THE OMAHA DAILY UEE : 'FRIDAY , MAY 18 , 18M. ! 8PBG1HL. NOTICES. . Adv rtlK-menls for thue column ! trill bo l V i until 12,20 p. m. for the evi-nlnn and until 1:09 : P. in , for tlie morning and Hunday editions. Advertiser * . by requesting a numbered check , rnn hnve nnnwem nddreciiecl to a numbered letter In care of The He * . Answers o addressed will L delivered upon prcaentntlon nt tlia chock. SITTJATIONB WANTED. Ilnten , IHc word first Insertion. lo a word ( hereafter. Nothing taken tor lew than Ke. WANTKDrm LADY Of 43 , SITUATION A3 honnekeeper In family where other help l kept ; widower * ! family preferred. Address KM. nnT PofliTiofTAfT Mii.LiTii IN A MILL from 25 to DO burn-In iwr dny. or nn second In tarce mllli rim slnglf ; yearn ; ! KnuIIMi nnd German : icnod referc-ncM Riven. Aildrem Auguiit Ilnrtmann , Ollmorf. Neb. WANTED HlfwiNO TO DO AT HOMJJ. IJU Ix-nvenworth street. A Mi li _ _ ir"FiTY"IMPLOVMKNT IH'ItRAU Ft'Il- nlshe * first-clan" male nnil female help. \n' \ uel Mots , proprietor , 1110 I-'arniun Rtrcct. Tvle- * HI one 1101. _ A-MMi 18 WANTKD , POSITION AS CAHItltill OH 1IOOK- keeper ! Rovl references. L 46 , llee. WANTED MALE HELP. IUt , JW" word nrnt InBorllon , le n word thfreaftcr. Nothing tnki-n for lemi than Z e. , TBAMS rtlllNIHHKD ; I m'nt Booda. American Wringer Co. , 1605 Hnw- ard lit. . _ _ _ i _ U"3 AOENTS , SAMHY OH COMMIflHlON. THK treatPUt Invention of the nise. Th New 1 at- nt Chemical Ink drafting Pencil. Scllii on light. Work * like made. Agents nre making J2S.OO to IIW.OO p r wci > k. l < 'nr furthi-r par- tlculnra write thn Monroe Kranlne Mfg. Co. . X 8C. IA Croniie. UM . _ J3'1 A GOOD SALHsTlAN IN nVKIlY TOWN IN Iowa nnd caiitern Kfhrnnkn. Address , ine Hawka Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Wl . * II M8MMU WANTED. MKN TO TAICI3 OUDEKS IN CITY on rwilnry ; former cxncrlcnco not reaulrpu. Apply nt 1516 Douglas. U-MKO MM WANTED , A PIANO 1'I.AYEH. OEIIMAN preferred. 103 N. Oth. 11-11501 BAI.CHMEN WANTED-TO SEMi OOIl OOODS hy sample to the wholennlc nnd retail trade ; neil on ulRht to every liunlncss man or llrin ; llhernl nalary ! money ndvnnred for advertimng nnd expense * ; permanent position. Address , with stnmp. King Mfg. Co. , C-42. rIll < i lK > ' 1jV WANTHI ) , A REQUI.AH PHYSICIAN : SI.N- Klc ; to nsslst a fpcclollst In fclllce. Ilex iTO , Omahn. . H-M081 20' WANTED. LAIIOUKUS AND TBAMSTKHS ON the 11. & M. Ity. extension In Mimtann and Wyoming. Free transportation. Kramer & O'Henrn , labor ogcnuy , llth nnd 1'nrninJ0lr"'s' ! ! ' L Jisy > is WANTED , AT ONCR. A KIIIST-CI.ASS IILACIC- smllh : steady Job. Aildmm W. Uurkee. Od'll , rjel , . IS SIMMS * WANTED , A TIIOUOt'OHI.Y nXPEniKNTBD mlviimnn wllh an estntillshed trade to net ! n Una of iKwts , Rhncii nnil nililwrx Illoston goods ) In the Btalc of Nebraska. Must give good references. Address 10. H. Plckenbroclc. Ou- bmiue. la. ll-M98T _ WANTED FEMALE HELP. Itates , H < o word first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. "Nothing taken for less than 25c. DRST OK WACJES TO COMPETENT OIHI. ; must bo good cook nnd laundress. Mrs. J. M. Thurston. 5108 Farnam. C 505 I.ADIKS WANTINO ailll J APPLY AT THE Bcnndlnavlan Young Ladles' home , MM Cumins. C M7M 28 * WANTIin-OIIU , FOn GENEUAI. HOt'.HE- work nt 2113 Ixicuxt St. C 305 17 * WANTED , I.ADY STENOGRAPHER FOR whole.ialc olllce. Address In own handwriting , Ixick Ilex 02. Omalia. C M920 13 WANTED. A I.ADY A1IOIIT M OF HIRE- proachnble character nnd cheerful disposition ; splendid opportunity for such n person. Ad- drcss L. II. Uee. O M3M IS * WANTED , OOOD STEADY GIRL OI ! WOMAN for general house work ; good wages : good home to the right party. Address Sirs. D. J. Jones. Cambria , Wyo. OOOD HERMAN OIRI. FOR ClKNURAli housewoik. 032 S. 28th street C M050 20' WANTED-SIX LADIES IN OMAHA TO REPresent - resent n leading ladles' Journal ; good com- ml lnns ; Addrea , L42 , ec. C-9W-1S" I3.oo TO io.i > ) PER 'DAY HY V.ADY AGENTS who handle my goods. Call nt once or address L. M. Hwnrtz. &JI7 Chicago Btreet. C-979-2V A YOUNO OIRL TO HELP WITH I1AI1Y DHR- Injr the day nnd stay nt home nights. Mrs. llrown , lioa S. 30th Avc. C 978 17' WANTED. OOOD OIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 10 ? So. 18th street. C M903 18 * WANTED , GIRL FOII GENERAL HOUSE- \vnrk nt 1916 Dodge .Btreet. C M895 IS * WANTED , NEAT YOUNO HI III. TO ASSIST In housework In mnnll private family. Ad dress S. W. corner 15th nnd Iturdctte streets. C MSIS2 19 * WANTED. A CURL TO DO HOUSEWORK. Apply 2203 Sewnrd Btreet. C M980 20 * FOB BENT HOUSES. Rates. c wonl first Insertion. Ic n word thereafter.- Notlilng taken tor lts than 25c. FINK FLAT IN CLOUSKR DLOCIC AT 703 S. 16th 8t : ranco nnd all nther conveniences ; (25 George Clouser. room 2.1G23 Farnam street.D . D Oil HOUSES. V. K. DAULINO. UARKEIl ULOCKr D 351 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis company. 1505 Fnrnam. D 353 ( -HOOM COTTAGES , MODEHN , CHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. 8. Elgutter , 204 Ufa build ing. D-351 FOlt RENT. CHEAPEST C-HOOM COTTAGE , with bath. In city , J1G.50. 3037 California street. D-Mia RENTAL AGENCY. C07 TIIOWN BLOCK. i D-355 FinsT CLASS. 'WELL ' LOCATED HOUSES. U 8. fiklnner , 310 N. Y. Life. D-358 CLEAN. COMFOItTAllLE. CONVENIENT. inwlemtB rental * : beat 3 and 4-room suites for lioimekecperH only , llcfcrenoea loqulicd. Also ( room aulto In tenement. 810 S. 22d at. D-353 ICELKUNNKY&CO..R. 1. CONTINENTAL I1LK. D-C86 , NICE 6-ItOOM COTTAQE. J10.00 PF.U MONTH. I * S.SUlnner. 310 N. Y. Life. D SSI _ * * CHOICE HO ME. EIGHT ItOOMS AND BAIIN : nlco lawn , rtty water and Boutheast front ; 1 MOCK houlli of I 'avenworth on SSth uvcnue ; t:5.W. Apply lo N. Perry , on prcml ei > . D-MI3a _ FOll HUNT. M.O ) PF.n MONTH. 4110 U\FAY- etto avenue , 7 rnqms. furnace , bath , hot nnd cold water , closet , mis. clectrln llKhtlnir nppll- ances , etc. Ileautlful lawn , trees , etc. Fidelity Trunt company , 170S Famam Btreot. D M15 TOR RENT , GOOD' DI7TACIIKD NINK-ROOM t..3" ; ! 21 Capitol uvcnuv. Also 9-roora hous * . Z5M Cnpttol nvnnun. u. H. llctblson. room 7 , _ Coinmerelal Notional. D SISDS C-HUO.M MODERN COTTAGE. LAWN AND Bhnde. 2121 Miami it reel. U-S1431 . & Chamber of Commerca _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A IIOU8I5 WITH NINU P.OOMrt : ALL MODERN InipruvcmenUi lanje lawn. 21st nnd tjikc. _ _ _ D Mil * 18' F0" "KNT > V'-nV DIWIRAHLi : HEHinENCB Z113 Farnam. R. C. I'attcriwii. itainno b'dir. _ _ _ _ 1J-M777 il. 10 ROOM8. TtENT iey 2001 Capitol nvo. udjolnlni Tel ! 