" * " r r"1 THE OMAHA DAILY * BEEs FRIDAY , MAY 18. 180-1. ALL JUDGES APPEALED TO Defendant Asks for Change of Venue in Mrs. Bennett Libel Case , QUESTION REFERRED TO ENTIRE BENCH How the 'Miittornfi Drought Up In tlir District Court Vmtenliij , linlKc Tiikit tlm 'Motion Umli-r Ailvlno- intnt Ullirr Court > cui < * In the criminal court yesterday mornlnc the county attorney called the attention of the presiding judge , Cunningham H. Scott , to the uiitc of the state against IMwnrtl Itoscwatcr , editor of Tha Dee , wherein It Is charged that there was printed and published In the paid paper certain things concerning one Sophia IJcnnctt , the wife of ex-Sheriff George A. Ilcnnctt , which constituted a criminal llhfl. Looking around the court room Judge Kcott asked If Mr. Hosewater was present for the pitn > esc of pleading to the Informa tion from the police court. The county at torney did not know , but opined that ho had been notified that he would be ar raigned. Attorney 13. W. Slmeral , representing Mr. Itosownter , replied to the court , stating that there were some matters to be disposed of before the entering of a plea of either guilty or not guilty. "What are these matters ? " asked the court " \ Vehave some affidavits , asking for a change of venue , " replied Mr. Slmeral. "You can't do that until after the plea has been entered , " retorted the court. "Then wo are not ready to plead , " answered Mr. Slmeral. Judge Scott stated that he would forfeit Mr. Ilosewator's bond If ho refused to plead He changed his mind , however , and Mr. Slmeral said that he had a motion In which ho asked that the hearing of the cause bo transferred to some one of the other judges of the district bench. Although the motion was not read , the mere nnnouncement aroused the Ire of Judge Scott , and In an Insinuating tone of volco ho replied that the motion would not be considered until after Mr. Kosewatcr had been arraigned and had entered some kind of a plea to the Information. Then lean ing back In his chair ho gave vent to his feelings by saying , "I think that I know a little about criminal law and It Is not nec essary to play hide and seek. Before any plea Is entered there must be an arraign ment " That settled the discussion , and turning to the county attorney the court asked that gentleman If ho was ready to have Mr. Ilose- water arraigned. The county attorney thought that It would be more satisfactory to him to have the matter go over until 2 o'clock In the afternoon , and the court made un order accordingly. Prior to this action n. W. Slmeral and Lee B. Hstelle , attorneys representing Mr. Ilose- \\atcr , presented a petition to the Judges of the district court asking them to sit In Iianc on the removal of the case from Judge Scott's court. A meeting of the judges was held at 1 o'clock , at which the motion was discussed nnd taken under advisement. Minor Court .Mtittors. The case of Ackerman against Ackerman , growing out of the failure of the job print ing firm of Ackerman Ilros. & Heinle , has been appealed to the supreme court , and during the pendency of the proceedings , the receiver , J. II. I' Lehman , continues to look after the affairs of the partnership pioperty. Charles Dalzol , charged with having ma liciously destroyed property of the South Omaha Electric Light company , wan > ar raigned In the criminal court yesterday and pleaded not guilty. In the case of Ge-orge L Bellows against the city of Omaha , a suit for the recovery of damages on account of personal Injuries alleged to have been sustained on account of a defective sidewalk , the Jury returned a , > crdlct , finding for the defendant. Jeff Bates , charged with stealing harness , vas released from custody yesterday , the jury having returned a verdict finding him not guilty of the crime charged. The estate of Peter Karbach was settled In the probate court yesterday afternoon and the executor , T. 1 * . Gerhard , discharged. In the crlmlnil court the case of the state against James Janecek Is on trial , the de fendant being charged with shooting with Intent to wound and kill. The defendant , \vas a block watchman on South Thirteenth street , and on April 13 ho had a row with Charles Warren. The Information charges that ho shot at Warren , but Janecek claims that Warren attacked him , striking him over the head , after which he drew a revolver nnd Ilrcd a bullet which went through the clothes of the complaining witness. The official reports show that no baking powder received an award over the Royal at the Chicago World's Pair. The judge of awards on baking powder , Dr. H. W. Wiley , writes that the claim of another company to having received the Bilghest award Is false ; that no such award , vas given to It. The Royal Baking Powder Is the purest and strongest baking powder made , and has re ceived the highest award at every fair , where- evcr exhibited In competition with others. Wanted. Good shoo salesman at onee. None but experienced men need apply. HAYDEN BROS , I _ Shop Department. 