Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Itoumo'l Its Ttuiporarily Inter
ruptwl I'oboggnu Slide Yesterday.
Opening Tinilcd in U'licnt Were ut I'rnc
tloiutt Dcvlliu-H nint Afl.-r n
Jtnlly CliMcil tlio Hot-
torn for Ilia Dny.
CHICAOO , May 22. Wlicat re < ume < l It
temporarily Interrupted loboggnn slide todu >
and lauded % c lower. Dlsniipolntlng c.ililc
nnd heavy Haltlc slilpments , small exports
free sclllni ; nnd warmer weather nil run
trlbutcd to tlio wonkness. Corn closed H
lower , oats Uc higher and provisions ullghtl )
lower ,
Opening trades In wheat were at from > J
toio decline , and after selling up from 'A
to ' , < - ' , sold with little reaction , ralllei
fillKlitly , changed Fome and closed near tli
bottom. Operators were considerably dls
appointed at the tone of tlio cables , whlcl
failed to confirm the damage reports li
France and Germany , also the heavy Haiti
Khlpmcnts , small exports and light cash do
innnd. Tlio trade was also moro Inclined to
the belief that the late cold spelt had done
very little damage. The absence of uny good
outside buying was also a factor. Offering
were heavy the first few minute * after th
opening and were quite readily absorbed
the market holding fairly steady , but lateen
on , when the selling pressure got fairly
tinder way , the market promptly respondei
to the pressure und became very weak , ral
lying slightly and closing firm.
In corn a fairly steady tone prevailed
prices fluctuating within from lie to % c
range. Opening trades showed frantlona
loisea , and after selling down from ' /4c to
J/4c , rallied from I4c to % c , worked bad
from IJo to 9 c , ruled firmer , changed some
nnd closed steady. The car lota were heavier
than anticipated and were responsible for the
early decline. The rally was attributable
to the movement and the light estimates for
tomorrow , but when wheat broke corn sym
pathlzcd and part of the rally was lost.
In oats there was a liberal trade , thu feature
turo being the small offerings. Barly the
feeling was easier , with Kales at from ' /&c t <
Jic decline. Later prices advanced % c am
closed steady at from % c to ' 4C better for
the near and steady toic higher for the
distant deliveries. The weakness In whca
and corn had little effect.
Provisions ruled firm , steady to easy , am
fillghtly lower In the absence of support
The decline In wheat contributed to the
easiness. With the continued weakness In
wheat , liberal receipts of live hogs In the
west and the absence of any active support
thu market cased off steadily and at the
close was weak , with the final figures at
about the Inside prices of the day , and the
range very narrow all around. Comparei
with last night , July Is lOc , July lard 12 > , o
nnd July ribs Cc tower.
Vessel room was In fair demand nnd rate ?
steady at lc for wheat and V/to for corn
to Iluffalo , lOo for corn to Port Huron am
2'c for corn to Kingston.
i 'null quotations were as follows : _
WHEAT No. 2 sprlntr , LZc ; Xo. 3 spring ,
nominal ; No. 2 ! > < ! , 55c.
COHN No. 2. 37',4c. '
OATS-No. 2. 33ic ; No. 2 white , 37o > No. 3
while. SCWSC'Jc.
UYK No 2. 43o.
IIAHLUY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 51@5Gc ; No. 4 ,
I'-'l-AX SKUD No. 1. J1.2SW1.30.
TIMOTHY HI3KD 1'rlme. JLOOfN.03.
I'llOVISIONH Mess | mrj ( , 111.705/11. 72 < J per
Mil. Lnrtl , $ l5.'J2U 'aC.03 per 100 HIM. ; shoit ribs
wliles ( loose ) . JO.17JifiC.20 ; ilry s.iltnl ulioulilpis
( Inixfili , S.VMQG.OO ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
WHISKY Distillers' llnlsheil goods , per Ral. ,
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open. | lligl'i T ow. | Cloao.
Whont.No. ' .
Way . 5
July . 07K Bills'
Sojit . . 6HJ1 07M C7M
Com No. 2. .
JMay . 37 37W 37
July . SH S7JS ?
Sept . 30
OnlH No. ' - ' . . .
Jlny . .
Juno . 33H
July . Ml
Sent .
Pork per bbl
May . 11 70
July. 11 8.1 11 87 11 77H 11 77
Supt 11 00 11 00 11 87H 11 H7H
May 7 10 7 10 0 00 0 nt'K
Juno ( i Kl ! ) < 0 A'J 0 77W ( I 77hi
July 0 R7 ( I 87k U 75 0 77 !
Sept 0 HTA U 87.4 U 8U U BO
Short Ulbs-
.Mny n ic 0 15 0 10 fl 12H
July 0 15 G 15 0 10 U 10
Sept 0 15 U IB 0 10 (1 10
The following were the receipts ana stilunianu
for today :
ArtlclcH. Uecelpts. Shlpinents.
Flour , libln. 14.000
Wheat , bu. . . JIL'.OOll
Corn , bu 340,000
OatH , bu ' 'OH,00(1 (
Kye. bu 4,000
llqrlcy , bu. . ] 8,0(1(1 ( (
On the Produce cxclianmi thn biutor inir-
J i.WU8t" " < -'lia".t-'ll ! ereamery , I'JGilOc ; dairy ,
' active , unchanecd ; mrlctfy
Veatcrihiy's Oiiotntlnns tin Flour , Grain niul
I'riivlHlniiH , le'.alu , Ktc.
. , - r 22.-KIOL'H-Itecclpts. 36-
BOO bblo.J exports. 24,00i ) bbl . ; salcH. 8,700 pltBB.
Market utendy , with u fair demand for better
Kriules of winter nnd spring all to home ; export
demand nmull.
nctiv < > -
ItYK Nominal.
IIAHLKY Nominal.
WIIHAT-Hecelpts , sss.UDO l.ii. ; i-xpnrts , CC.OOO
bu. : BalcH , 3OC5OU ( ) bu. future * , 16,000 bu. sput.
Spot market dull and weak ; No. red. In Btnrc
rallied some , Inter declined ehnnily under dis
appointment over the world'M Hinck nmt largo
BlilpmentH from enstern Uuropc nnd Argentine.
eloaliiB wenk at T4 lo net decllniNo. ; . 2 red
rloseil nt 67ic : July , CSHWSOHc , eloaed nt USTic ;
AUKiist , COJiWTic. closed nt Wo ; Heptember , Cl'i
< j62e. elosrd nt CIc.
fOUN Itecclpts , 95,901) bu. ; exports , 1.70) liu , ;
Bales , MOioO bu. fnture , 5,000 bu. HIKJ ! . Spot
innrket eiiKler ; No. 2. 43o In elevator ; 434 43 ! c
ntlont , Option market sternly on Hinnll lot ea-
tlmntfd for tomorriiw ; clo u unehaiiKed ; July ,
43i f43Hc. cloKvil at 43'ic ; AUKUdt , 43T4c , cloned
ol 43Kc ; Kepteniber , clone l nt 44(4i\ (
OAT8-Hecelpt , 42,000 bu. ; kUes. 50,000 bu.
Iuli'l ' ? 5 8il0floJ' ' " ' "I10'1 H' ' * ' market nulet ; No.
I. SDHCSWic : No. 2 dellveied , 40itf401ci No. 3 ,
39c ; No. 2 white , 434o ! ; No , 3 white , 42'ie ; ( rack ,
mixed , western , 40i.41c ; track , white weittern ,
42ff4Hio ( ( ; track , white Hlate , 421f40',4c. Option
market llrm nil dny on miinlpiilallon west , elo -
ItiK nt * Ulc net ndvancn ; June , cluyed nt 30'io :
Julr , 3SSMSUe , cloned at SS' ' o.
