THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , MAY 1G , 18M. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. . ArtviTtl oments for thm > columns will h taken ntll U.30 p. m. for th evening nn < t until 9.00 p. w. for the mornlni ? nnd Sunday editions. Advertisers , by renuntlnu n numbered check. tun have omincm nddreasrd to n numbered letter In car * of Tha IJo * . Answers no Addressed will t delivered upon presentation of the check. Rat . 114o word tint Insertion. lo a word thereafttr. Nothing tak > n for let * than Co. WANTED. IJV 1.A BY OF . SITUATION A3 houncki-i-pcr In family wh ro other help li fc'PU widower" ) ! family preferred. Address It 54 , IV" . A MC:0 10 * yot'No LADY BTHNoatiApimii" position : KOO ! buslne * * references from last employer. AddrHin I , 31 , Itff. A M 17 * BITUATION WANTED IIY KIRST-C'LAHfl hotel cook ! sober and relUWo ; 15 years of ex perience ; no meat nml pantry ; city or country. Address Chef , box 4ZS , Manson , In. * 18 WANTED MALE HELP. Hates , I'Aa word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for lean than 25c. SOLICITORS. TEAMS ritnNisiinD ; INSTALLment - ment good * . American Wringer Co. , 1005 Howard - ard st. n-SA _ AGENTS , SALARY OR COMMIfi3ION. THE greatest Invention of th BKP. The N w rat- ent Chemical Ink Eranlntr Pencil. Sell" en dl [ ht. Work * like mnnlc. ARnts nr making J2.-i.tX ) to HUM p.r week. For further par ticular * writ * the Monro * Erasing Mfg. Co. . X It. La. Cnsne. Win. n-gl _ _ A OOOD SALESMAN IN EVERY TOWN IN Iowa and eastern Nebraska. Address , Th * llawk Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Wl . WANTED. HEN TO TAKE OIIDKI18 IN CITY on salary : former experience not requlrwl. Apply at Hl Douglas. U-M1M M2S _ WANTED. A PIANO PLAYER. preferred. 1OT N. 8th. I1-M50I _ WANTED , SALESMEN AND CANVASSERS. now article , no fako. Address Common Sense Lifter Co. , Clinton and Congress streets. Chi MiSl 18 * cago. D 8ALE8MEN WANTED TO SELL OUH GOODS by sample to the wholesale nnd retail trade ; sell on slKht to every business man or firm ; liberal salary ; money advanced for advertising and expanses : permanent position. Address , with stamp , King Slfg. Co. , C-42 , Chteum , III. * H MBSlla WANTED , A REGULAR PHYSICIAN : BIN- Kl'i tp assist a specialist In odliiIJox 7w. Omahn. H-MSM IT _ WANTED , 0 ISOVH TO WOHK IN HHUSII factory. Apply P. M. Gunsall. 1023,7 WANTED. LAIJORERS AND TEAMSTERS ON tha B. & U. Hy. extension In Montana and Wyoming. Kreo transportation. Kramer ft O'Heam. labor agency , llth and Farnam sheets. 9j IS WANTED. AT ONCE. A PIHST-CLAHS ULACK- mnltli ; steady Job. Address W. Uurkee. Odell , * Neb. H M931 18 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hates. 1V4 < ! word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. BEST op WAOHS TO COMPETENT ami , ; must bo good rook nnd laundress. Mrs. J. M. Thiiraton. 8103 I'arnam. _ C206 _ WANTKD. A "COMPIJTENT GIRL FOR SECond - end work , with city references. 1120 I'ark avenue. C MJ23 _ _ LADIES WANTING GIRLS APPLY AT THE Scandinavian Young Ladles' home , 3301 Cumlng. G" SI7ji 23 OIHI. FOR GENERAL HOUSE WOHK. 2251 Spruce street. _ C M89I 16 * WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK AND LAUN- drrmi : also nurao and housemaid , llcfon-nces required. 118 No. 33th St. _ 0 883-16 WANTED , TWO GIRLS AT DORAN HOUSE , 422 8. ISth , 1 block south of court bouse. C M8D3 _ WATMTED-OIRL KOIl GENERAL HOIJSE- work at 2113 Ix > cust SI. C 901-17 * _ VANTED-flIRL ABOUT 11 YEARS OLD TO assist In liouev\orl < . Enquire Grocery store , 608 So. 13th at. C 903-1. ) WANTKD , A GERMAN GIRL FOR liounework , 123 N. itCth street. C M923 18 * WANTHD , LADY BTUNOOnAXMinn FOU wholvMile olllce. Address In own h.indwrltlnff , Ixick llox M , Omaha. C &I920 19 _ AOKI'JTS ; ALWAYS SOMimilNd NlJW AND best sellers In Indies' pooda. Write today , It will pay you. Ladles' Supply Co. , JI1S Forest . C--M919 16 * avenue , Chicago. ; FOB BENT HOUSES. Rates l ! c word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken tor leas , than 25c. TINE FLAT IN CLOUSBR BLOCK AT 703 8. ICth st ; ranee nnd all other conveniences ; J26 George Clouser , room 2,1623 Farnam street. TOR RENT. 8-ROOM BRICK ; ALL MODERN Improvements , 29th and Itard. ono block from Walnut Hill motor , J25.00. Inquire Comp troller's office. D 831 HOUSES. F. K. DARLING. . DARKER BLOCK. D 352 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davl company. 1505 Farnam. D 353 C-UOOM COTTAGES. MODERN , CHOICK IN Stanford Circle. C. 8. Elgutter , 204 Bee build ing. D 334 FOR RENT , CHEAPEST 0-ROOM COTTAGE , with bath , In city , 110.60. 3037 California street. P-M223 RENTAL AGENCY. 607 BROWN BLOCK.D . D 355 FIRST CLASS. WELL LOCATED HOUSES. L. 3. Skinner.MO N. Y. Life. D 158 CLEAN. COMFORTABLE. CONVENIENT. moderate rentals : best 3 and 4-room suites for housekeepers only. References required. Also ( room suite In tenement. 816 8. 22d st. D-3S8 KELKENNEY&CO..R. 1. CONTINENTAL BLK. ' D-CS8 _ NICE G-ROOM COTTAGE. 110.00 PER MONTH. U S. Skinner , 310 N. Y. Life. D 983 CHOICE HOME. EIGHT ROOMS AND BARN : nlco lawn , city water and southeast front : 1 block south of Lravcnworth on 33th avenue ; I23.00. Apply to N , Perry , on premises. D-M233 FOR RENT. J33.00 PER MONTH. 4110 LAKAY- ette avenue , 7 looms , furnace , bath , hot and cold water , closet. K S , electric lighting appli ances , etc. Beautiful lawn , trees , etc. I'Mcilty Jr it company , 1703 Farnam street. D M215 FOR RENT , GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM ho" ' * . 2C31 Capitol avenue. Also 9-room house. 2529 Capitol nvenue. It , H. Roiblson. room 7 , Commercial National. D MS9 * C-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. LAWN AND shade. 8124 Miami street. D M431 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. 29TH AND HARNBY. Jiaw. Reed & beluy , Chamber of Commerce lllJg. D 739 A HOUSE WITH NINE ROOMS ; ALL MODERN Improvements ; largo lawn. list and Like. D-M7I8 IS * TOR RENT. VERY DESIRABLrTnKSIDnNCE. 2313 Farnam. It. C. Patterson , Karaite b'dc. D M777 MODERN HOUSE. 10 ROOMS. RKNT LOW : keys 2COI Capitol ave , adjolnlne. Tel. 412. D-M3II18 * TOR RENT. THE BEST MODERN 10-ROOM IKIUXO In Omaha for the money , Templctnn & Plerson , 303 Paxton block. D MS31 TOR RENT. VERY CHEAP. FOR THREE months from Juno 1. beautiful furnished 8-room cottnKO on Park nvenue. with plonu nnd all modem Inprovomeiiln. Inquire J. A. SunJer- land , Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Co. Co.DMS94 D-MS94 'ROOM HOUSE. 