1'orfcctl } nt Home , The Irrigated lands of Idaho possess that peculiar ( juollficatlon which is perfectly adapted to the raising of apples , apricots , peaches , cherries , pears , plums , grapes prunes , hops , alfalfa , corn and potatoes \vhlch always find a ready market and bring a good price. You can't overstock the United States with these commodities. We'll send our advertising matter on ap plication. U. L , LomaLP. . ami T. A. , Omaha , Nob. "there U the Wrst , Tlioro Is" Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado , New Mexico .Wyoming , Idaho and Montana. Our becomi 1894 homescekers' excursion will leave our Missouri river terminals for all points In nt/ovo states On May 29 , Ono fare for the round trip , Tor additional Information call on or ad dress II. P. Uouel , C T A. , 1302 Farnnm Street , or R. L. Lomax , 0. P. and T. A. ' Omaha , Neb. _ iiMiiiiuiits' : : : : J\CUIISIONS houm. Vlu tlio WubiiKli Itiillrond , 1 On May 8 and 29 the Wabash will sell round trip tickets at one tare to nil points In Tennessee ( except Memphis ) , Mississippi. 'Alabama , Louisiana ( except New Orleans ) 'Arkansas and Texas. Tor tickets or deserlp * tlve pamphlets ot land , cllmato etc. , call at JWabash ticket onice , 1502 Fanmm street , or .vrlto a. N. Clayton , northwestern passenger necnt , Omaha , Neb. 1'llHt 'lOlllljV , Your cholco of four dally trains on the Chicago & Northwestern railway Two ot these trains , at 4,05 p. in. and G 30 p. m. , fero vcstlbulcd and limited , arriving In Chi- fcago early next morning. Ullto sleepers , dining cars , and the latest reclining chair cars. Call at the city office , 1401 Parnam street. The Northwestern checks your trunk at Jrour house. _ C'luliI Itonitutit Clus . f The members of the Woman's club who ftvlsh to takeup English literature next iear pro requested to meet In Myrtle annex , Saturday , May 19. nt 3 p. m. , to decide on h course of study , clioone a loader , etc Members wishing to join this department tuul unable tobo present may send th lr bainci John Ilia Not Out Auuy. John Dukulll was locked up lait evening nt the request of Krank Km par , his bonds man. Dukulll had been bound over to tlie district court for stealing $90 from a wanh woman and Kaspar signed his bond for JGOO. A few ilnyg ago the case was called for trial , but the defendant failed to appear , which set Mr. Kaspar to looking for him , with successful result. Tlin Sprint ; Mrilklnc. "All run down" from tlm weakening effects of warm weather , you need a"good tonic and blood purifier like Hood's Snrsaparllla. Do not put off taking U. Numerous little ail ments , If neglected. vvll ) soon break up the system. Take Hood's Sarsaparllla now , to expel disease and give you strength and ap petite. Hood's Pill * are the best family cathartic and liver medicine , Harmless , reliable , sure. IIAVI > I.N : linos. Letting Down the Prices on Wnsli IrcM ( loodn. Clearing out odd lots , reducing stock , los ing money and selling lots of wash goods. Hear yea .hear yea. Best Imported printed dlmltlrs , were Sue , tomorrow lOc. Notice the Imported sateens , were 33c and 40c , tomorrow at Hajdens' lOc yard. Paris printed mulls at Hoydens' lOc. 3Gc printed bedford cords , lOc yard. 40-Inch Irish lawns , lOc yard. 25c figured Swisses , lOc yard. . . Dark or light ground pongee , IOC yard. Printed orgundles , were 2.'c and 35c , Hay- dens' price tomorrow lOc yard. Satin stripe organdie' now lOc yard. Printed crepe , fast colors , lOc yard. This sale starts promptly at n a. m. at Hoydens' . Mall orders to be filled from this lot must be here by 9 a. m. No sam ples cut during this tale No limit as to iiuantlty , as the stuff Is stacked on center tables and as long as the quantity holds out you can buy , but as there are no dupli cates , we would advise you to be on hand at 9 a. m. and attend Havdens1 cheapo't wash dress goods sale on record. Coupons thrown In the bargain. Remnants of wash goods on sale Satur day , SPECIAL SATURDAY SALE. 74C. . 