THE OMAHA DAILY JJEK : WEDNESDAY , MAY 23 , ] 89J. dHE ? DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE - - NO. 12 I'KARt , STREET Delivered ty carrier to any parU f the cltr. II. W. TILTON , L 8 e. otlico , No. 43 ; night .if/j.vr/y.v. Attend Boston ( lord syndicate tale. The Young Men's Institute will give a concert and dancing party tomorrow evening at their hall on Main street. Another match game between the Omaha and Council [ Huffs whist clubs will be played this evening at the league club rooms , Jean Strvrns , employed In Frank Wtathrr * beo's livery stable. Is In jail on the charge of Mealing a laprobc from his employer's establishment and pawning It. St John's English Lutheran church will give on Ice cream and strawberry sociable Friday evening at James * hall , 17 Pearl etrcet. No charge for admission. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Langdon entertained the members of thu Salvation army at their home , Monday evening. It a farewell party for Captain Mclnnla and wife. John Brown , Gus Kelly , James Drown and John Mason were arrested yesterday for distributing handbills for a patent medicine without having procured the necessary II- ccnso from the city clerk. There will bo a special service for young men at Grace church , corner Union and Pierce streets , on Sunday evening at S o'clock. Several addresses will be made by members of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. All arc Invited. Sheriff Hazcn and Mack Goodwin , accom panied by two large , picturesque pairs of cum boots , went to Mannwa yesterday to hunt fish. They claim to have caught seven teen , but ono report gives ninety-nine as the proper size of the string. The Council Bluffs Shooting club has shot once , and will continue to shoot every Thursday afternoon dtir ng the seasonat their grounds , near motor bridge , north side. Special meeting of Rcbckah Relief , asso ciation at Mrs , Lcckwood'K this afternoon. Sophus and Olaf Jensen , two boys , C and 8 years old , were brought up In police court yesterday morning amid an equinoctial gale of tears to answer to the charge of throwing a brick that struck Mrs. Carl Nelson In the head. Their case was continued until this morning. J. F. Bardsley , assignee of J. G. Loobcy ' & Co. of Neola , filed an application In the district court yesterday , asking that he be allowed to sell the balance of the stock In bulk for 60 cents on $1. The Inventory prlco of the entire stock was $2,991 , and . what Is yet unsold Is valued at $1,145. Two hard citizens giving their names as Frank McDonnell and Henry Leopold tried to run the Burlington yards Monday night and threatened to "do" Clay Drake , the night watchman , when he tried to run them himself. Both were arrested , and In police court yesterday morning each was given a ticket entitling him to fifteen days' work on the streets. Dan Smith , the well known young man connected with the Postal Telegraph com pany , wishes It stated that he Is not the party referred to In the newspapers as hav ing a case of snakes at the city jail. His namesake docs not seem to be careful to maintain the dignity of the name he bears , and that fact causes the rest of the Smith family , and particularly the other Dan Smiths , a great deal of trouble. W. M. Clayton , the Bartlett. la. , man who claims to have been buncoed by Collier and Harris of this city in a foot race deal , was brought up for a hearing yesterday morning on the charge of threatening to kill. The two prosecuting witnesses were both In jail Jn Bartlett , and were , consequently , unable to appear against him to any great extent , and he was discharged. Clayton left on last evening's train for Bartlctt , and will try to hustle the two sharks over the road to the penitentiary. It Is astonishing how little thought most people give to the quality of their fire In surance. There are some strong Insurance companies and many weak ones. Wo repre sent only the best. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl. Jarvts Wlno Co. . Council'Bluffs. A Scnuntlonnl Shoo Salt * . Every mother ( or father ) who will go to 5 Main street and say they saw this ad in The BeTT will be given 25 per cent of w liole- ealo prices on any pair of children's shoes In a $10,000 shoe stock. The laundries use Domestic soap. Clias. Dlcrworth and J. W. Plnnell have the exclusive control of the eating and drink ing privileges at the driving park during the races this week. Applications for pop corn , lunch and lemonade stands will be re ceived at COG Broadway , or the Metropolitan betel , until Thursday. i\uns Laundry Company. 020 Pearl street. Telephone , 290. Gas cooking stove : for rent and for sale at Gas Co's office. _ JMJ/f .S O.V. I L 1'A It. Itlll.l 1'IIS. 3. C. Blxby Is In Des Molnes on buslnes. Born , to Ilev. and Mrs. J. E. Simpson , a eon. eon.Tho The condition of E. L. Cook was reported somewhat Improved yesterday. Mrs. Mary Wallace of Sterling , 111. , Is In the city , the guest of W. L. Patterson and family , on South Sixth street. Mrs. J. II. Wyman of Des Molnoi Is In the city visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wallace , on Bluff street. Mrs. H. H. Field , whose condition was nuch Monday night as to render her recov ery doubtful , was reported somewhat better rcsterday. Miss Molllo Lacy , daughter of the late Patrick Lacy , left last evening' for Dubuque , where she will begin her novitiate In u Catholic convent. Dr. Stephen Phclps of this