THE OMAH/V DAILY Rfife FRIDAY , MAY 1ft. 189k tWBIERCIAl AND FINANCIA1 All Wheat Records Again Broken on i Succession of Bearish Influence ? . JULV CLOSED A CENT AND A HALF LOWEI tlniiut Trnnk'H .Suspension of I'rclclit Traflh ttio Chief Cnimc Trmllns Almost rniilcky C'urii niul I'rotliloni Lower O t t'liclmnged. ' CHICAGO , May 17. It was a record breaking day In wheat. .May sold at. 63U1 nnd July at C5c , nnd the latter closed % Jower than yesterday. Free Kcllltig , wen I rabies , favorable crnp reports and the ati nounccincnt that the Grand Trunk will a present carry no more freight , owing d the coal famine , all contributed to the weak jicas. Trading wan active and at time : rather panicky. July corn closed ' ,5c lower July oats unchanged and provisions lower al nroiind. Wheat was active und weak. Opcnlm trades were at from > , &c to % c lower , am gradually sold down with little reaction I'/ic ' rallied from Uc to % c , changed SOUK nnd closed with lc to l',4c decline. Tht early Influences were all bearish. The I'rlrc Current nummary was construed as such "Also the cables , weather and northwester ! receipts. Outside markets were also weak especially NKW York. Local operators , led liy 1'ardrldge , were free sellers on the shorl tdde and much long wheat was liquidated , Thn iiiinomicement by the Grand Trunk thai that , railroad would discontinue taking freight , owing to the coal famine , was al < : n bearish factor , and was followed by n period of rather panicky feeling. The mar ket closed near the botioin. Corn was steady at the start on fair buy ing by the heaviest purchasers of yesterday , litlt offerings gradually Increased , and wl.en wheat broke corn sympathized. After an early gain of ' , lc , July sold off -"J4C and closed nt the bottom , Oats was active and unsettled. The market opened strong nnd Uc up , but weak ened under moderate selling and In sym pathy with other grains , and the near fu tures declined from % c to % c and the others Uc. With the arrivals of live hogs at the yards nbout 7,000 more than estimated and lower prices for them , provisions opened weak with a decline In values , and then ruled Bteady on a little support. Trading was light and the break In wheat subsequent and the rush to sell were responsible for a moderate decline , from which there was a Blight reaction. Compared wllh last night. July pork Is 20c. July lurd 12'XiC and July ribs lie lower. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. 300 cars ; corn , 375 cars ; oats , 185 cars ; hogs , 21,000 head. Freights were slow , with charters for corn to Buffalo l'/4c. The ocean rate from Huston to Liverpool was 1.47c per bu. , with loads hard to get. The leading futures ranged as follows : Artlcli'H. _ | Open. I High. | Low. I Cloae. Wheat , No. 2 May BIN cr. C3M 03 ! { July. i. . . 67 f'5 < ! < Snpt. . . . 67 07 Corn No. 2. . 37M 37W 3JIM : t7 ! < July 37W 33' Sept 38 OntN No. 2. . . May 33 Juno 3-fTS July Kept Poi-lt per b ! > ] May 11 70 July 11 UO 11 1)0 ) 11 75 11 80 La I'd. 100 Iba ' Mny 7 22H 7 20 7 20 July , 0 IK ) 0 ( V H H2i Sept U UO 0 U2HS 0 85 0 5 Short lllba- Mny 0 Ifi 0 15 0 15 (1 15 July 0 12 ! ( u in 0 10 0 12t ! Kept 0 12H 0 13 0 10 0 12 ! $ fanl ! quotation ! ! were OR follow * : KI.OIIII Weak : prices * lOc lawer. \VIII-2AT-No. 2 Hiirlne. 53''jc ' ; No. 3 cprlnB , no P.HI-H : No. 2 reel , filV&G. roitN No : 2 , 3Ce. OATH No. 2. 33c ; No. 2 hlte , 30U3Cia ! ; No. 3 white , 3l5i 3C c. UYIO No. 2. 45c. IIAIILKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 53@Ccj No. 4 , no palps. l-'LAX HEin-No. 1. $1.38. TIMOTHY SEEP-Prlme , $4.15. PltOVIHIONS Mess poik , per" Mil. , S11.77U ® 11.80 ; lard , per 100 llw. . $7.17'.i 7.2' ' > ; Hhort rllM , Bides ( loose ) . $ C.20B0.22Va ; dry Balled slioulder.s ( lioxed ) , $5.734(0.00 ( ; short clear Fides Uwted ) , . . WIUBKY Distillers' finished Koodri , per gal. , The following were tie | receipts aim lor today : M-JW YOHIC ( JKMOKAL A Vt-Hterdity'H QiKiliitlons on Flour , Grain mid PritvIsloiiH , MetiilH , JCtc. NKW YOHK , May 17. rLOt'U-lloeeliits , 16.00) ) liblB. ; exiiorla , 1K.300 liblB. ! fUlleB , 8,000 pkB . Lower to sell , with a llsht demand , except for Hjirlnfr iiatents nnd winter tutlKht , pome of the latter lielnff taken for export. Ilye Hour , llrmr buckwheat flour , nominal. I1UC1CLW1IKAT Dull ; ninne on nil grades , 6Siff 75e. 75e.COIIN Mn.Inull ; yclluw western , $2.63(9' 2.70 ; llnmdywlno , $2.70. JlYK Nominal ; ear lots , 51 T52e. IIAULI-IV Nominal ; No. 2 Milwaukee , C6f(67e ( ; liUKrnded western , COfiCoc , IIAHLKV HALT Nomlnnl ; western , C3S3ej Blx-rowed. 80S85i' . WUKAT Heeeliits , 21,300 bu. ; exports , 49.000 l\i. ; pale , G.ij'J'J.UOO bu , future.s and 43,000 bu. FX | > t. Kiwi matket dull and weak : No. 2 ml , In 8toru and elevator , E > Cc ; alloat , & 7c ; f. o. b. , 6Su ; No. 1 bald , 67Vtc. An entire new set of low records wna made In wheat today , ths open- InK was weaker on loeal liquidation and foreign nelllntf. but at noon there was a lully which was followed by u Hharp brenk In prlcen , reachIng - . Ing to the eloue. Private estimates make the winter wheat condition US pur cent east of the Ilocklcs. The close wan very weak at l c to ) &c net deellnej No. 2 reil May closed at SGVe ; Junn cloHcil at fiTHo : .Inly , M 3-10ft5Sc , closotl lit 68Vic ; AuittiHt , OSUK/Cu' , eUwil at KHle ; Keplember , CO'J 7Clc , climml at CO'Je ; UecembtT , C2UC4c , closed at C3'ic. L'OIIN ItecHptH , 20,000 bu. ; exports , 43,000 bu. ; Kales , 31,000 bit , futures and 70,000 Im. Hpjt. Spot weaker ; No. 2 , 42 % In elevator ; 43f434e ! afloat ; Hleiuner mixed , 42 Vie , Options opened firmer on Hiuall car lots , but soon weakened with wheat , mid after a quiet day closed \a net decline ; May rlosed at 4i' o ; July , 427tc ; September closed at 43tc. ! OATS llecelptB , 73,000 bu.j eniorts. 