25C SILK VEILINGS , 7',4C. THIS SALE IS FOR SATURDAY ONLY. Wo have Just received COO pieces of ele gant new styll h veilings , every piece worth from ICc to 2Jc , which we will offer on Sat urday at 7V4C PER YARD ONLY 7'4C. HAYDEN BROS. . Headquarters on wash goods. Wniitvd. Good shoo salesman at once. None but experienced men need apply. HAYDEN BROS , ' Shoo Department. First-class boarding houses or Iprlvatc families who can furnish rooms for dele gates to the Congregational Home Mission ary meeting Juno 6 , 7 , and 8 , please send rates to or see M. J. Kennard , 907 N. Y. Life Bldg. soon as possible. Shoo Siilc Siiturduy Wult. The entire stock of Deutsch Bros , Atchl- son , Kan. , consisting entirely ot ladles' ox ford ties , ON SALE AT BOSTON STORE. This stock consists of fully 5,000 pairs la dles' fine oxford ties , blucher ties , In fine kid , Russia goat , plain and cloth tops , which sold from $2 SO to $3 DO a pair. Also about 300 pairs very fine sample slippers , which cost from $3 50 up to $8 00 a pair. This entire lot will go on sale Saturday in the basement of the Boston Store at $1.50 a pair , right straight through. Walt for this day , Saturday. BOSTON STORE , Cor. 15th and Dodge. Tf'KSJ'.K.H.V J'J.'AMO.V.S. Lint of Veterans I.ulol } ICenu-niluTcd by the ( iilliral GoveiiuiKMit. WASHINGTON , May l"-Speclnl ( to The Bee ) Pensions granted , Issue of May 3 , were : Nebraska : Renewal Ephrlam E Lake , Edgar , Clay. Reissue John T. Olduker , IZldor.ulo , Clay. Oilglnul , widows , etc. Luclnda Gibson , Tekainali , Hint , Reissue Mary Jane DIxon , Hentiice , Gage. IowaOilglnal Oscai M. Peck , Osccoln , Clark ; Jacob Schmidt. Dubuque , Dubuque. Renewal Asa. N. Cliinifeon , Strawberry Point. Clayton. Increase George W. Dewey IJayard , Gutlirle. Keissuo Wil liam M. Mjers , Brighton , AVabhlngton ; Julius Nelson , Lansing , Allamstkee. Original , widows , etc. Muitclla F. Way , Davenport , Scott. Reissue Nancy 1'ark , Mlllersbiirg , Iowa Mexican war sur- vlvois. Increase William It. Keep , Har- lan , Shelby. South Dakota : Original , widows , etc. Maty S. Leake , Ueresford , Union. Issue of May 4 : Nebraska : Original Hugh M. Roberts , Noifolk , Mudlson , Thomas Muiphy , Uni versity Place , Lancaster. Original widows , etc. Lncretln Whltt , Olive. Nance. Mexican war suivIvors , Inerease Jesse A. Nason. Scilbnei , Dodge. Iowa : Oilglnal John McComb , West Union , Tayettc. Additional Cliaries A. Rink , MniHhalltovvn , Marshall ; David G. Roberts ) , Anderson , Fremont , Restoration and reissue Andrew J. Statford , Nicholas , Museatlne. Increase Samuel Monroe , Fall bank , Buchanan. Itelhsue Austin M. Puitildgq , Do Witt. Clinton. Original , widows , etc Elizabeth A. Illllhouse , ( mother ) , Delphos , Rlnggold. Reissue Helen I. Ticblltock , Manly , Worth. Mexi can wai suivlvorn. Inciease Daniel Palmer , Sunnier , Bromer. Colorado. Increase 1'iank W. Edgerton , Sllverton , San Juan South Dakota : Orlclnnl John Leister , Miller , Hand. Wyoming. Oilglnal On Is V. Odell , Har ris Folk , Ulntii. Montana : Increabe Samuel Shultz , MIssoula - soula , MIssoula. "Said 1'iislm" at tliu riftccntli Street. "Said Pasha,1' Richard Stahl's opera , rem iniscent of Sullivan primarily , Offenbach , Greene and Albert Celller , was given by the Calhoun Opera company last evening at the Fifteenth Street theater and won deserved recognition from a very fair audience. The opera has the merit of being bright and sparkling and was well mounted by the Calhoun company. The tarn.liar numbers were given with bnap and vigor and the en semble was particularly good Miss Julia Calhoun made aer > fabdnatlng queen of Altarl , singing with considerable force and Investing the part with line dramatic ability Miss Beatrice McKon/le , a newcomer to the lyric stage , posse'sed of a refined beauty and a lovely volco withal , sang Serena In a most acceptable manner. Although young to the stage , Miss McKenzIe hab a very bright future before her. George Lydlng as Said Pabha. sang well , although as an actor ho could greatly Improve his perfoimunce. The hits of the evening were made by Douglas Flint as Hadnd , a part Just suited to this clever comedian , nnd Jack Allison as Nockey , a Imlt-wltted hobbledehoy , companion to Hadad. Their performance was unctuous and won the approval of the audience. Sylvester Cornish as Rolah , which Is very suggestive of Lady Ann In "Patience , " was thoroughly enjojable. ir un TO f\tvi : i'01'Kitrr. Matrlildn anil Sultldo lij n Man Who \Cn Oiitof Woilc Dlil It with n Knzor. NEW YORK , May 17. Lena. Sansmuller , aged PO , and her son Charles , aged 50 , were found dead In their rooms In a tenement house on East Twelfth street , their throats cut from car to ear. A blood-stained razor on the floor told the story of murder and suicide. The old lady was In her night dress and her position Indicated that the son had taken hold of her head with his left hand as he used the razor with his right. As he lay on the floor the weapon was still In his hand He had evidently cut his own throat Immediately after killing his mother. On a table were found 12 cents and In a box $4.71. A bank book Indicated there was $1G to the eon's credit. Ho had been out ot work for some time and It Is supposed fear ot poverty prompted tlQ ) deed , Indcpriiili nt Irhlinuii Aa Hut. NEW YORK , .May 17. The Independent Irish party of America , about 250 men being present , met In a state of anger and Indigna tion. The cause of their anger was contained In a statement which Dr. Thomas