city has re- cnlved the news of the birth a girl baby to his eon and daughter , Hov. and Airs. Han- dall , at Armstrong , la. , A. L. Mcego and wife of Sterling , III' , arc In the city , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Mr. Mccgo represents the Eclipse Manufacturing company. Mr. and Mrs. AV. W. Lunger left last evenIng - Ing for Chicago , where Mr. Lunger goes on business. Airs. Lunger will go on to Spring- Held , III. , for a short visit to her old homo. Andrew Hlchmond , a prominent attorney of Orleans , Nob. , Is the guest of Henry Ste venson of this city while attending the meet ing of the republican state central commit tee In Omaha. Airs. II. II. Glover and Airs. W.M. * Guides of Grand Island , Neb. , and Airs , AI. A. Baker of Cincinnati , O. , have arrived In the city to attend the bedside of their mother , Mrs. H. H. Field. News has been received here of the mar riage of Ed Johnston of DCS Molnts and Allss Emma Piper of Dexter , la. The Kroom Is a member of tlio detective force In the capital city and Is well known here. J. C. Fttzpatrlck , formerly connected with the Western Weighing association , will leave today for St. Louis , wherehe. will take a position with the Omaha & St , Louis Itall- v.-ay company and run between St. Louis and Aloberly. Sherman K. Barker , who was formerly employed In Deno's. but recently has been running the Grand hotel at Colfu.v with his father , arrived In the city yesterday and will bo married today to Allss Davis , daugh ter of J , L. Davis , on Lincoln avenue. After the marrluco they will leave for Colfux. The following parties took out marriage llcoiues yesterday at the county clerk's ofllce : Name and address. Age. accrue W. Potts , Milwaukee. WIs . 21 Dorothy J , Watts , Neola . IS John T. Joynes , Omaha . . . . . 41 ilattle Norton , Omaha . , . 9 Charles Lunkley , the well known undertaker , will occupy the building at 23S Broadway after May 20. Various Improvements will bo made which will give him ono of the finest undertaking establishments In tbo Eee the new art gor i at Mrs. NlleV. .Washerwomen ute Domestic eoap , 4 NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Interesting Religions Diccussioa to Take Place Early in Jnne. MORMON CHURCH QUESTIONS INVOLVED iidcrn : I > . r. HtoittV. . .I , ItuttcnTurtli and T. W. Wlllhinn Will Tnko I'urt In the AfTttlr nnd Defend Their FHlth. COUNCIL BLUFFS. la. , May 22. To the Editor of The Bee ; According to previous arrangement , Elders D. F. Stout and W. J. Buttcrworth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met T. W. Williams of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sa'nts at , J04 West Broadway Monday , Alay 21 , at " p. m. , and agreed to hold a discussion , commencing Atcnday , June 4 , at 7:30 : p. m. , and continuing for four con- secutlve evenings ; the time to be extended , If agreeable to both parties The following propositions were agreed upon , the first two to be discussed. If Elder Stout can give the time , the third In case he cannot : First , Docs the church over which Wll- ford Woodruff presides teach the tame doc trines and possess HIP same authority as the church In the daya of Joseph , the Seer ? D. F. Stout to affirm , T. W. Williams to deny. Second , Resolved , That Joseph Smith , jr. , of I.atncnln , la. , Is the legal successor of his father , Joseph the Seer , and has been properly set opart to fill the ofllce of first president of the church , and the church over which ho now presides Is the church of God and accepted by Him. T. W. Williams affirms. D. F. Stout denies. Third , Hesolved , That the church now presided - sided over hy Wllford Woodruff has apnita- tlzed from the true faith as established by God through Joseph Smith , and has been rejected of God , and farther , that Joseph Smith , jr. , now of Lamonl , la. . Is the legal successor of his father , Joieph the Seer , and the church over which he now presides Is the church of God and accepted by Him. T. W. Williams to affirm , D. F. Stout to deny. The disputants reserve the right of secur ing substitutes In case they The place for the discussion will be announced later. T. W. WILLIAMS , 420 Harrison ttreet. KD SIIIKT WAISTS Sl.OO. Itrnnlson Hrog. Just arrived , a magnificent line of ladles' laundered shirt waists In neat stripes , checks and figures , made of French percale , perfect fitting , a waist worth $1.50 In any house. Seu them on sale Wednesday at $1.00 each. each.Ladles' silk shirt waUts at $3.00 and $3.50 , In all colors and black. A nice child's sum mer bonnet at 15c and 25c that's worth just double. 25c nnd 30c chenille dot Tuxedo veiling , all colors , 15c yard. 100 26-Inch gloria silk umbrellas , paragon frame , today again at $1.00 each. Ladles' pure silk vests In pink , blue , black and cream , T5c each. SPECIAL CAUPET AND CL'HTAIN SALE. 500 curtain shades , on best spring llxtures , 19c each. Lace curtains were never sold so cheap before. See what you can buy of us at USc , $ t.OO , $1.3S and $1.98 pair ; they're worth nearly double of what we ask. Irish paint lace curtains at $3.6C pair ; actual value Is $6.00. 