HAY Klrm.
HOPS Dull and weak.
111DICS-Dull ; dry failed New Orleann , se
lected , 45 in Ci ll > a. , 4\iffJT \ > P.
I.KATH13H Quiet ; hemloek sole lluenoi Ayrcs ,
light tci heavy welghtH , 15ffl8e.
, iyoOIQulcti domeBtlo lleece , IStJSJc ; pulled ,
SOff JXl * .
1IHKI' Stendy.
CUT MKATS-Steady ; plckleO bellies. OUGTc ;
plrkle.1 lmm . 10'ic.
I.AHD Ixiwer ; weBlern stpnrn closed at J7.30
nBlird ; Bales , 150 tlerccB at J7.3007.40 : liny , J7.30 ,
nominal ; July. 17.10 , nominal ; rellned , lower ;
continent , J7.73 ; S. A. , JS.15.
POUK Irfiwer ; new mc s , JI3.00W13.W ; extra
prime. JI2.R04T13.00 ; fumlly , JllCoyu.OO.
llt'TTKll Klriiier.
rilliKSK Kanyj t tPntKf \ , 9610UC.
lains rirms recelptn. 19,156 pkuii ,
TALI.OW Lower | 4 ll-16fl for city ( JJ per
fik- . ) : country ( pkig. free ) , 4 13-lCo , na to quality ,
I'KTHOLKUM-Dull : United closed nt Siie b'd.
ItOHIN Firm ; Btrnlncd , common to KOCH ! , tl.3
Cfl.3' ' ) .
Tl'Ill'BNTINB Firm ; 29O30ic. !
UK'i-Qvilet ; Japan , 4U04HC.
MOLASSKS-Qulet : New Orleuni open ktttle ,
goad to choice. 23Q2S3tC.
PHI IltON-Dull.
TIN-rirm ; tralts , 1J.97S ! ! plates , market firm
Mid steadier.
HI KIVTKU-Domestlc , 12.23 kid ; eaten on
'chang * * . 6 ton * 'I'OI at I19.97M ; W tons May ,
tlm * . J19.0919.V3.
OII/-Nomlnal. In ilc-
CX1TTON BBKO / - Rood -
inund ; prlmo crude , bbl . . 20a ; off crude , btls. ,
:8JMu ; yellow butter traOcH. 3H36a : prime yel
low , 33uj yellow , ore grades , 3lHO"3c ; prime
white , 3C 37c.
CofTon Alnrltet ,
NDW YOItK , May . COKKBlS-Optlons
opencil utendy nt from unchanttetl to 10 point *
adviinre. rrncKil under local pressure ; cloned
toady ut lowmt. unchanged to I pulnts lower.
Haifa. 2&tOO liuiiH. Including : May. J15.10 : June ,
I1&.1001&.20. July , Jll.93 ; AUh'Uit. J14.43UH.DO ; Hep-
tember , JU.20ttl4.30 ; October , JH.'JO ; Dcennbtr ,
H3OOf llCO. Hpnl CiiT ( e , Itto , more uollve , easy ;
No , 7 , 116 , mild quiet nd Irmly ; t'orvluvu.
yulc , 13,009 butci illu Ko , I ; ttax
l : ir f.'Ot , tC ) , M las : Itlo No. 7. Annas pol ,
' ' .
? . . t'nlteil
tock , r ' ; < X W1 nllyit fur lh # United
8ln w , ! J.jw lBK , totMtot \ \ ' ir [ liu UBUs-l
.Slnlo , iijtj I ntto , iiKu'lini )10,2S ) > lu t yeni' .
HANTOH , M.iy 22-Qill t ; No. 7 Ulo. $17. ll -
celinr for ln-f rtii.s. n j butts ; i > livk , 28.0W tapf.
HAMIIIJUO. Mny K.-Htvnily ; sales. 13,000
haw ; | irl < T I t'fKl' rr In ? i nfg. hlKlier.
HAVIli ; . Mny K. uptnril nulct. advance W ,
IM the iiilvnn i' , ht't nt GJu : U B buttly steady
at brut prices , KH\i-r \ , Z , 11 l < nicx
1110 in : JANnillO , .May 2J.Quiet ; No. 7.
J1.-.II' . C'Icurn ! for the fnlldl Slntes , 3,000 bant ;
uxchangp. 9 MiJc. llrc ijite fur two 'i is , ll.ooi
liasr ; no < : ! ( , 13,700
) . < HM\ | Product ) Mitrket.
JU'TTfill-Tho liultPr ln iUjt lihs not
much chnnRi this neck. romiultslnil hauji
are ttylnic to keep the prlco of fncIihiK sloe
up to "c In nccuri nnce with their quotation
sent out nt tin ; plofm of last week. The puckers
however , In u gnod mnny cnncs nrc offering enl
CUC'.io. ' Choice country butter , 12Q13c.
IlClflS Tin- receipts uf I > KRS uro largo , but ! / <
twei'it HID local retailers nnd the cold storim
people the ilemnnd Is fair. The bulk of 111
K.I | . ' nrf leivrlvd at Ho , with seconds nt 7',4ti8p '
MVi : I'OPI.THY The receipts of chlcknns nr
Incirnsliitt nnd thn nmrket Is not quite so tlrn
ns It was a day or two rigo. Old hpns , "c ; nK
inostcrs , 3lfic , nnd yinliiK ones , Cc. The il'mam
for other kinds uf poultry Is ruther light , thous
a limited quantity Is salable. | ) UP | < H , "USc ; he
tuikcyx , Mite ; gnblers , Co ; gpoiw , Co ,
( IA.MK The season Is so far a' ' , van fed Ilia
gamp U no longer wanted.
\ BA It There Is n gond denvind for cholc
vpnl calves , and arrivals of xuc h meet lti ! ver
remly snle. Uciwl , fat veals , 7f7"jc ; thill o
linnvy , 3f3c.
PIonONS Thcrp Is n demand for old plgeoni
tut young birds that are not strong on the win
arc not wanlnl. Old birds , pel doz. , Jl.5001.CO.
OLD 11EANH The market Is firming up all
over lh country. Neither Iho demand nor supply -
ply IH very heavy at this point. Callfoinla handPicked -
Picked navy , $2.13l2.2Sj uostcrn navy , J1.90SJ2.00 ;
common white beans. il.vWt.'O. '
ONIONS- New wiiiiiiorn onion * nrc quoted at Jl
p T Mil. Ilermudiis , Ji.7. ; per box. Top union *
nro plenty at I'/uKi' mi order * ,
POTATOES Thf marliiit I * weak owing to the
shipments frtni the * vt si , which Illlnl the n-
ipilrenn-nls of buyciM for HIP time being. Utnh
rind Colorado ntuck , \VaMihlRton ; and Oregon ,
( 'AllltAOE The supply has bncn vrry IlKht.
efprclally of good shlpi'lng ' Movie. The tame
thing has been trun of nmikels like Chli-iiKo
and HI. I.oiil.i. Good shipping stock would bo
worth 3c.
AHPAHAGIJS-riood homo ( jiuwn stock , SJfJIOc
per doz. on orders.
I'll- ' PLANT Home groun | ilc plant , 2f/2.c ! on
TOMATOEH-HhlppIng stock of good color Is
scarce nt f3.7B per erate of six baskets.
OHEEN VE ETAllLEH-Hilnich | , per bbl. , JI.73
< f JJ.OO ; radishes , per doz. . 2012.c ; lettuce , per doz ,
3. > 5i40c ; cucumbers , * l.01il.'U ; parsley , per doz. ,
30/l' > Ci boots , per dux. , wo ; watercress ,
per case , 1C boxes. ll..VHfl. j
NEW IIEANS- Wax Inning , per bu. Iwx , J2.Jf
2.75 ; ' ,4 bu. box , Jl.lOfi I. Mi Httlng , j bu. , 51.
