiKeb. . or A. W. Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. Llfifbldff. Telephone 1054. UPHOL3TBBINQ. CITY UPHOLSTERING co FURNITURE made nnd repaired. Carrots laid and furniture patched and polished. fcWfJfarnam ; tel. 15 < ] . 201 M25 _ _ _ _ _ SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITINO. .O ItT Rates. IHc word first Insertion , lo a ward thereafter. Nothing taken far less Ihnn 25o VAN SANTS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. ( Ill N. Y. Life. Omaha. Ask for circular. M391 DBESSMAK.INO. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. ADDRESS Hiss Sturdy , 4218 Nicholas streetMM7 M21 * UNDEBTAKEBS AND EMB ALMEBS II , K. BURKETT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. 1613 Chicago , Tel. 00. JS3 MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE. Rates , IHc word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothlnn taken for less than 25c. O FV GILLENRECK. llANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California at. S14 THE REALTY MARKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on. record May 22. 1891 : WARRANTY DEEDS. Henry Wilson nnd wife to Claus Anderson , lot 25 , block 21 , Walnut Hill $ 750 South Omaha Land company tu D II Klrchner. lot fi , block 109 , South Omaha , 300 A C Jollffe , trustee , to Leopold PellKan. w H of lot 0. block 270 , Omnlm. . . : 125 F I Thomas nnd husband to F I Thomas , trustee , lot 1 , Dennett's subdlv 250 J P Mallcnder * nnd wife to Peter Manroth , lots 19 nnd S ) , Mnllendcr Place 700 Peter Frenzer nnd wife to J N Frenzer , lot 12. block C , Pniker's add 2 G L Miller nnd wife to B B Heller , lot 3 , block 13. West End ndd 1,800 C D Hutchllson nnd wife to Kllxubeth Stockdale , lot 21 , block 1 , South Exchange Place 1 South Omaha Land company to L D Wll- cox , lot 18 , block 149 , South Omaha 855 John Rcddln to F 1C Darling , n 14 of lot 5. block 70 , Omaha 250 M II Comitock to Union Investment com pany , lot 1 , block 1 , Saundcrs & IPs ndd tci Wnlnut Hill ; Iota 12 tp 20. block 2 , Hitchcock's 1st add ; e 37 feet of w 71 feet of lots 7 nnd 8. block 14 , E V Smith's ndd. n 12 feet of w 37 feet of lot 7 , block 14 , E V Smith's ndd ; loti 9 nnd 12 , block 1 , William Hagedorn's add ; s W of aw nnd ne sw 10-10-10 6.000 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. W J Meals and wife to Slary MacVca , part of lot 100 , Glses' ndd 1 DEEDS , Special master to Albright Land and Lot company , lot 3 , block 3 , Hoppe's Bo nanza subdlv , 200 Total amount of transfers $11,131 Dr. E. C. West's Nome and Brain Treatment fj sold under positive written , ( runrautoo , by author ized agents only , to euro \VJcnk Memory ; Loss of Brain and Nerve Power ; LostMnnhoodjCJuIi-knoss ; Night Losses ; Evil Dreamsrljics : ot Confidence ; Nervousness ; Lassitude ; all uralm ; Loss of Power of the Grocrotlvo Organs JiiolUj5r sox , caused by over-exertion ; Yonthful Errors , or Excessive UBO of Tobacco , Opium or LlquorT which eoon lead to MlforConsnmnU6n. . Ineanfty and Death. By moll , ll a box ; 0 for fj : with written irunrnnteo to cure or refund money. VEST'S CODOII SYRUP. A certain euro for Coughs , Colds , A tlunn , .Bronchitis , Croup , Whooplnff Cousu. 8oro Throat. Ploaxant to take Small size discontinued ; olcLSOo. size. nowSSc. : old tl 6120. now Cue. QUARANThra Usuod only by Goodman Drug Company. l"1 SEARLES & SEARLES SPECIALISTS Chronic Nervous , Private. AND Special Diseases , TREATMENT BY MAILCONSULATION FREE Wo euro Catarrh , All Dlsoasos of the Nose , Throat , Ghost , stomach , LIver , Blood. Skin and KHnoy Dls- eases , Female Weaknesses , Lost Manhood AND ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES OF MEN. REMOVED TO 1416 FARNAM STREET. Call nn or Address , DP I'AUNAMST ur. , OJIAUA , BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors , Bco Building. OMAHA , NED. Advlco FHEE. RH1LWAY TIME GKRD Leaves ICIUCAQO , UURLINOTON & Q. ( Arrives Omolial Depot 10th anil Mason Sta. I Omaha 4(5pm : Chicago Vestibule : S:45um : Chlcueo KK | > ress 4:2Spm : 7:02pm : ChlcuKo and Iowa Local 8:00um : I'aclllo Junction Ixjeal BMpm : tcavea IbUttLlNUTON' A MO."ltlVeit.Arrl\e3 | Oinahul Depot 10th anil Mason Sts. I Omaha Denver Uxpreai 9:3Sam. : 10l : am Deudvvood Uxprcis 4:10pm : 4:50pm : Denver Express 4:10pm : GtSOpm..Nebraska Local ( except Bun. ) . . . C'1.0pm l calexcept ( Sunday..ll2iain ) ! K"C. ; ; . - Omahal Depot 10th ana Mason Sis. I Omaha 9 : 5am . Kansas City Day' Impress . 6:5Spm : C. NlghL Ux. _ via U. l' . 'l'rnna.6oOum _ _ : . . Oinahul Union Depot 10th & Maaon Sla. I Omaha EAST. 10:13arn..Atlantic : Express ( ex. ounday ) . . Cu3pm ; :25pm : Night Uxprtss CHOam 4:40pm..Chicago : Vcstlbuled Limited. . . . lUpm : ll8ipm.Oklalioina ; Exp. ( to'C.311. ' ex Bun ) . S35am ! B:3Sam.Oklahoma : & Texas Ktir. ( ex Sun.ll:3Jpm : 1115pm. . Colorado Limited. 410pm ; EeaTosT UNJeni'r - TArrTVeT OinahaUnlon | Depot 10 Ih & > Maaon Sts.l Omaha 9GOam : . . . .Denver Impress . sTsOpra 2:15pm : . Overland ; l'"lvcr . 620pm ; 3:4Spm.lcatrlce : & Stromub'g iKiejHun.12:30am ( _ ) : Glupm. : . . . , . Paclrta Uxprfe . . . . . . .10&i : 6:30pm : . fast _ JlulI.V . , . 4:20pm : Leaes ICHICAOO. " MILTVTU1r' ( ' PAULTfArrlvc * OinalialUnlon Depot 10th & Muaon Hl . | Omaha TUp : m. . . Chicago LlinTunSTr. . 9:30a : m lliiujm. . . . ( Chicago Uxpryaa ( exj Sun. ) . . . . 6:00pm : Leaves I I'1. Jl & MO. VAIA.KV. | ArrTveT Omahul D pot litli anJ Websur Bla. | Omaha " 6:0jatn : . Dcailwoixl Hxpiosa . 6:10pm : ; ( Bal.MVyo. Ex. . ( hat. Mon. ) . 5:10pm : S:00pm : , . Norfolk Uxprcs < ix < . > it > untlay. ) .104oam ; 6:30pm : . HI. t'aul lxpf ia . t. . . . 0JOam ; Leaves I CIUCAQO & NOUTHft'IOTN lArrlvTs OmahalU. 1' . Depot Ultli & Mason SU.I Omaha inOSam . Chlcnco ixT : > rna . 6 : lOp m 4103pm . Vi > stlbul Limited . 9:2)am : ) ClSOpm . Uastern l ° ) > r . JilSpni o:30pm.tx : ( : , Hat. ) . Chic. rn i.Kx. Mon. ) , ; iUpm CiiSam. . . . .Mu. Valluy Lo il. > . lUi.Mpm Lea\erj MISSOUIlTACllC TAr7jveT Omaha | Depot 15th anil Wcbttei fiti. | Omaha "sfoOam . tit , LouU ixinout . OlOOam 9l'pm ; ' ) . . .St. Loul * npi ii . G55pm ; n. Dally ( ex. bun. ) Nebratka l.-icul. Leave * | C. , BT. 1' . , XI fr'y , | Arrives jDmahiMDepot15tlian > iW _ b4ter " " til * . | _ _ Oniaha "s'foooni. . Sioux City Accom ( r.C."Sun7) . . 8'OJpm. 10OOaniMoux ; City Aevom ( Hun. Only. ) . , i0opm ; UlSpm..Bluux ; City Kxiiruns ( ir. Huni..Hrc.1in ; _ : . . . . . . . . . . _ 1'uul Limited . . . _ ai40uiu Ci : um . tiloux City . , S1. 'nul KoTrtTTiibuir cltv x rACiPiFAr7ivT | ; _ OinajiaJIJepot lilll niid AVebsur tilt. | Omaha C.30pm.r , , . . . . .tit. pfur Umlt'trtT . . . . . . . . 9i40nm ClikMKU l.lmlltil. . , _ 9HOam OinilullT. P. Depot loth & Maion Str.l Onuhi l.ttpm . St , LouU Cannon Ball . i33jiu ; : FROST AND DROUTH DAMAGE Weekly Bulletin of the Weather Bureau on the Crop Situation. NEBRASKA FARMERS ARE FEELING BLUE Ilnln I * Needed nt Onro to Snvo the drain Cropi Corn Not Prriimiirntly In jured by tlio I'rrexa of ' Last Tlio weekly crop bulletin of tlio Nebraska weather service , In co-operation with the United States weather bureau , for the week ending May 21 , Is as followa : Tlio weather ot tlio past seven days lm been very trying upon all vegetation. The rulnfnlf has been so light nnd scattered us to bo practically valueless , while the ex cessively hot winds of the first half ot the week dried out nearly nil the moisture In the ground. Added to the complaint ol drought , which Is now affecting nil portions of tin.