1317 N. I5TH STREET. r , U-M89J 17 * FOR BENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Jt.uc.i. liio word first Insenion. le a word tliiiYafur. Nothing taken tar less than Sic. rbn jirNTT'AT9K "libbaBr A T LARGE ; BAY wlndon , kecuna Htory fiont room , fur UO.O ) u imruh. No other rooiucra and uo chlldmt. n nooMa AT is CHICAGO tri.'cU E ftp M13 * MI' 'UI.Y FL'RNISHElrRONT ROOMS. WITH ur vllhvui ticanl. Unll at * U7 Douglas tt. . . . . . . L _ _ _ _ _ FOU RENT. FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. far 1 or X roiitlcmci : , ct (21 R. suit r.vr. U-71C-18 . A LAUOU ( SOUTH ROOM AT 191) tre t. - - J'LCAOANT ROOM. AKTN/V HOUSE , NORTHWEST CORNER MTU and UoOto. Uiwiux | .y tlo iUy or week. FOR RENT , NICELY I'L'RNISIUJD FRONT rooms a pjtlor llsor , Kf ! li * Jyt otrctt. o-uni is * _ _ i FURNISHED noosia txir. LIOJIT nou n- keeping. 1112 & IRh street. H-MKI4 1C * ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board 1111 DougU * > lr t. ItcfuroncM 10- B-MTMJI * ROOil. BATIC JIW. 1111 FAR. nam itrc t. K Mitt n * Kl'R ISUED ROOM ; aK.vrmMAN7 : T7 n y tr t ROOMS iron LIGHT HOUSE- , Ili4 jVrnurn. K ilf.'T II * FURNISHED BOOM8 AND BOARD. Rates , 1K < 5 word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. YOUHO WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARH OF Women's Christian association. Ill 8. 17th st. F 360 ROOM WITH BOARD. FlHCE MODURATa M Cass , F-ll M22 * DEfllRABLn ROOM WITH BOARD IN PRIvate - vate family. 708 N. Hth. F-4M-15 * PLKASANT BOUTll ROOU WITH BOARD. 20U California. F316 * ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED , with first-class board. 1908 Capitol are. Inquire 1910 Capitol ave. F M774 BOUTII FRONT ROOM FOR TWO , WITH board , In private family , 2020 Bt. Mary's ave. F-UMl JH NICELY FURNIBHED ROOMS WITH GOOD board. "Tho Rose. " 1020 Harney.FM871 F-M871 19 * DESIRABLK ROOMB WITH BOARD ; REFER- ences. Mrs. Qodso , 202 N. Hth etrert. etrert.FM933 F-M933 IS * FOR RENT-UNFURNIBH'D ROOMS. Rates , me word nrst Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than Kt. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR housekeeping , city water , etc. , low rent ; northwest - west corner 17th nnd Webster st. Q 381 5 UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS FOR HOU8E- keoplng to man and wife ; no children ; 319 N. 17th. 0-657 FOR RENT , STORES AND OFFICES Rates , IHc word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less thanKc. 18 MONTHS LEASE OF STORE. 309 8. 17TII. I 263 FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING 918 Farnam st. The building has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating fix tures , water on all Hours , gas , etc. Apply at the Qtllco of The Beg. 1 910 DESK ROOM CHEAP , FRONTING FARNAM. Room 2. 1C23 Farnam street. I M814 FOR RENT. IN ATLANTIC. IA. , A COMMODIous - ous business room , on the best builneii corner In heart of trade. Address Dr. R. D. Wllklns , Atlantic , la. 1-M827 16 * STORE WITH FIXTURES AND ROOMS , 1470 South 16th. IM.OO per month. 1-912.21' , , AGENTS WANTED. Rates , JJio. word first InJertlon. lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than Ko. AGENTS HUSTLERS : BIG MONEY. APPLY room 435. I'axton block. J-872 M18 * AGENTS , BOTH SEXES : TEN INDISPENSAble - blo articles ; retail for J5.10 ; absolutely free to our demonstrated rustlers. The Clauss Shear Co. , Kansas City. Mo. J M623 June 80 * WANTED. GENERAL AGENTS AT OMAHA. Fremont , Grand Island , Norfolk and Beatrice for the Union Central Life Insurance company. J2.OW.000.00 In force In Nebraska. Renewal contracts. Address T. M. Edmlston. state agent , Lincoln. Neb. J-M878 M19 WANTED AGENTS IN NEIJRASKA AND Iowa to sell the Moss & Hlllyard patent farm ers' handy egg case at reduced price ; big money In It for the right man. Apply W. T. Let's , solo manufacturer of the farmers' handy cffa case , St. Joseph , Mo. J 657 Jl DESK ; ROOM. WM. T. WELSHANS , m Board of Trade Bldg. J-S9I AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY CITY AND town to handle "The Story of the Common weal.The fastest selling book ever published. (10.00 a day can be averaged by good agents. Samples. 5oo. Call or write for terms. W. B. Conkey company , 311-351 Dearborn street , Chl- cago. Illl. J M600 MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS WANTED ; salary or commission. Apply at Jennings hotel. Room 82. J M721 17 * WANTED , AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS BY sample at home or to travel. Expenses and good salary or commission to rlnht party. Apply nt once for samples. Address Lock Box 1354. N. Y. City. J AGENTS : AGENTS : AGENTS : MONTE CARLO Jack Pot. The greatest slot machine of the age. S. Melnhold & Co. , C5 Warren street , New York City. J M925 16 * RENTAL AGENCY. Rates. IHo word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing token for less than,25c. RENT REDUCED ON HOUSES AND ROOMS. 3 good rooms. $5.00 : 4 rooms , rental. tlO.OO. Cottages from 15.00 up. Printed list. G. F. "Butts. 2iO 8 , 17th street. L M778 MIS STORAGE. Rates. 140 word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than " 5c. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. It. Wells , 1111 FamamjM M 364 STORAGEWILLIAMS & CROSS. 1214 UARNEY. M 363 STOVES STORED DURING THE SUMMER. 1207 Dougloa. Omaha Stove Repair works. Mill May 31 WANTED TO BUY. Rates. I'.Jo word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. RETAIL LUMBER YARD. NEB. OR WESTERN Iowa. Address P. O. Box K.2. David City , Neb. N 170 M21 * CASH PAID FOR SECOND-HAND FURNI- lure , carpets , etc. I. Bruwell. 710 & 712 N. 16th. N I9J JS FOR SALE FURNITURE. Rates. IHc word first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25o. FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR FIVE-ROOM cottage with privilege of renting cottage. Par ties leaving city ; will sell cheap. Apply 713 N. 17th street. O-SJ7-15 * _ FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. WINDSOR folding bed , gas stove with K feet tubing. black walnut extension table , child's bed , at 2115 Capitol avenue. _ O M918 18 FOBSALE HOR3E3WAGONSETO. Rates. 1H ° word first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. FOR SALK. FAST MARE. COLT 1 WEEK old. by Wlnslow Wllkcs. 2:0 : S. filly 11 months old by Mark Wllkcs. 