NEtVS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS A torr.oy Shea Promises Another Chapter of the Trctisnrjship Contest , NEW LIGHT FROM THE SUPREME COURT mK'B to A < ik Judge McUrc to Count tlio llnlhitA Again Aftrr Ho Con clude * thu 1'rrsrllt C'rrmufl ofotrfl. . Judge McOen expects to finish tlie work of recounting the ballots In the treanurcrshlp election contest thin evening , but there Bccina to he some iplestlon as to whether he will be through even then. He will cer tainly not If Attorney J. J. Shea sticks to hln decision of yesterday. Last Tucudiiy a dccUlon was liamhd down In the supreme court of Iowa In the case of I. N. U'hittmn against J. E. JJahorlck , an appeal from the district court of Judge Preston at Cedar Jtapdn. ! In this decision some new points nro * et at rest , arid Mr ! Shea claims It will throw noine more light on hla sldo of the situation. He stated yesterday afternoon that he should go before Judge Mcdee this mornIng - Ing amf that the ballots ho reopened once more and recounted. What the court will say to such a proposition In hard to foretell , although It might not ba so dlincult to sur mise what ho will think. All appearances indicate that Shea's client already has a < lcad cinch on the office , but he Is not sat isfied with that ; he wants a cinch that Is twice dead and plucked up by the roots. This late decision ot the supreme cnurt has already been briefly mentioned in The lice , but some of the points Involved bear so di rectly upon questions that have been brought up In probably every hamlet In the state along about election time that moie par ticular attention should be given It. Three Justices of the peace were to be elected In Cedar Itaplds In 1892 , and the three democratic candidates were declared elected. , The contest was based on the throwing out ot Bcventy-seven ballots , In which the voter had marked a cross at the head of the demo cratic ticket and had marked a cross oppo site the name of the contestant on the re publican ticket. It was held In the lower court that the voter had voted for four candidates for three offices , and the ballots were tlirnnn out. The supreme court holds that they should be counted for the contest ant , because the Intention of the voter was" plainly to vote for him. The ballots could not bo counted for any of the democratic candidates because there was nothing to nhow which two of them he proposed to vote for. As the majority was only twenty-three against the contestant , this would have set tled the election In his favor. In several other ballots the cross at the top was marked and one or two names on the two tickets. It Is held that In this case the voter has voted for more candidates than there are offices to fill , because them Is no authority for the rejection of the names on the ticket where the circle Is marked ; that Is ; the law does not give the voter the right to mark the circle at the top and to signify Which of the candidates ho wishes to vote for and which ho does not on that ticket. He should have refrained from marking the circle and marked each candidate for whom ho desired to vote. The votes cannot bo counted except for candidates whose names were marked on tickets the circle of which was unmarked. The Intention of the voter was plainly to vote for three candidates on different tickets , but the holding of the court Is that the law- docs not give the voter the right to do thin. He must follow the plan laid down In the law. law.It Is held that twenty-one ballots marked Jn the circle "democratic , " and opposite the name of the contestant , should have been counted for the latter. Thirty-nine ballots counted for the In cumbent arc rejected because they were not properly marked at the head , or were so marked that they could be Identified. The court holds that any billet that Is so marked that It can bo Identified must be rejected. More Neiv Attractions Expected in the city at any time , and as citizens know It Is liable to come In various forms. This time It Is at 401 Broadway and will bo well worth your consideration. Just what Is to be gained will be hard to Bay , but If Interested you are sure to gain a big bargain and save money. Window display of wool challles show ing our last Invoice for this season at 33c , 8e ! ) , 50c and liSc per yard. Another dis play of 40-Inch striped suitings , which are considered cheap at 2Gc , now offered at $1.22 a pattern of 8 yards , less than half price. East show window displays a few of our many bargains In ladles' waists. Look over values offered at 39c , GOc , 87c , 'JSc and $1.50. Many more specialties