THE DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , ] 871. OMAHA , THURSDAY 'MORNING ' , MAY 17 , 1801. SINGLE COrY 11VE CENTS. BRIBING SENATORS Honey Alleged to Have Been Offered for Votes Against the Wilson BilL STORY OF SENATORS KYLE AND HUNTON Approached the Virginian Through the Medium of His Son. SAME PARTY TRIED SENATOR KYLE The South Dakota Man Turned Him Over to His Secretary. GENTLEMAN OF POT HOOKS TOOK NOTES Neither Senator Will M Uo 1'iilillc the > uie nf the Mini Who Mmle the Offer but Will Tell It to the Committee. WASHINGTON , May 16. Senator Lodge soon after the senate met today Introduced a resolution authorizing the appointment of five senators to Investigate charges of at tempted bribery of senators In connection with the pending tariff bill , and also the charges In a long article published In the Philadelphia Press on Monday morning con taining allegations relating to the Influence of the Sugar trust upon the tariff legislation. He nsked for the Immediate consideration of the resolution , but Senator Cnckrcll of Missouri asked that It He upon the table until tomorrow. Humors of the use of money to Influence action one way or the other on the tariff bill have been In circulation here at various times during the past few months , but heretofore have received little attention. It Is learned definitely today that certain senators Jmvc received Intimations that a money consideration could be secured for their votes against the tariff , though whether the alleged briber had any author ity for his promise Is a matter of some doubt. The negotiations apparently have gone no further than Intimations to the clerks of Senators Kyle and Htinton. These Intimations came from a North Dakota man who .Is known as a lobbyist on several schemes. He was formerly a member of congress from one of the southern states and was Identified with the so-called carpet bugging. x , The amount which It was Intimated Sena tor Kyle could rccel\e was $14,000 , and 41,000 was to be retained by the man mak ing the negotiation as a commission. Mr. JlcFarlune , clerk to Senator Kyle , says the matter never went any further than an intimation. He promptly Informed Senator Kyle. The latter Is now In South Dakota , and will return to Washington Saturday. . The character of the man who la said to have made .JJie intimation stamps the whole affair with the seal of condemnation. It Is scarcely possible that any syndicate of per sons who could control the amount of money necessary in order to make an attempt to purchase votes would entrust It to the. man who made the intimation to the clerks of Senators "Kyle and Hunton. HUTTZ WANTS IT INVESTIGATED. . -Representative C , W. . IJuttz of Buttz- vJHU , N. 1) . , whose name was mentioned In connection with the alleged attempt to pur chase the votes of Senators Kyle and Hunton o'n the tariff bill , has asked a full'investiga tion at the .hands of the senate on the charges made against him. Major Buttz called on Senator Hansbrough of North Da kota late this evening and ajked advice as to what he had better do , Ho made a gen eral denial of the charges made against him nnd said ho wanted , a rigid Investigation of them. Ho was not willing to rest on the possibility of the passage of the Lodge reso lution calling for nn Investigation of the bribery alleged and of the Influence or the. Sugar trust on the makeup of the tariff bill. Ho told the senator ho wanted a personal investigation as speedily as possible. He said he had both reputation and Inter ests which were suffering and that he wished to have a chance to clear himself. In his Interview with the senator the details of the bribery charges were not gone over , but Major Buttz's denial was emphatic and absolute. Mr. Hansbrough finally advised the ex-congressman to write him u letter nsklng for a personal Investigation and agreed to place It before the senate. This Major Huttz agreed to do. Senator Hans- brough expects to receive the letter and present It In the senate tomorrow. Senator Hunton talked freely today about the attempt made to briber him to vote ngalnst the tariff bill. The matter first came to his attention about a month ago , through a letter from his son , ilattd at War- rentown , Va. , the home of the senator and Ills son. He Immediately laid the matter before sir or eight of his most' Intimate friends In the. senate , that they might know what was going on. The senator says that he never saw the man who offered the bribe , and ho declines to give the man's name , but said that all tha negotiations , It the proceedings may bo called such , were conducted through his Eon. The would-be briber , the senator said , went to Warren- town early In April , carrying a Inter of identlllcatloti from n man In Washington , whom Mr. Hunton did not know any bettor than the men he Introduced. lie repre sented that ho wanted to employ Mr. Hunton as attorney In a land case ho was Interested In , and after talking a short time on this topic ho brought up the- tariff bill , to which h ? was opposed. Ho said then that the bill would never pass , that there was an argument to be- brought against the bill which had not yet been used , -but which would dispose of It effectually. Asked by Mr , Hunton's son what the argument was , lie said ho would give * It to him If he would Mend It to his father. Ho then proposed to pay Senator Hunton5,000 ( or his opposi tion to the tariff bill , and Mr. Hunton Im mediately Informed his father of the propo sition. "Did you think the proposition was made In earnest ? " the senator was asked. "My son Is satisfied that It was , and furthermore , I am satisfied that $100.000 would bo paid It It had appeared that that sum would secure the coveted vote. " Senator Hunton said that the negotiator Old not say whom ho represented. "Tho moniy , " he said , "was not to be paid until the votes should ba cast. " Senator Hunton said that he did not pur pose making any "investigation. IN THE HANDS OK FIUKNDS. "I have , " ho said , "placed the matter In the hands of my friends , but I had not intended asking for an Inquiry , because I had supposed that my reputation' was such as to need no support such as an Investi gation would develop. If , however , an In vestigation Is undertaken , I shall be glad to furnish all the facts In my possession. " Discussing the man who bad offered the bribe , IIP said that he had understood that Jio went to Virginia as a carpet bagger and attempted to