- state , correspondents are almost unani mous In reporting severe Injury to all vege tation by frosts and Ice on tlio morning ol the 19tli. It Is too early yet to form nny very accurate estimate of the extent of the damage , but that It has been considerable , especially to fruit , there cnn be no doubt. Gardens have suffered greatly and most vegetables will liavo to bo replanted. It In not probable that beyond retarding Its growth permanent Injury will result to the corn crop. Many llelds that were up nnd being cultivated are wilted and apparently dead , but with reasonable weather they will put forth again and In a very short tlmo recover their growth. Corn planting Is about com pleted In all portions ot the state. The following nro remarks by corre spondents In the various counties of tlio state : . llntler County High wind of ICtli , 17th nnd ISth damaged fruit und gardens. Frost of 18th and I'JUt killed garden vegetable ? . Hnln Is badly needed. Corn and potato crop damaged badly. Cass County Hot , dry wentbcr during early part of week checked vegetation. Listed corn slowly coming up. Frost of 19th nipped vegetation badly. Very dry. Clay County Corn , oats , fruit and potatoes greatly damaged by frost. Grass dying for laclc of rain. Klllmoro County Very dry. Small grnln suffering. Corn cut off by frost on ISth. Potatoes and gardens nil cut by frost. Fruit damaged. Gage County Dry nnd windy week , with hard frost on the 19th. Potatoes , garden truck nnd corn badly frozen. Hamilton County No rain during the week. Oats drying up. Heavy frost on night ot ISth. Fruit about nil killed. Corn and oats badly damaged. Outlook very dis couraging. Jefferson County Past week dry and windy. Heavy frost on night of 18th In jured corn and potatoes. Corn needs rain. Johnson County The low temperature of 18th and 19th did considerable damage. Wheat Is still In good condition. Apples and cherries appear safe. Lancaster County Fruit not damaged badly by frost. Small grain almost ruined. Frost on morning of 19th killed most of the garden vegetables. Nomaha County Frost on morning of 19th injured vegetables. Nnckolls County Hot winds first of week Injured wheat and oats. Corn coming up finely and looking well. Otoo County Corn all planted. Vege tables and fruit Injured by frost. Corn cut to the ground. Pawnee County Caterpillars eating corn. Cut worms doing some damage. Prospect for large crop of potato beetles. 'Whlto frost on 19th injured strawberries and killed tomato mate nnd pumpkin vines. Polk County Bad week for vegetation. Frost on night of 18th killed all tender vege tation. Corn cut to the ground. Haiti badly needed. Richardson County Frost Friday night killed corn on low land and damaged gar dens. Ice formed In many places. Sallno County Oats and wheat are badly blighted and suffering very much for rain. Frost of 19th Injured nearly all vegetables. Saunders County Almost all garden vege tables frozen on night of 18th. Corn nearly all planted. Rain needed. Seward County Pastures are about dried up. Killing frost on morning ot 19th on low ground. The outlook very discour aging. Thayer County Unless rain comes soon wheat and oats will be ruined. Gardens badly damaged by frost on 19th. York County No rain during past week. Crops suffering from drouth. Frost on 19th Injured potatoes , oats and corn. Corn plant ing all done. Potato bugs numerous. NORTHEAST -SECTION. Antclopo County Continued high winds and dry weather have been Injurious to all crops , while the frost ot the 9th did great damage to all vegetation , Including rye and oats , which are badly , and wheat , which is somewhat Injured. Hurt County Very dry weather nnd high winds ; the frost ot the 19th did much damage to vegetation ; a great deal of corn Is said to bo killed , but fruit not Injured. Doyd County Very warm and1 dry , frost on the 19th killing corn In low places. Cedar County Good growing weather early In the week ; corn