Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Wr.s PiniJ with the Exception of a
Brief Break ,
Embryo I'nnlc In Provisions Tided Over iinil
the Mnrl < t Hnon llocnmo rirni Corn
Slightly Higher n'ml O t Unchanged -
changed Stock * nml Itoiuln.
CItlCAOO , May S.VIUi Ihc - option
of n-Sharp break In the middle of Ihc ? cs-
nnd closed ' , io
Blon , wheat was llrtn today
hlher. Corn closed jc , hlKhor , mils un
changed for July , nnd provisions nt n slight
The opening trades In wheat showed a
Blight decline , but the market soon rnlllod
from tie to % c , broke fiom 'Ho
to % c , advanced lc. changed some
nnd closed n stated. Thetc was fairly good
buying early , while offerings were mod
erate nnd the crowd short nml nervous ,
Influenced to a great extent by the cold
weather , smaller northwestern receipts and
the generally oversold condition of lliu mar
ket. There was also some talk of u buying
pool being organized that also acted as a
stimulating factor , one operator being cred
ited with EOO.OOO bu. The California crop
report was quite bullish , Indicating about
one-half the usual yield. I'ardrldge sold
freely from the start and tin ; crowd be
came long. Cables were Hat and depressed ,
outside markets also very weak nnd some
of the early buyers Hold out. prices declining
Hhnrply In consequence. Un the reaction
that followed , however , the loss was over
come , the market closing near the top.
In corn the lone of the Htnrt was minor
Ilrm , but weakened Inter and clo ed fairly
steady. The ently strength was attributed
to the cold weather throughout the west and
shorts covering. Initiatory trades were at
a trilling advance nnd sold up from ' < , ( to
> Jc mores when the offerings Increased , due
mainly to the arrivals for tomorrow being
estimated nt TOO earn. Prleos sold down
HL- , rallied about \\K to V , and closed
steady. . . . . .
In oats there was an unsettled feeling.
The near futures were weaker and declined
from Vtc to ' 4c , but closed steady toio \
A panicky feeling existed In the specu
lative market for provisions at the opening
on the failure of Dunham it Co.'s commis
sion house. At the start prices were
ullfjhtly lower , but they Immediately llrmcd
uii , the packers supporting the market.
After ruling steady but dull for a. time ,
the market sold off to n very moderate
extent , mainly In sympathy with the break
In wheat , and then reacted with It later
on. At the close the market ruled steady
for pork and lard and Ilrm for ribs. Com
pared with last night July pork Is 25c and
July ribs 2Hc higher.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Client ,
SO cars ; corn , MO cars ; oats , 500 cars ; hogs ,
11,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
" iriTclcsi ! | Open. | High. I Low. | "close.
Wheat , N0. 2
May S3
.Inly BS <
Sept 57 MH 07K
Corn No. U. .
Mny anvi SB ! *
July 37M 37
Sept 38H 37W 38
Oats No. U. . .
May 311
Juno 32J6 3iM :
Sent L'OH
Pork per bbl
U 85
July 11 77 } $ 11 U''M 11 77H 11 85
May 7 20 7 SO 7 i0 ! 7 20
July , 0 H5 I ) 87 K II 85
Sept 0 SB U 02M U 85 C U2M
Short Ulbs
-May 0 17 n 17 0 17S
July 0 10 0 17 0 05 o in
Sept ( I 05 0 174 ! G O.'i (1 ( 17
C'aHh quotations were as follows ; ,
FLOUR Dull and wcnk.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. C3ic ; No. 3 spring , no
Bale's ' repoitcd ; No. 2 red. B'i'he. '
CORN No. 2 , 35He.
OATS No. 2 , 33c ; No. 2 white , SS iQJOHc : No.
3 white , Sl iiJWic.
. RYE No. 2 , 43e.
HARLEV No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , 52 > .i'ir3Cc ; No ,
4 , no sales reported.
KLAX SEEl-Ni ) . 1 , $1.38.
TIMOTHY .SEED-1'rlmc , $1.104.1. ' .
PROVIHIONS-Mcss pork , ppr Mil. . $11.85 ©
Jl.87',5. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J7.20@7.22J. ! Hhort
ribs , tddes ( loose ) , $ G.22H'QG.25 ' ; dry Fiilted phonl-
-dors ( boxed ) , 55.75QO.OO ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
$ G.C21S 6.75.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per sal. ,
' $1.15.
I' KI1OARS Unchnnffed.
The following wcru the receipts aim shipments
for todays
On the Produce exchaniro today the butter mar -
Kct was Ilrm and unchanRcd ; creamery , 1'JftilGu ;
dairy , 8313c. Ecus , steady and unchanged !
ulrlctly fresh , OMc.
Ycstorilny'o Qiiotntlong on Flour , Uraln and
Provision ! ! , IMctuls , Etc.
NEW YORK , May 18. KLOUR Receipts , IS.SOO
this. ; exports. 19,500 bbls. ; sales , -1,8.10 pkgs. Mar
ket weak and Inactive early , nlthouKh with the
late strength In wheat buyers were disposed to
look around. Rye Hour , firm ; buckwheat Hour ,
lIltCICWHEAT-Diill ; GSfi-nc.
ii ° 'JN ' MEAIr-Steady ; yellow western , $2,030
2.70 ; llrandywlnc , $2.70.
RYE Nominal ; boat loads , 63fiC5c.
IIARLEY Dull ; No. 2 Milwaukee , CGJ07o : un-
Biaded western. COgGSc.
IIARLEY MALT Dull ; western , GoflSJc : six-
rowed , MffSSe.
WIIEAT-Recclpts , 202.000 hu. ! exports. 16,800
bu , : wiles , 5.715.000 bu. futures , 210,000 bu. spot.
Bpot , nctlyo nnd lirmer ; No. 2 red , In store and
-levator , D7Jto ; alloal. 57',5e , nominal : f. o. b. .
CSu ; No. 1 hind. GTfte. Options npenpd wenk on
Bellini ; and weak cables , rallied on short
covering , declined sharply In the afternoon , mak
ing new records , nnd then suddenly strengthened
? , " c , ° i iv " ! crA'1.1-"wnc" ! of liquidation and
fl'l"r' ' < 1 " d 2I.HW bu.
42 4e ; elevator.
. , v. . „ . ; " ' * clt * moats , easy ; pickled bet.
Hen. eUCTUn ; pickled shoulders ? r , < ! ; Ur ,
Mlriuly : wvitvin Bleam closed at J7.W ) listed-
jal.-s. 123 tierces at 17.52Wi7.53 ; May closed " {
eiruhmVlDT , ! : ! " " ' : ) - 0" ' : "llneU , du,5 , ,
' H s' ° Weri "CW meS"1 * u-BCn.Mj family ,
; 0-mj.Vsi.KD : Olllnactlve ; p,1mo , cnido. In
bbls. . WfSOor prime crude , loose. 23R27c ; off
crude , In bbls. , 2Sc ; prime cummer yellow MeT -
° T . .BUIUi ! yellow. 31i 2ltc ; prliuo summer
white. 30 37o- butter Brndes. I'SjnCc. '
IH''ITiu-Qulet : ; statu dairy , 12Blii.Jc. ;
. , V Al , ' , LSK-KnB > 'i "ue' JarK" . 'JUtflOlje ; Pmall ,
Ktttt.S HtFiidy ; stalB nnd 1'cnnajlvanla , 12'HT
I3o ; rccclptH , S.2I8 pkB * . *
TAM.O\V iaay ; city ( J2 per pke. ) . 4Ht4 ? ic-
country ( pkKH. fruO. 4K4T > r , UK to quality. '
1'irrilOI.KUM-Htcady ; Unltul clowd nl Sflo
HOSIN Firm ; strnlnnl , common to cood.
| l.2i',4 1.27'fc. '
Tl'lU'IINTlNn-Btcadyi 29'f25'ic.