4S. E. corner 21st nnd H streets. South Omaha. P M720 _ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company , Ames. Neb. , have 2,000 tons of good barn-stored liay for sale. All orders filled promptly. Q 368 _ OLD LUMBER AND KINDLtNG WOQD. IK- quire at 14th and Leavenworth. Q 713-16 * SECOND HAND LUMBER. DOORS AND WIN- dowg. New postolllce site , corner 17th and Cnp- Itol avenue. Q-S34-20 * _ CLEANED BRICK. NEW POSTOFFICE SITE , corner 17th and Capitol ave. Q SsS-20 * FOIl SALE CHINA CABINET ; CHINA KILN ; lounge ; olllco desk ; baby bed ; piano-box buggy. 1019 New York Life Bldg. Q-810 7 * FOR SALE. EXTRA FINE GREAT DANE DOG Call or address 1721 N. ISth st. Q-915 17 FOR SALE. FINE PAIR OF YOUNG. MATCH- cd spotted ponies. Call evenings at 17JI N. 18. 17 FOR SALE. HORSE. PIIAKTON AND HARness - ness and Encyclopedia Brltannlca. Call 4013 Hamilton street , after 6:30 : p. m. Q M93 16 * MISCELLANEOUS. Rates. IHo word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than tie. " VILLA RIDGU BEAUTIFUL ACREsi ON Military road , north of motor line , easy terms , only Ji.00 per acre. Bate and sound Invest- < roent. A. I * . Tukey. It E 737 CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates. IHo nerd first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for le than tic. MRS. DR. II. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT. RE- llatlu business m < llum ; 7th year at lit N. 18. B-3 7 MASSAGE. BATHS , ETO. MADAME SMITH. C01 a ICTH. 2D FLOOR , room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , sttnm , sul- phurlne and t < - i batlia. T MCS 19 * _ MADAME BROWN. 1311 CAPITOL AVENCN , M Hour , room 4 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. T M7U- * MME. LA RUE. 418 fiOUTH UTH. T-736J10 * PERSONAL ! Rales. IHc word flrst Insertion , la a ward th r tttr. Nothing taken tor lisa than go. MASHAOE , 5IADAMR BERNARD , 1411 DODUK. UM-4M U * _ MADAME LA ROOIC. UASSAOB. m K. ICTH parlors 11 and H. U-MK1 n * _ QBT MARRIED. SEND FOR MY BICI PAPER : hundreds of adveitlser * want ImiUmd. ? and wires. Mall < 4 staled tor stump. W. II. Har- btck. Denver. Cola. O-Mia mM * MAHSAQK TREATMENT. KLECTRO-THER. mal baths. Hcalp & hair treatment , manlcur * t chlropoJU. Mrs. Put , HIM H lilh. Wlthnoll UK. U 313 COMPOUND OXYGEN CUHE3. ASTHMA , bronctuiu. consumption , catarrh , tc. Thn * ia-o free at R. 13. boiiclaa blk , ISth and Uodt * YOUR PAST , PRKdHNT AND FUTURE RBAt ) br Udy clairvoyant , lit . 17th , U-MHI19 * PERSONAL. Continued. LADIES' ( RUBBRR. NF.VER FAJW ) AND 19 O. N.T.I'lnk rills malted.lL Ladles' ILttaAr.Omaha U-C39-J-7 HAIR RESTORED , FRANK nROaLIN"oFFICE with barber shop , 1511 Farnam St. , guarantees to restore your hair If roots nre not destroyed , stops hair from falling out and returns natu ral color to gray hair , Fre examination every day from 3 to 11 a. m. and 1:39 lo 5 p. in. U 738 J 10 VIAVI. HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book nnd consultation free. Addrcm or rail Vlavl Co. , 344 Bee bid * . Lady attendant. Attend our fiw Illuitrnted lectures every Tues day , a p. m. Hall , 7th floor Bea bide. U 31 CHILDREN BOARDED , FOR REASONABLE prices. None taken over 6 years. Addrwu t fc. Bee. U-M890 17 * MRS. F. DORSEY CARD READING , 1120 N. 20. U 90"V21 * WANTKD. INFORMATION OF WHERK- nlxxjln of Christian IJuell , Jr. , pilnter. Ills children nre very sick. Come as once. Mrs. Mory J. Buell. Uronilleld , Neb. U-M317 IS * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE FOR ANY LENGTH of time , from thirty days to five years. Re d A Belby. 331 Board of Trade. Warrants bought. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , lit N.Y.LirB. loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W 370 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W 371 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omatut real estate. 1 to S years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. W 372 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY properly ; J3.0O ) & upwards. 6 to 6H per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1310 Farnam. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. WARRANTS.GOOD notes , etc. bought. Garvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. Life. W 375 MONKY TO LOAN AT I.OWEST RATES THE O. F. .Davis Co. . 150S Farnam St. _ W 3.8 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS. Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam st. W 373 OMAHA LOAN A TRUST CO. , I6TH AND Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 377 HFK INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesney , Kansas City , Ma. W 378 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY nnd Nebraska farms at from 6 to 7 per cent. W. B. Melklc , First National bank , building. W 379 _ UNITED STATES MORTOAGE CO. OF NEW York. Submit choice loans lo F. 8. Pusey , agent , First National bunk building.V . \V M223 mM _ MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , Ml N. Y. Life. W-713-J9 * _ ' LOANS. J. W. SQUIRE. 248 Dec. W-S90 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. n.itM. IVio word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken tor less than 23c. MONEY TO LOAN Wo will loan you any sum which you wish. small or large , at the lowest poslble rates , In the quickest possible time , and for any length of time to suit you You can pay It back In such Installments as you wish , when you wish. anu only pay for It as long as you keep It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE. OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 SOUTH 16TH STREET , First flooor above the street. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 3C 3S3 WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlty ; strictly confidential. A. 13. Harris , room 1. Continental block. X 3SO MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE , PIANOs" all articles of value Fred Terry , 430 Rarnge block. X 331 _ THE I'LACE TO BORROW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , MONEY ON HORSES AND MULES , MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , MONEY1 ON PIANOS AND ORGANS. MONKY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MONEY ON MERCHANDISE. MONET. ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON Roods that remain with" you. MONEY IF YOU WANT 'NO PUIlLIClTYt ' . MONEY IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS. MONEY AT LOWEST POSSIHLE RATES , MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME. MONEY THAT you may pay back nt any time. and In any amount. Is at ROOM 4. WITH- NRLL block , corner 15th and Hnrney streets. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES. WAGONS. pianos and furniture of all kinds Business confidential J B. Haddock , room 427 , Rnmge block. _ X 384 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. . 701 N. Y. Life building. X M271 BUSINESS CHANCES. nates , IWc word nrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Jc. THE NATIONAL INFORMATION AND EX- chnnge company. 203 First National bang , Omaha , negotiators of business opportunities , have , for sale or exchange , { 3,000.0 } and t7.00q.00 stocks ot general merchandise ; also stocks' In other lines. * If you want to buy , seller or exchange anything write us , giving par- tlculara. Y-M817 17 Wi : HAVE CASH DUYEIl FOU GROCERY stock ; also bakery and confectionery store' National Information and Exchange Co. . 203 First National bank. Omaha. Y MSS3.16 A VERY DE3inAntn anocEnY IJUSINESS In this city for sale at a bargain. Address L , 33. liee. Y MS37 17 * GOOD FLOUR. FEED AND IMPLEMENT business for sale In a growing town In north east Nebraska : small capital required ; cause of selling , sickness. Address L & . liee. Y M823 1C * fi PARTNER WITH $10,000.00 NEEDED ; MONEY doubled In a year. > Vrlto to P. O. box21 , Mllllgan , Neb. Y M iS 20 * FOR H.VT.E. A NEW STOCK OP GENERAL merchandise In ono of the best towns In Ne braska. Good reasons tor selling. Must be sold at once. Address L 37 , Uec. Y MM ! 15 * BUSINESSES , LOTS , HOTEL , FARMS , MINIng - Ing shares. Al securities , for sale. Address 1'loneer lluslness ngtmcy , Sheridan. Wyoming. Y MM6 18 * FOB , EXCHANGE , Rates' l',4c word first Insertion , lo a > word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c , I OWN 100 FAItMS IN NEBRASKA. KANBAS and Uakota\vlll ; sell cheap or exchange for mdsa. , hones & cattle. Address box 76 , Frankfirt , Ind. Z-iSI _ _ _ STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS ; want horses & cattle. Uox sa , Frankfort. Ind. Z-OM _ WANTED. TO TRADE VACANT CITV LOTS for huuse and lot. Would assume small moit- gagc. Address , giving location , L 24. Dee. Z-MSI3 13 _ WI1.L EXCHANGE 320 ACRES GOOD il proved bottom land In Mitchell Co , . Kan. . well watered. timber , orchard and small fruit ; also 420 ncrw good land In Cedar Co. , Neb. , partly Improved. Want mdse. : Mill pay oomo cash. Address Lock Uox 323. Wattle , Neb. Z-9W-2I TO EXCHANGE. CHASE COUNTTTUND FOR merchandise. Box 261 , Imperial , Neb. Z M930 23 * WANTED , TO SELL TOR CASH , OR TRADE for piano , n drat clas Morse and buggy. For partlculan address L 36 , Lee olUcts Z-WH 20 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOB SALE REAL ESTATJJ ! Rntes , IHc word nrst Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. FARM LANDS. ( \ F. HARRISON. 811 N.Y.MFE It E 893-M18 * _ _ BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , eala or trade. F , K. Darling , Darker block. RE M _ _ _ 5 , 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. 2W MILES EAST of Council lllurfs. at 1100.00 to } moo t > r acre. pultable for fruit trardcn * and hanira. Dat & Hess , Council lllufta. R U-MI9I JS. TOR SALE 8-ROOM HOUSE. A I A MODERN ImpruveiixiiU. IliO Lo\ra nvtnue. near Hamil ton ; price 1 1,000. W. Address J. 11. Slmw. 119 K. OUi. K-760-18 * VILLA RIDGK ACRES oTTillUTARY ROAD , near motor line , at KKM.M. entry ttrms ; paved street tlrU nununer ; now Is the tlmo to buy. A. lTukcy. . XtC-MMi _ DO YOU WANT A HOME. A COStL LITTLE ( nm of 3 to 30 acres. wh r * you con attend to ycur business In the city and rail * your < mn fruit , > ef ut > ! m ttnd poultry and live Ilka n Itlnif tthon limes ore hard ? Com * quick un < 1 cet your < -hoc ! . T nn sy. Add. Jior M Mlllard. X h. R K 171 _ VEHNON HEIGHTS IS IN THtJ NORTH"- wejteru pact of the clty.overluck.Lis Ullitr Park , and Is the most Hehtly vlon to bo found. Think of tha j.ilco and t rms , J 00 p r ACT * . M rath , and 113 p r month. Fidrilty Trust com pany. o 3t . UK 5 - _ ' tM ACRCS'OOOD I'LOVf LAND NK.XTtT K.VIL- roar | town , fine cror * cf 10 aero. Jl.SM ; ; M cash , balance eny rerretnu. .Williams & Mil- tan , room 313 , McCagu * tuUfT'opposlte r ° t- n > . RE-MS-U _ UAUOAIN , N. B. COn.NKR tOTH AND HICK- err F. it DarllPr , Uarlctr tlcck RE-n FOB , SALE REAl ; ESTATE. Continue 'jt7 ( VARU LANDS. C.F. HARRISON , 81 * N.Y.LIFE. ! . . . . . ' . . ' . * * E SM Ml > * WILL YOU IIUY A BOUTHEABT KllONT , 10) x30. If wo will mnko you lupmont ot n 9-room house on In * lots In cool repnlr ? Will 11 IKI * than 12,030.04. We Vntiin It I coma and see in. " 7 A NICE HOMK. 8 rortnt.l'flno treon. full rnst front lot In HanseonrplaCC. AT A HARGAIN , a rtft < it 7-room cotlnge , hot water heat , flna plumbing , east front. cto < > trt Ilnnscom pnrk. M. J , Jicnnnnl A Co. . 907 nnd 90S N. Y. Life bid jr. ' RB-Mttl TO HOME 8KKKER3. WK CAN OFFER YOU FOR 13.HM A 7-ROOXt cotane , half n block from motor , on iiavpil street , crmentfil cellar under whole house , ewt > r connection. furnace , bath , rlonct. marble wash stnnd. Property costing two years ago , new , i IKM. Al.'o n six-room rotUga In tha western pnrt of the city for 13.000. with all modem Imtirove- tncntH , Una neighborhood , costing two years ago new , 11.000. Thou * nro owned by eastern party and arc great bargains. We have a number of other pretty moilorn cnttnitci to IH sold client ) on ensy term * . Oil ! nnd examine our pnrtfpllo of photographs of lists of cottages for sale. FIDELITY TRUST COMI'ANY. 170J FARNAM. RE-KP-13 A FEW RARGAINS , Nlco brlrk cottage and lot near 2Cth and Capitol tel avenue , only ti.SOO. Handsome residence lot , near Itanscom Park , will mnko n beautiful home , Ji.2i . Nlco residence lot. near 37th and Mason , If nold aulck only J1.300. South front lot on Dodge street , nenr 34th , residence lot In Omahn , 11,850. Cottage and lot , just ouUldo city limit * , ISM. Handxoma house. Hunscom Place , I3.GOO. Hummer garden property , near Ruser's $3,500. Ileuutlful 10-acro tract near Elmwood I'ark for ten days at (3.500. 700 feet trackage on Belt Line , W.&W. lluslnesi property , 110 feet , 13th and Jones , < 0 acres , splendid Investment , nenr Seymour I'ark , party must sell , only I2S4 per pen- . 