Is up In some places ; nearly all corn planted. Colfax County Heavy frost of the 19th destroyed nil fruits , garden truck and set back oats and corn , and maybe destroyed both ; very dry. Cumlng County All crops will Buffer un less rain falls soon. The frost of the 19th Is believed to have Injured corn and oats slightly. Dixon County Frost of the 19th froze garden vegetables and fruit nnd wilted corn ; Ice one-fourth Inch thick reported. Dodge County Very dry nnd windy weather affecting nil crops ; frost 'of 19th quite severe , Injuring garden vegetables con siderably ; within the week the temperature has ranged from 30 degrees to 102 degrees. Holt County Severe frost on the 19th ; Ice formed one-fourth to one-half Inch thick ; all tender vegetables killed nnd potatoes and corn suffered In many places. Knox County Very destructive frost on morning ot 19th , which killed tender vegeta tion ; potatoes killed down to the ground. Corn all planted. Plnrco County First part of week very hot nnd windy , Injuring ; grain to pome extent , followed by cold , raw weather later on. Frost and Ice ot 19th cut potatoes , beans nnd tomatoes and corn badly. Stnnton County Fruit and garden Rtuft greatly Injured by frost of the 19th. Washington County Very unfavorable to growing crops. Potatoes , corn and fruit on lowlands Injured by frost ot the 19th. CENTRAL SECTION. Doono County Heavy frost general In county on 19th , killing fruits and vegetables ; corn and small grain also Buffered. Buffalo County Urass- and Binnll grain greatly Injured by drought. May wheat und oat fields plowed up and replanted In corn. Corn was an excellent stand and corn plow ing had begun. Custer County Crops have made llttlo erne no progress ; rain badly needed ; corn all planted and most of It up ; frost on the 19th kilted all fruit ; Ice formed as thick us u window glass. Greoloy County The past week has been very dry and windy ; rain Is needed badly ; frost of the 19th killed the fruit and nearly all garden stuff. Dawson County Very much aunshlno has dried up most crop ] ; frost ot the 19th killed everything Ihut frost can kill ; drought has greatly Injured all vegetation that dry weather can destioy ; fruit nearly all killed ; hot weather , coli ) weather , dry weather and high winds have been terribly destructive. Grcoloy County Hard frost of 19th dam aged fruits and vegetables ; very dry. Hall County Cinch bugs working In fall wheat ami rye ; veiy dry weather. Howard County Dry and windy during all the week. Heavy frost Friday night killed the frlt. corn and most ot the Kirden truck. Merrlck Count ) Heavy frost on night of , ocrlnuslv damaging corn , oats und ottmr unall grain. Potatoes frozen In ihu ground. Apples , plums , ate. , a great loxs. Dry high uliula. Italn much neidcd. Pl.ttto County--Frost nnd Ice on the morn ing of thv loth very injurious to vegetation In placuH. The umall grain has been greatly Injured by the hot wind : . Sherman County High hot southerly Injured crops greatly. Corn planting com' pletcd. Killing frost on morning ot the 10th Wheeler County Continued high wlndi during latt sawn days. Much damage done to ftmnll grain , especially oat * . Valley County Corn planting about fln Ishcd ; coming up fairly noil. Small grain almost nt a standstill. Killing frost on morning ot the 19th , SOUTHWEST SECTION. Adams County Dry , hot nnd windy dur ing first of week ; cold latter part ot week. Frost of Friday night killed potatoes , corn nnd garden truck. Grapes just budding were killed. Franklin County Heavy frost on morn ing of tlio 19th did serious dnmngO to crops. This , In addition to the dry , hot winds pro ceeding It , makes crops ot nil kinds look badly. A largo nroa of fall wheat has been listed nnd planted In corn. All fruit killed In this locality. Furnns County Worst week