40-Inch dotted Swiss , nice for curtains , today 15c yard. SPECIAL CLOAK SALE. Every cloak In our house marked down. - Children's Jackets , all sizes , at 96c each. All our ladies' silk capes that were $15.00 , $18.00 , $20.00 and $25.00 , Wednesday your choice at $10.00 each. BENNISON BROS. . Council Bluffs. _ The UrlvliiK 1'nrk ItucpH Commence on Thursday , 'with a string of 200 famous flyers from the best studs in the United States , but the races for the driving bargains nt T. B. Hughes' have been on for a. long time , and are getting hotter each day. Up with the times and far ahead on low prices for shoes , hats and furnishing goods is the official record at 919 Alain street. _ The famous Mase Wise livery and sale barns have bsen sold to J. W. Mlnnlck , and the business will bo continued under his manage ment. Horses boarded and cared for at reasonable rates ; barn open day and night. 1'rlrn Shoot. Colonel F. C. need and C. B. Bandlett had a prize shoot yesterday afternoon In an alley In the rear of The Bee office. A piece of white paper was stuck up on the side of a board and plugged at In the most approved fashion , but as It was not more than six Inches square it escaped practically un scathed. Colonel Ben Marks officiated as keeper of what littla score there was , but h3 did not have time to make It public , as a police officer appeared on the tcene about the time the medal was to have been brought out for the winner. There Is a city ordi nance against shooting firearms within the city limits , but there will be no arrests. 11 f uutlfnl New Itu ffs. At the Council Bluffs Carpet store this week ladles will be shown the newest and finest things In the rug line In the country. The leader Is the La Paris , a magnificent thing , and others are the Buddhas , Royal Wiltons , Smyrnas , In single door mats up to the largest carpet sizes. All will be on special wale this week. In laces and drapes. every new novelty and all the old standards will be shown , and will be Included In the special sale. The Carpet company Is the only exclusive carpet house In the city , and docs not sell from diminutive samples. To lllvycia Itlderu. Before selecting your mount for this sea son we would respectfully ask you to try our $85.00 Wavcrley , guaranteed equal to any wheel built , regardless of price. Over forty In use In the city. Cole & Cole , exclusive agents , 41 Alain street. _ Tom llrooki I'Hriloiioil. Governor Jackson signed Tom Brooks' par don Alonday , and the young man is expected home today to take up his resldenca once more In Council Bluffs , It has been nearly five years since he was sentenced to the penitentiary for life for the murder of Frank DcGoodc. The pardon Is a conditional one , there bilng a clause Inserted which renders him likely to be cent back to commence his Imprisonment over again unless ho abstains from the use of Intoxlcitlng liquors. S. AI. Williamson & Co. have by far the largest and finest line of bicycles ever shown In Council Bluffs. Bicycles for rent and for sale on easy payments. First-class workmen In our repair department. 106 Main street. _ "Wanted Good girl for general housework ; German preferred. No. 600 E , Pierce street. Airs. B , Hogg. Knit Agi'ln't the City. Airs. Alary A. Clark , wife of Dr. F , C. Clark , Is suing the city for $3,400 damages claimed to have been suffered by reason of the action of the city In grading Clark avenue In the vicinity of Fifth avenue. Airs. Clark wants $50 for every apple tree that was destroyed on the place. The city claims the damages asked for amount to more than the vuluo of the property. The case Is now being tried In the district court , with Judge Thornell on the bench. For coba go to Cox , 10 Main street. Tele phone 48. Everybody knows Davis sells drugs. Jarvls Wlno Co. , Council Bluffs , la. , agent Jarvls 3S77 brandy , wines and liquor. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. We want everybody to know that Morgan sells paints and drugs. 134 and 742 Broadway. Hun for 8.1,000. The quarrel between D. Al. Williams and Alexander Valller , mention of which was thadu yesterday In The Bee , has blossomed out into a suit for damages. Valller was fined In justice ciurt for assault and battery , and Williams , concluding to make a little more trouble ( or his ui'inmeut , commenced a suit In the dtr ct court for $5,000 damages to compensate him for the Inconvenience of having a heavy purple fringe about his eye. A I'cw .Motf D.iys Of the Alay syndicate sale. Goods offered now that will be Impossible to duplicate later In the season. Extra values offered In ladles'- waists , towels and wool challls. Every Item Just as advertised. For further reference SEC show windows. 300 dozen nil linen towels , sold for ICc , ITc , 20c , at 12'ic ' oacli. 123 dozen Austrian made towels , sold for Stic , 30c , 33c , at 19c each , Ladles' percale and sateen waists , sold for G8c and 69c , now 39o each. Wondtrful bargains In white embroidered waists from 25c to $1.50. Wool challls , our own Importation , from 33c to G8c yard. Two cases 9-4 Atlantic sheeting ( rem nants ) ITc , worth 25c. Five cases yard wide Hill muslin ( rem nants ) 6',4c , worth 9c. Get our prices on ready-made sheets and pillow cases during syndicate sale. FOTHERINOHA.M , WH1TELAW & CO. . Council Bluffs , la. Lost , between Franklin avenue on Pierce street and Wllcox's greenhouse , Persian shawl. Finder leave at Bee office and re ceive reward. _ _ Corercil i'ottnwnttiintlr Awheel. D. R. Hughey and Clarence R. Sweet left Monday afternoon at 1:30 : o'clock for a blcyclo trip through Pottawattamle county. Yesterday evening at 7:45 : o'clock they re turned , and the cyclometer on Hughoy's wheel registered a total of 119 miles that they had covered since their departure. On the way they tcok In Glcnwood , Henderson. Silver City , Alocedonlo , Carson and other towns in Pottawattamle and Mills counties. The last thirty-two miles , from Henderson to this city , was covered In two hours nnd thirty minutes , and they made 100 miles In Just eight hours and fifteen minutes of ac tual riding. Sweet had the misfortune to collide with a cow while he was rldng : at full speed. His wheel came out of the en counter considerably the worse for wear , but nt last accounts no fatalities had been reported In the bovine population. nariilnliiiicii.n .Must Mop In ionn In a short time , as Iowa has passed a law against them. This Is your last chance to collect your accounts before the law goes Into force. The Nassau Investment company has reduced its charges and will guarantee collections against persons not living In Iowa , but who arc employed by some rail way , express or telegraph company having an agent In Iowa. Write at once for terms and references , Council Bluffs. Two Wcddlnga Today. This evening at 6 o'clock Allss Nellie Wright , daughter of George F. Wright of this city , will be united In marriage to Wil liam W. Benson , a young attorney of Dubu- que. Only the Immediate relatives of the parties will be present. After the cere mony the bride and groom will take the train for a brief trip , after which they will settle in Dubuque. Another event In which Cupid plays u prominent part , and in which the people of Council Bluffs will bo considerably : nter- csted , will take placa today at Neola , when Allss Dorothy J. Watts pf that place will bs married to George W. Potts of Alllwaukee. The groom is a knight of the grip and the bride Is the daughter of a prominent banker of Neola. They will live In Milwaukee. While you are paying for laundry why not get the best ? The Eagle laundry solicits a trial and Invites comparison. Telephone 157. Will IliiKt 1'urk ConccrtK. Dalbsy's band of sixteen pieces has been engaged to give a concert at Falrmount park Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The negotia tions that have been going on for several weeks looking to the Inauguration of a series of park conc'rts have so far proved success ful , and the park will be evin more populir as a resort next Sunday afternon than usual. The expense will be borne equally by the motor company and the park commissioners. This evening the band will give an open air concert In front of the Ogdcn hotel for the particular benefit of Colonel L. S. Hatch , the superintendent of the racing meeting which commences at the driving park tomorrow. Meyers-Durfee Furniture company , 336-338 Broadway. Bargains In fine furniture. llrought Hack the AHhrs. Charles Alatthals returned yesterday from Chicago , where he took the remains of Ills father-in-law , Perclval Allen , to be cremated at the Graceland cemetery. He watched the process In all Its stages , and saw the remains Incinerated In about three' hours. The ashes were finally put Into a tin box and brought back by Air. Alatthals to this city , where they will bo Interred In the family lot In Falrvlew. Domestic soap breaks hard water. Hough It. Rob , the young son of Colonel D. B. Dally , and his friend , Tom Flnley , son of T. L. Flnley of the Omaha & St. Louis , have started out on a tour of the world , or EO much thereof as they may be abls to see before they get tired of It. They have been away about a week now , and their friends do not know in what direction they went. _ Agulnsl the Jdillrond. The jury in the case of Blumensteln against the Chicago & Northwestern Railway company , after being out a few hours , re turned yesterday afternoon with a verdict for the plaintiff for the sum of $150 , that being the value of the horse that was run over by the cars and killed. o DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Small pills , safe pills , best pills. Supreme Court Decision * . DES AIOINES , Alay 22. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Supreme court opinions ; John Barrett , et al , against Sunnier Kemp , et al , appellants , Hardln district ; affirmed. W. U. Collins , appellant , against the city of Keokuk , Superior court of Keokuk ; affirmed. Catherine Clarity , et al , against Michael Sheridan , et al , appellants , Allamakeo dis trict ; reversed. O. T. Brattlebo against L. J. TJernagel and P. S. TJernagel , appellants , Story district ; affirmed. W. II. Truestlale , receiver , appellant , against 0. B. Jensen , Webster district ; so much o ! decree of district court as is In volved In appeal of defendant is affirmed and so much as Is Involved In appeal of plaintiff is reversed. Joseph Dorweller against James Ca linan and James C. Savery , appellants , Kossuth district ; affirmed. Thomas Sncll et al , appellants , against A. C. Alcsservey et al , Hardln district ; affirmed. C. S. Hornbeck against Brown and Nlv- hols ct al , appellants , Hardln district ; re versed. Knudt Wllllamcon , appellant , against Ole AI. Oleson. Story district ; affirmed. S. C. Clausen against L. J. and P. G. TJsrnagcl , appellants. Story district ; re versed , Alary AI. Hltts , appellant , against E. W. AIcFarland et al , Boone district ; affirmed. In re application of G. E. Whltlock against C. A. Bartholomew , appelant , Lucas district , affirmed , L. L. Johnson , appellant , against Chicago & Northwestern Hallway company , Tunui dis trict ; atfirmed. Susan B. Cook against Ellas Doty , appel lant , Cedar Rapids superior court ; affirmed. State of Iowa ex rcl J. J. Clark , county