41 * . D SISIJ 19 * FOR RENT. THE BEST SIODHHN 10-ltOOM In Omnha for ( ho money. Templeion jft I'lcrson , SOS Paxton 'blocle. D M831 TOR RENT VERY CHEAP. FOR THREE months from Juno I. beautiful furnished 6-room rottngo on Park avenue. Svlth puinu nnd all modern Inprovemcnts. Inquire J. A. Bunder- land , Omaha Coal , Coka and Lima Cn. _ _ _ _ _ D-M894 NICELY Fl'RNISIIEl.ROOM COTTAGE , ISIS N. 80th ; prlco 125.00. _ D WO-17 * FOR UENT7 8IX-HOOM COTTAGE ; FULL lot , city water. Una Bite. Inquire F. , cornri17th ami Mnrlttn xtreets. l > M9SS IS * _ _ _ FOR RENT. KURNISHKD 1IOUHR FOR mJM"- mer ; all modern conveniences ; luriio ynnl ; In weatern part of city , Addivii I. w. Bee ( > r- _ _ _ " roil 1IKNT CIHWPT TUrO "THREETliooVl houses ti > mall famlllcii. I < ; nqulrt > H. P. Pater- Hen's utioo liop , SW North lilth street ; refer. D 371-18 * RUNT. AT * 63S DODQK. A window , second tory front room , for JtO.W u month. No other roomtn und no children. rt'RNISHUD ItOOMS AT 1118 OHICAOO liet. E-UJ MIS' ro ; HUNT. A UMIQU COUTH nooji AT i ij _ _ Dodge urtet. E-MJ7J Vihy : PLEA3ANT ItOOU. 1NQUIIIE im lo.Ijv . E S25 Alr/'ft / jilO sTj. NOUTHWEST COHNKTunTl nd Dodga. Itoonu by tb day or we k. ESOJ W HUNT. NICELY Vt HNISI1K1) FRONT ruouu on pjrlur door. 137 uUl < t > Kreet. Q-UITJ : FOB BENT FUBNIBHED BOOMS. Continued. _ FURNISHBD IIOOH ; GENTLEMAN. 17 HAR- _ ney _ treet. FimNIBIIKD ROOMS FOR LIGHT keeping. 192J Farnum , B S19I7 U * 2 11OOM9 , 112.00 AND JS.W. 311 8. 24. 20 * :0lj ROOMS FtlRNIHHEI ) COMPI TTB FOR hatiiwkeeplnR , nml nlno nice , coot sleeping rooms. 1611 Howard street. B-M9I7 23 * FOR RENT , 4 UNFI'llNISIIBD ROOMS , WITH bath , t'.OO. 2114 Ersklne street. K M9U 20 * Ft'RNISHED ROOM , BATH , ) t.W. 1911 FAR- nam street. K-S1970 19 * _ FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE , FOR 1 OR J gentlemen. 021 S. 26th ave. B 9 iO 23 * _ roil RENT , AT 721 N. 18TH , A NICE FUR. nlshed room In strictly private family ; nil modern conveniences. B M9I3 IS * FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT board , 2211 Douglas street. References ro- qulrcd , B-.M9U 23 * _ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping. 2MI Fnrnam St. B 976-19' FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. Rates. lc word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than : Sc. ROOM WITH BOARD ! TRICE MODERATE. 2406 Cam. r F 1IB M22 * YOUNG WOMEN'S HOSIE. UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill a. 17th st. F 3CO ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED , with first-class board. 1900 Capitol ave. Inquire 1911) Capitol ave. F S1774 SOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO. WITH board. In private family. 2020 St. Stnry's ave. F MSC1 12 _ NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH GOOD board. "Tho Rose. " 2020 Harncy. F-S1571 19 * DESIRABLE ROOSIS WITH BOARD ; REFER- cnccs. Sirs. Godso , 202 N. 13th street. street.FSI933 18 * SOUTH ROOSIS AND GOOD BOARD. 2109 Douglas street. F M9CS FURNISHED ROOSIS AND BOARD : RKFER- ences. 2214 F.irnnm St. F 972 23 * FRONT AND HACK PARLOR UNFURNISHED , very desirable ; also furnished room ; all llrst class. 212 S. 2.'itli St. F-9M FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOSIS with board nt 1715 Chicago. F 931 23 * FINE ALCOVE FRONT ROOSIS , WITH liuanli also single room ; private family ; de sirable location. 1709 Dodge street. F 9J3 20 * TOB BENT TJNFTJBNISH D BOOMS. Rates. Hie word nrst Insertion. Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for loss than 25c. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOSIS. SUITABLE FOR housekeeping , city water , etc. , low rent ; north west corner 17th and Webster st. G 3C1 5 UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS FOR HOUSB- kecplnB to man and wife ; no children ; 319 N. 17th. O C37 FOB BENT , STOBES AND OFFICES Rates , IVic word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less thnnZSc. 10 MONTHS LEASB OF STORE , 309 S. 17TH. 1 363 FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING. 916 Farnam st. The building has n fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating fix tures , water on all floors , gas. etc. Apnly at the office of The Bee. 1 910 DESK ROOSt CHBAP , FRONTING PAHNAM. Room 2. 1623 Farnam street. I SI014 STORE WITH FIXTURES AND ROOSIS. 1470 South 16th. J20.00 per month. 1 318 21 * _ MY GENERAL MERCHANDISE ; STORE AND dwelling house will be for rent after the 9th of June next ; for further particulars Inquire of J. C. Owen , nt Slemphla. Neb. I S1M > 20' FOR RENT , CHEAP , FRAMB WAREHOUSE. 807 and 803 I.eavenworth street , with U. P. trackage. F. H. Davis. I-S1912 26 AGENTS W ANTED. Rates , IHc word first Insertion. Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25e. AGENTS HUSTLERS ; BIO SIDNEY. APPLY room 433. Paxton block. J 872 S118 * AGKNTS , BOTH SEXES : TEN IND1SPBN3A- ble articles ; retail for Jo.10 ; absolutely free to our demonstrated lustlers. The Clnuaa Shear Co. . Kansas City. Mo. J M623 Jilne 30 * WANTED , GENERAL AGENTS AT OMAHA , Fremont , Grand Island , Norfolk and Bentrlca Mr the Union Central Life Insurance company. 12,000,000.00 In force In Nebraska. Renewal contracts. Address .T. M. Edmlston. state agent. Lincoln , Neb. J SIS78 M19 WANTED AOENTSINNEBRASKAAND Iowa to sell the Stoss & Hlllyard patent fann ers' handy egg case nt reduced price ; big money In It for the rlKlit man. Apply W. T. Let' * , sole manufacturer of the farmers' handy egg case , St. Joseph , Mo. J 537 Ji DESK ROOSI. WSI. j ! WELSHANS , 331 Board of Trade Bldg. J 594 AOENTS WANTED IN EVERY CITY AND town to handle "Thf Story of the Common weal. " The fastest selling book ever published. J10.00 a day can be averaged by good agents. Samples , 25c , Call or write for terms * W. B. Conkey company , 311-331 Dearborn street. Chi- cngo. Illl. JStCOO WANTED. AOENTS FOR DIFFERENT PARTS Iowa nnd Nebraska to handle our buggy at tachment. E. E. Blackman & Co. , Lincoln. Neb. J S1963 IS' WANTED. A RESPONSIBLE PERSON1 TO take the agency In their town for an- article that Is a positive necessity In every house hold , nnd will bo used by every one. 'TU no fake or catchpenny. It Is placed on UK merits. Samples nro ent free , so that It can be fully te.Hed before anything further la done. Ref erences rcqulrd and given. Enclose stamp. R. S. West , Sffff. , Cleveland , O. J SI9S9 IS' MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , l'So word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. WANTED YOUNG COUPLE WOULD BE pleased to take furnished house during summer of family leaving city. Only an advantageous offer considered. L 43 Bee. K 977 IS STOBAOE. Rates. I'.io word nrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells. 1111 Funiam.U U 364 BTORAGK.WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1211 IIARNBY. SI 365 STOVES STORED DURING THE SUSIMER. 