secure a nomination for con- Kress , but falling , had then gone to South Carolina , where he had been nominated and sent to congress , serving one term. He said he had no objection to giving the name of the man except that If there waste to be an Inquiry he thought It pro | er that It should be. first given to the committee pf Investigation. It Is understood that Senator Uyle has a record of the alleged briber's conversation nd proposition. Ha was approached directly , tut turned the fellow over to bis private ecretary with Instructions to take full notes upon all that he said. Mr. McFarlane , Senator Kyle's clerk , refused to say any thing further than to acknowledge that the offers were made nnd says that when the Investigation Is had he will tell all about It and will then give the name of the man offering the money , and what he said , The man told him he represented New York parties , but whether or not he gave their names cannot be learned. Mr. McFarlane refined to give any name * . The person to whom the description of the alleged would-be corruptlonixt best applies Is Major C. W. Huttz of Huttzvllle , N. I ) . He was once a member of congress from South Carolina and now follows the occupa tion of farming. He has spent considerable time In Washington In recent years lobby- Ing. One of his principal efforts has been to reopen a contest over the townslte at Great Falls , Mont. N < ! irri.\i : ANXIOUS , Tlnl Up lit Washington While Coiuentloim Arn Heine Held. WASHINGTON , May 1C. Members of congress are growing more restlvo every day. Word reaches them from home that congressional conventions are being called , primaries being held and delegates chosen. Many conventions have already been held and quite a number of the present mem bers of the house have been renomtnuted These Include Representatives Clark of Mis souri ; Flllilun , Lane and Smith of Illinois ; Johnson of Indiana and Layton of Ohio , In the district of Representative I'ayntcr of Kentucky the convention has been held and Ilolla K. Hart nominated , as Mr. Paynter declined to be a candidate. Finis Downing has been nominated for one of the new districts of Illinois. Heports have been pub lished that Representative Hopkins of Ill inois had been rcnomlnated , anil that Rep resentative * McDonald of Illinois and Cooper of Indiana have been defeated , but the districts of these three members have not yet held their conventions. Besides the conventions already held , many are set for the near future. The near districts are particular ! ! ) * active. Representative Morgan's ( Missouri ) conven tion Is next week and he has assurances the Instructions to delegates will rcnomlnate him. Representative Heard's ( Missouri ) conven tion Is Juno G and his rcnomlnallon Is ex pected. Representative Hall of Missouri Is canvassing his district and Is said to be sure of renomlnatlon. Representatives Bland and Hatch have little or no opposi tion in their districts. In Illinois all the dcmccrat'c congressional conventions at Chicago are set for July 10. The republican conventions have not been called. Representative McDonald's convention Is June 17. The conventions of Representatives Cannon and Hopkins are not far off. The other conventions have not yet been called. In Indiana the conventions In Representa tive Johnson's district is the only one that has made a nomination. Several of the republican conventions have been called for June and July. It Is expected that Repre sentatives Holman , Dynurn and most of the other Indiana members now serving will be nominated. Michigan has had no conventions as yet. nor are any called. Chairman Campail of the democratic state committee was hero recintly and arranged to have an early state convention. The congressional nominations will follow soon after. In Ohio Representa tive Layton's district Is the only one In which action has been taken. Three of the republican conventions are set for June. In Kansas , where a nurnbtr of districts are represented by populists , the populist conventions are being cnlljrt. That of Representative Davis Is on June 7 and the republican convention of the district Is to morrow. Ths conventions ft Minnesota and Wiscon sin are far off , asre other western states. Moat eastern congressional conventions will bo late In the summer or the early fall. The practice In New England districts and through Nev/ / York and New Jersey Is to hold the conventions only u few weeks before the election. Some of the Pennsyl vania conventions are being called , but the dates are late , that of Representative Erdman being August-20. Most or the southern conventions are also late , but the precinct contests ore already proceeding actively. In Texas Representatives Gresham and Crane have carried most of the precincts thus far contested. The West Virginia conventions are ex pected to be In August and those of Louisi ana In September. This activity In different states through out the country makes members anxious to get homo and attend to their Interests. They say the most effective ivorK Is done In the months leading up to the conventions , Instead of Immediately before the meetings. The recent practice- "docking" salaries has made It very expensive to go home to attend to a canvass. These considerations are urging members to hurry along with legislation , complete the tariff bill and ad journ as soon as possible. IIICYATi WOULD UiilII : Till : CANAL. Uncle Sum tu' I'uy for It by an I sue of Legal Tender Noted. WASHINGTON , May 1C. A plan for the completion of the Nicaragua canal by the United States government , by a new sys tem of financiering , was Introduced In the house today by the author. Representative Bryan of Nebraska. While some features of Senator Morgan's project are repeated , n great Innovation IH brought forward by provisions Intended to Increase the circu lating medium of the country by paying for the stock of the canal company by an issue of legal tender notes , modeled after the greenbacks of 1S62. The plan Is designed BO as to meet favor from ( he anti-bond men. According to the bill the stock of the canal company Is to conslbt of 1,000,000 shares nf $100 each , for which legal tender United States notes Identical In character with those Issued under the act of February 25 , ISC. , are to be Issued , redeemable to the same extent and In the same manner as the notes of 1S62. The secretary of the treasury Is to purchase$70,000.000 of the stock of the company , and pay for