Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Judge Ecott Has Asked an Outside Judge to
Hear the Libel Cose.
Atlmt Ilo Hail to Sny In III * Tiilli In HIP
l.oblty lniprr lou to AlMWPi < > '
U'lildi Ho SIIJ-B Hi' "
Hint .tluili.
At a session of the court- held yester
day Judge Cunningham 11. Scott decided
that ho would not nit to hear and deter
mine the IBSUCS In the alleged criminal
libel suit against Edward Uosowater , editor
of The Bee , wherein Sophia L. Bennett ,
vvlfo of ex-Sheriff Bennett , claims that , as
alleged matron of the Douglas county Jail ,
her reputation had been Injured by reason
of the famous open letter In The Bee on the
day before election , November U , 1893. ,
Prior to Thursday Judge Scott had given
people to understand that when the case
was reached for trial ho proposed to hold
onto the docket , as there was no law nor
precedent which would compel him to sur
render to any person on earth. E. W. Sim- and Leo S. Estelle , the attorneys repre-
Kontlng Mr. Rosewater , knowing the posi
tion taken by Jtidgo Scott , Thursday pro-
Dented the matter to the members of the
district bench , asking them to take sunic
uLtlon looking to a change of venue of the
case. Acting In accordance with this re-
ijucst , all of the Judges held a inictlng
In the afternoon , though after Its ad
journment they refused to state the action
that had been agreed upon. The lawyers
In the meantime had filed the application
foi the change anil had also filed a number
of aflldnvlts , setting out the reasons why
Mr. Rosewatcr could not have a fair and
Impartial trial before Judge Scott.
Yesterday , upon taking1 the bench ,
Judge Scott declared that the motion foi
the change- could be overrul'il , or denied , as
there was no statute In this state by which
the case could be taken from his jurisdiction.
Having relieved Iilins'lf of this opinion , he
xald that no proceedings could be had until
after the arraignment.
County Attorney Knlcy read the Informa
tion and , after Mr. Ro'ewater was arraigned ,
Ills attorneys filed a pica in abatement ,
which plea .sets out the fact that the Inform
ation filed In the district court Is not the
Information filed In th police couit and
that the two documents are at variance , so
far as the matters therein contained are
Judge Scott did not pass upon this plea ,
but took occasion to remark that b'fore the
taso reached the district court and , In fact ,
before any proceedings had been Instituted
In any court and at a time when there was
talk of Instituting criminal proceedings , he
had opened a correspondence with one of
the Judges of a county outside of the Omaha
district , requesting a change of dockets in
the event that the case i cached the dis
trict couit. An agreement for the change ,
Judge Scott said , had been i cached before
the examination in the police court of the
tlty. After that time and before the In
formation was filed , the Judge said that he
had icncwed his correspondence with the
unnamed Judge , expressing a desire that
that Individual should hear the case. This
action , Judge Scott said , he took upon his
own motion , not that ha was required so to
do by any law , as ho had a perfect right to
try any man whose name was entered upon
the criminal docket of Douglas county , and
that without the Interference of any other
Having disposed of that point Judge Scott
tnkcd | to the lobby , telling the members that
hawas a inuch-abiis'd man. A system of
abuse , ho opined , had been Inaugurated
against him and had been Kept up unceas
ingly. "There Is no man Jn Nebraska who
has be > ! ii abused so much us I , and there
Is no man hero who cares so little as I , " he
A ripple of laughter swept about the room ,
and , encouraged by thl , the cAurt continued
by saying that when he was right he had
no fears. "This abuse , " ho added , " 1ms
not caused me to lose the luster of the eye ,
nor will It shorten my days. " He said that
ho came from a long lived race , and If he
lived his allotted time ho was pretty sure
he would reach the 100-year point.
In handling the case Judge Scott said ho
knew what was his legal right and duty ,
but It was not a question of duty. He
Bald that he did not want to put himself
In a position whore good men might think
that his rulings were Influenced by passion ,
or that they were made from a prejudiced
standpoint. Ordinarily , he said that ho
would not change a trial to another Judge ,
but the change this time wab due to hlm-
iclf. He did not want to try the case ,
and , In tact , he said that he did not want
to try any criminal case , and to make It
more emphatic ho added , "I do not want
to try this one. "
Getting down to personal grievances ,
Judge Scott said"Of course , I suppose I
have got human feelings , and It a man lies
about mo I cannot bo an angrl to him. If
I wore to try this case questions would
come up on which I would have to rule
ugalnst the defendant , as all conceivable
questions would bo raised ; "
Continuing this line ot talk for some
time , the Judge said that he would allow
the attorneys to arrange the time when the
outside judge could be Invited In to hear
the case.
ItoHiilt of u bqimttor Ejectment.