1.900 acres near Lodge Pole , Kob. , J3.50 per acre. 800-acro farm , Oreeley county. Neb. , 16,400. Gcorgo N. Hicks , real estate. N. Y. Life. It E-91815 roil SALE. 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT AT n bargain , one block from moter. Inquire at 816. 8. Kill st. R E 913 J14 * MEDICAL ! Rates , IVic word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. DR. C. V. CROOKS1 NEW METHOD TREATment - ment of nerves , stomach , heart. 407 lice bldg. 390 PASTURAGE. Rates , liio word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Jo. WE HAVE 10) ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PAS- tura for horses. Board fence , spring water. Barton & Phelps , Gllmorp. Neb. , or A. W. Phelps & Son , 2 7 N. Y. Llfo bldg. Telephone 1051. M 919 J21 * LOST. Rates. IKc word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing takengfartless than 23c. LOST A BOY'S SILVER 'WATl'II AND GOLD chain between Howard and Nlcliolas. and 22d nnd 23d. Reward If returnedflu 1108 N. 21d. 886-15 * 0 i < LOST. LINK PIN. THRKir tiOLD DOLLARS attached , return to 711 So. , acth. Mrs. Valen tine and receive reward. 914 16 * SHORTHAND AND ± } TP , WRITING. Rates , IVio word flrst Ins rjlon. le a wor thereafter. Nothing taken for less thin 25c VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF .SHORTHAND. 51 N. Y. Life. Omaha. Ask [ or circular. M331 MUSIC , ART AND 'LANGUAGE. ' ' ' ' " : . ] Rate * . IMo word first1 Irf-tfrtlohi' ' le n word thereafter. Nothlnsr taken * tif less than 25C. , G ! ? ! aiLliENREtflC , * ' ' . BAKJOIST" 'AND ' teacher. 1810 California st.J > L. ' " ! < UPHOLSTERING. CITY UPHOLSTERING. CO. FURNITURE made and repaired. 'Carpets laid and furniture patched and polished. 2903 Parnam ; tet. 15S3. 201 M23 PAWNBROKERS. Rates , lUc word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leas than 23c. FRED MOHLE. 1517V1 FARNAM. 437 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS Rates. Hio word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Jc. II. K. BURKETT , FUNERAL DIRECTOR'AND embalmer. 1613 Chicago , Tel. SO. 3S3 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. ADDRESS Hiss Sturdy. 4213 Nicholas street. M937 M21 * BUREAU. SUEiJc GO. SOMaiTOU3.Bea Butldlnz , OMAHA. NED. Ailvlco FREE. DO NOT CARRY MONEY AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. TRAVELERS CHEQUES arc safer than cash. Refunded if lost. 1'uUt miywlirro in the world. RHILWRY TIME GJ5RD Leaves ( CHICAGO. IJURL1NGTPN & Q.IArrlves Omahal Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha 4:45pm Chicago Vestibule 9Mam : 9:45am. : Chicago Express 4:25pm 7:0.'ptn : Chicago and Iowa Local. . , . . 8:00am : llXam : Pacific Junction Local B:5Ipm Leaves ( BURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.Arrtves | Omahal Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha lOjlinm Denver Express 9:3 im. 10:15am : Dcadwood Express 4:10pm : f.SOpm Denver Exprrss -4:10pm 6SO : [ > m..Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . . . 6:5Uiiu : 8lCam..Lincoln : I .oca I ( except Sunday.lli5am Lea\cs I K. C. . ST. J. & C ! i. ( Arrives Omahal Depot 10th and Maaon Sts. I Omaha SItSam Kansas City Day Express. . . , , GUpm : 9:45pm.IC. : C. Night. Ex. via U. P. Trans. CWam : Leaves I CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC. jArrlvea Umaliaj Union Depot 10th & Mason S1B. | Omahi i lOilS.xm..Atlantic ExprQsM le * . Sunday ) . . < io5pm C:2iptn Night Express 6:40am : 4:40pm..Chicago : V stlbul < M Limited. . . . l:25pm ll35pm.OUahonu Exp. ( to C.'O1. eg Sun ) . 6:3iam : G'.SJamOklahoma & TexasilCniv ( ex Uun.ll:35am : l3Spro ; . . . . .Colorado. JjUulied. . . . . . . < . < 4Mtnn L a\e * I UNION PAOIUIU. ( Arrives OinalialUnlon Depot 10tl > &ntiteoa Sl . | Omaha 0Miim : Denver ETaiHrttt , . , , . , . . ; . . 3:50pni : 3J5pm : Overland 'a'lWiv : 6:20jjm : J:45pm.Beatrice : & HtromsuV'rlx ' : < ex Bunl.H:3ihi : 40pm ; . . . . .Paeino Exf/rali / 10Uam : CiSOpm . . . .Fast Mall/i' / . ' . . . . . . . . . . . : Jpm Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. 78 PAUL. I Arrives QniahalUnlon Depot lOtli yaison Sts. | Omaha c:3ipn : > Chicago LlhilUd 9:30om : HilOain..Chicago Evprcsaj/Ax : Hup. ) . . . . ' " F. E. & MO. VSti.KY.rrUej | JDfpot thandJVel)3ter " ii. ' " ' Dcndwood Rxfrp J" , , E10um ; 9U6am.Cix. : : SaD.Wyo. Ex.Ex. Man , ) . SlOpm S:00pm.Norfolk : Expremi < ii-SJnJ.iy..10l. ; . > um 6:30im : | . . .St. Paul Express. . . . I CHICAGO & NOltTHWEHT'.S | Arilves UinalmlU. P. Depot 10th A ; Mason tiu.i Omub * ll:05am : . . . . .ChlCKKO " 'Rxiit'B ' , . ' . ' . . . / . . . * C:10pni 4apm : . Vcstlbulo Limited. C:30pm : . E.utcm Fycr. , , , , . 3l5pm : 6lpm.tx. Sat.Clile. Pu .tBx. Man. ) . 923pm ; 6tiam : . . . . . .Mo. Volley Local. < . . . . . . . , n:31um : _ 9Wiin ; . "St. Louli"l3xpreu.i..i . 6Wam 9:30pm : . at , ' LouU Ezpreu..t . 6Slpm : ClOpin.D ! lly ( t . Hun. ) Nebraska Local. S10ani ; Luven HIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. JJniahaj U. P. Depot 10th A Mason Bt . | Onmlm V.Uatii r. , . Sioux City Pa ncer..v,10:20pia : ; ; Mpm. . . . . . . .Bt. I-aul Express. leaves I HlOUX CITY & PAlUFlS fArUV" _ OinahaJ " Ptpot 13th anjV b icr 8U. | Omaha , C.tOpm. . , . St. l' ul LlmTttd . . ' . . . : M m C:30pm..CIMc- : Limited , . . . V : < eam Ixv s I OinilmlU. P. D pol lothA _ M sn ) gts. | Oroabi " " ! Kum . . . . .St. Louis Cannon Ball . lJ"J5p5 : YOU WILL BE HAPPY WITH YOUR LOT . 1N- UEST RESIDENCE PART OF CITV. KASIEST PAYMENTS. LOWEST IN PRICE. HEALTHY LOCALITY. BETTER LOTS. BETTER PROSPECTS THAN YOU CAN FIND ELSEWHERE. PRICE. CORNER LOTS. $350. INSIDE LOTS$300. $30 DOWN , BALANCE $5.00 MONTHLY. SIZE OF LOTS , 20x123 FEET. " , BUILDING RESTRICTIONS HAVE BEEN AbOPTED THAT WILL. MAKE STOEPEL PLACE A FIRST CLASS RES IDENCE DISTRICT. NEVER AGAIN IN THE HISTORY OF OMAHA WILL - YOU HAVE SUCH A GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO GET A LOT ON SUCH FAVORABLE TERMS. STOEPEL I'LACE OFFICE , 48TH AND PACIFIC STREETS , OPEN EVERY AF TERNOON FROM 2 TO C P. M. OR CALL ON . A. Wil 402 BEE BLD'C SAVE YOUR COUPONS. W. B. BENNETT CO FOR SALE. 40 ACRES OF LAND. THE BEST BAR GAIN IN ACRE PROPERTY TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE IN OR AROUND OMAHA- FOR INFORMATION , ADDRESS W. A. WiBSTEH. 