ItlCII Dull : domentlc , fair to extra. 4UflCe ;
Julian , 4mMViC.
MOLA8HKS Quiet : New Orleana open kettle ,
Kwxl to choice , : SM3Co ,
rui iiio.v nnii.
fOI'I'KH-Qulel ; lake , 9He ,
TINKlrm r : slrultii , 119.75 naked. 1'lnten , dull.
HI' I.TKH-Neglectcd ; doinp tlc , | 3CO neked.
TIN About itleady ; strultn. J 19.70 bid : plates ,
aulet. Speller market weak ; donn-ntlc , IJ.40 , hum.
Inal ; cale * on 'change , 10 tons tin , May 31 , } 1 .7S ,
Weekly Iron Tnulo Ituvleiv.
CI.KVKIiAND. May 18. Th Iron Trodo lie-
Vlfw nays : Ilentrlc nn of prodiirUon has contln-
UtHl In tlin week and the complication due to th
coal slrlko hu . Incmininl. There h been u de-
iTf.-uin of fully M per cent "Ince April I In the
cRitput nt pltf Iron , and Ihn wn > kly production l
but lltllo In excM of M.COi tun * , as UKitltiat
about IJO.too ton when April clime In. The
oarclty of llemirmvr I'llf hail been further em-
ilia.vl | . On > ( KJ | bllli-w the prlcen paid have
rangMl above IS In I'lttdiuri ; . depending upun
Ilia anxiety of lliu buyer , TU jlwutuln * uf tlm
furl duMili had IX-KUII in mule nn impi' iinn nn
ii 11 < Tli > rc has Ifirt Hill'ilmnw In
Ihn nptrathmi m the rolllne tnllM In HIP week.
AniuiiK Iho rlifi-t tnllhi thrrr IK rncimrnRlnc nc-
llnij. nnd nn uiltnn.of about Jl n ton M hcln < r
niado by om pio'lm m. A h < nvy output of
llr nriner pig UK goon nf fuel In obtainable U
Ind.cdtcd by ptepnrallnn * no mnklnir , but the
larger roiulolllnn HK > UI workx will make up nn
II nt Iho ntnlt , and ( he fnot that much of It
muni ITO dollvpreil on contrnclii now mispondcd
nre relln led In mini mnde HIP ( mxt wrrk nt
JII.M , riltsbtirK , for July nnd August dollvcrlex.
'oN .M\itKir. ;
Secretary Ifrster'nVelily .Slnleinent of the
MotRincnt of tlin rrndnel.
NKW Ortt.KANS , May -Secretary HMtci'H
Nrw Orleans Cotton exchange stntcment , Issued
b fnP ! the close of bunlncss todny , shows n dc-
crcnsc In HIP movement of cotton In the ncvcn
day * ended May IS , compared with lust ycnr , of
1.W bnlfs. Kor the clRhtcMi day * of Mny that
have elapsed the iitantlty | brought Inlo RlRlIt Is
iss bales ! * than last ycnr nnd 31 ' > 10 li' a than
yenr bofcirc but.
Tlilx innkeH the Increase In the amount of
lids yonr'n cotton crop nmikeiril for the 2ijO
days of the si'nBon , from Mi'pti'mbfr 1 to May
18 , inclnilvc. S2Sn.Vi baln over the c.ime 260 iljys
of last fpnuon , nnd the ilpnclenev , comparcilvllh
the name tlmo year before hist , l.f > 5f,6 < 9 bales.
Tle total bronchi Inlo Bl hl durliiB the IKIKI
ii vrn d.iys hni bcon 31,617 b.ih' ' . nRallift 32,019
bales lni > t ypnr and I9.2M biili-s the year before ,
while the apKUWite for the llrxt elRhtPpn tl jn
of May are 77B'i7 ' bnlcs , iiK.ilnsl 7S.ITO bnlea nnd
111,712 bnlon. The t < ilal m.iilnl"d from Hcptpm-
bpr I to d.ile In 7.173.0M bnlPS , nKiilimt il.MI.'J'B
bales nnd ( ! ,777.t 7 bnlPg for l.ii-t year nnd the
jvar bpfnre rpi'tlvp | | > . TIP ! mi.vem. nts since
Sjt'iitnmlHT 1 shnw receipts ut nil United States
tiOrlH of Cf.l .OII bnh'H. nslllnm 4.SIH.OSO bales
laul yenr nnd fi.SSI.IM bales th yenr befoie.
Ovcrlnnd across the Missouri , o.ilo and I'otomne
rlvem to northein mills and Canada , , . < .
bales , ntnilnsl S33.97I bales nnd 1,197. ' K bales ;
Interior Blocks In exruss of those held nt tin-
clo ( ! ( if the cotton y.-nr , W.12.1 bales , nKiilnrt
103f.W bales nd 187,087 bnlen ; wmthcrn mill tak-
Incs. 618.1SI bale ? , aualnst 5U7.215 balP.t and u3.-
S32 baits. _ .
\\onl .Mnrliel.
liOSTON. May 18. The American \Vonl and
Cotton ItPporler ays "f the wool market : I lie
demand for wool continues to IM' of extieniHy
limited pioportlnns. The market Is distinctly
n wnltlnir one , with xlocks In pxeeedlnuly IlKlil
impplv , but ample to meet the small rerinlre-
niniilH of mnnufaetureiJ. ItecelplM of new wool
IU-P IneieasInK HllBhtly. hut it Is lirlnelpalli
fiillfiunlii and BentterlnK lots t teriltoiy that
me nirlvlnK. It ' < > ' ' ' " " ' 1irIV | for "ashed
lleeces to mal.e tlielr appeal nin-e. \\ool vnlueM
In this market continue undi.inKcd , the searelty
of almost Hveryl'dnB that would attract en- ,
suir. " iM-inK Iho Fiend ) Ing fnctnr In llie situa
tion. On delaines , oomblntfs and on all Btupl"
and low Wools prleeB ale veiy 111 in , while on
the cheaper and dcfocllif stock the inarkot
f vors the bu > er. At St. Louis the inaikel has n ileelde l Plump within llie past
seven days. % nlues on Missouri and Illlii" s
bright wools haMUK declined fiom llio to > per
The movement In l'1.rr""ri' * '
lb. principal . , Yl
the past wepk has been the Mile of l.V.OW llis.
of fine new clip Nevada on the basis of Me
seoHred. A lltll- ! new line hbii.o woo has iiIM _ >
the peoureil cost belnK Jjc.
been sold ut lOVfcc ,
Fleece wools are very sriireinnd the fijncl
prices which have been obtalneil here mid there
nii no criterion of the values which would be
eunont were the supply < Minil | to the demand.