It ut par by the issueof the notes described , which are to bo kept In circulation as a part of the currency at the country. Six million of the capital block Is to be Issued to the government ot Nicaragua , $500,000 to Costa Rica and the remainder , $23.500- 000 , Is to be held In the treasury until the government decide * whether to purchase or permit It to be cold by subscription , except nn amount not to exceed $7,000,000 , to be usd by the company In taking up Its outstanding stock. Provision Is made for an Immediate Issue of $2,000,000 as a working capital , and the Issue of the re mainder In qiurterly Installments as maybe bo necessary to carry on the work of con struction. TllKEi : LUCKY NEHKASIEANS. Newly Appointed Ijinil Olllre Ofllelnl * Con tinued by the Semite , WASHINGTON , May 16. The senate In executive session today confirmed the fol lowing nominations : Receivers ot public- moneys : Andrew J , Robertson , at Broken Dow , Neb. ; Rimer Williams , at O'Neill , Neb. Nicholas A. Coverrublas. United States marshal In the southern district of California ; C. II. Adams , register of the land otllce at Broken Bow , Neb. Postmasters : Colorado William T. Beans , at Glcnwood Springs. Utah A. II. Snow , at Box Elder. Lnbor OtllchiU In Convent Inn. WASHINGTON , May 10Tho tenth national convention of the-ofllclals of bureaus ot labor statistics of the United States began here today , Carroll D. Wright , the United States commissioner ot labor , waa chosen president and L. G. Powers ot Minnesota secretary ot the convention. Denver Want * u .Mint. WASHINGTON , May ! . A bill to provide - vide for coinage at the branch mint at Den ver , Colo. , has been Introduced by Represent ative Pence. It appropriate * $600.000 for the construction ot the necessary plant. CALLINGER READS HISTORY Reviews Tariff Legislation from the Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. DUBOIS WANTS THE TARIFF SETTLED Nnmcron * Committee Amendments Adopted Reduction In Opium Duty Cnuneii Con- ( Idcniblo I ) | CII | IMI I'ri'nont Ituto u Premium on .Smuggling. WASHINGTON , May 1C. Mr. Allen's reso lution calling upon the secretary of the treasury for Information as to the number of persons directly affected by the protective duties and by competition with foreign la borers In the United States was discussed In the senate today until 12 o'clock , when the tariff bill was taken up. Mr. Jones having moved to Increase the duty on linseed , flax seed and poppy seed oil to 20 cents , Mr. Gal- linger arose with a formidable appearing array of manuscripts and announced that he was about to give a history of American leg islation on the tariff since the landing of the Pilgrim fathers. From this he read until 2 p. in. , when , saying ho had brought the ftory down to 1816 , he gave way to Mr. Dubols , who delivered u carefully prepared speech. Tlut portion of Mr. Dubols * speech de manding immediate action upon the pending bill , either Its passage or Its defeat , as the quickest means of restoring at least temporarily arily commercial prosperity , created some thing of n fcnsatlon as Indicating the atti tude of the far western republicans. It did not precipitate a controversy , however. The Jones amendment fixing the rate of duty on flax seed.oil at 20 cents was then agreed to. The rate en olive oil. reduced on the original senate bill to 25 per cent , was re duced to 35 cents per gallon , the house rate , and the house rate on peppermint oil , 25 per cqnt , was also restored. Mr. Perkins of California thanked Mr. Joner for restoring the duty on olive oil. In the next paragraph , opium for medical purposes , the house rate was 25 per cent. The senate amendment made It 20 per cent. The latter was agreed to. The next Jones amendment was to place crude opium , not adulterated , containing 0 per cent or over of morphia , dutiable at $1 per pound in the house bill , on the free list. Mr. Palmer of Illinois demanded an ex planation. Ho said he would like to see this damnable drug absolutely excluded. Mr. Jones replied this was unmanufactured opium , designed for manufacture for medi cinal purposes. The duty on smoking opium was placed at $6. Mr. Sherman criticised the reduction ot the duty en opium prepared for smoking from { 12 to SC per pound. Hu agreed with Mr. Palmer that this drug should be prohib ited and he would vote for any rate. Mr. Mitchell of Oregon declared that to prevent smuggling this duty should be cither reduced or its Importation absolutely prohibited. Mr. Vest said the duty had been reduced at the suggestion of the Treasury depart ment. The ofllcials along the Pacific coast all believed a reduction of the duty , reducing the premium on smuggling , would tend to break up that practice and would furnish the government larger revenue. With such a long coastline It was Impossible to prevent smuggling while the duty was at such a high rate. Mr. White of California testified to the truth of the Impassibility 'of collecting the duty on opium as long as It remained at $12. Smuggling had become so common that opium was offered for sale on the streets of San Francisco at $10 a pound , when the duty was $12. The amendment to transfer crude opium to the free list was agreed to. Mr. Sherman then moved to Increase the duty on smoking opium from $6 to $10 a pound. Lost , 20 to 31. At 6GO : the senate went Into executive cession and shortly afterward adjourned. MOKE SEEDS rim CONSTITUENTS. Heavy Increase In thn Appropriation for the ( lovernment Seed IlurcHii. WASHINGTON , May 16. The house today passed the bill for the validation of affidavits made before United States commissioners In all land entries. The Joint resolution authorizing an Investi gation of the Industrial depression was re ported from the committee on labor. Mr. Springer gave notice that early next week he will call up the bill to remit the 10 per cent tux on state bank circulation. Then the house went Into committee of the whole on the agricultural appropriation bill. Mr. Marsh of Illinois severely denounced the practice of the Agricultural department of collecting and publishing statistics of crops , upon which speculators were enabled to manipulate the grain and cotton markets. Mr. Wilson of Washington offered an amendment , appropilatlng $800 to enable the secretary of agriculture to continue experi ments In the production ot hemp and flax in the state of Washington. Agreed to. Mr. Coffeen of Wyoming offered an amend ment , which