1'KAH Green peas are commencing to arrive
from Missouri. Good shipping stuck , pur ! i
bu. box , Jl. ( fll.l3.rilUITS.
STHAWIIEUIllES-The inail.-pt wns well sup
plied. There was a car of Missouri heriles
by freight anil ulKiut 2' to 2i" > cases by expie.-u.
The shipments of berries from Arkansas ore
practically over. Thrlx1 were a few Kansas
berries In that wore of very fair quality. Good
shipping stock , on orders , | .1.
CIIEIIIIIKS The supply of cherries In this
innrket Is liberal , dally express shipments being
received from California. The quality of the
fruit averages good. Shipping stock , J1.75 per
GOOSEIIE11U1ES Green , per 21-qt. case , J2.DOJJ !
DANANAS-IVr bunch. J2.00 < i2.50.
LEMONS Fancy lemons. 300 slzi > , 14 : fancy
lemons , SCO size. $3.75 ; cholco lemons. .ICO size.
OIIANOES Mediterranean sweets , J3.50 ; Cali
fornia seedlings , $3.25 ,
F1O8 Fnncy. per lb. . 12'Jf15c.
DATES Hallowees , C3 to 70-lb. boxes , per lb. ,
'PINEAPPLES Choice , per doz. , J2 ; small ,
HONnY California , lie ; dark honey. 12" > : jc.
MAI'LII BYI11IP Gallon cans , per doz. , J12.
NUTS Almonds , isni'c ; Kngllsh walnuts , ID'S
12c : Illberts. 12c ; Hrnzll nuts , luo.
CIDKK 1'ure Juice , per bbl , , } C ; half bbl. ,
Al-PLE llUTTKH-Per M-lb. polls , . .li half
bbls. , Site per lb.
IIIDK.S No. 1 green hides , 2'&c ' ; No. 1 green
salted hides , .lil'3'ic ; No. 2 green salted hides ,
2ijj2Uc : No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 13 Ibs. . 5Vic ; No.
3 veal calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. . 4ej No. 1 diy Hint
hides , Co ; No. S dry Hint hides. 3c ; No. 1 dry
salted hides. 4c : part cured hides , ! o per lb.
less than fully cured.
SIlKHP PKLTH-Oreen salted , each , 2JfCOc :
green salted shearlings ( short-wooled early skins ) ,
each , BWlDc ; dry Khearllngs ( shorl-wooled early
skins ) , No. 1 , each , SfilOu ; dry slirailinns ( short
wooled early tklns ) , No. 2 , tach , DC ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , per
lb. , actual welghl , SttSc ; dry Hint , Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb.t actual
weight , 4Gc ; dry Hint , Colorado buicher wool
pelts , per 11) . , actual weight , 4fj7u ; dry Hint ,
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight. .45j6c.
TALLOW ANt ) GHEASE-Tallow. No. 1. 4\i \ ®
4'/4o ; tallow , No. 2 , 3-4ff3T c ; grease , white JL ,
4Uc ; grease , white , li. 4c ; greuBe , yellow , 3c ;
grcase , dark , 2V4c ; old buter , 212\ia \ ; beeswax ,
prime , ISiflSc ; rough tallow , 2Q2i.c.
nikiineiiiolls | Wheat iMurket.
MINNEAPOLLS. May 22. The wheat marker
opened higher this morning , with someihln ? of
yesterday's excitement and advanced % c more ,
making about Ic rise from the close of yester
day , lly that time there was n disposition on
the part of holders of wheat to close out a parl
al least of their holding * * . This checked further
advance and more selling followed by them ,
which wns added to by shorts selling Instead of
buying morn and the market rapidly declined
and closed ' /fce lower than yesterday. Mny and
July , 67lc : September , & 5Jc ; on track , No. 1
hard , Clc ; No. 1 northern. OaHc ! No. 2 northern ,
f > Sc. Cash wheat closed nearly % c below the
previous day. The cash sales were made malnlv
before the decline nnd broughl uhollt Ihe trnme
price ns yesterday on the average. Lower cables
this morning , with largo shipments reported
from the Ilaltlc nnd small exports from the Al-
lanllc ficalxmrd. were the leading causes of the
day's decline.'Heports , too , of the damae rc.-cntly
done by frosts In the winter wheat country were
less sensational , and In many cases the damage
previously reported was denied bj' other parties
from the same locality. If there had been any
supporting orders here Ihe decline would have
been less , nnd there were no large lines selling
out. The bulk of the wheat here Is owned by
parties who show no disposition to unload It.
The sales that were made were by parties
who are not extensive holders , bul there being
a large number of these small holders , the ag
gregate of their sales brought about Ihe large
decline for the dny. Wheat Is marketing rather
freely In the country and tends to lessen very
much Hie reduction In Interior elevator supplies.
Ilccelpta for the day were 110,2SO bu. ; shipments ,
22,320 bu.
The Hour market was quiet , with sales re
ported about equal to the production for the
day , which amounted to some 31fli bbls. The
Hour market was quoted at $3.3."i(3. ( & ) for patents ,
with a few sales made at Jll.rbakers' ; , } 2.0."W
2.30. Shipments nf Hour were 33,910 bbls. , slightly
In excess of the production for the day.
St. Limit ntMioiMl .Mnrkot.
ST. LOUIS. May 22. FLOIIU-Kasler ; patents.
$2.SOtf2.SPO ; extra fancy , J2.4302.iO ; fancy , 2.inw
WHEAT On foreign news nnd domestic crop
reports made n loss of "Hf4c ; No , 2 ml , cash ,
Cllfco ; May. tilc ; July , CS5 c ; August , D3lc. !
CO I IN Tumi' , but ? ' c higher ; No. 2 mixed ,
cash , 37 1o ; May , 37Vio ; June , 3 < P/iC ; July , 30cj
September , 37c.
DATS Firm ; higher ; No. 2 , cash , SGiic ; May ,
SWc ; July , 2Uc : August , 24ie.
IIYK NO tmding.
I1AHLEV No trading.
KUAN Quiet , steady ; east track , Clc.
FLAX HEED Jl.20 , nominal.
Cl.OVEll HEEI ) Unchanged"
TIMOTHY SEED-Unchangetl ; W.M'ffl.OO ' ; clo
ver , J6.W 7.W.
HAY 30o lower ; prlmo to cholco timothy , JMO
llt'TTEIl Steadier : strict ! ) fancy creamery ,
i-nas-iiiKiier : : sue.
LBAD Firm ; J3.15.
HPIILTHR Firm ; J3.20.
CORN MI < jAI < I'lichanged.
AVHISIvY Jl.OSjfl.15.
COTTON TIMS Unchanged ; D3c JJ1.00.
HAOOINO Unclmngeil ; CHfiKc.
I'llOVISIONS Ixiwer. Pork. stnndnrJ mess ,
12.23. l.anl. prlmo steam , JO. 70 : choice , JC.S5.1
> ry snlt meats , looae shoulders , JJ.87'4 ' ; longs nnd
ribs , 16.1714 ; shorts. JG.32H. Ilncon , packed
shoulders , JO. 75 ; longs , JC.87H ; ribs , J7 ; shorts ,
HBCR1PTS Flour. 2.000 bbls. ; wheat , C.OOO bu. ;
corn , 97,000 bu. ; oats , 40,000 bu.
SHIl'MUNTS-Flaur , 4,000 hbls. ; wheat , C.OOO
bu. ; corn , 134,000 bu. ; oats , 20,000 bu.