1,003 bu. ; Hides , 230,009 bu , futures and 130,000 bu. npot. Hpot fairly active ; No. 2. 37 % f38o ; No. 2 , de livered , 38463So ; No. 3 , 3i'ic ; No. 2 white , 4H4 < T42a ; No. 3 white , 40Vir41c ; track , mixed west ern , SSiiS'jyfce : track , whltp western , 414Cc ; track , wdltp stiTte , 41M46e. Options , llrm early on manipulation west and unfavorable crop news , but .weakened later ; May , 37 i < J3Se , closed at 37c ; auno closed at 7ie ; July , 37UW37V4C , closoil at 37Uc. HAY Quiet ; shipping , tO.OOH6.GO ; good to choice. J7.OOIf9.00. IIOP.S null ; state , common to choice , 9fl7o ; 1'aclllc eoiiBt. 1218e. III1HW Kalrly Btivdy ; wet salted New Or leans , selected , 45 Ilia. , Wl'-ie. LHATIIKU Alwut eteudy ; hemlock sole , lliieniiH Ayres. Unlit to heavy , H'ifil'Je ' , I'ltOVIHIONB llevf , steady. Cut meats , dull , l.unl. easy ; western nteam closeil at J7.CO asked ; Hales , 7'0 tlerceM closed at 17.60 ; July , { 7.30 nuked : rellnid , weak ; continent , J7.80 ; South America , ( $ .25 ; eomiiound , 5H6ie ! , Pork , dull , new mc s. J13.25W13.73. lllrl-nil-Qulet ; stttto ilalry. 12fll6He. OHIIHKWeak : : ; state , larife , HJiyiOHc ; part fcklms , 3HfiSe , KU(18 ( 8teudy ; western fresh , 12I2 C ; re- celplB , 9.023 nkiis. TALLOW-Steady : city ( J3 per pkB. ) , 4 0 4 13-l6c ; country ( pkKS. froc ) , 4Tic , as to iiuallty. PITritOI.KI'M-inill ; 1'nlted closed at 86a tild , HOHIN Dim ; stralneil , common to good. Jl.22it tH.2714. Tl'IlPHNTINK-Sleadyj 29sC30c. ! HIC13 Weak ; ilomeBtlc , fair to extra , 4ii 6c ; Japan.4ivSi'4ic. . SIOLAH81-.S-8leady ; New Orleans open kettle , K xl to choice , SS4f26o. FLAX Hl-niO-Weuk , OPPKII-IHIII ; lake. OHc. TlN-'Klimer ; tlralts , J19.75 ai > ked. Plates , dull. dull.SPULTKHNeRlected SPULTKH-NeRlected ; dome tlc , J3.50 nsked. I-O'ITON BUii OlL-lluyere and seller ) , apart. tendency lutber downward : no presiurii to sell round lots. Prime crude In bbU. , 29f30o ; prllne crude , loose , J5O37c ; off crude. In bbls. , J8e ; iirlnm summer yellow , 33c ; off siimmrr yellow , 3IHtj32ic ! , prime summer while , S6 37c ; butter Kltidrs , 353ic. ( _ _ _ AllniirnpulU AVIieut Market. MINNKAPOHH , May U.-Tlif wheat market i > ; K > fied a little easier IhU mornlnir. with noth- IniT unuiual In Ilia volume of iradlm ; In the character of news or thit ranne of values. Trail * Imj was motleratu to about Hie middle of tlio vc-snlnn , and lit tlmrx tht > r appearrd lu be con- sldrrutle RlrriiKlh. It was apparent , however , that there wtm no lame buying , and whenever the market llrim-d up a liiilr tbrr upiiearrd to be wheat ortrrliik' very systematlcully In IUTK * us the irad HUD vrrj > urtj ly a1 .iib. Thl c ndniiMl nnlil Ihfro n n ff | inif Hint limm weir. , i.mi ; nut. tvhlrli ] irr- | . - tatnl n d.-Kirp < .n nil ni < lrs In i > cil , luiy , br K intf ilio pric.ntnillly unill n drop ( le was iitilnlneil below the cloning prl'e of last nluiit The nrdlimiy run of nalprm srcnifd Inrllnnl l ( buy nl Hint ( mint f . .tn tlmnp' in the market ! which biiyinir brouR'.it out Inrnir ( ifferlnfts t ( and | irlri-H ht < iki < nuny nnd Ml 1c further nff nt about 2e lower limn the previous day Tradlnir continued aflor Ihe rcKiilar close , am nnnlhrr Vic wn takm from prlcrs by curl tniilerM. lliere wan no imnlc l any lime , bill a determined effort on the pnrt of mnny Inns- tn elnso nut. This market linn been relative ! ) nbote the enslcril nnd weslrm mrirkelii untl It had advanced severnl cents ubiive r > lntlv vnluen , n cr-mpared with other places , Aflct All , the whd t in o held her that there In nt danger of n urn-mi pnnlo , though further liquid' ntlon r > n the imrt rf hul < aln of iiniull amount ! rn.iy follotv. I'nsh wheat Hold out rntly nnd prices Wer > * iilxmt the fltini'n < > , . ' t'Hliy : , whirl ; was conjldef-ed very snllBfnelory to receiver ? ami liold. < rs , No , 1 northern pclllnk at nbotil eiijo on Irnrk on an aveniR.A mmlerat < nmnunt was nold from the country elcvalorn to arrive , brlnwlimthn PIIIII" pilcrn UK the rack iduff. C\an \ > i May. CS-Se ; .Inly , C.W. < ; ficptember. . On truck1 No. 1 hnrd , 61 ! c ; No. 1 nnrlh"in , 0)e ) ; Ni . 2 northern , 5Vic , AB will Holed by there IlKUiei * , III'1 1 1 nek ulirut wii , ' only tic lower thnn yestenln > , while .lulj wnn nliout 2e lower. September was also better sus tained than July , clualiiK 1'ii' ' lower than yes- teiday. It WIIM the llqulilnlloii of July that > e inn ! to bf the feature of the dny. There were very KIKK ! llnur salen mnde In Iho nioinltiK t yenlBfdny's llunres. Heveial earn of piitehtn sold for paMern poliiti on a basH of J.1.A5 , wlilln the Keneinl niaikt't was iiunted nt from 13.35 In > ! " . . linkers sold nt fiom J2 ( o J2.rr , , with conslib'rnlile nnles nt nlmut J-M'J to J2. IS , I 'lour sblpments were 23,95 : ! bhl : The pri > diictlon wa about 30W ) bhls. Wheat rccelpls , 104,28' ' ) bu. ; Hilpmentx , 15,12.1 . bu. Til" dlstrlbtitlnn In the way < < ( shipments nnd Krlnd- IliB exceeded the rereipls by ubout 45,010 bu , Lnciil 1'riidiicn 'Miirkft. IlL'TTint There Is pltiiiy of eounlry butter on the market , but thn most of It l poor when It nrtltes and prices are low. Choice country butter , 1211 He ; parkin ? stock , 6c ; peparulor crentniTy , 171 ! ISO. KflilS- Dealers Rftiernlly nre repoitbiR their yules of clean brlKlil at 9c ; seconds lire sellhiB nt 7W8e. LIVi : PCri/rilV--The receipts of thicken * are Inrlenslntf nnd the market Is not quite so firm as It WIIB n dny or two aga. Old bens , 7e ; old roostr.TS , S'.V ' , und younw ones. Oc. The demand for other kinds of poultry Is rnlher light , though n limited iiuniitlly Is salnlile. Ducks , 7Q8c ; hen InrkeyH , 8 < fi9e ; Koblers , 60 ; ( jeese , ( V. OAMIJ Thu season Is so far ndvitnced that Bame Is no loncer wnnted. VKAI Tl > receipts of veal nre very mod erate nnd prlcfs steady. Good , fnt vcnls , 6'4if7c ' ; thin or lienvy , 3Q5c. PIOI-ONS : There Is n demand for old plgconi. but yomiR birds that are not strong on the wins arc not wanted. Old birds , per doz. , J1.25Q1.50. VKOKTAHLH.