The case of Anna Chrlstlansan , Insane ,
against Edward Callahan , Edward Culllnan ,
i ; William Bennett , Dennis Lane and Simon
U. Clark Is on trial before Judge Hopowcll
. and a jury , where the plaintiff Is bvtMng
to recover the sum of $20.000 damages. The
plaintiff alleges that for a long time she was
a resident of a tract of land In the vicinity
of Foronco lake ; that during the month of
'March , 1S9J , shu was ejected , thereby caus
ing her to lose h r mind The defendants
deny overthing except the ejection. They
also allege that the plaintiff was a tiespass'r
upon the land.
lllUlirnik Pleaded Not Utility.
Gilbert M. Hitchcock , publisher of the
World-Hoinld , was arraigned and plead not
guilty to publishing lottery advertisements
yesterday. The Information filed against
him contains ten counts , charging that the
publication contained notice of the time ,
plucQ and the nature of the lottery draw Ings ,
where tickets could bo obtained and the
price of the same.
Minor Court Mutti rn.
George- . Ruthcrfaid pleaded not guilty
to the charge of assault upon the person of
Nettle A. Cults.
John Duckhlll entered n plea of not guilty
to the charge of robbing Joale Nldley of a
purse containing $110.
In the case of the state against Walter
Smith , charged with pIfKIng the pockets of
a woman , the jury returned a verdict of
not guilty.
In Judge Blair's court Martha Sorcnson Is
seeking to recover the sum of $5,000 from
pr. Ira Van Camp. The suit grow * out of a
case , which It Is alleged that the doctor was
The trial of the case of C. A. Elguttrr , ad-
jnlnlstrator of the estate of George Jay ,
pgalnst the Missouri Pacific Railway com
pany , the jury returned a verdict jester-
flay , finding for the defendant.
Another lot of affidavits have been filed In
'tho garbage case of Henry Coombo against
'Alexander McDonald , the contractor. Thcbe
latter affidavits charge that the contrator
jus violated the terms of his contract with
the city.
A fight over the property of the late George
K. Tlmme la being waged In Judge Walton's
court , whora the heirs are fighting for a rtl-
.vision . of eighty acres of orchard and vine
yard , estimated to bu of the value ot $3,000.
In this milt a sou by a first wife U arrnved
Against number of other jjlilldren.
Federal t'ourt .Mutters.
The federal grand Jury ha made Us first
report and returned two Indictments One
was against Isaac Meyers for nemlliiK oh
ecene liorature through the malls anil the
blher against a rltlren In the western part
ft i&o stale for sslItoK. llquoc to the Indians.
The latter IIAR not yet been arrested. Myeri
was arraigned and pleaded guilty.
A number of the residents In the vicinity
of Ponder are In attendance around the
federal building to give evidence In the mat
ter of the application to dissolve an Injunc
tion Issued some time ago by Judge Dundy.
The Injunction restrains Captain Beck , In
dian agent of the Wlnncbagocs and Omahas ,
as well as certain others from ejecting the
les. con of the Indian lands , pending a final
hearing of the case on Its merits.
Hood's Snrsaparllla li absolutely un
equalled as a blood purifier and strengthen
ing medicine. It IB the Ideal spring medi
cine. Try It.
( / ordure } 1'nnln OHr.
The mill at Manchester , England , charged
the New York commission house more for
the cloth , not to say anything of the duty
paid the government , nor the cutting , mak
ing and trimming. All our goods are In
proportion Just as cheap. In hard times
like thr-so , when the workman can't earn
much , he wants'goods chiop , and In order
to supply the demand we arc at all times
on the lookoct with ready rash at our dis
posal. Merchants that are hard up and
can't meet their bills come to us for relief ,
and so It comes that we can sell jou gooJs
for less than cost of production. Socks
that we sell for 3c are sold for lOc all over ;
fast blue O A R suits , squire or round
cut , with two sets of buttons , $5.7I > ; whlto
handkerchiefs that we sell for Ic are sold
by bargain stores for Be , a big line of straw-
hats , originally to be sold for COc , our price
19c , men's mackintosh rubber coals , $275 ,
madras cloth shirts , with neat hair line
stripes , pockets and pearl buttons , > ou pay
any place else $100 , our price 39c. black
sateen shirts , with corded bisoms , 450 ; ele
gant suspenders , silk overshot web , wire
buckles , jou would not kirk on paying SHc
for them , our price 16c. all wool men's suits
as low as $275 ; boys' all wool blouse suits ,
75c , a fine line of neckwear to choose from ,
Do , men's sliois , for which the lowest priced
shoo store In town asks $ . ' 50. go on sale to
morrow for $1 23 , line styles to select from ;
also In fine bovs' clothing , men's pints
and suits , wo can do wonders. For ex
ample , wo offer men's prince albert suits
for $050 All wo ask Is a call. If wo can't
please you you are out nothing , on the
other hand , we arc satisfied we can save
you big money and a dollar saved In these
times is equal to $5 00 earned In good times ,
so don't stand In your own light
115 S 10th , near Douglas st
P. S. On Saturday will sell extra heavy
blue overalls , the COc grade , for 19c , one
pair to a customer
First-class boarding houses or Iprlvato
families who can furnish rooms for dele
gates to the Congregational Home Mlsslon-
aiy meeting June C , 7 , and 8 , please send
rates to or see AL J. Kcnnard , 907 N. Y.