1207 Douglas , Omalia Stove Repair works. MP > 4 May 31 WANTED TO BtTY. Rates. IWo word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken tor less than 23c. RETAIL LUSIBER YARD , NEH. OR WESTERN Iowa. Address P. O. Box U2 , David City , Neb. N-17U Mil * CASH PAID FOR SECOND-HAND FURNIture - ture , carpets , etc. L Rrussell , 710 & 712 N. ICth. N-193 J3 WANTED STYLISH LADIES' DRIVING horse , cheap for cash. Adresa 513 N. Y. Life Bldg. N-937-13 * FOB SALE FUBNITUBE. Rates , l ! e word first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lcs.i than 25c. FOR BALB CHBAP FOR CASH. WINDSOR folding bed , nn.i stove wllh 13 feet tubing , black walnut extension table , child's bed , at 2I1& Capitol avenue. O-M'JIS 18 FOB8ALE HOBBE3. WAGONS , ETC. Rates. IHo word llrst Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken tor less than Me. FOR SALE. FAST MARK , COLT 1 WEEK old. by Wlnslour Wlllcea. : :09K. : filly 11 months old by Slark Wllkes. S. E. corner 21st and H streets. South Omaha , I1 11720 FOR SALE. FOR CASH. A NUSIBER ONE road mare ; can show better than n llfty g lu Call on or addrtua R , A. Sloorc , Silver City , In. 1' SI ° 3 20 * _ _ FOR BALE , TEAM WBI.L MATCHED RAY horses , cheap. T. J. Rogers , 14lh and Farnam tre tH. P S1960 23 * FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HALED HAY FOR HALE. THE STANDARD Cuttlo company. Ames , Nub , , have I.OuO Ions pf good burnitored hay for sal * . All orders filled promptly. _ _ Q-5C8 SECONDHAND LUSIDER. DOORS AND"WIN - down. New postotllvo file , corner 17th and Cap- I tel avenue. Q-8 < I-M _ _ TOR BALE , EXTRA FINE GREAT DANU DOG Call or addrt 1731 N. Uth t. q-915 17 TOR SALH.Ku'AR OF YOUNG. MATCHed - e-d < uotted ponli's. Cull evenings at 1724 N , 11 Q.-9H 17 _ FOR SALK-A FINK KRKSH JKRSBY COW. M , H. Kedflald , So. Kith ; near Center street. FOR HALB Oil TRADB. KTKAM SIBURY'tSo- round : run one season : good order. Address Howard Ruse , Hyrnciuc , Neb. Q MttJ 11' FoiTniALU NICU YOUNQ CO\V \ GOOD stock , good milker. Apply | 4(1 ( and Francis streets (1 ( block uuuth of Oentvr , or between 11 and 1 o'clock at th * orflc * ut Ullton Roger * ft Sons. A. W. Sixrrrl. Q-93S H' FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS. Continued. CLRANBD BRICK. NEW POSTOFFICB BITE corner 17th and Capitol ave. g82J * JOli PRINTING OFFICE , BRAND NEW established In 1S01 ; point system : rlertrlc power , 11,600. Address 107 South llth , Lincoln Neb. Q-SI957 19 * 6LAIBVOYA NTe" Rates , IHo word first Insertion , la n won thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Jc. MRS. DR. If. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; 7th year at 119 N. IS. 8-387 MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. Rates , IDa a line each Insertion , JI.OO a Una per month. Nothing taken for less than c. MADAME SMITH. W2 S. 13TH , 2D FLOOR , room 3. Slnssage. vapor , alcohol , steim. sul phurlne nnd sea baths. T S1822 19' MADASIB BROWN , 1314 CAPITOL AVENCM 2d floor , room 4 , massage , alcohol , sutp'.iur on' . sen baths. T-.M9S3 21' S1S1B. LA RUE. 414 SOUTH 15TH. _ t PEBSONAL. Rates , IHo word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2So. SIADASIE LA ROOK. SIASSAGB. 322 N. 16TH parlors 12 nnd 13. U S1891 21 * _ GET SIARIHED. SEND FOR SIY BIO PAPER : hundreds of advertisers want husbands and wives. Stalled sealed for stamp. W. II , Har- beck. Denver. Colo. U-SI323 m30 * SIASSAGB TREATSIENT , ELECTRO-THER- mnl baths. Scalp & hair treatment , manicure & chlrapodls. Mrs. Post , 319U S 15th , Wlthncll blk. U 3C9 COSIPOUND OXYGEN CURBS ASTHMA , bronchitis , consumption , catarrh , etc. Three days free at It. 33 , Douglas blk , 16th and Dodge YOUR PAST , PRESENT AND FUTURE READ by lady clairvoyant. 633 S. 17th. U S1SI2 19' LADIES' ( RUBBER , NEVER FAILS ) AND 10 O. N.T.PInk Pills mailedJl. Ladles' Bniaar.Omalm UC39 J 7 HAIR RESTORED , FRANK BROGL1N. OFFICE with barber shop , 1512 Farnnm St. , guarantees to restore your Imlr If roots arc not destroyed , stops hair from falling out nnd returns natu ral color to gray hair. Free examination every day from 9 to 12 a. m. and 1:30 : to 5 p.m. _ U 133 J 10 * VIAVI. HOSIE TREATSIENT FOR LADIBS . Health book and consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. . 346 Ilo bldg. Lady attendant. Attend our free Illustrated lectures next Tues day. 3 p. m. Hall. 7th lloor Bco bldg. U 303 SIRS. F. DORSEY CARD READING. 1120 N. 20. U-906-21' WANTED , INFORSIATION OF WHERE- admits of Christian Buell. Jr. , painter. Ills children nre very sick. Come nt once. Sirs. Slary J. Buell , Bromlleld. Neb. U S1917 18 * MRS. SI. E. SLOAN , TRANCEl'MEDIUS ! FROSI Kansas City , can be consulted or. all matters. Hours from 9 n. m. to 8 p. m. Satisfaction guaranteed. Parlors 621 South 16th Htreet , top lloor. U 901 19' SIASSAGE , SIADASIE BERNARD , 1119 DODGE. U S1973-1 * WANTED , LADIES. SIARIHED OR SINGLE ; long engagement and good salary. Address , with stamp for reply , L 45 , Bee. U S1991 80 * NEXT OF KIN HEIRS WANTED A DESCRIP- tlvc Index of 2 > > .0 > )0 names of heirs advertised for ( British subjects ) who have died In Oreat Britain. Iiclnnd , India , Australia , etc. , from 1W5. Copyrighted. Price 1.WJ ; P. O. order. Address Richardson & Co. , otllcp 617 I Iced building , 12U Filbert street , PhlladelpM , . pn. U-M9S8 IS * MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE FOR ANY LENGTH of time , from thirty days to flvo years. Reed & Belby , 331 Board of Trade. Warrants bought. W230 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y.LIFE , loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property , W 370 SIONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brenrmn , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W 371 SIONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. 1 to B years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. W 372 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNISIPROVED CITY property ; $3,000 A upwards , G lo 6i4 Per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 13M Farnam. W 374 LOANS ON REAL ESTATE.WARRANT8.000D notes , etc , bought. Garvln Bros. . 210 N. Y. Life. W 375 SIONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co. , IMS Farnam st. W 376 SIONEY TO LOAN ON FARSIS IN DOUOLAS , Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1701 Farnam st. W-372 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , 10TII AND Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W J77 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. W-37S SIONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms nt from 6 to 7 car cent. W. 13. Slelklc , First National bank building. UNITED STATES SIORTQAQE CO. OF NEW York. Submit choice loans to K. S. Pussy , agent , First National bank building.WSI223 W-SI223 m29 MORTGAGE LOANS. A. SIOORE , 501 N. Y. Life. W 713-J3' LOANS. J. W. SQUIRE. 