Pulled wools have expel IPIICPI ! a > er > ulilei
market this week , but holders are Ilrm. lie
KtJll character of dealhiKS In Australl.m wools
In this maiket continues. nveriiBlUB weekly fiom
IOO.KW ( to 160,000 bales. At the ' "i'1"1.1 ' ' ;
which are still In progress , about .00
Australasian wool has been taken for this s do ,
of choice Tasmanlan i"crlno.
conslstlnK partly ;
Carpet wools are quiet. There has been a de.
crease of 25187 bales of dqmostlc Wool and
MOM bales of foreign wool In the total receipts
In IloMon miico January 1. Sales for the week
n os on amount to 1.7K.WO HIM domes lc and
IM 1)00 ) Ibi forelB" . mnklliK n total of I.OjO.OW
h8 ; The sales . January 1 In llosto.i . iimount
to 48.0S9.0W Ibs. . nKalnst M.MS. O Ibs. last year.
docruaso at 11-
The total sales to date show a
4-JJJM Ibs. as compared with the "ame period
year nco. The sales for the week In Now \oik
- *
prices unchanged.
nilnncnpolls WlirntMarket. .
than they opened yesteidny inclini
" ' 1
" . " ' ' " -
5opc.l ? | "tint is held by local parties ; the sa es
principally by lonKs from other l > cos.
who had held on hcie owlHK lo the continue }
Biireadlnc of this maiket above othets until
within last two days , since which time these
offered vcr.v ' " ' * "
outside parties have "f11'1-,1"
llnulilatlon It Is geneinlly conceded hero thai
those outside hol.llns1' aie disposed
J , thi local market will continue to show
rVlatlvo stfn"tl as compared with other places.
ItocepU talay were 10.1.C20 bu. ; shlpmeiUs
which would leave n shrlnkase ot
12 MO I bu. .
some 40.000 to 50,000 bn. In the local supplies for
the day. The market close , ! ? io lower for cash
wheat than yesterday. % a lower for Muy. ' , c
lower for July , and ' , ie lower for Sep ember ;
May' 68c ; July. 57c ; September , , % , ® * .
On track : No. 1 hard. G0c : Nn. 1 nortliorn.
Mlic : No 2 northorn. 57ic. It was noted that
outside markets Mrmod up tlurlnu the day on
reported buylms for export In New ork. hilt
that had very little npparent effect here. The
sDrlnK wheat crops appear to be dolns well In
? he last few days , althouph some Brain waa
blown out by the heavy winds.
Flour wcs wenk. In sympathy with the decline
In patents ; bakers , 52.OOJi2.30. Flour shipments
for the last twenty-four hours were 2S.C22 bbls. ,
with the pniductlon about thefame. .
SI. Louis General .Market.
ST. I.OUIS , May 18. FI.OI'H Firm ; fancy ,
J' 10IJ2.25 ; choice , J1.S5iiT2.00 : others , ' unchanged.
\VHKAT-Openen unsettled , nnd after n brief
pause pimped downward , lullyhiK. however , nt
he close to within V4c of yesterday's final prices ;
No. 3 red , cash , 50'ic ; May , 51c ; July , 62c ; An-
BCOHN Opened slronBer on weather news ,
broke with wheat , rallied and closed 1 1-lwj up ;
No. 2 mixed , cash , 37o ; May , 30c ; July. 3j-y ®
3l >
3lOATS5 Firm , higher on crop news ; No. 2 cash ,
3GV.c ; May , 35'4c ; July , 2S % 2S 4i.- ; August , 24'ic.
UY1 * Out of the market.
IIAHLKY Out of the market.
DIIAN Hast track , 6le.
TIMOTHY SKUU Unchanged ! J3.DOfl4.00 ;
to choice timothy ,
illlTTEn Kaslor ; strictly fancy cicamery , lEc ;
choice dairy , ISifllc.
K(1Q8 8c. '
IKAI > Firm ; J3.15.
BPKI.TKH Dull ; J3.20.
coitN MiAi.-Ji.95irr2.uo.
WIIIBKY Jl.OSf/f.l3. (
l-OTTON Tins UnclmnBetl ; $1.
HAOOINO 1'nchnnBe.l ; rj' ' . iiiCc.
1'UOVISIONH Steady. Pork , standard mess.
jobblnK. JI2.37',4. , I.anl , prime steam , J7 ; choice ,
J7.10. Dry salt meals , loose shoulders , J3.87'.i ;
longs nnd ribs. $0.25 ; shorts , $0.40. lliicon , packed
shoulders , $6.75 ; longs , ; ribs , J7.12' ' < . ; shorts ,
UKCEirTH-Flour , 3WO bbls. ; wheat , 10,000
bu. ; corn. 51.000 bu. ; oats. 13.000 bn.
SHIPMHNTa Flour , 4.000 bbls. ; wheat , 2,00)
bu. ; corn , 82.COO bu. ; outs , 7,000 bu.
Sugar Market.
LONDON , May 18. SUOAll Cane , dull , tend
ing downward ; centrifugal Java , 14s ; Musco
vado , fair icllnhiK , 12s.
Speculation Win Generally Firm Sugar
Ailvorsoly Affected.
NEW YOIIK , May 18. The stock specu
lation today was heavy In tone during
the greater part of the ilay , nnd although
there were occasional recoveries , mainly
caused by the covering of timid shorts ,
the trend of prices was downward , nnd the
closing llgnrgs show material losses com
pared with the Until quotations of yester
day. The entire active list , with the excep
tion of General ISIectrlc , shared the de
preciation In values , but Hngar was the
weakest stock In the market. A very
heavy pressure to sell was developed In
the stock nt the opening , which came prin
cipally from Washington houses , nnd which
was believed to bu for the account of those
who purchased nt lower IlKures nnd were
endeavoring to realize prollts. The hears
also took a hand ut belling and largely In
creased the volume of business. With
somu ullght rallies the shares declined
gradually until a. break of 4 % per cent
had been made. A recovery of % per
cent followed , with a reaction of % . Sugar
preferred declined 174 per cent. The heavi
ness of the Sugar stocks was due to ap
prehensions that the pennto Investigation
would result to Ilio Injury of Sugar In
terests nnd might possibly lead to the
adoption of a less favorable tailft tor
sugars. Manhattan wna heavily sold on
rumors that Urn rapid transit bill was to
bu signed and dropped 4 per cent to 11G < $ ,
rallying In the ilnnl
trading. The de-
clltto In wheat was reflected In the de
pression In grangers , which were disposed
of on Chicago orders , chiefly In Bt. Paul
and Hurllngton & Qulncy. Hock Island
also came In for a good share of the sell
ing and made an early loss of Hi per
cent. St. Paul fell oft 1 per cent mid Hur
llngton & Qulncy , after au advance of &
per cent , receded 1 per cent. Northwestern
common reacted li and the preferred 2V4 ,
the latter closing at the lowest point
touched. The others of the group recov
ered % to % per cent at the close. In sym
pathy with Sugar , the industrials Bold
down , excepting General Klectrlc. which
was firmly held , and nt no tlmo was more
than 14 below yesterday's closing- , and
which Bulned " 4 on the day. Tobacco Is
down 1H , Cotton Oil 1W , Huuber l"i. Ilub-
ber preferred 1 , Consolidated lit and Chi
cage das 'fe. Some of the specialties made
linn were St. I'nnl & Omaha , 2 , nnd Mis
souri I'ndilc , 1 per cent. The other losses
were merely fractional.