Emmett ot the Irish National Federation of America published a few weeks ago regarding Lord Salisbury's assertion that If home rule were granted the Ulster Orangemen will be "given to slavery In order to plpaso the triangle In Chicago or Tammany bosses In New York. " Several speakers vigorously denounced Dr. Emmctt as "a foe to Ireland , the mouthpiece of Rosebery , Justin McCarthy and the English whlgs. " Ilcdolutlons were adopted repudiating Dr. Emmctt's statements as grossly untrue , "un- Irish and unnatlonal , " AN EXHALATION Ol' IKON , Higher Tlmn riinrdi Splrei-Tlin I.lltln Coll- scum In Jtoitii > Kuropp T < > ii Mngtli * lln ( lllncl TinHlKiii'HH of Ncuulu The Little ness Of > II'H Itaglllllll. When Senator Ingalli of Kansas saw the Manufactures building nt the World's fair ho exclaimed , with pralrlo rhetoric , "It Is an exhalation ! Yesterday It was not ; to day It Is , and tomorrow It will have passed away ! I can see how you can fence It , but to roof It almost surpasses human con ception. " It was Indeed an mipreeodontcd problem to spread a ponderous glass nnd Iron roof over a thirty-acre field , or an area two- thirds as large as Boston common , four times the area of Now York's Madison squares and seven times as large as Phlla- delphla'H Independence square. Consider. also , the loftiness of that Incomparable nave , the crown of whose arch Is 211 feet above the ground , or within nine feet of the height of Bunker Hill monument , nnd almost exactly the height of Baltimore's stately monument to President Washing ton. Indeed , there arc not many church spires In America which reach this Im mense altitude , nnd the roof line In ques tion does not reach It by the uplift of a lone cross or Ilnlal , but Is continued In that dizzy height for the astonishing distance of a third of a mile. The Roman coliseum seated 87,000 per sons when In the full excitement of a battle - tlo between "star" gladiators , and the Man ufactures building could seat 380,000. Yet even Roman architectural genius shrank from placing a permanent loof over Its great variety show and only ventured upon an awing of light canvas , . The Chicago structure , however , although erected for very transient use , received a glass and Iron roof of Immense weight and solidity , which overarched an area large enough to hold half a docn coliseums That roof was In Itself almost a miracle Forget statistics and consider facts , and see It was uphold by twenty-seven vast Iron trusses , or arms , each weighing more than 200,000 tons , and spanning 380 feet. The enormous weight of either ot these would have crushed Into powder any ordinary floor or foundation , so each was based upon a mighty Interlocked mass of logs and Iron , resting upon thlity-flvo deep-driven piles At their bases the Iron arms were fourteen feet thick , and where they clasped hands at the apex they were ten feet thick This was the largest building ever con structed by human hands. Let this always bo remembered. It Is a paramount dis tinction. The EUROPEANS HAVE TRIED for thousands of years to construct build ings Imposing from their very mass , but have never even approached the majestic comprehensiveness of this temple of peace ful arts. Nor Is It noteable only for mere bigness. As to space , Nevada alone covers double the area of New England , but what does It signify ? The Manufactures building was perfectly adapted for Its purposes , In space , light , communications and secure construction. It had two faults as regarded from diverse points of view. The luckless wight who attempted to see all its contents In a day or a week usually tottered out of Its portals In a state of collapse , with dimmed ojes and congested brain. It was all too great for human comprehension. Never In the history of Industrial art have sui.li Illim itable treasures of inventive genius been concentrated before. It was the richest third of a mile ever set forth. But If almost too great for the observer the vast spaces of the building were yet Inadequate for the display of the world's Industries , drawn Irrlslstlbly hither. It would al most have been necessary to have roofed in the Sangamon prairie to havu held all the proffered exhibits. The conception and construction of this matchless palace of industry , and the care ful selection of Its contents , are described with adequate knowledge and enthralling Interest In the wonderful jievv "Book of the Builders , " the last and noblest word about the World's fair , written by D. H. Burn- ham and F. D. Mlllett , jth masterly direc tors. And The Bee specially prepared Pop ular Edition ot this unique and unparalclled work contains n satisfactory and fasci nating account of this and all other notable features of the fair , illuminated with great numbers of the choicest pictures. We have far surpassed the world with our exposition , and