was adopted , Including the "sheep scab" with pleuro-pncumonla , tuber culosis and other diseases ot animals which the secretary Is authorized to Investigate. Mr. Halner of Nebraska proposed an amendment directing the president to enter Into correspondence with the authorities of Great Britain for the abrogation or modifica tion of the law which requires * cattle tin- ported into Great Britain from this country to bo slaughtered at the port of entry and prevents them from being carried to other parts of the kingdom. Agreed to. Mr. Plekler offered an amendment Increas ing the appropriation for the purchase , propagation and distribution of seed from $130.000 to $160,000. Agreed to. An amendment was agreed to providing that after May 1 the secretary of agriculture should distribute all the seeds on hand , giv ing preference to those persons whose names and addresses have been furnished by sena tors und representatives In congress , and who have not bjfore during the same season been supplied by the department. Tim com mittee rose , and at G p , in. the house ad journed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UUXIALS ritOM SATOLLI. 1'opc Will Not Intervene to Settle I ) I ( Tor. enee In ThU Country. WASHINGTON , May 16. The Intimations published by the London Chronicle of an Im mediate and direct Intervention from the Roman headquarters between Mgr. Satolli , the papal ablegate , and his American oppo nents , met an emphatic denial at the resi dence of the ablegate In this city today. Dr. Papl , private secretary of the ablegate , char acterized the reports as untrue. "We have no knowledge of any such In tention , " told Dr. Papl. "The matter has not been broached to the ablegate and no In formation whatever bearing on the subject has been received at the legation. The state ment , I seo. Is also made that another na tional syned of the American hierarchy will bo ordered with the plan of directing Cathol icism In this country. I think that Is also untrue and without foundation. The lega tion knows nothing of such a move. All these stories printed tliU morning lack foun dation so far as the legaUon has knowledge. The ofllcials of the Catholic university are also Incredulous ot the accuracy of the state ments attributed to the London Chronicle. " Iteptihllran Senator * Still Dltlded. WASHINGTON , May 16 , Republican sen ators had a second conference today upon the policy to be pursued In regard to the tariff bill. No conclusion was reached , but the majority showed a desire to let the bill come to a vote as soon as opportunity had been given for reasonable debate. Du > bola of Idaho was the leader on that side , Uormnni 1'rollt by the 1'ulr , WASHINGTON. May 16 , IniUed States Consul Monoghan at Obemnltz , Germany , In a report to the Department of State , warns American manufacturers against the pirating of thtlr wares by certain unscrupu lous European manufacturers. He cites the case of a Chemnitz man who was attracted by a superior pump exhibited at the World's fair , and bought six ot the pumps under pre tense of acting as an agent for the com pany. But when they reached him he took them apart , and copying their construction , put on the German market a number of Imitations. The consul cites a simitar case where nn American knitting machine Is Imitated and sold for 30 per cent less than the price In the United States , nnd mlvlses American manufacturers to take out German patents on their products. Killing on thn Clilncnn In\r. WASHINGTON , May 16. Attorney Gen eral Olney has ruled that Chinese merchants doing business In the United States on No vember 13 , 1S93 , whether under their own names or not , do not come within the pro visions of the third paragraph ot section 2 of the act of the date above given. All such merchants. It Is held , as were here when the statute took effect may return to the country should they leave It. Senator * Mimt Work Longer Hour * . WASHINGTON , May 16. The democratic leaders In the sena'te decided today to call up Senator Harris' resolution for 10 o'clock sessions after tomorrow. They have reached the conclusion the tariff bill Is not making satisfactory progress , and think the time has come when they should extend the hours. The resolution Is likely to lead tea a spirited debate when called up. Utah AilmUslou Hill Itcportcil. WASHINGTON , May 16. The senate com mittee on territories had authorized the re porting of the bill for the admission of Utah , with an amendment fixing the date for the election of delegates to the consti tutional convention at November 0 , the con vention to meet the first Monday In March , 1895. Orover linn FUliIng Enough. WASHINGTON , Mny 16. President Cleve land and his party nre expected to return to Washington next Monday or Tuesday mornIng - Ing from their flshlng trip. ALL CATHOLICS ISTRRKSTKlt. Libel Suit A Kill ml Florence u flutter of Deep-Seated Concern. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. , May 16. The two $20,000 damage suits Instituted by Mother Superior Stanislaus and Sister Mary Clement of the Roman Catholic convent here against Miss Florence Kllkelly are the subject of no little discussion among local Catholics. As the matter Is based on the trouble be tween the church and the convent , so the members ot the church .have taken sides In this new matter. The members who have been antagonistic to the sisters , heretofore still retain that attitude .while the friends of the sisters 'heretofore arc still their friends. Miss Kllkelly.who Is quite a talented young lady , spending her time in translat ing French Catholic-pamphlets Into English , and writing descriptive articles for mag azines , came to this city about a month ago. She nt once .went . to > the convent , where she settled down .for a visit. During her stay there she endeavored to secure all the details rgardlng. th church and convent trouble. Sher- apparently sided with the sisters In the matter. The week before last the plaintiffs in these damage actions went to St. Paul to see Archbishop Ireland , to whom has been refrredthe _ matter of the charges preferred asaln i the sisters by the local priest. Ths > cnbl , ihop being away from St. Paul , the slaters were delayed there a week. Wliile they were away Miss Kllkelly as sumed the "bossing" role at the school , run ning things her " "own way. She became angry because the sisters refused to tell her what fhelr errand was to St. Paul , and that Is the apparent reason "for her turning ngalnst them. She went to Sioux City last Wednesday and while there wrote the llbel- ous letters to the sisters and members of the congregation of the Catholic church. The sisters intended to keep the matter silent , but when they found that the reports , were being circulated publicly they > claimed the privilege given them by Mgr. Satolli , when they were before him wlih their grievances , to bring a civil suld against any one who attacked their characters. They , there fore , secured a lawyer and- the two actions , aggregating $40,000 , * * .were brought against detainer. In her letters Miss Kllkelly calls the sisters "booncompanions of disreput able women , " "black hearted hypocrites , " and says their " house Is Impregnated with vice. " This will prlng tea , head the church- convent trouble , and force a ; settlement of that long delayed trouble. ( Sioux Fulls In the Hands of Odd Fellowfl. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , May 16. ( Special to The Bee. ) The Odd" Fellows have the city. The grand lodge Is In session here with the state convention of the Daughters of Rebekah. About 100 visitors are here and the city lodge Is" giving them a great time. The parade' yesterday wan a gorgeous one , the Odd Fellows appearing In uniform. Today about seventy dadets from the-Brook- ings agricultural college arrived to add tone to the meeting. yho Initiatory degree was exemplified by contesting teams from Yankton , Mitchell , Madison and Sioux Falls. The , prize , which Is a gold medal put up bj the Northwestern Odd Fellows' Review was won by Sioux Falls. This being the third successive victory for Sioux Falls , the medal la now permanently located. Madison won second prize and Mitchell third. The report of Ivan W. Goodlier of Pierre , grand secretary , shows that the total membership In the state D.Tcmber 1 , 1S93 , Was 4,749 , a net gain of 510 over last year.- There are 911 past grands In the jurisdiction and eighty-five lodges. During the , past year twenty-three brothers and fifteen wives of brothers were burlsd and 290 members relieved. Four new lodges were organized during the year and One lodge surrendered Its charter. The total amount exppnded In relief was $7,245.85. The total .receipts' of the lodges were $ t5,605.S3. The Subordinate lodges have Invested $77,486.29. j There are twenty-threj Rebekah lodges , with a total membership of 892. I The grand lodge of the Odd Fellows today selected Yankton for the grand lodge meet ing next year and chose the following of ficer * : Grand master'N. C. Nash , Canton ; vice , C. J. UaEchVUi > rley : deputy grand master , W , E. Bendlct , Hot Springs ; vlco , N. C. Nash , Canton ; .wtuul warden , Ivan W. Goodner , Pierce , 4vico W. E. Bendlct , Hot Springs ; grandi fecrotarr , Hurvey J. Rice , Huron , vice Iran-W. Goodner , Pierre ; grand treasurer , E , l | Lostotter , IroquoU , re-elected ; grand representative sovereign to the grand lodge for tV-o years , , Abbott G. SmithDcadwood , , vl < Jo F. S. Emerson , Sioux Palls. , Dlicoverei by u Boy. PIERRE , S. D. , Mayil6. ( Special to The Bee. ) Charlie Moore. , aihalf-breed , who has been In the lockup foriliorse stealing , filed one of hla fetters off.Ulso ttta bars of his window. He was discovered by a boy. who was playing around ( intslde the Jail. No threats nor bribes kept the boy from telling the jailer. Moore Is 'one of the toughest thieves that has ever teen In the county. * Switchmen Getting Along Slowly , EVANSVJLLE , Ind. , May 16. The blen- nlal conference of the SwItchmen's Mutual Aid association Is progressing slowly , owing to the enforced absence of Grand Secretary and Treasurer Slmsrott by Illness. Ills books and accounts arrived today , and It U expected business will progress more rapIdly - Idly DOW , Tqday'a business consisted ot reading delayed , , reports.and the appointment of standing committees. There Is very little gossip about any changes la the official roster. * Crane' * Cottaco llurned. Shortly after midnight , for the second time , the hous'e formerly occupied by L.ewls Crane , 1472 South Sixteenth street , now under arrest for criminal assault upon Pearl Bovce , caugbt fire. ! t was destroyed. CONFUSION OF TONGUES Lively Session of the European Miner's ' Con ference in Berlin , SOCIALISTS BOB UP SERENELY THERE Looked for n Time nn Though thn Conference Would llrciik tip In n Itoir but Oil Dually Toured on the Troubled Wlltcru , BERLIN , May 16. Scenes of protracted confusion arc witnessed dally at the miners International conference owing to the many different languages used by the deputations. The British deputation today elected Dele gate John Wilson as the principal chairman , the Germans chose Struntz to preside over the German section and the French dele gates selected Delegate Lninedln , Upon the lattcr's refusal to take a scat upon the platform Chairman Wilson called upon dele gate Abraham to speak on behalf ot the Welsh miners. Mr. Abraham was greeted by a storm of protests which rendered it Impossible for him make himself heard. The Gerr-an Interpreter , Ledcbur , objected to the ruling ot the chair and resigned his poaltlon. Delegate Waldstcln , n member ot the Christian Catholic Workmen's club of Silesia , protested against the election of the German chairman of the day. Delegate Struntz , on the ground that the latter was a socialist. Delegate Waldstcln also pro tested against the spirit of socialism pre valent among the delegates at the congress ; the men he represented were royal to Em peror William and to the pope. A great uproar followed , during which Delegate Cowey of the British contingent , shouted that If this sort of thing was to continue they had all better go home. This caused an additional uproar and the exchange of many bitter remarks. The Germans , who desired n chairman of some other nationality than that of Mr. Wilson , proposed M. Lninedln , the French delegate. Herr LlcbUnecht , the socialist leader , act ing as Interpreter , succeeded in smoothing over the troubles and the congress adjourned for half nn hour In which to consider the question. When the session was resinned , Principal Chairman Wilson declared the British delegation desired to further the general Interests of the miners of Europe. All were equal nnd the British delegates did not seek to monopolize the influence. Mr. Wilson proposed that the congress should elect a president for the day , each section choosing a. vice