In the final trnUlmr the covering of short
contracts caused n recovery on the general
list. The market closed firmer In tone than
It wns nt nny time during the day. The
bond market wn wenk nil dny In sym
pathy with the stock marUrt ,
The Kvenlng Post says : With temporary
haltn. . but not much nctunl rally , yester
day afternoon 'M decline In stocks contin
ued from today's opening , hike yester
day's selling , today's was chiefly short stock
put out locally , but In some quarters there
wn liquidation , too , largely originating In
Chlcpgo , The heaviest selling came , ns be
fore , from houses with "Washington con
nections. " Of course the point wns ma tic
that Senator Lodge's Investigation resolu
tion was llio grand cause of the weakness ,
but this Is silly. The truth nf the situation
* s that the "senate deal" Is being finally
closed out.
The following are the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York : ex
change today :
The total sales of stocks today were 2S2-
797 shareH , Including : Atchlson , 4,00'J ; Amor-
lean Hnsar , 73.100 ; Hnrllngton. 19.MO ; Ohl-
CIIKO ( las , Ifi.lXIO ; nistlllliiK , 7,800 ; Oeneral
Kleetrle , Cr 00 ; Lotllsvlllo & Nufhvlllp , 0,300 ;
Manhattan Consolidated , y.SOO ; Jllssourl
I'ne.lllc , , IOO ; National Lead , 9,900 ; New
York Central , 3.COO ; Now York & Now Knj-
land. 4,200 ; Northwestern , 3,900 ; Northern
1'aclllc , 0,700 ; Ileadlni , ' , C.DOO ; Hock Island ,
C.GOO ; St. I'nul , 32.SOO ; Western Union , 19-
New York .Money .llnrket.
Kasy at 1 per cent ; last loan 1 per ctnt ; closed
at 1 per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Firm. , with actual
business In bankers' blllw at } 4.ESlf 4.83 for de
mand and nt $4.87U4.t > 7 for CO days ; posted
rates , J4.SS',2CH.E ; commeictal bills. $4.St ! < < . | ! f ? J ,
GOVERNMENT liON'DS-Klrm. State bonds ,
The iloilng quotations on bonds. .
Koston Stock Qiiotiitlons.
BOSTON. May IB. Call loans. 1H 2M par cchti
time loans. VH < 'MM tier cent. Closlnf prices for
Blocks , bonds and minlnirslmras :
London Stock Market.
LONDON , May 18. 4 p. in. closing :
HAHSILVEn-28 l-10d per ounce.
MONEY ? ! percent.
The rate of discount In the open market for short
hllla Is US per cent , and for tliruu monthb'
bills , 1 1-10 percent.
The amount of bullion cone Into the Dank of
England on balanced today IB l'40'J.OOO.
On the London 'C'liiuiKC.
NKW YO11K. May 18. The Evening' Post's
London eahle pays : The marketx were Idle
today , but Hteady , except for AmerlcnnB , which
were flat throughout , closing nt the lowest ,
Louisville was especially weak , but nothlnit Icnlcs
out here adverse to the company. The financial
press unlvervnly attacks Americnnn just now and
the public nru heartily sick of the way In which
the tariff scheme Is played with. ArRentlnes are
Improving. Silver was unchanged , but Ilrm on
the scarcity "f supplies. One hundred nnd nlnoty-
fclx thousand pounds In Bold and United Slates
coin was bought by the bank and ! 00,000 nover-
elcns came In from Australia , 40,000 from China
and ? u,000 from India.
San FriiiiclKcn Mining yucitatloiiH.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 18. The official closln'
quotations for mlnhis Btoaiotoiiy
lows :
Alia BO Halo A Norcross. . . ( II
lleleher 140 Mexican IBS
IlHBt&nelchcr. . . . . 15 Mono 40
Uodlo Con 1UO Ophlr 330
Ilutwor lit ) Potosl no
Commonwealth. , , . f Savaifu 7'J
Chollar 8'J Sierra Nevada lit )
Coii. Cal. & Vn 07vi Union Con ] ( l
Crown 1'olnt 70 Yellow Jacket 70
Gould .VCurr.v. . . . 1)1 )
Xow York Mlnlns ; Oilititloin. :
NEW YOIUC , May I8.-Thu folio wins arj thj
closlm ; mining iiiintattons :
Con. Cal. fc Va. . . . 4SO Sierra Nevada lee
Dead wood SO Standard 40
Could , t Curry 85 Union Con 7fi
llalo.V NorcrOHS. , tin Yellow Jacket. . . . 70
Homeatako 1100 IronSIlvcr 10
Moxlcun 1AO Qutcksllvnr 200
Ontario. . . , , 700 do preferrwl..1400
Ophlr. ! I20 Bulwcr 10
I'lymoiith t'O
.St. I.imls Mining IStock OuotntlniH.
ST. I.OI1IS. May 18. Mining stocks today were
dull ; hothliiir doing. QuotltloiiH :
Ilaulc of Gcriniiny'8 .Statinceiit.
nilHUN , May 18. The weekly statement of
the Imperial ll.tnl ; of Ucrmany shows Iho follow
ing changes , as compared with the previous ac
count : Cash In hand. Increase during the week ,
12,7150,000 marks ; trrnmiry notes , Increase , S20.000
marks : other securities , Increase , ti.120,000 maiks ;
notes In circulation , decrease , 43,900,000 nmiks.
Tuihi.v's Gold Shipments.
NBW YOHK , May 18. Gold to the amount of
J3.-.O.OfO IIIIH been incused for shipment by Eu
ropean Btcami'iH valllne tomorrow.
l Notes.
BOSTON. May IS.-ClearlliBS. J1I.418.4CO ; bal
ances , Jl , 647,631 ,
IIAI.TIMOIIK. May IS , Clearings , $2,372,219 $ ;
balanccH , ItTU.MO.
NKW YOHIC. May 18.-Clvarlngn , J72.523,454 ;
balances , $0,210,330.
I'AIUH. May IS. Three per cent rented , loot
too for the account ,
rilll.ADIII.I'HIA. May 18. Clearings , $9,310-
793 ; balances , $ l,4SISi9.
MiMPIIB. ! May IS.-Clenrlnp ) , $375,472 ; bal
nced , $24C,049 , New York exchange KcHlne ut
CINCINNATI. May IS. Money , 3WC per cent.
New York enchant ; . ' . 30340c premium ; arlngu ,
NBW OHLKANS. May 18-Clearlngn. J901.904.
New Vork exchanKe , commerclul , 7C.o premium ;
bunk , Jl premium.