- . OLD IIIIANK The market Is firming up nil over the eounlry. Neither the demand nor sui > - ply la very heavy nt tills point. I'nllfornla band- picked navy. J2.10B2.25 : western navy , Jl.90fJ2.Qi ) ; common while bean . JI.GPtil.KS. ONIONS- Old onions arc a Ihlnc of the past. New KOI ] i hern onions uie quoted at Jt per bill. There ate a few Iteiimidns still on band at 12.73 per box. Top onions me plenty at 25if30c on orders. POTATOES The supply Is comlns mostly from Utah and ( * olorndo , which stock Is quoted nl DQcflJl.Oi ) tier bu. Thole are new southern potnloes In the maikct , widen me quoted at 4.00Tfl.25 per lib ! . ( "AUIIARR Alnhama. cabbage , per crate , J2.50 ; choice Irfiulsl.'itiM , J3. CKLKUY Noni ! In the market. ASPAIIAOI'S Oood home ijrown stock Is abunilnnt at Xiijinoc per duz. un ordeis. Pill PLANT Home Blown pie plnnt Is plenty nt 2c on nrdeip. TOJIATOES Florida stock of Bood color Is FOnrcB ut J3.75 per crnte of six baskets. dllUK.V ViaiTAHIiS-Hplnieh : , jicrbbl. , JI.75 { } 2.M ; indlHhes , per do25H'We : ; lettuce , per doz. , 30S35c ; ciicunibcrp , Jl.Wfil.2i ; parsley , p r doSOWSSe ; beets , per don. , 75tfS5c ; wateictcss per case , 10 boxeJl. . Mu 1.75 , NI2W IlEANS-S.ima very choice wax beans were received from Texni * . Wax beans , bu. box , } 2.COfi2.73 ; 4 bu. box. JI.Wfi1.2j. I'KAS ( Jreen peas nre rommeneliiK to arrive from Mlssouil. Oood Udpplni ; stock , per ' , i bu. box , Jl. FHL'ITS. STRAWHI1ISUIES The lecelpls of bcnlcfl by express were not heavy , but there was a part of a car cnirled over from yesterday that came In by frelnht. C'holcc shipping slock , J2.75iJf3.W ) . APPLIES There arc no npples on the maikct suitable for shipping purposes. CllI-nilHUS-A few Cnllfurnln cherries nre ar riving anil selling at } 2 per box. The fiult Is In good condlllon , but rather Ftiiull In tze. TROPICAL FHUITS. nANANAS-Per bunch. J2.0'W2.0. LB.MONS I'ancy lemons , 3'W ' size , Jl ; fancy lemons , 360 lzc , J3.75 ; cholco lemons , 360 size , J3.CO. J3.CO.OKANOES - - Washington navnls. 90s , 112s , 123s , f3r,0 ; Mediterranean sweets , J3.SO ; Callfoinla seedlings , J3.25. K1OS Knncy. tier Hi. . lit irc. DATES Hullowees , 05 to 70-lb. boxes , per lb. , 5Hc. 5Hc.PINHAl'l'LHS Choice , per doz. , J2 ; small , MISCHLLANKOl'S , UONnY-Callfornln. 13c ; dark honey , 12lie. MAPLK SYHl'P Gallon cans , per doz. . 12. NUTS Almonds , 15 < SI7c ; Knsllsh walnuts , lOJf 12a ; filberts , 12c ; nuts , lOc. CIDKn-Pure Juice , per bbl. , JO ; half bbl. , J3.23. A ll > LE UtITTKn Per 20-lb. polls , . .1 ; half bbl3. ' , 3',4e per lb. HIDES } No. 1 Ri-een hides , 2Hc ; No. 1 green sailed hides. 303V c ; No. 2 green salted bides , 2fl2Vic ; No. 1 calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , Mtc ; No. 3 veal calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides. Co ; No. 2- dry Hint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c ; part cured hides , ' , jo per lb. less than fully cured. wooled early sklnn ) , No. y , each , 5e ! dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska buteher wool. peltH. per lb. , nctuul wulKht , MfSe ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska muiialn wool peltn , per lb. , nctunl welslit. 1JJ6c ; dry flint , Colorado .butc.ier wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4' ' 7 ; di-y flint. Colorado murrain wool pelt * , per lb. , actual welKht. 4iiGc. TALLOW AND GUMASH Tallow. No. 1 , 4V4W 44c ! ; tallow , No. 2. 3ft i3jtc ; KrerWe , white A , 4'io ; Bieas-e , white U.a ; , yellow , 3e ; Kreuse , darli , 2't ! old huter , ( H2ic { ; beeswax , prime , ISfflSe ; rough tallow , lfi-\V \ ( St. I.ouls CeniM-al Mu.rk.ot. ST. LOUIS. May 17. FLOL'll Unchanged nt recent d cllne. WHEAT Weak nil day with but one rally nbout 11 o'clock nnd thu close wns'Jo off from yesterday , prlnclpnlly on ( llHmur.iKlnR crop news. No. 8 red. pnsli , 61ic ! ; May , Sle ; July , D'JSWiie ; Augu l , fi ! ! ic. COIIN HlionK eaily on llfiht reedptH , but weakened with wbent , clo inj ( fJ',2C oft. No. 2 mixed , cnsh , 35o ; May , 36e : June , 33c ; July , ° OATS Firm ; No. 2 cnMi. SCUc ; Mny , 35io ! bid ; July. 28c bid. HYK Nulhlnic dolnt ; ; No. 2 , this slue , Mo ' " "ilAULKY Snlrs of lown , Wle. IlltAN CJulet and weak at C'Jc. FLAX SKKl > $1.39. TIMOTHY SKBD-VnchunBedi clover. JG.SOfiT.M. HAY .Steady ; prime to choice timothy , 10.01) ) . IllJTTKH Unchnnged ; strictly fancy crcameiy , ISO 19o. iCGH-Steady ! nt Sc. LKAD Htrudy and llrm nl J3.13 ; speller , dull , (3.20 iiBked. ioiiN MiAi - i.nsit..oo. ! WHISKY l.08 1.15. COTTON TIKS rnchnnRed ; fl. IIAOOINO UnchniiKed ; Ci3fiilje. | I'HOVISIONH Wenli. I'ork , ntand.ini mess. Ji.37'.i. Lnrd , pitmu Htenm , 17 : choice , J7.10. Dry wilt mentH , luosc Miouliterx , $5.S7l : ; IOIIKB and ribs , JO.Wj shorts. JH.3 . Duron , packed Khnulilcrs , 56.75 : lonjju , 57 ; ilb , J7.1'-ii ! ; sliorls , 17.23. 17.23.HKC'KUTS Flour. 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 7,000 bu. ; corn. 63,000 bu.j ont , 32K)0 ( ) bu , 8HIVMKNTS Klour , 10.00D bbln. : wheat , 1,000 Im. ; corn. D3.000 bu. ; onts. 23,000 bu. NEW YORK , May 17.-COFFEE-Opllons opened steady , ruled fairly active on local de mand for long nccount mostly , but some coverIng - Ing by ehorts , closed steady at unchanged in 5 points net advance ; sales , 8,25' ' ) hags , IncIiidlnR : May. J1S.35 ; June , JI5.30 ; July. J13.20 ; August. 114.90 ; September , J14.5V October , J14.30 < QII.35 ; November , J14.05 , and December , J13.97U. Spot coffee , Hlo dull ; No. 7 , IGVic ; mild , quiet ; Cor- lava , 19ffl9ic. ! Sales , 9UO bags Mnilcalbo , private terms. Warehouse dellveiles yesterday , 9,080 Dags ; New Yolk Block today. 