over had nt this tlmo of year. Hot and dry , high winds , etc. Frost on morning of 19th seriously damaged fruit and nil vegetation. Qosper County Flvo dnys of high wind nnd hot weather followed by two days of stormy , with cold northwest wind doing great damage to all small grain ; nearly all the winter wheat has IKCII put Into corn , and fully one-half of the spring wheat nnd oats will be replaced by corn ; rain badly needed. Hnrlan County Ulan winds prevailed during the week ; no rain nnd very dry ; all small grain Is n failure ; corn already planted Is drying out ; heavy frost on morn ing of 19th cutting everything ; nil fruit suf fered badly ; some few apples left ; at present tit * outlook Is bud for everything. Hitchcock County Wind blowing n gale all week ; first part of week very warm ; turned colder Thursday , with a killing frost on night of 18-19111 , greatly Injuring nil kinds of crops ; drouth greatly Injured crops nnd pastures. Kearney County Pasture1) drying up ; wheat , oats nnd barley Injured nnd most of It will bo rephntcd In corn ; frost of the 19th greatly Injured grnln nnd potatoes. Red Willow County Dry high winds damaging all crops nnd grnsi ; small grain a failure ; some are listing corn on their small grain ground. Webster County Week has been very dry and windy , nrst part of week very warm , closing very cold , with n killing frost on nights of ISth and 19th ; potatoes nnd all garden truck seriously damaged ; fruit In jured to some extent , but cannot tell yet how much ; listed corn not much hurt by frost , but checked corn cut oft nearly to the ground , WEST SECTION. Cheyenne County All grain In good grow ing condition , but slightly retarded by high winds ; garden truck In excellent shape. Lincoln County Temperature fore part of week unusually hot with high winds , damag ing spring wheat , and. In some cases , ruin ing It. Hnln Is sorely needed for small grain. Frost on 19th killed considerable garden produce , berry bushes and fruit blossoms. Corn coming up. Planting about two-thirds done. Scotts niuff County Small grain Is up nicely , but Is beginning to need rain. Garden and corn planting going on. Some gardens arc up. Thomas County High winds have dam aged small grain nnd gardens , and on the 19th n Eovcro frost Injured potatoes , corn , gardens , etc. , but to what extent I am unable to say. NORTHWEST SECTION. Cherry County Dry weather and high winds damaging small grain. Corn doing well. well.Sheridan Sheridan County Very windy all the week ; first half hot and dry ; last half cold nnd wet , with frost on the 19th. Rock County We have had a very bad week of It high winds , high temperature and low temperature. Frost did much damage - ago to all fruit. Koyn Paha County First part of the week very hot , the last part cold , with local showers which did but little good , high winds drying out the moisture about as rapidly as It fell. Everything needs rain very much. Some wheat fields being plowed under and planted In corn. Corn coming up slowly. Frost on 19th damaged gardens. Corn not much hurt. UNUSUAL IXTUIMIS : OF TK.iii > iiiAi0iK I'hcnomciml Disturbances Itopnrteil by the AVoatlior liurciui for tlm Wook. WASHINGTON. May 22. The weather bureau , In Its report of weather crop con ditions for the week ended SIny 21 , suyH : On the middle Atlantic east frdin the Cnr- ollnns to New Jersey , over the states of the eastern Rocky mountain slope and In the northern portions of the upper Missis sippi and Missouri valleys , the wonthcr 1ms been slightly warmer than usual ; elsewhere the weather has been dccldedlv cool , the tempcratute.s averaging from 3 to 7 degress below the normal In portions of New Eng land and over the entile region from the great lakes to the gulf , while the frlKklliy In temperature wnH equally marked on the Pacific