of Ccrro Gordo , against the Iowa Central Rail way company , appellant , Ccrro Gordo district , reversed. This Is an action concerning the alleged establishment of a highway and the refusal of the defendant company to construct - struct a crossing. V. 9. Taylor against J. II. Sheridan , appel lant , Sheridan district ; affirmed. Foster & Llebbe , appellant ! ) , against the American Pill and Medicine company , Clay district ; affirmed. O. AI , Trlpp. appellant , against North western Live Stock Insurance company , Jasper district ; -affirmed. Catherine Negley against C. C. Cowell , appellant , Franklin district ; reversed. Christopher AIcGuIre , appellant , against Michael Kennedy , Scott district ; affirmed. At : O. Wlckham , appellant , against Epbralm Ilenthorn , Hardln district ; nUlrincd. Accldently Mint While Iluiitln.- . IIAWLIN8 , Wyo. , Alny 22-Spectal ( T.Me- gram to The Bee.Otto ) MathlHun , n J ur- nal apprentice , while out hunting last uv n- Ing. accidentally Mi > l himself In 111 ; left breast with a small target rifle. ARMS TO REJEL STRIKERS Largo Supply of Bifles 'and Revolvers Pur chased at MIsfeIjte6 Field Mines. < , ILLINOIS TROOPS fiiAYv'BE ORDERED OUT I * 11 ir Klgltt Humlrril imnUltc Open tor * Arc Kxprrlril to KnenfcV In nil KfTort Todny to Ctw \ tlio DANVILLE , III. , Jlqy52. ! [ Twenty deputy sheriffs have surrounded the .Mission Fields mines ; twenty more have been sworn In anil will KO on duty tonight. Forty Win- cheater rides and 100 "revolvers arrived toJay and were taken out to the mined hy the company. The United Mine Workers held an all-nlglit session last night In tills city , debating the Mission Fields matter. They expected the miners there to come out list night , but they went to work as usual today. It Is said here that on the strength of the report that the striking miners will go to Mission Fields SOO strong tomorrow morn ing President Rldgeley of the Consolidated Coal company at Sprlngdcld has called on the governor for help. MINKKS OX Till : W.VIt I'.VTII. rntrollnc the Cnkn UrRloiift In A nurd Itumls to Intlmtcliile Strlltrn. UNIONTONVN. Pa. , May 22. The strikers of the fourth pool on the Monongahcia river arc on the war path today and there Is likely to be serious trouble In that vicinity before night. The only place where an at tempt has been made to resume operations In the river district Is at the Stickle Hollow- mines of the Washington Coal and Coke company , where twenty men are working. At daylight the strikers assembled at Fayette City , about 100 strong , and. arming themselves with shotguns and revolvers , started for Stickle Hollow to bring the men out. They were led by a brass band and carried the American flag. All were foreigners and serious trouble Is expected , this being the first break In the ranks of the river strikers. .The nine men working for the Frlck com pany who were captured by the strikers at Fair Chance last night and taken to their camp are still held prisoners. Numerous requests have been made for their release , but the strikers say only Wlnchstcrs will compel them to give In. It Is said that a band of deputies will try to gain posses sion of them this afternoon. Vanderbllt and Dawson were the tccnes of considerable excitement last night. About 1,000 strikers marched there to bring out the darkles lately Imported Into the coke region and put to work by Ilalney & Fort Hill and Paul. They made a big demonstration , but accomplished noth ing.BUFFALO BUFFALO , May 22. The Lehlgh Coal company's big trestle at Checktowaga was set on fire. Engines were sent from here by a special train. The flro was extinguished before the trestle had been serjously damaged. STAUNTON , 111. , May , 22. The Consoli dated Coal company , , ln order to protect the Staunton miners from strikers , have secured 100 Winchester shot guns , with several hun dred pounds of shells,1 loaded with buckshot , reports having reached' Staunton that the strikers Intended to' return here and force working miners to stop. ' Deputy Sheriff Hoxey Intends to prdtect all men wishing to work if he has to call on every cltUeu In the city to aid him1. Both mines are work ing full force. No. ' 6 mine hoisted 1,200 tons today. Reports from Glllcsple state that the Glllesple mines-will work tomorrow. FLORENCE , Colo.- May 22. Several hun dred miners with flags , preceded with three brass bands , started overland for House , seventy-eight miles from here , at 9 o'clock today. They ore not armed , but are deter mined to make'the miners In the south como out. Some of the best citizens In the camp are In the army , but the majority are Italians and Austrlans. People In the coal camps are becoming desperate and trouble Is feared. Fnrtory Men Itccomliif ; Alnrtnrd. DES MOINES , May 22. ( Special Telegram to The I3ee. ) The executive committee of the Iowa Miners union was in session here today. The committee was addressed by Mayor Hlllis and Alderman Wllklns In re gard to allowing enough coal to be mined to keep the water works going in this city. But the executive committee refused this request point blank. It Is held by the minors that to allow a little work would lead to a general disruption of the strike. The coal strike Is putting some of the manu facturing plants In a hazardous position. Without coal they can do nothing. A brief run by burning wood would tide the matter over a few days , but the managers know that they must have coal within a very short time. Dill Not