offered In our differ ent departments during sale. A visit to our store will convince you our Syndicate Bale Is a big success and bargains numer ous. FOTHEHINGHAM , WH1TELAW & CO. . Council Dluffs , la. Captain MnrlnnlH * Itccoril. Captain ami Mrs. Maclnnls will conduct their farewell services ut the Salvation army linll Sunday night. Mrs. Maclnnls wjll go to Monroe , Win. , the homo of her parents , where she will visit for a few weeks. Cap tain Mttclimls will go to Sioux Falls , his next appointment. During the captain's stay of six months In Council Bluffs ho has con ducted 290 Indoor meetings and 132 open air meetings , 125 persons have been at the peni tent form In those meetings , seventeen new , members have been added , f.CfO hours have been spent In visiting , C50 families have liecn visited and prayed with. > To lllcyrlo Kldcr * . Before selecting your mount for this sca- -.son wo would respectfully ask you to try our $85,00 Waverley , guaranteed equal to any wheel built , regardless of price. Over forty In use In the city. Cole & Cole , exclusive agents , 41 Main street. Charles Lunkley , the well known undertaker , will occupy the building at 23S Broadway after May 20. Various Improvements will bo made which will give him one ot the finest undertaking establishments In the west. _ Paid the iliiilgiiiriit. An ofilclal of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Hallway and Bridge company called at the office of the clerk of the supreme court yes- tcrduy afternoon and paid $0,000 , the amount of the Judgment In the case of W. Cross- land against the company , In which the cost of paving was Involved. By an agreement between the attorneys on both sides , next Thursday has been set an the day for submitting the cas > o In which an order Is asked revoking the company's charter. This case was decided by Judge Deemer against the company last winter , % niul It Is now to bo decided by the supreme * court on an appeal. Do you bcllovo It payu to advertise ? Do you bellevo It pays to read an ad ? Go to 25 Main street and Miy you saw this In The Bee and see. U will glvo you a discount of 25 per cent less than wholesale prices on any shoo In a $10,000 stock , ii for Cemetery , Wo have a choice lot of plants , suitable for thu cemetery. Parties wanting planting doiu < will plea'u let tm know ut once. No extra charge for planting. J. F. Wllcox , florist , _ Go to B. M , Duncan for bargains In shoes. Uiiiimlrr. . John O'.Mura and C , W. Carlson , who stole a pair of shoes from J. J. Mauruth and a toilet case from J , D. Crockwell , wore glvtm a hearing In polled court yesterday morning and were bound over to the grand jury on the charge of larceny from a buildIng - Ing , Their bonds were fixed at $300 each and they were tent to the county jail for fcafc keeping In default thereof , Meyoru-Purfeo Furniture company , 33C-333 Broadway , Bargains In line furniture. For cobs BO to Cox , 10 M-xIn street. Tele- phone 48. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Washerwomen use Domestic soap , Tukcu to Urn Motile * ( or Trial. T , Deputy United States Marshal Itlclmrds > ( tJt for Des iloluen last evening with Ora Dean nnd Frank llalrd. th Creston roun- tcrfelters. In charge They will be given a trial next week In federal rourt , Indictments having already been returned ngHlnst them nnd the two men Implicated ultli them , Blair and Hkow. The official ; claim they have evidence enough to Rtciire their con viction on the charges of making , on well as passing , the counterfeit money. Well Mrrltrd St "Tlio talk < among business men reported In The Bee during the pa t few days con cerning the Council DIufTa Insurance com pany contain well merited KUggettlohii , " said a Broadway bunlnoss man yesterday. "The hearty approval of our home Insurance com pany Is In line with good business principles In more ways than one. Good business prln- rlplei require the placing of fire Insurance In strong , safe companies , where the guar anty cannot be iiue'lloniM ! that any lo .i will bo promptly and fully paid , and the name principles demand the hearty tup- port of a home company If It has those Im portant qualifications. The Council Bluffs lias grown up among us so steadily and quietly that many uf us do not properly realize what a powerful company It has be come , and I am glad to SCP the Increased public interest awakened In Its behalf. Its record throughout Its territory Is as bright as it Is at home the flr t to pay e\ery Just lose. It certainly ought to write tlie bulk of the lire Insurance of the citizens of Its own cltj. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ While you are paying for laundry why not get the best ? The Eagle laundry solicits a trial and invites comparison. Telephone 157. See tljo new art goods at Mrs. Nltea' . The laundries use Domestic soap. Hi- Win Loir-tick mid Not Drunk , Charles Schulthelss and John Abies , two Germans , came to blows on Mlddl' llrond- way late on Thursday night. Schulthelss Is lovesick , being affected by the charms of a chambermaid at the Itevero hot 1. He avers that Ahles has for some time been nuking fun of him by writing letters purporting to be from his Dulcincu. On Thursday night Ahles was trying to persuade his friend to quit going with th girl. Such ofilc'.otisncs ; ! angered Schulthelss and Allies shortly after wards went howling down the street , yelling for the police , with blood streaming from his no e. In police court yesterday Allies signed his countryman's bond and explained that "he vos not droonk ; ho vo lovesick and crazy. " Schulthelss was discharged. Koniethlniou \Viint. Lawn mowers from $1 up , all widths. Ice cream freezers from $1.25 up , all sizes. Gasoline stoves from $2.80 up , all prices. Hose from lOc up , only highest grades. Refrigerators from $8.50 up , all hard wood. The best filter made from $3.60 up , unexcelled. Poultry netting , garden tools , etc. , cheap. P. C. IJeVol , 504 Broadway. S. M. Williamson & Co. have by far the largest and finest line of bicycles ever shown In Council Bluffs. Bicycles for rent and for sale on easy payments. First-class workmen In our repair department. 10J ( Main street. _ Jarvls Wlno Co. , Council Bluffs. IVrKniml C. M. Harl leaves toJay for St. Paul. Attorney General John V. Stone is In the city. city.F. F. M. Hunter of Ottumw'a was In the city yesterday. E. E. Hart goes to Chicago next Monday on business. John II. Mlddlebrook. representing a whole sale paper firm of Denver , Colo. , is in the city. city.F. F. E. Gllllland has gone to Denver on business connected with the Order of Hall way Telegraphers. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Warren , who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Paulson , ha\e returned to their home In Glenwood. Rev. E. W. Allen has relumed from Os- ceola , la. , where he attended the meeting of the association of churches of the Christian denomination. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tucker and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Matthews went to Walnut Thurs day night to witness the Instituting of a lodge of the Degree of Itcbckah , Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. ( < iiriilsliiiipiitfl .11 list .Stop In Iowa In a short time , as Iowa has passed a law against them. This Is your last chance to collect your accounts before the law goes 'nto force. The Nassau Investment company has reduced Its charges and will guarantee collections against persons not living In Iowa , but who are employed by some rail way , express or telegraph company having an agent In Iowa. Write ut once for terms and references. Council Bluffs. The famous Maso Wise livery and sale barns have been sold to J. W. Mlnnlck , and the business will be continued under his manage ment. Horses boarded and cared for at reasonable rates ; barn open day and night. We want everybody to know that Morgan sells drugs and paints. 134 and 742 Broad way. _ Jarvlb Wine Co. , Council Bluffs , la. , agent Jarvls 1S77 brandy , wines and liquor. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap , Jlllunr Aleut Inn. Attend Boston store syndicate sale. Matilda Straub has taken out a permit for the erection of a $1,000 dwelling In Eubank's second addition. Through a typographical error the credit for the clever dancing at the Fairy carnival was given to Eddie Cherrington Instead of to Eddie Herrlngton. A stable belonging to J , S. Cronen , at the corner of Tenth street and Avenue B , was entered by burglars Thursday night and some harness was stolen. The county convention of Pottawattamle's populists will bo held at the court house today. Delegates will bo chosen to the con gressional convention next week , Owing to the Inability of all the city ofil- clols to bo present last , evening the meeting of the city council and the committee to get work for the unemployed was postponed until this evening , Fred and John Stumpf , charged with re ceiving and concealing stolen goods from the Wabash train thieves , were tried before Juslco Fox yesterday and discharged upon motion of the prosecuting attorney , Commercial Pilgrims All members of council No. 1 are requested to bo on hand this evening , as t > upremo