BAN FftANCISCO , May 18. Drafts , eight. lOc ;
teUgrnphlc. 12KC. Hllver barn , 6HiU61'ic. MHI-
Ican dollars. SloSlHo. . . . . .
BT. I-OUIH. May 18. Clearlmts. $3 , 409,184 ; bal-
mic . $9I4,401i. Money , dull , 6117 per cent , Kx-
clianxo on New York , 2f > t40o premium.
OIUCAHO , May 18-ClearlnK . $14.727,000. New
York exchange , 30c prcmluin. Forelcn exchaiiKe ,
tlrm and unchnnRrd. Hlerllmc extliuliKC. actual ,
Money rutta , < iii.ter ( tent.
Receipts for the DS fjIIist About Equal to
the Trnclo's'bemand ' ' ,
llnslncU llrlsknt n ( ilirral Advance of Ten
Cents Coiv * nnd , Jcedcr Hlondy
Hogs Clietttbit on the
Downmird Hontl ,
Ii'HIDAY , May 18.
Receipts for the Ht-etk so far , compared
With last , show nn Increase of 11,000 hogs ,
while cattle supplies have fallen off about
300 head nnd sheep about 600 head.
There was not a very heavy supply of cat-
tie nnd the market was Just about the re
verse of Thursday's trade. In other words
the decline of lOc Thursday was about off
set by pretty close to a lOc advance today.
An exceptionally light run nt Chicago and
n better market there put new life Into the
business here nnd the trade was In very
satisfactory shape throughout. The Im
provement xvns most marked on the lighter
grades , dressed beef men paying from $3.fi5
to $ ; l.W for common to very good SOO to
1,150-lb , steers. On account of the more
favorable reports from the east there was
more activity on the part of shipping nnd
export buyers , nnd sellers had no trouble
In getting rid of their heavy cattle. Coarse
1,100-Ib. beeves sold as low us W.GO , but the
fair to good 1.200 to 1,150-tb. cattle sold
largely nt from ? 3.EO to $1. It was n good
lively market from the start , and long
before noon the useful cattle had left llrst
Cow values did not decline In sympathy
with steers yesterday , nor did they advance
today. 1'rlces have ruled strong about all
week , nnd owing to the very light supply
from day to day the lluctuatlons" me few
anil within a very narrow range. Including
odds and ends there were not a dozen loads
of cows on sale today. Dressed beef men
were good buyers , and what suited them
sold strong , the under grades going al
generally unchanged figures. Calves were
In very active demand and n shade higher ,
and tht ; same was true of the market for
rough stock generally.
There was not much doing In feeders out
side of the regular dealers. Country buyers
did very little , but yard traders' supplies
were light , nnd they readily paid fully
steady prices for the fresh offerings. Good
to choice feeders lire quoted nt from $3.20
to $3.70 , fair to good at from ? 3 to $3.15 , and
the commoner grades at from $3 down.
Representative sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 00w 1080 2 & 0 43 steers S60 J3 M
HOGS After steadily decllnlnir for four
iliiy-H the inniket took u breathing spell
today. A drop of 35c without a reaction
was lianlly to be expected , so that with
a lighter run today no one was surprised
at a slight advance In values. There was
not a very vigorous shlpplnu demand , but
speculators were ready for business anil
local packers nil anxious for supplies. Husl-
ness opened out slow with buyers 'bidding
from J4.C. > to $1.70 for fair to good hogs of
all welghls. On account of the moderate
supplies and more favorable news from
ChlcaKO Boilers held off for an advance , and
buyers hart to gradually raise their hands.
The market strengthened us the morning
advanced , and toward the close fair to good
hogs were selling at from $1.70 to $4.75 , era
a nickel higher than yesterday. Today's
llrmness was more In the nature of a re
action than anything else , and there has
been no material Improvement In the situa
tion. BverythlMB changed hands In good
season , the bulk of the hogs selling at $ | .70 ,
as against $1.05 to $1.70 Thursday and from
$4.BO to $4.S5 on last Friday. Representative
sales :
j 200 . . . 4W ii 121 . . . 1 i'l
BIIKBF KecelptittonmHteil of two tlouble-
decks of rather common Mexican laiubH.
The ilemaml WIH good , hut the iiunllty ot
the the offcrliiKH nimle triiillnK Blow. Oe-
slrahle muttoim unU IninUa are In uctlvo
iU-niunil at in-lccs. t'alr .to Rooil
nutlvtM ure uuotublo at M.DOifi 1.35 ; fulr to
irooil westerns , J3.20if4.15 ; common anil Htock
sheen W.HWl3.25 ; K"o'l to choice 40 to 100-lb.
lumbM , .6M4.CO. Jloiireuentatlve Hales :
No Wi. Pr.
2H7 Moxlean yearllngn 01 * 3 35
230 Mexican ycarllnga 00 J JG
Kt. I.oiiln Live Stock Blurket.
ST. I.OI1H. Hay U.-CArrl K-neceUit . 1.000
head ; hlpm nt . 700 heudi markl dull , Bteady ;
native eti-frH , 1WO to 1.100 Iba. , JT.45ej.73 ; cmv .
ItW : , c-Blve . ' * 4.C5 ; Texa HteerK , > < l'5
| b . , J3.601iJ.CS ! COWB and helfera , J115.
llbdH flvcelpt * . 3,400 head ; Bhlpmentfl , 5,0.0
heads market to higher , active ! b * l llElil. 14.85 ;
medium to fair IlKht , 4.76j4.85 ; Inferior urmieti ,
No good heavy on luile.
11.70 and below.
- - .Jtectlvti. > W lieauj ( HiluiiKilts. SOO
mnrlcct dull , drnRKlng ; native mixed , W.36
, lnmti. | J ' . .
ItecelpM and Olim4ltlou | of Slock ,
by the books o' the Union Hlook Yat\M contu.iv
for Iho twenty-four hours cnitlni at II o'clock p , ni ,
Mny IS , 1801 :
See-Suw Motion of tlin Ciittlo Supply
I'tirlber l\eiiipllllcil : Veslrrilny.
CIIICAOO , MasIS. . Today's receipts of rnllto
were rgtlmntnil lit 3,000 hi-iul. Only n very foiv
tlniPH tipfnrc within the Inst trn years have
the in rivals for n l-'ililay bi-cn as small , llnyors
wore nnl sprlntmly Inconvrnlenceil liy Ilio Riuall-
nrps of the supply , for the heavy mill Wnlnos-
day ami Thnrsil.iy had oimliln ! thrm to Kiitl-tfy
all pre'cnt nc-eils. Tlmt U the reason the
Bhrnnkpii proportlnn-i of today's supply did not
make It pnxHllile for sellers to dispose of thi'lr
conilKiunrnts at nny ndvanco on the very low
prides of HIP dny before. ! % entile were
\vunluil liy liny clnss of huyi-rs , and tliuleMIH
slow nt Friday's decline. I'mni W,7."i In J4
boiiKht the hulk of the ilrppsn-l licpf nnd HI-
lihlK steers , and cnlrs of cows nnd liulfers ure
Ini'Ki'ly nt from Jl'.M to $3.30.