IHll\vaul 'o ( Iriilu Murkiit.
MILWAUKKB , May 22 , FI.OUR-Qulet nnd
WIIBAT Weaker , lower : No. 2 spring , Kc ;
No. 1 northern. C3c ; July , M'U' .
CORN Steady ; No. 3 , 37ie. !
OATS Active nnd Hrmer ; No. 2 white , 5Cc ;
No. 3 white , 30 37 > , c.
HARLHY-Steady ; No. : , CSHo ! sample , 49 ®
RY'R Lowers No. 1 , 49V4c.
PROVISIONS Lower. Pork , J11.70. Ijird ,
7. CO.
CO.RKCKIPTS Flour , 7,800 bbls. ; wheat , 20,100
ill. ; barley. 4.800 bu ,
SHIPMENTS Flour , 9,700 bbls. ; wheat , 800 bu , ;
urley , buu bit. _
KantmH C'lty 'Murkiits.
KANSAS CITY , Mny 22.-WHUAT-Hnrd. lo
ewer ; soft. 2o lower ; No. 2 hard , 49CWc ; No. 2
i-il. Mo ; No. 3 red. 47 49e.
lIUTTER-Qulet ; crcamerj' , HQlte ; dairy , 12
KClOS-Qulet : TGTHc1.
RKCUIPTS Whent , 10,500 bu. ; corn , none ;
ats , none ,
HIUPMRNTS-Wheat , 12,000 bu. ; corn , " none :
ats , none.
Now York Dry Goods Market.
NEW YORK , Mny 22.-Itesults how that the
emnnd hns been much twtter than was Indl-
ated at the opening , llrown cottons , wide
heelings , colored cottons , cotton flannels ,
utumn ginghams and dr. us goods have com.
nandnl the greater share of intention and some
luslnen was laid out. Printing cloths dull at
ncbanged quotations.
* Sugar JIurkot.
NKW YORK. May 21-SUOAR-llaw. active
nd. 'ii ler : falr..r IUilmf. 2 7.'lCc ; centrirugul. 96.
t , 313-Uc. Salc . .8i Uigs ceatrlfusal. 90
fflt i-r- "r-
trnl , at 2IM6c : SO tons Muivavndo , M test ,
20-lCc , M bnirs molasrei sugar , 23-160 , I.&M t'agu
oracngo bsiu * . S4 ted , 23-lto , icdnfd qulot.
LONDON , Mny St. SUOARCant , dull ; little
ilolng ; Java , Mi ; Muvvnio | , fair re
fining , JJs.
ScrurltlcnVcro Acnln Actlto Yvttrrilny
but Spcrilliitlon Wns fiuettleil.
NEW YOIIK. May 22.Tlic stock tnnrket
was again active today , but the speculation
was unsettled In tone , and AS a result ol
tlio day's transactions prices arc about
equally divided between advances and de
clines , At the opening the innrket wns
firm , tlio dealing being principally In the
Industrials. Chicago Qas und Sugar held
the most strength. Union Pacific , which
declined % per cent , and Louisville & Nash
ville , which receded ' , per cent , were the
( inly exceptions to the upward tendency un
til about 1030 ; , when .Sugar , which had ad
vanced 1 % per cent , gave signs of weaken
ing , and on heavy sales declined 1 % per
cent. The depression In llioso shares raunr-d
n celling movement In thn general Hat , re
sulting In a fractional decline therein. There
was a. rally before 11 o'clock , led by To
bacco , which made a gain of 1 % per cent ,
Sugar advancing 1 % per cuirt. but finally
reacted % per cent , und the rest of the mar
ket nguln took a downward turn , Cotton
Oil leading this time , with n loss of 1 per
cent. The decline was checked by thu re
ceipt of buying orders , which again moved
prices upward. Sugar advanced 3 % per cent
to 100. The whole market continued strong
until about 1 o'clock , when General Klectrlc
fell off 1 % per cent and the rest of the mar
ket a fraction. This was followed by an
Improvement , but during the lute uftornoon
the market was very irrcgufnr. Sugar broke
2'A per cent and rallied 1 % per cent , and
the mnro active shares fluctuated within
narrow limits. In the final dealings gener
ally a better tone prevailed and the market
closed strong. The bond market was easier
In tone during the early dealings , became
Irregular during the afternoon nnd closed
The Evening Post says : The advance In
prices on the Stock exchange today was not
of any particular reassuring character. It
was the outcome largely of renewed manipu
lation , nnd In the Industrial stocks which
led the movement had the flimsiest basis
possible. Sugar certificates , for today , were
relieved from the recent pressure. Ono par
ticular block offered for Inside llquldatbn
went up 2 points on the offhand remark of
a single senator that the tariff bill would
pass the senate as It stands.
The following arc the closing quotations
on the lending stocks of the New York ex
change today :
The total sales of stocks today were S08.480
shares. Including : Atchlr.on , 34,700 ; American
Sugar , 94,000 : Hurllngton & Qulncy , 17.WI ; Chicago
cage Oas , 50.800 ; Distillers and Cattlefeeders ,
5,600 ; General Electric , 22,500 ; Lnulstllle & Nash
ville , 6.700 ; Missouri 1'acinc , aiiflj National Lead ,
4,000 ; Northern I'aclflc preferred , 10.100 ; Reading ,
7.200 : Rock Island , 3.GOO ; St. 1'aul , 31WW ; West
ern Union , 8,300.
Now York Money Mitrknt.
Easy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; clo.sed
al 1 per cenl.
STERLING KXCIIANOE-Hrm , with actual
business In bankers' bills , $4.6Si4.S9 for de
mand and $4.87Vi84.'i7i'i for CO day bills ; posted
rates , $4.SS'i < u'4. ! > 9 ; commercial bills , $4.SOU0
GOVERNMENT 1JONDS Finn. State bonds ,
dull. .
The UoulnB quotation * on bonds.
Oil the i < on < ioi ) .Iliirkot.
NKW YOIIK. May 32.-The JJvonlnir Pott'a
aljleunim naya : The announcement of a new
ndlu , sterling loan of CH.OOO.Ouo waa tlm only
future of today' * market. It la alrrndy quoted
t over 2 premium. The. loan Is to be prlncl-
ally applied to redeeming exlitlne India trra -
ry bllln , Americans closed better all around
fter llatneu. 1-oulsvllle and HI. Puul Ird the
ecovery. A United Btates eolJ loan U expected ,
iut no negotiations far It have been becun.
kmth Americana were depre > Hed by it further
laa In the Argentine gold premium to 208.
\\ool Alurkec.
BT. IX1UIB. May 2i--\VOOL-Uar Iy iteadyj
u quotable chaugc
Receipts for the ' ftf Days Show Ahead of
Liberal Orrerlnp ; lplvi ) Ucntcr * n Olinnce to
Choose to Sumo Kitent Hogt 4)pen
llrlik nnqj'cipso Strong at
n xfcti'cVi Lou ,
. The two days' receipts show an Increase
In all kinds of sto'OH''ns compared with sup-
plica for tlio first two tlays of last week.
In cattle und sheep It lias been slight , but
there have been nearly 3,000 more hogs ,
Thcro were lots of. cattle hero and the
quality was good , The supply wns heavier
than It has been tor flvu weeks , and all
buyers , but especially the dressed beef men ,
started In to fill their orders nt n oliarp de
cline from Monday's prices. Light supplies
cast ami steady to strong markets there
had n reassuring Influence on sellers , and
as eastern butchers ntul speculative shippers
commenced taking hold freely the movement
became livelier , "and although Cudahy was
the only ono of the dressed beef men to
make much of n hustle , sellers were not
compelled to give their cattle away by nny
means. Good , handy beeves and right
cholco heavy cattle sold very nearly ns well
as on Monday , but on most other grades
shaded prices were the rulo. In some cases
cattle sold n nlchtl lower , In others salesmen
had to take oft n dime. It all depended
on quality , the supply being heavy , and the
better grades sold first , while the common
grades were moro or less neglected. Taking
the heavy run In consideration. It wna n
very good market all around , and prac
tically everything sold and In very good
With all the big cattle supplies there
were less than n dozen loads of cows In
the yards. The market was fairly active
nnd generally steady nil around. Calves
sold n shade easier on account of ample
receipts , but the market for rough stock
of nil kinds was brisk anil strong.