council will have EOIIIQ Important business to present. All visiting members uro Invited to attend. Fuy , the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Topping , died at 1:30 : o'clock yes terday morning after an illness of one week at the family residence , 1939 South avenue. The remains were taken to Logan yesterday afternoon for Interment , The second performance of the "Fairies' Carnival" last night drew a full house and delighted 'everybody. A matinee will bo given this afternoon exclusively for the ben efit of the children , and the admission for all under 12 years of ago will be only 15 cents to all parts of the house. The con cluding performance will ba given this even ing , and Mr. Owens promises that It will bo the best of the series , Perclvul Allen , aged 04 years , died at 5 o'clock last evening at his residence , 416 North First street , from heart failure , Mr , Allen was born In Durham , England , and during all the many years ho has been a cltUen of Council Bluffs ho 1ms held the position of sexton ut Falrvlew cemetery , Ho leaves a wife and five children , Mrs. Charles Matthla , Mrs. O. C. Lincoln of Perry , la. , Edith and Mary Allen and William P. Allen. Mr. Allen had been suf fering from heart troubles and had been very feeble for the last five months , but his death was very sudden and unexpected , During his life ho has prepared the graves for many hundred Council Bluffs people , and now Jils successor will lay him to real In HID scene of his long labors. The time of the funeral has not been decided upon. It Is astonishing how little thought most people give to the quality of their lire In surance. Them urn sumo strong Insurance companies and many weak ones.Ve repre sent only the best. LOUCiniTOWLB , 235 Pearl street. I. mm dry ( 'oiiipuuy , G20 Pearl street. Telephone , 290. Gas cooking stove * for rent and for sale at Gas CO'B office. _ _ _ Everybody knowu Davis 'tells drugs. Domestic aoac breaks turd water. _ FRANCE IS ON HER DIGNITY Policy of the Goveruruent Plniuly Outlined by Cassimir-Perier. NO INTERFERENCE FROM THE VATICAN Circular from tlic Niinclit ConorriiliiK the Church Account * Hill Cailieil the Out burst Apology Demanded and He- crltud - I'remlcr'ft Strong Maud , PARIS , Mny 18. In tlie Chamber of Dep uties M. Hnlbcrtl , representing the Alpes- Mnrltlmes , questioned tlie government In regard to the steps which It Intended to take In regard to the circular which the papal nuncio recently addressed to the French bishops with reference to the law directing that all church accounts should bo kept uniformly. JI. Halhertl declared the nuncio had no right to Indicate to the bishops I ho political attitude they were to assume. The nuncio's encroachment upon the powers of the government might compro mise the future * religious policy of France. M. Hysscrln declared It was not a religious question , but that the national dignity was Involved. The nuncio had violated Inter national law In Interfering In Internal leg islation and the bishops In reply to this cir cular had been guilty of a penal offense. At , Oendre asked why the army took part In the recent Joan of Arc fetes. M , Cochin maintained that the papal nun cio had not exceeded his powers. The nun- nlo'slcttcr was merely counsel to the French bishops and i\as In no way aggressive. Ho believed the spirit of the country would deprecate these attacks upon the church. Further heated discussion followed , and It was announced from the socialist mem bers that they Intended to Introduce a reso lution when the foreign estimates came be fore the Chamber that the French em bassy at the Vatican bo suppressed. Premier Caslmlr 1'erler said the official representation of the army at the Joan of Arc fetes was forbidden , but ofllcors were allowed to bo present In their private ca pacity. Referring to the charges made against the papal nuncio , the premier said ho believed the latter's circular was well intentloned. The premier said : "Neverthe less , we deemed that explanations were nec essary and we telegraphed to this effect to the French minister at the Vatican , Count do Fobvro dc Hehaltc , whereupon the papal nuncio made an apol ogy for sending the circular , declar ing the Incident would not occur again. This declaration satisfied the government and the Incident was regarded as closed. " ( Cheers from the right ) . The premier retorted , "If you disapprove of this solution you can vote against the government ; wo clearly Intimated to the Vatican that the government would not brook any Interference In regard to the church accounts law , which may be modified