The hoj ? tniukcl hail n heller tone today. The
doereiixi ! of 7.000 hcail In III" number leeeUiil
and the more favorahlp weather serveil to hit-
pail n thnii'r f > ' < 'lhiR , nml solid n hail the xntlx-
fiu'llon of KpplnR pi lees rrawl tip 5e to Me.
( , (111,1 m bent hfnvy weights InoiiKht fiom Jl.Sr.
In II. ? . " . nnd from 51.SO to $4.S. > WIIH fieely palil
for nsHorlpil llclil. Coimiion fair lots sohl at
from J4.70 lu Jl.Tr. . nnd there weie cnlos of pnnr
IlKht ami roiiKh mixed nt fiom ] l. . ' * > to SI G * .
The fresh iHivlptHVITP pstlmnlnl nt HJ.nil * !
head , anil there wcte S.OIIO ntalo IIOKM. All weie
ItoiiKht up and the market wound up linn at
the advance.
The i unite of prices for sheep Is nliont the
saina as nt the close of last week. The differ
ence. If nny , Is In favor of sellers , pyppelnlly
as ri'Biirds the better grndi-s. The xllpply.
thoiiKh less than the nveraRP. ns itill | > >
lo the present neeils of the inaiket. VvnilhiKH
have liven ton plentiful , nnd they me loner.
There has also been a decline In price of Innih * ,
the offerings showhiK a decided Incniise. ( in > tn-
llons are from $1.7" , to $4.r,0 for Inferlir to eh '
sheep , fiom $3 tu $1.75 for yenrlhiK.-i , nnd from
$4 to $0 for sprint ; lamlis.
Iteuelpts : Cuttle , 3ni)0 ) head : calves. 3' ' ) ' ) head ,
hints , S'.OilO head ; sheep. B.OiXJ head.
The Kvenlni : .lonrnal reports :
CATTMI Hcrelpts , 3,600 head ; marliet steady
to a trifle ( Inner on Rood steers ; pilme to extia
native steers , $4.1W > .ri ; medlnm , $ I.UO'u 1.10 ;
others. $3.7ofi"3.0. ; Texnns , none.
HOS ! ISecehils. 21. ( W head ; inniket opened
f.c hlRlier , hulk of sales that way. and eloieil
easier ; rough heavy , Jt.2.1571.SO ; packers nnd
mixed , $4.7itf/l,8Q ; prime heavy nnd hntehcr
wolKhts. $4.8,1(4,90 : nssnrtpd llKhts. $4.S'fT4 00.
SIIISKP AND bAMIlS Hecelpts , flKW In-ad ;
market nnchaiiRed and slow ; top nheep , JI.'H t
4.25 ; top liimlis , $4.4004.CO. All sheep ii'iw ar-
rlvlns are cllpiied.
Xe\v York Mvo Stock .llnrket.
XRU' YOH1C , May IS. IIKKVES Ilecelpls ,
2,700 head ; market veiy dull , lOo lower ; unlive
steers , good to prime1 , JJ.l'ffl. 15 ; medium to fair ,
natives , Jl.l"fi4.40 ; ordinary , $4.10 ; Rood Texan. " ,
$4.10 ; MaK * .
KUHKP AND I AMHS Hecelpts , ono head ;
market dull but ( Inn ; sheep , poor lo pi line , $ .1.60
tjit.tiO ; rliolcn export , $4.7D ; yearlings , common lo
cholcp. $3.23B.r > .00.
HOQS-Hecelpts , 3.610 head ; mailiet sten ly ;
Inferior lo Rood. $5.2oj'5.40 ; cholee , nomlnully
quoted ut $5.C."i.
KnnnaH City Mvo Stock Marleor.
KANSAS PITY , May 1S.-CATTM : llec > 1p s ,
4,300 head : shipments , DOO head ; market steady
to lOc lower : Texas steers , $2.75f3.r,0 | ; Texas
cows , $2.2. > fr3.2. > ; shipping steers , $3.00Ti'4.2"i ; n.l-
tlvo eows. $2.00i&i.70 : ] stockera nnd feeder. , J3.00
@ 3.70 ; hulls , J2.GOfl3.50.
HOGS Receipts , 10,000 head : shipments. 2.700
head : Strom ; to Ce higher ; bulk , $4.70S 4. SO ;
heavies , pnrkeis nnd mixed , $4.C5ij ) I.SO ; lights.
Yoikers and pigs , JMOJII.75.
SHBI3I' IteeelptH , 500 head ; shipments , 100
head : steady to strong.
Stoek In Sight.
Record of receipts of llvo stock at the four prin
cipal yards fur Friday , Mny 1H , 1801 :
Cattlo. Hora. Sheen.
South Omaha 2,0ns O.iu : > nil
Chicago 3.000 22.1100 5,000
Kansas City 4.300 10,000 COO
st. Louis 1,000 3.400 nuo
n j Totals 10,301) ) 41.530 0,541
' T.ocnl Produce Market.
nUTTKR The arrivals of butter are not so
very heavy , hut still there Is a great plenty to
supply the demand. The best country butter
brings 12S/14P. The packers are payliiR Cc for
butter on truck In the country and some me onlv
offeilng the same prlee here. There Is quite a
dlfTHivnce , however , between packing etock In
the city and country. Packing stock bought In
this maiket has all been sorted over nnd select
paekuges lemoved , so that It Is not worth as
much as butter bought on track In th country.
Commission men are trying to keep up the price
of packing stock to 7c In this market and are
quoting out that price to their shippers. Separa
tor creamery , solid packed , l"G18c.
EGOS The receipts of eggs arc large , but be
tween the local retailers nnd tie ! cold storage
people the demand Is fair. The bulk of the
sales are reported nt 9c , with seconds at VvtiS' :
I < IVn 1'Ot'I/mV The receipts of chickens arc
Increasing and the market Is not quite so ilrm
as It was n dny or two ago. Old hens , 7e ; old
roosters , 3ii3c. and young ones , Cc. The demand
for other kinds of poultry Is rather light , though
n limited quantity Is salable. Ducks , 7tf8c ; hc-n
tuikeys , SiitOc ; goblers , Cc ; geese , Cc.
O A ME The season Is so far advanced that
game Is no longer wanted.
VISA I. There Is n good demand for choice
veal calves , and arrivals of such meet with very
ready sale. Oood. fat veals , 7f7'ie ; thin or
heavy. 3ft.ric.
PJC1 ICONS Is n demand for old ptgeoni.
but young birds that are not strong on the wing
are not wanted. Old birds , per doz , , JI.SOftl.GO.
OLD IlKANS The market Is ( liming up all
over the country. Neither the demand nor MJP-
ply Is very heavy at this point. Cnhluinla handpicked -
picked navy , | 2.15(2.25 ; westi-in navy , Jl.U'J'uJ.UO ' ;
common wliltc beans , $ l.iiOl.S. , .
ONIONS New southern onions are quoted at } l
per bid. lierinudiii ) , J-73 per box. Top onions
are plenty nt lM(23c ( on orders.
POTATOES The supply is coming mostly
from Utah and Colorado , which stock Id quoted
ut WeUJJl.OO per bu. There me new southern
potatoes In tno miuket , which me quoted ut
J4.25ff4.r,0 per bbl ,
UAIill.Ulr : Choice shipping stock , per lb. , 2v4c.