Life Bldg. teen as possible.
Plans far the Summer.
Perhaps you are arranging your plans for
a vacation this summer. Do not neglect ( o
look Into the attractions of the Black Hills
scenery rivaling the Rockies In grandeur
climate unsurpassed nature's storehouse of
wonderful mineral formations and precious
metals Crystal Cave near Deadwood w.fs
represented In miniature at the World's
fair and attracted much attention. The
pleasure and health resort Hot Springs ,
South Dakota with first class hotel accom
modations , fine plunge bath , beautiful drives ,
etc. , all join to make a sojourn In the Black
Hills a pleasure , a study and a recreation.
Send for pamphlet giving full description.
General Passenger Agent ,
P. E. & M. V. R. R. . Omaha , Neb.
P. S. The P. E. & M. V. R. R. run trains
direct to the Black Hills with palace sleepers ,
free chair cars therefore jour tickets should
read over that road.
VI the Wub.iHh ICallroad.
On May 8 and 29 the Wabash will sell
round trip tickets at one faro to all points
In Tennessee ( except Memphis ) , Mississippi ,
Alabama , Louisiana ( except > New Orleans ) ,
Arkansas and Texas. For tickets or descrip
tive pamphlets of land , climate etc. , call at
Wabash ticket ofllce , 1502 Farnam street , or
wrltd Qttltlt Clayton , northwestern passenger
agent , Omaha , Neb.
On Ma } Uiltli. 1HDI ,
The Union Pacific will sell tickets from Its
Missouri river terminals to all points In Ne
braska , Kansas , Colorado , New Mexico , Wy
oming , Utah , Idaho ( east of Boise City ) and
Montana at one fare for the round trip.
For additional Information call on or ad
dress II. P. Deuel , C. T. A. , 1302 Farnam
street , or E. L. Lomax , G. P. & T. A. ,
Omaha , Neb.
M'horo Summer Ilrce/es Illon.
Would you fly If you could
To a glen In the wood ,
To a spot In the shade
That nature hath made ;
Rich with ferns and wild flowers
Ono of nature's fair bowcrri ?
What Is life to the soul
If to labor Is all ?
What a J6y to the hcait
When for rest we depart
To the woods and the dells.
Does your heart cry for rest
In a place that Is blest ,
With no shadow 01 sonow
Nor caio for the morrow . '
If so , hcnd j-our address for a list of
"Summer Tours , " published by the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. Gco. II.
Heafford , general passenger agent , Chicago ,
Solid Tinlns.
Between Cincinnati with palace sleeping
cars between St. Louis and Washington , D.
C. , via the Big Four route.
The elegant service offered by the Big
Tour between Cincinnati and St. Limit , Is
excelled by no other line. Night lialns are
composed of now cars throughout , coaches
of the latest Improved pattern and Wagner
sleeping cars In scivico foi the Prst time.
Day trains have parlor and diawlng icrni
cars and exquisite dining cars , and through
palace Buffet sleeping ears between St.
Louts and Washington , D C. , via Indian
apolis , Cincinnati and Chesapeake & Ohio
Ry. , In connection with the famous "P. F.
V. " The dining car service CNtcnds thiough
from St. Louis to Washington
For full Information reguidlng rates , etc. ,
apply to cat ticket agunt 01 address.
E. O MCCORMICK. Pass Traffic Mgr
D B. MARTIN , Gen Pass. uut Agt.
Operators of the I'rhato Still at Iridliinolii
Brought to Oumlm.
Deputy United States Marblm ! Tomllnscm
of Red Cloud brought In Joel 7 . Tetcr and
W. G. Arbogast , the alleged moonshiners
operating the Illicit btlll near Indlanola. It
Is stated that Tetcr brought the still from
Pcndloton county , West Virginia In 18S9
and has since operated It In various places
In the vicinity of Indlanola. It was first
set up In a cave In the blulTs near Teller's
brewery , and after the brewciy was sold
the still was moved to Tetei's farm and
later tit Kearnej' . The last location and the
place where the plant was seized was'on the
farm of Arbogasit , a brother-in-law of Tetcr ,
about thirteen miles from Indlanola.