coast. The week has been one ot unusual temperature extremes , the differ ence between the highest and lowest tem perature amounting to us much as GO de grees In the upper Missouri valley and from -10 to CO degrees over the greater portion tion of the country east of the Hocky mountains. In Kentucky nnd northern Florida the temperature reached the loweat point that has-been recoitleil In May since the establishment of the weather bureau. The rainfall was very heavy In eastern Montana and was generally above the av erage over Idaluo , eastern Oregon nnd Washington and central California. There was a total absence of rain In Knnsa , southwestern Missouri , Oklahoma , western Texas anil over the greater part of Arkan sas. Drouth prevails In eastern South Da kota , Nebraska , Arkansas , southwestern Texas anil New Mexico. Frost DIIIIIIIKO In MHioiirl. ST. LOUIS , May 22. The current weekly bulletin of the Missouri weather service anil the State Hoard of Agriculture , Issued today , Indicates that In some of the north ern counties the recent frosts Uhl consider able damage to corn , Harden truck , grapes anil other tender resolution. In the central and southern counties the damage was slight. In many northern anil western coun ties crops , ami especially grass and small grains , arc In great need ot rain , but in other sections the rondltluiiH have been very favorable , except In the last two ilays of the week. The weather was fa vorable for farm work throughout the week. Wheat and rye are generally ilolnjr well. Chinch bugs nro repot teil In many counties , and In the local and Monroe coun ties some llelds will have to be pastured or plowed up. In the northwest section oats are poor and Buffering for rain. In other sections they are doing fnlily well. lowi SulTorn Mont from Hot AVIiuls. DES MOINJCS , May 2J.-Tho Iowa crop bulletin says : Reports of frosts and freez ing tompciature on the 19th nnd 20th come from all sections of the state , but the ex tent of ilnmage cannot ns yet hade termined. Uatilun tiuck , grapes and small fruit stiftoreil most severely. In ninny sec tions coin was rut to the ground , but It was only checked In growth nnd not materially Injured. Smjlt uinln crops have Miffcictl nioro fiom hut , dry wlmlu than from freez ing. In the liirirer part of the htnto the hay crop will be considerably shoi icnctl by the diouthy conditions. Huln Is needed In nil seotlons , The IKTCUKC uf corn hns been maU'tlally Increased over lust year , and the outlook for that crop Is unusually prom ising. . M hid , Itiiln mill l < 'roHt Combined. MINNEAPOLIS. May 22. The weather crop bulletin of Minnesota wciither service iNHticil tod.iy , nays : In the Rod ilver valley conditions hnvo been favorable , al though the high winds did snmu Injury. Small gialn H up and looks woll. In the ccnttal bccllon excessive rainfall mailo re planting of corn and potatoes nt'censury. HlKh winds damaged finlt , whllu the frosts cut down much tender vegetation. Potntovu are up , and there will bu a largu acreage. In the southern srctlon thu frusta did permanent Injury to the fruit ami garden truck. Sniiill gialn Is In good condition. Chinch and potato bugs hnvu appeared In Wabasha and llluu Earth counties , Crop * Hpollvil In Illliiolx. 8PRINOFIELD , 111. , May 22-Tho Illinois crop bulletin tmyn ; Frosts occurred on the 19th anil 20th , which did some damage to garden * and small fruits and to corn on low ground. In the vicinity of I'arkorxburKt Rlchland county , considerable vheat bus developed In some llclilx , und the yield will bo ICBH than was expected. Rust Is ru.- jiorltd In Home Holds , while chinch biiKH arc reported In the wheat In a number of coun ties , but little damage Imu been done. Bo my fields WHre Injured by I ho- hull of thu 19th. Corn In now practically completed over the state , Home Holds on low ground were Injured by the late frosts. Mother and Child IVrUli In the flnuic * . M'MINTILLH , Ore. , May 22.