I'ubllnh the Scald. CLEVELAND , May 22. The convention of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers resumed consideration of the scale question today. When Secretary Kll- gallon's attention was called to the fact that what was claimed to be the tcale in all Its details as adopted by the present conven tion had been published In Pittsburg this morning he said : "It Is Impossible. Wo have not completed the/ scale , nor can we dose so for a day or two at least. It may be that the Pittsburg papers have gotten hold of last year's scale and printed It under the Impression that It was the new one , but I am perfectly sure that nothing has been given out as to the result of the work of the present convention. " Ono He-milt of the Conl Slrllic. DULUTH , May 22. A very unusual iron transaction has just been closed hero be tween the Minnesota Blast Furnace company of Duluth and a leading Pittsburg steel maker. The latter has bought front the local Iron company about $30,000 worth of Bessemer pig Iron , to be shipped at once , all rail , to Pittsburg. There will be be tween three and four full tra'n ' loads of Iron and the first lot has already gone forward. Satisfaction is expressed at the price. Thin sale Is directly due to the coal strike In the east , but It Is the first time that any coke company so far west has b en patronized by eastern manufacturers. Ohio Troupii In Driimml. AKRON , O. , May 2 , Serious trouble Is apprehended among , thq. coal miner ! ) of Tuscarawas county , where several mines are being worked. JToday the men were driven out of one mine liy strikers , and to morrow the same fate Ib treatened to the lOthor workers. The sheriff telegraphed Major E. C. Bryan of tjie Eighth regiment for aid and he immediately left for the seat of trouble , asking Adjutant General Howe tu meet him and order his companies to hold themselves In readiness. The striker * ore belligerent a.nd determined that work shall not be continued , Trouble Kipoclod xt Oiitrnllit. CENTIIALIA. III. . May 22. Trouble Is ex pected here tomorrow nt the Illg Four mine. About thirty miners , principally negroes , re sponded to the call of the employers to re sume work and went down Into the mines this morning and have been working today unmolested. It Is understood here that rv delegation of striken from Du Quoin , Ilelle- vlllc and other adjoining mines will bo here tomorrow to force the men out. Clofteit for \\illlt or Coal. ST. LOUIS , May 22. The Glendalc Zinc company at Carondclct has banked Its fires and thrown out"of employment Us 300 em- | ploycs. The plant was unable tu operate j longer on account of the scarcity of con I j When the coal strike was Inaugurated the company stored away as much coal as It could , but now the reserve Is exhausted. OMAHA GETS THE CONVENTION ( Contlnu id from First Page. ) u convention crowd tlmn a little ooncouive of party lender * . All of the state olllcors except Governor frounce and point * of the old ont'H , the oil Inspector niitl the cninmlH- Hloner of labor , the mcmner.s of the State * Hoard of Transportation and the u-nial crowd following In the wnke were on hand. Lincoln's committee of 1W to sec-tire the convention wax headed by Hill UorgnM , Tom Uenton , II. M. Itushnell , Hud Linil- sey and some repri'scntatlvtcitizen * . Bx- Governor Thayer wan theio , mid unions the other "exs" were ex-LletiU-imnt ( Jjv- prnor Hhcdd and ex-t'onnrpRMiiian Dorscy. Kx-memberH of the IcRlnlnturc wctv therp gill ore. Ixiwley of Seward , Wardlaw of UIIKC , RiiHsell of Culfitx , Hnlin of Adiimv Raymond , McKesson and Moore of Lancas ter , Watson of Otoe , Dew of Johnson. Ev erett of lluit , Crtmen of Frontier , Welher- ald of Tlmycr , Sutherland of Hurt ant ] many others whose names ) have bren en rolled on HIP roster of the senate or liotibo shed more or less radiance on the scone. But to come down to the candidates , though some of those already mentioned think they are In It. Lincoln and Lancaster county come to the front , as u.sual , with more men that want something than any other part of the state. For one olllce they have two aspirants , for both Frank Ale- Clunky and li. L. II. Austlm want to be superintendent of public Instruction. In ad dition , there Is I. M. Huymond for gov ernor. R. B .Moore for lieutenant governor , and Hilly Hamilton for attorney general. Bvery one of these prospective candidates was on hand last night , and right In the swim at least they were surrounded by a small sea of humanity. Of the other alleged candidates for gov ernor , there were present at the meeting Jack MacColl , Tom Majors , John Peters , George 1' . Uemls , 12. K. Valentine and W. J. Broatch. The only one who failed to pill In an appearance was A. B. C'ady. Every announced candidate for the'-liom- Inatlon of lieutenant goveinor was person ally on hand to watch out for his own In terests. There were Orlando Tofft of Avoca , K. M. Correll of Hebron , C. M Miller of Fairmont , and Tom Cr.ine of Douglas. Editor Coirell expressed himself confident of taking In the pilze unless Sen ator Tefft should fool him. Of the live candidates for secretary of state , four were on deck T. J. I'lckctt of Ashland , .1. C. F. McKesson of Emerald , A. H. Cruzen of Curtis , and Captain C. 1C. Adams of Superior. The absentee was Cash Fuller of Imperial , who was too bn y sell ing real estate to leave Chase county. There didn't seem to be many candidates for auditor around where Gene Moore was , and he was