It will be both pleasant and profitable to remember this fact nnd to gain a full and Intelligent understanding of the meth ods and meanjjigs of this victory of the centuries. COAL ATJllICi : H'J.MA-.K.VS WHEAT. Grand Trunk UofnscH to Haul Grain While Fuel is Sinriio. CHICAGO , May 17. Officials of the Grand Trunk announced on the Board of Trade today that pending a settlement of the coal strikers no more grain will bo received for shipment. What coal Is held by the system , It was announced , will be reserved for the moving of passenger trains and perishable freight. The announcement caused ad ditional weakness In the whe.it market , as It was thought It might foreshadow similar action on the part of other railroad com panies. The announcement that the Grand Trunk would receive no more grain until the coke strikes arc settled , together with weakness at New York , caused free selling toward the close of the session , and the trading be came somewhat panicky. July sold down IHc from the opening price , again breaking the record for low price. NEW YORK , May 17. Wheat was weaker than ever today , and a now set of records was made At first the bulls made a brave stand to raise prices to the former level , but along In the early afteinoon Pardrldgo began to work the short side of the Chicago cage market , flooding the market with wheat , and then covering again before trad ers had a chance to catch their breaths This effectually settled all attempts to hold the market , and prices dropped 1 cent In a ro- maikably short time , which put July wheat hero nt the record price of 58 7-lCc and G59ic In Chicago. In addition to Pard- rldgo's operations the bears were helped by a pi I vote estimate of the condition of win ter wheat , said to have been obtained from reliable sources , making It 87 7 In the whole country , and 90 east of the Rockies. The official government report put the condition as low as 84.7. but this was doubted by everybody In the trade. xr.ano LIAOIIKD jty A Penalty for Mimloiliiff Ills Who Made Him Ounrrel ulth Ills Wife. JEFFERSON , Tex. , May 17. Henry Scott , colored , who was arrested for the murder of his C-year-pld stepdaughter , was taken from the sheriff by a mob of about 100 negroes and hanged. The negro confessed the murder and said his reason for murdering the child was that she was the cause of frequent quarrels be tween himself and his wife. Drutli of n Noleil Army Surgeon. SAN ANTONIO , Tex. . May 17. Colonel Joseph S. Bailey , assistant surgeon of the United States army , and medical director of the department of Texas stationed hero , died of heart failure on a Southern Pacific train west of hero. Ho was returning from an Inspection tour of the posts In the west ern part of Texas. His remains were brought hero anil will bo shipped to Frank fort , Ky , for Interment. TIIURSTON TO IIAHILTONIANS His Address Bbibro the New Republican OlcbXast Evouing , BELIEVES IT NAMED ITSELF WELL Democratic Stiprnpncy lli-nponsllito for tliu JIU Unit IhoiiniiiiiU Arc Now SufferIng - Ing rroiuVAcrc * li > M of Sot cut ; to the Membership. The growing Interest In the new Hamilton Hcpubllcan club was attested by the en thusiasm which prevailed at the meeting In the Patterson block last nlBlit. The linll was flllcil , anil after the regular business ot the club hail been trnnsnctctl the members listened to an address by Hun , John M. Thurston. The membership committee reported the names of 8'venty appl'cants ' for membership , and on the recommendation of the commit tee they vvcro unanimously elected. The vacancy In the executive committee was filled by the election of James Wnlsli of Mc- Ardlo precinct. Jlr. TliiirUon'8 address was devoted to a general discussion of political and Industrial conditions , and was received with an ex ceptional degree of approbation. Ho said by way of Introduction that ho was glad to know that an active , aggressive republican club , largely composed of young men , had been organized In Omaha. Ho was glad that the organisation had been called the Hamil ton club , bccausu there was no name In American history that stool so strong for the constitutional government we have today. It represented what a young man could accomplish The speaker combatted the charge that Hamilton had been representative of mon archical principles. All thiough the consti tutional convention he had stood for the fullest expression of the volco of the people Out of the chaos of a desperate time ho had evolved the sublime tenets of the Ameri can constitution , which made the perpetu ation of this government a possibility "Thero are times when God's spirit moves the earth , when governments tremble and dynasties fall , and It Is in the tempests of such times as tlitbo that great men are born. It was In this desperate epoch In American , history that the personality of Hamilton