22S,05i ( bags ; Unlli-d Slates stock , 2-0CC7 bags ; alloat for the United States. 71,000 bags , nnd total visible fir the United Stales , 367,007 bags , against 345,014 bugs nat year. HIO DE JANEIRO , May 17-rirm ; No , 7 Hlo. 115.80 ; exchange , 9Hd ; Ivcelpts , 6,000 bugs ; stock , 146,000 bugs. SANTOS , Mny 17. Quiet ; good average Santos , HIM ; receiptB , 2.000 bags ; ctm'k , 35,000 bugs ; : leared for the United States , 2,000 IJIIKH. HAMIIUlia , May 17. Dull ; tudes , 8,000 bags ; prices tmchnngetl to \ff prg lo\\er , HAVRE , May 7 , Opened quiet , with prices un changed to > if lower and at 3:30 : p , m. wns dull , with the Improvement partially lost ; sales , 14IKX ) l > ags , _ _ _ llleo .Mur'et Itnvlnw. NEW YORIC. May 17-Messrs. Dan Talmage's ions , In bulletin No. t , lice crop 1 ! > ! H , New York , May 15. state : In the old rice growing states iloiig the Atluntlo CMS ! the acreage Is belaxv ihe average , as many of the planters ntu unable lo securu re < iultdto advunces. Season , In the main , fairly favorable , In Louisiana , notwlth- UnndlnR encouriiKlng prices , uncertainties of legislation In regard to sugar causing some In tuin away from cane to rice nnd new planters. : he acreage hardly promlseB to be equal to that Jf lust year. SVeather conditions thus far have jeen contmry : emly too wet , more recently too Iry. Crop uliuut one-half n--dcil nnd In fair ; ondltlon. Conslderubln territory will depend on alnfall , but where\er posulblu prt-puratlans nre ii' I ng made for water supply , beep plowing Is lelm : resorted In on uplands , us experience dem- inatrates that the plant | s better able to with- itund drouth. FrrtlllierR are belmr more gen- rally used , Increasing the yield 20 to 20 in-r ; ent. _ _ _ _ .llurket. NEW YORK. May -MT.AR-FIrm ; fair re. InliiK , * ' , ic ; centrifugal. (6 lest. S7.16CJ2 15-16o ; iales , 'J.Oiiil bags centrifugal. Oh leal , at 2Ttc ; cflned. active : No. 5 , Stl'tiiUlVi No. 7 , 3 S-16W iUc ; No , B , 3m 3 H-16c. LONDON , May 17. Cane , quiet ; centrifugal , ( avn , I4a 3d ; Muscovado , fulr lelinlng , I2s 3d , \\iiol Murliet. 8T. LOUIS. May 17. WOOIr-QuIrt , without luotable chanite. Duluth ( Iniln .Market. Dt'.LUTll , May U.-WHEAT-WrBk ; No , 1 uid , vtub , May nU July , U\v ; No , 1 northfru < emli. May nnd July , fH'i ' , September. 5JV. N" , 2 n Till. in. ni h , ti..V . N3 , 4UV rej"i-ted , 4liOn trai'k : No. 1 northern to nrrlv.1 , M'ti. nvi > 45o. OA1N. . > . 2 , 14'c ' ; No. 3 while. ,14.\ for Inspections today : Wlitnl. 1U cnrs , lir.Cnil'TH Whenl. S,9H bu. : mm. i 111 bu. HIUI'MKNTO-Whent , 41,81(1 ( bu.j miU , Z.151 bu. Cot Inn Murhct. ST LOflH , May 17. COTTON Steady ! mlit 'Him : , 7 7-l9c inlw , W ) bnlfS ; rerelplK , 4 * ) bales uhlrmentji , 401 bnles ; stwk. IZ. . ! hnle.i , NKW OIILMANS. Mny 17.-tlulet ; ! uile , KPHJ ! 1,100 linleii ; to nrrlve , 30 twles ; ordinary , -ye irood ordlnnry , 6Ut ; low mlditllnit , 6'j-lce ; m'd ( lilnir , c 13IC'KIM ; ! middling. 71.i'mldilllnii ; fnlr , 7 0 ! fnlr , 8 3-lCc ; receliln | , l , 71 Imles icrt-'K , 1H.ISI linlea ; fnlurex , iiulct nnd steady Miles , 33.VH 1'iilrM ; Mny ! . < > .1 lild , .tune , tl > . ( illi 6.C5 ; July , * . ( H.f-S : AllRUdl , J6.C7fI .Wi ; Hep. tcmbcr , JC. S51iii ( ! ; Ocl < ibor , l .fiKJ < l.67 ; Nnvem' ber. _ 0.71flC.72 ; Uecember. < 6.77y .78 ; Jiimlnry , ( JALVKSTON , Mny 17. Unsy Mte decline : middling , He Hnlen. CCO bales ; export * , 412 bales ; mock , 25,129 bales. KunrH City .Aliirlccli. KANSAS CITY , Mny 17. WIIl'.AT About slendy , No , 2 Imrd , 4S'mJc ( ! No. 2 red , W > ! ; No. 3 , 47 < TV ( ; rej'-cletl , 47 < 4c. COIIN isc lower ; No. 2 mixed , 3IH035UC ; No. 2 while , 38o. OATS .Slow : No. 2 mixed , SGtfSC'ie ; No. 2 white , .imt37r. lUJTTIJU-yulet } creamery , llfjir > c ; dairy , 12 OHo. KfKlH Hnsy nt 7i ! < 3. HKCKll'TM Wheat , 5,000 bu , ; corn , none : ont , none , HlUPMHNTH-Whcat , 12,000 bu. ; com , none ; onls , nune. ' Liverpool .11 illirlK. . .LIVKIU'OOL , May 17 , WHRAT-ClosltiB Millet ; demand poor ; at. Louis fancy winter , C ! ) d. OATS Weak ; demand poor ; No. 2 roil ttlr.t r. , l 7d. prime mess , western , t.3 to. i ire , uon ; ne- mand poor ; sfmt , 38s 3d ; futures , no demand. lleef , extra India mess , > i7s ltd. Uncoil , long nnd short clear , 43 Ibs. , 3Js ; Ions clear , 45 Ibs. , 33s 6d. _ 4111 Murltcts. OIL CITY , Pn. , May 17. Nntlonnl Transit rer- tlflcntcs opened nt 85V4 ; hlshest. $6i ; lowest , 8514 ; closed , (6Vi ; sales , 3,00 < ) bbls. ; shipments , 110,761 bbls. ; runs , 91.209 bbls. PITTSIlfRO , Pa. . May n.-Nnlljual Transit certlllentes op"tied ut 85 ; closed ut 80 i ; highest , 6C 4 ; lowest , 83-lH. _ Nc\v York Dry ( ioodH NEW YORK , Mny 17. Demand nnd purclmse for goods of Immedlnti' wnnls were slow nnd light. More business Was domIn staple lines of goods for autumn. Printing cloths dull but steady at 2 ll-10o bid , and declines nl Fall River for 04 squntcs. _ _ _ _ _ _ 'FriscoVliciit Quotations. SAN FRANCISCO , May 17.