243 Ueo. W-SM CHOICE CITY AND FARSI LOANS WANTED. J. N. Frenzer. opposite P. O. , W K4-J15 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 515 N. Y. LIFE. W S191S MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates. I'/jc wonl first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. MONEY TO LOAN Wo will loan you any sum which you wish , smalt or large , nt the lowest poslble rates. In the quickest possible time , and for any length of time to suit you You can pay It back In such Installments as you wish , when you wish , nnd only pay for It as lone as you keep It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , SIERCHANDIBE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30 SOUTH 16TH STREET. First llooor above the street , THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY 1NCOR. PORATED LOAN COSIPANY IN O.MAHA. X-383 WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlty ; strictly confidential. A. D. Harris , room 1. Continental block. X 3SO MONEY" LOANED ON FURNITURE , PIANOS. ult articles of value. Fred Terry , 430 Ramga block. X 3S1 THE PLACE TO I1ORROW SIONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. SIONEY ON HORSES AND MULES. MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , SIONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS. MONEY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , SIONEY ON MERCHANDISE : , SIDNEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES. MONEY ON Roods that icmnln with you. SIONEY IP YOU WANT NO PUDL1CITY. MONEY IN LARGE OR SMALL ASIOUNT3. SIONEY AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSlnLE TISIE. SIONEY THAT you may pay hack nt any time , and In any amount. Is at ROOM 4. WITH- NftLL block , corner 15lh and Harney streets. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. X 383 SIONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES. WAGONS , pianos and furniture of all kinds Iluslness confidential J U. Haddock , room 427 , Ramero block. X 384 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Llfa building. X SI271 " " BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , IViC word nrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken tor less than 23e. PARTNER WITH J10.000.00 NEEDED ; MONEY doubled In a year. Write to I' . O. box 21 , SUIIIgan. Neb. Y-S1823 20' FOR SALE. A NEW STOCIC OF GENERAL merchandise. In one of the best towns In Ne braska. Oood reasons for selling. Stunt bo sold at once. Address L 37 , lieu. Y S102I 18 UUS1NES8K3. LOTS , HOTEL , FARSIS , SIIN- Ing shares , Al securities , for sale. Address Pioneer Dullness agency , Sheridan. Wyoming , Y M926 18 FOK EXCHANGE. Rates. IVio word flrt Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leas than 2. ' > c. WANTED. TO TRADB VACANT CITY LOTS for house and lot. Would assuma small mart- cage. Address , giving location , L 2' ) . llee. Z-S184J 19 WILL. UXCHANGE-3M ACRES GOOD TsT- proved bottom land In Slltchell Co. . Kan. , well watered. timber , orchard and small fruit : alsu 424 acics good land In Cedar Co. , Neb. , partly Improved , Want mdse. i will | iuy homo cuih , Addrris LocU Ilex 323 , Wayne. NH > . Z-tW TO EXCHANGE , CHASE COUNTY LAND werchandUf Ilex 261 , Imperial , Neb. y.-MSM 33 * CLEAR. IMPROVED PITY PROPERTY AND caiili for stock at gracvrles and Keiurnl mer * chandlx. Address L 41. Ilex. / S1SSS W WANTKD. TO 8ELL FOI CAS il. OR TRADE for piano , a first class hone and buvsy. Fur partk-ulnu addicts L 16 , llee olllce. ? Your | Heart's - Is the most' important part of your organism. Three- fourths of tijie1 complaints to which the system is subject nre due to ' .impurities in the blood. You can therefore renlize how vital it is to . . . _ . _ Keep It Pure For which nothing equals S. S. S. It clTectimlly removes all Impurities , clcnnsoa the blood thor oughly and builds up the jjonornl huiilth. Our Treatise on Illood nnd Skin Discuses CU/lpT / CPPPIPIP pfl Atlanta Ra oVYIN ortUrlb LUi AlialHa , Mailed Krco to any address. , , Ud FOB EXCHANGE. Contmueu. Hl'NDHED AGUE HANOI ! IN ELKhorn - horn Valley for nlo or trade. A bargain. Address - dross L 39. lioe. Z ! )3S-22' ) _ A GOOD RANCH TO TRADE FOR WESTERN mnres ; about 1,000 acres , hay , timber nnd water. Address M. L. Taylor. Sprlngvluw , Kcb. Z-.M9S4 J16 _ FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. nates. IHc word first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. FAIIM LANDS , C. F. HAniHBON , 9 N.Y.LIPB _ . iiousBS. LOTS AND FAHMS. tale or trade. F. K. Darling , Darker block. HE 38 * 6 , 10 AND 20-ACUE TIIAGTS , t < A MILES EAST of Council lllurfB , at J100.00 to J200.00 per acre. Bttltnblo for fruit Hardens ami homes. Day & llc 9. Council niuftn. _ US M 191 J3. FOIl SALE 8-ItOO.M HOUSE. ALL MOI'KHN Improvements. 1220 lava avenue , near Hamil ton ; prlco J4.000.00. Address J. It. Shaw. S13 jsf. < oth. _ It E 7CC-1S * IIARUAIN. N. E. COnNEIl 23TII AND HICK- cry. P. K. Darling. Darker block. ltG-33S FAJIM LANDS. C.F. HA1UU8ON , , WILL YOU HOY A SOUTHEAST FRONT. 10' ' ) xl30 , If we will make you a present of n 9-room house on the lots In Rood repair ? \VII1 neil less than J2.000.00. Wo mean It : come and sea us. A NICE HOME. 8 rooms , fine trees , full east front lot In HanscDm place. AT A liAHOAIN. a perfect 7-rqo.m cottaue , hot water heat , line plumbing , east front , close to Hnnscom park. M. J. Kcnnard & Co. , S07 end DOS N. Y. Life bldff. RE MS52 VILLA UIDGE ACHES ON MILITARY ROAD. near motor line , nt JMO.OO , easy terms : paved street this summer ; now Is the time to buy. A. 1 > . Tukey. UE-M901 DO YOU WANT A HOME , A. COZL LITTLE farm of 3 to 30 acres , where you cun attend to your business In the city and raise your own fruit , vegetables and poultry nnd live like n , kins when times nre hard ? Come quick nnd set your choice. Terms easy. Add. Itox CO Mlllard. Neb. R E-172 _ VERNON HEIGHTS IS. IN THE NOHTH- wcstern part of the clty.overlooklnB Miller Park , and Is the most slRhtly view to be found. Think of the prlco nnd terms ! JGOO per acre. M cash and J13 per month. Fidelity Trust com pany. neents. I R E-S89-23 TO HOME SEEKERS. WE CAN OFFER YOU FOR J3.500 A 7-ROOM cotage , half a block from motor , on paved street , cemented cellar under whole house , sewer connection , furnace , bath , closet , marble wash stand. Property costing two ycara ago , now.JI.DOO. Also a six-room cottage In the western part of the city for 13,000. with , all modern Improve ments , fine neighborhood , .costing two years ago new , J4.000. These nro owned by caslerrt \ party ' nnd ore great bargains. _ _ _ - * i * * We have n number of.i other pretty modern cottages to be sold cheap on easy terms. Call and examine our portfolio of photographs cf lists of cottages for sale. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY , 1702 FARNAM. RE S50 IS FOR SALE , 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT AT n bargain , one block from moter. Inquire nt SIC S. 22th Bt. R E 913 J14 * VILLA RIDQE BEAUTIFUL ACRES , ON Military road , north of motor line , easy terms , only $5.00 per acre. Sate , and soun4 Invest ment. A. P. Tukcy. R E 737 0-ROOM HOUSE ON FRANKLIN STREET , near 29th , Jl,330.00 ; easy terms. G-room cottage on North 19th street. Jl,623.00 , 5-rooin house and barn on Popplcton avenue , J2.300.00. & -room house and barn In Orchard Hill , Jl.0)0.00. 5-room house In Lewis subdivision of Okla homa , only J700.00. G-room house In West Lawn , J800.00. California land to exchange for Omaha prop erty. 7-room modern house In Orchard Hill to exchange for acres In or near llenson. Omaha property to exchange for Nebraska land. Residence property to exchange for vacant lots. 8-room modern house on Poppleton nvenue near 3M to exchange for small house-In north part of town. 8-room house on Hurt street to exchange for acres. 10-room all modern house. In fine location In Lincoln , to exchange for good home In Omaha. JCOO.OO and Jl.200.00 10 per cent first mort gages for sale. Money to loan on long time at low rnto of Interest. First mortgages to exchange for horses. Wanted , good bargains In cottage homes In Walnut Hill , West End , Urlggs Place. West Omaha , and Mayne Place. If you want to make quick sales list your property with us. Let us have your houses to rent. Davenport & Waterman , 822 N. Y. Life. R E-.M097 20 LOST. LOST BABY'S PINK DOTTED FLANNEL K.i8h with heart-shaped gold pin. Reward far return to 206 Heo Uldg. 975 17 LOST-LAST EVENING BETWEEN HANSCOM park nnd the Drcxel hotel , one lady's gauntlet soft kid glove for right hand. The finder will oblige me by leaving this glovn nt Mensem. Kelly , Sllger's store or nt my omco In city hull , W , S. Beavey , chief of police. 932 17 * LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH , NAME ON IN- slde. date on the outside , three gold dollars attached. Finder return to Mary A. McCrcary , 3 34 N. 21th St. , nnd receive reward PASTURAGE. Rates , mo word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lesg tlmu 25c. WE HAVE 160 ACRES OF- BLUE GRASS PAS- tura for horses. Hoard fence , spring water. Barton & I'hclp * . QllmVire ? Neb. , or A. W. Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. fLtfa bldg. Telcphont 1054. , JH M-K3J21' SHORTHAND AND ffYPEWRITING. Rates , IHo word first i Inio'rtlon , la a word thereafter. Nothing takeq for , 1 M than iSo VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF' ' SHORTHAND. 513 N. Y. Life , Omaha. Atkifotrctrcular , 11331 MTJSIO , ART AND .LANGUAGE. . O ? ! aiLLENHECK , UANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California nil t 8H ' UPHOLSTERING. CITY uFlIOLSTERINO , . Co" FURNITURE made and repaired. Carpcttf'lald nnd furniture patched and polished. Jfarnam ; tel , laU. PAWNBRbKlJRS. Rate * . IHo word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. ' Nothing taken ( or less than 25c. "RED MOH"LE. umi FARNAM. 7 UNDERTAKERS A ND EMB ALMERS [ I. K. BURKETT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. 1C Chicago. Tel. DO. WJ DRESSMAKING ! DRESSMAICINCl IN FAMILIES. ADDRESS Hits Sturdy. 4H8 Nicholas street. M937 Mil' iTE AMSHIPLINE. . ANCHOR MNBMAII , regularly every Saturday from New York for Londonderry anil ( ) | > UKOW. City of Rome , May W. 10 u. in , , Ethiopia , Juno S , 3 p , m. ; Fur- nessla , Juno 9. 10.30 a. m. : Auchorla. June 1C , 3 p. m , Haloon , vecond daiu and ( tecruge. Slnule or round trip tickets from New York 01 Chicago ut reduced rule * to the prluclpal Scotch , English. Irish and all continental points. Kor money orders , drafts , outward or prepaid tickets apply to any of our local agents or to Henderson Uros , , UEAIl IN MIND THE DATE. FOK ON THAT DATE THE I'HICE OF Place Lots WILL ADVANCE $25.00 A LOT. THINK OP THESE LOTS , ONLY TWKNTY RUNUTES HIDE FROM I1USINESS CENTER. DBST RESIDENCE PART OF CITY. LOTS ARE HIGH AND SIGHTLY. HEALTHY LOCALITY . ONLY $10 A FOOT FRONT. SIZE OF LOTS 30x128 FEET. J50.00 DOWN , $5.00 MONTHLY. THIS PHICB MAKES THESE LOTS THE CHEAPEST LOTS TO DB FOUND ANY WHERE AROUND OMAHA , AND WHEN COMPARED TO THE VALUE OF LOTS IN ADDITJONS EQUALLY LOCATED , IT IS FROM 100 TO 200 PER CENT LOWER. STOEPEL PLACE LOTS CAN STAND A BIO ADVANCE OF PRESENT PRICES. TITLE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT , THE "I1EE" SAYS : "IT IS THE OPIN ION OF MEN WHO HAVE LIVED IN OMAHA FROM TWENTY TO THIRTY YISARS , THAT WITHIN THE NEXT TWO YEARS WILL COME AN UNPRECEDENT ED REVIVAL OF ACTIVITY IN THE REAL ESTATE MARKET. " NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU FIND OMAHA REAL ES TATE VALUES AS LOW AS AT PRES ENT. NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU HAVE SUCH A GRAND OP PORTUNITY TO MAKE DIMES OROW JNTO DOLLARS SO RAPIDLY AS YOU CAN BY BUYING AN OMAHA LOT TO DAY. NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU HAVE SUCH A GRAND OP PORTUNITY TO LAY THE FOUNDATION FOR A HOME , IN A FIRST CLASS RESI DENCE DISTRICT , AS IS OFFERED YOU IN STOEPEL PLACE TODAY. DON'T DELAY , 'BUY ' A LOT NOW IN 'THE GROWING PART OF THE CITY. WEST OMAHA IS GROWING. WEST OMAHA WILL HAVE THE FIN EST PARK IN THE CITY. ELMWOOD PARK The new Driving Park mid Fair Grounds. The great Platte River Canal. Boulevards and Paved streets. Electric Car Line , AND NUMEROUS OTHER PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS. STOEPEL PLACE IS RIGHT IN LINE. OFFICE AT 48TH AND PACIFIC STS. OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON FROM 2 TO 5 P. M. , OH CALL AT 402 BEE BLD'G. W. A. WEBSTER. TELEPHONE NO. 58. BUREAU. BUE3. < fe OO. SOMaiTOtS.Hoa ! Building. OMAHA. NEB. Advloo IMEKL RfflLWflY TIME GRRD Leaves ( CHICAGO. UURLINOTON & Q.IArrlvcs Omaha ) Depot 10th and Sluson Sts. | Omaha 4:45pm : . Chicago Vestibule . : 9:45am : . Chicago Express . 4:23pm : 7:02pm . Chicago and Iowa Local . 8Oiim ll3ium ; . Paclllo Junction Local . 5D5pm : Leaves IUURLINGTON & S1O. RIVER. [ Arrives Omaha ) Depot lOtli and Sfason Sts. | Omaha 10:15am : . Denver Express . 9:33am. : 10:15um : . Deadwood Express . 4:10pm : 4:50pm : . Denver Express . 4:10pm : 6 : DOpm. . . Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . . . 6:50pm : 8lSam. : . Lincoln Local ( except Sunday. ) . , ll:23am : Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. IS. ( Arrives" Omaha ) Depot 10th and Slason Sts. | Omaha 8:45um : . Kancas City Day Express . G:53pm : > MSpm.K. C. Night Ex. via U. P. Trans. 