quite promiscuous. Tieasurer Hartley was In much the same condition , and there was the same scarcity of candi dates noticeable for treasurer. For attorney general there were a couple of announced candidates on hand and a number of them were concealed In the brush. W. S. Summers , the present deputy , was not slow to dcclate that he wanted the place , and neither was W. S. Hamilton of Lincoln. Up to a week ago It was said that J. L. Mcl'hccley of Mlnden wanted the job , but his organ has lately declared that It was authorized to say that Mac- would decline every offer made to him. Still Mac was on hand lost night. Colonel Itussell of Schuyler. Jake Dew of Tecumseh and J. U. Sutherland of Teku- mah were cliculutlns around the ciowd try- Ins to ascertain what their chances were to secure the nomination for commissioner of public lands and buildings to succeed Gus Humphrey. A couple of other people who also have tllelr eye on that Job , S. .M. Bailey and M. J. Abbott , were not visible In the throng , but their friends were there. A. 1C. Goudy hopes to succeed himself as superintendent of public instruction , but there are other people Mshlng for the same place. Mr. Goudy was looking after things himself and on the same mission were L. L. H. Austin of Lincoln , Frank MclMusky , also of the capital city , and c1. G. Pearse , superintendent of schools at Beatrice. That completes the list of state offices to be filled the coming fall , but It doesn't cover all the candidates who were on hand last night. Kvery congressional district had one or more men present who wanted to sit In the house of representatives , and there were two or three senatorial as pirants mixed up In the crowd. John L. Webster was one of the latter , but he al lowed himself to get lost when John Al. Thurston began an address to the assem blage. It would hardly do to overlook the fact that Cuptain Phelps Paine and J. H. Ager , who ought to have been Interred long ago , were again on earth for a season. o.v i.ixcor.\ : Kloqupnt Mnthnillsl Dlilno l.rcturei on the AttrllmU-8 of the Great I'rcslilont , ST. PAUL , Alay 22.-Speclal ( to The Bee. ) This evening Rev. Bishop Charles 11. Fowler , D. D. , LL. D. , of the Methodist Episcopal church , gave his great lecture in this city , at the House of Hope Church , on AbrahamLincoln. . Long1 before the time arrived for the lec ture the large auditorium was packed full. The presence of so large an audience was a fitting tribute to the eminent ability of the bishop , and a testimony of the high regard in which he Is held by the people of the northwest. The meeting was presided over by Gov ernor Nelson , who. In Introducing the speaker , said : "It affords me great pleasure to Introduce BO great an orator and to have the pleasure of hearing- his great lectuie on Abraham Lincoln. " He has frequently distinguished himself on national occasions ns an orator of superb power , but it Is safe to say that his lecture on Abraham Lincoln is the master-piece of his life. Its lofty thought , historic data , diplomatic Insight , burning patriotism , spontaneous wit , vivid word painting , classic diction and thrilling diumatlc effect , lift It Into the llrst rank of American plat form eloquence. , On this occasion he spoke for over two hours , without notes , holding the people spellbound. Ills words were repeatedly greeted with storms of applauSe. He said In part : "God's prophets have the right of way. They come with divine authority. They kindle a torch that many centuries cannot quench. They utter a new evangel , or open a new door , or conquer a new foe. plant n new republic , or found a new civil ization. They servo most , and , therefore , are greatest. The world cannot foiget Abraham , or Moses , or Leonldas. or Cln- clnnatus , or Pericles , or Paul , or Richelieu. or Cromwell , or Washington. Mankind will never forget our addition to this llttla croup of heroes , Abraham Lincoln , who had the faith of Abraham , the leadership of Aloses , the courage of Leonldas , the gentle con tentment of Ctnclnnatus , the statesmanship of Pericles , the massive Intellectual force of Paul , the political Rtiguclty of Rich elieu , the Integrity of Cromwell and the patriotism of Washington. LHtlo pills for great ills : DoWltt's Llttla Early Risers. Voung Wives WHO ARE FOR THE FIRST TIME TO UNDERGO WOMAN'S ' SEVEREST TRIAL , WE OFFER 1 . - "nothers' Friend" A remedy which , if used as directed a few weeks before confinement - ' 8 2 I finement , robs it of its Pain , Horror and Risk to Life of both ; J mother and child , as thousands who have used it testify. ; f " I used two bottles of 'MOTHERS' FRIEND' with MARVELOUS RESULTS , f and wbh every woman who has lo pass through the ordeal of child-birth to know if they use 'MOTHERS' FRIEND' for a few weeks it will rob con finement of fain and suffering and iniurt safety to life of mothtr and child. MRS. SAM HAMILTON , Eureka Springs , Ark. Book to Mothers milled free containing voluntary testimonials. Sent br exrrtM , chircei prep-Id on receipt of pric . 1160 Mr bottle. Soluby-IIDroggUti. * * . BRADyiELU REQ ULATOH CO , , ATLAXTi , O . SUMMER SENSATION CONSIGNMENT SALE. Did you see our whole page announcement In Sun day's papers of the greatest sale ever held In Omaha- $100,000,00 worth of Furniture , Carpets , Stoves , &c. sent to us on consignment , by hard up manufacturers , to be sold for lass than actual cost , below a few prices arc repeated from Sunday's advertisement. A lot of Gtisol'nc -17 Hofrlijorivtors , nil NMoc , stylish modern Improvements , Currliiirofl , hill size , m- Stoves , cnoh ono punr- well innile , well worth cyolo vvhools , i ooil vnltio tuitood worth $0.00 ; con ? 