It seems that the operators hud an Inkling
that there was likely to be trouble and had
made application for a license , but when
they found that the tax would bo 90 cents a
gallon they delayed action. When
Deputy Internal Revenue Collector
liallovv and Deputy Marshal Tom-
llnson went out to the Arbogast farm to find
the still , they encountered Arbogast and his
son plowing In a field about a mile from the
house , Hallow told Arbogast that ho had
come out to measure the worm before grant
ing the license , Arbogast quietly gave his
son a signal and the latter detached onp of
the horses from the plow and struck out
for the house on a gallop. The cause was
ascertained when the officers arrived , as
they found that the cap and worm had been
disconnected from the kettle anil were miss-
Ing. The culprit was cornered , and finally
admitted that he had concealed the missing
parts , and showed where they were hidden.
The plant was In an outbuilding , and had
been sot up and connected In full running
order. Just hinv much proof the office
have obtained they of course refuse to dis
close In advance , but they have more than
they needTcter , who has been engaged In
bootlegging the Illicitly distilled whisky , was
captured on the read shortly before midnight.
Don't forget to take a few bottles of
Cook's , Extra Dry Imperial Champagne
with you on your summer outing. * .
Mon'a Boys' and Children's Great Clothing
Snlo Begins Saturday.
Children' * ) Knit Hlnclc Cotton Hone 13 l-8c
l' Ir Itcttumnl * fit lompKtl < llul , Ciii
anil Mriut ( lonilii Stiff Mcn'ii Srjllnh
Spring bull * 87.BO Sntunlny.
i NO SAM : .
Overstock nnil lateness of scaKon compel
this sncrirtce. The styles , the make , tli ?
lining and th flnlsli guaranteed cilal | to the
best tncrcliant tailoring.
GOO men's suits , Htrlctly nil wool , In light
mid dark colors , regular selling price J12.BO
up to $1500 , jour choloi of entire lot , $7.CO.
700 men's ttilts , In the new Oxford , Cam
bridge ninl London sack or frock style , plainer
or fancy worsteds , worth $18.00 , > our choice
for J1000
160 boys' nobby reefer suits , 4 to 15 jears ,
In the newest spring colorings , regular $6.50
( | ualltl s , tomorrow your choice , $3.75.
130 } s' vorj fine short pants suits In plaids
and fane } effects , IiO styles to choose from ,
regular price J5.00 , Saturday sale price , $3.25.
In order to give all n chance und to avoid
the big crowds on Saturday owning , \\o
place on sale tomorrow morning at ! ) a. in.
2 cases pink figured calico , worth 7c , at 2' c
yard , 10 yards for 26c ; only 10 } arils to each
Mill remnants of flue sat ° cn , Cc yard.
Mill remnants of shirting , 5c yard.
M'll remnants of best calico , 2 lie yard.
Mill remnants of white dress goods , 5c and
So yard.
Mill remnants of half bleached and cambric
muslin , Cc yard.
Remnants of table linen and toweling at
less tlian cost.
During our rush on wash diess goods the
past week remnants hnva been accumulating ;
tl\cy \ all go on sale tomorrow morning at
prices that will sell them quick. Do on
hand If jnu want n bargain In wa"h dress
goods tomorrow and sa\e money and get
coupons thrown In.
Chldrcn's fast black cotton hose , Hernis-
dorff dye , only 12Vi-c per pair , worth 25c.
Ladles' silk mitts , extra heavy , only 12'/ic.
Lndlcs" fast black cotton hose , regular
made , only 19c per pair , north 25c.
Ladles' ribbed vest , 4c , worth 15c.
Ladles' night gowns , worth $1.CO , go at 9Sc.
100 ladles' 2i-Iiich ( Minshadcs , worth $300 ,
go at $1 CO.
GentV balbrlggan shirts and drawers , 23c
each , reduced from 40c.
Infants' zephjr sacks. 21c , worth COe.
100 dozen gents' British half hose , worth
23c , go at 12'fcc.
Gents' 50c negligee shirts go at 3Cc.
Special sale of corsets on Saturday.
Special for Saturday.
Children's fancy hats and caps , straw
brims and cloth crowns , In all shades , 50c ,
worth $ l.f,0.
Hoys' and children's fancy sailors In soft
straw , COc , worth $1.50.
A large assortment of bo } ! > ' and children's
straw hats , lOc , 15c , 20c , 25c.
Don't fail to see our men's straw hats In
all the latest shapes and styles , COc , others
ask $1.25 to $1.CO.
We are showing the best line of men's
25c straw hats In the city.
Men's straw hats at 15c , can't be beat.
Men's fur , derby and Fedora to close out ,
foimerly sold at $1.CO to $2.50 , our price now
Men's fui soft hats , $1.00 , worth $2 CO.
Saturday silk specials at Haydcns' .
All shades of colored satins only lOc jard
Handsome patterns printed Chinas only
IDc a jariK t
Japanese wash silks , largest assortment ,
west of New York and lowest prices , 33c a
Swivel wash silks , 28 inches wide , 39c n
White wash silk , worth COc , only 3Cc a
Yard wide white wash silk only COc a yard.
Double warp all silk surahs , every shade
manufactured , our price COc a jard.