chairman. M. Lamedln was chosen president for the day by unanimous vote and Interpreter Ledcbur. after a satls- facctory explanation , resumed his functions. President Lamedln eulogized the British delegates for their frank declarations , and Delegate Abraham addressed the congress on the subject of the Welsh miners nnd their condition. Mr. Abraham asserted the miners of Wales were In favor of hav ing the mines Inspected by practical miners , and were also In favor of eight hours per day as a uniform day's labor and of bank to bank to work. The present condition of the Welsh miners was 30 per cent above the standard of 1S89. but there had been a great Influx of labor this year. Several Prussian delegates described the condition of the miners of Prussia , which they said was wretched. This was par ticularly EO Jn the case of the workers In the mining districts of Saxony , All ex pressed therr Belief'-In the superior organ ization of the British miners. Herr Schroeder , a German delegate , was elected president for tomorrow. TWO STORIES HKC.AUDINO SAMOA. You Can Pay Your .Money nnd TaUo Your Cholee. LONDON , May 16. The Associated press learns that United States Ambassador Thomas F. Bayard has Intimated to the British government the desire of the United States to withdraw from the Berlin agree ment , provided all rights of United States citizens In Samoa are safeguarded. The representatives In London of the Australian colonies recently Intimated that It was the Intention of their governments to persist In the request that the present arrangement be terminated. The Imperial government replied that steps were being taken to reconsider the Berlin act and that pourparlers with Germany were proceeding. U is stated in Government quarters that the Anglo-German negotiations will be greatly Influenced by the results of the Ot tawa conference. WASHINGTON , May 16. Members of the senate committee of foreign relations of both political parties say they have no knowledge ot the news .in an Associated press cable gram to the effect that Ambassador Bayard was negotiating for a withdrawal of the Samoan agreement. Senator Morgan , chair man of the foreign relations committee , says he has only to reiterate what he had before asserted , that whatever Is done In Samoa the harbor of P.igo-Pago must be secured to the United States and permanently secured. It Is said at the State department to be entirely Improbable that Mr. Bayard , our ambassador at London , has made any state ment to the British government that could be construed as committing his government to a desire to withdraw from the Samoan agreement. Secretary Greslmm has not gone to the length of seeking to terminate the Berlin treaty , but has confined htmeelf to bringing the disordered condition of affairs In Samcu und the unsatisfactory working of the treaty to the attention of congress , and that Is as far as the matter has gono. Not mi Opportune Tlmo for Invefttlgntlo'i. BUDA-PESTH , May 16 , There . was a heated debute In the Hungarian Diet today. The opposition members made an attack upon the premier , Dr. Alexander Wekerlo and upon the minister of justice in regard to n statement that the government had secretly purchased two newspaper organs ot the opposition in order to deceive the public by publishing In them articles favorable to the government. The two min isters hotly repelled the accusations , de claring them to bo u baseless Blander. The opposition flnnlly demanded a commission of Inquiry be appointed In order to Inquire Into the charges. Premier Wekcrle declared such an Inquiry was Inopportune and the housu adjourned , Horrible . \troeltlen In llunalii. MOSCOW , May 16. Six peasants living near the town of Ostrogolsky have recently engaged In wholesale thefts of wood from the forests ot Peskowa , selling It and brib ing the keepers of the forest with part of the proceeds , One keeper named Goworog Informed upon the thieves , whereupon they seized and bound him and subjected him tu the most horrible torture , tearing1 out his tongue , plerclnR his eyes with pins until his eyeballs were mere pulp , tearing off his finger and too nails and finally trampling on his body until It was lifeless. Xeivealuml Ktlll Wunti MELBOURNE , May 16. The premier of New Zealand has sent a telegram to the premier of Victoria expressing his opposl. tlon to the suggestion originating In Ger many that Great Brltlan bo given control of the Tonga Islands In exchange for the surrender of the Samoa to Germany. The New Zealand premier adds that the question will probably come up for dlccustlon at the colonial conference at Ottawa , Mluoarl ltob kuh Elect Officers. ST. LOUIS , May 16. The Daughters ot Ilebekah ot Missouri , who hnve been In convention here for several days , elected the following officers for the ensuing yetr today : President. Mrs. M. T. Baxter of St. Louis ; vice president , Mlts Rosle Oranier of Pat- tonburg ; secretary , Mrs. M B. Young of St. Joseph ; asiUtant secretary , Mies Lena Comrades of Trenton ; treasurer , Mrs. R. L. Gunn of Trenton. At today's session of the grand lodge In dependent Order of Odd Fellows , Captain 11. K. Thomas of Carthage , Mo. , was elected grand warden. The next annual convention will bo held at Nevada , Mo. iiuxnr.n ir.utmiut'SE ntnixtXH. Early Thin Morning- Tire Wn lllKeinereil In the lto ton CnMotii lloime. BOSTON , May 17 , Flro started In the five-story granlto bulldlnc In State street at 2:05 : this morning. U was discovered In the United States appraiser's ofllco nnd rapidly spread to the bonded warehouse connected therewith. When the department arrived the flames had gained such head way that n second , third nnd fourth alarms were Immediately sent In. 3:30 : a. in. The lire so far Is confined to the appraiser's ofllce , the sampling and weighing rooms nnd the bonded warehouse In the upper stories of the building. Next door the firm of John M. Williams & Co. , Importers of liquors Is situated. Thus fur the flames have not reached their stock , but the firemen are of the opinion they can not long keep It out. The building IH owned by Mrs. Paran Stevens and Is leased by the government. It Is ono of the finest buildIngs - Ings In the city. 4 n. m. Flrcls under control ; loss , $35- 000. 