when the submission of the clericals is com plete. Until" then the. government wljl re fuse to enter into any negotiations on the subject. " This remark was greeted with cheers , after which many of the deputies pressed around M. I'erler and congratulated him upon his btrong declaration of policy. The Chambpr by a vote of 3114 to 142 adopted a motion approving of the declaration of the premier. Le Petit Journal says the radicals will urge the government to demand the recall of Mgr. Terrata , papal nuncio In France. Hungary Has 7i House of l.nriU Question. BUUA-PESTU , May IS. In the lower house of the Hungarian Diet the message of the House of Magnates notifying the lower house of the former body's rejection of the civil marriage bill was read. Premier Wckerle submitted a resolution declaring that the house adhered to the bill and re turned It to the House of Magnates for re consideration and adoption. Ituatoriillo.i Squelched. DELGRADB , May 18. The court of cassa tion has announced null and void a ukase reinstating ex-King Milan and ex-Queen Natalie to regal rights. The police have searched the houses of several leading radicals on Information that a revolt was being prepared. [ tint In Nicaragua. MANAGUA , Nicaragua , May 18. Troops had to be called out In Leon to help put down a riot. Four soldiers and three policemen were killed , six leaders of the mob arrested and shot. SO r.lYWIl , IUHOItN. Federal Grand Jury Itoturns IiidletinrntN mid CScH'S lldiiui In 1'ovcrty. DES MOINES , May 18. ( Special Tele gram to The I3ee. ) The federal grand jury completed Its labors and adjourned today. The members went home without their pay , the United States marshal endorsing their warrants : "Not paid for want of funds , ' , ' The jury returned a number of Indictments , George Barnes , the Morgan house drug gist , is the subject of a true bill , which charges him with receiving stolen United States postage stamps. He gave bonds and was released. No other arrests have yet been made in the case. George Jubb , also of Des Molnes , was Indicted for counterfeiting silver half dollars. He Is also out on bonds. Another case that U of wider Interest , probably , concerns four young men who were arrested at Creston. They are : Ed Balrd , Frank llalrd , Ora Mean and James Skew , They are charged with counterfeiting and passing spurious coins , llalrd Is the man at whom Chrales Cravens shot and who had Cravens arrested for attempted murder. The case of these four men will come up early next week. The arguments were con cluded today In the ease of Huklll , the al leged burglar who got away with the money and stamps from the Grand Hiver postofflce. The Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Women Hiiflriiilst > lit Dunliip. DUN LAP , la. , May IS. ( Special Telegram to The I3ee. ) The political eqijallty club of Dunlop held a reception hero last night to ratify the action of the legislature in grantIng - Ing partial suffrage to the women of Iowa , the guests being received by Mrs. 1) . H. Sattorlce and Mr3. J. II. Purccll , the latter president of the organization , Dunlap has the largest organization of that naturu In Iowa and many prominent officers of the State Suffrage association reside here , In cluding Mrs , Laura Hurd Ualley , superin tendent of legislative work , and Mrs. lr. Satterlee , superintendent of press work of the state , Iowa Stittu Medical Society. DBS MOINES , May IS. ( Special Telegram to The Heo. ) The Iowa State Medical so ciety closed Its annual meeting today after listening to the reading and discussion of a number of papers on technical subjects. These officers were elected : President , A , L. Wright , Carroll ; first vice president , I ) . S. Falrchlld , Clinton ; second vice president , T. J. Maxwell , Keokuk ; secretary , J. W. Cokenower , DCS Molnes ; assistant , J , San ders , Creston ; treasurer , J , O. Skinner , Den Molnes. The convention decided that next year the society sould meet at Creston. World-wide - , , i means world-tried. 'he high reputation land enormous sale of Pills ( Tasteless ) ( reflect the wisdom of I two generations. 