reared Itself like a mighty cliff , the tempestuous heas breaking at Its base and above It the sunshine and the stars " Mr. Thurston expressed his satisfaction that the Hamilton club was a patriotic or ganization. This was a time when the people should bo taught patriot- Ism. They should trample party preju dices under foot and go forward united under the flag. The flag should float every day In the year over every American school house and patriotism should be the test of American citizenship. The present was the most troublous time that the American people ple had been called upon face In many years. Industrial troubles came so fast that oven the wisest hesitated to anticipate the end. end."I do not say , " continued the speaker , "that the democratic party Is responsible for all this , but two years ago there was no American man who could not find an Amer ican job at good wages. At that time there was no American table upon which an hon est man could not place all the necessaries and many of the luxuries of life for his family. Now there are hundreds of thou sands of men looking for work and not finding It. " The democratic party had Infringed upon the patents of every smoke consuming ap paratus on the market. One might travel even through Pittsburg now without being soiled by the dust and smoke of the man- ufactorles. It had made all these cities that were begrlmod with smoke two years ago nice clean places to live In for those who could afford to live without work. It had been one of the arguments of the democratic orators during the last campaign that only 10 per cent of the working classes were cm- ployed In protected Industries. Cut who was suffering now ? Railroad men were Idle on account of the diminution of traffic. Car penters and bricklayers and plasterers had no work because others could not afford to build. What was dlsaste : for one class was disaster for all. It was the democratic assertion that the farmer would be benefited by the Introduction of democratic principles Into government. At a demo cratic rally at Hastings two years ago one of the transparencies bore the words : "No More 70-Cent Wheat When Cleveland Is Rlected. " It was the only democratic prophecy that had been true. The farmers were glad to get 40 cents now and It was still going do\vn. When men had nothing but soup to eat the demand for the wheat , the beef , the mutton and all the other products of the American farm was gone. The speaker contended that the money situation had but little to do with the trouble. There was more money today in American banks waiting to bo loaned for safe Investments than over before In the history of the country. There was no more money In circulation when the republican party was In power than there is today , but the present Industrial paralysis was then undreamed of. The only remedy for tlie disease was to develop American In dustries so that there would bo a work bench and forgo for every man who was willing to work and this , was what re mained for the republican party to ac complish. The next meeting of the club will be held two weeks from last night , when delegates will be elected to the state convention of republican clubs. coitxvoitH ran .uitutosi.t. Tom IVntsoii'n l'ictui < "ictin Simile of Demo cratic I'loinlHOK anil Kcullty , ATLANTA , May 17. Tom Watson , upon being chosen chairman of the people's party state convention , made n speech severely criticising the course of the present adminis tration. "Two years ago , " said he , "we were fed upon the ambrosia of democratic expecta tions ; today wo are given the cornoobs of democratic reality. " He Intimated that If the Chicago democratic plaform had been strictly adhered to by the administration there would have been no such convention In Georgia today. The populist state canventlon today nomi nated J. K. Hlnes of Atlanta for governor Ho was alllllated with the democrats until a few weeks ago , when he published a letter announcing his conversion to the doctrines of the populist party The populists would really prefer to have Watson run for governor , but ho In tends to bo a candidate for congress for to liavo WaUou run for governor , but ho Intends to be a candidate for congress In the Tenth district , which ho represented In the Fifty-second congress. CHATTANOOGA , Tenn , May 17. The democratic convention of the Third con gressional district at Clov eland , Tenn. . adopted a resolution favoring the frco and unlimited coinage of silver , the Wilson bill , the repeal of tliu 10 per cent tax on state banks and tabled resolutions endorsing the present administration , but adopted a reso lution endorsing the course of Senators Har ris and Date. Hon. H. 0. Snortgrass was today renoml- nated for congress on the 437th ballot. Dr. A. L. UrillUh , a delegate from Jasper , Tenn. , vvftllo returning from the convention on the train was shot and killed by John L Stlckley , delegate from White county. Stick- ley was drunk at the time. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Tfaeonly Pure Cream of Tiirlur Powder. No Amtnouiaj No Alum. ed in Millions of Homes o Years the Standard- GET STRONG BEFORE SUMMERJ Hard to Gain Strength During Hot , Debilitating leather Most Favorable Results from Paine's ' Celery Compound in May. Now or never get health nnd strength. The moat obstinate Indoor dwellers get n sniff of outdoor air In May. No ono altogether escapes the spring feelIng - Ing In the blood. The most delicate nnd con firmed Invalids now \cnturc on short rides and walks. May Is the blessed month for convalescents. "When May comes I'll get well , " Is the cry all through the winter. There are fewer obstacles to getting well In May , no cold winds to bring relapses and ex hausting sickness nor debilitating heat to rob ono of atrpngtii. A sweeping glanro over the land would show millions of weak , nervous , ailing men and women every duy growing stronger and Retting rid of lingering diseases by using Palno's celery compound this month , whrn this remarkable blood and nerve remedy works best hand In hand with nature's pur pose to give every animate thing new life. With such a chair as this It narrows down at once to a choice between > ourpurso and > our person But remember one thing Until you own one of tlips-e "Groat Com fort" chairs jour draught ot comfort Is a lit tle tepid. In the presence of a perfect piece of cab- net work ono throws away all adjectives and comes down to the naked majesty of nouns and verb' . The frame Is oak with broad Colonial paneling framed by Colonial bead'moulding. In the center of each s.de Is the Empire wreath directly under the wide , overhanging arms. The covering Is a rarity , a figured cordu roy with the Insignia of Napoleon. The height of the back , the depth of the seat , the width between the arms and the elasticity of the springs are points on which no judgment can be properly formed with out a trial. On exhibition today. Chas. Shiverick & Co. FURNITURE of Evtsry Description. Temporary Locitton , I206-I2O8 DOUGLAS ST. , MILLARD HOTEL BLOCK. DRS. BETTS AND BETTS Medical and Surgical Institute. E. V. DAVIS , M. D. , RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. all forms of NERVOUS. CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES We cure speedily and peimancntly all di seases of the sexual system , also kidney , bladder , blood , skin and stomach troubles Our principles and assistants have all made life studies of our t-peclaltles CONSULTATION 1"REB. Send 4-cents for out new 120 page book. Call or address with stamp , 119 South i4th St. , Omaha. SEARLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS Chronio WE Nervous Private & CURE Specal Diseases. TKUATAIKNT IIV MAIL. Coniultntton Fro * Wo euro Catarrh , All Dlsoasea of the Noao , Throat , Ghost , Stomaoh , Llvor , Blood , Skin and Kltlnoy Dis eases , Female Weaknesses , Loat Manhood , AND ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES of MEN. PILES , KiKTULAAim RBOTAt. Ui.CEim cured without Ditln or detention from Luslnust RUPTURE. Ao Cnro Xu I'ay. Call on or luldrtiBg with utarnp for clrouUra , free book and receipts , lit stairway Routli ot Pan OOlce , Hoom 7. Dr Searles and Searles ' , , U88oulh0 'r1f1 } , QLiCivLY AND lt \SlKNTliY i urn ! ut Nvrvoiu Uebllliy , l.u t Vllullty. VurhtHuv. Alrupliy , I'hyhliul VNfttltmtD , itte. by IN * IIAI'll , lhnKri.31 Illn Inn Homiill VVrlllin uimrnrtle'jnt turr. heLl by Knhn & Co. Cor 1Mb .V | iouil mt . niiU J A. VullcrA Co. ( 'or ' lltliV lluu.-lJubta .OJ1.UU. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , rj. S. Depository , Omaha , Nebraska OA.PITAI. $100,000 SURPLUS 855,500 Officers and Director * Henry W Yim. pr lent ; John 8. Collins vlco uraildout , r.r.vli 4 Heed , CubUlcr. V.YU1. II. S. lliuliej , < vtUUli THE IRON BANK , I strength and happiness In spring. Palmt's celery compound hastens conva'cs- ' conco from all nervous and wasting dlseises It feeds badly nourished nerves and takes away their Irrrltablllty and pain. It purlflps the blood nnd supplies rich material for no\\ healthy tissues all over the body. I'rof IMwaul 13. Phelps , M. I ) , U. , I ) , of Dirt- mouth college dl&covcrcd 1'alno'n color } com pound In the now famous laboratory of the college. The world Is full of busy , thankful men and women who mvo their energy , health and very existence to Paine's celery iom- pound. An Immense burden ot rheumatism , kidney troubles constipation. Fait ihoum. ec/cmn , disordered liver and blood diseases has been lifted from HIP world since Palm s cclcj-y compound came Into it Your own physician will tell joti how con fidently ph > slclans rely on Palne's reler > oompotjnd as an Invlgorator and