-\VIIKAT-Easy ; December , Jl.UIH ; new , seller , OSTic. STOCKS AM ) HONDS. Values Went Down In the 1'iicn of a i'ulrly Active .Speculation. NEW YORK , liny 17. The speculation on the Stock exchange was fairly active today , but tlio result of the day's transactions was with a few exceptions a depreciation In values. The opening prices were as a rule higher than yesterday's flnal sales , but the early trading was Irregular. Before the ex piration of the first quarter of an hour the market became steady , and with good buy ers coming Into the market an advance set In which continued up to 11 o'clock and In which Lead , Delaware & Hudson , Union Pa cific and the grangers were most prominent. Some few shares were heavy and recorded declines , Iowa Central preferred receded lii per cent and Canadian Pacific 1 per cent. Shortly after 11 o'clock Lead was iressecl for sale and lost most of the early tnprovement , Sugar common and preferred , New England and the list generally falling off n fraction. The depression was of brief duration and under the leadership of Dis tilling , which was bought freely , and Lead , which again came Into demand , an upward .urn was made , the market turning strong n the afternoon. A change , however , was aulckly made from strength to depression , [ freat Northern preferred on sales of 200 shares broke 5 % per cent , Sugar l'i per cent and tli6 rest of the list fractions. Miout 1 o'clock Sugar and Lead rallied a ractlon , Lead preferred jumping 2 per cent. Speculation then became Irregular and dtir- ng the last hour was weak on sales of the ictive list. Lake Shore , Manhattan , St. Paul and Reading made the heaviest de clines , the closing being weak except for some few shares. The bond market was steady during the nornlng , but became weak In' the afternoon. The Evening Post says : For a time nt this morning's opening the market 'had a singularly cheerful aspect. Prices for pretty much everything on the list were sharply advanced. Buying orders were executed by Condon houses , and in the grangers and ndustrlal stocks an active recovery seemed o bo in progress. The first hour's gains , however , were only partially maintained , ind the subsequent heaviness and dullness showed that the orders , whether made hrough local "bulls" or foreign brokers , vere a transient raid against yesterday's short interest. The following nre the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today : The total snlea of Blocks tnday were 201,80S hates , Includlni ; : Alchlson , 13UO < ) ; American iUBur , 24,900 ; IlurllnKton , 11UW ; ChlcnBO ( ins , 3,600 ; Distillers. 15,300 ; Genera ! Hleetile , ll,70i ) ; .oulsvlllo & Nnshvllle , 3.200 ; Mlss-mrl Pacific , ,100 ; New KiiKlnnd , C.ilOO ; Missouri Pacific pie- erred , 2,000 ; RendlnK. 7,200 ; St. Paul , 30,100 ; Jnlon Pncinc , 3,100 ; Western Union , 0,800. Nmv York Money Miirkct. NKW YORK , May 17.-MONKY ON CAI.I - Casy at 1 per cent ; last loan and closed at 1 er cent. PRIMK MKUCANT1LI3 PAPI-JR-2i ! < ? 5 per HTIIRUNO HXrilANau-Stcady , with acliml uslneas In bankers' bills nt JI.SSlSiM.SS'U for de- nand nnd at t4.X7fl4.87Vi far sixty days ; postrd ales , 4.8SHW4.'JO ; commerclnl bills , J4.80Viif4.8Ci. BIIA'UU CiUTlKIUATI-H-4Hf : : CSo , fiOVl'JRNMl'INT llONDHtendy. . Htale bonds , nactlve. The iloslng quotatitni on bonds. llunlt of iniliiiil : Htiilenient. LONDON , Mny 17. The weekly Btutement of ic Hank of KiiKliind , Issutil loiluy , xliowu the illowlm ; cbames ns compareil wllh the previous L-rount : Total reserve. Increase , tl,104.000 ; clrcu- illan. decrease , ; bullion. Incivaue , 1819- X ) ; olher securities , decrease , 204,000 ; other do- units , Increaite , 14ZS,0iO ( ; public deposits , Incrcas1-1 , 194,01)0 : notes reserve. Increase. 11,014,000 ; KUV- nimcnt Hecurltles , tncrense , (144,00i ) . The propor- on ot thu Hunk of Kngland'5 reserve to llabll- y Is C5.S5 per cent. Oil tlio London 'ChaiiRO. NKW YORK. Mny 17. The KvcnhiB Pcwt'ii ondon cableKiam say ; Today wui IhuntronK- il bunk return on record. The proportion of nil to liabilities IB nearly M per cent. The ha * lucrtaned I1,1UIOW , rnl'l ftnix.rteil durinR the w."k. . . . . . . . . . . , fi ni Au'trnMn nil tlw lemnlltder In bar R'b ijnd t'nlled fttnles c/iln. The rnte of dlseuiiJi remnlmi at 3 per cent. The nmuunt of txftli.m RUI.I Into the Iwnk o England todny on EQTvu- 7i > , OiQ. Holt mi .Htocli Quotation 4. ; ltOSTON , May 17. C < lf lo.lni. m 2 psr cent ; llnio IOIIIM. _ < i ii : pMPcMit. Clonln ; prlea * for atockH. bonds nnd miiiliu sli iroi : Hun IVmirUcci Mining ( Jiintiilloni. SAN FRANCISCO , May 17-Tho onicUl closln ? quotations for mining HtojimjJtwjrj : u rjt- IOWHI Aita : . . , HT IlnloA NororoAi. . . 71 llulchur l.r | Muxlcan 17fi IlcHtAIIelcher. . . . . 170 Mom ! in Ilodlo Con 13,1 ' ' "lwcr ] . | I'blosl. . 120 t.hoiinr un < tiv.iKG ; 7H ( .on. Cal. A Vn fjilsti sierra Novnda 120 Crown Point 7i : i Union Con IW ( jptllil AL'urry. . . . 11.1 lYi-llow Jacket HO London Stunk Murlcct. LONDON. May 17.--I p. in. cloalngi llAUfltl.VEU-'S . - 1-lUil per ounce. MONKr-Miiurcunt. The rate of discount In llieopcu marltot for short bills 1 1 per cent , and for threu inonllm' bills , 1 l-li ) percent. Nniv York .Mining ( JiuitiitlniH. NEW YOIIK , May 17. The following an ! till closing mlnlnir ( | iiot'Uloiis : Con. Cal. .V Va. . . . 500 Slorra Kuvutln ] i5 ! Dendwooit 00 Standard 140 Ooilld A Curry HO Union Con 110 Hale A. Nordrosi. . 75 Yellow Jacket. . . . b ( ) IIomcBtnko 101)0 ) Iron Silver r Mexican 175 QuIckslH'i.'r 200 Ontario v. 700 do preferred ISK ) Oplilr. : i35 llnlwcr 10 I'iymoiltli ( i St. Imils .Mining Stork Oiiotntloin. ST. LOUIS. May 17.-Mlnlinr slocks today wen ) dull and iiiichaiii'cil. Qnyntloni : Hank of l-'ranuit Stiitvnieiit. PAIUS , May 17. The stulfiiipnt of thp Bank of Knince. IMMIVI ! today , shows the following chiinBes comimrril with the previous nccoiint : NolcB In clrculutlun , docrcuFc durltiB the week , 2S,975oyflfj trensuiy accounts current , decrease , 2.350,000f ; Bold In hand , Increase , 7,02o,000f ; hills discounted , decrease , C,225WOf ( ; silver In liand , Increase , 125,000f. Ko\v York I.lvc Stock Market. NI3 WYOIUC , Jtay 17. 1II-3KVKS necelpts , 1S8 head ; no market. SHI3I3P AND I.AMHS necelpts , 3,700 head ; market very dull ; hardly any demand and values weak ; sheep , Rood to prime , J4.12VJ04.371i ; fair ycarllnm , > 4. & ) . HOHS Ilpcelpts , 2.4SI head ; market llrm ; In ferior to choice , J3.2'if(5.w. ( I'lnancial Notes. NKW Oni.KANH , May 17.