Yard traders bought most of the stock
nnd feeding cattle nt stendy to n shade
lower prices. Tlio continued dry weather
has hurt the pastures some and not many
country buyers are looking for supplies.
Good to choice feeders are quoted at from
$3.20 to $3.05 , fnlr' to good nt from $3 to
$3.15 , nnd the commoner grades at from $3
down. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . 720 J3 00 10. . . . 050 J3 CO 41. . .1214 J3 75
L. . . 810 3 25 17..1115 3 60 IS. .1148 3 75
1..1200 3 25 29..1028 3 C5 1C. .1078 3 73
1. . . . 7fiO 3 30 21. . . . 079 3 G5 31.L .1184 3 75
4'J..1053 ' 3 35 17..1037 3 G1 L .1080 3 75
20. . . . 977 3 DO 17..1008 3 03 8. .1202 3 73
. 720 3 50 21..1163 3 65 3. .1133 3 75
. 900 3 60 20. . .1018 3 (15 ( 18. .1130 3 75
. 885 3 DO 21. . .1169 3 C5 20. .1253 S 80
.1071 3 5.1 12. . . 911 3 nr .1261 .1 80
. 920 3 S3 13..113S 3 70 .1010 3 80
. 984 3 55 22..1118 3 70 .1155 3 80
. 897 3 55 43..1119 3 70 .1152 3 80
.1211 3 55 20..11D9 3 70 53..1252 3 SO
. 96S 3 6714 2. . . . 780 3 70 43..1435 3 SO
.1022 3 CO 2.1051 ! ) 3 70 23..1308 3 80
. 950 3 CO 22..115.1 370 38. . .1216 3 S' .
. 845 3 60 22. , . ,1130 370 .1162 3 ST.
. K85 3 CO 24 .llll 3 70 17. .1137 3 S5
. 8S6 3 GO 19n..l3Gt 3 75 81. .1314 3 81
. 975 3 CO Il.il32 3 " 5 19. .11137 3 81
.10011 3 CO 20.it93 : 3 73 19. . .1261 3 S3
. US" 3 CO 10..10iW : 3 75 47..122 : 3 85
.1323 3 CO 20. ; .1S < )5 ) 3 ' 71..1174 387V-
.1275 3 CO ' 3 75 19..1514 390
. 975 .1 CO fiJS.'iM 3 75 82..1057 390
.1038 3 CO 3 7.1 31. .1290 3 90
.1139 3 CO 10J. 117 8 7.1 11. .1340 3 90
22..1137 3 CO l.Jl2Sf > 3 7.1 2.1..1341. 3 95
22..1009 3 CO 3 73 43..120J 4 00
1. . . . 740 300 19t ; ! . . WB ! 3 C5 73. . . .1300 380
1. . . . 900 32.1 14\.1021 3 C5 65 1SS7 X 80
1.1..1212 3 4714 II ! . , WO 3 65 19..1175 3 SO
20..1512 3 47 > , i 20V.ll3S ! 363 20..1400 3 80
1..1060 3 50 1..112) 3 C5 72. . . . 122.1 3 80
1..12SO 3 SO r.4.)10SJ 370 21. . .133S 3 85
1. . 850 3 50 29..1399 375 S..1274 3 8'
1. . 940 3 50 15..1122 3 75 I0..1377 3 SCi
21. . 1251 3 M 39.,1064 375 IS..1427 3 S5
CO. . 958 3 55 21..V : 10W B..15I2 3 81
33. . , * 831 3 fill . 38..1300 6..1J85 385 SnotS 9..12M 3 . . . .1458 3 90 ,
18..11S3 3 00 ! $ p 38..1SU 5&.J339- 81 ,
. . 1180 SCO 1C..12C6 3 SO' ' 43..1374 3 93
20. . . .1184 3 C5 1..1220 380
1C. . .1720 3 4. , G..105I 355 3S. . . . S59 3 73
29. . .034 3 50 2J. . . . $31 3 70
930 1 76 1. . . . S50 2 33 1..13CO 3 10
880 1..1230 250 S. . . . 7U3 3 10
L. . . 750 1 75 2..10SI ) 2 60 S3. . . . 963 3 20
2. . . . 850 1 75 3. . . . CM 2 50 1. . . . 900 3 20
C. . . . 78li 1 85 5..1010 2 60 1..1240 20
1..10SO 1 85 10. . . . 910 2 GO 3..1366 3 20
2. . . . 840 1 90 1 .1150 1. . . .12.10 3 2.1
3. . . 876 1 95 4. .1112 3..1010 3 25
2. . . 84.1 2 00 1. .1100 2 7.1 11..1073 3 2.1
L. .1020 2 00 1.I. . . 980 2 75 L. , .1250 3 25
L.L. . 900 2 00 I.L . 9CO 2 75 1. . , ,1400 3 2.1
L.L. . . . 960 2 00 2. .1085 2 8.1 2. . . .1125 R 2.1
L.L. . . .1020 2 00 18. .1106 3 00 3..1110 3 23
2. . . .1090 200 18.L . 950 3 00 1..1I10 3 2
L. . .1100 2 10 .1250 3 00 8..1012 3 3.1
10. . . 710 2 10 5..10SO 30i ) 1..1170 333
2. . . 830 2 15 1..12SO 3 00 2..1325 3 40
L. . . 890 2 25 1..1260 300 12..2W4 3 40
1..11GO 2 25 1..110SO 3 05 1..10SO 3 40
1. . 910 ' - 1..1280 3 10 10..1003 3 50 ,
720 2 25 1..12CO 3 10
. . 780 2 00 1. . . . 880 2 60 1. . . , 770 3 3.1
. , GSO 2 10 8. 63.1 2 90 1. . . , C40 3 35
. . 356 2 10 1. COO 3 00 22. . . , 61C 3 CO
. . C20 2 10 1. 101)0 ) 3 23 823 3 CO
. . 750 2 30 27. 725 3 30
L. . . 790 3 20 4. . . . 607 3 35
L. 100 2 50 3. . . . 103 4 00 12.1 4 CO
1. . 100 3 00 130 4 00 1. . 120 4 60
100 3 00 1. . 120 4 00 15. . 115 4 CO
,103 , 3 00 3. . 140 4 2.1 3. . , ICO 4 7.1
13. . 172 3 50 125 4 SO S. . 10 4 75
L. 150 3 7.1 L 190 4 SO 9. . 131 4 75
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
163 fi < edprs..l07G J3 0714 2 bulls 1505 J2 25
109 feeders. , . . 1039 3 60 G feeders..10 0 275
21 feerers..l093 3 10 12 cows 957 2 bO
. . S50 1..1450 250 L..13.10 285
. .1210 1 1ROO 250 1..1100 2 85
, . co 1..1040 260 23..1556 290
1..14GO 30 1..1220 2 60 4..1744 290
1..1440 1..1700 2 CO 1..1870 290
2..1260 1..1540 2 C5 1..1920 300
3..1013 1..1700 275 1..14IO 3 00
2..1070 1..1610 280 2..1815 3 05
1. . , .1230 I..1670 32.1 I..1370 3 CO
L. , i640 3 W 1. . . . 630 3 2.1
3. . . 386.3 00 1. . . . 600 3 15 t ! . . ,720 , 3 33
L. , 3.14 3 00 7. . , 610 3 20 , 774 3 33
1. . 490 3 00 , 4.10 3 25 , G70 3 40
, 420 3 00 D. . . , S30 3 25 53 ! ! , 717 3 45
4. . , C53 3 05 2. . . , 605 3 25 15. . , 6S2 3 CO
2. D15 3 05 11. . . , 91 3 25 , 8SO 3 CO
I" . 400 3 10 a. . , . C20 3 30
HOGS Dealers' expectations of liberal re
ceipts this week were apparently warranted.