Black faille silk , worth $1.00 , goes at 59c
a yard.
Black gros grain silk , worth $1.00 , goes at
G5c a yard.
No matter what prices other firms may
advertise on silks , you can come here and
buy the same silks for less money. Wo own
silks as low as any bouse In America and
we propose to make the lowest prices under
all circumstances.
Leaders In silks.
We offjr on Saturday 5,000 yards of new-
stylish veilings at 7'/fcc per yard. Every
piece worth from ICc to 23c.
25c stamped splashers only lOc.
Pillow shams per pair , ICc.
Tray cloths , inc.
The laigest anil cheapest line of new
tinted covers , etc. . In the city.
Books for Saturday.
These arc the latest books by popular
If you are In the money saving line read
these prices on goods that aio guatantcrxl to
bo as represented or money refunded. Here
are prices on butter at Haydens * . Fresh
countiy butter 7'X-c , lOc , 12',2c ; and very
best country butter , ICe , and hero we will
sell jou fancy gilt edge creamery for ISc
and 20c. Now bear In mind that there Is
none better made. Wo have a (107011 cream-
ortcs shipping us now , s > o when you want a
good butter you will never be disappointed
In coming to Haydens' for It. Remember ,
only ISc and 'Me for the finest butter made.
Wisconsin full cream cheese , 7c , 9c and
12Vic , fancy young American full cream , ic ,
brick cheese , lOc , 12V&C and 14c ; limburger ,
12ic and He ; Edam cheese , $1 10 , sold all
over for $1.CO ; we have fancy Ohio Swiss
checso ut ICc , 17c and 1'Jc , and any kind of
cheese you want at lowe't pi Ices.
Here Is where you can buy all the best
sugar cured meals that are put up. Noth
ing 1-eie but No. 1 goods. Dried beef , lOc ,
summer sausage , 17'Xand L'Oo , cornel beef ,
Cc ; picKle pork , Tlfcc , bacon. lOc , California
sugar cured hams , ! > c , Now York hams , S'ic.
Nowhere can jou bily these goods ut the
inlci > we make.
A tow prices from bakeiy and cracker departments
partments- Boston brown bread , 4c , all
kinds of pies , 4c : all kinds of bread , 2c ; nice
rolls , 7'ic per dozen , we have a small lot
of sweet crackers that must bu sold In a
few days , look nt what they are and the
prlco we put on them : Lemons , creams ,
sugar cookies , graham cookies and assorted
jumbles at Co per pound ; soda , oyster , butter
and milk crackers at Gc ; cream toast , 12V&C ,
finest you over K.IW ; fancy lemons , loc per
dozen ; codllsh , Cc per pound ; ull Jdmls of
nlco herring and mackeiel away down
Leaders In everything.
Pills that euro elck headache : DeWIU's
Little Early Risers.
I'llther'Mm In Oiimlm. y
Information was iccelved from Detroit
yesterday nnnonnclni ; this death of llev.
Father Peter J , Leeson , formerly of thin
c ty , who dropped dead from a otioko of
paralysis , rather Leeson was connected
with CrelBliton college In Omaha for about
three years nmtewns preceptor In the Lntlit
department. Ho t\nsi a chronic mirferor
from ilyspepslniwnlcli ilimlly multtnl him
for clnfls workand . * in 1880 ho left here ,
going to Chicago , where he entered St.
iKimtliro college : This vvns the laat hcnnl
of him by his ftlmidH , nml the announce
ment of his dcittli yesterday was n painful
surprise to thorn. 1'athcr Leeson wan n
talented man nml gained the unlverHnl
respect of the students who were attend
ing CiolKhton tiollcRc at the time when
ho WIIH connected with It.
I'ri'il HiiflkltiN In .lull fur Attempting to
Sitlmlln Onmlm I'artlei.
rretl a 1 tanking wan arrested jcsterday
by Olllccr King , clmigccl with passing
worthless cheeks.
The complainant li J. U Miller , propil-
elor of the Little Horn boaidlng house , 101S
South Tenth street , where Hasklns lodged
for Home time. Yesterday Mr. Miller asked
him to either pay his board bill or leave ,
IliiHkltiH , It appears , having kept Mr. Mlllei
waiting for nome time under the picti'n c
that ho could get no money on hlx clu'Ok *
btoause he InrUml Identlllcatlon. lie then
made to Miller's order n check on the
Merchant's National for { 10 , and Hlgned bin
own name to It It un teamed at till-
bank that Hasklns was not known theio
Miller told him the $10 check was woith-
less and Hasklns gave him another on
the Plntt National of Alma , using a Mer-
olmntH National bank blank to make the
check. The bank at Alma was telegraphed
to , but It wan learned llasklns was not
known there Hence the uircHt.