-Clearlngs , J1.2S4- 03j , IJALTIMOUK. May 17. Clearings , $2,09:2,438 : ; balances , J324.643. UOSTON , May 17dlenrlngH , $12,832,712 ; bal ances , $1,167,888. ; ' ' NEW YOUK , MaK".i7J-ClearIiiBS , $80,110,912 ; balances , J4.4W.53U. ; , . ' ( PAIUS. May 17. Three per cent rentes , lOOf 95c for the account. - - " PHILADELPHIA , May 17. Clearings , $10,4:9.- 091 ; balances , $1,794 48- ] . j j CINCINNATI , May 17. Money , 2C p r cent. New York exchange , COopremium. . Clearings , ' SAN KIIANCISCO. , M.ay 17.-Draftn , s'ght ' , lOo ; telegraphic , 12ie ! ; pllvei1 bars , Cl'.tQCUli ! ; Mix- lean dollai-8 ' " , C1051'tiJ J ST. LOUIS , May 17. 'Clearings , $4.139,900 ; bal ances , $661 , 1M. Money iul ] | at 5ff7 ( per cent. Exchange on New York , 2Jc premium. CHICAGO , May -CU'arlngs , $14,134.000. For eign exchange , dull ; isteillng cxchanse , actual , 54.87H04.89. New York .exchange' , 30c premium. Money , 400 per cent. 3ItA'XElJ'OLUi Jfl.OUK OUTl'UT. Good Wntcr I'owcr ( .reatly Increases the Rrlnil for the Weak. MINNEAPOLIS , May 1C. The Northwest ern Miller says the Minneapolis mills last kveek ground 193,137 barrels against 160,000 the week before and 159,875 the correspond ing week In 1893. This week about the same capacity Is In operation. Low freight rates , together with splendid water power . are the : auses of the heavy running , flour Is very slow of sale , buyers aeliis wholly Indifferent ' except as they [ Ind customers to take'It off their hands. Export shipments , 47,385 barrels , against 40- 390 barrels the previous week. At Superior uid Duluth the output was 48,939 barrels igalnst 35,931 barrels the previous week > ml 38,732 In 1893. These figures are likely : o be Improved this week. The Milwaukee mills ground 28,848 , barrels , against 37.131 Barrels the previous week and 36,000 barrels n 1893. No Improvement Is noted In Hour .rade. The St. Louis production was 32,500 jarrels , against 35,300 barrels the preceding , veek. The markets seem to be getting .vorso Instead of Improving. Arsenic Ilk the Wntur. NASHVILLE , May 17. Fourteen persons vere made seriously sick by drinking water , vhlch , when analyzed , proved to have irsenlc In It. Eight of the victims were Iremen and six citizens. The water was aken from a cooler In the engine house In South Nashville. All of the firemen had ised water from the cooler during the morn- ng with no bad results , but all who drank trier 2 o'clock were made deathly sick and icveral are In a critical condition. The hcory Is that a stranger who happened In at " " ! o'c.ock and asked "for" drink poisoned the vater , but for what cause Is not known. VOHKVASTH. ng Sliowura In KnaturnlNobraslcu , Followed by Warmer Wcutlior WASHINGTON , May 17. Tlio Indications or Friday are : For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair , pre- eded by showers In the eastern portion In ho early morning ; warmer ; variable winds , For Iowa Showers In the early morning ; ollowed during Friday by fair weather ; ooler In the eastern and warmer In the western portions ; west winds , becoming varl- ble. For Missouri Ocncrally fair ; cooler In the astern portion ; west winds , For Kansas Fair ; warmer ; variable winds , Lnciil Itcconl. OfFICR OK THE \VHA.itlt ( 11UBB1U. O\UIU , , Iay 17. Omaha record of temperature- ainfttllcomparod corresponding day of mat four years t tfr " 1R04. 1803. 1892. 1891. Inxlmum temperature 603 74 = 07 = OHO llnlmum toniporiiuir * . ' 57 = D2 = 57 = 5U = .vorairo tomporaturpA1 62 = 03 = 02 = 69 = reclpltatlon. . , . a-1- 3T00 2-80 .00 Statomontshowlmrtho condition of torn- oruturonnd prociplttnion at Omuha for the ay and since MnrobJC , INH : lornml tenuioruturq---- . 02 = ; \cehs for tlio day . , , .i . 00 = Ixcoss lnco.Murcli Uu . 40ti = lormal proclpltatlnn. . , . . 15 Inch lotlcloncy for the dity..l . . . . .15 Inch letlcleney slnco Marcli-1 , . 3,22lnclioH Reports from Otli f fjtutlonH at 8 1' . M. "T" ludlcstes trace , GEOKQK E. 11U.NT , Local Forecast Official. 03IAIIA UVK STOCK MARKET ! Dry Weather Sending the Stock in Fnstei Tlinn Prices Would Warrant , BEEF TRADE WAS DULL AND LIFELESS Drugging null Vnliie < Lower Co n Hells Strnily Hug * Drop from Ten to I'lrteen OnU on "n Jlrlsk Market. TtttmsDAY , Mr.y 17. Ilccelpts of cattle so far this week , compared - pared with last , lmvt been almost cxartb the same. lu hogs there has been an Itv crease of nearly 10,000 head , and a feu hundred more sheep. The cattle market was very dull and un evenly lower. Supplies were not ut nl heavy , but there was un unusually Indiffer ent ami bearish set ot buyers on linnil , at account of the very dlfcoilraglng news Iron ! Chicago and markets farther cast. Aboin the only class of cuttle in any demand at al were the handy fat grades and these soli Co to lOc lower than Wednesday. The mo < dliim and heavy grades were hard to move at any price. Neither shippers nor spec ulators were not at all anxious for them ever at n lOc to 15c decline. Diislness dragged nloni through the greater part of the day , am there were quite u few cattle still In flrsl hands nt the close. The market for cow stuff , what there was of It , was all right. Six or eight full loads and a few odds ami ends made up the sup ply. Where the quality was good prices ruled fully steady , while the common anil Inferior stuff ruled slow and weak. Calve ? were In moderate supply and fair domain ! at llrm prices , and there was no change worth noting In the market for bulls , oxen nnd stags. Business In stockers ami feeders was rather quiet. Regular dealers did most of the trading , and as stale stocks were low and there was n good prospect of n fair de mand from the country prices generally were firmly held. A big bunch of good westerns brought $3.70 and nothing of any consequence sold at under $ : ! . : ! . " > . Good to choice feeders nro quoted at $3.20 ( 3.70 , fair to good at $3.00i3.15 ( , and the com moner grades at from | 3 down. Represen tative sales. DRESSED DEEP. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ' No. Ay. Pr. 3. . . . 7703 23 10. . . . 882 $3 70 19..11 4 13 ili 21..904 3 25 13..1119 370 22. . . . 9.5 3 12. . . . 885 340 21. . . . VJ1 370 W..971 . 3 2..1210 340 21..1009 370 8. . . . 2. ) 3 A 2. . . . 75.1 3W 8. . . . S5H 370 ' . . . . ? " 27. . . . C78 305 17. . . . MS 3711 " g " . . . . 'OS03CO i . . . . ° a ? : : : : & 2 IS : : : : lm : : : : UM j ; . . . .i > * > § - ! $ ! ? 8 S"$8i : : $ : : : : l > : : : : iMi la ? : . : : ins 375 i..m sss 39..1123 3 05 29..122i ) 3 7r , SHIPPING AND EXPOUT. 14. . . . 7SO 3 C5 20..1198 373 17..1251 380 19..1173 3 07-i Mixm 4 6S7 1 31 4. . . . 770 3 6.1 10 1228 3 75 is : : : : ! * ; ! ? M 2i..ioG3 : 370 3 so STEEHS AND HEIKUUS. 73 feedersv. . . .121 3 70 HOGS ttry weather and the fear of still lower prices , are bringing In the hogs. So far this week nearly 27,000 have been mar keted , , or 10,000 more than for the corresponding spending four days last week. With a big Increase al other points and lower markets everywhere prices dropped another notch or two lower , making 35c In four days , fliers werp n couple of scratch sales at $1.75 , ind some Inferior stock sold down to $1.GO ind $4,62 > / lt.Fair to good hogs of all ivelghts , however , went at $4.65 to $4.75 with over half the trading In the $4.05 notch Hie movement was tolerably brisk at the lecllnc , and the close was firm. On Wednes- lay the hogs hold mostly at $4.75 , nnd last rimrsday $4,85 was the popular figure. Rep resentative sales : vJo. Av. Hh , I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 3 20. ; . . . 4 0) C7 203 ICO $4 6.1 4 170 . . . 4 CO C2 2.18 100 4 C5 a 161 40 4 CO 07 249 80 4 C3 8 288 . . . 4 CO 80 201 80 4 01 0. . . . . . .227 40 4 GO 01 2(11 ( 200 4 C.1 8 212 ICO 4'Ml/4 34 24' ' ) 40 46.1 B ! . ,2IS . . . 4 C2' 7 Ml . . . 4 C. , 5 202 . 4024 fi 1 ! . . . 4 C.1 4. . .A. . .300 . . . 4021,4 3 SOI ! . . . 405 1 0 < 11 . . . 4 G21a " - < jt > " * " ' * : : : : : SM < < > 40214 7 374 so 4 g 5 293 80 4 C. 70 216 200 4 0) 3 201 120 465 ! ) 238 40 4 l5 | 0 "SO . . . 4 C5 82 103 123 4 C5 1 OT 4 IT Ml 210 120 4674 3 -.71 120 405 70 237 80 4 67'i 4 njj ! w 4 C5 70 25.1 1C' ) 4 67(4 ( - , S3 | 80 4 l5 ! f,7 211 80 4 G7H , ' " . ' . ' . . . .241 240 463 HI 279 100 4 67',4 ' 2 -'Si ir,0 4 C5 73 212 80 46714 7 73 { to 4 C.1 8.1 212 120 4 C7I.4 J 244 ICO 463 71 262 80 4 0714 3 SW M 405 -CO 249 80 4 II7',4 5" " .25.1 240 4W CS 231 IttO 46714 1 .231 120 403 70 217 40 4 C7'4 5 236 . . . 4 03 C2 278 80 46714 C ' . " . . .211 120 4Cf C4 275 ICO 4 C7 > 4 6 . .237 40 4 65 5S 27 ( ) . . . 4 C7'ii 0 .280 80 4 C5 Cl 220 . . . 4071,4 0 . .277 60 405 04 207 SO 4 67 If 3 " .219 240 4 05 00 211 120 4 67'l 9" . . .233 W 4 C5 70 2T4 120 4 67 V4 8 m 200 405 0.1 2U3 . . . 4 C7V4 JkO 87 ' "I" 4(1 ( 40714 r ' ' . . . 405 g , 3 'JO 465 01 2T5 SO 4071,4 5" " isil . . . 403 79 213 SO 467(5 ( . . : : : : : : ice 405 -i 2 3 zw t I : : : gj | j } § : : : : : : : : w \ $ 'i ' "o" . . . 405 01 2bl 80 4 C7' < 1 . ' . . ' . .MS 120 4K OS 203 40 470 233 120 405 75 2 1 40 470 208 40 40.1 Ct ! 259 2)0 470 . -.270 80 405 73 2C1 40 470 ! ! ! ! - . .218 SO 405 O'J 2CO 40 470 1 212 120 4 6.- > 67 215 . . . 470 | 250 120 465 08 257 . . . 470 " 215 80 4 65 65 213 40 4 70 I 207 320 465 CO 264 8' ' ) 470 K ) 151 80 465 70 255 fO 470 | 239 240 465 . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 " ' " ' ' " ; ; ; ; ! . ' ; . " Jit . . . ! . 320 4-0 , ' 7 7 . . . 465 63 243 120 470 i 2'7 40 465 CS 210 40 470 ' ' , .198 . . . 4 C5 Ct 2.M 80 470 'I , . . . .261 . . . 4 65 05 260 SO 4 70 214 100 405 60 218 . . . 470 ; ni < 210 4 65 61. . . 223 Id ) 4 70 229 40 463 61 2S3 W ) 4 70 .210 . . . 463 M 272 10 470 . . .254 . . . 405 Oil 273 . . . 470 247 40 465 61 272 40 170 . . .232 80 403 75 191 . . . 475 . . . . . . . .250 . . . 465 71 247 280 475 PIQS AND HOUGH. 340 . . . 300 I ISO . . . 400 240 . . . 3 < ) 1 2'0 ! . . . 4 W 520 . . . 360 SI1EKI' Hut two loads ot sheep were re- slved , the same kind that wore hero ycster- ly , and they brought thu same money. The Biuanil Is good and thu market linn. Fulr i good natives uro quotable ut $3,50iQ:4.35 : ; ip | to good westerns , } 3.20 < f4.15 ; common nil stock Bhecp , $2.60(83.25 ( ; Rood to choice ) to 100-lb. lambs , J3.50if4.GO. Hfprescnla- ve valesi o. Wt. Pr. )8 ) wukturu wutlwiH 1141 4 MS > 7 wentern wetlKTM I''l 4 J5 Iterelpt * mill UUputltlou of Stock , omclalrcaim'iannddUpoilUoiiofiiloo 1 tlic book * ot Uia Uuluu block YaiM What do you Wish for , in the way of easy work ? You can havtf it , if you'll use Pearlinc , With anything you can think of , that watc.-r doesn't hurt , the easiest way to wash it or 13 clean it is lo take Pearline. You can't dp any harm , by doing away with that wearing' rub , rub , rub. DesiduH , with nl * most everything , there are ; special reasons why you nhonlci use Pearlinc , For instance : Therc's no shrink to flannels , if they're properly washed with it. I'cddlcrs ami some unscrupulous grocers will tell yon , "thii is as good m" or " tlio S.IUH-as I'carlinr. " IT'S _ l-'ALSM 1'carlllic is , never peddled , if your croccr sends you an imitation , { 05 JAMBS I'YUf New York. Ingrain Carpets $ A0 $ .28 Brussels Carpets 1.00 .46 Mattings .35 .11 Dinner Sets . | 5' ' 7.34 Toilet Sets . 3'50 1.62 Cook Stoves 10.00 5.20 Wardrobes- - 12.00 5.83 Book Cases- - 13.50 6.15 Lounges . 9.5O 4.40 Rockers . 3.00 1.14 Mattresses-- - - 3.50 1.87 2. ( ,90 Ice Boxes 650 3.48 Gasoline Stoves . 5'0o 2.48 Baby Carriages . 8'50 4.68 Chamber Suits . 2250 12.65 " Folding Beds . | 5"00 7.63 Extension Tables . 8"5O 4,45 Sideboards . 24.00 13.50 Parlor Suits . 45.00 23.95 Parlor Rockers . 6.50 2.67 Center Tables . 350 1.40 ijectsteaus . 