Today's run wns the heaviest since April 12 ,
when 9,902 head were received. The quality
as n rule wns very fnlr. Light receipts nnd
n strong market In Chicago helped to sustain
values here , but the nvcrago of prices paid
was fully a nickel lower than Monday. There
was n moderate Inquiry for shipping nnd
speculative account , but local packers were
the heaviest buyers , ' and there was compctl-
tjon enough to mnlvQ. n fairly active mar
ket , notwithstanding ino lower range of val
ues. Poor light mixed stuff sold down to
$4.BO , nnd a few of.Jho cholco butcher weight
loads cold up to 'JI.Cui The bulk of the fair
to good hogs of nil .weights , however , Hold
at $4.55 to $4.COwUi ! ] the long string ut
$4.CO. The close was .fully as strong as the
opening , and tho-'l > ons , were closed at an
curly hour. On 'Monday the bulk of the
hogs sold at $4.C5 , , and n week ago today
$4,85 and $4.90 boughtmost of the offerings.
thu demand was good nnd eastern markets
stronger trade was active and prices gener
ally n shade firmer. Fulr to good natives
arc quotable at l3.COil74.40 ; fair to good west
erns , $3.20@l.25 ; common and stock sheep ,
$2.503.2f > ; gnnd to choice 10 to 100-lb.
lambs , JS.COifB.OO. Representative sales :
No. \vt. Pr.
1 i.uch 170 J3 ro
12 ffeilers K M
Cl cwcs SO 3 & )
3 ewes Rll SCO
17fi ewes 'J9 3 S" ,
377 western wethers IIS 4 K )
I lamb frl r , 110
1 lamb W f , 00
C lambs , 3S B Oil
42 Inniln 47 C 00
1 l.-imh 40 r , ( Kl
1 liimu T3 COO
. . Receipts mill DUpiMltlon ( if Stnttlc.
Official rBCPir'tsantldisposition of Htoe'.i.-iss'13'.vi
by the boakn of tlio Union Stoa'c VnrJs ii > niii'i/
for tlm twenty-four liouru cnulu ; ; at : t o'clock p. nt ,
Mays. . ' , 16UI :
Stock in HlRlit.
Hocon ! of receipts of live stock at the four
principal yanlH for Tuesday , May 22 , 18114 :
Cattlo. Hois. Shcoo.
South Omaha 4,47'J0,703 1.1HO
Chlc.iiro 2,5(10 ( 13.000 7,500
Kansas City 4.001) ) 14.1)00 ) 2.500
St. I.oulu 2,1100 0,100 1,400
Totals 14,472 43.753 12,580
There \Vnn the Umiul Tuomlay's Oulet In tlio
Ciittlo Murlii't.
CHICAGO , Mny 22. Thcro wan the usual Tues
day's qultu In the cattle market. Hrnrcfly mnro
than 2,500 cuttle were received nud from the rlr-
cumnlani'c that there was no material advance
In prices , It may be Inferred thnt that number
about met thn demand. IVoll fatted cuttle
In the several classes cold stronK : BOCK ! to choice
cows and heifers iloliiK especially well. < , 'om-
mon Krnssy cattle were ncRlvcled and the ten
dency of pi Ices was dpwmvnrd , as the receipts
of grass cattle will show n steady decrease from
now on. There were about 350 Texas cnttle In
the fresh arrivals. They were steady at yes
terday's decline. Kales of natives were /ener-
ally at from $3.75 to (4.10 and from } 2. 0 to K.M
bought most of the cows anil heifers. KMru
steers were quoted around J1.30 and fancy ciws
and heifers Fold as lilgh us from * 3. * to SI.
There was a fair Inquiry for stockers and feed is
on the basis of former quotations.
Itecelpts of IIOKS today were cstlmato.1 al
13.000 head. That small supply was SDOII out
of sellers' hnnds , there behiR a fair demand for
both shipping and packing. Trices were strung
lo 5e hlKher. The bulk linniRht from $1.7.1 to
$1.85. and the best lots found buyers at from
$1.87'/j ' to $1.00. There was n larger proportion
of Rood IIOKS than for some days past , several
lots of notably KOOI ! heavy weights belnif amnnK
the offerings. Since Saturday less than < 3uoO
bond have been received , of which about one-
half went to shippers. The maiket closed steady.
The shuep and lamb mhiketn were hlKher.
Continued llKht arrivals enabled sellers to add
from lie. to l.'ic per 100 Ibs. to values. There w.m
n Rood demand at from $2 to $4.00 for poor to
choice sheep and at from $3.2. > to $5 for poor
to extra. yeurlliiRB. A lot of fine \Vlsconslns
brought the latter flcure. SprlnR lambs were
quoted at from $4 to $5.7u.
Receipts : Cattle. 2fM heart ! calves , 1.500
head ; IIORS , 13,0"0 head ; ahrep , " , . ' * ) head.
The MvenlnR Journal reports :
CATTLK UeeelptH , 2CO'I ' heart ; maiket steady ;
prime to extra native steers , 4.1.ii4.40 : medium ,
$3.90W4.00 : others , $3.7iff4.8rj Texans , f2.'jOS)3.40.
HOGS Hecelpts , 13,000 head ; bulk of sales fc
hlKher than yesterday ; rough heavy , H. ' 'iiLM :
packers and mixed , $4.75474.80 ; prime heavy and
butcher weights , $ l.85ffl4.'JO ; assorted llsht , $ l. * > 0j >
8IIRnP AND LAMnS-Ilcceipts. 7f,00 head ;
iKith a trllle higher ; top sheep , J4.GOjJ4.SO ; top
lambs , $4.70Q5. * i. _
St. LouU Live Stock 'Market.
ST. LOUIS. May 22. CATTLE Uccelpls , 2.COO
head ; shipments , 100 head , Maiket about steady ;
nallvc steers , Rood heavy , $3.95 < ii'l.l2 ' % ; light and
medium , $3.4093.70 ; calves. $1.50 ; Texas hteeis ,
iRhl to medium , $3.00ft3.40.
HOGS Receipts , 6.100 head ; shipments , 700
lead. Market steady. clnslnR easier ; packers'
selections , JI.TOff4.75 ; butchers , $ l.70fi4.SO ; choice
iieillum , $ I.S3 ; Inferior qualities , 51.00 and be-
inv.SHEIJP llcolepts , 1,400 head ; shipments , none ,
Maiket 2Jc hlKher : native mixed 75 to 120 Ibs. ,
; 3.75M.IO : lambs , 53.7J8 1.5" . uccuidlng to quality.
City Llva Stoulc IMiirknt.
KANSAS CITY. Mny 22. CATTLK-ltoeolpls.
, (100 ( head ; shipments , 500 head. Maiket steady , slow
mil heavy ; Texas steers , $2.5W3.60 ; Texas cows ,
:2.00Jf3.20 : ; shipping steers. $3.10 4.25 ; native
ows , $2.00W3.4'i ; stackers nnd feeders , $ L'.01)l)3.50 ;
bulls , $2.40iJ3.30.