402 BEE BUILDING. Oinaha , Nebraska. DRS. BE ITS AND BETTS Medical and Surgical Institute. E. V. DAVIS , M. D , , RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. \ * ? U rtl all forms of NERVOUS , CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES We cure speedily and permanently all di seases of the sexual system , also kidney , bladder , blood , skin and stomach troubles. Our principles and assistants have all made life studies of our specialties CONSULTATION FREE- Send 4-cents for our new 120 page book. Call or address with stamp , BETTS & BETTS 119 South i4th St. , Omaha , CTOR SEARLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS Chronlo- WE Nervous Prlvato & CURE Specal Diseases. TUEATMENT BV MAIL Consultation Fro Wo euro Catarrh , All Olaoasaa of the Nose , Throat , Cheat , Stomaoh , Liver , Blood , Skin and Klrtnoy Ola- oaeoa , Fomolo Woaknesaos , Lost Manhood , AND ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES of MEN. FILM , PISTOL * AWD RcrAt , Dt-cius cured without Duln or detention from tuslnosi RUPTURE. Jfo Cure ffo 1'uy. Call on or adtlrnaa with stamp for circular * , frco book nnd rocelpH , l t stairway south ot I'osi Ofuco , Room 7. Dr , Searles and Saarlas , u88outUaAl5 ? " } . BEST LINE TO ENVER rotmr Hcnilon Fnrinnlly Opened Vrntonlny Some Ilrrlnlnit * Unfilled Down. LINCOLN. May IB. ( Special to The Hoe. ) Court met pursuant to adjournment. Hlrttt vs Klnkalil. Suggestion ot diminu tion of record allowed. The following causes were argued nnd submitted : Ilalrd ts Woodnrd ; Cliadron Banking company va Mnhonor ; Myers vs Mnhoney ; Holmes vs llutctilns , on motion ; State ox rol llcsscl vn Whitney ; Vim Uorn vs Mengcdoht , on motion ; Stnto vs Plain- view State bank : Nichols vs names , on mo tion ; Stnto MI State bank , Wahoo , on mo tion. Following are tha syllabi In cases decided : Olll Against Lydlck ct nl. Krror from Hurt county , Alllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Norvnl. Assignments In a petition In error not relletl on In the briefs will be deemed wnlved. 2. Where the water of a river recedes nlowly nnd Imperceptibly , changing the channel of the stream nnd leaving tin- land dry theretofore covered by water , such land belongs to the riparian proprietor. In case the alteration takes place suddenly the ownership remains according to former bound * . Lammer.s against Nes.scti , 4 Neb. , 2I. > ; Wlggcnhorn ngitliiHt Kountz , 23 Neb. , GDO. GDO.Cortelyou et nl against Mnhen nt nl. V3r- ror from Holt county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Norval. An assignment. In a petition In error that "the court erred In Its rulings upon the Introduction of evidence offered by the plaintiffs. " Is not sulllclent to present for review the several rulings of the trial court excluding or admitting testimony. 2. A rcdollvery bond executed for the pur pose of procuring the relfost" of attached property Is not u binding obligation upon tlu > persons signing as sureties until the same has been accepted nnd approved by the oftlcer who levied the writ. Such ap proval need not be endorsed upon the bond , but nn approval may be Implied from cir cumstances. 3. Where the ofllccr receiving n forthcom ing bond In attachment notifies the defend ant that he rejects the bond on account of Insulllclency of the sureties thereon , nnd It does not appear that the nttnched property was ever surrendered to the defendant , the sureties arc not liable In un action on such bond. 4. Where such n bond Is not approved , but Is rejected , the sureties ur not estopped from asserting that their principal never received the attached property from the olllcer. Unrnes ngnlnst the state of Nebraska. Kr- ror from Hurt county. Reversed. Opinion by Justice Post. In an Indictment or Information for lar ceny the property alleged to hnve been stolen should be described with sufliclent particularity to enable the court to deter mine that such property Is the subject of larceny , to advise the accused with reason able certainty of the property meant , and enable him to mnke the needful preparation to meet such charge nt the trial. 2. An Indictment charging the accused with stealing "three hogs , nbout eleven months old , weighing about 175 poundi each , each ot the value of $12 , " Is sulllclently definite. 3. The term steal , as used In the criminal code. Includes all of the elements of lar ceny at common law , nnd It Is not error to Instruct thnt the Jury may convict on findIng - Ing- the accused guilty of stealing the prop erty described. 4. Dut where the court undertakes to de fine larceny as at common law such defi nition Is faulty If It omits any essential clement of snld crime. 5. An Instruction which authorizes a con viction , provided the jury shall tlnd beyond a reasonable doubt , Ilrst , that the accused took and can led away the property de scribed , Intending to deprive the owner thereof , and to convert the same to bin own use ; second , that ho Intended to de prive the owner permanently of his prop erty , li erroneous for the reason that It omits the element of felonious Intent. Whltcomb et nl ngalnst Atkins. Krror from Thurston county. Reversed. Opinion by Justice Post. Proceedings In garnishment are nuthorl/eJ. by section 211 of the code only after Judg ment upon which an execution has been Issued and returned unsatisfied. 2. Where the garnlshec summons Is Issued and returned under the provisions of said section before judgment against the prin cipal defendant , such proceeding Is void and the payment of money by the garnlsheo In obedience to an order therein by a JUMlteo of the peace Is no defense In a subsequent action by the defendant or his assignee. , , Foss against Jlnrr et nl. "Rrror from Hitchcock county. . Reversed and remanded. Opinion by Justice Harrison. An action of replevin was commenced in the district court nnd the property taken' under the writ nnd delivered to the plain tiff. The parties to the action waived n Jury and submitted the case to the court for a decision upon a stipulated statement of the facts. The court made a general finding for defendants ; containing no valua tion of the property , nnd rendered a judg ment for money-only , based upon such llndj Ing. Held , thntf.both finding nnd Judgment were erroneou.r to such an extent ns to call for a reversal of the case. 2. A maturedj'crop of corn Htandlng un- gathered upon land sold at judicial sale , which was not considered or taken into account by the appraisers In arriving nt the value of the > premlses solil , did not pass to the purchaser nt the judicial snle , but remained the , property of the mortgagor who had planted nnd culth'ntea. Goodwin ngalhst Potter et al. ICrror from Brown county. Reversed and remanded. Opinion by Justice Harrison. In an action of replevin where the prop erty has been taken under the writ nnd de livered to plaintiff In the case , nnd the jury Mnd for the defendant , the Judgment must be in tin ; alternative , for the return of the property , or Its value. If , a return cannot bo had. The. statutory provision re quiring that Judgment shall be ns before stated is Imperative and mandatory. 