6iOam Leaves I CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahaUnlon | Depot 10tl > & Slason Ht . | Omaha EAST. 10lxun..Atlantic ! Expres * ( ex. ounday ) . . Ru. : > pm 6:2Spm : NlKlit Express Grt'Jam ' 4:4Vpm : Chicago Vestlbuled Limited. . . . l:25 : | > m 11:35pm.Oklahoma : Exp. ( to C. 1) . ex Sun ) . 5:35am : WEST. : & Texas Exp. ( ex Sun.ll33pm ; l:33pm : Colorado Limited 4:10pm : Leaves I UNION PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon De | ot IQtU & Slason Sts.J _ Omaha "iiSOum . Denver Express , ? , . ' . . 3 :5'/pm : 2:15pm : . Overland Flyer . Ci'JOpm 3:45pm.Uentrcc : ! & Stromsb'g Exex Sun.12:30jm ) : 6:4Upm . . .Pacific. Express . IDi .im i:30pm1..J.iL..Fast Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUUIArrlves OraahaUJnlor pcpot 10th & SlascmSts.Omulia _ | _ * 6:33'pm : . .Chl'caRO Limited . . . . . ! ) : llilUam. . . . Chicago Kxprcsa ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . aaipm ; Leaves I F. U. & SID. VAI.7.iY. ( Arrivw Omalial _ Depot IS.u andJATcbstcr Sis. _ | _ Omalu Leaves I CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N ( Arrives Omah.ilU. P. Depot 10th & Slaaun Sta. | Ouialu lliOSam . Chlcairo Exires | . " . . Limited ' - . . ' . 4:05pm : Vestibule . 'J-'i.i 6:30pm : . Eastern Flyer . : : lap G:30pm.Ex. : Sat. ) . Chic. Pass.iHx. Slon.j. 'J : ; n 6S5am : . L..l > lo. Valley l > cal . < uiipi ; LeovesT SIISHOUIlf "PACIFIC iArrivci" OmahaJDepot 15th nnd Webster Sts. _ [ Omiha " "SiOOaui . .St. I JUts Kxpioss . : ODam DjMpni . HI. Umls Expix-ss . ( CUpm 610piu.Dally ; ( x. Bun. ) N j'bra l.u lA-ual. : lo.un Leavesl C. . ST. P. . SI. i O. , Arrlvo7 Omaha [ _ Depot.15th . _ andWebjtcrSta. _ " _ I Omalia " 'SiOOam. . Sioux" City "Accom"llx. ( . Hun. ) . " , 8:05pm : IDiWam. . Sioux City Arcom ( Sun. Only. ) . . Sjojfm 12Hpm..Bloux : City Kxprcss ( Ex. Miin..ltUum : b:34pm : . St. Paul Llmlleil . : ilvuni : Leaves SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lArrlvus QmahalU. P. Deiut10Jh & Slasjn Sla. | Onuhj 655am" ; . Sioux CUy l'uwn : iKvr . W:20pir : : pmi. . . . . . . . . St. PaulKxiirewi . )0uuum ) : CITY i P.UMFI' ' ' . Depot IJth and Webm-r Sts. ( Jnuiht . St. Paul "Llmiled . " . . " . . . . " . SMO.uh Chicago Limi d D.'Jrr | OMAHA & 8T. LOUIS , Arnv OinahalU. P. Depot 10th & Slason .Sin. , Oma _ " lUpm. : .T..St. Louis Caiman Hall . IZ.SJpsit tint n r .srr/.n r. Following are the syllnbl doclslons down by tlio supreme court Justices at the present sitting : Ohlenujo , lUirllnRton & Uulncy Ilnllrorti coin | ) ny nfrnltiitt Wymorv. l-Jrror from I'nstrr county. Huversetl nnil ronmnilctl Questions of noulUonro uml contrlbtlton iicKllffcnc. wliero the fncts nre such that from tlicm illfforent tnlnils nmy ronson- nlily tlruw ilirferent conclusions nro for the Jury nml not for the court to Ueter- III I IK1. 2. A rnllroml compnny docs not ( llschnr o lt whole duty by rofmlnltitj from wiinlonlj Injuring n trcspassor upon Its trai'kx after ohHcrvliiK Ills ponltlon. U IH bouiul In nil cnsos to exorclso roiixonnbtu euro to nvolil InJurliiK nil perwoiiH who nro knowr to bo or who nmy bo ronsoimbly expected to bo upon Its rlKlit ot way. 3. A rtillroml company nnil connreteil with It n relief tlctinrtnicnt composed of ctuplnycH who contributed certain amount * from ilii-ir WHRO.H toward an Insurniu-o fund for their roller when Injured and for the relief of brnellclarlr.4 named In cnso ol tlentli. The railroad comp.iny collooted ( ho funds , furnished the nci-oxsiiry clerical force and Kunrnntecd imymont of Iocs. A member of this oxxopintlun iiKreed Hint In con. lderntlon of the amotintH paid by the coinpany , the noropttinco of benollts for Injury or death should operate as a rolonse ind satisfaction of all claims for damiiKo.4 against the company arising from surli Injury or death which could bo made by him or his IcRal roprvNontatlvex. lie was killed In tin accident upon the rnilioad. The .liencllclnry named was * his widow. who accepted the benellt and by Instru ment In writing received It "lit full satis faction and discharge of all claims or demands on account ot or arising from the death of said doci-asod which 1 now have or can hereafter have" against either the relief fund or the railroad company. Subsequently as administratrix she brought suit for damages against the railroad com pany on behalf of herself and children ; held : 1. That the deceo.sod'8 contract did nol of Itself waive a right of action. 2. That neither that contract nor the acceptance of the money or release of liability by the widow operated to a bu : of action by thu administratrix on behalf of the children. 3. That her voluntary acceptance of the benefit nnd release of the company did operate to bar any action for her own benellt. Omaha .1 Hrpubllcan Valley Hallway com pany against Morgan. Error from Madison county. Alllnned. Opinion by Commissioner Itngan. Where two railroad companies Jointly occupy the same property , such as depot grounds , switch yards and tracks , each company Is bound to exercise ordinary care to prevent Injuring the employes of the other ; nnd If an employe of one company , while In the discharge of his duties on such grounds nnd without negligence on his part , Is Injured by the negligence of the employes of the other company It Is liable therefor. 2. Issues as to the existence of negligence nnd contributory negligence , and a to the proximate cause of an Injury , are for the Jury to determine , when the evidence as to the facts Is conlllctlng. and where different minds might reasonably draw different con clusions as to these questions from the facts established. A. W. W. company against Dougherty , K N. W. H. , 1,031 , followed. 3. The existence of negligence should be proved nnd passed upon by the Jury as any otner fact. It Is Improper to state to the Jury a circumstance or group of circum stances as to which there has been evidence on the trial and Instruct that such fact or group of facts amount to negligence per se. At most , a Jury should duly be Instructed that such clrcpmstances , If established by a preponderance of the evidence , are proper lo bo considered In determining the ex istence of negligence. Missouri Pnclllc Rail way company against Haler , 58 N. W. 11. , 013 , followed. 