2.00 1.49 Lace Curtains . .97 Terms Cash or Easy Payments. PRESENTS TO AI/L PURCHASERS. Formerly People's ' Mammoth Installment House oii lity ' ! Close at 6:30 : evenings , except Mond.iy and Saturday. "THERE IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS , " BE WISE AND USE l > overeicrllmi , , youthful error. , excessive UMIOI tobiicco.oplum orVUni- , . . ilium * which . lemfto liillinilty ( nnsinupilon or Imanllr. Can .e cnrrleU In rpn pocket. 81 per ljo , O forSS , liy mull prepaid.V'ltliu .1 order w lf 11 written . ciiariiiileu . lo euro . iir refund Ihe minify. Sold liy iill . . lsts. Askforlt. . tukonoodii.r . Write for freo.Mcillenl . flmik se it xeiili I . . minutei.Mi iriuuLhiMj. Inplal in wrapper. AdarBM r.ltVJS8EKl OO..Mii oiiloTuiiiplcCIIICAUii. Far iale In Omaha. Neb. , by Sbeiman & McConnell und by Kului & Co , , Drugclils. lor the twenty-four hours cnalnt' at f o'clock p. m , May 17 , Iba I : RECIUl'TS. Stock III HlKlit. Upconl of rceelpts of Ilvn Block at tbn four prin cipal yards for Thursday , Jlay 17 , I HOI : C.lltlo. Hoifs. Sheep. South Omaha B.uou 7.7'JU 'II < Chlcaeo 17.l oo ' . ' 11,1101) ) 10,11(11) ( ) KUIINUH City ' - ' . * > ' O.HIH ) Illll ) St. Iouln .1" ° I.'JIMI ' . ' 4,809 18,720 11,707 UIIIOAGO MV15 STOCK SIAIlIiK' ! ' . Once aioro tlio Supply of C-'nttlo UIIH Siilll. dent to L'liiitu u I'lood. ClIIHAno , May 17. Prices for cntlln rould scarcely bu expcclcd lo display much In iiini-m In Ihti factt of Mich suplleii as have unlunili'd nil ihe nmiket within the past forty-elcht bums. There WITO rather mom than IS.OOi ) lieinl yeste-- : ley atnl 17,500 bead wns lh estimated t iinl fur lodnv. The piessuru was lee Bleat and p'leeH liud'to suffer. Th decline for llm I wo thus imoiints to lOo to i'Oo per cwt.--IOo In litileherH1 stock and In pied lo cholcn Unlit mid medium vclKht Hlct'iu ; 15u to 200 In oilier descriptions. The ie t diessed beef and shlpplHK Kleers Mild at from JJ.7U to J4. It took a , rhulee ipiiillly to irlng us much us JI.10 , und sales at hlKher HIT- ires neio scatteilUK. Tbu bulk of ! h fuws and lelfers chunKed hands ut fiom J2.liu In ji.c : : > . rherw were nt leul 20,00 < ) entile III llln jmds mil many hud l b cairled over ; not because loldum were not wIlllnK t > > unload ut ho decline , but because there were iioin cattle than thu demand Would ibsorb. The offfrliiBS Included a lar number ( if irlnin beeves Indeed there were i'omiaiatlvely | ew lots that Kindrd l > elow miillum. A WITH- condition than ihe IIOK nmiket WIIB In oluy coud not be well ImiiKlnrd. I' ' > nnbl tot weather , unseasonably liUKe rtcclplx und pro- ouii'l deprevalon In the Kinln nnd | HIAMI | | nurkvlH was a combination thut could nit ! " eslsled und prlceu went down with M uhlil. The il cllne WUH not checked until th ln'st be v ; ritden hud reached J4.80 and the bent uiioited iKht wtlglilH J4.70. That was H leduclhm from tie lowest price * of Wednmduy of l&c lu 20 ind u drop from Urn day's optnlUK iiuutHtlonii > I SJ lu ttv The tup or the market _ l the WM , LOUDON , Commission Merchant C3AIN AND PROVISIONS. Private wires to Chicago and New Yoile. All liuslnrnu uidera placed on Chicago UourU ci Tiude. Correspondence solicited. Office , room 4 , Now York Life IJulHiiig Telephone 13US. was for heavy weights nnd J4.KO for us- soiled HglilH. Theie were a few sales nt from H to J4.W for the former nnd nl J4.8i ! fm dm latter. The bulk of the trading was ut from tx" . " > to } 4,8.1 for medium nnd heavy and at from J3.70 lo Jl.tiO for averages of less thnn 20 > > It's. Receipts were I'Mlinaled at 20,000 head , and there were In addition Alnill 7,000 stulu bugs. Tin * mrlvnls since Sntiitduy uniounl lo KM ( XX ) head , us against ! > < > ,343 for the cnni limit in t week and 73,400 a year ago. Afler about 10 o'clock the market bccumu moi active , and | lm cluse bhoHi'd n gain from the lowest of Co per en I. I.There There wns not an oversupply of sheep | iir today , and pilccs went Hell supported In ppllu of a inther Hack demand , lilies wem un u luibls of from 12 Id il.&l fur poor in choice shorn. The in.-i r lie I fur yeaillngu was dull nnd lower , fimlntl | < iiis dropping to from fi : to (1,70 for pour to rliiiln * . Spring Ininhs were In jjiiod leqtiHat al fimii )3.t.'l ' to J0.2. " > , nccdrdlnK to ipnillly. llecelpls : Cntlle , 17fiO' ' ) head ; calves , 4 < w head : InIKB. : : i.w > bend ; sheep , lo.mio bead. Thn Hvenlni ; .lournul npuits : I'ATTI.n-Reeelpts. 17 , ( Ji ) head ; mulliel > li1w , 1iif lower ; ton many natives ; prime to extra n.i- llHlceis , H.K.VI , : : . ; medium , t3.KiiH.if } . olliem. ji.ii.'iii : : S' . ; Texnns , only six cam on sale. lliiiiS-Recrlpls , : "JIJ < bend ; nmrket slow , 1W > 1.V lower ; decline for Iho week , SOfilOc , loiiKh henvy. IIL'01.00 ( ; packers nnd mixed , Jl..v/f-i ( ; piliii" liHnvy and hutcher weights , H.Min.W , HS- sorled IlKlll. 4.M1 ( < .SL",4. Slliil' ; : AND I.AMIlS-llecclplii , U.OOtl bud ; maikel nlow. I'ltfir , lower ; top Kheep , Jl I01H.JC l.p lambs , Jl.r/i4.hl | ( , t)3.i ; : , , hulls , . . . . llOOS-lieci'lpts , C.8UO bend ; nhliuiienl 3S , bend. Market opened Cc hnver ; closed hulls , tl.GOifl.7S ; heavies , packers nnd mixed , HM'tlt.K ; IlKhls , Yorkers and plK" . JI..OtH.75. HIIKBP- Receipts , 300 head ; Khlpmenln , l < * > head. Market steady. Kt , I. "ill" l.lvn Slock Market. HT. IXII'IH , May 17.- < 'ATTIi : Rfi'eipls , Jl/ ) head ; uhlpmenls , Ml head ; market slow , iulei | and eusler ; native steem. l.WI In I , 00 llm. , I' < jJ.7S ; COWH , I2.00U2.W ; TVXUK sli-i-iB , ikhl , I2.7J < il3.W ; Gown , I2.20ii2.60. IKKIHlticilj | ( . oS < X ) bead ; khlpinentK , t,90D hi-ud ; murket weak and ISo lower ; top pi Ices , | 4.tKI ; bulk of ul < , J4.70 4.fvO , Hlliii'lltftlplH ; : , i , W bend ; Khlpmenls. W- ) lii-nil ; nmrket dull , drugging. lUQlJu lunvr : the