110(18 ( Receipts , 11,900 head : shipments , r,00
lead. Maiket steady ; bulk , tl.COfH.70 ; heavies ,
inckers and mixed , $1.5004,75 : lights , Yoikers
and pigs , JI.dKTfl.70.
Sill1 : ! ' : ! ' Receipts , 2,500 head : shipments , 500
head. Market steady.
. > Tiuv York I. Ixo Stock .Murl < L
Ni\V YORK , Way 22. IinnVHS-Recelpts ,
400 hood : no market.
8IIUKP AND LAMIiS Receipts , 2XM heart ;
maiket Unix IWSSc higher ; sheep , poor to prime ,
J3.25W4.00 ; ordinary to choice , $ I.G2.ti5.15 ! { ; frflr
southern lambs , $5.70ft5,75 ,
HOGS Receipts , 3,500 head ; market lower ; In
ferior to good , $3.0005.40.
Sioiiz City Liv' Htock 'Market.
RIOl'X CITY , May 22. IIOlS-Recoipts ( , 1,000
head ; yesterday , 458 head ; shipments , nune ;
market steady ; 54. Will. CO ; bulk. 51. CO.
CATTLK Itecelpts , 500 head ; yesterday , 301
head ; shipments , 2C4 head ; maiket dull , steady ;
feeders , 5ii.Mifl3.MI ; yearlings , $2.253.40 ; cows ,
ll.2S1f2.VSi bulls , $1.5052.40 ; oxen , $1.504)3.00.
1'corlii Ciitiln 'Miirliet.
PUOIUA , May 22. CORN Market Inactive ,
llrmer ; No. 2. 37e ; No. 3. 2ti'4c' .
OATH- Market active , llrmerj No. S white , 3Cc :
No. 3 white. 35 S3Gi' .
RYU Market dull , nominal.
AVUlriKV Market nnn ; high wine Kiwis , $1.15.
Slaiiehestor Tint lies.
MANClIKHTKIt , Mny 22. i'lolhs , quiet , un-
clmnurd. Thu holiday feel Ing still pievalls.
rimincliil NoteH.
110STON. May 22.-ClearhiRS. $14,850,221 ; bal-
nnce > , $ IU3.1,8I5.
HALTIMORK. May 22-Clenrlngs , $2,111,627 ;
bulunces , $311 M6.
NH\V YORK , May 22. ClearlliffR. IDI.Sd..OSI ;
Imhuiees , $ i > , C04UI ,
PARIH , May 22. Three per cent rentes , lOlf
7jc ! tar the account.
PHILADELPHIA. Mny 22.-CenrhiKS | , $10,03)-
276 ; balances , $1,281,574.
1.ONDON , May 22. The amount of bullion KOIIO
Into the Dank of llntjluiul on bulaucu today Is
( IS. WO.
( 'INCINNATI. May U Money , SUffC per rent.
N'ew Yoik ejcllimiie , WJjWc piemlum , CleailiigH ,
MEMIMIIB , Mny 22.-New York exchange sellIng -
Ing fiom $1 to 51. W premium. Clvurlngs , $412,570 :
biilancrs , $249.138.
HAN KRANCI8CX ) . Mny 22. Drafts , light. We :
lelegmphlo. 12ic. ! Hlhvr burg , CJSOC-'tC. Mex
ican dollnm , WJW6U- .
BT. I-OlIH , Mar 2.-Clearln > n > , $3,253,190 ; tml-
inces. $50SKX ! ) , Money dull , Mrt per cent. Ex
change on New York , Wo premium Wd , 7tc B ke < l.
NEW ORL1UNH , May 22. Clearings , $1.701,012.
CHICAOO. May 22. Clearings , $18.71)7,000.
Korelcn exchanK * dull ami llrm. HterlltiK ex
change. nctunl , 51.8714. ami $4.89' , ( for demand.
New York Fxchange , 30 > i bid , 40c nuked , Money
raiy , lutes , 4j ( ( > < r ctnt. j
They Do Not Want thu Tax oti tlio Article
Further .Reduced.
. \ilT nt. ifo In Tr.tde Which tinImltiitlnn Over Mis Origins ! Coimiiiiillty-I'l-
trnt to Wnlch Pcopln Are Deceived
ceived- Snip * In ttnmlm.
The dispatch from , printed In
The Dec jc.i'trday , giving nn uutllnc of
Senator M.uidersou's buttcrlnc bill , created
a good de,11 nf dlscuss'.on among the whole-
snlojjuycrs and shippers of butter In tlila
city. Uutturlno Is the "thorn In ( lie llcsh"
of the butter men , nnd anything said In Its
favor or uny proposed legislation ( ending lo
help It Into consumption could not ucll
escape their condemnation. At the List
session of the legislature tlir butler men of
the state united nnd made n Rtiong effort to
hnvo measures passed that wnuld put n ft 111
greater obstacle In the way of btittorlno.
Some wctc In favor of u law compelling the
coloring In pink of nil buttcrlnc offered for
sale In the state , ns Is done In some casfrn
states. Such n law amounts practically to
prohibition , ns no one would think of using
pink butler , The Nebraska legislature ,
however , failed to take nny action In the
matter , nnd all the protection that the
dealers In this state have Is the national
law Imposing n tax of 2 cents per pound un
Imitation butter.
Uvfore the national law governing the sale
of Imitation butter went Into effect buttcrlno
was sold In the markets of the country as
butter. The fraud was even carried so far
as the putting up of Irregularly simp d rolls
In exact Imitation of the rolls of butter iniul ?
by farmers. Ono dealer In Omnha sold be
tween the 1st of October and December GO-
000 pounds of butterinc In this market nl n
profit of C cents per pound. There wns n
strong popular prejudice again : . * , uutterlnu ,
nnd the only way Hint It could be sold to
consumers wns to represent It us butler.
The profits In the business were so large
that there was every Inducement to carry on
the deception. Peddlers used lo disguise
themselves us farmers nnd sell buttcrlno
from house to house In the cities , represent
ing It as pure butter made on thflr farms.
A dealer In this city , who supplied many of
these Imitation farmers with butterlnc ,
noticed ono day that the fiuttcr on his tabte
had rather a familiar opp-nrance , und ho
asked his wife where It cume from , nnd was
Informed that an honest old farmer hud
been supplying her for several weeks. The
honest old farmer turned out to be onn of
her husband's butterlnu peddlers. It was
claimed at the time Hint some genuine
farmers practiced the deception. They
would buy buttrlno nnd take It home and
work It In with the butter of their own make
und sell It to the retail dealers nt butter
prices , thus realizing n handsome profit.
The dairymen of the country started the
agitation nnd were backed up by the con
sumers , who did not like the Idea of eating
Imitation butter , nnd the present law plac
ing n tax of 2 cents per pound on butterlne
nnd oleomargarine was pushed through con
gress. The law also provided nmong other
regulations that all packages of butterlno
sold by retailers should bo stamped with the
word butterlne or oleomargarine.
When ths : Inw went Into effect the sale of
butterlnc ns butter wns largely stopped nnd
Imitation butter wns placed In n position
where It had to eell on Its m-rlts or not at
all. The fact , however , that the price of
butterlne was so much lower than butter In
duced boarding houses and hotels to buy It
very largely , and the consumpt'on was heavy
even when the law was vigorously enforced.