1'J.50 ; "oonsl t'lim at $10 ; eonslk'tmiunt signment price , price , price , $2.78 price$6,34 $4.87 All C'opiiorVitah Hollers A btir lot of1holo i _ li"i Dinner Sots , best iust : Kangoi from n Knglish poods' , rich roy- ers , No. 8 slue , best uolil foundry tlmt only iiinkes nl blue color , 102 pietH-s ; rolled copper , consign good goods , worth $ _ cnslly worth $20 ; con- ment price , coiififfiimont price , Bijrninont price , $1.56 $4.90 $9.99 118ko LJo.xcs , lined Mrs. 1'otts' Had Irons , ICK pairs Chcnlllo 1'ortlores , with best quality /me , nickel finish , throe fringed top and bottom , locks , hinges , Ac. patent dadoed topOJO irons Imndlo and , l > e&t make , worth $7.50 : one and bottom. < P > . cO consignment price , S. " > pairs of Chcnlllo 1'or- tlere-t , mndo to sell to II nest trade , worth flu , 64c consignment $3.78 price , Sid pairs Nottingham 1,400 do/.on Window 201 rolls Ingruln , latest t'urtuins. full length Shades , 7 feet long , and width , latest best rollers , host styles , full yard wide , style , made to retail cloths , nctunl value for $ _ . , iO , consigned to Tile , consigned to sell regular value 75c , sell for for consigned to sell nt for97c 23c 39c This lot contains 100 A great range of cheap , medium and fine Chamber Suits , consisting ; t30 rolls Bnisdcls Carpets - Parlor furniture. Wo ing of Bed , Dresser and pots , value $1.00 per quote only ono suite , for t Commode , finished Antique an illustration 5 yard , consign me n : pieces tique , well worth in re Mohair Crush Plush , price , tail value sMT.iiO the Oak , worth ? 50 , but the consignor allows us to consignor says sell thorn bell them for for $9.10. $22.50 CASH OB EAST PAYMENTS. Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House. lUr/brjiM ( ( / < * oii l 'in COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORK All kinds of Oirotai nndOloanln ; duns In thu lilghoH utyie of the urt. Ku'iod itiil stutnud fabrlua mad * to loot : as ROOJ ai now. Worn promptly ilono ana UolIvoreJ in all parts of the country , tioui for prlua 1UL C. A. MA.OHA.N , Proprlotor , llroadway , nenr North western Depot. Tel hone 22. Empkie-Shugart & Co. , JOBB&RS IN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AND FIELD SEEDS BICYCLES A full line of medium and high grade wheels' Send for catalogue. ' 109 , 111,113 , 115 Main Street.Council Bluffs , la TkGreaiHealtuDriiik Snfc , sure and reliable. Ahvny on time. A pleasure ami a dollBhu Com fortable , enjoyable. A23c.pkc.makra5g&llor > 9. Bold cvfjywhfre. Erod So ituDp for tttcUful ( ilclurt cirili and book. Thu Clio * . IMIIrei Co. , I'ljlliich-lplila. Or the Liquor Ilnblt I'oiltMrly Cured by uUuilnlttrrliitr Dr. HaliUM * Uulilrn .SiMTlllr. II oan be clven In a cup ofoolloa or tea , or In food , xllhouttneknowledgooftuopatient. IIliabsolutely narmleai. and wilt effect a permanent and tpeed ) ' euro , whether the patient fa a noderato drinker or an Kloohollo wreck. II har been given In tbouiandt pf cues , and In overr loiuuica a pcrfeol ours bM fol lowed. It.Neverl- . TlieijriteznoneolmpreKnated \iltbtbe becomei an utter lupoiilbllltr jr the liquor appetite to ollat. tiOI.DEN SI-KCU'll ) 1)0. . Prop'rj , Cincinnati , C. 4S-D ce book of partlculare free. To bo bad ' Kuhn & Co. , Druggists , loth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb. QED. P. SAHFORD , A. W , RICKMAt , 1'rcsldent. Caslilur. Fiist National of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , $100,01)0 ) Profits , 12,000 One of Ihooltlpul liaiiltttln tlio Mnto of W Hollvlt > our buHtnfHH ami coHi'ctloiH WK ply .1 pur cent on tlniuUvpoalta , Wo will lu pluaieJ t o uvu ami b rv u you. FOR THE Insane Inchurcoof thosistora of Moroy. Tlila rrnowtiod Institution Usltuntod ontlin hlfsh bluim bno t of nnd overlooking the olty of Ipnncll lllu ITS. The piuiotii urounui. Iti hlKli location nnd Kplomlld vlow. nmke It a most pleasing rotnm for the iifllluted. A staff of uni ncntphyilulunsii.iid a lar o corni nf ox pcrlonceil i.ur > ia minister to thq comforts ot hopitienta. fcpouliil care glvuii to lady pa- TERMS MODERATE. I''or particulars apply to SISTER SUPERIOR Frank Street - --COMJII BluU , I I * < IUt rly Uunruutrvil lo ( 'lira j H'lrrmuiurrlKua , Hemlnul Wcuk- I ness , Vurlcocclo. eruiitlouiioiifacr. I nil nnrvniii illxorikTS. Itcsturet Ixnl riciir. Firsttruntnu-nt sent. ' ( KralfcDKri-otoanyiiilclroi , Till * ItrnirJ ; IniHbecMi llscU 15) enrnlli THE CIlEmOAl WfKMllWElf-Ow'-Sl".11- ; Special COUNCIL QLUFrJl D , cnssroouj , VAULTS clilnineyi cleaned. Ud llurku , at Taylor' * croiery , (49 Urouduay. AU8THACTS AND LOANS. KAIIM AND city property bought and sold. I'uiey A Tliomai , Council Illuff * . I'ABTl'llAOU. KIUaf-CIMSS. KOJl SO ) HUAO < il cluck , about 3 mllca north of town. Cuttle. J2.7J tu I4.CKJ ; liuraei | l.oo tu 17.00 for leiuon. Muy 1 to October 15 ; good mun In cliark't ) of atoukj plenty Kruna , salt and water , li. I' . Judnon , 1C3 Cth avenue , or 223 Uroadway. Council llluffn. WANTKU. BIX OOOri 8OUC1TOHB TO TAK5 urdcm for frulli and vegetable ! In Council llluffH , Oinulm. Bnutli Omulm and Bloux Cll ) ' . Cull ur uddreM IMS llruuiluuy. run HAM : , BTANDAIID JIIIKD MAHI : . oil will rxclmnKc fur Jersey cow , Addrei * U IV , lieu ulllcc , . . .