HaHklns savs ho Is a cattleman at Alma ,
has seven or eight farms and 3,000 head nt
oattle. Ho savs he can draw u cluck foi
$2,000 or $20,000.
Mandolin Unlit-Hi in Coneeit.
The concert given lart night by the
Omaha Mandolin orchestra and Imperial
Hanjo and Guitar club at Boytl'H was a
most pronounced BUCPCHS The house was
clouded , the deeoratlons being imitlclilnrl }
appropriate , the colors of Spain and "old
Kloiy" being affectionately Interlaced , and
the program tendered In a manner that
culled foith tinheaitlest endowment fiom
the aiullenie The grouping of thonu flubs
together was n happy thought on the part
of Mecsis Sutorlus and rtimmingM and the
haimonv and modulation which the plnjers
railed forth showed most careful training
Mis. Calm sang two number.s. and as usual
won golden opinion for herself. Mr KMiei.
a nevvcomei to the local stage was a pleasant -
ant BUI prise , his tenor nolo showing that
he was the possessor of a.good voice , whk-li
with careful training , will win him a place
In the musical world Space forbids In
dividual mention of the mandolin and
guitar numbers , but It is not too much
pial e ti > sa > that they were al splendldlv
rendered and rtllccted no little credit
upon the diiectors of the clubs. It Is de
cidedly a pleasuic to know that these clubs
play with Infinitely more ability than
cither the 1'ilncelon or Yale i-lubs , whose
vIMtu to Omaha were the society events
of the season.
Itrnmrlmblo Cure of KliiMinmtlain.
Ono of our customers who had been
troubled with rheumatism for a number of
veais was cured by ono 50-cent bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm.Ve consider It
the best preparation In the market for that
disease. J. C. Caste & Son , druggists , Jack
son C. II. , W. Va. Persons troubled with
rheumatism should give this remedy a trial.
One application relieves the pain. Tor sale
by druggists. _
The announcement that Blind Tom , the
musical genius , Is to appear In Omaha next
week Thursduv. at the Hist Congiegatlonal
church , will be HUlflelent to insure a good
Claik and La. Hose , high class vaudeville ,
will be the attraction at the Fifteenth
Street thoutoi for one week , commencing
Sunday matinee , May 20.
The sale of seats for the Carleton season
of summei oper.i begins this moinlng at
lioyd'H. and the Interest being shown among
musical people over the forthcoming sea
son well for the organisation ,
which stands among the repiesentatlve
light opeia organizations of America.
ItheimmtiHiii Three I > j .
"I have been afflicted all winter with
rheumatism In the back. At times It was
sb severe that I could not stand up all light ,
but was drawn over on one side , " says
George A. Mills of Lebanon , Conn. "I tried
different remedies , but without relief , imtll
about six weeks ago , when I bought a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. After using It
for throe days , according to directions , my
rheumatism was gone , and has not re
turned since. I have slnco recommended it
and given It to others , and know they have
been benefited by Its use. " For sale by
Itosclnilnl the. Order.
At a meeting of the Hoard of Public
Works yesterday afternoon Chaliman Wln-
spear was directed to rescind the order
given J. 15. Smith & Co. to pave Einklne
street fiom Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth
street. The council passed the ordinance
ordering this street paved without a pe
tition fiom the majority of the propeity
owneis and selected the material without
a petition. In order not to make It pos-
Hlble for the pioperty owners to cxape the
payment of the special taxes , and to keep
In line with the iccent decisions of the .su
preme couit on the question of the povvtr
of the city ofllclals in paving stieet-s , it
was thought best not to pennit the work
to proceed until the piopeity OVVIIPM pie-
sent a majoilty petition. The ordinance
01 del ing the stieet paved was passed In
189. , and the contiuct was awarded In 18'U.
The vvoik was not done owing to compli
cations .it that time and the oidci to the
eontiactoi was l t > unil | > ut ti fi , v da > s
DeWltt's Llltlo Early Risers. Smal | pills ,
bate pills , best pills.
Murrk.igo IjiiinseH.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued jesterday.
Name and address. Age
Alfred Lo\ell , Plum Valley , Neb 27
Segill Samlcll , Plum Valley , Neb ] ! >
Archie Hoblnson. South "bninlm 2.J
Eflle Nletz. South Omaha IS
Eile Sulisted ! , Omaha . M
Alma C. Nelson , Omaha 23
Little pills for great Ills : DoWltt's Little
Eaily Risers.
1'or Sundn } I.Uiuor Selling.
Chailes T Klner , llemj Goodlmit and
1) , UlerbaueLof Elkhorn wore analBiied
befoie Justice of the Peace Ciosbj
yesterday afternoon on a charge , ptofeiied
byV. . K. llutterull. of selling Minim on
Sunday , Mai U. The men pleaded not
guilty The preliminary healing was con
tinued until June 12 , the defendants being
plaeed under bonds of j.'uO each.