2. Where the verdict of a Jury In an action of replevin ( the property In controversy having been taken under the writ and de livered to plaintiff ) was for defendant , but c'dd not contain nn assessment of the value of or of the defendants' Intei- est therein. Held , thnt the verdict was in sufficient and fatally defective , and a Judg ment In the alternative for the return "of the property , and In case n ret tint cannot be had , for the value thereof of J30.50 , " wan not supported by the verdict nnd was er roneous and prejudicial to plaintiff. Stratton , ndmlnlstiator. etu. , ngnlnst Tarpennlng. IJrror from Saunders county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Commissioner Ryan. In an action at law ngaiittt nn alleged trustee , for Interest and prollts derived from depositing in n bank In his own name money entrusted to him for safe keeping only , held , thnt the failure to charge that any specified amount of Interest or profit had In fact accrued to the alleged trustee by reason of such deposit rendered the petition demurnible for the reason that no cause of action was ) therein Hinted. Homo Fire Insurance company of Omaha against Murray. Krror from Holt county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Commissioner Ryan. By a clause In un Insurance policy issued by defendant It was 'provided that no suit should be maintainable unless commenced within one year from the loss. A petition wan tiled within the tlmu limited to recover for an alleged loss of u port of the prop erty Insured. The question as to whether or not jurisdiction had' been obtained of the defendant was presented by Its motion to dismiss for the alleged i capon that the action IfAd not been commenced within the time limited by the contract for that pur- poae ; held , that the ruling udvcixely to the defendant must be rtPomed conclusive when presented fof review neither by Its motion for a new trial nor by Its petition In error. 2. The piovlslon of section IS , title : , Code ot Civil Procedure , that "an action shall be deemed commenced within the mcanlrfE of this title us to the delendant , at thn date of the summons which IH nerved on him , " Is applicable to the limi tations of the statute designated aft tltlo 2 aforesaid , and cnnnot ho uised to supple ment a special distinct limitation created solely by ngicement of the parlies thereto. Jordan < t McCarthy against Uewey . < ! : Stone. IZrror from Urupley county. Un versed. Opinion by Commissioner Ragnn. Attachment , though sometimes railed nn ancillary or auxlllnty proceeding , la never theless In all csni'ittlnl rrspccla u Bull. The aflldavtt of a plalnlllf made to obtain the writ of attachment and the allldavlt of a defendant when mado-dpiiylng the truth of the averments of the plnlntllT consti tute the plendlngu In the proceeding. 2. The party Issuing the attachment IB entitled to the opening : und closing of Iliu liearlng of u motion to dludolve , anil on Him la the burden of pioof. Olds Wagon company against Uencd ) i , 25 Neb. , 3i2 , followed ; Uolan against -Armstrong , 35 Neb. , S39. followed. 3. Where the grounds for the Uaulng of nn attachment ere alleged In the language of ( he statute , and thn defendant denies by tutlduvlt tha truth of the averments made to obtain such attachment and . .movesto dlisolve the same , the court before whom the proi'ecdlnff Is pending should by an order tequlra tha plaintiff In attachment wltliUi a reasonable llxed tlmu to Ilia nuch ufttduvttq or other evidence an ho dt'Blrvs or relies upon to sustain the averment iniula by him to obtain the lasulng of the attachment will ; and tha defendant In a rauitouable fixed time theruafttr to file Huch affidavits or other evidence us ho de- si ren or relies upon to traveroe , explain or avoid thu casa made by the plalntlffi evi dence ; and the plaintiff In a reasonable fixed Unit thereafter to file jiucli ullldnvlU or other evidence as U applicable In ro- butt J. DsWHt's Wltoh Hizal Salvo cure * ulcers. n WIH' Witch Haictl Balvt cure * pllti. ADAM SNYDEH'8 SHORTAGE. Comiul < lnnrnt Itrlng Suit Agrthut thn Itoml < mcii of thn Ks-Trrnmirnr. All ot the preliminaries have been de cided upon nnd today or tomorrow thd county nttornoy will bring a civil suit against Ailjm Snyder , the ex-county treas urer , nnd his bondsmen for the recovery of the sum Of $6,977.39 , which amount Snyder failed to account for when ho surrendered the office two and one-half years ago. Criminal proceeding * were commenced against Mr. Snyder Monday In the pollco court , charging him with embezzlement nnd appropriating county funds to his prlvato use , hut ns yet the case has not been set for hearing , owing to the fact tlinf the county attorney has been busily on Raged In tha criminal ftcctlon of the district court , where he has had lo prosecute some felony cases. Some of thf county commissioners , In dis cussing the Snyder matter , said that they presumed that they would be blamed for not taking action sooner and thus bringing the matter to n head. They had used their host Judgment , however , they said , nnd had worked for what they had considered the best Interests of the county. The delay was duo lo the fact that there had boon many promises that the ahortago would bo made good without any suit and without any publicity , but all promises had gone for nothing , the commissioners said , and they had been compelled to resort to harsh measures. Something like a year igo tha commlsslonerr notified Mr. Snydcr's bonds men of the shortage and nt thnt tlmo they pro.ulspd tha It would bo made good within a short time. Several meetings between the commissioners and the bondsmen were held , but without results , each tlmo the bondsmen making promises , but doing noth ing In