C'KIjUHV Nouo In the market.
AHI'AHAdl'S Good home giuwn stork , S.ji/I0o /
per doz. on oiders.
1M1-3 PI..ANT Home grown pie plant , 2'se on
OITOSMATOiS-Shlpplng stock of good color Is
scarce at J3.75 per crnie of six baskets.
U It BUN VKGHTAIil-UH Spinach , per bbl. , S .5
per N ,
tj till. box. $1.1001.25 ; stilus. ! 4 bn. JI.On.
PBAS nreen peas nru commencing to arrive
from Missouri. Good shipping stock , pei ! s
bu. box. $1.
STflAWllKUniKS The receipt ) ) of hollies by
e.\press weru not heavy. Choice siilppliiB slucK ,
"API'LliS There are no apples on the market
suitable for shlpplnR purposes.
CIIKHHIEH-A few California chcrilea arc nr-
rlvliiK and bclllnif nt 2 per box. The fiult la
In Komi condition , but lather small In size.
( JOOSKIIKHHIKS Uicon , per 24-il. | castJ3.2J. .
nANANAS-Pcr bunch. 2.00 < i2.tX ) .
W-3MON8 Fancy lemons , 3W size , Jl ; fancy
lemons , 300 size , $3.75 ; choice lemons , 360 size ,
OHANGES Mediterranean sweets , J3.50 ; C'all-
fornla seedlings. J3.23.
l-'UlH-Knncy. per lb. . 12'iWlt.c. .
DATES llallowees , 05 to 70-lb. boxes , per lb. ,
' doz. , 2 ; amall ,
; - : , : - , per
" ' "
' '
110NiV-rallfornia , IGc ; dark honey , l 'a1'-
MAPM ! HVHIJI * Clnllon caiiB. pel doz. , 112-
NUTB AlmomlB. 15 H7c ; Kniillvh walnuts , IMJ
12o ; lllbprtN. 12c ; Urnzll nulB. We.
t'lOIJH Pure Juice , per bbl. , } 6 ; half bbl. ,
Al PI.K IHJTTUH Per 20-lb. polls. ! ; balf
! ' ) ? : - ' ' hides , 24o ! ; No. 1 sn-rn
' No. 3 Milled Hie * .
- - hides , 3J3',4C | ; Bleep
f'vVaVc ' VJS ! fi58.K . Vi 'i y'lg
Me" 1 " " ! ? 'V'- '
than fully cured. . , . , .
| esn , , , , , ,
S1IMHP I'UI/I'H Orffn palled , i-ucli. . ifW | > ,
salted fchearlliiBS mlioft-woiili'd tail ) HKiiis. ) .
Cuch C I5 ; dry Hliciirllnim iKhori-H ; 'l l eiuly
Ik us ) . No. 1. "nch. CJtlOo ; dry yhenrltnKS ( ' ;
woob-d early Vklns ) , No. 2. .ucli. He ; u ; > "
KniiKHB nnd NelinihKa butcher wool , pells , pel
lb nTtu I welKht BtiSc ; diy flint , KIUIWIH and
S isHS : , ; 5s ; =
{ "ollmido imiiiuln wool p ll . l' ' " ' - . 1' " ' " '
WTu"i OWCANI aUKAHK-Tullow. No. 1 , 4'ff
t.l l. ' * "li ) n , , ' .4T/ . . . , . . , r.U. . Wlllll ! A.
1)11 Murkots ,
PITY Pn May 18. National Tiaimll cor-
. , , . , , ow'ni-d at fcCli ; hl he t , HCluweit ; ,
fciiiv closl-d Wkien. \ . 11,000 bblB. , BlilpmenlM ,
111,919 bbls.1 run . 79,072 bbls. , , ,
I'lTTHIIl lid Pa. , May is. r atloiiui iramiii
Ci-rtWutes opened at S6i ; closed at Mi ; hlKh-
cat , i6i ; lownt , t6H.
New TforK I ry < lee < I Slurfeet.
NIIW YOHK. May 18. llunliii-sH has U-cu of
moderate proinirtlon for all descrlptlonn of fa-
ioiiablB K'HXl" . with relatively more demand In
numnur imilrr * or. There wan cunHltlvrublu In-
uulry In the dlrtctlon uf autumn ntuffn , but lliu
l > uslno r 'i ' , \\hiK did iV'i i. . . .l . II- i. null ,
I'tlntlnc > l > ill * .lull I ul , , . , ni . liwr ;
nt ' fur Cl xijnaiiKpol and e > ntt.nM.
UIIIKKI City .Mnrlicti.
lower : No. 2 hni\l , IS'.jltiH' ' , No. 3 led , 4'nV\ ! ' ;
No. 3 re.1 , 4 1 l7e ! rvjoclnl , 4 > o ,
fOUNUe lower ; No. 2 mixed , 38'e ; V .
2 white. S.HtTSSo.
OATfl-fneli.invril ; No. 2 , MIJ7e ; No.
2 while. .IJflK'te.
WTTril-lulet : ; crenmcry , 1IB1V ; dairy ,
Very quiff , tendency lower : i >
ltiOtH'TS-\Vlient : : , 10.0W bu. ; com , none ;
cats , none.
HIIII'MiNT.S-\Vhortt : , 1J , < VM bu. ; coin , none :
oats , none. _
l.lxerponl .Mnr : 't .
t.lVKIU'OOI. . May 1S.VIIIATDcproiKed ;
poor ileinnnd ; hotdei-H olfer freely ; No. 1 Cali
fornia. 4s MvHll * H'd ' ; led western , winter , (4 ( M.
COIIN Dull ; d. inati.l poor ; N.I. . S mixed spul ,
"llliHV * r.xtrn In.lln IIIOM , Ms 3d.
111IIK I'llme mecs , 71s 3d.
1IDTTKU Klrm ; "if.
ll.\CtN-I.oiiK nml idurt dear. 5 ! llw. , S2s M :
lonn clear. 15 Ibs. , aiii ftl.
Ur.CIIII'TS Wheat , piut throe dny * . tlXIRO
centals , includlni ; IM.m > i American ; Aincik'nti
corn received past Htroo days , , OIH ) ceninlH.
Dilllllli ( inilii .Mllrket.
in'I.fTIT. Mny 1 . WIICAT-Clo.o : 1'lim : No.
1 hard , cu h. Mny nnd July , .V.iar ; Xo. 1 tmtlli.
ern , cash. Mi e ; Mny and .Inly , 5S'o ; eitem- |
her. fiiUo : N. . . 2 northern , cash , &Mio ; No. 3.
49 le ; rejected , lie ; on track. No. 1 northern , t.i
iin U e , I'lOUc.
uvn iv.
OATS No. : . ai'fce ' ; No. n whll. ' , Sic.
Car Inspection today Win nt , S cum ; OAIK , 2i ;
IIHC'IJII'TKWheat , 12.WW bu.