5 cents a box. I.OM / . rornr fi'in.i.n. Important Street liiiprn&lifcnt Ii'i'1 ) < lnn Itf the In -Silprl-imtt imi't. SIOl'X CITY. In. , Mu . ly-Special ' T < Me- ram to The Hoe. ) Th jM hi supreme court has nllirmed the ilocMoil of the Woodbury - bury district court In Jin1 ca. e of Ocorgc H. Owen Against the rlty of Sioux City , a suit Involving the vnlJUjltv of special na > ' nepsnientii niiule iiBnlHst.'iimittlng property for street Improvement1 f'ir ' ( lie city. The suit was the most liuituctunt ever brought agnlnst tin- city , nnil while the iinioitnt In volved In the Owen cnHi-uwn. * but about , imd It been dei-fdtfl In pliiliitirf'H fnvor the city would Imve boon virtually bankrupted , nH writ rtiTTTthur cllles In the stiito that Imve been Ipvj'l'jlt ' special assess- , metitH. In the early part of ISfll n large amount of grading wnh1. done In Pierce' * iiddltlon. Among the itlmttlng loin were thirteen belonging to uooigt' H. Owen , against which the * V nHtp Mini < nt < t amounted to Ilifil.lO.Vhen the city engineer ii'portoil mi the oompli'tlmi or the contract , < leorgi 11 , Uwrll IIU'il u protest with the council ngninsl the collection of the Inttnllment of the iiHst'SHnu-nt and suit was Instituted In the district court to pre vent the city from making the collection , 1'lnlntlffs alleged tlmt the .assessments wcie unconstitutional ami that the city has never been Invested with power to make them. There arc nearly JI.uw.iiW of ussessnu'ntR In Sioux City alone , the pay ment of which depended mi this decision. DKS MOIN'KS , May IS.-iSpeclal Tele- Rrinn to The llee. ) Hupu-me couit oplillon : Alice Hare against Thomas H. llaie , et at , Oeorge I'V liarc , Intervener ami appellant , Davis district , reven 'il. Mary Kurd against Chicago & Hock Island Jtallway com pany , appellant , Cedilr dlstilct , reversed. John II.Vcnner against Frank Kites , ap pellant , Carroll district , reversed , \V. H. Scott against Independent district of Ilar- itln , appellant , Allamakee district , nyersed. Kmma. I * . French against Sarah T. Krenrh , appellant , Mitchell district , nlllum-d. Sa bert SI. Casey against Jo eph M. Fry , ap pellant , Leo district , alllrmed. A. II. Long , appellant , ugaliiht John Oshorn , Uecatur district , reversed. State of Iowa against M. U. Foster , appellant. Taylor district , alllrmed. Foster appealed fiom the verdict by which he was sentenced to life Imprison ment for the- murder of lOmmett Heed , No vember 3. 1887.V. . I.Vorley , appellant , against State Insurance company of DCS Mollies , superior court of Keokuk , re versed. _ STMKI. iroiiKKitti 1'i.vixii 'nilsr.i : / . / ; . AmiilRiim itril AsHiiclnlIdll Milking Hood l'riurcs < 4 w tli thy Sciili' , CLEVBLAND. May 18.-l'iomptly today the delegates to the annual convention of the Amalgamated association resumed the consideration of the wage schedules. The morning was spent In consliU-iliig the muck scale , scrap , knobbllng , "hlaT-TTmT. sheet and Jobbing mill scales. The session was entirely uneventful. At Us concliHlon Secretary Kllgallon gave out the stere otyped announcement to the newspaper men that there was no definite action to make public. Asked as to the sixty-day wage scale , the secretary replied that It hail not been considered. To a question regarding the probability of a national strike being de clared , aH rumored at I'lttsbtirg , Secretary Kllgallon said : "So far as that Is con cerned , we have a stilke every year In those mills In which the scale Is not signed. If the scale Is not signed by the im.inufnc- turers by January 1 there will be a strike as a matter of course. No action In regatd to the matter nor any formal discussion has yet taken place. " "How about Informal discussion among the men ? " "Well , many of the men have been out of employment for some time. They may be talking strike I don't know. " It was announced that a discussion of the sheet mill , hand roll , tft'p , spike cutting and tin mill scales would iicxt be taken up. Paine's Celery Compound Made Mrs , Leighton and Her Sister Weil Again. The cure lies In purer , richer blood and betici fed nenoiis t' ' st'es Paine's celery compound stirs the excretive organs , the liver and kidneys , to stronger action ; the blood glows fit oni'e puier and redder and martI'.ip.iblc of carrying nutrmniit ! and oxy gen to cvoiy neive and nniicular fiber of tlio body. Paine's celery compound makes people wo'l ' bv building up new tissues In place of th3 old ; reiulatlng ; shaky nerves by appropriate nerve food ami sending a strong , lull tide of pure blond through the diseased parts ot the liver , heart , stomach and kidneys. To worried women. Just as to business men stuggeilug under financial adversity , comes \ousno8s and final break down. " 1 am not III enough to take medicine , " she too ottcn says , and puts off from day to day the correction of her trouble. Paine's celery compound Is the great spring medicine. It cures every form of nervous weakness and the special disorders of liver , heart , stomach and kidneys that arise from Impure blood and a "run clown" system badly