the way of recovering the money back Into the treasury of the county , Mra. MucUi-u'H CIMO Agnln , Tha much tried case ot Ingro Madsen against the street car company has bobbed up In the courts again , where the plaintiff has filed and has asked to bo heard on n mo tion for a now trial. Some years ago this woman was a passen ger on a north bound car on the South .Omaha lino. She desired to leave the car at the Hurt street Intersection , but In alighting was thrown to the ground , receiv ing some serious bruises. At once she com menced a damage suit against the company and the case went to trial. After hearing all of thei testimony the Jury found for the plaintiff , and assessed her damngcs nt $1GOO , but this verdict was set aside and another trial ordered , at which another Jury found for the \\oman giving her Jl.OQO. Charges of bribery were entered against the bailiff In charge of thu jury and once moro a now trial was ordered. At this third hearing the Jury found for the defendant , and now the plalnllff Is asking for a new trial. As yet no date has been llxod for the hearing of the arguments on the motion filed by the attorneys for Mrs. Madscn. Sue * tlin Motor Company. William Kirk has sued the Omaha Street Uallway company In an action wherein heavers avers that ho Is entitled to recover the sum of $10,000 damages as the result of an acci dent which occurred two years ago last Christmas. On that day the plaintiff was a passenger on the Sherman avenue car line and was riding to South Omaha , occupying a perch on the railing around the plat form of the trailer. As the train whirled around the corner at Sixteenth and Vln- ton streets the plaintiff was tossed out into space , landing with considerable. force upon the pavement , bruising his body and breaking any number of bones. The accident he avers was duo to the ncgllgcnoo of the servants ot the company , who failed to provide seats within the cars Crlmliml Court Nate * . A jury In the criminal court last night re turned a verdict finding Ach Smith guilty of shooting ulth Intent , to kill , .Jamoi Robinson - . son bslng thd vlctlnf. Smith' Istt brother of'1 George Smith , the 'colored man , who was taken from the Douglas county jail on the night of October 9. 1891 , .and .lynched. George Nelson , the man who assaulted Glng Lee , the Cumlng street Chinaman , "was called Inlo the criminal court yesterday afternoon and sentenced to a term of three months lu the county jail , tha jury having found him guilty of assault. Iljcctod from u 1'nylng Illiniums. Fred Foster has brought suit against Bal- thas Jotter of South Omaha and has asked for a judgment of $3,490 , together with In terest and a lot of costs. The plaintiff al leges that prior to the beginning of the pres ent year he was a saloon keeper on South Thirteenth street Inthjs'clty , where ho had a good trade and was making money. For a cause of action , ho alleges that the de fendant ejected him from his place of busi ness and without due process of law took' possession ot the building and the stock of liquors therein contained. Minor Court Mnttcrfl. The National Bank Building company has filed tan application In the office of the clerk of the district court , nstflng that L. G. Charlton bo appointed receiver of the affairs of the Ford & Charlton Music company , a concern located In the American National Dank building at the corner of Fifteenth and Dodge streets. In Judge Keysor's court the case ot the trustees ot Monmouth Park Methodist Epis copal church against the city of Omaha Is on trial , where the plaintiffs arc seeking to re cover damages In the sum of $200 , by reason of the grading , of a street In the vicinity of the church. The case comes up on appeal from one of the justice courts , and as a de fense the city has filed a motion for a dis missal , holding that the lower court had no Jurisdiction to hear and determine the Is sues , ns the question of the tltlo to real estate entered Into tlio controversy. Before Judge Amoroso the case of Amanda Nelson against the city of South Omaha Is on for hearing before a jury , where the plaintiff Is seeking to recover $5,000 damages. She alleges that lomethlng like two years ago she was walking along one of the streets attending strictly to her own business when she stepped through a defective plank In the sidewalk and broke her left leg. William Johnson , who admitted that he was guilty of the malicious destruction ot property , walked before the judge ot the criminal court yesteiday and there took a sentence ot thirty duys In the county jail and agreed to pay a line of $120 and the costs of the suit. William Coffee and Jeff Dates are on trial In the criminal court , charged with having stolen harness. It Is alleged that the method of procedure was to visit the barns during the night and steal harnesses and horse equipment. It Is also Muted that the two men would pans a dollar at uuy time In order to steal a harness. Creditors of the estalo of Gcorgo K , Tim in f , decease ! ! , have flled a portion re questing that the administrator bo required to file a new Inventory of the property , showing the rvcolpt of $3,000 ot Ufa Insur ance which canielnto his hands , and which has not been reported "to the court , The Kllpalrlck-Kcch Dry Goods company hat ) sued the DrltUh American and , tha West ern Assurance companies In an uctlou lo re cover the sum of $7CO from each , Tha peti tion nle-gcH | that A , A , Sengrnves , u mer chant at Silver City , carried policies cf In surance upon his stock wltlf the companies , that some months ago his building unit goods burned and that the policies worn unsigned to tliti plaintiff. Since that tlmo payment linn been frequently demanded , but has been refused. Ue Witt's Witch Hazel Salve ruuii IIo On Tlmu to Cutch thnt floater or train or you'll be left. Moreover. If you'ro sick on the way to your destination you'll be "loft" If you haven't llostottcr'a Stomnch Hitters along with you. That protuctlva agent relieves you promptly If you arc troubled with "travelers' sickness. " Take It along. Crump * , colic , disorder of the bowels , malaria , rlicumatUin , dygpeptla nro all remedied by It. It U a. good traveling1 companion. t < tc n Baby wn utcV , ue giro her Coitorla , ' Vlica itho was a CU1UI , kliu crlud for Siistorll , When oho tvamiMto , ( ho dung to CaJitorlo. VYlrcn iho had Clill jrcniio f voU tmC4torii