4. Two companies Omaha compnny-St. Paul company jointly used and occupied a station with Its switch yard and tracks In the city of N. A boy 12 years of ago and his father were In the employ of the St. 1'aul company as car cleaners. Opposite where the boy was engaged In cleaning a car nnd beyond a long side track , Illled at the lime with cars , stood a tool house In which the employes of the St. Paul com pany kept their tools. The cars standing on the sldo track wcro no part of any train , nor were the cars at the time being switched on or off the sldo track. The boy was directed by his father to take some oil cans to the tool house , to do which It was necessary for him to cross the side track. Ho obeyed , cuawllng under the cars on the side track , left the cans nt the tool house and started to return lo his work nnd father. crawling as before on his hands nnd knees under the cars on the sldo track , and v.'hlle thus under the curs the employes of the Omaha company , without giving any signaler or warning thereof , suddenly and with great force backed an engine nnd freight train against the cars standing on the side track and Injured the boy. Held : 1. That the boy , being an employe of the St. Paul company , was not a tres passer or mere licensee on the railroad grounds , but was rightfully there. 2. That the backing of the freight train nnd engine , without any signal or warning , against tlie cars standing on the side track was evi dence of negligence on the part of the Omaha company , but whether such act was or was not negligence , the time , plnci- and all the circumstances considered , was n conclusion for the Jury. 3. That the boy's crawling under the cars standing on the side track was evidence of negligence on Ills part , but whether by such ant , the time nnd place nnd" all the circumstances con sidered , he was guilty or not of contribu tory negligence was a conclusion for the Jury. G. The law does not require a child ol tender years to exercise the same degree of prudence nnd care for Its safety that Is required of a person of mature age and dis cretion. If such a child exercises the or dinary care and caution reasonable for one of Its ago and discretion It satisfies the re quirements of the law. Chicago , Uurllngton & Qulncy Railway company agulnst Wllgus. Krror from ( lus ter county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Commis sioner Irvine , Questions of negligence and contributory negligence whore the facts are such that from them different minds may reasonably draw different conclusions nre for the Jury nnd not for the court to determine. 2. A railroad company does not discharge Its whole duty by refraining from wantonly Injuring a trespasser upon Us tracks after observing his position. It Is bound In ull cases to exercise reasonable care to avoid Injuring all persons who nro known to bo or who may bo reasonably expected to bo upon Its right of way. Molse against Powell. )3rror ) from Kear ney county. Afllrmed. Opinion hy Conimls. sloner Irvine. Where the law expressly forbids an appeal In a certain class of cases the app''nranco of the appellee does not confer Jurisdiction upon the appellate court. In such cases there Is a want of jurisdiction oC subject matter. Minneapolis Harvesting works against Hodges , 11 Neb. , ! . distinguished. 2. Whore a case was tried to a jury In a justice's court tlio right of appeal depends upon the amount claimed In the bill of par ticulars. Where the prayer IH for judgment for $20 the defendant cannot distal upon the allowance of Interest In addition to that sum for the purpose of giving him the right to appeal. : i. Sections 9S5 and 1.017 of the Code of Civil Procedure , forbidding appeals from Judgments of Justices of the peace where not more than { 20 Is claimed in the bill of particulars and the case Is tried to a Jury , are not repugnant to thu constitution. German National bank of Hnstlngs against Leonard. Error from Adams county. Af llrmed. Opinion by Commissioner Irvine. The testimony ot n witness. In an action to which he was not n party may be proved In a subsequent action to which he is a party as an admission , but thu fact ot ills having been a witness In such other action docs not operate to estop him by the record thereof. 2. Suit was brought by A ngnlmit a bank , alleging that 1 ! being Indebted to A had mild Into the bank the amount ot the Indebtedness to thu use of A. The bank answered , among other thing ! ) alleging that In nn action by a third person against the bank , II and otheis , it wus determined that the amount due A had Loon Included In a mortgage from It to the bank , and that the Judgment rendered In that CII.IB against ] i In favor of the bank did not Include A' a Indebtedness ; held , that these averments stated no defense. 3. Where u conveyance Is fraudulent against creditors and certain creditors at tack It and defeat It upon that ground , another ui editor in not by that fact re quired to treat It UH void , but may mill ratify It and enforce rights given him thereunder. I. Ilcfore error can bo predicated upon the failure of the court to present u par ticular foiituic of u cauu to the Jurj the tiaity complaining should , by nn appropriate Instruction , rcquont thy court to charga upon thai feature. u. Hook entries made by a party In the regular conrso of his business are admis- ullili ; In evidence on behalf of the advene jurly when In tlio nature of admissions. 0. The pennlKHlon of leading : iucnllonn | ID roverslblu error only for nn abusn of dis- civtlon of thu trial court In permitting thorn. 7. In order to. predicate error upon the admNHlun of an answer not responsive to IholUL'stloii put u wltnexH : i motion should bo mud to .strike out the answer for that reason. 8. The testimony of a witness In another oiiHo may bu proved by any witness who himrd the testimony and who wllh or without the aid of n memorandum may speak from bin own memory UH to ttuuli testimony. The reporter's notca are not tlu > only or beat ( .vmenrc us to ( iur-li testi mony. Do Will's Wltoh Hazel Snlv * r.ur plies. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mike Piskao Becomes Despondent nnd Oom- miU Suiciilo by Hanging. WORK OF THE CITY COUNCIL LAST NIGHT Mr. Sclmlts Ai | | > nlnti > il mill Conllrinoil roiimlmmtcr llo\r IVrxoiml Properly In Iho City Will r n.t Up-Other Mlko risknc. 