nourished. These arc the difficulties that Palnc's celerj- compound corrects. It builds up the whole body , blood , nerves and tissues In a way that nothing else has ever equaled. People get LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS , COc. 100 ladles' French percale shirt waists , exactly as cut , worth Just $1.00 , they go during this sale , Saturday , 50c each. New line , just In , of ladles' white lawn shirt waists at 75c , $1.00 and $1.CS each. They are beauties. See them Saturday. Largest stock of shirt waists in tlie city. CHILDREN'S BONNETS , I3c. Today we offer 100 children's white lawn bonnets with frlce front at 15c and 25c each ; actual value 35c and 50c. 15 pieces of chenille dot tuxedo veiling , all colors , today 7c yard. All our 23c and 30c quality tuxedo chenille dot veiling , all colors , tcrday 15c yard. BUY YOUR VEILING OF US TODAY. Open Saturday i-venlng until 10 p. m. CLOAKST" $1.00. Today wo offer 15 ladles' silk lace capos carried over from last season , They for merly sold at $5,00 to $10 < 00. Get one today at only $1,00 each. They must go. J3I3ATJVISOAT BROS. Goupcll Bluffs. Responsible physicians have lately said that the purest and most economical Is > Free from fat and golatlne , of 11 no flavor. Its excellence never varies. Made a well Man of Me : * IHDAPO TUR UUEiT HINDOO flCMEDY roi.nucrs TDK inovu lietUl.THhl BO \YS. . ' ' ' ' 6 rt Tall en 3us ! , IMre. l . hteeMe.sne.WcuKnt Porj , ) etc. , VvJ-- cauioUiynaiitiibu rinnil ) { < Jlclity tutsurclv rvitorci l.o t A. nliooil In olil or yoiniir. K.a.lly cariTiMl In yen pocktl , : 'rk-uP1.0Kiinckiiro. ( lilt for a.oowltha vrrltt iiuiinruiiUotuvnrourmpuvyriTuiutril. Uon't buy i > luUlnliou but Inntst un Eavlnu IMIAI'll. It rourdruKitliiiiiiiotKuCt ! . wlll lenillt iireuata. Oriental ilcJIpot Co. . Cllirjcp , IU. , or Ihltr iti > ti. BOi.t ) hy Knlin A Co. . Cor. | 6lh nrtil Douirlan KM. , and J. A. Fuller Co , , Oor llln A IJuuKlaiu Bu. . OM All Ai DYEING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND DRY CLEANING. Bend for Circular and I'riciij.M. Council Bluffs , - - Avenue A and 28th St Omaha , J521 Farnnm Strcot. utAttorneyatlnv True- . . . . _ , Jj lion In lli mate unit fuiiarul cuuri' . Uunui * iloU-7-tt-D , Sliugurt bluett , Council IIluffs , lu , " 0 , Tin only a little nervous. "I didn't use to be. "What can I do to overcome It ? Just a woman means by being a llttlo nervous she can't exactly say. She tells you she Is restless ; that she can no longer sew or read ; conversation no longer Interests , or It even troubles her ; startle her , and she cries for no cause. Such are first small beginnings of nervous weakness. The world Is full of loving , pa tient wives and mothers who- have been called upon to suffer Intense cmotloinl strain ; have undertaken to nurse those dear to them through protracted Illness , or have worked beyond their physical powers. During the many years of hard and won derful work , I'rof. Kdward 13. Phelps , Dart mouth's great professor , had these weak , "run-down" women In mind. The dimly of such cases of nervous prostration , neuralgia , rheumatism , dyspepsia and debility led him to that most marvelous discovery of the cen tury , Paine's celery compound. I'rof. I'helps became convinced that the trouble In all these cases of weakness lay In a disturbance of nutrition. In charge of the Slstora of Moroy , This rcnownod Institution Is Hltuatoil on tlio high blulfs bau < of and ovorlonklitK the city of Council III u IN. Thu spiulons grounds. Its high location nml splendid vlnw , make It it most plcnslm ; retro it for the allllotod. Ast.iIT of em nent pliyalulunsand u lure carpi of ox pcrluncod i.ursos minister lo the comforts ot ho patients , bpoulul cam glvou to luUy pa tents. TERMS MODERATE. For particulars imply to SISTER SUPERIOR , Frank StreatCoansll BlaU , Slonm and Hot Watar Hontlng for Residences and Buildings. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Main , 203 Pearl Streets , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SPECIAL SOAP SAT.B. 1,000 cakes of toilet soap at li' c and Jc cake. Kirk's Bouquet soaps , 25c box of 3 cakes. 3-pound bar of castllc soap for 25c. Open Saturday evening. 