-The res idence of M. Bhaddcn was burned today , lira. Shndden anil her 10-ycnr-old daughter perished In the tinmen , and her son , aged 9 , received futal Injuries. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Now Water Works Company to Bo Tonned by MoShano and Others. PLANT WILL BE ERECTED IMMEDIATELY I.ornl I.mlgo of Uiillrit Workman Crlpbmtci lt MoU'uth Aiinltrmiry ArriiiiKrinrnta fur tli ( ) l ) < or\iiiirnof Momnrlnl Day Other .Magic City Nous. The ordinance granting John A. McShano the privilege of placing water malm In this city means that South Omnlm will hnvo another water works company. The com pany Is being organized for the purposa of giving the Stock Yards company und the packers better water service. The packers will bo largely Interested In the enterprise. The company Is not being organized for the purpose of bucking the American Water Works company , but simply to give the citi zens here bolter wntcr service. As It now Is , the water pupply U limited nnd unsatisfac tory to the Inrgo corporations. A short tlmo ngu Mr. McShano had the water taken from the river nt this .point analyzed and the chemist reported that the water was pure enough for household use. The pumping station will bo located nt nbout the foot of Missouri avenue. Thrvo Inrgo settling basins will be put In. Two reservoirs will bo built on the hill nbovo the stock yards that will hold 2,000,000 gallons lens each. A thirty-Inch main will ho run from the river to the stock yards. Tho" work will bo commenced at once and It Is estimated that It will cost the company $230.000. All the work will bo completed within a year. United Workmen Aniilvnrnnry. Seven years ago last night South Omaha lodge No. 06 , Ancient Order of United Work men , was Instituted In this city with a mem bership of sixteen. The anniversary of that event was celebrated last utght In a fitting manner by giving a picnic and parade. The weather was unfavorable for u picnic , but In splto ot the chilly atmosphere the turnout was largo nnd the evening was cnjoyably. spent by those who attended. The parade wns formed at Twenty-sixth and N streets , consisting ot all thu Ancient Order of United Workmen loilgoj In both Omaha and this city. Dr. W. II. Slatmugh wns the chief marshal and was assisted by Messrs. F. A. Droadwcll , W. H. Qucenan , M. F. lllanchard and Thomas Hoctor. The Mu- s'cal Union band furnished the music nnd the procesilon was several blocks long. Hundreds of citizens gathered along N and Twenty-fourth streets to witness the parade and then followed on to the park. Llttlo Walter Looker was In the procession with his team of goats hitched to a llttlo wngou and wns quite nn attraction. Paul had his wagon decorated with Hags and evergreens. Ho nlso had a big buck goat In the wagon. The members of the order made a lluo showing nnd were cheered ns they marched out Twenty-fourth street to Syndicate park. At the park a string baud furnished mtulc for those who wished to dance , and hundreds enjoyed themselves In this manner. The different crews gave exhibitions In drilling I on the dancing platform and were warmly I encored. Mr. S. R. " Patten of Omaha de livered n short address and was followed by Rov. R. L. Wheeler , who talked for thirty minutes on the benefits of the order. Thu Ancient Order of United Workmen Oleo club sang several song1 } during the evening nnd altogether the program was very enter taining. The gentlemen who had the management of the celebration In hand were Jacob Jaxka- lek , W. II. Stctisloft. J. H. Hopkins , J. A. Hall , G.W. . Howe , M. V. Doyle , C. W. M 1- ler. II. E. Wilson , S. n. Elklns , W. H. Looker , W. E. Mills and M. A. Martin. Mmnorhil Day