During the past two years the consump
tion of butterlne has Increased very rapidly
In this city , al least , nnd butter men claim
that It has been due to defects In the pres
ent United States law. It Is opejily asserted
that some retail merchants nrj In the habit
of selling butterlne for butter , but In a way
that would make a conviction Impossible. A
customer may ask for butter nnd the retail
dealer can show him butter and he can also
show him buttrlne , and It Is not the dealer's
fault If he selects the butterlne , which he Is
very likely to do , ns It Is the cheaper nm
has a good taste und nppenrnnce. lie docs
nol tell him Dial 11 Is butterlne nnd hcnco
does not break the Inw In that respect , nm
when he delivers the butter to the pur
chaser's house ho stamps the paper over
with the word "butterlne" according to law
At Ihe same time the color of his Ink am
paper are so nearly Ihe samu that no ono
would notice the stamping.
Butter men claim thai If It were nol for
bulterlnc there would be n goo.l market for
butter. At the pressht lime butter made
by the farmers of Nebraska Is bringing only
Gi cents per pound on track. This I
the price obtained for It by the country mer
chants who buy It from the farmers , so thai
the man who makes Ihe bultcr hardly gets
enough to pay for taking II to market. Even
at thcEo prices the local demand for butler
is light , nnd n largo proportion of It has lo
be shipped out of the state.
The butter business being In this condi
tion , dealers do not look favorably upon thai
feature of Senator Slandeison's bill reducing
the tax on butterlnc , which would give lhal
article a still further advnntnge over genuine
butter. They do approve of the provision
compelling both wholesnlers and retailers to
sell In the original packages only. Hero Is
what n few of the wholesale butter dealers
of Omaha hnve to say on the subject :
Chnrles Klrschbrnun , of the Klrschbrnun-
Haskell Produc ? Company I nm not In favor
of reducing the tux on Imitation butter , but
would prefer to see it raised , If anything , seas
as lo limit the sulo of It as much as possible.
Then I would like to have It put up In one
pound puckngES only , und each package
stamped with n revenue stamp , so that the
retailer could not deceive the consumer , as
Is done at present In nine cases out of ten.
Not to exaggerate , I should say that there
Is ns much buttcrlno ns butter consumed In
Omaha , nnd thai fully two-thirds of the people
ple using Imttfrlne believe II to bo butler.
If It were not for butterlno Omaha nnd the
other cities of Nebrnska would consume all
the good butler that Is mndo In tlio state ,
A. C. Illddell , of UlddMI & Co. I do not
bellevo thai Senator MnnJer on ever received
a letter from n fnrmer engaged In butter
mnklng that advised the reduction of the tax
on butterlne. In the winter season butter
cannot begin to compete with the Imitation
article even with a tax of 2 cents a sound
In force. To reduce this tux would still
further depress the buslnaa * .
James A. Clark , of James A. Clark & Co.
I think the butlr : proJucers and dealers of
Nebraska ought to get up a remonstrunco
and let Senator Mamlerson know where he
Is at. The tax on buttcrlno ought to bo
Increased , or elno taken off altogether , and
every ono bo allowed to make It. The
senator's Idea of compelling the sale of but-
torlno In original packages Is all right. At
the present lime nlnoly-nlno pounds oul of
every 100 sold In Omaha are sold for bultcr.
It Is hard work to detect the fraud , but the
fact Is there Is no ono trying lo detect It.
W.B. Illddell If congriBS will make a law ,
that cannot be evaded , compelling the sale
of buttorlnn as butterlno and do away with
the deceiving of consumers , that will bo all
that nny one can reasonably usk for. The
manufacturers have a light to make but-
terliio no long as It Is not Bold for butter.
It Is claimed by the manufacturers that but
terlno Is boiler than butter ; If no , let then )
upll It for what 11 Is on tin merits und the
butter men will not hesitate to meet them In
fulr competition , I would not cunt what the
tux wus If Senator Mumlerwoii would only
give us a luw that would prevent the stuft
from being sold ns butter.
II. H. Whitney , of Whitney & Co. The
feature of Krnator Mamlert > on'x bill limiting
the sale of butterlno to original packages U
a good Idea. However , I am not In favor
of reducing the tax on butterlne , un the
manufacturers are better able to stand It
than ore the farmers to suffer u still further
reduction In the price of butter. Duller
baa dropped down so low that there IB no
encouragement for farmers to make good
butter any more. An noon un cool weather
comes In the full butterlne shuts off fully
one-half of the demand for butler In this
city. Every fall the number of retail mer
chants who take out a license to sell but
terlno Increases. As an example of bow It
workH , a retail merchant wno had been buy *
Ing butter to the umouut of ? 1GK to $200 pel
mouth took otiv a licci.ic l : < l full to sell
biitlerlne. nnd ufu-r ( lint hm butter tend *
did not amount to m.ythliiK lift snlds
"Why , J n pd to b , elad ( o imxko 4flr cent ? )
per pound on butter but I nm now buyhiK
mittcrlne nt 12a ( cents per i.nund mid selling
It at IOJT22 oents. " Dutlirn3 ; could easily
pny n lax of r. cents per pound nnd mill
have all tin * ail\Hnlnio over butter In Um
mallnr of price , as it cmts so Illtlo to IIIRIIIH
facturp Jl. There Is no doubt but lanl n
wrge portion of the people nf Omaha who
think the > nro lulng bultcr nro In ro.-lll/
commuting butloiiiir.
llnlutli Uiiuir.MTirltrt.
nri.rTii. M y -\YIIIAT-CIU < K > I loweri
vn t1.1",1,1' < ' " * " ' P" " ' : -MJ' | ' Ml 1' JHV , M'Jej
SeM.V,1 ! , ! ! .l"--.1 , i , < " ; ' "if M . ° J J M" ti'iiHicili. > ' ' r' fli rnsli " > , tsAv'l " ! * '
* ' ° " " ' " 'kl
" " *
OATH -No. 2. Sl'.o ( : No. J while. tV.
ryV."i' 'filial ' ' " " t0 < l' ° " Wl-wl' I3 ls. tV (
lUVnil'lV \\-lii-nt , S.577 I. , |
SIIIPAir.NT.S.Wheat. . S.VM lui.
, , . ' .r * , lnl" ' " ' ' l for Hi * ' w" ! < endliiR f-ut
unlny UM slmwc : nultmt at Duliitli nSid sti.
l''ll"r. . . , . ) l-1'Ij. ' ; rn-elins , t.iInll. . . 141.411 hbls I
' * ° " lin" ' ' ' 311'
? . " ; rtTV . > r . > l" M"yNrttlniMl Tnmill ( ci--
Jin-nlf < , KC : lilKlirnt , kCSc , low t ,
uo : lii''l ; ' MI ' ; < ; ; ( tales , il.ik. ) hlilo , . Ci | > nr
5S ' ' ? " ' | ,1N , shipment. , 9Vr,3 Mils. , nun ,
HriWt-RO. . Pa. . Mny 22.-N.uU.nal TrniwU
. .
c.-itllleul. iipeneil ill .vCo ; cli-Keil nt 'kC hl h
ml. 5'V' ! ; lowest. * ; ; , ; nn sitli-M.
LONIION . ' ' ' .
Ppol , SCs ; Mny anil .lull" .li'x 3,1.
Liverpool .MiirioM.
LIVERPOOL. My , , . ' . . ; U < v
inuiiil fulr ; lu.l.lrts nlTer nioilenitelyj No. 1 t'al-
t'l-'A'1" ' ' ! ; . * ? " ' I'4 ' * W ; icil western winter , li
' .
MUI * S'-il.
roit.N'--Htenc1y ; iloumml moJeiMle. new mlxctl
spot. 3 < 7il.
PROVISIONS lleef extra Ii.Ola mcsr. S2s C.I .
Poik , | trlmu moss , 70i. Ilncon. lone ntiil shop
ileiir , rl | lm. , 32s 3il ; Imiir clnir , 43 Ibi. , 33
l.uu ! , prime \\eslern , 37s 3 < 1.
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