000.BOSTON BOSTON , May 16. A stretch of smoking , blackened ruins , covering imore than , n dozen acres , shows thef > ccnc of last night's fire. Household furniture and property of every description litters the streets , and hun dreds of those made homeless by the con flagration arc vainly searching the ruins ot their houses In the hope ot finding some thing of value remaining uninjured. About $500,000 worth of property was destroyed. Ono hundred and thirty-seven buildings , over two-thirds of which were wooden structures , were consumed and twenty-two more were partially burned. For the most part they were occupied by the poorer classes , and 467 families , or about 2,300 per sons , are homeless. The Boston Base Ball association and the city of Boston arc the heaviest financial loosens. The property of the former was valued at $70,000 and IK a total loss. The city's loss Is over $100.000. But one fatalllty has bron reported , a 3-months-old baby having been suffocated on Berlin street. About seventeen persons were Injured , none of them seriously. .Nearly a dozen Invalids residing in houses now In ruins were conveyed to the hospitals during the fire. During the night fire Started again In the top of a brick block on the west side of Cabot street and burned for an hour. The building was destroyed. Early In the day thirty-five children were reported as missing as a result of yester day's great conflagration , but this evening the number is greatly decreased. .Many of the little ones were In the homes of stran gers , who cared for them until they were found by relatives. Several children are yet to be found by their friends , but they are undoubtedly safe in the keeping of par ties In the vicinity of the fire. Depletion the Coal Supply. PAWTUCKET , R. L , May 16. The city Is Illuminated tonight by the blap of fully 50,000 tons of coal consumed by a dlKatitrous fire on the water front this afternoon. A conservative estimate of the loss is $500,000. The flro Htarted from a spark wnfted from a kettle to the burn of the Newell Con ! and Lumber company , whoso oiitirc property Is In ashes. The flames commntilcatpd with the coal nnd lumber yards of Olney & Payne Bros. , and their stock and structures were wholly consumed. The flames next darted across the river , enveloping ta their fold the coal and lumber yards of the J. T. and the City Coal com pany. Several buildings were also destroyed. The destruction Is most complete , for there is neither n coal nor a lumber yard In the city tonight. .VK.V.ITOK JfVI.K'S HOT TIIAIL. He 1'riHiiHri a Sciihatlon ns the ISrMill of Ills Little ln\e.stlgiitliif ; Tour. RUSHVILLE , Neb. , May 16. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The trip of Senator Kyle , sub-chairman of the senate committee en Indian depredations , to the Indian reser vations for the purpose of Investigating claims against the government. Is likely to result in some fpicy revelations and Indi rectly affect certain prominent oillclals of the government. Senator Kyle has only been gene from Washington a fortnight , but In that time he has taken the testimony of a number of witnesses at different points in South Dakota , and accidentally ran across evidence that will In nil probability lead to another government scandal. For some time past the senate committee on Indian depredations has had Its attenton : called to suspicious claims tiled against the government , and so rapidly were they ad judicated In the court nf claims that at the present time they amount to over $500,000. The evidence Senator Kyle has collected In reference to these claims Is decidedly .dam aging to them , and the chances are that not ono half ot them will be provided for In the senate appropriations. What Is more , an elaborate Investigation Is likely to follow and Inquiry raised how Judgments could bo ob tained In the court of claims on ex parto evi dence. Indeed , this ex parte evidence Is shown to have been manufactured out of whole cloth and could fccarcely have been received as such except through the collu sion and connivance of certain government ofllcials. Among other things the testimony of some ot the witnesses taken before Senator Kyle shows thnt prominent claim lawyers have visited the Indian reservations and have manufactured claims against the govern ment which have not the shadow of a foun dation. It was further shown that wit nesses worn liberally paid In these claims to swear falsely , and that In several cases the parties bringing suit were in blissful Ignorance of any such suit , but neverthe less It was boldly prosecuted by the nurrep- tltlous uuo of their names. Owing to urgent business , requiring Senator Kyles' immediate presence In Washington , many of the claims cannot be fully Investigated just now , but every ono of them will be carefully looked Into. Fully 50 per cent ot those examined thus far are more or less fraudulent. AT HER WITH A KAZOR. ChrU Coimansh Arrested'for AKMUiltlnj ; u Me.rclmnt' Wlfn. Chris Connaugh was arrested last evening for assaulting Mrs. R , CEncwold with a razor. The prisoner says that five years ago ho loaned Enowold $1,100 without security , taking his promissory note. All that ho has received since * that tlmo hax been $400 , and recently Connaugh has made repeated visits to Enowold's store. Twenty- third and Cumlngs streets to get Enowold to settle. Lately lie has usually found only Mrs. Enowold there , who would tell him that her husband was away. Last evening ho called at the store and was told by Mrs. Eriewold that her husband was In Council Bluffs. It is alleged that ho then jerked a razor from his pocket and started toward the woman , saying : "Tell mo where ho Is or I will cut your heart out , I have been fooled long enough , " Her screams were heard by Unewold , who caused Connaugh's arrest , The prisoner denies that ho had a razor In his hand , al though ono was found In his packet when he was arrested. Movement ! of 8niioliii ; VoteU May 10. At Baltimore Arrived Darmstadt , from Bremen. At Southampton Arrived Trava , from New York ; New York , from Bremen. At London Arrived Alecto , from New York. At Glaigow Arrived Furnessla , from New York. At Movlllo Arrived Sardinian , from Montreal. At New York Arrived Lahn , from Bremen. FLOOD IN WISCONSIN Excessive Rains Raise the Rivers Far Ont of Their Banks. DAM BURST AT R.VER FALLS Another Partly Destroyol by Dynamite to Save the Remainder. MILLIONS OF PROPERTY CARRIED AWAY Saw Mills , Bridges and Railroad Tracks Swept Away by the Plooil , ONLY ONE LIFE REPORTED LOST SO FAR Chlppeirn City , Ithcr Pull * mid lllnrk filter rail * , H'U , unil Stlllnatcr , .Minn , , Are AIIIOIIK the. Sufferer * Telegraph - graph Linen Demoralized. ST. PAUL , May Ifi. Severn storms In the nature of n cloudburst extending over about 250 miles of territory with St. Paul on the western edge of the storm did terrible dam age last night. The amount of damage la uncertain but la very heavy. River Kalis , WIs. , reports a dam burst and three bridges washed away , the damage tut the dam being at least $25,000. New Richmond mend , WIs. , reports trains unable to run on account of washouts. Mrs. William Brennan of Erwln Pralrlo was killed and others severely Injured by , lightning. All Chicago roads suffered fe- vercly , no trains arrjvlng on tlmo and sonio are not expected to arrive. Washouts still hold yesterday's train on the Omaha at Hudson and last night's train nt Eau Claire. A cut at Hudson has been washed full and the track Is Impassable. The Wisconsin Central trains cannot run on account of washouts. The Burlington got In very lain by going around over the Milwaukee anil that road also got Its trains In by a round about way. On the Burlington the wires are down near Prescott , WIs. , ntul dcflnitu news of the trouble there Is unobtainable. It Is still close and threatenlnc In this city , and It Is feared the worst may not bu over. Electric car lines were much demoral ized during the storm last night. Great damage was done to cellars throughout thu city. Flats are Hooded and residents are compelled to seek high ground. RIVER FALLS , WIs. , May 1C. A de structive Ilocd Is sweeping down Black river valley. A large number of dams , mills- Iron bridges and other property have been destroyed. , A special from Chlppewa Falls also rt.v ports great destruction to property. In the Chlppewa river valley. All railways re port washouts and .no trains from the north or west will reach Milwaukee until this evening. LIVES WERE IN DANGER. The wall of water-struck this place at i o'clock thls.iiiornlng. The fire nlarm bells were rung CjJ the people hurried from their homes to the aid of those living In thu lower part of the city In the path of the Hood. The dam of the Pralrlo mill checked the rush of water for a few minutes , but walls of wood and stone could not withstand the pressure und the dam 'gave way. Two big bridges were swept from their fasten ings and were carried away on the torrent. Several small buildings followed , Mealey's starch factory wufc torn from Its founda tion and went down stream. Another largo bridge went i-ext. Foster's saw mill wan in the path of the tide , and it suffered 12,000 damage. The damage at the Pralrlo mill Is 12,000. and at Fortune's mill It Is $4,000. Railway lines suffered severely from wash outs. All the families on the lowlands were rescued. At Bloomer , In the Chlppewa valley , sev eral dwellings , a large planing mill , the city pumping house and the fire englna house are cone. The Immense dam across Black river near Black River Falls was In danger , and the. west wing wes blown up to save the re mainder of- the structure. This sent a great Hcod down the valley on Black River Falls. The mill district of Glenwood Is a seen ? of wreck and ruin. The big dam ami fclulce- way over the Glenwood Manufacturing com pany and several hundred thousand feet of logs were carried away. Every bridge on the entire length of Tiffany creek U gone. Many dxvelllngs In the lower part of the vllhiga are under water. The Wisconsin Central Chicago train is laid out by wash outs and Is In the woods about n mile nnd half from town. At Chlppcwa Falls and north toward Bloomer the valley is under water. A ton- feet raise Is promised at Eau Claire , where the water Is now very high , before 10. o'clock tonight. This may cause heavy IOSKOI to mill owners and others. Advices at the railway ofllccs In Milwau kee report washouts on all roads north anil west of the city. No trains are arrlvinjj today from St. Paul or Minneapolis on any line. Washouts exist on the Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul , the Chicago & Northwestern and the Wisconsin Central to a great ex tent , tli ? complete extent ot which rannot be learned by officials hero up to noon today owing to the fact that the telegraph wires were down or badly crippled. LL'MUBIl INTERESTS DAMAGED. The flood loss In the Chlppewa volley alone Is estimated at J2.000.000. At Bloomer the dam , saw mill , planing mill , bridges , hoiixcx and G.000.000 feet of logs were cairled away. No lives are reported lost. In Chlppewa Falls damage was donate to the extent ot $1,000,000 to streets , bridges and railway property. The city suffers the loss of five bridges , cutting off tradlc with the Omaha road , and the loss of the gan works. Brldgiswatcr avenue. River ami Lower Bridge and .Spring streets arc flooded , together with buildings on the street. Chlp pewa Lumber and Boom compay's office building , "barn and mill are afloat , also the American house. Box & Squire. Lang Bros , , S. F. .Martin , E , Hedge , Good Luck company , postofflce and I'anler Wagon works ; alee the woolen mill , saih and door company nnd many tmall buildings and residences situated near the creek , Chlppewa City , six miles north of Chlppewa Falls , the saw mill , dam , bornir , lumber yarn , und in fact almost the whoju city nre completely washed out , together with 6,0"0.0"0 feet of logs. Ohlppvwu river U ten feet above low water mark , but the worst has not come yet , as reports are that Little FalU dam and Flambeau dnm have given way , which , If true , will raise the river fifteen feet more , completely floodIng - Ing the business part qf the city , DENVER , May 1C. A gale Is blowing la thin region today that la Interfering seri ously with telegraph and telephone lines. BLACK IUVER FALLS , WIs. , May 16. The west wing of the Immense dam at the Dells has been blown out to save the rent of It. The water Is rising rapidly and the break Is now 300 feet across , MINNEAPOLIS , May 10. A Stlllwatcr special to the Journal say * : Last nights storm left this city In worse condition than any of Its predecessors. Many streets wer washed out badly. Several houses on Fourth street were- undermined and let down Into a gully thirty feet deep. The yard and ( hop * ot the state penitentiary were flooded with land and water and the loss to the state will be heavy. At on time the water wan tir feat deep In the yard. The convicts are all at work clearing the Hand out. The railroad tracks are badly washed out , and there will be no train * In or out tor several daiK , Tk