Arrangements. Memorial day will bo quietly , observed In this city by the members of Robert Liv ingston post No. 282 , Grand Army of the Republic , nnd other old soldiers nnd sailors. At the regular meeting of the post commit tees were appointed on arrangements' Messrs. Elliott , Kclley and Condon will ad dress the pupils nt the St. Agnes school ; Messrs. IJIalr , Eastman and Cross nt t- . * Brown Pail : school ; Messrs. Wolmcr nnd Chadd nt the Fourth Ward school ; Messrs. Snlvcloy nnd Carroll In the Third ward ; Messrs. Carroll und Condon at the Lutheran school ; Messrs. Gordon , Bennett and Bonta nt the Albright school. Those gentlemen will visit the shools at 1 o'clock In the after noon on Monday. Attorney T. F. Elliott win deliver the address at the cemetery and the Daughters of Veterans will prepare the flowers and decorate the gravc-s of the dead. Messrs. McDotigal and Kclley will asilst In this work. Messrs. Fowler , Welmor and Elliott were appointed as a committee to get up the program. All old soldiers and tailors ( ire requested to meet at Grand Army of the Republic hall on Memorial Sunday nt 9 o'clock In the morning nnd march from there to the Metho dist church In u body. Memorial Sunday Is May 21. _ MiiKlu City ( irmHlp. The Democratic club meets tonight. Mrs. F. J. Egger1 Is on the sick Hit. Llttlo Nelllu Maxwell Is very much Im proved. Phil Council has been appointed night cap tain ot the police force. Mrs. Frank Dempster of Dos Molnos la visiting friend ; In this city. Mrs. Dr. R. R. Livingston of Platlsmqutlv Is visiting at the homo of Mr. It. T. Maxwell. Judge .Samuel T. Maxwell and wlfo of Fremont - mont nro In the city , the guests of Mr. and MM. R. T. Maxwell. A "cobweb" social will bo given Thursday evening at the reshlcnno of Mrs. Honey , Nineteenth nnd I stieels. Division No. 8 , Ancient Order of Hiber nians , will bo Instituted nt Young Men's Institute hall this ovoning. Charley Fen ell returned last evening from a trip to England , where he had been with a Inrgo consignment of live Ntock , FOB GRAND LARCENY. I'tirty ArruHloil In Oiimlm fur Itolililnp a U Ion I'ni-lllc Dopnt. On Information of Sheriff Whltmore of Green River , Wyo. , tlm police yesterday ar rested T. K. McCormlck on the charge ot Grand larceny , alleged to have han com mitted about eight weeks ago , Tlio tcln. gram cltptl also that McCorinlck left Green River about nix weeks ago nnd that thu police there had advices ho was In this city living with a brother. Thu police vent to the residence of his brother , In the iear of 511 South Sixteenth utrcot nnd located tlm mnn there. The only Infnrmotlnn ns to the nature ot the chnrgo IH that BUIIIR ono entered u way station of the Union Pacific near Grcun River and took property to tlm value of about $100 , Mt'Cormtck Is n telegraph operator and It WUH learned was engaged by tlio Union Paclllc as such. Ho wont to the way tin- lion that was said to Imvu been lobbed und worked there a fuw days , McCormlck says ho Is nhsoliituly Innocent of any crliun. Ho admit' ] helm ; at Green River nnd working there n short time , hut bays ha IH completely Ignorant ot any rob- biry. Will Try It Auiiln. John R. Blckfonl ot Sioux City took out a marrlago license yesterday for weddlna Isa bella. Illckford ot Denver. Thcso parties were married a tow years ago , but could nut agree , and by mutual consent a divorce wag procured. After living apart for sovorul months they concluded Unit they had been rather hasty In separating nnd U was agreed that they would come to Omaha and get thu matrimonial knot retted In such u manner thin It would hold thorn together forever nnd aye. _ _ \Vhcn llaby was iileV , wo KHO hfr Caitorln. When the was a ChlM , ho cried for Oastorla. When slio became 51 In. nbo dun ; ; to Castorla. When the had Children , the gave Uioiu Contorlt