strcngthener for body , nerves and brain. H makes pcotilo well. Spring Is busy with marvelous rapid changes In the tissues of the body Now Is tln > lime to permanently cure nervous weak nesses , iH'Unilgla , hcadarho and dynpt psla 1 > > using I'alne's celery compound to build up healthy tissues In place of the dlst istd parts. Pure , rich blood sent through the deep parts of the heart , liver and kldnejs leaving In Its passage material for rapid rop.ilr , and Inking away In Its stream the used up harm ful elements , soon drives out weakness from thf-p organs , and restores their healthy film tloiiH. Paine's colerv compound nnhos new abun dant blood , regulates and fi-cds worn-out nerves , and builds up the strength of the body. Score 9 to That phenomenal buyer of ours pi toliud u fjtiiiio for the Nebraska the other ilny and won It linntls down. "J'was a pitch and a drop , and a vvhi to wash for a team of picked professional buyers of the country. Heap yel low metal done the couching , and o scored ! ) lines of stilts without a put out. There was K1'l ulli"S' a"d cries of foul as usual but the umpire said fair play , bought the \\ine , and \vo linishcd the ganio with a homo run , nnd here they ate : let INNING A line of all wool dark cafsimoro suits , dit t cheap at sHU.oU 2nd INNING A load of all wool cheviot suits of dark ,50 giay ini.\tme. north not less than $1U.OO. . , 3rd INNING A lot of all wool cassimoro suits a neat blue invisible stripe at least , a SlIl.OO ar 7,50 ticle , 4th INNING A double-breasted brown cheek , all wool 7,50 and hone&talue at $ l.'i.50 , 6th INNING A cart-load of all wool mixed cheviot suits , litfht coloi b. che.ip at Sl.'l.uO Cth INNINC A lot of binjrlo-bicastcd bluc-chockon suits of all wool tweed can't touch "cm for loss 1,50 than $ K1.00 , 7th INNING A double-breasted light mottled Cheviot 7 mil retailb everywhere at $13 to $13 , 8th INNING A load of suits , strictly all wool , li htbluo | foreign design of Scotch cloth , worth$11. il flth INNINC A lovely pin-checked cheviot double- / Hil btcanted biiit , well vvortli $13.50 iiUU Elaborately Trimmed anil Perfect Fitters Now is Yours Chance for a Game Whitewash Us. THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN RETAILERS SELL TRnDc MARK. TRADEMARK. AI1LSTKAND. S Cl" Plciro st , Omaha. v UUNNU1 I W H. CO . . . Ifitli and Capitol uvo. mniiuNG & KnuNnit dtli and I'lerce sts , Oimhn. EULINO DHOS Kith anil Davenport sts. , Omaha. OOLDI3N UAGLI3 SI10I3 SIOIII3 .111 S. ICth bt , Omaha , Neb. MOHSU , A. I ) ICth nnd Funnm His , Omaha , Mt'NCII. CUS ! .170"i Lcavomtorlli st , Omaha " ITNNKK "ivCTUR 21th "d Cumins sts. , Omaha. ITTUKSRN S 1' ItJlli mill CumliiK Kts , Omahu. 'r puni ) . . . " i"0" 7lh Bt ' Omaha. 'ji i lll S. IIIlli st , Omaln. IK"JACOli ! l"5 ! > S Uth st , Omaha. SUCHV PHILIP ICth and Wllllums sts , Omaha. VOLKr'll I011N - " " ' ' " " ' 1'nlto Bts Onmha vv-Tirnv'rh KHANK ' ' ICI7 nnd 151Ii DoiiBlns ot. , Onmha. Wlin MAUTIN ' . . . . . JOth ami Uastellar sts. Omaln ata , Oin-tha. ICth and ChldiK" wm IT I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ALTAIAN . . , . . . . . . . . . 2107 N ht. . South Omaha CRCSSV 'if'A ' . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , -'SOU N st , South Omaha. i.n YNN ' TI1OS . . . , , . . . ' ' ' - ' ' ' N St. , South Omaha. JOLnSTKIN.M.'I'1 ' N ht Soutl' ' Omnl.a. . ( JOLnSTKIN.M. - - - - - - - 4" ii , j.'O.t N st , South " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' im n. ix "jiNS.'i ! s-4 " " ' 1UO- " ' < ! llU'ffs. ' la iiAim vi n J J i CO Cmincll llluffa. la. PirilCP& CO S ' A. Mnln ht and 1st nvo. , Countll Jllultg. la. 8AUGUNT. il. M. . Council Illillfs , la , 1. We guarantee every shoe we make to fit as well ana wear as well as those of any other manufacturer. 2. Every OMAHA-MADE SHOE bears our trade mark stamped on linings 3. Our factory is open to visitors Tuesday and IhursJays every week. HORSE-COE SHOE CO Mdiiufdclureibof Fine Shoes. TRADE MARK TRADEMARK DOING COFFEE POT ATTACH- ML\f , Ai i'tn uanutl in every county In lliu BtaK buml fur i Irpu Inrnml li im t I.U'IIIIH Simple iJtiniM WHEELER & CO. ; M HOTU , 5 * U.MAIIA , M.H. u i'ut. Or HIP I.lnuor Ilitlilt I'lullltrly CuiiMl l > ) iiiIiiilnlnlrrliiK IK. UullirV II can bs given Hi cup o | uolloo or tea , or In food , wllboutltokaow ) dK otbap tlinu ItUabnoluuIr barmlcM. and will effect a pormiuent BUI ) ipcndj' ouro. whether lh < pttlont l modorata drlukoror mi alooliollo wreck II liu ueca L-IV H la thouiiniU of oaten , and la ever } Initanua a petltot euro fan fol. latred IINairrKalU. 'iUooynlrmoncoimprcunilua filth the Htxjoinc.lt b < MOTnt au ulto.'luipoiiltilllty for th liquor Appetlto to exlut UUI.IIi : > hl'KCIHtl OO , Vrov'tt , Claclnmill , . , 40-pago baok of partlaulm irco. To bo bid if * ( i Kuhn & Co. , Drueii'lHts , ICth and DStigUi Bin. . Omaha , Neb.