200 2G-Inch 'gloria silk sun umbrellas , par agon frame , beautiful horn handles , on Mile today at $1.00 each. This Is the first time we ever offered them at $1.00. SPECIAL HOSIERY SALE. Boys' and girls' fast black bicycle hose , a 20c quality , all sizes , C to 9V , at 15e pair. Ladles' hose In tan and black at -He pair. Ladles' -lOc gauze hose , fast black , the best stocking over offered at 2.ric. no dozen gents' fast black ho&e , full reg ular made , no seams , 7c pair. Ladles' purn silk mitts at 2. > c , ,13c and COc pair. Debt value wo ever oflurcd at the price. Open Saturday evening until 10 p. m. Goupcil Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS Paint , Oil and Glass Co. GLAZED SASH- Wo have I.OOO Wj ulowa In stock , made by the .T. A. Miupliy Manufacturing I'uiiipiiny. No bolliir hash can bo nuiclo , uhlch wo will glare with any Kind of glass that you want , and i > ell you for less nioitny than you can Imy the poor , sappy sifsh niaiio In thu east for. Let us glvn you prices and Via will gut your order. HIGH GRADE PREPARED PAINT. Our I'alntcan not bo nxcelled for durability , bounty or flnlblioruoioiliiKcnuaclty by any other mUoil paints In th market. Our prlco Is JI.M per uulloii. 1 and 3 Fourth St. , - MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , 1408 Farnam Street , THE LION DRUG STORE W. I. SKVMOUn OKADUATK OPTICIAN. Ol'KKA AND UKADINO ( SPKOTACLUS AND EVKOLAS.SKS , The Aloe & Penfold Co. 1408 FaruamSt. , Opposite Pazton Hotoli Headache , Caused by Eye Strain. Many prraoni nhota hcudi ore connlantly acli. IriK IIU.'B no Idea what rellur nulcntmcally fit- tfil ulasneu will nlvo them , Thin thrnry U nuw iinlvcreaHy riitabll li d. "linpropeily llttoil Kla sp will ImurlHlily inrrcunii ilin tiuublu ami may lead to TOTAIi IIIlND.NiSH. ; Our ulilltty to adjust ( jlntuieii Bnfely and correctly In beyond question. Connult u . Kyes tmtcd frco of charge. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , Opuoalt * Piixton Hotel. _ _ LOOK I'OU Tim GOLD I4ON. well wlio tlioiiRlitfully nml tlioroiiRlily try It. 1'or ilioiimatlsni It Is the one true specific. I'rof. K. A. l.clRhtnn Is Instructor anil su- pcrlntcnileut of the state dairy school at the Iowa state agricultural collcRe at Ames , In. Ho has been there several yeais anil Is well knuwn throughout the state. His wife , writIng - Ing lo Wells. KIclianlBon & Co. , who now prepato 1'alno's celery compound , says : "Last May I had rheumatism so severely that I could only ct around by the aid of crutches. Nothing that I used did mo any Kood , ami I despaired of regaining my health. A friend recommended I'alno's celery com pound to me , and I used It regularly for two months. As a result , I was able to visit the v > orlil's fair , staying there for quite a whllo and walking all day without any dlfilculty. "Tho compound also did my sister a great deal of good while attending cortege , giving her btreiiKth and health , There fa nothing I know of In the world that Is Us equal for building up the weak and ran-down , and giv ing strength and tone to the system. 1 am better than for years , and ascribe my Im provement wholly to the use of Value's cel ery compound. " This Is one of thousands of similar testimonials menials that Paine's celery compound Is the remedy that makes people well. KNORMOUS Slimr SALE. ' " " " i $1.00 each. This , Saturday , morning wo place or sale 100 dozen gents' laundered French percale shirts with two col lars , one pair of cuffs , open and closed fronts , In neat blue and pink strlpei and checks , a shirt never before sold for lesi than $1.50 , , and In most places at J2.00. On sale today at Dennlsons , $1.00 each. Shirt waists , GOc. AMERICAN INDIGO CALICO , 3c yard. Apron check gingham 3c yard. Kino dry goods never was sold so cheat before. Don't forget us when you need carpets , curtains or matting. Wo are tin leaders. 1,000 curtain shades , mounted on lies ! spring fixture , 19o each. Dost quality opaque shades at 37'/4c and COc each. Open Saturday evening. J3KOS. Goupcll Bluffs. GEQ. P. SANFORD , A. W. RICKMAH , I'fCblilunt. Ottihtor. Fid National or COUNCIL BLUFFS , ( own. Capital , $100,0t ( ) ) Profits , 12,000 OIIP of the oldest banks In the utato of Iowa W Hollrlt your buHlnoHB nml oolli > cllons. i Wo pay ( I IHTci-nton time deposits. Wo will lie pleased tend nd uurvu you. Special COUNCIL BLUFF3 : QAHUACIU HCMQVED , CESSPOOLS , VAULTS. . clilmneys cleaned. KU lluike , at Taylor' * 1 eroccry , (4Q ( Llruuiiway , AUST11ACTS AND LOANS. PAIIK AND I city ( iiuperly bought und bold. i'uiey &I M human. Council llluffi. 1'AHTUHAOIJ , FIIIHT-CLABS , FOll JOO JIBAI ) ut Mtock , about 3 milts north of town , Cuttle. J2.IO to HX ) , hones. M.OO to 17.00 ( or ( talon' May 1 In October 15 ; KOOI ! man In cliaret ot Block ; plenty irrn > , tall anil water , L. I' . Jucltton. ( C9 Gilt avenue , or 323 Council WANTIU ) . SIX OOOIJ SOLICITOUS TO TAKH unlem fur IrulU unil vruetableu In Council llluffn. Umuliu , Koulli Oimitm and Uloux City Cull or adJr s 163J