HUll'MlJNT.S-Whoat , 161,250 bu. ; corn , 40ooo
Nf.W OIlIi\NH. Mny
sales , 9(1) ( bales :
ST. LOI'IS. May IS.-Lowrr ; Ml300 but , .
iv.i-lptB , 4X ( ) b li' ; jdilpniinlt , ( nxi balot ; MI. . . I.
4I.SOO balci- .
'I'rl eo Wlient qmilntlimi.
SAN I'ltANStsrn. Mny IS. WIIIIAT ijub t ,
Di't-embur , JI.OI H ; n w si'111yr. , . ' c.
in.t Tiir.n / OHKI\t , rs.
Nclirnskn to Ilo I'litored nlth Wnrmcr
Weather and \nrlnlilo Winds Sntiirday.
AVASJItNOTdK , May IS. The Indication- )
for Saturday are :
Kor Nebraska. South Dakota , Kansas
nnd Colorado Wnriner ; vnrlable winds.
1'or Iowa nnd .Missouri Kalr ; warmer ;
variable winds.
KehriiHltn Chief * of Police.
The State Association of Chiefs of r n
lice of Nebraska will hold Its second annual
meeting at Grand Island , beginning next
Thursday morning. Chief Soavi-y of thlK city
who Is president , will depart for that place
Tuesday evening. He will he iiceompanit'd
by the chiefs of South Omaha , Florence ,
Papllllon nnd other suburban towns. AM
several Important matters will come up fi < r
discussion this will be an Interesting and
profitable meeting. Nebraska Is taking tin-
lead in the organization of police otllelals
and will soon be one of the best police
governed states In the west. The ollli'lals
of Grand Island are making ample ar
rangements for receiving the mpinbtr * of
the association , and besides showing them
over the city and taking the guests to
places of niini.-.ement , will give them u
banquet before the convention adjourns.
Nipped the Scheme Too .Soon.
ST. I.OUIS , May IS. Now that J. D.
Hrecdjng has been arrested In San Antonio ,
Tex. , charged \\lth the forgery of the
Wells-K'irgo Express company money
orders , it has been learned here that It' the
swindling Ilrm of Trend , Smith & Foster
hod been allowed a few more days they
would have reaped n fortune. There are
about &K ) registered and ordinary mall le- (
tefH at the St. Louis pnstolllce addressed
to the linn , and those letterx are known to
contain drafts and currency amounting
to $20,00il , but not one was delivered. .The
funds at thu postolticc are remittances from
banks to which the firm sent its forged
money orders for collection.
Ciiino Was nisclnirged.
r.ouls Crane , one of the men supposed to
have criminally assaulted little 1'carl Ho-
vee , had a hearing In police court yester
day afternoon-and Was discharged. The
little girl told the judge that Chambers
wa the man who hurt her and uho ran
to Crane's house expecting to ilnd her
mother. After hearing the testimony of
the little girl , Airs. Bovcc and .Mrs. I-emly ,
Prosecutor Uay moved that the case be
dismissed and the court so ordered.
Think They llnveJOImuncey.
The police have placed In custody a boy
about H years old suspected of being
Chauneey Moore , who ran away from his
home In Terrc Haute , Intl. , In January.
The lad says his name is George I3all and
that he came from Texas.
The Kxtraet of the Heart of the Ox.
I'reiwred nocunllnit to tlu > fornuilnof
Ill liU lulmrutory til
\VAsni.Miro.v , i ) . c.
nil' ' " "lc t'1 of n l'f"inlnint t > hyslcnn ! of In *
dlatiB.tlio limn In-ill was tnf \ \ nnd Inrxif
r > nl" ' | 1P1' | ' ' "i"1 constant vertigo Avhllo
i i
w-alklmt , or p\'ti while In stnndliiK l > sl-
linn. In flu * case tlu > toilet wan i-iiunlly
promt. He remained under my rare mily
three day * . boltiK summoned homo liy tclr-
Kruiii liy sldine-M In hi * fumllv , ntier nuikliift
iirmnRrmonts In im > oiiiv'i > milTlcliMu-y of IMf-
'Mliio for h.inio u o. mill 1 advised hint to con-
"Untie It for t loa t n month. Ho arrived homo.
"lii-roii' the ftinllii" lenrlittt liltti , nml foollnir Ihn
"in-r-d of II , he ut onerlolojiiiih.'d | fur It Id
"h" HOHI In hhi ) n < noun us tmmlliln Hi'
"nti > tin- effect ilium hint win s > dci'did
"Hull , wheions. formerly ln > wn luiith to walk
Vvt'tt ttw steps for f.-ar uf | ? ovctpow
" rod liy dlrxlness , MtiKlo Inject.m ) cnatil 'il hint
"tit walk us iniii'li n * he pleased for four nr
"n\O ll.lUIS . tlftl'l WllldS , "
Doic , 1'ivu Uroim. I'rlee ( 'i ill-ilium , N'i.BO. dingR' ' " * * ntv tint supplied with
Mn < It.imnviit.l . i\lraots : Ilii'v wilt lie
mulled tiwcth'.r vvltli nil oxNMm : literature on
the siit.joii. mi tei'olpt uf | itlii' , liy
TIII : iOi IIMIIIA cniiMii AIo. ,
Wellington. II. C ,
Kulm , V di. , ittfi'iili fur Onmlm.
Medical anil Surgical Institute ,
. . , . . ,
all forms of
Wo cure speedily nnd pcrmancftlly all dl-
sea.MCM of the sexual s > stem. also kidney ,
bladder. Wood , skin nnd stomach trouhlfia.
Our principles and assistants have all
made life studies of ottr specialties
Send -1-cents for our new 120 page book.
Call or address with stamp ,
119 Soutb i4th St. , Omaha.
Cures the effects of
SPlf-alitfc , excesses ,
emissions , Impotency ,
vailcoctlo and c nstl-
putUin. One dollar a
box , six for $5. For
sale by Til 13 GOODMAN -
Omaha , Neb.
Commission Merchant
Private wires to Chlcapo nnd New York. All
business orders placed on Chicago Uoard ct
Correspondence solicited.
Office , room 4. New York Life UulUlng 1
Tulephonu 130S.
i.i i.
Ingram Carpets $ .40 $ .28 1
Brussels Carpets i.oo .46
Mattings .35 .11
Dinner Sets 15.00 7.34
Toilet Sets 3.50 1.62
Cook Stoves ip.oo 5.20
Wardrobes 12.00 5.83
Book Cases 13.50 6.15
Lounges 9.50 4.40
Rockers 3.00 1.14
Mattresses 3.50 1.87
Springs 2.00 ,90
lee Boxes 6.50 3.48
Gasoline Stoves 5.00 2.48
Baby Carriages 8.50 4.68
Chamber Suits 22.50 12.65
Folding Beds 15.00 7.63
Extension Tables s.5O 4.45
Sideboards 24,00 13.50
Parlor Suits 45.00 23.95
Parlor Bookers 6.50 2.67
Center Tables 3.50 1.40
Bedsteads 2.00 1.49
Lace Curtains .97
Terms Cash or Easy Payments.
Formerly People's ' Mammoth Installment House
Keint lHrfafi > o tiijeuii lily 'U
Close at 6:30 : evenings , except Monday and Saturday ,