Sweet breath , -weet stomach , sweet tern
per ? Than use DoWltt's Little Early Risers
_ Uolilff HUM 'Jodiij ?
Your choice df four ( ' - " 7 trains on the
Chicago & Northvvobtei .allway. Two of
these trains , at 4:05 : p. m. and 0-30 p in. ,
are vestlbulcd mid limited , nrrlvlnc In Chicago
cage early next morning.
Ellto sleepeis , dining cars , and the latest
reclining chair cars.
Call at the cltyi oHlco , 1401 Farnnm street
The Northwestern checks your trunk at
jour hoiibo.
" " Notice"oMUo'llnM OF Ices under till * heaj , fifty
cents , each qUilttlonai line , ten cents.
1IUMPHIU2Y Jane C. , wife of T. C
Ilumnhrey ' , of consumption , May ID ,
HBO < & "Yearn. ! Funeral fiom thu Scc-
011(1 i > r'csbyterlan church. Twenty-
fourth and 'Nicholas , Sunday at 2
11 in Friends Invited In thn absence
of the pastor. He. Ware , Hev. J. M. Wil
son of Castellan church v\lll conduct the
Bervlces. interment , Forest Lawn ceme
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
Tbeonly Pure Cream of Tartar I'ow Jer.--No Ammonia ; Jio Alum.
In Millions of Homes AQ Years the Standard-
The Old Reliable ,
For the
The best blood purifier-
Tliirn l milt ono ttny by ulilcti itnv < H * *
rnKn run bn iiurril , nnil that IH l > > reuniting
ibo riuiM1 u Imliwrr It unit bn Tlio girut
medic il iiiitliurilli-H of tb ilny ilccmro time
iirarl ) utrry ilUuiiau In inu < iiul by < lcriinu < > il
UlilnpjH or liter , To ri-Htoro UICBC , tbprc-
forr , In tint onlj tvny b > wlri'b linultli run tin
crnri' < l. Hi rii IH nlu rn Uarnci'n > ilo Cnro
linn acliii'MMl IIH criMit rrpnt.itKm. It IICIH
dlrprtlj upon tlin uldni'V and llM-r , anil b >
plucing tbitin In ii hciUtliy tonilllliin ilrltm
( ln > nnt * nnil puln Itinn 111" njHlrin. I'm-all
Klilm-v , Liter nnil tJriiiiu.v truitlilolor ; tint
dntr < HHlni , ' illHiinlerH \\iiiiiiin ; lorMalurlii tronlilcs gi-nunili } , thin ( jrriit
ruinuily IIIIH no i-quiil. llnunrn ol lniiiinlrrii ,
Initiation * anil concottl IIIH fluid to bo JiiHt an
II. II. WAINiit : & CO. ,
London , Kocliustor Prinkfnrt , ToionlO , I'.irN ,
Mulbnuriu *
Wllli such a clialr 0.1 this It narrow1 *
down nt once to a choice between your purse
and your person. Uut remember one thins :
Until you own ono of these "CJreat Com
fort" chairs your draught of comfort Is n llt-
tlo tepid.
In the presence of a peifoct piece ot cab-
net work one throws away all ndjcctl\cs
and comes down to the naked majesty of
nouns and \erbs. The frame Is oak with
broad Colonial paneling framed by Colonial moulding. In the center of each sldo
Is , the Hinplre wreath directly under the
wide , oterhanglng arms.
The covering Is a rarity , a figured coidtt-
rny with the Insignia of Napoleon.
The height of the back , the depth of the
seat , the width between the arms and the
plasticity of the springs are points on which
no judgment can be properly formed with
out a trial.
On exhibition today.
Chas , ShiveiM & Co.
FURNITURE of Every Dascrlptlon.
Temporary Locitio-j ,
The Best Housekeepers Use
Best and Strongest for Laundry ,
use Kingsford's Oswego Corn
Starch , the most delicious
preparation for Puddings , Cus
tards , Blanc Mange , etc.
Ask your grocer and have no other.
Splendid cnrntlroncont for NervousorSlck
Ifeiiclucho , llrnln I ilinuntlon , KIwsjilfbsmisH ,
, n | tclnl or ccncrul > , ( mrnluiiii nl ) lor lilinu-
inutlKin , flout , KtJnoj Dlnordern , Aclil I > ) -
leiwlu , Antmaln. .Antldoln for .Alcoholic
iiml nllior oicothoa. 1'rifo , 10. 9uudGUconto.
161 S. Western flvsniin. CHICAGO-
For Bale by all drucglstn.
Chronic ,
Nervous ,
AM )
Wo euro Ca'nrrh. All Dlaonsoa of
the NOBO , Thront , Chest , Stomach ,
Llvor , Blood , Skin nnel Kl 'noy Dls-
onaoa , Fomnlo Wonkiossos , Lost
Cull on 01 Address ,
i no I\\HN\M ST
Dr , Searles & Searles , OMAHA , MI > .