22 yours of HKO , coinmltteit sulclilc ycKtentay nrtcrnoon by luiiiKltig him self to u tree In tlio rear of Kranok's tmlooii nt Twtjitltflh nnd llrown BlrocU. YOUHK I'lskao liail boon despondent for seine wcoks nnil lnul tivun ilrtnkliiK ho.ivlly. For HOIIIO time lie was ( tiipluyoil In llic packing houaos licro. Ho vnvttt Ms money niul Imil laid a ldo n connldcrnbla sum. It IK said that wlillo on n nprco a short tlnui ngu ho was Induced to sell lila nlmres In tlio Dohemlnn Dulldlnu nnd Lonn association for n sreut ilwil le H than tliey wuro worth. Wlicn ho discovered Ills ml8- take It np | > oared to work on lila mind , anil ho drank liarder than ovor. Two wtoka URO ho attciniitcd to liniiK lillnnolf , but was discovered nntl prevented from nceompllsh- IIIK lilH nlm. Mr. I'lskao waa Blnglo and had no rela tives living lioro. The body was cut down before the coroner was notified. Chief Hren- nan telephoned for Coroner Maul at 9 o'clock nnd was notified to Instruct Drawer & Sloan to take charge of tlio remains. Young 1'lsknc boarded nt . I'esek's place , Nineteenth and llrown streets. City Council PriX' All the members of tlio city council wcro present at the adjourned meeting last night. Thirty-seven lltiuor licenses , were granted , The occupation tax repeal ordinance was read n second time. The license committee reported favorably upon the following applicants for liquor license : Albert Ilnrch , John McKeon , J. W. Lowry , II. Hontsmann , II , Jotter , II. Melxs , Frank Thompson , L > . Connors , II. Krebba , 1'atrlck Rowley , Uun McCoy , V. I'lvonka , Carl Hanuse , Mlko Hart , Charles Dtirr , Frank Crawford , James Hannlgtui , M. U. llralnard. Klla T. Harry. H. Jeltor , Charles Molcholrs , Henry Martin , Augustlno 1'apcz , Jiiines Cnllllian , F J. Franck , South Omaha Urewlng company four , Henry Melss , Otto Maurer , O. Dougherty , Fred nro\vs , Ilium Llnborg , John Ilurke , Charles Lotsch- cnrlng , John McKeon and Hans Thlelgord. Tlie bonds of William Krug , Jacob Kllno , Mary Kllno nntl August Erlckson wcro not complete , nnd their applications went over until the next meeting , Tlio ordinance levying a special tax to pay for the grading of Q street from Sev enteenth to Twenty-second street was passed. The cost will bo about 53ISO. . 81. Some of the members of the council wore afraid to vote on the ordinance for fear they would be In contempt of court , but the city attorney assured them there would he no danger and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Kyan offered a resolution Instructing the chief of pollen to close the places of all saloon keepers who have not paid In their license money to the city treasurer by Saturday , May 18. Carried. Mr. Melss got through a reiolutlon pro viding that a permanent sidewalk bo laid on both sides of U street from Twenty- fourth to Twenty-seventh street. Charles W. Schultz was appointed pound- master and confirmed. Tito next meeting will bo Monday night. I'ri-ioiml Property Valuations. Assessor Samuel T. Shrlgley and bis as sistants have about completed their work of assessing the personal property In the city. The amount will be about $375,000 , .which Is an Increase of S1G.43G over last year. The values on real estate property will bo de creased about $300,000. - o A ( l < n linn ICxpoxltlnu Will bo of valtio to the world by Illustrating tlio Improvements In the mechanical arts and eminent physicians will tell you tint the progress In medicinal agents has beoti of equal Importance , and as a strengthen ing laxatlvo that Syrup of Flga Is far In advance of all others. FOUGHT THE CONSTABLES. Police Put n Stop to Troulilo O-or tlio I.iivylng of nil , Attachment. A small-sized riot was averted last even ing at 7 o'clock by Ofllcors Mimroo and Russell. Tlio affair occurred at the store of the Omalia Wlno and Liquor company , 212 South Fourteenth street , and the cauao was the serving of an attachment. Wednesday evening notlco of attachment proceedings In favor of n Kentucky firm was served upon Mr. McQuIre , president of tlio company , for a certain portion of the stock. A custodian was placed In charge Wednesday night. Last evening , however , Constable Saussay went to the company's place to again serve notlco of attachment , claiming that the custodian who had been placed In charge had been ousted by Mr. McUuIro at the advice of legal counsel. Sausiiiiy entered the store , so McGuIre says , nnd without making his purpose known , at tempted to eject McQulrc , his attorney , anil all the members of the company In the store. As the attachment hail only bean levied upon a portion of the stock , and not the whole. McQnlro could see no reason why he should vacate. In this opinion lie was supported by the advice of his attorney. When Sauusny made known lila business and very quietly asked possession of tlio store , < l .ho attorney told him In plain words how for Us ( Saussny's ) authority extended , and also further Informed the consUiblo that posses sion of the place would not bo given , but hat neither ho ( the attorney ) nor any tueniL jer of tlio company bad any objection to the constable removing that portion of the stocker or which tliii attachment had been Issui-d , or they would allow a custodian to bo placed n the store until the conaUblo saw tit to remove the goods. This did not satisfy Saussay. Ho eworo In i couple of deputies on the bpot and its revolver started to force entire possession of the store. The deputies laid hands on Mcdulro nnd others of his friends and trou- > lu bvRun. Barrel mallets , clinlrn ami any- hlng that wax not nailed down wore picked up , but just mi the fun commenced OMlcer Munroo entered the sldo door. Ho coni- iclled the countable to Bltow his authority uml demanded an Intitant cessation of lios- Illtlcs. At last account ! the deputies were on guard for the attaching parties and Mc ( > ulro ind Ills attorney held the fort for the Inter ests of the Omaha Wlno 'and Ltipjor com- The following inarrlago licenses were U- Kued yesterday : Vainn uml mldroHS. Ai ro. ro.3J I. II. Ilaylcn , Omalia 3JU \iinn KC.VCH. Omuli.i . U Otto O. V. ThiMiii' Omaha. . 21 Mum ( ' . Jcimen , Oinulia . 21 John W. l'IUi > r ; in , Omulm . ? 7 M.UIIilu Larson , Duiiglns Bounty. Neb. . . SI TIII : NSTRUMBNTS placed on rucord May 17 , 1S91 : Ilfunor McKlnzIn nnd luiitliand It * H O Lour , pait tax lot In li I-I3-13 . . . . . 1 i I , KuiM'iiv mid wlfn lo C 1C Hiicaiinuii , lot 17. t > ! < ; k 1 , lluiiiixiind Phicv . . . . . . C'M ' l.iry ( 'ulllim mid liunlun.l to .1 (1 Allen. u 33 tout lota u and in , Midi ' - ' , Hazel 'IVrrnru . 1 , " / ) limn Karlnii'lur and iimb.inl li < Itynn , lnt 1 nnd 2. Mocli Uli , tiimlh Umnhn . 3.0ui ) ) J Hm'th ' mid wife tcj .1 /iicliur , lot I , litn < : U i , Myuiii It & T'H mid . 1.UIO I I ) VVnlknr urid Inmluiiiil tu 1' l < llMiry , w ts fi-vt , tut 1 , an. . I u l fr t Kit . blui-it II , Kiiunua l udd . . . 19.0JO ' I. llinry uml hiuOuiiid t H ( \VulkiT i , IntH 'J nnil Id , ljick | 13 , Ki.unUK | ' | ; H-O. . . . Ifj ) ) ) 1 H Itnkvr nnil wlff toV I ) nnd 1 A IMuunln , Ivl 11 nrul w W < 4j Inm lul II. 1/luck It , Alamo Plaza . G. ) ( ilMT OI.AIM ) : ! ri IcCnKiie Havlitj. Dank tu n Mtrtln' , Ii'l * li tu 10S'HHI AllirlKht. . . , . I uko > > AriderHun to Ilunx AndrnuHOli. u U lot 3. I'l'KK ' 7 , Pailti-r'n . , , . 1 iiins. : : jierlal Milliter to Nc'Kiunliii ( jii\1niv ur.'l Kxrhnniic lumk. Ut * 10 and 17 , ulnek i , &luynu' im add to Villy. : . . ' in Tulnl amount of trnn fcrn . | 3I:7 DeWltfs Witch Hazel Salvo cures u\nt \ , UeWltt'i Witch Hazel 8rve cnrti ( > llt ,