Airriiti wauled in
nttry county In lliu
mate bind for circu
lar. in < l torniHluaifenlu
S implf J J conlH
Y/HEEIER / & CO. ;
Gen 1 Ac ills
031 All A , Mill ,
FlU an }
And deservedly so , for a better , purer and more effective Soap was
never made. SANTA GLAUS SOAP never disappoints the most
exacting housekeeper. Try it and be convinced. Sold everywhere.
N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , Chicago.
If you hear of any c\tr.i coin motion on Saturday , don't be
uneasy. It will only be onie Kicking done by Hoys' Clothing
ilealcfs that'll appear like a small si/c earthquake.
ton to Eiitdain tlic Boys , Rcally-HOlV ?
We've collected by our usual painstaking method some
Nina Hundred Su'ts to lit boys from 1 tip to I/I / yearof age
one prettier than the other strictly all wool ehovlots , cassimercs ,
tweeds and homespuns. The shades are light , dark and medium ;
plain , striped , checked , mixed and other designs artistically cut
and fancily trimmed ; silk sevved , silk finished and silk worked
And now for the greatest deed the Nebraska ever chronicled :
They're upon commercial honor \vorth every farthing of
Six Dollars a Sirt- Von often get an inferior suit for that.
We've sold $ ( > , ( ) ( ) suits for as low as $ : l.50 ; but this time it's
a race against our own record. We've sacrificed a dollar on
each suit just for to be able to challenge the whole world.
Tims be It Decreed
Hnght and early , we'll open sale on these suits at only
for choice- Upon honor , the greatest oiler ever tendered to man
kind. Did you ever hear the like ?
We announce a complete line of ChildrmSVasli Suits at
about half of the dry goods store price- * .
lit or ) liotiM3 iIiatlMplnNtPi-ril < > " wood
lutli INII llro ( rap , mid COIIMMII | < MI | | > - n
( lentil trap. Tlio Inlrrlor wood work
under the < lrjlii rllVi IN ol iirllllclal
liont lirtoiiiotuN liilluiiuililn n * tlmlor ,
Irom rcllar to roiil ultli
ol lllr.
ENpandidMHul Mul I.ith when covciod
with ( thu hi u Kimnii Ilio
proof in.iU'iliiUlnsuii'ss.ifi'ty .mil i oils bill
llttluJiu \ii'--Jof wood. H piiMMils ciufk-
Ini ; unit fulling "f plusti-i.
Ailoiitwlfiiriilir S Ooyi nun-ill I nllilhiKS
and Itiiibo. obllBllnry In all Uoli'.KI healers ,
Asylums , hospitals and Hfhool llmi'.es In
ClileiiKO and other hint" iHI' ' ' " ANiIlu for
catalogue of l.ilhlliK. fencing ili' .
40O E. 20th Street , CHICAGO.
iM ] > crmiitorrlnca , Hemliml Wi ik
IICSK , Vnrlcoci lu , eruptions on fine ,
nil iiurtous ilUunUrH llestorn
i VlKui. nrsitriMitniPiitKi-ni
CiHCiiliil toiiiiyiiililii rhU
t / ItflllCll.V IllWlH'l'lllltlll I'lJI IUBH1
* .S I'runriwllli ninrtplnin riHiillH ,
jnt catuicAt iuroRtiNo.00 , OINOIHHATI , o ,
I. , an „ Infi PJRV 91
Munilay iflni Cl
Till : I'AMOUS
Garleton Opera Go
WcdnuMlny. WoUnofciluy Mntlneo Thursday j ( rnj UlltlULU | , / ( ] |
Prldny and Hatur
Sunday E\cnlnK _ _
pniOf ! Pirtt floor , 2Cc , Mq nna l > l > ai
" " "scats on 1'ale Saturday raorolnr , May lOih.
of all
unites in a perfect foi in all Hie cjuuli-
Hes eveiybody desiies to find in his
food. It is as Nourislilnj ? as Meat ,
and still pleasant to take. It is as
Delicate as n Luxury , and still cheap
ill pi ice.
It is by far healthier than either
Tea , Coffee or Cocoa.
Therefore it should be made a household - *
hold article for daily use , as it is in
li. , UiliiirfQ bU U. Hrouliiu.V. ( Y.
Wn will nd ion th * mtrTcloni
French l'r crallon CALTHOO
frf-r , anil Iriial liuartnltn tint
I'AI ' , rilOS will Ur lor your
IlrullU , NtrcnBtli nuJ Vl or.
Address VON MOHLCO. .
UltlUlU , Oil * .
I5TH ST. THEflTER.ll '
Mallnro Today I Tonight.
15th Street Theater r
Ono vuukccmiiiicncliiK Hundiiy Miitlneo , Mny
Mill ,
Clark and La Rose
Mutinous Ncdnckday aad Saturday ,